Saturday, April 5, 2014

Jesus Calling: April 5

    Let Me fill you with My Love, Joy, and Peace. There are Glory-gifts, flowing from my living Presence. Though you are an earthen vessel, I designed you to be filled with heavenly contents. Your weakness is not a deterrent to being filled with My Spirit; on the contrary, it provides an opportunity for My Power to shine forth more brightly.
    As you go through this day, trust Me to provide the strength that you need moment by moment. Don't waste energy wondering whether you are adequate for today's journey. My Spirit within you is more than sufficient to handle whatever this day may bring. That is the basis for your confidence! In quietness (spending time alone with Me) and confident trust (relying on My sufficiency) is your strength. 

2 Corinthians 4:7
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves;

Verse Thoughts
We have the gospel and it is here described as a treasure, meaning it is of inestimable worth. And yet the possessors of that gospel are earthen vessels--weak, feeble, liable to various accidents, fragile, basically unworthy to hold such a valuable treasure. And yet, we have the ability to do great things, not because we are great, but because of the great Power of God at work in us.

Isaiah 30:15
English Standard Version (ESV)
For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel,
“In returning and rest you shall be saved;
in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.”
But you were unwilling,

Verse Thoughts
According to Albert Barnes, the design of this verse is to give a reason for the destruction that should come upon them. That reason was, that God had indicated to them the path of truth and safety, but they chose not to follow it, and refused to put confidence in him. In returning to God; that is, if you are converted and surrendered to him, resting on God for assistance, and not seeking the alliance of Egypt (people that want nothing of God), in a collected, quiet state of mind, by putting simple trust in God, you shall be safe; your enemies shall not be able to overcome and subdue you. That's the plan, but you were unwilling.

My Prayer
Lord, I open the door of my life to You and welcome You in. Lord, I want to filled with You. Thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to live in me and be the presence of You in me. Keep me connected to You and Your word. I want to be content and have a quiet state of mind, daily putting my trust in You. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. I loved this devotion today - it was SO needed. Awake since 4:00 a.m. I found myself already worrying about getting tired before the end of my long work day. Then I read, "Don't waste energy wondering whether you are adequate for today's journey. My Spirit within you is more than sufficient to handle whatever this day may bring." Balm to my soul. I also loved the 'verse thoughts,' and your prayer which is also mine. THANK YOU for this blog. Written 4 years ago, it is so pertinent to my life now.

    1. Wow Norah! Those were the exact words that spoke to my heart too. Guess we must be birds of a feather. We must remember that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. I also loved:
      "...we have the ability to do great things, not because we are great, but because of the great Power of God at work in us."
      He equips us and enables us well.

    2. ….and even now, at 3:10 am, I find solace. Starting my day, with the creator of my day, and wanting to be good enough for Him. Carrying much and wanting desperately to leave my heavy burdens at the cross. Of course I keep picking them back up when I feel like I have the strength and energy again and then I grow weary. Lord help me to break the chains of my fears. Please Lord may your spirit come in to me and show me the next steps I should take. In you is where I find peace and rest. You know my heart Lord. You know what I need. Forgive me. Amen

    3. People! Every word shared here so far has blessed my day! There is comfort in gathering together with like minded people who share the truth and the desire to express it while praising our Creator. Y'all have made my day, and my eyes have barely opened from a wonderful restful sleep. In joy!

    4. Amen! This Blog, these prayer Warriors and their daily wisdom and support have changed and continue to build my conscious contact with My Father in Heaven! Thank you all so much for your dedication!❤️πŸ™

    5. Thank you Lord for providing the place of quiet and trust. Even when my surroundings are shouting chaos and noise, I know there’s a place of refuge with you.
      Lead me to that place each day before I set about the busyness of life. Surely, the presence of the Lord is in this moment of quiet time and communion and will direct my steps as I yield to your Spirit. Keep me grounded and focused on your love and commitment to my wellbeing and my relationship with you. πŸ™ AmenπŸ’•

    6. Amen! I take his outstretched hand with confidence and peace. ♥️✝️

  2. I travel across the country, obtaining 6 months of employment with the forest service before becoming unemployed in the fall. Having already moved to every corner of the United States, I feel tired from the journey. The day's message reminds me of the impossibility of trying to live and plan 30 days of my life in advance, in hopes of gaining advantage over the annoyances of changing environments. I am reminded that I can not rely on my own experience and strength, and that surrendering my plans to God is a never-ending recommitment.

  3. I thank you over and over again for this blog of 4 years ago. Because of your insights and prayer I use your blog daily.

  4. I got awakened this morning summoned to pray for my two sons, both in their forties, & their addiction to chewing tobacco, I cried as I prayed for my boys, my husband joined me & together we are trusting Jesus to deliver them form this stronghold. Please JC family help us pray for them. Thank you & bless you all.

    1. Jan, I will pray for your two sons. I have a son-in-law who is addicted to chewing tobacco. I do know that nothing is too hard for our Lord! He will honor our prayers!

    2. I will pray for your sons, too, Jan. Right along with myself: a smoker. I am smoking less and I know He is working on my heart, helping me. I quit once for 15 years. Silly woman - I picked it up again once my children were raised. It is a tough one - but not tougher than our Lord & Savior. I put this out here, to my JC Calling Family, for prayer. I will believe with you for your sons and I know that will also build me up to do what is right.

    3. Thank you JJ, thank you Norah. So appreciate your encouragement and for your prayers. We have hope in Jesus to see us through all of our trials.

    4. Praying now for all who are addicted to Tabasco that they will be repulsed by it and it will no longer hold its satisfaction. All addictions are not of The Lord . My two sons and husband share this. I understand because smoking one owned me. One of my most rewarding victories to be set free! Now The Lord has moved to another area of sin my life. So much attention showered on us from The loving Father, our willingness and surrender so critical. God always wins. Hope for all trying to quit it can happen...God bless them!

    5. Not Tabasco tabacco! Lol

    6. I too struggle with addiction to cigarettes. And haven't trusted God to set me free.I had quit for 17 years and started again.please pray that I will trust God and He will set me free again.this has been the hardest laying them down and trusting.I truly need help and prayer for the desire to quit for good.I will pray for those struggling too thank yo I know He wants to set me free and to trust Him with everythingthank you. And thank you for this devotion

    7. Praying your sons have given up chewing tobacco dear Jan.
      I used to be a smoker too from age 16 to 22. I was smoking a pack and a half a day. I worked for Merrill Lynch in NYC for 4 years in the Corporate Secretary's office and it was a stressful time so I remember I would light a cigarette every time the phone would ring. I was dealing with a lot of money for the AVP's and VP's to file Corporate Qualification reports with the States and I smoked so much I developed a cough. But thank God I was able to stop after about 4 tries. I pray those addicted to tobacco will find the strength to give it up. (You made me smile Fern with the "tabasco". I can relate-That auto correct always gets me in trouble and I sometimes hit send before I read my messages carefully. Sometimes I think so fast that I type them and leave an important word out. We're all human and flawed but it's okay. We're loved exactly as we are.

    8. In reading this past post, I'm reminded of the goodness of our God. Thanks for all your prayers, my boys have been delivered of this addiction. The oldest is chewing a non tobacco herbal thing. So I'm in prayer that even that will be eliminated from his life. Praying still for Norah & others.

    9. I'm up smoking a cigarette while reading my daily devotional and it had been heavy on my heart to quit again. I just started back about 3 months ago after having quit for 4 years. I've been so down on myself for picking it back up and everyday I tell myself I'll quit for good tomorrow. Well, it's tomorrow as the clock just turned past midnight. I usually don't read too far down in the comments but before I even got done reading the devotional, God nudged me to put the cigarette out halfway through and I did. It's the last one in the pack but I had already thought about driving to the store to get another pack. Then I started to read the comments and came across your prayer for your sons. I thought to myself, I bet someone would pray for me to quit too if anyone knew I had picked it back up. So I ask you all to join me in prayer for all of us who are trying to quit this nasty habit. Everyone's prayers were so encouraging to me and I know it wasn't by coincidence that today just so happen to be the day that I read further down in the comments. Thank you JC family for being such obedient servants for Christ. You all have blessed me more than you can imagine.

    10. God is the coincidence. I am free of addictions four years. God did for me what I couldn't do for myself. One day at a time.

    11. Yes indeedy, Dixiesmith.
      I am celebrating with you.
      What He's done for you, He'll do for others, whenever He IS Sought. Praise God from Whom ALL Blessings flow through The Man On The Middle Cross. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    12. ANONYMOUS SMOKER, I am praying for you to find your nearest
      SMOKER'S ANONYMOUS. After an untold number of my failures to quit smoking, I 'accidentally' found SMOKER'S ANONYMOUS. I am praying for you to join Legions of us who crossed over to The Man On The Middle Cross, and found freedom. Be blessed in Jesus' Name. We pray-ers are looking forward to your TEST-imony!

    13. Today's devotion is my inner addict's GPS!
      Your weakness is not a deterrent to being filled with MY SPIRIT; on the contrary, your weakness provides an opportunity for MY POWER to shine forth more brightly.
      As you go through this day, TRUST ME to provide MY STRENGTH that you need moment by moment. Don't waste energy wondering whether you are adequate for today's journey. (Alone, we are not adequate; only with God are ALL things possible) MY SPIRIT within you is more than sufficient to handle whatever...
      Much ❤️ and Many πŸ™
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    14. It’s 2024 and this blog continues to bless us! Praise God! Congratulations Dixiesmith! I was powerless over alcohol and cigarettes and I , too am free from my addictions for three and half years. I could not have done it without our Lord by my side strengthening me and renewing me. Thank you all for continuing to post on this blog. ❤️

    15. This πŸ‘†Anonymous person’s name is Elizabeth. 😊

    16. Bless you Elizabeth as we pray for your freedom from addictive behavior. We take captive your thoughts and desire to smoke and cast them off in Jesus name! In praying for you I extend the power of freedom from any behaviors that are detrimental to the temple body we are given to reside in here on earth, to myself and all others. Thank you Jesus! We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!

    17. Yes, the Holy Spirit convicts us to quit. I know because I heard that voice for 3 years before I actually quit. God's will, God's strength, and His perfect timing.

      He led me to the book, This Naked Mind, for smoking, drinking, drugs, and other habits. After reading it one time through (slowly), I was able to quit entirely and it's now been 3+ years. I pray He will lead you to whatever resources you need and that you will rely on His strength for the process.

      It changed my life forever, and I have a much closer relationship with God now. God's blessings to you...

  5. I love love love this..." My Spirit within you is more than sufficient to handle whatever this day may bring. That is the basis for your confidence! In quietness (spending time alone with Me) and confident trust (relying on My sufficiency) is your strength."

    Come Holy Spirit, provide the comfort and stength I need today to handle my feelings of being overwhelmed. Amen!

    1. As if gathering eggs for an Easter basket, I am collecting the amazing prayers I am finding on the blog today. So rich and colorful, each one speaking to my heart and mind. Thank you!

  6. Trust! That is the root of our faith. "I trust you Jesus" is what I've repeated this week as I faced some personal struggles. And he delivered me from the angst of those struggles. I trusted by believing that even though I did not know the answer, I believed he would carry me through. And he did! I'm reminded that Faith is like a mustard seed, so small it can hardly be seen. Such is my faith at times. Jesus tends to my willingness by growing that mustard seed that I may conquer the obstacles in front of me. I am truly blessed and so incredibly grateful that God gave us the opportunity to be in relationship with him. I'm overflowing with love and gratitude today@ πŸ’•πŸŒΉ

  7. Father Your guidance & direction is all i need.

  8. A heart free
    of clutter and debris.

  9. Loving and faithful Father, I woke up this morning with so much gratitude to You for what You did for me over 2 thousand years ago. You gave me Your greatest Love, JESUS! I thank you for the victory obtained through the cross. My heart rejoice and shout Hosanna in the highest to the KING! Thank You for the importance of this day which points to the power of the cross, the victory of Christ’s Resurrection proving that He truly is our KING! You created me in Your wisdom and saved me by Your grace. You have empowered me by Your Holy Spirit to live to honor and glorify You. I thank You for going ahead of me to fight all my battles so that today, I have the Final VICTORY over all things in Christ Jesus’ name.

    Today as we commemorate Palm Sunday, the last Sunday in Lent and the start of the Holy week, we are reminded of the day our Lord and Savior Jesus, made His triumphant entry into Jerusalem. A true hero’s welcome! The whole city was “stirred,” they were “shaken” and called out, "Hosanna!" Hailing Christ as King. They had no idea what was about to transpire, at that moment, on that very day, but all they wanted to do was to give praise and worship to Christ the King. This week, we too humble ourselves and celebrate Him not as just the one who would then be nailed to a cross and crucified, but we celebrate His Majesty who sits upon the throne of God, King of all kings and Lord of all lords as having triumphed over sin, death, hell and the grave so that today, you and I can walk and live victoriously! This is the greatness and joy of why we come together in our homes (but most importantly, our hearts) at this time to celebrate this holy week. The KINGS’ ultimate sacrifice and victory made us more than conquerors, and has set us free through Him. Praise be to God!

    Heavenly Father, We praise You and bless You Lord! Thank You that You reign supreme and thank You for filling us with Your Love, Joy and Peace. Thank You for Jesus! We join with the saints and sing:
    “Hosanna to the son of David, the King of Israel.
    Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
    Hosanna in the highest”!

    Happy and blessed Palm Sunday everyone!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Hosanna in the highest! Beautiful post, Maplewood. Thank you. KS

    2. As always, Maplewood, You have filled my spirit and lifted me to a higher place of peace amidst this world's dire circumstances. I have been feeling sad because this Holy Week has always meant so much to me, being in my Choir for 31 years, and it just feels a bit flat. I will stream all the services and join with my JC Family each morning, as I fill myself with the Word each day. But your words today raised me up high and I am thankful. The devotion today was wonderful and I too, loved: My Spirit within you is more than sufficient to handle whatever this day may bring. In this Pandemic, we carry the Spirit with us always, and we walk with God. Cast any fear, anxiety, doubts, weaknesses at his feet. He is holding all of us up right now, as He always has. When we get distracted by the trappings of the world, we sometimes let go of His Unchanging Hand. But now more than ever, we must do our best to stay in his Presence at all times. Easy to say and hard to do. I remind myself all through the day: I am not alone and He knows my heart. Just as Jesus went through his silent, patient suffering, so we must too. But we are so blessed to have Him by our side. So, we will not be shaken by the media, or by the rising numbers, because He's in charge. Do your best to make sure He reigns in our hearts. We must dial down those human emotions that weaken us, so we can feel his peace. Amen, Maplewood, He is King of kings and Lord of lords. We have a mighty Savior on our side. Praise God for equipping us for any trial that besets us. Let it give us joy because our faith is being tested to the max and we will not be shaken. Our Rock isn't going anywhere and our God is greater than this Pandemic. We are a family, and we will stand strong together because we have the wisdom from above to know that this too will pass. God hasn't left us. He's in our amidst and fighting this battle. A new and better day is coming. BELIEVE it. Praying that all of you have a safe and blessed day. Rest assured we have His Hedge of Protection snugly around us. God bless you all. Much love.

    3. Maplewood, NJ, Jeanne, great posts! It is good to put into words what is happening in the soul. It helps solidify it within and blesses those who pass by this way. Much as this virus is so contagious in a harmful way, so is the faith you have shared in a healthy way. I look forward to your posts this week as we remember again the most significant week in the history of the world because of its eternal ramifications which are being experienced even in this present moment. God be with you. With love, Bob

  10. This morning I woke up after 4 hours sleep, just as I did yesterday, though I was able to go back to sleep yesterday - today, I was not. We received news last night that our Dr. friend is making progress. I'm so thankful for your prayers, JC Prayer Warriors, as is his family.
    We accomplished a lot in our home yesterday, but it paled in comparison to the truly important things going on.
    My prayer this year is not much different than last year except, I don't have to go to work. I found myself mad at myself, for I fear I have done exactly what you described Bob - "Good hearts will express words that proclaim the Kingdom of heaven and edify others; bad hearts will speak words that will seek to manipulate any situation to their advantage. There will come the day that all hearts will be seen clearly for what they hold dear. Those who have spoken words to gain selfish advantage will be exposed for their evil intent but those who truly have sought God will be affirmed. Fruit, a.k.a. words, are a telltale sign of a person's heart."
    In an effort to bring my family together (believers and unbelievers), I sent them some songs that I thought were catchy and creative. It got their attention and I got accolades. But when I shared them with a believer friend, we were both stunned, b/c I hadn't listened carefully to the words and I was embarrassed and ashamed. I thanked the Father for forgiveness. In an effort to see one of my sons, if only from a distance, I asked that he go to the store for me. He is bringing it by today and I am praying it doesn't happen during the remote fellowship we will attend. Then, I see how selfish I am.
    Why do I clamor and crave my children's approval instead of being the Godly example I know to be? And now I am dumping all of this on you instead of rejoicing in His Word and promises.
    I read your post, Loveconquersall and I, too am distracted. Yet, you lovingly encouraged me to get rest. Is that why I messed up? So busy trying to be everything for everyone instead of being lovingly firm about where I gain my strength?
    I will turn my thoughts away from me, me, me and focus on continued prayer for our dear Doctor and all of God's dear ones who have lost family members, friends or are sick. Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. Give me the pure heart and ability to only praise You, trust You and acknowledge You as my source and sufficiency. I want to be more, I asking for perfection? I know I will not attain that in this lifetime. But, I can do better for You than I have done.
    THAT, I will do. I want to be a doer of Your Word, not just a hearer only.
    I'm sorry. JC Family, please pray with me that I get my priorities right. I hope when I read this a year from now I will see growth and not the same prayer.

    1. Norah - "I hope when I read this a year from now I will see growth and not the same prayer."
      Ditto! Your prayer is mine.

    2. Thank you Norah for your honesty. And also Sassy Mom. I too feel like I don't always practice what I preach. We are human and will always fall short of pleasing God. But I believe that you make a difference in each day because you care about others, and love because He loves you. Yes, Faith is active, so our actions must reflect that we are following hard after righteousness. I always think, I just don't give enough to those in need. I sometimes think more about my own well being than others. But I try to reach out by phone or messages and share the light in me to others who really need it. I reach out to see how my loved ones are doing. When we are selfless servants, we mirror our Lord, instead of what we see in our own mirror. Much love.

    3. Dear Norah, I sense the lack of sleep has crept into your soul. In such a case, it is easy to beat oneself up (have done it many times). But, you are the only one doing so. God is not, we, your comrades in Christ, are not. As God does, we have full confidence in you as we have read your past posts. Do you want to be ahead of us on the march to the Kingdom? That is not you and I know that. But do you think you are behind us in this journey? Not at all. We are in this together, none of us are perfect but all of us set that as the goal of the heart so we bring glory to God continually in our daily life. We are not like a perfectionist who stresses out over not being perfect. That undermines the coming of the Kingdom because that perspective is self-centered and ego inflated. No, perfection must simply be the desire of the heart knowing it cannot be attained but it certainly can be pursued. In its pursuing, we fulfill Matthew 5:48, "Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect." It is not about being perfect, it is about wanting to. The former is stressful and egocentric, the latter is a motivation. We all delight in you, Norah! Maybe a good nap will be helpful :-). God be with you. With love, Bob

    4. Dear Norah we love you and care for you and must of all we need you. Well said, Mr. Bob.

    5. Bob what you said is so true. And we are truly all in this together in our brokenness but God sees our efforts to try to please him. He knows we have eternal joy with Him as our goal. Norah, I am a bit of a night owl and I know what the lack of sleep does so I hope you rest well. God be with all of us. Love to all my Brothers and Sisters. Wait on the Lord. Jeanne

    6. Reading these posts from a year ago was so comforting. I thank each of you, especially, you, Bob for your explanation of what I have repeated again and again, when I don't get proper sleep. I am thankful to say that I have seen growth in a year - not perfection (smile), but the desire to be my best for God. Just wanted to say that I "delight in all of you," and thank you for your prayers. If I'm not growing, I will rot on the vine and that is certainly not my goal or Our Father's desire! :)

    7. Welcome to this new day in Christ! Thank you Jesus!

    8. What another beautiful egg I just re-read that describes what I call my tendencies towards OCD:
      Matthew 5:48, "Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect." It is not about being perfect, it is about wanting to. The former is stressful and egocentric, the latter is a motivation.

    9. Me too, Audra, except the things I OCD over being perfect about are probably very different from the ones my Father in Heaven is perfect about. For instance, I arrange all my eggs in the egg cartons so all the pointier edges are down, and when there are less than a dozen, the remaining eggs are arranged into a "perfect" pattern. Somehow I don't really think my def of perfect comes close to being perfect as our Father in Heaven is :)
      Thank God He loves me anyway!

    10. Yes he does girlfriend! My point being that what we might see as a tendency towards mental dysfunction, he sees us as perfect, striving for order in a good way for Him. Such and eye opener in study of the Word for me today, thanks to our dear friend and mentor, BOB ♥️

  11. "My Spirit within you is more than sufficient to handle whatever this day may bring."
    Trusting and thanking You for your presence, guidance and protection no matter what I encounter today. Preparing my heart for stream line worship. Love, peace, blessings and protection as Warriors prepare to worship.

  12. Jeanne,
    Per your yesterday's post, please accept my sincere sympathy for your loss. Keeping you and your family in prayers. May God that you comfort and peace, in Jesus name.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you so much Maplewood, for your sincere words of sympathy. My Uncle's faith was always an inspiration to me as I was growing up in Brooklyn. My Mom is 91 and I always tried to visit her 2 or 3 times a month and stay the weekends. We always visited my Uncle in the nursing home. He was suffering bravely and we knew he wasn't happy in his "earth suit". God was so merciful in taking him. He was such a good, righteous man that I know he is realizing God's promises in a big way.

  13. I am prompted to ask prayers for protection and endurance for Jenn, "one of my other kids" who works 12 hour shifts in a nursing home. All of her patients are now confined to their rooms no longer allowed to come to dining room for meals because of current pandemic. This has increased work load for co-workers who have to take all meals to patients rooms. Jenn is a believer and lets her Jesus Light shine where ever she is. Thank you for praying for lonely patients and co-workers.

    1. Sassy Mom --- Lifting up Jenn, co-workers and patients to The Throne of Grace. I pray for protection and strength for each. I continue to thank the Lord for a MIRACULOUS DEFEAT OF COVID-19! The Lord hears our prayers and is FAITHFUL!

    2. Sassy Mom, I join in JJ's prayer for Jenn and all those faithful servants and good people in the nursing home. May God hold them all tight in his protection, and strengthen them in mind, body and spirit. God bless Jenn. She is a beacon in the darkness.

    3. I lift Jenn in prayer and all who are serving others as she is. As we watch this week how Jesus took up the cross that should have been ours, we see in our medical profession a similar attitude of "taking up the cross", willing to do whatever needs to be done for the well-being of another. Hear our prayers, O Lord, for all the faithful people in the medical community. We pray for the strength and health as they show Your love. Amen

  14. Lord, I open my heart to You. Fill me with Your spirit. Let me constantly be reminded that You and Your word are enough.

    1. Amen Mark! Praying your prayer with you. It is timeless and so sincere.

  15. Amen, Mark L.! Jesus you are with me always!

  16. Holy Week has begun. We remember how on that first Palm Sunday, the people cried out to Jesus, "Hosanna (Save us)! Blessed is He who come in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest heaven! (showing their high hopes in Him)" So the week begins with this acclamation. In these times, we hear the same thought being spoken though with different words, "Save us, O God!" Well, we know the rest of the story, He did in fact save the world but in a far greater way than anyone was asking yet needed. He would save the world eternally which makes all earthly struggles pale in comparison. Certainly not to make light of the present situation which is taxing everyone's strength and well-being. But this, too, will pass and after this virus has run its course, there will be a resurrection to new life which this week is all about. With the confinement to home most of us are under, I encourage you to find a way to further get into this most holy week in the history of the world. Read a good book that reflects on Jesus' Passion, watch a good movie about Jesus, contemplate the Passion narrative verse by verse to let it settle deep within your heart and soul, paint a picture, write a poem, etc. Since we cannot have real services to remember the key events, remember them in your own way. We have a wonderful opportunity to experience Holy Week like we have never had or may never have again. Make the most of it, be blessed in it, and allow it to fill you. Blessings to you in whatever you choose. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." Thank you, Bob.

    2. So true Bob! Being cooped up means more time to watch movies about Jesus and read about Him and read the Word more often during the day and meditate on His promises and good deeds and just to be still and know that He is God. I was just watching Jesus of Nazareth the Sermon on the Mount. Seek Him and He will be found. Stay close to Him and He will stay close to you.

  17. Jesus, our savior, you will take your last breath in this holiest week. So many are taking their last breath as I write this. Thank you Lord for being with your children in their despair. Thank you for calming their fears and holding them ever so close. Thank you for giving their loved ones strength and hope which is you Lord, our eternal home. Thank you, Jenn and coworkers for serving others in their need. Thank you all for your heartfelt prayers.

    1. Amen dear Loveconquersall. Your prayer really hit home. Even now the numbers are rising with the consequences of spring break and some of the laws being relaxed. God is still in charge so I will continue to trust in Him. And I will NOT Be Afraid.

    2. Let not your hearts be troubled, let not your hearts be afraid. πŸ™


    AN EMPTY TOMB (Mark 16:1-8)

    Yesterday you celebrated Easter. My hope for you is you had a blessed celebration, I have a strong belief you did. Today you begin another week. You resume normal day to day activities, you return to your your calling/vocation or you return to school. Whatever it may be, Monday can bring a sense of return to the same old - same old, which is a sense of resignation to the way things are.

    But this is no ordinary Monday, for this is Easter Monday, a Monday that is filled with the hope of Easter Sunday. Yesterday, in the worship experience you had, whichever resurrection narrative you heard told of the women coming to the tomb. The Mark account tells that the women came discussing among themselves a problem they anticipated of which they had no idea how they would be able to resolve, the large stone blocking the entrance to the place where Jesus had been laid. I am always impacted by the fact that the women in their love for Jesus went to the tomb anyway even though they anticipated a next to impossible situation. They did not resign themselves to the overwhelming situation they anticipated and thus give up and never come to the tomb at all. No, they went into the future willing to face an impossible task because their love for Jesus would not let them stay away.

    This is no ordinary Monday for you the lover of Jesus. Resignation to the way things are has no place in your thinking as you go into this day. Yes, there are problems you will undoubtedly face, but go and face them even though you have no idea how you are going to resolve them. For our Easter hope is that our God is already doing things to resolve our dilemmas. Imagine what the women would have missed if they let their doubts keep them at home? The same is true if you allow doubts to paralyze your efforts. Go into this day with your love of Jesus driving you to the places where God is overpowering the impossible.

    God be with you! With love, Bob.

    1. Thank you Bob. I smiled as I read that you have a strong belief that I had a blessed Easter celebration, because I did!! The best one yet!! And thank you for the story of Mary Magdalene. I too will let my love for Jesus drive me to the places where God is overpowering the impossible. Thank you and God bless you always!

    2. Thank you Bob for sharing such an inspiring message. May the Lord continue to bless you with inspiration for us all. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    3. What a wonderful post, Bob. I read it last night but didn't reply; however, thanks to you, I entered Monday with great expectations and so far (it's only 10 a.m.), I have not been disappointed. May we all live in great expectation of the miracles we will see when we open our eyes to His mighty Word!

    4. Great wisdom there, Bib! Thank you for sharing and inspiration to greet this new day in a refreshing new way. I pray that any doubts be eliminated and don't paralyze my actions today. In Jesus's name I pray.

  19. Thank you Bob!!! We must bring everything to Him and never think it is too trivial or too overwhelming for Him to Handle. Let our love for Him keep us coming to Him in every situation or trial, and even at the most joyful times so we can rejoice in His presence. I have no doubt that He is already working on the concerns that cross my mind. I pray that my dear daughter in law has a smooth and easy delivery of a healthy baby boy. Her due date was April 3rd. Thank you Jesus for being with her even if she doesn't believe in You.
    Dear Father, Thank you for this, and also for leading her and my son to seek You according to Your will and plan. Praying also that someday their two babies will be baptized. Thank you in the Name of Jesus.
    Amen Bob. I will not allow doubts to paralyze my efforts. Jesus is in the driver's seat so all things are possible.

    1. Praying with you, Dear Jeanne for that new, precious, baby boy!! ANOTHER PORTRAIT in the making! :) If ever there was a mother-in-law who could lead them to God's great light and love, it's you! <3

    2. Thank you sweet Norah. You blessed me with your beautiful words of comfort.

  20. Happy Easter Monday JC family. I'm posting early before I have to jump into the day. Thanks to Bob's post, I won't see it as same old-same old. I spent the last few days catching up and was glad to see MadFox's post. My prayers are with you all.
    I want to thank you all for your prayers for husband's surgery and my sanity. The surgery on Tuesday went very well, although it was delayed so I didn't get home from the hospital until 2 am. He was finally discharged on Friday, but I believe staying in the hospital the extra few days was a blessing. They got his pain management under control, so although I have to help him do most things, he's not in alot of pain. Recovery will still take several weeks, and I am his primary caregiver, so continued prayers are needed, especially since I still have to work full-time.
    I do want to say that I certainly felt lifted up by everyone's prayers. God bless.

    1. And keeping you and your husband in prayer, PEBGD. God be with you!

    2. I'm glad to hear that your husband's surgery went well. Continued prayers of healing and strength for you as well. God bless!


    3. Hallelujah and continued prayers πŸ™. God bless you.

    4. PEBGD, Joining warriors in prayer for hubby. Quick recovery, healing and prayer for you as the caregiver.

    5. So very thankful to hear that all went well for your hubby, PDBGD! I will be praying for him and special prayers for you as his primary care-giver - while working full-time. I have been there and I know the joys and the pitfalls, i.e. being stretched very thin, at times. Read on down (every day as you are in this time, while he's healing) all of the benefits Maplewood posted. God will protect you and guide you and our prayers are will both of you. <3

    6. Joining in prayers for all the strength you and your husband will need to have a complete and healthy recovery. God's got this!

    7. PEBGDesigns-- Praise the Lord for the outcome of your husband's surgery! Lord, I thank you for the promises of healing and restoration. So, my Lord, I claim those promises for PEBGDesigns and her husband. Please reach down an encompass them with supernatural healing, peace and strength. Protect them from satan's lies and discouragement and let Your Miraculous Healing go forth! In Jesus's Name, The Name above ALL Names, AMEN and AMEN

    8. Thanks for sharing His Victory PEBGDesigns! I am joining my prayers in with e) all of the above!

    9. Dear PEBGDesigns. Thank God the surgery went well and because of his pain management, he is not in too much pain. Joining in all prayers for his smooth and complete recovery and for your strength, peace of mind and guidance as you care for him. Be brave sister as you juggle your job and his tender loving care. I know you will lift his spirit and encourage his heart each day. We will lift you in prayer dear sister.

    10. E) all of the above
      I so love you, Brie!
      Continued prayers for you and your family πŸ™♥️

  21. Thank You Jesus. Father, continue to lift me up above my circumstances and help me to see the world through Your eyes. Let me remember the true reason we are all here. Praise the Lord continually and always πŸ™.

  22. The steadfast Love of the Lord endures Forever!
    He has given us a RISEN SAVIOR, so this morning, May we:

    Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.

    Serve the LORD with gladness, come before His presence with singing.

    Know ye that the LORD He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.

    Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.

    For the LORD is good, His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endureth to all." (Psalm 100).

    May we Praise Him Everyday for the Resurrection of His Son Jesus, because He is good, He has saved us from sin and death, given us Joy and Peace. His mercy is indeed everlasting!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. And all because He loves! Thanks, twin bd sis! God be with you.

    2. Amen Maplewood and Bob, (I love that your names pop up when I start to type them). So very thankful for his never changing perfect love. What a privilege to worship and praise our Lord.

    3. Amen dear Maplewood,
      We are loved and cared for by a Risen Lord whose Love is never ending. Praise His Holy Name! His mercy endures forever.

  23. My Divine Mercy Novena Prayer for Today:
    In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
    "Today bring to Me THOSE WHO DO NOT YET BELIEVE IN GOD AND THOSE WHO DO NOT YET KNOW ME. I was thinking also of them during My bitter Passion, and their future zeal comforted My Heart. Immerse them in the ocean of My Mercy."
    Most compassionate Jesus, You are the Light of the whole world. Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who do not yet believe in God and of those who as yet do not know You. Let the rays of Your Grace enlighten them that they, too, together with us, may extol Your Wonderful Mercy; and do let them become enfolded into the abode. which is Your Most Compassionate Heart.
    Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls of those who do not believe in You, and of those who as yet do not know You, but who are enclosed in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. Draw them to the light of the Gospel. These souls do not know what great happiness it is to love You. Grant that they, too, may extol the generosity of Your mercy for endless ages.
    In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  24. Praying that with you dear Brie for all my loved ones and friends that I pray salvation for every day. Amen and Amen.
    Father Thank you for leading them to You and all the joy and peace we have in believing.

  25. Please pray with me I have been homeschooling two wonderful children and now it's the end of the month and the parent hasn't paid me. She doesn't pick my call, doesn't respond to my texts . I am feeling frustrated the money would have helped me pay part of my rent. I know God has a lesson for me and may His will be done may my heart be at peace!

    1. πŸ™ for this mom who owes you money for caring for her children. We are all connected. May the Lord restore her from being a broken link in today's chain for you, Min Ahadi.

    2. Praying for you Min Ahadi
      God heard our prayers for you.
      Believing, praising and thanking God for going before us and already working on this for you sweet sister.
      Much love

  26. Praying dear Min Ahadi that the parent will pay you very soon. There must be a good reason. Perhaps the parent is waiting to get paid in order to pay you. It's a difficult situation because you're reaching out but not getting any response. You must be frustrated dear sister.
    Father, You are our Way Maker. We thank You for changing the parent's heart to understand that this money is necessary for Min's survival and must be paid. May Your Spirit nudge the parent to get in touch with our dear Min right away. Give her peace of mind and take care of all her needs. We thank You for this in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord.

  27. I'm watching my little Gabriel all day and then after dinner I have my Bible group. Busy day but I will be praying for you, my dear family. May God grant your prayers, and guide your path, and give you peace. Thank You Jesus.

  28. In 2022, it's not Easter yet, it's 10 days or so away. Yet many of us have Easter in our thoughts (because Easter, so precious, is in our hearts).
    The world is in turmoil in many respects ( nation against nation, pestilence etc, etc).
    Religious fervor during this time of Ramadan/Bayram is increasing as witnessed by the escalation of attacks against the state of Israel and Jewish folk.
    Some Muslim clerics say that the Koran indicates the state of Israel will cease to exist during 2022.
    Many residents of Gaza are angry at the God of Israel for His protection over the nation.
    We, those who are in relationship with the God of Israel, through His Son Jesus Christ, know the signs of the times as outlined in the Bible ( and it isn't Israel that gets destroyed!).
    Below is a link to S.M. Lockridge's message "It's Friday, Sunday's Coming".
    It's a reminder that in the worlds seemingly downward spiral to chaos, God is in control, He knows what He is doing. Yes, the days are dark and going to get darker. Many who read the Jesus Calling Blog are in difficult even dire circumstances.
    We're heading towards Friday, seemingly the darkest day of all, BUT God's plan is unswerving in its purpose; that of the salvation of Jew and Gentile alike.
    Luke 21:28 "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh".
    Sunday is coming! Praying for all needs posted.

    1. Thank you for the reminder Peter that we must hold on during the dark days. His mercies are new each morning. I’m thankful for these prayers and support as my wife and I are in quite a storm with health, work, and life issues. So many things trying to pull us apart. Decisions to be made without clear answers, yet trying to be still and wait for His guidance. Hoping and praying for healing and guidance soon, with faith that the answers will come soon and clear. Yet, I have to be mindful that we will get what we need, when we need it and that the Creator is in control.
      Blessings and prayers to all. Shalom πŸ™

    2. Praying with you Rich C. That you will find clarity as you continue your life journey. And when there is not clarity you will be able to rely on faith and trust. God is with you every step of the way!

    3. Just listened to SM Lockridge.
      Thanks Peter. I needed that.

    4. Thanks dear Peter. Sunday's a'comin! We serve the Risen Lord who is already at the right Hand of God and He is truly alive and in our midst. Nothing I read or see sways me from knowing that our great God is still in charge. Our futures are in His able Hands. No matter what this world can through at me, I stand immovable upon the Rock of Christ.

      Dear Rich, Praying for you and your wife. God knows what you're going through. He will help you in every area of your life and health. His spirit will help you make the right decisions. He hears your prayers and ours and He is mighty to heal, guide and save. Blessings and Peace to you and all our dear JC Family.
      Amen dear ABC. Clarity and a Clearer Vision of what God offers is what we all need. Must stay in His presence and open our hearts to receive all God sends our way.
      Amen sweet Brie! I needed it too.

    5. Thank you ABC. Actually got some positive answers yesterday. πŸ™

  29. Lord. Please help and teach me to place all of my trust in You instead of giving you some but not all and then taking it back. I love You Jesus and have always had a hard time with this. I want to be able to place each day in Your hands and let Uou take my worries and How will I evers........ How do I do this.... Today I turn to You. Jesus, please help me to get through this day. Amen

      May I please be included in Mark's prayer?

    2. Amen and Amen. Praying always for you dear Mark. Wait on the Lord. He will help you get through each and every day.
      So very busy with my family now and I keep praying whenever I get a moment. My Mom and Sis need me. But now my son's family need me to help much more with my grandsons because my son Greg is going back now to the office so he won't be working from home much. Mayra needs me now in so many ways to pick Gabriel up from school and keep him during the day and help with meals. The baby takes most of her time and she's tired. God will show me the way to help most. Waiting on the Lord.
      Father, Please help me to find more time to pray and to be with You. Thank You for this in the Name of Jesus.

  30. Praying for you, Dear Min Ahadi; I know what that is like. Praying for each of us to rest; put away the things we went through today that threatened to steal our Peace and Joy. Sleep sweet and wake up tomorrow refreshed and ready to give our all for You, Lord!
    Praying for each of you, Dear JC Family. Sleep sweet - God is on the Night Watch.
    Love to all of you.

  31. Praying with you for our dear Min. We are all praying for each other. He hears every one. Amen! He is on the Night Watch. Hallelujah

  32. Praying dear Min for this situation. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  33. Father God, I just come boldly to Your Throne of Grace to lift up my Beloved JCFAMILY. I Decree and Declare over them that Victory is theirs. Thank You, Father, that You are on the inside of them and You are are GREATER and BIGGER than anything they face. I thank You, Father, they see their enemy defeated. Thank You, Father, that they see that You are The Great I Am. You are are BIGGER than their enemies. You are BIGGER than any name. You are BIGGER than any plan.
    You are BIGGER than a universe. You, Father God are BIGGER than any doctor's report. You are BIGGER than any government. You are BIGGER than any sickness or disease. I thank You, Father, that this JCFAMILY knows you as The Most High God! Thank You, Father, for what You have already done for them and what You are doing for them now. Thank You, Father, that You chose each one of them for such a time as this. I Plead The Blood of Jesus over each one, and surround them with Your Glory and Favor! I Pray and Believe in Jesus's Holy Name, AMEN and AMEN.
    Great Love and Blessings to this Awesome JCFAMILY!!! JJ

    1. Amen and thank you so much sweet JJ for that powerful prayer! He is so much greater and bigger than anything we face or anything that threatens to separate us from His love. He's bigger than our sickness of disease or any situation that is weighing down on us. He is the peace in every circumstance. Unchanging and constant. Amen and Amen! Joining your prayer for all of our JC Family for only healing, victories and blessings. We serve a faithful and mighty God. Thank You for this in the Name of Christ Jesus, our RISEN LORD. Amen.

    2. Amen πŸ™. Hallelujah! We have victory in Jesus Christ πŸ™Œ!

    3. Thank you dear JJ. Such a loving reminder of the power of God in us. May we each this Holy week walk in that power within us, knowing full well what Jesus went through to make this possible. Amen! Hallelujah!

    4. Thank you JJ!! God is so good! That prayer felt like it was sent directly for me and what I’m going through. A friend I only met a few times called me last night “ out of nowhere” at 10:00pm to pray nearly that same prayer over me and my marriage- then I wake up to your God - inspired prayer! God is good , thank you Jesus - blessings to our whole JC family!!

    5. Love you JJ, and gratefully receive your prayer. Sending it back to you in power and love! Thanking God for the miraculous healing of a pinched nerve in my back the other day. We prayed and he took it away in record time. Thank you Jesus! Faith does move mountains!

    6. Grateful to God that I am receiving your prayer again this year, our JJ ❤️ 😊 ✌️ In Jesus' Name! AMEN!

  34. Half way through passion week and I was presented with a powerful reminder of what this week is about by a friend and colleague. Jesus is headed to the cross. He willing dies for us. He does the "heavy lifting" - we just need to acknowledge that it is His action not ours. Nothing we do is sufficient. It is the man on the cross, in fact the "middle cross" that saves us.

    The video is an Alistair Begg excerpt from an Easter sermon presented creatively.  As is normal with me, it has humor and that’s why I liked it! Ha ha. But it also has a great message on what God expects of us.  It is a bit confusing at first – but hang in there.  It is powerful and may result in tears. Godspeed JC family.

    And Happy Easter.  He has Risen! In Him, MadFox

    1. Thanks for posting the video! Definitely made me tear up a little at the end!

    2. Thank you Mad 🦊! I came across this video just the other day too. LOVE IT!

    3. That was an awesome video, MadFox. Me being me, I bawled. Hoping all our warriors watch it.

  35. Wonderful dear MadFox! I loved it and the ending. None of us deserve to go to Heaven but the Man on the middle Cross said we can come. Hallelujah

  36. Praise God and thank You Jesus! Thank You for giving us others to share our burdens with and to lean on in our time of need, just like when You gave Jesus Simon to help Him carry the cross to Calvary. We all need one another and we all need Jesus Christ πŸ™ πŸ™Œ!

    1. The LORD upholds all who fall, and raises up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look expectantly to You, and You give them their food in due season. You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. (Psalm 145:14-16).

    2. High up on the mountain... The man in the middle...

    3. Amen dear Janet! He always knows when we need a little help. Many times a good person appears to help us just in the nick of time. God’s angels on earth are sent to carry us through. God is so good.

    4. Thanks!! Just love that song, dear Audra!

  37. Part of Isaiah 30:15 "In quietness and confidence is your strength."
    Matthew 11:28-30 MSG Learn the unforced rhythms of Grace.
    “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
    Thank You Father for the relationship we have with You through the suffering, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  38. Amen Peter. Thanks

  39. JC: "Don't waste energy wondering whether you are adequate for today's journey. My Spirit within you is more than sufficient to handle whatever this day may bring." And we can have gratitude for this freedom from fear, because the Man on the Middle Cross willingly died for us. The ultimate demonstration of His love. Amazing Grace makes today free from worry if we are in Him. Amen.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The reference to the "Man on the Middle Cross" was to a post above with an Alistair Begg video. Here's a "shorter version," It's gratitude to understand His mercy was shown on the Cross.

    3. Thanks MadFox. Got chills when I read the ultimate Name Drop: THE MAN on the middle cross said, I can come in. WOW!

    4. I can't but HE CAN! ✝️

  40. Thanks dear MadFox for sharing that awesome Truth! His Grace us sufficient and His Spirit can help us with anything that happens today. God has fully equipped us for whatever lies ahead. I loved these words from Isaiah 30:15 from today’s devotion:
    “In quietness (spending time alone with Me) and confident trust (relying on My sufficiency) is your strength.” The best time of the day is always when we spend it with the Lord. He blesses us in ways we can’t even see or imagine. Thank You Jesus!

    1. Amen dear Jeanne & MadFox. Jesus waits patiently for us to spend quiet times with Him, relinquishing all that burdens us. Let's welcome the Holy Spirit to guide our day. πŸ’•πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    2. Yes and Amen, dear Jan! Reminds me of a pretty song we used to sing in Choir.
      Holy Spirit, Come into my heart.
      Holy Spirit, Take my heart and keep it.
      One in the Father,
      One in the Son,
      Holy Spirit, You are One
      in Love.

  41. Let my mouth be filled with Your praise and with Your glory all the day. (Psalm 71:8). Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. (Matthew 5:6). And when they had prayed, the place where they assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness. (Acts 4:31).

    1. Amen! Hallelujah! πŸ™ŒπŸ’•

    2. Amen! Thanks for the good food today, dear sister!

  42. Prayers please dear family. To our SS group are leaving for Lancaster Pa. To see Daniel at Sight & Sound. Some of you may have to look this up. We are also touring some Amish country landmarks. Please pray for our bus driver & safety for all. My back & foot better but I need prayer. God bless you all & your day today. Much love & prayers for all request and concerns. πŸ˜πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    1. Godspeed. Safe Travels. Amen.

    2. Pray for you all to have a great safe trip and for your physical needs as well.

    3. πŸ™ to our God Who IS a moment by moment PROVIDER for today's journey. God's got this so all is well. 🎢 He's got the riders and the drivers in His Hands 🎢
      You can sit back, relax, and soak in His Love, His Joy, and His Peace as stated in today's devotion! Much ❤️ and Many πŸ™ all day everyday, Jan gridley, and the JCs. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    4. Safe travels and hope you have a wonderful trip.

    5. May God's Hedge of Protection surround the bus, driver, and all its passengers, Jan. May your back and foot be free from any discomfort so you can fully enjoy your trip! Sounds awesome!

    6. Sending out prayers dear Jan. I’m taking my 90 year old mother and 2 daughters, 13 and 11 yo next month!! Let us know how it is - I’m sure it will be amazing , I’ve only heard good things. πŸ™πŸ™❤️❤️

    7. Dear Jan, Joining all prayers for you and your trip: May God’s protection, love and peace surround you and all those on the bus and driving it. And may He remove any pain and give you only comfort, healing, and flexibility! Enjoy every special moment and build some sweet memories! Much love and prayers for you and your family and our dear JC Family. God is in charge. Enjoy!
      Dear Father, Thank You for this in the powerful Name of our Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen

    8. Traveling mercies dear Jan and fellows!

  43. Based on Isaiah 30:15a " Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In Quietness and Confidence is your strength."
    "My Spirit within you is more than sufficient to handle whatever this day may bring. That is the basis for your confidence! In quietness (spending time alone with Me) and confident trust (relying on My sufficiency) is your strength."
    The word for Quietness in Hebrew (שקט pronounced 'Shaqat') means repose, calm, relaxed, free from all anxiety, to be quiet, be tranquil, be at peace, rest, lie still, be undisturbed.

    The word for Confidence in Hebrew (Χ‘Χ™Χ˜Χ—Χ•ΧŸ pronounced Bitachon) means security, active faith, a state of trust (confident trust - consciously placing the burden or one's concerns and worries on God and trusting that He will work things out); it's a powerful sense of optimism and confidence based not on reason or experience, but based on Who God is, that He is intrinsically good.
    I need Shaqat and Bitachon in Him today. A good shot of Joy would be great too 😊.

    1. Thank you for the Hebrew lesson, dear Peter! Shalom Shalom πŸ™

    2. Thanks Peter.
      Truth be told, I have rarely felt Shaqat in this life πŸ˜” except when I am at the beach ⛱️ where He Always Restores my Soul, girants me Shaqat, and makes everything else Shutup, so I can hear and inhale His Ocean Waves and His sounds of Silence. Thanks Be To Jesus' Name. AMEN!.

  44. Amen and thank you brother Peter! Putting every burden and concern into God’s able Hands and staying open in His presence to receive, His peace, love and joy! God bless your day!

  45. Thank you Peter, your comments were so helpful….putting every burden into God’s hands with repose, calm, optimism and confidence, free from anxiety. That’s what He offers us, in constant daily communion with Him. I am so grateful for all of you sharing your hearts and lives through this blog. Thanks for the God nudge to the Payton family that was followed through for this forum for us, and thanks for the God nudge to Sarah in writing Jesus Calling. What a ministry!

    1. πŸ‘πŸ‘✝️♥️πŸ™

    2. Encore πŸ‘πŸ‘✝️♥️πŸ™
      How Blessed we are to both receive and share His Heart, filled with Heavenly Content and placed inside our earthen vessels! Who Could Ask For Anything More?

    3. Amen sisters! How blessed we are!
      Loved those beautiful words, dear Brie! Don't need anything more than that! Thank You Jesus!

    4. I just found out my Cousin Larry passed away yesterday. He was 84 years old and he was sick with cancer and many other medical problems. He was a nice man and I pray he had a strong faith. May God rest his good soul and fill the hearts of his sorrowful family and friends with comfort. Thank You Jesus.
