Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Jesus Calling: March 14

    Do not hesitate to receive Joy from Me, for I bestow it on you abundantly. The more you rest in My Presence, the more freely My blessings flow into you. In the Light of My Love, you are gradually transformed from glory to glory. It is through spending time with Me that you realize how wide and long and high and deep is My Love for you. 
    Sometimes the relationship I offer you seems too good to be true. I pour My very Life into you, and all you have to do is receive Me. In a world characterized by working and taking, the admonition to rest and receive seems too easy. There is an intricate connection between receiving and believing: As you trust Me more and more, you are able to receive Me and My blessings abundantly. Be still, and know that I am God. 
2 Corinthians 3:18
New American Standard Bible
But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.

Ephesians 3:17-19
English Standard Version
so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Psalm 46:10
English Standard Version
   “Be still, and know that I am God.
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth!

What the Lord is Saying to Me
Life is redefined when we walk in the Presence of the Lord. The key here that is mentioned is a life that is in Christ sees life different and experiences life differently. As we spend time in His word we get to know the Lord more and become stronger with Him. And so life is defined not so much by what we experience day by day living in the world, but by who we are in Christ. 

It is a true that the life in Christ seems too easy at times. In this world everything comes with a price and with hard work. And what Christ offers He offers as a free gift. And He tells us to rest. Yes, we are to work and live daily with Him, but we are also to rest and trust Him with the toils of that day we are resting.  

My Prayer
Lord, you remind me of the importance each day of knowing simply that you are God. You want me to know this each day. You are God. I am not. And because of this I can overcome the world. I can be exalted. There is a desire in me to be great, but my greatness is in relation to who I am in Christ. This is the fulness of God. Let my goal in life be You and living in You.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. A little early but I just don’t feel comfortable. I had another nightmare last night and now I’m afraid that I will have another one tonight. I don’t really know what else to say or how to say it, but... thank you for the prayer and your thoughts

    1. Jack, For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.2 Timothy 1:7

    2. I'm praying, as we all are, for peace for you. God does amazing things.

    3. Keep repeating in your mind, "Jesus, I need you. Jesus, I trust you, Jesus protect me." His peace is with you.

    4. In all times of trouble, Suzanne, your words are true: Keep repeating in your mind, "Jesus, I need you. Jesus, I trust you, Jesus protect me." His peace is with you.

    5. Dear Jah I come before YOU through YOUR only begotten son, Jesus Christ, and I surrender to YOU, I praise YOU for each breath, the ability to remain in a peaceful environment while war and chaos surround us. Please Dear LORD keep all of these missing children, I’m reading about, safe, to think that 17 foster kids “disappear” every day in the US, is mind blowing. LORD only you know what is happening to these children and where they are, please keep them safe, fill their little, innocent hearts with YOUR light and Love LORD.
      I pray for the world and all those that have gone astray, and have walked away from YOU. Dear LORD, I thank YOU in advance for the blessings of healing, increased strength, and determination to walk with YOU washed white of my sins, help me to remove these shackles of the world so I can truly live in the spirit for and with YOU, I thank YOU for my loving, believing children YOU have blessed me with as well as my church families and all of my dear brothers and sisters here on this site. Praise YOU LORD for showing us the steps required to be with YOU. I’m certainly not perfect and have always something to work on, I praise YOU for revealing some hidden sins I never realized were sins
      But most of all I thank YOU for loving us, sacrificing YOUR life for our sins!😒, every time I think about what YOU went through brings me heartache, yet knowing YOU are now at the right hand of YOUR FATHER , brings me great comfort, and joy.
      I Love YOU so, & I know I still have so much to learn. Teach me, guide me, give me the ears and eyes to see please LORD
      Help me to live in the spirit instead of the flesh
      I ask these things through Jesus Christ, our King of Kings ,

    6. Ask and you shall receive! What a pleasure to be growing in our faith together! ♥️πŸ™

  2. Jack, You don't have to say it...God know what you want to say. My prayer is that you find comfort and peace today...and everyday!

    1. Jack
      May the sweet peace of our loving Savior Jesus hold you in His arms Rest well and know you are loved
      Prayers lifted up
      Mama bear

  3. Call Jesus in your dreams you will feel him I promise

  4. Prayers for all of you: Randy, Sassy Mom, Jan, Anonymous (I have a glimpse of the battle you are encountering due to my friend, her daughter and 2 grandchildren - progress was made today), MadFox, Bob - all of you mean so much. I will read more purposefully in the morning. Just wanted to touch base and tell you all that I value you more than you could know.

    1. Norah so many good thoughts by you and the others yesterday. Godspeed to all of those that posted. wow, 40+ posts. A lot of urgent prayer needs and great encouragememt. I'm sure God whispered, "well done, my children."

    2. Thank you, God Bless! I'm out, cleaned up inside and out with a good treatment plan, ready to get my hand back on the plow as a manager, husband and Daddy. God is faithful!

    3. And I value you, Norah, for sharing, encouragements, your perseverance and your prayers.

    4. Lifting up Jack In prayers for Gods comfort, sweet and peaceful sleep
      Thank you for the beautiful prayers
      I’m lifting up each of this family in prayers πŸ™πŸ©΅
      Love and God bless

    5. It is great to see you post agaun Brandy. Although I missed seeing you, I kept you in my prayers πŸ™ ❤️

  5. I love reading this Blog! I’ve been reading Jesus Calling for years but this group is special. God bless each of you

  6. Resting in His Presence was the key for me last night - to a great, dreamless sleep and waking up restored. I remember being taught years ago that we can never 'give of our need,' which leaves us depleted and I've mentioned of late b/c that can be the tendency for me at times. Knowing that so many are praying with me and praying for all of you (Terri, GREAT explication of Sharon's poem & Sharon your words...so heart felt), reminders of the need to keep the Word alive in our minds when circumstances threaten to squeeze it out - all help so much. The earnest sharing that goes on here, Peyton Family, is a reminder to me that we are a BODY of believers. Sassy Mom, MadFox, Bob - your words of Wisdom and exhortation to continue walking these issues out by putting our trust in Him, calm my tendency to try to work it out myself. The light bulb comes on & I remember that I am not in this alone! My husband's quiet, calm belief and presence makes me thankful. His reminders to 'let it go' and trust our Lord & Savior are needed and release me from the bonds of "Me-ism." The prayers and needs and desires are still urgent, but the 'Peace that passeth understanding' is what will bring deliverance. Praying for each of you and for those who don't post - all of God's dear children walking it out in this world. Another devo I read this morning encouraged me to be thankful for THIS season in life and not 'wish it away.' So, for today, I will be thankful and give it all to Him, who cares for me. I will be still and know that He is God. Have a blessed day...praying for the best for each of us and those we love and endeavor to help, daily.

    1. May you be blessed this day, Norah. You have been blessed for the purpose of being a blessing and in so doing, will be doubly blessed. Yes, as the reading for today says, God has made it to be quite simple thus easy. According to Ecclesiastes, humanity makes it complicated and thus difficult. Take a deep breath. All is well. It always has been; it always will be. All is well! God be with you.

    2. Amen dear Norah. We all need reminders: to keep the Word alive in our minds when circumstances threaten to squeeze it out.

  7. Thank you all for your posts and encouraging words as I begin my day reminding me to put all my faith and my duties of the day into the the hands of God. I get overwhelmed with the problems of life and forget sometimes then wither instead of standing in Gods light and receiving his strength for today. Amen

  8. Morning all! I've been reading this blog for probably a year but have only posted once before. Jesus Calling is the way I start my prayer time every morning. I really enjoy reading the comments. It is so encouraging to know there are believers that are faithfully walking it out and lifting me in prayer. Norah, your comment reminds me of something my dear Momma used to say. "Never wish time away!" That has been so hard lately as I face total uncertainty in almost every area of my life. And God has been so good to me. When I pause and bring my mind into only THIS moment I can breathe in his Grace, breathe out trust and verbally state, "In this moment I have everything I need"; this allows my body and mind to completely rest in him.
    Thank you all for being here every morning!

    1. Carolyn, it's the same for me. I've been following for about a year and just started to post. I start every morning here. My mom would say the same thing and follow it up with "life is what happens while you're waiting for your life to start." Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and prayers, and words of encouragement.

    2. PEBGdesigns I like that quote from your mom. Don't you sometimes like you're holding your breath until something possitive happens and you can finally exhale?

  9. Wow!!! So amazing to have this community. When I feel all alone I can actually call out to jesus through all of you. No judgment just encouragement and scripture. The scripture that has been helping me is no trial on earth can compare to the glory well have in heaven.

    1. Trusting the Lord - "The scripture that has been helping me is no trial on earth can compare to the glory we'll have in heaven." AMEN!
      I am prompted to quote - Romans 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the Glory that is to be revealed to us.

    2. Amen! No trial or tribulation is too great for our God. We rejoice in them because they test our faith and He walks us through them..

  10. Yes my friends. A good night's sleep makes a huge difference. I haven't slept well in a month and awoke a little before my alarm today. Thank you jesus. It's so amazing that we can all be thinking about the same topic and we come from all over. On happy days I look so forward to hearing from all of you. On deep dark days I need you, count on you and hear jesus through all of you. He's so AWESOME. Thank you my friends for making yourselves available, for speaking your honest truth and for doing it all with no judgment. God bless all of you

  11. Thank you all for your posts. I woke up with a heaviness in my chest, another day of fearing the unknown. I have been unemployed since December and getting no where in my job search. I know this is very small compared to the troubles many face and I am grateful beyond words for my many blessings but the fear of not knowing what's next is very real for me. I am trying hard to trust completely and not obsess over this fear. It's difficult to navigate, I read the devotionals and all the comments and know I MUST trust that I am just where I am supposed to be and that God WILL take care of me....but how do I rest and find peace amidst all this fear and anxiety? How do I know if I am doing my part? At what point today do I say I've done enough and its ok? It seems almost sinful to not stay busy doing something productive every single day.

    I feel very vulnerable posting this. Such a tiny bump in the road compared to what is going on in the lives of many. Thank you all for making me feel like this is a safe place to share my thoughts. God bless.

    1. Anonymous, as I was lifting you up, I could feel your desperate πŸ’“. Hang on, you are on course! The only thing God requires of us is to believe. Believe that He has heard you, believe that He is able, believe that He wants the best job for you, believe in His timing (don't fret), believe in His unconditional love for you, His delight in you because you are trusting Him to come through for you. He knows all about the agony of "waiting" doesn't He? He waits for all of us to come to Him.

    2. I know this fear, Anonymous! Keep your eyes focused on God. Look up and know he is there. Be of service where you can. This helps me take the focus off me and use my time serving God. It strengthens my faith and my trust in him. I pray for peace and a quiet knowing that he is at work on your behalf. I pray for a job that will fulfill your every need. Blessings to all on this blog. You give me words to feelings I sometimes can't identify myself. Such a beautiful community of sharing from the heart.

    3. Dear Anonymous, To be between jobs can certainly be an anxious time. I have been there. What I have experienced through those times is that when God is preparing for the new job to which He is calling me, there are other lives directly affected by the new calling He has for me to fulfill. He must also take care of them as well in moving them on to their new position. There are several parts that are in process. In the meantime, enjoy an exercise of trust and patience. If you have free time, take a simple opportunity to help someone or somewhere. When the future looks uncertain (why do we always imagine the worst), take a survey of the past, how God has cared for you and worked with you to get you to where you are. Because He has been faithful in the past, you know He will be faithful in the future. That is the importance of the scriptural truth, "Jesus, the same yesterday, today and tomorrow." As it was, it is and forever will be. God is not a human being, He is not fickle; He is constant. God be with you.

    4. Anonymous - thank you for opening up and being vulnerable. One of the things Satan tries to do is make us think that our problems are not as big of a deal as others; he does the same thing with our sins as often we grade our sins thinking some sins are worse than others, but taking $1 from someone or a $100 is still stealing. The same goes for our problems - whatever you are experiencing is important and God wants you to know that He is there for you. The Bible provides us the answer for anxious thoughts. Philippians 4:6-7 says - "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." You sound like a person that is working hard even though you are not employed and staying busy and doing things, while at other times needing to rest. That's great. Keep being the person God has called you to be. And when you are feeling anxious- stop and pray, "Lord, I surrender to you right now; help me to accept what You provide." What He provides may be another day of unemployment, but that doesn't mean you don't do everything you can to find work. I'm not sure. God will speak to you and direct your paths. But keep at it. Keep talking to Him more than anyone else and He will direct you. He may have other ways to provide for you, I don't know, but He knows. You are doing great. God, we praise you ahead of time for what You will do.

    5. @paytonfamily. as said before thanks for an amazing journey that's become a community. Your words here are very helpful and I agree. God wants us to lift up all of our fears and concerns and then trust He will hold our hand and walk us through the good and bad chapters of our life that we never thought would happen or that we could survive. Godspeed to all for another great day of being in a judgement free zone where prayers and wisdom can be shared with those seeking God through Jesus Calling's daily devotional online.

  12. Anonymous, good job being brave and vulnerable by reaching out! This knocks down satan who tries to get us when we are scared. Look up on youtube the song and lyrics fear is a liar. Praying for you

    1. ♥️🎢 link

  13. God truly worked in my life today. He gave me the courage to reach out and post about my current employment situation and blessed me with the amazing kindness, advice and prayers from complete strangers. I am so grateful He did! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

  14. Thank each of you for sharing so honestly and so lovingly. I am so incredibly grateful for each of you. Sending loving prayers

  15. I loved this devotional today and I enjoy reading you all comments. God bless you Brothers and Sisters have a good one. There is a lot of encouragement here I love it.


    Γ“scar A. Serrano

  16. In the midst of the chaos and uncertainty that is hanging over us, I have awaken to Your invitation to receive joy from You. Joy instead of fear and doubt, joy instead of worry, joy that I can receive by being still and know that You are God. Thank You Father for Your Love and all of Your promises that are YES and AMEN. I humble myself before Your Presence this morning and give You all the praise, glory and Honor for allowing me to see another day. Thank You Lord.

    God’s word held forth as a primary source of the joy of the Lord, gives us hope. Galatians 5:22-25 says: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. We live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit”. Joy is a characteristic of God’s Love through His Holy Spirit. Our faith in the Lord’s salvation is a reason for joy and thanksgiving, despite what situation we are in (like the pandemic we are now facing). However, in Jesus, we have hope for the future that gives joy, and faith for the present that gives peace. Lets stay connected and not be separated from our source of Love, Joy, and Peace, the Holy Spirit.

    Heavenly Father, As we delight ourselves in You as believers, You become the desire of our heart, You become our reward, and in Your presence we find fullness of joy, thank You. We also desire to seize the corner of Jesus’ garment, cling to Him through prayer and ask Him to reshape our days and give us His overwhelming, satisfying joy that is our strength. Thank You that Jesus not only invites us to the throne of grace, but commands us to come to Him and experience the true lasting joy that only He can give. Please enable us to know this Love that surpasses knowledge. Empower us as we read Your Word to grow in faith and to grasp in increasing measure just how wide and long and high and deep is the love that Christ has for us.

    Wishing all a bless, safe and fearless day, trusting in the Lord.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen sweet Maplewood. He is always calling us to come to Him and our delight is in Him and His Word. I loved today’s prayer.
      As we spend time in His word we get to know the Lord more and become stronger with Him. And so life is defined not so much by what we experience day by day living in the world, but by who we are in Christ

  17. "Be still and know that I am God...." Thank you Jesus. My prayers continue for all requests and intentions listed here. Amen.

  18. Anonymous, I awoke to very, very similar thoughts as you, but you were gifted to put them into words. I believe you just spoke to many of us and blessed us with your words. I saw this pandemic spread and watched as the numbers grew in other countries every day because my daughter was in Italy doing a study-abroad. Funny you mentioned our desire to seize the corner of Jesus' garment. I too woke up praying that I could touch Jesus' garment. I feel blessed to come here and read your words of guidance and biblical truth.
    Also thank you Payton family for blessing us with your post from March 2019 where you included the verse from Philippians 4: 6-7. This is the third time I've been brought this verse in the past two days. It is perfect for all believers to memorize this so I wrote it down and will do just that. May you all experience the peace and joy that is available to us.

  19. Be still and know is the best scripture for our culture right now in Boston with the corona virus. I work for a surgeon at a hospital and everything elective is shutting down. We are working from home starting Monday. All non urgent appointments and surgeries are being rescheduled and pushed out till after June 1. This work week was the most intense I have encountered so far. All the schools are shut down, grocery stores are empty and people are fighting over water.

    Yet even in the middle of the pandemonium, the light of the Spirit shines. And I am reminded of that daily. I live on the 15th floor of our building and we get what I call a “God view” of the sunrises and sunsets and city landscape. This week there were MAGNIFICENT sunrises - an undeniable presence.

    It’s also an opportunity to be in unity and interconnectedness. To offer support and help. Talk to each other and relate. One comfort is to know that we are all walking through these unknowns, fears and challenges together. We are not unique in circumstance.

    What I am rolling with is that I will trust God through this process as it unfolds because that is the response he desires most from me. Take care all.



  20. " Be still and know that I am God" Yes still is and always will be! Thank u Maplewood for your prayer it filled me with an understanding of the unknown and a sense of great peacefulness. I am smiling! Thank you Jesus who massages out every tension. God bless you team.

    1. Dear Brittany and Fern, Amen! Even though it is a year later, our future is still uncertain so we continue to trust in our good God. We are not afraid and the only true peace and joy is in believing. He is our Savior and He is mighty to save.

  21. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

    (Matthew 10:1-4) Yesterday we observed the multitudes streaming to Jesus and we saw the tremendous compassion He felt toward them, it was like watching sheep that lack a shepherd, people wandering aimlessly in spirit totally vulnerable to anything and everything the evil one brought upon them. He had said to all of us following Him, "Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." I took Him seriously as did a handful of others. We did as He said, we began to pray that God would send someone to lead these people. Today, as Jesus is standing among the large number of people gathered around Him, He starts handpicking a few of us to come aside with Him. He picks some brothers who are fishermen (Peter, Andrew, James, John), He picks a pessimistic individual (Thomas), interesting enough, He picks a Roman tax collector (Matthew) and a zealot who is seeking the overthrow of Rome (Simon), He picks people I do not know and He picks a man named Judas Iscariot. He leads us away from the crowd to a private place. He says, "I give you authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to cure every disease and every sickness." I look at the others, 'what does this mean?' is written on everyone's face. But we all realize in the moment something very special is occurring among us. Is it because each of us had prayed for 'laborers' to be sent into the fields of lost souls, that they may be saved? Is this all happening because we took seriously His admonition to pray? We each say 'yes' to continuing in our following of Him. Where this will lead, none of us know but we are learning to trust His lead. We will let Him lead. Onward!

    You who have stopped to read from this blog have been led here by the Holy Spirit. It doesn't matter if you post or not, He has chosen you to be here. The purpose of your being chosen is to be someone He can work through to bring about the salvation of souls. How this will work itself out remains to be seen, it will be different for each one of you. There is no need to worry or wonder, it will unfold to the degree you are willing. Simply begin by praying for those who are like lost sheep, wandering aimlessly and under the attack of the evil one. Simply pray for them and wait for His next directive on their behalf. You are chosen, I am chosen, we are chosen. We are a motley crew as the disciples were but we have been chosen by Him and that is all that matters. Let us go forth.

    The Lord be with you, brothers and sisters in Christ. With love, Bob

    1. Love "we are a motley crew"... to me that is the greatest truth to Christ being a God who came to show us that he loves ALL. Rich, poor, weak, strong... i.e. in order, Joseph/Nicodemus, multitudes as He taught publicly, the sick who He healed,the Roman Centurion with great faith... so "motley crew" for believers is something I think would have Jesus laughing along side me when I chuckled at the appropriateness of your thoughts Bob. Father, Son, Spirit do indeed show a fearful world in this pandemic how you truly say "how wide and long and high and deep is My Love for you."

    2. Bob, Thank you so much for your beautiful insight. I feel as though I am immersed in your pictures walking with the Lord and moved by His words. We have all been called to come together here to pray for each other and all of those broken, sick, lost, confused, sorrowful and broken hearted. We will continue to try our best to follow His lead above all else as we await His further instructions. His Plan is revealing itself and we are all an important part of it.

    3. Bob, the personalized nature with which you describe Jesus and the deciples is very much what I love so much about watching The Chosen series. I highly recommend it for repeated viewings. Those who have a knowledge of the gospels will have any even greater depth of insight in each episode. www.thechosen.com. See it on YouTube or their app ♥️πŸ‘

    4. Thank you Bob, beautiful insight.

    5. In 2024, I'm still getting a lot of mileage from your 1st person walk with Jesus, our dear brother friend in Christ, BOB.
      Joining in and receiving JOY in the JOurneY. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  22. Thank you, Bob, for your words and for this mirror story of our story today. So many are lost. I stumble and feel lost often. I will struggle to keep close to Jesus. I pray that we all draw near to Him, and that we remember our connection as brothers and sisters.

  23. Thank you, Bob. Your post gave me chills...which is how my body responds when I get affirmations from the Lord. Love your perspective and your ability to communicate in such a profound way. Yes! We are chosen. And, I am ready to listen and take His direction. God bless each and all of you as we continue this journey.... together. Amen.

  24. Sharing Prayer for protection

    Heavenly Father,

    We lift up our eyes to the hills from whence comes our help.
    Our help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
    You will not allow our foot to be moved;
    You, our Keeper, will keep our families.
    You will neither slumber nor sleep.
    Lord, preserve us from all evil, preserve our souls,
    preserve our going out and coming in from this time forth, and forever.
    In a dangerous world, Father, we need Your protection.
    So do those we love.
    We entrust them into Your care and keeping.
    We ask not that You take them out of the world,
    but that You deliver them from the evil one.
    You know the hairs of our heads and the days of our lives.
    You know when we rise up and when we lie down.
    We trust You for protection, provision, and the providential ordering of circumstances.
    Lord, bless us and keep us. Make Your face shine upon us and be gracious to us.
    Lift up Your countenance upon us and give us peace.
    Grant us Your watchful care.

    1. Sassy Mom--- Thank you for sharing this prayer. AMEN and AMEN -- For All the JC FAMILY/WARRIORS I decree through the blood of Jesus to receive multipled Grace and Peace! I dcree that every hedge broken in Any Of our lives be Restored in the name of Jesus. We will stand in the gap and make up the hedge for each other! Great Blessings and the Lord's Favor upon this Awesome JCFAMILY/WARRIORS!!!

    2. Thanks Sassy Mom,
      I am reading this prayer over and over. My brother had a meltdown yesterday. I am trying to look up from down. My heart feels sad. Even so, I will trust, I will trust in Him. Prayers requested for me to clearly hear and accept His Wisdom and His Guidance. Amen.

    3. Brie - Offering comforting prayers to fill your heart with gladness, encouragement and trust. Open your ears to clearly discern His will, wisdom and guidance. Praying comforting prayers for your dear brother. Rest in His presence. We love you and Larry.

    4. Thank you for the prayer Sassy Mom. I just prayed it out loud.
      Brie I'm so sorry for the bad weather conditions in this season of your life. God hears our prayers and this JC Family is mighty in prayer. I wish I could be there to help you in some way. My storm is coming when I tell my mom we are moving. My heart goes out to you because I know the sadness you feel for your brother and how that is so heavy in your heart. My pastor did a sermon some years ago that I watched this week and in it he told us to pray for Peace, Understanding, & Guidance and I felt like the Holy Spirit gave that to me as a directive. I'm giving it to you and continuing prayers for you. Storms only last so long and for whatever reason this is happening, I know you know God is working on things and there is a honing or lesson in this somewhere. I know your trust is in good standing, but getting through this is still so hard, even trusting as we go. I asked God to reveal his plans for me and I'm asking God for that same thing for you right now. Hugs to you and know that we will be talking about a victory claimed and sighing relief some day. God Bless you and yours.

    5. The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8

    6. Joining in prayers with you all. Father, please lift Brie up into Your loving arms and whisper in her ear that which she needs to hear and know. Hold her tightly with the comfort only You can give and renew her spirit. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    7. Yes, Lord, give Brie the patience and the words to help calm her dear brother, Father. I know You are with them thru this valley and will bring them out of it onto higher ground. Praying for peace and understanding, Brie, for you and your family. In Jesus' name, Father. Amen.

    8. Sweet Brie, I have been there. And it's a doozy of a rush of pain and uncertainty. Please try to focus on tiny things to stay present and calm. A good cup of hot tea with some gentle praise music for a moment. Jesus loves you and so do I!

    9. I read the prayer of protection aloud today, thank you! Please pray for my hubby, severe back pain attack. We are wondering why this comes at a time when we are heading to a church service in a town away from home where we might want to settle.

    10. Lord, we don't want to focus on the pain and the why, we ask for your guidance and strength to help us today.

    11. Sassy Mom, Amen! Amen! Your prayer becomes mine for Brie and her brother..her family. Thank you! Praying Brie..peace be with you and yours!

    12. I loved your prayer so much, I shared it with my Mom and Sis and my Bible Group. Thanks dear Sassy Mom! Hope you are feeling well.
      So sorry about your brother's meltdown, Brie. Praying for both of you. Be strong and believe things will get better. God knows you're doing your best to take care of your brother and the move, and Larry.
      Amanda, that's wonderful advice. Maybe sleepytime tea with honey and your favorite praise songs.
      Audra, Praying for your hubby's back. Bad timing. I know how painful it is to sit in a car with a bad back. I remember it well. Hope the church service went well and the seats weren't too uncomfortable for him.

    13. Saw this earlier and prayed especially much for your hubby, Audra. Even when I can't post it, I'm praying.

    14. ♥️ I know you are, and I for you and all others.πŸ™

    15. In 2024, Your prayer still fits, Sassy Mom, and so do all of the comments. Thanks again JC Prayer Warriors!

    16. Agreed! Love this prayer of protection! Love that I can read posts and insights from years past thanks to @paytonfamily!

  25. Lord help me to rest in your presence and receive Your joy every day. I am Your faithful servant but I find myself sliding back into the ways of this world too often. Please show me how to continually walk with You in front of and beside me

  26. I feel a sense of Peace come over me as I read through this blog today. We traveled yesterday through airports to arrive in AZ for a family wedding. Some in the family choose not to come. That can be a heartbreaking decision to make and receive. I pray there will be no regrets, no judgement and only joy for all today. Father, help me stay grounded in your love, kind in all my interactions with the mix of folks present that we call family - old and new, exes and steps... and thank you for your Word has that is shared on this blog each and every day to remind us of the TRUTH. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.2 Timothy 1:7. AMEN! -audra

    1. Welcome to AZ, audra. May the wedding be blessed and may all who make the trip be healthy and blessed in the time together. God be with you.

    2. Yes, Audra, may everyone at the wedding realize that they're there to witness love and unity and that it's not about them or a gripe they may have with someone or situation. That they're there to support the happy couple! May you feel God's presence with you today! Be well and happy and blessings to the happy couple and to all who attend!

  27. One more update on Brenda - She is in much pain from hip surgery, but allowed to go home today. Home health care will be caring for her. Please continue prayers. I will post again tomorrow for those who haven't seen this last update.

  28. Be still, and know that I am God...
    As was shared on March 10, during this third quarter of Lent, I am meditating more on accepting God's invitation to encounter Him. Today's encounter question:
    What is my favorite Bible Story of Jesus?
    In my favorite Bible Story of Jesus, what attitude of Jesus seemed to rise to the surface just by the way(s) Jesus acted?

    1. I can't think of ONE favorite, Brie! I love them all. The fishes and loaves came right after Lazarus being raised from the dead. Then that reminds me of the woman with the issue of blood being healed by the touch of his garment. Too many to pick just one! What is yours?

    2. I'll be posting it later today.
      Kitchen sinks and dishwasher are leaking. Plumber coming.
      Tears last night and more water this morning. Lord have Mercy!

    3. Dear Brie, I loved every story because they show me His great compassion and love. I think one of my favorites is when He calmed the stormy sea for His disciples. But I have always wanted to be present for the Sermon on the Mount.
      Praying the plumber came and fixed your sinks and dishwasher. Hang in there sweet sister. The Lord is your stronghold.

    4. Thanks for sharing, Jeanne. I would have loved to have attended His Transfiguration! I am always blown away when I read it, as though I had not ever read it before.

  29. How appropriate is this message today. God is reminding us to wait to before we move ! The path we are choosing is not where God is leading ....it will lead to a blocked end . God loves to hear from us, let us accept that we dont know what lies ahead for us today, however if we ask God to order our step and we should be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, it will be well. No matter what challenges come our way today , we have the armour of God surrounding us.

    1. WELL SAID, Min! We have His hedge of protection with us each and every day...we simply have to believe it and as you said, "be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit"! Amen, Sister!

    2. Amen Min Ahadi. He leads us through His Spirit so we must tune in with our heart and mind to His guidance. Thanking God for His powerful hedge protection around us always.
      Yes NJS. His protection surrounds us. We just have to believe and let our actions reflect our trust in Him.

  30. Father, thank You for Your unconditional pure love that You have for me. I am not perfect or worthy of anything, but You give to me freely just because You love me. I am so grateful, honored, and blessed by everything You do and all that You are. Praise You Lord and thank You Jesus 😊 πŸ™ πŸ™Œ.

    1. Dear Janet,
      You are so worthy of His love. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. You belong to Him. We are all sinners but in God's eyes of love, we are still His beloved children. Praising the Lord with you for His loving kindness with much thanksgiving! Amen.

  31. This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Reading from a year ago, as we entered into this strange time in our lives, we have the privilege of knowing, 'the rest of the story.' We know how our year played out, how God delivered, comforted, built us up, even when we were afraid of the unknown. We are free to rest in His presence, regardless of what is going on around us.
    With the time change, it was still dark when I woke up. I have gotten used to waking up with brightened skies. Today is overcast, but instead of seeing it as gloomy, I see it as peaceful. It's quiet. it's comforting. This is the Peace of God. Songs are running through my mind. What have I to dread? What have I to fear? Leaning on the everlasting arms. I pray for each of us on this blog, in this dear JC Family. Brie, I'm praying for your brother and for your continued goodness to him - that he sees it. Praying for you, MadFox and your continued strength in His Word. Still mulling over your posts, Bob, and the blessing they are to each of us.
    Praying for each of my adult children, their families, the joy I found yesterday in knowing that most of them gathered at a park with their Littles, just to be together.
    Enjoy this day, dear brothers and sisters, knowing that He has gone before us and has us in the Palms of His Hands. I'm so very thankful for each of you, for this blog that the Peyton Family set up years ago; for this being our comfort zone. Thank you Father, in the name of Jesus Christ!
    Love and Blessings to each of you.

    1. God bless you πŸ™ Amen!

    2. I'm thankful for you sweet Norah! Rest in God's peace and fill your heart with all those beautiful songs of praise. God bless your beautiful family and all of our JC Family.

  32. And what an incredible choice that is, Norah, as you say, "We are free to rest in His presence, regardless of what is going on around us"! And when I purposefully rest in Him, oh, how I feel His presence! It's taking the time and being mindful TO rest. That's the hard part or the part that we skip past in our hurried lives.

    I too find grey days peaceful and reflective vs gloomy. I'm not sure I'd feel that way if every day was grey, though, and feel for people who live somewhere that grey days happen more than usual.

    Praying for you, Norah, and the incredible and daunting job you do each day helping people in need. May God continue to give you the strength and guidance you need for each person you assist. Praying, too, for you and your husband as you both handle and deal with his dx each day.

    This blog has been such a blessing to me and has helped my faith grow immensely...to know there is this awesome group of believers who don't judge me and my walk but only support and offer their love. Incredible, really.

    Continued prayers for strength and courage to MadFox, Norah's husband, Rick (correct me if I got his name wrong, please), for Brie's brother and Brie, and for ALL who need prayers for healing in whatever way necessary. May you all have a blessed Sunday and week ahead taking time to rest in His presence!

    1. This beautiful place to gather in prayer and praise means so much to me too.
      Praying with you and for you, dear NJS. Especially for your sister, Sue, niece, Julie & ex brother in law, Dennis. They must be so very sad missing Jessie. How are things going with your daughter? Much love.

    2. You are so kind, Jeanne, to ask about Sue, Julie, and Dennis. Sue has plugged in with a therapist that I happened to find for her. (I'm in Georgia and she's in Washington) That, I knew, was the Holy Spirit working in me! I knew when I saw this man's face and then his website that he was the one...although I had reached out to others as well. When I brought up Scott's website, it said, "Not accepting new clients". Ugh! I was deflated but not defeated. I reached out anyway to see if he had a recommendation. He actually called me the next afternoon and after telling him the situation and a bit about his background, he said he'd take her on as a client IF she was okay with a male therapist and if she felt comfortable with him. I first had to tell my sister that I even did this...since she hadn't asked me to. She was receptive and while we were talking she brought up his website and she sighed a calming sigh saying, "oh, I like his website". Anyway, she has seen him 3-4 times now. Praise God. I also came across a support group out there for parents who lost an adult child. While she tried her first session via zoom, she said she misses the ability to hug others saying there were some in the group on the zoom call that she'd have loved to offer a hug to.
      Julie is doing well with having a new baby to tend to. She and I talk about the waves that hit us and she also has been in touch with a therapist from Seattle who has agreed to see her via FaceTime for several Mondays. So very kind of her. Julie also has a very supportive husband and Sue has been down to OR a couple of times now to see Julie and Olivia, the new baby, and to cry and laugh together.
      I'm not sure how Dennis is doing as we really don't speak since their divorce. He is remarried and has a stepson. I pray he feels God's presence with him with each passing day.

      Paula, my daughter, is doing well. Still nauseous which she says she's happy about saying she read when a woman has morning sickness, that's a sign of a healthy pregnancy. Not sure if that's true but glad she's finding the positive. They go for another ultrasound 3/25 to be sure the vanishing twin has absorbed or is headed that way.

      I can't believe you remembered all the names and situations, Jeanne. Bless you for your prayers and kindness.

      *On a side note, Sue sent Paula a sweatshirt of Jessie's and Paula has been wearing it A LOT as it gives her comfort and comforts Sue that Paula is wearing it.

      I shared all of the comments and prayers from everyone here for Sue and Julie (& Dennis) with Sue. She was touched by all of your caring and kind words as was I. So blessed to be part of this JC family!

      Thanks, Jeanne, again. You made my heart smile with your inquiry. (& got more than you wanted to know, lol)

    3. Njs, still praying for your family. Mindy

    4. How are you and your family doing dear NJS? Much love!

  33. Loving Father, Thank You that I have been called to enjoy You and receive joy from You. Your joy is indeed my strength. Thank You for another day to experience it.

    There's a truth that whatever we believe is what we live in. However, the perspective of what we see when we believe in God and His Word, we see from His perspective and not ours. Our true Joy comes from living in the presence of God. Psalms 16:11 says: "You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore." and Galatians 5:22-25 also shows us how Joy is a characteristic of God’s Love from His Holy Spirit. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit."
    Our faith in God is the Joy of Our salvation and it should be a constant reason for joy and thanksgiving, no matter what temporary situation we face. The knowledge of our salvation has delivered us from the past and given us faith for the present which gives peace, and a glorious hope for the future which gives joy!
    Psalms 35:9 says: "And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD; It shall rejoice in His salvation." and Psalms 62:7 says: "In God is my salvation and my glory; The rock of my strength, And my refuge, is in God. When we do things that pleases God, we can experience His joy. His love is manifested in us and revealed through us as we share His joy to others. The same anointing that was on Christ Jesus is on us and in us. “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, Because the LORD has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound." (Isaiah 61:3). Jesus taught us how to maintain a constant and full amount of His Joy, because by focusing on Him and our relationship in Him, and abiding in Him, we bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit and the fruit of God’s Love. When others see God’s fruit in our lives they will see and taste that He is good!
    May we not loose joy by grieving the Holy Spirit or no longer submit in obedience to God’s will. We should not restrict His Love from flowing through us to touch others, because when do, we become separated from our only source of Love, Joy, and Peace, which is the Holy Spirit.

    Father, may the Joy of Your Word, the Joy of a Clean Heart, and the Joy of being Thankful to You always, remain with us now and forever more, in Jesus name.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen dear Maplewood. Only in the presence of the Lord can you feel full joy and peace. We cannot be happy if we are not pleasing Him. I have been tested many times. Had my little grandson over for a sleepover last night. Today I realized all my messaged were erased. Instead of following the spirit, I got all nervous and upset. My good husband said put things in perspective, it's only your messages. He said he could get them back. So I gave him the phone and I thanked God that I would have them all back, and I saw them in my mind back and everything restored. I went in another room and rested. In a few minutes, my sweet husband came in and said: Here ya go! Everything was back to normal and all my messages were there. We must learn not to lean on our emotions but on our faith. If we're standing the Rock of Ages, we shouldn't crumble at all.
      We are filled with God's spirit so we have love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Self control means not going to pieces when bad things happen. Just say: Jesus, I trust in You. And let Him handle it.

    2. Dear Maplewood! Your posts and prayers continue to bless and encourage me! They are timeless gifts to the soul. Praying you, your Mom and sister and son are doing well and you are feeling good and strong in the presence of the Lord.

  34. Pray for me , have a meeting with the parents and I humbly requesting for God's favour, confidence and wisdom in the issue I am presenting !

    1. We will. And may God's will be done.

    2. Just saw your post Min Ahadi. Praying that all went well with the help of the Lord. God bless you πŸ™.

    3. Praying all went well Min Ahadi at the parents meeting. God was with you.

    4. Prayed for you without posting, Min Ahadi.
      My God eye sees you smiling because all is well!

  35. Jesus, my love, thank you for your presence in my life. Many things that are not as they should be (according to me). I have to remember that it is your will; I have to trust you. You are my strength and you never fail me. I thank you my Lord and Savior. Hear our prayers Lord for all JC Prayer Warriors. Protect them Lord and keep them safe. All their names are engraved in my heart and I look forward to that sweet day we all get to meet!! Amen and Amen!

    1. Loveconquersall--- I also say AMEN and AMEN!!! Your prayers so bless me! May the Lord have you rise and soar on eagle's wings!

    2. Amen dear LCA! Praying those many things will be resolved and as they should be (according to you). He sure is our strength and our salvation. Lean on His faithfulness. Praying for all our JC Prayer Warriors.
      And dear MadFox, So thankful you got 10.3M. Rest now dear brother.

  36. Dear MadFox, How are things going dear brother? Know you are in my thoughts and prayers every day!

  37. My son’s family is coping with a stomach bug. My dear daughter in love had it, Gabriel had it and now baby Nathaniel is spitting up a lot. Praying my son doesn’t get it. Thank You Father for this Your healing and Your faithfulness in Jesus’ Name

  38. Just wanted to love up on my JCFAMILY! I lift you up to the Great I Am. No matter what you are going through, no matter what you are experiencing, no matter what your circumstances are saying, God has the final say! He wins! That means we win! He is undefeated! Failure and defeat are NOT in your future! Heavenly Father, You are the Creator of Heaven and Earth. You are the Judge. I thank You that no weapon formed against any of my JCFAMILY will prosper. And everything satan is trying to do--it WILL NOT PROSPER against them! I thank You, Father God, for freeing them, healing them and setting the captives free. Free them in their mind, free them in their body, free them in their circumstances. Because with You, Heavenly Father, NOTHING is impossible. I thank You for turning all mourning into joy and saturate them with Your peace. I thank You and praise You, Father God, for showing Yourself in a way they have never seen You before!
    So, JCFAMILY, STAND on the Word of God. He has you and God never fails!
    In Jesus' name, For His Honor and For His Purposes, AMEN and AMEN
    With Great, Great Love and Blessings --- JJ

    1. Wonderful, thank you JJ. Amen to your prayer.

    2. JJ thank you so very much. I was scrolling through the past years of posts. Enjoying reflecting and just feeling God's love in the love of the JC family. I just received a phone call from my daughter/granddaughter classroom the teacher is out today and she is having a very hard time. They want me to be prepared to come pick her up. Lord I need help! I need you to work in this child please. JJ your prayer help settle my heart reminding me that he is working in it already. That he wouldn't given my husband and I this responsibility if he wasn't going to equip us. Thank you Lord you are the heavenly father of these children we are just earthly tools that you use. Please please give this wisdom in our words and our actions. We cannot do it without you, not for one moment. Lord you know they just called me back to come get her. She's only been at school 45 minutes and it's already to that point the other please. Your little girl. That includes me also Laurie in Jesus name amen please intercede for us JC family. With love TERRI

    3. Thank you sweet JJ! Hallelujah! I needed that prayer. Amen! You lifted my morning! I can conquer anything in Christ Jesus! He is so much greater than anything we could ever face.
      Dear Terri, May God fill you and your husband with renewed strength of body, mind and spirit and peace of mind as you pick up your dear child and comfort and encourage her. God has equipped you for this and these children are now yours to love and care for. He will make a way for you. Do not be discouraged! He will hold your hands. Praying that your health and vision are improving too. Thank You Jesus!

    4. God bless you JJ for this declarative prayer! You are so good at it!

  39. What an awesomely wonderful prayer, JJ, filled with love and assurance with who God says we are and how our Heavenly Father loves and watches over each one of us! Thank you! Blessings and love to you as well!

    1. Amen dear NJS!! Thank you for your love and blessings too!

  40. Thank you dear JJ for that uplifting, inspirational warrior prayer. I received it wholeheartedly to guide me through this day. Bless you dear sister for loving on us today. We love youπŸ˜˜πŸ’•. Oh my Jeanne, when it rains it pours! Keep God's umbrella opened & covering you & your loved ones☔. PrayingπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’•

  41. What a sweet message dear Jan! Thanks πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—πŸ™ Sure will keep God’s umbrella over us. We are well taken care of and we’re covered by His Blood. God bless you and yours and all our brothers and sisters seen and unseen. Let us continue to do the Lord’s work in our little circles, and keep praying. Wait on the Lord and rest in Him.

  42. I'm asking for prayers for my dear friend Kathey. She is suffering from lupus. She is in paid and depressed cause she can't do the day to day things she use to. Please pray they find her something to take away the pain and find a cure.
    Thank you all and have a very blessed day.

    1. Praying for Kathey, and thanking Him for blessing her with you, A daughter of a King 🀴

    2. Praying for healing and comfort for Kathey. May she feel His presence while dealing with this awful disease. JE

  43. I'm so sorry your dear friend Kathey is suffering so much. Added her to my prayer list. Praying with you for God's healing to wash over her and take away her pain and bring her back to good health and comfort and for your peace of mind, dear sister.
    Thank You for all this Father in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Ristn Lord. Amen.
    We trust in You.

  44. πŸ™ for all this and more for each request unfolding here. πŸ™

  45. Thank you all so much for your prayers for my friend. I know God will never give more pain that she can bear, but I want our Lord our God to heal her and to find a cure.
    Thank you again and may you all have a blessed day.

  46. I pray that Jesus knows I love him but have let my world go dark. If I wake from the abundance of pills I have in me I will pray Jesus gives me another chance to trust him. I have been foolish to let my emotions override my faith

    1. Jesus loves you and He knows you love Him. But, we, frail and weak humans must also love ourselves. Allowing your "world go dark" and ingesting a large number of pills suggests you feel unredeemable in His eyes. No one is unforgivable as Jesus said in the parable of the prodigal son:
      “21. “And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ 22. “But the father said to his slaves, ‘Quickly bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet; 23. and bring the fattened calf, kill it, and let us eat and celebrate; 24. for this son of mine was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found.’ And they began to celebrate.” (Luk 15:21-24, NASB).

      When you wake, forgive yourself and seek Him. He will find you and rejoice. I pray you find peace. Amen.

    2. I pray that when you wake you are refreshed and renewed in spirit and in truth. When we call out to the Lord, He always answers us and He is always with us. He will not leave us or forsake us. May He take you by the hand and lift you up above your circumstances. May His heavenly presence be felt by you and His love overflow in your heart. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless!

    3. Praying this morning that you find peace when you wake- in Jesus nameπŸ™God bless you

    4. “I and do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”

      “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever shall believe in Him shall have everlasting life.”

      God knows that you love Him. Be still and know He is God. Talk to Him, read His Word. Lifting you up in prayers as you seek Him more and praying for peace in your Life.

      SC Anonymous

    5. I am interceding in prayer for you to get the help you need, and that when you awaken, you see Jesus lightening your world and your load with His Love.
      You are worthy and we love you.
      In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    6. You are not foolish. You/we are human. When you wake, may you feel such a warmth over you and know in your spirit it is God. That He is with you. YOU ARE WORTHY. We are all praying for and with you. In Jesus' name, AMEN!

    7. Dear Anonymous, Praying God woke you up today with a renewed spirit of hopefulness in Him. We have all felt at one time in our life that we were in a very dark place where there seemed to be no light at the end of the tunnel. But the Lord is our constant and unfading light. That light is there even when you can’t even see a pinprick of light. Faith is believing what we cannot see. That’s when we must trust His promises that He’ll never leave or forsake us. We are all imperfect and redeemable, and we serve the most merciful God! Despite our many shortcomings and sins, His Ear is always inclined to our voices and He’s ready to gather us into His loving arms, forgive us and make us new. Today’s devotion ends with: As you trust Me more and more, you are able to receive Me and My blessings abundantly. Be still, and know that I am God.
      We must all trust He is preparing our bright tomorrows. His Words are true. The fact that you posted from your weary heart shows you are truly seeking His Help in your life. His Words are true! He is a very present help in times of trouble and He is so faithful. Joining all prayers for you and praying you’ll receive all He has to offer you. May He will guide you to all the help and support you need in this wilderness time. Know He is already lighting your path to better days. Thank You Jesus.

    8. Arise and be free in the light of the Lord! He reaches for your hand and will guide you to the help you need. In Jesus' name I pray!

    9. Dear Anonymous, you are loved.
      Psalm 119:105
      Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

  47. Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; all Your waves and billows have gone over me. (Psalm 42:7). He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him. (Daniel 2:22). But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. (1 Corinthians 2:10).

  48. Amen dear sister! Thank you.

  49. Jesus I trust you. Jesus I need you. Jesus I love you.

  50. Amen dear Suzanne. Jesus we trust you.
    Our future is in Your Hands.

  51. Dear dear friends, I give you a victory report! God is so good and you are so wonderful to pray with me for my daughter who had a diagnosis of colon cancer 3+ years ago. She had a CLEAR pet scan yesterday, and her blood level cancer markers are the lowest ever. We know the reason for this, and I can't praise Him enough!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for your prayers for her and me and our family! So so happy and grateful!

    1. Awesome. Now spread the light and positivity to all! In Him. Godspeed.

    2. Hallelujah and Amen πŸ™.!!! God is so good ALWAYS!!! Praise the Lord!!! Thank You Jesus 😊.

    3. Wonderful news, Ellen! Praise God! He is so good!

    4. Celebrating this wonderful news with you, our God truly is an awesome God πŸ™πŸ»

    5. Thank you so much for celebrating with me. Stage 4 colon cancer is tough to beat but our God is a good and awesome God! It is hard for me to fathom my daughter’s healing but God has allowed the test results to confirm it, so we can believe it and receive it and be thankful to the ONE from whom all blessings flow. We know she will continue to be followed medically for the rest of her LONG life! And yes, as you said Madfox, spread the light and positivity to all. To me that means pray for others in dire or difficult situations with God’s positivity and faith and trust in HIM>. I will do this as He leads me and with Godspeed.

    6. Hallelujah!! God is good!!! All the time!!!

    7. Yes! Lord! YES! Lord! YES! YES! LORD. You Are The Only One Who Can! And we thank You. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    8. Praising God, our ALL MIGHTY God for favor of healing in your daughter and family, Ellen. Yes, we are assured ALL things work together for good!

  52. Such great news! Hallelujah for answered prayers and more reasons to rejoice and be glad in this new day! So happy for you and your daughter, dear Ellen. Praise Him from whom all blessings flow!

  53. Driving to Brooklyn in a few hours. My mom is having physical therapy this morning so I wanna see if her PT is adding any new exercises. I took videos of the last ones. Hoping to hear of more answered prayers and victories to celebrate. May God bless your days and shine light on your paths. Let us continue to pray for Norah's DH, Eli, Sandy, Mike, Barry, MadFox, and all of our JC Family, seen and unseen. He hears our prayers and understands our situations even better than we do.
    Thank You Father for this new day and for helping me be a blessing to my mom and sister. Give me the right words to say and show me all I need to do to make things better for them. Give us all strength and joy. Heal my mom's weaknesses and Janet's knees. You are so faithful, good and kind. Thank You for all my blessings and for protecting all of us and renewing us in body, mind and spirit.

    Lamentations 3:22-24
    Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
    Because His compassions fail not.
    They are new every morning;
    Great is Your faithfulness.
    “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
    “Therefore I hope in Him!”

    1. Prayers of safe travels for you, Jeanne and all who are traveling. I'm headed to Cypress this morning to pick up my grandlove, Callie and bring her back to stay with us for a couple of days. She's on spring break this week and requested 'Camp Mimi'.

      We had Westin overnight last night so his parents could go to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. You all prayed for Westin 7 months ago when he was in the NICU. To see him today with all of his "chubbas", you'd never know he had a rough start to life. Thank you for all of your prayers over the years. We are truly blessed.

    2. That’s all good news, dear Suzanne! Little chubby Westin is always in my prayers! So happy you’ll be spending time with your Grandlove. I’m sure she loves Camp Mimi! I’m Nani, I’m named after my own grandma! Enjoy every precious moment. This Saturday I’ll be with all five Grandloves! They’re getting so big and tired I’m so blessed and thankful.

    3. Praying with you and for you on this beautiful NY day dear Jeanne ❤️πŸ™

    4. Oops. That word “tired” was slipped in by autocorrect. My grand kids are Energizer bunnies.

  54. Thanks dear Blessings from NY. All is well thank God. My mom is asleep on the couch and I’m watching a Hallmark movie. But I got out in the sunshine for a few minutes.
    Praying for you too!

  55. Celebrating these wonderful victories of healing and thanking all of you for your precious prayers. My DH had a great night last night and a wonderful day today! We are so thankful and as I read early this morning, "The more you rest in My Presence, the more freely My blessings flow into you." Life is so much better when you take THIS MOMENT and deal with it, enjoy it, take care of it - whatever is needed. I start getting in trouble when I think, 'next week, next year, 10 years..." So, my DH and I will continue to rest in His Presence...in the present.
    Love and God's Best to all of you!

  56. Thanks dear Norah for that sweet update and another affirmation of God’s faithfulness! More answered prayers and a reason to say Hallelujah! So happy your DH is doing well! Thank You Jesus!!!
