Saturday, March 1, 2014

Jesus Calling: March 8

    Save your best striving for seeking My Face. I am constantly communicating with you. To find Me and hear My voice, you must seek Me above all else. Anything that you desire more than Me becomes an idol. When you are determined to get your own way, you blot Me out of your consciousness. Instead of single-mindedly pursuing some goal, talk with Me about it. Let the Light of My Presence shine on this pursuit, so that you can see it from My perspective. If the goal fits into My plans for you, I will help you reach it. If it is contrary to My will for you, I will gradually change the desire of your heart. Seek Me first and foremost; then the rest of your life will fall into place, piece by piece.
1 Chronicles 16:11
English Standard Version (ESV)
Seek the Lord and his strength;
    seek his presence continually!

Matthew 6:33
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

What the Lord is Saying to Me
As I have been reading and studying through Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and now Zechariah, the other gods idea in the lives of Judah and the idolatry worship is common place. And then in this reading today is the reminder that anything that I desire more than God will become an idol. I have to think about it. Having time with God each day is important, but it often gets pushed aside for other things, busy things going on in my life. It reminds me of the song, Busy Man, from Prodigal (1982). What is getting in the way? Going to bed late because I am watching TV. So, is TV really sort of an idol in my life because if I went to bed sooner, i could wake up sooner? Probably. I am trying to fit God in with everything else rather than making Him First. Seek Him First and then everything else will be added in correctly.

Am I pursuing something right, more out of selfish motives, than surrendering it to the Lord and making sure it is according to His will. 

Also, in my daily life, am I really seeking first God and His ways and His righteousness? Is God my priority or something I just supplement in my life? As I look at these verse (Matthew 6:33), it seems to be a training verse, getting me off of the cares of this world and off of what the world's messages are pummeling me. The world says I'm not happy unless I have this or that. It tells me that God is not the highest thing in life, but rather just accepting everything as being okay, is. It trains me into thinking the life is about being entertained. It trains me in the idea that life is about me and meeting my needs and my desires. And so sometimes what I think is that if I seek first the Kingdom of God then what will be added to me is more of the things of the world, the "wants" of life but really God is wanting to give my life His ways.

My Prayer
Lord, right the ship of time in my life. Lord, seeking You should be my priority and yet, I fall away from this priority continually. Remind me daily that seeking You first allows everything else in my life to fall into place as it is appropriate.

Lord, deepen my children's relationship with you. Draw them to yourself and help them seek first the kingdom of God. As they experience trials and tough times in their lives, may their focus be on you and how you can give them strength to endure any difficulty.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.


  1. This was perfect today for me today! Thank you for your obedience! What a wonderful prayer! Thank you for this example and I pray God blesses you!

  2. Thank you for your thoughts and perspective on this - it is so timely and exactly what I needed to hear. I feel like it came straight from Jesus to my heart.

  3. father help me to set aside everythting i think know about you, everything i think i know about others, everything i think i know about myself, for a new experience with you God(hope) that my thoughts and actions will be devoted to ones of togetherness rather than separate. that i might feel and see that i belong. I ask that my goals be aligned with yours. Thy will be done.Amen

  4. Thank you for sharing your message and your thoughts. I have my book "Jesus Calling" but I much rather follow your daily blog. Your prayers are always spot on for our daily reading. Thank you and I shall continue to seek yours daily!! Ive given your link to family members as well. God Bless you!!

  5. Asking for prayers tonight for a dear Sister in Christ whose daughter and 2 children are in peril. Long story - can't go into it, but please pray for safety for the Mom and her 2 children, in hiding from the father (not husband), who is wanting to harm them. "Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, we thank you for your protection and claim perfect protection for these 3 of yours. Keep them safe and out of harms way. Bless the parents of this young girl, in their wisdom drawn from You." All I can say is, I have NO problems. This family is doing everything in their power to take care of the 2 children, still at home, an elderly father and how their eldest daughter and her 2 children. Thanks for your prayers, Team! <3

    1. Norah, I will keep your friend and her 2 children in my prayers. I pray that they find safety and that the Lord will provide for them. God bless.

    2. Norah, it is comforting to hear of a servant of Christ being in a position to make the difference in the lives of troubled families. May all of us lift up those you are ministering to in your job, your friends, and your family. In Him, Amen.

    3. Norah - I am praying for their safety and comfort in Jesus.

    4. You have my prayers as well, Norah. God be with you!

    5. Will pray right now Norah !!

  6. I am looking for advice from this God loving community. My fatheris getting up there in age and I don't believe he has a relationship with the Lord. I've been wanting to write him a letter for sometime about how important it is for him to find Jesus but I struggle with how to go about it. Has anyone ever done anything like this and what suggestions could you provide? This has been on my heart for almost a year and I just don't what to do. Please pray for me to find the wisdom to help lead him to the Lord. Thank you and God Bless.

    1. I thought I put my username in but I guess I forgot. This is obviously TJ and not unknown. Lol.

    2. TJ: My father passed away 5 years ago in his late 80's. I also know that he struggled to read due to eyesight issues and preferred to chat although he was nearly deaf so that also made communication difficult. So, my first question is do you have a dysfunctional or good relationship? If you have a good one, then I would counsel conversation vs writing. If he has poor hearing but can read then I think you should ask where he stands with God since it appears you are unsure. Then you and he should read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis even if he professes a belief in God. Each chapter could be a letter or conversation point.

      If you have a poor relationship or he is not in the same city and you cannot visit regularly then, I would suggest you ask where he stands but then realize that without back and forth a non-believer will be challenged to change their thinking. My father was old enough to have gone to church regularly as a kid but late in life, he regularly avoided the discussion whenever I tried to bring it up. In the end, I prayed for God's grace to extend to him since I couldn't make a difference. Hope this helps.

    3. T.J., ask the Holy Spirit to help and guide you. Pray. Whether written in a loving letter, or in conversation, the holy spirit will move you to express your feelings to your Dad. It's fairly safe when it comes from heart. Just hearing your request and concern-it is coming from your heart! You don't have any control over your Dad's response, but you did your part. I realize this may be easier said than done. Rely on faith and trust. Amen.

    4. TJ. I reread this a. m. I will only add that I will pray for your situation and my advice here was simply to try and give you some practical advice along with the prayers you have probably done for years.

    5. Unknown, good advice is being provided by those who have already replied. I, too, had a similar situation with my dad. What I did was first of all make sure I was honoring him as is stated in the 10 commandments. This I did by making sure I was a loving son to him. As progress was made in the development of our relationship, he would randomly ask questions that enabled me to share the truths of the scriptures. In my last visit with him with the end drawing near, I asked, "Dad, do believe there is life after death?" Being raised by an agnostic father and viewing life solely from an analytical perspective, he answered, "No." My last words to him were, "you are going to be pleasantly surprised." With that said, I ended in prayer. My role was to love him as a son, God's role is to save him. What happened between my last words and his death, I do not know. I trust God to fulfill His role. God be with you.

    6. Dear paytonfamily...I struggle with fear and doubt if I am saved. I have a friend who is an atheist.I am praying for him that he would come to know Jesus.but I struggle with this *n my own life.please pray for my friend Robby and me as well.I want peace and the joy of my salvation so that the Lord can use me for His glory.thank you for your ministry thru Jesus calling.I appreciate the scriptures and prayer written out.also please pray about the idols in my own life of selfishness and smoking addiction and manipulation.that truly I would overcome these sins and to not fear..I had a scary experience in a mental hospital 19 years ago and it shook my trust in the Lord and caused me to be afraid..* know it couldn't have been the Lord because He brings peace not fear. Thank you so much..melisa

    7. Melisa(edgeclan) - praying for you and Robby to overcome your struggles. The good Lord is always with us to comfort and heal us - and to guide us. KS

    8. Melisa (edgeclan), I appears to me one of the struggles you are having with knowing salvation is what we have been taught to think by the world around us and thus salvation is difficult to accept because quite frankly, it doesn't make sense by the world's way of thinking. But faith is about trusting above what the world thinks. It is believing in the power of love that has created all things, has loved all things, has redeemed all things and will one day take back to Himself all things. From a rational perspective, this makes no sense; from an eternal perspective it all fits together so beautifully and one day we will see it all so clearly. While we are on earth, we must let go of the standards of thinking of this world and trust the standards of God. In His Son Jesus Christ, He has saved us, we ARE saved. You ARE saved regardless of what you think or what anyone says for that matter. Live on in peace and let your friend Robby discover for himself, God in you. You have my prayers. God be with you. With love , Bob

    9. Melisa. Totally agree with Bob. I finally accepted my salvation is in Christ after many, many years (decades) of self-doubt that I was not "good enough". My running joke (and nightmare) to those confident in salvation was this: God the Father was Judge (bad theology), Jesus was my defense attorney, and Satan is the prosecuting attorney. Satan confidently plays video of my sins in the final judgement court... the sin total reaches many millions, and Jesus after saying "put it on my sin tab" millions of times finally says "you're right, Satan, it's one too many." The Father gavels it and off to Hell I went. Yes silly. But I didn't feel worthy... I felt God couldn't continue to love me by still sinning. Then finally I realized none of us can stop sinning.. Either Jesus bore my sins TOTALLY, or my unbelief makes him untruthful. He is TRUTH. God is love... only we can choose not to accept His grace and salvation. So, accept and "FEAR NOT, for I am with you always."

    10. Madfox and Bob ---I just LOVE YOU GUYS! Many great blessings upon you!

    11. JJ. thank you. Years ago, if you knew my inner thoughts towards others and my selfishness, you would not love me or my comments! God has worked in my heart for many decades and as an older and perhaps a bit wiser follower, I try to simply convey the message of Christ in anecdotes from my life and in more relatable and personal ways.

      Bless you JJ, your kind comments humble me and I pray that they are always shared as a servant of Christ. And Bob being active again, brings that unique pastorally trained insights, and I love that he is here as well. But let's not forget that too many to name also bring awesome experiences and insights to JC. Blessings to all who gather here in His name. Godspeed.

    12. Thank you dear ones for your encouragement to me..I do thank God for you all.

    13. Melisa (edgeclan), Thanking God that you and your friend Robby have been brought closer to knowing Jesus through His Word and His saving power. He is always with you and just a prayer away. He's closer than your own breath. Just speaking His Name as you seek Him will bring you into His presence and peace.
      Thank you Bob and MadFox. I sure do love you too my brothers.

    14. So grateful to have these posts to return to and be re-inspired by. Bless you all, JC family!

  7. Sarah's JC devo: "If the goal fits into My plans for you, I will help you reach it. If it is contrary to My will for you, I will gradually change the desire of your heart."

    I struggle a bit with this today as I think God can use your desires to accomplish "good" on whatever path you take. That's to say, I don't think God worries so much about your goals or plans, I think He is only seeking to change me and you to be a better person and the goals or plans are simply instruments to achieve the best Christian version of you. It is not to say God won't act in shaping your goals to a plan or that He can bend the will of your heart. He has, does, and can! Godspeed team.

    1. Well dear MadFox, I know in my imperfections, God has a whole lotta molding left to do in me. But I believe He knows how much He means to me and I do try to follow Him and rest in His care. I wish I could become the best Christian version of myself and always please and delight Him. Yet I know He loves me dearly as I am. I'm glad He holds my tomorrows. Wouldn't want them in anybody else's hands.

    2. It is far better to fit in with God's plans than to forge ahead with our own.
      Proverbs 16:3 (Amplified) – Roll your works upon the Lord (commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and) so shall your plans be established and succeed.
      His ways are better than our ways, His plans are better than ours. It is better to be aligned with God first, than try to carry out our plans only to be frustrated and have to make U turns.
      Isaiah 55:8-9 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

  8. What a blessing to read all of the prayers, goals and sharing of hearts on this blog. Bob, I love the 'breath prayers.' I shared this with a friend of mine who was having trouble sleeping; she said it helped her so much. To all of you: thank you for praying for my friend's daughter and 2 grandchildren. I've been on the 'night watch' since about 3:30 a.m. Picturing them safe and able to come home today. Thank you, MadFox and TJ and everyone who is praying for them. Anonymous, it blesses me to know that you visit this site throughout the day to know how to pray for God's people. Today, I will seek Him first. Sharon, your poem was riveting. TJ, I'll be praying for your Dad and the perfect situation for the two of you to talk, share hearts and give you the comfort that you are seeking. Sometimes, my only comfort is knowing that my loved ones have Eternal Life. Some of them may have forgotten or have chosen another way for a season. But, I was there! And I know they believed.

  9. Amen - though I seldom comment, I am a regular and please allow me to add to the affirmation of the value of the blog. God is doing a work through it!

  10. God Bless you all, and those that you are helping and praying for. I, too, seldom comment, but my heart is there.,,,along with yours. God is using us all...such a bright this world of ours that can be quite negative at times. So let’s all continue to run this’s easier when you have the support of the cheering spirits.

  11. Praying for all the concerns here. God is able. His eye is on the sparrow so He watches over the mother & her 2 children, provide courage & opportunity for TJ to lead his father to the cross. All of our idols will eventually be revealed to all of us & we will destroy them ourselves through the power of Jesus blood! Thank you all for sharing.

  12. So grateful you all are here and share so honestly. This community of believers reminds me that God is at work. Today is the last day at my job. I pray for this company and all those that are at the helm. They are struggling. The company hasn't had good leadership for a long time and I'm not sure it will make it. I pray for God's grace that they will all be taken care of. Thank you, God. Your mercy and grace are the highest of gifts. I pray for peace today for all of us seeking God's face. ❣

  13. Lord help Julieanne to find the open door for the next job. You care for this company. Pour your wisdom into those in charge to know the next steps to take. Mercy and Grace for those whom like Julieanne will searching for the next step to take. Amen

  14. Yes Father God i must always seek you first

  15. Chris' comment, "sometimes what I think is that if I seek first the Kingdom of God then what will be added to me is more of the things of the world, the "wants" of life", causes me to reflect. I can so identify that I am self serving. Lord, help me to accept Your plan rather than use my trust in You to try to further my wants.

    1. Anyone human can relate to your post. We are led by our needs and wants and emotion. Sometimes I have to try so hard to be still and know that He is God.
      Father, Give us eyes to look above all that we can see because the glitter of this world is just empty treasure. It means nothing. Help us to lay our treasure up in Heaven. All that we see is temporary but what You offer us is eternal. Remind us to seek you early and stay in your precious presence as we go through our day. Thank You for surrounding us always with your peace, grace and love. Amen.

  16. Thank you all for the wonderful advice concerning how to talk to my father about finding a relationship with Jesus. This site amazes me. I've been reading on here everyday for over a year and I smile every time I come here now. It used to be a couple of posts most days and sometimes there weren't any. Now there multiple postings every day. God is working through us all. The world is crazy right now but this group only strengthens my faith. God Bless you all.

    1. I am having a hard time remembering "crazy" in 2019 in light of these times in 2022, and everything in between. Come HOLY SPIRIT!

  17. I am blessed to be in Your Presence today and so thankful for life and the many gifts and opportunities You have bestowed upon me, Lord. I don’t know what this day holds, but I know that you hold the day. Thank You for always communicating with me and never leaving me. You are my refuge and strength, may I seek Your face each given day and rejoice in the knowledge of Your Sovereignty. Thank You for my Saviour Jesus and the Holy Spirit and thank You for walking with me today.

    We should not just make effort to seek God as though He is lost, but rather press hard to meet Him consciously because, seeking Him is a conscious fixing and focusing of our mind’s attention and heart’s affection on His Holiness. We seek the face of God through His Word and by doing so, we learn His character and His ways, we seek Him through prayers and by doing so, we are communicating and spending time with Him and hear His voice and as we worship Him, we welcome His Presence. We must always strive to constantly set our minds toward God in all our experiences and to always direct our minds and hearts toward him through the means of his revelation. Seeking God is getting to know Him and desire Him more than anything else. Isaiah 55:6 urges us to: "Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near”.

    Father, You said we should seek first Your Kingdom and everything else will be given to us. Thank You for the freedom we have to do just that and the revelation of Your saving grace and mercy. We worship You in Spirit and in truth and thank You for the light of Your Presence that shines on us in our pursuit of seeking You!

    Sunday blessings!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. AWESOME Maplewood, just what I needed today!


    2. Amen to that Maplewood. Seeking Him takes a conscious and constant effort. We must just keep pulling the reins of our day back to Him and focusing on Him. Especially in the midst of our daily responsibilities. He can't lead us unless we surrender to Him.

  18. "seeking You first allows everything else in my life to fall into place as it is appropriate." Thanking You, Lord.

    1. Yes, Sassy Mom! Amen! Praise and Gratitude. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things will be added unto you.

  19. Lord, open our eyes, ears, hearts and minds to hear Your voice today. Show us how we can be Your hands and feet.

    1. Your prayer echoes the words in my heart, dear Suzanne. Praying you are well.

  20. Happy to report that my dear Hub is home safe and sound along with his traveling companions who made sure he had the time of his life. My little DIL said, "We just wanted to make sure we brought him back home to you, healthy and happy." And that they did!
    He came home to a mess, but a 'delightful one,' to him and as I suspected, he was blessed and happy with the progress. By this coming Tuesday, we will be about 3 weeks away from having everything completed.
    In the meantime, God has blessed us with restored health, plenty to eat and last night, the best sleep I've had in over a week. Today, the sun is shining and we are having warm weather.
    Throughout all of this adventure, I have tried to seek first the Kingdom of God. I have failed numerous times, but He is quick to forgive and stand me back up, dust me off and get me going again. I am every-so-thankful! We are blessed with dear family and friends who have pitched in and encouraged and done more physical labor than I've ever seen.
    With a humble heart, I thank all of you for your prayers. Please know that mine are with you.

    1. I just love good news, Norah! So happy Hub had a wonderful time. He's been through a lot and it is just a blessing that he enjoyed himself and he and your family got home in one peace. I know piece is misspelled but I just thought it made sense. Thanking God for your good health and good food and most of all, your rest. We all get dusted off and put back on the straight and narrow. He is a loving Father to us and we are well taken care of. I see His Faithfulness every day and I will continue to praise His Name as long as I live. Rest well dear Sister.

    2. What a difference a year makes, right Jeanne? That was when my DH was returning from Germany with one of our sons and his wife. He is still reveling in that trip and it brings him great joy. We are witnessing to the young lady they saw there, for the first time since 2009. She is praying with all of us for DH's continued health. And, I might add: we love our 'new kitchen,' though you'll read on in days to come how all work came to a halt due to COVID. Feels like it was YEARS moves on! Love your heart for our family. I always keep you in my prayers, too. <3

    3. I am so glad you love your new kitchen! Sometimes when I read the posts, they seem so timeless that I forget they are a year ago or even more. How wonderful that the young lady is joining in our prayers for your DH. Life moves on, but thankfully God doesn't change and His promises are forever! Aww. Such nice words. Jesus lives in my heart and I love right through Him. You know I love you, sweet Sister, and keep you and your Hub always in my prayers. Thanks for your sincere prayers!

  21. Father, please help me let go of the desire of "pleasing me " and replace it with a pure desire to please You. Help me shed these worldly ways, thoughts, and desires. Put Your desire/will on my heart and let me receive it Lord. Help me hear, receive, accept, and abide in You. Help me to worship You in the way that I should. You are worthy of my all - not just a part of me. I surrender all to You Lord. Thank You for being in my life and for everything You are and do Lord. You are so amazing and wonderful. There is no one above You. You are God Almighty - the most high. Praise the Lord continually and always. Thank You Jesus. I trust, love, and adore You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Help me seek YOU more and more, God, everyday in everyway. I ask. I SEEK. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus Name. Amen.

    2. Dear Lord may this be my prayer also. In Jesus' name. AMEN

    3. I'm jumping in as well. Lord, help me to seek You more, as Janet, Brie, and Waiting have said. You are ALL I truly need! Amen!

  22. Lord, I am continuing in prayer for our Texas Family and all others from whom we await to hear! Please be with them and and make all things work together for their good. Especially let them know that their JC Family loves them and praying for them. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  23. Amen dear Janet. Praying for you and with you. Loved your prayer especially:
    "He is worthy of my all and not just a part of me."
    May I do my best to spend more sweet time with Him each day because I want to be more like Him, and keep Him in the forefront of my life.
    Praising His Name always. He is everything to me and I am nothing without Him. He knows that! Now I must get some rest and restore myself so I can serve Him better. God bless you and all my dear family. Love you all.

    1. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. And Lord, help me to trust in You and not in the world. Hallelujah! Peace be with you.

  24. Just want to Praise the Lord for ALL my JC FAMILY/WARRIORS!!! I just love you all!!! Your prayers for my surgery have continued to sustain me. Before the surgery, the doctor told my husband and I that the 2 different scans he had me do were negative---a shout of praise to the Lord!!! He was hoping that he would not have to do as radical procedure as first thought. It would just depend on what he found during surgery. He said all the doctors consulted on this tumor had no idea of what it was. Well, because of my Miracle Working Lord, the surgery was done in half the time that they had originally planned. The plastic surgeon that was called on the case completed the closure of the incision without skin grafts. He was very pleased with the end result. Both doctors were very pleased with the outcome. Recovery is going extremely well! Now waiting for the final pathology report. I decree and declare it BENIGN, BENIGN, BENIGH!!! It is in the hands of my Promise Maker and my Promise keeper. His Word does not return to Him void. Praying for every step on each one of my JC FAMILY'S journeys. My wishes for you are happiness and prosperity and I pray God grant you all your heart desires. Everything good you ever desire will come to you without stress by God's grace. Great Love, Blessings and Healing to each one of you. In Jesus's Name, the Name above ALL Names.
    In His Grip of Grace, Mercy and Healing

    1. Hallelujah! Continuing prayers of healing and miracles JJ. Praise the Lord! God loves you and He is so very good! Thank You Jesus.

    2. Hallelujah JJ - Praise God for this great report - God is so Good and I'm so glad to give Him the glory for your positive words and rejoicing.

    3. Fantastic news, JJ! And may I add a third Hallelujah!!! God is a God of miracles! Praise God!!! And we ask, Lord, for that BENIGN result! In your son, Jesus' name, AMEN!

    4. JJ, God is so good and with you. And his light and love is loud and clear through you. Bless you, thank you. And yes, His Word does not return to Him void. πŸ™πŸ“–

    5. I am raising high my glass filled with Hallelujah for all His Mighty Marvelous Miracle Healings! I also have the Bingo Card out and the Marker ready to cover B9 on your behalf, our dear JJ. With Love To You, From me.

    6. Praise the Lord that it all went so well because He was guiding the doctor's hands.
      Thank You Father that the results will be good and dear JJ will rejoice with thanksgiving as we all will.
      Get the Marker for B9 ready, Brie!

  25. JJ- your enthusiasm and hope inspires faith and trust! Thank you. We give thanks, Papa, that we can present these concerns and hopes to you. We know your character and heart. We know you are good. We know you want the best for JJ. Thank you for this great report and the good news forthcoming. We bless you, God.

    1. Rejoicing with you all.

      Hearing Him in my heart today to lift up every encouraged heart and every discouraged heart. May this prayer from Psalms become true for each one; "Lord, you are the health of my countenance".

      May we come to experience God alone suffices... not any person, place, or thing.

    2. Amen Keith! Hope everything is going well.
      God alone suffices. He is all we need, all the time.

  26. Hello
    I've been reading this daily for the past 8 months and have probably commented twice in total. While reading today, I got a message that my mom had just had a stroke. I spoke with her (she recognized my voice), her speech is slurred and she's getting better but would love prayers right now. I'm in the USA and she's in Nigeria so that is difficult for me. Please pray for my mom, her name is Maria. Thank you!

    1. Praying for you and your family and your mom Maria!

    2. Dear Lord please keep Maria safe. please send your angels to watch over her and her family! Please Lord give Maria strength to fight whatever disease that it is in her body. Please Heal her Jesus. Please help her lord. πŸ™ God is with you dear kwavi.

    3. Kwavi --- So thankful that you came to the JC FAMILY/WARRIORS with your concerns. I join the JC WARRIORS in going to The Throne of Grace for your mom, Maria. My precious Lord, look upon Maria with eyes of Mercy, may Your Healing hand rest upon her. Lord, may Your life-giving powers flow into every cell of her body and into the depths of her soul, cleansing, purifying, restoring Maria to wholness and strength for service in Your Kingdom. I plead the blood od Jesus over her from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet. Please send Your comfort to surround Kwavi and family. In Jesus's Name, For His Honor and For His Purposes, AMEN and AMEN

    4. Kwavi, I'm praying for you, your Mom and family. Being apart during times like these can be tough. Praying for peace and calm. JE

    5. Thank you Lord for your healing hands upon Kwavi's mother, Maria. In God we trust!

    6. I am joining into all Mighty Marvelous Miraculous Healing prayers for Kwavi and Mom Maria.

    7. Joining JC Warriors in prayers to Jehovah Rapha, the GREAT PHYSICIAN for Kwavi and her mother Maria.

    8. Praying for your dear Mom, Kwavi. He can bring her back to perfect health because nothing is too hard for Him.
      Thank you Father for restoring Kwavi's Mom in every way and showing her your faithfulness. Comfort Kwavi's worried heart and mind, and bless them both in every area of their life, in the Name of Jesus!

    9. Still praying, dear Kwavi. Please let us know how things are going. Trusting that you and your Mom received God's faithfulness.

  27. Thank you Jesus thank you so much for the peace. Please dear lord help me to reach my goal and if it’s not meant for me, then change my heart so I can be in peace. Thank you Jesus.

    1. Praying you reach your goal, dear Woman of God. Trust in Him completely and wait in patience and thanksgiving.

  28. God Bless each of you on this beautiful, sunny Monday morning. I've been enjoying the songs posted here as I read, prep for the day and thank God for His many blessings.
    We had a nice weekend of combined work and rest. I've been struggling with my little office, which I spend the majority of my days and evenings in. I have YEARS of documents, photos, adult-kids 'stuff,' and I'm out of space. So, I started sorting Sat morning (made a large Zip Lock bag for each of my off-spring and one labeled "Family" for us to enjoy) and by last night had some semblance of order with a lot to get rid of (25 yr old tax returns - really?). Yesterday, I mostly rested with DH after our virtual fellowship and it was so nice. I did one or two little things in my office and it's starting to resemble a room again instead of the eye of the storm.
    When I read JC this morning, my heart was once again refreshed: "Instead of single-mindedly pursuing some goal, talk with Me about it. Let the Light of My Presence shine on this pursuit, so that you can see it from My perspective." So, I've asked Him to go before me today. Give me little prompts to 'get one thing done before starting another.' We are always encouraged by our Sr. Advisor to 'Get up! Move! Take a walk! Don't sit at your desk, hour after hour!' So, today, I will do just that and look forward to seeing the piles diminish.
    Praying fervently for you, Dear MadFox. I feel as if I know each step you are taking, remembering my DH's transplant 7 years ago. You are surrounded by Prayer Warriors - both physically and spiritually. I'm praying for supernatural healing, producing of stem cells, diminished bad cells and minimal everything else (while in recovery). JJ gave us such a detailed description of her surgery that I have 'adopted' it when I'm restless. I picture the Angels of Heaven surrounding my space and the comfort our Lord and Savior, our Prince of Peace brings is something to behold. That is my prayer for you, your dear wife and RN daughter.
    I am praying for your dear Mom, Maria, Kwavi and that she feels the comfort of your prayers all the way from the USA to Nigeria! Prayers for all of you Dear JC Family, your requests, your victories and for God to shorten any time of discomfort. Praying that you get answers today, Jeanne and that your recovery is swift! You amazing me with the meals you make!
    Thank you again for your continued prayers for my DH and me. One day at a time and TODAY is a great day!

    1. How awesome to make a big dent in your little office. It is such a renewing feeling to see a semblance of order again. And I do get those prompts from God to 'get one thing done before starting another.' He knows me too well. I am a multi tasker to a fault. And leave have completed projects around my apartment. But I do eventually finish them.
      Joining in your prayers for Kwavi's Mom and MadFox. Thanks so much for your prayers, my good Sister.
      Dear MadFox, I think of you always and pray without ceasing that your transplant will go well and you will be holding God's right Hand through it all.

  29. Amen! I too have tasks before me as I "purge to merge" two households into one. May God bless our efforts and support us in His plan for our days ahead. May he do the same for each of you this day in all ways.

  30. Dear Audra, May God make the merge smooth as silk. Happy Birthday sweet Sister!

  31. Reading these beautiful posts from last year lifts my heart. We are blessed to belong to such a loving Family in Christ and we are truly of one accord. Thanks again for your prayers for Rick. We pray for each other. Thank You Father for answering all our prayers and for guiding Rick's appointment today with his Cardiologist and leading him to the proper treatment or procedure to make him better. Most of all open his heart to You. Thank You for this in the Name of Jesus.

    1. Praying for you, Rick and his Cardiologist today at 2. May our loving Father guide the doctor to make the right decisions in Rick's treatment, and may Rick follow those decisions wholeheartedly. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Dear Jeanne, praying most of all that Rick's heart will begin to soften & open up more & more to believing that God is in the midst of all his health concerns & His love for Rick will shine through these health issues so bright that it will be undeniable! Amen!

    3. Praying in agreement with you Jeanne.

    4. Amen dear Brie, Jan and Terri! Thank You my sisters. Woke up to your sweet prayers. Resting in God’s faithfulness and praying with you for Rick’s heart to be opened to Jesus, and for all to go well at his doctor’s appointment and that God guides everything to good.

    5. I'm all in on these prayers for Rick and you Jeannie!

    6. I’m joining in prayer for you sweet sister Jeanne, prayers for Rick, prayers for Madfox, TJ, JJ, Bob, Audra, Maplewood, Norah and DH, Sassy Mom and for each and every single one of this beautiful body of believers.
      Love and blessings

  32. Thank You Jesus. I will keep praises of You in my mouth all the day long. Bless Your holy name πŸ™ πŸ™Œ.

    1. #METOO πŸ™ πŸ™Œ AMEN.

    2. Joining in your beautiful prayer! Amen πŸ™

  33. Hello family! Asking for prayers again as I have another medical appointment today. A bit anxious and restless, (sleepless night) but trying to give it all over to God. I trust in His promises and know He is with me. I’m praying all goes well and that I am at peace.
    May your day be blessed! Shalom.

    1. Praying πŸ™ for our Lord to calm your fears, increase your trust in Him for good Medical Appointment results In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Praying for you for a successful medical appointment. Rich. Praying also for God to calm your anxiety. God bless!


    3. Rich - praying for you as you go into your medical appointment today. May God cover you with His peace and calm. JE

    4. Joining in prayer for you Rick. May your appointment be good news & better than what you could've expected. Amen πŸ™πŸ™

    5. May Our Lord's peace wash over you like a wave, Rick, and you feel a huge exhale of sorts calming your nerves. Lord, we thank you that Rick's appointment today is going to go better than he's anticipating! In Jesus' name, amen!

    6. Dear Rich! Do not be afraid. He goes before you always. Be anxious for nothing. Joining all prayers that God will guide your appointment and you’ll reap good results. Rest in Him dear brother! He loves you and cares for you.

  34. Seek the Lord and his strength;
    seek his presence continually!
    Lord I seek you to go ahead of Larry and prepare the place for him before during and after the Cardio Stress Test he is having today. May the results be great in accordance with Your Will. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

    1. Brie - Praying daily for you and Larry. God please be with Larry as he has his stress test today and that all goes well and please cover Brie with Your peace. JE

    2. Dear Brie, God walks ahead of you & Larry. He's already there attending to every detail of your hubby's test. Love & blessings to you bothπŸ’•πŸ™

    3. Joining my sisters, J&J, and praying Larry's test goes well and you feel God's presence! As my dear friend Teresa says, "Breathe in with Jesus and out with satan".

    4. Amen dear Brie! Joining right in with all prayers that your DH Larry’s Stress test will go very well because God is in charge. Looking forward to hearing good results. Praying always for you and Keith. Rest in the Lord and continue to wait on Him. May he surround Larry and all of you with His peace and comfort. Thank You Jesus

  35. Because it helps me so much and with very slight modifications, I took the liberty to pull down JJ's post from a year ago, which is always current. I am praying her Go To THE Throne and slam the door in Satan's face prayers, for all of us weary travelers who are navigating health issues, and the partners who travel with them because they love them. in Jesus' Name.
    JJ March 8, 2021 at 7:19 AM
    So thankful that you came to the JC FAMILY/WARRIORS with your concerns. I join the JC WARRIORS in going to The Throne of Grace for ______. My precious Lord, look upon _____ with eyes of Mercy, may Your Healing hand rest upon _____. Lord, may Your life-giving powers flow into every cell of _____ body and into the depths of _____ soul, cleansing, purifying, restoring _____ to wholeness and strength for service in Your Kingdom. I plead the blood of Jesus over _____ from the crown of _____ head to the soles of _____ feet. Please send Your comfort to surround _____ and family. In Jesus's Name, For His Honor and For His Purposes, AMEN and AMEN and Amen again this year. Thank you, JJ!

    1. Amen! Filled in the "blanks" with the names of all mentioned in today's blog, and several I know in my circle of family and friends. Great template, JJ, and idea to help us pray, Brie! ♥️♥️πŸ™

  36. Amen and Amen! Thank you Brie and JJ!

    1. Yes Brie, Satan's face will go "SPLAT!" as the door is slammed shut on his thieving, destroying, lying face! We claim the crimson blood of Jesus to be applied to us and each loved ones in this warroom! Amen! Hallelujah! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’•

  37. Joining all mentioned prayer request's for My JC Family. Please pray for my "Son in Love" Michael who is having ACL (knee) surgery (right this minute) for injury received from head on collision which totaled his work van. Michael's Dr. prayed for God to guide his hands during surgery. My daughter Debbi was told to wait in the lobby,if there are no complications she can take him home today. Please pray courage strength, guidance and endurance for Debbi and Michael as he endures physical therapy.

    1. Praying now πŸ™ and will continue in prayer for you πŸ™ Debbi and Michael's speedy and complete recovery, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Joining Brie SassyMom in prayer for Michael & Debbie. God's hands are on the hands of the surgeon. We pray "success" as he heals & recovers. We pray stillness in spirit for Debbie as she waits. Amen! Hallelujah!πŸ’•πŸ™

    3. Praying that his surgery went very well and that God is healing every weakness in his body. How blessed to have a doctor who prays that God will guide his hands perfectly. Praying for courage, strength, guidance, patience and endurance for Michael and your daughter Debbi through his therapy and thanking God to bring him back to perfect health. Thank You Jesus!

  38. Praying for all of these requests and claiming VICTORY for the heart procedures (Jeanne and Brie), knee procedure for Michael, Rich's report and all others who are on my heart and in my prayers!
    I also enjoyed reading 'this time last year,' Jeanne. We are blessed. Janet's prayers, Brie's songs...JJ and Jan Gridley - love and prayers to all of you. And to our Dear MadFox - that he is far better this year, than last!
    Love to all of you! I had to laugh at my last year's post, because this weekend, I did ANOTHER purge on the office. GEEZ, how does this stuff build up?? Oh well, in comparison to last year, my little office has less. I want to clean it all out and then do a remodel...much like my kitchen 2 years ago (STOP ME! LOL!). Looking forward to the VICTORY REPORTS that I'll see either later or in the morning.
    God's richest blessings, JC Family. You are the BEST!

  39. Thanks dear Norah and all those who are praying for Rick. He's scheduled to have an ablation on 3/21. Praying all of our prayers will be answered, especially that Michael's surgery went well and he will recover completely. Love you all dear JC Family!

  40. I just want to say I have the book but I love that I can read the text and scriptures on the go before heading to work every morning

  41. To My Beloved JCFAMILY ---- I am asking Heavenly Father, in Jesus's name to bring a special blessing on this JCFAMILY and their loved ones. I thank You Heavenly Father for giving them an impartation of Joy and Peace and to touch them with Your Glory. Thank You, Father, to bring them that Joy, to bring them that Strength, to bring them that Peace, to bring them that Comfort, to bring them anything they need to mend anything broken in their lives. I ask, Heavenly Father, they see breakthroughs in some way, shape or form visit them this day. I ask it all in the name of Jesus, the name above every name and the God who can do superabundtantly above ALL you dare ask or think, AMEN and AMEN.

    1. Amen πŸ™. Thank you JJ! God bless.

    2. Amen and thank you for your wonderful prayer. Joining in for God’s faithfulness to rain down on this family.

    3. JJ, I receive your blessings. Thank you for your prayers and love.

    4. Thank you JJ- I, too, receive your blessings ❤️

    5. Receiving your powerful blessings dear JJ. May you also receive the same in good measure!, We love you πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    6. Yes, JJ, joining my sisters in thanking you for that awesome prayer over us all. So grateful!

    7. Thank you, JJ, for the loving prayer. I am believing with you!

    8. Thank you JJ for this morning's prayer gift. I give you the same one!

    9. Thank you, JJ. I receive your gift of prayer and blessings. I reciprocate them back to you and all of our JC family.

  42. Off to see my good Mom this morning. Please pray that her physical goes well on Thursday and also my friend Jessie’s uterus surgery. May God guide it all to good as only He can. Thank You Jesus and may JJ’s prayer be granted. Believe the best is yet to come.

    Psalm 100:5
    “For the LORD is good;
    his steadfast love endures forever,
    and his faithfulness to all generations.”

    Psalm 107:20
    “He sent out his word and healed them,
    and delivered them from their destruction.”

    Psalm 120:1
    “In my distress I called to the LORD,
    and he answered me.”

    Psalm 145:9-10
    “The LORD is good to all,
    and his mercy is over all that he has made.
    All your works shall give thanks to you, O LORD,
    and all your saints shall bless you!”

    1. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne. May our heavenly Father's healing presence and mighty power be with them. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. I also am joining with you in prayer dear Jeanne this morning.❤️πŸ™

    3. Have a safe trip & blessings on your time spent with mom. Lifting up your prayer requests: Mom's physical tomorrow & Jessie's surgery. πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    4. I had Psalm 120:1 pop up in my mind as I woke up this morning. Hallelujah!

    5. Sweet Jeanne --- Standing in the gap for all your prayer requests. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over all. He watches over His WORD to perform it! HALLELUJAH!!!

    6. Thanking God for your safe travels and loving heart Jeanne. Praying with you!

    7. Thank you dear Janet, blessings from NY, Jan, JJ and Norah!! Your prayers mean so much to me. We continue to pray for each other because we know our God hears us when we call to Him. He answers our pleas and comforts our hearts and leads our ways. We are in good and powerful Hands that are mighty to save. His Words and promises are true, and we are dearly loved and well taken care of. Thank You Jesus. Much love to you all. Praying for more answered prayers.

  43. JC Warriors, please pray for Norma, the lady I care for. She's been in the hospital since Friday and has pneumonia and 6 fractured ribs. Her oxygen levels are unstable and she's scared. She doesn't think she's going to make it this time, but I am praying that our heavenly Father will bring her peace, comfort, and strength. His healing hands will touch her and make her body whole again. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Thank you all for your prayers and support. God bless!

    1. Praying along side you Janet for Norma . That the Lord bring her peace and healing. πŸ™

    2. Joining NY & you dear sis in prayer for Norma. You are her blessed assurance Lord. Touch her body, soul, mind &, heart as she gives all to Your will &, good purpose. Amen!πŸ’•πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    3. I, too, am joining this prayer train for Norma, Janet. Wrap your peace around Norma, Lord, and quiet her fears. May she feel Your presence as well as feel You bringing her through this. In Jesus name, amen!

    4. Praying for Norma, Janet and the Peace that passes all understanding.

    5. My Mighty WARRIOR Jesus --- I step forward today to reach out and touch the hem of your garment to bring healing to Norma. I speak Your name, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus over Norma and surround her with Your Ministering Angels. In Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN.

    6. Joining all prayers and continuing to pray for dear Norma. We know all things are possible with God! He can do anything! May His Healing power wash over Norma’s whole body, mind and spirit and restore her in every way so she can proclaim His good deeds for the rest of her life.
      Dear Jesus, Guide Norma to touch the hem of Your garment that she may be healed.
      Thank You Father for all this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

      Jeremiah 17:14
      Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; Save me, and I shall be saved, For You are my praise.

      Malachi 4:2
      But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings; And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed calves.

      1 Peter 2:24
      Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.

  44. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13). But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must know that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6). Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. (Ephesians 6:10). When You said, "Seek My face,", my heart said to You, "Your face LORD, I will seek." (Psalm 27:8).

    1. Your face I seek oh Lord. Show us, show us Your glory! Hallelujah!

    2. Amen and Amen! Seeking His Face and resting in His Promises.

  45. My prayer too dear JanetπŸ™. Thank you for sharing your heart πŸ’ž. Bless your day.

  46. AMEN and AMEN!! Thank you Janet for that beautiful prayer! NOW I can start my dayπŸ™‚

  47. Went to see Jesus Revolution movie with friends last night. We all ended up grabbing a tissue. To think I was in California at the time &, didn't pay much attention to it. I guess because of the drugs the flower people were engaging in at the same time &, getting engaged to my future hubby, I was preoccupied. Fast forward to the age of 75 & be coming a believer at one point, I can now appreciate the impact it made. We need another one of Lord! Go see the movie if you get a chance, it features our Lord!πŸ₯°

    1. Jan, we plan to see it Saturday. That was my era and I'm sure I'll relate.

    2. We enjoyed the movie very much. You know you are getting old when they start making movies with people you knew personally in them!

  48. Psalm 27:8 "You have said, “Seek my face.” My heart says to you, “Your face, LORD, do I seek."
    I seek Your Face Lord. Not Your hands, Your Face. My heart's desire is to see with my eyes the Love Light in Your eyes. Eye to Eye.
    There is nothing more I desire than to be in Your company continually. Then everything else falls into place.
    Being aware of Your Presence I can say 'It is well with my soul'. Blessèd be Your Holy Name.

    1. Thanks dear Peter. Often when I’m trying to go to sleep I pray to see His Face, to behold His Countenance. How beautiful His Eyes of pure Love must be. What a blessing those Eyes are always on us.
      Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine.

  49. Such a spot-on and perfect prayer, Janet! I will pray this today as well. Thank you for this awesome and heartfelt prayer!

  50. I've been reading Oswald Chambers on a website called My Utmost For His Highest. This morning: " WISDOM FROM OSWALD CHAMBERS
    When a man’s heart is right with God the mysterious utterances of the Bible are spirit and life to him. Spiritual truth is discernible only to a pure heart, not to a keen intellect. It is not a question of profundity of intellect, but of purity of heart. Bringing Sons Unto Glory," I had to look up 'profundity:' "deep insight, great depth of knowledge." I loved reading this in light of Jesus Calling - seeking Him first. God looks on the heart. Praying for the heart of a loving, trusting child. Seeking Him first in this day and praying for each of you and all of our loved ones.

  51. Thanks dear Norah! Wonderful share! May we always see Him with a childlike trust and a heart full of awe.

  52. Thank you Lord for opening our hearts to more of You! We see the Holy Spirit at work all around us and through us. As we join in prayer for all those mentioned here today, we face our day with confidence and trust that You will make a way.


  54. Great song, Audra! I join you and all prayer warriors in praying for all listed above and for those who read quietly in their hearts. May God bless you all today and everyday. In His name we pray, Amen.

  55. Thank You Heavenly Father for granting dear MadFox a good report from his follow up and healing and blessing him and Norah’s Best Man, young Eli, my friend Mike and Katie’s mom Monica, and all those we are praying for especially our brothers and sisters in our JC family, and bring them peace and comfort. Thank You for strengthening my mom and healing my sister’s knees too. We pray this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    John 14:13-14
    And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

  56. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13). For thus says the LORD to the house of Israel: "Seek Me and live." (Amos 5:4). But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul. (Deuteronomy 4:29). Let no one seek his own, but each one the other's well-being. (1 Corinthians 10:24).

  57. Thank you dear Jeanne & Janet for precious morsels from the word. Mmm, taste &, see that the Lord is good! Hallelujah ❤️

  58. Search as I may, I couldn't find the post from MadFox about his checkup. I found the post from 2023 about a checkup. Prayed for him anyway. Norah, so glad to hear Jesus got you, your DH & son through a challenging day. Praying you through many more days filled with blessings &, " BLESSONS"πŸ˜πŸ™πŸŒˆ

  59. I appreciate Chris Payton's thoughts on today's Jesus Calling; needing to be aware of my priorities and anything that may be an idol; to put my Lord Jesus and our relationship my highest priority.
    Chris mentions studying through Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Zechariah, noticing Israel's predilection to idol worship.
    I have been studying through Genesis to the the end of Joshua so far, tonight to start Judges. To me it seems the young nation of Israel had an unhealthy magnetism towards idol worship with associated sinful practices. Then I read in Joshua 24:31 "And Israel served the LORD all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that overlived Joshua, and which had known all the works of the LORD, that he had done for Israel."
    Seems to me Joshua's leadership and lifestyle example helped Israel serve the Lord and steer them away from idol worship. Maybe that's a lesson to us that our Godly leadership and lifestyle should steer our 'tribe' (children, grandchildren etc) in a Godly direction. Do we talk the talk but not walk the walk? Food for thought. I know I need to swallow my pride and apologize to someone in our family.

    1. EXACTLY Peter! We have to serve somebody, and it won't be found in today's hope for change in human behavior.
      I like this call out in Sarah's insights today:
      " If the goal fits into My plans for you, I will help you reach it. If it is contrary to My will for you, I will gradually change the desire of your heart. Seek Me first and foremost."
      Thank God!

  60. I am always amazed that upon a cue from Almighty God, the birds all start their morning song. And the day begins. God's Blessings for all this glorious day that He has made. John H.

    1. Yes! John H.
      I pray to take a cue from His Birds 🐦‍⬛ who seek His Face at the rising of The Son and as soon as they see it, they start their morning praise and worship tweets, chirps and songs 🎡 🎢 to Him, and then constantly communicate with Him all the day long.
      This is Their Story.
      This Is Their Song.
      Praising our Savior all the day long!
      May I go and do likewise.
      In Jesus's Name. AMEN!

    2. Beautiful Brie. John H.

  61. Good AM. Thank you for your prayers JC Prayer Warriors. I had not mentioned the trip to Emory as it was simply all annual tests. We return in a few weeks to get results. Anticipate good results based on the weekly and monthly normal testing done before each infusion. Had communicated with Norah privately and she mentioned it in an update post on her husband. Norah and hubby are and have been on the myeloma journey for far longer than me, and since I was simply getting testing and no treatments or changes felt they should be the emphasis online.

    Now, my prayer request is to have great results and be able to stop the weekly infusions after over 180 weeks of doing them! Godspeed. And his comfort to all those with cancer and other stressful ongoing ailments. Amen

    1. You've got our prayers, Mad 🦊, and God's got us all πŸ‘♥️✝️

    2. Whether you post or not MadFox, you are always in our prayers. IMHO, TEST-ing is worthy of prayer since it is a major ingredient in TEST-imony!
      Much ❤️ and Many πŸ™ to all who enter in here to send and/or receive prayers, and leave out to serve Him.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    3. Praying with you and for you, dear brother! May you receive those great results and more of God’s faithfulness in your health and life.
      Thanks Brie, for all those prayers! We pray for each other and our JC Family, seen and unseen.

  62. Continuous prayers for you MaxFox as well as Norah, Loren, Eli, Monica and all others needing extra 'Godwinks' this morning.

    1. Interceding for each journey of the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS and their loved ones. Declaring and Decreeing that God's Hope and Healing embrace each one. May His Life--Light guide the hearts and minds bringing strength and comfort during these difficult times. Let us hold onto God's promises for brighter days ahead and Trust in the Power of Healing to uplift us all. In Jesus' Name, Whose teachings offer
      guidance, wisdom to navigate life's challenge, while His presence provides Comfort and Reassurance in times of need.
      AMEN and AMEN
      THESE ARE GLORY DAYS not gloomy days!!!

    2. Thanks dear JJ and Amen! Beautiful prayer of truth, hope, gratitude and trust. Thanking God for making all things right for all of us and our loved ones in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    3. It has been great to see over the last year. I’ve sort out my daily prayers how wonderful everything has become for everyone here!
      The Lord in Jesus prevails.
      It is amazing to see how much this group has hung together tightly day and day. It gives me strength and faith.
      πŸ™πŸ™❤️ Prayers to all hail, the last few days or a bit brighter, and a bit clearer.

    4. I feel a lot less lost without you all! Continuing from my comment above

    5. Blessings Okey dokey then!
      Strength, Faith, Brighter and Clearer prayers are being prayed for you AND yours.
      Glad you are here.
