Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Jesus Calling: February 28

    Stop judging and evaluating yourself, for this is not your role. Above all, stop comparing yourself with other people. This produces feelings of pride or inferiority; sometimes, a mixture of both. I lead each of My children along a path that is uniquely tailor-made for him or her. Comparing is not only wrong; it is also meaningless.
    Don't look for affirmation in the wrong places: your own evaluations, or those of other people. The only source of real affirmation is My unconditional Love. Many believers perceive Me as an unpleasable Judge, angrily searching out their faults and failures. Nothing could be farther from the truth! I died for your sins, so that I might clothe you in My garments of salvation. This is how I see you: radiant in My robe of righteousness. When I discipline you, it is never in anger or disgust; it is to prepare you for face-to-Face fellowship with me throughout all eternity. Immerse yourself in My loving Presence. Be receptive to My affirmation, which flows continually from the throne of grace. 
Luke 6:37
English Standard Version
Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;

John 3:16-17
English Standard Version
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

Isaiah 61:10
New American Standard Bible
I will rejoice greatly in the Lord,
My soul will exult in my God;
For He has clothed me with garments of salvation,
He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness,
As a bridegroom decks himself with a garland,
And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

Proverbs 3:11-12
English Standard Version
My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline
or be weary of his reproof,
for the Lord reproves him whom he loves,
as a father the son in whom he delights.

Let God define my life. Be careful to observe all of the commandments. We need to be careful how we conduct ourselves every moment. If we are engaging in sin, we need to stop. God loves us, without condition, which means my performance is not earning His Love. Be the best I can be, within the context of His commands, but stoop grading life. Look forward each day for what God will do in our lives.

My Prayer
Lord, help me to live each moment for you, being careful what I do and say. I pray for your guidance through me and that I would honor You daily with my speech and conduct. Work in me to reflect You. I pray as I speak to others that You take care of outcomes. This is true in my life. The secret of my days in walking with you faithfully, not looking all around, at myself to determine if my road is correct, but trusting that following You leads me down the path that I need to be on. But, I must follow. If I don't follow you, I can't then make it out that I'm leaving in a proper manner, when I'm not.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Getting a head-start on tomorrow by reading now, before I go to bed. "The only source of real affirmation is My unconditional Love." That is what I want to go to sleep on and tomorrow morning, I will read this Jesus Calling again and start my day. Today was another day of surprises. Two cases of fraud - daughters, 'stealing' their fathers in order to get their SSA benefits. REALLY?? I am left here, shaking my head in wonder. Who can even think this stuff up? I went to work still kind of sick today and all day, thinking I would leave early, I stayed. Almost 9 hours later, I left and came home to my dear hub. He fixed our (microwae) dinner and I'm ready for bed. Giving it all to him. Looking forward to waking up tomorrow, reading this again, with fresh perspective and living another day. In His Grace. Get rid of the News (UGH!). Do, as we've been instructed - pray for our leadership. It will give us a peaceable life. I Timothy 2:2

    1. I read each evening and morning now as well. Some very good commentary by so many folks of late. Norah, God is using you mightily at work and home.

      Today's message to me: don't judge yourself as we all are the hardest critic or the prideful floater. I like the message of His affirmation comes from a throne of grace. Jesus led the way for all of us in that regard. Have a blessed Thursday and I look forward to the additional insights from the "team".

    2. floater is Gloater! ha ha. wish we could edit!

    3. I try not to judge myself too harshly because I am loved by an Everlasting Love. I try to read in the morning and night because His Word is sweet to my tongue and your words lift me high and encourage me. Our prayers for each other are so important too and He hears every one.

    4. Me too Jeanne! There is only ONE judge, and who are we to think we should do His work?

    5. satan lures me into this trap until I remind myself of my Mom's words, "Since when did God die and leave you judge?"

  2. God must work miracles when we sleep - because He doesn't! I let it all go, but He stayed awake, soothing, comforting and I woke up renewed. Ready for another day.
    "Luke 6:37
    English Standard Version
    Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;" Funny, I've always read this verse as me not judging or condemning others. This morning, I read as ME not judging or condeming MYSELF. MadFox, I think somewhere along the way I noticed that you read at night and in the morning. What a blessing this site and our "Team" is! Some days I have time to get back on and read, so I know what to pray for, for others. Have a great day, JC friends. I will be praying for all of us!

    1. Thanks for sharing Norah. Like you, I also read that verse and I applied it to judging and condemning others instead of me. Every year, I get to the same words yet see them differently, sort of like a spiral staircase.

    2. Anen! His Spirit helps us to understand His Word in a more mature way with a deeper understanding, and other believers help us see things differently too. We are truly on a faith journey that teaches and enlightens us every day.

    3. Proof right there of the LIVING WORD! It amazes me so how chapter and verse come alive and speak to me in perfect timing to grow closer to God and others.

    4. Then what I saw as a spiral staircase may be a spirITUal Staircase. HMM!

    5. Love this! Thank you Brie, Norah, Jeanne and Madfox.
      Love, blessings and prayers for our JC family πŸ™❤️πŸ™

  3. Good morning friends. Each day is a fresh start. Thank you God! I must say that my very biggest sin is comparing myself to others. My head knows it's wrong but I continue. it does no one good. So Lord give me strength and courage to just flat out STOP doing it. My other part is i've of deep gratitude for this community who lifted me in prayer this month regarding my depression. My brothers and sisters your prayers are working. The cloud is lifting. God is good all the time. Thanks be to God.

    1. Glad to hear you are getting better, praying for complete healing for you.

  4. AND YES! When i'm having a difficult time and post something I always look back to see what my fellow Christians have to say God uses us to help each other. Norah I LOVE the thought of me not judging myself. I believe that is more than half the battle. God bless you all!

  5. All you followers are amazing. I love reading all your wisdom and kind words. Everyone enjoy the beautiful day...although it's bitter cold as usual in Michigan!

  6. Morning All! Norah, the same thought struck me this morning as well. I've always applied the not judging to others. What a blessing that I am able to see that I can stop judging myself.
    I ask for prayers from "the team" for favor in regards to my job search. I'm going through a VERY difficult season. I walk by faith KNOWING that My Lord and Savior has good plans for me.

    1. May God strengthen you in this season and grant you peace and comfort. He is a loving God and will provide the desires of your heart.

    2. Amen Min Ahadi. A beautiful and timeless prayer.

  7. Thank you Lord for Carolyn. She is precious in your sight and with that her needs are of great value to you. Her search for a job has been placed in your capable hands, give her peace as you guide her through. Amen!

    1. Beautiful prayer! I agree In the name of Jesus!

    2. Jan - We miss you and love you.

    3. Yes, we miss and love you Jan. Prayer for all of us! πŸ’–πŸ™

  8. Don't look for affirmation in the wrong places: your own evaluations, or those of other people. The only source of real affirmation is My unconditional Love.

    I am always looking for affirmation. Definitely my top love language! The problem is as much as I look for it it is dangerous because I'm putting that pressure on myself and on other people to affirm me to feel justified and successful in life. I totally get it now that the only way to be affirmed is through the unconditional love of God. Key word "unconditional". All other affirmations and responses from my own self and from other people have conditions and therefore they are unfulfilling. I may affirm myself one moment and the next moment I am beating myself up. I guess that's the Human Condition and it's why unconditional love can be so difficult in this messy sin filled world. So as a follower of Christ once again it comes back to the same place. Only the love of Christ can fill the void in my life and the sooner I stop looking for the rest of the world to fill it the better. Peace friends!

    1. Riseup, you spoke right to my heart. Thank you for sharing. I too have a love language heavily based on words of affirmation, and it is hard for me when I don't get those words. But I need to remember my affirmation comes from Christ who lov ed me (and us) so much to place us in this world in the first place.

    2. Amen Riseup ! We need to remember to look to God whose affirmation is fair and just . He is changing us to be more like Christ. Let us seek God in all that we do.

    3. Yes RiseUp, Only Christ can fill the hole in my soul. Thanks Be To God. Amen.

    4. Soo hard bring this home at times. When the affirmation is from the Lord, all is well with my soul & the world.

    5. Beautiful truth Riseup! Thank you and Amen. Taking this with me.
      “Only the love of Christ can fill the void in my life and the sooner I stop looking for the rest of the world to fill it the better”

    6. Hubby and I often talk about this. The constant search by all humans to fill a void that only Jesus can fill. Praying for the revival in our Lord to bring peace where conflict exists. In Jesus's name, I pray!

    7. And a year later this perfect reminder of how I look for affirmations from others to motivate me along a"good" path. Today, and each day, I thank you Father for your promise that you alone are enough for me, and I for you. Thank you for renewing my mind and drawing me closer to you each day. I trust your judgement of me. I release all judgement of others to you.

    8. AHHH HA moment re-reading again this year. How simple that I can get the words of affirmation I want so much to feel loved just by picking up MY BIBLE!

  9. So appreciate everyone (the team) sharing thoughts above. Some wonderful thoughts indeed! How strong our Lord's admonition to not judge (self or others) for it so muddies the soul and prevents one from accepting and believing in our Lord's unconditional love. We say we do and we know we should but as often as we lapse into a spirit of judgment, it clutters the space that God's unconditional love seeks to dwell in our soul. But do not be hard on yourself (judgmental?) for sanctification is a process. As we learn how to deal with those demons that lurk in our midst, we will allow for God's love to bring healing and wholeness within. By His grace, we are making progress with each other's help. God be with you.

    1. Lord save us from the demons when we cannot save ourselves. Amen.

    2. Amen! I remind myself often that Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.

  10. You all give me such good perspective on the reading. I need to stop comparing myself to others. I've felt inferior and not enough for as long as I can remember. When I compare, I'm comparing my insides to their outsides. It really isn't a fair comparison anyways. I love this community and appreciate all of you that are so open and honest in your own walk with God and his word. Thank you for sharing. Praying for all of us in our journey.

    1. I have often heard that Comparison is from satan for it knows when it gets us into comparison mode, "Some gotta win, some gotta lose" and we are either putting ourselves or another down, rather than equal and loved in the Eyes of Christ thereby building UP His Kingdom . Help me Lord. You know I am totally unqualified to judge anyone, including me. Save me from drifting into the judgy lane where I don't belong and instead, get back on the path You have set for me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Me too dear Brie. I am always asking our loving Father to help me not to judge others. I should not criticize them just because they sin differently than I sin.

  11. I want to be on the "team". I read everyday. I cannot seem to accept the later years.

    1. You ARE here, therefore, You ARE on the Team, HIS team!
      Be welcomed and be blessed, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. AMEN! HALLELUJAH! Bless God's team!

    3. Amen! You have come to the right family dear Unknown! God’s team welcomes you with open arms and open hearts.

    4. This"team" of prayer warriors is as deep and as wide as all who come here, once or more often, commenting or not. We all belong. Welcome!

  12. Wow, I love the book Jesus Calling. I love seeing us all come together as a "team". Just as Jesus wants it to be! Blessings to all. I'm still very far back, but I've been learning to live absolutely in the day and trust Jesus for all I need, and I've found the promise to be as true as I'm standing here today.

    I was struggling so bad a few years ago, and had been for a while, with health issues, and finances. I was so busy worrying that I couldn't take time to listen to Jesus so directly and literally. I kept feeling like once I solved my problems I could spend more time with Jesus and be better at being a Christian. I had it all backwards. I finally gave in and I did go out on a limb for Jesus like he asks and was willing to let everything else go knowing nothing is our own, everything is a gift from God. I still have the same financial issues, and heath issues, too. But, I finally learned to really take God up on his promise and live literally in the day. For 3 years now, God always provided enough for the day, and somehow even when I've had only just enough money to get by, I do, and I have found small miracles happening all around me. Things have happened that I couldn't make happen before, and God has provided things I needed at exactly the right time. I will always try and treat today and the present as the only thing. It can be hard in today's world, but you must believe and make Jesus your best friend.

    I've found that being a Christian now, is much easier than I thought it ever could be. One main reason is I stopped judging myself (ok, I started trying really hard not to and still do, lol) and stopped thinking it was all about how many Sundays I went to church and how many people actually saw me being a Christian.. wow.. It's not about working your head off, it's about geting your heart in the right place, and begin doing your Christian deeds on the smallest scale, for neighbors, for perfect strangers, and for the earth, and let it be really from the heart as in how Jesus might be in the same situation. Now I feel like a Christian. I don't strive to "show" Jesus and the whole world how big a Christian I am by owning expensive suits and being the most visible in the church....

  13. cont.
    Jesus uses each of us in entirely different ways. I never felt I was "enough". Now I feel like I'm making a real difference. I wait on God to bring his will to me more now. And I ask myself what I should do in the situation and not can I. I ask myself how would Jesus handle the situation. And, if something is in my power I try and go to work and be there for God. And, now, it seems like chances for me to help God in meaningful ways pop up more often and to where I feel it's more meaningful, not necessarily "big".

    Man, somedays I could just go on, but I don't organize my thoughts all that well in writing so I won't, lol. I'm just so happy to now be on "the" team. I accept each new day as the only day. And Jesus is my best friend, even with my very human flaws, and he puts a smile on my face now, beginning every morning when I first read my devotion. Then I go blazing into the day full of excitement,,, well most days, ha. I ask Jesus to present me with his will for me on that day. And, somedays, all he wants, is for me to be still and happy with exactly where I am at the moment, no matter where. Seeking his face in all situations brings peace and joy and the knowledge of his presence with us will carry us through our day.

    What a nice burden to have lifted; I don't have to continually compare myself to others or judge my flaws. I can be free to just be the one that God created and revel in it.

    Thanks to the Peyton Family for the place for a Team to form and, all for the good of God and each other. Thanks to Sarah Young and her book that has changed my life and keeps my focus aimed straight every day. Thanks to all of the people who check in here and share our similar feelings. Thanks to God for keeping me in a place of neediness and in constant dependance on Him! He needs people like me to do work, too. Maybe on a path that others wouldn't take. I'm okay with that. Peace

    1. A beautiful post, Unknown. Thank you for sharing the significant growth with which the Spirit has blessed you. And it is just the beginning of what our Lord is doing for you. Fasten your seat belt (your faith), you are in for quite a ride and it is all good.

    2. Thank you for sharing, Allen! It is so nice to see into the journey of someone on the team; it brings hope, life and light. CO

    3. Allen, I love your post. Praise be to God! I love our JC team! Amen Amen

    4. Amen .Thank for being so open about your walk and how God is changing you .

    5. Two years later Allen, how are you?

    6. Praying you are doing well now Allen and still living “in the day” and in His presence and peace.

  14. I have been reading Jesus Calling (the book and here on line) for years now. It never gets old and speaks to me in different ways all the time.
    I wanted to take a minute and thank the Peyton Family for sharing thoughts and prayers with the rest of us. I really enjoy that lately so many are contributing with their comments. It is so helpful to know I‘m not the only one who struggles with this or that issue and to learn from y‘all! Thank you!

    1. Yes The eyes of my heart, we all share the same story! The only difference is in who is telling it.

    2. Amen Brie. We all have our own personal faith story to tell and He is writing our next chapter as we remain in the present with Him.

  15. I see everyone likes the "team" language. In honor of Mr. Payton and his family, I propose when discussing the group now posting here as Team PFJC! Team Payton Family Jesus Calling. Example: Team PFJC or just team too, let's specifically pray for Norah's situation at work or for a great new job for Carolyn. In His name. Amen

  16. Wonderful thought to honor the Paytons and it would be very uplifting and in-clusive to feel part of the "team". Is it possible that for some who read and pray but don't post, the term "team" might feel ex-clusive? Also who is the leader of this team? Does Mr. Payton want to be the leader? Naming the team after him and Jesus Calling might imply to some readers that he and the Jesus Calling author subscribe to or endorse every post that is made here. The experience,faith and hope of posters like Madfox and others,in their vulnerability and wisdom help me see that we are all alike inside. whether or not we post. More like a family than a team. Just my thoughts.

  17. We are members of a Family, Anonymous, THE Family of God! I think MadFox is just recognizing where we all met. When I first hit this page in the morning, or the wee hours - whenever my heart needs a boost, I look at the first date posted. It was the Peyton Family who started this blog and I hope they are blessed seeing its resounding effect 5 or 6 years later. I love all of the sharing and just knowing that I can get on here and SHARE. And then know that there are like-minded believers (whom I've never met!) praying for me. It's the family of God. Call it whatever we want - we know what we're about. More importantly, HE does! <3

    1. Still being so blessed in 2022 πŸ™‚

  18. Jesus Calling, the Payton family and each one of you are such a blessing! I just love reading y’all a posts and prayers. Prayers for each of you and God bless ♥️πŸ™

  19. Team PFJC! Count me in!! I invite all who benefit to be on the team, whether posters or readers!

  20. I am mostly a reader. But know that if I don't post, I am praying for each one of you. I too love JC. But I also love your post for they make me realize I am not alone and gives me a different perspective,which helps me to grow. Love the "posters" and the "readers" and the Payton family.Have a wonderful day PFJC!!

    1. You Are Never Alone

  21. Dear Lord help me to continue to see the very best in myself. Give me wisdom and an open heart to know when I am self doubting, comparing, self judging. Help me to remember that you made me perfect. I am your beloved son. Amen

    1. This is my prayer as well @ABC!


    2. Joining in that prayer dear ABC. If only we could see ourselves through God’s Eyes of Love.

  22. Team PFJC - what a wonderful family of believers! I start my day with Jesus and you. Have a blessed one. KS

  23. I slept too late, so this will be quick: my family arrived safe and sound! Thank you, Lord; thank you, JC Family for prayers. Also, have a case who asked for prayer. Please lift D and J. D's health and everything working out for them.
    Thank you Prayer Warriors!

  24. The devotion today has made me aware of the judging I have been doing lately; comparing myself to others, especially in my workplace. Help me, Oh God, to humble myself and realize each of us on this Earth have been given special gifts, and we are to use those gifts to the best of our ability.
    Thank you, Lord, for the unconditional Love You give to each of us! Thank You for always forgiving and loving me. Help me to show love and forgiveness toward others.

    I am saying special prayers today for all that post comments on this blog and for those who read in the background. Each one of you is important! I am thankful for the Jesus Calling book and this blog. CO

    1. Appreciate seeing your posts CO as you navigate through your difficult learning experiences. I to am in the process of learning to detach my security from myself or others behavior and thoughts. Our identity is not in our thoughts and actions because we all fall short.

      May we continue to discover His love and our identity in that love just as we are. True change and freedom flows out of that identity in love.

      God bless you all

    2. Joining into your prayers CO and Keith, Amen.

    3. Amen CO, Keith and Brie. What a blessing that He knows us completely and loves us exactly as we are. Very thankful.

  25. Being part of a team means belonging!
    We all belong and must believe this.
    We are always His, His team of believers. Knowing that we are all standing together for Christ gives us a solid unstoppable strength like a fortress of faith. I see our team in my minds eye holding hands, shoulder to shoulder, confident yet humble in the knowing that our weakness is our greatest strength and in our unity is a great comfort. As a team we bind together and our voices carry farther, and our love spreads wider and higher.
    United we stand under the amazing power of light and hope in our Savior Jesus Christ. So greatful for His sacrifice that allows my freedom to be exactly who He created me to be. What gives me the right to judge? He created me as well as all. We are each just valuable, not one more than the other. I must remember to remember ( as Beth Moore says) That judgement is only His, mine comes with a limited viewpoint, His and only His judgement is valid for His eyes see inside not only our minds but our true intentions and motivations...our hearts desire's disclosed. Thank you Lord for your unconditional love, which stated before, can only be given in all its perfection by you. Set apart indeed, only you, only you. As the song sings " What a beautiful name it is, the name of Jesus." Peace be with you team. Love and prayers to you all.

    1. This is so good and so true, Fern! Thanks for sharing!

    2. Yes Fern and Suzanne R, In HIM, His Name, and in this JC Prayer Warriors' Room, We ALL BELONG! YEAH!

    3. What a beautiful name it is!

    4. 🎢🎢 πŸ’—πŸ’— Thanks Audra. Music helps keep my mind right!

    5. What a mighty team we are bound together in Christ by His Love, His Word and our Faith.

  26. Great post from last year, Allen. Thanks for sharing.
    Happy Friday Team Prayer Warriors! Have a wonderful weekend and stay connected to The Vine. Peace!

    1. How are you Suzanne R? And how is Kyle? Praying diligently for you and your family and all of our Texas neighbors. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

  27. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

    As I follow Jesus to learn from the One who had a pure heart and a right spirit within Him, I watch as He comes upon a leper (Matthew 8:1-4). Now the temple law requires lepers to isolate themselves outside the community and to keep a distance from everyone. But this leper has the audacity to break the law and approach Jesus, falling at His feet saying, "Lord, if You choose, You can make me clean." (Obviously he has a level of faith} I watch to see Jesus response. Will He play defense and step back from this man with such a highly contagious disease? Or will He play offense and attempt to make something good happen in the man's life even at the expense of His own health? What will He do? I am overwhelmed when He puts His hands on the man. Now He is considered unclean according to the temple law. He expresses His love for the man and His desire for the man to be well. Drawing upon His God given healing power, He commands his body to be clean, and with that being said all the sores from the leprosy are gone, the parts of his body that had decayed and/or fallen off are restored. He looks like he must have before catching the dreaded disease. Wow! This is so wonderful to watch happen. And Jesus did it at risk to Himself with trust in God.

    As we walk on, I contemplate what I just observed. So this is what a pure heart looks like, a right spirit within. It is a heart that takes chances, that cuts against social norms. It is a heart that is driven by one's desire to seek the well being of others, even those who are not pleasant to be around. It is a heart that takes chances trusting the Father in heaven that watches over all Spirit led efforts. What I take away from observing Him in action is that I must seek to remove all prejudices from my heart, to not be primarily concerned with my well being but to seek the Spirit's lead within me in any given situation; to not measure the cost but to focus on the desire of God for none to perish but for all to be brought to wholeness. This is what a pure heart looks like; this is what a renewed spirit does. May God so help me to do.

    Peace my brothers and sisters in Christ. May our Lord help each of you to find your own pure heart and renewed spirit in watching our Savior in action. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. I am praying along with you BOB, for a pure heart and a right Spirit within me, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Amen Bob! I need a selfless heart of unconditional love.

    3. Thanks again, dear Bob, Your words mean more to me every year. We must trust God as we follow Him even when it means venturing out of our comfort zones and taking risks. If it is part of His plan for us, we must be obedient, tender hearted, and merciful even when it is inconvenient and difficult. May God give us all pure hearts so we can serve Him better.

  28. Good morning! This portion of a post from last year is with repeating for me today...Only the love of Christ can fill the void in my life and the sooner I stop looking for the rest of the world to fill it the better. Peace friends! Blessings all around! - may BLESSINGS INSPIRE ♥️

  29. Lord, help me to remember that comparison is the enemy of joy. One destroys the other. Yours is the only opinion that matters. I am choosing to make this,season of Lent one of renewal,drawing closer to You, and trying harder to hear from You. I love you and I will practice Your presence today.

    1. I am joining into your prayer, Mark. In Jesus' Name. Amen,

    2. Me too Mark! Joining you and Brie.
      What a perfect prayer for the Lenten season. Amen and Amen.

  30. "For He has clothed me with garments of salvation,
    He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness,"

    .....Strength for today
    and bright hope for tomorrow
    Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside.... GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS.

    1. Thank you Sassy Mom. Love your posts and your heart. Prayers for our PFJC Team.
      For All, those who pat and for those who do not. Prayers for Payton family and for Sarah Young. Thank you Fern, Bob, Madfox, Allen for your glorious posts of love and light. Asking for prayers for my friend Janina as she had a biopsy this morning to see if she has breast cancer. She is young, in her 40’s. Prayers for Gods healing hand in all of this. Peace and love be with us all
      With love,
      Texas friend ♥️πŸ™

    2. Unknown Brandy - Praying comforting healing prayers for your friend Janina and all others who are waiting biopsy results. Be blessed.

    3. Prayers for Janina and Allison, Mike and Christin. Lord you can demolish all disease that comes upon us. Lord I ask for complete healing for those carrying evidence of disease. Demolish and destroy all that is not making us better Lord.

    4. I'm a year late and a dollar short, yet I am still Praying for your friend, Brandy. How is she?

    5. Beautiful Sassy Mom! Amen Brandy. Praying Janina is now doing well

  31. Father, with a heart full of gratitude, I render sincere thanks to You for the restfulness of the past night and for the gift of a new day in Your Presence. Help me to always remember what a gift it is to have a little talk with Jesus every morning. Help me to embrace whatever comes my way as an opportunity, rather than a personal inconvenience. Help me to rest in the truth of Psalm 86:13, "Great is your love toward me".

    JC Family, here’s a prayer this day for you:

    ‘Loving Father, direct our steps this day into the way of peace, and strengthen our hearts to obey your commandments. So many times we turn away from You and always You welcome us back. Your mercy and love gives us confidence to move forward. Thank You for the invitation to share, abstain from certain daily routines and pray so that You can form a new heart within us. Your powerful compassion for our weaknesses leads us to ask for mercy and await with great hope the coming Easter joy You share with us. We are deeply aware that there is a struggle going on in us. So we turn to You Lord, that we might not become discouraged. We rely on Your compassion and love for us. We acknowledge who we are, sinners who experience the consequences of our selfishness, but know we are loved and we desire to be filled with hope. Thank You for ‘clothing us in Your garments of Salvation’ and seeing us ‘radiant in Your robe of righteousness’. We give You thanks through Jesus Christ Our Lord. AMEN!

    Maplewood, NJ

  32. Reaching out for prayers for my fiancΓ© John too and my friend Jody as their work conditions continue to be very challenging and unstable. Prayers for all their hard work to be be blessed and thank you Lord for walking before us and for taking such good care of us. I trust in your promises and thank you for your perfect love and blessings.
    God be with us all
    In Jesus heavenly name
    With love,
    Texas friend ♥️πŸ™

    1. Unknown Brandy - Praying God's blessings on your fiancΓ© and friend Jody. "His perfect love and blessings" AMEN!!

    2. Praying for your requests, Brandy along with all other JC Prayer Warriors

    3. Brandy, Praying with my family for John and Jody and for your good health and comfort. Thank You Jesus.

  33. "Be receptive to My affirmation, which flows continually from the throne of grace."
    It's been a rough day. I was so tired and my casework was unbelievable; the last thing being a homeless man who wanted to sit in my office. I had a half hour to complete my work and jet to the Chiropractor. I tried to be gracious but I know he felt my angst.
    My Hub and I got to text each other and he is having a blast. Walked 4 miles - amazing! I told him nothing of the hiccups in our kitchen remodel - who needs that when you're in another country and can't do a thing about it? But, all day, I kept thinking, "Oh, I'll tell him when I get home," and then I'd remember that I won't see him until a week from today. My friends are here to help tomorrow - laying sub-flooring (of which I know NOTHING - but they do!). I hope to be in bed early and have a fresh perspective tomorrow. More snow...not good, but we'll deal with it.
    I loved reading all of the posts on here and it helped me remember that it isn't ME, but it's YOU, oh Lord! Continued prayers for each of you. Please pray that my heart is calm, that I can forget work until Tuesday and know that all will be well.

    1. Hope all is well in your Kitchen, Norah!
      My Brother and I shared prayers along the same lines as yours, "My friends are here to help tomorrow - laying sub-flooring (of which I know NOTHING - but they do!)"
      With regards to my brother's move and our potential house sale, we kept saying, we don't know what is best, BUT we have a FRIEND in JESUS WHO DOES! Amen. Amen. Amen!

    2. Dear Norah, Still praying that your heart is calm and your DH is doing well after his biopsy. He still has many bridges to cross but God will be leading him and our dear MadFox.
      Dear Brie! May God continue to lead you and your brother through his move and the sale of the house. Amen! Jesus is our Best Friend, loyal, honest and always reliable.

    3. Yes indeed... We've got a friend in Jesus! Spirit in the Sky ♥️🎢 link

    4. YUUP! Spirit, Spirit In The Sky.. I've got me a friend in Jesus!

  34. Update on Pastor Greg - He has been hospitalized since a week ago Saturday. This morning going home didn't look too promising. His condition improved late this afternoon. Bless his heart, he has finally been released from hospital. Thank You Lord.

  35. It's a quiet morning on here today. Perhaps you are having a quiet morning as well or perhaps a busy one.

    The Lord gave me these words yesterday that I kept with me all day: "In his presence there is fullness of Joy".

    Perhaps you are like me, nice idea and nice words but is this Joy my experience? Most of my life it has bot been. We learn by default a different Joy and often never tap into that fullness of Joy. Or we short change ourselves thinking this is as good as it gets. But I am on a journey of discovering Joy irrelevant of circumstances and it is only found in discovering His life and love as I have learned to be quiet and still enough at times to begin to see it. There is no battling, there is no performing, there is no manipulation or stuffing of feelings or thoughts. The truth emerges over time.

    "In quietness and trust is your strength"

    1. It is always great to "see" you, Keith. How is your joy journey?
      I searched my bible for Jesus' Joy. The closest I got was when He was dining with His Friends. If anyone has found Jesus experiencing Joy in their bible, would you share passages? Love and prayers JC Family. With Love, BRIE

    2. So true dear Keith. In quietness and stillness we experience His presence and a complete joy and peace that is only found in believing.

  36. "Stop Judging and Evaluating Yourself", stopped me dead in my tracks. One of my theme songs could have been an adaptation of
    LOOKING FOR LOVE by Johnnie Lee
    I spent a lifetime lookin' for You
    Single bars and good time lovers were never true
    Playing a fools game, hopin' to win
    Tellin' those sweet lies and losin' again
    I was lookin' for love in all the wrong places
    Lookin' for love in too many faces
    Searchin' their eyes
    Lookin' for traces of what I'm dreaming of
    Hoping to find a friend and lover
    God bless the day I discover
    Another heart lookin' for love
    I was alone then, no love in sight
    I did everything I could to get me through the night
    I don't know where it started or where it might end
    I turned to a stranger just like a friend
    I was lookin' for love in all the wrong places
    Lookin' for love in too many faces
    Searchin' their eyes
    Lookin' for traces of what I'm dreaming of
    Hoping to find a friend and lover
    God bless the day I discover
    Another heart lookin' for love
    YOU came knockin' on my heart's door
    YOU ARE everything I've been looking for
    No more lookin' for love in all the wrong places
    (No more) Lookin' for love in too many faces
    (No more) Searchin' their eyes
    Lookin' for traces of what I'm dreaming of
    Now that I found YOU MY BEST Friend and FOREVER
    God blessed the day I discovered
    YOU, oh YOU, when I was lookin' for love!
    It's still a challenge for me to lose the strive for perfection and likeability, and just except that I can be loved unconditionally by God. Who Am I To Be Loved By YOU? (another song for another day!)
    Thanks for being here JC Family. I do love you.

    1. In Luke 10:21, In that hour Jesus rejoiced in the spirit and said, "I thank You Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight. "

    2. Wonderful song ...we have all tried to fil the vacuum with the wrong the wrong places . We have found God please change our thinking and help us to be more dependent on you.

    3. Singing this great song along with you Brie!! He's our One and ONLY true Love!

      Mom is doing great Brie, thanks for asking. The cold weather is not her thing which I understand because of her bones, but I remind her that it's God's thing/season and He carries her through each, so we give thanks!

      Remain blessed sister.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. I sure do remember that song Brie. We were all looking for love and often in the wrong places especially in college. I was blessed to fall in love with a very tall, long haired, skinny young man in college and marry him almost 8 years later. I still love Rick very much. But when I surrendered my life to the Lord I found a perfect and complete love. Nothing can compare to it and I am so thankful that He chose me.
      Dear Maplewood. I’m so glad your Mom is doing well. Hope you are feeling better and your little sister is feeling well.

  37. Thank You Jesus. Father, please pray for me to be transformed into the person You desire me to be. You are Almighty God and there is no one above You. Praise You Lord πŸ™Œ πŸ™.

    1. Joining into your prayer, Janet. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    2. DH finally heard from the unemployment officer, but their calculations are way off. Please continue prayers for God to clarify, in Jesus' Name. Amen

    3. Absolutely Brie. You all are always in my prayers πŸ™.

    4. Amen Janet.
      Dear Brie. Continuing to pray with my family here for your DH’s unemployment problems and his health. And your healing and comfort. You are all always in my prayers. Much love.

  38. Cat
    I am so guilty of seeking affirmation from others. I realize this character defect has been with me since I was a small child. It has put undue pressure on others and created a very unappealing neediness in me. I am going to ask forgiveness and seek strength from God to release me from this flaw. It is a self centeredness that prevents me from hearing and seeing the world around me. Praying for guidance.

    1. Joining you Cat in this prayer. As a child I never felt wanted let alone affirmed. God? God who? Was my stance. How could someone I can't see or touch love me? I didn't see it in those around me, how could I receive it from someone I couldn't see? Thank You dear Jesus for chasing me down, for running after me, for singing over me a new, beautiful, loving song! I love You Lord & praise Your Holy Name. Hallelujah!

    2. Just to add these lyrics to my post:

      O the deep, deep love of Jesus
      Vast unmeasured, boundless, free
      Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me
      Underneath me, all around me, is the current of thy love
      Leading onward, leading homeward to
      Thy glorious rest above

      O the deep, deep love of Jesus
      Tis a heav'n of heav'ns to me
      And it lifts me up to glory, for it lifts me up to thee
      O the deep, deep love of Jesus
      Spread His praise from shore to shore
      How He loveth, ever loveth, changeth
      Never, nevermore

    3. 🎢🎢 πŸ’—πŸ’— Although it is cloudy outside, inside, I am loving my beautiful, music-filled, prayer-filled, Sunday Morning with Jesus and the JCFAM!

    4. Amen! God chased you down Cat and you belong to Him. Trust in His love and care.
      Jan I just loved that! Thanks! It blessed me so much.
      Amen Brie! So much joy. You are usually the bringer of music but Jan filled our hearts very well.

  39. "It is wonderful to be grateful and to sing Your praise, Lord most High" Psalm 92:1.

    Loving Father, As we end this month today, we give thanks not only for our everyday blessings, but also for the immense blessings of being loved, saved and made totally whole by Jesus and restored right back to the heart of God! We thank You for walking with us this month, and never leaving us for one second no matter what the trial was. Help us to see the sacred in EVERYTHING and receive the invitation to have a practice of gratitude each day, and praising You for ALL things. Please close every chapter of failure and fill the empty spaces of our lives with Your abundance, so that as we launch into March, we can march on Victoriously in Jesus' name! The enemies did not prevail over us the last two months, because of Your love and mercy towards us. Just as You kept us these past months, we thank You for remaining the same and putting an end to the activities of the enemies over our lives and that of our families. Thank You for the coming new month of many blessed and opened doors of joy, peace, love, provisions, protection, healing and health, growth in our prayer life and walk with You, in Jesus name.

    "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him" Col. 3:1 7.

    "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." A. Einstein.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you sis Maplewood πŸ₯°. Count me officially launched into March. Bless us oh Lord in this new month, thankful for the past month & all challenges You brought us through. Amen.

    2. Two months on Salvation Airlines 2021 and I choose to continue. Buckling my Faithbelt now, and leaving my tray table down because of all the goodieness and mercifulness being continually served! Thanks for readying us for the March into tomorrow, sweet sweet Maplewood! Love You JC Family πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

    3. Thanks sweet Maplewood! Continuing in thanksgiving and praise. Can’t wait to see those new open doors. He holds my future and I remain blessed.
      Brie, you made me smile!
      Buckled in securely and looking forward to another month in His peace, love and protection.Love you allπŸ’—

  40. Be back a little later. Much love to all

  41. Thank you Maplewood, for your prayer putting February to bed and rallying the troops towards March. Thank you Jesus for it all, we love and trust you today and tomorrow. Blessings one and all, in joy today! πŸ™♥️

  42. I read through the updates and I have been so encouraged! I realised that I have been putting myself down and just because am different doesn't mean there is some thing wrong with me . God has a path for all of us and it's different! Some may get married, but a home , go on an overseas trip and I am there trying to put good on the table. I have to stop comparing my life and focus on doing the best with what I have, whether it's teaching the kids or washing the dishes God wants the best. Help me Lord from looking at people and to focus on you.

  43. Thanks for sharing Min Ahadi, Sometimes it takes me awhile to consider we, like Roses, Hyacinths, Honeysuckles, Wisteria, etc, all flowers are different. Different is just different, not better nor worse, richer nor poorer, but just different; and different is the way God intended when he made us different (so He can individually recognize each one of us, I guess) and gave us gifts differing (so His whole Kingdom can be built up with a multitude of skills, I guess)
    Praise You God and help me stay my focus on You, and Your Ways as Higher than my Ways, and Your Thoughts higher than my thoughts. Thanks Be To God for God, in Jesus' Name. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. Amen.

  44. Today's Power of Being Thankful Prayer aligned in conjunction with our JC Devo :)
    It stated: A Confident Person Avoids Comparison @ 1 Corinthians 15:10
    By The Grace (unmerited favor and blessing) of God I am what I am, and His Grace toward me is found to be for something!
    "Confidence is not possible as long as we compare ourselves with other people. No matter how good we look, how talented or smart we are, or how successful we are, there is always someone who is better, and sooner or later we will run into them.
    I believe confidence is found in knowing God loves us, realizing the gifts we have and being thankful for them-then we do the best we have with what God has given us to work with. Confidence is never found in comparing ourselves with others and competing with them.
    Always struggling to maintain the number one position is hard work. In fact, it's impossible. Our Joy should not be found in being better than others, but in being the best we can be for The Lord.
    PRAYER OF THANKS: I thank You Father, that I don't have to be better than others to be accepted by you. I am confident and secure because I know that You love me just as I am. Thank You for the peace that comes when I refuse to compare myself with others"
    Lord, would You help us to ComePraising, rather than ComParing? I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Beautiful Brie. Joining in your prayer with you. Father, please lift us up above our own short comings and help us to see the world through Your eyes. Amen πŸ™.

    2. Thanks sweet Brie! I loved what you said. So happy you are my sister. We don’t have to compare ourselves or our lives to anyone else because we are made complete in Him. We already have all we need in Jesus. He is everything and enough. The Christ in us makes us beautiful and we are of great value to Him. I am a beloved daughter of the Most High! Doesn’t get any better than that.

  45. Dear JC family. My 93 yr old Mom hasn’t been to a doctor in 5 years because she refused. After she was checked out at the hospital because she was suffering from sciatica I made an appointment with an orthopedic doctor with a very impressive background. Three people we know also recommended him. I’m taking my good Mom to him today at noon with my sister. She doesn’t want to go but her balance is bad and she is having trouble walking. Thanks for your prayers. She trusts in the Lord and He is in charge of this appointment. So happy to have my sister with me for moral support. We know Jesus us at our sides. We have been praying all will go well. Thank You for all to go well dear Jesus! Amen

    1. Heavenly Father, please grant Jeanne's mother healing, strength, and comfort as she walks through the day with You. Let Your loving hands direct and guide all that happens. Let Your everlasting arms be around Jeanne, her mother and sister and refresh them in Your perfect peace and unconditional love. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless.

    2. I m gathering into Janet's prayer for Mom, you and your sister Janet. May God's life and love surround all of you, before, during, and after the visit. In jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Praying for your mom Jeanne. I hope the doctor appointment goes well. My mom is really struggling with her walking, depression, etc. I think she is giving up unfortunately. It's wonderful that your sister is there with you.


    4. Joining dear sisters in praying for you, mom and Janet this day . Hold their hands dear Lord as they seek the doctor's care for this issue. Give the doctor wisdom , discernment & knowledge to carry out Your will. I pray that while human hands care for her physical need, You great Jehovah attend to her spiritual need. Massage her heart of flesh to soften enough to accept You into it, in the name of Jesus. Amen! Hallelujah!

    5. Hopping on the prayer train with my fellow sisters, Jeanne, and praying for your dear mom today. May they have clear understanding as to what's going on and answers to help her. Asking our Jehovah Rapha to be with you all today at the appointment. So glad you have your sister with you to tag-team with! Praying for answers and direction, Jeanne. In Jesus' name, amen.

    6. Joining in prayer for your mom and that the appointment would shed some light on what's going on. May God's Peace cover all of you as you go through the day. JE

    7. The pray-ers circle is wide around you, Jeanne, your mom and your sister. Feel the love, trust the Lord. We don't control the walk of others in their lives. Pray for the guidance you need, take one step at a time as you help your mom take hers. Love you!

    8. Your prayers made everything better. God was in the doctor's office. My Mom wasn't afraid and the doctor was wonderful. Thank God, she doesn't have anything wrong with her bones. They took a few X-rays. The doctor thinks she may have a pinched nerve so he gave us the name of a Neurologist and also the name of a General Practitioner she might like. My Mom liked the doctor and so did we. Janet liked him so much that she might go to him for a second opinion on her knees. Thanks for that Circle of sincere prayers around all of us. Your messages, prayers and encouragement made such a big difference. God bless you all.

  46. Thank You Jesus. I really needed to hear those words. Praise God always πŸ™Œ.

    1. Amen! Praise Him always for His constant help, loving kindness and tender mercies.

  47. " Stop judging and evaluating yourself, for this is not your role."
    Too often this is my role, unfortunately!
    The problem I see, is that we don't see ourselves as Jesus sees us. He sees us complete in Him. He sees us as perfect.
    He sees us as already having completed the race and seated in Heavenly places.
    We all too often just see our faults and mistakes, wrong attitudes, bad habits etc. And that's me looking at myself. That's my biggest mistake! I need to look at Jesus, not myself. We can't add an inch to our height or change ourselves in any way alone.
    So my answer is, "Lord help! Cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Refine me O Lord. As my selfish nature rises to the surface, skim off the impurities the rubbish in my life and purify me O God for Your purposes, Amen.
    Thank you Lord Jesus that I am complete in You.

    1. Truly said. I'm joining in prayer with you and resting in the sovereignty of the Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    2. Thanking God He is working on all of us every day. He knows our imperfections, weaknesses, and how emotions sometimes rule us instead of His Spirit. We are all works in progress. He is the Potter and we are the clay.

  48. Gathering into prayer with you, Peter.
    Lord help! Cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Refine me O Lord. As my selfish nature rises to the surface, skim off the impurities the rubbish in my life and purify me O God for Your purposes, Amen.
    Thank you Lord Jesus that I am complete in You.

    1. Amen! Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.

  49. Amen, Brie. I am petitioning this group of friends and believers to pray for me and my husband. I found out Friday that I have Long Haulers. (Positive for SARS/covid19. I am on FMLA with my employer and they are insisting I go back into the office. My doctors appointment is at 11 AM. tomorrow. I will go where the Lord leads us....Praying for Grace and Mercy while I battle these symptoms with my loving husband fighting with me. Goodnight and God Bless to all.

    1. Praying with you and for you, Amanda, along with other covid longhaulers, including my DH. May the good Lord bless and keep you wrapped up in His Grace, and Mercy, and Compassion. May He bless all employers to know the long haul struggle is real. In Jesus' Name we fight this battle on our knees.THY WILL BE DONE. AMEN.

    2. Thank you, Brie. Praying for you and your family as well. ♥️♥️♥️

    3. Joining into Brie's prayer for your healing and recovery, dear Amanda. May God bring you and Brie's DH Larry back to perfect health and all those suffering and in need of healing. Be not afraid. Let God show you the right path and strengthen your loved ones as they care for you. Rest in Him who loves you. Thank You Jesus for Your faithfulness and amazing healing power. We trust you and we wait on you.

  50. L-O-N-G Day, JC Fam. I am SO tired. Casework: more than I can say. Hurting people; needy people; being ignored, they are all so amazed that they can't get an answered phone, so they call our office and I try to help. DH is doing well...still believing for a 'kicking the can down the road,' Dx from his Onc. I will be doing prep for a Colonoscopy tomorrow. Please pray for me, as I will be working throughout the day on a clear liquid diet. Then tomorrow evening, at 5:00 I start the prep, which we all know is far worse than the procedure! My mind just goes back to my Dad, who died of Colon Cancer in 1985 and my Grandmother (Mom's side) at 85 - same Dx. So I do my due diligence and get my tests. But, honestly, I'm scared and I know that's not what God wants for me. Today's JC Devo resonated with me: I am my far worst Critic. MY prayer, Dear Father, is that you help me get over myself. Get me through tomorrow's prep and Wed's procedure and let it all be DONE.
    Praying for each of you as I've read throughout the day. Praying for peaceful sleep and a sharp mind tomorrow - not taken up with ME, but willing and able to help all who call. Sleep sweet - God is on the Night Watch! <3

    1. I am singing a prayer for your procedure, Norah.
      I pray all will be well in Jesus' Name. AMEN

  51. Get some rest dear Norah. You spend so much time helping others and now that your Colonoscopy is coming you need to rest yourself. I'm thankful your DH is doing well. God is so good.
    Praying the prep for your Colonoscopy goes fine. My Mom had colon cancer so I understand. I always get my Colonoscopy when it is due. May God guide your doctor through a smooth procedure and give you good results and peace of mind. Thank You Jesus.

  52. Bless you both, Brie and Jeanne! I'll put this on today's too, in case you don't see this until next year...HA HA. Brie, I've played that song twice in a row and will do it again - what a FUN, upbeat song!
    Jeanne, as always, thank your for your kindness and prayers. After a good long night's sleep, I feel MUCH more confident! Bless you, Sisters!

  53. Today, I pray for Your Help as we seek to Immerse ourselves in Your Loving Presence, and to be receptive to Your affirmation above all others including our own. May we spend today continually seeking Affirmation only from Your throne of Grace.
    Lord I come to Your Throne of Grace to place the family home we need to sell. I ask for Your Blessings on the home AND on all the Real Estate Brokers and Agents who will be touring it today. You know the need and I know You have already made the match.
    Bless my growth in patience. Thy Will Be Done! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Praying that the Lord's will be done and you are filled with peace. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless!

    2. Praying for the sale of your family home as God wills it dear Brie. Asking for prayers for my 89 yo mom who is facing the decision to sell the family home she has been in for 66 years. She is fine taking good care of herself( and others!) driving locally, shopping , cooking, etc and we are all local but the home is starting to show its age and needs a lot of money to keep patching things up. Prayers that we all help her with this decision and the decision on where / who to live with. Lord Jesus, Thy will be doneπŸ™ Btw, she bought me my copy of JC and encouraged me to read it everyday!

    3. Joining in prayer dear Brie for the "perfect" match. Selling a house can be unnerving, thank You Jesus that You're the perfect realtor! Blessings on this sale. Amen!πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    4. God's perfect timing awaits our praises for answering all of our prayers ♥️πŸ™

  54. Dear Brie, Rest in the Lord because He's already on it! Joining your prayers that God will guide the sale of your family home because He already knows who is the perfect match. May He bring that perfect couple or family to see it and know in their hearts that this is the only place they will ever want to live. Thank You Father for Your faithfulness to Brie and her family. Only You can make this happen. Trusting with Brie and our family here that all will go well because You are in charge! Thank You for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

  55. May God help and save all the people who have been affected by this terrible winter storm and tornados, and guide them to all the help, shelter, and provisions they need, and comfort their weary hearts and bring them rest, peace and hope. Thank You for this in Jesus' Name. Amen

    Nahum 1:7
    The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him,

    1. Amen!, In complete agreement with Jeanne's prayer. πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

  56. Psalm 59:16
    But I will sing of Your power;
    Yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning;
    For You have been my defense
    And refuge in the day of my trouble.

    Psalm 91:4
    He shall cover you with His feathers,
    And under His wings you shall take refuge;
    His truth shall be your shield and buckler.

    Psalm 91:1-2
    He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
    Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
    I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
    My God, in Him I will trust.”

    1. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. Peace be with you!

    2. Yes, thank you dear Jeanne for uplifting words to feed on this day. Amen!πŸ’ž

    3. And He is raising us up On Eagle's Wings!

    4. Thank you dear Janet, Jan and Brie! God hears all our prayers and He is mighty to save.
      I love that song “On Eagles Wings”. We sang it in choir and it always blessed me!

      Isaiah 40:31 - But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

  57. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always! Lord, please place Your hands upon our lives and lovingly guide and direct us along our way today. Let Your will be done and our hearts rejoice in You. Let the power of Your Word be shared with others in the world. Let newness of life appear right before our eyes. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Thank You Jesus 😊. God bless!

    1. Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things. (Romans 2:1). Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the hearts. (Proverbs 21:2). Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother's way. (Romans 14:13).

    2. God bless you also dear sister! Thank you for sharing your heart &, scriptures. πŸ₯°

    3. Amen!! Beautiful prayer of praise and gratitude dear Janet. Thanks for sharing your beautiful heart and for feeding us God’s Word and blessing and encouraging us! May God shine His warm light on your path, and bless you in all ways, good sister.

  58. Thank you for prayers for my cooking class. What loads of fun we had! Jesus was the guest of honor! All hands were on deck for chopping, dicing, frying &, of course eating! Planning on doing it again, Lord willing.

    1. Praise God and pass the food, Jan!

    2. Sounds wonderful! Glad you had fun. You gave glory to God with your good fruit, and you got to eat it too!

    3. How great! So glad amongst the busyness of readying and teaching, Jan, you also had fun!

  59. Good morning! I pray blessings over you all and your families. I pray you shine the light of Jesus today to everyone you encounter. I am so grateful that we know Him! Thank You Jesus for letting us know You and be Yours. In Your name.amen <3

    1. Thanks for the blessings and your prayer. Amen! Have a sweet and productive day in His loving care.

  60. The only valid perspective (or judgement) on our lives that counts is God's.
    It is pure, loving, constant, steady, unchanging.
    Any other judgement including our own is sin-tainted, fickle-subject to change, subject to the vagaries of various opinions and the likes and dislikes of others.
    "The only source of real affirmation is My unconditional Love."

    How God thinks of us: "In my eyes, you are a brand new creation. The old has passed away; the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17). Sin is no longer your master, for you died to sin and are now alive to me (Romans 6:11; Ephesians 2:4–5).
    You are finally free from the slavery of sin and death. There is now no condemnation for you (Romans 8:1–2). All your sins are forgiven (1 John 1:9).
    All your unrighteousness has been cleansed by the blood of Jesus (1 John 1:7, 9). You are now righteous in my sight with the very righteousness of my perfect Son (Romans 4:5).
    You’ve been saved by grace (Ephesians 2:8). You’ve been justified by faith (Romans 5:1). You are utterly secure in me; nothing will be able to separate you from my love in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:39). No one is able to snatch you out of my hand (John 10:29). And I will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).

    1. Thanks and Amen, brother Peter! His approval is all that matters.
      If we live a good day in His presence and follow His Spirit and please Him more than ourselves, then we are faithful servants. He deserves the best from us because He gives us His best.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Amen Peter! Great verses to reinforce today’s message.

  61. Wonderful words and reminders! Thank You and All who takes part in this blog. It strengthens me and guides me to God's will, asking him to direct my thinking for the next 24 hours! Praise God! Amen!❤️πŸ™πŸ‘

  62. Amen! His will, not ours. Praise and thanksgiving! Lead us, Lord according to Your Will, and help us to keep our eyes on you!

  63. I’ve been reading this for years and it still amazes me how these devotionals come exactly when you need them. Just like His timing comes exactly when you need it.
    I certainly needed this today as it’s been a rough few days of doubt and anxiety over things I really can’t control, and comparing myself to others is not helpful.
    Just praying for some guidance, direction, wisdom and peace about things coming up this week, including a doctor’s visit on Friday.
    I pray that each of you are filled with the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding. I’m grateful for your prayers and support.
    Peace πŸ™
