Monday, January 28, 2013

Jesus Calling: January 28

I AM with you always. These were the last words I spoke before ascending into heaven. I continue to proclaim this promise to all who will listen. People respond to My continual Presence in various ways. Most Christians accept this teaching as truth but ignore it in their daily living. Some ill-taught or wounded believers fear (and may even resent) My awareness of all they do, and think. A few people center their lives around this glorious promise and find themselves blessed beyond all expectations. 
When My Presence is the focal point of your consciousness, all the pieces of your life fall into place. As you gaze at Me through the eyes of your heart, you can see the world around you from My perspective. The fact that I am with you makes every moment of your life meaningful. 

Matthew 28:20

English Standard Version (ESV)
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Psalm 139:1-4

English Standard Version (ESV)
 Lord, you have searched me and known me!
 You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
    you discern my thoughts from afar.
 You search out my path and my lying down
    and are acquainted with all my ways.
Even before a word is on my tongue,
    behold, O Lordyou know it altogether.
My Prayer
Lord, what a great reminder that You are with me always. How quickly I think that I'm living life on my own and having to will myself through life on my own. Lord, keep me on that high road, trusting you all the time, with my circumstances below. I think of Psalm 23 and that first line, "The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want." With you by my side and always with me, I can trust my life because it is in your hands. This doesn't mean the circumstances of life will always make sense to me, but I can trust you still. You have shown yourself to be faithful.

Lord, as I read or hear Your Word, I pray that it becomes a part of my life and not just head knowledge.

Help me to live in Your presence. I want to see life through Your perspective.

You know me Lord. You search Me and know Me and You are acquainted with all my ways. You know my thoughts and my days activities. How often do I pretend that you are not there.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. I dont know who you are or where your at. I googled Jesus calling for today. Your prayer helped so much and reminded me to never go rogue. He is always good! I am leaving this morning from Mayo Clinic in the USA where they are a 100% sure yet that they have found another spot of cancer. Today as,always i rely on my Father. I rest on his arms. And if its another dpot...Its His...and He will get glory out of it. I trust Him. Thank you for reminding me o a morning when it was a little harder to get out of bed. The Lord richly bless you.
    In His Grace,

    1. Father, you are holy and righteous; you are Creator and you sustain us. Regardless of the situation Your lovingkindness and mercy are always enough. I lift up Debbie to you. Your Word says we can actually boast in our weaknesses because of the power of Christ, for when Debbie is weak then she can be strong and draw from your power. Be glorified with the people she meets, the hospital personnel that see her and help her, use her life to bring You glory. There is power in your name, every knee will bow down and our hearts will cry out. You bring life and healing to us. We are helpless and we can't exist without your touch. You are faithful. We praise you. In the power of His name. Amen.

  2. Sorry go all the typos. :)
    -They are "not" a 100% yet.
    -And if its another "spot"
    -Thank you for reminding me of that this morning!

  3. Prayers for you Debbie. God is with us ALWAYS!!

    1. Having a rough morning here. ^^ is my reply.

    2. Jesus, draw Karen in close to You. Let her feel Your presence in the rough place she is in ... assure her that she is never alone. Breathe into her Your strength & Your peace. Assure her that 'You have this, You have her' - no matter what her circumstances look like. Help her to rest in You.

    3. Hi Debbie your witness was very encouraging to me. I was turned on to Jesus Calling by my night nurse when I was in the hospital recovering from a second stroke, I am learning to walk on the high road above my circumstances and I grabbed hold of that in my sprint knowing that Jesus is always with me I can hold to his hand as a trusting child knowing that my father will lead me to a place of healing and peace. Jeremiah 17:14 says Heal Me O Lord and I shall be healed save me and I shall be saved for you are the one I praise.

    4. I needed that scripture, it spoke to me. Thank you

  4. I have been having a really hard time the past few months in my life but most of the time I don’t know why. I don’t know why I feel God is distant even though I know He is right next to me. I hope I can learn to trust Him better so I don’t fall down deeper, but I don’t know how I can do it without things like Jesus Calling,and The Purpose Driven Life but I’m sure I can get through this moment because of it.
    I know I’m a year, Debbie late but I hope the surgery went well and if your still having problems I hope they pass soon.

  5. What amazes me about our human condition? Our ability to "forget" that God sees ALL our sins... it's almost like we're in the garden with Adam and Eve! And worse, we are ashamed that God is supposedly just now learning of this sin and our human nature - that's as silly as the fig leaves!

    So the question is do we truly accept God's forgiveness? He, regardless of our decision, will still love us. And more amazing, is our sins were removed with Jesus' unjust death on the cross.

    And best of all, when He appears after His death, He makes a promise for His disciples (and us): "And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

    Thank you Lord for being everpresent and loving us despite our sins great and small. Amen

    1. MadFox - Thank you Lord for being everpresent and loving us despite our sins great and small.
      -"The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want."

    2. Amen to that MadFox, Even though we are sinners and so far from being perfect Christians, His promises still remain the same and His mercy and Love endure forever! We are so blessed and taken care just because we belong to Him. That is everything and enough.
      Amen Sassy Mom.

    3. Lord have mercy, I am a sinner, with a past that sometimes haunts me and fear that I am not worthy of your forgiveness. Please help me to deepen my faith and appreciation and adoration for the sacrifice you made for me. Jesus, I need You, I love You, I trust You and want to more and more every day. ✝️πŸ™

    4. Lord I fail you every day; thank you for your forgiveness. I want to be better in mind, body, and spirit. Help me Lord. Forgive me for being critical of my youngest sister who is struggling, has struggled all her life from poor choices in life. Forgive me Lord.

  6. I will repeat that multiple times today, Madfox, "Thank you Lord for being everpresent and loving us despite our sins great and small," and MAYBE it will sink in and I'll believe it! So much for which to be thankful and so much for which to pray. I'm tired and the day is just beginning here. Giving it all to Him, Who knew "it" before I even thought it! Praying for energy and a renewed mind...renewed to His Word, not my human condition.

    1. Believe it! and been reading your comments, keep the faith but go to the Doc! Always good to keep the routine visits on schedule!

    2. I was embarrassed that I wrote that and removed it but realized after I did it that I needed prayers, needed to be seen and I need to confront my fear. I've just heard and seen so much lately that I'm not practicing what I'm preaching. Again, that song comes to mind - 'What have I dread, what have I to fear? Leaning on the everlasting arms.' Thanks, MadFox!

  7. Thank you God for the reminder You are with me. I feel so alone in this marriage, and so unsure of what to do. I pray that You can please give me guidance and also please work in my husband's heart to be a better man, husband and father. Please protect our children from his anger and moods and instead lift up their spirits and surround them with love .I pray also for a Christian community and Church .May we find one soon .Amen.

    1. IA, my prayer is that Jesus wraps his loving arms around, not only you, but your husband! That he knows he is loved and can be the man he should be...husband and father! Amen.

    2. Thank you, ABC! I appreciate your prayers for me. God bless you!

    3. I was not an abusive nor an addicted person but I did not attend church with my wife until we had our first child. She always asked kindly, "would you like to go with me today?"

      I would find a church quickly and take the kids. If the kids are older and you have not been in a while this may be more challenging but then I would ask them to help you by going... and then kindly ask your husband to go as well.

      Seek Christian counseling and then know that this community will pray for you. God please bring answers and comfort to IA. Peace and Godspeed. Amen

    4. First let me say that if you or your children are in danger, please seek out a safe place while you’re working through things with your husband. I have struggled for 25 years with a husband who has only just recently learned to be more patient and gentle with me. I have remained faithful to love and pray. For a long time I tried being Jesus for him, always thinking, “If I just...” However, I failed miserably at being his savior. There is only one Jesus, and He does His job perfectly! Enabling behavior only prolongs the process. It took all of this time to realize I was crippled by fear. I couldn’t find the courage to speak out the truth of how I was feeling in so many situations because I was afraid of conflict. After the Lord gently brought me to the place where I was too miserable to bear life as it was, He also gave me the courage to find my voice and speak out in truth and love. He used the book: How We Love by Milan & Kay Yerkovich...amazing results!!! Be courageous, pray and have hope. Seek out Christian friends who will speak the truth in love to you and help you to gain perspective to heal. Don’t be afraid to get help. God meant for us to bear one another’s burdens and live in community. Blessings to you!

    5. Thank you for sharing this, Forgiven Much. I will definitely look into this book! I pray I find the courage to speak out in truth and love as well . PS. We are safe . Thank you for checking.

    6. MadFox, it gives me great comfort to see your faith and to know that you were not always Church-going, if I understand correctly . I do take my children to Church, although it is not a particularly warm community, so we are looking for another. I always ask my husband if he would like to join us. I hope one day he will. Thank you for your wise words, always.

    7. You are correct. I never got to atheist but was more a less agnostic. Praying your husband will understand. I did when first kid was born. Knew important to my wife and it's better to "fake it" by going to church with your kids so that they can make an informed choice about their faith; then by his example let them assume it's not important enough. The result was a changed heart and 3 adult kids that are true believers.

  8. Its been a lonely 9 years and a lot of change for me professionally. I was lied on by people i worked with and subsequently lost my job working 2x harder to prove my character was not what they said. Was hired by a new employer at 35,000 a year less. Still some stress but looking for a position that supports my professional development and financial planning. I have been in my industry for 29 years moved to a company that lacked character and was targeted by my superior....still can't believe it all happened ...

    1. Character and morals in business matter. Some bad or immoral businesses succeed with unChristian principles which usually means over time someone like you (Christians) normally can't succeed, leave, or are rooted out. Godspeed and know that God is there with you.

      If new to Jesus Calling as a daily devo, please read the past week or two of daily messages. They deal with Trust in God and that He is always there. It may bring you some comfort. May you find some Peace in His grace. Amen

  9. Jesus I want nothing else in this life but you. Help me to detach the weight of this life and free myself from all of it so that my attention, my energy, my words, my actions, my everything can be centered on you. I dont want to live any other way anymore...I have tried it for so many years and look what its like... you know Jesus cuz you are here and have walked through it with me even when I paid little or no attention to you. Yet you have never left me or forgotten me.

  10. Trusting God always and in all ways. Thank you God for answered prayers. Thank you for touching the hearts of total strangers/Angels that have cone into our lives. Thank you for the journey and choosing us in these tested trials and miraculous tribulations. We love you Father and thank you for the beauty of each moment. We give you all of the honor, praise and glory. God is love.

  11. A helpful hint is to use "Lo I am with you always..." as a mantra as we go about our day. Using it as a breath prayer, used in the natural act of breathing. What happens is that in the repetition of a single thought it will over time become a part of who we are. Sometimes this may take some time but as we stick to it, it will become us and we will realize the truth of the last sentence in the reading for today; every moment will be become meaningful. Our orientation toward the Christ who is with us always is a process not an overnight sensation.

    1. His presence indeed takes an evolution in our trust and awareness as we continue to mature in our faith. I like the sentiment that it then gives every moment meaning. Thanks Bob!

    2. I find myself saying Jesus I trust in you when things go wrong. I feel his presence immediately. Thank you Lord for being with me always.

    3. It is a process, not an overnight sensation, different and unique for each of us. And practice with intention = progress.

  12. Amazed at the diverse and relatable experiences posted here.

  13. IA, my story is your story. My marriage has brought me a lot of pain. My husband is so distant from me. Television and phone and kids get all of his attention. We're working with a Christian therapist. It's a lot of work and money with short lasting effects. I feel more lonely with him than when i'm not. Praying that IA feel the peace, strength snd comfort that only God can give. God bless you. Thank you Payton family for creating this blog. Thank you IA for sharing your heart.

  14. I declare, if you trust and believe God will take care of you and your circumstances in a miraculous way/ways. He is forever with us and He knows what we are experiencing. I am always awe struck at how He moves. Wonderful, marvelous,Saviour.Praying for All.

    1. Amen PQ!..wonderful, marvelous Savior..thank you for your prayers!

  15. Lord thank you for always being there for me. I need your love ❤️ & guidance
    Everyday Lord.

  16. Dear JC Prayer Warriors - my dear sister in Christ, Debbie, got her call and she is cancer free! Thank you for your prayers.
    I talked to my other friend, who had radiation treatments - she got through all of them and they found lymphoma. Please pray for her.
    Lord, let me face my fears with You and truly believe that you have gone before me.

    1. Praise the Lord for answered prayers for Debbie! Praying for your other friend in addition to the many other prayers in our hearts. Peace.

    2. Norah - Rejoicing and praising with you and Debbie your sister in Christ.

  17. I am also praying for my husband this morning (stomach issues for about a week, now) and my sister in law, who is having an injection in her back on Friday, rather than surgery.
    Lighten my heart, Lord. I don't want to one of those 'Christians accept this teaching as truth but ignore it in their daily living.'

    1. Norah --- Praising the Lord for the victory for Debbie. Speaking the Healing Name of Jesus over your prayer requests. The Lord hears our prayers because He promised to hear them! He is faithful! AMEN and AMEN

    2. Norah - praying for your friend and your husband. May our Lord comfort them and give them peace. So happy for Debbie. So thankful for all JC warriors who continue to pray for everyone in need.What a wonderful community! KS

    3. Joining in our JC community to pray for your family, Norah. Peace, love and blessings to you all.

    4. Praying as you have requested, Norah. With thanksgiving for Debbie's well-being, for your friend’s needs, for your husband’s wholeness, for you s-i-l and her medical treatment, and for you as you go forth seeking His glory. Your heart’s desire acknowledges His presence with you always. God be with you.

    5. Norah- Standing in agreement with our JC family for all of your prayer requests and Victory for Debbie! God is FAITHFUL!

      Maplewood, NJ

    6. Norah, I too am standing in prayer with the other JC Warriors for each of your requests and for Debbie's victory. Jesus, thank you for hearing each of our prayers. Amen. CO

    7. Norah I continue to pray for you and your husband’s leg and your friends’ healing. Hope and pray you’re getting your rest.

  18. Thank You, Jesus, for being with us always. And thank You for blessing us with this forum to spread Your love.
    Peace, love, prayers and blessings to you all, JC family. Stay connected to The Vine.

  19. Father, I Thank You for this day of life and all the benefits of being in Your Presence! Thank You for a sound mind and mobility in my body and THANK YOU for ALWAYS being with me!

    I give You ALL the Praise, Glory and Honor! I worship You in Spirit and in Truth! You are my all in all, take control of every fiber of my being. THANK YOU for JESUS my SAVIOUR and THANK YOU for the HOLY SPIRIT that lives in and through me.

    Blessings and Peace to all this great day the Lord has made!

    Maplewood, NJ

  20. I too have been thinking about Jan; praying for you always..zfuntastic..share my heart..for all of you known or unknown. You go before me always, Jesus. Hold JC Warriors and their loved ones close to you. Protect them; heal them. They are my blessing from you and I thank you.

    1. Amen! I am with you in thoughts and prayer, Loveconquersall, for ALL on here. And I thank you for your prayers.

      I have hsd a very difficult day at home. My faith has gotten me through it. Knowing You are with me always is just what I needed to be reminded of today. Thank you, Jesus. I trust You. CO

    2. Hope things are going better for you CO. Praying on that.

  21. JC PRAYER Warriors: As a newer cancer patient (~4 months), I'm experiencing door's being opened due to my diagnosis. A long time business friend told me on Wed. that a cancer that needed a transplant was denied due to its spread. He has been sent home for hospice care. He probably only called because we had talked in early December and he knew of my situation.

    He is now dealing with adult kids learning, his biz partners, etc. Since I've dealt with that STEP, we had a great conversation. He asked me to pray for a miracle, and we discussed that Miracles still happen. He believes it can happen because for the FIRST time in his life, he heard the Lord (or angel) respond audibly to a specific prayer while in the hospital. Will you join me in prayer?

    Father, you've known Mark (pseudonym) as a positive, light up the room, good man. A super dad and husband, he is surely capable of being an ambassador for good in the time he has left in this life, but we are praying that he could be a light to many more than the current diagnosis would allow... his spirit of laughter, goodness, love for others, and Your love for him, can be expanded with a true miracle. We pray for physical healing. We pray for a medical change. We pray for Mark as Jesus showed us, and with the hope that however and whenever your Glory creates a true medical oddity... that the disease simply leaves his body. Holding to hope for Mark with the power granted by Jesus with His words: Mark 11:24 "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." We ask for physical healing. AMEN.

    1. Praying in these early morning hours after waking up and not being able to get back to sleep. If I can't sleep, then the best thing to do is pray. Lord, we ask for a miracle for Mark. We know it's in your power. I also pray for blessings for MadFox. Thank you for using his situation to bring someone else to this group for prayers. And please continue to watch over MadFox during his journey with fighting cancer. Amen.

    2. Father, joining in prayer with these faithful believers in Jesus Christ, the healer and miracle worker. Please put Your healing hands on Mark and Madfox and remove the afflictions in them both so they may be bright lights in the world for Your glory Lord, in Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always πŸ™.

    3. Joining in healing prayer for Mark. We trust you Lord, Jehovah Rapha. You are Way Maker, Miracle worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the darkness, that is who You are ❤

      Blessings from France

    4. Madfox - Joining warriors in prayers to the GREAT PHYSICIAN, Jehovah Rapha,for Mark and Madfox, a miracle healing that glorifies our LORD.

    5. Count me in for prayers of healing for Mark and continuing them for you, MadFox. These men are both needed in this world, Lord. We ask for miraculous healing from you, Father. In Jesus's name, Lord, AMEN!

    6. Joining in prayers for Mark. May healing, strength and comfort surround him. KS

    7. Joining warriors in this prayer of healing. We believe with you Mark. We believe! Hallelujah!

    8. Thank you Lord for keeping the lights on and shining for mad🦊 and "Mark" with the power of your healing. Joining in all prayers in Jesus's name.

    9. LORD we are all asking in prayer for your divine healing for Mark and MadFox; we believe and will receive your healing for your servants. Thank you Jesus!

  22. Praying for “Mark” with you and asking for a miracle of complete healing in His Holy Name with true faith and thanksgiving, All things are possible with Jesus! Amen!

  23. Father, let us know You on a deeper level and allow us to see the world through Your eyes. Help us remember that You are always with us and we are never alone. Praise You Lord and all Your glory. You are compassionate, loving, forgiving, amazing, and kind. Let us lift our hearts up to You and let You in completely. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

  24. Praying for full health and healing for Mark and MadFox. God is more than able. he is good and answers our prayers.

  25. Lord, I tag you in to my day every morning so that I may start with Your presence and get dialed in for what's ahead. Thank you for the peace that brings. Please guide my steps, thoughts and actions so they will lead me closer to You. Acknowledging You throughout my day is the best thing I can strive for as all victories are through You. Please keep Your watchful eye over this sheep as I go forth to do Your bidding.

    1. Amen! Praying that prayer with you and Janet and all those praying with us.
      Walking through this busy day with You, Lord by my side.
      Father, You supply the peace and strength and I will do my best to produce good fruit to glorify you! Every good thing is from You and our difficulties are making us stronger and drawing us closer to You. .

    2. Amen Mark L. Let me remember to Tag Him in every morning too. Also prayers on behalf of Madfox and Mark, for healing that can only be explained by Gods miraculous works, so glory goes to him. Thank you Father for using Madfox as a light to others even in his own darkness. Prayers all JC family. Mindy

  26. Amen to all the previous prayers Lord have your way in each of us!!

    JC warriors, family, friends praying with you and for you in each situation. I love reading updates on each of you and miss hearing from you when you're unable to post. There have been so many times even this week that I start to write a comment before I'm finished I have to take care of something else then I forget I hadn't sent the post and I close the tab. Other times I go back to finish and I read what others have posted and they heave spoke my very thoughts or I feel that what I'm saying will have no purpose and I delete it (just being honest). Because of all the things going on with our family I have become not as transparent with friends and family (which = my church body). I mean really the list of diagnoses gets longer for my grandchildren they have both been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and both are waiting to be tested for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and my little guy (just turned 4years old) is Autistic. So with three special needs kids when someone complains (friends, family, church) that their child did this or that I want to say "How many times did you get punched in the face today?" or "Did you talk to the principal and the social worker because your child flipped over every desk in the classroom?" It just hit me maybe this is why I couldn't post for at least a year on this blog (except on my tablet and I would have to go through all the are you a robot stuff). Maybe God wanted me to take my feeling and emotions only to HIM.

    So please know, you are in my prayers and that my heart is full of praise as I rejoice with you over answered prayers. Like wise my heart morns with you, but the most important thing is I intercede for you. I consider being able to approach the thrown of the most high as an amazing privilege as his child. Even as I type this I'm humbled and ask for forgiveness because I don't talk to him as much as I should. I try to have prayer time in the morning, but it never seems enough. Sometimes that's as I'm cleaning up or getting ready for an early morning appointment. Most of my praying is "Jesus I need your help" and "Lord give them wisdom and heal them", but whether long or short HE hears our prayers and answers them according to his will.

    Praise report my friend Debbie (the Psalmist) made it across country to her sons. Thank you for praying.

    I do have a few prayer requests if you would please pray with me.
    A 4yr old boy at church had a kidney biopsy yesterday. Praying that the Lord work in whatever is going on in his body, peace and wisdom for the parents. Above all His will be done and that he receive all the glory.

    Also, I'm still working on the aftermath of totaling my car. The car is paid off and I've been working on getting refunded for the protection and maintenance plans we had purchased. Since the dealership hadn't responded to any of my multiple messages I called the main car corporation. After talking with various people there I got the answer to the problem. The dealership canceled 2 of our 3 plans and received the refund themselves (close to $2,000) back in November of 2020. Someone at the corporation's customer affairs is contacting them to get this unique situation resolved. Pleas pray with me that what is rightfully ours is returned to us with out anymore complications. The dealer holds the third plan themselves so we will need to deal with that also. Actually, God will be dealing with it and he will show me what my part is. In the end Lord your will be done.

    if you've read this whole post thank you very much! Please forgive me for the rant up above.

    By the way several times a wave came over me to delete this post also, but I didn't give in.

    1. Praying for you and with you Terri. The Lord is always there, right next to you, through the good and the not so good. He will watch over, look out for, and take care of each and everything that's needed. Peace be with you and your family.

    2. Joining in prayers for you Terri. Hold on to His unchanging Hand.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. God bless you Terri! May His Peace far outweigh any perceived burdens. Thanks for publishing your post and not deleting it. Whenever two or more (LOTS more here) are gathered in his name, there is LOVE!

    4. Thank you Terri for opening up. We're always glad to read your posts, no matter what you want to say. Praying for all your requests. Lifting you and yours to the Throne of Grace, in our Father's arms, aka the best place to go. He's always there, by your side and I pray He opens your heart and ears to His whispers. Praying peace, guidance, comfort, wisdom and healing. And many more blessings. God bless you and yours, Terri.

      Blessings from France

    5. Dear Terri! You have so much to deal with as a Gram-Mom for those three special needs grandchildren. God is with you every step of the way. Praying for that young boy. May he receive good results from his test and may God heal his kidney and every weakness in his body!
      Thank you Father for this in the Name of Jesus Christ.
      We believe you can do all things.
      Thank you for your faithfulness and for giving our sister Terri the strength to accomplish Your Will. Amen.

    6. Dear sweet Terri praying for you and yours. Our Lord and Savior is carrying you through all of it; miracles happen here on this holy ground. You are loved. Thank you Jesus for your amazing grace!

    7. Terri, prayers and faith to you as you continue to accept your journey. Amen.

  27. Terri, God is there, holding your hand, and "he will lift you up". The true miracle of healing can be as simple as reading through this blog with the wisdom that so many share here as you said. I took at least a year before posting and often see an old post and think the same thing.. nothing to add. Only in this cancer diagnosis have I been moved to contribute more, but there is a fine line (for me) on how much to share and therefore, I try to be succinct (at times that is hard) so do not worry about the length of your post, although I do edit multiple times and usually the next day think it's still too long!!! Praying that you have peace today. Godspeed. In Him, Amen

  28. Praying for you & loved ones TerriπŸ™πŸ’•.

  29. Loving Father, Thank You for the name that is above all names: Jesus Christ is the Great I AM! The scripture tells us that our Lord Jesus is above all other beings, all who are in heaven and the earth will bow and worship at the sound of His name. He is God. He is not one among many gods, but the One and Only (Acts 4:12; 1 Tim. 2:5; 1 Cor. 8:4). Thank You for this Gift and Blessed assurance.

    I Want To Be Near, Near To Your Heart
    Loving The World And Hating The Dark
    I Want To See Dry Bones Living Again
    Singing As One

    Hallelujah, Holy, Holy
    God Almighty, The GREAT I AM
    Who Is Worthy, None Beside Thee

    The Mountains Shake Before You The Demons Run In Fear
    At The Mention of The Name KING of MAJESTY
    There Is No Power In Hell
    Or Any Who Can Stand
    Before The Power And The Presence Of The GREAT I AM

    The GREAT I AM, The GREAT I AM Yeah
    Hallelujah, Holy, Holy
    Who Is Worthy, None Beside Thee

    Hallelujah, Holy, Holy
    Who Is Worthy, None Beside Thee
    God Almighty, The GREAT I AM
    The GREAT I AM
    The GREAT I AM
    The GREAT I AM
    (by Phillips, Craig & Dean)

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen and Hallelujah Maplewood πŸ™Œ πŸ™.

    2. Just beautiful dear Maplewood! Amen and Amen!!

    3. ♥️🎢 link

  30. No matter what things look like or how it may seem, the world is always in His glorious hands πŸ™Œ.

    When I'm feeling down or out of place,
    I will seek Your mercy, grace, and face
    When I start to tremble and cry,
    I'll look for rainbows in the sky
    I will seek You as clouds roll by
    Your love wipes all tears from my eyes

    1. What a lovely prayer and poem, dear Janet! Amen and Thank you!

    2. Today I was down and felt out of place. I'm so glad I returned to read your poem (perhaps again). Thank you!

  31. Praying for you Brie and Larry. Missing, thinking, and hoping everything is well πŸ™.

    1. Amen Janet, I was thinking about them too. Thank you Lord for covering them and all your children.

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen Janet and BFF,
      Joining your prayers for Brie and Larry and God's faithfulness in their lives and all healing, guidance and comfort.
      Thank you Lord for this, and for healing and blessings for all our dear JC Family. Amen!

    3. Missing you too my sweet angel Brie!

  32. Oh, what many prayers have been requested and responded to! TERRI: ALL of your needs are being prayed for, dear one! And, as everyone has said, DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THE LENGTH of your requests! Your prayers are ours.
    For Mark/MadFoxe's Friend: we (hub and I) are praying for a miracle! We have seen many in the last 10 years. Statistics denied; chances diminished; confirmed to us that God has the last say on our lives, not MAN!
    If I were to write all that has gone on in the last 48 hours, my post would be much longer than yours, TERRI. Requesting prayers for: Hubs 'SICK' leg, which is improving, for the Street on which we live (drug addicts, racing cars, trucks - one that almost hit my son today); divided family (over politics, COVID, etc); my Case Work - insurmountable: people who have lost spouses (due to COVID, Heart Disease; Disability Cases that have been approved, yet they can't get their money due to red tape). My list is endless, yet God Almighty and my Lord Jesus Christ keeps telling me, "I AM always with you!" And that is the TRUTH. We are given a diagnosis, an ultimatum, an unexpected turn in the road, but we can rest assured that there is a FIRM response, a STRAIGHT highway, on which we can depend.
    Tonight, as I'm signing off for much needed sleep, I pray for each of you in this JC Family: for your health, your finances, your care for your Grandchildren, your broken hearts. I pray for my 5 children, 4 wives and for the husband who my daughter will someday marry. I pray for leadership in this Country who will stand up and protect our Constitution, our freedoms. I am praying for all of it, with all of my heart, as I know all of you are. I know He will answer our prayers. He's PROMISED. We BELIEVE. Thus sayeth the Lord! We'll see our prayers answered according to HIS will. And, our hearts will be calmed. Put away anything that goes against His will.

  33. P.S. So happy to 'see' your face and hear your prayers, Sassy Mom! I've missed you!! <3

  34. I’m planning to drive to Brooklyn early in the morning. God bless your new day dear family. Praying for more answers to our prayers. God bless and keep you all. Much love.

    1. Mercy travels. God bless πŸ™.

    2. Lord Jesus please position your angels around our dear Jeanne as she makes her way to her mom. Amen! Have a wonderful time!πŸ’•πŸ™

    3. Traveling mercies with a song in your heart, Jeanne! In joy your weekend with your mom, what's on the menu?

    4. Thanks Janet, Jan and Audra! Your prayers carried me here! Such a faithful God we serve! My Mom is happy I’m here. Feeling thankful and blessed.

  35. I read thru all of the posts and saw where I asked last year, for prayers for "Mark" and many of you posted prayers. He died a few months later and with peace about his journey.

    Not too long ago, I asked for prayers for "Bob", and many of you posted some beautiful and inspiring words. We all know that many pray by adding names to their prayer lists and don't necessarily post a response to each request. A few days ago. I emailed "Bob" a note of encouragement, and copy-pasted all the prayers posted, and told him that dozens if not a 100 or so more folks who read the blog had undoubtedly prayed as well.

    Here's his response: "Wow, this is powerful!  Thank you πŸ™so much. God has blessed me in so many ways and I know He is with me." Thanks prayer warriors. Keep him in your prayers as I think his journey is in a tough stage. In Him and Godpeed.

    1. May our Father lift Bob's spirits up and touch him with His healing power. May Bob feel the Lord's presence moving in him and be refreshed with His peace, strength, and comfort of love. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    2. Thank you MadFox for updating us on Bob & the report on Mark. So sorry to hear about him, but rejoicing in his going home. Dear brother Bob, know in your deepest knower that warriors are indeed holding you & your family in prayer. We love youπŸ™πŸ’•

    3. Thanks, MF, for the updates. While sad that Mark didn't come thru, he did come thru on the other side and God was there to welcome him home. Glad Mark was at peace prior to passing. I will continue to pray for Bob and appreciate you asking for prayers for these men, MF. Together we make a mighty prayer chain around people in need! Be well and blessed, MF, in your healing journey as well. In Jesus' name, amen.

    4. We are a mighty prayer chain indeed with outcomes we may never know. Thanks for the affirmative update, Mad 🦊!

    5. Sorry about Mark’s death but I’m happy He had a peaceful passage Home. Continuing to pray for Bob. His gratitude and beautiful message blessed my day. We are indeed a close and dear family that prays together. Know you and your loved ones are always in my thoughts and prayers. Joining all prayers for Bob’s healing and for you dear brother!

  36. Thank You Jesus. Praise God always.

  37. Holy Spirit, please hurry to intercede with God's perfect will for all who enter this JC Warrior Prayer Room, including,
    Jan Gridley's grandson
    Peter's Discernment of his Path
    hEARing Audra's prayer for Victory
    Jeff & Gina & their Fur Babies
    Jeanne's Traveling Mercies with the WayMaker & her Mom's situation.
    Rich C's PT
    MadFox and "bob"
    and for every other prayer requested. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Update to discernment of my path: part of Heaven's response was for me to list the pros and cons. Since retiring a pro right now is an increase in my daily devotional time, by some considerable amount. In my working life it was up at 5:50, out to the office by 6:30. I am no longer under that limitation. With all things considered I drafted an email declining the work offer. The moment I clicked 'send', a wave of peace swept over me. Thank you Lord. When we have His Peace it's confirmation we're on the right path. Thanks to all JC Prayer Warriors for praying, I love you all.

    2. God is so good Peter. He never let go of your hands while He led you to this decision. Thank You Lord. Hallelujah!

    3. Writing thoughts as well as pros and cons out on paper often helps to see it laid out before us vs playing a never-ending tennis match in our heads. So happy you were able to have clarity and peace in your decision, Peter!

    4. Thanks for the update Peter.
      O for the Peace of a perfect trust, my Loving God in Thee; unwavering Faith that always knows You choose what's best for me...

    5. Peter - the peace you describe is lovely. Receive it. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

    6. Glad for your piece of peace, Peter. He always delivers when we listen. All Ways.

    7. Amen to your perfect prayer dear Brie! Praying with you for our dear brothers and sisters and always fir you and your family.
      Dear Peter! Your wave of peace told you that decision was the right one! God’s Spirit guided it just like a neon sign. So happy for you.

  38. Four years ago church had just ended and I was standing outside chatting with friends,when my best friend received a phone call, I looked at her face....she hang up the phone and couldnt look me in eye! Finally I asked is it my sister , has she gone ? and she broke down and confirmed my thoughts!!! It wasa sunday day like today my sister lost the battle to pancreatic cancer . When I look back I can see Gos has carried my family , we are doing much better and now we now with grief it never goes away just learn to adjust to the loss ! Its always somewhere at the back of your can be triggered by anything and then flow the tears !

    Thanks Father for holding anyone who if grieving altogether , so glad that God never leaves our side and just take it one day at a time!

    You come (woo)
    At the right time
    When I least expect it
    Never behind (woo)
    So why (oh)
    Would I be surprised
    When You deliver
    Every time?
    On mountaintops, You stay the same
    On valley low, You never change
    And I believe that I will see
    The goodness of the Lord (yeah)
    I'm confident (yeah)
    As seasons change
    Your faithfulness remains
    Oh-oh (woo)
    Ooh-oh, oh-oh-oh
    You go
    You go before me
    To prepare a blessin'
    You madΠ΅ a way
    It's more
    Than I could imagine
    More than I can fathom
    Or comprΠ΅hend
    On mountaintops (I'm so glad that)
    You stay the same (hey)
    In valleys low (oh, yeah)
    You never change (sing it out)
    And I believe that I will see (what?)
    The goodness of the Lord (I'm confident)
    I'm confident (oh-oh-oh)
    As seasons change
    Your faithfulness remains
    You never change (oh-oh)
    You never change
    You never change (oh-oh)
    God of my present
    God of my future
    You write my story
    You hold it all together
    God of my present
    God of my future
    You write my story
    You hold it all together (hey)
    God of my present (and You are)
    God of my future (You're still writing my story)
    You write my story (yeah)
    You hold it all together
    God of my present
    God of my future (You write my story)
    You write my story (You hold)
    You hold it all together (say)
    And I believe (hey)
    That I will see (I'm still gonna see it)
    The goodness of (yeah) the Lord (in the land of the livin')
    I'm confident (hey)
    As seasons change
    Your faithfulness remains

    1. Min Ahadi - I receive your prayer and pray for others who continue to grieve the loss of a loved one.

    2. Min Ahadi - Praying for you as you pray for me.

    3. Peace be with you today, Min Ahadi. I miss my sister too and that never goes away, but the faith in a heavenly reunion can make me smile and feel better,

    4. Holding you up in my prayers and my love dear Min. May God comfort your broken heart. I couldn’t even imagine how I would feel if I lost my dear sister. I would be devastated and so lonely without her. Be strong and remember in the grand Reunion you will be with her again. Love never dies. It just changes..
      Amen! May He bring peace and comfort to all those wracked by grief and pain. And May He open that new door that leads to contentment, peace and financial security. Thank You Jesus!

    5. Amen to what dear Jeanne and Audra penned to you, Min Ahadi. I know the reunion will be amazing but your heart feels that gap and loss still, for good reason. Thank you for sharing that powerful song, too. I love their music.

  39. Sorry for the typos in my message

    1. Very true Min, great is His faithfulness. Be held, be comforted whenever your sister's parting comes to the fore front of your mind. Love & blessings.πŸ’•πŸ™

    2. Min Ahadi may the Lord continue to give you and your family comfort and peace. Thank you for sharing with us this deep hurt God carries with you.

      I understand your sadness and how a siblings death changes you and your life. I will be praying for you and your family.

    3. Love means never having to say you're sorry for typos πŸ˜‰ we love you Min Ahadi! ♥️

  40. Praying for each of you and thank you, MadFox for the updates. I am asking for prayers today for my Dear Hub and me. We drive to his Oncology appointment and are trusting in the Lord that he gets a good report, again. Please pray for our safety as we drive. It snowed and our car is 'less than best.' What a blessing to read Bob's response. Continued prayers. I am thankful I will meet Mark one day.

    1. Praying for your safety and a good report for your dear hubby! May you have peace of mind knowing that our good Lord is right by your sides and guiding the doctor in all ways. Praying God’s Hedge of protection surrounds you. May you be rejoicing at the end of this day sweet Sister. Much love.

  41. Good morning, I need prayers for my son. He needs Jesus in his life. He struggles daily with everything. He was mentally abused by his father when he was younger and he still struggles to know why. He needs to leave his father alone and move on. But he doesn't understand why his dad treats him this way but not his other lids. Pray he finds peace with God and turns his life towards the Lord. Have a blessed day.

    1. Dear a daughter of a King, Your son has had a harsh childhood and I pray someday he will be able to forgive his father and pray for him. May he put his trust in God so he will find a way to peace, fulfillment and self worth without the constant mental abuse from his father. No child deserves such cruel treatment. God knows his inner turmoil and your son needs to turn to Him now. His help comes from the Lord but his heart needs to be softened and his eyes need to be opened to the truth. With God all things are possible. Maybe he needs to talk to a counselor for advice and support. Your husband also needs help to realize his wrongs. Praying that our Way Maker will make all things right.
      Father God, We trust in You to help this young man and open his heart to seek You. Establish his steps to a life free from misery. Show him all the joy and peace You have in store for him and the future You have prepared for him. Guide the father to repent and apologize to the son and guide him to change his mean ways to good, so he will love his son. Bring love and peace to this family and situation. Thank You for all this in Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

  42. I'm a JC follower, but I don't usually post. I'm asking believers to pray for my neighbor. He was taken to the hospital 2 nights ago, with Covid pneumonia. He also has had liver cancer and heart problems. His wife walked over to our home late last night, needing comfort and someone to talk to. They are in their 70's. Please join me in praying for this sweet couple! (Dee and Neil). Thank you all! I love JC!!

    1. Praying for Dee & Neil and for you Unknown who may have been exposed to the virus during the visit.

    2. Prayers for Dee & Neil that covid will back off it's influence on their other health issues. And for the oh so many others that find themselves there. Come Holy Spirit!

    3. Joining prayers for Dee and Neil for God’s healing of all their infirmities and weaknesses and all those suffering from sickness and pain of body, mind and spirit. Thank You Father for answering our prayers in the Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord.

  43. Lifting up prayers for healing, and comfort to Dee and Neil:Dee was probably very thankful that she could come to you as a friend in need.πŸ’–

  44. How comforting it must have been for the apostles to hear, "I am with you Always", as You ascended into heaven. They probably were filled with confusion and fear, not knowing when you would return. Your gift of the Holy Spirit is Your presence in our lives each and every moment of our day. Thank you! Amen.

    1. You spoke the truth dear ABC! His Spirit is always with us to comfort, instruct, guide, discern, encourage and assist us in every way! Come Holy Spirit and fill our hearts with Your wisdom and love.

  45. "Lo, I am with you always"
    Breathing in and breathing out, as I did yesterday at the Dr office. For the victory report, see the end of yesterday's posts. A sincere thank you. I prayed for you all in my times of waiting and was comforted by songs from my JC Family playlist.

  46. So happy things turned out well and you surrounded your waiting time with praise and worship songs. God is so faithful! Celebrate more answered prayers and another victory! Hallelujah!

  47. Praying, dancing and sending encouragement to all on here. Thank you for your prayers. My hubby's appt got canceled after we raced to get there. We walked in and the Nurse said she left a message at 9:40 this morning that the Dr. was sick. My hub had no message and still doesn't. I'm sure it is his phone. They did the blood work and we have to go back next Friday for the Dr. appt. I selfishly asked if we could do a virtual meeting and DH said, "No, I want to be in the room with him." Of course he does, Norah; stop being so selfish. I apologized on the way home and he said, "Oh, honey, you don't need to apologize - this is hard for you, too." Shame on me. Now, I am saying, "More time to pray."
    I know my Father forgives me. I know my Lord knows me better than I know myself. I know my dear husband forgives me. Now, it's my turn to forgive myself. My Sister said, "Just remember, Sisoo, God is "especially fond of you," and not you or anyone else has the right to judge you." Very thankful for the undeserved favor I am given, which I've been told is the definition of Grace. Mercy is the deserved things being withheld. Thank you Dear Father for giving your only begotten Son. I promised to be more thankful.
    Jan, praying specifically for your grandson. Sassy Mom, for your 2 other kids. All of you with thankfulness that you are in my life. Safe travels, Jeanne or an extra long stay - whichever is BEST for you!

    1. Thanks for your prayers! Looks like it will be an extra long visit with my Mom. Good thing I made extra food for Rick. Sorry your DH couldn’t see his Dr. At least he got his blood work done. Praying all goes well next Friday. God is still in charge and He loves you and your DH. Btw, We’re especially fond of you too, dear Norah! Praying with you and for you.

  48. One more thing...please know that I didn't share all of that so all of you can tell me how wonderful I am, "anyway." SMILE. I was confessing, which needed to be done on my part. I know I am forgiven, I just need to get with the program and accept His fathomless Love.

  49. Also, please pray for Dr. I. Such a good man.

    One of my best friends suggested this song to me that she just heard today. I wrote the title down. Then I went on FB for a minute and another friend told a story of their pipes bursting and the deliverance that came - just in time. And she posted this song...OK - confirmed.
    God Bless, Dear JC we wait - we'll be praising!

    1. Thanks Norah,
      I'm a Lady in Waiting πŸ˜‰

    2. Me too! I’m gonna wait on Him! Loved that song. Thanks Sis.

    3. I LOVE this group, Maverick City. All of their lyrics/videos are just POWERFULLY awesome! "Promises", "You hold it all together", and this one, "Wait on You!" just GREAT! Thanks for suggesting this one, Norah!

  51. What a great song to end another day of waiting, thank you!

  52. Team JC, I have had some minor issues with treatments. But, am encouraged each day reading here as the messages and comments are so aligned with gratitude for His presence. "I am with you always." I KNOW He is.

    I saw a few more season 2 episodes of The Chosen. Truly believe that their portrayal ot Jesus is accurate with smiles, gentle teasing, teaching, and always encouraging. Amen.

    1. Father God, I pray You will give MadFox such confidence in the Power of Your Healing Grace, that when treatment issues arise, he puts his whole trust in you. You are the toughness of his heart, You embolden him and strengthen his soul. In Jesus's Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN.

      Psalm 43:5 "I am the health of your countenance and your God."

    2. Joining in prayers for you Madfox. Heavenly Father, please let Your mighty healing power flow into and through Madfox. Give him Your love, comfort, and strength as he is enduring this time in his life with You. Let Your glory renew him and let his testimony be powerful in the lives of those who come in contact with him. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Peace be with you and God bless.

    3. Joining warriors in prayer for you MadFox. Lifting you high above whatever issues there are with treatments. Jesus will continue to give you strength right through to the " finish line!" Amen! Hallelujah!πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    4. Joining the prayer warriors in lifting you up in prayer, Mad 🦊. May He wrap His loving arms around you and bring you peace as He heals you. Blessings.

    5. Grateful for the prayers and kind words so often stated in the daily comments of this Jesus Calling blog. I am doing incredibly well and God is always a part of healing both physically and Spiritually. Your prayers and His mercies have me in strong remission and the chemo-immunotherapies' minor side effect issues continue but are more manageable over time. I'm now past the half way point in the 3 years of "super-size" maintenance. Hallelujah!

    6. Praying with and for you always, Mad🦊! Also praying that The Chosen production continues to bring MILLIONS MORE to the love of Jesus and show us how to behave more like Him. It is beautifully and wonderfully made with a little artistic license but true to scripture. We love this series!

    7. Dear MadFox, Gathering right into all prayers for you and God’s strength and healing to restore you as you undergo your treatments.We know He is with you always and He knows your trust in Him! Hold on tight to His unchanging Hand as you continue the path He has prepared for you. Remember it is His will that you are healed. Wait on the Lord dear brother. He will do what He has promised.

      Psalm 16:8-9
      I have set the Lord always before me;
      Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.
      Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices;
      My flesh also will rest in hope.

  53. Thank you all for your prayers because my 3rd treatment went well yesterday. I just prayed, listened to praise music and read Bible verses and a bit more of a book called Healed of Cancer. I got a lot of sleep when I got home because I was drained and very cold. The rest of the day went well too. I'm so grateful for God's faithfulness. He was with me every second fighting those cancer cells. I loved this from today's devotion: When My Presence is the focal point of your consciousness, all the pieces of your life fall into place. Amen to that.
    I always say: Put God in the center and all things will come together.
    It is God's will that I will be healed of cancer. So I'm trusting Him to bring me into remission and keep me there so I can serve Him and live the life He has prepared for me. I have been filling myself with His Word and doing my best to stay in His presence throughout my days because then my days are sweeter and more peaceful. No need to worry about the future because He's already holding it in His Hand. My middle son, Greg brought me a gallon of vanilla ice cream last night. He wore a mask into the apartment but took it off when he sat far away from me. We had ice cream together but far apart, and he told us how our grandsons are doing. We laughed at the funny stories. Rick and I have not been able to see Greg, Mayra, little Gabriel and Nathaniel since I started my treatment. But, praise God, I only have one more infusion on 2/3 and then once my immune system is strengthened, we can all be together again. Looking forward to seeing our oldest son, Bryan and dear Allie and baby Evelyn this morning. I just baked a fruit and nut loaf with God's help (and no recipe) for breakfast. I put butter, sugar, brown sugar, eggs, cinnamon, nutmeg, flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, a handful of Great grains cereal, and handfuls of raisins, walnuts and blueberries into a big bowl and mixed it and baked it and prayed. I always call it a God cake because He tells me what to put in and how much! It looks so delicious so I hope they will like it. I must finish Allie's Birthday cake and give it to them for her Birthday on Monday. I just have to put the frosting on the 3 layers before they come. What a blessing to celebrate with them now that they have moved from California to Connecticut. They are only 40 minutes away without traffic. Our youngest son Dylan who lives in Massachusetts is interviewing for a job in Fairfield, Connecticut on Monday. He can be a part of Allie's Birthday celebration and have some of the Red Velvet cake I made. I pray Dylan gets this teaching job because he would have to move closer to all of us. What a blessing that would be!!! It may just be part of God's grand plan.

    Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

    Proverbs 16:9 - A man's heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.

    Colossians 3:15 - And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also you are called in one body; and be you thankful.

    1. Praying for you dear Janet and praising Him with you as He does His gracious healing work in you. Wow! He is so good! Thank You Jesus. I'm also praising Him for bringing your family in closer to you. How wonderful ❤️ so thankful.

    2. I love the story of your “God Cakes”. What a special thing to be able to spend time with your kids - and enjoy it! Having family close (and enjoying their company) is a blessing that not too many people get to experience, I realize.

      I’ll pray that your treatments do what they’re meant to do, with minimal side effects. So you can keep on making those God Cakes for a long, long time!

    3. So happy dear Jeanne that through this you are being blessed by your precious sons & their families. Praying for Dylan & hid pursuit of this teaching job & the "bonus" of being closer to you!, Hallelujah! God be praised! Stay strong sis, warriors are on the move for you. Love you muchπŸ’žπŸ™πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    4. God cakes? Has to be yummy!πŸ˜‹

    5. It's a new day, Jeanne! And I join you in joy in it for all His blessings ♥️✝️

    6. Love the God cakes! That is awesome! Continued prayers for you Jeanne and for His peace as He heals you.

    7. Thanks dear free as can be, praying for your son! Thanks dear Anonymous Mom, Jan, Audra, and Suzanne!! We pray for each other and wait on the Lord! Yes I am blessed by the family God has given me here and in my own life. I had a wonderful visit with my son’s family!! So much joy just watching our baby granddaughter! Love her laugh! And Bryan and Allie loved my “God Cake”. I did too! They brought me flowers and soup. We had a sweet time and it blessed all of us. I even got to talk about my faith to Allie. She and Bryan pray together every night. I told her God is with her 24 hours a day and always there for her. I told her He has held me all through my trial and has assured me all will be well. I believe Him.
      I just love my daughter in love! And she gives good hugs. It was great to see our son Bryan too! He’s such a great husband and father. So very proud of him! God bless them all.

    8. He was faithful and I am healed!! Thank You Jesus! πŸ™πŸ’—

  54. God Bless you, Jeanne! I join your prayer. I thank You, Father God, that You are with Jeanne at all times and in all things. And I thank You, Father God, that Your Loving Healing Grace enfolds her for eternity. In Jesus's Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN.

    Isaiah 58:8 "Your light shall break forth as the morning and your health shall spring forth speedily."

  55. for through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father. (Ephesians 2:18). For we are not like many, peddling the Word of God, but as from sincerity, but as from God, we speak in Christ in the sight of God. (2 Corinthians 2:17). And He said, "My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest." (Exodus 33:14). Then I was beside Him, as a master workman; and I was daily His delight, rejoicing always before Him, (Proverbs 8:30).

    1. Amen and thank you for feeding us sweet sister! May God bless your day and answer your prayers.

  56. Joining in prayers with you all. May our heavenly Father's presence continue to be felt and received by all His children. May we find what we seek πŸ™. God bless and Shalom.

  57. Amen πŸ™ dwelling in those verses, letting these healing truths and thoughts take root. Be so blessed

  58. Thank you so much for that prayer and verse, dear JJ!
    Amen to that and…
    And your righteousness shall go before you;
    The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.
    Thanks sweet Janet!! All the prayers are working. I am feeling strong in the Lord and in body, mind and spirit! God abides in us as we abide in Him. Hallelujah

  59. Awesome encouragement today brother Peter! I love how you open yourself to Him in every way for His purposes! Even in our imperfections, let us all be useful and devoted instruments in His Hands.

  60. Dear Norah, Thanks for your prayers! Praying with you for our dear MadFox and for you and your dear DH. So happy his Infusion went well. What a blessing that I understand well. Praying he continues to improve and even gets his taste back completely! Sorry you are experiencing allergies from the warmer weather. Praying this too shall pass. Have a great time with your dear ones and put your daughter’s problems in God’s Hands to handle. Get some rest! Just love Psalm 139:1-4. Love you. Thanks. Praying for more victories to celebrate for all of us! Thank You Jesus.

    1. Heading to bed, Dear Jeanne and JC Fam. Thank you for your prayers for my DH. Fun time tonight with friends; watched The Vow and Mr. Holland's Opus. Sigh...
      I love Psalm 139, too, Jeanne...for your and all of my loved ones from The Message:
      Psalm 139:1-6
      The Message
      139 1-6 God, investigate my life;
      get all the facts firsthand.
      I’m an open book to you;
      even from a distance, you know what I’m thinking.
      You know when I leave and when I get back;
      I’m never out of your sight.
      You know everything I’m going to say
      before I start the first sentence.
      I look behind me and you’re there,
      then up ahead and you’re there, too—
      your reassuring presence, coming and going.
      This is too much, too wonderful—
      Sleep sweet - God is on the Night Watch.

      I can’t take it all in!

    2. Loved that dear Norah! Amen. God is on the Night Watch so we will sleep soundly. Goodnight and God bless!

  61. GLORY to God for this TESTimony:
    Thanks to all who prayed for our reinstatement. God spoke yesterday and it is done. Thanks Be to God for Being with us and helping us center our lives around His Glorious Promise to Be with us Always. His Always Being with us blesses us beyond all measure and beyond all expectations. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!


    2. Victory dance, Brie!!! FANTASTIC NEWS! So happy for you!

    3. πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ Yay God!

  62. Rejoicing with you dear Brie! God is so faithful. He is good all the time. Hallelujah! That is why we wait on Him and trust in Him. He answers our prayers in His own way and His way is the best way.

    Isaiah 55:8-9
    “For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
    Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
    “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    So are My ways higher than your ways,
    And My thoughts than your thoughts”.

  63. Matthew 28:20b "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'
    Always means all the time. I also like to think of this as 'all ways'; in all ways possible He is with us.
    Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong, courageous, and firm; fear not nor be in terror before them, for it is the Lord your God Who goes with you; He will not fail you or forsake you."

  64. For Christ did not enter a holy place made with hands, a mere copy of the true one, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us, (Hebrews 9:24).

    1. Wonderful verse, dear Janet! Amen

  65. What a beautiful thread of faith this blog weaves for our ongoing encouragement. Love and blessings to you all! ♥️

    1. Thank you for your kind blessing. May the same blessings you've shared return to you abundantly. Gratitude and blessing to you as well.πŸ€—πŸ’ž⚘

  66. Thanks for the blessing dear Audra!
    Yes indeed! We come here empty but hopeful, and seeking the Lord’s light, strength, and comfort. He never disappoints. We pray for each other and share His Love and Word that binds us together. We are of one accord. We leave here feeling lifted, blessed, encouraged and satisfied. Thank You Jesus, and thank you Sarah and Chris and all of our JC Family! We are blessed and we will remain so.
