Sunday, February 23, 2014

Jesus Calling: March 5

    Make friends with the problems in your life. Though many things feel random and wrong, remember that I am sovereign over everything. I can fit everything into a pattern for good, but only to the extent that you trust Me. Every problem can teach you something, transforming you little by little into the masterpiece I created you to be. The very same problem can become a stumbling block over which you fall, if you react with distrust and defiance. The choice is up to you, and you will have to choose many times each day whether to trust Me or defy Me.
    The best way to befriend your problems is to thank Me for them. This simple act opens your mind to the possibility of benefits flowing from your difficulties. You can even give persistent problems nicknames, helping you to approach them with familiarity rather than with dread. The next step is to introduce them to Me, enabling Me to embrace them in My loving Presence. I will not necessarily remove your problems, but My wisdom is sufficient to bring good out of every one of them.

Romans 8:28

Amplified Bible (AMP)

We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.

1 Corinthians 1:23-24

English Standard Version (ESV)

but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.

My Prayer
Lord, what a great reminder. That you are Lord over my problems and can use them for my benefit. How quickly I want to get our from under them and how you want me to see that You can use them for my benefit. I want to react with trust. Help me to work through them in a way that glorifies you. I live in less than perfect surroundings, but You are perfect and can show Me the right way. I too quickly seek my solutions rather than waiting on You. Forgive Me Lord for thinking I know what is best. I want to rest in You. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.


  1. Pastor preached this weekend about "signature sin" that we all have. I have known for a while now that mine is selfishness and my agenda. I used to think it was the other person that was the problem but the Lord has shown me that it is rooted in the selfishness in my own heart. I nickname this problem selfie. Lord I Thank you for selfie not for what it has done to hurt others but for the perfect work you are doing through it in me. As selfie is forced to move out of my heart and be replaced with you, others will be blessed and experience your love through me. Thank you Lord for all that you do and all that you are!

    1. Selfie...I like it. Well said.

    2. Lovely. Well said. I have a life long hip issue that I've named Helen, my hippy, havoc reaping friend that I am going to learn to love and find blessings in when's ever she appears

    3. Dear Unknown. Praying that Helen behaves herself and doesn't give you trouble. Hope you have a comfortable and blessed day in His presence.

    4. I love this comment. I love your honesty and nickname for your struggle. I was struggling as to what name i was going to give my defect without being to harsh on myself. Think I may borrow Selfie to start out with, πŸ™ Also thank you for your transparency!

    5. Ditto! I love this reminder and this entire blog and group. It helps me every morning, reminding me to ask God to direct my thinking for the next 24hrs and thanking him for everything in my daily life!πŸ™❤️

  2. I appreciate your blog brother.

  3. Reading ahead as this day is spent. Good results for one of my heart-breaking cases - we endured and God moved the avalancies. Missing MadFox - where are you? Tonight was spent celebrating a Prodigal Daughter returning home. I've watched and listened to her mother for than a year say, "Lean not on your own understanding," and tonight her long season of waiting in the Lord returned ten fold. Buckling up my seat belt for tomorrow night at our friend's visitation. "Every problem can teach you something, transforming you little by little into the masterpiece I created you to be. The very same problem can become a stumbling block over which you fall, if you react with distrust and defiance. The choice is up to you, and you will have to choose many times each day whether to trust Me or defy Me." I give it to You, Lord. It will all be OK. Making it an early night and checking in again early tomorrow morn. Praying for my Team...

    1. Norah, Prayers for your visitation. Always tough emotionally with those we've been close to...

      I really like Sarah's wording as Jesus, "Every problem can teach you something, transforming you little by little..." Learning to accept and cherish one's problems seems counter-productive especially to my younger self. Now, I have a better understanding that problems are not all of my making and that many are tools to sharpen my faith. Have a great Tuesday everyone.

    2. Miss Norah!!! You are like a Mother hen watching her baby chicks. When one is missing you want to know where they are. Thank you for keeping track of missed JC Family.

  4. Thank you for keeping my family and me in your prayers, MadFox. This is going to be a packed day but I will remember that "all things work to the good for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose." Prayers for the families that we will be spending so much time with this evening and all day tomorrow. For their strength and health and that I can look for ways to bless & comfort them. It was 7 degrees this morning when I woke up. I read Rebecca's post and I'm praying for her and all the pleas for help and comfort. Praying for my husband as he takes his sister to get the results of her tests. For her peace. And for my friend's joy at seeing her daughter today. So much to be thankful for and in the midst of sadness. Giving it all to Him.

    1. Praying that it all went well...Norah you are so thoughtful looking for everyone . What a wonderful spirit .

  5. Praise God from whom ALL Blessings flows!! This is the day the Lord has made, let all His Saints Rejoice and be glad in it!We are Blessed and Highly favored! No weapons fashioned against any of His Believers will ever prosper!
    I decree, declare that the blessings of our Great God will chase this team of believers and their families down today in the name of Jesus! Remember, NO matter what you face today, God got your back!! He's NEVER leaving your side! Stay Blessed fellow saints!

  6. Amen! Count it all joy my brethren when fall into various trials! Knowing that through every situation we are becoming more like Him! Blessings!!

  7. Thank you dear Jesus. Help me to have an open heart to see problems and life challenges as an opportunity to learn and develop my relationship with you, and my dependence on you. Please help me to use "stubbling blocks" really as "stepping stones" to that greater relationship with YOU. A prayer from St. Teresa of Avila:
    " Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing frighten you. All things are passing away. God never changes. Patience obtains all things. Whoever has God lacks nothing. God alone suffices." Amen.

    1. Amen ABC.Love the prayer from St. Teresa!

    2. I have found the prayers of some the devout believers of the past to be a great source of blessing. They really loved our Lord and I want to as well. Thanks, ABC!

    3. Yes Bob, I love reading the beautiful posts and prayers from years ago that reveal our brothers' and sisters' steadfast faith and trust in the Lord and the responses are so caring and sincere. A heart of love for God and for others doesn't change with the passing years.

  8. 330 a.m. and coming to my "go to" devotional after being awakened by an issue with my hotel room on a trip... many pearls in today's message and some discussed last year. The snippet resonating with me this early a.m. is "I can fit everything into a pattern for good." From routine tasks to unpleasant circumstances (Norah's friend's funeral last year) to the "low valley/steep path" professional issues to personal health challenges - God is working with us through prayer for "good"!

    Since we have free will and thus sin is our constant companion, only in hindsight do I see the "good" that God was able to bring from my mistakes or the "life happens" events that cause heartache and weaken my faith. He is GOOD because He became a man to show us His ultimate goodness with His love... even unto the cross. Be blessed today knowing our Father is seeking to make "good" of the mess we create or is thrown at us by others. Godspeed. Amen.

    1. Yes, Godspeed, our dear MadFox. I am always praying for you and yours, with Love, Brie

  9. Awake after 4 hours of sweet sleep. My Best Man, D-In-Love & Son #3 are on a train back to Germany. Oh the adventures they have had! While they have been enjoying new sites, new food, new routines, so have I in a very different way. Mine would not be seen as a vacation by many, but it has been, as new challenges have gotten my attention. "RiseUp," by naming your problem 'Selfie,' you can cast it out and move on. When I try to hide my problems or ignore them, they become giants.
    So, for today, I will name them and while I may not see them as friends (kind of like befriending the girl who pulled your hair and got everyone laughing), I will see them for what they are and hand them over, trusting my Lord, rather than defying Him.
    My kitchen progresses, though not in my time-frame (ha ha; I'm learning it rarely does!). What I've learned through this latest adventure is that to truly trust in Him is to let go of my preconceived ideas. Each stumbling block has opened new doors. They have given me compassion towards others instead of seeing myself as immune which hardens my heart.
    I've never been one to 'make friends' with my problems. Maybe that is why they are given such power. I will try this and see what happens.
    I have 2 full days before my Hub returns; dear Lord, let me make the best of them. I can't quite picture this house being turned back into a warm, welcoming home at this point, but I trust that You will honor my heart and show me the way.
    Asking for prayers for my Daughter in Love, A, who will have surgery at 7:30 this morning to repair her broken ankle. Praying for the surgeons, nurses, her comfort and peace. For my Son #1 being totally restored in his health and managing all that comes with 7 'Littles,' in various stages of life and 2 who will return to him this weekend. And I thought my plate was full!
    Also, please pray for safe travels for my trio returning to the states. My dear husband's comfort, health and peace. Bless his traveling buddies for their kindness and devotion to their Dad.
    Let my words be salted, Father, as I guide people through the red-tape, cutting it where possible, yet knowing my boundaries. Give me supernatural energy and clarity in spite of the little sleep I've had and please, teach me the art of taking care of myself, whether taking a little nap, or pushing through. Father, I lift my dear friend's daughter who is about to have a baby and for my other friend who is trying to patiently wait on you to bless the womb of her first-born, who so wants to be pregnant...for all of my loved ones and their goals.
    Praying St. Teresa's prayer, ABC - thanks for sharing in 2019.

    1. Blessings to you and all JC prayer warriors today, declaring everything made good in Jesus'name! Holy Spirit, please share that super natural energy with all in need today. We trust you! - audra

    2. Praying your good husband's appt goes well today, and that you had enough sleep to be the beautiful blessed beacon that you are. God will be with you today and you will see His faithfulness. Thank You, Jesus.

  10. Loving Father, I have grumbled and complained about problems and trials. There were times when I failed to be thankful and to remember that You are always at work in my life, even through all problems, pain and brokenness. I asked for Your forgiveness and You forgave me. Thank You for the Holy Spirit that reminds me everyday to cast all my cares at the foot of the cross, trust and give thanks to You always. Thank You for being my problem solver and my miracle worker. May I continue to keep my eyes on You and praise You, no matter what come my way. So, thank you for the blessings and gifts of this day and whatever challenge that comes with it. I know You are in control of all things. I also know You love me and work all things together for my good. I don’t have to worry. I choose to trust You. Train to be a praiser and not a complainer, In Jesus’ name. Thank You for everything!

    Many believers today still seem to experience the same problems that plagued us before we were saved. We still become discouraged and depressed with the issues of our lives. Yes we will face problems, God never promised us a smooth sailing on this earth, He did promise us to be there for us, never leaving us. Yet, whenever we are caught up in a storm, instead of dropping on our knees in prayer, we look at the problem and talk about the problem and worry about the problem, causing it to grow and grow until we can see nothing but the problem! The word of God is clear, believers are not to be given over to anxiety. The written scripture tells us that we should not focus on plans, needs, and uncertainties of tomorrow, but rather, our focus should be instead to: “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).
    God cares for us, He will sustain us and He will never let us fall. God declares both His ability and His willingness to be our strength and support. This includes emotionally, spiritually and mentally. He is able willing to take everything that threatens to overwhelm us and use it for our benefit. He promised us in Romans 8:28 to: “work all things together for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” We are to rejoice in our problems because God will use them to our benefit. Romans 5:3-4 says: "Knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope” and Philippians 4:6-7 says: "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” So, every day, take one step at a time, listen to God’s Word, pray for His Word to guide us, read and meditate on the Word when the problems, worries, and anxieties of life come along, but not forgetting to give Him thanks also. When we do this, our faith increases and our fear goes away as we remember all of His goodness and unconditional love for us and the fact that He can 'fit everything into a pattern for good.’

    Dear Heavenly Father, Your Word reveals to us a simple truth, that sin entered this world through human folly and that sin is defeated and we can become the people we were always meant to be, by your grace through Jesus Christ. Thank You for Your wisdom that is sufficient to bring good out of everyone of our problems. Given the choice to either trust You or defy You (God forbid!), we choose to TRUST You! Help us to keep our eyes fixed on You and not our problems this day and everyday, so our lives may be filled with praise and joy to You. We pray for the families of those victims in the Nashville Tennessee tornado and pray for peace, comfort and restoration to all those affected. I thank You again for protecting my sisters in Nashville and the power in Your Word to cover them in the Blood of Jesus everyday. Thank You Lord for keeping them safe. Thank you for your great love and care for all of us, in Jesus name.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. AMEN to all of this!! Thank you for putting such apt words to the ramble of thoughts in my head today. I too have family in Germantown in Nashville and thank God for their safety and restoration of their community. God bless you! -audra

    2. Maplewood - Thanks for blessing my state of Tennessee with prayers. I was in Nashville one year ago. No harm or devastation in my area, but my heart and prayers are for Nashville victims.

    3. My children and grandchildren are safe in TN though the tornado came real close to where my grandson was spending the night. I thank God that he is well and I pray for those who cannot say the same. May God richly bless them in the struggles they have to go through. (He will!).

    4. Thank God for protecting your family

    5. Amen dear Maplewood. Thanks for filling me with just what I needed. "God cares for us, He will sustain us and He will never let us fall." Last night I saw how God lifted me up out of a scary situation and turned it into thanks and praise. I wrote yesterday about overexerting myself running around my apartment for a half hour with my grandson following a swift long walk in the cold and feeling like I was going to pass out. My heartbeat went up to 130 and my vision was blurry and was sure I was about to pass out. But by the grace of God and the help of my husband and son, they got me from the living room to my bed where I slowly recovered. When all this was happening, I remembered that God was with me and I felt a peace in the midst of the chaos. He is so good to me and I will praise His Name forever.

    6. Praise the Lord that you are feeling better Jeanne. He is so good to us and loves us faithfully and unconditionally.

  11. Dear Lord please give us POWER & COURAGE to sustain trials and challenges. Help us to know that with you and you alone are the answer to these bumps in lifes road. These bumps can be a growth opportunity of a spiritual benefit, especially as our faith is grown in the struggles we experience. Jesus I Trust in You! Amen

    1. ABC --- Your prayer is my prayer. AMEN and AMEN!

    2. Amen ABC! Only in Him are we lifted, strengthened in body and spirit and healed because He makes us complete. He knows all our weaknesses and He is mighty to save.

  12. I've been reading Sarah's book for years now, yet I don't remember reading 'Make friends with the problems in your life". Or maybe I'm just internalizing it differently this year? I sometimes find myself praying that the Lord 'keep adversity from me today' because I just don't have it in me to deal with it today.... usually on Mondays. Making "friends" with my problems is going to take some redirection on my part.
    Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

    1. Dear Suzanne R., when you pray "the will be done on earth as it is in heaven" you are praying for Him to bring on whatever He chooses. That prayer is offered with the strong sense that He knows what He is doing and He will work all things to good in our love for Him. So we dare pray, "Bring it on." God be with you.

    2. The problems will always be there but so will He. Trusting always in His promises. He never promised us a rose garden but He promises to be with us through all things.

  13. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

    (Matthew 8:23-27) So Jesus starts getting into the boat and we follow but not without a bit of trepidation for the winds are picking up and we know this sea all too well, there is a storm brewing. Maybe we should tell Jesus that it would be best to not go out into the lake, after all what would He know about crossing the Sea of Galilee for He grew up in a wood shop while we know the sea. Oh well, He seems very determined that we move on so we all get into the boat as He wishes. Sure enough, we are out in the middle of the Sea of Galilee and the windstorm comes up just as we anticipated. But this time, it is no ordinary windstorm; it is a fierce one and we are rowing right into the teeth of it. Waves are crashing over the sides of the boat causing us to start to sink. Panic sets it, it is the middle of the night and pitch black, we are bumping into each other trying to do all we can to manage the situation, there is no shortage of expletives filling the air. It is total chaos like we have never experienced before. I knew we should have spoke to Jesus about not going out in these conditions. While we are all doing everything within our power for our survival, someone asks, "Where is Jesus? We need Him to be helping us too." In the dark, He is stumbled upon in the back of the boat, a baby. How is this possible? We wake Him up and tell Him He is need to lend us a hand before we all perish. He arises and asks a strange question, "Why are you afraid, you of little faith?" Is He serious? Now is not the time for a theological discussion. But before we can respond, He turns toward the sea and rebukes the winds and the waves...and there is a dead calm in an instant. Not only are the forces of nature silenced, we are as well. We stand in awe of what we just experienced. Dead silence on the sea and within our souls. "What sort of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?" It is too early in our relationship with Him to know the answer to our question; over time it will become clear, He is the Lord of the universe. The words, "Why are you afraid, you of little faith?" will ring in our ears the rest of our lives.

    How does someone 'sleep like a baby' in the middle of absolute chaos? A baby sleeps well because it has not learned to be afraid yet. As the years go by,0 "the gift" of being afraid becomes an acquired habit, disrupting sleep and everything else in one's life. Jesus learned to deal with anything and everything that would threaten His well being by so attaching Himself to the Father and being fully confident in the Father's love for Him that fear found no room in His soul. This is what a pure heart and a new and right spirit looks like. Yes, He was God with us and yet He reminded Himself of His oneness with the Father on a constant basis just as you and I are capable of doing. Yes, indeed, God is with us in the same way, the only thing lacking is the constant assurance in whatever form chosen that He is with us always and to the end of the age. The more I choose to be reminded of that the closer I will come to sleeping like a baby both literally and figuratively in the midst of chaos. Our JC reading above also offers some helpful hints on the same topic.

    Sleep well, brothers and sisters in Christ, both now and at the hour of your entry into His glorious Kingdom. With love, Bob

    1. 'What a wonderful sermon ! Jesus knows all about our struggles , seek Him and he will calm the storm.

    2. Thanks BOB, sometimes I struggle to fully comprehend Jesus' response in Matthew 8. I see the apostles as having faith in Jesus -enough faith in Him to wake Him up to handle a situation when they could not, and know that He could and would, when His help is sought. I'm in the same "boat" with them as I woke Him up early this morning because things went bump in the night. Praying for God to clarify my difficulties with truly comprehending Matthew 8. In the meantime, do you have any further insight one year later? Thanks for all of your sharing and caring. Both are truly welcome and appreciated.

    3. I seek so much here every day looking for Christian answers to my problems. I also ask God if I can bless anyone with my words added here or there. I am in the boat on the waves and I'm seeking Christian help.
      I've prayed over my situation many years so I did first seek the Kingdom. I want to move my mom and I across the country to be near my family. I felt a few months ago that God gave me the "go-ahead" to plan for this summer. But my mom is adamant that she needs to stay right here in this house so I will be moving her against her wishes. I am having a really hard time with feeling okay moving forward with these plans because I don't want to destroy my mom's strong will. I don't want to be selfish, but I take care of her and this house and make all decisions when she falls, alone with no one to help make decisions. I'm tired. She's getting older and I'm getting older and I'm feeling like I need some family support and that we will be better off near family for many reasons. I've been waiting to bring this here to ask for prayer because I honestly don't even know how to = other than God knows what needs to get prayed about and I'm asking for guidance and Christian support. I need to make plans for a move like this and not just think about "today".
      I guess the most important thing is asking for prayer for my mom's acceptance within herself to this move - God willing. I need to know how to move forward and hear and see the Spirit's guidance. I need discernment to know the difference of what God's plans are and not me forcing my plans. I'm trying to be so careful not to be like Abraham and Sarah. Please pray for me.
      God Bless you JC family. Thank you that I could bring this here. Love, Kathy

    4. I am on bended knees joining you in prayer, Kathy as we may be in the same boat. (Trying to get a brain damaged brother out of a home he has lived in all his life and can navigate in relatively easy because it is a known environment. And being told by his Neurologist to prepare for more confusion at first until he adjusts)
      Sometimes I feel like a blind person trying to get across a busy intersection. During those times, I share my plan with God, and let him know how I plan to proceed, and ask him to redirect me to His Plan if they differ, and to send help.
      I then begin, and stay closely attuned to His Direction every step of the Way, while trying to forgive the naysayers, yet make allowances for their doubting.
      Like you, I do not know the best route to take, but we know SOMEONE in the great SOMEWHERE Who does.
      Therefore, I'm singing, Take My Hand Precious Lord, Lead Me On Help Me Stand. I am Tired, I am Weary, I am Worn. Lead me on through the night, through the dark to Your light. Take My hand precious Lord and Lead me on.
      Blessings to you and our JC Family, with Love now and forevermore. Amen.

    5. Yes, BOB, I am following what you told Dear Suzanne R. a year ago:
      When you pray "the will be done on earth as it is in heaven" you are praying for Him to bring on whatever He chooses. That prayer is offered with the strong sense that He knows what He is doing and He will work all things to good in our love for Him. So we dare pray, "Bring it on." God be with you.
      Thy Kingdom Come. THY Will Be Done. Amen.

    6. Praying for you Kathy. We have been in your boat. There is no right or wrong answer you will have to get peace from the spirt and then proceed. Keep praying for wisdom and peace and we will be praying with you. Are you sure family is going to be helpful. We had to care for mom with alzhemier and didn't get the help from family we thought we would. Our church family were much more supportive. Pray

    7. Wonderful teaching brother Bob. He is in charge even in the most terrifying storms. He is the peace that never ends. Thank you for reminding me that we can trust in the words: "Be not afraid".
      Brie, Praying things look much better this morning. May all the loose ends come together in Christ for you and your brother. You have so much on your plate but you have the Lord by your side. I understand your pain and confusion but your brother is blessed to have you as a sister. Stay peaceful and grateful and go forward with God's help.
      Dear Kathy, Praying for discernment and God's guiding hand for you and you Mom. I'm on my way to Brooklyn this morning to be with my own 92 year old mother. I pray that your Mom will come around and admit the move and change would do everyone good. Stay strong, sister and open your heart to God's instructions as He leads you.

    8. Praying for all in this armada today! Thank you Lord for making all things good. Thank you for our patience and trust to hear/see/feel you guidance in each situation that appears as a problem or challenge to us. Thank you for the glimpse of our lives through your eyes. In gratitude I pray, in Jesus's name, for all.

    9. Thanks Audra πŸ€— as long as The Anchor Holds, the Armada is going to be OK. Onward and upward Christian Sailors. Jesus is on the boat!

    10. Kathy,
      Have you considered proceeding until HE redirects your path?

    11. Kathy and Brie, I pray for and along side you both as I navigate the same with my mother. Keep asking,seeking,and knocking, but dont forget to be still and listen. Love to you both. Mindy

  14. Dealing with a chronic health issue, diverticulosis and IBS. It's painful and invades my whole consciousness. What a challenge it is to make it my friend! God, you have shown us what suffering can be like. You remind us, each lenton season, the suffering your son endured to set us free from our sinful nature. Help us to put our suffering in your hands and accept it to increase our faith.

    1. 10-4, I pray for your physical healing! God bless you on your painful journey. Amen.

    2. Praying for strength, peace and physical healing .

    3. May the Lord heal you and provide comfort, strength, and peace.

    4. Dear 10-4, Praying you have already received God's amazing healing and you are feeling much better. He is with you through your suffering and He understands exactly how you feel. Rest in Him Who loves you.

    5. Have been in your boat, Kathy, with our mom and how she was determined to stay put despite continuous falls. It took 3+ years of convincing and basically telling her it's happening. When we finally moved her, it took about a week and she was very pleased and happy the move happened. I don't envy you right now. It will get better and I think you're making the right decision for both of you. Praying for acceptance and peace, Kathy.

  15. Prayers going up and out to Norah and her DH for God's leading, step by step through his visit with Transplant Dr today.
    Dear God, Please help them to remember that YOU are Sovereign over everything there is. And you can fit everything into a pattern for good.
    Help them as they choose trust many times today. I ask. I seek. I knock. I thank. I praise in Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Joining in prayers with you Brie for Norah and her dear hubby. Father, please let Your perfect healing hands bless him and comfort them with Your peace. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. Also joining in prayers with you. Dear Father, please wrap your loving healing arms around our Norah and her hubby. Thank you Lord for this place to share worship and concerns. In Jesus Name, AMEN

    3. Joining prayers with you for Norah's husband as he goes through his MM appointment.
      Thank You Father for surrounding them with comfort and clarity of mind as they go through this challenging day, and for strength and healing for him and for dear MadFox. We know you will be walking with them through all trials and will never leave their sides. Praying in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

  16. Thank for the gentle reminder that trials in our lives are to glorfy God and and to strengthen my christian walk . I pray that the holy spirit will prompt me when a difficult arises not to whine or complain but to seek Gd's face and ask what He would like me to learn. I know this is easier said than done ....but I am work in progress .

    1. May the Lord magnify your faith in Him and help lead you along your path provided by Him.

  17. Father, I give all my burdens to You. They are too heavy for me to carry. They weigh me down, but You lift me up with You. I surrender my all on the altar and commit myself into Your sovereign hands. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™Œ πŸ™.

    1. Amen Sissy πŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸ’—.

    2. Yes, Lord, I am joining in with Janet and Deborah. When I take my burdens to You, please help me to leave them there, trusting You to bring me out and up from under! Praise and thanks. Amen.

    3. Joining in that prayer because it is my prayer too. Amen!

  18. "You can even give persistent problems nicknames, helping you to approach them with familiarity rather than with dread. The next step is to introduce them to ME": Hi God, Meet Cinderella Ragdoll

    1. I thank You and trust Your Wisdom as sufficient to bring good out of Cinderella Ragdoll, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  19. How are you feeling today, our dear Jeanne? Much Better is my prayer of Hope for you.
    Some of the most beautiful music is heard in the rest!
    My Traveling Mercy Prayers will be riding with you to Brooklyn and back.
    Blessings now and forevermore. Love You.

  20. Lord, please help me to bring everything to You. Not just problems but the good stuff also. I am thankful for our relationship and am humbled with knowing that while You are the Savior of the world, You Love me so much as to work your will in my life. Thank you Jedus

    1. Appreciate seeing your prayers Mark, as you are steadfast on your journey.

      Like you, I have begin bringing the good stuff to Him. When I feel a Joy or happiness stirring in my heart, I have now begun the practice of sharing it with Him and offering it to Him in prayer. And the offering draws me into prayer and sometimes fulfilling silence.

    2. Yes Mark L and Keith, Thanks for the reminder that there is always plenty of good stuff to bring, because God is in this experience with us, always and forever. Amen

    3. Praise the Lord continually and always πŸ™.

  21. Dear Brie! Thanks for asking. God has been so faithful and my pulse is back to normal but I have another problem and will welcome any advice. I had to premedicate with 4 Amoxicillin on Tuesday for a dental procedure because of my heart procedure, and now my stomach and body are bloated, gassy and I'm in pain, and must drive to Brooklyn in 10 minutes. But God will be with me. I have been eating a lot of yogurt and drinking cranberry juice and drinking a lot of water. Praying I don't get a UTI from it. Thanks for your prayers. Much love

    1. Jeanne, thanking God that your pulse is back to normal!! Staying in continue prayers for you and trustibg that God who remains faithful, will carry you through this day and the next, in Jesus' name.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Thanks dear Maplewood! All is going much better because of your prayers. God is so faithful to me. I am taking care of my good Mother this weekend and my loving Father is taking good care of me. Praying you continue to heal and improve from your surgery. Much love and gratitude.

  22. Heavenly Father, You alone hold the key to eternal life. Please direct me how to live in a manner that glorifies You everyday. Help me to pay attention to Your words, and to apply them to my life, and never stop believing in You. Thank You that all things indeed work together for my good because I love You and I'm called according to Your purpose! And also Lord, thank You for Your sufficient grace! Jesus’ name, Amen.

    "And to the angel (divine messenger) of the Church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of the Holy One, the True One, He who has the key [to the house] of David, He who opens and no one shut, and He who shuts and no one opens.." Rev. 3:7.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen, Amen and Amen! Thanks so much fir your beautiful food, sweet Maplewood!
      He holds the keys to our hearts and He is the Lover of our souls. What a perfect Love that binds us. How blessed we are to belong to Him forever.

  23. Jesus our love. You will take care of us like no other. You will provide for us. Help us Lord to let go. Pour your peace and grace over all of us. Jesus we trust in you.. Jesus Jesus Jesus have mercy on us! Amen! Much love to all my brothers and sisters in Christ!

    1. Love to you as well, Loveconquersall. Our Jesus is here!

    2. Amen dear loveconquersall and dear Brie!
      Jesus is with us always and we are together in Him. πŸ’—

  24. I have been asked to share this prayer request with JC Warriors. This is the only information I have and I quote.

    "Glenna's sister Marla fell and in a medical coma at Lourdes Hospital in Paducah, Kentucky following brain surgery and seizures. We are looking to God for a miracle. Thank you for your prayers."

    1. Joining prayers for Glenna’s sister Marla.
      Thank you Father that you are already healing her brain tissue and fixing all the connections as she rests in the coma, and when you finally wake her she will feel refreshed and strengthened in faith and body as you lead her to a full recovery In the Name of Jesus. Amen.

  25. I just saw your post, Sassy Mom and I will be praying. I haven't had a chance to read all of the posts today - we just got back home, But, I had to update all of you: My Dear Hub's Dr. said, "No treatment is needed at this time!" They took another blood sample (we'll get the results next week) and then he will test him every 4-5 weeks to see what the counts do. If they spike, he will go back on a maintenance chemo - but the Dr. also said, "They may not!" So incredibly relieved, thankful and blessed. I will read more later or in the morning, but had to hop on here and update all of you. Dear friends brought dinner to us and they are here. Love and Blessings - THANK YOU for your wonderful prayers.

    1. "No treatment is needed at this time!" and "They may not!" are causes for a Praise and Thank You VICTORY Dance!
      plus dinner brought in! Thank you Lord for blessing this dear couple with Your triple treat. Amen.

    2. Hallelujah dear Norah! What a wonderful report your good hubby got! How Great Thou Art! Praying he will continue to improve and may not need that maintenance chemo. Glad you got to enjoy a good dinner with your loving friends.

    3. That's really great and hope-filled news Norah. Thank you for the update. God is so good!

  26. Lord, we thank you for your healing hands on Glenna's sister Marla in her time of need. We trust you for the perfect outcome and know you are with her and her family. In Jesus's name I pray. πŸ™
    And while I am here, thank you for answered prayers for Norah and her dear hubby! May all those awaiting medical results be so blessed! You know who you are, friends.

  27. Amen Audra! Joining in prayers for all those awaiting results and answers to their prayers.
    Dear MadFox and his friend Mark and our JC Family and their loved ones are in God’s loving care. .

  28. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always. Father, please help me to embrace the problems in my life and my circumstances. Let me see things through Your perspective and Your eyes. Let me rest in Your mighty sovereignty Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Wonderful prayer Janet. Better than many sermons. Aligned perfectly with today's JC reading. Praying along with you.

    2. Amen dear Janet and Peter. All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.
      Joining prayers that our Way Maker will turn all your problems into good as only He can.

  29. My prayer also dear JanetπŸ™. Love & blessings to you this dayπŸ’•

  30. How great is our God! Splendor of MY KING. Praying for you as you pray for me.

    1. Loved listening 🎢
      THANKS Sassy Mom!

  31. Amen! Blessings and love to you Janet, Peter, Jan and Sassy Mom and all our family! Wonderful song!
    Enjoy this bright new day. We pray for each other in His presence and peace.

  32. Had a sweet day and got some great hugs from my son and my 2 grandsons. I pray my DIL will show me some love tomorrow before we leave. Trying to offer her kind words and much love. Putting it in God’s Hands.

    1. Praying πŸ™ Jeanne.
      The hardest part for me, whenever I put something in God's Hands, is to leave it there. Second hardest for me is to trust Him πŸ’― and never doubt.
      I'm praying for you to make it over my hurdles. Much Love ❤ Brie

  33. As I am reminded, I can fit everything into a pattern for good, today's devotion has me singing BLESSINGS by Laura Story.

  34. Trusting our Sovereign Lord with all my problems. Thanking Him for my trials and challenges, and praising Him for His wisdom and majesty! He is molding me and healing me from the inside out. The best is yet to come.
    Thanks for your prayers for Phil’s family and Rick and me. We know Phil is where he should be after his long difficult he fight. Home resting with his loving Father.
    Driving back to sing in Church and I know God will get me there in time because I’ll be the only one singing. Everyone else canceled. Thank You Jesus! After Church I can comfort my good husband, and spend time with our son and his family. All will be well in God’s presence and peace.
    Revelation 21:4
    And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

    1. You will be singing with the angels of the Lord. God bless πŸ™.

    2. Jeanne, as the person who puts together the schedule of worship leaders in our church...THANK YOU for being there, when everyone else needed to cancel. I'm sure you will be a blessing to your church leadership and the congregation.

    3. That's the spirit dear Jeanne! Go with the flow of God's plan for the day. You won't be sorryπŸ₯°

    4. Thanks dear Janet, Anonymous Mom and Jan! You lifted me and blessed my day. All went well because God was up in the Choir Loft too!

  35. And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "this is the way, walk in it", when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left. (Isaiah 30:21). Whoever says he abides in Him ought to walk in the same way in which He walked. (1 John 2:6).

    1. Amen and thank you sweet sister!
      Lead me, Lord. Giving up my reins and letting Jesus guide me. He knows the way in which I should walk.

  36. Thank you dear sis. Feeding on these golden nuggets now. πŸ’ž

  37. The liver panel results were good. Thank you warriors for your prayers. Tomorrow I go for another lab test for Hep-B. I ask for continued prayers please. Have a very blessed Sunday. Rest in His love. πŸ’•

    1. So thankful He deLIVERed good liver panel results, Jan gridley. But wait, there's more! Continued prayers for great Hep B results. Love to you and our entire family of JC Prayer Warriors. Easy Like Sunday Morning Blessings are coming your way. In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    2. One more victory! Getting my victory shoes ready for good lab tests for Hep-B.
      Thank You Father for answering our prayers and showing our dear Jan Your Faithfulness once more In Jesus' Name we pray together. Amen

  38. JC: "Make friends with the problems in your life... I can fit everything into a pattern for good, but only to the extent that you trust Me." As 2+ years have passed on this cancer journey, calling MM my "friend," as the principle problem in my life would certainly be "a tall order." But alas, I do think that I actually may have done so.

    The reasons are many but I now no longer stress over my dad to day fluctuations in side effects by the reaction to the life-saving but usually physically challenging treatments. I volunteered to call fellow patients as a connection and mentor to new patients and that resulted in comfort in talking about my disease, which is a an unexpected blessing. Finally this blog Jesus Calling and realizing God longs to hold my hand with His RiGHT hand in love makes the journey of learning that He has the ability to calm one's fears. Peace to all. May your problems become your friends but still be separated from you... i.e. it is okay to let friends go when they move on or you need to let them "move on"!! Godspeed. Peace. Amen.

    1. Thanks MadFox! I can really relate to what you said. I believe that God gifted me with this cancer because it has brought me closer to Him and also has shown me that there is no reason to fear because His Words are true and reliable. They don't fail. Whatever may happen is happening to me and Him together so I'm not afraid. I believe He is healing me in the way I should be healed. You are serving Him well by helping to encourage and advise patients going through similar journeys. I know He is holding you tight, so dear brother, rest in Him. Just take it day by day and know He will carry through. Much love. May the Love and Peace of God surround you as your continue your treatments.

  39. To add onto MadFox’s note about friends moving on… sometimes people are put in our lives for a reason or a season. They come and they go. Same with challenges. I try to focus on the lessons I learned from either people or challenges that have come and gone.

    1. Sorry- this is Suzanne R. Forgot to change my profile name from anonymous.

    2. Thanks Suzanne! God puts those people before us, and also those challenges and trials. He allows them but His will is that we will rise above them with His help. Yes we sure do learn from them.

    3. Yes Suzanne R., Everyone makes us happy!
      Some, when they come; others when they leave 😊

  40. Blessings to all in this Lenten Sunday! I seem to have lots of "friends" visiting, including this one dressed in white (I'll call him 'Frosty') who persists in depositing feet upon feet on himself at our inconvenience. PTL, the CA drought is over! This too shall melt πŸ˜‰

    1. This is hysterical Audra, put a smile on my face and made me laugh! Bless you! Always look forward to your comments

    2. You made me smile dear Audra! Yes the drought is over in CA. You are a strong woman and you will make friends with "Frosty".

    3. Amen!!!! Dear Audra makes us happy and puts a smile on everyone's face!!!!!!

  41. "Make friends with the problems in your life".
    This sentence gave me an instant flashback to my younger brother Philip when he was about 11 or 12. Philip had many challenges growing up, especially trying to cope with learning disabilities.
    He went to glory in his mid 50's.
    He would get very frustrated at not being able to spell correctly or grasp simple principles. Such was his frustration that he often went into 'temper tantrums'. My parents tried calming him down and tell him such things like: 'Philip, it's not good to keep losing your temper etc.
    One day in tears he said ' but Dad I really want to lose my temper, I don't want it anymore! We knew with his understanding just what he meant, it's the way he said it, that made us smile.
    Philip eventually learnt to 'keep calm, carry on, try, try again'.
    Like Philip, we have problems, difficulties and personal characteristics we simply don't want. We'd rather thrust them away.
    We can give them to the Lord, but it's a whole different level I think to make friends with them. Recognizing the Lord Jesus is sovereign over everything I think is half the battle. Consistently giving them to Him also really helps.
    Romans 5:3-4 'Moreover [let us also be full of joy now!] let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patient and unswerving endurance.
    4 And endurance (fortitude) develops maturity of character (approved faith and tried integrity). And character [of this sort] produces [the habit of] joyful and confident hope of eternal salvation."

    1. Amen dear Peter. He is sovereign so I hand Him over all my problems because He can handle them way better than I can. This coming week is so very full that I can only get through it with His help. I pray He will find me time to rest too. I'm not alone and thankfully God is my Strength.

  42. Making friends with the problems in my life is a tall and difficult order for me. Lord, let me introduce You to my caregiving circumstance whom I have named, Ellen O'Hara:
    Ellen O'Hara, meet my Lord. Lord, meet my ever persistent, Ellen O'Hara.
    And Lord, please help me to be thankful for her, embrace her, and look foreard to the possibility of benefits flowing from You, because of her.
    Flowing from You, Who are Sovereign over everything and can make all things work together for good. Thank You! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. When I 'spun the wheel of fortune' trying to get to the bottom of today's posts, it landed here! I assume God is prompting me to give a shout out to my TESTimony of His Sovereignty and His Good Fortune in the above situation.! Thank You Jesus for the closed doors You singlehandedly swung wide open to get some good caregiving help for my brother Keith. One of the benefits was = another opportunity for me to watch You Work and trust You more. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  43. Thanks dear Norah! Hope God gave you the rest you needed. Wishing you His blessings in every part of your life and the strength you need to do His work. Much love.
    Ephesians 3:16-17
    That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love.

  44. Blessings dear Norah. Hoping all is well with your DH & family πŸ˜πŸ™πŸŒˆ

  45. Requesting prayers for God's Holy Spirit to guide a conversation between Keith's CNA and me. It starts at 6 am Tuesday morning and the subject is his hygiene needs. They need to be met far better than she is currently meeting them.
    πŸ™ everything fits into a pattern for good! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Lifting you up as the conversation will soon take place if you’re in the eastern time zone. Praying for the right words and tone with this conversation. Praying for a positive outcome.

    2. Praying dear Brie that all will go well.πŸ’•πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    3. Brie - lifting you up in prayer.

    4. πŸ™ peace full, clear communication!
      "Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those that hear"
      Ephesians 4:29
      Love you!

    5. Audra I ❤️ this !! Will find and write out that !!

  46. πŸ™πŸ™Brie I looked tonight for 3/5 reading as hurting from not having a good relationship w/ my mom . There were years lived with my best loving grandparents
    After my mon divorced my dad at 4 yr old ..But mom and I never bonded :( it is troubling now in my 50s and she pushes me away , communication troubling on both ends her and I . And my younger half sisters were raised w/o me after as I left early
    Basically I don’t know what will ever come of it
    I want that love but not looking well
    So I said
    I turn to you lord and Jesus and I looked up 3/5 above and I got my answer!!!!!! ❤️❤️trust in God and pray for each other !!
    Brie things will go as planned and God will have OUR hand 🌸I am glad we are here together !

    1. God's got you now, Okey dokey then. I'm glad and blessed we are here together now as well.😊
      Thank You Jesus. I trust You Jesus. Bertha is the nickname I give my current pressing situation. Bertha, meet Jesus. Jesus, meet Bertha .
      I just read today's devotion. Combined with yesterday's devotion (Freedom from the worry wolf), today's devotion fits better than a wet t-πŸ‘• , praise God.
      I also read Mark 13:11...take no thought beforehand (read: worry) what you shall speak; neither need you premeditate. But whatsoever shall be given you to speak in that hour, that speak you; for it is not you that speak, but God's Holy Spirit!

      In keeping with my lenten plan to activate each day's devotion, in a future post, i am planning to TESTify to what this Bertha situation taught me. And, how it transformed me into a little embryo of The Master's Peace He created us all to be. Stay tuned. I know there will be more benefits flowing from this situation because I know His Wisdom and His Sovereignty are more than sufficient to bring good out of everything.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. I'm with you Brie. I'm lining this problems up from the oldest to the youngest. Here goes! Gabby, Ophelia, Izzy, Suzy, Ally, Lizzie & Bobby. Declaring here to my dear warriors that I have named them!, submitted them! As God has directed, laying them at the feet of Jesus with thanksgiving, amen!

    3. Oh, Edith just showed up. TAKE YOUR PLACE IN THE LINE!πŸ˜‚

    4. Okey dokey then, I thought I was the only one doing the 3/5 thing, but then I'm a numbers person! It has helped me so many times over the last year, and I'm glad it's (God) helping you. Covering you all in prayer, and hope the conversation went well for Brie this morning.

    5. Loved all the nicknames given to the challenges, plans, schemes and different situations that confront us. I absolutely adored the way Brie introduced Bertha to Jesus and Jesus to Bertha. It was pure God action. HALLELUJAH!!!

    6. ❤️❤️❤️u ALL and Grace be with us !!! Now ti name my lil life thunderstorms !!

  47. Already praying that God's Spirit will supply all the right words this morning so Keith's needs will be met and God will lead everything to good. And that tomorrow will go smoothly for Norah's Best Man and God will be faithful and lead him back to good health and cover them with His peace. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

    Jeremiah 1:12
    Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am watching over my word to perform it.”

    John 14:13-14
    And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

    1. Thank You God for Jeanne's shining of Your Perpetual Light for all of us to see all the Good that You do and give Glory To God! In Jesus' Name. AMEN! ❤️

    2. Yes thank you dear Jeanne for the breakfast this morning ❤️

    3. Thanks dear Brie and Jan. We lift each other up and His Word strengthens every part of us!

  48. What an awesome post today. Name your persistent problems; introduce them to God; thank Him for them. Then put your faith in God and let him help you handle them. Such a simple act, yet we often fail to thank God for our problems much less name them, introduce them, and embrace them.

    1. Amen, blessed. Surrender all to Him, then trust, trust, trust.

    2. Yes and Amen, Anonymous and Peter. Give it all to Jesus and leave it there.

    3. Okey dokey then

    4. Oh my that is me tag above
      Just praying enerytjong is one step further in the direction that Christ and our Lord leads us!

  49. I surrender all my problems and difficulties to You my Lord Jesus.

    1. Such a sweet peaceful song. Thank you dear Peter.
      We're learning this beautiful new song for Choir.
      It's called Be With Me Lord.
