Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Jesus Calling: April 23

     Keep your eyes on Me, not only for direction but also for empowerment. I never lead you do something without equipping you for the task. That is why it's so important to seek My will in everything you do. There are many burned out Christians who think more is always better, who deem it unspiritual to say no.
    In order to know My will, you must spent time with Me--enjoying My Presence. This is not an onerous task but a delightful privilege. I will show you the path of Life; in My Presence is fullness of Joy; at My right hand are pleasures forevermore. 

Psalm 141:8
English Standard Version

But my eyes are toward you, O God, my Lord;
    in you I seek refuge; leave me not defenseless!

Psalm 16:11
New King James Version

You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Verse Thoughts
There isn't any problem with enjoying life and what God has provided: good food, friends, spending time together, even going to a good movie together or a sporting event - Solomon reminded us often to enjoy life - we work hard and enjoying life is not anti-God. Yet, I wonder if in my life 'fullness of joy' is equated with being in His presence. I wonder if fullness is equated with God in my life and the peace that comes with Him or if a big house, nice cars, great vacations is what I call fullness of joy. David records a journey for His called ones - the path of life, fullness of joy, and pleasures forevermore. God takes us from our lowest point - living life apart from Him and promises fullness and pleasures forevermore. Yet, the Bible does not describe what these pleasures will be except by providing a basic outline. We wait in anticipation. God says to us, "wait and see." In this immediate gratification world in which I live in where creature comforts are now simply the standard versus the goal, wait and see is sometimes hard for me (O God) to be patient for. Help me God to not be blinded by only what I see.

My Prayer
Lord, I look to You. My eyes are toward you, O God. In you I seek refuge. You will show me the path of life. I want to keep my eyes on You, not simply for knowing the way to go, but because as I surrender to You, Your Spirit enables me, empowers me each day to live. I can be confident in the tasks that are before me because you have equipped me. You will show me. You will show me. You will show me the way. You will show me pleasures forevermore. O God, I want to rest in that truth. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Remind me today, Father, that I am fully equipped and to trust You. That we can deal with the things put in our path because You've given us exactly what we need. Help me to not take on more that You want me to handle. And, please, Father - let the skunk that got in our basement be trapped today without spraying. Let me trust You to protect us and our home.

  2. JC Family, please pray for me and my family. We had a rough weekend that has removed peace from my heart. I pray I can find it once more and know that God's will and plans will prevail. Thank you.

    1. IA He's got you. Please Lord send the peace that passes understanding to this family πŸ™

    2. IA--I am praying this over your situation (AMP) Psalms 107:19-20 "Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, And He saved them from their distresses.
      He sent his word and healed them, And rescued them from their destruction." Let go and LET GOD!

    3. IA - Praying for you and your family that you may place your concerns on the altar and leave them in the care of God.

    4. Praying all is well...Amen

  3. Prayers to get rid of Norah's "pet" and PEACE that passes all understanding for IA.

  4. Lord thanks πŸ™ for showing me your path

  5. Replies
    1. Proud of Anonymous ... day 14. Hang in there, you have our prayers and encouragement.

    2. An amen to Sassy Mom's post. Very proud of Anonymous!! Lifting up all the JC family's needs to the Lord. I ask your blessings upon everyone of them today Lord!

    3. anonymous, hope you're doing well on day 380.

    4. Anonymous...may the Holy Spirit guide your path forwardπŸ™πŸ»

  6. Thank you Lord for waking me another day. Help me to keep my eyes on You and not any problems that come my way. Help me to always turn to You and not try to do things on my own. I have made a mess by myself, but You Lord have undone the mess I have made and are putting the finishing touches of healing I need to have life the way You intend it to be.

    I ask that you be with the person that will be catching the critter in Nora's basement and please turn the critters sprayer off so Nora won't have a mess to clean up. As silly as it may sound to some people for praying about a critter in a basement that could make such a mess with its defense mechanism, I ask that you be with the person catching this critter. We can come to You Lord with any request and it be granted, just for asking. Thank You Jesus for the finished work at the cross so we can have salvation, grace and mercy. In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen❣

  7. God bless the JC family today and please protect us from anything trying to "make a stink" in our lives. Give us strength to resist temptation and courage to step forth into where you are leading. Amen!

    1. Unknown--Loved the " make a stink" in our lives post! You can really get your head around that one!

  8. Prayer request that my test for EBV, (Epstein Barr syndrome) autoimmune disorder will be negative. I believe in your power to heal Lord. That my thyroid test also will be normal. Thank you JC family πŸ₯°

    1. JAN--I am standing in agreement with you concerning your tests. The Lord is faithful to his word!

    2. Thank you JJ. So appreciate it.

  9. Praying EBV and thyroid tests will be positive and bring glory to the great PHYSICIAN.

  10. Lord we know that you hear our prayers for Nora and her situation with the skunk. You have told us that no concern is too small to bring to you. We see you being with the individuals that will be removing the skunk from her basement that they will not be injured in the process nor the skunk. We know that all your creatures are loved.

  11. Thanks for sharing the words of God our Lord.

  12. A simpler life, as the pandemic is requiring, is absolutely providing more time to listen and follow:"Keep your eyes on Me." And what a blessing it has been for personal growth in my faith, and in allowing me to serve others in ways I never would have. Pray that each of you is using this unusual time to strengthen your faith and to "walk the talk". May God be seen in new ways by all who have struggled with Him in the past and hear Him say, "I will show you the path of Life. Amen.

    1. I pray for God to have mercy on His world in the midst of this pandemic for the sake of those who are greatly suffering, for those who are dying, for those who are grieving the loss of someone, for all the people in the medical profession who are pouring themselves out for others, for those who are unemployed causing hardship in their personal lives and for any and all who are suffering because of this pandemic. But, I also pray this pandemic will never end because of the cleansing it has brought to my life, the slower simpler lifestyle it has forced upon me, and the greater sense of unity and harmony I have with all. When God in His mercy brings to an end this pandemic, will I return to the way I was (Proverbs 26:11 haunts me) or will there be positive changes in my lifestyle that will make my life more as He wishes for me. Time will only tell. I pray for the latter.

    2. Amen MadFox. I have felt that people are looking towards their Father in a wonderful new way since this Pandemic. They're looking inwardly instead of outwardly. God is truly protecting and providing for them in their time of spiritual, emotional, physical and financial need. I also feel that I'm more intuned to His Spirit than ever and less distracted by this world's trappings. He is showing us that the path of life does not depend on those things that you can see, but on those things that never fade away. Thank you.

    3. Bob, Jeanne, et al: the crisis is amazing in its impact, and no question the pandemic is bringing many people to re-evaluate what is important. At the same time, our leaders must determine the real cost of these quarantines, emotionally, physically as in health, and the financially. For those who don't have faith, the growing despair for the loss of jobs, families, and friends is overwhelming. So, I do pray it ends soon but that the impact will be far-reaching with regard to a new spirituality and real change to truly and actually loving your neighbor!

    4. Bob and Jeanne, when I read your replies, I felt you saw the thoughts inside my head and put them in print. Before this pandemic, I had difficulty understanding the plight in Nehemiah 9, of reverting back after receiving blessing after blessing. In an instant, I now understand how easy it is to do, once the quarantine gates open and chute us out into the world again. I pray with both of you for the strength to continue moving forward in God's Holy Spirit, with race horse blinders on to what is going on outside of that realm. Pray for me/us!
      I was able to stand up for Jesus and send the link for this blogspot to two other people who shared their wonder about how to keep it together? After I mentioned this blogspot, they both shared that they had Sarah Young's book. God put me on the road that lead me to you, JC family and closer to Him. Thank You, Jesus

    5. Amen! Thank you all for your comments and insight. I pray we find all of the possible blessings in spite of this virus. For those who have deepened their faith and become closer to God, I sing great praises and thanks! May all of those hurting, physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially, or in any other way find the healing they need with Your help, Lord. May we continue to remember to surrender to You, Jesus, and realize You are taking care of everything. CO

    6. Anonymous CO - "May all of those hurting, physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially, or in any other way find the healing they need with Your help, Lord." Joining Warriors in prayer.

    7. Dear Lord, Praying for all of us who are hurting, whether physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially, or in any other way. May we all find the healing we need in You, Lord. Order our focus and direct our steps in Your Word! Thank You Jesus. Amen"

    8. Amen , Thank you Lord for your faithfulness in our lives. Heal us, provide for all our needs and lift our spirits! You are everything to us. We trust in You. Thank you for the gift of my grandsons and my loving family. You have been so good to me.

    9. Remember to surrender πŸ˜‰♥️

  13. Dear Father, Morning by morning new mercies I recieve from You. I rejoice and give You thanks. I cannot imagine any other way to start my mornings/days without acknowledging You. I know when I do, my cup runneth over and Your goodness and mercy chase me down. Thank You for today’s many gifts, for I know that every good and perfect gift comes from You. The One who never changes. You alone are worthy of all praise and thanksgiving. Receive Your glory, in Jesus name I pray.

    If we are going to stay focused on God, we must concentrate on Him and His Word, allow Him to occupy our minds, and include the things of God in our daily lives. It is fitting to do so, because Jesus “Is the Head of the body, the church, He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything He might have the supremacy”, Colossians 1:18. He should be our focus. For some of us, our mornings were rushed, but now with the work from home, we have ample time to spend the first few minutes of our day reading the Word and talking to Him about what’s ahead, so that we can have a greater focus on Him throughout the day. May the Holy Spirit help us to do just that!

    Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for the opportunity of another day to fix our eyes on You. This world is sin-filled and in a place of desperate need. The darker it becomes to us, we will need to pray without ceasing so that the light of Christ can clearly stand out. Focusing on the Word, is to have Your Son Jesus brought more into focus. We are in desperate need to resist the allure of this world and keep our focus where it belongs, on Christ Jesus. Help us to avoid filling our minds/spaces with all kinds of conveniences and distractions, making it very difficult and even impossible sometimes to see where You are leading us. We cannot serve two masters. If we are serving You with our resources of time, energy, talents, and with giving, our staying focused on You will naturally follow. Help us to remove sin from our lives, especially sin that distracts us and slows us down. You know that if we don’t kill the sin, it will kill us spiritually, physically or both, so help us Lord! Hebrews 12:1-2 says:“We must run with perseverance the race marked out for us, We must focus on Jesus, the source and goal of our faith.” May we never forget how important You are to us and always be willing to invest some of our time and resources into knowing You better. When we do this,‘You will show us the path of life; where in Your Presence, is fullness of Joy and at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore’. We pray this in Jesus name.

    Blessings and Peace to all.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank u Maplewood your words are my thoughts unwritten yet, I hadn't found the words...God put them in print thru u. It is comforting to see them organized in a controlled portion. Thank you Lord for satisfying those areas we long to be contented in. Even before we can articulate them..that feeling of missing something we desperately need. It's always you Jesus and you are always available. I am overwhelmed with Joy. " You will show me the path of life, In your presence is fullness of Joy; At your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11
      THERE IT IS MY HEARTS CALL AND ANSWER. Jesus! God bless you all.

    2. Amen and thank you Maplewood. I grabbed your words to share with my Bible group. You always fill me up and bless me. I wrote this song called If You Wanna Get to Heaven. God always gives me the words. Here are a few of them. I hope they speak to your hearts.

      If you wanna get to Heaven
      Open up your eyes and see
      All the riches laid before you,
      precious gifts to set you free
      Turn away from this world's bounty
      It will only pass away
      Lay your treasures where your heart is,
      and you'll see the Perfect Day.

      If you fall along the wayside,
      as we all at some times do,
      Remember Who is right beside you,
      guiding and protecting you.
      Turn away from empty treasures
      Wealth and power won't remain.
      What God can offer is Eternal!
      His sweet Peace is a greater gain.

    3. So touching. The lyrics are great. Thank you 🌹

    4. πŸ’—πŸŒΈ☺️God gets the glory.

  14. Thank you Maplewood! And yes, what a gift it is that the world has slowed down and we have more time, I pray that people turn to God, that we as Christians share from the heart and brings others to Christ. I pray for all those in the frontline that they are encouraged and know they are covered in prayer. I pray the the Holy Spirit sweeps in peoples hearts and minds and that there is a Revival! This time of pandemic can be turned around for the good as we seek Him and turn to Him because that’s God’s Promise. Romans 8:28; 2 Chronicles 7:14 ; Psalm 91

  15. God of all creation have mercy on us on our world. We know you are guiding us.. teaching us through this. We all matter to you; you love us and together we will overcome this trial. We are praying Lord and we will keep praying. Help us Lord to be patient in trust you..for you Lord will never leave us or forsake us. Thank you for the Holy Spirit..your gift for us. Merciful divine Jesus, our savior, thank you for your grace.

    1. Imac and Loveconquersall, You blessed me with your comments. And Love conquers all, I agree and join in to your beautiful prayer. Thank you. He will never leave us and His Words are true and reliable. We can stake our lives on His Truth.

  16. Sharing excellent message of encouragement ..... David Jeremiah.

    1. I hadn't watched a Dr. Jeremiah sermon in a long time. I think he had two excellent comparisons. 1. Jesus asleep in the boat during the storm 2. the 1991 storm off New England that sank the boat that spawned the movie "the perfect storm". While a tiny bit long, I agree with Sassy Mom and can recommend that he gives some good points to our current ciircumalstances.

    2. Thank you Sassy Mom for sharing David Jeremiah, truly a disciple of today among many others that are here on this site. The media can go on and on with this storm with no mention of our Savior, the only one that can help us for HE is the way, the truth, the life.

    3. *circumstances... I was in a rocky boat in a storm when typing!! πŸ€£πŸ˜†

    4. MadFox - Joining you in the rocky boat!!!!!!

    5. Maybe off topic, but there is a very interesting account of a fishing boat that went missing of long island by an investigative reporter. The Lost Boys of Montauk by Amanda Fairbanks. It came to my attention because my high school math teacher is mentioned as a friend of the captain in the book. It's a good read if you like the suspense of a good puzzle that may not ever be solved.

  17. Thank You God. Reading "KEEP YOUR EYES ON ME..." reminded me of how often I prayed for the world to pause long enough for me to get off and get a break from the ever spinning ever dizzying merry-go-round of my life. You know, Up in the morning, quick prayer, quick coffee, so called breakfast, in vehicle, traffic, traffic, traffic, school drop off, quick kiss, back in traffic, expensive parking, race into building, up crowded elevators,stopping on every floor, breathing whatever, dash into office, unfinished problems topped by new problems, sea of negativity, so called lunch, reverse the above, home, homework, so called dinner, baths, prep for tomorrow, quick prayer, total exhaustion, so called sleep, and the whole process repeating itself over and over and over. Thanks for Your favor and mercy in slowing the world down for me, so I am off the merry-go-round and able to keep my eyes focused on You, Your Mercy, Your grace, Your Favor, Your Presence and My fullness of Joy therein! My pandemic quarantine time is turning out to be the solemn time I prayed for, which came by a way I knew not, which came through Your favor, in answer to my prayers. Thank you for making all things work together for good, sweet Jesus. Thank you for making it possible for me to use my former commute time hours for prayer time hours, keeping my eyes focused on You, knowing You will get us through &/or get us out. I love and appreciate You and my JC family. Thanks again! AMEN

    1. Brilamar, I had to chuckle at your description of the life most were living. (I got exhausted just reading it :)) As I commented to MadFox above, will we learn something and make the good changes or will all things return to the way they were. Proverbs 26:11 has a very sobering piece of wisdom (because it is somewhat grotesque in nature, I'll let people choose to read it on their own and decide for themselves).

    2. I read it. WOW! Proverbs 26:11 is the real pandemic. I can only pray to God for my salvation from this. I can't do it on my own and if I get His help, I don't want to do it on my own.

  18. Dear JC Family,
    Which "Fullness of Joys In His Presence" did you experience in your life today?

    1. I was a full time granny caring for two grandsons, Mateo 4 and Jairo 8mos. I remember before this "perfect storm", I thought if I could just have a week off to rest (cannot describe my exhaustion). Jesus heard my prayer; my daughter was furloughed for a month now. I still go visit to help her while she home schools Juan Carlitos 15, or to make grocery runs but not every day; I love my babies. Thank you Jesus I feel rested in you. I pray, pray, and pray. I know you are listening; I feel your presence more than ever and it feels good. I love you and I trust in you.

    2. Amen! Thanks for sharing, Loveconquersall.


    (John 3:31-35) As a follow up to the conversation with Nicodemus, we hear Jesus calling us to a higher level in how we understand all things, one that would be more spiritual, more in line with divine thinking. For all who try to understand Jesus from an earthly perspective will a hard time with what He is saying. But for those who are willing to be led by Him to a divine perspective on life, the Holy Spirit will lead them to the truth. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one in perfect love and those who love God enter into that perfect fellowship which is eternal life. Those who think otherwise, will find themselves forever struggling to find meaning and purpose in life.

    The beauty of Jesus Calling is that it calls us to this higher level of thinking, this divine perspective. Many times we struggle with what it is encouraging us to do but that is because our hearts and minds have become so entangled in earthly matters, we have a hard time breaking free to fly up to an eternal perspective. But this is not a nonstop flight to heaven but one that proceeds with stops along the way. We must keep reading and rereading, pray for and dare to step out on the truths spoken. In doing so, we will be be drawn into the eternal fellowship of our Lord.

    God be with you, brothers and sisters in Christ. With love, Bob

  20. Love and prayers for our JC family
    Thank you all for your prayers
    God bless each of you
    We love you Jesus

    1. Thank you, Brandy! We all need your prayers as well. Through your prayers, we are blessed.

  21. I just had an analogy enter my thoughts re: this pandemic situation. A rodeo bull is wandering the pen, doing what he does. Then he is forced into the chute. The energy builds. Then, the cowboy mounts and the chute is opened. The energy is released with explosive force as the bull tries to rid himself of the burden placed on his back.
    We were living life in our "normal". Then, the pandemic sets on us and we are confined. Some use this time to focus their efforts on spending more time in the Word. Many are building stress and worrying about the mounting deficit as cash flow is interrupted. When we are released to return to "normal" what will we do with the pent up energy?
    Lord, when we are released from our quarantine, help us to retain as much of the slower lifestyle as possible. You know my retirement lifestyle is not as busy as with those around me that are working to provide sustenance for their families. But, help me, and others, to continue in Your Word and resist filling life, all at once, with all the diversions that the quarantine has restricted. In Jesus name, amen.

    1. Amen 10-4, 10-4...πŸ˜†πŸ˜Ž

    2. Lord, I'm joining my prayer with 10-4 help me, to also continue in Your Word and resist filling my life, with all the diversions that the quarantine has restricted. In Jesus name, Amen

  22. I will show you the path of Life; in My Presence is fullness of Joy; at My Right Hand are pleasures forevermore:
    Thanks Be to God for God and for you, JC Prayer Warriors! You help us Walk In The Light of HOPE:
    The Lord will be The HOPE of His People@Joel 3: 16;
    We are saved by HOPE@Romams 8: 24;
    He shall strengthen your heart all you that HOPE in The Lord@Psalm 31: 24;
    Blessed are they that trust in The Lord, and whose HOPE The Lord is@Jeremiah 17: 7;
    Thou are my HOPE, O Lord my God@Psalm 7: 16;
    Faith is the substance of things HOPED for, the evidence of things not seen@Hebrews 11: 1
    He said it. I believe it. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

      WHAT A BEAUTIFUL NAME by The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

    2. Thanks for filling me sweet Brie! Praying for you and Keith and all our dear family. God bless you all.
      Enjoying my precious littles! Watching the two 2 year olds holding hands blessed me so much.Taking many pictures and filling my heart with sweet memories. God gave us a beautiful new day to enjoy with our loved ones. I am so thankful πŸ’—πŸ˜ŠπŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸŒΉ

    3. Hope you are flowing, giving and receiving lots of love and hugs, Jeanne, and enjoying that one of a kind fresh new baby scent!

    4. Yes Brie! I was in heaven holding that dear new baby! I love the smell of him too. Such a sweetness. I tried to be a good Nani to all three of them. The grandson I always see, Gabriel, kept trying to pull me away from the baby to play with him. It was good for him to see the baby is so helpless and needs attention. His Mommy is having another baby boy in September and he will now understand that his baby brother will need a lot of attention and love. It was a blessing to be with my family but it went too fast! Praying for your dear brother Keith and you too Sis!

  23. Happy Birthday dear Mindy, of Spokane Wa, our Dear Sister and Friend in Christ! I celebrate today in  Thanksgiving to God for the day He loaned you to us. You bring such flowing joy into my life each time you enter this JC Prayer Warriors Room to post and/or  pray.  As BOB once said, More precious to us than our own life is our children's lives. I know that is how God feels about you and us. May He bless you and your child with gifts only He can give. And may all of your earthday birthdays be joyful. In Him we live and move and have our being. May you enjoy yours. In Jesus Name. Amen.

    1. Happy birthday sweet Mindy! Praying for you and yours, healing for your dear mother and Chloe. ❤

      Blessings from France

    2. Happy happy birthday dear Mindy. You are God’s beloved and he adores you. You are the masterpiece of His creation. He came to earth to build a relationship with you. May you enjoy his presence and the celebration of the gift of you today!! 🎢πŸ₯³πŸŽ

    3. Birthday blessings for you, Mindy! ♥️πŸŽ‰

    4. Happy Birthday dear Mindy! May God bless you and your family with healing, discernment and answered prayers.
      Amen! You are a beloved daughter of the Most High! Celebrate His promises and your joy and peace in believing.

    5. Thanks so much ejc family for the love and prayers and bday blessings!

  24. Father, I appoint and anoint this day to be used for Your glory. Please use everything in it for Your good and glory Lord. Let me be open to You Lord. Use me as Your vessel today for Your glory. When I speak, let the words be Yours. When I walk, let the steps be Yours. When I do anything, let it be done in Your way and for and by Your will Lord. I bless and praise You Lord always and continually. Thank You Jesus. You are God Almighty. There is no one above You. You are amazing and wonderful. I trust, love, and adore You Jesus. Put Your Spirit upon my heart and let it flow through me continuously.

    Your loving kindness, O Lord, extends to the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the skies. (Psalm 36:5)

    1. Janet - Amen!!! Echoing your anointed prayer.

    2. Amen dear Janet! Beautiful spirit filled prayer.

  25. Holding Keith, Brie & family to the throne of grace. His mercy is new every morning. Bless this precious family with hope, peace, and the faith that will move this mountain oh Lord! I ask in Jesus name! Hallelujah! Amen!

    1. Amen Jan, joining in prayers for Keith & Brie and everyone here.

      Blessings from France

    2. Praying with you and for you, sweet Jan.

  26. MadFox, praying that you are holding steady as you continue on this journey with the Lord. Your compass is set towards victory in Jesus! Jehovah Rapha is at hand, ready to touch your body! Amen & Amen!

    1. Thank you Jan G. I'm doing incredibly well, a few minor issues, now and then, but the stem cell transplant was just 4 weeks ago, today! ...and out of the hospital just a little over 2 weeks ago. Docs very pleased as I'm still far ahead of the normal curve on response and overall health. Prayers answered, was provided super-healing. Appreciate and grateful for all the JC Prayer warriors. Agape to all, praying for you all and the needs discussed here. Amen.

    2. Your update brought a smile to my face, Madfox as we are continuing in prayer for you and your dear ones. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Hooray Madfox. Praising and thanking God for you and your healing!!

    4. Indeed, Brie! MadFox, so elated to read this! Prayers and cheering continue! Jehovah Rapha is IN THE HOUSE with His healing! So happy for you and your family, sir! Thank you, Jesus!

    5. Rejoicing with my family to hear your wonderful update! Hallelujah! We serve such a good and faithful God! We are well taken care of.

  27. "He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. He telleth the number of the stars, He calleth them all by their names. Great is our Lord and of great power, His understanding is infinite." Psalm 147:3-5.

    Loving Father, It’s another great day to give thanks. Anyone who is reading this, is alive and that in itself is one of the many reasons to praise and give thanks to You!
    The past year (2020) and into this year, has been very challenging for so many. But You our Father, remains the same. This body of believers have grown, praying and seeking You each day. Thank You for the many victories, spoken and unspoken and thank You also for allowing us to go through the many trials, challenges, circumstances, and battles. For this and many other reasons, I pray for my mother whom You are caring for each day in the affliction she’s experiencing, I pray for ALL that are sick physically and spiritually here on this blog, their love ones and those around the world, knowing that You can restore health. You have the power to heal, the power to comfort and power to give new hope.
    As I lift up the sick to You this morning, I pray that You grant them rest when they are weary and peace when they are uncertain. Lord, You control all the parts of our bodies, and You know when they’re not functioning at their best. Sickness leaves stressed and brokenness in Your children and take away time from all the things that are important. No one wants to be sick, but times like this, I ask that You give the sick and afflicted rest in You, and the simple chance to just wait on You, Jehovah Rapha. I know that just one touch from You is all they need. Please help them to be patient and allow You to do Your work as they keep their eyes fixed on You.
    For the doctors, nurses, caregivers, aids, anesthesiologists etc., that are involved, I pray for wisdom for them, and thank you for providing the help they need. Thank You for the medications being given, may Your power flow in them. Whether this is a test, or simply a time to reflect and trust You, I pray that their responses honor You. Thank You that our hope for healing is in You.
    I pray for Your covering of healing and grace, I pray for Your strength and great peace to fill their lives, reminding them that You are closer than they know. Thank you that nothing is impossible with You. You are the Good Shepherd, and You will lead them beside quiet places and restore their soul and body.
    Help them to welcome this time not as an interruption in their health, but to look at it as an opportunity to draw near to You and to draw strength and nourishment for the journey You have equipped them for.
    In these days of sickness, I intercede on their behalf and trust You to make them well. And Lord, when You’ve restored their health, please give them wisdom to treat their bodies as the temple of Your Spirit at all times and use their divine authority to denounce/cast out anything that is not of You.
    You are the Greatest Healer and Physician this world will ever have. I give thanks for the promises in Your Word that assures us of Your Presence and Your help always, and thank You for the ‘fullness of Joy we find in Your Presence, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. I am receiving every Word of your prayer sweet, sweet Maplewood NJ.
      Dear Lord, I Look To You for all of us! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Receiving as well, Maplewood. Such well said/prayed words. Thank you! My sweet friend, Jamie, is due to have a repeat CT scan Monday. She has been so diligent with her holistic way of healing her body and I believe Jehovah Rapha has truly eliminated any signs of this cancer! He sees her never-ending efforts and her reward will be a clear scan! If you all would add her to your prayers, I'd greatly appreciate this. She is a believer, mom of 4 adult children (youngest just turned 18), with a devoted and loving husband. Thank you in advance. You all have been so giving of prayers for my sister, niece, etc. and I know you'll do the same for Jamie. Blessings and gratefulness abound to you all. In Jesus' name, Amen.

    3. I am praying for Jamie right now, NJS.

    4. Joining in prayer with thanks for Jamie's health and perfect outcome from all testing. πŸ‘πŸ™

    5. Amen Maplewood and thank you!
      Praying with my family for Jamie’s CT scan to have good results:
      Thank You for Jamie’s perfect healing, Lord. We trust in You.

    6. Joining in prayers for Jamie. May our loving Father give good news and bless you. Peace be with you.

    7. Thank you, Brie, Audra, Jeanne, Janet and all who have added a healing prayer for my dear friend, Jamie, to your prayers. You all would just love her incredible heart like I do. SO grateful for you all!

  28. Please pray the missing submarine can be found before running out of oxygen.

    1. I am praying with you now, Sassy Mom.

    2. Praying with you for the submarine to be found right away!
      You are the Way Maker! Thank You for your faithfulness and saving power. Amen.

  29. Sweet, sweet Brie commenting on your post from yesterday referring to my post about "What ifs". Your word are always directing us back to where our focus should lie. Thank you for a reminder I needed so desperately. I walk in exhaustion of body and mind. The saddest part of this I become weary in my spirit from the exhaustion. In my flesh I lose hope, then I look inside and I'm reminded that what I see happening around me is temporal and what I can't see happening around me is eternal. I read post and rejoice with all of you and pray with you. Lord please have your hope and your promises be more prevalent in our lives and thoughts than the feelings of despair and frustration that has been brought on because of peoples wrong choices and the repercussions of sin. Lord please forgive me for having such a heavy heart over all of this I want my joy to be refreshed because it comes from you. I desire to have you live through me, drawing others to you because of who you are. I want others to see that I don't have to be cast down in my thoughts because you have overcome the world. Lift my head up Lord and focus my eyes on you and the wonders of your mighty hands. You are where my help comes from. Change my focus Lord, be my strength, be my joy, be my empowerment to do what you have given me to do. I know that I am able because you are able, I know that I have wisdom and discernment because I have the mind of Christ, I know I am equipped because you are my equipper. Thank you Lord and thank you JC Family, Chris Payton (your in my prayers, I'm not sure what's going on but my heart cries for something you are morning about). We are one body and Christ is the head. We are the dwelling place of the most high. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!!

    1. Our TERRI, sister and friend in Christ. I am praying with you, knowing the pilot light of hope is still burning, because hope is kept alive while we have yet to see the eternal outcome to what is happening around us, our circumstance. Hope is only Hope when our Victory is yet to be seen. What we hope for is waiting for us. While is is out of our earthly field of vision, we can always look forward to getting something we have yet to have.
      Like waiting for my parents to pick me up from school. One by one other kids were getting into their parent's vehicle while I hoped mine remembered me, while I hoped our vehicle was running, while I hoped their jobs let them go on time, while I hoped I would get picked up before dark, etc. Once I saw them and I was safe in the car, I didn't have to hope for that anymore. Long story to say we have hope when we have yet to see His Victorious outcome.
      While hoping this morning, I have been singing I Look To You. Praying with you and our JC Family of Prayer Warriors today and always until all our Hopes turn into His Victories. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Keep your eyes on Me, not only for direction but also for empowerment and enjoyment! Yes, Lord,
      I LOOK To YOU

    3. Father God! Our sister Terri needs You to strengthen and renew her in body, mind and spirit. Thank you for this and all your blessings in her life. In the Name of Jesus we pray.

    4. Father, renew and refresh Terri's spirit and faith in You. Let it be magnified and let Your Spirit flow through her and lift her up with You. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless you.

  30. I wanted to thank all of the JC prayer warriors for the prayers for my hubby. He's finally being released from the hospital today and is feeling great. We don't know what caused his issue, but eliminated several possibilities. Praying that we will be directed to the right doctors to figure it out. Praising God for watching over him. Thanks again. JE

    1. Thanks for the update JE. It is my pleasure to Thank God, while continuing in prayer for the right Doctor through whom our Greatest Physician can easily work. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Thanking God for this good news and His faithfulness in your hubby’s health. Joining prayers that He will guide him to the perfect doctor. Our God is so good. Hallelujah!

    3. Hallelujah. Another victory in Jesus. So glad to hear JE. God is so good.

  31. A saying came to me a year and a half ago; "there is more to life than function".

    We live on our thoughts, we live in our perceptions. We make plans and have dreams. But is that the best we can do? What happens when it all unravels? Then we make more plans and have more dreams. And what if those also unravel?

    God is leading us to something deeper. To discover something beyond all of that. To discover the mystery of awe in the present moment. To begin to awaken to something deeper than all of that. To begin to truly live.


  32. Lord, let your will be done in my life today
    In Jesus name I pray Amen. πŸ™
    God I know that I am not alone. You are always with me and protecting me. God Only you are in charge and control of my life. I Don’t expect things to go on my way instead I leave it all to your Hands. I always trust you Lord. Thank you for carrying on my burden.Thank you for the blood of your son Jesus. Thank you lord for the transformation of my soul. thank you for all your love and mercy. Thank you for Jesus and Thank you for all blessings and peace. Thank you lord. I do believe that you heard me and you will answer my prayers in Jesus mighty name Amen. πŸ™

  33. Praying for all my brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you Lord for all your blessings you give us..some of them don't seem like blessings..we wait on you trusting your will and keep praying and by the grace of God your love pours out and it all makes sense. Thank you Lord for your care and protection. Come Holy Spirit!! Amen! Amen! Much love to all!

    1. Amen and Amen! πŸ™

    2. It’s easy to thank our Father for the good times. But many times we receive what we didn’t ask for and some days we must just exercise our trust muscles more. What God places on our path or allows to happen is sometimes difficult to cope with. Yet He leads us lovingly through the hard times. We must thank Him for these opportunities to test our faith. By the way we respond to the challenges we can lead others to Him. They see we are not shaking in our boots when we face hardships because we are holding our Father’s Hand. They will want to know our secret. It’s available to all. We are called to share the secret now made manifest. The Christ in us. In Him and with Him we can get through anything. He can turn any situation into good. for His purpose.

    3. He understands our situations, motives, and reactions (Psalm 139:1-4).
      He cares passionately about what happens to us (Psalm 103:13-14).
      He mercifully forgives our sins and refuses to even remember them (Isaiah 43:25).
      He instructs us in the way we should go (Psalm 32:8).
      He provides for our needs (Romans 8:32).
      He offers hope for our future (Jeremiah 29:11).

    4. Free of using words, or overt coercion, we can also spread His Good News to others whenever the power of His Love is the Force animating and motivating us to do good and be kind, and regularly manifesting our JOY in His Word with our deeds. One day, others may be more likely to want some of that too! In Jesus' Name I pray to delight God through my actions. In keeping with today's devotion, I pray for God to lead us to do that for which He has equipped us. Amen.

  34. "His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me." 🎢 God Bless all who dwell here. ♥️

    1. Amen Amanda! God bless you dear sister. Love that song. I used to sing it at the nursing home. He always watches us and cares for us.
      What a comfort and a blessed assurance!

  35. Happy B'earthDay 😊 our sweet sister friend in Christ, Mindy,Spokane Wa
    I will be praying for you and yours all day today, doubling down in prayer at 4:23 AM and PM. Hope you feel all the love ❤ and May you feel fullness of Joy in His Presence all day today and forevermore in Jesus' Name. Amen. Much Love, Brie.

    1. Happy happy birthday, Mindy! Celebrating the gift of you!

  36. Happy Birthday sweet Mindy! May God shower you with special blessings and answers to your prayers. Keeping you and Chloe and Camden in my prayers. Much love and joy and peace e in believing.

    1. Thanks for hosting the birthday party for Mindy, JC Family! Sending best wishes for blessings to Mindy on another trip around the SON πŸ‘πŸŒž✝️

    2. πŸŽ‚ 🎁 🎈 🎈 πŸ•― πŸ₯³

  37. Just loved today’s devotion and prayer. It’s a wonderful privilege to spend time with Him. The best parts of our day. And He never leaves our sides, not even for a second. Looking up from where my help cometh. He will show us the way and equip us well for anything He assigns to us. His Spirit empowers us to do His Will and glorify Him.

  38. That devotion went striaght to my heart .Remembering that God is greater than my heart, pray that God will guard my heart and keep you from compromising my Christian testimony. Today we have a family function , you know how it goes there is always a family member that will push your buttons or gossiping starts ,may God guard my tongue, I plead for help and mercy today ! I need God's help to glorify Him today at the function.

    1. Praying with you Min Ahadi for God's Guard on your heart.
      Praying today's devotion actualizes itself while you are being tested, and you Keep your eyes on Jesus, for direction and for empowerment, in His Name. πŸ™
      Looking forward to your TESTimony!

    2. Praying for your Min - I wrote this down today from earlier in Ps 141
      Set a guard over my mouth, Lord;
      keep watch over the door of my lips.
      Do not let my heart be drawn to what is evil
      so that I take part in wicked deeds
      along with those who are evildoers;
      do not let me eat their delicacies.
      I was thinking about how often that can be a slide for me. I will pray it for you as you gather, too!

    3. Thanks Grace Take Time. I too will come to the table and partake of Psalm 141, filling my mouth with these WORDS, instead of gossip and verbal button pushing. I pray for us to keep our eyes on Jesus, follow His direction, with His empowerment, and using His equipment. In Jesus' Name, I pray for all of our loved, valued, and cherished JC FAMILY. Amen.

    4. Something for you to Humm, Min Ahadi, while you are in the midst of button pushers and gossipers, and before you use God's Empowerment and His Equipment to step away from them:
      TURN YOUR EYES UPON JESUS by Lauren Daigle.

    5. I am sure dear Min Ahadi that you will be a beacon to all those around you. May God’s Spirit supply all the right words to bring peace and harmony to your family function. May you speak to glorify Him and make things right. Pay His unconditional love forward.
      Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

  39. God is on the MOVE, and so are we. Another weekend of transporting to combine our two homes. Thank you Holy Spirit for guiding, protecting, and encouraging us in this ever changing process. I feel the tipping point, and know you are all over this! Thank you God! Praise your holy name, JESUS!

    1. Dear Heavenly Father God, would You please shoulder the heavy parts of the move for our Audra, so her shoulder can completely heal? And, provide traveling safety and Mercy to Audra and Marc? In Jesus' Name. Amen. Looking forward to her TESTimony. May it be a moving experience. Amen. Again.

  40. Amen! Thank You Jesus fir protecting our sister’s shoulder from harm and healing her and Marc Praying with Brie that God in His wisdom and understanding will orchestrate the whole process perfectly.

  41. Spending time with the Lord and reading His Words bring us closer to Him. I want to know Him better and reflect His mercy, love, and compassion in my life. I want to walk worthy of Him through my thoughts, words and actions. But I always fall short. He knows I try but in my humanity I fail. May we remember to stay in His presence today no matter what. Trusting Him to get me home to Church safely and guide me through my busy day. Gid kniws all our needs. Please pray for healing of my Uncle Bob’s bladder cancer. He just had surgery to remove a tumor. If there is any left in him, I am thanking God to destroy it in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    Psalm 9:9-10
    “The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed,
    a stronghold in times of trouble.
    And those who know your name put their trust in you,
    for you, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you.”

  42. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name. I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus! I will seek You and find You with my whole heart! I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever! You are the deepest desire of my heart Lord! I will keep my eyes focused upon You. Let the distractions of this world be removed far from me and help me to embrace Your holy presence in the present. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Let us sing and dance together!

  43. His way, not mine.

    1. What a faithful servant of the Lord! What an amazing instrument in God's Hands! Thank you for that video sweet Sassy Mom!

  44. Beautiful dear Janet! Amen. Thank you for filling me.
    Let all the worldly responsibilities, worries, and trappings be removed so we canclearly see those things that will never fade away. Let us be so rooted in our faith that nothing will sway us or fill our minds with doubts. The Lord has been by my side helping me so much today. I am so grateful. Amen! Let us sing and dance together because His loving kindness and tender mercies are without end.
    Colossians 2:6 As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.

  45. Today's devotion reminds us to Keep our eyes on HIM, for direction and also for empowerment.
    Last Night, I was asked to write prayers to give to survivors of sexual abuse/sexual assault, which include Words of Comfort, Strength, Healing, and Hope.
    I began praying to God's Holy Spirit for direction about what to write. The Holy Spirit nudged me in the direction of asking for help from our JC Prayer Warrior Family, because He sends into this room those whom He leads, and empowers with words to share. (It's taking me a long time to press 'send' but here goes!)
    What empowering Prayer are you led to write to survivors of sexual abuse/sexual assault, about God's Comfort, His Strength, His Healing, and His Hope?

    1. Brie, I am not as eloquent with prayers as many in this prayer warrior group. I am lifting up this group of survivors and others around us so they may feel the loving and comforting arms of Jesus and those praying for them. SC Anonymous

    2. The Holy Spirit leads each of us to follow Him in battle with our prayers. He summoned you dear Brie to muster up the warriors for this particular battle. We join you happily, confident in the Lord's power to defeat the issues of this trauma. Hallelujah! Onward Christian soldiers! Amen!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™Œ❤️

    3. Thank you Brie. I remember when just asking God to "help me" while in a desperate state brought His unmistakable and sustaining presence. That was all I could muster at the time and He provided strength to endure. "Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 God's Blessings for you this day, Brie. John H.

    4. Thank you Lord for the opportunity to forgive and to be forgiven. You have taken all the shame from me and love me unconditionally. I release the people and situations that have harmed me into your hands to resolve. I am not a victim. I am a child of God moving forward in each day closer to you.

    5. I don't know how I missed this entry yesterday, Brie. Guess I didn't scroll up enough so it makes me the caboose of this prayer chain. I thank you, Father, for walking with me every day. For taking steps forward each day versus backwards. I thank you that I am the righteousness of God. In You, I CAN DO ALL THINGS! "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

  46. Our Help comes from the Lord Who made Heaven and Earth. He prepares our days and equips us for anything that He brings us to. This year has been hard for my mom and me and my sister. My mom is a sweet lady but she can be difficult and she can't be alone. She refuses to eat except for cookies and ice cream. She smokes and drinks and is so very stubborn. But she has a strong faith and God is holding her very tight. I'll see her on Thursday and I pray she'll be a little stronger than when I saw her over the weekend. I will be moving back in with her for as many months as I'm needed. My good twin sister goes back to Missouri the day after our Birthday on May 22nd. I am putting my life in God's Hands and He will equip me for every day and night with my mom. Praying for everyone serving others, receiving treatments, awaiting test results, seeking relief from pain of body, mind and spirit, and going through a valley time. May God lead you through your personal wilderness and misery and make things right again. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. We trust you to answer our prayers and make a way because You are All Mighty.
    This is from today's devotion and I sure do believe it:
    I never lead you to something without equipping you for the task.

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    And He shall direct your paths.

    Philippians 4:13
    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

    Hebrews 13:20-21
    Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

    1. Covering you dear Jeanne for your upcoming task. Gear up with plenty of sleep, nourishing diet, as little stress as possible for now &, of course the most important thing, putting on the whole armour of God! πŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ™❤️

    2. Praying for and with you Jeanne. In Jesus' Name. AMEN! May God strengthen you in body, mind, soul, heart and Spirit, as well as equip you to get and accept the help you need.
      You and our JC Family and each of our dear ones remain in all my prayers to our ALMIGHTY GOD.

    3. Dear Sisters Jan and Brie! Good and blessed morning to you and our dear JC Family! Your beautiful words of encouragement and sincere prayers blessed me so much. We will continue to trust in the Lord, in His strength, in His faithfulness and in His promises. We are well taken care of. πŸ™πŸ’—πŸ˜Š

  47. Okey dokey then

    Thank you above ❤️❤️πŸ™πŸ™ woke up briefly need the good word ! And above we have it Let go and Let God 🌸

    1. Amen! Give up and let Jesus take over.

    2. Surrendering all my burdens of thought to my Lord who accepts them all. Thank you Jesus!!!

  48. Let no weapon formed against us prosper, including the spears of doubt which threaten our peace and trust in what we know is true. Our Father will never leave or forsake us! Thank you God our Creator, Jesus our Savior and Holy Spirit our Comforter. To God be the glory and dominion forever!!!

    1. Amen! Adding my Hallelujah! God is our Everything!

  49. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus! Lord, we need Your divine empowerment to achieve greatness; the ability to achieve things that are seemingly impossible, by the grace of God. This is a great gift from You, an invitation to live a life that reflects Your power, purpose, and love. Please bestow this amazing power into our hearts and fill us up. Let Your glory shine in and through us as we walk through the day, looking to You for all of our needs. You complete us. You give us everything that we need and You bless us. Thank You Jesus! We trust in You Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. AMEN! Lord Jesus. In Your Name, I am praying πŸ™ with our Janet.

    2. I'm joining this prayer party, thanks to Janet's awesome prayer! Thank you, Janet, and AMEN!

    3. Gathering into your Perfect Prayer!! Amen

    4. Prayer and trust always on the menu of the day! Thank you Janet!

  50. Such assuring prayer. Thank you dear Janet & bless your day πŸ™❤️πŸ™Œ

  51. Blessings to each of you, Dear JC Family. Praying for each request and for those that I cannot comprehend, Brie. I see heartache in many of my cases and I offer prayer. Some receive it, others remain silent. God knows their hearts and our every need has been promised to be met. My DH and I thank you for your continued prayers. He is doing well and we are thankful. We come to you Lord for direction and empowerment. Continue to show us Your Way.
    Love and God's Richest Blessings to each of you.

  52. Thanks dear Norah! May God bless you and your DH, strengthen and heal your weaknesses, and lead you to joy, rest, and fulfillment in Him. Praying with you and for you. One day at a time in God’s presence and unchanging peace. Sending love! Have a happy day!

  53. I stand, I stand in awe of You! I woke up hearing this song in my head and it started my worship time this morning. Praying for all the requests here and Praise God for all of you. 🎢

    1. Thank you for adding light to my day dear Day-ly Scriptures. God bless your day and thank you for your prayers.

    2. I Stand and Sing with you! Thanks for the worship song jump start to my day!
      ♥️🎢 Link

  54. "In order to know My will, you must spent time with Me--enjoying My Presence. This is not an onerous task but a delightful privilege."
    Today in addition to my quiet time-time spent in prayer, His Word (1 Samuel 7 today), this Jesus Calling site; I went out into the woods, short distance back of our place. As is my habit there, I slowly walk to a spot then stand still, allowing the sounds to penetrate. Thanking Him for His creation, I become aware of all the birdsong, the movement of squirrels overhead, flutter of small birds wings, bees etc. Today a robin followed me; as I stood still it flew within about 6 feet, just sat and looked at me for a minute or so. Precious!
    I was also there for a reason, in the small hours we were woken to sounds of sqealling, some creatures were tussling in the dark (must get a creature cam of some sort).
    On my walk I saw signs; claw marks, holes in the lawn, woodland bulbs and plants dug up. Probably Badgers I think.
    Out in the woods alone, I spend time with Him; alone on the beach too I'm with Him. It's the greatest of pleasures to enjoy His Presence wherever we are.
    These times with Him not only bring peace, but help to receive wisdom and understanding; to understand His priorities-His Will for the day. Things I gotta do somehow get pushed back in line; other things are brought to the top of the list; like caring for someone, the replacement laptop can wait; His Priorities are always Kingdom related, He's more concerned with people than things. In these times spent with Him we have a heart to Heart connection, we get our spiritual 'gas tank' filled, refreshed, renewed; revitalized we are prepared for the day ahead.
    James 4:8. "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."
    Psalm 1:1-2. "Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night."
    Psalm 46:10 AMPC "Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I Am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth!"
    Matthew 6:33 "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
    Romans 12:2 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

    1. Thanks dear Peter! You blessed me so much by sharing your faith experience and beautiful heart. I can relate to it. Our loving Father speaks to us in the wind and the rustling of leaves and the flight of a flock of birds and the brilliant sun streaming through the leafy trees and the ocean’s roar and majesty. Be still and know that I am God. We feel His Presence magnified in the stillness as we stand with an open heart surrounded by the beauty of His Creation. Seek Him and He is Found. He orders our priorities in His own Way. He leads us in the paths He has prepared for us, and fills us in body, mind and spirit. He refreshes our souls. Thank you. Blessings and peace to you.

  55. Thank you for sharing this lovely beginning of your day, showing how you bring your day to him and allow Him to organize your priorities, and the encouraging verses. God bless you
