Friday, March 28, 2014

Jesus Calling: March 28

    I AM a God who gives and gives and gives. When I died for you on the cross, I held back nothing. I poured My Life like a drink offering. Because giving is inherent in My nature, I search for people who are able to receive in full measure. To increase your intimacy with Me, the two traits you need the most are receptivity and attentiveness. Receptivity is opening up your innermost being to be filled with My abundant riches. Attentiveness is directing your gaze to Me: searching for Me in all your moments. It is possible to stay your mind on Me, as the prophet Isaiah wrote. Through such attentiveness you receive a glorious gift: My perfect Peace.
Philippians 2:17
English Standard Version
Even if I am to be poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all.

Mark 10:15
English Standard Version
Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.

Isaiah 26:3
New King James Version
You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.

My Prayer
O Thank You God for giving me life. You have given me eternity with You. Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for me. I am a sinner, not just yesterday, but today, and tomorrow. You gave all for Me. You walked on this earth desiring to teach and show people Yourself. Keep me alert. I want to be alert to You each day. I receive you into my life. Help me to be a child, to open my hand, to look up to You, to be like a child and dependent on You. Too often I am proud and think I know what is best. Yet, in You is peace. Often, there is too much in my world interfering with You. Help me to be more receptive and attentive to Your Hand of Providence. I want to keep my mind on You.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 


  1. Lord help me to be one of your kids that is receptive and attentive to your voice. And help me be your voice to others

  2. Thank you for this wonderful devotional

  3. Praying that I stay attentive and receptive throughout this day as I deal with he sadness that I hear. Let me give it to You and not take it on myself. Needless to say, many of these things are getting to me. Remind me that You are the one who promises to take these things on. The best thing I can do is stay attentive to You and receive your Peace. Giving it all to you, Lord.

    1. Clearly a prayer for THIS day and age as well.πŸ˜”πŸ™

  4. Praise God from whom ALL BLESSINGS FLOWS, Praise Him, Father, Son and Holy Spirit! I Thank God today for adding another year to my life! Thank You Jesus for loving me. I need Your Peace to carry me through this latter part of my life! Thank You for all Mr Christian brothers and sisters! I Pray for ALL those who have not received Jesus, Lord, please visit them and show yourself to them. My dear mother is one of those people and I trust that You will move every stone in her heart and open her up to receive You Jesus, thank You Lord for hearing me in Jesus name.
    Grace and Peace to this team of believers. Our God is too good!!

    1. I will join you in prayer for you mother Anonymous. Mine is my daughter, she walked with the Lord, then left the path. The Holy Spirit Will gently nudge them both. Let's you & I lay them at His feet, let go, & be attentive to our Lord as we trust Him with our love ones. Be blessed today��.

    2. Mine too is my daughter. Thank you for this chance to pray for them all.

    3. I also have a daughter who is struggling. Help her, Lord, to find the path that you want her to go. Too many years, too much pain. I pray for peace in her heart with the comfort of the Lord’s arms wrapped around her.

    4. Jan, A year later and just as true. We must lay those we wish to be saved at his feet. Father God, Open their hearts to seek you, to surrender to you, to give their lives to you. We pray, in thanksgiving and faith. Thank you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

    5. Father, Guide your lost sheep to seek and find You! They are in need of their Good Shepherd.
      Thank you for drawing my husband and children and their families to You and all our JC Family’s lost loved ones! Thank you for this in the Name of the Risen Lord, Jesus Christ.

    6. Lord thank for the gift of family. Thank that we have a relationship with you . We bring all the families represented here , we pray for family members that do not have a relationship with You Lord. Would you draw them close to you , may they surrender to your will and may they come back to you God.

    7. Thank you dear sisters for your prayers. I am confident that our Lord has heard the cry of our hearts for those loved ones still struggling to find their way to the cross & back to the cross for those who've wandered away such as me daughter. God be praised! Hallelujah!

    8. Even when we can't see it on the outside, He's Working It from the inside, because He never stops, He never stops working. Love To all as we practice stillness, attentiveness and receptivity to Him, whether or not we see Him working.

    9. Come Holy Spirit, into the hearts of those for whom we pray, near and far. Thank you Father, for staying with me and ask your blessings, seen and unseen.
      Happy SONday!

    10. Yes we are praying for all that don't have a relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus and for those who have wandered away from many loved ones in my family. Come Holy Spirit!

    11. I'm praying that this year of 2022 will be the year of jubilee for my daughter & her relationship with our family. Trusting her to the Lord. I miss her so.

    12. Jan gridley - Joining you and all others in prayer to our heavenly Father to comfort the hurting hearts of those whose loved ones have wandered away ..... touch their lives and restore relationships.

    13. Praying πŸ™ Praying πŸ™ Praying πŸ™
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN

    14. Yes and Amen! He never stops working!
      ♥️🎢 Waymaker link

    15. Amen - ❤️

  5. Amen, let us be always mindful of the underlying meaning pf

  6. Amen - let us be always mindful of the deeper meaning and purpose of this life.


  7. Teach me to love You MORE, Lord. Show me how to place You at the forefront of my life and my thoughts. Help me to center my life around You and grow in obedience to You. Praying I will ALWAYS reflect the beauty of Jesus.

    1. Indeed! and AMEN!

    2. Amen to that dear Sassy Mom!

    3. Dear Sassy Mom, your prayers have been answered. You do reflect the Beauty of Jesus! Thank God for His Gift of you.

  8. Let's "turn our eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and Grace". Blessings everyone!

    1. Thanks Jan I love the song and it will help to remember where to focus as I hum it through-out the day.

    2. I love to listen to songs referenced in this blog. Do you have a title or a link for this one? Thank you!

    3. Here is the link dear Audra

      Blessings from France

    4. Amen! Bullseye! You got it in one, thank you Jan.

    5. Has a wordle reference found it's way into our blog, Peter?πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‰

    6. Praying for the peace which surpasses all understanding and for my blood pressure to be under control in Jesus name Ppl

  9. My prayer today Lord is that I do honor you with my eyes, my ears, my attention, my very existence. I want you to be a part of all that I do and say and think. When my mind drifts or I get too busy and forget about you Holy Spirit you are welcome here come flood this place and fill the atmosphere. Your glory God is what our hearts long for to be overwhelmed by your presence Lord.

    1. Love these song lyrics, I pray them Today over us all:
      Holy Spirit you are welcome here come flood this place and fill the atmosphere. Your glory God is what our hearts long for to be overwhelmed by your presence Lord. AMEN!

    2. Amen! Thank you RiseUp and Audra!

    3. Yes! Amen! Thank you RiseUpπŸ₯°


    5. Your Presence Lord! ♥️

  10. Thank you Jan, for praying for my mother. I am praying for your daughter as well. God is able!

  11. I so needed this today Father God your inner peace gives me strength to persevere

  12. Dear Jesus, as we acknowledge our very real darkness and losses, help us to not stay there, help us to know you are with us every step of the way, to bring us to the light , a light we all have somewhere. Please help us to be receptive (open heart) and attentive to your light and blessings. Amen.

    1. Amen ABC!
      Let us come to him with an open heart, mind and spirit! Let Him fill us to the brim with His love, truth, light, joy and peace.

  13. I'm so lifted to see the comment section growing almost daily. I've prayed for all of you and for the things that you need most. I love this place, all of you, and our wonderful God!
    Give us the attentiveness we need to be receptive to you all day today. Holy Spirit, keep our eyes focused towards Christ all day, and to stay our minds. Help us to be receptive to your peace that you so desire for us all to have. Amen

  14. I could not have asked for a better devotion today, March 28 my Birthday. I am reminded of the BEST and PERFECT gift God has given me!JESUS my Savior, who held NOTHING back from me when He died on Calvary cross, pouring out His life like a drink offering for me! A gift that just keeps on giving!
    As I entered into this month, so much joy and excitement filled my heart.I had my month’s declaration printed out and declaring it in the mornings. I had plans for my special day, but little did I know that an unexpected event would be on the horizon! one that was far from my wildest imagination, COVID-19! My sisters were flying over to spend it with me for the first time in 7 years and I was looking forward to it! LOL! Am I disappointed? absolutely NOT! Reason? Because God’s ways and plans are far better than mine will ever be! He wants a time alone with me and I am going to make it the Best birthday yet by praising and worshipping Him all day (Psalm 118:24)!

    Heavenly Father, I dedicate this day to praising and thanking You for bringing me to a new age. Thank you Father for giving me another year of life marked by new manifestations of Your goodness towards me! Though I fall short of Your glory at times, You are faithful enough to forgave me. I'm proud to be Your child. Thank You for the Best gift ever, JESUS! Thank you for giving me the unique opportunity to be alone with You today in good health and happiness. Thank you for changing my plans to Yours as only You can. Thank you for the cards, gifts and good wishes from family and friends. Blessed and multiply them as well.Thank you for the experience of past years.Thank You for the times of joy and happy memories. Thank You for times of failure that pointed out my own weakness and my need for Your strength. Thank You for times my heart was sadden with disappoints and confusion, but yet drove me to you. Please forgive me for the times I wasted, the chances I did not take and all the opportunities I may have missed this past year. Thank You for helping me to make this the best year yet by bringing glory to Your holy name! Thank You in advance for granting me many more beautiful birthdays for decades to come. Thank You for abundance of peace and joy to last me into eternity. Thank You for bestowing my coming days with blessings of perfect health and peace to position me to face a long, prosperous future (Ephesian 2:10).
    Because I am still here, tells me that You still have a wonderful purpose and plan for my life. Reveal that purpose to me and grant me a magnificent breakthrough, noticeable to the enemy that will burst forth into testimonies to Your glory. I appreciate and don’t take for granted any day of the life You have given me. As I celebrate my birth, may I never remain a shadow of my past, but cause me to celebrate it with a renewal of strength (Joshua 1:9) and abundant growth in everything that You have for me. May angels of heaven keep me from failing and falling and keep me from all ill fortune. Please keep me in Your protective embrace, today and forever (Psalm 34:4). Intercede during this special time and day.Remove darkness and negativity from my life and allow this to be my best birthday ever, worshipping You my King! I surrender this year of my life to being a child that You can be proud of, may my sacrifices be pleasing to You. You know the desires of my heart (Psalm 37:4), may all that I request, be proven worthy to receive from You . Bless me with Your priceless gifts as I celebrate this great day of my life and grant me Your invaluable favor. As the earth receives rain and produces good fruit, I pray that on this my birthday Father, You will rain down blessings and opportunities for me that will become fruits of prospering and greatness (Psalm 20:4). May I rise above life’s trials and overcome every obstacle in my path as I grow older today. Help me to stay my mind on You today and thank You for Your glorious gifts, Your PEACE and JESUS my Savior! Thank You Father.

    Sending Love, peace and a blessed day to all!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Maplewood--- A Very Happy Birthday!!! May God continue to bless you and may you have so many more birthdays to come. Enjoy this special day in celebration of a most wonderful you!!!

    2. Maplewood - Joining Warriors in many more Happy Birthday blessings.

    3. Happy Birthday Maplewood. I just celebrated my birthday on the 26th. Like you mine didn't go as planned as my wife and I were supposed to be in NY for the college basketball tournament. I had a great day anyway because I have my health and I was with my wonderful wife. God is good. Enjoy your special day.

    4. Have a wonderful blessed birthday, Maplewood. A full day of praising the Lord sounds wonderful. KS

    5. Happy Birthday Maplewood. Enjoy every moment of this day. I'm sure it is a birthday you will always remember. God bless.

    6. Happy Birthday may it be filled with many new blessings!

    7. WOW, Maplewood, NJ, little did I know we are twins! (I wonder who was first born...ah, it doesn't matter.) The gift of being born on this day is the ability to write posts with many words which people graciously take time to read and express their appreciation. LOL You and I are blessed here with such loving spiritual siblings. Have a blessed birthday!!!

    8. Happy Birthday to you Bob Malsack! Your many posts have wonderful messages and blessings. Enjoy your day! KS

    9. Happy Birthday Maplewood, my songbird, full of joy with our Lord. You always bring a smile to my face. May God keep blessing you with the desires of your heart.

    10. My JC family, I am Blessed to have you and very, very grateful to God for each of You, what you bring to this blog and how you honor and glorify the KING!
      TJ, happy belated birthday! Yes, we are alive, so that's a lot to be GRATEFUL for! God bless you and add many more years to uour life!
      Thank You all for the best wishes! May our great Lord shower His blessings on you and keep you safe!!!

      Maplewood NJ

    11. Happy birthday, Maplewood! God bless!

    12. Happy πŸŽ‚ Birthday Maplewood!!! πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽπŸŽŠπŸŽ‚ May God continue to bless you with good health and much happiness today and always!! Thank you for sharing your beautiful birthday letter!! Stay healthy and enjoy your day!! ❤πŸ™πŸ™❤

    13. TJ --- A belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Thank you Lord for your continual BLESSINGS on TJ and family. May you continue to move forward with the Lord with each passing year. AMEN and AMEN

    14. Happy Special Day to you Maplewood and Bob. Blessings 🌹 and Enjoy

    15. Happy Birthday Maplewood and Bob. My birthday is April 1st and I was wondering what I would do to celebrate. Your plan is a good one!

    16. Happy Birthday dearest Maplewood and Bob! I’m sure you will fill your special days with much thanks, praise and worship! Enjoy the love that surrounds you. You know where your great joy and peace come from.
      Be blessed and enjoy. God bless you both in every way. Thanks for your encouragement and insight. Best Birthday wishesπŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ’—πŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸŽˆπŸŒΊπŸŒΈ

    17. Be blessed with abundant birthday blessings to our birthday twins, Maplewood and Bob. You are loved!!!!

    18. Happy birthday Maplewood and Bob . May God continue to use you to bless those who surround you and us in JC family

    19. Oh My! I have many birthday twins. May I join you as I celebrate 78 years on this earth & God's Blessings to all of you. <3

    20. Happy Birthday Maplewood NJ and BOB! Two of the most Sharing, Receptive and Attentive people I am blessed to know and Love, all done in His Name!🎈🎈🎈🎈

    21. 🎢Happy Birthday to you
      Happy Birthday to you
      Happy Birthday sweet Maplewood,
      Happy Birthday to you.
      And many more! 🎢

    22. Happiest of birthdays to Maplewood and Bob! 🀩 Oh how I’ve learned and grown from both of you the past 2 years and look forward to what you both have to say daily. Have a blessed birthday πŸ₯³

    23. Happy Happy Birthday Maplewood and Bob! I join with the others in wishing you all the best! It is an honor to know you both. Love, Kathy

    24. HOORAY!...A JC Family birthday TRIFECTA!!! Happy birthday to you three! May you feel well celebrated and loved by many today! Blessings, blessings, & blessings x 3!

    25. Happy birthday to Bob, Maplewood and Sassy Mom! May you all enjoy your day! Blessings!

    26. 🎢Happy Birthday to you
      Happy Birthday to you
      Happy Birthday dear SassyMom,
      Happy Birthday to you.
      And many more!
      Whew. I've never sang so many birthday song in one day before. Love you birthday buddies πŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸ’•

    27. JC birthday buddies, celebrating you very special folks today! I feel so blessed to know you through your sharing insights. And many more!

    28. Anonymous - Happy 78 th birthday as you celebrate with BD Twins Maplewood and Bob. Wow!!! Twins have become Triplets

    29. Happy Birthday Anonymous, Maplewood, and Bob! Happy belated Birthday TJ! Much love to y'all!

    30. Happy Birthday Anonymous! Hope you all got to celebrate. God bless the Birthday triplets!

    31. Happiest of Birthdays to you both, Bob and Maplewood! Continued love and prayers to you. Mindy

    32. Happy birthday, Bob, Maplewood and Anonymous! See how God multiplies? Gotta love the Jesus math, eh Brie? πŸ˜‰

    33. Birthday wishes out again this year to our JC warriors, Maplewood and BOB, both currently MIP - missing in posting. Wherever you are, God is and all is well.
      With love,

  15. Dear Lord
    You know I'm not a good listener not follower but help me be what it is you intend for us all to be.
    I pray for mercy and strength. I pray I can rely on your faith as mine tends to be testy at times.
    I thank you for knowing each of us. And caring enough to show us.
    We need help as a world. I don't doubt you know that better than I.

    May our whole life be a prayer to you.
    I need help doing that. Christ name

    1. Amen!!
      May our whole life be a prayer to You”. We sure do need His help. And we can all lend a helping hand.

  16. Good morning ☀️ I love the mind/soul training to redirect my attention to God. The thing that has taken my attention away in the past is new relationships. Having been single for 5 years, I have had wonderful amounts of time to grow in my relationship with Him and spend time to become a whole person.

    Twice in those five years I had short little “dating flings” that lasted a few months. Each time, I felt myself focused on the excitement of the “newness” and spending more time on my phone, etc.

    The past two weeks of isolation have afforded great time with God and my daughter. I would be remiss to not admit that, over the last few days, the longing for companionship returned. It seems to hit me about this time of least for the last three years.

    Thank you for the reminder in this prayer today. I have been praying this lately, as I have started getting to know a new person over the last two weeks. I know I need Gods help to balance and that’s okay. I pray that He guides my thoughts and words. I continue to practice prayer and meditation, not to achieve anything, but just to use it constantly. It helps that in our 12 step work, we do a nightly review to inventory the times of day that we held ourselves separate from God (not in a judgmental way, but in an objective way that is useful).

    Prayers from doing stepwork yesterday with a girl I sponsor, we were reading on Step 11 “sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God” :

    - We mat not be able to determine which course of action to take. Here we ask God for inspiration, an intuitive thought or a decision. We relax and take it easy. We don’t struggle. We are often surprised how the right answer comes after we have tried this for a while. What used to be the hunch or occasional inspiration gradually becomes a working part of the mind.

    - As we go through the day we pause, when agitated or doubtful, and ask for the right thought or action. We constantly remind ourselves that we are no longer running the show, humbly saying to ourselves many times each day “Thy will be done.” We are then in much less danger of excitement, fear, anger, worry, self pity or foolish decisions. We become much more efficient. We do not tire so easily, for we are not burning up energy foolishly as we did when we were trying to arrange life to suit ourselves. πŸ‘Œ

    1. Be attentive and keep your heart soft and receptive. He is the guiding light upon your path and His direction is always the right one.

    2. Thanks for the continual and oh, so necessary reminder, Brittany. It reinforces my Lenten Prayer for today, asking for God's control over my temper and emotions, and to live as Jesus did - going apart from the crowd, and the world, quieting Himself, and praying to God for help, strength and guidance.
      I too pray for receptivity and attentiveness and enough faith that God will overcome it all in His Own Marvelous Way on His Own selected day. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    3. Your words are filled with wisdom that He is giving on the journey. Taking them to heart as a reminder...

  17. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

    (Matthew 11:20-24) As Jesus speaks of the rejection He has received from His own, His eyes begin to well up with tears. He continues with very sad yet strong tones in His voice, "How sad it will be for you, who held the truth about God in our hands and yet you never took it seriously. There are those who knew far less of God than you do, they will not feel half as bad as you will when God makes clear the right from the wrong. You who did not do it will feel the greater pain. How spiritually tragic it will be for you who knew the truth and yet twisted it and perverted it to your own advantage. Those who are known for being perverted in all kinds of ways will not feel nearly as bad the day God makes everything right once and for all. Saying that, the tears became to stream down His face.

    These words cut to the core of my soul. For I am the one who knows better, I am the one who has been given the truth of God through the Holy Spirit. Yet, there are times it appears I know nothing of God's love at all. To think on these occasions as these words of Jesus require of me, makes me very sad. But my sadness is tempered when my wife leaves me a beautiful note on how she loves me, when my children and grandchildren celebrate me, when family and friends extend their appreciation for me. As those gifts of love are received, I realize I have received mercy for any and all failures to be absolutely loving, even when I knew better. I end up back at my Lenten prayer and pray it much more intensely, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." And He is for the present conditions in the world are doing a good cleansing and ordering of my heart and soul. Thanks be to God!

    God be with you all!!! With love, Bob

    1. Happy Birthday Bob! The greatest gift we have is each other; loving each other; loving Jesus and yes, you are appreciated.

    2. Wow, Wow, wow, Bob! Its Amazing and an honor to share my birthday with you! I'll be a little partial folks (smiling), they said: 'Great minds think alike' and I must add, born on the same day! We are on fire for the Lord! May our great Lord keep blessing you and pour down great health and continued wisdom upon you, my birthday buddy! Let's rejoice in HIM together, for this is the day He blessed and chose to bring us into this world! We are MARCHING Forward in Him! Blessings, upon blessings are coming your way BOB!!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Bob --- A very Happy Birthday to you. Thank you for the time that you put into all your postings. Your gifted words bring wisdom, insight and encouragement to this amazing JC FAMILY. Great blessings on your day! Your phrase concerning the Lord "you ain't seen nothing yet" brought goosebumps and great joy to me.

    4. That was just wonderful Bob!
      Yes dear Maplewood! You share Birthdays and a fervent and true love for the Lord and it really comes through in your beautiful words you both share with us! Thank you! You bless us so very much.

    5. 🎢 Happy Birthday to you
      Happy Birthday to you
      Happy Birthday dear brother Bob,
      Happy Birthday to you,
      And many more!🎢

  18. Thank you for your comments today..They were beautifully written and inspiring. Maplewood....enjoy your special day....our world needs you...and Brittanyomb

  19. In this time of being quarantined and social distancing, my prayers and thoughts move from this is a horrible situation, to what a blessing we are experiencing and witnessing. A month ago, I would've never believed that Congress and the President could agree on anything. A few weeks ago, I expected to be distracted by baseball and golf on TV. A week ago, I only saw my wife evenings and weekends.

    In the blink of an eye, a microscopic virus, or as the President says an "invisible enemy", mutated from animal to man. It is hard to believe that events in a 3rd world food market, 1/2 a world away, created a virus that is easily spread and has been transmitted globally by the innovation of flying machines! So, man's aircraft ingenuity enables millions to visit God's creation world-wide and thereby causing a pandemic, which has manifested incredible fear and desperate medical circumstances across the globe.

    As I sit here this Saturday, reading the JC devo, praying, and drinking coffee from Columbia (another global miracle), it reminds me that we battle each hour, the TRUE "invisible enemy" and it's sin. Our own desire is to have the world bend to our will... for us to control and rebel against the love of our neighbor and God. Perhaps, just perhaps, we should use this time to reconnect to our Creator. I keep hearing today's JC devo and Him whispering in my head:

    Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth."

    And indeed my JC friends, the world is being still, whether it will recognize that there is one true God, is in the hands of those He loves. Godspeed. Pray that all stay virus-free. Amen.

    1. Thank you, Mad Fox. To me you are a disciple. Your prayers are filled with the holy spirit. I have family with the virus; thank you for your prayers.

    2. I and the warriors here will pray that your family and all those with CV will be healed... it appears there are some "miracles" being created by our medical community. Be sure your sick family members insist on being prescribed the anti-malaria drug and a z-pac. It is now beyond dispute that it kills the virus... but it works best if done prior to severe lung issues.

      Praying, too, for your fears for your family to be quieted by God's peace. Amen.

    3. Amen and Amen! Thank you Jesus!

    4. Loveconquersall--- I join Madfox and the JC WARRIORS in lifting you and your family up to The Throne of Grace. The Lord is doing a WORK in our country and the world. I think Revival and a Great Harvest for the Lord is at hand. Thanking the Lord for a MIRACULOUS DEFEAT of the Covid-19! Bob's words about the Lord " you ain't seen nothing yet" brings great hope and VICTORY to the situation. Great Blessings an Peace to you and this INCREDIBLE JC FAMILY!

    5. Mad Fox - Amen "malaria drug and z-pac" Miracle drugs. My daughter has been saying this for 2 weeks in her natural health practice.

    6. MadFox - We will continue to PRAY!!!!!!!

    7. Continuing to pray for all those stricken with Covid, on the frontlines, in mourning and suffering an emotional, spiritual and financial loss. God hears our prayers and is still in charge.
      Amen dear MadFox! We must use our time in isolation to “reconnect to our Creator “. I believe that was part of God’s plan which is still unfolding every day. Praying for your healing, strength and comfort dear Brother.

    8. This is for a season this to will come to pass .

    9. Min Ahadi, how is your mother doing? I’m still praying for her but hope she’s better!πŸ™❤️

    10. Please keep her in your prayers . She is well taking her medication faithfully. May God heal her, we still need her .

    11. Min Ahadi, Continuing to pray for her perfect recovery.
      Thank God she is taking her medicine faithfully and God is with her. He is the mighty Healer. In Him we put our trust to heal her and give you comfort and peace.

    12. Hard to believe this was 2 years ago and Covid is still here... and sadly, that politicoans working together would last just a few months. And God is still holding our hands but probably shaking His head at our folly globally. Be blessed. Amen.

    13. I believe Jesus weeps for his children in our world today. If ONLY they would receive what He is offering as the devo reads today... Come HOLY SPIRIT, enLIGHTEN our world to the truth, and let it begin with me each day.

  20. Lord help me with being more attentive and receptive to you. Help me be aware of you and eyes on you in every moment. Help me recieve your beautiful gift of peace! Amen

  21. Choose Joy, crazy is my middle name and I'm sure Sassy Mom knows that. Happy belated birthday to your son and may God bless him with many more. Tried several times to correct yesterday's message but couldn't. LOL

  22. RESOLVE (Isaiah 50:5-8)

    This day, Jesus mounted a donkey and triumphantly rode into Jerusalem. He did so as Isaiah described it:

    “The Lord GOD has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious, I did not turn backward. I gave my back to those who struck me, and my cheeks to those who pulled out the beard; I did not hide my face from insult and spitting. The LORD God helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced; therefore I have set my face like flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame; he who vindicates me is near. Who will contend with me? Let us stand up together. Who are my adversaries? Let them confront me.”

    He rode into the unthinkable with resolve, He would love His Father to His dying breathe and He would fulfill His Father’s desire to see you saved and you are saved forever and ever. Further, there now will be nothing in all creation that can take you out of the loving arms of your Father that are wrapped around you. Watch Him ride into Jerusalem this day, see His resolve to fulfill the Father’s will, and feel the love that He has for you that spurred Him on for He was certain He would save you and He did.

    May we ride into each day with holy resolve to do the Father’s will so everyone may know of the love God has for them through the triumphant love we show them.

    God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Happy birthday Bob. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. May God bless you and keep you πŸ™.

    2. Amen dear Bob! Your words bring us right into the passion of Christ. He gave everything for us and we should give Him the best of our love and faithful service. His love for His Father and for us is a perfect love that we must try to live worthy of. What a great lifelong challenge!
      God bless you Birthday boy and your dear “twin” sister, Maplewood. We should be giving you presents because you both give us the gifts of your wisdom, encouragement and love every day! May God guide you to the desires of your beautiful and generous hearts. πŸ’—

    3. Thanks BOB. I'm Riding like Chris Ledoux, until I am Home Home on The Range:
      Life's a Highway
      There's only one way you're gonna get through it.
      When she starts to twist, be more like Chris
      Pull your hat down tight and just LeDoux it
      When that whistle blows, and that crowd explodes
      And them pickup-men are at your side
      They tell you "Good ride, cowboy, good ride"
      Then he crossed that River Jordan
      With St. Peter on the other side
      Singin' "Good ride, cowboy, good ride"
      Saying "Good ride, cowboy, good ride!"
      Happy Birthday!

    4. Sending Birthday Blessings to you Bob, my birthday mate. May the joy of this day and it's significance be yours and grant you ever increasing faith, hope and love. Thanks for sharing the message as you do and remain blessed. HAPPY Birthday.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Thanks for this post, Bob and Happy birthday to you and to Maplewood. Am missing my church service this morning because I'm accompanying my husband to a COVID test in preparation for surgery on Tuesday, so this was nice to have as a reflection of Palm Sunday. Thanks

    6. Our Dear PEBGDesigns, I will begin praying for your husband, his Medical Team, and you, and continue praying through his surgery on Tuesday. He's got all of you in His Hands!

    7. Joining in prayers for your dear husband, PEBGDesigns.
      Thank you Father for a negative Covid test, and for guiding the doctor's hands perfectly to bring him back to perfect health. Comfort his dear wife's heart and bring them both peace and healing. Thank you in the Name of Jesus Christ.

  23. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always πŸ™.

  24. Amen dear Janet! Thanks and praise to the Most High!
    Dear MadFox! Rest in Him who loves you. You’re doing very well and I am so blessed and inspired by your courage and strength of faith. God is in your corner. We love you!

  25. Awakened shortly after 2:00 am by thunder. Please pray prayers of protection for those in Tennessee and surrounding Southern states who have suffered destruction and death from tornadoes.

    1. I was also awakened and now I am up and praying protection prayers with you Sassy Mom. It is comforting to know with two or more of us gathered in His Name, He is in our midst!

    2. Joining in prayers for those affected in Tennessee and Southern states. May God provide everything they need during this trial.

      Blessings from France

    3. Joining warriors in prayer for those in Tennessee & surrounding states. Come to their rescue oh Lord πŸ™.

    4. In prayer for all in Tennessee experiencing the effect of the tornado. May God keep our family, friends and everyone under the safety of His wings.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Happy birthday Maplewood. Joining in prayers with you all for protection and comfort for all those being affected by the tornado in Tennessee. May our Father bless them and keep them close in His heart. Amen πŸ™.

    6. Joining in all prayers for those in Tennessee and the Southern states. Father, protect and save your people who are in the path of the tornadoes. Guide them to their strong refuge and all the help they need to survive and flourish to Your glory.

  26. Kindly share online church services that can minister to us today Thanks

    1. Sorry I saw this so late dear Min Ahadi, I am praying for your Mom and for you and your loved ones. May God heal all your weaknesses and resolve your problems. Thank You Jesus!

  27. Happy Blessed Birthday Wishes to you both, Bob and Maplewood NJ! How blessed are we for you, two of the best gifts God sent to us. The gifts who keep on giving and giving and building and building us up for His Kingdom. May His Life continually Surround you. May His Love continually Enfold you. May His Power continually Protect you. May His Presence continually Watch over you. And may His Spark continually Ignite you. Today is the day our Lord has made to celebrate that day when He first sent you to us. We are rejoicingly glad.
    Both of you are now on my Birthday Gift of Prayer Calendar which means you will be receiving prayers all day, with alarm set for bonus prayers at 3:28 am and 3:28 pm. Hope you still yourself for feeling the love. BLESSINGS and KEEPINGS now and forevermore. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Amen Brie!

      Happy birthday to Bob and Maplewood!! What an honor and blessing to have you in our precious JC family. Your words, insights and prayers are always encouraging and inspiring. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us and being on fire for the Lord, being an example for many of us. God bless you abundantly. Enjoy your day dear brother and sister!

      Blessings from France

    2. I humbly receive your prayers Brie! Thank you. Sending blessings your way on this beuatiful Palm Sunday- The Remembrance!

      Many thanks to You too Jeanne, and Blessings from France. Happy Palm Sunday. Stay Blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Amen sweet Brie,
      Dear Maplewood and Bob, Happy Birthday!!! Praying for happy surprises in the year to come!!! And if the storms come, He will be Your shelter and Your protection. I know you have seen His faithfulness and He knows your hearts of love and trust. He will lead you each step of the way.

  28. Palm Sunday - The Remembrance. This day signifies the Triumphal Entry (Matt. 21:1-11). Jesus entered as a King: God prepared His Sacrifice.
    Today serves as a preparation of one’s heart for the agony of Jesus’ Passion and the joy of His Resurrection. As we reflect on this final Holy week of Jesus' life, it is important to note that He did not deny the image that the crowd expected, the fulfillment of the hopes of Israel that He would be their earthly king, destroying the Roman government. However, Jesus humbly entered Jerusalem to give His life on a cross, saving mankind from sin and death. A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted:
    "Hosanna to the Son of David!"
    "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!"
    "Hosanna in the highest!"

    One day, Jesus will return gloriously as a mighty warrior in battle (Revelation 19:11–16). Until that day comes, I count my many, many blessings and thank You Lord for another year of my life. Celebrating on this great momentous day (Palm Sunday) in Remembrance of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on a donkey to symbolize Peace, before His crucifixion and Resurrection, is a blessing and great joy. Thank You for this most important gift I could ever ask for, the gift of Salvation You so freely gave, and Thank You for ALL You've done, doing and what You will do in my life. I give thanks in all things and praise Your Holy name.
    Christ came not to conquer by force as earthly kings, but by Love, Grace, Mercy, and His own sacrifice for His people. His is a kingdom of lowliness and servanthood. He embraced the poor, the broken, weak and oppressed during His time here on earth. His sweet, simple story of the Good Samaritan as reflected in Luke 10:33-35, is a perfect symbol of His everlasting Love, sacrifice and compassion. We give thanks to You oh Lord, for this Precious gift, JESUS our Lord and Savior. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace. May we enjoy the triumphal entry in a deeper way to the glory of the KING of kings and LORD of lords!

    Maplewood, NJ

      Happy Birthday Maplewood NJ and BOB.
      Hope you enjoy your Birthday Song. I have been singing it all morning on your behalf because you both exemplify it so well, on your birthday and everyday!

    2. Great Blessings on ALL the March Birthday people! TJ's with your on the 26th and Bob, Maplewood Sassy Mom's on the 28th!-- and ALL readers and posters! The Lord's gracious favor upon each JC FAMILY member. GREAT Love to ALL!!! JJ

    3. Thank you so much Maplewood! We sang those words in Church today. I'm in the Choir and this is a very busy week for us but such a blessing too. Happy Birthday to you and Bob, and Happy Birthday Sassy Mom!!!! Hope you're still celebrating all of God's blessings and the love and peace that surrounds you.
      What a wonderful Birthday song Brie!!! Keep singing little songbird.

  29. Happy Birthday Dear Maplewood and Dear Bob! Praying for each of you on these blessed pages and for our MadFox, as he heals in the name of Jesus Christ. Praying for the TN and southern states, Sassy Mom and Brie.
    My sleep was short this night, too. Please pray for my DH who took a tumble yesterday outside. Coming out of our son's house, he missed a step and was down before we knew it. I was next door getting something for our little celebration and when I came out, it was announced. I ran to him and prayed and we got him up and but for a skinned elbow and hand, he was fine - a little sore last night.
    My youngest son has surgery on his inner ear coming up in the next few weeks. He and his wife are getting their 2nd vaccines in a few days. I pray for both of them and for my son's surgery.
    Praying for all of my children, their wives and my daughter's 'husband to be,' wherever he is. For all of our grands who bless us so much and for the ones I haven't seen in months.
    I'm feeling sleepy again. The blessings of the "Receptivity and Attentiveness to the Holy Spirit. So calming. And, it's almost time to get up! HA HA...plenty of time to sleep later.
    Blessing, Peace and Love to each of you. I so loved reading your posts.

    1. Praying for your family and loved ones, Norah. May our Father watch over them, comfort, heal, strengthen, and guide each and every one of you. May His love and blessings flow through you all. God bless πŸ™.

    2. Praying to the Greatest Healer to give them all the greatest healing. Love to you our loving Norah

    3. Joining prayers for your husband's healing. Thank God he wasn't badly hurt in the fall. Praying for your son's surgery on his inner ear and for he and his wife to get their 2nd vaccines and no side effects. Thank You Jesus for your faithfulness. Keep this beautiful family close to you and heal all their physical emotional, mental and spiritual weaknesses. Strengthen them in all things. Thank You! Amen!

  30. Audra, How is your husband? I am still praying for him.

    1. Bless you! Thank you for asking. His back is better, enough to go back to work two days a week. And our minds are being renewed in gratitude more and more each day as the opportunities to bless people instead of judging become more and more obvious. Thank you all for your prayers, as I pray for you.

    2. I'm so glad his back is better, dear Audra. More answered prayers. Thank you for your prayers. We pray for each other and lift each other up in His love. How blessed we are!

    3. Thank you for your prayers for Marc and I, this year dealing with aging bodies where our minds say"go" and our bodies say "no". We are putting final touches on the house that will get listed for sale later this week. Trusting God's timing as perfect for these next steps in our "merge". Backs, knees, hips, shoulders, necks... Simon Says LOL Lord give us strength for every little thing. In Jesus's name I pray.

  31. Happy Birthday Bob and Maplewood...Your words are an inspiration to us all. God Bless.

  32. I'm having some issues with my neighbors. They don't like me and I think they want me to leave. I haven't had any hot water in over a week and I don't want to make accusations, but I'm starting to think that they have been turning it off to play games with me. I don't live in the best kind of neighborhood and I'm actually very uncomfortable here, but my circumstances have put me here for now. I have tried to make the best of it, but it's starting to really get to me. Can you please pray for me? I would really appreciate it. Thank you, my wonderful family of JC Warriors. May God bless you all. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    1. Janet, I will pray for you and your situation with neighbors. I will also pray for your neighbors. Lord, bless those we feel angry with. Bless those who don't share our values. We know you are a loving God and can make all things, relationships and circumstances work for good. As you have done so many times for us, turn this situation around to become a blessing for Janet and her neighbors. Let your Truth set them free and bring them Peace. In Jesus's name.

    2. Our dear Janet, I am joining into the gathering of prayer with Audra, Jan gridley, and all others to pray for you and your neighbors and your neighborhood.
      With God in our midst, I'm asking His Holy Spirit to take complete control of your situation as only He can, all for The Greater Honor and Glory of God. He'll make it right. Jesus will. I know He'll make it right. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. You are always in my prayers dear Sister. Praying you get hot water and also that your neighbors find Jesus and renew their hearts in Him and treat you right.
      Thank you Heavenly Father for changing Janet's circumstances so she will be comfortable and happy in her home. You are the Way Maker. Light her wilderness today and bring her hot water and comfort. She trust in You as we do. Thank you for answering our prayers. We love you.

    4. Janet. Does the hot water run only cold or does nothing flow?

      If it doesn't run, I am certain a valve was shut off.

      If it does run, is it a gas water heater? The pilot light could have gone out. Praying

    5. I want to thank you all for your prayers, thoughts, and concerns. The water heater broke almost a month ago now, but we got a new one and had hot water afterwards, but less than a week later it was hit or miss for hot water and then this last week it's only been running cold. I believe it's electric, but I'm not sure about that. There are other issues with my neighbors and things I've heard them say, but I need to ask the lord for forgiveness. It's very difficult to pray for those that are trying to cause you harm and don't like you, but Jesus did it. They crucified Him and He said to forgive them for they know not what they do. As hard as this is for me, I'm sorry, Lord, for only thinking about me and my needs and I'm asking You to soften the hearts of my neighbors and draw them to You and help me to be less self-centered and more like You. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Thank you all so much. You are all blessings from God. Peace be with you.

  33. Praying for you dear Janet. God neither sleeps nor slumber. He sees all. Dear Lord I lift my dear sister to you. We know that in certain circumstances you'll either remove us from the trouble or give us the perseverance to go through it knowing You're in the midst of it. I pray You will soon reveal to our sister what this is all about. Give her grace & the Holy stamina to journey through. Amen.

    1. Amen Jan joining your prayer for our dear Janet.

      Blessings from France

    2. Janet --- Joining Audra, Brie, Jan and BFF in their powerful prayers for you. I just pray the Holy Blood of Jesus Christ between Janet and your neighbors and the neighborhood. I pray for God Almighty to intervene and cause resolution! I proclaim , Janet, that your abode belongs to Jesus Christ and you will be kept safe spiritually and physically. I thank you my Lord for resolution and peace in this situation. In Jesus Matchless Name, AMEN and AMEN.

    3. Dear Janet, joining those above in prayer for you and your neighbors. Prayers that they see Jesus in you and you are a mighty witness to them through your circumstances. God's guidance and peace is prayed over you dear sister. Mindy

    4. Amen JJ! Praying with you and my sisters for Janet that God will intervene and cause resolution!

  34. Praying for you dear Janet! Pour your amazing grace over this situation, Jesus and I trust that you will fix it. Keep Janet safe! Amen and Amen!

  35. Amen and Amen. Rest well Janet, You are loved and God is faithful.
    Dear MadFox. Sleep well and rest in Him who cares for you. You have done well and now you must rest and recover with the Lord by your side. Much love to you and all our JC Family.

  36. Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God."

    Good Morning JC Warriors, I've been reading along along each day, and am grateful for all your prayers and and positive thoughts/comments. Please know God is working on me, but also using me, and several times I've thought, I would never have been able to be in this position to encourage or even pray with these folks were it not for MM. Despite the circumstances, I have a beautiful room for a hospital, and a spectacular view of Atlanta at sunset... which, of course, then reminds me every night of the trio of songs. It's gonna be ok, truth I stand on, and miracles.

    SITREP, day +3 transplant time line, 5 days now in the hospital. Very blessed comparatively to fellow patients. We can talk when walking or in kitchen/visitor lounge when we escape our room. Probably 10 more days to go, as I'm growing fatigued easier but am nowhere near the bottom of the chemo effects.. should start the upswing around 5 days from now. Still getting up, dressed, meet with docs nurses, who say short visits good. So far, it's all been a few minutes max with them!

    Thanks to all. Virtual hugs, the Lord's Army at JC Payton Family devo community is AWESOME!

    p.s. zfuntastic... You've got to write us an update since you'd been gone for quite a while! You're in victory lane, there folks here that can benefit from how you achieved your sobriety for the past year or ??, Godspeed, praying for you, Amen.

  37. Thank yoiu for the fine update dear MadFox. Sounds like you are in a wonderful place to receive God's healing power and to spread His message. Take it one day at a time in His presence as you always do. I am sure you are very blessed and your fellow patients are very blessed to have you there to lift and encourage them. I know what a giving heart you have. Thanks for that virtual hug! It was just what I needed. Rest well dear brother.
    "Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits - who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion." Psalm 103:2-4

    1. Hard to believe this was a year ago... and as stated above that Covid was 2. I pray we don't post that it is hard to believe a European war still rages next year. Praying for peace in His name. Amen.

  38. Praying with you dear MadFox for Peace in the Name of Jesus. Let's keep our mind and heart on Him and trust in His Ways.
    You will keep him in perfect peace,
    Whose mind is stayed on You,
    Because he trusts in You.

  39. Still heading to bed...OMG, REST my soul! Dear MadFox,I think I needed to read your great repot. Virtual hugs to you, Dear Brother! And, thank you, Jeanne, for your love and blessings.
    Off, I go!

    1. Joining MadFox, Jeanne & Norah in praying for Ukraine. There's a scripture where the Lord says we better pray to that when we are forced to flee, that it wouldn't be in winter. I cringe when I see the faces of Ukrainians & their children waiting in line in the cold & snow. Does anyone know where that scripture is?

    2. Matthew 24:20 " Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath"

    3. Mark 13:18 ESV "Pray that it may not happen in winter"

    4. Amen! Praying peace will come soon and God will make things right so the good people of Ukraine will find relief, comfort and joy in the days to come.

  40. 🎢Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday dear SassyMom, Maplewood & brother Bob,
    Happy birthday to you,
    & Many more🎢

    Love & blessings πŸŽ†πŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚πŸŽˆπŸ’•

  41. Happy Birthday dear Bob, Sassy Mom and Maplewood!! May the Lord shower Birthday blessings on all of you and continue to heal, protect and guide you and your loved ones. Thank You Jesus! πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ™πŸ°πŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸŽˆ

  42. Thank you for this blog! So blessed each time! God bless you!

    1. God bless you dear Ofelia. So happy to see your sweet post!

  43. Bless you as well Ofelia. Welcome aboard πŸ’•

  44. Stayed upon Jehovah
    Hearts are fully blessed
    Finding as He promised
    Perfect peace and rest.

  45. Wish Bob and MapleWood a Happy Birthday! Sassy Mom - thought you already had yours? If not - Happy BD to you, too. Peter - loved your post. Prayers for all of you. Love and sweet sleep!

  46. Love and sweet sleep Norah! Thanks for the prayers. Praying for you too!

  47. How blessed we are to have a good and loving Father who gives, and gives, and gives. He gives us way more than we deserve because He loves us with a perfect and unconditional love. The verses today were very good. Especially: Philippians 2:17 - Even if I am to be poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all.
    When Paul wrote his letter to the Philippians, he was aware that his imprisonment in Rome could lead to death, but he was willing to take that risk to continue his good work for the Lord. He loved the Philippians and they loved him and cared about him. He cared more about their faith journey than he did about his own welfare. He wanted to encourage them to remain steadfast in their faith even in his absence. He was selfless and only wanted to glorify God by his good service. He was content to be a prisoner of Jesus Christ. He knew even as a prisoner he was still able to open the hearts of people to Jesus and His message of salvation. He warned the Philippians about some false teachers who were out to glorify themselves instead of God. But no matter their motives he still appreciated that they were preaching Jesus to the people while he was imprisoned. I pray that we would have the heart of Paul, selfless instead of selfish, devoted to serving God and others, instead of ourselves. We should try to live godly lives, and not be led by our emotions buy by God's indwelling Spirit. We should do our best to be good examples for Jesus. I have many weaknesses and sometimes my human emotions just take over and then I know I'm not a good witness to my faith. I judge others and I have too much pride. But I do try to follow the Spirit, and if I see I'm getting upset or angry, I whisper the Name above every other name. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. He always draws me back to him. Just love this verse too:
    Isaiah 26:3 - You will keep him in perfect peace,
    Whose mind is stayed on You,
    Because he trusts in You.
    I saw a good old friend last night and she asked me how I was feeling since I got the cancer. I told her I had finished my treatments and I was doing well because Jesus is healing me. I trust Him with every fiber of my being. Every day I thank Him for healing me and for healing my friends and loved ones. He holds my tomorrows and I expect I'll have a whole lotta tomorrows because He keeps His promises. Hallelujah!

    1. Amen thank you Jeanne, a blessed encouragement. Our afflictions are a way to remind us to keep holding tightly on to Him.

    2. That's very true dear Peter. He allows the trials to test our faith and bring us closer to Him.

  48. "Because giving is inherent in My nature, I search for people who are able to receive in full measure."

    Ah, to be full of Him!
    Deeper and deeper into intimacy with Him.

    O Lord Increase our receptivity and attentiveness. Help us open ourselves fully to You, to receive You in full measure. There's nothing to be afraid of.
    You are Perfect Love, Perfect Love casts out fear.
    Help us be constantly and fully aware of your indwelling Presence.

    'Fill my cup, Lord
    I lift it up, Lord
    Come and quench this thirsting of my soul
    Bread of Heaven, feed me 'til I want no more
    Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole.'

    1. Amen! Fill my cup and make me whole! In Him we are made complete.

  49. " A whole lot of tomorrows"! Absolutely dear Jeanne. God has you today & all of your tomorrows. You are not done with your mission here. Hallelujah! πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    1. Amen dear Jan! Thank you and thank You Jesus!

  50. Happy Birthday dear brother Bob & dear Maplewood wherever you are! Bless your dayπŸ₯³πŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸŽΌ

  51. Happy birthday Bob and Maplewood. We miss you both.

  52. Wow! What wonderful words from Everyone on this blog! An amazing reading, amazing prayers and incredible reminder to me. Ended up reading all the years comments and I'm emboldened to persevere in asking for help Holy Spirit! Amen!❤️πŸ™

  53. Dear Heavenly Father, Please help me to be: receptive and attentive to You in all things. I continue to seek an open heart to be guided by Your constant presence in my life. I love you Jesus. Amen.

  54. Joining the Birthday train for dear Bob and dear Maplewood!! Hope you both had a blessed Birthday in God's presence. We sure do miss you! Be assured that your words live on and continue to encourage and lift us. God bless you always. Much love!

  55. Rick’s older brother Jack is in the hospital. He had an ablation last week to fix his heart flutter. But he wasn’t feeling good yesterday. He went to the hospital and was admitted for internal bleeding. They’re doing a CAT Scan tomorrow. Thanks for your prayers for healing and for the bleeding to stop. May God bring him back to perfect health. We ask this with gratitude in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  56. Glad to hear about Jack and praying also for Sally, Norah's husband, Al, Keith, Jan's husband, Audra, Eli, Barry, Mike, Sandy, the Hardwick family, and Suzi. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne πŸ™. God is so good ALWAYS! Our God shall supply!!! His faithfulness and perfect love abounds toward us all the time! We are so blessed πŸ™Œ! Peace be with you πŸ™.

  57. Jesus says go search for Him in all our moments, and we will be granted the perfect peace. Lord, I pray for all of us as we begin our day that we look for You in everything we see and everything we do. I pray that we all desire that perfect peace that only You can give.
