Thursday, February 20, 2014

Jesus Calling: March 3

    I love you for who you are, not for what you do. Many voices vie for control of your mind, especially when you sit in silence. You must learn to discern what is My voice and what is not. Ask My Spirit to give you this discernment. Many of My children run around in circles, trying to obey the various voices directing their lives. This results in fragmented, frustrating patterns of living. Do not fall into this trap. Walk closely with Me each moment, listening for My directives and enjoying My Companionship. Refuse to let other voices tie you up in knots. My sheep know My voice and follow Me wherever I lead. 
Ephesians 4:1-6
English Standard Version
I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

John 10:4
English Standard Version
When he has brought out all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.

This does remind me of what I've been reading in Zechariah, Ezekiel, and Jeremiah. These books often speak of Israel's faithfulness and God does not welcome their actions of disobedience, but His gracious acts are because of who He is. It's not that He looks past the sin, but His goodness is greater than we could ever know. It's a great reminder of His love for us.

I need to pray and lean on the Spirit for His guidance. Walk closely with the Lord each day. The Lord is before us and we follow Him. Not because of what we see, but because of what we hear. We know His voice.

Walk. Walk in a way that mirrors what God has done for me. Be humble because He is humble. Be gentle towards others because He has been gentle towards Me. Have patience with myself and other people. Why? Because He has been patient with me. Come alongside one another in Love. Why? Because God's Spirit is in us and wants us to be united. There is oneness in Christ, in God, in faith -- so there must be oneness in each other. The oneness isn't a command because of anything but our position in Christ.

My Prayer
Lord, give me the strength each day to stand firm in Christ. I pray that I would practice humility, gentleness, patience, and a love community.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 


  1. One moment to the next, our God answers our pleas. We ask. He answers. We love, He loves. We forgive. He forgives. Great is Our God. Always, in Jesus name.

    1. Amen! And we trust in His timing, not our expectations πŸ˜‰.

    2. So well put ....we need to make an effort to reach out too !

  2. Love the reminder love I can access this on my phone during the already frantic day!

  3. This has been a serious blessing for me. Thank you and I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Who rescued me and Saved me in more ways than one.

  4. This has been a serious blessing for me. Thank you and I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Who rescued me and Saved me in more ways than one.

  5. Perfect timing. No surprise. He so often provides exactly what we need when we need it. A Christian friend called and prayed for me a couple of hours ago. Coming across this message may just be His answer. Likely so. Isn't it wonderful Who we serve?

    1. Praise the Lord Jesus I needed to hear this today, his grace is all I need.

  6. Father, I fall short of Ephesians 4. Please forgive me. I have a strong sense of Justice and I so often lead with this and as a mere human I mess up. Please Holy Spirit teach me to practice your word, "bearing with one another in love", and that mercy triumphs over Justice. Amen

    1. For me, Jan, the walk becomes more worthy of the calling when my attention is given to being humble, gentle, patient, and bearing with each in His love to the end that all may be one for which He prayed in the Upper Room. The more my heart becomes that, the more worthy the walk becomes. Chris' thoughts and prayer above capture the essence of the Ephesians passage and serve as a very accurate spirit to have within us in fulfilling the Lord's loving desire for us. God be with you!

    2. Amen dear Bob! Such truth.
      I pray that I can walk "in a way that mirrors what God has done for me". In humility, with a gentle spirit, with long suffering and a steadfast and unconditional love toward all of His people.

    3. Chris's prayer for today was a wonderful reminder for me:
      Lord, give me the strength each day to stand firm in Christ. I pray that I would practice humility, gentleness, patience, and a love community.

    4. And this year Sarah's words catapulted me into THIS ASK:
      "You must learn to discern what is My voice and what is not. Ask My Spirit to give you this discernment." Yes please, Lord, only your voice!

  7. Dearly beloved, when I read this daily devotion from Henri Nouwen's works, I could not help think how it addresses so much of the conversations we have had here. I have copied it and share it with you. You might say it is another way of saying the same thing.

    Living a spiritual life requires a change of heart, a conversion. Such a conversion may be marked by a sudden inner change, or it can take place through a long, quiet process of transformation. But it always involves an inner experience of oneness. We realize that we are in the center, and that from there all that is and all that takes place can be seen and understood as part of the mystery of God’s life with us. Our conflicts and pains, our tasks and promises, our families and friends, our activities and projects, our hopes and aspirations, no longer appear to us a fatiguing variety of things that we can barely keep together, but rather as affirmations and revelations of the new life of the Spirit in us. “All these other things,” which so occupied and preoccupied us, now come as gifts or challenges that strengthen and deepen the new life that we have discovered. This does not mean that the spiritual life makes things easier or takes our struggles and pains away. The lives of Jesus’ disciples clearly show that suffering does not diminish because of conversion. Sometimes it even becomes more intense. But our attention is no longer directed to the “more or less.” What matters is to listen attentively to the Spirit and to go obediently where we are being led, whether to a joyful or a painful place.

    Poverty, pain, struggle, anguish, agony, and even inner darkness may continue to be part of our experience. They may even be God’s way of purifying us. But life is no longer boring, resentful, depressing, or lonely because we have come to know that everything that happens is part of our way to the Father.
    Henri J. M. Nouwen

    1. Thank you for this Bob. Life with the purpose of being a part of the great plan, gives us the reason we are all searching for. Being a part of the equation of hope & future sets our feet on a rock of surety. A balance, A peace, A purpose that satisfies an inner longing that can only be touched by uniting with Christ.

    2. AMEN and AMEN and AMEN AGAIN!


    3. Amen, Changed in a noticeable way by the Spirit. Let us walk boldly in that change and lead others by it. I do agree that the difficult circustances that our God allows are to purify and polish us. He is molding us each day and testing our faith with the hardships. Yes everything He sets before us is part of our way to the Father. We must run with endurance to the end of the race when we will realize the Glory of God, and be truly one with Him. We must never forget that He abides in us as we abide in Him.

    4. This was so meaningful to me today. I enjoy all your devotions, but this one... this one I really needed.
      God bless you

    5. Praise the Lord for helping me find this all it is as if Jesus led me here and I have found a new family in Christ. I wish there was something I could add to all the conversation about our Lord and saviour. My wife and I recently experienced a devastating loss in our family and God led me here and it has blessed my life.. may our Lord bless all of you.

    6. Dear Anonymous, through prayer, I join with God in feeling your pain and sorrow. Our God knew sorrow at its worst on a Friday outside of Jerusalem and God is with you and now, so am I in prayer. God be with you!

  8. After loading the dishwasher and making up our bed, I cam back to see if my post had been read/prayed for. It was gone. God knows my prayers. For our dear friend who lost his wife, for my husband grieving his pain. For my adult children and their futures. The pouring out of my heart to God, which is still there. He knows; he saw. Going to bed. So tired. Sigh.

  9. Bob, "But it always involves an inner experience of oneness." Guess I needed the 'oneness.' <3

  10. "I...urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." One of today's JC scriptures.

    I laughed out loud how SARAH, even in multiple years through the JC DEVO, is still relevant to issues of the day, and to a topic discussed on the board. Paul gives us the method to discuss our "walk" between each other here, and in life. May all here heed such sage advice and broaden the Love found in Christ's patience. Godspeed and Amen.

    1. Well said and so true, MadFox.

      I ask the Holy Spirit to help us focus our gaze on Him today and always. Alert us when we get overly focused on our daily challenges so that we may redirect our attention back to Him.

    2. Amen dear MadFox, her words are still true and relative and timeless. Amen Suzanne! That is the key. We must keep our focus on Him, the Lover of our soul and The Keeper of our heart.

  11. Thank you, JC Family, for your prayers. "All is well with my soul..." My furnace was fixed and the man was gone by the time he'd first said he'd arrive, 'at the earliest.' And the cost was far below what it could have been!
    I am humbled by the learning and growth this 'adventure,' has yielded. I go back to the office today and have to WAIT to hear the next steps of this renovation.
    My hub, son and daughter in love, are having the time of their lives. Hubby has walked more in the last few days than he has in a year and is doing SO WELL! Our love and respect for each other has grown, all these miles away, as we both yield to the Spirit and see each others' talents soar.
    Praying for each of you and thanking God for you insights. My prayer for my kitchen is simple, 'thy will be done,' & also praying I listen to Him and do my part - in my job, on my house and in my dealings with others today.

    1. Praise be to God, Norah! I read your posts from last year too, and it has also happened to me where a post seemingly disappears...and it always seems to be when I am exhausted or in a rush. Maybe there is a lesson in there. :) God always knows our prayers and what is on our hearts; thank you, dear God.
      I will be interested to hear when this adventure is complete; I can tell you are learning through it all. Your patience must be great.
      It is refreshing to hear how the love and respect between you and your husband has grown while so far apart. I'm sure, when you see each other next, it will be fantastic. Every time I see you refer to your "daughter in love" it brings a smile to my face. I think I need to adopt that verbiage, as it seems so fitting.

      Thank you for your prayers today. I will be saying prayers for you, and all on here today. Blessings. CO

    2. Praying with you and for you and your hubby, dear Norah. Praying for our dear MadFox. And also dear JJ.
      Thank you Father for your faithfulness and mercy, and amazing healing power.

    3. Joining your prayers dear Jeanne! ❤️

    4. Amen, joining you also in your prayers.

  12. Oh come do the alter
    The Father's arms are open wide.
    Forgiveness was born with
    The precious blood of Jesus Christ.

    1. Thank you for sharing, Suzanne. Reading this reminds me I want to listen to some Christian radio after praying this morning. Praying for all on here. Thank you, Father, for forgiving. Amen. CO

    2. This song came on the radio on my way to work and has been in my head all morning. Peace to you all.

    3. What a wonderful song to be stuck in your head dear Suzanne!

    4. Thanks, Suzanne! Love this song referred to here by Elevation Worship! 🎢🎢


  13. This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Rejoicing for another year of birth, giving thanks to the Lord. The heavens are singing happy birthday to me with a thunder storm. Thank You Lord for loving me with the cross. Anticipating unexpected blessings.

    1. Happy birthday, Sassy Mom!!!

    2. Happiest birthday wishes Sassy Mom. I so enjoy reading your posts each day. God Bless you! JE

    3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Dear Sassy Mom! I know I rejoice at your birth!! Thank you for your loving words of wisdom and if you receive even a fraction of all you give, your day (week, month) will be filled to overflowing. <3

    4. Happiest of birthdays, to you, Sassy Mom! Yes, let us rejoice and be glad in this day! Thank you for your posts throughout the year; they help me and I'm confident they help many others. Hope you feel the love from all of us on here. CO

    5. HAPPY, BLESS BIRTHDAY to you Sassy Mom! Sending lots of love, hugs and tons of best wishes your way today and always.
      May the Spirit of the Lord rest upon you, fill you with much peace, joy and grant you ALL your heart's desires, in Jesus name. Sending ❤ your way.


    6. Sassy Mom --- Joining with the JC FAMILY in wishing you a Blessed Happy Birthday. You are loved!!!

    7. This day we are all grateful for you, Sassy Mom! God was good to us and all who love you in giving the gift of you. Be blessed this day and every day. With love, Bob

    8. Happy Birthday, Sassy mom! May God bless you big time as you have blessed us with your posts.❤ blessings on blessings!

      May your day be filled with more hidden treasures than you can grasp and be blessed beyond measure! You are a GREAT witness being used by GOD daily to share your wisdom and perception learned in your personal daily walk with Christ!


    10. Happy 89th Birthday dear Sassy Mom! Hope you have a joyous celebration. You are surrounded by love and we, your family, wish you all of God's blessings and another year of His protection, guidance and loving care. Much love, Birthday girl!

    11. Happy birthday to you Sassy Mom. Enjoy your special day.

    12. Happy Birthday Sassy Mom. It is a joy and a blessing to have this experience with you in it! All the best to you! Love, Kathy

    13. Woohoo!! πŸ₯³ Happy happy birthday dear Sassy Mom. We rejoice and celebrate the great gift of you!! 🎁🎢

    14. May I join this party of birthday wishes for you, Sassy Mom! May you feel loved and fully celebrated on the anniversary of your birth! Happy Birthday!!!

    15. Happy Birthday SassyMom πŸ₯°πŸ₯³πŸŽŠπŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸŽ‰. Bless your day with loving celebration with your loved ones. We love youπŸ’•

    16. Happy birthday Sassy Mom! πŸŽ‰ Another trip around the Son πŸ’« blessing all those who cross your path. I'm so grateful to have met you here. In Joy your special day! ♥️

    17. Love the trip around The Son, Audra; from Whom The Anchor Holds!
      Birthday Song for The Birthday Girl:
      The Anchor Holds by (Various Artists)
      I have journeyed
      Through the long, dark night
      Out on the open sea
      By faith alone
      Sight unknown
      And yet His Eyes were watching me
      The Anchor holds
      Though the ship is battered
      The Anchor holds
      Though the sails are torn
      I have fallen on my knees
      As I faced the raging seas
      The Anchor holds
      In spite of the storm
      I've had visions
      I've had dreams
      I've even held them in my hand
      But I never knew
      They would slip right through
      Like they were only grains of sand
      The Anchor holds
      Though the ship is battered
      The Anchor holds
      Though the sails are torn
      I have fallen on my knees
      As I faced the raging seas
      The Anchor holds
      In spite of the storm
      I have been young
      But I am older now
      And there has been beauty
      That these eyes have seen
      But it was in the night
      Through the storms of my life
      Oh, that's where God proved
      His Love to me
      The Anchor holds
      Though the ship is battered
      The Anchor holds
      Though the sails are torn
      I have fallen on my knees
      As I faced the raging seas
      The Anchor holds
      In spite of the storm
      I have fallen on my knees
      As I faced the raging seas
      The Anchor holds
      In spite of the storm!

    18. Happy Birthday dear Sassy Mom! Wishing you all of God's blessings and His continued healing and faithfulness, and answered prayers. You are a beacon to all of us. Keep shining that sweet light because the Christ in you is just beautiful!! Much love. Wish I could make you a cake. Hope you get to eat some!

  14. Happy bday Sassy mom! Mine was match 1! I'm praying this is your best year yet!

    1. Jan in Texas --- Want to wish you a belated Blessed Happy Birthday! I claim a "Flourishing" year for you. Psalm 92:12 "The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree; he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon." In His Grip of Grace from Kansas

    2. Jan in Texas - Belated happy birthday to you and all the other March babies. I am blessed beyond words. Thank you for loving me.

    3. Jan in Texas, that's also my late dad's birthday. Hope that you enjoyed your specialπŸ’•

    4. Happy belated B'earthDay πŸ’“ Jan in Texas.

    5. Happy belated Birthday Jan in Texas! Hope you enjoyed your special day. God bless you in all things.

    6. Joining in belated birthday wishes for Jan in Texas!

  15. "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

    (Picking up in Matthew 8:16) When Peter's mother-in-law was healed by Jesus, she immediately went about providing for our needs, she was that much better because of Jesus' touch. Dinner was served and we all had a time of renewal both physically and spiritually. It was a good thing we did for shortly after dinner there came a knock on the door. Peter opened the door and there stood several people, some holding children in their arms, others supporting friends and family suffering from various infirmities. And behind them coming down the path were more and more people with similar needs. They wanted to see Jesus because they had heard of the power He had to heal people. Hearing of their request, Jesus got up from the table and went out to meet them. In an orderly fashion, He listened to each need and placed His healing hands on each person who was suffering in one way or another. It took time, but He had the time and took the time totally giving of Himself to them in their various needs. He would later tell us this was His calling as predicted in the prophet Isaiah, "To take on our infirmities and bare our diseases". It was so touching to watch how He loving made each person's need His own and did what was best for the person. Jesus truly knew who He was in life. I guess that's what happens when one spends the amount of time as He does being in close communication with the Father, one understands one's calling in life."

    Does not Jesus epitomize our JC reading for today? He knew who He was and thus was able to stay true to His calling. But much time was spent in communion with God in order to be that way. The lesson for us all is so obvious. Be blessed this day dear sisters and brothers in Christ. With love, Bob

    1. Amen. Just a Closer Walk with Him. Thank you dear Bob. I am blessed to belong to Him and to this wonderful family who I love.

    2. I belong to you Sweet Jesus and you belong to me. Thank you for not giving up on me. Send me your Holy Spirit! Amen!

  16. Thank You Lord for granting me another day to glorify Your name and experience Your Presence once again. I pray for an understanding heart and a sensitivity to Your ways. I ask that You help me to distinguish between the truth of Your Word and the lies of this world. Please help me to discern between Your voice and the voice of the enemy. May my spirit sense Your gentle warnings louder in my ears than the enemy’s empty threats. May I be granted a desire for Your Word so that I will crave Your wisdom, instruction and guidance. I am told by Your Word that if I lack wisdom, to ask You for it and You will give it generously and without finding any fault in me. Thank You for Your desire to give me a discerning spirit and please tune my ears to Your still small voice.

    Like King Solomon who pleased God by asking for a wise and discerning heart, we can do the same and start with praying for a heart of discernment, as in Psalm 119:25: “I am your servant; give me discernment that I may understand your statutes.” The more we grow in the love and knowledge of the word of God, the more discerning we become and while we ask for discernment, we are to ask for it in faith and also pray for a renewed mind and a stronger desire for God’s Word rather than the world’s philosophies. 1 John 4:1, urges all believers to “not believe every sprit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” You and I therefore have a responsibility to heed this instruction to test worldly philosophies and everything that comes through our TV sets, radio waves, our laptops and phones and even pastors and religious leaders. To have the spirit of discernment is to possess the ability to judge well. John the Apostle also urged first century Christians to practice the spiritual gift of discernment because of how quickly believers can be deceived if they weren’t grounded in the truth.

    Father, we thank You for loving us for who we are. We ask Your Spirit to grant us like Solomon, a wise and discerning spirit. May we as ‘sheep know Your voice and follow You wherever You lead us’. We desire a closer walk with You and thank You for Your unfailing love and for all Your wonderful deeds. Thank You for keeping us, our love ones and those around us safe. We pray for peace and safety for all in this world and thank You for the gift of Salvation (Jesus, the center of it ALL).

    Blessings and peace to all.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood - Your prayer is my hug from heaven. A "word for word" message taught to others by my deceased husband. Thank you.

    2. Amen dear Maplewood.
      Father, Guide my heart through your Spirit to discern Your Voice from the world's false words, promises and clatter. Help me to follow You with an unwavering trust and determination, and please light my path with a brilliant light so I will always know the way in which I should walk. Help me to be an extension of You to all I meet, and give me Your own words to share so I can lift and comfort others with the same sweet love and comfort You give to me.

    3. Amen Maplewood πŸ™. Sharing your prayer with you. That is beautiful and what I am thinking. Thank you for sharing. Jeanne, joining in your prayer too. Very well said. Thank you both.

    4. Thank you and Amen, Maplewood, for your words this morning. I so needed them. Trying to sift thru the muck of this world is difficult I find. I must remind myself to constantly ask for clarity and discernment from God instead of letting this muck and clutter settle in my head and mindset. I think by doing so throughout my day, I will have more peace and patience. Blessings and love, Maplewood, and all in this great JC family forum!

    5. Thanks Maplewood. When I get the "L" out of this WORlD, I get into His WORD, which remains. Amen.

    6. I am not entertaining the negative thoughts ....I am smiling more !!

    7. Good choice, Min Ahadi.
      Especially since we find that negative thinking is one of satan's traps it uses to snare our attention away from our Good God. Smiling back to and with God reconnects us and causes satan to flee.
      As one of today's bible reading redirects us, When He has brought out all His Own, He goes before them, and the sheep follow Him, for they know His Voice. I'm sure His heart is happy when He looks back into His fold and see His Sheep smiling back at Him.
      Positive Blessings being prayed for you and our entire JC Family.

    8. Brie and Larry! Prayers for you today that your "after shot" is not an "after shock" πŸ™♥️πŸ™♥️

    9. Thanks for checking, Audra. Yes, after shock it is. I resisted for a long time until oncologist heard my questions and concerns about long term effects. With all seriousness, he looked up from his computer, looked me straight in the eye, and said "I hear your concern about long term effects; my concern is for you to get Long Term" I prayed about it and then proceeded. Help me God when I know not what I do. Amen.

    10. Amen Maplewood, sharing this prayer for constant discernment and clarity fro the Master. Mindy

    11. Your prayers and posts continue to bless and encourage us, dear Maplewood. They are gifts from your heart and soul that just keep giving. God bless you and your family always and ever.

    12. Yes they are still relevant and welcomed. Wherever you are, Maplewood, I'm confident God is using your gifts and faith to bless others as they continue to do for us still here.

  17. Jesus, I have never been one that"hears" Your voice calling. I don't kniw if it ius from lack of discernment or not meditating enough. I truly would love to hear You give me direction. Please help me to listen for you.

    1. I am not sure if I have ever "heard" God speak to me in the way another person would. I have had other people say to me things I needed to hear and as those words played out, it became clear to me that God had used that person to give me a message I needed to hear. Sometimes I have felt a strong urge in a certain direction. That has been ways God has spoken to me. (I think of Simeon in Luke 2:27 who was led by the Spirit to go up to the temple the day Jesus was brought there by Mary and Joseph. That is likely to have been a strong inclination/desire to do that and in so doing, God fulfilled a promise that God had made to him.). I have found by developing the practice of meditation over time, my heart has become more sensitive to God's voice within me. When seeking direction, I have prayed and then proceeded, allowing things to unfold before me without forcing them. These are some thoughts on "hearing" God. Remember, as is the case with Elijah (I Kings 19:11-18), the voice of God comes very subtly. We must tune our ears to the simple notes in which He is communicating with us. God be with you, Mark L!

    2. Thanks Mark L and BOB,
      Your posts made me ask me, myself, and I: Have I ever heard God speak in an earthly human voice? I said, I doubt it, but:
      Sometimes I am led by a way I knew not, and voila, God's leading is obvious.
      Or I go to bed with a situation, and in the morning the answer is crystal clear, I know from Whom came my help.
      When things turn out far better than I could ever have asked for, dreamed up, or imagined, I know it's God Hand at work.
      When my heart leaps in joy, it is as though my God is nodding, go ahead child.
      When I meditate I feel peaceful, when I feel peaceful, I am quieted; when I am quieted, I sense God better.
      When I am not sure if the message is from God rather than all the noise going on inside my own head, I ask and look to God for clarification and confirmation.
      Sometimes God speaks through other people. The "chance" meetings still astound me.
      I always sense God working it out whenever the JC Warriors pray for my need to be met. As I am going through the situation for which you all are praying, I feel like Aladdin riding high above it all being carried on his carpet.
      In all of the above, I give thanks and Glory to God.
      These are just some of my experiences on "hearing" God.
      Thank you for sharing yours.
      May God's Blessings be with both of you and our entire JC Family. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    3. That was lovely Brie. In the stillness, He is so close to us that we can understand His whispers.

    4. Amen Brie πŸ™. God is so good and loves us so much ❤. God bless you πŸ™.

    5. All that you noted, Brie, are the ways I "hear" God. And Bob, this is right in:
      When seeking direction, I have prayed and then proceeded, allowing things to unfold before me without forcing them.
      Mark, it's personal. We all find our own God languages, especially when we ask for them. Bless you for opening the discussion!

    6. Open our ears Lord so that we can hear your voice! Thank you Lord for all the times you have carried me even when I failed to listen to you. You truly do love me..I love you!

    7. I also SEE God's voice often when I'm on the road: in licence plates, roadside signage, bumper stickers and one the radio. Makes traveling such a pleasure adventure!

  18. AMEN Beautiful and Simplified!


  19. Thank You Lord for blessing me with another year of life. Missing my beloved in heaven. Dear JC Family please join me as I quietly celebrate my 88 th Birthday. Happy Birthday to all the other March babies.

    1. Happy Happy Birthday Sassy Mom, our feisty, prayerful, sweet, adorable, loving and insightful, 88 years young sister in God. We love you and thank God for every minute of your life. 03-03 is on The Birthday Gift of Prayer Calendar, and 03:03 is set on my alarm. I will be sending Special prayers your way all day to day with Love, In Jesus' Name. Amen

    2. Happy birthday Sassy Mom!! Thanking the Lord for leading you to be a part of this beautiful JC family. Praying blessings upon you and yours.

      Blessings from France

    3. Celebrate I got your age wrong. I had written it down as your 89th Birthday but you're only 88! So happy for you! You are such a young 88 because your words and your Spirit always gave me the impression that you were much younger. Today you are younger than you ever will be so make sure you have some silly fun and do things that make you happy. Let your sweet inner child run around barefoot in the backyard. Well not if it's too cold. Much love dear Sister! Enjoy your cake and rejoice and be glad in your day.

    4. Happy birthday Sassy Mom. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    5. Happy 88 Sassy Mom. I have this thing about the same number birthdays-88-77-66. I think they are especially special. And I agree that you sound much younger. You are 88 years young today. Happy birthday πŸŽ‰.

    6. Happy Birthday Sassy Mom! It's an honor to share a birthday month with you. Have a wonderful day!


    7. Have to believe that each birthday of every human being is celebrated in heaven. With that said SassyMom, your hubby is celebrating with the heavenly hosts. Hallelujah!

    8. Happy Birthday Sweet Sassy Mom!!!! Enjoy today! I thank God for your wisdom and heart and that I have you in my JC Family!! Love from nearby Maryville, Tennessee!!

    9. Be blessed this day and everyday, Sassy Mom! God be with you.

    10. Happy birthday Sassy mum , have a grand birthday whatever you do !

    11. Now I can say Happy 89th Birthday sweet sister! Love you Sassy Mom! Have fun today and stay blessed.

    12. And now I can humbly apologize for posting above this one as your 90th. No matter, you are loved and celebrated on this day ♥️πŸ€—

    13. Dear precious humble sister Audra, give or take one more year makes no difference. Thank you for loving me and blessing my life. You are loved!!!

  20. Thank You Jesus. Father, please help me to have the right discernment and hear You from all others. Praise You Lord πŸ™Œ πŸ™.

    1. Amen dear Janet and Jan! His sheep hear Him and know His voice. Let us stay focused on the Lord today and find time to be still to listen to His voice and tune into His Spirit. Any voice that causes anxiety or anger, or threatens to separate us from His love is not from Him. We belong to Him and His Spirit bears witness to that.
      Father, Thank You for a discerning heart to follow hard after You, in Jesus’ Name we pray. .

    2. So true Jeanne that is so true

  21. My prayer too, dear Janet. Amen.

  22. Happy Happy birthday wishes as well! Your many years of a blessed life allows for the sage you provide here. Thank you. Amen.

  23. Can I make that a trifecta prayer, Janet and Jan?! Yes, Father, help me to have Your discernment apart from all the other noise! AMEN!

    1. Quadfecta here! The 15th day of Lent led me to Chapter 15 in the handbook, "With God All Things Are Possible" In part, it taught me:
      Even Jesus felt the need of quiet communion with Our Father. Much as He enjoyed the comradeship of His Disciples, Time After Time He went apart to pray.
      We too are to rest our Spirit as well as our body. In times of stress, go to some quiet place of beauty and rest if you can. Go to a quiet park, a peaceful yard or a lovely church when possible. But when we can't go to such places, then Matthew 6 the situation by going into our room, closing the door and praying to Our Father, Who is unseen. Then Our Father, Who sees us and what we do in secret, will reward us whenever we turn our thoughts inward to God by shutting the world out.
      The Cliff notes to all of the above? When we get the "L" out of this WORlD, we get into His WORD, which remains. Amen.
      Praying Blessings on our JC Family!

    2. Get the "L"out. Got it, Brie! πŸ˜‚

    3. Amen! Love that Brie! Get the “L” out. His Word means so much more. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.

  24. Update on knee issue. I'm being scheduled for Arthroscopic surgery. Need your continued prayers. I Appreciate & am thankful for warriors & your prayers.πŸ’ž

    1. God's got you on this! May all your "kneeds" be meet with healing from our Lord. Positive outcomes are just a step away. Bless you, Jan!

    2. Dear Jan. Praying it will all go well because it is Christ ordained. You’re taken care of.
      I’ve had that to repair a meniscus. It took a while to recover but I’m fine now.

    3. Praying for you Jan. Your trust in Jesus will see you through!

  25. Gracious Father, We know that nothing we do can make You love us either more or less. We don’t earn Your love by fulfilling a pre-determined set of conditions. You love us not because of what we are, but because of Who You are. The scripture tells us You are Love (1 John 4:8). However, this is not to suggest that You will not judge sin or that people won’t have to suffer the consequences of their wrong decisions and actions.
    There is hell, but nobody will go there because You dont love them. On the contrary, people will go there precisely because they have willfully chosen to reject Your love tbat was offered freely to them in the sacrifice of Christ Jesus (Hebrews 10:26). Even then, You will never cease to love them and You will never stop loving even when You are pouring out Your wrath, nor will You ever abandon the soul that turns away from You. In many ways we may not be able to fully comprehend this, but You are with Your children even when they make their bed in hell (Psalm 139:8). May we return that same love given to us so freely and walk the path of righteousness You have set before us. Thank You for Your surfficient grace and unconditional Love in Jesus!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen! His grace is sufficient and His love is forever and unconditional. I’m joining in prayers of Gratitude and Praise

  26. Gosh am blessed , am blessed .....when i read all the updates i realised that am not in this journey alone ! Jesus is walking beside me ....all i have to do is lean in

  27. Hello everyone I just changed my name from min Ahadi to min nyako . But its still me

  28. Jesus, please help me to keep my focus on You all day every day. I'm sorry for the times I don't put you first and neglect to stay in touch with You. Please give me the gift of discernment to listen for Your voice and not that of the world. I need You and cherish our relationship.

  29. My prayer too! Thanks, Mark! In Jesus's Name we pray πŸ™

    1. Amen Mark. Praying your prayer with Audra.
      Happy 88th Birthday Sassy Mom
      Get some rest dear Norah! Hope hubby us doing well. God bless and heal him and our MadFox.

  30. Birthday Blessings to you, Dear Sassy Mom!! So thankful to hear celebrations and blessings from all of my JC Family. Full, good day - heading to bed. ZZZzzzz. Prayers for each and everyone of you!

  31. Happy belated birthday to Sassy Mom and Jan in Texas! God bless you with many more!

    If you need a boost in your Secrect Warroom, DECLARE this EVERY DAY:
    I am washed by the blood, covered by the blood, saved by the blood, healed by the blood and you devil can't DEFEAT THE BLOOD!!! Our God is saying, "I got you. You are in the palm of my hand. I have defeated your adversaries. You have the name of Jesus that is above every name." Our adversary can't cross THE BLOOD! Remember the blood over the door posts in Exodus. Start declaring your freedom and declaring that God is on your side. Declare that you will not quit and that you always win. You can't be defeated, because God is undefeated and He is your Father!!! We live like heaven on earth!!
    Great Blessings and Great Love to each one of my JCFAMILY! Believing for all the steps of your journeys to be lit up with the Living Light of our Gracious, Merciful Father God!!!
    In His Grip of Grace JJ

    1. A very loud πŸ™ Amen, Amen. Amen,, Amen,, Amen.. Let me tell You About My Jesus!
      Thanks JJ. I just read your declaration to my brother Keith, who was moved from the hospital and miraculously into a Physical Therapy Rehab Facility today. Tomorrow will be his first day of inpatient Physical Therapy Sessions. I just finished reading your post to him. He amen'd every sentence. Thanks for providing a jump start for him and what lies ahead. Love you 😍 lots and look forward to your impactful posts, which always bring the power of God into so large a focus, they fade Satan out of the picture.
      Much Love ❤ Brie

    2. Amen dear JJ! In His Grip of Grace with you and Brie! Saved by the Blood of the Lamb! He has us in the Palm of His Mighty Hand and He is so much Greater than he that is in the world. We belong to the Most High and no one can take us away from our Good Shepherd. Holding fast to His Words of truth and His promises.
      Dear Brie, I'm glad Keith was moved into a PT Rehab Facility. He will get all the help he needs. He already knows he's taken care of by his loving Father. We serve an Awesome God!
      Amen! We are all blessed by JJ's powerful words of encouragement and truth. I'm blessed by all the sincere prayers and posts from the past to the present. We are of one accord and we are blessed to be part of the Family of Christ and our dear JC Family. Hallelujah!

    3. Amen JJ, It's the Bloodline that the enemy of our souls cannot cross.

    4. 🎢oh the blood of Jesus
      Oh the blood of Jesus
      Oh the blood of Jesus,
      That washes white as snow! Hallelujah!

      Thank you our dear JJ for reminding us that there's power in the blood ( another song I love)!

    5. Yes, JJ, there is power, power, power in the Bloood, of the Lamb. I used to sing that as a child at bible camp and didn’t understand it then, but it is so true. We forget that we can claim that protection, healing and be FREE with that blood covering. Thank you for your prayers for my dear husband. He has a coronary angioplasty yesterday, and did have a stent put in the obstructed artery. There was a time in recovery when his blood pressure dropped 50 points in a minute, and I was able to be calm while the nurses worked with him. I know it was the prayers holding us up. He is well and will come home today. Thank you God so much for this prayer community of like minds and hearts.

  33. Happy B'earthDay πŸŽ‚ to our dear sweet Sassy Mom in Christ. Much love and many prayers are coming your way today. I hope you can bask and soak them all in. Much Love ❤❤ and Blessings, Brie

    1. PS Sassy Mom,, In keeping with today's devotion, I love you for who you are,,,just as Jesus does.

    2. Amen! Love you Birthday girl! Have a blessed and special day surrounded by love and the peace and joy in believing.

    3. For the 'One and Only Sassy Mom': "I thank my God every time I remember you in all my prayers for all of you. I always pray with joy." Philippians 1:3-4.
      Happy Birthday! I celebrate the gift of your life! HALLELUJAH!!!
      Sending bunches of Love and Blessings your way!!! JJ

  34. Thinking on the first line of today's Jesus Calling: " I love you for who you are, not for what you do."
    It's wonderful that there is no competition in God's Kingdom. Although we strive, it's not to be first, it's to complete the race - each one of us crossing the finish line is a winner!
    Complete, not Compete!
    Many of us would disqualify ourselves if God loved us for what we do.
    If God only loved us for what we do, Grace would not apply.
    Martin Luther's 'Lightbulb moment' was when he understood that justification is entirely the work of God.
    We are saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus and not by our own efforts or works (Ephesians 2: 8-9) For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast.) Wonderful Gift. Grace Alone. Faith Alone.
    Grace alone means that God loves, forgives, and saves us not because of who we are or what we do, but because of the work of Jesus Christ. Believe it.
    It's Way, Way beyond our ability to earn our salvation.

    1. Amen dear Peter! We are loved and cherished exactly as we are. And we are saved by the Blood of Christ and the Grace of God.

  35. Happy 89th birthday our sweet SassyMom πŸ’•πŸŽ†πŸŽΆπŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽ‚!

    🎢Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday sweet SassyMom
    Happy birthday to you!

    We love you dear girl😘!

  36. I'm on need of your prayers dear warriors. At 4 pm today, I go to PT for my jaw. TMJ it seems. Don't really know what to expect. Love & blessings to each of you.πŸ’•πŸ™

    1. Prayers are coming at you, Jan Gridley. With so many prayers headed your way, it may be a jaw dropping experience πŸ˜‰

    2. Joining in prayers for all to go well at 4. Do not be afraid dear Jan. Hold onto His Unchanging Hand. Trust He is guiding your doctor to evaluate you correctly and give you the perfect treatment to bring you back to good health and peace of mind. Thank You Jesus.

    3. As you receive the physical therapy, know that the Lord is at your side holding you very tight. If anything hurts beyond reason, speak up dear sister. God only wants you to be blessed and healed.

    4. Love your prayer, Brie, for Jan. And yes, Jan, sending healing prayers your way and covering you with the Blood of Jesus from the Crown of your Head to the Soles of your feet. Nothing defeats the Blood of the true sacrificial Lamb, Jesus Christ of Nazareth! HALLELUJAH! Great Love and Blessings to you! JJ

    5. How soothing to my spirit are your loving prayers dear sisters. I can approach this PT today knowing that I'm held up in prayer support by each of youπŸ˜˜πŸ™. And yes sweet Brie, I'm up for that "jaw dropping experience!"πŸ˜‚

    6. Joining in prayer for you Jan Gridley. Relax at 4 giving everyone and everything up to Jesus. Let His peace wash over you. πŸ™

  37. Be thankful always in every situation , we love God because He 1st loved us

    1. Amen, dear Unknown. Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His Courts with praise. Let us love others with His unconditional love.

  38. Jan - Joining Prayer Warriors in prayer for a perfect painless procedure to your jaw. Praying God controls the hands of the dentist.
    Psalm 6:2 Oh Lord, heal me for my bones are troubled.

    1. Love this scripture, especially since my bones are aging. Thank you dear SassyMom for thinking of me.πŸ’•

  39. Praying for you Jan re; your TMJ with your PT. Often the neck alignment is involved with TMJ/. I pray that the PT will be led to the specifics for you. Amen

    1. Thank you dear Ellen. I wondered too if there's a connection. Bless you for praying for me. πŸ’•

  40. Praying for you Jan, and all the intentions of the JC family.
    Also asking for prayers today for my appointments following my surgery. Thanks!

    It’s been a long journey of recovery that has brought me closer to the Lord. I heard the song Weary Traveler the other day that really spoke to me about the journey we are on: Hope you will enjoy it:

    1. Thank you Rich for your prayer. I will also lift you up to the Father, that recovery continues for you & attend to the details of success for all your appointments. Bless your day dear brother πŸ™πŸ’•

    2. Praying for you both! God knows how weaknesses even better than we do. May he continue to heal you and bring you back to perfect health. God bless you both.

  41. As I pray for each one's healing, I am praising God for the healing of my ear post basal cell removal surgery. It was a rocky road complete with infection, medications, twice daily wound care and pain, and HE was with me all along. I kept envisioning His hands holding my head, generating new cell growth and closing all vulnerable areas with new healthy skin. Thank you Jesus!!!! Bless my doctors who did the best they could to assist our Lord along the way of restoration.

    1. VICTORY in Jesus our Savior Forever.

    2. Hallelujah! So happy to hear you are doing well and God brought you through your rocky road to a smooth path filled with His light. Thank You Jesus!

  42. Audra, celebrating and joining you in praise to the Lord for healing. Thank You Jesus for blessed assurance, presence, guidance and love when we are treading the unknown rocky road.

  43. Dear JC Family, I am blessed beyond words. Thank you for sharing my birthday celebration. My day has been blessed with lots of love, cards, flowers, visits, phone calls, email, and text messages from all "my other kids". Last but not least, a loaded submarine sandwich and cup cake with gooey icing from my sweet neighbor Miss Pat, who we have prayed for. Thank you for showering me with much much love.

  44. Sounds like a wonderful Birthday filled with love and beauty and yummy things. I'm so glad. Still praying for Miss Pat! Sounds like she is doing much better.

  45. We're off to Boston in the morning to visit our son and his family. I was told not to bring any gifts, new clothes, food, but they said I could bring chocolate chip cookies. Praying they will receive the light of Christ through me. May their hardened hearts soften so they will seek the Lord for themselves right down to the babies. If I don't get the internet in the hotel, know that my prayers will be covering you, dear JC family. Much love.

    1. Traveling Mercy prayers are being said for you and Rick.
      Also praying that all hearts are open to God's Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ is accepted as their Lord and Savior, in HIS TIME.
      May they experienc the Light of Christ continuously shining through you, Jeanne. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Praying for a blessed and joyous 90th b'earthday celebration for our dear dear sister friend in Christ, SASSY MOM! We love you and are so thankful to a Good Loving God for sending you to us. In Jesus' Name, I Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart. Amen.

    1. 🎁🎈🎈πŸ₯³πŸŽ‚πŸ₯‚

    2. Happy Birthday to our dear SassyMom πŸ˜πŸŽ‰πŸŽπŸ₯³πŸŽ‚πŸŽΌ!! Enjoy your special day! We are celebrating with you! We love you πŸ’ž!

    3. Joining the party celebrating our Sassy Mom's 90 birthdays here on earth! You are such a blessing to all who know you! Enjoy being wonderfully celebrated and loved on, Sassy Mom! Happy, Happy Birthday! Much love and continued blessings!

  47. Happy Birthday dear Sassy Mom! 90 years young. God bless you always!
    Love you! πŸ’—πŸŒΈπŸŽ‚πŸŽˆπŸŽπŸŒΉ.

    Psalm 73:26
    My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

    Isaiah 46:4
    Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you

  48. Audra March 2, 2023 at 9:27 AM called for a response to her,
    Victory report list!
    You asked for it, you got it:
    Thanks Be To God, my DH's Oncology visit was perfect:
    Perfect Labs!
    Perfect Blood Count!
    Perfect breathing!
    No change to suspicious lung area being closely watched for the past 7 years!
    And, our weather is 83 degrees!
    And, new spring green leaves are on all the trees!
    And the Azaleas are blooming in all different, yet beautiful colors!
    And a greatly skilled nurse helped Keith out in the ER last night, by easily finding a productive vein without blowing out all others!
    And, I've Got You Babe!
    But wait, there's more!
    Call out yours πŸ˜‰♥️✝️

    It's a new day, let us rejoice and be glad in it!

    1. I just love to hear of God’s faithfulness, and your good news added so much light to my day and joy to my heart! Thanks dear Brie! Thanking God with you and Audra for His loving kindness and tender mercies. Our God is so good!

    2. Awesome victory report, Brie! So happy for you and yours!!! Our God is an AWESOME God who douses us daily with His loving kindness! a warm Spring rain.

    3. Hope is always pumped up higher and higher whenever I read, yet another Victory Report! Thanks to all who share theirs.
      In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  49. Happy 90th Sassy Mom! Here's to 90 more. πŸ™‚


  50. Happpy Birthday, Sassy Mom! Believing for you the BIGGEST slice of happy today! It has been said that our age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying us. Love you, love you and Great Blessings to you!

    1. Happy birthday Sassy Mom! God bless πŸ™.

    2. Dear Sassy Mom! You are still like a ripe palm tree, bearing much fruit for the Lord. Wishing you joy, peace, comfort and fun. And Birthday cake!! I love you.
      Psalm 92:12-14
      The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon;
      planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God.
      They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green,

  51. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it! Thank You Jesus! Praise God always πŸ™Œ. Help me to discern Your voice from all the others Lord. Speak to me from the Heavenly realms and enlighten me. Let Your words resonate with me and help me to heed them. I desire to pick up my cross and follow You Lord. Forgive me for all my sins. Let Your righteousness fill me. Shower me with Your love. Pour Your Spirit into me. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Amen dear Janet. Wonderful prayer! We all fall short of pleasing Him. Every day He gives us another chance to make things right.
      Jesus, Thank You for reminding us to keep you reigning in our hearts today. Help us to be a blessing to you and others.
      Holy Spirit, Thank You for guiding our path, our thoughts, our words and our deeds.
      Father God, Thank You for loving us exactly as we are! Thank You for showing us Your faithfulness, and showering us with Your love and peace. Amen

  52. Happy 90th. My MIL was 90 just a few weeks back as well. And she is doing well like you Sassy Mom. 90 is the new 70! Keep us in awe of your spiritual strength and gracious agape to all. Amen!

  53. I'm new to this website but have been a born again Christian since I was 15. I just want to say how happy it is to read all these posts. I read Jesus calling everyday but I've never even thought about reading it online.. Praise God in Jesus name for finding this site, I've been struggling with the loss of a child and inner family problems. Jesus opened my heart to this website and I feel so blessed and stronger in the Lord, may the Lord be with us all.

    1. Welcome dear Anonymous! May God continue to comfort your broken heart and fill it with His love. He has led all of us to this peaceful refuge. Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place. May He answer your prayers and give you hope and joy. Trust in His Word and promises. You’ll be with your dear child again and your joy will be full.

    2. So glad you found this blog with us. It's been a beautiful place to pray for each other. I pray for His comfort and peace for your heart and His love over your family. He is close to the broken-hearted.

    3. Welcome Anonymous!
      Praying you are comforted with His presence, peace, love and guidance.
      "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning" Psalm 30:5 NKJV

    4. Dear Anonymous,
      If there is a Grief Share program in your area I encourage you to attend. My grief was so painful, I repeated Grief Share twice and heard things the 2nd time that I didn't hear the first time.

    5. Welcome Anonymous! We are so glad you accepted the Holy Spirit's invitation to come in here. Thank You for sharing. We love praying. Please know you and your dear ones are in our thoughts, hearts, and prayers. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  54. John 19:27 AMPC " The sheep that are My own hear and are listening to My voice; and I know them, and they follow Me."
    'Lord Jesus help me to discern more what is Your voice and what is not. I ask You Holy Spirit for this discernment .
    There are times when I absolutely know Your voice, I recognize it, and times when I'm not sure, that's when things get clouded.
    So when You speak to me, help be more sensitive to recognize Your voice, so that I am more able to tune out the world around me and tune in to what You are saying. Thank You Lord, Amen.'
    As a follower of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit living within is always speaking to us and the fact that we yearn to hear His voice is a work of the Holy Spirit. A prerequisite for hearing the Lord's voice is listening.
    1 Samuel 3:10, The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, "Samuel! Samuel!" Then Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening."
    This little sheep is listening for the voice of his Shepherd.

  55. Thank you JC Warriors for your prayers yesterday. I felt them. I do not have a detached retina - PTL! Thank you again for your prayers.

    Praying for each of you today. Praying that God will grant us peace, patience, and humility. Today’s prayer was short, sweet, and spot on!

    SC Anonymous

    1. Thank you for calling out His Victory in your life, SC Anonymous! We are all Victory Dancing with you and your retina, as we stay attached to The Lord. In Jesus' Nane. Amen.

  56. Good morning Jesus calling family,

    My dad is so kind and meek and generous. He amazes me. He's strong as Samson and kind like Jesus. His mother passed away this week. He all but begged to have a relationship with her these past few years, but she was always too busy. It's heartbreaking. He was raised by his grandparents. He's on his way to honor her and be with his siblings and aunts. He wasn't afforded that when his father died. Someone cremated him without telling my dad he had even passed until a week later. No funeral. I'm thankful he gets to honor his mother as I'm sure he would've liked to for his father. I believe and pray that God will reward my dad for honoring his parents like He asked him to. I pray for comfort for him and his siblings and safety as they travel in this storm. We trust You Jesus. You know what we need. Please bless and reward my dad as You see fit. You are able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than we ask, think, or imagine according to Your power working in us. Help us speak Your love and truth and shine Your light. In Your name amen

    1. Praying with, and for, you and your Dad, free as can B. May you always Cherish the Love!

  57. Dear Lord Jesus, please bless my daughter as she goes for her scan today (every 2-3 months) following colon cancer. We praise you for her healing and claim her body to be healthy and cancer free. Bless her husband too. Amen

    1. Always in my prayers, today I will add the boost for His Victory when she gets her scan results today.

  58. Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Today's devotion reminds us to listen for Your Directives and enjoy Your Companionship, refusing to let other voices tie us up in knots. i choose to be in Your Fold, and be one of Your Sheep who knows Your Voice AND follows Your lead.
    I want to discern Your Voice regarding a decision to resign from a post I have held for 3 years. May I have Your Help to hear above all the comments that were boisterously loud last night?
    In Jesus' Name. Amen!
