Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Jesus Calling: March 7

    Let Me help you through this day. The challenges you face are far too great for you to handle alone. You are keenly aware of your helplessness in the scheme of events you face. This awareness opens up a choice: to doggedly go it alone or to walk with Me in humble steps of dependence. Actually, this choice is continually before you, but difficulties highlight the decision-making process. So, consider it all joy whenever you are enveloped in various trials. These are gifts from Me, reminding you to rely on Me alone.
Psalm 63:7-8
English Standard Version for you have been my help,
and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.
My soul clings to you;
your right hand upholds me.

James 1:2-3
Amplified Bible
Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience.

My Prayer
Lord, you are my help and my anchor. I cling to you Lord. Your right hand, salvation, my protection, my refuge -- Lord, you are all those things for me and you sustain me not just through the moment of the day, but throughout eternity. Remind me of the importance of trials in my life. I need them. I need to train myself in endurance and steadfastness and patience. Help me to stop running to other sources to fix my trials and make sure they are short-lived rather than seeking You. Continue to help me rely on You.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.


  1. Lord it is so hard to understand the idea that a challenge or trial in my life is for the good. I never truly question the fact that you are good all the time but in the midst of the trial I question myself, my motives, and my heart. I guess that's why you are a perfect loving God and I am not. I guess that's why I need the blood of your son in my life...the perfect sign of ypur love to me.
    Without you lord, life tosses me on the waves of a sea

    1. Amen ! It's true God never changes , it's just us who need to be reminded that God is with us.

    2. Yes and Amen. He remains unchanging and constant, and all those things forever. I sure need Him!
      He is my help, my anchor. my rock, my hope, my foundation, my right hand man, my salvation, my protection, my peace, my love and my refuge.

    3. Raise a Hallelujah by Bethel Music
      I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies
      I raise a hallelujah, louder than my unbelief
      I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody
      I raise a hallelujah, heaven comes to fight for me
      I'm gonna sing, in the middle of the storm
      Louder and louder, you're gonna hear my praises roar
      Up from the ashes, hope will arise
      Death is defeated, the King is alive!
      I raise a hallelujah, with everything inside of me
      I raise a hallelujah, I will watch the darkness flee
      I raise a hallelujah, in the middle of the mystery
      I raise a hallelujah, fear you lost your hold on me!
      I'm gonna sing, in the middle of the storm
      Louder and louder, you're gonna hear my praises roar
      Up from the ashes, hope will arise
      Death is defeated, the King is alive!

    4. Such a GREAT song! Here's the link for those that like to listen
      🎢🎢 https://g.co/kgs/GbxaTS

  2. Father, as is so well written above: I choose "to walk with You in humble steps of dependence." And I trust You are holding me with Your right hand as You walk me through these present trials. And when I stumble in my faith today as You know I will, pick me up. When I fear the future despite Your assurances, re-focus me on You and Your love for me. Remind me that Your forbearance and grace is all I need. Thank you Father for today's blessings. Amen

    1. Amazing 2 years later...
      Humbled by the kindness and the prayers that have been said, and continue to be offered on my behalf. Godspeed to you all. Amen.

    2. Yes MadFox,
      Our Heavenly Father is holding your right hand. Thanks for sharing your faith and your humble steps of dependence on Him. Along with our JC Family, it is an honor to pray with you and for you. I am praying His Choicest Blessings for you now and forevermore. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. I am blessed and inspired by you dear MadFox. You are in God’s loving Hands and I join all prayers for your healing and blessings. Amen.

    4. Your humbleness inspires mine, thank you Mad🦊 (fixed the typo)πŸ˜‰

    5. Amen. My prayer today was asking God to help me walk in humble dependence in Him. These verses in James have been my favorite since college. Trials are so important in our lives yet we often forget to depend on God.

  3. I think it takes a lot of life to realize that a trial is a gift but the older I get the more I realize what happens in those trials and I begin to see the perfect work that God is doing in me and others through those trials. Now I find myself telling my teenage children the same thing God tells me in James. Thank you Lord that you never give up on me and that you walk along side of me through this thing called life.

  4. Thinking about our friend this morning and how different his life will be now. Praying that he continues to meet all of Life's challenges with the Word of God, as he did yesterday while officiating his wife's service. God will hold him in the Palms of His hands. Thank you, Father for your Love in the name of Jesus Christ.

    1. I will continue to pray for your friend. The hardest thing in life is to lose somebody we love. I can't imagine losing my spouse. We always say that we are going at the same time but in reality that isn't likely. That's why it is so important to have a relationship with Jesus Christ to give us the strength to get through difficult times. I pray that your friend has that relationship with the Lord. God bless.

    2. TJ may Mom & Dad said that they too wanted to go together. They went within 7 months of each other both not expected. It was very difficult for all of us left behind without a doubt I am still feeling the great hole. Jesus was there ushering me through the unknown and continues to bless my steps in this new territory. My parents did not have to endure spending a Christmas without each other after 65 years. We miss them greatly. God remains who He is, always good, and the pain of the circumstances opens us up to greater intamacy with Him. A prize priceless with eternal value no doubt. Blessing to all.

    3. Thank you for sharing Fern. The hardest part of being human is losing those we love. 65 years together is such a blessing.


  5. This morning Father I approach the throne of Grace with Thanksgiving in my heart for my sister in law. She & her dog were attacked by 2 large dogs while walking, she shielded her doggie with her body while 2 neighbors came to help her. They were bitten too. Father I keep picturing her body taking the blows protecting the helpless dog. You did just that for us! While we were yet sinners you shielded us, you took the blows meant for us! Her injuries were not as severe as expected, her heavy coat protected her. You and your angels protected her. Thank you dear Jesus!

    1. Jan - that is incredible! I am so grateful things were not worse! Thank you for the comparison to Christ!

  6. Most days I struggle with my prayers. I look for those perfect words, an eloquent way to articulate my feelings to glorify Him. I am thankful beyond words to all of you who post here. I read your messages daily and many times am able to see similarities in my own life, thank you all for sharing your beautiful words, thoughts and prayers. May God bless you all today and always.

    1. I too am like you. The prayers that are posted are want I want to say. I am also thankful to all who write not only their prayers but share their hearts.

    2. Amen... learning to pray from my heart as I’m shown such beautiful examples of prayer and honesty from you all each day. I am grateful. Thank you

  7. Norah I pray that this will post! I try to post from my phone but it won't let me anymore so I'm trying my computer. Norah you and your family are in my prayers !! I read this at least once a day. I started reading it in the evening after you and madfox said that you read it then also. Please continue to post I enjoy the conversation so much .hopefully I'll be able to post often now.

    1. I use time just prior to going to bed as a time to prepare for the message tomorrow and reflect on my day to come and prayers or thoughts. I then read again in the AM over coffee and generally just re-read the devo. This has become part of my normal routine and it has been a blessing. As stated it's amazing what is happening here now.

  8. Praise God that I was able to post as anonymous, It still won't let me post through google but that's OK!!! I can post again praise God!! This may sound crazy to some of you but I've tried to post several time to have the post not show up. I've had so many thoughts to madfox, Norah , Bob and so many others!! It must of been a season to keep quiet lol. For now I will sign as TERRI ps been praying with you in so many situations, madfox direction, Bob surgery , Norah daily life and friend passing, Rebecca safety and provision. I could keep going on for so many others, but the baby just woke up. Just know people do read and pray!!!!!

    1. Thank you. God is leading and His team here is a part of His answers and support. God bless to all.

  9. The Raging Sea

    Dear Lord please help me to
    make sense of it all
    What is it that creates my biggest downfall
    These triggers that rage and disrupt my brain
    Pushing me on the edge of feeling insane
    Grabbing my head in anguish to know
    Pouring my tears out with fierceness and flow
    Tension and torment where is my relief
    This gaping hole sucks me down with its grief
    I want to know who I am deep inside
    Is this normal or Bipolar suicide
    This anger I feel when I’m about to explode
    The people stabbing my heart making it cold
    I don’t want to live here on earth as if I’m a shell
    Dear Lord continue to rescue me from this bloody hell
    Bring Your Heaven into my hearts home
    Pour Your love over me help me to feel I’m not alone
    Wash me in Your abiding and forever Grace
    Help me not to feel like a misfit to this place
    You are the only One that satisfies my desires
    Your peace and Your comfort allows my soul’s retire
    Just a touch of the hem of Your garment I need
    Just Your power felt through me as You hear my hearts plea
    Settle this storm raging in me
    The pulls of the voices from the depths of the sea
    They linger and they scream won’t just let me “be”
    My mind becomes darkened with gripping fear
    But my heart how it longs to just feel You so near
    My love for Your presence and Your righteous right Hand
    You have rooted and grounded me in Your promised land
    Thank-You in advance for what You are about to do
    And for calming my great storm and it’s raging brew

    Ironically I wrote this poem before I read this devotional which is my daily devotional. Amazing Grace help me Lord to really KNOW BELIEVE AND TRUST Romans 8:38-39 and Deuteronomy 31:6 with ALL OF MY HEART ❤️ In Jesus Name Amen ��

    1. This is powerful! Thank you, Sharon, for sharing. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for inspiring Sharon to the blessing of us all.

    2. Incredible, your words hold the colors of emotion. Keep writing your truth. God is with you, never doubt. He loves YOU.

    3. Breathing in and out the rhythm of life. His Love. His Word. His Will. Like the waves upon the shore reflecting His Creation,in calm and in storms, the rhythm never ceases. - audra

    4. Wow! I can't express how your words have touched me. Thank you, Sharon, for allowing God to use you in such a special way. Thank You Lord for giving me just what I needed this morning. You are always right on time. All praises to You! Blessings to you all

    5. How are you doing today, our dear Sharon?

    6. Very emotionally inspired Sharon. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    7. Thank you so much for sharing your heart through your beautiful words. You really moved me. May God always bless you. You have a wonderful gift and you are generous in spirit and talent.

    8. Philippians 4:7 Amplified Bible:
      "And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours]".
      Thank you Sharon. Please share more of your poems, as the Lord leads.

    9. Sharon praying you are doing well and continuing in sharing your heart for God with others. As I read this 3yrs later it still brings me to tears. Lord please purify our hearts and cast out of our minds any thought that tries to raise it's self above you. Cleans us and make us whole. Thank you Lord

  10. It is extremely hard to be joyful whenever you are enveloped in various trials but I continue to hold on to the hands of the unchanging changer. If he says he will hearken unto my cries, I believe it and it is so.

    1. Dear Unknown, I agree with you, joy in a time of trial is difficult to understand. So in the meantime, you and I can concentrate on being faithful. Faithfulness is a prerequisite to joy. The more our faithfulness improves by the power of the Holy Spirit, we are likely to find joy just around the corner. God be with you!

    2. Thank you Bob for your wonderful comforting reply. KS

    3. Thank you so much Bob for your humble and loving words of faith, love and hope! God bless you and each of us today and always
      With love
      Brandy ♥️πŸ™

    4. Beautiful encouragement Bob. Thank you.,

  11. In everything give thanks. Thank you Lord for choosing me for this life adjustment you have graciously given to me and my family. Thank you for letting us know that nothing is impossible with you leading and guiding us. Thank you for those whom seek you. Bless them and give them their hearts desires according to your will, your grace, and your LOVE.

    1. I too am thankful for a " life adjustment " that I would never have imagined or requested! God is working in the middle of the storms. Thank you Jesus

    2. Our trials snd adjustments are part of our walk with the Lord. We just have to hold His Hand a little tighter.

  12. I like to share tidbits from my devotional experience with you all...for however the Spirit wants to move within you.

    Yesterday, the breath prayer for Ash Wednesday was "(inhale) Loving God...(exhale) help me trust." As I practiced the prayer throughout the morning, I began to think, "Since God is all loving, as I have just named him, why should my trusting Him but such an issue. Loving God and lack of trust are totally inconsistent with each other." I kept repeating the breath prayer with this thought in mind. The spiritual value of repeating a prayer is similar to using a hammer to drive a nail. One swing does not do it, several swings are necessary with each swing sending the nail a little deeper into the wood. The number of swings necessary will depend on how hard or soft the wood is. Repeated prayer is like the swing of a hammer, it drives the prayer thought a little deeper into the soul. The number of prayers it will take to lodge the prayer thought securely will depend on the hardness or softness of the soul. Moral of the story is to keep "swinging" the prayer until it is firmly lodged in your inner being, regardless of how many "swings" it takes. Remember, every "swing" penetrates the thought closer to the center which is the goal. God be with you, my friends!

    1. Thank you Bob for this illustration. I love it!

    2. Bob, somehow I missed this last year, but I'm glad I caught it this year. Thanks for the breathing exercise.

    3. Such a great analogy Bob! Thanks for sharing.

    4. Thank u Bob. Wrote this down

    5. Thank you Bob! I practiced this breathing and praying exercise and feel a sense of peace and love
      Peace and love and joy be with you ♥️πŸ™

    6. Ok Bob, you really hit the mark with the 'prayer analogy'! It really gave me great encouragement on several prayers I have been lifing up to The Throne of Grace. Great encouragement to keep "swinging". I hear that still small voice saying VICTORY, VICTORY! Bless you, bless you!

    7. Thanks Bob ! That wonderful illustration will stay in my mind all day till it is driven into my heart.

    8. Amen Bob and thank you. Pray without ceasing and drive the prayer thoughts deeper into our souls. And when we can’t see any response, just pray more. He hears every one.

    9. Thanks BOB! Once again, you nailed it.

    10. πŸ˜‚ yes, Bob, you did! I'm adding this to the other breathing exercise you have taught us.

  13. Thanks y’all for the encouragement! It really means a lot ��♥️ I write a lot of poetry while trying to express emotions. My desire is to reach/share with others and help them to know we all have a human side and can relate with raw emotion. While also allowing myself to know I am human too. God is amazing in spite of myself. �� thanks again for reading! Blessings ��☀️

  14. Thanks Sharon for your poem today. You hit the nail on the head for me in the midst of a storm. I was raging last night and tonight feel total peace. I totally trust the Lord with my situation and I am so thankful for waiting in peace for his help

  15. You are very welcome so thankful it ministered to you!! Thank-you for commenting! ♥️��

  16. I love the lens that challenges are veiled opportunities to trust God. It has been my experience that God weaves the beautiful tapestry of life from both the “good” and the “bad.” How would the tapestry be it was woven all of the same color? No, He can and does create beauty and wonder from anything. The darkness is where the light cracks in.

    I can either be in self-reliance or God reliance. Living in self will, separated from Source, leads me to chaos and insanity. I much prefer to depend on God for decision making. What a relief to know that it’s not up to us to “figure it all out.” Our job is to do Gods work, not Gods job. We can do the footwork and then leave the heavy lifting up to Him. Often times, when circumstances and situations are overwhelming and I can’t even find words for prayer, I simply say, “God this is too much for me. Please help me.” He responds to the simplest of prayers. It doesn’t need to be a complicated, eloquent monologue. Open the door just enough to give him time and space to work. Happy Saturday!

    1. Brittanyomb- Amen, amen to "our job is to do God's work, not God's job". So true, thank you for sharing! Stay blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Brittanyomb, thanks for the "God, this is too much for me. Please help me". I'm starting a big project today that I feel like I'm doing alone. Thanks for the reminder that I don't have to do it alone.

    3. Thank you Brittanyomb Our job is to do Gods work Not Gods Job! Powerful truth. Love and prayers for all Gods best for you and for our loving team of followers in Christ♥️πŸ™ Amen
      With love

    4. So true Brittanyomb. He responds to the simplest prayer. Sometimes all I say is “Jesus” and I feel His presence surround me. I probably say I need You, Jesus, more than anything but also I love You, Jesus.

    5. Amen Brittanyomb πŸ™.

  17. Dear Father, "In the morning, O Lord, I will direct my song and my prayer unto You and will look up". (Psalm 5:3). I thank You for preserving my life for one more day. It is with much gratitude, that I thank You for Your ultimate gift of love for me, in the form of your Son Jesus and the sacrifice of His life for my sake. When I am overwhelmed, confused, unsure, and restless, help me run to your Word and find rest, in Jesus name!

    Jesus said we should count it all joy when we face trials. I am sure the majority of us have asked this question the first time we came across this verse: How can we count it all joy when we go through trials? From studying the Word, we certainly know the answer to this by now. As believers, we find that there are many answers through scriptures and stories in the Bible and people who counted it all joy during their trials. An example is Joseph. He faced many trials, but became unshakeable. His faith was tested through trials, but he persevered and after coming through those trials victoriously, he understood the good purpose of God’s goodness in what he endured. Joseph was now able to see the sovereignty of God throughout his trials. Like Joseph, we must evaluate the difficulties in life with eyes of faith and see them in the light of God’s good purpose for us. God also uses trials to discipline us (Hebrews 12:10), they help to purge our spiritual shortcomings and mature our faith and promote joy because they produce holiness in the life of steadfast/unshakable believers. “...for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness…..“ (James 1:2-4). We should recognize that God produces abundant amounts of fruit in us through our trials. He uses those trials to shape and make us more like him, into the image of Jesus who is our hope and our strength, the One who holds us fast through all trials, so It is through Christ alone that we can count it all joy when we face trials of various kinds. Our faith that is tested becomes genuine faith, uncompromising faith: “In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials”.(1 Peter 1:6).

    Oh dear Lord, We can do nothing on our own, but Philippians 4:13 tells us: " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. So whatever challenges come our way, help us through each of them, like Paul, we can say: "Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord…." Philippians 3:8-1.
    We humbly ourselves before You and thank You for the joy that comes out of and through our trials. Thank You for being our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

    Have a Bless, safe and peaceful day.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thanks dear Maplewood. Amen and Amen. His faith was tested by trials and we must go through the storms too, but He is with us always. He sure leads me through my challenges and I can do all things in Him.

    2. Amen Maplewood πŸ™. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, prayers and insights with us. God bless you.

  18. HOPE for Tennessee tornado victims - BIBLE BRINGS HOPE: 2 TN Tech students found this Bible while they were helping cleanup after a deadly tornado ripped through Cookeville. Even though the home was leveled, the Bible was practically untouched. It was open to Jeremiah 46:27. "........FEAR NOT......."

    1. Why should anyone be surprised? For those who practice the JC reading above, it is exactly as stated. Our Lord bears witness to His love in an infinite number of ways and none are too small. Thanks for sharing, Sassy Mom! I look forward to getting to TN at the end of the month, to be able to help where I can.

    2. Thank you Sassy Mom! God is great! Many Prayers for all affected by the tornado in TennesseeπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
      Prayers for all
      Much love

    3. That is so amazing but I am not surprised. Amen! God shows us He is in our midst and we are well taken care of. No reason to fear.

  19. In the eye of the storm
    You remain in control
    And in the middle of the war
    You guard my soul
    You alone are the anchor
    When my sails are torn
    Your love surrounds me
    In the eye of the storm

    Song by Ryan Stevenson

    Peace, love and prayers to all prayer warriors out there. Stay connected to The Vine.

    1. Thinking about and praying for you Suzanne R. How are you?

    2. Joining your prayers for dear Suzanne. God bless you and heal you in all things.

    3. Thank you, Suzanne! Love this song too, here the link 🎢🎢

    4. Just love that song dear Suzanne and Audra! Thanks so much for sharing it.

  20. So many great thoughts, prayers, poems and hearts shared this morning, I have truly been blessed! My day is starting off humbled and full of joy! I pray each of you continues to hear the still small voice speaking today that we may continue to follow Christ during the process called life!


  21. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

    (Matthew 9:1-8) My mind is still reeling from Gadarenes asking Jesus to leave. Did they have any idea of what they were doing? But Jesus responds by telling us to get into the boat, we are heading back to His own town. And so we do, landing there a few hours later. I am not sure how it is known that we were coming but shortly after we arrive, here comes four young men carrying an elder gentleman who is paralyzed and they are coming to Jesus. The loving manner in which they are carrying the man makes me think it might be four sons bringing their father to Jesus. Jesus quickly takes notice as well and He is not only moved by the love they are showing but the confidence they have in Him to be able to heal the man. Jesus begins by telling the paralyzed man that his sins are forgiven. Now I am thinking to myself, "Jesus, the man is in need of his paralysis being dealt with not his soul being cleansed." Now there are some controlling religious authorities who are present and they also have some thoughts about what they just heard for according to their religious laws, Jesus is blaspheming for only God can forgive sins. One look into their eyes and Jesus can read what is going on in their heart and He questions them concerning their evil thoughts. And so to validate for them that He DOES have the authority to forgive sins, He tells the paralyzed man to stand up, pick up his bed and go home and to the amazement of many who have gathered and the delight of the four men who carried the man to Jesus, the man does just as Jesus commanded him to do. My heart is greatly warmed at the beauty of the moment, especially coming off of the experience we had in Gadarene.

    So often, out of love for family members and friends, we lay before Jesus those who are suffering from physical ailments (and especially now with the Coronavirus concerns throughout the world) and well we should. But which is more important, to be healed of a physical ailment or to have sins forgiven? In the immediate moment, we would think the former but from an eternal standpoint, the latter is the greater need. So let us pray for healing of body for those whom we love and care for but in so doing, let us not fail to pray for spiritual health and wholeness which puts a person in a far better place even if there would be no healing. Truth be told, there will always be healing...always. And the final healing is the best of all because it lasts forever.

    Blessings to each and every reader of this blog, this day. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. That is so true , spiritual healing is more important than physical healing. May we remember our loved ones who are in physical pain due the covid-19 let's reach out with Jesus approach

    2. So often the Lord would say to those who were handicapped. Go, Your sins are forgiven. He knew their spiritual weaknesses were more important than their physical ailments.

    3. Thank you Bob. I miss your insight and spiritual wisdom. God bless you πŸ™.

    4. How are you BOB?
      Each day, I pray for God to break every chain that may be binding you and set you free to enter in with with your gift of Spirit filled insight. I am thankful that you are always praying, and your past posts are still available, still valuable, and still true. I pray for God's choicest blessings on you, yours and our entire JC Family! In Jesus' Name.

    5. Thanks for your prayers, Brie. Yes, I remain in prayer for all of you. Be blessed in the things I was led to post in past years. God be with you.

    6. Wonderful to see your post. Praying all is well! I thought one time I read something that gave me the impression that your in my neck of the woods in lower Michigan.

    7. Boy I'm tired that post what meant for you Bob. Also I thought at one time. Thank you Bob I sit down and I start to fall asleep.

    8. So good to hear from you, dear Bob. Always in my prayers. I sure do appreciate your prayers too. Praying God is guiding you to serve Him well, and to continue to let your light so shine before all men. You always glorify Him and you never fail to inspire me. God bless you and your family with good health and peace.

  22. We are in the midst of global and local trials and tribulations. I don't know how anyone can get through this without knowing the Truth referenced in all that is shared in this blog today. Praying that those that don't know find their need for salvation in Jesus' name AMEN! - audra

    1. Amen. So very true. Praying for all those who need Jesus to sincerely seek Him. He’s always there.

  23. May God be with us all
    Thank you for sharing Bob!

  24. Good morning family it is all ready Sunday morning here in Kenya. After reading all poems and messages I feel ready to face the day. Today we will be going back to physical church pray for protection and meaningful interaction as I see my church family again. Today I have been reminded that God knows the plan of my life , I need to trust Him more . May the holy spirit bring me back when I start wondering away.

    1. Peace be with you Min Ahadi πŸ™.

    2. May the shield of God surround you all as you gather in His house to worship in person, giving Him all the praise and glory for making it possible at this time!

      Maplewood NJ

  25. Amen Min Ahadi. He holds your life in His Hands. He prepares each day and your future. So happy you’re able to return to Church. Hope you have a working car.
    Dear Brie, Hope you and your husband and your brother are doing better. And thanks for your prayers. I’m feeling better. Driving back home from my Mom’s in the afternoon and making dinner for my son’s family.
    God bless and keep you and all our dear JC family.

    1. Traveling mercies Jeanne and God bless you πŸ™.

    2. Traveling Mercy Prayers are riding with you, our Dear Jeanne.
      Hubby and I are doing fine. Brother is doing as best he can during these circumstances. Praying and Waiting on God to communicate acceptance to him about going into a new environ.
      And What is keeping you up at night?

    3. Sending traveling mercy your way Jeanne!
      Stay safe.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Covering Jeanne with traveling mercies and parts for a lovely dinner with family. Go easy on yourself as you wind up your weekend,
      maybe order a pizza? πŸ˜‰

    5. Thanks Audra, Ordering and serving pizza sounds just like the Peace-a weary soul may need πŸ˜‰

    6. Wish I could have ordered a pizza. But I made breaded pork cutlets with pasta primavera and an apple walnut salad. And chicken fingers with honey mustard sauce. I do love to cook and then I get to eat it all.... which I did! Gabriel was a good boy tonight and took it easy on me. He kept saying "SSS" and pulling me down to the floor. That's his way of saying "Sit". It made me smile.

  26. My ❤️ overflows with love this morning as I read the welcoming texts from yesterday. I secretly always wanted to be part of this beautiful family and now I feel accepted. I’m praying for each and every one of you as I always do and I hope you have a blessed day πŸ™πŸ˜Š

    1. All are welcome here Joy. Glad to have you. May the Lord bless you and keep you. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    2. You are very accepted Joy, and a necessary member of this beautiful family of believers. Thank you for entering in.

      Enter in, enter in, I am free to enter in.
      In His name, in His blood, in His Spirit I come freely.
      To the throne of His grace and worship Him face to face.
      Oh praise the living God, I am free, I am free to enter in.

      Enter in, we are free to enter in.
      In His name, in His blood, in His Spirit we come freely.
      To the throne of His grace and worship Him face to face.
      Oh praise the living God, we are free, we are free to enter in.

    4. Looking forward to getting to know you Joy. You are welcome here & in our πŸ₯°πŸ’•

    5. I'm glad you've chosen to feel accepted. I think we all have the book but came here for our own reasons when we were divinely guided to come here. Some days I'm a writer and some days just observe and every day I check in and pray for this family as you did for a couple years. All belong just as Jesus welcomed us in the Bible this is Jesus Calling (welcoming) in these current days of virtual community. God Bless you!

    6. Thank you for bringing more JOY to our blog! All are welcomed and prayed for here, no matter the participation level.

    7. Welcome dear Joy! So happy to have you in our family in Christ. Thank you so much for those prayers too. Now I will put you on my prayer list too. Be blessed and remain grounded in faith and surrounded with God's peace. It was such a nice surprise to receive a new sister!

  27. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord. Father, please lift up Your children and comfort us. Let Your heavenly presence be felt all around us. Let the power of the Holy Spirit flow through us and touch the lives of those we come in contact with. Help us to remember that worrying about the future consumes our efforts for today. Magnify our faith and love in You and let it grow even stronger in each one of us. Let us be compassionate towards others and strive to do Your will and not our own. You are our wonderful counselor, mighty God, and amazing Spirit. Let our light shine bright for Your glory. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Thanks Janet. I am joining into your prayer, and raising a Hallelujah!

    2. Father in heaven help us to lay every burden that besets us this day and instead offer up sacrifices of Thanksgiving in our worship. Help us to seek your will & good pleasure as we fellowship with fellow saints wherever those places of worship may be. Thank You for the cross & Your blood shed upon it to make all of it even possible. Amen.

    3. Amen sweet Janet! Praying your beautiful prayer with you. No worry hear because He is still in charge and we are His Hands and Feet. Sharing His light and perfect Love as best we can for His glory.
      Amen dear Jan! We are saved by the Cross! And washed by His blood and made anew and spotless. Let us walk worthy of Him and reflect the change from within.

  28. Heavenly Father, Thank You that in and through our trials and sufferings, we share Jesus' holiness and righteousness. Thank You for the gift of Your joy during our times of trials, by planting our feet on the Solid Rock, JESUS! Thank You for the joy in knowing the power of Your grace to transform us, in Jesus' name.

    James (the author of the book of James) called believers to holiness in living, teaches and encourages us about the outward serving faith. The first chapter starts with urging belivers to consider it nothing but joy when we fall into all sorts of trials. Why, because our sufferings here on earth produces perseverance and this perseverance produces character and character produces hope! This perseverance he talks about is the deliberate and loyal attitude we exercise towards faith in the midst of suffering.
    Romans 5:2-6 also reminds us that peace with God through faith in the midst of our trials can be the driving force of joy in our lives, and this is because we know that hope is our reward in Christ Jesus!
    When we face our trials and sufferings with joy, our future glory awaits us in Jesus through eternal life!

    Father, Please help us to come through any and every trial with more joy and forgive us for ever doubting in Your ability. You are mighty to save, You delight in us and Yours is the VICTORY now and forever!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thanks Maplewood,
      Sometimes being enveloped in various trials feels like an egg that Jesus breaks open so all of His goodness can flow out.
      I pray that everyday in everyway, you feel better and better and better. This is my prayer for you and our JC Family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Thanks dear Maplewood. I loved:
      When we face our trials and sufferings with joy, our future glory awaits us in Jesus through eternal life! Amen!!
      Facing a big of a trial right now. My heart rate has returned to normal but I have a terrible UTI or bladder infection. Praying I will be able to get in to see my doctor. Antibiotics always wreak havoc with me but I was praying that it wouldn't. Oh well. God is greater and I am not afraid. He never leaves me and I am blessed to belong to Him. God is just building up my perseverence.
      Praying you are feeling good Maplewood. Thanks for the good food!

    3. Praying stress relief over you, Jeanne. Rest and be healed in Jesus's name.

  29. My eternal relationship with God is the only thing that matters in my life!
    Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life. NLT Psalm 139:23-24.

    1. Amen and Halleluia! Create in me a clean heart O God! Let my life and my daily walk be pleasing to you in every way. Lead me on the path of righteousness and the Spirit. Guide my eyes to focus on You instead of the world and its empty promises and trappings. Help me be selfless instead of selfish and guide me glorify You.

  30. Pray with me it's painful to deal with but it was bound to happen. My late sister husband has started dating a my childhood friend. I just have mixed emotions

    1. Dear Heavenly Father God, we come to You asking, seeking, and knock, knock, knocking on Heaven's Door because You always Answer. Would You Purify, Clarify, and Cleanse Her Mixed Emotions until they align with You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Father, please grant Min Ahadi clarity in her emotions, thoughts, and feelings. Give her Your peace in her heart and mind to be able to sort this out. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    3. Joining in prayers for God to comfort your heart through this uncomfortable situation. May His spirit give you clearer vision of the whole picture. We must still love and forgive each other and he may just be lonely. Take it all and drop it at The Throne of Grace and let our Father orchestrate. He very well knows all that is going on in their hearts and minds. God bless you dear sister and give you peace.

    4. Min Ahadi, I had a similar situation when my best friend died suddenly and spouse immediately started dating - until I was stopped dead in my tracks with:
      Are you paying more attention to their relationship with each other than your relationship with God? And, are you looking so long and so hard at others that you are misusing the time you could be spending on counting and thanking God for your own blessings? GULP!

  31. On our way to church. Hectic morning, I heard my husband and I becoming short with the kids as we were trying to get out the door. I stopped and prayed for the Holy Spirit's words to come out of us instead of our frustration with running late. When we got in the van the second song that came on the radio was this song. I had never heard it before and I was shouting amen and hallelujah. my little guy kept saying why you shouting, why you shouting, I just had to say because this is so true. Lord please strip us of facades and come into your presence together today to rejoice in who You are and glorifying you in truth. We praise You Lord and give you all honor and all glory for you alone are worthy! We are created in your image please help us to present that to each other in truth, in transparency. We love you Lord and we thank you for your great love, you're great forgiveness for our sins. Help us to forgive ourselves and others as you forgive us. Help us to see ourselves and others like you see us. Thank you Lord Jesus!!


    1. I also love this song so much, dear Terri! God very well knew your frustration and I'm sure He had something to do with that song coming on. You needed to hear it at that very moment.
      It's okay that the kids know you're human. We all lose our tempers and our words aren't always pleasing to God or each other. But those good children also see your steadfast faith on a regular basis, and they know that you cleave to the Rock at all times and in all situations. I see your faith in your words and they bless and inspire me. You are taking good care of those dear ones and your good husband, and you are so challenged. Yet you continue to trust in the Lord's provisions and faithfulness. You just continue to wait on Him. So glad they heard you shouting Amen and Halleluia. I'm praising His Name with you and my whole JC Family! We know where our peace and joy cometh. From the LORD who made heaven and earth, and we know where we are bound. Praise God!!!

  32. Praying with you, dear sweet TERRI.
    You provided a vivid reminder of what I did to get my daughter, up, ready and out to church speeding like a deer, without having to exercise ("running" late into Church)
    Most Sundays I got to do the "running late" exercise first. Forgive me Lord!
    Mass begins with asking for forgiveness. Mine was always, Bless and forgive me Heavenly Father God for all I did and said to be here. I prayed the next hour would be long enough to cancel out my thoughts words and deeds the hour before. Hang in there friend. Yes! Thankfully He was, He is and He always will be The God Who Stays! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. I sure can relate to that Brie. Trouble with me being late is that I am in a very small Choir and I'm the only Alto. So when I am late, I miss the first song. I remember when the kids were young and I would drag them out of bed and promise them a great breakfast when we returned. I was not above bribery.
      Amen! He sure is and always will be The God Who Stays. That we can stake our lives on!

  33. Received this message a few minutes ago. Please join me in praying comforting prayers for Karen and her loved ones.

    "My son is gone. On March 5 at 4:17 pm my son died due to an overdose of drugs. I hate to say it but he has made some pretty bad choices in his life and this last one was awful!! One good thing coming out of this tragedy is that we are donating his organs to someone needing an organ!! Please pray for us as this is so hard I am just numb!
    Remember to pray for my husband Dave he is just taking this so hard and it hurts for me to see him hurting so much! My daughter Allison also is hurting and having health issues on top of everything else!! His fiance Hannah Beth Abel and his three kids Reuben 18, Alyssa 15, and little Ella who is 4!!
    Thanks so much and you have a blessed day!! I love you sweet friend.


    1. Praying now for Karen, Dave, Allison, Hannah Beth, Reuben, Alyssa, and Ella.
      Asking God to rest his soul in peace now and forevermore. Amen

    2. SassyMom, prayers being lifted up for this family. Comfort them oh Lord Jehovah with the comfort only You can give. Saturate their inner being with Your healing, loving mercy, grace & peace. In Jesus' name. Amen.

    3. Heavenly Father, please comfort, strengthen, and provide peace in Karen and her loved ones' hearts and minds. Place Your healing hands on their hearts to start that process in them. Let the power of Your presence fill them with love and help them endure this time. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    4. Joining in prayers for Karen and her husband Dave and daughter Allison and his sorrowful fiance Hannah who must bring up his three children without their father. So very sad but God can turn it all around and lead them to Him and to a new life.
      Father, you know their misery and hopelessness. Fill their broken hearts with your love and comfort. Hold them up Lord. Dry their tears. Remind them to eat and help one another. Give them rest and sleep. Strengthen their faith. Guide them to an army of support. We are praying together for this family and for healing Karen's daughter of all her infirmities and bring all of them close to you. Help them in their grief and guide them to lean on You and each other. Let them know that You are with them always, even to the end of time. Thank You Jesus. I know You hear our prayers and Your mercy endures forever. We trust in You. May they always trust in You too.

    5. Karen, we are all lifting you and your family up in prayer to the throne of grace. Peace be with you during this difficult time.

  34. God bless you Karen. Hard times lead to better times over time. In Jesus's name I pray πŸ™

    1. Thanks Audra. 😊 I shall repeat this again this year.

  35. Praying for a miracle that my husband's heart will go back to a normal rhythm so he will not need to have an Ablation. He is seeing his doctor tomorrow. Trusting that God will make a way for Rick and also help me finish my Bible Group prep before I watch little Gabriel and baby Nathaniel today. I must email the readings later. God is my strength and my song. I will take my burdens to Him and leave them there. May God grant all of us the answers to our prayers. This devotion is all about trusting Him to make things right. "So, consider it all joy whenever you are enveloped in various trials. These are gifts from Me, reminding you to rely on Me alone."

    1. May our heavenly Father place His healing hands on Rick and let his heart beat right. Please restore him whole Lord, like only Your touch can. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless you Jeanne andyourfamily. Lord, help Jeanne prepare the lessons for Bible study group with time to spare. Thank You Jesus. Praise God always.

    2. Praying with Janet for you and Rick and our entire JC Family, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Jeanne, praying for a good outcome for Rick's appointment. Hopefully they can get his heart rhythm back to normal without an invasive procedure. Praying for you as well as these are anxious moments for the spouse too. God bless you both.


    4. Joining in prayer for you dear Jeanne. Go into your day practicing as Brother Bob shared, breathe in "I love God," breathe out, " I trust God!" And the peace of Jehovah Rapha follow you all the day long. Love & blessings πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’•

    5. Jeanne - Continuing prayers to Jehovah Rapha for supernatural healing.

    6. Jeanne I'm joining with you and all the JC family petitioning our heavenly Father for divine healing, wisdom and guidance. With great love and respect. TERRI

    7. I too hold Rick and Jeannie in prayer this morning. Trusting our Lord for perfect outcomes.

  36. Heavenly Father, please help me to look to You in all things and for Your guidance and direction in my life. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus.

    I need Somebody
    (Help) not just anybody
    (Help) you know I need Someone, help!
    When I was younger so much younger than today
    (I never need) I never needed anybody's help in any way
    (Now) but now these days are gone (these days are gone)
    I'm not so self assured
    (And now I find) now I find I've changed my mind
    And opened up the Doors
    Help me if You can, I'm feeling down
    And I do appreciate You being 'round
    Help me get my feet back on the ground
    Won't You please, please help me
    In oh so many ways
    (My independ-) my independence seems to vanish in the haze
    (But) but every now and then (now and then)
    I feel so insecure
    (I know that I) I know that I just need You like
    I've never done before
    Help me if You can, I'm feeling down
    And I do appreciate You being 'round
    Help me get my feet back on the ground
    Won't You please, please help me. Help!
    Except for one night, I have been in hospital/rehab unit with Keith 24/7 for 15 days and nights. I am exhausted and weary, yet trusting and trying my best to James 1:2-3 and "Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith, bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience." So Help me,God. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Lord Jesus, see Brie's heart. Come to her rescue and fill her with Yourself. Lord God, fill up Brie's 'Joy' tank. For Your Glory, Amen.

    2. Brie, continued prayers for you and Keith. I pray that God gives you strength to endure and that Keith will continue on his path of healing. Hang in there.


    3. Dear Brie, praying God continues to strengthen you through this trial facing you. Keith is sooo blessed to have a devoted sister like you, but even more so our God's pleasure in your faithfulness through it all. You truly are, " your brother's keeper!" Love & prayers sending your way. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

    4. Brie - Continued comforting prayers for our Brie and Keith, supernatural strength, endurance, love, blessed assurance, guidance, and His presence.

    5. Loving Father, We are praying together that You spread your comfort, healing, light and joy over our dear sister Brie and her good brother Keith. Thank You for healing them both in body, mind and spirit! Remove Keith’s pain as you heal every weakness in his chest and renew, strengthen and restore both of your beloved children. Let Your faithfulness shine like the Son on their health and lives. Fill their hearts to the brim with Your love and give them patience and true rest for their weary hearts as they continue to trust in You! Wrap a warm blanket of peace around them as they continue to wait on You. Thank You for empowering and equipping our sweet Brie with all she needs as she cares for her dear brother. We thank You for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    6. Oh Sweet Brie we are holding you up in prayer as you have done for so many of us! Father God we know you see Brie and what she is going through. We all trust you to give her all that she needs. Lord thank you for being her strength and comfort. You are her best friend, her Lord, her savior. Give to her your wisdom and discernment. We thank you Lord for hearing and answering our prayers. In Jesus name amen

    7. Dear God,please bless Brie with strength, energy, and REST. Allow someone else to come in for her brother’s advocate so she can rest. Amen

    8. Thank you Jesus for refueling Brie with the love and energy she needs to stay the course with her amazing brother Keith. Wrap them in your healing arms and comfort their weary bones. Give them comfort like I am enjoying this moment with a eucalyptus heating pad draped across my shoulders. Breathing in God's love and exhaling in trust.

  38. "Fill my cup, Lord
    I lift it up, Lord
    Come and quench this thirsting of my soul
    Bread of Heaven, feed me 'til I want no more
    Here's my cup, fill it up and make me whole. In Jesus Name, Amen.

    1. Amen, Lord we lift our selves, our lives to you Lord. We our your vessels fill us up!

  39. Praying mightily for you and Keith, Brie. You are an amazing sister to Keith and sister in Christ. May you feel God's love and strength each day. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

  40. " Let Me help you through this day."
    Much is happening in the world in 2022, even this day, either personally, locally, nationaly or internationally.
    One of the greatest 'helps' we have from the Lord is His Word.
    With smartphones we can quickly search the Scriptures and read good Bible commentaries.
    We can lift our spirits by listening to worship songs and Godly preaching; at home, out for a walk and in our cars.
    No matter what the difficulty, worry or cause of concern: 'Let NOT your heart be troubled.'
    John 14:27
    "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled; do not be afraid."
    John 14:2-3
    2 "In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am."
    Joshua 1:9 " Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
    Isaiah 41:10 " Fear not, for I am with you;
    Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
    He who leads you to it, will lead you through it.

    1. Thanks dear Peter for your encouragement and for sharing His Word.

  41. O Lord God, I call upon your grace and mercy as we witness the darkness of tyranny try to quench the light of Ukraine. May you continue to hold up this tiny country with your strength as they battle the forces of evil. May the rest of the world hear your call to stand by the courageous citizenry and government of this land of believers. I ask in the name of the one who sacrificed all so your light could defeat evil.

    1. donna - Amen! Joining and echoing your prayers for Ukraine.

    2. Absolutely Donna & SassyMom, our hearts & prayers for Ukraine & her people. Let's expect miracles in the midst of their plight. Amen!

    3. Sharing in your perfect prayer dear Donna! Amen and Amen! Our God is in charge and He is so much greater. He can turn this into good because He can do ALL things! Thank You Jesus.

  42. All, this passage is very fitting for me this day. I am going through some very trying times. If I may ask, and I have never asked anyone to before, please pray for me. My name is Donna and I am really struggling right now with some difficult situations in my life. Thank you.

    1. Of course dear Donna. Prayers going up for you right this minute. Lord in heaven please attend to our sister. Her struggles at the moment are not escaping Your watchful eye. Give her a peace & a calm in her spirit as she presses in even closer to You in this difficult time. Nothing is impossible to You. Hold her steady with Your everlasting arms wrapped tightly around her, trusting in Your faithfulness to deliver her through this. We pray in Jesus' name. AmenπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’•

    2. Lord we thank you for Donna's request for prayer. It's a privilege to pray and intercede for one of your children. Lord by requesting prayer Donna showed that she believes that you have better for her. That you are going into situations that feel hopeless and shinning your light that reveals the hope. Lord give Donna inspired wisdom that she knows wasn't from her own understanding but of yours. Take the places that are so twisted that Donna is confused just by trying to untangle them. Apply your guidance to her hands that the knots unravel as you place her hands where they need to be placed. You are not a God of confusion and entanglement, but the God of clarity and the God of making crooked places straight. We thank you for this Lord and we eagerly wait to hear what miracles you work on Donna's behalf. In Jesus name amen

    3. I am praying for you Donna. Praying for one another is what we freely do here. Ask. Seek. Knock. In jesus' Name. Amen

  43. Dear Donna! Adding you to my prayer list and believing that God will guide your situation, your decisions and resolve your problems. May He strengthen you and relieve you of any inner and outer pain! He already knows your needs so I’m thanking Him for making all things right in Jesus’ Name.

    1. You're welcome dear Donna. Lean on His faithfulness. Trust in Him because He is our Way Maker.

  44. Many are gathered in His name in prayer for you, Donna! Many more than take the time to post that they are. This blog reaches far and wide and prayer requests are always answered, God's timing, not ours. Bless you this day with love and clarity for any situations troubling you. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind.

  45. Thank you all, none of my family members or friends are Christian. They don't really pray for others...so I really appreciated your prayers for me.

    1. Dear Donna,
      Standing with you in your prayer requests. Also, I apply this prayer to your family members and friends.
      Father, I Declare, that ALL of Donna's family, friends and ALL that she loves, will become Mighty Children of God. They will be free in Jesus' name. They will NOT miss their destiny. They will become the living testimony of the Saving Power of Jesus Christ, AMEN and AMEN.
      In His Grip of Grace --- JJ

    2. Answering your prayer request Donna! I pray for your healing and that your family may come to know Jesus.

    3. AMEN, JJ! I'm in a declaration season and you are leading the charge!

  46. Praying for you, Donna and all of my JC Family! Love and Blessings to each of you. Holding you in my prayers as always. Thanking you in advance for yours. <3

  47. Please keep lifting Rick in prayer. He had a bad day. His A-Fib is making him feel lousy. He couldn't even take a short walk without stopping to sit on the bench. He has his appointment with the Cardiologist tomorrow at 2. May our loving Father guide the doctor to make the right decisions in Rick's treatment. He had said if the cardio version didn't keep the A-Fib away, he wanted to give Rick an ablation. An ablation doesn't always work the first time but usually after 2 or 3 of them most people's heart rates returns to normal rhythm. I pray every day that he will stop drinking every day. That is really bad for it. He had beer and wine today. Good thing God is hearing our prayers and is holding Him tight. Thank You Jesus. Putting it all in God's Hands and going to sleep. Praying for you dear ones.

    1. You can count on my prayers for Rick and you, Jeanne. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    2. Thanks dear Brie! That means a lot to me.

  48. ***** "Lost posts" Reminder, there are 191 comments thru 2022 today March 7, 2023. Thus if you post #200 or 201, it will disappear and down here at the bottom, you will need to click on "see more". πŸ™πŸ§

  49. JC first line... had me at "Hello". Ha ha. JC: "Let Me help you through this day." Amen, please do Lord! 6 to 8 hours of driving RT to Emory in Atlanta for the 2 year check-up since the stem cell transplant. The appt. is probably 15 minutes of health checks, BP, temp etc. And 20 to 30 minutes with the NP and the top Doc. So GRATEFUL for all the prayers these past 2.5 years. Am asking The Helper to show us the remaining tests were as good as the ones that were early released last week.

    And prayers for all those suffering here. Lots of cancers, recent deaths, parenting issues. LET HIM HELP YOU THROUGH THE DAY. In His Holy name we pray, Amen.

    1. Our Father in heaven goes with you. May His healing power be known! God bless and peace be with you πŸ™.

    2. Standing in prayer with you and for you MadFox πŸ™❤️

    3. In prayer MadFox πŸ™πŸ’ž. God's got this. Amen!

    4. Joining the prayer warriors in lifting you up and giving it to Him. Peace be with you.

    5. I speak the Name oF Jesus into your circumstances, the Name Above Every Name. The Word says No Weapon formed against you shall prosper, MadFox. Pleading The Blood of Jesus over you and your family. We serve The God who causes
      GIANTS TO FALL! I Declare, MadFox, your GIANT WILL Fall!
      Traveling mercies for the trip. In Jesus's Name, Our Promise Keeper, AMEN and AMEN.
      Great Love and Blessings to you, MadFox and your family.

  50. Beloved, do not be surprised when the fiery trial comes upon you to test you, as though something strange is happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when His glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. (1 Peter 4:12-14). For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Corinthians 12:10).

  51. Amen JanetπŸ™Thank you for always starting my day in beautiful prayer❤️

  52. Thank You Jesus for Your help today. I don't know what's ahead, You do. I thank You, I trust You, I love You.Amen
