Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Jesus Calling: March 9

    Rest in My radiant presence. The world around you seems to spin faster and faster, till everything is a blur. Yet there is a cushion of calm at the center of your life, where you live in union with Me. Return to this soothing Center as often as you can, for this is where you are energized: filled with My Love, Joy, and Peace.
    The world is a needy place; do not go there for sustenance. Instead, come to Me. Learn to depend on Me alone, and your weakness will become saturated with My Power. When you find your completeness in Me, you can help other people without using them to meet your own needs. Live in the Light of My Presence, and your light will shine brightly into the lives of others.
Galatians 5:22
English Standard Version
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

1 John 4:12
English Standard Version
No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.

What the Lord is Saying to Me
Like I saw yesterday, the world is a needy place. It is a selfish place. The Bible repeatedly mentions that Satan, the Devil, are about misleading the world. When I don't surrender to the Lord; when I don't submit to Him, I am automatically being directed by the ruler of this world. There is no neutral position.

My Prayer
Lord, help me to not look to the world for replenishment of my soul, but to find rest in You. Your Word, Your Music, reading about You, praying are ways I can be renewed. Help me to live in the light of Your love. I pray that the fruit of the Spirit would embody me. May love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness be present in me at all times, whether at work or with my family. May love be the staple of our lives. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.


  1. Thank you for posting! I have given away my own hard copy of Jesus Calling and find myself going to your daily blog to read today’s message. I kind of like it since I get to read your commentary and prayer. Maybe this will become a habit :-)

  2. So loved reading all of the posts from yesterday that I had to get a 'jump-start' on tomorrows JC Peyton Family Blog! Jan Gridley, I loved what you wrote, " All of our idols will eventually be revealed to all of us & we will destroy them ourselves through the power of Jesus blood!" I know my idols well and I am committed to reducing their influence on my life. You worded it so perfectly! To everyone praying for my friend's daughter and 2 grandchildren: thank you! They are safe and waiting patiently on the Lord. He is doing mighty works through parents, grandparents, police officers and a very sharp attorney, who was put in their path in only a way God could deliver. Praying steadfastly for all of them...praying them home. Loved reading from Sarah's JC, "The world is a needy place; do not go there for sustenance. Instead, come to Me. Learn to depend on Me alone, and your weakness will become saturated with My Power." My sustenance is sorely depleted when I turn to the world. I give it all to you, Father, and look forward to a sweet sleep. Praying that you all have the same and wake up tomorrow morning refreshed and rejuvenated! God Bless you each and every one.

  3. The perfect storm past through the area near where I live. Where I live is fine. Where the storm touched is devistating. Though my area is fine, a lesson can be learned. Look at things and think about it. It could have been me too. Some had some damage while others homes were in the trees. Trees flattened trailers and homes. Pictures in the roads. Signs of stores 20 miles away. People killed, injured and missing. Some with insurance and I’m sure some with none. Some no where to go some do. This is a time to find a spot to sit and know that you are not alone. You are still here. God is waiting for you to feel him and reach out and take his hand. He wants you to have faith in his being here. His love for you. He is here for you to talk to and for you to listen and watch for his signs of his guidance. I know this storm was devistating but new doors are waiting to be opened. God’s is the first. He wants you to come to him. To feel the faith in him so he can wrap his arms around you and hold your hand. God is already at work with people helping people. Meeting new people and listening to each other’s trials. The people that are helping are probably people who have experienced what everyone is going through. God worked with them to guide them to help other people. It is the experience of going through things that are lessons to be learned from. If you didn’t have any damage from the storm and didn’t lose anyone, there is a lesson for you to learn too. See, hear and watch what is going on around you. It’s like going through judgment journey. Stop and look around and take the hand of God and let him use you to help people on earth. This is all God’s work. Wake up people. It’s time to let God put you to work.

    1. Julia, so sorry to hear of the storm in your area. I pray that all will heal quickly. I also pray that folks (I know easy for me to say not "IN" the devastation), realize Jesus is with all who suffer, every step of the way. This is more clearly revealed looking back, and more challenging to see in the present, but God is there! Amen.

    2. God be with you, Julia! You are kept in prayer.

    3. Thanks for that wisdom Julia. May our circumstances help us to focus on God

    4. Just what I needed to read. I will do my best to return to the cushion of calm at the center of my life, where I live in union with Him, the soothing Center.

    5. Good morning God! How can I best go to work for you today?

    6. Thanks Julia Caldwell. What you wrote is still truth today,
      Today's Job 1: Shine my light brightly into the lives of others in each and every circumstance. <(period)
      And by this, know that you are truly My Disciples when you show your love to one another.
      I can only be Your Beacon when I let my light shine. Help me do so today. In Jesus' Name. I pray. Amen!

    7. Amen, Brie! I thought the same thing this morning. Read, reread and shared the Fruit of the Spirit - 'Lord, let that be me to all I meet today, on the phone, in person...in ACTION!'

  4. I'm praying too, Julia, for everyone who lost so much. "Storms" of all types, all around. "Yet there is a cushion of calm at the center of your life, where you live in union with Me. Return to this soothing Center as often as you can, for this is where you are energized: filled with My Love, Joy, and Peace." Praying along with ABC and others for the calm that only comes from Christ.

  5. The renowned Desert Father, Abba Anthony, was struggling with acedia (sloth/indifference in religious matters) which led to attack of sinful thoughts. He said to God, "Lord, I want to be saved but these thoughts do not leave me alone; what shall I do in my affliction? How can I be saved?" A short while afterwards, when he got up to go out, Anthony saw a man like himself sitting at his work, getting up from his work to pray then sitting down and plaiting a rope, then getting up again to pray. It was an angel of the Lord sent to correct and reassure him. Anthony heard the angel saying to him, "Do this and you will be saved." At these words, Anthony was filled with joy an courage. He did this and he was saved. (The Sayings of the Desert Fathers, 1-2)

    I share this story from my devotions as a reinforcement of today's reading above and to show how this difficulty within the soul was faced by a devout believer from the past. May the Spirit speak to you as is most helpful. God be with you!

    1. I enjoy the comments in this block especially , Bob's comments. Though we are from different religious background, I understand your spirit and may God bless you with a spirited life.


    2. Thank you for sharing this Bob. God be with you and with us All ��

    3. Thanks Bob for sharing it certainly opened my eyes on the need to keep going to the Lord in prayer.

  6. Yes, God is always there. The storm didn’t touch anything on our property. It’s like looking at a picture and you can see so many things going on. It’s like God has my attention how all things can be taken away so quick. Then I see as if he’s saying let’s start over and not have so much material stuff and let’s live with just what you need. To get closer to him and live your life doing what wants us to do for each other. People helping people.

  7. In the rooms of AA/NA, the stepwork teaches addicts/alcoholics that service to others is the manifestation of freedom from self. Not everyone identifies as an addict/alcoholic and not everyone is in a 12-step program, but most everyone is addicted to something (thinking, food, Netflix, shopping, etc). When we are centered on self, we are less useful to our fellows.

    The AA literature states that the steps can help “anyone.” Not necessarily only those who identify as alcoholics. The stepwork and principles of the steps (honesty, hope, trust, courage, brotherly love, service, perseverance, humility, etc) are a roadmap to building a relationship with God. We are given tools and a solution - a framework for life.

    Spirituality is about letting go...to uncover our true Self - the indwelling Spirit. Like the reading today says, the Spirit needs to be fed what it truly desires: to live in Union with our Source, co-creators of life. For 28 years, I was an a undiagnosed spiritual seeker. I suffered because I was separated from God. Filling myself with drugs, alcohol, sex, dangerous behavior, relationships. Now I know that all my addictions were because I was searching for Him. All the pain, depression, bipolar disorder, self harm has al been removed - and not by my own power - and replaced with pretty consistent joy, peace, love and gratitude.

    1. Brittanyomb, thank you for sharing your story. I pray that you will continue to stay strong in your faith and continue to fight the demons that had a stronghold on you for all those years. You are a wonderful example of God's awesome power and love.

    2. Beautiful stated insights, Brittany. Thank you for sharing. Praying for you.

    3. Thank you Brittanyomb your story is one of great hope! I love that God can and does restore us to better than we can imagine possible. Our willingness is key. Continue sharing, the world is hungry for hope, I am encouraged! God bless you!

    4. Dear Brittanyomb, I have just completed the writing of the calling of Matthew below. So much of what you have shared is everything Matthew was going through when he responded to Jesus saying, "Follow Me," just as you have done. May you be like Matthew and go forth to share the Gospel as he did in both word and deed wherever and however the Lord leads. God be with you!

    5. Thank you Brittany. Praying you are doing well. The indwelling Spirit is our best part with the Christ in us, the hope of glory.

    6. Yes! Brittanyomb,
      Like a student driver, with Jesus at The Real Wheel, and me at the practice one, I too, am becoming an avid student learner of:
      To RECEIVE, we must GIVE, like Jesus;
      To be FORGIVEN, we must stay on the ready to FORGIVE, like Jesus;
      To be HEALED, we must be a HEALER of others, like Jesus;
      To be PROSPEROUS, we must GIVE a portion of our share toward someone else's PROSPERITY, like Jesus;
      To be GUIDED, we must GUIDE whenever we are able, like Jesus;
      To be LOVED, we must LOVE ALL others, like Jesus.
      This is Who Jesus is;
      This is What Jesus expects;
      This is Why Jesus came;
      This is When Jesus stated it, Matthew 25: 40 “And I, the King, will tell them, ‘WHEN you did it to the least of these, who are all MY Brothers and Sisters, then you were doing it to ME"
      This is How Jesus lived;
      This is Where Jesus meant for us to go when He said "FOLLOW ME"
      Lord, Help Me as Only You Can. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen
      PS: CAUTION! Student Driver on board!

    7. Thank you for sharing your heart brittany, and thank you for sharing the truths of the aa-12-step program which has saved millions of lives. I discovered a wonderful program called Celebrate Recovery it is a type of 12-step program for anyone's hurts habits and hang ups. It is based on the eight beatitudes and it not only focuses on drugs and alcohol but addictions like relationships, anxiety, codependency it has changed my life. I have suffered from abandonment issues, roots of a rejection, which manifested as eating disorders, codependency, and drug and alcohol use to try and mask pain. Which resulted in many character defects that I've been working on. This is my fourth time through the program and each time the good Lord helps me work through another character defect, I thank the Lord he doesn't leave us where we are. God bless !

  8. I was given a copy of Jesus calling as a gift. One day i didn't have it, so looked at this site.
    I love it so much, especially the comments and the honesty which is so helpful to one conscious of so many flaws and weaknesses.
    My youngest daughter is estranged from the family just now which is painful. Although family are keeping their distance for genuine reasons, I'm conscious that I made the situation worse between me and her by getting defensive, angry and retaliating.
    I know I'm forgiven by God.. I only hope he can somehow heal my family. I can't see a way st the moment.. But he can make a way.
    I only know how to comment on here under Anonymous.
    My name is Moyra.
    God bless you all

    1. Praying for and you family, Moyra!

    2. Praying for your family, Moyra. Miracles happen everyday.

    3. Praying for you and your family. God is the Master Restorer.🌹. Receive it!

    4. Moyra --- Joining the JC FAMILY in prayer for you and your family. We stand with you for the restoration of your family. So glad you found this site! Welcome, welcome! Where does our help come from? Our help comes from the Lord you made Heaven and Earth! You can't get any better help than that. BLESS you, BLESS you. In His Grip of Grace from Kansas

    5. May God make a way for healing for you and your family members. Trust in Him for he has gone before you.

    6. Dear Moyra, Praying that God has reunited your daughter with you and things are going better between you with God's loving guidance and help.

  9. Welcome Moyra and thank you for sharing your situation. I will pray with you as God makes a way for you and your daughter to reconcile. There have been many examples on here of that very thing. I listened to a teaching this morning and part of the account was Jesus raising Lazurus from the dead. It looked so hopeless. He had been dead 4 days! His sister, Martha had told Jesus if He had been there her brother would still be alive. Jesus was hurting - Lazurus was his dear friend and now Martha was saying, he'd been gone so long, he would stink by now. Yet, Jesus gave her the Word - reminded her that he was the Resurrection and the Light and told her to believe ("Whosoever believes on Me...". He raised Lazurus from the dead! Lazurus walked out of the tomb with graveclothes on and went on with life. It seemed impossible, but when we believe, all things are possible. Picture in your mind, you and your daughter reunited. Get detailed in that vision and thank God, in the name of Jesus Christ, day after day, as long as it takes, that though you don't know HOW it could possibly happen, HE does. She has free will too, but I believe if there is even a seed of a possibility, God will make it happen. I will pray and believe with you.
    Brittneycomb - thank you for sharing your life with us. What a visual that provides.
    Lifting everyone in this lovely JC Family. Continued thanks and prayers for the Peyton Family for starting this blog.

  10. Good morning JC family! Blessings on this beautiful day! Our son is traveling today. Please pray for his safety and health. Thank you all.

    1. sweet4G --- Joining with the JC FAMILY in prayer for your son. May the Lord surround him with ministering angel and traveling mercies! We thank yoy Lord that You hear our prayers. In Jesus's Name-- AMEN and AMEN

  11. Good Monday morning, JC prayer warriors! 'Cushion of calm".... love this! Have a wonderful week, all. Stay connected to The Vine.

    1. Praying His Cushion of Calm for you Suzanne R. and for our entire JC Family.

    2. Amen Suzanne and Brie! He is our Soothing Center that's always there to calm our heart and mind. Halleluia!

    3. Soothing Center like a honey filled cough drop to a parched and dry throat!

  12. sweet4G - Praying travel mercies and protection for your son.

  13. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

    (Matthew 9:9-13) As I am following Jesus and taking a keen interest in how a clean heart and a new and right spirit is within Him, I see today that playing itself so beautifully. The one thing that has so impressed me with Jesus is how He moves about not preoccupied with His personal agenda but in being sensitive to others and what He sees in their faces. Today, as we move into the center of the city, there are the much despised tax collectors bilking the people for their own personal gain. But Jesus isn't observing them with condemnation as we have learned from the religious leaders. No, He is always looking for brokenness, sadness, emptiness, spiritual pain and sorrow. So when He sees Matthew collecting taxes He notices a person who appears so sad and broken. How interesting, Matthew is getting rich doing what he is doing and yet, he appears so unhappy. Isn't being rich suppose to make you happy? Now Jesus remembers at one of the healings He did, He saw Matthew standing at the periphery of the group (hated people don't stand in the middle). Even then Jesus noticed his longing for something more in his life, something better. So Jesus approaches him right in the middle of the market square. "Follow me." Jesus said. Matthew needs to hear nothing more. He has been wanting to break out of this lifestyle in which he is trapped. He is waiting to have someone to encourage him to make the break. He is impressed with the loving person Jesus is and wonders if he could ever be like that. And now Jesus is saying, "Yes, Matthew, you can. It doesn't have to be the way it is with you, all things can be so much better. Come, follow Me, I'll show you that better way." This is Matthew's moment and he is not going to let it pass. He arises, leaving behind everything he had worked for and follows Jesus. His first action is to invite us all to his place for dinner. He asks Jesus, "Can I invite some of my friends over, I would like them to meet you?" "Sure, " Jesus responds, "I would very much like to meet them." Now this is so much against religious protocol but Jesus doesn't care as He dines with these outcasts. He is showing mercy and it is the first time in a long time these individuals had experienced mercy extended from a persona who is known for His goodness. More than Matthew is being impacted in the moment all because Jesus takes notice of people. That's what a pure heart and a new and right spirit looks like in action.

    From above, "when you find completeness in Me, you can help other people without using them to meet your own needs." The story of the calling of Matthew shows what that looks like. Jesus had a pure heart, a heart that was one with the Father and it made such an impact on others, especially those that needed it the most. O Lord, help me so to do.

    Be blessed this day, dear friend, who has stopped by to read these thoughts. I write them with the prayer that the Holy Spirit may use them as is most helpful in your relationship with God. With love, Bob

    1. Bob,

      It is so true! My first sponsor in recovery ( this go around) was sober about 2 years and told me very early on to “look for the people with the brokenness in their eyes.” She was encouraging me to go talk to these people, usually new to recovery, and show them love and sensitivity, compassion, and most importantly - love. Love is the ultimate reality.

      I still heed her advice to this day. In doing so, I have been gifted the opportunity to sponsor women and share my experience on how I formed a relationship with God.

      What a gift that is - to be able to hear the people’s cry for help!! I am grateful that today I can be an open channel to give and receive the love of God.



    2. I meant to say my first sponsor was sober about 20 years**

    3. Thank you for your response, Brittany. You have discovered a wonderful truth; when we bless others, we are most blessed, when we help others in their weaknesses, we are most helped in our weaknesses, when we get out of ourselves and into others lives, we feel like Jesus. I am happy for what you have discovered, in affirming you, I discover these truths as well. God be with you!

    4. Thank you. I feel something akin to emotional fatigue from connecting with our patients all day at the hospital. My natural state is based on humanity, interconnectedness, peppered with the nuggets that have been revealed to me on my journey. Some days, I give so much of my hearts energy to these patients that by the time I leave, I feel depleted. And it is mutual relationship, they are very loving with me. God is faithful to recharge me by the next day after but certain days, like today, the mind says, “Do I care too much? Am I doing it wrong?” Should I balance better - mostly because I come home to a 4.5 year old who deserves more than I can offer on these days, although I try.

      I ask Him for help with balance, as I know many of us do. I have noticed this tendency before, and sometimes can feel it as it happening, but find it hard to tone it down. And the patients are so overwhelming grateful for kindness and compassion and just an ear to listen to their concerns - so that usually refuels me. My position (which is in orthopedic surgery) has shown me that many patients in the healthcare system are lacking healthcare workers who truly care and are willing to go the extra mile and relate to them on a human level rather than a transactional level. The relationships I form with them are meaningful. Sorry for the novel, thank you for reading. It is a first world problem!

    5. I called my sponsor about it and she gave me great insight. It even talks about this topic in our literature. While we were talking I undeniably felt God’s presence.

    6. Thanks Bob ! This message has opened up my eyes .

    7. That was wonderful Bob! When I think of the perfect nature of Jesus, I just want to be more like Him. Have such a pure heart of love. All of our experiences even the ones that drag us down help us to help others. God allows trials to happen so we can take the same comfort and help He gave us and extend it to others, especially the sick and brokenhearted. Let us also be close to those in need and our Lord is.
      Praying for you, Bob, Brittany and Min Ahadi. God is with you all.

    8. Thank you so much Bob. You've shared so many wonderful insights and we are hungry for your teachings. This information about Jesus you shared in 2020 is something I never put together in my own mind when I learned about this meeting. I am so grateful for what you share with us here. God Bless you brother.

    9. Thanks BOB, for sharing your wonderful discovery of truth; when we bless others, we are most blessed, when we help others in their weaknesses, we are most helped in our weaknesses, when we get out of ourselves and into others lives, we feel like Jesus.
      I am thankful for all you have discovered and shared, so we too, can discover Jesus in these truths as well. God be with you and with your Spirit, BOB for saying "YES!" when Jesus said, FOLLOW ME!
      I have to "sit a spell" in this garment, which currently feels waaaay too big:
      "when you find completeness in Me, you can help other people without using them to meet your own needs."
      Thanks for laying it out. Be Blessed, BOB, and our entire JC Family!

    10. This thread within today's blog is a gift I gratefully receive. If you watch "The Chosen", you will see how the directors bring out this beautiful calling of Matthew. Each episode helps me appreciate him and Jesus more. And this advice to look for brokenness in another's eyes is so powerful. I am reminded that a 12 step program and helping others is a way to share the Word of God, the ONE I TRUST and NEED every moment, every day.

  14. Father, Thank You for the light of Your Presence that is shining upon me so that others can draw from it. Thank You for this day and all that it holds for me. I trust that You are in control and guiding my path every step of the way. Thank You Jesus.

    In Jesus, we see the perfect radiance of God in human form. He Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. Hebrews 1:3 says:“The perfect reflection of God’s, His radiance, came out of the temple and into the hearts of saints around the world” and Ezekiel 10:4 also declares: “Then the glory of the LORD rose from above the cherubim and moved to the threshold of the temple. The cloud filled the temple, and the court was full of the radiance of the glory of the LORD”. Wow, It was radiant with His presence!
    God shines His light on the whole earth, in everything, on everyone and ready to warm and reflect off those who are turned to him. Unfortunately, our lives today are so fast pace that we find it a challenge to be quiet before the Lord in our quest to enter in and experience a really true intimacy with Him, thereby causing us miss what’s right in front of us. But there is hope, and it’s as simple as just turning toward Him, exactly where we are, and allow the warmth of His presence to illuminate our dark.
    In our work, leisure and lives, let us radiate God’s character to the world and find completeness in Him.

    Father, In the name of Jesus, help us to pause and soak in Your majesty and remind us to stop, rest, turn our face toward You, wherever we are and by Your mercy and grace, make our faces radiant with Your Presence.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Requesting Prayers for Larry who has a Post-Covid Pulmonology appointment later on today. Thanks JC Family.

    2. Thank you dear Maplewood. He is the light in our darkness that will never go out, that lights and guides our path every day. Lovely prayer too.
      Dear Brie, Praying dear Larry will have a good appointment and assessment today. Praying for his strength of breathing, and God's peace to surround him while he is being tested. Looking forward to good results. I may just get my pretty victory shoes on. Much love.

    3. Praying for Larry's appointment and that all is well. Let the breath of the Lord revive Larry and make him new πŸ™. Praise the Lord.

    4. Joining in prayer for Larry and his good appointment and good health moving forward. May you feel wrapped in the Lord's loving arms. Lifting Praise in advance to the outcome.

    5. Joining in prayer for our Larry and Brie. Praying you are surrounded with His peace, presence, love, comfort, guidance and strength. We love you.

    6. In prayers for favorable results for your hubby Brie.

      Maplewood NJ

    7. Brie --- Believing for the BEST results for Larry at his appointment. Deuteronomy 31:8 "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Sending Great Blessings and Love your way. In His Grip of Grace, Mercy and Healing JJ

    8. Brie-Loving God, I pray that you will comfort Brie and Larry at this time , lend skill to the hands of his healers, and bless the means used for my cure. Give me such confidence in the power of your grace, that even when they afraid, they have put their whole trust in you; through our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen

    9. Joining in prayer for Larry, expecting only perfect outcomes for you both today, Brie. In Jesus's name!

    10. I pray that all is well and that you and your sweet Larry are peaceful at this very moment. In Christ's Perfect Love, Amanda

  15. Praying Special Birthday Prayers for you, Audra that HIS HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY Blessings are with you all day today and everyday! I appreciate you, your love for God, your prayers, your humor, and everything else about you that you give to God and us. God blessed the Day you found us and we found you! As you know you are receiving Birthday Gifts of Special Prayers on your Special "Earth Angel" Day. May you rest in God's Radiant Presence amidst His Cushion of Calm at the Center of your Existence. May your energy get renewed with His Love, His Joy, and His Peace so you can continue shining your light brightly into the lives of others for the greater Good and Glory of God. In Jesus' Name, I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen

    1. Praying Birthday prayers for you, Audra! I had you on my calendar and I'm wishing you every blessing God can provide for you and your loves ones, and good health and peace in your heart. Happy Birthday Sweet Sister! Joining in Brie's perfect Birthday prayer. Love you both! <3

    2. Happy birthday Audra . Enjoy your special day and may God bless you !

    3. Happy birthday Audra!! Enjoy this wonderful and blessed day!

      Blessings from France

    4. HAPPY, BLESSED BIRTHDAY Audra! I wish you many more joyous, healthy and blessed years! Enjoy your day and keep marching forward!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Happy happy birthday dear Audra. May you know you are so loved. May you hear the songs that are sung around you in rejoicing. 🎢🎁πŸ₯³

    6. Audra - Wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY filled with the joy of His presence, love and peace. Enjoy your special day.
      You are loved.

    7. Audra --- I pray that your day is filled with joy and peace, and I give thanks to God for all that you bring to our lives! Sending Bunches of Love your way! JJ

    8. Happy Birthday, Audra! God's Blessings On you!

    9. Happiest of Birthdays to you Audra!🎁❤🌸

  16. Merleen, Praying your dear babygirl was strengthened by our loving Father and things are going better. Thank You Jesus!

  17. It wonderful I love being part of this family. Wow ! I used to wake up and check my whatsapp messages , but know I wake and ready the Jesus calling for the day ! I also loved to sleep in and do my quiet time on my way to work in the taxi with many distractions but now i wake early enough to read the word....I am even going to read a chapter of the Bible daily ! God is changing me everyday Ezekiel 36:26–And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.....it is an exciting time !

    1. That's great Min Ahadi! Glad that you are a part of this JC family and that you're growing closer to the Lord! Praying blessings for you and everyone here.

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen Min Ahadi πŸ™. God bless you.

    3. So good to read what you wrote here Min Ahadi. Praise God! It will be so fun for you to have your progress revealed to you as you grow. I am glad to be on your journey with you. Love, Kathy

    4. Amen, and praise to the Lord!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Rejoicing with you dear Min Ahadi! ❤️

    6. Welcome into The Good Shepherd's Fold and into the Gathering of JC Prayer Warriors together in His Name, Min Ahadi!
      We're glad you are here.

    7. Min Ahadi --- So glad you are apart of this incredible group of Believers and Prayer Warriors. I speak Great Blessings on your life! When we come together, this is Holy ground! AMEN and AMEN

    8. Thanks for putting a song in my heart JJ

    9. Min Ahadi, I too developed a similar routine after discovering this blog. First reading each morning and also Bible readings. I am blessed by all the comments and prayers enveloped as the gift of this blog. Feeling the love with birthday wishes today, thank you all and God bless yous ♥️πŸ™πŸ˜‰

    10. Such wonderful progress dear Min Ahadi! God bless you dear Sister! So happy for your closer walk with the Lord and that you're making time to read His good Word every day. You will grow to know Him better now and you're glorifying Him with your desire to know what His Plan is for you. He knows you're seeking Him with an open heart. He's got His loving arms wide open!
      Dear Audra. Hope you had a blessed day celebrating God's blessings and another year of life.

    11. Hallelujah! My road wound the same and the view just keeps getting better! Love & Blessings to all πŸ¦‹

  18. JC: "Rest in My radiant presence. The world around you seems to spin faster and faster, till everything is a blur." This is being lived out as each day leads me and my family towards a transplant in just over 2 weeks. I cannot believe 5 months have passed since diagnosis of MM. Today, I was awakened by my stem cells exiting my bone marrow. As part of the process, a drug is administered to "trick" the immune system into flooding the bloodstream with WBCs, which, at the highest level of trickery causes stem cells to flood into your blood stream as well. of all that has happened the past few months, this is really the only painful part of the process so far.

    Today, I will get a central line catheter place into a larger vein near my heart. After that procedure, more labwork to see how many stem cells are already in the blood from the drugs administered at home (belly shots!). I "bore" You with these facts to simply say that God is at the center of this process (as JC notes today) and He has already performed miracles compared to those who had this disease 50 years ago. How this was thought out my medical professionals and science folks is beyond my capacity to think... but I know God was in it. Praying for all mentioned here each day, from Larry's post covid doc visit today to needs of Jeanne to JJ to ALL OF YOU. My prayer is that they collect plenty in a short time so that my eldest son who accompanied me, can avoid too many nights in a shared hotel room listening to my loud "breathing". But it's a guy trip so it will be fun. Godspeed. Amen.

    1. May the miracles of the Lord bless you and keep you Madfox. His healing hands are upon you and His perfect peace is within you. Enjoy your "guy trip" with your son and God bless you and your family. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    2. MadFox I want to acknowledge your post so you know I'm praying for your healing and hope you find some enjoyment on your guy trip. I couldn't say anything better than what Janet said, and like paulsenj said I am lifting you in prayer. God Bless you and your son.

    3. The miracle working God never cease from working! Great is His faithful!

      Remain blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Joining prayers of our JC family here. We are team Jesus who is also team Larry, team JJ, team Madfox, and all who have need. We bless you Jesus. We bless you Papa. We bless you Spirit.

    5. Thank You for your update, openness, and candid sharing with our JC Prayer Warring Family, MadFox. Shots take on a whole new meaning. When I think of your procedures, Medical, Electronic, and other "advances", my head bows in humble admiration and thanksgiving to God Who Masterminded all creation set up all the principles by which "advances" function, and the people who allow HIM to work through them to discover these treasures, make something positive of them, and then share them with humanity.
      My God how Great Thou Art! Many Artists, one message:

    6. Hello MadFox , we are standing in the gap for you . Our God loves you and is aware of all that you are going through , praying for a complete healing , Lord give the doctors speacial knowledge so that they know exactly what to do for each procedure . May all the glory belong to God

    7. MadFox --- Always so good to here from you. Prayers over the stem cells that are flooding your blood stream as well as your upcoming transplant. My Heavenly Father, I am humbled by You great gift of life. In Your infinite love You put these tiny cells within us that have power to heal and renew. Thank you for the knowledge to use these cells for MadFox's well being. I give You all the Honor and the Praise, my precious Lord! Lord, send Your Spirit upon these cells, blessing them with your love and healing power. In Jesus's Name, the Name above every Name, The AMEN and AMEN In His Mighty Grip of Grace, Mercy and Healing JJ

    8. Expecting the most efficient medical outcomes for your health, Mad🦊. I find myself praying for you often, I'll step it up today. In Jesus's name, all is well.

    9. I am believing, dear MadFox, that your amazing body is producing a large strong army of good stem cells which will be evident in your blood all to God's glory. He is orchestrating and no one else is in charge. You have been a good and brave soldier and continue to be. We are on the Battlefield for our Lord. Now dear one, Rest in His promises and His peace. Enjoy your precious time with your son, and take good care of yourselves. Have fun too. Much love. Thanks for the prayers too! They are working.
      But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

    10. I pray for the peace in your heart that only knowing Christ can give. I hope you can get some good vibes and good sleep soon. πŸ¦‹

    11. Hey Dear Brother, MadFox! Already, I'm seeing differences from 7 years ago! You are continually in DH's and my prayers. Sleep sweet - so glad your son is there. God has you in His arms.

  19. Have you shared Jesus with anyone today? Father, help Your children to share Your marvelous word with others. Put it on our hearts to open up and let others know how wonderful You are and how You have changed our lives and that You can do the same for them. Help us to bring joy into the hearts of those that are in need and to bring glory to Your name. Lord, You are my eternal blessing and I thank You so very much. I will Praise You continually and always. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Thank You Jesus.

    As God's light
    Still shines bright
    Will be alright
    Hope in Him
    And not in sin
    Let us trim
    Our ways within
    So don't give in
    To fleshly sin
    Look to Him
    Your Lord within

    1. Janet --- I just thank the Lord for your Loving Heart! May the Lord be merciful and provide you with His blessings. May He give you peace and blessings of good health and provide the protection of the Lord's Angels to keep you safe. Let the Lord's blessings of happiness and prosperity with success surround Janet on this day, and the days to come. For the Lord's Honor and For His Purposes, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. You're too sweet JJ. May God bless you and instill His peace in your heart.

    3. Thanks sweet Janet! Keep shouting from the highest mountain and lead others to Jesus! Amen. We are His hands and feet. Let us go forth and spread His message to the lost, hungry, downhearted, and those in bondage to this world.
      I just loved that little poem and good advice. You are such a joyful sister to me. Praying with our dear JJ. God bless you in all things and guide you to stay on the road that leads to love, joy and fulfillment, and when the time comes, to the Glory of God in our eternal Home in the sky. Praying also for your sister Debbie. Hope she is doing well and trusting in the Lord.
      He holds our futures.

    4. God bless you dear, sweet Jeanne πŸ™. I love Jesus so much and am eternally grateful to not be blind anymore that I want everyone to know just how wonderful He is. God loves us all! Isn't that fantastic?!

  20. "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" Matt. 11:29.

    Heavenly Father, Thank You for a new day. Please grant us the spiritual discipline to rest in You. As we rest in You, we are exercising our trust in You beyond what we can accomplish for ourselves. In resting, we can focus on You and our relationship rather than on our task lists. Teach us to find the time each day to lay down all tools and walk away from the business of our lives to act in faith.
    Father, we thank You for this rest that is found only in Jesus through the enjoyment of our faith, creation and the activities that enlarge our joy. As we rest, help us live for what last and enjoy You without any agenda. You offer Yourself, so may we make time of rest for You and live in the Light of Your Presence, so that it shines brightly in and through us for others to see and receive. In Jesus' name.

    "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest" Exodus 33:14.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you sweet Sister, I really needed to read this right now because I am still short on sleep and must go to bed early tonight. My loving Father doesn't want us to be weary. We just can't serve Him well when we are dragging. He knows that. All through my day I have felt Him saying stop your work and lie down. The true rest is only found in allowing ourselves to be so still that we can feel His peace surround us like the softest, lightest, cuddle blanket. I'm heading off to do just that!
      "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest". Amen

  21. Keeping your baby girl in prayer for strength, Merleen. Stay Blessed.

    Maplewood NJ

  22. Thank You God for surrounding me everyday with Your Amniotic Cushion of Love! Joy! Peace!  Patience! Kindness! Goodness! Faithfulness! Gentleness! and Self Control! so I can rest and grow embedded in the Center of them with You! In Jesus' Name Amen.

  23. Lord, your Word speaks promises of healing and restoration and I thank you for the miracles you still perform today. Today I claim those promises over my friend Marleen. I believe in the healing power of faith and prayer and I ask you to begin your mighty work in the life of my friend's baby girl. Please reach down and surround the family with supernatural peace and strength and give her the faith to believe that all things are possible for you. Protect her family from Satan's lies and discouragement and let miraculous healing begin in the baby girl's life. Amen

  24. Amen dear Brie! We are blessed to be inside the Soothing Center where all things come together in peace and perfect love. Thanking our Father for the fruits of the Spirit and His love that is indescribable, real and never ending.

  25. Please say prayers for myself and family. My husband has severe PTSD and panicking is getting worse and worse by the day. It is very hard to deal with.

    1. Dear God,
      Please bless and lead Anonymous' husband wherever, whatever, whenever, whomever You choose to be the best channel for Your healing of him. And bless Anonymous along the journey. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Lord Jesus, I turn to you for help for Anonymous, her husband and family. I know You understand. You suffered more than I can imagine. You took on human flesh and suffered all the way to death for us. I know You understand what Anonymous's family is experiencing. Lord, grant them Your Grace and Heal them from their pain.
      Jesus is the name above all names. His name is above every sickness and disease, and every sickness and disease must bow to His name! So, I speak the name of Jesus over all the defining elements that make up Anonymous's family. I Declare that His name is driving out any darkness. He has redeemed us from the curse. I Declare Supernatural Energy and Health to this family. I speak to weakness, pain, anxiety, PTSD and tiredness and command you to leave this family. You have NO authority here, satan! I mark this family with The Blood of Jesus. You can't defeat The Blood, satan! This Blood Speaks (God said in Genesis Abel's blood was crying out to Him from the ground). This Blood Destroys satan's darkness. This Blood Heals, This Blood Delivers. Jesus is our WAYMAKER! So, in this hour we believe in The Blood of Jesus! We believe in the Name of Jesus! I thank you, Lord, we have a greater revelation of Jesus' Blood, so we CANNOT BE DEFEATED!!!
      I thank You, Father God, for a greater revelation of who You are and how much You love Anonymous, her husband and family and how special they are to You. in this very day and hour. I Declare Your loving embrace and endless love will be Anonymous's family, healing, strength, peace and wholeness. And, restore to them Your Joy! I pray and believe in the Mighty Name of Jesus, AMEN and AMEN

    3. Joining in my sisters' prayers for you and your husband, Amen and Amen. God is so much greater than his PTSD. May He calm his heart, mind and spirit and give you all rest and peace as only He can.

    4. Joining warriors in prayer for your hubby. PTSD is such a challenge to overcome, my hubby has it. Pressing in ever so close to the One who has overcome the world is the only answer. He will teach you to love unconditionally this loved one caught in this condition. Go to Him for strength, wisdom, knowledge & discernment. Love & blessings πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’•

    5. Dear Anonymous: praying for your husband and you to find healing and strength. My PTSD started to worsen during Covid and my recent injury that left me immobile for a month. I turned to the local VA for support and they have been extremely helpful. They have lots of resources and I Hope that if he is abet that he y use them. If not a vet, they still have some good apps that anyone can use to manage their symptoms such as the PTSD Coach and Mindfulness app. Here’s a link to a good resource:


    6. We, my JC warriors and I, come together to pray mightily for your husband, Anonymous, and for your family. May God's calming peace overtake him and stay with him. May God continue to give you the courage and strength to continue while giving you tools to help your husband. Praying for peace. Amen.

    7. Joining my heart and my prayers with the family here!

    8. Thanks you for the gift of the PTSD link, Rich C! Opening it on my birthday as part of my goal to move through any vulnerabilities that need to bep strengthened in faith and trust

    9. Gathering into the midst of these prayers πŸ™ because that is where Jesus is. Amen

  26. Happy B'earthday Audra, our dear sister friend in Christ. I will be praying for you all day beginning at 3:09 AM this morning. Praying for showers and showers of His Choicest Blessings all over, around, under, and through you today and always, In Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Sharing in Brie's prayers and blessings.
      Happy Birthday dear Audra! Praying this special day will be filled to the brim with comfort, peace, gratitude, joy, cake and love! May God bless you in every area of your life. Thank You Jesus!

    2. 🎢 Happy birthday to you
      Happy birthday to you
      Happy birthday our dear Audra
      Happy birthday to you
      And many moreπŸ’•πŸŽΆ

    3. Joining my sisters, dear Audra, and sending birthday wishes wrapped tightly in a bow of love and blessings! May you feel wonderfully celebrated and loved by all who are blessed to know you, Audra! Happy, Happy Birthday!

    4. Happy Birthday Audra, praying your special day is filled and overflowing with love and blessings. You are loved!

    5. Happy happy birthday our dear beloved Audra!! Celebrating the gift of you. :)

    6. Thank you so much! Enjoying a bagel from New York this morning thanks you the wonder of online ordering by my daughter. Nice to remember my roots and contemplate how far, yet how close they are to who and where I am today (3,000 miles away). It's a day for prayer, introspection and gratitude for me, nice to have the gift of this blog be part of it.
      Oh! And the companion book by Sarah Young, "Jesus Always", gave me the gifts of PR 3:5, EC 8:17, PS 37:12-13 and IS 41:10. Happy to share them with you all!

  27. Dear Heavenly Father God, In keeping with today's devotion,
    Would You help me come to You and learn to depend on You alone?
    Would You help me with Your Strong Power in my weakness of feeling down, out, rejected and hurt, until I find my completeness in You?
    Would you help me Live in the Light of Your Presence, rather than the dark shadow cast by the hurter, until your light shines brightly through my cracks and into the lives of others?
    I do not know how to forgive as You do; would You please give me Your forgiveness?
    In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. Amen.

    1. Dear Brie,
      You are a WARRIOR! You are MORE THAN A CONQUEROR! The Lord makes a way for you, when there seems to be no way. Instead of curses, you are greatly blessed. And I Declare, you will be filled with songs of VICTORY!!!

      PS: Loved your prayer adaptation. You made it work!
      In His Grip of Grace --- JJ

    2. Amen to that, JJ!
      She can do all things through Christ Who strengthens her! The light of Christ in Brie can light up a city! She is beautiful beacon in this family! Halleluia!

    3. Dear Brie, may the presence of the Holy Spirit soothe your aching heart. You are loved, you are loved, you are dearly, dearly loved!😘 Now go into your day declaring the same to whoever offended you, then forgive. The enemy can't stand this, and will flee from you & them! Amen! Hallelujah!

    4. You, my sweet sister, Brie, are an incredibly amazing warrior. May you feel God's loving and comforting arms around you as well as your JC family's arms around you as well. Pray for that offender and put this in your rearview mirror, taking a step forward into today! Sending love, strength, and courage to move forward. In Jesus' name, amen.

    5. Our beloved Brie - Echoing all prayers of our JC Family. You are loved, loved, loved. Thank you for loving JC Warriors with your prayers.

    6. Read these words and weep for joy, Brie! All feelings fully felt lead to love. You have the gifts of the Holy Spirit and know how to use them! Thank God for you and all you are to us. With sincere love and prayers for you today, sister in Christ! ♥️πŸ™

    7. Thanks family πŸ‘ͺ
      ♥️πŸ™♥️πŸ™, Brie

    8. Thank You Heavenly Father, for helping me help other people without using them to meet my own needs. With every hurt I am learning to put hurt and hurters in my rear view mirror, forgive as You do, and then move forward guided with Your Grace. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    9. Thank you Audra, Sassy Mom, NJS, Jan gridley, Jeanne, JJ, and all others who prayed me through. Your prayers availed much!

  28. The way that God manifests Himself to the world today is through the love we have for one another - but this is only possible as we rest, remain and abide in HIM. May we become channels through whom the love of God may be poured out - to others. As we go forth today may we show God love to whoever He directs us to! Pray for I have an interview today with a lady who does Micro schooling....may God's will be done!

    1. You're going to ROCK this interview, Min! They will not only see you have experience but see your passion for teaching. Praying all goes well and anticipating a victory for you! In Jesus' great name, amen!

    2. You've got this Min! May God guide you through the interview. JE

    3. Praying for you to hear good news if this is God's best and that you sense God so very with you in the waiting!

    4. Love to read about the doors God opens for you, Min Ahadi! Trusting that walking through the right ones will yield the best next steps for you in your walk with Christ and sharing His love with others.

    5. Gathering in and praying for you Min Ahadi. Dear Heavenly Father God, would you prosper Min as only You can? Praising and Thanking You as much as I can.
      In Jesus' Name. Amen πŸ™

  29. Praying that the interviewer sees your heart, your wisdom and your talents, dear Min. May God open her eyes and heart and see how well equipped you are for this position! Continuing to pray that God guides you to the perfect job He has prepared for you. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Joining in prayer with Jeanne. Go into this interview focussed on Jesus. He has prepared the way for you.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’•

  30. Dear ones, please keep me in mind today through prayer. I have my first therapy session for TMJ. Then off to the dentist for some gum issues from my bridge where again my mouth will have to be opened wide, after I just got therapy. Honestly, it's like a merry go round! My help comes from the Lord! Hallelujah!

    1. Dear Jan, we are loving you with prayer during all your dental procedures.

    2. While it may seem like the reverse should happen with the order of your appointments today, God thinks it's perfectly fine to do it this way or it wouldn't have fallen into place, right?! May you experience tremendous relief with your PT, Jan, making your dental procedure go better than expected! Amen!

    3. Praying for you Jan. Hopefully the therapy session will make the dentist appointment easier. Peace to you. JE

    4. Sweet Jan! You got this! God will be holding you tight through your therapy and dentist appointment! Praying you will feel His very peace at all times.
      We thank You together Father for bringing ease of movement to Jan’s face and rest to our sister’s heart and mind as she goes through this day in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    5. May the relaxation and comfort after your therapy make for an easier experience at the dentist. Trust!

  31. Dear Anonymous: praying for your husband and you to find healing and strength. My PTSD started to worsen during Covid and my recent injury that left me immobile for a month. I turned to the local VA for support and they have been extremely helpful. They have lots of resources and I Hope that if he is abet that he y use them. If not a vet, they still have some good apps that anyone can use to manage their symptoms such as the PTSD Coach and Mindfulness app. Here’s a link to a good resource:


  32. Dear family, first, so thankful for your prayers yesterday. Things went very well and were generally quite positive. Such a relief. I would also say that I felt such strength and peace at my at my appointment, which I know was the Holy Spirit and your prayers. Thank you again!

    Reading the devotional today I was struck by the power of his comment that either we are surrendered to the Lord or being led by the evil one and the desires of the world: there is no neutral ground. I guess that’s why we may need to surrender many times during the day. The good news is that the Lord is with us to strengthen and encourage us, as we wear the full armor of God, to fight off the evil one and all his deceptions and lies! Be strong today my brothers and sisters and May the peace of Christ rule your day as you humbly surrender and receive His mercy and grace. Shalom!πŸ™

    1. So glad to hear your appointment went well, Rich! You had been on my mind. Such answered prayer!

      You're right about needing to check-in with God throughout our days. While we set our phone alarms or write reminders in our phone, we need to do the same with talking to God all through our day and not leaving gaps for the evil one to plant this or that in our minds. When I left my house yesterday driving to work I asked for God's full armor to cover me and we need to continue to ask and thank Him for His protection!

      Enjoy your day, Rich, knowing your appointment is done, went well, and is behind you! May one and all of my brothers and sisters here have a wonderful and blessed day! In Jesus' name, amen!

    2. Thank you NJS!! How interesting that we both were led by the Holy Spirit to put in our armor!

      Good analogy about setting our alarms. In fact, I use an app called “I Am” that sends me Faith based affirmations throughout the day. They are so helpful in keeping me focused on the cross and recharging my spirit. Check it out family. Blessings.

    3. Rejoicing with our family that all went well at your appointment and you felt the Lord’s presence and peace. Amen my brother! You are so right that we must consciously remind ourselves that He is with us. Just saying “Jesus” will bring Him to the forefront of our minds and keep Him reigning in our hearts. We need His full Armor every day. I know He has our backs and we stand on an an immovable Rock. We are well equipped to fight against the evil in this world. I often say out loud: Jesus, You are so much greater.
      Thanks for the blessings, dear NJS. May God answer all our prayers.

  33. Take my life, and let it be
    Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
    Take my moments and my days,
    Let them flow in ceaseless praise,
    Let them flow in ceaseless praise.

    Take my hands, and let them move
    At the impulse of Thy love;
    Take my feet and let them be
    Swift and beautiful for Thee,
    Swift and beautiful for Thee.

    Take my voice, and let me sing
    Always, only, for my King;
    Take my lips, and let them be
    Filled with messages from Thee,
    Filled with messages from Thee.

    Take my silver and my gold;
    Not a mite would I withhold;
    Take my intellect, and use
    Every power as Thou shalt choose,
    Every power as Thou shalt choose.

    Take my will, and make it Thine;
    It shall be no longer mine.
    Take my heart; it is Thine own;
    It shall be Thy royal throne,
    It shall be Thy royal throne.

    Take my love; my Lord, I pour
    At Thy feet its treasure-store.
    Take myself, and I will be
    Ever, only, all for Thee,
    Ever, only, all for Thee.

    1. Love this precious song! Thank you, Peter.

    2. I am SO BLESSED by the gifts that keep on giving today! Thanks for the♥️🎢 Peter! Here's the link

    3. This song reminds me of a time at a retreat when we were asked to stand up during the song when we were willing to let God take our lives, will, love, money, etc. Being honest with myself, I couldn't stand up for any part of the song and left that evening feeling defeated. Years later, while very sick from chemo treatments for cancer, I felt God calling me to go back to church. With a little bag in case I got sick, I waited until after church had started and quietly came in and sat in the back row. Guess what song was next sung... You're right! This time however, I was able to stand up and allow God to take what He needed to take "ever, only, all for Thee". I am finding that this needs to be a daily practice! Thanks for posting Peter... a good reminder.

    4. Thanks for the lyrics, Peter and for the link, Audra.
      Appreciated your heart's sharing real life, Learning To Trust. May God continually bless all of you.

  34. That is just beautiful dear Peter. Thank you so much for sharing it.
    Saw this prayer in one if my emails today. Let us continue to pray together for Ukraine and for God’s guidance in our leaders and in our world.

    We need You—we always have.
    You are our source of strength, and You tell us to give You all our concerns.
    Bring protection and healing to the people of Ukraine. Show them that You are with them, and that You hear their prayers.
    Please strengthen anyone who is feeling hurt, alone, or broken. Replace any feelings of anxiety, fear, and uncertainty with Your peace and hope.
    Draw near to us as we draw near to You.
    In Jesus’ name,

    1. Agreeing with you in prayer.
      Remove the plans of the evil one, Papa. Thwart, confuse and destroy all plans that would cause harm and pain and death. Fill hearts with hope and peace and love. Cause all to surrender to you, Papa. We pray.

    2. Gathering in to prayer with both of you for His Peace which far surpasses our understanding. In Jesus' Name Amen

  35. C.H. Spurgeon wrote these words of comfort.

    Living near to Jesus, you are covered with the wings of God, and underneath you are the everlasting arms.

    1. Thank you, Jeanne. May we return to His Soothing Center as early and as often as we can, for this is the only place where we are energized and filled with His Love, Joy, and Peace. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    2. Amen, Amen and Amen dear Brie! Have been seeking His comfort and peace throughout this day. I have felt His presence with me saying
      Everything will be alright.

  36. Happy Birthday, Dear Audra! Praying that your day is the best. All of us are celebrating YOU! Praying for you, Dear Brie, that your heart is light and you know how much you are loved. Praying for your interview, Min! Let your light shine! And praying for your appts today, Dear Jan Gridley! So glad to hear your appt went well, Rich.
    Love and Blessings to each of you, JC Family!

    1. Joining your prayers dear Norah!
      My sister Min, Praying too that your interview went well. Please let us know! Love to all!

  37. Thank you JC Warriors for continued prayers of endurance, guidance and love for my Debbi and my Son in Love, Michael (he is in much pain).

    1. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Please do what only You can do and take away Michael's pain, replacing it with Your Soothing and Peace. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Continued prayers for Michael, Sassy Mom and of course for your Debbi. As Brie said...that God would do what only HE can do.

    3. Keeping my prayers going for your dear SIL, Michael's relief and healing, and Debbi's peace of mind and strength. May God bring peace to you too dear Sassy Mom. Amen. Our merciful and all powerful God can do all these things. In Him we continue to trust.

  38. Wow... JC hits home, in light of my circumstances JC prayer warriors: "Learn to depend on Me alone, and your weakness... can help other people without using them to meet your own needs."

    So, Tues. was the 2nd annual visit to Emory. The results of a few tests are still pending but based on all the past year bloodwork, the 2 major tests, and my strong remission, the team said they expected similar results in the next week or so. However, that success they feel is due to the IV weekly drug in combination with the daily pill. "We want you to remain in the infusion protocol thru 36 cycles, which is June 2024." This means I will remain with the team and patients locally for 64 more weeks at a minimum. I see this as God has me where He needs me and/or where I get the best treatment. Regardless my journey continues "as is" to "maximize the deepest possible remission, and to keep in the protocol that has worked best in the past decade in clinical trials with my higher risk genetics."

    JC ends today with: "Live in the Light of My Presence, and your light will shine brightly into the lives of others." I know that so many of us here are truly trying to he that light. With your prayers, His grace and mercy, I hope all of us here, can be His beacon into the hearts of those needing His love. Amen

    1. Hallelujah! You are a bright light to many others for the Lord. May His work continue to be fruitful in and through you. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless!

    2. Thank You for being a bright shining beacon to us, brother friend in Christ, MadFox! As I know you must be to others.
      I always feel enlightened and encouraged whenever I read your posts. Please know you and our JC Family of Prayers Warriors, always have my prayers, when I post them, and even when I can't. Much Love and Many Prayers. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Thank you MadFox- you are truly a bright light for all of us! Thank you and God bless❤️πŸ™

    4. You truly are a lighthouse to so many, MadFox. This includes all of us JC Warriors who benefit from your wise words and prayers. Thank you for being that for us. Healing prayers and love continue for you. In Jesus' name, amen!

    5. Praying that the Lord continue to use you dear brother. Our pastor & many other comments seem to flow in the same direction of thought that the Lord is much more committed to our spiritual state than our physical one. For some who are in the thick of it physically I thought, that Will take some getting use to. Then there was Paul, who suffered throughout his mission here on earth. MadFox, as you shared your journey with us, I always got a shot of encouragement from your experiences in all the treatments. You never lost sight of the first & foremost in all of it. You looked for opportunities to grow spiritually, to draw closer to the Savior, willing to be spiritually useful in the midst of suffering. The flesh may have been weakening but the Spirit in you remained strong. Hallelujah! Fight the good fight dear brother! Warriors are in it with youπŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    6. Oh, wow. Wonderful news MadFox. Our savior obviously isn't done with you being at the local facility and has plans not only for you to prosper but also be a beacon to future patients. You are such an inspiration to us and I can't wait to hear future stories of patients and staff you encounter and how you've influenced them. Love, joy and peace to you.

    7. Others have said it so well, Mad 🦊 about the light you bring forth here on the blog. I appreciate you and how God works through you to lift up others. And he can only do that by way of your heart opening so much wider these past few years. Praise the Lord!

    8. Dear MadFox! That sounds like good news and answers to our prayers! Keep doing what keeps working and God will bless it all! You sure are a bright shining light and an inspiration to us all! You keep doing the Lord’s work where you have been planted and you will reap what you sow. The future is bright because our faithful God holds it! Hallelujah!

  39. For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, 'Fear not, I will help you'. (Isaiah 41:13). A man's heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps. (Proverbs 3:5-6). My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. (Psalm 73:26). I will lift up my eyes to the hills--from whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth. (Psalm 121:1-2). He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength. (Isaiah 40:29).

    1. Amen! Much to ponder & feed on today. Thank you for sharing dear oneπŸ₯°

    2. Thanks sweet sister! Amen! You feed me well and lift my heart.

  40. Prayers for you to have a Blessed and Happy B'earthday, our dear dear sister friend in Christ, AUDRA! May you bask in His Soothing Center as often as you can today and everyday, be energized by Him, while re-filling up with with His Love, Joy, Peace, Cake and Ice Cream!
    With Much Love and Many Prayers. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  41. Happy Birthday dear Audra πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸŽΌ!

  42. Joining our beloved Audra's Happy Birthday train.

  43. Reading from several years ago and here we are today: celebrating with you, Dear MadFox: your incredible renewed mind and trust in God and the progress you have made. Asking prayers for my DH as we go to the Cardiologist today. The MM is in remission, but the Cardiology issues are still in question. God knows the answers and we are waiting on the Lord.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Dear Audra! Praying that the sun (the Son) is shining brightly in your neck of the woods.
    Love and Blessings to all of you, Dear JC Family. Yesterday was a tough day with casework, taxes (which actually came with a blessing, in the end!), Family prayers and oh, did I mention casework? So many hurting people who need answers and none seem easily found. Praying for each of them and all of my family and you and yours on this sunny March morning. Lord, let me be your light, love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, faithfulness.

    1. Lord cover Norah & DH today. Let there be good news to take home. Amen!πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    2. Joining prayers for your dear DH that his heart problems will be resolved by the Greatest Physician and that you, dear Norah, will be strengthened for your casework. Just another day working in God’s Vineyard! Thank You Jesus!

  44. Love the devotional today. I know for myself, if I enter into the pity party room, carrying neediness & woe is me casserole dishes, I will be feeding not only me but those I encounter with empty nourishment for the soul. Learning to draw from the source of strength & power from the Lord has been a tough road to follow. We are a needy people, finding that the morsels the world has to offer so delicious & easy to swallow. Lord Jesus, help us to seek & find our center of nourishment, YOU! AMEN!

    1. Amen to that! I don’t dare put my toe in the pity pool. Just keep thanking and praising Him.

  45. If the north star didn't shine so bright, it wouldn't stand out and be a source of direction and hope. The brighter you shine the more people you will help. Remember this the next time you or anyone else tries to dim down your own light.

  46. Greetings family! Reaching out for some support and prayer as I prep for my procedure tomorrow (that pleasant 5 year plumbing check…) -ugh.

    Also for my wife who is having some dental issues that they can’t quite figure out.

    Thank you all and Jesus in advance! Claiming the promises of our almighty, loving Father, Abba, God.

  47. Thank you Dear Family for your prayers. My DH got a good report and will follow up in 6 mos with the Cardiologist. He is going to a Vascular Dr. sometime in the next month or so to check out his carotid. Who knew a Cardiologist didn't deal with that?? Not us! Anyway, we're thankful and...on we go. Loved your comment, too, Suzanne R...
    Rich C - prayers for you and your plumbing procedure tomorrow. :) I know they aren't fun, but oh, so worth the "All Clear," signal you get afterward. Also praying for your wife's dental issues.
    Love and Prayers, Family,

    1. Thank you Norah! That is a great signal 😊
