Friday, January 4, 2013

Jesus Calling: January 4

I want you to learn a new habit, try saying, "I trust You, Jesus" in response to whatever happens to you. If there is time, think about who I AM in all My Power and Glory; ponder also the depth and breadth of My love for you.
     This simple practice will help you see Me in every situation, acknowledging My sovereign control over the universe. When you view events from this perspective--through the Light of my universal Presence--fear loses its grip on you. Adverse circumstances become growth opportunities when you affirm your trust in Me no matter what. You receive blessings gratefully, realizing they flow directly from My hand of grace. Your continual assertion of trusting Me will strengthen our relationship and keep you close to Me.
Psalm 63:2
English Standard Version 
 So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary,
beholding your power and glory.

Isaiah 40:10-11
English Standard Version

Behold, the Lord GOD comes with might,
and his arm rules for him;
behold, his reward is with him,
and his recompense before him.
He will tend his flock like a shepherd;
he will gather the lambs in his arms;
he will carry them in his bosom,
and gently lead those that are with young.

Psalm 139:7-10
English Standard Version
Where shall I go from your Spirit?
Or where shall I flee from your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, you are there!
If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
If I take the wings of the morning
and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
even there your hand shall lead me,
and your right hand shall hold me.

My Prayer - Jan 4, 2013
Lord, it's no secret that right now, in our household, there is a weight on us, as we try to find a car. So, learning to Trust You, like all things in life, "whatever happens" remains key. Lord, we desire to make wise decisions. I'm thankful for friends at work that are so helpful in giving me rides to work. Please direct our paths as we trust in You. It was great to hear my son Tyson remind us all last night that we need to pray for this process.

You Lord have all Power and all Glory. You come with might. Your arm rules for You. You take care of your flock and gather your children in your arms. You carry us and gently lead us. There is no place to go from You. Your presence is with me always. You are there, everywhere. You have power over all that we see and can't see. Your glory is magnificent. You are here with us. And your love for me and my family, all of us, is never ending. Lord, I can't fathom that Love. I know you care. Your love, Your power, Your glory are more ways we can see to trust in You.

Lord, You rule over all the affairs of my life. You have supreme authority. I can't flee from your presence. Lord, I trust that You are sovereign, though I admit, I don't really understand it. Lord, help me to remove this fear of my life in the unknown and realize that I can trust You for this unknown. I'm weak. I only want good circumstances to occur in my life. I only want things to go smoothly. Lord, help me to rely on You and trust in You through the adverse circumstances of life, the circumstances that I don't welcome. I can still trust You in those. In riches and in poverty, I can still trust You. The bottom line is I need to Trust in You no matter the outcomes; no matter how I define them.

You are over all.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. Please purchase the book and support the author. 


  1. my prayer. today will be counseling, shopping for groceries, signing up for Veyo and going to spin. In between will be bank, Ulta and house cleaning. brushing up on what boundaries I learned and need to learn will be in there somewhere also. I think my family will be on the couch, watching TV and looking at the phone. Give me the chance to see my compassionate choices as I know these are my triggers. My coping skills will be tested and self care paramount. I should be able to stay busy.Father, thank you that I am not alone, your word says you are with me in compassion toward my family, in decision making, in excercizing and running errands. Present moment is where I can be with you.i miss you , I trust you, i treasure your Holy Spirit. Help me today to have a day I can take my inventory tonight and be successful. Conciouse contact is my hearts desire at this point, being aware of your presence and Grace is my prayer. Amen self care will be taking Button out, meeting, couples counseling, spin and animals(therapy) I love you Thank You

    1. May your prayers be answered Lisa and God Bless.

    2. I can relate to this Lisa. Lord I ask that Lisa has grown in many Godly ways thru her willingness to acknowledge you in all of it. To want more for her family yet understand that change begins, and ends with herself thru you. Lord bless her for her desire to align with you in asking to overcome her struggles to control. I too request these things for myself as I begin my day in a prayer of gratitude for all the blessings and ask the Lord to keep my thoughts and lips from evil. I know that thru focusing on myself thru Gods direction for my future mountains can indeed be moved. By focusing on others and my ideas how their lives should run is a place of stagnant worry a mucky mire where my feet cannot move ahead, just sink. Lord please keep our minds on you and your plans for our futures! Thank you for your constant presence and love which foreshadows all of our fears and insecurities. You are king and we are yours and we worship you.
      Lord please give Lisa, myself and whomever else needs encouragement today to have confidence that you are in control and your timing is perfect. " Thy will be done on earth and it is in heaven"

    3. Let us all seek and see the Hand of God in every part of our day. He never leaves us. We leave Him. From today’s prayer, we pray:
      Thank you, dear Lord, for ruling over all the affairs of my life. Remind me through my day to stay in Your presence and peace. Amen.

    4. Amen this blessed me

    5. Many years later, Chris and Lisa's prayers are mine!
      Again I get the do-over, yet I am still at the pre-school level.
      "No matter what I receive today, I want to say, I TRUST YOU JESUS! EVERYthing flows from Your Hand of Grace! I am blessing it with ny heart of gratefulness."
      Please pray for me to The Lord our God. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    6. Dear Jehovah I come to you through your son Jesus Christ and praise You for waking me and my son, watching over us as we slumber , healing our maladies, and for Your Holy Spirit guiding every step and utterance from my mouth. I ask to be with continued focus on You, please help me not to be distracted by all the things of the world and instead remain in your living word following the directions for life so loving and mercifully given, please forgive me for my sins and reveal any hidden sins I’m not cognizant of, I pray for All those sick and suffering and as You command I too pray for the leaders of this world- please soften their hearts and help them turn back to You if they haven’t already, please LORD intervene and show our leaders how to serve the people instead of their own self interest. I praise You and thank You for my life , health, peace and fellow believers, may You bless them all reminding us to remain on the straight and narrow path, in your sons name, Jesus Christ I pray,

    7. I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit, apart from me you can do nothing.
      Thank You God for being God, and Thank You for this Blog and all the Beautiful People on it.
      I am praying with and for all of you and anchoring these prayers in the Loving Heart of Jesus!!!
      May we all be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God!!!

  2. Heavenly Father I thank you for protecting and keeping me thru the night. I come with a heavy heart but just knowing that you have all power in your hand I am better already. Brandon will have the next MRI on Monday and there are some days in which I feel that I am too loosing Karen to depression. I need you Lord to whisper in their hear as you did mine years ago and give them peace. I pray they get to know you for whom you are. We are blessed Dear Father and we are in the will. I thank you as I continue my day, cooking, cleaning, and meeting clients. Lord your at work right now, I just now got a positive text come across from Brandon. Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus. I love you so much. Until next time, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

  3. "Trust me"... quite simply the most challenging part of our Christian walk. We trust the government and it disappoints, we trust friends and some scatter when we have difficult times. We trust our family and yet because they are imperfect they fail us as well. And worse we selfishly trust our flawed rationalizations.

    Only Jesus can boldly state "Trust Me" and deliver on that promise! He showed us how to trust all the way to the Cross, and we can be sure He is walking step by step with us through every valley of our life. Thank you Master, continue to pick me up when I stumble. Amen.

    1. So very true because He, in His divinity cannot lie so He keeps His promises.

    2. Amen! Thank you MadFox.

    3. So very true, Madfox ❤️. So thankful I can come to Him and say, ‘I trust you, Lord’

    4. Yes Lord, continue to pick me up when I get sacked, and stumble and fumble the trust ball. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  4. God I so need to pick up this habit it's so hard for me when all I do is wooryπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    1. When one's experience is people and instituitions that demonstrate they are not worthy of our complete trust, it becomes an even greater challenge to then trust the unseen God in the midst of your struggles. But God redeemed all with Jesus. Worry is a fear. Fear is lack of Trust. As your trust that God will get you through this present struggle grows the worry should correspondingly decrease. Keep praying, know that others are because of your posting here, and Godspeed.

    2. Great answer, MadFox. I’m in total agreement. We gotcha unknown unknown. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    3. πŸ‘ Bob, very kind.

      unknown unknown, Bob would also probably agree that it is easier said than done and praying for your perseverance.

    4. This really touched home for me, thank you for sharing this! MadFox


    5. Thanks dear MadFox. I will tell my good Mom that you said Worry is a fear and fear is lack of trust in God. She loves God so maybe she’ll get out of the habit of worrying about every little thing.

    6. Still true in 24, and forever more. :)
      All Glory be to God, as He moves through this Blog.
      Lifting you all up in the Mighty Name of Jesus!!!

  5. Through hardship and bad relationships and depressions. I learn to depend upon His Word, through it all. I learn to trust in Jesus. Without Him I would be dead or wandering lost and confused. But through the desert of despair, I learn to trust in Jesus, to gee through. you.

  6. I learned a lesson in trust many years ago. I was asked to be a high school football coach (an inner desire I always had but felt could never happen in light of being called to be a minister). The first day I went to practice, I was very unsure of myself, wondering how I would coach these young men. I watched as the other coaches went about using their styles on the young men and I did not feel at all comfortable with being that way. I spent time in pray the next morning, asking God what kind of coach should I be. The answer came back, "why would you be anything different than you are on Sunday morning?" To which my mind responded, "Will it work?" Again, an answer came, "Try me." So I became a coach in a similar way God had made me a minister and I interacted with the young men accordingly. It was a highly successful season, not so much record wise (though we were 6-3) but in the impact made on the young men and even the other coaches. As I gave thanks to God at the end of the season, I was told, "Don't ever question again if the way of love will work!" I coached for 10 years and still maintain contact with many of the young men through social media. It was more than a successful effort, it was a lesson in learning to always trust the way of love Jesus modeled for us and admonished us when He said, "As I have loved you, so you must love one another." (John 13:34)

    1. I love this story Bob. Thank you for being true to who you are!!! ❤️

    2. Thank you Bob for sharing this story. Very helpful.

    3. What a wonderful story of God’s guidance and instruction in your life! He knew you were well equipped for the job. Love conquers fear and insecurity. You left more enduring truth in the hearts of your players than you can imagine, and you glorified God in serving just as he had prepared you to serve, through the heart of His love. .

    4. Amen, Bob. I love this story. Thank you for sharing God’s love working through you as you trust in Him!
      Loving prayers for you and our JC family

    5. And now these three remain Faith, Hope, and Love, but the greatest of these is Love, Love, Love!!!
      May we walk in it Today Father
      What a Blessing You are to this Blog, and to this world Bob. Keep on keeping on and sharing the wisdom. Thanks. :):):)

  7. My prayer today.... Jesus help me to feel your presence to trust and know that you are my Shepherd, always watching and protecting. Heal the brokenness in me that comes from great loss. Guide my heart to accomplish your purpose and serve. I pray that I and others find the peace and comfort that come with trusting You. Amen

  8. Purplemartin 2019 - Loving you, blessing you and praying.

  9. "I trust YOU, Jesus." Teach me to love You MORE, Lord. Show me how to place You at the forefront of my life and my thoughts. Help me to center my life around You and grow in obedience to You. Praying I will always be a blessing to others.

    "GOD is in control and you just can’t beat that. RDS"

  10. Trust in Jesus. I trust you Jesus. So many wonderful messages from JC Warriors. Bob, MadFox, Sassy Mom and so many others - you always inspire me with your insight and words. May everyone have a blessed day. KS

  11. Morning Glory and Honor to the King of kings who woke me up this morning in a sound mind. Thank You Father!

    This chores comes to mind after reading today's devotion:
    Come to Jesus, Come to Jesus, Come to Jesus right now, come to Jesus, come to Jesus right now.
    ONLY Trust Him, only trust Him, only trust Him right now, only trust Him, only trust Him right now.
    He will save you, He will save you...!

    That's what my soul cries out this morning Lord! My TRUST is in YOU only, help me Holy Spirit to never doubt the Incredible, Infinite power of my Saviour's hand of Grace!

    Peace and Blessings to all.


    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood--- AMEN and AMEN!!!

    2. Amen Maplewood πŸ™. Thank you for the inspiration.

    3. Amen,,,I trust You Jesus with my life and my present and my future.

  12. I sat with I John 3:7-10 this AM. Verse 9 needed some thought and prayer, "Anyone born of God does not sin...they cannot sin because they have been born of God." Hmmmm, where does that leave me? Where does that leave any of us? The root word of sin in the original language means "to miss the mark", much like an archer shooting at a target. The archer aims for the bull's eye and shoots with various degrees of accuracy, sometimes better than others, not always perfect. John may have in mind the words he heard from Jesus who quoted the law when He said, "Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect." I had a teen ask me, "I cannot be perfect as Jesus said, why bother trying?" I agree with the first part of his question but it is in the last part that we can find our hope. The bull's eye of God's commandments is in the shape of a heart, to love God and love others. As the children of God, we make it our aim. Do we hit it perfectly every time? I don't for a variety of reasons (but not excuses). But Jesus' words are not about hitting the bull's eye perfectly, it is about aiming to do so. My young teen friend was partially right in that I can't hit the bull's eye every time but what the Lord desires, that Jesus spoke and that John reiterated was all about my aim, what I am trying to hit. It is to develop the soul that "seeks first the Kingdom of God", the Kingdom where love for all exists within me and I aim accordingly. I can perfect my aim through prayer, meditation, and learning to trust as today's reading calls me to. So I ended my time of asking God through the Holy Spirit within me, to help me with my aim in all relationships. By praying as such, I could feel within my soul improved aim thus moving toward the day of perfection. God be with you.

    1. So right on. Awesome illustration. Thank you. Striving to hit the mark. Blessings

    2. So well said, Bob and so true. And to piggyback on your thoughts....... even if we miss the mark (and we all do as humans), a great gift from God that we are given is after a slumber, we get up and try again. And again. And again. I make mistakes all the time. Big and small. I fall short of my personal expectations sometimes. I miss the mark. But He allows me to try again. What a wonderful gift.

    3. Thank you so much Bob and Suzanne R! Your words are perfect for me to contemplate on today; blessings indeed. CO

    4. That's a lot to digest Bob. I need to really meditate on that. Thank you.

    5. Amen Bob! Great food for thought, God sure puts that gold star on our foreheads when we try to please Him, so even when we don’t hit the bullseye, we get an A for effort. The more we read His Word and follow hard after His righteousness, the closer we get to the mark.

    6. Thanks miss the mark", much like an archer shooting at a target...
      The archer aims for the bull's eye and shoots with various degrees of accuracy, sometimes better than others, not always perfect....It's so discouraging to continually miss the mark...except when I recall a baby who is learning to walk. They don't seem to care, nor count, how many times they fall, nor as their parents, do we because we know that 'practice, fall, practice, fall, practice, fall etc etc etc', is the only way they can one day walk upright. Or hit the walk mark. So I guess I too, can pick myself up, dust myself off, and get back on the mark. Thanks for sharing BOB. This helped me to get up one more time.

    7. Great motivational reading again this year. Thank you BOB ♥️πŸ™

  13. Reading all of the comments here this morning has me in tears and I am repeating over and over Lord I Trust You. I am in almost all of your testimonies with everything that is going on and my inability to let GOD handle my trials and tribulations. I felt led to put it all on the line today, and share what I am experiencing and also soliciting you to pray with and for me. My husband battled cancer last year and Praise GOD he is healed but they still require him to come back every three months to check out everything. The finances took a big toll because we had just purchased a home in late 2017, and he was diagnosed in early 2018, and received the all cancer is gone report this March. I am reminding myself to Fully Rely on GOD because nothing catches him by surprise, however fitting everything in with tax season quickly approaching has my mind all over the place. I too am a control freak and in Trust in GOD therapy, while trying to crunch the numbers and figure out how to make the best decisions. I feel better already knowing each of you will be praying with and for US, as we will be praying with and for each of YOU! I find it quite mind boggling that I have no trouble crying out to GOD and believing he will perform miracles in other's lives through intercessory prayer, but still have some form of fear when it comes to seeing miracles manifest in my own life! thank you in advance for your prayers my JC Family, I'm encouraged by knowing you are here and the transparency we share is evident that GOD is definitely working through this blog! Thank you again Payton Family.


    1. God's Daughter, we rally together to offer prayers for your family.
      Proverbs 3:5-6. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own sight. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths.
      Peace, love and prayers being sent your way.

    2. God's Daughter--- Joining all the JC WARRIORS in going to The Throne of Grace to intercede for your family. The Lord is faithful and "The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man availth much!

    3. The fact alone that you are identified as God's Daughter assures all will be well though in the moment a fog (the Enemy) has settled in. The sun (Son) has not gone anywhere, it (He) is temporarily being hidden from you by the fog (the Enemy). The sun (Son) will always burn off the fog (the Enemy, cf Rev.20:10). I am praying for you, beloved God's daughter.

    4. God's Daughter - Beloved, joining JC WARRIORS in prayer for your family. We love you.

    5. God’s Daughter, praying God is providing your needs and lifting up your head. May 2021 be a glorious year, and the manifestation of God’s love and faithfulness in our lives. Thank you, Jesus.

  14. From "Trust in Jesus" by Third Day:
    Trust in Jesus
    My great Deliverer
    My strong Defender
    The Son of God
    I trust in Jesus
    Blessed Redeemer
    My Lord forever
    The Holy One, the Holy One

    Yes! -Audra

    1. Thanks for my new early morning singing song, Audra!
      I trust You Jesus.
      Thy Will Be Done!
      I want to inhale this passage so deeply into my being, until every fiber of my being truly believes it. Not there yet, but I want to be and I'm working on it. It all comes down to "I trust You Jesus" and not relying on my own understanding of this passage From Lamentations 3:
      21 Yet there is one ray of Hope: 22 His Compassion is infinite.
      His Mercies are continual.
      It is only the Lord’s Mercies that have kept us. 23 Great is His Faithfulness; His Loving-Kindness begins afresh each day.

    2. Good morning! Because I am tentative to trust fully, place remove this fear of my life in the unknown and realize that I can trust You for this unknown. Thank you Jesus!

    3. Good morning and thank you Audra for those beautiful lyrics. Just was singing along with the video. What a blessed day I am having singing with my sweet Sisters!
      We all fall into spaces of worry, self pity, discouragement and despair, but He is with us through it: Lifting us up and stroking our foreheads and wiping our tears. The greatest gift we can give Him is our trust.
      Trust can only be revealed to our Father by a change in our behavior. We can say “I trust in You, Jesus” but if we continue to worry about even things we don’t have the power to change, and allow fear to rob us of His precious peace, we are obviously not trusting in His promises or provisions. Take it one day at a time holding His Hand, and if you are still anxious and unsure, take it hour by hour or even minute by minute, but just don’t let go of His Unchanging Hand. He walks with us every step of the way, even every baby step of the way. Much love! πŸ’—

    4. ♥️🎢 Link Trust in. Jesus

  15. From a beautiful voice from the past:


    Personally, as my struggle reveals, I don’t often “feel” like a beloved child of God. But I know that that is my most primal identity and I know that I must choose it above and beyond my hesitations.

    Strong emotions, self-rejection, and even self-hatred justifiably toss you about, but you are free to respond as you will. You are not what others, or even you, think about yourself. You are not what you do. You are not what you have. You are a full member of the human family, having been known before you were conceived and molded in your mother’s womb. In times when you feel bad about yourself, try to choose to remain true to the truth of who you really are. Look in the mirror each day and claim your true identity. Act ahead of your feelings and trust that one day your feelings will match your convictions. Choose now and continue to choose this incredible truth. As a spiritual practice claim and reclaim your primal identity as beloved daughter or son of a personal Creator.
    Henri J. M. Nouwen

    Too good not to share. Be blessed JC FAMILY!

    1. Thanks Bob! Just knowing each day I am the beloved daughter of the Most High is enough to lift my head up high and renew His spirit within me.
      Thank You, my Lord and my God!

    2. Amen, Child of the Most High!

  16. Joining each of you in your prayers and believing. So thankful to read these words - first, early this morning and now, before I go to bed. Your prayers are mine.
    God Bless, JC Family!

    1. Hope you are having a blessed and happy day. May God continue to heal you in all ways and lead you to the rest you need.

  17. I trust You Jesus. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always πŸ™.

    1. Keeping you in prayers dear sister.

      Blessings from France

    2. Praying with dear BFF for you that God will provide for you and your loved ones at this difficult time. He holds you in His mighty Hand.

  18. I have found whenever I utter the words, "I trust you, Jesus!", whether to myself or out loud, I feel an instant exhale or sorts. Almost like a reassuring hug or an "I've got you" feeling. It's the remembering to do so throughout my day in any circumstance. Why wouldn't I? May you all have a great Monday with blessings too many to count...and may we take time to look around to see these blessings! Love to all my JC Family. Janet, you remain in my prayers and I feel God has something great for you regarding new employment!

    1. Amen NJS. I too have this feeling when I declare those words. "I trust You Jesus" and "Peace" are so powerful when facing adverse circumstances. Praise the Lord!

      Have a blessed day JC family

      Blessings from France

    2. Studying God's Open Door, 2 Thessalonians 2: 17, challenges me to establish myself in every GOOD WORD and work. Can You help me JC Family to collect a variety of more good words? Good Words I can repeat in my mind whenever anyone is saying mean, harsh, blaming or negative gossipy things, or when noise and confusion are drowning me? Thanks Family!

    3. Amen NJS πŸ™. Thank you for all your prayers. I feel like a weight has been lifted off me. In saying His name, Jesus, brings great power. I trust You Jesus.

    4. Brie - Here are some more words that I try to use whenever needed.

      "Drop the offense" because "Offense is an event but offended is a choice" So in order to be more like Christ, I need to choose to drop the offense.

      Before talking : "Are my words kind, necessary, and true ?"

      Not easy to do and I fail many times but it's all worth it, for the Glory of God. ❤

      Blessings from France

    5. Amen NJS, it is always a warm feeling when we proclaim our trust in Him. I also just say His Name through the day to get Him back into the forefront of my mind. We are well taken care of and that is something real that we can stake our lives on. He is our Good Shepherd and even when we get lost, He finds us and brings us back. So do not be afraid. He has come to bring us peace, and a peace that never ends.

  19. As I pondered the JC reading for today, I read of an individual who did this and the results of her life lived faithfully which accomplished much. The dear saint was Elizabeth Ann Seton. She was born in NYC in 1774. Grew up under the parenting of a prominent college professor and a devout mother. She married at 20 and had five children. She worked with her sister-in-law in establishing programs in NYC for the poor. She was widowed at the age of 29. When she attempted to found a school in NYC to support herself and her children, it failed when it was found out she was Catholic. She was invited to open a school in Baltimore where she founded the Sisters of Charity of Saint Joseph who were instrumental in educating the poor and orphans. From this effort, the Catholic education system developed in America.

    This impresses me as an example of trusting God in all circumstances and the result that will come of that trust. As the chorus of the classic hymn sings, "Trust and Obey, for there is no other way, to be in happy in Jesus but to trust and obey." I am inspired by people who did that and what God did through them.

    God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. What a great story! Another proof of how God uses the broken for His purpose!
      Yes, let's "Trust and Obey, for there is NO other way!"

      Thanks for sharing bday twin. Stay blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Bob,
      Thank you for sharing this. Especially in the last few years, I have mostly lived this way with God, trusting that he would provide no matter what. This fall when you shared your ideas of the date with God, you mentioned singing. I love singing and love singing hymns. I immediately went to my hymnbook I had from my church growing up and turned quickly to what had been my favorite as a child. Trust and Obey. Singing that helped me through some tough times this fall. Thanks for the reminder to revisit it.
      God be with you too.

    3. Truly inspirational. Thank you Bob.

    4. Thank you for sharing this inspiring story, Bob! Always wonderful to learn what God did through our brothers and sisters in Christ.
      Glory to God!

      Blessings from France

    5. Thanks Bob! That story lifted me way up! I love to hear of God’s guidance and faithfulness in other people’s lives. I have seen it so often in my own life.
      Btw, I have "Trust and Obey, for there is no other way, to be in happy in Jesus but to trust and obey." pasted right on my kitchen counter so I can see it every day! Praise God! Only in Him do we trust completely! Let us be obedient and faithful servants just like Jesus.

    6. Sing it! ♥️🎢 Link

  20. Dear Lord and Father, I am thankful to You for a new day. Please “Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me. Do not banish me from Your presence, and don’t take Your Holy Spirit[a] from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and make me willing to obey You.” (Psalm 51:10-12). I know Who You are and what You can accomplish in my life, may I never waver trusting You, but become stronger and unshakable in every trial and through everything, big or small. This is my prayer to You in Jesus’s name. Amen.

    “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take” (Prov. 3:5-6).

    The secret to King David’s success and his relationship with God, was his ability to trust and obey God. He did not look at the giant that was facing Him, but He looked to His God in trusted faith. God had developed David’s trust until it became unshakable! Like He did David, God stretches our faith and deepens our dependence on Him. Without a strong abiding faith in our Him, we will fall victims to the enemy. However, like King David, when we develop a strong faith in the Sovereignty of God, we too can rest assure that those giants that stand before us, will be brought down and we can declare that:
    We are divoced from our past, our pain, from hurt, from doubt, from discouraging words and from betrayals. Because the Greatest Judge of all has given us full custody of our destiny, full custody of our Lives, full custody of Love, full custody of Peace, full custody of Joy, and full custody of His Promises. We can begin to recall past victories, recognise the true nature of all battles, respond to the challenges with a positive confession, rely on the power of God and reckon the VICTORY. When we do this, we become Happier than we’e ever been, because we are free from deceit and the lying games of the enemy that held us hostage. Triump comes because of God’s ability, and when we exercise our trust in Him, we tap into an irrestible force that no one and nothing can successfully oppose. Now, we can look ahead to a LIFE full of PEACE, God’s Peace!

    “Trusting God means looking beyond what we can see to what God sees.”

    Blessings and Peace.

    Mplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood πŸ™. I am praying with you. That is very uplifting. Thank you so much. I needed it today πŸ™Œ.

    2. Amen amen! Thank God He has "seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus" (Eph 2:6) so by faith we can see/trust His Higher and Perfect perspective beyond our human one.

      Sometimes I like to picture myself with Him in Heavenly Realm, looking upon on my life and circumstances, so it made me feel like I can see from a better point of view and do the right thing trusting He's leading me.

      Blessings from France

    3. Amen dear Maplewood! Let us together look far above all we can see to the Prize of Jesus. Some sweet day we will look upon His beautiful face!
      Praying for you Janet! God will make all things better.
      Sweet BFF. I loved that! It reminded me of a song I often sang in the nursing home,
      Eye of the Sparrow

      Why should I feel discouraged
      Why should the shadows come
      Why should my heart feel lonely
      And long for heaven and home
      When Jesus is my portion
      A constant friend is He
      His eye is on the sparrow
      And I know He watches over me
      His eye is on the sparrow
      And I know He watches me
      I sing because I'm happy
      I sing because I'm free
      His eye is on the sparrow
      And I know He watches me (He watches me)
      His eye is on the sparrow
      And I know He watches
      I know He watches
      I know He watches me
      I sing because I'm happy
      I sing because I'm free
      His eye is on the sparrow
      And I know He watches me (He watches me)
      His eye is on the sparrow
      And I know He watches me (He watches me)
      He watches me

    4. Thank you for that Jeanne.

    5. Thank you Jeanne I love this song! ❤

      Blessings from France

    6. Amen, wonderful post Maplewood, “Trusting God means looking beyond what we can see to what God sees.”

    7. The Eye is On the Sparrow sung by Whitney Houston ♥️🎢 link

  21. Jesus, please teach me to make continual trust in You a,habit. Too often when I can't figure things out, I rely on my own understanding which is short sighted. Please help me to remember that all grace comes from You and that by trusting in You, I am growing our relationship.

    1. Amen Mark πŸ™. Every day I ask the Lord to help me trust in Him with all my heart and not to lean on my own understanding, but acknowledge Him in all my ways and He will direct my paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6).

  22. Father, help me remember that it doesn't matter what I think. It only matters what You do.

    I may not receive
    What I think I need
    I may not understand
    And I may not see
    But I trust You Jesus
    You know what's best for me
    And no matter what
    I will always believe

  23. Jesus I trust in you!!

  24. My dear Father died 25 years ago on January 4th so it is good that I’m staying with my Mom for one more day and night. So much time has passed and I still miss him very much. I know I will be with him again. Whenever my Mom sees a bird flying, she says Fly up to heaven and say hello to my husband Frank. They will be together again. Leaning on God’s promises. We can stake our lives on the truthfulness of His Words.

    1. Sorry for your loss and I pray that our Lord holds you and your mom close in His heart and grants you both His perfect peace and love. God bless πŸ™.

    2. You are a caring daughter Jeanne. What a blessing you are to your mom. Between you & the Lord she can spend her days in peace. Blessings on you both as you think of your Loved one waiting in heaven for that grand reunion. Hallelujah!

    3. What a sweet thought on bird flight ♥️ Traveling mercies on your way home ✝️

    4. Thanks for all your comforting messages and prayers. My Mom and I were sharing sweet memories of my Dad today. And dear Audra I sure do need those traveling mercies. Thanks. I’m driving in the morning when the roads may be slippery. But the Lord will be by my side.

  25. To a fantastic 2022 for our planet, nation, states, cities, neighborhoods, friends, families, and each of you here (and me!). While I don't see how the pandemic ends as so many "scientists" say the opposite, I do have faith that it will end. And with our business or job challenges, our kids' concerns, and our worries for them, health, etc., let us say what is really a prayer and declaration of fact:
    "I TRUST YOU, JESUS" Amen.

    1. I gladly proclaim and declare, I TRUST YOU JESUS!

    2. You said it all! I trust You Jesus! Amen

  26. I trust You Jesus! Praise God πŸ™ πŸ™Œ!

  27. Father, thank You for all You are and all You do. You are amazing and wonderful. You know that we had quite a bit of snow come through yesterday and the power, water, and phones went out and are still out. Please turn them back on in Your power Lord. It's in the teens here now and it's getting colder. We don't have any heat and I don't want Ms.Suzie to get sick. I pray for these things in Jesus name, Amen. Thank You Jesus.

  28. Dear prayer warriors please pray for 2 of my "other kids" who call me mom. Angela who lives in N. Carolina is very sick with the flu. I received this text "Oh God plz help me".
    Jenn has been very sick with a sinus infection since Halloween (for 3 months). She feels good for a few days, then the infection returns. The Dr. has run tests and can't find out what is wrong. Jenn has Allergist appt. tomorrow on January 5th. Both are believers. I TRUST YOU JESUS!

  29. Joining all prayer requests to the great physician, Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals.

    1. Joining you dear SassyMom for Jenn. Lord please touch Jenn with healing. Praying the test will reveal the allergens & can be treated successfully. Amen!

    2. Joining prayers for your power, water and phones to turn back on dear Janet. And fir healing of Angela and Jenn dear Sassy Mom.
      Father We thank You for providing for Janet and Ms. Suzie and all those in need! Heal Angela of her flu and bring her and Jenn back to perfect health. Guide Jenn’s Drs appt and test. Thank You fir a good outcome. You are our Way Maker! We trust in Your faithfulness. Praying in the Name of Christ Jesus.

  30. "I trust You Jesus" to answer all the prayers in today's JC Blog.

  31. Luke 1:37
    "With God nothing is impossible".
    John 15:5
    "Apart from Me you can do nothing".
    Proverbs 3:6
    "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths".
    Romans 8:28
    And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purposes.

    1. Some of my favorite verses! Thanks for feeding me well!

  32. Amen πŸ™ praying for God to open doors that no man can shut in mine and my family’s lives. Praying for spiritual discernment, discipline and eyes to see with ears to hear the perfect UNFATHOMABLE will of God’s plan in our lives. Praying the verses above over us all. In Jesus Name ♥️

    1. Joining in your prayers dear Sharon and sweet Norah! Praying with you and for you. πŸ’—πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

  33. Praying or all of you, my JC Family. <3

    1. Thanks dear Norah. Praying with you and for you. Much love.

  34. Stay close to the Lord and He will stay close to you. I have just been whispering I trust You Lord so much and He knows I do. I received phone calls from two people I barely know. One was from the daughter of a wonderful friend and brother. She has lymphoma but it was caught in stage 3 so she's still coping with it and her faith is carrying her through. Thank God, she has no symptoms but the doctor is still not saying she's in remission. But our prayers will get her there. Her name is Helen. We talked for an hour and she explained so many things to me. I love her faith and her beautiful caring heart. Later, the sister of a friend in my Jam Family who had lost his brother recently called me out of the blue. Eric her brother introduced us at his brother's funeral. Truth be told. I walked right into her when I arrived at the Church. I figured God put us together. She is a colon cancer surviver with a steadfast faith. She said she had wanted to call me before Christmas but she was too busy. And I was busy recovering from the biopsy so God's timing was perfect. Anyway, we talked for a long time and she told me a lot of her experiences. I told her God has prepared me for this trial my whole life and I knew He was going to lead me back to good health. Even though my lymphoma may come back, I know God has a wonderful plan for my life so I rest in that assurety. I had little Gabriel with me in the bedroom that used to be my 3 sons' room. We were going to play Candyland when Linda called. Unfortunately my grandson heard us talking about treatments. He's 4 but very bright. I'm trying to shield him from the fact that I have cancer. Not sure how much he understood but when I hung up he announced he wanted to paint instead of playing the game. So we sat together in the kitchen and he never asked me anything about it. We had fun paintng and then I made dinner and brought him home since it's a school night. God was in charge and those two lovely new sisters added so much light to my day. They both said God would take care of everything. And I know He will. Now I must pray for Linda to be completely cured of her colon cancer and also Helen to be brought into permanent remission from her lymphoma, and also that her son Kyle who is 10 be healed of his spinal chord defect which needs to be fixed right away. He's already losing motor skills but God can turn that around too.
    Father God, Thank You for bringing these two new sisters into my life just when I need them most. You are so good to me and You know we trust You to make us well! Thank You for healing them completely and little Kyle and me and Keith and Jan and Loren and Damar Hamlin and MadFox and everyone who is struggling to get better. Thank You for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen.
    3 John 1:2 - Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.
    Jeremiah 17:14 - Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.

    1. Joining in prayer with you Jeanne and for you πŸ™. May our heavenly Father bestow His mighty healing power upon you and all His children in need. His love, peace, comfort, and strength are poured into all of us as we keep our eyes upon Him. His unfailing, everlasting love moves us every step we take. He bears our burdens as we give them to Him. He is ALWAYS with us. Thank You Jesus 😊. Peace be with you and God bless.
      Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I will say, rejoice! (Philippians 4:4). Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7).

    2. Thanks sweet Janet! His peace is filling me up and I like how it feels. I'm blessed and blessed I will remain. Praying with you and for you that all His children receive His healing and everything they are praying for. Thank You Jesus.

  35. "I trust you, Jesus", a call to say and pray it at every turn. And then add the conclusion which is in the scripture Psalm 139:10, His "right hand shall hold me." Thank you, my Savior.

    This is where I feel we as humans give up too soon. This is why I urge you and me to embrace gratitude for His constant presence, as He urges us to continue to persevere as we pray to Him. Blessings to all, and remain in prayer for each of your current challenges JC brothers/sisters. Godspeed and Amen.

    1. Reading back to January 4, 2020, 7:31 am, I found yet another one of Bob Malsack's hidden gems...
      But Jesus' words are not about hitting the bull's eye perfectly, it is about aiming to do so. I can't hit the bull's eye every time but what the Lord desires, that Jesus spoke and that John reiterated was all about my aim, what I am trying to hit...
      Dear Heavenly Father God,
      I am aiming at trusting You more, including trusting The Depth and Breadth of Your Love for me. Would You help me hit the mark or come closer and closer to it? In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. PS Thanks be to God for you, MadFox, and for this entire JC family, whuch includes Sarah and Chris!

    3. Amen! This dear family and Sarah and Chris are God's gift to all of us, as He led us here to be blessed, encouraged and guided through His Word and each other. Thank You Jesus!

  36. that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height-- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:17-19).

    1. Doesn't get any better than being filled with all the fullness of God. Amen!

  37. Lord Jesus I trust You!
    When we trust Him, we can find peace in any situation, knowing He is there guiding us through it.
    Everything we go through only makes us stronger, physically and spiritually.
    Our difficulties and suffering may not always make sense to us at the time, but it never happens without purpose.
    Some 'impossible with man, possible with God' references:
    Luke 18:27 "Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”

    Exodus 14:21 "Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into dry land, and the waters were divided."

    Genesis 17:17 "Abraham fell facedown; he laughed and said to himself, “Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety?”

    Genesis 18:14
    "Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son."

    Jeremiah 32:17
    "O Sovereign LORD! You made the heavens and earth by your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for you!"

    Mark 9:21:24
    21 So He asked his father, “How long has this been happening to him?”
    And he said, "From childhood.
    22 And often he has thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destroy him. But if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us."
    23 Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."
    24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!"

    Every miracle in the Bible is an example of what is impossible for man is possible with God.
    In 'impossible situations', TRUST HIM. He will never let you down.

    1. Thank you for reminding us all of His miracles and faithfulness. You fed me well, dear Peter. Trusting with my heart and soul and mind.

  38. Amen! My abiding prayer in him, asking for steadfastness and Faith in my Father God. Trusting his son my lord Jesus,asking him to continue to fill me with his Holy SpΓ­rit, growing my Faith!❤️πŸ™

  39. I trust you Jesus! Not just as a last resort but in the joy of every moment. I thank you, I trust you, I love you.

  40. Amen. Me too! Trusting, Thanking, and Loving Him, the Keeper of my heart and the Lover of my soul.

  41. Praying with each of you and celebrating the Joy of trusting Jesus. That was my walk all throughout this day and it was a blessing.
    I'm praying for all of the prayer requests, thanking God for the comfort you and your Mom shared sweet Jeanne, while remembering your sweet Dad. Thanking God for the time we spent with my sister and her husband last night and how it renewed all of us to spend that time together. It reminded me how good it is for us all to dwell together, which we will for Eternity! What joy we'll have when we see each other face to face. :) Makes me smile!
    Heading to bed a very thankful woman and trusting that my Dear Husband gets another good report tomorrow when we meet with his Oncologist. God is with us - IN us - and the Lord has prepared our way. I'm so thankful that he is feeling so well and that I am calming down (finally!) before these appointments; they have less power over us as we continue to cast our cares to Him who cares so much.
    Sleep sweet, Dear JC Family...all of you are in my heart and prayers with thankfulness and humility when I consider the prayers that are said for my DH and me, and the praise that is given to God. I can tell the difference in my life, just as my family says to those of us who pray and believe for Godly results, for each other. I feel the angst slip away and the Peace reign in my heart and I give thanks.
    Love and God's Best to each of you as we you rest peacefully tonight and wake up thankful again, for the day that is set before each of us!

  42. I trust Jesus more than I trust anyone. He is the Keeper of my heart and the Lover of my soul. He knows me better than I know myself. And loves me just as I am. I thank Him through my day for His help, His company, and His friendship. May we all feel His loving presence and strength today and stay aware of the peace He covers us with. When we feel discouraged or weary, let us remember we have His strength to rely on because we belong to the Most High King of Heaven. He is our salvation and our song, and true joy and peace only come from Him and through our hearts of faith. God bless your days, dear ones. Trust in Him and praise His Holy Name with gratitude. Be not afraid, He goes before us always. Rest in Him Who loves us.
    We are in the best of Hands. Hallelujah

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    And He shall direct your paths.

    Romans 8:28
    And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

    1. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. Thank you for sharing these words of encouragement. God bless!

    2. Thank you so much Jeanne for this important reminder first thing in the morning! ❤️ You are such a gift

    3. Thanks dear sisters. We encourage each other! Much love and many prayers.

  43. FROM Bob Malsak- this date 2020- someone needs to hear this today- I did:

    “I sat with I John 3:7-10 this AM. Verse 9 needed some thought and prayer, "Anyone born of God does not sin...they cannot sin because they have been born of God." Hmmmm, where does that leave me? Where does that leave any of us? The root word of sin in the original language means "to miss the mark", much like an archer shooting at a target. The archer aims for the bull's eye and shoots with various degrees of accuracy, sometimes better than others, not always perfect. John may have in mind the words he heard from Jesus who quoted the law when He said, "Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect." I had a teen ask me, "I cannot be perfect as Jesus said, why bother trying?" I agree with the first part of his question but it is in the last part that we can find our hope. The bull's eye of God's commandments is in the shape of a heart, to love God and love others. As the children of God, we make it our aim. Do we hit it perfectly every time? I don't for a variety of reasons (but not excuses). But Jesus' words are not about hitting the bull's eye perfectly, it is about aiming to do so. My young teen friend was partially right in that I can't hit the bull's eye every time but what the Lord desires, that Jesus spoke and that John reiterated was all about my aim, what I am trying to hit. It is to develop the soul that "seeks first the Kingdom of God", the Kingdom where love for all exists within me and I aim accordingly. I can perfect my aim through prayer, meditation, and learning to trust as today's reading calls me to. So I ended my time of asking God through the Holy Spirit within me, to help me with my aim in all relationships. By praying as such, I could feel within my soul improved aim thus moving toward the day of perfection. God be with you.”

    1. Thank you Madfox for reposting Bob's message. We all need to be reminded that we are not perfect and we do make mistakes, but Jesus is faithful and will forgive us. If we were perfect, we wouldn't need Him. God bless πŸ™.

    2. Thank you for a great reminder, Blessings From NY. Yes, BOB'S post is an oldie but goodie and this truth is still true, no matter when it was written or read!
      Love to all my sister and brother tryers. Thank God for do-overs and an unlimited number of arrows in this shooting range called life.

    3. Thank you for re-posting, BFNY. I remember reading this back when Bob originally posted it and the analogy of the archer really made sense. Bob has a way of explaining things so eloquently.

    4. Thanks dear Blessings from NY! Bob’s entries are timeless and filled with Spirit guided wisdom. He opens our eyes to all we can do to follow hard after righteousness and the spirit and he gives us guidance for a closer walk with the Lord!

    5. Truth! Aiming for the HEART in every relationship and encounter s the goal!

    6. Please forgive me Blessings from NY. I am sorry I wrote "Madfox" by accident. God bless πŸ™.

  44. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus! Lord, I am not perfect. I am flesh and flawed, but You have given me Your perfect gifts of love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness, which I do not deserve. I am so grateful! Help me to yield to the Spirit and not the flesh as I walk through the day, and with every passing moment, let us rejoice over all the small victories that come our way. Help me to keep my eyes upon You Lord and not on anything else, knowing that my help comes from the LORD. "For we through the Spirit eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness by faith." (Galatians 5:5). You are with me ALL the time! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

  45. I trust You Jesus. Lock, stock and barrel.
    In You alone is my trust.
    Psalm 31:
    Psalm 25:

    1. Thank you dear Peter for sharing God’s Word and for those soothing and beautiful songs.

  46. What happened
    With the car search back in 2018? What did

    1. Thanks for asking. Well, I'm still driving that wonderful car God provided. At the time, my 18 year old son had unfortunately made my car inoperable. And I had just started a new job that was 15 miles from my home and did not have good bus service. That car I'm driving now has over 200,000 miles on it and is still going strong and as is my nature, i tend to drive cars till they die. Thankful for God's providence and also thankful for people that help always when there is a need.

    2. You had me at ..."God Provided"...and ..."over 200,000 miles on it and is still going strong"...
      Thanks for the update, Chris and for everything else you do. It is appreciated!

  47. I trust you Jesus! You are mine and I am Yours! I trust for healing and a healthy 2024 for my family and our JC family. Amen

    1. Joining Ellen,

    2. Amen! Trusting Him with you for answered prayers and all good and sweet things to come in 2024 and for His faithfulness to rain down on all of us. Thank You Jesus.

  48. Asking for prayers, Dear Family. My dear Martha, sister/friends since 1974, has serious vascular issues in her feet and ankles. The Dr. could barely find a pulse. She will be heading to ER tomorrow morning b/c the soonest a Dr. could get her in was on the 18th and her Primary Care Physician said she cannot wait that long. Please pray for the sweetest night's sleep that she has had in days. She is so tired and needs her strength.
    Please pray for my casework, which is full of sadness right now. And for my evaluation at 9:30 in the morning. I am not worried about my standing in my position, but I want to be alert, awake and sharp. And that requires my sweet sleep!
    Heading to bed, praying for all of you. My Best Man is on my heart 24/7 as he shared for the first time some things that have caused him concern. This is the invincible man I've been married to for 49 years and 11 months. I'm so glad he shared his heart with me, even though it just about broke mine. We ended our conversation with laughter and a few tears...we both know our future. Still - what a blast of reality after a day of the same.
    Ordered my little granddaughter a tombstone for her pet toad, Woods, who passed away. She has been sad for days. Her mommy and daddy did a little paper tombstone and she said, "Nonnie, I want something that will not wrinkle in the rain and snow." Another reason I'm glad that I am still working. Woods tombstone arrives no later than 1/17 -the day of her Papaw's surgery. Geez, JC Family....I couldn't write this stuff!!
    Thank you for your prayers and please know that in the midst of all of this, when my head hits the pillow, I will be praying for all of you dear Prayer Warriors, too! Sleep sweet!
    God is on the Night Watch!

    1. Holding Martha in prayer, Norah. Asking for a sweet nights’s sleep and for her circulation in her feet and ankles.
      Praying for a good sleep for you as well so that you can be alert and sharp ‘as a tack’ in your evaluation. It sounds like it has been a very difficult day with the sadness of your casework and the sharing of your best man’s concerns. A good day for today’s Jesus Calling message - We bring these concerns to you this evening and say ‘we trust you, Jesus.
      Sleep well.

    2. Thank you, Websister! My Best Man said, "I have to get ready for bed," and I wanted to make sure he was before me, so I hopped back on here. I am so glad I did. Thank you for your prayers and believing with/for me tomorrow. Heading to bed now and I DO trust Jesus! Sleep Sweet!

    3. Hope you're sleeping with the Angels Sister, and May God Bless and keep a hedge of protection around You and Yours along with an extra measure of Love.
      May you wake up fresh, invigorated, and ready to seize the day.
      Anchoring your requests and prayers in the Loving Heart of Jesus.
      I ask, I seek, I knock, I find, I thank, I praise!!! :):):)
