Monday, February 4, 2013

Jesus Calling: February 4

Bring Me your weakness, and receive My peace. Accept yourself and your circumstances just as they are, remembering that I am sovereign over everything. Do not wear yourself out with analyzing and planning. Instead, let thankfulness and trust be your guides through this day; they will keep you close to Me. As you live in the radiance of My Presence, My Peace shines upon you. You will cease to notice how weak or strong you feel, because you will be focusing on Me. The best way to get through this day is step by step with Me. Continue this intimate journey, trusting that the path you are following is headed for heaven. 
Psalm 29:11
English Standard Version
May the LORD give strength to his people!
May the LORD bless his people with peace!

Numbers 6:24-26
English Standard Version
The LORD bless you and keep you;
the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

Psalm 13:5
English Standard Version
But I have trusted in your steadfast love;
my heart shall rejoice in your salvation.

My Prayer
Lord, what is my weakness? Being in a state of happiness is sometimes my weakness. Looking on the bright side and living like I have the Peace of God is a weakness. Not giving You control over my finances. The busy-ness of life. Lord, help me think about my weaknesses.

Help me to accept myself for who I am. Help me to accept my circumstances. You are sovereign and in control. Lord, help me to not analyze every circumstance. Let thankfulness and trust be the guides throughout the day. Help me to remember what You have provided throughout my days. Help me get my eyes off of my circumstances and believing in You alone, confident that whatever I go through can be for Your glory.

Lord, I want to walk with You. I need Your strength.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. JC thru Sarah says: "Accept... your circumstances just as they are..." challenging when one places oneself into a rought/steep path and then ask to be "saved" from the actions or consequences of your own decision.

    However, the part we miss in this relationship with the Lord, time and time again, is the full pull quote by Sarah and supporting scripture in principle, namely: Accept YOURSELF AND your circumstances just as they are... It is sad that God accepts us unconditionally but we don't do that with ourselves.

    God, we recognize the biggest challenge is first accepting Your Love is unconditional to us.Then once we believe, we have a huge learning curve to forgive ourselves of our sins and the hurt we have placed upon our own family and others. Father, bring us closer to You in all ways. Amen.

    1. MadFox hits squarely the real issue for everyone, to love our self as God loves us. We live in a culture where the idea of loving self is translated into doing any/all things that please our self. To love our self as God loves us is making the godly choices for our self that God would have us make which ultimately will please us. That is the essence of loving our self. In this blog, we help each other to get where God has called us. Thanks for your posts, MadFox, and to paytonfamily who keeps them available to us.

    2. Love this MadFox! This hits very near to home for me and many. Thank you.

    3. Wonderful devotion. I must always remember that our circumstances will affect us but they won't take the peace away. We should not get down on ourselves because we are human. We respond emotionally which gets us into trouble. I always remind myself that I am deeply loved and taken care of. Any problem is smaller when God shares it. I do accept that God's love is unconditional but I wish I wasn't so flawed. I'm always asking Him to make me a better person. I get wrapped up in music or cooking or thinking too much and let go of His Hand. Today I consciously invited Him into what I was doing and it went much better. I wish we could love ourselves as God loves us. Yes MadFox, we must also forgive ourselves for our shortcomings and just keep on trying to draw closer to God. I pray I make godly choices in my life. I do long to please Him but I sure do fall short sometimes. Yet. He just keeps on loving me. What a blessing!

    4. Such truth, MadFox. As a parent, I was blessed to understand unconditional love with my I get that and how awesome that is that God has this for us. The part MadFox said of, "Then once we believe, we have a huge learning curve to forgive ourselves of our sins and the hurt we have placed upon our own family and others" has been so hard for me. I have so much shame for the huge wrong turns I've knowingly made in my life (& this was years ago) that caused such heartache to others. While they've forgiven me and I know our God forgave me then and now, I struggle with accepting the unconditional love for me asking how could He or anyone have forgiveness for me? I run the scenarios from the Bible where David and others gravely sinned and The Lord still forgave and blessed them but I can't seem to give myself grace knowing God's mercy and forgiveness was given to me then and now.
      Anyway, I do find, though, that when I talk to God throughout my day versus just at the beginning and end of day, my days go SO MUCH better...and are more peaceful and calm.
      I will continue to work on accepting His grace and welcome any advice from my JC family.
      Continued prayer for healing to MadFox, his friend, Mark, and all who are dealing with health issues.

    5. NJS et al: One big blessing of this blog to me is the anecdotes that many share about their personal journey. Life as you expressed shed insight and helps others avoid similar pitfalls. Had a bible study group today discuss this very matter and the forgiveness of the Father as told by Jesus in the prodigal son. He, the Father simply welcomed him home and loved him. I agree that for a guy having kids made me understand that unconditional love, which sadly, wasn't always what I saw growing up but that only made me appreciate my parents struggles and then be a better parent and person. NJS. Forgiving ourselves as the Father forgives us will always be the struggle!! Peace. GODSPEED.

    6. Wondering why we put ourselves last when He always puts us first?
      I retired today and praying for more being and less doing as the order of each day. Thank you, Father for blessing me with a gift of time to rebalance my life with you and those I love and care for. And thank you for the amazing songs you gave us through John Denver. This one to celebrate today's blessings ( thinking and praying for you sister, Brie!) Sweet Surrender

    7. Amen MadFox, NJS and Audra! We’ve all made bad decisions especially in our youth. We have sinned and we were burdened by it. But God forgave us. The hardest thing is forgetting the sins He has already forgiven! And forgiving ourselves.
      Stay strong dear MadFox! You are in mighty and powerful Hands.
      Happy Retirement dear Audra! More time to rest and serve the Lord.

    8. Audra, a year in retirement already? What song would best describe it?

    9. A year of challenges from the inside and outside. So grateful to look back and see the joy and blessings from today's perspective. God is so good!
      This song may not describe my first year in retirement, but it's does inspire me in how to live. Turn it up!
      Trust in You by Lauren Daigle
      ♥️🎢 Link

    10. What new insights do you care to share from the 2 year mark?

    11. The best part is waking up naturally instead of to an obnoxious alarm sound. Except on trash day when it has to be out to the curb by 7 am. (can't do it the night before because of wildlife). First world problem!
      I dove more regularly into my relationship with God, with every minute and still growing. Unfortunately (at least I thought so) some injuries to my physical body slowed me down and put me in a season of weight gain and muscle loss.
      By His grace, my focus has been where He wanted me resulting in a better, more informed balance of my spiritual emotional and physical life.
      Still a work in progress, aren't we all? But trusting it's ok to live a life where HE comes first and the rest will fall in line peacefully. And it does
      Thanks for asking♥️πŸ€—

    12. Audra, another year gone by. I hope you are well. Life is a series of ups and downs, and how we respond makes all the difference. I am learning that my way is not the way and God's way is it all! I have rough days, rough weeks, and rough years. But God is with me all the way. I hope you have a great year!

    13. You guys are so amazing! I'm so grateful for being able to share in your God lives! Love the song Audra! I've sent it to my sister and BIL to see if they'd like to use it to kick off our Bible study this week! We always start with a God song to invite Him in and praise Him for His Wonderous Love. Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be ever so glad in it! Love to you all!!! πŸ™✝️πŸ’œ

  2. Dear Lord, Help me to be the "best version of myself" just as you created and designed me. Guide me to not try and be someone I am not. Help me to accept myself and my challenges as they have been written specifically for me. Amen.

  3. Appreciate the comments made above. Thanks MadFox and ABC. To share with y'all the reflection from my time with our Lord. Our perfection is not found in how much we do; rather in how we do the things we do. Therefore, regardless of the nature of the road we travel today, be it smooth or bumpy (let's get real, bumpy has a high probability), may we navigate it in love with an ear to the Navigator Who knows where we are going and why we are taking this particular path. It is for His glory not ours. As has been said, "We will be most satisfied when He is most glorified." God be with you.

    1. I want to say that I come here first in the morning and find such a wealth of the knowledge of Christianity and inspiration from your words/thoughts regarding these daily passages. This is invaluable to us that you share this with us.
      Your sentence "We will be most satisfied when He is most glorified" inspired me to do a google search of this. I came up with a sermon preached by John Piper on this very subject that I found very helpful and wanted to come back here and share it with others.

    2. Thank you for sharing this link to the sermon πŸ‘

    3. I wish to thank you as well! So uplifting! Just what He needed for me today!! πŸ™✝️

  4. Such a great reading this morning. "Accept yourself and your circumstances just as they are"! What a gift. It is not us but God who works through us. Remembering to keep my eyes focused on him, above all circumstances, in all challenges. I am so grateful that God gives us the honor of being in relationship with him. What a blessing it is to be able to leave my cares and concerns at the foot of the cross. Today I'm interviewing for a new job. I am undecided about what is the right thing to do. So I'm going to let go and let God guide me, focusing on him today and as I make this decision. I've made so many decisions out of fear;I want this one to be different trusting completely in God.

    Thank you all for your comments each day. This is such a helpful blog and keeps me connected to those working at building their faith. Blessings to each one of you!

    1. I touch and agree with you, we all need to be encouraged.

      Blessings onto you!

  5. Lord,I thank you for being the best gift to mankind,And you have the best master plan for our lives when we trust you completely. Mind,Body,& Spirit
    I'm yielding to the all wise and most high.In the name of Jesus

  6. Thank you, Lord for this new day. The more I practice self acceptance, the better I become at being an instrument of Your Peace. I cherish your gifts today!

  7. A daily commitment of trust in all circumstances. Accepting that Jesus has this! The better I understand this , the chains of worry are broken and I can better serve him.

  8. Last week started out with some stress. Our son and two other friends were admitted to the hospital, all with similar symptoms and vague diagnosis. We had several prayer chains interceding. The end of the week settled down and was a little more peaceful. Not that all issues are resolved. Our tendency is to say, "Well, we handled that pretty good.". Today's comments throw a new light and provide opportunity for growth. God is in control and he brought us through the week to the peace we were meant to have. All praise to HIM!

  9. Thank you Lord for another day!Help me be a blessing Lord along our way.Fill me with Love and your Spirit my King,thank you for this opportunity, and let your light shine out of me,let your light shine out of me,let your light shine out of me! Thank you for the opportunity ! Had to post these song lyrics given to me years ago by the Lord. Seems appropriate to today's message, God Bless as you walk through this opportunity. Tom

  10. From Psalm 29:13 I've learned today that God's strength is His Peace within us! From some of the blogs ~ 'fear' has definitely removed our strength, by removing His Peace! May we cling to Him ~ Our Peace today!

  11. JC fellowship. I've seen many good thoughts the past week or so but have refrained from posting much as my thoughts didn't yield beyond what I offered in 2019. However Bob posted yesterday: "Would I beg Him to leave certain areas alone in my life and only ask Him to support my security plan?"

    Bob, you hit home. my actions each day reflect an attitude of knowing I'm sinning but ignoring that God is in the room, in my "head" and thus I cannot hide at all... and as said today if I focused on Him first those weaknesses could be curtailed and not need to be ignored by the Father. I pray that we volunteer all of our sins and enjoy His peace. Amen.

    1. I'm with you on this one, MadFox. My need if not all of our need is as you described it. Thanks for posting!

    2. I sure can relate to that MadFox! I realize that I'm not staying in His presence and yet I drag my feet before I say "Jesus". Today I did call Him to be with me more often so I must be growing inwardly through His Spirit.

    3. Hallelujah and Amen Jeanne πŸ™.

  12. once we reach this level in Christ which takes Perserverance and Trust of Complete surrender of our lives to him.. Jesus keeps his promise and with no second guessing, shows up and begins to little by see where you see him. in every aspect he's there, everywhere! every moment! every breath u take.. so many of his children never reach their full potential in this life because their commitment of Christ's control in their life begins become to difficult or not quick enough . within our own very hearts we posess something that if God revealed we have, at once it would instantly send us into shock, in able to fathom or comprehend. which is simply what created the universe all within it!.. Love. Love. Love. is the beginning of everything that is of God and all his creation. and through and only Through a Divine Intimatcy with Christ Can open our True Eyes and Ears, shown and spoken to us by His Spirit within us..His everpresent Presence begins to unveil Unseen knowledge to his children that his Glory is Most shown and revealed to us. So Powerfully Radiant he becomes to those who Know and Affirm That: "To Live is For Christ! and To Die is GAIN!" (Phil.1:21) A Christian Warriors Scripture/Soldier of Christ! I'll finish on this here everyone and thank you for reading and putting thought this I shared. Christ is on a rapid movement and isn't stopping till says let's go home! But only after Every Knee Has Bowed! on that beautiful day. his chosen who will lead us to safety in that time are waking up and suited ready already stomping on the devil's strongholds all over this world. Seek Christ with all you have and pray for what u don't have that he is waiting to bless u with. and remember All Glory Goes To Christ! Amen

  13. This past Sunday's teaching was in Ephesians and was so powerful that I find myself re-reading my notes. We are called to 'remember' all the goodness of God - His words are those of a Loving Father to his dear children. Too often, I find myself contemplating my life and what I need to do better, more of, take control of, instead of letting go and letting God...
    The teaching ended in Ephesians 3:17-21:
    "17That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; 19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. 20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, 21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen."
    I'm so thankful for all of you on here - your thoughts and prayers. Praying with each of you and thanking you for the prayers that got us through the memorial services, praying and visiting with the sick and grieving. It means so much to be able to say, "I've shared your prayer requests with a group of believers who are praying with you," means so much to people. And when they (we, me!) see the results, that He is able (& willing) to do exceeding abundantly all that we or think... well, the impact is great.
    I'm praying and believing with all of you and thank you again, for this site!

    1. Thanks for sharing, Norah. Beautifully written and yes, our prayers are your prayers and your prayers are our prayers. Peace.

    2. That's a beautiful passage in Ephesians, thanks Norah. I often used it as a concluding passage in memorial/funeral services at which I was the minister. And always, I give thanks to you for your prayers, they accomplish more than the mind can grasp but the heart can delight in. God be with you.

    3. Amen and thank you, dear Norah!
      I absolutely love Ephesians 3:17-21. We must hold tight to our faith in every circumstance especially when the winds of change threaten our security and try to separate us from His love and peace. Trust His promises, Hold onto His truths and read His Word. Nothing will shake you if you're firmly rooted and grounded in His love.
      Amen Bob! Norah's words accomplish "more than the mind can grasp but the heart can delight in"! Thanks.

    4. Word! It brings hope to a future, comfort to many. So blessed today!

  14. I'm struggling a bit today...but in a way that surprises me. Life in this world has been very hard over the last several years. I found this site when I was in a desperate spot, and it has truly been a light for me.

    My husband started a new job, for which I am grateful! Financial problems have been only one area of difficulty. I am struggling because I feel like I should be overjoyed, but I am also feeling scared. It just came to me this morning as I am crying, and have been each day since he started. He has been diagnosed with multiple mental illnesses, and I believe the tears I am letting out are due to fear. I realize now I am afraid beginning a job again will "trigger" a mental health episode. My prayer is that I truly learn to TRUST in the Lord. Oh God, I am bringing You my weakness; please help me open my heart and receive Your Peace. I will read this devotion many times over today as it absolutely applies, just not in the way I was thinking. I have been working hard to find love and peace in the hard times. I need to accept the circumstances as they are...and accept myself as I am. Jesus, help me trust You. Fear is a liar. You, my God, are The Light and The Way. I reach out my hand for you to hold it as we walk together today. Amen. CO

    1. Anonymous CO - You are in my heart. Your prayers are mine. Fear is a liar! AMEN

    2. CO - Praying for you, along with all JC community. The good Lord will help you every step of the way through all your difficulties. I wish you peace and comfort always. KS

    3. Thank you for sharing, CO! And you're absolutely right.... fear IS a liar! Stay connected to Him and he will lead the way. Your concerns are valid, but God will direct your concerns for good. Stay strong for your family. Stay positive for your husband. You got this.... more importantly HE'S got this!

    4. CO joining the other JC prayer warriors lifting you up to the Lord. I pray for peace for you today. Fear IS a liar...False Evidence Appearing Real. JE

    5. As you can see, CO, we are all gathered around you in prayer to hold you up as you are gaining strength through prayer and contemplation of the truth today's reading gives us. You mention that you will be reading and rereading today's writing. A suggestion I have made to people is to keep reading whatever it is that God is trying to say something to you until you need to read it no more because it has become who you are. And we will keep praying and would welcome your prayers in the same vein on each of our behalf. (That's another way to seal a truth to your heart, pray it for others.)

    6. CO- cast ALL of your cares upon Him, because He cares for you. Keep holding on, God is faithful, you know that. Your JC family here, stand with and for you in prayers, trusting the God that we all serve and love.

      Maplewood, NJ

    7. Thank you all in this JC Family for lifting me up today! I appreciate all of your word and prayers!
      Bob - I like the suggestion to keep reading until I need to no more because it has become who I am. (On that note, I continually say to myself: "Jesus, I surrender myself to you; take care of everything." believing that if I say it enough, I will believe it and it will become who I am.)
      I will absolutely be praying for all on here: for those who have commented with special requests and for those quietly reading and praying in the wings.
      Thank you, JE, for the fear acronym; I'm going to write that down. CO

    8. Dear CO, Praying that God has brought your husband safely through the past year and led him to success and fulfillment and mental stability.
      Thank you Father for your faithfulness.

    9. CO - May the Lord's arms lift you up and cover you in peace. God bless you πŸ™.

  15. Sharing Prayer of Salvation from my David Jeremiah daily devotions.

    Heavenly Father,
    Your Word promises that whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord
    shall be saved!
    Today I claim that promise for my Whosoever.
    I pray they would fully understand the magnitude of sin and the grace and forgiveness that You offer through the shed blood
    of Your Son.
    My heart’s desire is that they will soon accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. May my Christian walk be an example
    of the transforming power of the Gospel.
    Give me the strength, power, and patience to find every opportunity to share my faith and Your goodness with the lost.
    I know that if my Whosoever will call upon Your name, You will give them eternal life.
    Father, I lift up this dear soul to You and pray for their soon salvation. May they believe on Jesus Christ and be saved.
    In the Name of Jesus Christ, the Great Intercessor, AMEN.

    Blessings, love ♥ and peace to JC Warriors

    1. Amen and thank you Sassy Mom for sharing. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    2. Praying still for all the WHOSOEVERS πŸ™♥️

  16. This blog is the 1st thing my eyes see every morning. I read through and am amazed by all of you- especially God. I have been fighting a battle of mental health for years and thankfully a year ago was correctly diagnosed and between medication, therapy and prayer I am proud to say I am healthy. God is good. In the midst of it all- I have also been fighting for my marriage and my family. My husband is completely checked out. He cannot differentiate between me as "sick" and who I really am, saying he deserves better. I, too, deserve better than who I WAS- that's why I continue to fight for my health. We have 3 young boys (6, 7 & 8) they are so faithful and pray relentlessly that "God will get us through the storm" and that "Daddy's heart will grow." It is heartbreaking. I have cried so many tears, lost so much sleep & held on to this crazy faith that God will in fact swoop in and rescue us. We both come from long lines of divorce and I believe we are meant to break this generational curse... I am loosing hope. Last night everything came to a head-- I know that no matter what God is good. I just struggle to see the light at the end of this tunnel. Letting go, remaining still, praying... and I am still "stuck." Thank you all for helping me start my days with renewed hope... at least a few hours a day I am "at ease." <3

    1. Unknown - stay faithful, stay hopeful. I'm praying for you, your husband and boys. Our good Lord is always with you. Much peace and love to you. KS

    2. Praying for your entire family, Unknown. Have you tried local counseling or a pastor? Stay in there, He will carry you and your family. Peace, love and prayers going out for you all.

    3. I add my prayers to the others on your behalf. Keep praying and forgiving for in doing so, your heart will be molded by God's love and your responses to the circumstances then will come from God. All will end well though the path to that destination is likely to be different than any of us would choose. God be with you. <3

    4. Unknown - "We both come from long lines of divorce and I believe we are meant to break this generational curse..." Joining in prayer for you, your husband and boys. Encouraging you - continue BELIEVING!!!!!!!

    5. Unknown, stay strong and keep holding unto the Master's hand. He's got you. Standing in prayers with and for you and family.

      Maplewood, NJ

    6. Unknown - I am lifting you up in prayer right now and will continue! I am happy to know you are healthy! I would suggest to continue prayer, therapy and the medication to keep yourself in this healthy place.
      Jesus, I ask you to continue holding this woman, her husband and boys in your arms during the storms of this life on earth.
      Keep trusting in the Lord to show you the way. God is good! God is Hope! God is Love!
      One thing I remind myself of often is that things may not happen when I want them to. Keep taking things one day at a time. CO

    7. I am in tears reading all of your responses. Thank you all from the depths of my soul.

    8. Praying for you and your family, dear Unknown that you have seen God's faithfulness and things are getting better for you, your husband, and your dear three children. Surely their prayers have been heard. God bless you all.

    9. My wife is Bi polar and has been hospitalized multiple times..... she is now on medication and therapy and the last year or so has been better.
      Fear sometimes creeps in and she might say or do something that makes me think “ here we go again”
      I admit there were times I felt like I deserved better and thought of leaving ....
      But I believe in my wedding vows, I believe but for the grace of God go I....
      I pray for you and your husband... I pray he sees through his fear and sees you for who you are and your family as it’s meant to be.

    10. Even though this post originated a year ago it's still strikes a cord because this applies to so many families. Lord step in to broken marriages due to mental illness. Step in to broken relationships with children, with siblings, with parents because of mental illness. Lord draw them closer to you, help them to see each other through your eyes. Lord help them to forgive even when the other person doesn't ask for forgiveness. Lord help me to see my daughter through your eyes. Help me to forgive her. I desire so much to forgive her, Lord you know that, it's hard when her behavior stays the same. Lord you forgave me and continue to forgive me and you require of me to do the same so, please Lord help me to forgive her. Thank you Lord, praise You you are the way maker. I trust you to make a way, thank you.

    11. Amen, Terri. Your prayers are mine!! Thank you.

    12. Dear Unknown, my heart breaks for you, but is mended by your faith and desires for your husband's heart to be softened and healed. I praise God for his healing in you. Mental health can be so debilitating on many levels. May God continue to bless you and your children, and that a transformation occurs in your husband. Amen.

    13. Joining in prayers with all. May the Lord guide, bless, comfort and strengthen you and your family as He works His healing and transforming hands over you. Peace be with you and God bless you πŸ™.

    14. Joining in prayers for all who feel broken. Thank you Jesus for renewing mind and hearts to receive you fully. Thank you for children who receive all the love you offer and bless those that don't yet see. I pray in your name, Jesus!

    15. Echoing all the prayers above. Do what only You can do Lord. We trust you. ❤

      Blessings from France

  17. Unknown - I am praying for you and your family. Peace be with you today! JE

  18. Dear Lord! I bring to you my weakness and accept where I am. I will not wear myself out with analyzing and planning. Instead, I will let thankfulness and trust be my guides through this day; they will keep me close to YOU My Lord. Thankful for a new day, this devotion and this community, I am reminded that I am not alone that there are others who have hurts and distress and I pray for you all. Prayer is real and his plan for us is perfect, trust and let go and let God! Amen. God bless you all today as we take each step by step with Our Lord on this intimate journey. TRUSTING THAT THIS PATH WE FOLLOW IS HEADED FOR HEAVEN. Thank you Jesus! Love, light, and peace to all.... Scott

    1. Walking with you, Scott. Through prayer, we help each other get there. Thanks!

    2. Right along with you Scott, trusting and thanking your Creator is the way to go! God bless you and yours.

      Maplewood, NJ

    3. Amen Scott! Praying for you because you are not alone and the Lord loves you. You are His precious child. Hope He has led you safely through this year with much love, light and peace.

  19. In Mark 5:21-43, two individuals take gutsy action on behalf of a need. One is a synagogue official, the other, a woman who is hemorrhaging. They dared to approach Jesus; the synagogue official could well lose his job, the woman because her condition both in illness and in gender was acting in a way that was an absolute no-no in the social context. Gutsy, risky, dangerous, taking a chance...blessed, healed, made whole again, dearly loved. As are we all, thanks be to God! With love, Bob

  20. O God my Strength, help me to trust you in times of difficulty and opposition. Deliver me from those who oppose your plans for my life and empower me to be good to them while I watch You faithfully pour out Your grace upon me.
    Thank You for: 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me".
    Thank You that You make Your grace abound to us so we will be equipped for every good work. Your grace gives us the tools we need to spread the Gospel and speak about the hope we have in Christ Jesus (2 Corinth. 9:8).
    Thank You that our adequacy comes from You Lord (2 Corinth. 3:5) and
    Thank You that we cannot survive without the vine. A branch apart from a vine will bear no fruit. Due to our weakness, we can only boast in Christ because we know all good work comes from Him working through us (John 15:1-7).

    Thank You for Your 'Grace that is sufficient for me'!

    The Apostle Paul, one of of the most famous Christians of all time, showed his humility by boasting in his weakness, because he knew he couldn’t take a step without God’s help.
    Like Paul, when we rely upon God in our weakness, His strength manifests in us in numerous ways, thereby delivering us from the toughest of situations.

    May we not focus too much time on finding our strengths, but give attention to identifying and exploiting our weaknesses and allow the Lord to help us find those areas where we may be relying on something else apart from Him, ask Him to help us remove those idols and turn to His grace alone.

    Stay Blessed and in His grace that is sufficient for you!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thanks, Maplewood, NJ. In your last paragraph, the Spirit spoke to my heart in the words, "allow the Lord to help me find those areas where I may be relying on something else apart from Him..." Indeed, those are idols.

    2. Amen Maplewood. We must remember that every good thing we do, or blessing we have is from Him. He very well knows our many flaws and weaknesses.
      Amen Bob! Let Him highlight those areas in my life that need changing and improving.
      Mold me, Lord. I am your clay and You are the Potter.

    3. Maplewood, read this today and thought of your post
      (Start your day with inspiration | February 4, 2021)

      "Ask Him to help you let go when He's pulling you in a different direction than you think is best."

      I pray that I will respond to HIS calling. Not going in what I think is the best direction. My desire is to to follow Jesus always. Help my heart to be open to HIS nudges and also not ignore a "2x4 attention getter-He may give!" Why do I do that? Amen.

    4. Amen Maplewood, Bob, Jeanne and ABC. Thoughtful and beautiful prayers and words πŸ™.

    5. I always get so much inspiration and encouragement from your honest and beautiful posts. I can relate to so many of them. We are all seeking to walk a closer walk with the Lord and despite our falls and shortcomings, He knows it by the words in our hearts. Much love to all. πŸ’—πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

  21. Father, You know all about me (even better than I do). You know all my struggles, troubles, and circumstances. You know what I'm thinking before I even think it. You know what lies ahead for me, I don't. Please help me to be thankful that You know everything and are always with me, holding my hand, taking each step with me, so I need not be worried or scared, but trust in You because You are my strength and have already "scoped out" and paved the way before me. You will always equip me with what I need to get through anything that comes my way. And all You ask of me is to trust You and be thankful as I rejoice in Your blessed day You have created for me to enjoy. Help me to follow Your "instructions" and rest in Your presence as You take the lead. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    1. Joining right in your beautiful prayer, dear Janet! Amen!!!
      Gratitude, praise, trust, patience and prayer! Thank You Jesus!

    2. Amen Janet. Joining in your prayer ❤

      Blessings from France

    3. Amen, I thank you for your prayer and I say it as my own. Lord thank you that we are one body, one spirit, like minded because your Holy Spirit dwells in us and we have the mind of Christ. What a glorious gift to receive. Remind us Lord as we walk through our day that you are our dwelling place. Praise you Lord! Nothing can separate us from you!!

    4. Janet how is your Pastor and his wife? I join you in prayer for them and all the prayer requests.

      Lord protect your servents. Please turn what the enemy meant for their distraction and turn it for their good and your glory.
      Lord you know our hearts search us please. Show us the areas we need to clean up. So we can be the useable vessels you desire. Lord we know you don't expect perfection, otherwise you wouldn't of sent your son to die for us. What you desire is for us to surrender ourselves to your will and to represent you in what we do.

  22. I as well Janet. And as Maddox, Bob, and Jeanne were discussing in the first post, I have learned a simple practice that helps me love myself and God more practically. The Word states "we love Him because we first love us" and also states "... for love comes from God". He is the source of love. So when I love someone, myself, or God, I am just joining into His love that is always present.

    The practal part is this, if God, the creater and King can love me then I surely can love myself. And that is the only way to truly love others as well.


    1. Amen to that Keith and we are deeply loved by Him!

  23. Terri and JC Warriors, I found out last night that the pastor, his wife and other members in the church that were affected by covid are doing better and some even completely healed. Thank you all for the prayers and thoughts. My swelling has gone down (in case it was missed in earlier post) also. Most appreciated for all of you. Some other good news, the associate pastor (his son), and his wife were in the labor and delivery last night expecting their first son. I haven't heard the details yet but I will let you know when I do. Thank you all. It's always nice to hear good news and victories in the Lord. Praise God. Thank You Jesus 😊.

    1. Thanks and Glory to the KING!!!! Great news Janet!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. What wonderful news! Hallelujah!
      Blessings from France

    3. Praise God for healing in their bodies and in your legs.
      Our heavenly Father takes delight in us asking and being able to hand the gift over to us. I think about how much we enjoy seeing our children open a gift from us especially when it's something they really wanted but thought it was out of reach. We're selfish, with flawed love and we take delight in giving a gift. Think of his perfect love and how pleased he must be when we bring our concerns and desires to him trusting that he'll take care of them. Lord we willingly hand all that we are over to you. We confidently trust you to take care of us and give us only the gifts that you know are best for us .

    4. Thanking God for more answered prayers and praying for a smooth delivery! Thank You Jesus!

  24. Pastor Louie (who was diagnosed with colon cancer) received his last treatment of chemo. Praising the Lord! Thank You Jesus! Thanks JC Warriors for your prayers.

    1. Yay thank You Jesus! Praising the Lord with you! Hallelujah!

      Blessings from France

    2. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah.

    3. Such awesome news! Our prayers are being answered! So thankful our faithful God has led him through his treatment and he is doing well!

  25. Loving Father, Thank You for a new day. The truth of Your sovereign grace is so precious in the midst of any of my weaknesses, because You are in control of all circumstances. The enemy can do nothing to Your children that You do not design with infinite skill and love for our good. Thank You for appointing the thorn of Satan for the work of salvation. Humility to You is more important than comfort, it is more important than freedom from pain, and it should be to me as You please. Thank You for keeping me humble so that Your purpose can become my humility, lowliness and reliance on You (2 Cor. 1:9; 4:7). Thank You that Your ultimate purpose in my weaknesses is made to glorify the grace and the kind of power that sent Jesus to the cross and kept Him there until Your complete work of unconditional Love was done! Your grace is indeed sufficient for me! Thank You Lord! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    “Concerning this I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might leave me; but He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you [My lovingkindness and My mercy are more than enough—always available—regardless of the situation]; for [My] power is being perfected [and is completed and shows itself most effectively] in [your] weakness.” Therefore, I will all the more gladly boast in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ [may completely enfold me and] may dwell in me.” 2 Cor. 12:8-9.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood! Healing prayers are being prayed for you and all who need it. God bless you!

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen Maplewood πŸ™. A lesson that is so hard to sink in at times.

    3. Amen dear Maplewood! His grace is sufficient for us. We must than rejoice when we are going through difficult and uncertain times. They polish us, strengthen us and give us an opportunity to show the strength of our faith and also lead others to Him. Praying for you sweet Sister and praying for dear Brie and Larry and our MadFox and so many more, We are praying together for our dear Family. Thank You Jesus for your grace and healing power.

  26. Blessings to all of you, Dear JC Family! Thank you for your prayers, praises and for sharing how I can pray for each of you.
    I took the day off today - much needed break from all of the craziness and our home is in great need of some dusting, mopping and vacuuming! So much has been put on the back burner for so long. I let myself sleep in and have been so blessed to treat Hubby's leg without feeling rushed and read these loving posts and pray. I can't believe it's already noon, and I thought I'd have much more accomplished by now, but then I read (again), "Instead, let thankfulness and trust be your guides through this day; they will keep you close to Me. As you live in the radiance of My Presence." I will stop 'Martha-ing' and remember Jesus' words to Mary! Hubby and I are going to venture out as it will get up to a whopping 40 degrees today - heat wave! :)
    It is a blessing to read each of your posts - such love and care go into everyone's sharing. I thank you for your prayers for my family. I sent some homemade chicken soup to my daughter via my son who works with her and she texted saying, "It was delicious and healing to my soul, Mama!" Touched base with others in the family last night and thanking God for His Mercy, Grace and unconditional Love. My friend's daughter is heading up the Task Force for the FBI Agents. We continue to pray for their families and thank God for her safety. Such servants - rescuing those dear children.
    Celebrating with you re: Pastor Louie, Sassy Mom; for your continued improvement Janet, Jan and everyone else on here and absent. "The best way to get through this day is step by step with Me. Continue this intimate journey, trusting that the path you are following is headed for heaven." Love this Jesus Calling site and each of you!

    1. Amen Norah. Your requests are being prayed for. Enjoy your day off dear sister!

      Blessings from France

    2. Rest in His comforting presence and rejoice in this most blessed day Norah πŸ™.

    3. Dear Norah! That chicken soup will do your daughter a world of good. Praying for your hubby’s leg and for you! You are such a sweet nurturer, my beautiful sister,

  27. Showers and showers of prayer blessings are being prayed for our Jeanne and her DH Rick, who is scheduled for a cardio version today. May the Maker and Ruler of his heart restore it to a normal rhythm and maintain it's normalcy for all time and give Jeanne all the strength she needs from now until then. My prayers are also for every Doctor, Medical or other person Rick encounters along the way
    May they all be good vessels, channeling His Healing. In Jesus Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. Amen.

    1. Amen! Praying along also.

    2. Amen! Joining in prayers for Jeanne and Rick today πŸ™♥️

  28. Heavenly Father, thank You for all You do and all You are. I praise and worship You Lord. You deserve so much more than I can ever give You. Please let Your spirit of peace and comfort be with Rick and give Jeanne Your strength to endure this appointment with him. Let Your Spirit guide the doctors and let Your sovereignty be known. Let the power of Your presence lift all up. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus. Praise God always.

  29. Thank you for those showers of prayers dear Brie and Janet and all our Family. Wish the hospital would let me in to wait with him but rules are rules. Now I know after I drop him off, I'll be praying with you too and God will hear every prayer and Rick's procedure will go perfectly because God will guide it and soon his heart rate will return to normal. We will be rejoicing later. Praying for him to surrender to the Lord too. This is most important. Thank You Father for our prayers to be answered and for your faithfulness to stretch across our whole JC Family. Thank You Jesus.

    1. I join the warriors dear Jeanne in placing your Rick at the feet of Jesus, who is interceding for him. Strength & peace for Jeanne & family as they wait. Trusting every bit of it into Your caring hands. In Jesus' name, amen.πŸ™πŸ’•

    2. Praying for Rick to be healed Jeanne. Praying for you as well as it is a difficult time for the spouse. May God lay his healing hands on Rick. God bless!


    3. Prayers and His blessings for you and Rick each day! Amen.

    4. Dear Jeanne, I pray that your husband is doing well today.

  30. "The best way to get through this day is step by step with Me".
    Matthew 28:20 "I Am With You Always, Even To The End Of The Age."
    Today the penny dropped! "I Am with you".
    I've sort of known this all my Christian life, assumed it even, taken it for granted.
    On thinking through and meditating on the reading, and committing myself, my day and all circumstances in it to Him, I suddenly, with a slight shock, realized that He actually IS WITH ME! WOW!! The Creator of the universe is actually WITH me, this realization just blows me away. As I sit in this armchair He IS WITH ME right now!
    Not, 'turn to Me and I'll be there' (which would be great), but actually, absolutely WITH me step by step, moment by moment, busy or resting, awake or asleep, HE IS WITH ME throughout this day and every day, for as long as I draw breath on Earth. What an absolute awesome blessing! I've pretty much always known it as I've said, but suddenly realizing it, that though not visible to my earthly eyes, He IS with me. And with YOU.
    This is HIS promise to us.
    So for all who are weary and heavily laden with personal concerns, concerns about loved ones and friends. Health, financial, job, home, safety concerns etc etc, for all who need an answer to prayer today; take heart, HE IS WITH YOU. Thank you Jesus.

    1. Amen! He is with us every second of every day. How blessed we are! Today His faithfulness was shining like the Son!

  31. Dear Jesus, thank you for many blessings. Help me to continue to be worthy to receive your gifts. Help me to soften my heart in areas where I am weak and have become hardened. I know with your graces and mercy a softened heart is the outcome! Thank you. Amen.

  32. It was successful thank God! Rick is resting and I can pick him up in 45 minutes! πŸ’—πŸ™πŸ˜ŠI'm so thankful. Thanks for your prayers

    1. πŸ’—πŸ™πŸ˜Š I am also praying and rejoicing with you Jeanne.

    2. You bless my little heart sweet Brie! Thank you! What a kind and merciful God we serve. He is so faithful and so we continue to trust in His promises and lean on Him in all situations. We are never alone. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!

  33. Thank you God for bringing me peace when I feel so anxious and lost. Thank you for always holding my hand and guiding me. I feel safe knowing You are always by myself! I Love you ❤️

    1. Dear Anonymous, I understand perfectly the feeling of being anxious and lost from when I had postpartum depression many years ago. It's a big burden to bear and also the feeling that you can't see any light in front of you. I remember it well. I prayed hard but couldn't see the answers to my prayers. But it came eventually because God keeps His promises. Faith is believing what you can't see. God could see the light at the end of my tunnel but I could not. It was always there. He gave us the fruit of the Spirit, long suffering, so we can patiently wait for our prayers to be answered. He equipped us to go through the wilderness times. Praying that He will soon guide you out of this dark valley and into a glorious and brilliant Spring of new beginnings. Keep reading the Word and filling yourself with His truth and promises.
      Thank You Father for granting all this, restoring our dear Anonymous in body, mind and spirit, healing every weakness, and bringing Your beloved child much needed peace, comfort, joy and guidance. We ask this in the Name of Jesus, the Name above every other Name. Amen

      Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

    2. Sorry I automatically started typing away and didn't notice I could edit my name. Thank you so much for your prayers. I'm really happy I found this blogspot. I have the book but found this web page very helpful since it also includes a prayer. I am really seeking to become closer to God but find myself out of words when I talk to him. I don't know how to express myself and instead burst into tears. I really feel like He is calling me and He wants me to open up and get closer to Him. Reading all the comments help me. Thank you so much. πŸ’“

    3. Dear Melissa! God doesn’t care about how you word your prayers to Him. He’s your Father always waiting for you to reach out to Him! Just tell Him you love Him and need Him. Sending you much love and adding you to my prayer list. Have a sweet and blessed day.

    4. Will do. Thank you Jeanne❤️ have a Blessed dayπŸ™

  34. Amen dear Jeanne. Each of His children go through rough waters. At times you swear the waves will engulf you any moment now. Our weakness overcomes us. God is always standing by, He never leaves your side. Anonymous, I truly believe that God knows what each of us can withstand & He's in the business of building our faith one struggle at a time. You're gonna make it to the next step of your faith growth spurt. He is trustworthy & will never let go of your hand. Don't take your eyes off Him like Peter did. Trust & obey. πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

  35. "Bring Me your weakness, and receive My peace."
    I can think of several weaknesses, He knows them all.
    I don't like to think of them , indeed I tend to shy away.
    I don't want to be weak, I want to be strong, but I have almost no strength in combating my weaknesses.
    His strength is greater than my weaknesses
    2 Corinthians 12:9 AMPC
    But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and show themselves most effective in [your] weakness.
    This is another wonderful Divine Exchange.
    Others include:
    Jesus was punished, that we might be forgiven.
    Jesus was wounded, that we might be healed.
    Jesus was made sin with our sinfulness,
    that we might be made righteous with His righteousness.
    Jesus died our death, that we might receive His life.
    Jesus endured our poverty, that we might share His abundance.
    Jesus bore our shame, that we might share His glory.
    Jesus endured our rejection, that we might have His acceptance with the Father.
    Jesus was made a curse, that we might live in His blessing.

    1. Thank you Jesus πŸ™ You are my Savior!

    2. Thanks dear Peter. His strength is greater than my weaknesses.
      I am more than a conqueror in Him.

  36. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. (Colossians 3:15). Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you. (Jude 1:2).

  37. Thank you for sharing this morning, sweet Janet. What a wonderful way to start the day.

  38. Two quick updates: B did have brain tumor removal surgery, and it’s not the result they wanted. :( Also, my son did not get the full scholarship. So that was a lot to take in on one day. But something like not getting a full scholarship to college sure pales in comparison to what our friend B is now facing. B knows and loves the Lord, as does his wife, so they are relying on the Lord to direct their steps.
    Thank you all for your prayers.

    1. Praying with hope that you and your son are also relying on The Lord to direct your next steps. He has something better!
      Until the better door opens, I'll continue in prayer for you and yours. In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    2. Joining in that prayer for whatever's next is covered by Him! πŸ™✝️

    3. Joining in the prayers for Anonymous Mom's son and 'B'.
      I Praise You, Papa God, for You never change, and You are our comfort. I know the son's trial is just a part of his story, NOT the end of his story! I just Declare and Decree over the son, Your Great Plan for him, one that will ultimately bring GOOD and SUCCESS! I pray, Papa, Your light will shine BRIGHTLY on the son to guide him and his family toward You! Help them see through the EYES OF VICTORY!
      And, Papa, lifting up 'B' to you. Thank You, Papa, You don't limit our requests. So, I come boldly to Your Throne and ask You to bring 'B' physical strength and healing. I speak the Word of Faith to 'B's' body. I demand that every cell, every organ perform a perfect work, for you, 'B', for you are the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, I charge you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the authority of His Holy Word to be healed and made whole, releasing the GLORY of the Lord over you in Jesus' Name, AMEN and AMEN.
      Proverbs 12:18. "The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."
      For the son: Philippians 1:6.
      "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ."

    4. Amen dear JJ. Joining in all prayers for youm dear Anonymous Mom and your good son and "B". I'm sorry for the bad news for "B" but God is still in the picture and all things are possible with Him. May He heal every infirmity in B's body and I join in JJ's prayer that God strengthen him and heal him as only God can. It's too bad your son didn't get a full scholarship but God knows the gifts He has given him and He will guide you both to the next open door and an opportunity for him to shine his light. Praying that He also give you peace of mind and a rest as you wait on the Lord for the next step. Don't get discouraged. God is holding a bright future for your son. He created him to be blessed, fulfilled and prosperous. Trust in His promises. I'm praying for all of you.

  39. AmenπŸ™Beautiful prayer. Thank you for sharing❤️

  40. Thanks for the update, Anonymous Mom. God has another plan for your son- a better one. Still praying for B and his entire medical team. He has a plan for him too.

    1. AmenπŸ™ sorry to hear about your friend's husband. He is in my prayers. Trust in God's plan, he will close the wrong doors and will open the correct ones. Let Him guide your son.

  41. "Wherever God closes a door, he opens a window" πŸ˜‰

  42. Great verses today sweet sister!

  43. I love your beautiful prayer. Especially that you desire to put a smile on God's Face and in His Heart. You certainly add a lot of light and joy to our family here. Love you!

  44. Today's devotion reminds us to bring God our weakness, and receive His Peace.
    I will improve my mind.
    I will read something like today's devotion and the prayers in my church service that require effort, thought and concentration.
    I will not be a mental loafer today.
    Instead, I will bring Him this weakness and receive His Peace.
    In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Right there with you dear Brie. Thank you for the heads upπŸ’•πŸ™ŒπŸ™

    2. "Mental loafer" is the not the word I would ever expect to describe you, Brie and I can't imagine our Savior would either. Your thoughts and insights inspire all of us here and that takes effort and concentration in itself. If you go back and read what MadFox wrote in 2019 and Bob's reply in 2020, we all hesitate to love our self as God loves us.

    3. Thank you Brie and thank you Suzanne R. I just read those comments from MadFox and Bob myself and they are worth reading! πŸ™

    4. AMEN, Brie! Embracing the fulness of the Prince of Peace in our lives, experiencing His profound tranquility and boundless Grace! HALLELUJAH!!!

  45. Ah, sovereign LORD, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for You. (Jeremiah 32:17). But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God. (Acts 5:39).

  46. Hallelujah! PTL for Eli & the gift that he is to his family. May the goodness of God continue to shower him & his family, amen. πŸ’•πŸ™ŒπŸ™

    1. Amen dear Jan! Thanks! God is so good, and merciful. May His faithfulness shine like the sun on Eli and his family! Thank You Jesus πŸ™

  47. Such great news about Eli! PTL! Continuous prayers for this little guy and his family as they push through this challenging time.

  48. Another example of the Divine Exchange: "Bring Me your weakness, and receive My peace." Exchange weakness for Peace.
    I gladly let go my weaknesses and welcome Your Peace my Lord.
    A song about another Divine Exchange: trade your sorrows for garments of praise.
    "Garments of Praise" (includes lyrics):
    If you have a chance, while preparing breakfast play this song of praise and sing along. Lift your hands up to heaven and give the Lord a wave offering. And if you can, play it loud and dance awhile.
    Have a blessed Sunday.

    1. What an uplifting song of praise! And I loved the ending! Felt like doing a jig! I stretched my hands to Heaven and sang Hallelujah!!! Thanks my good brother!

  49. So great that Eli made it through and is able to go home to be with his family. May God continue to give this little boy His armor to wear each day as he and his family go THROUGH this believing God is with him every step of the way to recovery! In Jesus' name, amen!

  50. Praise God for His Sonshine that follows His Reign. Continued prayers for Eli and family every step of The Way.

  51. Blessings to each of you and I am thanking the Good Lord that little Eli is home and healing! Little Indi also got to go home and she and her parents are so blessed and thankful for all of the prayers.
    My DH and I are basking in the love and blessings from our five offspring and their spouses. What a delightful time we had last night with all of them and my sister and brother-in-love, too. We are gathering at 11:00 to have brunch together and laugh some more. One of my DILs asked me if 50 years seemed like forever or had gone quickly. Hands down: gone SO fast! I am ever so thankful to God for answering my prayers 51 yrs ago when I made the list of 'traits' my husband must have. I have to say that He certainly did not let me down and my Best Man is still the love I prayed for. Thanks to each of you for your warm thoughts and prayers. So thankful for this devotion and the reminder that "The best way to get through this day is step by step with Me." Today and every day!

    1. Congratulations on your Golden Anniversary! May your love continue to deepen and your bond grow stronger with each passing day. Blessings on your remarkable journey together!

  52. Thank you Jeanne for sharing the good news of Eli- sending prayers

  53. Sending love and blessings Norah πŸ™❤️

  54. Thanks dear Suzanne, NJS, Brie and Blessings from NY! Your prayers are making a big difference! I believe he will be completely healed so he can proclaim the good news of God’s faithfulness. Have a blessed day in the SONSHINE! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—πŸ™

  55. Happy and blessed 50 years of marriage and many more with your Best Man! So happy you celebrated well with your beautiful family. Hope you got some much needed rest too.
    I have been keeping Indi in my prayers. We know God hears every one. Taking this day with you step by step holding our Father’s Hand. Bringing Him my weaknesses and receiving His peace and strength. Much love to you and all our JC Family! Let’s all try to seek a closer walk with Him. Rest in Him Who loves us.

    1. Yes, Dear Jeanne - we all seek a closer walk with Him. Thanks to all of you for your well-wishes and blessings. It's been a great day and I am going to bed, a happy, contented Woman of God. Prayers for all of you...God has us on His Night Watch!

  56. Great news to hear about Eli. May strength continue to fill his body, courage to light his path, healing grace to surround him as he and his family navigate this journey. I just call upon Jehova Rapha for his Healing. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over all. In Jesus' Name, Our Promise Keeper, AMEN and AMEN

  57. So happy you’re getting your rest and walking in gratitude! I’m sure you and your DH built many sweet memories. God is so good.
