Sunday, May 31, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 1

     I am involved in each moment of your life. I have carefully mapped out every inch of your journey through this day, even though much of it may feel haphazard. Because the world is in a fallen condition, things always seem to be unraveling around the edges. Expect to find trouble in this day. At the same time, trust that My way is perfect, even in the midst of such messy imperfection.
     Stay conscious of Me as you go through this day, remembering that I never leave your side. Let the Holy Spirit guide you step by step, protecting you from unnecessary trials and equipping you to get through whatever must be endured. As you trudge through the sludge of this fallen world, keep your mind in heavenly places with Me. Thus the Light of My Presence shines on you, giving you Peace and Joy that circumstances cannot touch. 

Psalm 18:30
English Standard Version

This God—his way is perfect;
    the word of the Lord proves true;
    he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.

Verse thoughts
This psalm thanks the Lord for a great deliverance. The same psalm appears in 2 Samuel 22 with minor differences. As for God, the great Being, who has delivered me, His ways or doings are perfect. He is faithful to all of His promises. 

Isaiah 41:13
English Standard Version

For I, the Lord your God,
    hold your right hand;
it is I who say to you, “Fear not,
    I am the one who helps you.”

My Prayer
Lord, you are with me. Don't let me forget this. As I am often engrossed in my problems and my self-talk begins to overwhelm me, I start to think that I am alone, but I am not. In every moment You are there. Help me to not stare at my circumstances and draw a conclusion that all is not good. You are creator and your way is perfect; the Word of the Lord is true, a shield and refuge. You hold my right hand and let me know I need not fear. You are the one who helps. Center me on this truth. You are here. You are here.  

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. You are right - He is here. Thankful, as always for this blog and for you and your family. Such a great reminder to carry throughout the day...don't let me forget it either, Lord.

  2. Not alone.....comforting. Jesus I Trust in You!

    1. I had honestly just prayed for God and our Savior Jesus Christ to leas me this day moment to moment. That I would stay on the narrow but God's path for me. A coincidence? I don't think so. God's Grace is smiling on all who seek it. In Jesus Jesus I Pray πŸ™

  3. Lauren every time I ride to my prayer journal and every time I open your word I read a devotional you speak to me and give me the answers you comfort me you bring me peace you give me discernment you give me the wisdom and I am seeking. Oh Lord how do you do this I'm still in wonderment. This morning I wrote that I trust you and not just trust you but I know that you will protect me. I've never written those words before protect. But as you know Lord I need protection from someone who made mean well that has hindering spirits that is creating an unhealthy relationship in their mind. I reminded that all our brothers and sisters we love them all and what they do at may hurt us intentionally or unintentionally comes from sin period comes from Satan. So we must always love them. It is a very difficult situation I am in I have to protect myself that I want to be loving. And here you are with yet another devotional speaking directly into my heart. You are right Lord I will stay conscious of you that's the key stay aware that you are with me step-by-step protecting me. I do trust your way is perfect even in the midst of this messy imperfection. Thank you for speaking into my heart this morning

  4. Good morning loved onesπŸ₯°. Yes truly we are loved unconditionally by our Creator & Saviour. Oh blessed assurance! The JC message so fit my needs to a tee this morning. "Unraveling around the edges", " expect trouble", " messy imperfections",. My hubby was diagnosed with aortic aneurysm in 2015, it's a balloon that starts to portrude from the heart vessel, his was small, 2.7-2.9, no cause for alarm but must be watched & tested again. That test is coming up soon. If it measures 5 it can burst & instant death. Therefore a difficult & invasive surgery must be done at that point. I lost sleep last night wrestling with trust issues & a peace that passes understanding. The enemy had a hay day with my mind. Please family pray for our need. JC comment ended with this, " thus the light of my Presence shines on you, giving you peace & joy that circumstances cannot touch"! Be blessed everyoneπŸ₯°

    1. Prayers for your husband, Jan, that the Lord delivers him safely from this condition. Prayers also for your peace of mind. God bless .

    2. Jan, you are in my heart. Prayers for comforting peace of mind and God's healing touch. Be blessed, JC Family.

    3. Prayers for God’s healing for your husband Jan and for His love, peace, joy and comfort for both y’all. I rebuke satan in Jesus heavenly name. God bless
      You πŸ₯°πŸ™

    4. I will be praying for your husband Jan. I pray that his tests will come back with good results. Stay strong in your faith. God will provide.

    5. Jan, you've been in our prayers and will remain in our prayers. Jehovah Rapha is already in control of your husband's situtation!
      Jehovah Shalom is already with you!

      Stay blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Joining with all my JC family in prayer for you and your husband, Jan as I am reminded of His promises: He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him for His Lift and His Deliverance!
      For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I Who say to you, “Trust I AM The One Who helps you. Trust I AM The One Who lifts you. Trust I AM The One Who delivers you” In the name of Jesus, Amen

    7. Praying Jan! And asking for prayers as my husband has a similar condition.

    8. Also praying for you and your husband, sweet4G!

    9. Jan, A year later, I pray your husband's heart condition is no longer an issue and he is doing well. Sweet4G!, I added both Jan's husband and your husband to my prayer list. Praying God will lead them to perfect health.

    10. Dear Sister Jan and Sweet4G, Continuing to pray for your dear Husbands. Trust in the Lord with ever fiber of your being.
      Psalm 103:1-5
      Bless the Lord, O my soul;
      And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
      Bless the Lord, O my soul,
      And forget not all His benefits:
      Who forgives all your iniquities,
      Who heals all your diseases,
      Who redeems your life from destruction,
      Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
      Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
      So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

    11. “the Light of My Presence shines on you, giving you Peace and Joy that circumstances cannot touch.”
      Holy Spirit, I invite you in to control my thoughts and ask for you to speak through me and to hold my tongue when I should not speak. Use me Lord, use my husband and our marriage to draw others closer to you. This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it! πŸ€—πŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸΌ
      Love, prayers and blessings

  5. Jan I'm praying for both healing and peace for you both. Climb up into our Daddys lap and rest

  6. Glory, Glory, Glory to the King of kings! Thank You Lord for crossing us over to the month of June, Thank You, Thank You Father!
    As we have entered this new month, the scripture says in Isaiah 41:13, "For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you"!

    I decree and declare as we have entered
    this new month, that we are: Blessed, Victorious, Goodness and Mercy will chase us down, we will testify to the Glory of God, we shall not fear because our FATHER has gone ahead of us to make all crooked places straight!
    Peace, Love, Abundance, New levels, Manifestations, Breakthroughs, the Heaven to pour down showers of favors upon us, Great health, long Happy Lives, Unity and Restorations, answers to all our prayers, are ALL our portion this new month in the name of JESUS!!

    We are children of the most HIGH GOD and have the right to take our positions and claim ALL that belong to us without fear or intimidation from the enemy!
    We stand in Faith and Trust, knowing that nothing is impossible for God!

    In His Presence, there is Fulness of Joy!!

    A Blessed and Happy June JC Family! Claim your blessings!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Yes Lord! I declare all that Maplewood calls out and humbly ask you for one day's portion of grace. Hello, June! ✝️πŸ‘

    2. I look forward to the crossovers, Maplewood NJ. Year over year the tracts you laid remain timeless gems. I too was snagged and WOWED by Isaiah 41: 13.
      Thank you God for leading Chris to maintain all the golden oldies and time honored treasures on this site. And thanks Chris for following His Lead. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Yes Lord. I declare with Audra that this month of June will be everything but jejune. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. Thank you again and again dear Maplewood for ushering us into the month of June and lifting us with your Spirit filled words and powerful prayer. God bless you always!!

  7. After listening to a comment on the news about asthma, I thank the Lord for all the senses we thank for granted - sight, hearing, taste, smell and especially the air that I breathe. And Father, thank You for pursuing me when I was lost in sin. Thank You for being an intimate and loving God. I pray in the name of Jesus.

  8. Praying for your hubby, Jan and a truly blessed appointment. I ask for prayers for my "girls," as tonight is the celebration for our bride-to-be. Praying for safety, good sense and a wonderful time for her. My daughter is on the plane right now - praying for her safety and peace of mind. Going to our 2nd memorial service in 2 days. So thankful for the Truth of God's Word. Love and Blessings, JC Family

    1. Praying it was a wonderful celebration, Norah, and enjoyed by all .

  9. " I am involved in each moment of your life. I have carefully mapped out every inch of your journey through this day, even though much of it may feel haphazard.". It is so calming, knowing that He is with us through this pandemic, through the riots, anger, and destruction happening, and through my husband's surgery this morning,He is holding my right hand. His peace is covering me and all of us through it all. Thank you, Jesus!

    1. Praying for your husband and that his surgery goes well. May our good Lord bless him with comfort and healing. KS

    2. I too am praying for your husband Barb. May his surgery go well and the healing be complete. God will give you comfort during this time. Praying every day for all JC Warriors requests. Praying for peace in this very broken world.


    3. Joining the prayer warriors for a successful outcome in your husband's surgery, Barb. May God watch over his entire medical team and guide them in their efforts.

    4. I join the JC family in prayer for your husband's surgery, Barb. May God's wisdom be with his Drs and nurses who are caring for him. Be blessed knowing God is in control of every aspect of your husband's health, and praying for a complete and quick recovery. God bless you both.������������

      Blessings from California

    5. Joining with all our JC family in prayer for you and your husband, Barb and his entire medical team. As I join in prayer, I am reminded of His promises: He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him for His Lift Up and His Deliverance Out!
      For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I Who say to you, “Trust I AM The One Who helps you. Trust I AM The One Who lifts you up. Trust I AM The One Who delivers you through it all and out” In the name of Jesus I stand on His Word as I pray and I thank. Amen

    6. God be with you, Barb, and with your husband in his surgery. May God be glorified in all things.

    7. Barb, praying for your husband, you and all involved in his medical care!

    8. Amen! He brings peace to all our difficult situations. Praying for your husband's perfect recovery and strengthening of all of his weaknesses and your strength and joy as you care for him.

    9. Dear Barb, I pray your husband has already seen God's faithfulness and his health has turned around. God is so good and faithful. So we trust in Him above all. May He bless, and heal all of your weaknesses and bring your husband back to perfect health.
      We thank You Father for this in the powerful name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus.

    10. Agreeing in prayer with Jeanne and others here, Barb.

  10. Barb - Joining warriors in prayer for your husband, comforting peace for you as He holds your hand and surrounds you with His love and presence.

  11. Barb, covering your husband in the blood of Jesus as he head for his surgery. May the hands of Jehovah be upon the doctors and nurses as they attend to him, in Jesus name.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Prayers for your husband, Barb; for the Doctors, Nurses and staff being a blessing to him and for Your hand of protection and healing over him. Thank you, Father, for holding Barb's hand through her husband's surgery.
      Looking forward to the wonderful report, that 'all is well!'

    2. Blessings and peace for Barb today as Jesus covers all medical situations.
      And for us all in this upside down world, may we be granted one more day's portion of Grace. ✝️♥️

  12. Praying God's protection for those who are risking their lives on the front lines protecting our country from mass destruction, fires, looting, etc. created by angry protestors. Let there be PEACE on earth.

    1. Amen, Sassy Mom - joining you in prayers. "Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven." Matthew 18:19
      Brilamar, I have the song you posted yesterday running through my mind. Thank you - one of my favorites!

    2. Glad it was able to land in your mind Norah! This morning, I woke up singing Love Lifted Me and it is keeping my mind occupied in Heavenly places with Him! As Sarah Young stated, Thus the light of His Presence is shining on me, giving me peace and joy high above current circumstances. Praying for my JC family and the whole world. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Amen

    3. I am still scratching my headachy head trying to discern how Sarah Young received today's reading which could have been written today???? I am trying to fix my eyes on Jesus and 5 of His crystal clear instructions through Sarah Young, rather than today's circumstances. The 5 Instructions are crystal clear:
      "Because the world is in a fallen condition, things always seem to be unraveling around the edges...
      1) Trust that My Way is perfect;
      2) Stay conscious of Me as you go throughout this day;
      3) Remember that I never leave your side;
      4) Let the Holy Spirit guide you step X step;
      5) Keep your mind in Heavenly places with Me;
      Thus will the light of My Presence shine on you, giving you peace and joy that circumstances cannot touch."
      Dear Lord, please help me read and reread these 5 directions, breathing them in one at a time, as Bob suggested, until I am following them. I will know I am getting this recipe right when I receive Your Peace and Your Joy! Thanks for Your Help, Sweet Jesus Amen

    4. Amen Sassy Mom,
      Those brave good people on the frontlines who are keeping the violence down and calming angry people are God's faithful servants. They're doing their best to keep peace in a fallen world. We who are safe in our homes can't imagine the great stress they are under. May God put a strong hedge of protection around them and all his people. Praying that God will change the hardened and angry hearts and open their eyes to see that although unspeakable injustice should never be tolerated, we must not react in a sinful way. God is not pleased when an injustice brings forth more violence and ungodliness. He has come to bring peace and we must all do our part. Keep praying thanking Him that His peace fills every dark crevice and brings something wonderful out of this present situation.

    5. Such a beautiful song, Love Lifted Me. I can remember so many times in my life, when the Love of God lifted me high above my circumstances and set me on a high place where I could clearly see my blessings even amidst the trials. Such good advice dear Brie. 1) Trust that My Way is perfect;
      2) Stay conscious of Me as you go throughout this day;
      3) Remember that I never leave your side;
      4) Let the Holy Spirit guide you step X step;
      5) Keep your mind in Heavenly places with Me;
      Thus will the light of My Presence shine on you, giving you peace and joy that circumstances cannot touch."
      Thank you dear sister!

    6. ♥️🎢 Love Lifted Me

  13. So many lives have been lost, so many hearts are broken, so much pain, so many unanswered question. But through it all Father, You remain the same faithful, caring and loving God. May we NEVER forget that. Thank You for a new day, a new week and a new month. Thank You for the blessing to breathe again and be in Your Presence. May we keep You first place in our lives more than ever. I stand in prayers this morning for a nation torned and divided by so much hate and anger, I stand in prayers for those with voices that cannot be heard, for those suffering through pain and grief, I pray that ALL will come to realize that this world is not our home and we will leave here to meet You one day and give account for our character. May Your Love Oh Heavenly Father, blow like a breeze through all the struggles and chaos and give a sign of hope for a better tomorrow in Jesus name. Thank You for being with us through this journey of confusion and help us to stay conscious of You every step of the way. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

    Because Christ lives, we can face tomorrow! Whether through blessings or trials, may we expect light at the end of the tunnel this month of June!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen, Maplewood! Your prayer is mine. Because Christ lives, we can face tomorrow. This resonates within my heart today. God bless you.

      Love from California

    2. Thank you for this post, twin bd sis! Oh how it must grieve the Father to see His creation trying to undo all the good He has done in creating it, redeeming it, and filling it with His love. As He allows time for all to repent, may we allow the Holy Spirit to lead all actions and reactions to the ills of the world. He will settle all things one day and that settling will be for all eternity. Marantha! Come Lord Jesus!

    3. Amen Amen Maplewood NJ and Rose. Praying for His Peace and Joy that are always here, because He is, untouched by circumstances. Amen

    4. Wonderful posts dear Maplewood and Bob. Amen to that! We are in capable Hands as the Comforter sweeps through the world making all things right. Wait on the Lord. Be patient and brave. Do not let the media rob you of His precious peace. Live each day looking up in gratitude, to where your help cometh. God bless you all my dear JC Family. Much love.

    5. Thank you dear Maplewood, Rose, Bob and Brie. Amen! Love your beautiful words that the Spirit gave you for us: May Your Love Oh Heavenly Father, blow like a breeze through all the struggles and chaos and give a sign of hope for a better tomorrow in Jesus name.
      Amen! We can face anything because the Lord goes with us through our hard times and carries us when we're weary and leads us when we're lost or confused. Dear Bob, I am looking forward for the complete settling that will be for all eternity. Amen! Come Lord Jesus, Come!

  14. The day is here and Sara's words remind me that our anticipated trouble may very well be. Today is the day my husband will meet with my son and see what comes next. We understand that God is with us and know any decision will have difficulty. We are praying our sons choice is to stay not flee and seek further help, not succumb to the evil one. We do not want to lose our son, He knows who God is but does not know Him or accept him. That is why He is lost. We have prepared for this day but remain hopeful that God can change everything. We are praying with hope and confidence in Gods goodness. Prayers please for our sons life. Thank J.C. family your prayers give me strength for I am far away and isolated. My husband needs prayers for He is weary and sad. Our faith remains in Gods perfect will for all of our lives. Thank you Lord for always leading us thru the streets of this war torn world protecting us in the shelter of your wings despite all circumstances. Please prepare the prodigal's heart for restoration thru the blood of Jesus. Amen

    1. Prayers going out for your family, Fern. I pray that God will take you, your husband and your son by the hand and lead you where he wants you all to go. It's so hard to watch our kids struggle. Prayers for peace for you all.

    2. Praying for all of you, Fern and that God works a miracle in your son's heart. As Suzanne said, it is so hard when we see our kids struggle...prayers for peace in your heart, for your husband's strength and your son's meekness.

    3. Dear Fern, I cannot help but be reminded of Monica, the mother of Augustine, who prayed at length for her son's soul while he pursued the ways of the world. Her 'praying without ceasing' led to his conversion one day and he became one of the foremost voices of the Christian faith in the history of the church. Moral of this story, the love pouring out of you in your prayers and your seeking prayers (which we are all doing in our love for you) will come to fruition one day in your son's conversion. Hear our prayers, O Lord, for Fern's son and his heart. Draw it back to you and unto your glory. Amen

    4. Joining with all my JC family in prayer for you and your husband, and son, Fern. As I pray I am reminded of His promises: He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him for His Lift up and His Deliverance through and out!
      You are not far away and isolated Fern, for the Lord your God, is holding your right hand; and says to you, “Trust I AM The One Who is helping you. Trust I AM The One Who is lifting you up. Trust I AM The One Who is delivering you through it all and out. I AM HERE! In the name of Jesus, I am joining with our JC family praying and thanking. Amen

    5. Fern, I am standing in agreement through prayers with this body of believers for your family. God is able and I won't stop repeating it because He Is! God bless.

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Thank you each one you for the strength I am receiving through your prayers, I am able to pass that on to my husband. As I read my eyes so clouded with tears of hope I cannot read and must pray. I even at one point thought " Lord are u taking away my sight so I can seek only you?" But no, just after that my vision was refreshed.Thank u Lord, Thank you everyone for refreshing my vision. Too many to name my heart is full. I need the fullness of God to proceed down this dark path to enable my husband and I to surrender our Son. It is the only light I see, surrender Him Gods speaks to me, He is mine and the path is never dark for me. Ungrip and release. Thank you Lord, here comes peace again. If only I could chain it down, but that's not the way of peace and chains, just willingness to trust and believe. Thank you my family of hope! God bless u.

    7. Bob, Monica is one of my favorite names now I know why. Peace

    8. Praying for your strength and peace of mind while you wait to hear how the face to face meeting will go. God knows all your hearts. He sees your son's inner turmoil and understands the road he's on. He knows your husband has been under so much stress and is sad and tired. He knows your concerns and worries. Praying that love will win and when they see each other's faces the spirit will give your husband the words to say to rekindle the fire of love in your son's heart. I pray that he will want to get better and with your husband and the spirit's guidance he will find the help he needs. Bob's post encourages us to believe that your son's situation will bring forth good fruit in the end, and he will belong to the family of God according to God's plan for him. Believe the best will happen.

    9. Dear Fern, Each day when I pray for you and your family, I ask God to bless and heal your son and you and your husband. He can do all things so we are praying together that Dan with the help of His loving Father, the Son and the Spirit, has turned himelf around, is healed and is accepting help with a smile and realizing his family love him with the unconditional love of God. May God shower strength, peace and healing on all of you dear Fern.

  15. Asking for prayers this morning for my son in law who is a police officer with HPD here in Houston as well as for all officers nationwide. HPD is on mandatory 12 hour shifts with no days off until further notice. Protests have turned into riots here and Kyle has had rocks, water bottles and many other objects thrown at him. He is mentally and physically exhausted and there is no end in sight as the funeral will be here this week. HPD is concerned that the riots will be even worse as the funeral approaches.

    Please keep all first responders in your prayers this week as we try to move past this tragedy.

    1. Suzanne--- Joining you and all the JC WARRIORS in lifting up your son Kyle and all the First Responders. We lift up our Nation and our leaders to You, Lord, and ask for Your wisdom, grace and mercy to cover us. Help lead us through this darkness into Your arms, peace and light. Thank You Lord You hear our prayers and You watch over Your Word to perform it! In Jesus's Name AMEN and AMEN

    2. Prayers are going up, Suzanne

    3. Lord, hear our prayers for Kyle and the 99.9% of police officers who have the safety and well being of their communities at heart. We pray for their protection, we pray for their stamina, we pray for their dedication. Hear our prayers for them. Amen

    4. Please also pray for the medical staffs who are enduring trudging through the sludge again, to keep their minds in Heavenly places with God, even though circumstances allowed no time to refresh between pandemic and pandemonium. Amen

    5. Suzanne R, Lifting prayers up for Your son Kyle and all those God fearing dedicated frontline workers. His mercy and protection will remain with them, in Jesus name.

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Suzanne thank you for including me with your own prayers. I have been praying for Houston my home is in Texas & that is where my son is. Continued prayers for our great city to not waiver in their resolve for God's justice. Houston is a community of strin Christ believers, praise God. I now have a name for the police who need Prayers. Kyle will be the name. Please Lord give Kyle and all the righteous defenders of your land super natural protection and wisdom. Give them unimaginable stamina and relief at the same time, Help them to avoid the snares of the enemy and those who mean harm and evil. Jesus come and protect our nation as we proclaim and resurrect the truth IN GOD WETRUST. Continued prayers for all defenders and appointed to protect and serve. God bless them abundantly. On going prayers for our Houston as noted the funeral will be a challenge. But not for God. Thank you Lord for your unimaginable solution that is already in the works and unfolding. Thank you Jesus for your powerful shed blood which will heal our nation in your timing. We expect it. Love conquers all!

    7. Suzanne, Praying that God will put a strong Hedge of Protection around Kyle and all the brave defenders, and keep them safe from any harm. Strengthen their bodies, minds, hearts and soul. Help them to find times of refreshment and renewal in this angry situation. May God bring healing, control and peace to this fallen world. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.

    8. Continuing to pray for Kyle dear Suzanne. May God protect him every day and bring him protection, strength, wisdom, guidance, and the only true joy and peace that comes from faith in the Lord Jesus.

    9. How is Kyle doing today our dear Suzanne R.? Kyle and all law enforcement officers remain in my prayers. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  16. AMEN and AMEN, JJ! Suzanne - our hearts are with you in prayer; that, Kyle's strength will be renewed and the adversary's hands bound.

  17. Fern, sincere prayers for your family this day.

  18. Praise God, yesterday I caught a glimpse on TV of a praytest happening outside of St Louis Cathedral in New Orleans. It seems a group of praytesters were on their knees praying for our people, our cities, our nation and our world! Would that this continue and spread in the name of Jesus. Amen!

  19. I am grateful for this blog and each one of you. Thank you Chris for maintaining it for us. As I have sought the Lord our God through Lent and the Easter season, it has helped me so much to share my understandings of God's love for us with you. It has helped me see things more clearly so I can love Him more dearly. I am not sure what I will be posting about in the future. I will allow the Spirit to lead in whatever it will be.

    A thought on the JC reading for today. A helpful tool in practicing the presence of God each moment of life as suggested is take a verse of scripture from your AM devotion and repeat it as you breathe in so it dwells in your heart, mind, and soul. That is a form of what is called the 'Breath Prayer'. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Bob, I am sure whatever the Spirit puts on your heart to share will be inspired! All you have shared has inspired me and my walk with the Lord! Thank You!!
      The 'Breath Prayer' has been a favorite. Love, from Maryville, Tennessee

    2. Yes Bob, I second that motion. Everything you post brings me much inspiration and encouragement. The spirit works mightily inside you to instruct and lift us. Loved the 'Breath Prayer' too. God bless your day.

    3. Man down! Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, 2000 years ago it happened to You. Your passion, Your crucifixion and Your death by those who thought you deserved it and it was the "right" thing to do are recorded in Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23 and John 19 when the world was likewise in a fallen condition, God's Words fell on deaf ears, mobs seemed to rule, worldly righteousness prevailed and riots broke out. Lord, have Your children learned anything in 2000 years that endures?
      Please let Your Peace and Your Love begin with me, and remain with me all my days. I am not there yet, but I want to be. I pray and I thank. Lord, have mercy on us, on George Floyd's family and on his soul. Amen

    4. Breathing in I trust Your Way is Perfect, Breathing out I trust Your Way is Perfect. Exercising my trust muscles. I know the only perfect way is the Lord's. Let Him guide my days. He is so much better at it than I am. Dear Brie, Amen! Let His Peace and Love begin with me. Let us try our best to share it with anyone we speak to or see. One Word, One Smile, One Ear to listen can change a person's day through His Love.

  20. Dear Lord, help me to have faith and courage when troubles find its way into my life. Help me to know that my life full of "messiness and imperfection" is only an opportunity to grow closer to you and to rely on you alone for my peace. Help me to know true peace cannot be found in this world, but only in union with You. I infinitely thank you for being with me every step of the way. Being with me is true and is with Your love always. Amen.

    1. Amen! He is with us every step of the way. He will never leave us nor forsake us. We are with Him and He is with us.
      Emmanuel- God with us.

  21. Good morning JC family. My prayers are with Fern for her family. May the Spirit guide your steps to help your son in what he needs, and praying that His will be done in your lives. And Suzanne, for your son-in-law. May his strength be renewed daily. I pray a hedge of protection over him, my cousin Mailo, who is with LAPD, and all first responders. Protect all protesters as well, Lord. Comfort the family of George Floyd. May our eyes and ears be open to Your truth, Father. May you all feel God's love, peace, comfort and joy this new month of June.

    I also lift up my cousin Billy and his family in prayer. Billy went to be with the Lord yesterday. He is home. Although our hearts are broken, I know that Billy is finally at peace without the burdens or cares of this earthly world. Whatever he was struggling with is no longer his cross to bear. I rejoice in knowing that Billy accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior before he passed. Until the days of heaven, cousin. I love you.

    Lord, I ask that You comfort my family during our loss. Give us peace that surpasses all understanding. And I pray especially for those who have not yet accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior.

    We know that it is in the darkest moments of our lives that You carry us, Lord. I'm thankful for Your calming Presence. Shine Your heavenly light on my family today, and my prayers are with all those who are struggling with drug addiction and health issues.

    Help me, lord to always seek You in all that I do and say.


    We little knew the day God was going to call your name.
    In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same.

    Our family chain is broken and nothing seems the same.
    But as God calls us one by one the chain will link again.
    -poem by Ron Tranmer

    1. Praying a prayer of comfort for your family Rose, at this difficult time. Sending God's peace and comfort.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Thank you, Rose! Prayers for peace and comfort for your family in this time of loss. So very sorry to hear about your cousin.

    3. Amen He is a very present help in times of trouble. Praying that Billy is realizing God's promises. Praying for your comfort as you cope with his passing. I'm so glad he came to accept the Lord before he passed. You will see him again someday and you can know that his joy is now full and beyond our understanding. May God hold you and your family very tight and fill the holes in your hearts with his love and peace.

    4. Dear Rose, Every day I pray for you and your family's comfort and peace. Billy is in a far better place than this fallen world and he is resting now but will be realizing God's promises, getting all his questions answered, being reunited with loved ones, beholding the face of the Lord, and experiencing a peace beyond our understanding. You will be with him again and it will be a joyful and perfect day.

  22. Rose thank you for your prayers despite your own suffering. My love is sent to you as you grieve the loss of Billy. Gods best was to free him, we know this though our grief lingers because he was so loved. I will be praying for u as I pray for my loved ones. God bless you and your family . Thank u

  23. May God graciously receive our dear brother Billy, and wrap the family safely and peacefully within His loving arms. Amen

  24. Thanking God for TN Chattanooga's police chief's bold and God fearing statement and praying for more hearts of Jesus' love and human compassion to ring louder to the glory of God. Father, I pray a shield of protection upon him and his family and all those who are not afraid to condemn human cruelty, regardless of the color of their skin or belief.
    May the true Love of Jesus reign now and forever in this nation and around the world. Father, for the sake of Your Son Jesus, I pray this. Amen.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen. Praying with you that the hearts of Jesus' love and mercy to ring louder to God's glory! Thank you. God is in the Center so all things will come together in His own timing. Waiting on His faithfuless.

  25. Woke up singing this morning. Mentally repeating this song rather than watching TV news repeats. Inspired to share with our JC Family.
    I was sinking deep in sin
    Far from the peaceful shore
    Very deeply stained within
    Sinking to rise no more
    But the Master of the sea
    Heard my despairing cry
    From the waters lifted me
    Now safe am I
    Love lifted me!
    Love lifted me!
    When nothing else could help
    Love lifted me!
    All my heart to Him I give
    Ever to Him I'll cling
    In His blessed presence live
    Ever His praises sing
    Love so mighty and so true
    It merits my soul's best songs
    Faithful, loving service, too
    To Him belongs
    Love lifted me!
    When nothing else could help
    Love lifted me!
    When nothing else could help
    Oh His love lifted me
    Love and Blessings JC Family.

  26. Lexi update: In her own words.

    Hey, everybody! Just wanted to update. Yesterday was a really hard day. I had a busting headache and had a seizure episode. But, today has been a lot better. Thank You, Lord! The doctors came around this morning and the plan is to step me down to the regular floor and out of ICU. They are also feeling confident about sending me home tomorrow! Please pray with me that the clotting will be broken down and disappear, that the side effects from the clot will go away, and that I will get better each day. I am forever beyond grateful for each of you all and your prayers. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Love you guys.

  27. Thanks for sharing. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. Amen

  28. Praying God's healing over Lexi's head. Thank you Father for healing your beloved child, Lexi, and for getting rid of the clotting and relieving her pain. Grant that she will not experience any bad side affects, and improve her health with each passing day. We thank you for this in the name of Jesus Christ.

  29. Through Christ you have come to trust in God. And you have placed your faith and hope in God because He raised Christ from the dead and gave Him great glory. (1 Peter 1:21)

    Father, thank You for Your everlasting, unconditional love. You delight in answering our faithful prayers. I pray for a heart filled to overflowing with faith that will not doubt Your response. Nothing is beyond Your ability. You are all powerful and supreme. There is no one above You. You are God Almighty -- the most high. You are more than worthy and deserving of all my praise, worship, and devotion. I give all that I am and all that I have to You Lord. I trust, love, and adore You. Praise You Lord always and continually. Thank You Jesus. You are my everything Lord. You mean so very much to me.

    Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You and praise Your name, for in perfect faithfulness You have done wonderful things, things planned long ago. (Isaiah 25:1)

    1. Let the peace and love of the Lord reign in your heart and resonate into the world around you.

  30. Thank you and Amen Janet. You're words moved me to my soul. God hears your beautiful prayers. Continuing to pray for your happy tomorrows. He is leading you as you sincerely trust in His provisions and mercy.
    Christ is the Gateway to the Father. Trust in the Son and you are trusting in the Father and His Spirit. He will always be in your corner, sweet sister, and you will always be surrounded by His love and care. Keep walking in praise and gratitude. Amen! Always and continually, and pray without ceasing.

    1 Thessalonians 16-18

    Rejoice evermore.

    Pray without ceasing.

    In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

  31. “Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving. And pay your vows to the Most High” (Psalm 50:14).
    Let’s give thanks to God with a grateful heart this morning, He has crossed us over to a new month!

    We thank You Loving Father for allowing us to be together under Your covenant as we welcome this new day and new month giving thanks to You Almighty God for Your saving grace and mercy. You’ve carried us through 5 months and have caused us to hear and see Your loving kindness throughout. We trust You, we love You, we honor You, all the glory is Yours. Thank You for being right there beside us through the trials, hardships, pain, grief, sadness, disappointments and so much more. Through it all, we also saw and experienced Your good works and blessings in and on our lives. Health, joy, favors, breath of life each day, shelter, food, provisions, protection, guidance, directions, healing, victory over the powers of darkness and the preservation of our lives and that of our love ones.
    We Thank You Lord. Great is indeed Your faithfulness and blessed are we to see and receive new mercy morning by morning.
    You have been good to us, yet we have not always done things according to Your Will, plan and purpose for our lives. We have slacked in our reading, praying and studying of Your Word, and perhaps been selfish in our giving to Your kingdom and to those that are in need. We may have strayed in our thoughts, words and deeds that are contrary to Your Words and have not allowed Your Spirit to have total control in our lives. For this and much more, we ask Your forgiveness now Lord, please turn our hearts back to You and grant us fresh anointing this new month. Fill us with Your Spirit and elevate us to a place of total surrender.
    The Word says:“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matt. 6:33).
    All these things includes: Spiritual breakthrough, overflow blessings of this new month, joy, peace, abundance, great health, favor, provisions, restoration, direction, healing, provisions, protection, guidance, and of course Your loving kindness, tender mercy, compassion and grace, are all ours as we seek You and move forward into this new day and month.
    We Thank You for Jesus who endured so much pain and suffering for our salvation. As You have ushered us into this six month, may we be blessed with the same kind of strength to endure life for Your sake. Thank You for the opportunity to just be vessels for Your kingdom. Thank You for crossing us and our family into a new month filled with all of the gifts that we will find along the way, and thank You giving us, our family and loved ones, health, strength and Your unconditional, undying, never-failing, endless love that graces us each day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    God has given us a challenge. Malachi 3:10 says Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room”. So for this new month of June, let’s do our part by bringing all the tithes into His storehouse, put Him to it and trust Him because He never fails!

    Wishing and praying for you and yours, a joyful, happy, blessed new month of June and the many blessings God has in store for you. Remain blessed and stay in His grace.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank You God for Maplewood NJ and for this June Prayer through her;
      Thank You God for Chris Payton and our entire JC Family, each of our dear ones, and this prayer warrior's room through Chris;
      Thank You God for all Your Blessings;
      Thank You God for all Your Forgiveness;
      Thank You God for Always Being our God;
      Thank You God for all of the above and more beside, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Joining in your sweet prayer of Thanksgiving sister! Amen!
      Thank You dear Father for all of the above and even more. Thank you for blessing dear Brie and her family and healing all their weaknesses and bringing them peace and joy always and ever. Amen.

  32. Happy June, everyone! Bless you, Maplewood, for always reminding us that each day, each month is a gift.
    Trying to put my 'work hat,' on after several days off! Dr. appt at 9:00 - praying that I'm in and out in no time and on with the day.
    "Thus the Light of My Presence shines on you, giving you Peace and Joy that circumstances cannot touch." Praying this for each of us. Anticipating the little Anniversary Part we will attend this evening for our dear friends who we stood up for at their wedding last year. Praying for each of my loved ones in our 'crazy quilt' family. Each one is perfectly designed by Our Father.
    Love and Blessings, JC Family!

    1. Happy June dear Norah and my dear JC Family. Thanks for your prayers and your encouragement. Praying your Dr. appt. went well and work is going fine too. Get some rest now! Much love to all!

  33. AMEN to all the above prayers.
    Lord thank you for this wonderful platform that you've lead each of us to. It is an awesome privilege to join together in your name thanking you and honoring you. Lord we submit all that we are to you. Use us Lord for your glory and our good. You alone Lord are worthy and glorious, deserving of all praise. Show us Lord please where we're holding back something from you. Open up our eyes Lord and give us the ability to surrender it to you and to never reclaim it as ours. Lord you are holy and pure and your ways are holy and pure there's no better place for us to lay our lives down than at your feet. Lord as each of us carry personal burdens I ask you Lord to show us what part is yours to do and what part is ours to do. As we surrender to you we understand that it doesn't mean not doing anything, but it means listening to you and doing what you ask us to do and being still when that is what you need from us. Please Lord give us ears to hear your voice clearly blacking out all others. Lord we trust you to complete the good work you have started in us.

    1. Amen ❤️πŸ™❤️

    2. Amen to that Terri! Thank You dear Lord for showing us the way in which we should walk and giving us the words we need to say and discernment to separate the wheat from the chaff in our lives. Guide us to what you have prepared for us to accomplish to give you glory and always remind us to stay in Your Presence.
      Waiting, Trusting, and Seeking.

  34. Please join me in prayer for (6 year old Jackson) this prayer request I received from my cousin. "Brain Surgery at 8am this morning, lasting 4-6 hours. Praying to direct every move of the surgeons and anesthesiologist and anything concerning. Standing against all anxiety and fear. Strength, confidence, courage and grace for parents and family. Great shall be the peace of our children. 6 year old Jackson shall live and not die and declare the works of the Lord."

    1. Praying for Jackson ❤️πŸ™

    2. ❤️πŸ™❤️ Praying for Jesus' Victory through Jackson, his entire medical team, and his family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Praying for little Jackson that his surgery was successful and he will be brought back to perfect health and his family will be comforted and guided. Thank You Jesus. We know you can do anything.

  35. Praying for little Jackson and his family.

  36. My mom-in-law passed away last night. 97 yrs old. Brought Irene to stay with us from a nursing home at the very beginning of the pandemic. What a blessing the last 15 mo has been. With all its challenges of extremely advanced dementia, I am so very grateful that we were held and provided for by THE great comforter JESUS, every step of the way! Thank you Irene for being a great mom-in-law! Thank you Jesus for your comfort. Amen.

    1. You have my sympathy, ABC.
      May Irene's soul rest in Heavenly Peace. In Jesus' Name. AMEN.

    2. I'm so sorry you lost your dear Mother in law, Irene. It was such a blessing to be able to spend the last 15 months with her. I'm sure it gave her great comfort and peace even with her advanced dementia. May she rest in the arms of the Lord until you meet her again and may you and your family be surrounded with God's love and comfort.

    3. ABC- so very sorry for your loss - also rejoicing about the time you DID have together! Praying for you and your family ❤️

  37. Thank you Lord for this powerful grip of prayer warriors gathered in your name. With confidence and trust we address all needs and requests as you faithfully answer them. God bless y'all for your compassionate and giving hearts!

    1. Amen dear Audra! Thank You Lord for this wonderful family bound by love and faith. So blessed to be standing on the Rock together.

  38. I never knew!
    Until today, when I discovered that earthly situations and circumstances are mutually exclusive from, and independent of, Heavenly Peace and Joys!
    Because of the Light of His Perpetual Presence shining on us, it is perfectly permissible to have all four at the same time! Who knew?

    1. Yes Brie. The deeper life within that is not seen by the unbelievers and only discovered by us through Grace.

      I'm at a low right now but know Grace will teach me more whether I am low or high.

      Why so downcast oh my soul. For I will yet praise Him my savior and God.

    2. Praying for you to feel better Keith. How are you?

  39. VICTORY IN JESUS. Update on little Jackson from his mother. "MRI is clean (no residual tumor left).PTL!!! Due to the surgery not being as invasive as previously planned, he will not require ICU care. Thank You Lord for answering our prayers thus far. Please continue prayers for quick healing, minimal pain and nausea/vomiting." Thank you Warriors for praying. WHAT A MIGHT GOD WE SERVE!!!!!!!! THANK YOU JESUS.

    1. Thanks for the update Sassy Mom.
      VICTORY Thank You prayers are going up now!
      Thank God for God!

    2. Halleluia! One more victory. Thank You Lord for Your faithfulness to this sweet young child. Thank You for bringing him quickly back to good health and keeping him from feeling any bad effects from his surgery. We trust in Your Way because it is Perfect.

    3. Yay Sassy Mom. Thank you for the update. ❤️

  40. Correction: WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE!!!!!!

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  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Closed Doors. Delays. Betrayals. Walkaways. Silence. Overlooked. Unfairness. Upsets. They all serve God's Plan designed to move us forward. Looking back, how do you now see that having had one of these experiences moved you forward?

    I'm asking in conjunction with today's devotion which reminds us that God is very involved in each moment of our life. God has carefully mapped out every inch of our journey through this day, even though much of it may feel haphazard. Even though things always seem to be unraveling around the edges. Even though we experience things we don't like. Even though we find things troubling in this day. At the same time, we can trust that God's way is perfect, even though we are in the midst of messy imperfection! Yes! Through all the "even thoughs" EVERYTHING SERVES GOD'S PLAN.
    Thanking God for you and for whatever "even though" you choose to share. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Blessed, Amen

    2. My instant recollection is of a CLOSED DOOR. When I had 27 years of service, the company with whom I had my professional career, moved my position 500 miles from home.
      Do I leave all I worked for on the table, or do I move for the 3 more years until I could retire with salary and benefits? I was led to follow my career and move.
      Lord I'm 1, Lord I'm 2, Lord I'm 3, Lord I'm 4, Lord I'm 500 miles from my home.
      After 2 years of misery, bitter cold winters for me, loneliness, and sadness with steadfast praying, and hearing what seemed like Heaven's SILENCE, an opportunity was posted only in the 500 mile state for a dream position in my home city and state. Only employees of the distant state were allowed to interview. Had I not been there, I would not have had that opportunity. After 3 rounds of interviews, I was offered and accepted the position which allowed me to keep continuity of service, be of good service and good cheer to others, and eventually retire from one of the best positions I ever had. Thank You Jesus. You knew. CLOSED DOOR and SILENCE would move me forward. Thank You in Jesus' Name. Amen.


      THE GOD OF ANGEL ARMIES by Chris Tomlin, including the backstory behind the song.

    4. Amen! Everything serves God’s Plan! He turns the bad situations into good to serve His purposes. He adds light to every dark storm. He guides our paths according to His will. His Way is perfect. Praise Him with every breath! Love you all. Very busy today but all us going well. Can’t read much now but you are all in my prayers. Much love.

  44. but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it--lest you even be found to fight against God. " (Acts 5:39).

  45. " I am involved in each moment of your life." WOW!! It is so wonderful to re-realize that; to remember that by His Holy Spirit Jesus lives in us. He is not just with us as an impassionate observer, but INVOLVED. The moment I read the first sentence on today's JC reading, I instantly relaxed, and somehow felt lighter. The pressure is off, He is involved in my life. What a blessing! Thank You Jesus, I trust You Lord Jesus.

    1. I had the same WOW! experience Peter, when I read, Isaiah 41: 13, on the June lead-in page 159 in book:
      For I am The Lord your God, Who takes hold of your right hand and says, be bold, be brave and be steadfast, I WILL HELP YOU!

    2. Amen! What an absolute and blessed assurance that Jesus is our constant Help and Comfort and He is involved with every tiny detail and happening of our lives. He goes before us always and He is ever at our sides. We are well taken care of. His peace constantly envelopes us. How blessed we are!

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Thank you dear Heavenly Father for many many blessings received. Help me to continue to see You in good times as well as challenging times. You know all and provide all I need each and every day. Amen.

    1. Joining in your perfect prayer dear ABC. Amen.

  48. Thank you for your question, Brie! I can think of many times in my life where a door seemed slammed shut and opportunity arose later that surprised my imagination in positive results. What I am really blown away by though, is the how many times God has opened doors and windows that I never knew I was trying to open without His help. Thank you Father, for NEVER leaving my side. I TRUST you!

    1. That is so true and amazing sweet Audra! I can really relate! He has opened many doors that needed to be opened before I had even asked for His help. He knows our needs so much more than we do. Amen!

  49. I'm so thankful Janet is doing well and getting some rest. Praying for Jan's DH's arteries to be clear and also for my friend Rudy's healing and recovery. He must go back into the hospital tomorrow to talk with many doctors who are trying to find out why his incision keeps draining. He's not healing and there appears to be a big problem. It may be an infection. God already knows exactly what he needs.
    Dear Father, We trust in you, and we thank you for healing him and for leading the doctors to a way to help Rudy's incision to heal and stop draining. He has trusted in you and his doctors and he has been so patient. Thank you for this and for granting all our prayers, in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    Jeremiah 30:17
    "But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD"

    1. Hallelujah! Joining in prayers with you for Rudy and Jan's husband. May our heavenly Father touch them with His healing hands and restore their bodies whole again. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. Joining in prayer for Janet, Jan's DH and Rudy. May God's peace cover them all and comfort them.

    3. Beloved Jeanne --- Joining in prayers for Janet, Jan (R-shoulder and hand) Jan's DH and Rudy. Thank you, Papa for restoring health to all! In Jesus's Name, AMEN and AMEN. Jeremiah 30:17 is such a SUPERABUNDTANT scripture! You can just feel the healing coming forth with each word! Just Love it, Love it, Love it!!!

    4. Thanks dear Janet, Janet E. and JJ for all your prayers and kind words. Dear JJ, Yes it it a powerful healing verse. God healed me and that verse is one of my verses for healing. Praying now for the healing of Jan’s right shoulder and hand and for your weaknesses which God already knows. God bless you all and show you His faithfulness.

  50. I have an unspoken prayer request if everyone can lift me up please.

    1. My Mighty Papa God, I thank You that You are Anonymous's source in times of need. You are
      Anonymous's help in times of trouble. Anonymous doesn't need to be afraid of what troubles comes upon them because You are their hiding place and source of protection. You are Anonymous's strength when they feel weak in the face of opposition. Help Anonymous to rest in the safety of Your protection and to look to You for everything they need in good as well as difficult times. I ask it all in Jesus's Name, Our Promise Keeper and Our WayMaker, AMEN and AMEN.

      Psalm 46:1. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

      Psalm 117:19-20. "Then they cry to the Lord in their trouble
      and He delivers them out of their distresses. He sends forth His word and heals them and rescues them from the pit and destruction."

    2. Correction: Should read Psalm
      107:19-20. One of my ABSOLUTE favorite scriptures. The fingers fumbled. LOL!

    3. Sweet JJ, Joining that perfect prayer for dear Anonymous! Our awesome God already knows what needs to be done and resolved, so we place our trust in Him with gratitude, faith and praise. Thank You Jesus.

    4. Thanks so much y’all! Sending love ❤️

  51. Good Morning, JC Family. Hope you all slept well and have a blessed day ahead! Asking for traveling mercies today as I fly to Chicago with my son, Nick, and my 3 yr old granddaughter, Rooney, to visit my mom (90) and family. Excited to hug my mom. She'd just amaze you. Excited, too, that with Rooney now 3, there will be more interaction between mom/great grandma & Rooney. Also looking forward to having Nick to myself so to speak and having some time with him. (He's 33 now and very busy with his wife, Michelle, who is expecting a baby boy in September (!), Roo, and his job). How blessed am I to have this time with him/them! I know God will have His hedge of protection around us as we travel to and from Chicago. Your prayers are appreciated!

    1. My Mighty Papa God, You say in Psalm 121:8 that You will preserve NJS's going out and coming in from this time forth and forevermore. Papa, take NJS safely to their destination and back home safely. Let this trip be full of Great Joy and Delight. Watch over each step of this family and cover them with Your Glory and surround them with Your Favor. I Pray and Believe in Jesus's Name, AMEN and AMEN

    2. NJS I join in prayer for safe travels and hope you have a wonderful time with your family.

    3. Showering prayers of God's protection over your family and travels to unite in love with each other. In joy your special time together, NJS!

    4. So happy for you dear NJS! This trip with all its joy and precious moments will lift your heart and renew and refresh you! Joining into all prayers for God’s mighty hedge of protection and peace to surround you and your dear Nick and Rooney at all times! God bless you all, especially your good 90 yr old Mom! God is with you. Rest well beneath His mighty Wings. Enjoy every minute! Much love.

    5. How exciting, NJS! Sending prayers for safe travels.

    6. So happy for you and yours, NJS! Enjoy and savor esch and every moment. And God said, I AM WITH YOU! Because He is.
      Much Love and Many Prayers to you and our entirs JC Family of prayer warriors! In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    7. Thank you, sweet Brie--- receiving your prayers. Great Love and Blessings to you!

  52. Anonymous I am praying for you.

  53. Asking for traveling mercy prayers for my sweet Jon as he heads to the Texas Hill Country today for a guys' weekend.

    1. You've got my prayers for traveling mercies for Jon. Papa God, send Your protective angels to surround Jon and watch over his coming and going. Surround him with Your love and comfort. Carry him through his travels and carry him home safely. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over, Jon, his Spirit, his Soul, his Body. And devil, you can't defeat The Blood!!! HALLELUJAH!!!
      In Jesus's Name, For Your Honor and Your Purposes, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  54. I continue to be the recipient of so many blessings! Even among any hardships You are always there and Your gifts find there way directly to me! Dear Father, continue to find me worthy of these gifts. You are so so good. Amen.

  55. Another very busy day. At last we have medical help for my wife, so back to hospital. Yesterday exhausting physically and emotionally, however "I AM with you" was the constant reminder of our God's help and His presence. Karen saw a Dr who was well acquainted with her medical needs and we have returned home to rest. Monday it's back to hospital for blood work. Karen is much relieved and so thankful for God directed help. He has never failed us yet...not will He ever do so. We continue to count our blessings. He has proven He is involved in every moment of our lives. Bless His Holy Name.

    1. Many Prayers are being said for you, Karen, and the entire medical team. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Brie!! Praying for your rest, rejuvenation and lovely time with your Best Man! <3

    3. For Peter and Karen: Heavenly Father, Your name is All-Powerful. At Your name mountains shake, storms are calmed, the blind see, Giants fall and demons flee. In Your powerful name, I offer a prayer for a medical breakthrough for Karen. Give Peter and Karen assurance that there is NO POWER
      GREATER than Your name. HALLELUJAH!!! Work Your power in Peter and Karen and let Divine Health reign in their lives. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, AMEN and AMEN.

  56. Thanking God for safe travels, joyful reunions and wonderful results from all testing. Love and God's Blessings to each of you and all who don't post....God knows your needs.

  57. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. Joining in prayers with you! God is bigger than all our circumstances and He is ALWAYS with us! He does not leave us or forsake us! He is so very good to us! May we walk in Him every day and His glorious Light shine bright in and through us to the world! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

  58. Joining here in prayer &, praise for God's goodness through the month of May and looking to more of His goodness as we journey through June. Bless our JC family as together we will share, pray & worship our God in this war room! Hallelujah! Amen!πŸ™ŒπŸ™❤️

  59. Woke up today with "Let Your Living Water Flow" going round and round in my thoughts, so blessed by His Presence when listening to it:

    1. Blessings from NYJune 1, 2024 at 5:03 AM

      Thank you Peter πŸ™ blessings to you

    2. Beautiful song! Thanks brother Peter!

  60. Dear JC family, thank you for lifting me up this morning as I read through all of the entries since 2019. What I see is beautiful children of God reaching out in the midst of their circumstances for the joy and peace and healing and help that only He can give. I pray a blessing for all of you today. Also, I ask for healing prayer and discernment for my husband. He has been found to have a neuromuscular disorder which affects his left leg specifically, and impacts his ability to walk smoothly. Most recently he has had pain on the left side with every step and found that he also has hip arthritis. We are asking God for guidance concerning this it from the neuromuscular disorder or the hip? If its the hip, he can have surgery. Will that affect the neuromuscular disorder if he does that? Please pray for guidance for this decision. He has healed so well from his cardiac surgery last fall and we thank God for that. He is so ready to get back to his active life. Thank you so much!

    1. Blessings from NYJune 1, 2024 at 5:04 AM

      Praying for your husband dear Ellen

    2. Discernment prayers are being prayed for you, our Ellen, hubby, and all medical professionals you encounter along the way to God's Perfect Healing, as only He Can Do. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    3. I welcome the opportunity to pray for your DH, Ellen! My husband also has hip issues, so for our guys and all others out there XXOO ✝️πŸ‘

    4. May the Holy Spirit guide your decision and may God’s healing power wash over your good husband. He’s always in charge so trust that He’ll guide him back to good health and comfort. And give you both back your peace of mind. Thank You Jesus.

  61. Blessings from NYJune 1, 2024 at 5:00 AM

    Thank you Jeanne, Janet and Jan for starting our June off with such beautiful prayers! ❤️πŸ™

    1. Thanks! We bless and encourage each other. Paying God’s love and comfort forward.

  62. When I read and prayed on today's devotional bible verse, Isaiah 41:13
    For I, the Lord your God,
    hold your right hand;
    it is I who say to you, “Fear not,
    I am the one who helps you.”, my mind replayed God singing the song to me, I CAN'T UNLOVE YOU! through Kenny Rogers' vocals.
    Kenny do it? NO! God Kennot, did not, will not never UNLOVE ME!.
    Thank You God. Only You God! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  63. Arms raised here in the war room with you Jan! πŸ™Œ

  64. God bless you all! We pray together and stand on His faithfulness today and every day. Taste and see the Goodness of the Lord.
