Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Jesus Calling: February 24

    Be still in the Light of My Presence, while I communicate Love to you. There is no force in the universe as powerful as My Love. You are constantly aware of limitations: your own and others'. But there is no limit to My Love; it fills all of space, time, and eternity.
    Now you see through a glass, darkly, but someday you will see Me face to Face. Then you will be able to experience fully how wide and long and high and deep is My Love for you. If you were to experience that now, you would be overwhelmed to the point of feeling crushed. But you have an eternity ahead of you, absolutely guaranteed, during when you can enjoy My Presence in unrestricted ecstasy. For now, the knowledge of My loving Presence is sufficient to carry you through each day.
1 Corinthians 13:12
King James Version
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

Today. Now. In comparison to the future or eternity with God. That is the contrast to look at here. We think we are illumined now and we are on this quest to gain more knowledge and understanding. And through that effort we feel confident. And yet, in this verse in 1st Corinthians, Paul wants to remind us and tell us clearly that this day, today, and the knowledge we have is nothing in comparison to the experience we will encounter in heaven. But, this does not mean that our knowledge will change to having all knowledge or that we could ever know God the way He knows us, but in comparison to today, in which we now see things with obscurity, in heaven, that will be gone and we will see clearly. 

Ephesians 3:16-19
English Standard Version
that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

We are strengthened not by our own doing, but by the riches given to us by the Lord, through His Spirit. And we know then that Christ wants to dwell in us through faith. God wants to fill us with his fullness and His ways. He didn't come just to save, but to live in us. Yield to the Spirit. 

My Prayer
Lord, change my ways. I pray that my will would be surrendered to You. Thank you for comforting me today and giving me clarity. My strength today is based upon You working through me. Help me to look forward to heaven and being with you face to Face. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Der Jesus, thank you for your limitless love. I praise you for all the light you bestow on me. Help me to spread your light for your great glory and honor. Amen.

  2. What a weekend we've had and I welcome this quiet, Sunday morning, with just me, God, Jesus Calling and coffee. Following our epiphany of Thurs. night, a life-long friend came to visit on Fri. She is 1 of a group of 4 among our family friends, who have known each other for what seems like forever. The 4 of us had 13 children in 10 years. Our fellowship changed our theme from "Each one win one," to "Each one have one!" :) Time spent with her was the balm of Gilead. We worked on our taxes, shared hearts, laughed, cried (we lost one of our four last Oct). She went to our 4 yr. old Granddaughter's birthday party and then drove almost 4 hours home. This morning, I went back and read what I've missed and MadFox, I looked up, The Hand of God, that you mentioned. Sounds like one I need to read. Our friend shared with us that on her trip over, it was just her and God communing. Her praying for answers to adult children's needs, her husband & his business - all things we all encounter. And God gave her the clearest vision of what is to come. It reminded me again this morning what Sarah said, "But you have an eternity ahead of you, absolutely guaranteed, during when you can enjoy My Presence in unrestricted ecstasy. For now, the knowledge of My loving Presence is sufficient to carry you through each day." Problems of this day & time will all pass away. Taxes, losing friends, all of us facing a new time in our lives with so many questions. We can rest in "the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God," as Ephesians says. Praying that we all enjoy the lovely day we have been given. The answers will come as we focus on Him and remain thankful.

  3. Father thank you for your endless Love
    & the special people you have put in my

  4. Man, somedays, the simplest message is the most powerful. Thank you Jesus

    1. Agree. God is Love. or a little twist on what Sarah wrote:

      "Hey , there is no limit to My Love (for you); it fills all of space, time, and eternity." God

    2. Amen MadFox! No limit to His love. I also loved this from today's devotion:
      "We are strengthened not by our own doing, but by the riches given to us by the Lord, through His Spirit."
      Holding you in my prayers and in my heart as you begin your trials. Thank You Jesus for guiding my brother gently through his biopsy and beyond, and turning this into a blessing as only You can. Trusting in You.

    3. Joining in this post for Mad🦊! Your blessings inspire us!

  5. Sharing prayer of Revival I received in my David Jeremiah Daily Devotions.

    Lord, will You not revive us again that Your people may rejoice in You?
    Revive our land. Revive our leaders.
    Revive our fathers. Revive our mothers. Revive our children.
    Revive our churches. Revive our pastors.
    Lord, send us fresh wind, fresh fire, and a fresh awakening.
    We need seasons of refreshing from the presence of the Lord.
    We need a mighty wave of grace to push back the tides of evil flooding our land.
    We plead for a blood–bought, Christ–honoring, Spirit–filled epoch
    as in the days of Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah,
    as in the days of Edwards, Wesley, Whitefield, Finney, and Moody.
    We need hearts filled with Your love and rekindled with fire from above.
    Lord, we know where the revival needs to start—in us.
    So I pray:
    Send a great revival to my soul.
    Let the Holy Spirit come and take control.
    Bring personal revival into my own life today, and may it spread to others.
    O Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years.
    In the midst of the years make it known, and in wrath remember mercy.
    In Jesus’ Name,Amen

    1. We all need a revival of mind, body and spirit. Lift us Lord. Be with us Lord. Heal us and encourage our heart.

    2. Here it comes!!! Praying it in with you Sassy Mom!!!! Thank you Jesus, chase after those who are lost, sweep our world with your palatable love! ✝️♥️πŸ™✝️♥️πŸ™✝️

    3. The tide is rising! Can you feel it, see it?

    4. Amen! Amen! Amen! Yes I can!!!

  6. So very thankful for His limitless love, mercy and grace. Thankful for the many healings, those in progress and for knowing He has prepared for us a straight path that we can walk with His guidance.
    Hubby is 90% ready to go, dust is being removed from the remodeling by the boat load and we are healing and breathing better.
    Happy Monday - your prayers are mine, throughout the day!

    1. Praying for your dear Hubby, Norah. He is in the Hands of God and he will not be alone as he gets his biopsy. God's holding him and you and your family in His love and peace.

    2. We thank you for your prayers, Jeanne and are definitely receiving the love and peace!

    3. So Norah, how do you enjoy your remodeled kitchen? Blessings to your hubby today on his procedure. πŸ™

  7. I am always blessed by these posts - Sarah's JC devotionals. Then the prayers and comments. I send these to my daughter in prison and she shares them with her cell mates. Far reaching impacts! Thank you my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ! May God richly bless you all!

    1. Unknown - praying for your daughter and her cell mates and lifting them up to Jesus. Our amazing God is looking after them and giving them strength and healing. KS

    2. Unknown, sending prayers up for Your daughter and cell mates. Jesus is in the midst of them!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Unknown, my fervent prayer is for your daughter and cell mates, but also very importantly, a paradigm shift in our judicial system. One from punishment to compassion, humanity and true rehabilitation. This is the mission of our local and state group "Humanity for Prisoners". Read about them: God's blessings on all incarcerated and their families. Amen.

    4. Dear Unknown, Praying your daughter is doing well and her cellmates, and all those who are in prison, and all those bound in sin who haven't found Christ. Bless them and open their eyes and hearts to their greatest Help and Salvation. Thank You dear Jesus!

    5. Unknown, praying for your daughters release, and importantly a positive and spiritual change in her life. If still incarcerated that she feels the support of you and others praying for her. I continue to pray for a change in our judicial system which has been broken for a while. Our local organization continues to provide "Action with Compassion" God's blessings on all incarcerated and their families. Amen.

    6. Joining in prayers for your daughter and cell mates looking towards the Lord. I'm reminded of this powerful performance by Zach Williams live at Harding Prison:

    7. πŸ™ Yes, I am a child of God! You are a child of God. Thanks be to God! Amen.

    8. Blessings to you Unknown. Prayers continue for your daughter and cellmates. "Action with Compassion" Amen.

    9. To God be the glory for his all inclusive love and glory. It is such a blessing for your inspiring book. It blesses me every morning and helps me stay diligent in the word of God.
      He is truly magnificent!!!
      Daughter of the King!

  8. A new day to praise, worship and glorify Your Holy name. Father, thank You for the joy of being in Your Presence another day. Thank You for Your unconditional Love and the promise to someday see how wide, long, high and deep Your love is for me. May my actions, words and thoughts be pleasing to You today as I disconnect from anything that tries to work contrary to that. Thank You for the Holy Spirit that is leading the way before me.

    From one of the chapters in today's devotion, I choose to focus on God's LOVE. In 1 Corinthians 13 1:13, the Bible talks about "God's Forever Love". Reading through the scriptures this morning, I leave you with this thought from Dr. Charles Stanley's Life Principles Bible:

    "Everything we do or don't do, face or don't face, is touched by God's continuing Love. Everything about us hinges on love because God who is Love created us in His image (1John 4:8, 16). Becasue God loves us, He gives us blessings and lets us share them. When we pray and are told to wait, it is because He loves us and know we need time to grow. When the overwhelming choices before us make it hard to know which way is up, our Lord and Saviour shows us our need to depend on His guiding Love.
    Until we come to understand and believe at our deepest, innermost level that God is love, we will struggle with trusting Him, yielding to Him, obeying Him, and serving Him wholeheartedly. One of the keys to our spiritual growth as Christians is believing in God's love even when we cannot see it.... Without making His Love our ultimate dwelling, we cannot fully live in faith and hope. We should refuse to take a step or a breath without remaining keenly sensitive to the greatest of these, our Father's LOVE".

    Let's be still in His Presence today and soak in His Love, because GOD IS LOVE!

    Love, peace and blessings to all.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Beautiful, Maplewood. Thanks for sharing.

    2. Thank you for your sweet encouragement like honey to my mouth. Amen! Being still and soaking in His love.
      You fed me with these words that are so true and I look forward to realizing:
      "the promise to someday see how wide, long, high and deep Your love is for me".

    3. Wow, thank you so much Maplewood... what a beautiful truth that I needed to be reminded of. Thank you Jesus for your love for me, Thank you Father for true love

    4. Thank you for sharing this Maplewood. I have really been encouraged.

    5. Fernnnnn! Am so glad to see you. How is our Dan?

    6. Sweet Brie I dont know how to answer that question honestly. But I know he seemed ok a few days ago on the phone. Only our precious Lord really knows and i continue to hold tight to His never failing love for Dan and all of us. I will be praying for u & Keith. God loves you so!

    7. Praise God and Thank you for the update. Both you and our Dan are in my continuous prayers in Jesus' Name. Amen.
      PS I missed you and am glad to see you again.
      Much Love ❤ Brie

    8. Thank u that touches my heart

  9. In preparing for the upcoming lenten season and with Ash Wednesday quickly approaching, I decided to focus on faith and love as mentioned in today's devo. I thought I would share some thoughts from Bishop Robert Barron on this:

    MARK 9:14-29

    In today’s Gospel Jesus drives a demon from a deaf and mute child and heals him.

    The account demonstrates the role of faith in divine healing. Jesus describes his disciples who could not heal the boy as a "faithless generation." And when the child’s father wonders if Jesus can heal his son, he says, "Everything is possible to one who has faith." Then he heals the child by driving out the deaf and mute spirit.

    We have an adventurous God, and faith is the proper response to such a God. Don’t think of faith so much first in propositional form—the things that I believe—but rather in psychological or spiritual form.

    Faith is an attitude of trust in the God who is always holding out new possibilities to us. When our lives and hearts are aligned to the God who creates the universe, when our wills are directed according to his purposes, we become the conduits of enormous power.

    1. Thanks Suzanne! Let our lives and hearts be perfectly aligned to Him and may we accept His will, and surrender ourselves to Him so we will be faithful instruments in His Hands.

  10. Great posts above, sharing some most helpful thoughts by others. As I was meditating on the same passage Suzanne R. referred to above, a reflection was provided from a Polish priest, Tadeusz Dajczer. It was on the power of prayer and the necessity of believers to make diligent use of it to the glory of God. The writing contained several good lines that were sharp and to the point. As I read them, I thought, “I must share them with the JC Family. Here goes:

    God does not need us but desires to involve us in His work of salvation. If we proceed thinking it all depends on us (thus not praying), we are “trying to carry water in a sieve”.

    “One thing is certain, if we do not pray, no one will need us. The world does not need empty souls & hearts.”

    “The relationship between prayer & action can be summarized up in this statement: all authentic action is born of prayer & contemplation. Everything that is great in this world comes from God. Everything that is great in this world comes from sacrifice & prayer.”

    You may encounter periods of dryness in prayer. Do not give up on prayer. “In those times prayer may take on a special value for then you are making the effort to pray all the more on account of God alone.”

    As the readings of JC draw us to a greater use of the resources of prayer & contemplation, I share these for your encouragement. God be with you (my prayer for you to be blessed)! With love, Bob

    1. Thanks Bob. This helps my prayer life even more. KS

    2. Our Dear Brother, BOB,
      Have I told you lately how much I appreciate all of HIS LIGHT, HIS LOVE, and HIS LEARNINGS you bring and LEAVE in this room?
      I pray Gods Holy Spirit is lifting you up so you can once again share His Radiance, His Joy, His Light and His Love with us fellow pilgrim prayer warriors.
      Until then I'm going to keep on praying, thanking and treasuring old and gold posts (and thank Chris for leaving all of them up). In Jesus' Name. Amen

    3. Thanks for those wonderful lines of enlightenment.
      God bless you Bob!
      Praying all is going well with you and your family.

    4. Thank you Bob. Prayer is most powerful πŸ™ πŸ™Œ.

    5. Bob, your posts are a blessing and inspiration to me. Thank you so much!

    6. Words of wisdom that I missed last year. I, too, am thankful that you keep them up, Chris. Bob - prayers for you, Dear Brother!

    7. Thank you Lord for prayer. Thank u Bob and everyone! You all light up my life in your own special God blessed way! All the glory to God.

    8. Thank you Bob! Incredible how this spoke to me today 4 years later!! God is good- all the time!!

    9. πŸ‘πŸ™πŸ‘πŸ™πŸ‘

    10. Dear Bob, You're still blessing, encouraging and teaching us. We have seen the power of prayer and know how important it is in our lives and the lives of others. Praying you and your family are well and you are continuing to serve and glorify God. God bless you always.

  11. Divine merciful Jesus I know you are with me always. Thank you Jesus for your everlasting love. I cry to you my Lord and Savior; pour your mercy and healing over all suffering with coronavirus. Peace be with all who have lost their loved ones. I ask my JC Warriors to lift all in prayer. Jesus we trust in you; Jesus hear us; help us.

    1. Dear Loveconquersall, Joining in your prayer for all those suffering and coping with Covid. and also for all those facing trials and suffering. They are not alone and in God's able Hands.
      Father God, We are praying together that you will bring MadFox and Norah's husband through their biopsies and treatments and bring them back to good health. You have been so faithful to them in the past and we are leaning on and trusting in your mercy and lovingkindness.
      We thank you for this and for granting our JC Family's prayers in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord. Amen

    2. Amen Jeanne. Joining in your prayers

      Blessings from France

    3. Joining with you, Jeanne and BFF, in prayers for all. The Lord is continually working in our lives and helping us draw closer to Him. Amen πŸ™. Peace be with you all.

    4. Amen, Amen and Amen! Thank you, Dear Sisters! Yesterday's Ear Dermatology appt went well for my Dear Hub. They got all of it and he has had NO pain! Just as we pulled out of the parking lot, we were at a light which turned green and BAM! We were rear-ended. Thankfully, the one who hit us followed us to a parking lot. She was a little 16 yr old Driver, horribly shaken up, absolutely gray. I wanted to hug her. We made sure she was ok. There wasn't a mark on her car but our fender was cracked all the way across. She called her Dad, we called our Ins Agent. Everyone exchanged info and I took pics to send to the Dad. Turns out the young lady goes to the same school our oldest teaches in and she knew his oldest daughter. We told her we were her Grandparents and she just kind of melted. Her Dad texted, "Thank you both for your kindness. She could not have hit better people!" We laughed and went on our way. God covered for all of us and as we said last night, "Why would we ever doubt?" So many blessings.

    5. God was surely watching the whole accident and it was no accident that the young girl knew your granddaughter. And tgat she had wonderful parents.
      Praising God that your hubby’s appointment and procedure went well. He is so faithful to those who trust in Him.
      Amen! So many blessings. Praying all goes well on Friday.

      Keeping our dear MadFox in our prayers and thoughts. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’—

  12. Father, let Your perfect, radiant light shine down on me and draw me closer to You. Help me to be better today than I was yesterday. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

  13. “Be still before the Lord; wait patiently for Him and entrust yourself to Him; Do not fret (whine, agonize) because of him who prospers in his way,
    Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes” Psalm 37:7.

    Loving Father, Thank You for another blessed day. I ask that as I go through this day, please help me to put my hands down and not try to defend myself from all that life brings my way. I choose rather to relax, invite the Holy Spirit and allow Your peace to rule in my mind and heart, allowing me to submit all that I am to You, and allow You to refresh my soul as I listen to Your Eternal small voice speaking to my conscience. As Hannah grappled with You, she trusted You with her deepest pain and stayed in a stillness that can only come from Your Sovereignty.
    Being still is putting my trust in You, letting go and letting You. Thank You for Your unconditional Love that has no limits! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    “He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth” Psalm 46:10.

    “The Lord will fight for you while you [only need to] keep silent and remain calm” Exodus 14:14.

    Blessings and Pace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Through prayer in conjunction "With God ALL Things Are Possible" I learned that when I have an appointment with The Greatest Master Physician and Healer, Who has proven His Greatness Time after Time from the beginning of Time, throughout ALL Times and will continue doing so until the End of Time, sometimes I have to wait in His Waiting Room.
      His Angel Nurse has told me that I will be seen and asked me to sit down in the quiet stillness of His Waiting Room (which is free of TV, Music, and all other earthly sound and visual distractions).
      Hard for me to do, but because I know He has helped untold thousands of others, I wait quietly, patient-ly and even in His Waiting Room, I gain Hope, Strength, and Courage. I know I have come to the right place of the highest knowledge and skill, so I sit Quietly and Still in His Waiting Room confident that The Greatest Physician will help me.
      I find the way I know best to make myself quiet.
      Then somehow, I come to comprehend in small measure, what the Psalmist meant by...They that wait upon The Lord shall renew their strength... and
      In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength. Isaiah 30:15
      Dear Heavenly Father God, I place my Faith in You. Make me still and quiet in this time of prayer that I may hear you more clearly and receive all Your Good Health, all Your Good Healing and All Your Mighty Strength that Your Loving Heart is channeling to me. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Amen Maplewood and Brie. Sharing in both your prayers with you πŸ™. Beautifully said πŸ‘. ❤.

    3. Brie - Etching your words in my heart, mind and soul. Thank you Brie, WE LOVE YOU!!!!

    4. Brie, your posts are a blessing and inspire me with your creative descriptions of your time with God. Thank you so much for sharing as you do! ♥️✝️πŸ™

    5. To God Be The Glory. His Holy Spirit gives me the visuals and makes me share them with this JC family, whether or not I feel like it, or whether or not I think (HAHA) it is a good idea!
      I Just Keep On Rolling With The Flow!

    6. Keep rolling, Brie! I thought as I read this, "This is what I will do on Friday, during my DH's Biopsy! Praying they let me in this time - yesterday, I had to wait in the parking lot. But, I prayed, I worked, I prayed, I read....time well-spent. I'll be in His Waiting Room on Friday!

    7. Amen dear Maplewood. Praying for your healing and peace and restoration.
      Being very still and knowing with sweet comfort that He is our God.
      Dear Brie, I smiled through your whole “waiting room” post and prayed with you and our family. May you and Larry receive complete healing from the Great Physician of every weakness. You are so special to us and we cherish you, dear sister. Much love and gratitude. πŸ’—

    8. Brie so very nurturing are your words. Gods blessings to all of you who are connected to the vine and led by the Spirit on this comforting site. The Spirit of God does indeed translate these words to minister to our hearts and circumstances. My heart swells with appreciation from the nourishing nectar that reinforces and feeds my connection to The vine. I shout blessings over each of you. Thanks be to God.

    9. One year later and we are back in God’s Waiting Room, as Keith is still in the hospital. Following his pacemaker insertion surgery, yesterday, as we were getting dressed and ready to leave, Keith passed out cold. The Blessing? God helped me drag Keith to safety, We were here in the hospital. I screamed for help and 10 Medical Professionals got to see him, run a myriad of tests, and put their medical heads together, along with their praying hands. May God's Wisdom and Guidance enter into them, take root and prosper. In the meantime, we wait in God's Waiting Room;  OH WHAT BLESSEDNESS, OH WHAT JOY DIVINE LEANING ON HIS EVERLASTING ARM, and feeling highly blessed and favored that we can.
      Praying for an accurate definitive diagnosis, and a successful plan of action going forward. But for now, we sing and "HOLD ON" in God's Waiting Room. Thanks for your prayers that are always packed with His Power. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
      PS AUDRA or any JC Prayer Warrior: Can you post the link to this 🎡 :
      If so, you know I'd appreciate it.
      Much Love ❤ to all, Brie

    10. You got it sister! Ask and it will be given to you
      ♥️🎢 Link

      Meanwhile, I found a seat in the waiting room and will hang as long as needed in prayers for you and your brother, and all those in need of healing. πŸͺ‘ πŸ™

    11. Thanks for the link IN and for pulling up a chair next to mine!
      I wonder if God is chuckling to see 2 impatient people patient-ly waiting in His Waiting Room!
      Love you dearly ❤
      Now I can just sit back, relax, and OH. OH. OH. Listen To The Music, All The Time. Thanks again.

    12. Be still in the Light of My Presence, while I communicate Love to you. Knowing you prayed for my brother and loved enough to pull up πŸͺ‘ πŸͺ‘ πŸͺ‘ πŸͺ‘ next to mine to wait with me in God's Waiting Room, was a loving experience I shall always Cherish 🎢
      Two years later, and tears are falling from my eyes and streaming down my cheeks. So IT MUST BE RAINDROPS 🎢 SO MANY RAINDROPS FALLING FROM MY EYES!
      Thanks for all of your prayers all day everyday. You certainly put your faith to work and activate today's devotion, Be still in the Light of My Presence, while I communicate ❤️ to you.
      Communicating HIS Faith, His Hope, and His Love ❤️ is what this JC Prayer Warrior Family is famous for. Don't ever stop believing, receiving, and passing along His Goodness and His ❤️ to others.
      Much ❤️ and Many πŸ™, Brie

    13. MadFox As was posted yesterday πŸ€” How did my younger me ( Brie February 24, 2021 at 7:27 AM) know a year older me would need to read what she wrote a year before??
      (Brie February 24, 2022 at 8:05 AM)
      One year later and we are back in God’s Waiting Room..
      Welcome in Holy Spirit...

  14. Cat,
    An earlier post on revival, brings to mind the revival I am experiencing during the isolation and solitude of the pandemic. Living alone for the first time in a while has given me much opportunity for contemplation. I have faced enormous challenges and fears. With prayer and sympathetic friends I am making it day by day. This blog and readings have been one of my tools
    Thank you for all who post here. Your words give me strength and encouragement. Praying for the friends and families of the 500,000+ lost.

    1. Praying for you Cat , may God be with you, tell Him what you miss or long for the most , He is our provider .

    2. Amen Cat! One day at a time in God’s presence.
      Praying with you Min Ahadi. May God lead Cat to all the desires of her heart and May all of her needs be met. Thank You Jesus!

    3. Cat, one year ago today I asked for prayer for all affected by this terrible virus..little did I know it would turn into a worldwide pandemic. My heart was sad for China. Jesus I thank you for your everlasting love for all mankind. I have grown spiritually because of covid-19 and most recently our winter storm in Texas. So much suffering in this world but I put all my trust in you, my Lord and Saviour. You are my strength my rock..I love you and I need you. I am yours and you are mine. Thank you for listening to all our prayers for my precious brothers and sisters in Christ. Peace be with you, Cat. Jesus we trust in you! Amen!

    4. Brie, thanks for the picture I can put in my mind of Gods waiting room. Blessings to you, and continued prayers for all requests of our JCFamily. Mindy

  15. JC today summarizes with, "For now, the knowledge of My loving Presence is sufficient to carry you through each day." And how true it was for the pre-workup trip and 2 days of tests needed prior to the stem cell transplant. Your prayers in His love JC Warriors, combined with so many other friends and family members, was evident throughout the last 3 days.

    Briefly, I've gone through 5 months of initial chemo and diagnosis, and done incredibly well both in response and physically. I've not had as much as a fever! So, let's just say, obstacles presented themselves when we began to depart for Emory in Atlanta on Sunday... first low grade fever (somewhat common for chemo patients) arrives Sunday, have to scramble and get another covid test, to even be able to make the trip... connect to Emory doctors of covid results, then go through 2 days of being poked and prodded to be sure my body can physically take on the trauma of a stem cell transplant. The nurse in the family cheerfully  took on the task as my asst. note taker and driver (I had some sedation). A blessing beyond words.

    Bottomlime, I've had what is described as a very good partial response (VGPR), which is 1 step short of remission from this phase (thus stem cell next), as there are still some of the bad cells there. The bone marrow biopsy was taken and we will get results next week. Also learned, that prayers for my wife being able to stay with me in the room, may be realized. The hospital could step back from total lockdown in a week or so, and allow the attending doctor's discretion on in-room family support care. Data proves stem cell patients do better with a spouse or family member with them the 2 weeks of hospitalization. The Nurse Practitioner summed up my response and unwittingly my feelings of the last 3 days with, "you've had a 'fabulous' response."

    The love poured out here, elsewhere, and by our Father, is amazing and awesome. Thank you, seems less than adequate, but all words fall short of the agape of God and his followers. Much love to each of you here.

    1. Amen!! Always in my prayers, MadFox! Continued 'fabulous' responses for you!!!!
      with love (agape);) from Maryville, Tennessee

    2. Powerful verse today ......I checked out 3 Bible versions o understand this promise ....grant us you power according to your richness ! Exciting , exciting....Why do I struggle to get thing accomplished in my own strength and according to my plans . Yet God has offered to give us power according to His riches ( if you want to understand His glory stand at the beach and get amazed by the vastness of the ocean , or go for a tripin the ountry side and see the beauty ) So please seek His wisdom, peace , direction, love ....the best place to get it from !!

    3. Thanks for the update MadFox. I did A Victory Lap when I read it. Along with our JC Family, I have been diligently praying for your health, healing and strength and for the Lord to take away all your sicknesses as He did in Deuteronomy 7: 15.
      Praying more Fabulous Blessings on you, your dear ones, and our entire JC Family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. Wonderful update Madfox. Still praying for you, your family and loved ones. The healer and miracle worker is always "on the job ". I know that He is working in your life. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    5. Yes and Amen, Father! Thank you for continued watch over Mad🦊, his family and caregivers! Rock stars, thanks to your intervention, every one!

    6. Ahhhhh! Dear MadFox - how I've been waiting for these words! I am not surprised in the least, yet so utterly blessed to read them in your words. I, too, will pray that they let your wife be with you or alternate between her and other family members. I can guarantee you that it makes a difference. On my DH's worst day, I was not allowed in due to having had a temp whichI had to be clear of for 72 hours before I could go back. Our 2nd son went to be with him, but it was after work. When we talked on the phone, my heart broke when I heard his voice. He felt so utterly alone and of course, being the strong man of God that he is was ashamed of himself for feeling that way. I gave him every spiritual, virtual hug I could muster, but knew it was 'chittlin's' compared to what he needed. He survived it, obviously, but has not forgotten that desperation. God got him through it, but we do NOT want a repeat. Continued prayers for you, Dear Brother! And all of your fabulous family. <3

    7. Thank you dear MadFox for that wonderful update! Hallelujah! Our prayers are being answered! One step at a time. I’m so blessed by your good news. You just lifted me so high. God is so very faithful!! And that your wife may be able to stay with you after the transplant is so reassuring. Now rest up dear brother. We love you.

    8. Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus! How great Thou art! Much love to you and your family, MadFox!

    9. Dear sweet brother MadFox! Your post from last year was so full of gratitude and love. Prayers and blessings surrounded you as did the peace of God. You have been through so much but God’s faithfulness shines like the noonday Sun through it all. You had many opportunities to exercise your trust muscles. You were soaking up the Sonshine! Praying you continue to receive answers to your prayers and God’s help in every way as we continue to lift you in our own prayers. Much love.

    10. Jeanne and others. Thanks so much. one year later, I continue to do well. The road has had its rough steep paths and I've felt the prayers of many and the strong grip of God... but at the same time, I'm so blessed to have had relatively easy paths where I've been able to be a mentor to others suffering from this insidious disease. March is the month of extensive tests to see where I stand... will travel to Emory the 2nd week, and then return at the end of the month for a meeting to know how much disease has been eradicated and an overall trend. He is guiding my steps, praying for the ability to continue a journey in His light. And thanks again for the kind words and prayers. In Him, Amen.

    11. Praying for your healing, MadFox. That your body would CONTINUE the healing that God has already put in place, and show very good results at your March testing. Amen

    12. In like a lion, Mad 🦊 as you head in to March. And out like a lamb, healed, healthy, forgiven and blessed. In Jesus's name we pray ♥️πŸ™

    13. ♥️πŸ™ Heartfelt prayers going up for you and yours our dear brother friend in Christ, Madfox.

    14. Oops. I kept losing posts but I guess I didn’t lose them.

    15. I’m trusting that God will be holding you tight through your tests, your trip to Emory and your meeting! He will be in charge. I’m joining in all prayers that you will get good test results and good news. Much love dear brother!

  16. Sharing a quote from my David Devotion devotion (Peace in a distraught world.)
    "The world can create trouble in peace, but God can create peace in trouble." Thomas Watson. AMEN! Praying for you as you pray for me.

    1. Just love that quote dear Sassy Mom! Thanks! Amen. Praying for each other!

  17. Amen God is with you and has surrounded you with love and care . Praying for you and do keep the JC family posted

  18. We may not be perfect, or understand a lot of things, and live in a broken world, but this world was not broken when the Lord first created it and He will return one day and have victory by defeating the enemy for good. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord. Victory will be His! God is so good to us. Glory be to God. Hallelujah!

    1. Amen dear Janet! Trusting that God is greater than the evil and ungodliness of this world. His promises are reliable..

  19. Please JC family, help me pray for the release of my young adult son who has been detained for 14 months because of traffic violation and immigration failures. I have been praying not only for him, but all others who are with him for similar reasons. I trust in the Lord Jesus that in His ultimate justice I will have a miracle, and my son and I will soon be reunited, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

    1. Father, please help Emm's son and others out of this situation they are in right now. Watch over and protect them and help Your justice prevail. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Peace be with you and your family Emm.

    2. Praying for your son and the others, Dear Emm.

    3. Emm, praying for you and your son and all. God is good so very good; trust Him with all your heart! Amen!

    4. Loveconquersall :) I am blessed to see your post. We have been
      praying for you and all of our Texans for things to get better and betterer, every day, in every way. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. Dear Emm, How is your son? Praying God has been faithful to him and he is in good health and things are going better. Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name.

  20. Emm, My heart goes out to you. Don’t lose hope. Praying that the Way Maker will find a way for your son to be released so you can be together. Pray without ceasing and trust in God’s faithfulness. Be patient in prayer.

  21. Thank you Brie for all your prayers for us..they mean so much to me. You and all here are in my prayers every day. Much love to you and yours

  22. Such a wonderful devotion today! Amen. Took this with me.

    We are strengthened not by our own doing, but by the riches given to us by the Lord, through His Spirit. And we know then that Christ wants to dwell in us through faith.
    Please continue to pray for my sister in Christ Patricia. She had surgery for her osteonecrosis of her hip yesterday and she is in great pain! Thanking God for a miracle to heal her and remove the terrible pain. Thank You Jesus! Trusting in Your promises and your mercy and compassion.

    1. May our heavenly Father place His healing hands on Patricia and remove her pain and suffering from her body and strengthen her with His glory. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    2. I join our sis Janet in prayer for Patricia Jeanne. Heavenly Father, You said that if 2 or more are gathered in Your name, You are in the midst. We are gathering in this warroom to petition You to look upon our sister Patricia with great favor as You ease her pain. Thank You for what she's going through and we put our trust in Your power to heal her completely. In Jesus' name I pray as I glorify Your name. Amen πŸ™πŸ’•

    3. Amen and Amen dear Janet and Jan! Thank you so much for your prayers which I am joining into. He is in the midst of us and we are all leaning on His words and promises. Thank You Jesus.

    4. He IS in the midst of us as we join in prayer. ♥️πŸ™

    5. Joining in prayer with e) all of the above. In Jesus' Name. Amen πŸ™

    6. Thank you for all your prayers! Patricia is tolerating her pain better and feeling grateful and hopeful that this was the right surgery. She knows God is leading her. Now she must recover. We thank God for her complete healing and recovery in Jesus’ Name.

  23. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always. Let Your perfect love and peace permeate within our hearts and minds. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

  24. Amen to your perfect prayer, dear Janet.

  25. 1 John 4 12:16
    No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.
    We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.
    And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.
    If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in God.
    And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.
    Ephesians 3:16
    "that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith"
    "so that Christ may dwell IN your hearts through faith".
    God by the Holy Spirit lives IN us. WOW! That is a staggering, mind blowing thought!
    That this 'clay' is a container of The Creator of the universe, just staggers me.
    Lod Jesus, as you with your nail scarred Hands, work on, knead, fashion this lump of clay into a vessel fit for Your use, shine out, leak out through the cracks so that others may see You, be attracted to You and be saved. Amen

    1. Sometimes I have difficulty being IN with The IN CROWD: "Christ may dwell IN your hearts through faith".
      God by the Holy Spirit lives IN us.
      I pray to see these INs more clearly.

    2. Thanks for the spiritual food dear Peter. Amen.
      So blessed to be IN the Body of Christ and IN this JC Family. God is so good.

  26. Lord thank you for Your constant love. I will continue to practice Your presence throughout my day and every day. I accept You as my Lord and Savior always.

    1. Amen dear Mark, He is with us always but we must remind ourselves through our day to remain in His presence and peace. We are never alone and we are well equipped. His Spirit is our constant Help. Continue to hold fast to our Father’s Hand. He is our life giving Vine but we must stay plugged into Him so we won’t get swayed by the evil one and this world’s trappings. When we find ourselves being ruled by our human emotions we’re no longer plugged into Him. We must do our best to follow the Spirit and hold fast to His unchanging Hand, His Words and His promises. True peace is only found in Him.

  27. Dear Jan, Jeanne, Audra, Brie and all my JC family, thank you so much for your prayers yesterday, and every day. I honestly felt your prayers and had one of the best days I’ve had in a while, including some major milestones in my recovery! Thank you Jesus, thank you prayer warriors!

    Dear Lord I am so grateful for the depth of your love which I cannot fathom, your daily mercies and grace, and for placing these wonderful, faithful, and compassionate souls into my life.

    Bless them each and everyday with your peace that surpasses all understanding, and the strength and wisdom to make it through each day, knowing that you will not leave us or forsake us and that your love, which casts out all fear, will sustain us through this day. Shalom!πŸ™πŸ˜Š

    1. Praise God! Amen !πŸ™πŸ˜Š!πŸ™πŸ˜Š!

    2. God bless you dear Rich! Such a gift that you are seeing the faithfulness of God and more answered prayers. I believe you will get stronger than ever with His help. Thank You Jesus.

  28. Daughter of a King 🀴: Thank you for your kind reply and insight into your own situation. I will continue to pray πŸ™ for you and RobbieπŸ’. Butterfly πŸ¦‹ Love

  29. And how are YOU Butterfly Love? Praying without ceasing for all here is my goal.

  30. Continuing to pray for Robbie and you, dear Daughter of a King, Butterfly love and Audra. Trusting in God’s mercy, healing and promises.

  31. Please pray that my son finds a place to live. He has been looking since August and is a very stressful situation for him and his family thank you in advance

  32. Great devotion today. We must take the time to be still with Him so He can communicate His limitless and perfect love for us. His love is beyond our human understanding and absolutely perfect and unconditional. With all our flaws and transgressions, we are dearly loved.
    Wonderful verses. I love Ephesians 3:16-19: “that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”

    The words below it also blessed my weary heart. When we are weak, He is strong. It’s amazing how much we can get done with His strength. We are blessed that He strengthens us in body, mind and spirit because He knows our weaknesses better than we do.
    “We are strengthened not by our own doing, but by the riches given to us by the Lord, through His Spirit. And we know then that Christ wants to dwell in us through faith. God wants to fill us with his fullness and His ways. He didn't come just to save, but to live in us. Yield to the Spirit.”
    His indwelling Spirit is our ever present Helper. He guides our words, thoughts and actions. Thank You Father for filling us with Your Spirit, our Comforter and Eternal Guide. We’re in such good Hands that carry us through all the trials and storms of life. Jesus is our strong Cornerstone, on Which we stand immovable. In Him we are safe. All will be well no matter the circumstances. Rest in His promises. Psalm 3:3

    But You, O Lord, are a shield for me,
    My glory and the One who lifts up my head.

    Traveling to Brooklyn to be with my good Mom for the weekend. I will be praying for all requests in Jesus’ Name. May our loving Father answer our prayers and cover all of us with His love, peace and protection. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. God bless you!

    2. Safe travels dear Jeanne. Your time with mom is precious, enjoy! Love Eph. 3:16-19. I use to insert each of my children's names as I prayed that for each of them, so that as they would grasp the depth of God's love for them. God's love is immeasurable & constant. Hallelujah! πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    3. Thanks sweet Janet! And Amen dear Jan! What a wonderful way to pray for your children’s strength of faith! God bless you both today and answer your prayers. Praying for your liver panel, Jan. God knows what you need. Much love.

    4. Traveling mercies and a blessed weekend with your mom, Jeanne! Good knows what we all need, and HE DELIVERS!

  33. Heavenly Father, thank You and I praise You Lord always and bless Your holy name! Thank You Jesus 😊. There are no words to describe how it is to feel the love of God! It is so beyond perfection and utter amazement! The power of Your love is mightier than anything that is known to man! To be wrapped up in Your loving arms is where I desire to stay! How I pray for the day that I see You face to face! Even though I can't visibly see You right now, I know that You are with me Lord and I am so grateful for that! I can't thank You enough! Let me remain mindful of Your loving presence, especially when the distractions of this world try to take my focus off of You. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Shalom!

    1. Cause me to hear Your loving kindness in the morning, for in You do I trust; cause me to know the way in which I should walk; for I lift up my soul to You. (Psalm 143:8). But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. (Colossians 3:14). Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart, and so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man. (Proverbs 3:3-4).

    2. Wonderful prayer and verses dear sister! Thanks for feeding my soul.

  34. Feeding on my dear sisters words to guide my walk today. Thank you for the golden nuggets of truths. Love you both & blessings πŸ˜πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    1. Love you! 😘 May God bless your day in a special way. We feed each other and nothing is more satisfying than God’s Word.

  35. Joining warriors dear Norah for Jeff B. " Lord we ask, we seek, we knock at the door of Your heart for our brother Jeff & his family. You never promised smooth sailing for your redeemed ones, but You promised that we shall overcome all obstacles against us in whatever form it comes, because You have overcome the world! May this family feel the strength, the hope, the trust, the faith that it takes to journey through this process of healing & restoration for brother Jeff's body. Attend to every detail that's needed dear Lord." In Jesus'name we pray. Amen.πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    1. Amen to that. Joining in your prayer for Jeff B and his family. Thank you Father for healing his pancreas and every weakness in his body and restoring him to perfect health and bringing peace of mind to his dear ones in the Name of Christ Jesus.

    2. Joining the prayers warriors for Jeff B. May He wrap his loving arms around Jeff in comfort and peace.

  36. Dear beloved JC FAMILY. So blessed to receive today’s Bible Gateway encouraging verse full of hope. Thank You Jesus!

    "For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for prosperity and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart." Jer.29.11-Jer.29.13&version=NASB

    1. Thank you and Amen dear Sassy Mom. You have been in my mind, in my prayers, and in my heart. May God continue to shine His bright light on your path every day and lift your beautiful heart. Love you, good sister. Stay strong, blessed and safe.

  37. Thank you. AmenπŸ™❤️ Have a blessed day everyone

  38. I'm so thankful for His love. I want to fully grasp and understand and be changed by His love. If only we all received His love, the world would be a different place. Perfect love drives out fear (worry, anxiety, guilt, condemnation.)

    I recently heard a Christian meditation on SoulSpace talk about God's love. Here is the link:

    When I heard that, it was like grasping His love for the first time. The word relentless describes His love perfectly. Thank You Jesus for Your perfect, relentless love. Please help us all, as well as we can, understand how much you love us. In Jesus name, amen

    1. Love this, FACB. Thanks for sharing. The word 'relentless' also reminds me of a song where the word 'reckless' is used. One of my faves. See below.

      Reckless Love by Cory Asbury
      Before I spoke a word, You were singing over me
      You have been so, so good to me
      Before I took a breath, You breathed Your life in me
      You have been so so kind to me
      Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God
      Oh, it chases me down, fights 'til I'm found, leaves the 99
      And I couldn't earn it
      I don't deserve it, still You give yourself away
      Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God
      When I was Your foe, still Your love fought for me
      You have been so, so good to me
      When I felt no worth, You paid it all for me
      You have been so, so kind to me
      Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending reckless love of God
      Oh, it chases me down, fights 'til I'm found, leaves the 99
      And I couldn't earn it
      I don't deserve it, still You give yourself away
      Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending reckless love of God
      There's no shadow You won't light up
      Mountain You won't climb up
      Coming after me
      There's no wall You won't kick down
      Lie You won't tear down
      Coming after me
      There's no shadow You won't light up
      Mountain You won't climb up
      Coming after me
      There's no wall You won't kick down
      Lie You won't tear down
      Coming after me
      There's no shadow You won't light up
      Mountain You won't climb up
      Coming after me
      There's no wall You won't kick down
      Lie You won't tear down
      Coming after me
      Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending reckless love of God
      Oh, it chases me down, fights 'til I'm found, leaves the 99
      I couldn't earn it, I don't deserve it, still You give yourself away
      Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending reckless love of God


    3. That was so beautiful dear Free as can B! Thank you! God is just so good and His love is amazing to me! What a soothing share that was. Rested in His Love!

    4. Dear Suzanne! I love that song about the reckless love of God. Thanks for posting the beautiful words. You fed me well.

  39. Thank you, FACB, that was a delightful, beautiful, and LOVE FILLED exercise. ♥️πŸ‘

  40. Missing Brie…😞please come and share what the Lord has been doing in your life.

  41. Sure do miss our dear Brie who is like a bright beacon to our JC Family. God bless her in every way.

  42. I appreciate Chris Payton's comments and prayers on today's reading. Yes, "Lord, change my ways. I pray that my will would be surrendered to You". Less of me, more of You Lord. More obedience, less wilfulness. Amen.

  43. Thanks to Janet E, Brie, JJ, and everyone else who prayed for me yesterday. I could feel myself being lifted away from the pit as the day went on. It's such a testament to the power of prayer. And coincidentally or probably more likely providentially, I reread Bob's post from 2020, which is about prayer. It's worth looking at again. Thanks Bob and thanks JC Warriors.

    1. Yes PEBGDesigns! Continued prayers for you- I just read that post of Bobs from 4 years ago and commented on it a few minutes ago. This is further confirmation. God bless you

    2. Thanks for the update PEBGDesigns, YES! In God's eyes you are worthy of ❤️ and πŸ™ . I'm thankful you received both and the pit remains empty!
      Otherwise, it would be pit-i'-full 😍

    3. HALLELUJAH, PEBGDesigns!!!
      Keep looking up. Speaking Life, Love, Blessings, Awe, Wonder, God's Goodness, Mercy, Sound Mind, Freedom, and The Blood of Jesus over you!

    4. God is so amazing and faithful! Hallelujah

    5. God heard our prayers and you felt His presence. You received His help and faithfulness. You are covered by the Blood of Christ. You are in His mighty Hands.

  44. Dear Norah --- Going to My Heavenly Father, to cover you, DH, and son for the follow up appointment with DH's oncologist in My Father's Healing, Grace, and Mercy. I pray that He grants you strength, peace, and wisdom and may His Presence be felt as you navigate this journey together. Guide the oncologist in determining the next best steps for DH's treatment.
    Praying for complete restoration for, Martha, after her vascular surgery.
    Speaking Life and Life more Abundantly, Blessings, Hope, Comfort, Renewal, and Pleading the Blood of Jesus over all. In the Name of Jesus, Whose comforting Presence soothes our hearts and reassures us of His unfailing Love and Care. AMEN and AMEN

    1. Amen! Praying with you dear JJ for our Norah's DH and Martha. Thank You Father for guiding Norah's dear husband's Oncologist to give him the perfect treatment to bring him back to good health and comfort, and for granting him and his family peace of mind, and thank You for continuing to heal Martha of her vascular problems following her surgery and bring her back her good circulation and good health in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

  45. Dear Jeanne --- Sending prayers over your son that was positive for Covid. I pray the WARRING and MINISTERING ANGELS to come over your son and family to SQUASH, MASH, and TRASH that Covid and that it would be DESTROYED and OVERPOWERED by the FORCES of LIGHT! The enemy and his schemes will be TRASHED and Health will be Restored. In Jesus' Name I Pray and Believe, AMEN and AMEN

    1. I am praying and believing with you, JJ. While singing 🎢 Take Out The Papers And The Trash πŸ—‘!

    2. Thank you so much for your powerful prayer, dear JJ. Thanks Brie for praying and making me smile too. Today Greg said he felt a little better than yesterday and no one else has tested positive. Trusting in God's promises and leaning on His Faithfulness. Our God is greater!!! Love you. Thanks for all who are praying. Much love.
