Sunday, March 23, 2014

Jesus Calling: March 24

    This is a time in your life when you must learn to let go: of loved ones, of possessions, of control. In order to let go of something that is precious to you, you need to rest in My Presence, where you are complete. Take time to bask in the Light of My Love. As you relax more and more, your grasping hand gradually opens up, releasing your prized possession into My care.
    You can feel secure, even in the midst of cataclysmic changes, through awareness of My continual Presence. The One who never leaves you is the same One who never changes: I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. As you release more and more things into My care, remember that I never let go of your hand. Herein lies your security, which no one and no circumstance can take from you. 
Psalm 89:15
English Standard Version
Blessed are the people who know the festal shout,
who walk, O Lord, in the light of your face,

Hebrews 13:8
English Standard Version
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Isaiah 41:13
English Standard Version
For I, the Lord your God,
hold your right hand;
it is I who say to you, “Fear not,
I am the one who helps you.”

My Prayer
Lord, the words you said to me and everyone is to follow you I must deny myself. I admit, I grow accustomed to loved ones, possessions, of control. I grow accustomed to having it my way to the point that I begin thinking that what you want is my way. But you remind me today you are the same yesterday and today and forever. I am blessed with You. I don't need things, people or to be in control. What I need is You. Lord, make this plain to me. Give me that understanding. I want to live and be in Your presence.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.


  1. Get behind me Satan. Our Lord has already won. I've become to count on this blog, knowing I will hear the voice of God. As soon as I knew I could get consistent comfort from it, when I typed in what I always type in, your blog had disappeared. I knew this was spiritual warfare. I persisted and found out a different way. Thank you God for fighting evil for us. It's so hard to release a marriage and a son with mental challenges. It feels like I have to work every day just to stay sane or happy in this environment. Lord, help me hear you. I know you're there... ALWAYS. Thank you for this blog, a way to communicate with you and other believers.

    1. I have been using this blog for over a year as my daily devotional. Last January I moved into my father's home to help care for him. I spent over a year struggling with him and his health and with my brother who lived with him and has a traumatic brain injury. My father passed in February and I am struggling now to care for my brother. This blog was what I read every morning before I started my day with all my struggles and decisions and everything that I had to do. Thank you for doing this it has been a tremendous help for me and I continue to use it everyday.

    2. Trusting the Lord, I too have come to rely on this blog as a part of my walk and time with the Lord in the mornings. thank you for sharing your life with us and know that you are never alone, with God all things are possible and He is calling us to let go and let God... what a difficult season for me. Bless you my sister in Christ. Angela

    3. Bless you both, and all who come here whether daily or occasionally or by happenstance at JUST THE RIGHT MOMENT. Let there be no doubt that God finds ways to reach us and get out attention through HIS WORD. It is alive.
      My hubby and I have stepped up efforts to purge and merge two households. Today's reading reminds me that our love, possessions, and memories are to be found in the security of knowing JESUS CHRIST as the ONE. Thank you, Jesus, for this new day with you!

    4. Continuing to pray for you Trusting the Lord that God has changed your husband's heart and things are going well.
      Amen dear Angela, I come here to be lifted and to lift others. I am inspired by the Spirit's words that are shared and I am encouraged by my brothers' and sisters' sincere hearts of love for the Lord and for each other. You are in my prayers.
      Sweet Audra! Amen. He is always on time. May He make the purge and merge of two households a smooth transition and bless it with His love. The greatest riches are not in things, people or even memories but in the love of Christ. If we have Him, we can do without all the rest.

    5. Thank you God! A year later we were wondering why the "merge" was going so slow. If we had moved, we would not have been next door to give end of life care for my BIL who passed in February. As i trust God's timing, I can see this next phase is going warp speed to make all things new for us. Not just the earthly possessions, and one household but my faith and joy in His Presence. Again, thank you God!

    6. Dear Audra, your obedience to the calling of the Lord in caring for your BIL will reap rich rewards. May the move to the next phase of your life be ordered by the Lord. Love &, blessings.πŸ™πŸ’•

    7. WHO knew! Audra.
      Seems as though I remember you and Marc going to look for a new house, or new neighborhood, or new church, and Marc started hurting? πŸ€”
      We knew not why, but thank God, WHO KNEW!
      Much Love ❤ , Brie

    8. Indeed. The peaks and valleys, He had my hand. No need for kicking and screaming out resisting, it is His plan, not ours. Surrender Dorothy! Into daily acceptance and gratitude that God is in charge "and you just can't beat that!" ♥️

    9. I just found this blog today! We are walking through a season of uncertainty in our finances and we are trusting in God's faithfulness!!! Needing prayer for my husband's heart to trust in God. To remember that HE is in control and will never fail us... Prayers for me too to never forget as well. πŸ™πŸΌ

    10. Anonymous- God’s timing is perfect. You will find God’s word and lessons on a daily basis. This community(Jesus Calling e Warriors) is dynamic and supportive. We all continue to learn through this blog and pray for each other. Welcome.
      SC Anonymous

  2. After hitting send, I noticed that in today's blog entry, there is no prayer or dialogue like you usually include. I pray all is well with your soul. Actually, we know all is well with your soul...I hope you feel with all your heart that it is well.

  3. I noticed this blog was done in 2014. We have the Jesus Calling book, but I appreciate the added commentary and prayers in the blog. It is all as relevant today as it was 4 years ago and God's word thousands of years ago. Sarah's book and this blog help me assimilate God's Word in today's environment. I, as well, noticed that recently the search must be much more specific to get Bible Tags in the results.

  4. I lost my 22 year old daughter on December 30,2017. It feels like yesterday. Within six months my second divorce became final. I learned last Friday that I'm losing my job.....the words to "let go" are powerful. I have read this devotional daily since the day my daughter passed. I remember this from last year.....yet I can't seem to let go. This devotional has given me hope and food for my soul. I start each day with it. When my daughter turned 13 I gave her the scripture Isaiah 41:13. I have found it written in many places as I have gone through her things. I need to take the scripture as my own.
    I ask for prayer as I pray for each of you reading. God bless.

    1. We are all praying for you Unknown. God is leading you and carrying you over the rough areas. Always know He is there. He will always comfort you and guide you.

    2. Oh Unknown, I pray that you start this day knowing that you are deeply loved and adored like a precious Jewel by our Lord Almighty. He has been there through all your trials. None of it escaped His loving eyes. He has plans for you. He will see you through it all. Continue to fix your eyes on Him. Be encouraged, blessed and walk in the light of His glory today. I will continue to lift you up to the throne of glory

    3. I join my prayers with my brothers and sisters in Christ on your behalf, Unknown. God is with you; if God hadn't been, you would not have even made it this far in light of the path you have traveled. May the Lord bless you and keep you this day and always.

    4. Still on my heart and in my prayers, Unknown. May you sense God restoring all the locusts had taken.

    5. Praying still for your peace-full heart, Unknown πŸ™♥️

    6. Dear Unknown, You are always in my prayers. May your future be brighter because He is leading you. Do not dismay, He is your God and you are deeply and dearly loved and understood.

  5. Heavenly Father, my heart is heavy and burdened for the prayers and hurt of my JC FAMILY. You are right there with them and know their hurt and pain. I'm praying they are with your presence, compassionate love and peace.

  6. I'm praying they are SURROUNDED with you presence, compassionate love and peace.

    1. Amen! I pray the same prayer today for our JC Family. Especially our beloved brother, MadFox, who is enduring a transplant today in the presence of the Lord. May he continue to lead all around him to salvation by his steadfast faith and trust in the Lord and His promises. Looking forward to hearing good news.
      MadFox, You are surrounded by a deluge of prayers and good wishes. We are lifting you right now all together. May God guide every second of your day and night. And may tomorrow only bring thanksgiving and rejoicing. Amen

  7. My Lenten devotions this day were entitled "Sin" and showed me my tendency toward it. It was interested where it took me. Ingratitude has often been seen as a manifestation of pride, the worst of the 7 deadly sins and the root of all others. From Thomas Aquinas: "In every sin there is material ingratitude to God..." A frequent urging in Jesus Calling is to practice thankfulness. The thought above shows the danger that lurks when that admonition is not heeded. God be with you, my friends.

    1. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Please remove my illusion of control and make me humble and thankful today and everyday.I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Thank you for this prayer, I join in it! One day at a time we release into His plan for us. Relax, God is in charge, "and you can't beat that" πŸ˜‰

    3. I too have been guilty of pride, judgment and ingratitude.
      Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
      Yes dear Audra! God is in charge and that surely is enough.

  8. Looking for prayer for strength, peace and wisdom. Strength to overcome an addiction to the attention of men I shouldn't, peace with my husband's infidelity and wisdom on how to confront him.

    1. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™. God be with you, Anonymous

    2. I pray God has guided you to overcome this addiction and have resolved your problems with your husband. You were seeking God's strength, peace and wisdom. God is faithful and I'm sure He heard your cry for help. Your help comes from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth.
      The One who never leaves you is the same One who never changes.

  9. Praying for you, Anonymous and Unknown. God be with you always. Much love .

  10. FEAR NOT, FOR I AM WITH YOU;Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you,Yes, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
    Thank You for Your presence, strength and promises. I WILL NOT FEAR!!!!!!

    1. The most repeated commandment in the scriptures, 'Fear not!' The day that we get that right will be heavenly within our soul and for all those with whom we dwell. Thanks, Sassy Mom!

    2. Amen! He tells me: Be Not Afraid. And I believe Him.
      Whenever times get rough, I just have to say those three words and know that He is divine and incapable of lying so I will stake my life on the truthfulness of His Words.

  11. My Jesus I love Thee, I know Thy art mine. Thank You for a new day. You are a God of the living and I am alive today to thank You once again and sing praises to Your holy name. I invite You into my day, order and direct my steps according to Your will and please place someone in my mind or in my path to be a blessing to today. Thank You for protecting my family and friends and keeping us under Your shadow. You are our refuge and strength, our God in whom we trust. Be honored and glorify today throughout eternity. Thank You for being my Father. I relinquish control to You, in Jesus name I pray.

    Letting go and Letting God. We’ve seen this phrase on mugs, t-shirts, posters and others. However, it’s not just for display, It's what we as believers should practice in our daily lives. We can trust God for today because He holds our every day in His hands. We can trust Him to be in control because He is. Our wanting to control things is a natural response to life because when we feel in control, then we feel secure. But releasing control to someone else makes us feel really uncomfortable. Here’s the problem though, whenever we try so hard to control everything, we come to realize that it is our own insecurity that begins to control us.
    Lets look at the story of the Israelites in the wilderness. God chose to make the people of Israel live in daily dependence on Him. However, Instead of doing what God instructed them to do, they decided that trusting and obeying Him was just too risky. They wanted to be in the driver’s seat and have full control. In the end they lost all control. They had their chance because the wilderness was an opportunity for them to live in utter dependence on God. Today, we have that very same opportunity. During the wilderness times in our lives, when we feel most insecure or when we feel the greatest need to be in control, this can be the times we should become the most dependent on God. God will come through us as long as we let go and let Him, because, He who promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:23 )

    Father, we thank You for Your faithfulness. Help us to start each day giving it to You and not take yesterday's mistakes into the clean slate of today. Help us to speak to You each day and listen to Your small still voice instructing us. Help us to practice mindfulness and feed on Your Words. Help us to create a positive mantra to counter the painful thoughts we may have. As believers, we know that You allow insecure situations and uncomfortable wilderness times in our lives so that we can experience the liberating adventure of trust in You. Help us to let go of control so that our hands can be opened to receive what we need from You. Only in doing so that can we truly receive the sense of security we are longing for. We bless You today and thank You for leading the way, in Jesus name.

    'Let go and Let God' and receive the VICTORY that is Yours! Peace to all.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you. Wilderness times forces us to depend on Him yes.
      God bless you

    2. Always blessed by the sharing of your heart, Maplewood, NJ. Be blessed as well.

    3. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      I am gathering in to pray with Maplewood NJ and to ask You for an increase in Thanksgiving and Humility, placing myself underneath Your Almighty Power, thereby locking satan out and preventing me from becoming its magnetic attraction to others. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. WHO AM I by NeedToBreathe
      White lights and desperation
      Hard times and conversation
      No one should ever love me like You do
      Sometimes my bad decisions
      Define my false suspicions
      No one should ever love me like You do
      While I'm on this road You take my hand
      Somehow You really love who I really am
      I push You away, still You won't let go
      You grow Your Roses on my barren soul
      Who am I, who am I, who am I
      To be loved by You?
      Who am I, who am I, who am I
      To be loved by You?
      Who am I, who am I, who am I
      To be loved by You?
      Who am I, who am I, who am I?
      Last night, confidence was shaken
      My wounds and my past were saying
      No one should ever love me like You do
      While I'm on this road You take my hand
      Somehow You really love who I really am
      I push You away, still You won't let go
      You grow Your Roses on my barren soul
      Who am I, who am I, who am I
      To be loved by You?
      Who am I, who am I, who am I
      To be loved by You?
      Who am I, who am I, who am I
      To be loved by you?
      Who am I, who am I, who am I?
      The way I push You through it, You have to see
      I'm a train wreck, I'm a mess, yet You see the best
      And the worst in me
      Still I can't imagine that I've learned Your trust
      I don't understand where Your Love comes from
      Who am I, who am I, who am I
      To be loved by You?
      Who am I, who am I, who am I
      To be loved by You?

    5. Wonderful encouragment dear Norah! My positive mantra is "Jesus" and it makes everything better and right. I could really relate to your words "Help us to start each day giving it to You and not take yesterday's mistakes into the clean slate of today."
      So often we pull the burden of forgiven sins back on ourshoulder. God wants us to cross over the line and never go back. As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us. Also if we make a mistake yesterday, leave it and remember that each new day brings another chance to make things right.
      Praying with you and for you dear Brie. What a beautiful song you shared today. Thank you Sister. We are also praying together for dear MadFox. May he see God's faithfulness today and may all go well because He is in charge. Thank You Jesus! We trust in You. Hold our dear one tightly in your Arms of love. Amen

  12. Lord
    Thank you that you are with us no matter what. Thank you Father that yes even the Virus that is throwing us into unknown places is no different than each day you allow us. Each day is, and always has been yours Father. Each day had the ability to turn in accordance with Your direction. Nothing has changed except our sense of false awareness. Our false sense of control. You Lord are unchangeable from start to finish..period. only you Father God can change this course like the calming of the storm and the dissipation of the waves. You are still and always will be our God. Thank you Father that we are yours and that you have prepared a personal plan for each of our lives.
    Thank you that my eyes opened today and I could see, that my first conscious breathe was deep and free, thank you that my ears can hear the cooing of the dove outside my window and the distant sound of life moving about. Thank you that I see the trees moving showing your wind ..displaying that things continue to move when you say. Thank you that today my family is well. Today, this moment is all there is and right this moment I am well. Thank you Lord for listening to my heart even though you know every thought before I do. Thank you Lord for your precious children who I get to share this beautiful and purposeful life with. Thank you for this site for yet another place to glorify you! Help us Father to keep our minds on You. Help us gracious Lord to stay connected to your truth for comfort and wisdom. Help us to show the World that we believe what we say we do! In Jesus name I lift this up to you. God bless your World we are obediantly waiting for Your perfect will to be done.
    Love and peace and prayers to

    1. Beautiful prayer, Fern. It is a blessing. Thank you!

    2. I am praying your prayer again this year, Fern. Thank you for sharing so much truth.

    3. Thank you for that beautiful and heartfelt prayer, dear Fern. God bless you and your family and keep you all safe and close to Him.

  13. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

    (Matthew 10:40-42) Jesus brings this "Rules for the Road" discussion to a conclusion by saying there will be positive responses to the love we show and the good news we share. For those who will welcome us, they will be greatly blessed and we will get to see it. Even the smallest act of welcome we receive, will bring great blessing. It is for this purpose He sends us and we must go for so many are earnestly desiring what He has given us. On that note, He says, "Amen".

    Matthew 10 is very challenging. It makes clear faith in Jesus Christ is not solely for the purpose of getting our own life together but to reach out and help others do the same. Jesus is very honest with us that the task will not be easy (10 of the 11 faithful disciples were martyred) but it will be rewarding, seeing healing and wholeness come to those that listen to what we have to say. So we must go, we cannot help but go, but if we take the whole of Matthew, right up to the last verses in chapter 28, never forget we are not alone in our going. "And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:20). Let us go. Let us go into a time and circumstances which are bringing people to more openness to listen, not everyone, but more that there were. JC was not inspired for our personal survival, it was given to equip us for our ultimate task as believers, to enable others to experience the gospel in and through us. Let us go! They need us; He needs us. Let us go!

    God be with you (a given as stated above but said to pronounce a blessing on you).

    With love, Bob

    1. Amen Bob. Let us go forth to spread the good news and lead others to Him despite the opposition we may receive.
      And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.


  15. Prayer to God to get us through or get us out of these and all "cataclysmic changes"

    1. God is and God will because God always has. But not until its entire purpose has been completed. So in the meantime we do what is necessary for the good of everyone which could be one of the purposes of these times, to think more of others. Thanks for your post, Brilamar. God be with you.

    2. So much wisdom in those couple sentences Bob. "God is and God will because God always has. But not until its entire purpose has been completed." Someone who has been through trials and hard seasons learns this. It can seem in those times that God isn't answering our prayers, but we don't know the entire purpose that He is accomplishing. Personally I have found that the times I've released my will and given it ALL to God, then is when I see His work. If I could give my testimony in short it is: Giving up my will was the single best thing I ever did in my life and so important. And the advice of think more of others" is what brings us JOY. Thank you again for what you share here.

    3. ...For those who will welcome us, they will be greatly blessed and we will get to see it. Even the smallest act of welcome we receive, will bring great blessing...
      Thanks for welcoming me into our JC Family. I sincerely love and pray for all of you, both seen and unseen.

    4. Brie, your words are always right on time for me, its like they are coming from my own heart. We could be sisters!!! Thank you for your faithfulness in this blog, it has encouraged me and reminded me. May you continue to walk in His will and be strengthened along the way. In His love and grace, Angela

    5. Dear Angela,
      YUUP! We are one in God's Holy Spirit, and with God as our Heavenly Father, then siblings all are we. May we all continue our walk together in prayer and perfect harmony. Much love to you and our entire JC Family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    6. Amen! Our family with ONE AWESOME LOVING FATHER! Perfect. Sharing the love in prayer for all seem and unseen today.

    7. Amen and Me too my dear family who I love and appreciate.
      Siblings all are we. Praying for each other and trusting in God's promises. Thank You Father for blessing and healing MadFox and all our family here and their loved ones.
      Thanks for the love dear Brie! Sending so much love back to you and a big hug too. And sending love to all those who are seen and unseen. Yes Audra! Such a wonderful family and loving Father we have!!! How blessed we are!

  16. Pray: Gods will be done. Give us faith, courage, patience and the strength to accept Gods will. Amen.

  17. Thank you God,that the victory is already won. I definately always do d my self trying to run the show and trying to control things. Please Lord help me here you,seperating and doing your way and not mine!! I love you Lord! Thank you for another day and this devotional! Amen!!!!

  18. Asking for prayers Family. Going to Vanderbuilt Thursday and Friday for testing to see why I can not eat solid food. I am so grateful for this family of believers that we have to come to with prayers. I am praying for you all. As MadFox goes for his procedure and time in the hospital, I am praying they will allow your wife dear brother to be with you! Thank you Jesus for peace and strength through this time as he has been an inspiration to all of us!!
    Love from Maryville, Tennessee

    1. Choose Joy - Praying for you, my friend in Tennessee as you pray for me.

    2. Praying for you Choose Joy. May our Father place His healing hands on you and remove your affliction. God bless you πŸ™.

    3. Healing prayers are being sent to the Throne of Grace for you Choose Joy, Madfox, Min Ahadi's mother, and all in need of healing. Thank you Lord for guiding the doctors and filling your children with your peace and comfort. Trusting in Your perfect plan and relying on Your Presence. In Jesus name, Amen.

      Blessings from France

    4. Thank you. In Him we pray for all here.

    5. I am joining the gathering in His Name to send prayers to you and your medical team, our dear Choose Joy. May you Receive God's Blessings with love from is to you. Amen.

    6. Joining my prayers with the others here. Know Jesus is holding your hand and never lets go!
      Isaiah 41:13
      English Standard Version
      For I, the Lord your God,
      hold your right hand;
      it is I who say to you, “Fear not,
      I am the one who helps you.”
      Love you guys! Check back with us when you can.

    7. Praying you receive answers and healing, Choose Joy.

    8. Praying for you, CJ from just 20 miles away. God be with you! With love, Bob

    9. Our Dear BOB, Are you "On The Road Again" ? If so, May you be highly blessed and favored with Traveling Mercy. Amen.

    10. Thank you Jesus for your strength, wisdom, expertise and comfort you instill in all the medical personnel that touch the lives of our brothers and sisters today! We expect only great news and outcomes, because we know who you are. In Jesus's name I pray.

    11. Praying for you sweet sister.
      Loving and merciful Father, May the doctors find the reason for Choose Joy's inability to eat solid food, and may the treatment be an easy one that resolves her problem and makes her all better. Thank you for your faithfulness in her life and for returning her to perfect health and peace. Bless and guide MadFox's transplant and may his devoted wife be allowed to stay with him as he recovers. We pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

  19. MadFox, lifting you this day to the Lord of hosts. We acknowledge Your supernatural power to move mightily through this entire procedure for our dear brother. Let Your Presence be keenly felt by our brother as You immerse him in calmness if the Spirit. We claim success today! The scripture reading today is for you MadFox. Isaiah 41:13, "For I the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, fear not, I am the one who helps you." We love you.

  20. Jan gridley - Echoing your prayers for MadFox

  21. Praying for you dear MadFox. God is with you always and He loves you dearly. He is in charge.
    Have my little grandson for a sleepover. Will be back later. God bless all of you dear JC Family. Love you brothers and sisters.

  22. Healer, Madfox needs You! I know what You can do: I've read it and I've seen it. Today, I claim Your healing for Madfox. You know his need. The brokenness in body and spirit for which I pray is not news to You. You are intimately involved, waiting to intercede. I believe You, Lord. I know You can heal him. Boldly I ask for that healing today. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

  23. Father, please help me to let go of all the things in my life that are not needed anymore. Guide me through and help me make the right decisions along the way. Thank You for always being with me and watching over me. I delight in Your loving presence and am so grateful for You in my life. Praise You Lord. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Janet - AMEN!!! Echoing your prayer. Thank You Jesus!

    2. Your JC Family is circling around you in prayer MadFox. God Bless you with Peace that surpasses understanding and the power of the Holy Spirit be felt with you!

    3. Praying for your separation of the wheat from the chaff in your life dear Janet. God will help you discern which you can toss away and which you should cherish.
      Joining all prayers for our dear MadFox. Thank You Jesus!!!

    4. Amen and Thank You Janet! Your Healing prayer speaks to me..speaks to me deeply this morning!

  24. �� friend in MI jw

  25. Jan G, Sassy, Jeanne, and Janet. I wrote elsewhere that today's devo was so 'on the mark' personally, and all of your prayers so genuine the past few days, but truly for months, that I will approach the hospital with a lot of peace this afternoon.

    For a type A, entrepreneur, an engineer, a Navy officer and flyer...not being in control is a foreign idea, yet, God here creatively says, "This is a time in your life when you must learn to let go: of loved ones, of possessions, of control." No Loved ones with me, not any real possessions allowed in the hospital. And its true, I will voluntarily submit and have NO control to a procedure, where the truth is, you are tremendously weakened by drugs in one final chemo to rid yourself of cancer cells but this last time with an indiscriminate chemo that kills many good cells in the process. Yes, instead of being highly targeted like the initial chemos, it also can damage other parts of the body, too.

    Lastly, today, I will know: "You can feel secure, even in the midst of cataclysmic changes, through awareness of My continual Presence." So in spite of these "cataclysmic" impacts and my loss of control, The Father, Son, and Spirit, in some miraculous way can also give me and you Peace. It is in His love and the Love of His Children that we find the courage to live above the situation.

    In ontrast and with peace, in a few days, I will also be given, what God inspired brains now realize are the building blocks of life. The stem cells put back in my body after the chemo are then my rescuers... just like Jesus, but in millions of stem cells that then become my mew blood cells and immune system. Life, Death of a part of me, and then a new Life... hmmm, yes I'd say worthy of an Amen. Thank you for your prayers and the agape. Godspeed.

    1. Still praying for you, Madfox and reminding you to envision all Holy Spirits in our JC Family holding hands, encircling Emory, praying and singing prayers for you, your family and your entire medical team today and everyday. As BOB would say, The same God Who was with you yesterday, is with you again today, and will be with you again tomorrow and forevermore.
      Because He is The Same YTF (Yesterday, Today, Forever) Amen.

    2. What BOB actually said: "God is and God will because God always has..."

    3. You are being used by God so mightily! Thank you for being so transparent during this affliction. It is such a blessing to hear from you and able pray for you.

    4. Mad 🦊, imagine the biggest biggest squad of cheerleaders at your game today! We are all there, ♥️

    5. Praying with our family together for you my brother. May you withstand and tolerate the treatment and may the transplant be successful! Thank You Father for this.
      You are never alone in that hospital bed. He is right alongside you to hold you in your hardest moments. He knows just what is going through your head and your heart. He created you and only wishes you a blessed life in Him. Be brave and rest in Him.

    6. A year ago, it wasn't clear how this "new birth" would play out... what a miracle of science and God. MUCH Gratitude for all of your prayers and kindness.

      May I look upon the past year as preparation for a new journey with God, in faith, for a mission known only to Him. As Mary so amazingly showed us as the young mother accepting her role in saving mankind, may we all be as humble and play out our roles as He leads us hand in hand. Amen.


    The magnitude of what the disciples were experiencing in the moment was beyond them because the whole story was yet to play itself out. But when they would look back on this time, I am sure they were overwhelmed in their remembrance. Of course, that was the reason Jesus, and ultimately the Father, instituted this sacred act; to remember and never, ever forget the love God has and showed to the world. A body broken, a life given for the salvation of the world available to all who choose to believe. 

    In these times we are living, people seem to be in relationship with the mentality of ‘what have you done for me lately’ basing their responses on the other’s satisfaction of their immediate desires. Little thought is given to past faithfulness and certainty of the continuation of the same. Jesus broke the bead and shared the cup to be an eternal reminder of God’s love, the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. When we receive the bread and the cup, the moment is filled with His presence and His gift of grace that goes with it.  We are reminded again that no matter what the present circumstances, God’s love for us remains intact and we will be raised above all that would seek to defeat us. 

    What has God done for us lately?  God loves us; always has and always will. Take a morsel of bread and a sip from the cup; be filled with certainty that you are eternally loved and that love is triumphing over all present circumstances.   “Do this in remembrance of Me.” Jesus says. “No greater love does a someone have for his friend than to lay down His life for them. You are my friend.”  Never miss an opportunity to receive Holy Communion. It nourishes you for all eternity. 

    God be with you.  With love, Bob

    1. The Holy Spirit had me up and humbly praying with you BOB. Thanks for reminding me of this opportunity to receive something I have truly missed this past year. God's blessings are being prayed for you, MadFox and our entire JC Family. Amen.

    2. Just would like to say "Thank you Bob Malsack for reminding me of what disciples would lose after the Last Supper. A d what they would gain from His rising from the dead. "God's love for us will remain intact and we will be raised above All that would seek to defeat us." This really spoke volumes to me with the anniversary of my mother who was taken up in the arms of Jesus at sunrise Easter Sunday last year. Thank you for the reminder that we only have victory and no defeat. Thank you for your comments that I have enjoyed over 5 years now with this blog. I look for you every morning because you're words are so enlightening to me. I depend on this more than you know. Happy Resurrection Day to you Bob and your loved ones.

    3. Amen Bob! What a blessing to drink at His source of living water and eat the bread of His Word. Both physically and spiritually. Praise the Lord.
      God bless you brother.

      Blessings from France

    4. Amen Bob. Thank you for your teaching. I always remember His past faithfulness and praise His Name. By His grace and power I have been saved and nurtured and I'm still here grateful and loved by Him. I actually got to receive Holy Communion on Sunday because I sing in the Choir and they bring it up to us.
      Praying with you and for you dear Brie. Thanks for blessing me.
      Amen Colleen, We only have Victory because He fights our battles. We are more than conquerors in Him. I pray God is comforting your broken heart, Colleen. I am blessed to still have my 92 year old Mom. Taking her on Friday for her 2nd vaccine. Cherish all the sweet memories until you meet her again in the Glory Land.
      Well said, my dear sister BFF! Praying you and yours are well.

  27. MadFox - You and your loved ones are in my heart and prayers. Be blessed with the comfort of His love, presence and guidance. We love you!!!! "God is in Control and you just can't beat it."RDS

  28. A song from Seventh Time Down comes to mind..."God is On the Move" for you MadFox! Before, during this past year, and going forward, God is with you, your family, and Team MadFox at Emory. We are strength in numbers in this JC Family and as Brie stated, we are all encircling Emory and you in prayer and praise songs!
    Anytime in weakness someone falls upon their knees
    Or dares to speak the truth that sets men free
    Anytime the choice is made to stand upon the Word

    I know, I know, I know, I know
    God is on the move, on the move
    God is on the move
    In many mighty ways
    God is on the move, on the move
    God is on the move
    On the move today!

    We love you, MadFox, and are keeping you lifted in prayer! BE WELL!

    1. Listen and rejoice!

    2. Such a wonderfully powerful song. Everytime I hear it, it wakes my heart up to that truth. He is alive in well and leading and protecting us every day. Hallelujah!

  29. I, too, am praying ,Madfox, that you will be cocooned in the Lord's " Peace that passes understanding " and that you will have the best
    Possible outcome to the various procedures. I know the staff around you will be blessed by your Faith and your grateful attitude. I actually am praying they will see a miracle and God will move powerfully in their hearts and minds and lives as a result!I
    Bless you, Brother....

    1. I like that prayer for witnessing miracles πŸ™♥️

    2. Waiting for that miracle to amaze the doctors and all those witnessing the amazing healing power of God! Thanks dear CapeCodgirl! Nice to hear from you again. God bless you and yours.

  30. Dear heavenly Father, thank you for the strength and security you promise with "never letting go of my hand..." as I go about my day. Encountering challenges and temptations, You are with me every step of the way. Amen.

  31. Lord, help me to accept Your way and Your will above all else. I realize I must put You first in all areas and that only comes with practice and effort. I want to be Your faithful servant yet sometimes I cling to things in this life.... please forgive me. I need You in all areas of my life and give myself to You completely.

  32. God is Blessing you, MadFox...our prayers are with you and your family. All is well.. And, thank you, Bob, for your teachings on The Last Supper.

  33. Good morning JC family! Continue to pray for all-especially our MadFox and Choose Joy and their medical teams. Love you all!

  34. "But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great and wonderful love with which He loved us, even when we were [spiritually] dead and separated from Him because of our sins, He made us [spiritually] alive together with Christ (for by His grace, His undeserved favor and mercy, you have been saved from God’s judgment).” Ephesians 2:4-5.

    Our unseen God has left His place of glory to dwell in the darkness and poverty where we are. He loves us with an infinite Love so great and gives us brand new mercy every day. He knows our frailty, He has shared in our deepest griefs. This Infinite Love was demonstrated on the cross over two thousand years ago, when our Father who “so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” He was criticized, He was convicted by those whom He did nothing wrong. He suffered injustice, abandonment and shame at the hands of those who knew no mercy.
    Yes, Jesus felt real pain and distress No one, and absolutely ‘no one can ever lead another into the light unless He is first able to come down into darkness where such a one is lost.’ He came down right where we are hurting and understands every pain we go through, and loves us so much that He petition us to let go of those people and things that we tend to clink to, and find security in Him alone. The kind of Security that no one can take away from us. Receiving the gift of Salvation, paved the way to approach our Father in joyful expectation, stay rested in His continual Presence and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth. He will not turn His back or condemn us because we did not perform or respond to His expectation today or tomorrow. Man will fault you, judge you, condemn you and change on you in a second if you don’t live up to what they expect. Our Loving Father remains the same, Yesterday, Today and Forever!

    I am grateful and Thankful that He is Who He says He is. Believing and knowing that El Olam (The Everlasting God) is constant, and unchanging, is a cornerstone of that trust. Because of this, we should be reminded that Jesus and His gospel are changeless, timeless, and eternal should inspire all believers to trust in what is true, rather than running after the things of this world and surrendering to fear (1 Timothy 6:20; 2 Timothy 4:3).

    Father, As we reflect on Your Infinite Unchanging Love and approach this Holy season of The Remembrance of all the events that led up to the cross, we give You thanks for remaining the same Faithful, Loving, Compassionate God, today and forever. Whether Past, Present or Future, Jesus Christ is EXACTLY the same. May this stabilizing victory and strength that His unchanging Love, Joy, Peace and Faithfulness Joy brings, take over every area of our lives. Regardless of who or what change around us, remind us that our Hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ Blood and Righteousness. Amen.

    “For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.” (Malachi 3:6).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood! Praising the Lord for all He has done, does, and will do. He is our Living Hope! ❤

      Blessings from France

    2. I am always blessed by your wisdom from above. I saved your beautiful words. I am praying your wonderful prayer with you. God bless you dear sister in all ways, and give you physical strength, peace of mind, good health and the desires of your beautiful heart.

  35. How are you dear Blessings from France? I love the song you posted last year, Jesus Christ, My Living Hope. Please let us know how you and your family are. Always in my prayers.

    1. Hi dear Jeanne and dear JC family! I'm okay thank you for asking. Been feeling a bit overwhelmed and uncertain this past few months. So many decisions to make, personally and professionally, and I often find myself choosing my will instead of the Lord's... it's not easy and my days are so busy. Time is flying so fast. I don't spend as much time with the Lord as I used to. I'm in a waiting season but I still have so much to decide at the same time and I easily feel drained.

      I don't have as much time as before to comment but I still come here everyday to read and pray for you all.

      God bless you JC family! Love you! So thankful for you.

      Blessings from France

    2. Blessings from France, may God bless you with strength and wisdom when making decisions. You are loved and missed.

    3. Praying discernment prayers πŸ™ ❤ with love for you, BFF, and for all who come here. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  36. Thank you for your prayers for my brother in Christ and dear friend, Mike who has a hole in his retina. He also told me 5 family members just got Covid. Thank God, he and his wife have not been in direct contact with them. Thanks for your sincere prayers for the healing of Mike and his famiy. They have a strong faith and trust in the Lord's help to get them through every trial. Praying for answered prayers for them and all our dear JC Family. Thank You Jesus.

  37. PRAISING GOD with song and a Victory Dance,and for finding my Hallelujah!
    Sandi has been released from the hospital!
    God's Higher Purpose for Peter and Karen's to give the Water of Life and Bread of Life to all who asked for a reason of the Hope within!
    MadFox's blessing of the day hearing "stringent complete remission" from the Dr, all chromosonal analysis was negative for myeloma markers, and the best words, "see ya in a year!"

    while πŸ™ for Mike and 5 of his family members, as well as our entire JC Family and each of their dear ones, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Amen! Praising His Holy Name! Thank You Jesus for these victories and more answered prayers to come! Trusting in Your healing power and faithfulness.

  38. Reposted from above... as I think back to one year ago TODAY, starting 2 weeks of life-changing procedures, I am in awe of the incredible positivity and encouragement from "the" JC Warriors in faith here. With your and God's help, I never gave up, stayed positive. and had a gratitude attitude!

    A year ago, it wasn't clear how this "new birth" would play out... what a miracle of science and God. MUCH Gratitude for all of your prayers and kindness.

    May I look upon the past year as preparation for a new journey with God, in faith, for a mission known only to Him. As Mary so amazingly showed us as the young mother accepting her role in saving mankind, may we all be as humble and play out our roles as He leads us hand in hand. Amen.

    1. Beautifully written and heartfelt dear MadFox! Amen.

  39. Praying for Mike & family members with covid. So glad to hear Sandi is home. Praise You dear Lord for all answered prayers. We thank You for Your faithfulness. 🎢 From the rising of the sun, to the going down of the same, the Lord's name is to be praised!🎢Amen! Hallelujah!

    1. Amen! His faithfulness is beyond measure and amazing. Praise Him with every breath.

  40. Still till this day I remember maybe 7 or 8 years ago a sister in Christ gave me the JESUS CALLING BOOK and till now it has brought me in life to a higher calling a higher purpose I now realize nothing and no one can do what Jesus Christ can do there is no other way to live is dad that people don't believe Jesus can give them the peace and strength they all seek in this corrupt world..My brothers and sisters the end is almost here or should I say here already, soon we will be caught in a twinkling of an eye...JESUS IS CALLING US ALL EVERY DAY FORGET THE WORLD AND THE THINGS IN IT MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS THERE IS NO OTHER WAY INTO ETERNAL SALVATION...READ REVELATIONS IN THE BIBLE ASK GOD TO TEACH YOU THROUGH HIS HOLY SPIRIT THE END IS NEAR DONT GET LEFT BEHIND DONT DENY JESUS CHRISTS LOVE....

    1. Jesus is the only answer!

    2. Thank you dear G. He is the light in the darkness and our stronghold in this fallen world. His promises are reliable. Holding fast to them and His unchanging Hand. The best is yet to come.

  41. I'll never let go of your hand - Don Fransisco:
    I know what you've been hearing
    I've seen you hide your fear
    Embarrased by your weaknesses
    Afraid to let Me near
    I wish you knew how much I long
    For you to understand
    No matter what may happen, child
    I'll never let go of your hand
    I know you've been forsaken
    By all you've known before
    When you've failed their expectations
    They frown and close the door
    But even though your heart itself
    Should lose the will to stand
    No matter what may happen, child
    I'll never let go of your hand
    The life that I have given you
    No one can take away
    I've sealed it with My Spirit, blood and word
    The everlasting Father has made His covenant with you
    And He's stronger than the world you've seen and heard
    So don't you fear to show them
    All the love I have for you
    I'll be with you everywhere
    In everything you do
    And even if you do it wrong
    And miss the joy I planned
    I'll never, never let go of your hand
    The life that I have given you
    No one can take away
    I've sealed it with My Spirit, blood and word
    The everlasting Father has made His covenant with you
    And He's stronger than the world you've seen and heard
    So don't you fear to show them
    All the love I have for you
    I'll be with you everywhere
    In everything you do
    And even if you do it wrong
    And miss the joy I planned
    I'll never, never let go of your hand
    I'll never let go of your hand

    1. ❤ 🎡 🎢 πŸ™

    2. Beautiful song - thank you, Peter! NOW, I can go to sleep. :)

  42. Amen! Just what I needed today! Thanks dear Brother. Praying you and Karen are doing well because God is your strength.

  43. Dear Lord, today’s message definitely “slapped me in the face.” You know how hard of a time I’m having accepting that my first born is off to college soon. I know I need to let him go. His faith is strong, and he walks with you. This mom is just not quite ready.

    1. Praying for you, SC Anoymous. May I offer something that helped me when my daughter, and granddaughters went off to college?
      And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, Speak to us of Children.
           And he said:
           Your children are NOT your children.
           They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
           They come through you but not from you,
           And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

           You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
           For they have their own thoughts.
           You may house their bodies but not their souls,
           For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
           You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
           For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
           You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
           The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
           Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness;
           For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.

    2. Dear SC, We've all been through that. So many tears leaving my three sons at college, so far away from home. But you planted the seeds of faith in your son and you're praying God's protection and guidance over him. God will give him discernment to make the right decisions. His Spirit will instruct him along the way. Trust He will hold him tight through everything. It's a rite of passage. If he falls, the Everlasting Arms will lift him up again.
      Dear Brie, I never heard that poem before. It's very pretty.
      I know my children belong to God. But it was still so hard for me when they left the house to pursue their dreams. We did our best to prepare them and God continues to mold and equip them. But parting is always such sweet sorrow. Especially for a mother.

    3. Dear SC Anonymous, praying you are comforted and blessed with this prayer.

      "It is time to let go,to stand back and watch as the young leave home and go out into the worldon their own.
      Bless them, O God, in all their endeavors,in their successes and failures.
      Guard them from all harm and evil and make them strong to resist temptation.
      Lead them in your paths that they may be the builders of lifeand not destroy your creation.
      Teach them your ways of justice that they may care for the well-being of all and not for their needs alone.
      Guide them in their search for truth that they may praise you in all they do.
      Let them trust the love of family to support them in their time of need, to care for their hopes and dreams,
      and to love them, no matter what comes.

  44. Thank you Kahil Gilbran and Brie! Fledglings all were we πŸ˜‰

    1. Thank you Brie, Jeanne, and Sassy Mom. This mom appreciates your prayers, wisdom, and advice.

  45. Wonderful devotion! If you love someone you must let them go. My children are independent but they love me. I have 3 sons, but I imagine if I had daughters I might be a little more protective of them. Keep them with me longer. I was happy when our sons wanted to start lives of their own. I am a child too and I sure do need my loving Father. As long as He holds my hand, I can get through anything. I have seen His faithfulness and His protection. I know any trial we go through is a test of faith and He leads us through it. The best is yet to come. Let us all walk in our gratitude for all that He is to us.
    2 Corinthians 4:17-18.
    For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

  46. So true Jeanne. As long as our Father is holding on to us we can have peace in the midst of trials. Right now hubby is facing circumstances that will require that peace. Please warriors continue to intercede for us. The neurologist still has not received the imaging done of hubby's neck arteries from Texas. We suggested he take another image here. So hubby is scheduled on the 29th, this Wednesday @7am. Believing, we are asking, seeking & knocking on heaven's door to look upon hubby's condition with favor & those arteries will be normal & blood flowing through them freely. Love you warriors & so grateful for each of your prayersπŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    1. Praying for your husband. Our heavenly Father has him in His healing hands and His will be done. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless!

    2. Praying continually for your husband and for you, Jan. The Lord is looking upon your hubby's condition with favor & those arteries will be normal & blood flowing through them freely, as running brooks that flow freely from mountains and hills, and better yet, on the Day God heals his people! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Joining my sisters in prayer for your husband, Jan. I'm going to believe that the tests are free/open/clear! In Jesus' name, AMEN & AMEN!

    4. Jan, joining the others in asking God for clear scans for your husband. Praying for peace for you both as you await the tests. SC Anonymous

    5. Continued prayers for your hubby, Jan and for each of you. As our Maplewood NJ used to say, "TGIF! Thank God I'm Forgiven!" and I also add, "Thank God It's Friday."

    6. Continuing to pray for your dear hubby and for your peace of mind. I put the 29th at 7 on my calendar to pray the new image will show perfectly functioning arteries and no problem to resolve. We join our prayers that God is healing every weakness in him already. All will be well! Thank You Jesus!
      Amen dear Norah! TGIF! Thank God I'm Forgiven.
      God bless you all dear Family.
      Getting ready to drive to Brooklyn. All is well because the Lord will be in the Passenger seat. No better company. I'll be praying for you all. Much love.

    7. Continuing prayers for you, your hubby and his entire medical team, Jan.

    8. In gratitude, declaring complete healing and timely test results for your hubby, Jan. πŸ™

  47. (that was me above...didn't realize I wasn't signed in)

  48. An absolutely blessed word today.
    True freedom: "let go: of loved ones, of possessions, of control".
    Galatians 5:1
    "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."
    That slavery can be slavery to anything or anyone.
    So I'm determined to let go and let God have His way.

    There's a song, No Longer A Slave To Fear :

    Before starting my quiet time today I was thinking that it is better to be with God in a desert than be without Him in a lush land. Better in the storm than without Him in tranquility. Better with Him in conflict than without Him in peace.
    Better holding on to Him with both hands, than using a hand to hold on to anything or anyone else.

    1. Great song, Peter. One of my favorites. 'You rescued me so I can stand and sing I am a child of God.'

    2. You can often find me singing it loudly ♥️🎢

    3. Playing this for the 3rd time (#3 - COMPLETE). Thank you, Peter!

  49. Thanks and Amen Peter. Holding His Unchanging Hand. Letting go of all my concerns and handing the reins to Him who holds my day and my tomorrows. He is ever faithful and so good.

  50. This blog is a part, or actually, the beginning of each day for me. The family of believers who post have become more than names and are key to understand all that this post wants to share and accomplish. Keeping us centered and focused on Who Christ is and all the wonderful things He wants to do in and for us! How much more can we rest in Him when we release our control, or attempt at control? When I allow Him to lead in all situations, I can walk freely behind His accomplishments. I pray I keep coming back to Him instead of taking the reigns myself. How can I drive when I don’t know where He wants me to go? Best let Him drive … It is a daily occurrence for me to stop and let Him pass by into the lead. I don’t do it automatically. I pray for the time when it becomes my first choice without resistance . Help me trust completely in you and not that of myself. Amen

    1. Amen, Anonymous, "Best let Him drive..." That was my day and it was the BEST!

  51. Well said, dear Anonymous! Thanks! Some days we wake up thanking Him for the day and then go right to our “to do” list forgetting He wants to be a part of every little part of our day.
    If we put Him in the Center then all things come together.

    1. Amen, Dear Jeanne! I get the most accomplished when I forget my 'To Do' List. How to WIN the day? What's Important Now? Not what I would usually pick....shocked, right? LOL!

    2. πŸ™πŸŒΈ❤️ all in it’s good time ..That is
      One to grasp …

  52. Today’s devotion spoke to my weary heart. “As you release more and more things into My care, remember that I never let go of your hand”. Holding onto His Hand and giving Him everything. So thankful my mom’s first day out of the hospital was a good one. Thanks to all who prayed for her, God was faithful. So we will all continue to pray for each other and trust in Him. My brother, my sister and I took our mom to Church and we had a good day with her. She doesn’t really remember the difficult time she had although she knows she was feeling and acting crazy when she had the seizure. But today she was talking pretty clearly and enjoying my brother’s visit. She’s much weaker and needs to use the walker. We are doing our best to take care of her. So thankful that Janet will be with her since I must drive home this morning to sing in Church. Also having a Birthday party for our oldest son Bryan. He turns 42 on the 26th. Busy week ahead. We must rehearse Tuesday and sing all through Holy Week. God is always up in the Choir loft so we’ll be just fine.
    God bless you all today. It’s Palm Sunday so remember all our Lord has sacrificed for us. And how much God loves us to have given us His Son to free us from sin! We are blessed and grateful. Thank You Jesus.

    John 3:16
    For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

    1. Glad to hear that your mom is doing better. Enjoy your day and upcoming week with family. Spending time together with loved ones is most precious and important. God bless πŸ™.

    2. So glad to hear your mom is doing better and that your siblings are so near. Continuous prayers for your family, Jeanne.

    3. Thanks dear Janet and Suzanne. Your prayers mean a lot. We pray for each other and trust that God hears every one. Hope you and your dear ones are doing well in all things. Thank You Jesus.

  53. For Your mercy is great above the heavens, and Your truth reaches to the clouds. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and Your glory above all the earth; that Your beloved may be delivered, save with Your right hand, and hear me. (Psalm 108:4-6).

  54. Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you--unless you believed in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:1-2).

    1. Thanks sweet Janet. You always feed us well.

  55. "This is a time in your life when you must learn to let go."
    My Jesus, I bow before You in humble submission acknowledging Your Lordship and total Authority over myself and all in my life. I surrender all to You.
    I pray that in Your mercy and kindness You would help me let go of my health, my loved ones, all possessions , all needs, all fears and worries, problems and doubts, guilt and disappointments and trust You fully in all things, Amen.

    1. Thank you Peter. I prayer your prayer also.

    2. Amen, Peter, praying this for myself as well.

    3. Release. Surrender. Trust. Right there with you in prayer, Peter!

    4. Wonderful prayer. Giving it all to Him. Yes. Surrender and trust. Amen.

  56. God's Blessings to all of you. I have read but stayed silent and prayed; too much to write. Today's writing was perfect for all of us. By DH has had a time with the new oral chemo, but he remains so very positive and committed.
    Continued prayers for each of you. For you dear mom, Jeanne. I'm asking God to remove the memories of her latest issues and to renew your strength as you continue to care for her.
    As your song said and Jesus Calling said, "Let go and let God." Thanks to all of you for your continued prayers for my DH and that I take things one day at a time and not jump ahead in my thoughts. I know who holds tomorrow and I know who holds our hands.

    1. So good to hear from you, Norah. You and your DH have been on my heart and in my prayers.

    2. I always appreciate seeing your posts, Websister. Your steadfast dedication to Interceding for the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS is admirable, and I am truly grateful for you.πŸ˜ŠπŸ’ž⚘

      For Jeanne, Norah, DH and my Beloved JCFAMILY/WARRIORS, my prayers are with you, covering every concern and circumstance you are facing. I seek for you solace in the embrace of Grace, Mercy, and Healing, confident in the Unwavering Presence of Divine Intervention. Rest assured, God's Boundless Love Envelops you, the Blood of Jesus Covers you, and His Protective Hand Shields ALL. In Jesus' Name, may the Power of His Presence bring Peace and Restoration to your every circumstance. AMEN and AMEN

      Philippians 4:6-7 NIV) "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

      These are GLORY DAYS not gloomy days!!!

    3. Dear Norah, Keeping you and your dear husband tight in my prayers and I believe God is shining His faithfulness on you and your DH. Dear Websister, Your beautiful and caring heart is showing through your sweet words. God bless you always.
      Thanks dear JJ, Your prayers always encourage my heart so much. Amen. We are covered by the Blood of Christ and we have no reason to worry because God's Word is true. He is Greater than anything we could every face. Philippians 4:5-7 is one of my "go to"'s Amen. God always Wins! Hallelujah!

  57. Blessings all, on this Palm Sunday, as we walk in adoration, gratitude and humble compassion with Jesus this Holy Week. ✝️♥️🌴

    1. Thanks for the blessing! Amen! Praise, Gratitude and Humble Compassion with the Lord.


    Prophecy from Zechariah FULFILLED in Matthew:
    "Say to the daughter of Zion, behold your king is coming to you, gental and mounted on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden."
    Zech 9:9

    Interesting, how it was also a donkey that delivered Mary with King Jesus πŸ‘‘within her, to His birthplace in Bethlehem.


  59. Today's devotion is a hard challenge for me to activate, but I am willing to try, so help me God...

    This is a time in your life when you must learn to let go: of loved ones...

    I need an Atlas, Road Map, AAA, GPS, or something or anything or I'll fall again.
    You are always holding mine, therefore, 🎢 I Want To Hold Your Hand 🎢 In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Yes, dear Brie. Praying with you: Lead me Lord and comfort me. I know You hold our hands. So we must trust in Your lead and not let go.

  60. I recently had an interview, and the past few days I have been specifically been asking God to help me “let go” of my worries over whether or not I got the position. Seeing the command to let go, verbatim, comforts me and reminds me that He is always listening to my prayers. Today’s devotional has reminded me that my will is not always His will, but that He guides my life regardless. So, I can let go of the want for things to go my way.

    1. Praying πŸ™ for His Will for you, Frances, plus His Blessings now, and forevermore. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Thank you Brie! I actually found out earlier today (after my previous comment) that I did get the position! Woohoo! πŸŽ‰ Happy Palm Sunday to all, and God bless 😊

    3. (Forgot to say, that was me :)

    4. Dear Frances, I leave you with this song that has meant so much to me.
