Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Jesus Calling: April 1

I am calling you to a life of constant communion with Me. Basic training includes learning to live above your circumstances, even while interacting on that cluttered plane of life. You yearn for a simplified lifestyle, so that your communication with Me can be uninterrupted. But I challenge you to relinquish the fantasy of an uncluttered world. Accept each day as it comes, and find Me in the midst of it all.
Talk with Me about every aspect of your day, including your feelings. Remember that your ultimate goal is not to control or fix everything around you; it is to keep communing with Me. A successful day is one in which you have stayed in touch with Me, even if many things remain undone at the end of the day. Do not let your to-do list (written or mental) become an idol directing your life. Instead, ask My Spirit to guide you moment by moment. He will keep you close to Me.
1 Thessalonians 5:17
English Standard Version
pray without ceasing,

Proverbs 3:6
English Standard Version
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.

What the Lord is Saying to Me
Isn't it interesting that Proverbs 3:6 says, "he will make?" We are to acknowledge Him and then He will make our paths straight. It doesn't say that when we acknowledge him, our defined paths will be straight. But, he will make straight my paths. And he decides what is a straight path. I think that is significant. Maybe what I call the perfect path for my life is not what He defines as the straight path. Could it be that me going through a hardship or an uncomfortable situation is a straight path?

I think this is what she may mean that I need to "relinquish the fantasy of an uncluttered world." My uncluttered world is a comfortable one, free of obstacles and inconveniences. And in that world I often am not a praying man. When I am living a comfortable life, my focus is on rest and entertainment and taking it easy, but when trials arise, I look to pray. But, I am to be about pray continually; without ceasing.

My Prayer
Lord, You are my strength. You carry me. You aren't simply a crutch, but You carry me throughout the day. I need your help. Guide me and direct me. Be my words. Thank you for sending Your Spirit to reside with me and be in me. I am the temple now. Thank you for always being with me.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Payton Family - Your thoughts about what the Lord is saying to me really helped me understand this scripture more fully. Thank you.

    1. Your welcome. Glad it could help. The Spirit is at work.

    2. Yes so clear. It reinforces that our goals should be what He says they are not what we think they should be. Surrender to our loving king who always knows what's best. Stay connected to the vine, yup that's my job. Thank you for this blog. God bless all of you.

    3. Thank you So much Chris Payton for sharing your thoughts and prayers. We are So blessed indeed.
      So grateful for this blog and for each of you. Prayers for All
      May we all pray without ceasing
      God is faithful and good, always
      Much love πŸ™πŸ’πŸ™

    4. Amen Brandy! So thankful for this blog and family Such a wonderful devotion, prayer and thought today. I must surrender this day to Him and allow Him to lead me.
      Accept each day as it comes, and find Me in the midst of it all.

    5. And the treasure hunt continues as we look for God's hand in all. Blessings one and all on board this flight to glory! Mad🦊, how are you doing today with God as your co-pilot? Thinking of you and prayers for increased strength and clarity. No foolin' on this first day of April πŸ˜‰♥️

    6. Hey thank You Jesus for the great reminder that you are my compass aand the compass of the saints. Even if right now my path is not as 'straight' as I think through trials, you are ultimately the one who makes my paths straight. I love you Jesus may your presence make me great. In Jesus name Amen

    7. The Spirit is definitely still at work here! Thanks again Chris!! πŸ™✝️πŸ’œ

    8. I needed this today. God bless you all ♥️

    9. AMEN, AMEN, And AMEN!!!

  2. I, too, thank you, Paytonfamily! The "uncluttered world" IS a fantasy - at least in my world, it is. He makes my way straight and when I relinquish that fantasy, my day flows b/c He goes before me. I was amazed when the devo read, "Talk with Me about every aspect of your day, including your feelings. Remember that your ultimate goal is not to control or fix everything around you; it is to keep communing with Me," as I was beating myself up yesterday when every thought started with, "I feel..." When will I realize that my thoughts never surprise my Heavenly Father? He knows every aspect of me and STILL loves me! Yesterday was so different than Sat. and the main reason was the fellowship I had with the Word being taught straight to my heart. I got things done yesterday that needed to be done, but allowed myself to rest in between and wrapped up the day putting finishing touches on undone issues with my family. I went to bed content. And I did pray without ceasing, asking the Lord to direct my steps. I get disappointed when my adult kids don't react the way I THINK they will react - again, the Spirit says, "Give it to Me."
    Praying that your foot is better, Jan Gridley - my knee is improving and now my shoulder needs prayer! :) Continued prayers for my cases and friends and of course for my whole family. So very thankful that I serve a loving/living Savior! Thank you Lord, for guiding me throughout this day to be your vehicle of love and light. And that I remember to pray without ceasing.

    1. Will continue to prayer partnering with you for our joint problems. Mine is healing slowly. I just want to go for my walks soon. Gardening will be here soon too. Let's rest & heal Norah. Bless you this day .

  3. Thank you LORD for your watch care, guidance and love. Another day to praise, love and worship YOU.

  4. So grateful for the reminder that he will provide the way. I am just to stay in communication with him and live above my circumstances with his grace, which is the only way I can. Thank you, Payton family for this blog that brings us all together.

  5. I can't think of a better way to start my 70th birthday then to be communing with my Lord. I am thankful for my life and my salvation. What a special gift to be called a child of God

    1. Happy birthday Jody! πŸŽ‰πŸŽπŸ₯³πŸŽ‚πŸŽ†

    2. Amen!!!!And happy birthday, Jody. Praying your day is blessed.

    3. Happy Birthday dear Jody! How blessed we are to be called beloved children of God. The Spirit bears witness that we are His children.

    4. Happy birthday, Jody! Another circle around the SON! May you discover many blessings today in his PRESENCE!

    5. Enjoy another birthday, Jody! By the grace of the Payton family blog archive feature, we pray and celebrate you again this year πŸ™♥️

    6. Happy Birthday, Jody! ...yes, Audra, we do! :)

  6. Pray without ceasing. I often pray for the Lord to lead me to the path that will honor and glorify Him. I know by staying in constant communication with Him , reading His word, and accepting my circumstances as His will , I will be led to the right path. Know I acknowledge that what I have been waiting for , is here. I am on the path that the Lord wants me to be. If I continue to walk in His ways I am guaranteed to being in the path that honors and Loves. Thank you Jesus for my circumstances. Although difficult their are blessings here and testimonies to share. May I always walk in your light and have the courage to share your blessings to me with other.

  7. What a day - thankful that I have tomorrow off. I spend my vacation days on Dr. appts, but it is totally worth it to me to be able to go with my husband to the Oncologist and have him say, "You are still clear!" That is my prayer. Jan Gridley - I went to my Chiropractor today and got great relief. Going again on Friday, but I know I'm on the mend. Praying diligently for my 72 yr old woman (my case) and for my friend's daughter and two children. April 2nd will be a big day and require lots of prayer! I'm praying without ceasing for all of it / them and asking all of you to, as well. And, Jody - while I've not seen your post before - HAPPY 70th BIRTHDAY! What a blessing.

    1. I too am going to my chiropractor tomorrow. Still praying for your case. Let's claim it right now, " we are on the mend"!

  8. Praying the WORD over our blessed country, its citizens, our leaders, health care workers, first responders, military, clergy, police and our world's brothers and sisters: "He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and He will deliver us again. On Him we have set our hope that He will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many." 2 Corinthians 1:10-11. Thank you Lord for Your MIRACULOUS DEFEAT OF COVID-19 In Jesus's Name!!! AMEN and AMEN

    1. JJ - joining you in praying protection for our country and all those on the front lines. Praying for those who are grieving their lost loved ones to Covid-19. AMEN AND AMEN!!!!

    2. Great message JJ - I too am joining you in praying for the defeat of COVID 19. KS

    3. Great prayer JJ. Joining you in prayer that this virus would be defeated. I also pray for all that are suffering, especially those that are on those 2 cruise ships and the Navy ship. JE

    4. Joining you in prayer. You are an awesome God who loves us! Evil us already defeated.

    5. Praying without ceasing. We trust in you Jesus and you will deliver us from this evil. Pour your amazing grace over our earth; pour your peace over all who feel hopeless for you are our hope. Embrace all who are ill and alone; whisper to them, Lord, "I am with you always". Open our eyes sweet Jesus to seek you only. AMEN

    6. These beautiful prayers are timeless and still encourage my soul.

  9. A Time to be Bold. By Scott Carden.

    Winter brings far flung tourists on a trip,
    April arrives in a pandemic's grip.
    The unseen virus fits Satan's dark schemes,
    as he longs to destroy your hopes and dreams.

    "Pray without ceasing" leads to anxious time,
    God whispers back, "Fear not, and be sublime."
    Then He extends His hand, for you to hold,
    And you weep, because you should have been bold.

    For nurses, doctors, and first responders,
    We pray You show miracles and wonders,
    So, we boldly pray for all who are sick,
    Knowing You've the power to heal so quick.


    JC Warriors, I have a nurse RN daughter in Manhattan working and living. So she's obviously in the "heat of the battle." While I use a pseudonym here and a writers pen name, God knows her name. I wrote this thinking about her and those that have fallen to this pandemic.

    Let us BOLDLY PRAY for much less than today's expectation nationally and globally. Father, stop the disease from spreading further and bring healing to all. Boldly in Your Son's name. Amen.

    Yes you may post elsewhere. please include the pen name Scott Carden.

    1. Wonderful MadFox. Please thank your daughter for all she is doing on the front line. I will be praying for her and her army of co-workers. Praying for peace, serenity, and strength for all medical personnel. They along with the many others are the heroes of this battle.

    2. Keeping your daughter and all health care workers in prayer MadFox! I work in midtown Manhattan, but fortunate to be working from home now. It's not easy being in the city right now. May the blood of Jesus cover her and all those out there being of service, in Jesus name! God bless and keep them safe!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Madfox - joining Warriors in prayer for your daughter, our country and those on the front lines.

    4. She is in my prayers, along with all of her co-workers, MadFox. Loved your poem - from His lips to our ears.

    5. Thank you for the poem. My prayers are with your daughter.

    6. Love this MadFox! Prayers for your daughter also and all the COVID responders whatever saving capacity they are in. KS

    7. In agreement Madfox. God bless your daughter and all the sons and daughters. Amen

    8. My heart goes out to you and your daughter. Praying ever so hard for our world. I know Jesus is holding your daughter in the palms of His hands.

    9. A wonderful prayer, MadFox, and I make it my own. Gracious Lord, watch over MadFox's daughter and all who are giving of themselves in this battle. Keep them safe, keep them healthy, give them strength, and bring healing through the love and dedication in which they are doing all that they do. They truly are Your hands and feet. Amen

    10. I still love your poem, prayer and post dear MadFox. Praying all is going well as you continue your treatment and transplant process. He is holding you tight throughout.

  10. My Loving Father, Thank You for this new day and new April month. Thank You for last night’s rest and the shield of protection during its hours. Thank You for everything Your goodness sends. Remember us in this lowly state of crisis and redeem us from the enemy that is COVID-19 et al., I abide in Your Presence and receive Your Peace to carry me throughout this month and beyond. I decree and declare that I overcome obstacles and challenges because I have divine strategies from You. Thank You Lord!

    What a fitting devotion for a worldwide crisis going on now! “I am calling you to a life of constant communion with Me”! God needs us to need Him, and we should NEED Him! The Bible tells us that: “He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him” (1 Cor. 6:17). Instead of having an on-again, off-again relationship with God (He is not our boyfriend/girlfriend) our communion with Him should be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. One minute, 2 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, all day, it doesn’t really matter, as long as we acknowledge Him. This kind of communication with the Lord is all about maintaining our spiritual connection with Him all day. In doing so, we are continually filled with His presence. Sometimes, many believers put God on a waiting list until it’s convenient for them or when they get in a dire need. But He’s too good to treat us that way. When God is silent in our lives, it’s not because He’s punishing us, it could be that He’s waiting for us or preparing for us! For some people, they find it so easy and worthwhile to talk about their problems to others rather than talk to God about it.I think we are guilty of that, but the reality is understanding that He is the ONLY One who has the best and permanent solution to our problems. We should get in the habit of sharing all of our life experiences with Him and most importantly, daily spend time with Him. I once read somewhere a saying by Rick Warren that:“Everything you do can be “spending time with God” if he is invited to be a part of it….”. And that is the truth! Jesus is riding this storm with us just like He did with His disciples. Let’s bring “Christ into our crisis”(quoting Pastor Greg Laurie on TV last night), talk to Him in prayer and believe for the best!

    Here's a prayer song this morning:

    “I once was lost in sin but Jesus took me in,
    And then a little light from Heaven filled my soul,
    He bathed my heart in love and wrote my name above
    And just a little talk with Jesus made me whole.

    Now let us have a little talk with Jesus
    Let us tell Him all about our troubles
    He will hear our faintest cry and we will answer by and by

    Now when you feel a little prayer wheel turning
    You'll know a little fire is burning
    You will find a little talk with Jesus makes it right.

    I may have doubts and fears my eyes be filled with tears
    But Jesus is a friend who watches day and night
    Oh, I go to Him in prayer, He knows my every care
    And just a little talk with Jesus makes it right……”

    Yes, just a little talk wirh Jesus makes it right! Fill your spirit with this song and allow God to guide you through this new month and fill you with His resurrection power, in Jesus name!

    Happy, Bless and safe April (God’s got this month as well)!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Yes, Maplewood, He is waiting for us, preparing us. Your prayers give me peace. Thank you, I love you.

    2. Amen and Amen dear Maplewood! Loved your prayer song!

    3. Interesting to me that it was difficult to copy the link to this uplifting song this morning. Hope this works!
      Just a Little Talk With Jesus https://g.co/kgs/HEV9Dd

    4. Thanks, Audra! I listened to several versions. Great song!

  11. "Moment by moment I’m kept in His love,
    Moment by moment I’ve life from above;
    Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine;
    Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine"

  12. Precious words, Maplewood and Sassy Mom!

    1. Agree with Norah - precious!!! Sassy Mom and Maplewood! KS

  13. Thankful for a new month, even with all that is in it because I know God has gone before us and our Lord and Savior protects us.
    Another totally pertinent Jesus Calling devotion, complete with Peyton Family prayers that bring home the message. I totally relinquish the clutter to Him (couldn't help but think of all of the clutter in my home office that is being chipped away at, one piece at a time). He knows it more than I and I pray that I help usher it out the door!
    So many prayers, by so many believers - the numbers have to start going down. Praying for each of the first responders, their safety, bless their giving hearts.
    Asking for prayers for a dear co-worker of mine; a young mommy with children who may be called back to military service. Boost her believing, Father, open doors for her; please let her remain at home with her family.
    Jan Gridley - remember our joints this day! Praying for painless walks and renewed strength.
    We got to see some of our Littles yesterday - standing on our porch and them waving from the sidewalk. What a blessing. Praising the Lord and knowing that this 'thing' has an end...may we see it soon.
    God Bless, JC Family - each of you are in my prayers. Let's remember the Victories as they occur.

    1. Norah - prayers for your young mom co-worker, for you and Jan and your joints to be pain free..and for all those in need. KS

  14. Thank you, Jesus, for the Payton family and for all my JC Warrior friends pouring their hearts out for us. Such a beautiful blessing you have given me.

    1. Loveconquersall--- I join you in being so thankful for the Payton family and ALL the incredible JC WARRIORS!. What a group of believers! Our prayers rise as a fragrance to heaven, releases God's, power and brings Him joy. All praise to Him for His blessings and that He cares for us! You, Loveconquersall, are a blessing!

    2. Amen dear Loveconquersall! We are so blessed with this beautiful family. Thank you to the Paytons for making it possible. We stand together in Christ and praise Him, thank Him and encourage one another!

  15. AMEN and AMEN again! Nothing catches GOD by surprise and HE is still in control even in this! This Day is already full of splendor because his grace woke us up. I'm grateful and prayerful for all those on the front lines as well and I know there is a lesson to learn and a testimony in progress for many. I will be found trusting GOD and praying for the nation including each of you as I talk to GOD about everything it will help me encourage and share HIM with those who don't talk to him about anything. May GOD continue to love us unconditionally as we seek HIM above all that happens in this fallen world! Let's stay strong and pray without ceasing JC family!


    1. Amen God's daughter! Your words are still true. I tell Him everything too. He's a great listener

  16. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

    (Matthew 12:9-15) We leave the wheat fields and the encounter with the religious leaders to continue to the synagogue for worship. We no more than enter the synagogue, we see a man with a withered hand sitting by the door But also very near by, are some of the leaders of the synagogue. This feels like a set-up. Pointing to the man, the leaders ask Jesus if it is lawful to heal on the Sabbath. Jesus is fully aware of the games they are playing so He asks them, "If one of you had a prized sheep of which provides you substantial economic gain and it fell into a hole on the Sabbath, would you not rush to its rescue and lift it out of the hole, which according to your interpretation of the Law would constitute work? Here sits a man who you obviously care little about and you really don't want to have anything to do with so you interpret the Law in a way to justify your your neglect of him. Yet, according to the Law, this man and not your prized sheep is created in the image of God so shouldn't the Law be understood in such a way that this man's health is a priority to God?" While they are talking among themselves, seeking some retort to reestablish their righteousness, Jesus says to the man, "Stretch out your hand." The man does as Jesus had told him and his hand is completely healed. While we are delighted at what we have just witnessed, the leaders are clearly quite to the contrary. We could hear them grumbling among themselves as they walked away. I guess you can expect that when those in positions of power are one upped at their own petty games they play to support their behavior.

    Rationalizing insensitive behavior, I can get quite good at it. I can even find scripture sometimes that support my poor choices as I try to override the guilt I am feeling. On the other hand, there are situations that I have responded to, again more out of guilt than love, in which my response was not the wisest action for the person. The devotional I am using during this Lenten season is written by my minister, Brad Munroe. He closes each day's thoughts with the words, Notice. Pray. Act. These words call me to not turn away from needs but to see them for what they are. Upon seeing them, to engage the Spirit in prayer and then to act as led by the Spirit and not guilt. To do so brings an end to the games I can play and enables me to have the clean heart, the new and right spirit that I am praying for this Lenten season.

    As the intensity of our times increases around us, brothers and sisters, in Christ. Notice. Pray. Act. God be with you.

    With love, Bob

    1. Thanks Bob - May I always "stretch out my hand" to everyone in need. KS

    2. Praise God for his compassion and mercy. He will not disappoint. He is above this and mighty to save. Be strong brothers and sisters. We are alone, together.

    3. Excellent and on target for our current global "viral" fear. Leaders, don't make excuses, they act for the good of one and many ANY day. Pray that God intervenes and heals the current "withered" nation so that the grumbling leaders are forced to let us open back up the economy before worse suffering results. Jesus heal the "hand" we've been dealt. Thanks and Amen, Bob.

    4. When I say we are alone together, I don't mean that God ever leaves us, but that we are presently isolated, but together in Spirit. We are all one family and we stand on the same Rock. Much love to all my JC Family.

    5. Bob, There is so much honesty in your words and I feel like when we are led by the Spirit there is no need to feel guilty even for our mistakes and transgressions. In our Father's eyes they are forgotten and we must act out of love and obedience to our Father, just as Jesus did. This is a very difficult thing and because of our humanity we have all acted because of guilt or other human emotions. When I try to please God above all, my motives are so much sweeter. He knows our hearts and the reasons why we do things. Create in me a clean O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

  17. Bob, thank you for guiding us through these weeks of lent. I find myself repeating Psalm 51:10 over and over. By the grace of God you lift up the truth and embrace HIS word. Your spiritual richness pours out into your prayers and your intimacy with Our Lord shines through.

    1. Thank you, Loveconquersall! God be with you and yours.

  18. Thank you for another day Lord! Lord help me to continually pray, without ceasing!

  19. I'm thankful I could spend my birthday in constant communion with my Lord down by the bay practicing social distancing and enjoying God's beautiful creation. This peaceful moment in time is really living above the circumstances

    1. Have a blessed birthday, Jody! Grateful for God's gift of you to this world and to those who love you and those whom you love. God be with you.

    2. Jody --- Happy Birthday! Great blessings on your day and many more to come!

    3. Happy Birthday Jody! Wishing you all of the gifts that come from above and last forever, and God's healing of you and your loved ones.

  20. Jody - Happy Birthday!!! Communion with our Lord is the very best way to celebrate.

  21. God is so good. For me, praying for a simple, uncluttered life is something I pray for often. In a literal sense. My children are small and we have a lot of stuff as a family. I have been trying and trying to lessen and simplify, but I barely make a dent in my "to-do list". This devotion speaks right to me. I have also been struggling with perfection and the worries and sadness that that brings. For this to ask me to talk about my feelings with Our Father is another clincher--straight to me. He is so good all the time in every way. I do want to commune with Him. I want to be so close to Him. The adventure of getting to know Him better continues. I'm so thankful. <3 God bless.

  22. Thank You Jesus. You have spoken straight into my heart. I Praise and bless You Lord always and continually. You are my reason for being. Lead me Lord and help me follow You. I am so grateful for You. You are my amazing, wonderful Savior and love of my life ❤. Praise God.

    1. Amen dear Janet. Praying for you and your neighboors and positive outcomes.

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen dear BFF, Praying with you for our dear Janet and for God to resolve her problems with her neighbors and change their hearts. Thank you Jesus!

  23. HOLY MAUNDY THURSDAY: Events that happened before and after Mid-night.

    This pivotal day in the life of Jesus is one of the most important days in history. Peter and John sent to make preparation for the Passover meal. Jesus washes the disciples' feet.
    He held the first Mass. The Lord’s Supper is Instituted. Jesus announced that Judas would betray Him. He Gave the "new commandment" to love one another. He indicated that Peter had a special pastoral role among the apostles. Announced that Peter would deny Him. Prayed for the unity of His followers. He held all the discourses recorded across five chapters of John (John 13-18). He Prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was betrayed by Judas. He stopped the disciples from continuing a violent resistance, healed the ear of Malchus the high priest's servant after Peter cut it off with a sword. Jesus was taken before the high priests Annas and Caiaphas. He was denied by Peter and He was taken to Pilate. (Matt. 26:17-75; Mark 14:12-72; Luke 22:7-62; John13:1-18:27 ).


    Loving Father, As we prepare for Easter and recall Jesus’ passion and death, let us remember that above all, we are called to love one another and feed Your sheep. You gave us a model of how to live because that was the heart of Jesus’ gift, His sacrifice for us. Grant us ears to hear, eyes to see and help us to rest at the feet of Jesus and learn, because no one can boast before You. It is only in Him that we can boast. Thank You Lord that Jesus Lives and Reigns Forever! Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen & amen Maplewood! Love His powerful words in John 13-18. May we rest in Him and be aware of His Spirit whispering to us, loving living and thinking through us. Shine Jesus Shine.

      Blessings from France

    2. Thank you Maplewood! Another beautiful and inspiring post ♥️
      Since I first heard the word "Maundy" it always held mystery for me. Since I have experienced more and more of the LIVING WORD, the mysteries unfold. Thank you for bundling today's events so succinctly. And, I finally looked it up:https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/maundy.

    3. Maundy, Maundy (bah-da bah-da-da-da)
      So good to me (bah-da bah-da-da-da)
      Maundy mornin', it was all I hoped it would be
      But Maundy mornin', Maundy mornin' couldn't guarantee
      That Maundy evenin' you would still be here with me...

    4. Just loved your post and prayer. Shared your words with my Mom and sister and Bible group! Thanks dear Maplewood.

    5. You usher us into the new month like none other. Thank You dear Maplewood! Praying God is still blessing and guiding you and showing you and your family His faithfulness in every way.

  24. May the Grace of God and His Peace that surpasses ALL our understanding, be ours this new month, in the name of Jesus!

    Welcome to April, your RESURRECTION month, and remain Blessed!!


    Maplewood NJ

    1. One quarter down; three more to go. Thank You God for sending Your Son Jesus in to be our Quarterback, assuring us of The Victory!

    2. I'm on the sidelines anxiously awaiting the brilliant Resurrection play!

    3. Lord, bring on The Ressurection!
      We can hardly stand the wait.
      Please Resurrection don't be late!

    4. Amen to that! We serve a Risen Lord!

  25. A successful day is one in which you have stayed in touch with Me...Pray for me to relinquish the fantasy of an uncluttered world; and in its stead, stay in touch with Jesus as I drive to my brother's, and we go to have more medical testing done on him and then we go to pick up the keys to his new place and sign more paperwork.
    Thank You Jesus for making straight our paths. I ask Your Holy Spirit to guide us moment by moment and keep us as close to You as You are to us.
    I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus Name. Amen.

    1. God speed to you and your bro today, Brie! πŸ™ You already have the most important keys, ✝️ 🌞; today you get some specially made for your brother ♥️

    2. Praying all went well with your brother's test and also with the keys and paperwork. His Spirit is moving and guiding you. The Lord is holding you very close in His love and care. Be Blessed and rest in Him.

  26. Receiving. Praying. Trusting. Leaning. Loving. Learning. Believing. Living!

  27. Good morning πŸ˜ƒ please pray for me. I am really struggling with relationship issues. I just recently moved closer to my daughter and new granddaughter. Things were going good and then my mom asked to move in with her for a while. My mom has been very hurtful to me in the past. There is a history of emotional and verbal abuse all the way back to my teenage years. I am 51 and wish I could say I have grown in this area. My life was going great I was energized in every way. I felt closer to God than ever now I feel like a train wreck that’s off the tracks. I have no desire to be around them now. There’s always that fear that comes back when I know I have to deal with my mom. I came from a broken home and was left to myself for a very long time. My dad, mom and brother have always seen me as the problem child, but I am seeing things clearly now. They never took responsibility for their actions because they were too focused on mine. At times I was even told I was adopted...it is just a sinking feeling when even their names are mentioned. God has blessed me with an amazing husband and 3 great kids giving me back what the devil stole from me. They have helped heal me... Please pray for me to find my strength because all that I experience is pain from my old family and this has been hard. Thank-you and if anyone has any insight or can relate that would encourage me that would be great ♥️πŸ’―πŸ™

    1. Sharon, you are in my prayers. Loving the unlovable is not easy, but that's what God instructs us to do. Just keep loving on your mother and turn all the pain and hurt over to God in prayer. He has blessed you with 3 wonderful children, a great husband and much more, so count your many blessings my sister and keep your eyes fixed on JESUS!
      He's alive, stay blessed in His Resurrection power.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Praying for you Sharon and your mom. May our Father bring peace, hope, love, and healing into both your hearts and give you the comfort and strength to endure the process. May God bless you and keep you. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    3. Dear Sharon, Joining in all prayers for your comfort and guidance. You are following the right road and seeking the Lord with your whole heart, mind and soul. You have so many blessings. Don't let your mother or any other person rob you of the peace and joy you now have in believing. The Lord is your strength and song. He is not leaving. May He change your mother's heart towards you and open her eyes to all the good you have done. Let her see the truth. Don't be afraid because all you have to do is please the Lord. Put your head up high my sister. You belong to the Most High and you have raised three good children. Don't let anyone pull you down. You are beloved and of great value to your loving Father. And we love you too.

    4. Thanks everyone!! πŸ™♥️πŸ™

  28. P.S. I already feel a little better just sharing that burden so please pray...thank-you all!

    1. Great! Bless you Sharon! Amen

    2. God bless you, Sharon! May your faith help you to bury the past in the sea of forgiveness and bloom into new relationships with your family members. Asking in Jesus's name I pray. ♥️

  29. Dear heavenly Father, help me to stay in continual communion with you. All day, every day. Help me to not have a overly focused list of things to do that become an "idol" in my day that I stay intently focused. I want to only be focused on you in constant communion. Amen.

    1. Amen ABC! I share your prayer.

      Remain blessed,

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Thanks ABC! Amen to that prayer. Joining in. Let us keep our eyes on the Lord who guides our steps and who is our companion in all things.

  30. Dear JC Prayer Warriors - I have great news. Today, we went for the one month check up on my Dear Hub's MM Count. They went back down! For 2 months they've gone DOWN since the one that had spiked. So, now we don't have to go back for 2 months. The Oncologist said at that point, if they have spiked, we will look at maintenance chemo options, but for now, as long as DH is feeling good (he feels great) and doing well, we will 'kick that can down the road!'
    We went into the Cancer Ward and then proceeded to wait an hour. They took us back to the room and waited again for another 20 mins. The waiting is the worst. Once we met with our Dr. and he had good news and we knew we didn't have to come back for 2 months, we practically skipped out of there like two kids cutting school!!
    Thank you for your prayers, Dear JC Family. What a powerful Maundy Thursday it has been. I started reading early this morning and I had to look up various references, (thank you, Audra) and Brie, I did it to the Mamas and Papa's tune (so funny, I was just playing some of their music for my youngest son, last night!). To realize again, what the Last Supper signified and the washing of the feet demonstrated, was so very humbling to me. Tomorrow, we are going to one of the churches in town who will have the Stations of the Cross. We don't share this belief with most of our family at this point, so I'm very thankful to learn more about it and share it here.
    Much thankfulness to all of you for your prayers. Sharon, I am praying for you and your family. Maplewood's and Audra's words are powerful. As you said, God gave you back what Satan tried to steal (beauty for ashes). I will be praying that your mom wakes up and sees what she's done, but even if she doesn't - YOU have a beautiful family. Don't let her OR the devil steal it, again.

    1. You made me so happy telling me your DH got great news that his MM Count went back down and no need to go back for 2 months. Praise God!!! Thanking Him for more answered prayers and His faithfulness. He is just so good all the time. I was up late since I had my grandson for a sleepover and I had a lot to do but the Lord led me by the hand and I am feeling so thankful too. Praying with you for Sharon and We are all praying for our dear MadFox!!

  31. Hopefully I'll be back later. Time to sing for the Lord in Church. Love to all!

    1. They will be SO blessed by your voice, dear Jeanne!!!

    2. Aww Thanks dear Norah. It was a challenge since I was the only one there with the Choir master. But the Lord was singing with us.

  32. Have a blessed and happy day in God’s presence and peace. Taking my dear twin sister to the orthopedic doctor at 10:30 to get gel injections in her knees. Thanking God that all will go well as He guides the doctor’s hands perfectly to make my Sis more comfortable. She has so much pain walking. He can make all things right. Trusting in His promises and leaning on His faithfulness.
    Thank You Father for this and for healing her osteoarthritis in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen

    1. Joining in prayer with you Jeanne. May our Father place His healing hands on her and remove her pain. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    2. Praying for you JeanneπŸ™

    3. Praying dear Jeanne. Please dear Lord guide the hand that holds that needle,& bring sweet relief from that pain. Shower Jeanne & her sister with sprinkles of peace & calm. Amen. πŸ™πŸ’•

    4. Thanks for your sincere prayers, dear Janet, Rich, Jan and Brie! All went well to God’s glory and Janet is feeling much better. She must get her second injection on 4/11. God will guide it all!

    5. Praying for pain relief for your sister, Jeanne. Sometimes it will be immediate and then one more day of pain when the numbing of the shots wears off. Hang in there, relief is on the way, God's got this!

    6. Lord thank you for being with Janet while she sat before her doctor today to get her injections. Lord we trust you and thank you for using this medical procedure to bring relief from Janet's pain. Lord thank you for going before Jeanne and Janet today and every day. In Jesus precious name amen. Hoping you enjoyed the time with your sister today!

  33. Good morning everyone ☀️I was just reading through all of the comments and saw something I posted a year ago today. I just want to give an update. It’s amazing how things can change in a year. My mom and I have experienced another level in our relationship. She has been having some health problems and I have been able to be there for her some. I am not able to physically be there because I am caring for my daughter Tori as she has been ill also. However, God has really helped me to forgive my mon and move past the past. I really appreciate the prayers from everyone!! I have also deepened my relationships with my husband and two of my children. One of them is having her own personal struggles. I feel like she’s carrying a lot of the baggage I was, but I have been trying to reach out to her. It’s hard to see that because I know it affects my two year old granddaughter. I am trying though. Please pray for her and pray for healing for my daughter. No one knows how to approach her about anything but I don’t judge her for that. I know where I was in my pain and how God makes everything beautiful in His time. I do know that while I was trying to heal from my own personal wounds I felt judged by family. So, I really don’t want her to feel that way. It’s a hard place to be because I don’t want my granddaughter to become enmeshed in my daughters emotional problems. I am praying πŸ™ if anyone has any comments or suggestions I would appreciate it! Thanks everyone for your prayers and for having a place to go to share my burdens. God bless each of you! ♥️♥️♥️

    1. Thank you for sharing the update. I pray that your family situation will be healed and that you will find the answers you are searching for, trusting that God is in control!

    2. Sharing in Rich C's prayer for you dear Sharon. Father, help is sorely needed in this situation. You alone dear Lord have the power to change hearts. Thank You that Sharon is trusting You with her daughter & the little one. Pour into Sharon Your amazing grace & love, paving the way for her daughter to heal emotionally for the sake of her own daughter. Lead her to the cross, just as she is, set her free. I call upon the blood &, body of Jesus Christ to cover this entire family, in Jesus name AMEN!πŸ™πŸ’•

    3. Sharon, I'm glad to hear your situation and relationships are much improved. I will pray for that to continue. Praying for your daughter and granddaughter that her emotional state will improve. God bless!


    4. Beautiful prayers, Rich and Jan, for Sharon and her family. Joining you both with asking our Lord and Healer to have this family feel His presence and that He will bring them all THROUGH the valley! He IS our WAYMAKER! Praying and believing for healing, Sharon, in Jesus' name, AMEN!

    5. Praying to follow His lead and stay in uninterrupted communication with Him, accept each day as it comes, and find HIM in the midst of all situations and circumstances, would be my only suggestions, Sharon, because HE already knows the Way, because He is The Way. The Truth. The Life. Let us all stay with Him, The Way; Trust Him, The Truth; Rest only in Him, The Life. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

    6. Amen! Joining in all powerful prayers for you, dear Sharon, Tori’s healing and for healing healing of your relationships with all your family members! May God in Hus wisdom and mercy smooth out your daughter’s difficult problems and bring her a peace of mind so strong that it will be seen and felt by your granddaughter! He can do all things and we are trusting Him to make all things right and sweet! Thank You dear Jesus.

    7. Holy Spirit, thank you for your undeniable presence at work in Sharon and the lives of her family members so that their relationships are healthy and loving. In Jesus's name I pray.

    8. Sharon, thank you so much for the update. As I was going through the previous years posts I read yours and prayed that God has had his way in your life. What a blessing to read that he has! I join all the prayer warriors in praying with you and for you and your daughter. Just as God knew what you needed he also knows what your daughter's needs are. He is a good and faithful Father that seeks only the best for his children. Commit your daughter and granddaughter to the Lord and trust him to work in and through what they are going through. Thank you for sharing and please continue to keep us updated.

  34. I like the KJV Proverbs 3:6 "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
    I like that God directs us," Go this way, not that way", "This is the way, walk ye in it". It takes the haphazard-ness out of my choices. He know what is best, He knows the future. He knows the trials and testings that He has selected for me, that are a perfect fit for His plan and purpose for my life. Setting off in an arbitrary direction of my choosing, hoping it is right for me then some ways down the road have to retrace my steps " Sorry Lord I wasn't following You", is not for me. When He says "Follow Me" He means in everything, not just when it is convenient for me. What a relief to know that my Lord Jesus knows the Way (He is the Way), all I have to do is follow. Thank You Lord Jesus.

    1. Amen dear Peter! His Way is the right way! May He give us the courage and wisdom to follow hard after Him, righteousness and the Spirit.

  35. Morning family! Rejoice and be glad in this day the Lord has made! What IS a successful day? Interesting statement from the devotional today that made me change my perspective as I prepare for work and life today. Today it will be staying close to him!

    Please pray for my wife who found a lump on her breast. Waiting for resultsπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ Audi for my daughter who is having terrible GI privileges and is getting married this month but losing so much weight because she can’t eat
    Also,I ask for prayers of wisdom as I am having a difficult time readjusting to this new job and wondering if it is time to fully retire. It’sa wonderful job, wish I had found it years ago. But, it’s all Gods prefect timing …right?!

    May you be blessed today family! ShalomπŸ™

    1. In prayer for your wife & daughter Rich, also for wisdom in this big decision. We thank You dear Lord in advance for BENIGN results for this lump & answers to the GI issues & successful treatment for this bride to be. You are sovereign, You are faithful, You are Jehovah Rapha! Amen!πŸ™πŸ’•

    2. Rich, praying for you, your wife, and your daughter. May your wife's lump turn out to be benign. May your daughter find healing, and may you find peace concerning your job.


    3. Thank you Jan and TJ!!! Such a blessing to have your prayers!

    4. Prayers for your circumstances Rich with your wife and daughter especially ♥️My daughter has had Ulcerative Colitis since she was 14 and had to have her colon removed. She has a Hickman line right now and was just diagnosed with Crohns Disease. She has lost weight so many times and right now is struggling with loss of appetite again. She received IV nutrition right now and has to have infusions for her GI issues. So, I hope and pray your daughter gets well. It has been a nightmare and a blessing throughout my daughters journey. The nightmare is her suffering and the blessing is how closer to God and each other my family has become through this. Blessings to you and everyone on here praying ♥️♥️πŸ™πŸ™

    5. Touching and agreeing in prayer with all of the above, for all of the above, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    6. Adding my prayers for you and your family, Rich C. Weddings can be stressful times, manifesting physically in many ways. My prayer is for peace for your wife and daughter that stress will ease, followed by a return to perfect health. In Jesus's name I pray.

    7. Dear Rich, Joining into all prayers for your wife’s good report and healing, and for God’s healing of your daughter’s GI problems so she can gain strength and have a sweet and special wedding and honeymoon. May God give you the wisdom to decide if you want to remain in your good job or retire. I’m adding your wife and daughter to my daily prayer list. He hears every prayer.

    8. Joining in prayer with our JC family for you Rich, your daughter and your wife. Lord have your way in each of these situations in Jesus name amen

  36. Lord, help me to remember to keep You 1st place every day. To turn to You in all circumstances. I fear I have wasted so much time I life that Your opportunities have passed me by. Jesus help me to do Your will and have mercy on this sinner. 6pm

  37. Dear Mark, don't fear of time wasted. Jesus is the Redeemer. He promises to redeem the years the locusts have eaten. Just keep following His lead. Amen.πŸ™πŸ’•

    1. Good, good reminder Jan! Thank you! I needed that

  38. Amen dear Jan! Good encouragement.
    Dear Mark, Don’t look back only forward. We are loved even in our shortcomings. We’re all guilty of letting go of our Father’s Hand! Trust that the best is yet to come because His promises are reliable. Rest in Him who loves you. God bless your day and fill it with peace and gratitude. Continue to walk in His love.

  39. This will be my third attempt to post this. Not sure why I keep getting an error message instead of my post posting.
    No enemy is going to deter me.

    I received a call from my sister in law that her sister Nikki is in critical care at the hospital, because of throwing up blood. She has been sick for sometime with no rational reason why. I would like prayers for Nikki and prayers for discernment for my sister in law Lisa. There Father is very controlling and works to keep the sisters separate. They have struggled to have a relationship, because the dad worked to manipulate each of them putting them against each other. Please God's will be done in the healing of Nikki's body and the sisters separating out truth from lie. To see where the enemy is working and how to quench his fiery darts at the onset. Thank you!

    1. Praying fervently for Nikki, SIL, and their Father

    2. Dear Terri, Praying with our sister. Brie for Nikki’s healing, your SIL’s comfort and strength and you. Rest in His peace and trust He is able to change her condition..God knows exactly what’s wrong with her! May He open her doctor’s eyes to the truth and lead them to the right treatment to make her well again. May He give the sisters discernment to see through their father’s lies. The love between sisters is a beautiful bond. They need each other, especially right now. God will turn this situation into good.. He can do all things. Thank You Jesus.

  40. Praying dear Terri for Nikki and family!

    I spent a fair amount of time today contemplating the idea of the "fantasy of an uncluttered world". My OCD (obsessive, compulsive, disorder) tendencies fought those thoughts all the way. But...I know that awareness is the first step towards a change in behaviors. Thank you JC Calling, nailed it once again! Prayers for y'all on my pillow 😴

  41. Thanks dear Audra! I have a little OCD in that I line up my husband’s seltzer bottles in a straight line. But I’m far from being obsessed with neatness. I long for clean closets and an organized pantry but I’m a bit of a pack rat and a messy person. I try to keep my apartment tidy but it doesn’t last too long. I cook almost every night so my kitchen gets messy. Funny thing is when I visit my son’s family, I’m pretty good at getting their apartment cleaned up well. So God leads me in that direction. Don’t know if my world is uncluttered but I know it’s blessed.

  42. Sending prayers to you Min Ahadi and all your Kenyan brothers and sisters ❤️πŸ™

  43. Thanks for your prayers for Jack, Maureen and Larry. Jack got a cardio version yesterday and now his heart rhythm is normal and he’s feeling much better. Maureen is better too but they haven’t figured out why she is having seizures. She’s staying in the hospital one more day. Larry is slowly improving from pneumonia. God is hearing all the prayers so we rest in Him. Wait on the Lord and as today’s devotion tells us:
    1 Thessalonians 5:17
    Pray without ceasing,

    1. Praising God for Jack &, for Larry's continued recovery. Praying for Maureen πŸ™πŸ™.

    2. Thank you and Amen! He is so faithful.

  44. Please join me in praying for everyone who was affected by yesterday’s tornadoes.
    Arkansas Gal

    1. Joining in prayers with you πŸ™. God bless!

    2. Yes, joining in prayer for Arkansas &, all the other states in the path of these tornadoes πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    3. Praying for all affected by the tornadoes πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    4. Praying for all in and around Little Rock. My daughter lives in Prairie Grove and is used to the tornado sirens.

    5. Adding my prayers to all. WHETHER or not the needs are known or unknown. Standing up in the faces of spiritual warfare that are exhibiting their ugly attempts to shake us. WE WILL NOT BE SHAKEN! GOD'S GOT THIS!
      THANK you Father, Son and Holy Spirit! We trust you with our ♥️!

    6. Joining in prayers for the safety and protection of all those affected by the tornadoes. Father God we thank You for covering your people with a mighty hedge of protection and lead them to shelter, provisions and a renewed strength of faith in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  45. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name πŸ™ πŸ™Œ! I praise You Lord always! Thank You Jesus! Forgive me for my unbelief. In times of distress and distraction, I can sometimes be swayed to thinking like the world and forgetting Your perfect sovereignty and goodness Lord. Keep my heart and mind focused on You Lord. You are all I ever need and even when I can't see it, You are ALWAYS working. Let me be mindful of that. You are ALWAYS with me. No matter what is going on, You are in my midst. I am so very grateful for You Lord! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Yes Lord! πŸ‘♥️✝️

    2. Amen and Amen! He does His best work behind the scenes.
      Be patient in prayer and expect miracles.

  46. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. (2 Corinthians 13:14). Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to Me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in Me will never be thirsty." (John 6:35).

  47. So blessed today with these words. Thank you for sharing sisterπŸ₯°πŸ™.

  48. Please pray a hedge of protection for all those in the path of tornadoes. 50 and 60 mile wind weather alerts predicted for my area in East Tennessee. Roof shingles were blown from my house when this happened years ago, several rescue workers in my area lost their lives attempting to help others. I cowered in the hall from 10 PM until 2 AM when we received all clear. Thank you for your prayers.

    1. Praying that you are relaxed and calm in the eye of the storm, Dear Sassy Mom! Was it just last night that you were in the hall from 10-2 or was that a year ago? Regardless, my prayer is that all is calm; all is bright. That you are resting comfortably, and as you always do, giving God the Glory!

    2. Our Dear Norah, Praise the Lord we are safe! So thankful we didn't get the 50 or 60 strong winds that were predicted. We had thunder, heavy rain and 25 mile wind which was enough to rattle the windows. Thank You Jesus for your hedge of protection. The other storm happened about 10 years ago.

    3. Thanking God you are safe, sweet Sassy Mom. He is so faithful! Praying God is protecting his people from harm and their homes from damage, and making their ways straight. Amen. Thank You Jesus.

    4. Psalm 18:6
      “In my distress I called upon the LORD; to my God I cried for help.
      From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears.”

      Psalm 50:15
      “and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”

      Psalm 55:22
      “Cast your burden on the LORD,
      and he will sustain you;
      he will never permit
      the righteous to be moved.”

      Psalm 94:14
      “For the LORD will not forsake his people; he will not abandon his heritage;”

      Psalm 100:5
      “For the LORD is good;
      his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.”

  49. Dear JC Family - reading back from 2019, I see that life has continued and God continues to provide. Learning new things, everyday. How not to react, but to believe. How to listen when I pray that God helps me, 'change my mind,' which He did tonight. I was tired and wanted to order food, though, as my DH pointed out, we have TONS of food in our fridge. It all took preparation and I wanted to be served. HA HA. I prayed, read JC posts from the last few years and suddenly thought, "Get UP, Norah! Get it done!" Within about 25 mins, I served my DH a small, seared steak, fettuccini with shrimp and spinach, fresh fruit and fresh veggies. He feels like a King! His appreciation was gift enough. I nibbled enough through the 'fixings,' and will enjoy a plate later (probably need more steak than I fixed; I am an avid carnivore!). Anyway, my point is: when I played the songs recommended on this site loud enough that I could hear it in my kitchen, my burden was light. In fact, it was ENJOYABLE. I was saying, "Pretend you are Jeanne! She LOVES to cook!" It was fun.
    I am praying for all of you on here - thanking God for His deliverance of all needs, healings, wants, yearnings. Today, my 'to-do list' was not my idol. I got to go to the local Library with 3 of my Grands and #4 son and watch their little faces light up at the gathering of tons of colored, plastic eggs filled with goodies. I saw my youngest Granddaughter, 'boogie to the music,' - only 15 mos old and that girl can keep a beat! I ran a few errands and answered the call to 'let the dog out,' for the ones visiting their sib in Cinci. While I was 'killing time,' I did their few dishes and spruced things up. They'll come home to a sparkly kitchen and I'm praying their power is back on.
    It's been a lovely day...a moment-by-moment walk and thankfully, I listened and yes, I am blessed.
    Dear Min, you are on my heart - praying fervently for you and all of yours. I see myself writing about all of my first-world "problems," and I feel ashamed. I've just asked God to bless you and yours mightily. Listening to this song and pray it touches your heart.
    Love to all of you!

    1. That sounds like a real feast, dear Norah! Your husband is a blessed man! And what a sweet and happy day you had with your dear ones. Especially your little 15 month old granddaughter who was grooving to the music. Praying with you for our dear Min Ahadi and all those who are in need of help and protection. And those in the eye of the storm.
      Father God, We thank You for answering our prayers in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  50. Yes Norah, we are a blessed country compared to other problems that are ravaging our world.

    1. Is all well with you, Sassy Mom? Storms gone? Praying for you every day. <3

    2. Amen dear sisters, our problems are nothing compared to those suffering and in danger in other parts of the world. Praying with you for their comfort, peace, health and safety. Thank You Jesus πŸ™

  51. Praying without ceasing is what makes our prayers timeless. They are fresh each time, and even after 3 or 4 years after this Blog was started, the prayers are still relevant, and apply to our everyday issues. Thank You Father for Your everlasting love, and mercies which are new each day! Amen!πŸ™

  52. I loved the devotion and the Bible verses. Proverbs 3:5-6 is one of my favorites that I am always holding inside me. But today, it was the Prayer that spoke to my heart:
    My Prayer
    Lord, You are my strength. You carry me. You aren't simply a crutch, but You carry me throughout the day. I need your help. Guide me and direct me. Be my words. Thank you for sending Your Spirit to reside with me and be in me. I am the temple now. Thank you for always being with me.

    Well I know that God's Spirit abides within me and I sure don't take it for granted. God sent His Helper, The Comforter to stay with us and instruct and comfort us each day. The words He supplies are the right ones. So before you speak, listen carefully because God already knows the fruit of that conversation. God bless you, dear JC Family in this brand new month of April that sweet Maplewood has ushered us into, by her timeless posts and prayers. Trust in God that all He brings us to, will be in His Hands, and He will equip us well. Be not afraid because He goes before us always. His Spirit will keep us all on the right path. May He heal our weaknesses and those of our dear ones, and answer our many prayers. Father God, You are so good to us, and we trust in Your loving kindness and tender mercies. We have all seen Your amazing faithfulness so we we ask you for all this in the Name of Christ Jesus, our RISEN LORD. Amen.

    Psalm 147:11
    The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him,
    In those who hope in His mercy.

    Psalm 34:15
    The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
    And His ears are open to their cry.

  53. My “to do” list is my constant companion….whether it is work, family needs, or physical. I guess I do not leave enough room for “God’s path” ….thank you for your thoughts.

  54. Deuteronomy 31:8 "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
    'Constantly Abiding'

    1. Thank you God for sending me this song through Peter. You know how much I need to hear it!

    2. I loved the song too! Thanks Peter. The words, voices and harmonies were beautiful!

  55. Praying on this Easter Monday that my JC family and their families will be blessed in whatever their circumstances are. God loves you!

    1. I am in the receiving line!

    2. Thanks dear Ellen! Your prayers mean a lot to me. We pray for each other and God hears every one!

  56. Requesting Prayers for me to relinquish the fantasy of an uncluttered world, and successfully complete my Tax Return. Dear Heavenly Father God, would you help me live above circumstances, even while interacting on this cluttered plane of paperwork? I am asking Your Holy Spirit's Guidance moment by moment, but more importantly, to help me and keep me in close Communion with You through it all. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Dear Sweet Brie -- You got my prayers. Also this came to my spirit. This is from a
      Sassy Mom post 10/17/19, which has given me great uplift:
      If you are facing a crisis today, let the Lord calm you. If you have a problem with no solution, give it to Him. If there is an opportunity, ask God to strengthen you for it. If you feel weary, remember how God gives us strength sufficient for each day (Deuteronomy 33:25).
      Christ is not weak toward you, but might in you!

      Whatever and wherever we are at any given moment of any given day, God is God enough!
      God is in control and you can't beat that.
      Really love this Sassy Mom! Love and Blessings to you, Brie and this AWESOME JCFAMILY!

    2. Just what I needed Sassy Mom and JJ. Perfect for me to replay and replay and replay while I am activating today's devotion of constant communion with Him. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    3. Thanks dear JJ for sharing Sassy Mom's wonderful post from 2019. We're all in need of God's help, healing, guidance and peace. Thanks Sassy Mom!
      Amen dear Brie, Stay close to Him and He will stay close to you. Praying you get your taxed done. He is the strength in our weakness and His Spirit is instructing you so you cannot fail.

  57. Such good words today! Seeking His voice of guidance while I navigate the clutter today. Blessings all, it's a beautiful day our Lord has made!

    1. Thanks for the blessings, sweet Audra, May God bless, heal, and guide you through the clutter. The days are getting so beautiful. I love all the blossoms on the trees. Really lifts my spirit! Be still and know that He is God. He is the best Artist and the best is yet to come!

      Ecclesiastes 3:1
      Everything Has Its Time
      To everything there is a season,
      A time for every purpose under heaven:

  58. Happy Easter Monday, everyone! In the spirit of Maplewood ushering in a new month: In all Your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:6
    As we close out the first quarter of 2024, let us pray that the next quarter brings new goals, ideas, thoughts, hopes and prayers for not only our lives, but the lives of all whom we come into contact with. Peace, friends.

    1. Thanks dear Suzanne! Peace and love to you. Praying with you. Amen! Thank You Jesus!
