Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Jesus Calling: March 2

    I AM the resurrection and the Life; all lasting Life emanates from Me. People search for life in many wrong ways: chasing after fleeting pleasures, accumulating possessions and wealth, trying to deny the inevitable effects of aging. Meanwhile, I freely offer abundant Life to everyone who turns toward Me. As you come to Me and take My yoke upon you, I fill you with My very Life. This is how I choose to live in the world and accomplish My purposes. This is also how I bless you with Joy unspeakable and full of Glory. The Joy is Mine, and the Glory is Mine; but I bestow them on you as you live in My presence, inviting Me to live fully in you. 
John 11:25
English Standard Version
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live,

Matthew 11:28-29
English Standard Version
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

1 Peter 1:8-9
King James Version
Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.

My thoughts
The crux of life: believing in Jesus. The reason is because it yields life, eternal life. We find rest only in Jesus. True rest in life is found in Him. The Word is so rich and provides Life to us. We have all that we need in Christ.

The phrase take my yoke upon you is an interesting one, possibly because yoke is not a word in my daily vocabulary. A yoke is a wooden crosspiece that is fastened over the necks of two animals and attached to the plow or cart that they are to pull. Yoke is used as a metaphor by Jesus to help us see that we attach this crosspiece to our lives, almost me with the Spirit, relying on the strength of Christ who bears my burdens. The yoke in this sense is almost rest. We rely on Jesus. We learn from him. The effort of life which we often found so great of a burden, with Christ, relying on His strength, allows us to instead of work, it being rest for our souls.
My Prayer
Lord, I find comfort in You. Help me to run past my sin, to "go and sin no more," and yield to You. I want Your Life in me. Breathe in me and then help me as I live. To pray. To be bold for You. I need You. I want to rest in You. Take all my burdens that I run after, seeking a bigger piece of the pie, assuming I will find happiness, rescue me from those toils. As I experience difficult situations in my life, I want to lean on You and trust you for the outcome and rest in You. You are peace as I live in Your Presence.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Around 10 pm we learned that a dear sister in Christ went to sleep. She was sick. She had surgery 2 days ago and today, she looked at her family and said, "It's time." They thought she was talking about pain med, but instead she turned her face and took her last breath. I went to my PeytonFamily/JC site and read today's devotion. This verse was in BOLD in my mind.
    John 11:25
    English Standard Version
    Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live,"
    Our dear friend lives, because she believed. I know I will see her again, without the pain, without the burdens. What a day of rejoicing it will be. In the meantime, as a family, we have talked, prayed and I've either sent loved ones home or to bed. Guess I'm on the Night Watch and that's ok. When my head does hit that pillow, it will be in peace, knowing that I am not enough to sustain the lives of the ones I love. I can teach, I can pray, I can love and then I will go to bed and sleep.
    Matthew 11:28-29
    English Standard Version
    Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
    I am so tired, Lord. I really need to sleep. Let me sleep be uninterrupted. I know you will be awake and watch over me and all of my loved ones. (Breathing: The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want." <3

    1. Norah - I'm praying for all of you.

    2. Norah we are all praying for you and your friend's family.

    3. God's peace to you, Norah, and to all the family of the sister who has now arrived at the destination of life, to be at home with our Lord Jesus Christ. As we journey on toward the same destination, let all live in anticipation of the glad heavenly reunion that awaits by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God!

    4. I’m sure you still miss your dear friend. Norah. She is with my best friend and we will see them again. This I am sure of.

    5. Thank you, Dear Jeanne. My heart has been heavy all day and when I read this post from 2 years ago, I knew why. HAPPY REPORT: her husband has remarried - his HS Sweetheart. They went to Prom together (3 x's), over 56 years ago. God is good.

  2. May you have the sweet sleep you desire and need Norah. You have been through much along with your family in this time of sorrow and loss of your dear friend. Prayers for all concerned. Comfort for your aching hearts that only the Holy Spirit can give. πŸ™

    1. Norah, May God bless you this day, and provide all you need!

  3. Great prayer, Paytonfamily, thank you!

  4. Norah, so grateful you and your family have jesus and yes, one day you will be reunited. Praise God. But in the meantime I'll pray for you as you begin the grieving process. You are not alone

    Please embrace your newest arrival, Norah’s Sister in CHRIST, again for those of us here on earth who never knew her but now pray for her salvation.

    If it is YOUR WILL LORD, please brace those closet to the dear departed so that they might feel the consolation of knowing their loved one has arrived home safely & will also be waiting for them with open arms upon their subsequent arrival in Heaven.

    For that in JESUS NAME we pray. Amen

  6. James 5:7: "Be patient, beloved, until the coming of the Lord." James goes on to encourage us to have the spirit of farmers who must await the planted seeds fruition. Does the farmer make it grow? The power of growth is contained within the seed that God has created. All the farmer does is create conditions that facilitate the growth. As we continue on the journey toward the heavenly home, there are many circumstances we cannot change but we can create conditions in practicing love so that the Spirit of God can grow within the situations we face. The root word of patience means to be long suffering, to put up with things not being as they should (just as God is doing with each of us). To be patient (long suffering) will bring about peace. Where there is peace, the conditions are right for God's Spirit to move. God has given us a role in the salvation of the world much as the farmer has a role in the production of the crop. Let us proceed with patience with the world for God has brought about and is bring about its salvation through Jesus Christ. God be with you.

    1. Beautifully said. Thank you for this. God bless you

    2. Amen Bob! I am being patient as God’s plan for our world and for me reveals itself. Always leaning on that precious fruit of the Spirit, long suffering.

    3. Thank You BOB. This helps me get through the struggle.

  7. Prayers for you and your friends and families.

    Blessings to all. And thanks to the Peyton Family again for this community! peace

  8. A yoke is also a tool of learning. You team an older experienced ox or horse with a younger less experienced animal so the younger one is taught as it works. Also will calm and settle the younger animal down.

    1. To add to the metaphor, another purpose of a yoke is to keep the two beings going the same direction and working in harmony with each other. Just think, we are yoked to Jesus. To learn from Him, as Robert has suggested, and to be in harmony with Him. Awesome thought!

    2. I comprehend and willingly choose to be yoked with Jesus. The "light" part still eludes me. Who can help me comprehend the light part?

    3. Things that made me go HMMM:
      Could "light" mean BRIGHTNESS 🌞 rather than WEIGHT ?
      πŸ€” HMMM ???

    4. I'm still confused about the "yoke" verbiage. Worth exploring!

  9. Thank you, Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. It has been a slow day of rest and togetherness with my husband. More tomorrow. But, I SO appreciate all of the prayers. Love this PFJC Team!! <3

  10. I'm adding here today, a response to 10-4 from yesterday. 10-4 made a kind comment regarding my post from a year ago that said this community and the sharing needs to stay in a praise and Jesus-centric style of commenting.... how would Jesus say it, has been my thought process here... but we will fall short. He was always succinct but always talked with love. Peace be with you this Monday.

    10-4, very kind, thank you. Yes, some shots have been thrown including some denominational slants made to non-denominational and good theology... thus a bit of a praise to all and a reminder that this is not FB or Twitter but a prayer journal revolving around a fairly non-denominational and powerful daily devotional called Jesus Calling. All should simply be here to be blessings to others and try to emulate the Master. Godspeed Team, family, and/or fellow bloggers.

    1. Madfox - "All should simply be here to be blessings to others and try to emulate the Master." AMEN!!!!

    2. Amen Sassy Mom and Madfox
      Love and prayers for all of our JC family/team

  11. Matthew 11:28-29
    English Standard Version
    Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
    The above passage spoke to me today. I feel tired in body and spirit. My spouse is struggling with sleep and balancing medications, which has made daily life a bit difficult. I am coming to You, Jesus, requesting the needed rest for both me and my husband. Please remind me to look to You for help in my words and actions throughout this day. Thank You for your continual, unconditional love and guidance. I am gripping Your hand today. Amen. CO

    1. CO --- Lord I just lift up CO and her husband and ask you to touch them with Your healing touch and bring to them Your peace and rest. Please restore to them what has been lost as only You can do. When they go they go through fire, overflow them with Your Spirit so they are refreshed. When they feel like they are struggling to stay above water, lift them above their circumstances and bring them safely through to the other side. AMEN and AMEN

    2. Thank you for your kind prayers, JJ. They are uplifting! CO

    3. CO, Praying for you and your good husband that you have received God’s help and guidance and are now receiving the rest you need and peace of mind..

  12. Loving the Lord for His generous provisions in all circumstances, loving the Lord for showing us how to love so perfectly. Thou we will always " fall short of the glory of God" it is so comforting to know that His love covers even that and specifically that. He is " All That". Thank you Jeasus calling Payton team! You make me smile. God bless you all. Thank you Jesus

    1. Amen dear Fern. He is our everything. He loves us in our imperfections and His love is unconditional. How blessed are we!

  13. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10) (My Lenten prayer)

    (I am walking with Jesus through Matthew 8-13, observing His singularly focused heart on the Father's will and His being led by the Spirit of love as He goes the way the Father wills for Him to go.)

    "It has been quite a day! First the miraculous healing of the leper (Matthew 8:1-4) and then the exchange with the centurion leading to the healing of his servant (Matthew 8:5-13). I am exhausted, so glad to see we are going to call it quits for the day and settle at Peter's house for some food and much needed rest (Matthew 8:14-15). As I walk through the door, I am looking for the closest piece of furniture in which I can lay my weary bones. That is solely what is on my mind. As Jesus comes through the door (I am thinking if I am tired, He must be exhausted because He has been doing all the work), He notices Peter's mother-in-law over in the corner in a bed. (I confess, I noticed her but nothing more, I was looking for a chair.) Not only does Jesus see her but He sees she is sick (I didn't look long enough to take notice of that). So He immediately proceeds over to her to touch her and bring healing and wholeness back into her; all the while I'm kicking my sandals off to get a good rest. (Lord, have mercy.)"

    Oh how often when I am tired or hungry or suffering from some other limitation of my body, does my focus on the Father shift to a focus on myself to the limitation of Spirit of love being allowed to work in the midst of those with whom I am present. In the passage above, Jesus was just as tired in the circumstances but His heart desired so strongly the Father's will, He stayed true to the leading of the Spirit. Indeed, the body needs rest and probably more than I am giving it but caution must be taken to allow myself from becoming so exhausted that I am no longer reflecting the love of our Lord. And if circumstances are as such that I have had to endure things that have been very demanding on me both physically and spiritually, to do as Jesus did, complete the task at hand to the glory of God and get away to a lonely place where I can recover in prayer and in rest. One distinct possibility, if I am overly tired, is that I am doing too much. Some things are required to be done, but other things are my choice. I am a finite being with physical limitations, I must respect that so I can always be showing the love of God to whomever He places before me.

    For what it is worth to you, brothers and sisters in Christ. Beware of the demon of fatigue which seeks to disconnect you from God and those around you. When you have fulfilled what God has put before you, then you need to rest. God be with you! With love, Bob

    1. Thank you for sharing, Bob. Definitely nice to read and reflect on this. Jesus is so wonderful. CO

    2. I think your words were speaking directly to my heart. Especially: “Indeed, the body needs rest and probably more than I am giving it but caution must be taken to allow myself from becoming so exhausted that I am no longer reflecting the love of our Lord”.
      Last night I was up praying late into the night. I also stayed up late making a bracelet for my daughter in law because the day before I made one for my other daughter in law. Then I got to thinking I should make one for my third daughter in law in CA. I was up late and I could feel the Lord telling me I need my rest and still I stayed up to finish the bracelet. I love reading my JC blog before I go to sleep but as I did, the Lord’s voice told me Stop and go to sleep. He knows when we are not taking care of ourselves. He cares for us and leads us to get the rest we need but only if we heed His loving voice.

    3. Amen, Bob and Jeanne! There is always another thing to DO, but we must heed the call to just BE. Rest in His Presence and be guided by the Holy Spirit. This i pray in Jesus's name.

    4. Bob, I needed to read this. I gave been struggling with internal shingles for weeks now and made it to my daughter's home to care for my grandsons. I pulled a muscle early on and it went downhill from there. My Mateo stated "Granny Jairo and I are leaving..you are talking mean" I also managed to upset my sis who us living there temporarily. I apologized and blamed it on the demon of fatigue and pain. Forgive me my Father in heaven for I have sinned. I have hurt the ones I love dearly. Help me to rest when its needed..to rest in you. Amen!

    5. God be with you, LCA. I lift you in prayer.

    6. Bob, thank you for your words. Honestly I live at the point of fatigue. My doctor gave me a good talking to, but still I find myself in the same state. Lord forgive me also please. Lord please show me what to deligate to others. Lord I need physical help, please and thank you.

  14. Father, the night has passed, and the day lies open before us. We rejoice in the many gifts of this day. May the light of your presence, Heavenly Father, set our hearts on fire with love for you, fill us with the fire of the Holy Spirit and transform us this Lent. All Thanks and Praise are rendered unto You this day. Thank You Father.

    The Gospel of John chapter 11 is just one of the many solid proofs that Jesus is Indeed “the Resurrection and the Life”. Every believer should be intrigued by this inspiring story of Jesus and the love He had for His friend Lazarus. Yet, He refused to prove His power in the situation by allowing His Father God to glorify Himself through His Son. Jesus wanted to let the people see and know that this is not about ‘me’, because I have that power, but this is about my Father whose glory I want you to witness! Jesus then makes this connection and said in verse 4: “This illness does not lead to death. It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” Then He says to Martha in verse 40, “Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?” Meaning, I am the resurrection. That is part of my glory. Then He prays in verses 41–42 so that all can see He is One with the Father, and in verse 43, “He cried out with a loud voice, ‘Lazarus, come out.’” In verse 44 we learned that: “The man who had died came out, his hands and feet bound with linen strips, and his face wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, ‘Unbind him, and let him go.” We serve an AWESOME, POWERFUL GOD!

    Jesus raised Lazarus because he is the Resurrection. He is the arrival in history of God’s final, glorious renovation of ALL things, including our human bodies. Lazarus is a preview of our resurrection. Hallelujah! The Son of God will come back to this earth in all His power and great glory! When He said in John 11:25, “I am the Resurrection and the Life”, this statement means that He is the ‘Resurrection’ and the life provides a godly perspective on several spiritual matters in showing that neither death nor time is a match or an obstacle to Living, Risen Son of God!

    God loves us mainly by giving us Himself and all that he is for us in Jesus His Son. Jesus in turn, loves us solely by giving us Himself and all that God is for us in Him. He revealed to us His power and glory because He loves us! This love is not sparing us from life’s sufferings and death, It is a gift that promise us eternal life with the Father and Son hereafter.

    Stay Blessed this Holy season day JC family and rejoice that you have a Savior who is “The Resurrection and the Life”!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Wonderful insight Maplewood. Amen! The miracle of Lazarus has never failed to amaze me. God can do all things and nothing is greater than His power. All things are possible. In a man’s mind the things we request from God may seem unattainable but our God can do anything so our prayers should be offered in complete trust and thanksgiving. I have seen His faithfulness and I do not put my trust in man but in God I trust completely. Acknowledge Him in all things. That word ALL is without limits as is His power. We can do All things through Christ who strengthens us. With GOD, ALL things are possible. Hallelujah
      Thank you for these words dear Maplewood: “God loves us mainly by giving us Himself and all that he is for us in Jesus His Son. Jesus in turn, loves us solely by giving us Himself and all that God is for us in Him. He revealed to us His power and glory because He loves us!”
      Each day God reveals to us His power, glory and nature. We grow to understand Him a little bit more. But our heart my be open and attentive toward Him.
      Father, Thank you for directing my focus onto You and off of trivial things today. Reign in my heart and direct me to produce good fruit and speak Your Words to others. Please take my reins and lead me according to Your will so I can glorify You. Amen

  15. So many gems on these pages which I've read but have been too weary to write. Bob, your statements re: fatigue and knowing when to rest have been my life since Friday.
    Without going into all of it now, I am just asking for continued prayers, JC Family. I need my furnace up and running by today and the 'new - re-worked' schedule for my kitchen to be 'doable,' and time off available with all hands on deck to complete this newly planned.
    While writing this, my boss called and said, "We'll work out whatever you need."
    To say this has been a 'journey' is an understatement. :) I can honestly say that my heart has remained peaceful. I've loved reading everyone's comments and trust me, they've brought me much peace.
    Praying for all of you - such inspiring posts! THANK YOU!!

    1. Norah --- I anticipate the Lord's Law of Favor ramping up over your circumstances. Where does your help come from? It comes from the Lord Who MADE HEAVEN AND EARTH! Great Blessings to you!

    2. I join JJ in thoughts and blessings to you, Norah! God's with you. Rest in Him. I am working on this as well. CO

    3. (A friendly reminder) All is well, Norah! It always has been and always will be. All is well. Thanks be to God. Receive my prayers.

    4. Sweet Norah, Praying for you and your dear Hubby. May God strengthen and heal you both. Please get your rest. I love you and I care.

  16. Lord I invite you to be within me,amen!

  17. Asking for prayers as DH and I get our covid vaccines today. If it is in accordance with His Will, then I am praying for vaccine success, protection and asymptomatic reactions for both of us. Thy Will Be Done! In Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Praying protection and safety for you and Larry.

      Blessings from France

    2. Father, place a hedge of protection around Brie and Larry while they are being vaccinated. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    3. It is a blessing to be able to pray with the others for you and Larry. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN

    4. Joining these prayers Brie for you & DH.πŸ™❣️

    5. Praying for victory! That is a blessing as we are still waiting for ours.

    6. Thank You Father for leading dear Brie and her husband through getting their Vaccines and also pave the way for them to get their second ones to complete the process perfectly. Guard them from sickness and harm and bless them with no side effects In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

    7. DH is Driving in a wind driven continuous rain. 200 mile round trip to get vaccine and return home. It's enough to drive me to pray all the way, while singing, Jesus take the wheel. Thanks for your prayers, they are calm balm in the storm.

    8. God bless and protect you, Brie and Larry, and all those who choose to have Covid shots. πŸ™

    9. Brie, you and your DH, are in God's capable hands, covered and protected. It is well!


      Maplewood NJ

    10. Thanks Maplewood NJ, Audra, Jeanne, Amanda, Jan Gridley, Waiting, Janet, Blessings From France and ALL who prayed. We're all shot up (with vaccine) but back home safe and sound. Your prayers were answered. Thanks Again for being the Best Prayer Warrior Family in the world! I love you.

    11. So happy you got your vaccines. It was a scary and long ride but God was in the car with you and His hedge of protections kept you safe. He brought you through your vaccination and thank God you got home safely so you could continue to proclaim His good works and faithfulness.

  18. My beloved JC FAMILY/WARRIORS, I am humbling asking for your prayers for a surgery I will have March 2 @ 11:30. My blessed doctors will resect an extremely rare pelvic tumor. They are not really sure what they are dealing with, but I know my Lord knows all about it. My Lord didn't offer partial grace. He didn't offer halfway grace. Jesus gave us all-the-way grace. This Grace took him all the way to the cross. HE chose to pour every single drop out for us!!! I am praising the Lord for His SUPERNATURAL GRACE, HEALING VICTORY!!!
    My payers continue for each step on each of your journeys, and send each one of you Great Blessings and Love!!!

    "No man can do me a truer kindness in this world than to pray for me"

    "All our perils are nothing so long as we have prayer."

    Quotes by C.H. Spurgeon

    1. Our beloved JJ - In the name of faith and thanksgiving we, the JC Warriors join you in prayer. We love you.

    2. Praying healing and comforting prayers for you dear JJ and guidance for the surgeons. May His Peace that surpasses everything fill your entire being.

      Blessings from France

    3. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Please bless and heal our JJ, and send Your Wisdom and Guidance, Knowledge and Skills into her Medical Professionals until she is completely healed. Lord, we turn to You and only You to bless JJ with complete health and healing with Joy unspeakable and full of Your Glory. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. Father, please place Your healing hands on JJ and help guide the medical team as they perform this procedure and let Your healing, comfort, strength, and perfect peace be found all around JJ. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    5. JJ, Praying for success and that it is benign. Godspeed. AMEN.

    6. God Bless you JJ
      I pray God guides your Surgeons hands and operation is successful

    7. Love the quotes... be blessed dear JJ

    8. This came to me... He has given His angels charge over you... and then I remember of course, its JJ and she is aware of those angels.

      Take comfort and hold their hand even.

    9. Also joining with my prayers for your healing and comfort JJ. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN

    10. I'll be praying for skill at the surgeon's hands and for complete recovery. And for peace for you.

    11. Cat
      Praying for God’s healing power and his strength guiding the medical professionals who will serve you.

    12. Praying for a successful surgery for you JJ. Praying for your surgeon and nurses to be focused on the task at hand.


    13. Praying for you JJ along with all JC Family. Our good Lord will take care of you. Blessings and Peace. KS

    14. JJ thank you for asking us to join you, uniting together.
      Matthew 18:20
      For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."
      We unit together asking our perfect Father to have his will in this surgery and recovery. For his glory and your good JJ.
      Jeremiah 29:11
      For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
      He loves you so very much and desires only the best for you. Please keep us updated and we will continue to pray. With love Terri

    15. We join our spirits oh Lord in prayer for our dear sister JJ. We call upon the blood & body of Jesus Christ to cover her entire body with protection from the enemy. Emerse her mind with that sweet calm that only the Holy Spirit can give. Be the hands on the hands of the surgeon. We call out, BENIGN! BENIGN! BENIGN! in Jesus' name! Amen, Hallelujah!

    16. Dearest JJ, Joining in all prayers that God will direct the doctor to doing exactly what he needs to do in order to make you all better and nothing more. May it go smoothly and perfectly and May the results be good ones. We pray this together as a family in faith and thanksgiving.
      Thank you Jesus for guiding it all and holding our sister’s hand throughout the operation and comforting her mind and beautiful heart. Amen

    17. Praying for you my sister JJ

    18. Got B9 already covered on tour BINGO Card JJ. Thanks be to God and His Mighty Miracles. Amen

    19. OOPS! YOUR instead of tour

    20. Joining in prayer for our family WARRIOR JJ today. Let there be no doubt as we expect only positive outcomes for her surgery today. This is how we roll, knowing in absolute faith that God makes all things new. May the knowledge and peace of our Lord infuse the practice of all medical personnel, results and patient experience today. In Jesus's name we pray.

    21. JJ, By now I pray that the surgery is over and you are on your way to full recovery! If not, you are still covered and coming out victoriously! Your JC family got you in prayers. God bless and keep you through recovery in Jesus' name!

      Blessings are sent you way.

      Maplewood NJ

    22. You are always in my prayers, JJ and will keep praying. Much love to you.

    Please lay YOUR HEALING HANDS on our Friend In CHRIST JJ.
    Inspire the medical professionals to go the extra mile in their compassion, curiosity, & diligence to the task of returning JJ to health.Give JJ & family the confidence to know GOD'S GOT THIS no matter what. IN JESUS NAME we humbly pray. Amen

  20. Dear God, bless the doctors and JJs surgery to bring complete health and full healing. Amen and Amen! He has done it, thank you Lord!

    1. Prayed last night dear JJ for the mass to be removed and that you be healed completely. Trusting in His faithfulness..l

  21. God told me to get some much needed sleep and I obeyed😊. God bless you all my dear JC Family. Catch you laterπŸ’—

    1. Sweet sleep dear Jeanne. Wake up refreshed in Jesus' nameπŸ’•

  22. Thank You Jesus. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in You continually and always πŸ™.

  23. Please pray with me , the mechanic who is doing my car asked me to send him money to buy an alternator yesterday. Now today he has gone quiet and is not picking up my calls. I feeling frustrated . Pray with me

    1. Praying with you also, Min Ahadi. May our good Lord ease your struggles. Take care. KS

    2. Praying for God's help to come through to you, Min Ahadi. He is helping you now, this moment. Father of Mercies, please bless Min Ahadi and also the Mechanic. We have told you our needs, we are leaving it all in Your Hands, and now we go forth and seek Thy Kingdom. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Praying your mechanic is a good and righteous follower of our Lord and he is only being quiet because he’s busy getting you an alternator and fixing your car. Trusting in the Lord’s provisions. He is still in charge. Rest in Him dear Min Ahadi. He loves you dearly, knows your needs and cares for you.

  24. Cat
    Min Ahadi, I relate to your frustration. In my job, real estate I am often at the mercy of other’s schedules. This is when I pray and turn it over to God. He always comes through. Though I might not understand the wait, my patience pays off and things turn out as they should. Thy will not my will be done. Hang in there.

    1. Thanks Cat . Taking it to God .

    2. Amen Cat. Praying protection over you & your worries Min Ahadi. God's got this.

    3. Turn your eyes to Jesus and know that fear is a liar. It will come in his time. The waters are moving!

    4. I watched moving waters this morning Amanda and prayed that like them, I too would keep on rolling with the flow. Blessings and Love to you JC Prayer Warrior Family.

  25. Sharing "Morning Prayer" from In Touch Ministries.
    FATHER, Thank You for the blessing of a new morning and the privilege of beginning the day by talking with You. I give You myself and my schedule today, asking to be used to further Your kingdom.
    Grant me the wisdom to handle each situation I encounter with grace so that my speech will be pleasing and my thoughts pure as I follow Your direction. I am grateful that Your plans for me are good (Jer. 29:11), and I eagerly trust in Your steadfast faithfulness.
    Help me to live in a manner of the calling You have placed in my life (Eph. 4:1) and to MAGNIFY Your name in all things. Amen

    1. Thanks for sharing your wonderful Morning Prayer, Sassy Mom. Blessings to you always. KS

    2. amen and Thanks Sassy Mom, I needed this for what lies before me today.

    3. Brie - You, your Brother and Larry are covered are covered in prayer, love and blessings.

    4. Thanks Sassy Mom. I am so thankful that God’s plans for me are good. May He always give me clearer vision to see His light on my path and His guiding Hand.
      Praying with my sister and family, dear Brie that all will go smoothly with your vaccines, your brother and the house. God is leading you both and you are in His loving care and protection. Thank You Jesus!
      Amen and Amen

    5. We're back. Thanks Jeanne, and Thanks again for the Eye Opener Prayer this morning Sassy Mom. It gave me Focus and Sweet Solace in Him. Plus, it described exactly how my day went, so far, so good. Blessings!
      Love You JC Family

  26. I too am thankful for this day, oh Lord. I need thee, every hour I need thee. Oh bless me now my Savior, I come to thee. Finding out today what procedure is needed for my knee. Asking for prayers for wisdom for the surgeon.

    1. Praying for you, Jan gridley, and for God's Wisdom, Knowledge, and Skill to flow through your Surgeon. Amen.

    2. Thank you dear Brie πŸ₯°. Much, much appreciated πŸ’•.

    3. Jan Gridley - Echoing Brie's prayer.

    4. Thank you SassyMom πŸ₯°. God's blessing on you dear heart for lifting me upπŸ’•

    5. Joining prayers that God is already enlightening and guiding the surgeon to assess your knee perfectly and bring you back to perfect health. Your Father loves you and you are well taken care of. Rest in Him sweet Jan. Much love.

    6. Bless you sis Jeanne for that loving prayer. Thank you for reminding me to rest in Him.

    7. Jan, you are covered here in prayer and love. It shall be well. The greatest Physician has already gone ahead of you! It is well in Jesus' name!

      Remain blessed sis.

      Maplewood NJ

  27. Brie, read yesterday's posts. How sweet to offer up prayers on our birthdays. If I can add mine, December 15. Thank you.

    1. You are now officially on the Birthday Gift of Prayer Calendar, and as an extra added bonus, the clock has been set. 12:15 has your name on the dingy thingy.
      love You.

  28. Asking prayers for my sister in law Maureen who has a condition similar to Alzheimer’s and is now being evaluated in the hospital, and also for my sister’s friend Debbie who took herself off her antidepressant and is now very sick. Thank you Father for guiding them to the help they need, and for healing and comforting them as only You can. In the powerful name of Christ Jesus we pray. Amen
    Thank you Lord for walking with our dear MadFox and Norah’s dear husband as they continue their treatments. Praying for their healing, comfort and strength. Thank youπŸ™

    1. Praying dear Jeanne for Maureen and Debbie. Touch them Lord with Your caring hands of love & healing. Your strong & mighty arm can set them free of what encumbers them, in Jesus name. Amen.

    2. Joining in prayer for Mighty Marvelous Miraculous Miracles! Amen.

    3. Lord hear our prayers. Far and wide beyond our imagination, you cover and protect us. Thank you so much!!!!♥️

    4. Jeanne, I join in prayers for Maureen and Debbie. Your petition on their behalf has been heard. Jehovah is already working it out sister, so keep on trusting!

      God bless you,

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Jeanne - Echoing prayers for Maureen and Debbie.
      God bless you.

    6. Joining in prayers for Maureen and Debbie. Father, please place Your healing, comforting hands on them and lift them up with You. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    7. Thank you so much for all your prayers for Maureen and Debbie. Amen and Amen.
      And sweet Brie, we await more Mighty Marvelous Miraculous Miracles!

  29. The Seven (7) I Am in the Gospel of John. A reflection on who our Lord and Savior Jesus is:

    I AM the Bread of Life. (John 6:35-48)
    I AM the Light of the world. (John 8:12 & 9:5)
    I AM the Gate. (John 10:7)
    I AM the Good Shepherd. (10:11-14)
    I AM the Resurrection And The Life. (John 11:25)
    I AM the Way, Truth and The Life. (John 14:6)
    I AM the true Vine. (John 15:1-5)

    Father, Thank You for being just that and more: The Great I AM!! May all glory and praise be Yours today and always, in Jesus’ name!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood πŸ™.

    2. The Great I AM! Above all and as merciful as He is powerful. He is our sustenance, our light in the darkness, the only open door to the Father, our loving protector, the Risen Lord and our path to Eternal Life, Amen: The Way, The Truth and The Life, our Life Source.
      So very thankful and blessed to be His branches.
      Thank You for being our Everything.

  30. I would like to ask for prayers. I have been trying to quit smoking cigarettes and I'm struggling. My desire takes over and I just can't seem to quit. The temptation is too strong for me. Will you please pray for me to lose my desire for smoking so I can finally be completely free of this sin? I really appreciate all of you here and all prayers and thoughts. Thank you all. God bless πŸ™.

    1. Praying the "I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me" Prayer for you, Janet. Like all addictions, nicotine is also a challenging addiction to overcome but so worth it and You seem to be well on your way because you
      desire to quit smoking,
      recognize your need for help, and you are
      asking for help.
      After repeated and failed attempts to quit smoking, I went through the 12 Step Nicotine Anonymous Program over 35 years ago. One day at a time I am still Nicotine Free. It was the only program that worked of all the many I tried. I'm sure it is because God is included in the 12 step plan! Blessings to all who are ready to let go of their addictions, and those who are maintaining their freedom from theirs. In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    2. Amen All things are possible through our God. He knows your desire to quit this habit and He will make it easier because He is the Way Maker. I also was a smoker from age 16 through 23. It was so hard to quit and took many tries. But it got to the point where I was coughing every morning and God helped me quit about the same time as I started running. I am able to run and God has been so faithful. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all things, acknowledge Him and He will direct your steps away from cigarettes.
      Amen Brie: One day at a time in His presence. The 12 Step plan sounds good to me too.

    3. 1 Corinthians 10:13 also helps.
      Praying blessings for all of us to come on up and over to God's Good Habits. Amen.

  31. Janet - Those who have suffered with smoking addiction say this is one of the hardest things to overcome. Praying God gives you the strength to lose your desire to smoke. God bless you for the courage to ask for prayer.

    1. When I am weak, then he is strong. Praying He leads the way.

      Roman's 8:1

  32. Thank you all for your prayers, thoughts, and encouragement. I really appreciate it. God bless you πŸ™.

  33. To learn how to rest in God takes time and it is a process. It’s like an onion. You peel through a layer and think that you have made it and learned what God’s rest is, only to find there is another layer for you to discover, learn and enjoy. It’s lifelong journey that only gets better and better if you let it.

    I am asking God today what is the first, small step for me to find God’s rest and then do what He tells me to do. The process is different for everyone because we are different than everyone. Let God show us the best way and then be thankful when He gives you those first steps.

    1. Min Ahadi, I loved your statement "I am asking God today what is the first, small step for me to find God’s rest and then do what He tells me to do." So simple but at the same time very deeply submitting to our Lord. He tells us to come to him as a child, trusting him to guide and protect. Thank you for words to live by, pure motive from a sincere heart. God bless you and your daughter and all that you touch.

    2. What a wonderful analogy dear Min! We must surrender ourselves in degrees to God and rest and trust just a little bit more each day. We must open our heart a little more to receive what He longs to give us. Layer by layer we come closer and closer to what God created us to be, walking in the spirit with a stronger trust in Him. We sometimes jump right into doing things before we acknowledge him. We lean on emotions that rob us of His peace. Continuing to pray for you and your Mom and daughter. Praying with dear Terri for your blessings and for God's protection and guidance in your life. Much love to you and Terri

  34. Dear JC friends in Christ, I thank God for you and the encouragement you offer as you share your life journeys. Prayer is powerful and prayer by believers who know that effects much. I don’t know the verse that says that but I personally know it is true. God is looking for a believing heart. I humbly ask for prayers today as my husband has a heart procedure to remove any coronary artery blockages. I am trusting God’s protection and His good outcome. My husband is very athletic but has cardiac issues on both sides of his family. Thanking you and thanking God. Amen

    1. Praying for your dear husband Ellen. May the doctors and nurses be guided by our Healer. Peace for you while you wait for the procedure to be completed. JE

    2. Gathering into this prayer circle around you and hubby, Ellen. I'm praying you experience God in the midst of it all and through it all.. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Joining the circle, Lord work your power through the surgeons hands. Use the support team to accomplish your work today in Ellen's husband. Thank you Lord in Jesus name amen

    4. Joining prayer circle for all mentioned and unmentioned prayers. Praying for you as you pray for me.

    5. Adding another link to the safety net of prayer warriors here. May all health issues find the favor of recovery in our Lord. God bless you one and all!

    6. Joining in to all sincere prayers for a successful and God guided procedure for your dear husband, and a smooth and complete recovery.
      Father, You know we are praying together in faith and thanksgiving for Ellen's husband to be healed and made whole by this procedure unto perfect health. We are leaning on Your continued faithfulness. We trust You and we wait on You. Thank You for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord.

  35. Heading out in 45 mins. God will guide the hands of the Drs and Nurses; let me be a blessing to them. DH is up and dressed and ready to take me. Yes, Audra, It's gonna be OK...humming as I go to get ready. Love and many thanks JC Family for your prayers and love.

    1. Praying for you and with you. May our God who is Jehovah Rapha heal your body and refresh your spirit. In Jesus name amen

    2. Praying with Terry and all our dear JC Family as we keep you in prayer that all will go well because our Good and Faithful God is in charge. Thank You Jesus.
      Rest in Him dear Norah. Love and blessings.

  36. Thank you Min for sharing your thoughts. I am being peeled. Not always pleasant but nevertheless, "peel away Lord!" Blessings on your day dear sis πŸ’•πŸ™

    1. Sometimes as He peels away the layers of my onion, I weep.

    2. I know these tears. πŸ€—♥️😎

  37. Good morning everyone! I am asking prayer for my daughter Tori Faith. She has been battling Ulcerative Colitis since she was 14. She is 20 now and they told us yesterday it has progressed to Crohns. She has been through so much she had 3 major surgeries including a total colectomy. She has had too many iron and blood transfusions to count. She has been poked and prodded it has been traumatic for both of us. Please pray that I will be supernaturally strong for her and that she will have an extra extra dose of strength. Also, that I will learn to not react in mama bear mode so quickly when I feel like the Drs or nurses are doing something that “I” don’t like or agree with concerning her health. Help me to REST in the complete providence of God. I know she’s considered an adult now but it’s so hard to let go since we have been stuck to each other like glue for almost 8 years of this. We are in the hospital now she just had another surgery. She lost down to 88 lbs which her lowest before has been 69 lbs so they have her getting nourishment through a catheter IV like thing. We hope to leave the hospital on Thursday but we also want her to be where she needs to be before we do that. Prayers for her complete restoration thanks everyone so much ♥️♥️♥️

    1. Praying for Tori Faith and her Mama Bear to have complete healing and restoration in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Tori and Mama are covered in the safety net of warriors mentioned above ♥️πŸ™

    3. Continuing to pray for your dear Tori. Praying for nothing less than a complete recovery so she can live a life of praise and gratitude for the Great Physician and the Giver of all good Gifts.

    4. Praying for complete healing for Tori Faith, for ulcerative colitis, crohns, any name…God is greater! Amen!

  38. Sharon - May God bless "mama bear" with strength and much love. Bless Tori Faith with an extra helping of FAITH and healing prayers to Jehovah Rapha the greatest physician. I wouldn't wish this on anyone!!! 20 years ago I was diagnosed and healed after 5 years. THANK YOU JESUS! My Dr. said I would be on medication for the rest of my life.

  39. I have missed my Jesus Calling friends and prayer warriors. My computer has been in the "hospital" for over a week. So thankful to be back.

    1. It is so good to see you again Sassy Mom. Glad to hear it was the computer who was in the hospital, and not you πŸ˜€
      Wishing you a Happy B'earthday Eve with lots and lots of ❤

    2. Dear Sassy Mom, So happy to have you back with us. You're always in my prayers and I was wondering how you were doing. I'm glad your computer is back up and all is well again. God is faithful.

  40. Sassy mom she went into remission from 2017-until a couple of months ago. How were you healed from it? Diet or meds? I know Jesus can heal ALL or ANY disease He wants. He did it in many different ways with each person in the Bible. I’m curious of your story?

  41. Sharon, Thanks for asking - My Dr. prescribed Azulfidine, and wanted me to take 6 pills a day. He didn't care if I took 6 at one time, 2 with each meal or 3 pills twice a day. (I wasn't on any other medication. Vitamins, supplements, etc. I didn't know anything about integrative medicine.) and don't know why I couldn't remember to take my pills.) After taking these for 5 years, I couldn't remember if I took them or not - I didn't want to "over dose" so I didn't take any. For the next 3 months "did I or didn't I?" became a daily occurence. When I went to my every for my 3 month check up, I told my Dr. "I have a confession, I haven't been taking my medicine (no flare ups have occurred during this time) and you said I would be on medication for the rest of my life." He responded "Less than 1% are ever healed." Thank You Jesus for blessing me with undeserved healing. Yes, Sharon God can heal.

    1. Correction - When I went to my every 3 month check up.

    2. Thanking God that you are healed. Know you are well worthy of His healing dear sister. Even with all our flaws and imperfections we are of great value to our loving Fathers. We are beloved daughters of the Most High and worthy of all His blessings. Halleluia!

  42. As we enter the Lenten season today on Ash Wednesday, I pray for a humble and grateful heart to be closer to Jesus each and every day. BOB, will you be offering a refreshing look at these next 46 days with use? Miss you ♥️πŸ™

  43. Amen dear Audra, Praying with you for a humble and grateful heart and a more intimate walk with the Lord. May God comfort and heal you and Marc and give you peace. Thank You Jesus.
    Missing Bob with you. How are you, dear Bob? Continuing to pray for your strength in your ministry and faith journey.

  44. Dear Prayer Warriors - I'm home, happy, hungry and reporting great news. The Dr. was wonderful, the Nurses, caring, fun; the anesthesiologist adorable and talked me to sleep. Next thing I knew I was back in my cubicle and my DH was waiting for me.
    I thank the Lord for his Grace, Mercy and Powerful healing. They are doing biopsies on a a couple of polyps but don't expect anything bad. I thank each of you for your love, concern and especially prayers.
    Mama Bear, Sharon, I am praying for you and Tori Faith. Prayers of Peace, Healing and Victory Dance results.
    SASSY MOM: Can't tell you how happy I am to see you on here. You were missed, Dear Sister!
    Love and Blessings and much Thankfulness, Dear Family. Now: LUNCH, rest and then work - but only for a while. :)

    1. Dear Sister Norah - So happy your "oil change" is over. Thanking the Lord with you for Grace, Mercy, and POWERFUL HEALING. So happy to be back with my JC FAMILY. I have missed all of you.

    2. Glad for a perfect (expected and prayed for) outcome. Don't you think "they" always find polyps to check and report on so we can justify the $$$$ for the procedure? Trying not to judge but trusting in the Lord! Enjoy your next meals, Norah!

  45. Such good news! Rest well now sister. And eat a good meal as you give thanks. Praying you’ll get more good news about your polyps. Joining prayers for amazing healing for Tori! And for peace of mind for Sharon.
    Sassy Mom! May God gift you with a blessed and happy Birthday tomorrow. Much love.
    Just found out Rick and I will be visiting our youngest son Dylan and his family in Boston this weekend. Praying they will seek the Lord. Little 3 yr old Leo doesn’t even know God exists. Praying he and his baby brother will seek Him for themselves someday. Thank You Jesus

  46. Dear Jesus calling friends, will you please pray for my dear daughter who has had colon cancer. She is going for her every 2 month scans to check on areas that have looked "suspicious". they may not have anything to do with cancer. Please continue to thank God for her healing, to remain cancer free. We expect good things, thank you God. Ellen

    1. Praying for your daughter Ellen. Hopefully those suspicious areas will be nothing serious. God, please heal Ellen's daughter and let her tests be clear.


    2. Joining all prayers for your dear daughter's scan to come out clean. May God remove every suspicious cell from her body and bring her back to perfect health and give her and you, dear Ellen, peace of mind.
      Thank You Father for keeping Ellen's daughter in remission permanently. We trust in You and know You are mighty to save. Praying in Jesus' Name. Amen.
      Proverbs 4:20-22 "My Son, attend to My words; incline thine ear unto My sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh."

    3. Joining in prayers for your daughter. Almighty Father in heaven, please place Your healing hands upon Ellen's daughter and make her body whole. Let Your mighty power flow in her and Your blood cleanse her. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless.

    4. Joining in prayer for your daughter Ellen- blessings.πŸ™

    5. Ellen, lifting your daughter up in prayer. Praying for a clean scan with nothing suspicious showing.

      SC Anonymous

    6. Joining warriors in prayer for your daughter dear Ellen. Trust Jehovah Rapha. Father, we are joining our prayers in spirit for this request. We ask dear Lord that Your will be done. That You attend to every detail of the outcome of this scan. Calm their spirit as they trust You in all of this. Amen.πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    7. Praying with you and our warrior family for victory over your daughter's health, Ellen.
      "Nothing to see here" as she has her follow-up check in. In Jesus's name I pray. πŸ™

  47. Dear Ellen --- You got my prayers. I ask, My Heavenly Father, to let His Divine Power to wash through ALL the nooks and crannies in your daughter's body and fill it up in The Name of Jesus. I Decree and Declare for her scan to show her to be whole and healthy and a walking testament to the power of our Mighty God. She will dance with Joy and Celebration in The Name of Jesus Christ. I Plead The Blood of Jesus over her and declare to the devil, this Precious Soul has been claimed for God's Kingdom. And, devil you have NO Authority here and you CAN'T DEFEAT THE BLOOD, i Pray and Believe in Jesus's Name, AMEN and AMEN.

    Colossians 1:13. "For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son "

  48. For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. (1 Corinthians 15:21). That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death. (Philippians 3:10). For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 4:14).

    1. Thanks for feeding us sweet sister. Have a blessed and productive day in the Lord.,

  49. Good morning JC Warriors. Humbly asking for prayers today as I see a retina specialist to see if I have a detached retina. The JC posts of late have been about trials and God walking with us. I’m leaning on Him and believing in Him that the outcome (good or bad) is exactly what He destined and that He will be with me either way.

    Blessings to everyone today.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Praying SC for a good outcome at your appointment. May God's peace cover you.

    2. My Papa God, I am calling on the name of Jesus, who changes everything for SC eyes. I speak supernatural improvement and healing for SC eyes from this day onwards in Jesus's name. No weapon that the enemy has fashioned against SC shall prosper in Jesus's name. My Papa God, may Your name be highly Glorified as I know You have set to work concerning SC eyes. I speak Jesus, Jesus, Jesus over SC. I Pray and Believe in Jesus's Name, the name ABOVE EVERY EYE PROBLEM, AMEN and AMEN.

    3. Dear SC! It is better to trust in God than in man. Joining in JJ’s powerful prayer for your eye. Amen and Amen. Praying that God’s divine healing is already taking place in your eye and your doctor will be amazed at His power and faithfulness. Thank You Jesus.

    4. Joining in prayer for you SC! Discovering our God given eyes to see and ears to hear, we thank you Lord this and everyday.

  50. Praying dear SCπŸ™. Go to that test knowing Who has a hold of your hand. He's already there, eager to take you through this challenge &, uncertainty just to reveal to you the strength of His love & power in your circumstance. Bless you with peace & trust. πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

  51. Precious thoughts Chris Payton gave on the yoke. Jesus invitation in Matthew 11:29 Amplified "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me [following Me as My disciple], for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST (renewal, blessed quiet) FOR YOUR SOULS."
    Yes Lord, I take Your yoke upon myself.
    Chris says the yoke is a cross piece. YES, a Cross piece! Food for thought.

  52. Good food to ponder dear Peter. Amen. By the Cross we have been saved from the burden of sin. We are also called to carry our crosses and follow Him but God in His mercy calls us to come to Him with our burdens so He can make them light. He also calls us to help others bear their heavy loads. We serve Him better when our burden is light.

  53. Victory report list!
    Arrived home from 5 hour drive to a plowed driveway, PTL!
    Neighbor, Jim, had white blood cell count rise enough to have surgery that successfully removed a tumor, PTL
    Found the perfect guitar at a fair price for Marc as he's being called back into worship music in a time of renewal, PTL
    I've been contacted for an interview for some consulting work I would like to do, PTL!
    My Lenten practice has me already feeling closer to God, PTL!

    But wait, there's more! Call out yours πŸ˜‰♥️✝️

    It's a new day, let us rejoice and be glad in it!

  54. HALLELUJAH, Audra!!! Do we serve The Most High Mighty God, The Great I AM? ABSOLUTELY, ABSOLUTELY WE DO!!! Praising the Lord with you, Audra, for ALL your VICTORIES!!! ALL PRAISE AND HONOR TO OUR LORD!!! He is the God who makes GIANTS FALL!!! JJ

  55. The Lord spoke to me through His Word and comments from several of you today. In regard to being yoked with Jesus (by His CROSSbar), I think that I had a picture of being yoked meaning that “two are better at getting the job done than one”. Today the thought of Jesus yoking with me so I could get rest for my soul was an eye opener. Stop struggling with trying to get things done on my own,but instead let Jesus carry my burdens so my soul can rest in Him.

    1. AMEN and AMEN!!! Preach it, Learning to Trust, Preach it!!!

    2. Well stated-rest in the shadow of his righteousness!

  56. Doing an evening devotion with “Jesus Lives”. Opened to page 106 -Heaven. As I was coming into this, fretting about my appointment tomorrow, the first verse I read is “‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’”
    ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭33‬:‭3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

    His timing is always perfect, His promises true, His love and Grace, unending! Why is it so difficult to hold on to?

    Requesting prayers for my doctor's appointment Friday and that I may have peace through it all, tonite and tomorrow. Thanks JC family.

  57. Thanking God for good news tomorrow. God will be with you through your appointment. May He give you the peace and rest you need and a good report. Thank You Jesus!
