Sunday, May 17, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 17

     As you sit quietly in My Presence, remember that I am a God of abundance. I will never run out of resources. My capacity to bless you is unlimited. You live in a world of supply and demand, where necessary things are often scarce. Even if you personally have enough, you see poverty in the world around you. It is impossible for you to comprehend the lavishness of My provisions: the fulness of My glorious riches. 
     Through spending time in My Presence, you gain glimpses of My overflowing vastness. These glimpses are tiny foretastes of what you will experience eternally in heaven. Even now you have access to as much of Me as you have faith to receive. Rejoice in My abundance--living by faith, not by sight.
Philippians 4:19
English Standard Version

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Verse Thoughts
God does not supply like the world often does, according to a person's performance or good deeds or wise decisions. On the contrary, God supplies according to his own standards and ways. God's criteria for blessing is the rich glory in Christ Jesus.  

2 Corinthians 5:7
English Standard Version

For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Verse Thoughts
This verse is in the discussion of heaven. What we see in this life can be destroyed, but God has a house for us not made with human hands. So, in verse 7, our walk is not based upon what we can see in this life, but is based upon the unseen. We believe in the existence of the unseen, the invisible. Whether in this life that we see or in the future life that we don't see now, our aim in life is to please Him.

My Prayer
Lord, help me to not be trained always by what I see, but I want to be trained by the promise that You have given me. Thank You for taking care of me. Thank You for giving me daily access to Your abundant riches. Help me to center myself on You and this promise.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Yesterday, I had a moment of clarity when I KNEW I was the daughter of a King. I had no qualms about doing what I knew I needed to do. I had no one to answer to but my heavenly Father. It was delightful and I prayed that I would remember that freedom. This morning's JC was the reminder I prayed for and I want a repeat of that walk I took yesterday. Father, remind me of the freedom your Son, Christ Jesus, bought and paid for so that I may change my mind from scarcity to abundance.

    1. Praying more of those same moments of clarity for your acceptance into the Daughterhood of THE KING more often, our dear Norah!
      Much ❤️ and Many πŸ™ in Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Amen, Dear Brie!! Love you, Norah

  2. Lord help me to keep my eyes and hopes on You alone- this world has nothing for me without You. Thank you for your unimaginable love.

  3. Today in the pool, we practiced aquatic helicopter crash simulations. We were taught 6 egress procedures starting with the mental assertion, "I am a survivor," and ending with seatbelt release and exiting the fuselage. The instructors suggested to keep eyes closed to brace for impact, feel for a reference point for orientation, and release the seatbelt. The goal was to use mental imagery to clear the aircraft and avoid debilitating panic. I opened my eyes to rely on my sight to save my life in this training. My Comrades did as he was told and kept his eyes closed the whole procedure. I asked," does anyone else have burning eyes from the chlorine?" They said they trusted in their ability to escape without the use of their eyes. I thought about how easy it is for me to think I can walk by faith and not by sight, until placed in a real or simulated event where my life was threatened. Today's training made me evaluate the levels of faith I have in both my abilities to save myself when in danger, and to a greater degree, the amount of faith I have or do not have in God to keep me from drowning in life's sea of unknowns, troubles, and disappointments. Thank God that life nor death can change our gift of eternity. Drowning in a pool, though devastating, does not change the outcome of my soul's heavenly journey.

    1. God's blessings on you, Landon, as you continue your training! Walking be faith and not by sight also takes training and practice. Trusting our Sweet Lord to protect us,we are in the utmost Capable Hands. He truly wants us to entrust everything to Him. Listen closely, and He will Lead you .

    2. That’s awesome. Thanks for sharing that very real application. And the reminder that we have a great God that has secured us forever with Him.

    3. Thanks Noe Joseph for sharing a powerful very user friendly roadmap, designed for navigating our earthly journey into God's Heavenly Kingdom! Jesus, help me do your will for my survival and re-entry. Thank You for our entire JC Family. Amen!

    4. PS (((Noe Joseph & JC Family)))

    5. I was happy when I read this again for the 3rd year, as it still has the same great impact. Thanks for sharing your TESTimony, Noe Joseph

    6. Me too Brie. Wherever you are Noe Joseph, we were blessed by that imagery you posted. May the hand of the Almighty continue to lead & guide you in your search for greater, deeper faith. That goes for each of us too JC family.

    7. Thank you for sharing. It really hit home with me today as I have been feeling God pricking my heart to truly trust Him in ALL situations. To live by faith, not by sight. Thank you! And thanks to @paytonfamily for creating this blog. I have Sarah’s book, but when traveling or when I just need to reflect in the car, it is wonderful to pull this up on my phone. Plus, I love all the prayers and comments—thanks, JC family. What an impact it has made in my life!

    8. 5 years later and your TESTimony is still powerfully empowering me to walk by faith, Noe Joseph. Thank You Jesus for your witnesses. May we all Witness likewise. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    9. I agree, every year's read brings me In SIGHT! Wherever you are Noe Joseph, God bless you and protect you! And MAY we all keep learning. ♥️

    10. Amen! I'm so grateful for this blog and all of its prayer warriors. I've been using the book and this blog for over 2 years now and by the power of the Holy Spirit, been steadfast in something I was never this disciplined in before! Thank you all! ❤️πŸ™

    11. I would like you to Noe Joseph, that this was a fantastic and enlightening read again this year! Much ❤️ and Many πŸ™ for all of us to walk in faith with our eyes wide shut!

  4. Thank you for kick starting my day!

  5. Dear Lord, Help me to see with my heart rather than always with my head/mind & eyes. Please continue to soften my heart to "see" as you do in all situations. Amen.

  6. "We Praise Thee, we bless Thee, we give Thanks to Your Holy name, God the Father, Son and Spirit, all....Glory be to Thee...."!
    Hallelujah to the King on this beautiful bright TGIF (Thank God I'm Forgiven) morning, that He has Blessed us to see! Rejoice JC family, we are amongst the living!! Glory, Glory to You oh Lord!!!!

    Father, I rejoice and testify this morning for the favor and miracle You gave me on my job yesterday! The thought of this partner taking 1 hour plus to really listen to me and find a solution to issues that concerned me and the courage to speak boldly without fear, oh, God I thank You, I thank You! The enemy lost that battle on JESUS name!!! THANK YOU!

    This morning Lord, I lift up ALL my JC family and their love ones to you, calling on that Name JESUS, to do for them what You did for me, You answered me right away before that meeting. Oh God of Elijah, answer Your children by FIRE in the name of Jesus, You know all the prayers, all the desires, all the concerns, You said we should hold Nothing back from You, as I cried onto You and You answered me, as Elijah cried onto You and You showed up right away, oh Lord God, I cry to You this morning in the name of Jesus, answer Your children Father, their's need for healing, jobs, comfort and Peace, restoration, financial breakthrough, Salvation for love ones, marriages to be restored, unity in families and EVERY NEED that You already know, Father, answer us by Fire! I lift TL and PurpleMartin up to You this morning for the prayers they requested from yesterday, oh God of comfort, provision and restoration, answer them and put the enemy to shame. You said ALL who Trust in You will never be put to shame and we trust You! Thank You for the answers in Jesus name.
    You did it for Abraham, Isaac, Isreal, Joseph, David, Elijah and sooooo many others! You are the same God, You never change, You are the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning and the end.

    As we spend time in Your Presence today, we rejoice in Your abundance and say Thank You for wrapping us in Your Righteousness through Jesus Christ the Righteous One!

    Blessings and Peace to all JC family!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood NJ-I join with you in praising the Lord for His favor and miracle for you. We serve an awesome God! I receive your prayers for all the JC FAMILY and their loved ones. I apply that prayer throughout the day for my family. There is such comfort knowing that powerful prayer warriors are praying over you! This JC FAMILY has wonderful prayer warriors!. Praise God for all of them! Thankful in Kansas

    2. Your gratitude for God's faithfulness is a blessing to me always. I'm sure you looked on these words from last year and rejoiced! He is ever faithful and we praise His Holy Name! Loved your last line so much. I will enjoy my day in His presence and abundance, wrapped in His Righteousness! Amen!

    3. ..."Lord, I lift up ALL my JC family and their love ones to you, calling on that Name JESUS, to do for them what You did for me, You answered me right away..."
      Thanks again Maplewood NJ for spreading God's blessings around like preserves, generously thick and reaching into all the corners until it covers up everything with its sweetness!
      As you are given, you so freely share with our JC family! May you and all of us continue receiving God's Generous and Infinite Abundance. Amen.

    4. PS (((Maplewood NJ & JC Family)))

    5. I receive your prayer and believe my prayers are being answered and our weaknesses are being healed and strengthened, and our family members and friends will come to Christ for salvation, and we will continue to see God’s faithfulness in our lives and our loved ones’ lives. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Jesus Christ.

    6. I believe these things too, Jeanne. I witness it every day. Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

    7. Thanks Maplewood NJ, I can still taste the sweet this year! Yes, JJ, Jeanne, and Audra, I believe God already knows the time, date, and circumstance when they shall unlock their hearts and freely come to Him. In Jesus' Name, I glory! Amen.

    8. Amen sweet sisters! Praying together for all these things. Yes Audra! Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
      Amen Brie, He already knows exactly when they will come to Him and be redeemed and made anew.

  7. Maplewood NJ,
    Your prayers are a blessing. Thank you for blessing JC Family. Rejoicing, anticipating bountiful undeserved blessings. Requesting prayer for my youngest daughter who is driving a 5 hour drive alone to Charleston for a fellowship with her best friend since grade school. Blessings, love and prayers to our JC Family.

    1. Sassy Mom, I cover your precious daughter in the Blood of Jesus. That Blood that protects, that Blood that shields, that Blood that binds the plans of the enemy, is going before her, all around her and leading her in the right path to her destination and back home safely in the name of JESUS! All accidents, all mishaps are cancelled in the name of Jesus!
      Thank You Lord for answer to this prayer.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Amen and amen. Traveling mercies for for all on the roadways!

  8. Dear Lord, Please keep our travelers safe on the road today. Give them great skill in avoiding or preventing accidents. Give them patience and strength to let rude drivers go on past. As they travel, may they enjoy the beauty of your creation and please fill their cars with your presence!

    Thank you Lord for my niece and her precious family visiting. It is a real blessing!

    Love to my JC Family!

    Colorado JC Friend

    1. Praising the lord and giving thanks for praying for my daughter's safe arrival in Charleston. No car trouble, EXACTLYE 5 HOURS ON TIME!!!

  9. Sassy Mom--- Praise the Lord for your daughter's safe travel!! HE watches over His word to perform it!!! What an awesome Lord we have!!!

  10. "These glimpses are tiny foretastes of what you will experience eternally in heaven."
    For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the GLORY (glimpse) that is to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18. Thank You Jesus!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Amen! I can not even imagine what you and your wife were going through! I am so grateful you felt the prayers from your JC family surround you! More virtual hugs here!!

      Maryville Tennessee JC friend

    2. Thanks, MadFox, for the whole story of your daughter. It is an even greater witness to the love of God for her and for you and your wife. None of us perform perfectly in the faith in very trying circumstances and He does not hold that against us (so don't hold it against yourselves either). Like the famous writing, 'Footprints in the Sand', He carries us through those times when our own faith is not sufficient to walk. Appreciate also your post below, I have seen that scenario played out many times in the ministry I was called to fulfill. God be with you.

    3. Thanks Bob. It is clear that God expects us to lean on Him through the Spirit within. Only Jesus had perfect faith, we will all have our moments of doubt...and all would agree that when it's our children in need, we see the Father's love for us more clearly. In Him, peace.

    4. So thankful that your daughter pulled through. She sounds like the most giving and selfless person to throw herself into the ER to help others. She was in a terrible state all alone in her distress. Our prayers and God's faithfulness led her through her sickness. Her recovery was also a glory to God and a blessing to our hearts!

    5. gain glimpses of My overflowing vastness. These glimpses are tiny foretastes of My Glory Divine...
      Thanks (((Madfox, wife, daughter & JC Family))) for reminding me that all the love, caring, joyousness and every other GOODNESS we have and provide for our children only gives us a "glimpse" into OUR FATHER'S LOVE, CARING & PROVISIONS FOR US! Thank You Jesus! Amen.

    6. Praise God for healing your dear daughter of Covid and carrying you through your transplant and trials with flying colors! Onward and upward one day at a time in His presence!

  12. Last note. To the many people who posted about spouses still not walking in faith... which were in the numerous kind posts about my RN daughter and 39 year marriage.

    My turn towards God was two things. 1. A spouse, who only and simply asked would I like to go (and not every Sunday) 2. Read and reread C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity.

    An atheist turned Christian, makes a compelling intellectual but also warm and even humorous case for God. His logic is flawless and yet He also makes common sense arguments. The best is simply this and it is not nagging to say this to your spouse: (Paraphrasing Lewis) Either Jesus was the biggest con-man and liar in history or He was who He says He was. There is no middle ground. Godspeed Hope this helps you who posted about spouses still not joining you in faith. Peace. Amen.

    1. Maddox
      Amen! Thank you for the C.S. Lewis book reference. My husband and children have not yet accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior, but I have hope and faith that someday they will know His love and peace. I pray for them and for all lost souls to return to the Father giving praise and glory to His name. Your testimony is inspiring and uplifting and a reminder that we are all on our own individual spiritual journey. I trust in Him, and I know His timing is perfect. Help me, Lord, to he Your light that shines for them to see, and I pray for patience and know that You are in control. May His peace dwell in your hearts today and everyday.

    2. Thanks MadFox. I’m presenting that to my husband tomorrow 😊

    3. Jeanne, Since hubby went to church, he is indeed seeking. He is not alone on that walk towards faith... been there done that.

      CS Lewis' Mere Christianity is where the quote He is God indeed or a con-man. The greatness of the book Mere Christianity is that it was an assembly of short talks on the challenges to faith he experienced as an atheist and how he overcame each one. He was interviewed on the radio and the topics were then compiled into a book. Each chapter can stand on its own. It explains things as complex as the Trinity but also says we as humans cannot understand God fully. It is VERY CHALLENGING reading but it was the right message at the right time for me. I pray your husband is at a place that God can fully open his mind to the unending grace of the Father, just as parents provide grace to their kids albeit imperfect. Godspeed and praying

    4. Sally
      I have read C S Lewis and admire his great intellect. I am putting Mere Christianity on my to read list. However I worry that the con man argument isn’t as strong today when we see con men everywhere especially in the highest levels of government and millions of people believing every word because it suits their agenda. There are some MAJOR CON MEN dominating the world right now.

    5. Things you won't find in abundance while connected to the TV:
      Every person needs to hear a “wonderful.” Here’s why: companies spend billions of dollars to convince us that we are chubby, smelly, ugly, and out-of-date. Inadequacy indwells in a billion hearts and causes us to release billions of dollars to naysayers, and the burning ring of fire gets bigger and hotter.
      Instead of feeding the flames, Would you help Jesus Christ distribute encouragement?
      Will you make some happiness happen for another human being? Will you remind humanity that we are made in God’s image?
      Will you say that we are chosen and destined and loved by God?

      If Yes, then you can start by one on one listening intently to another person in whose presence you are.
      You may ask them to tell you his or her story.
      You may give the rarest of gifts: your full attention. abundant praise. biblical encouragement, a kind word or deed.
      You can turn the con-man tide with a premeditated resolve to lift the spirit of another human being.
      Everyone needs a cheerleader. Give the gift that God loves to give: the gift of encouragement. This is how happiness happens and God's people dominate. Many are called, but too few choose.
      (Based on How Happiness Happens - Finding Lasting Joy in a world of Comparison, Disappointment, and Unmet Expectations by Max Lucado)
      For courage to be in this world but not of it, and strength to continuously pursue God and what God considers righteous, I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank, In Jesus' Name. Amen

    6. Brie, amen! Be an encourager and build others up. We strive to do this daily through our drive thru coffee shop. We've been writing uplifting notes on our lids and putting the goodness of God in phrases on our reader board. We've been drawing in new customers because they said they will Support stand that proclaims our faith in God! People are definitely seeking encouragement and ultimately seeking God. Prayers with all my JC family in encouraging our loved ones and strangers alike to lead them to the one true God. Mindy

    7. MadFox, Thank you so much for your excouragement and prayers. I just ordered that book but I'm not sure if my husband will read it. Leaving that in God's hands. I know you have been through this and my husband is defensive.
      Whenever I answer him with a bible verse, he says: "Stop preaching to me". But he does ask me each week how my Bible group was. I believe he's searching but also in denial.
      Dear Brie, I try to encourage those who need it. The truth is we all need it. My sister was encouraging me as I was encouraging her. We all need to be lifted. Driving to Massachusetts at 10:00. Going to sleep soon.
      Mindy, that is so sweet to write uplifting notes on the coffee lids. Let your light so shine, sister!

  13. MadFox! You sure made me smile with that statement and I will remember it to tell my good husband. Thank you. Just wanted to talk about Sarah's verse thoughts today. She spoke about how all this will fade away but what God promises is eternal. She also said our walk is based on what we can't see. That's our faith. I always felt that we must look above all of the worldly clutter to the light and hope God provides. I am a songwriter and a few years ago I wrote this song called Clearer Vision. These are the lyrics that God gave me:

    In this world
    there are many things
    that shine so bright,
    that they draw us in.

    They cloud our view,
    pull us off course,
    like a boat in an
    angry sea gets tossed.

    Clearer Vision
    to see right through
    the gleam and the glitter
    to what’s real and true

    Clearer Vision
    to see the light
    that leads and guides us
    every day and night

    Clearer Vision
    of the life beyond
    this worldly bondage to
    where hearts belong

    Clearer Vision
    of His light inside-
    Far below the surface
    where our true hope lies

    This world’s trappings can’t
    set us free,
    so look far above
    the things you see.
    And seek those things
    that won’t fade away.
    Hold on tight to the
    precious things that stay.

    Clearer Vision
    of the life beyond
    this worldly bondage to
    where hearts belong

    Clearer Vision
    of His light inside-
    Far below the surface
    where our true hope lies

    Clearer vision
    now with open eyes
    To see the sure, sweet treasure
    far beyond the skies.

    1. Beautiful. Thank you and God bless.

    2. Such beautiful words to your song. Thank you for sharing it. I hummed it in my mind to the tune of “Oh Lamb of God”.

    3. Beautiful Truth. Thanks for sharing with our (((JC Family)))(((Jeanne)))

    4. Thanks for sharing your talents with us, Jeanne. You were inspired in the hymn you wrote. God be with you!

    5. Agree with all Jeaane. Thanks for sharing. regarding spouses and C.S. Lewis Mere Christianity. More info...what is compelling is he was an atheist, so for you that have doubting spouses, don't let the title of the book keep your spouse from reading it. Explain that Lewis was far more of a doubt er than they are.. and he was single too at the time. I often thought it would have been better if Lewis had made the title "Random Thoughts" or something innocuous. Again, Jesus cannot be a liar and God. Lewis makes this argument from an intellectual approach that doubts billions can have been conned over 2000 years as that in itself is implausible.

      And continue to pray. And if you are in this situation let us know and we can all pray here as well. Amen!

    6. Thank you Unknown, Learning to trust, Brilamar, Bob, MadFox! The glory belongs to God who gives me the words and the songs. I'm thankful the words spoke to your hearts. My husband didn't agree with this: (Paraphrasing Lewis) Either Jesus was the biggest con-man and liar in history or He was who He says He was. There is no middle ground, when I read it to him. His heart and mind are closed right now and I pray he will surrender to Jesus when he's ready. That will be in God's perfect timing. I pray for him every day to seek Jesus, cut down on his drinking and find true joy and peace in believing. He is my one true love, and it is mostly a joy to be with him but we have much different likes. He watches movies with blood and violence and I don't like them. He reads the same kind of books. But he's a really good honest man and for the most part, very sweet to me. Sometimes he judges me even for just filling up the sink with water or not wiping up the counter. I cook every day and sometimes I don't clean up perfectly afterwards. We've been married for 38 years. I guess we know how to push each other's buttons by now. He does respect me and my praying time. I love him dearly the way he is but it would be such a blessing if he was my Brother in Christ. Thanks for the prayers. Love you all my dear JC Family.

    7. Jeanne praying for God to bless your marriage in a satisfying way that moves your husband closer to your hearts desire for the two of you. I hear you and loved your words of the unseen treasures that awaits us. GOD BLESS YOU AND ALL WHO READ THIS. GOD LOVES YOU.

    8. Thanks Fern, Your prayers mean so much to me. God bless you and my JC Family. Lots of love.

    9. My husband went to Church today and I know he always tells me he doesn’t know what he believes but he is definitely searching for Jesus. Jesus is always with him if only his eyes and heart were open to see Him and feel Him in his heart. Father please grant that prayer in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ.

    10. That's wonderful Jeanne. I'm so glad to hear that. Hallelujah!

    11. Also the book the Lewis' "the screwtape letters", which is quite humorous could help your shows the insidious thinking of man towards himself and a Jr. devil reporting to his superior on his efforts to trick his assignment and keep him as a nonbelievers.

      And, the blood and guts is sometimes just a guy thing but it can also be a tool of the darkness of man's sin and.or the defeated forces still trying to keep man from God. Godspeed. Praying this is the turning point for him after nearly 40 years.

    12. Praying for you and your DH, Jeanne! The Holy Spirit is at work, watch and be joyful. I tend to resist watching movies that my husband likes that end up with me feeling terrified. Especially before going to bed. I've always been sensitive to entertainment of any kind that has me thinking of people and circumstances as real. What's with that? Thinking about characters and wondering how they are doing long after the show is over. Thank you, Jesus, for giving me the REAL TRUTH in your Word, and encouraging me to look there with increasing focus. There is plenty of drama in day to day living, keep my eyes on you, Lord!

    13. Thank you so much Janet, MadFox, Audra and Brie for your prayers, advice and loving kindness.

  14. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for another day to glorify Your name in praise and thanksgiving. You have given us another reminder to sit and be quiet in Your Presence. Isaiah 7:4 also urge us to:”Take heed, and be quiet ”Isaiah 7:4. ”It is good that a man quietly wait.” Teach us to be separate from all friends and all duties, all cares and take time to be still and quiet before You. Help us also to take time not only to secure stillness from man and the world, but from self and its energy. Let the Word and prayer be very precious us. Father You are very gracious and patient with us. May we open ourselves up to the truth that You will speak to us, teach us, transform us. Help us to go to a place where the world does not overwhelm us.
    Our walk by faith requires that we get really good at listening and obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit and following the truth of Your Word (John 10:27; 16:13). We choose to live according to what You reveal to us, rather than trusting our own understanding or what the world tells us (Proverbs 3:5–6). May we always be reminded that walking by faith means living life in light of eternal consequences and to walk by faith is to fear You more than man; to obey the Bible even when it conflicts with man’s commands; to choose righteousness over sin, no matter what the cost; to trust You in every circumstance; and to believe You rewards those who seek Him, regardless of who says otherwise (Hebrews 11:6). Teach us to base our lives on the truth of Your Word. Thank You for the fullness of Your glorious riches. We rejoice in Your abundance and magnify You in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. So appreciate your prayer, twin bd sis. One of the services I watched online today started with a prayer that asked for the courage to say, "I don't know". That is the truth about what the future holds, nobody knows; but, the prayer you offered is the solution to facing an unknown tomorrow. As the great Easter hymn sings, "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. God be with you.

    2. When I read your post, Maplewood, I thought to myself that we have more of an opportunity in our isolation to separate from friends, duties and cares and be still and know that He is God. We have more time to read His Word and to be open to His truth and light. In this family right here, we are trusting Him in every circumstance. I feel sorry for those without faith because they are being swayed by the fear. But we rest in Him who cares for us and stand on His promises with patience and trust. Bob, I loved your words from the Easter hymn: "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow! Thanks!

    3. Thank you for your spirit filled words that lift me and satisfy my soul. Especially: “ May we always be reminded that walking by faith means living life in light of eternal consequences and to walk by faith is to fear You more than man; to obey the Bible even when it conflicts with man’s commands; to choose righteousness over sin, no matter what the cost; to trust You in every circumstance; and to believe You rewards those who seek Him, regardless of who says otherwise. “

    4. And just like that when I keep reading, Maplewood answers my wonder with her prayers. This blog is amazing!
      Help us to go to a place where the world does not overwhelm us, thank you Jesus!

    5. YES!...Help us also to take time not only to secure stillness from man and the world, but from self and its energy. Let the Word and prayer be very precious us... In Jesus' Name. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen.

  15. SIXTH SUNDAY IN EASTER (still savoring the wonder of the resurrection even though the Easter decorations have been put away)

    (John 15:22-25) Jesus continues dealing with the rejection He has received from those who were the 'experts' in the faith. "The religious authorities could have been excused their sins had I not come and shared the love of God among them through the many signs and wonders I did. But now I have done so, they have no excuse for their choices in faith. When they have chosen to hate me for their own sake, there were hating the very thing they stood for in their life, God Almighty. But there choices will be woven by the Father into His divine plan for the salvation of the world."

    I've heard it said that the opposite of love is not hate but indifference or apathy; for hate reflects one has feelings toward someone or something, they have just gone bad. I have encountered people throughout my ministry who 'hate' God. In some cases, it is the religion about God that church leaders have inaccurately portrayed that has been a turn off to them. The leadership has not reflected any sign of love in who they are, they are more interested in controlling people through the use of God talk. In other cases, the hatred of God is because if people admitted to a God then they would have to be accountable to Him. Being they are so caught up in themselves, they try to convince their minds there is no God. The problem is that they obviously have not convinced their heart which is evident in the hate toward God they express. If they are truly convinced there is no God, why would anything about God matter? The fact that it does matter reflects deep inner feelings toward God. What is necessary from these words of Jesus is that the believing community must first and foremost, be about authentic love for everyone. Since the human heart was created to love and be loved, it is the greatest witness unto God to show love. True evangelism begins as it did with Jesus with authentic love. The JC readings show us how to be purely in love with our Lord. When we are, the world will know God has sent His only begotten Son for its salvation. Then the feelings within the heart can be set straight, feelings which everyone has.

    Be blessed this day my brothers and sisters in Christ. Or as we started doing yesterday (((Brothers and sisters in Christ))) With love, Bob

    1. BOOKMARK this one, everyone. This is a great description of what has gone wrong in our world, and explains the growing separation of believers and non. These are the people that need our prayers as described by Bob:
      In other cases, the hatred of God is because if people admitted to a God then they would have to be accountable to Him. Being they are so caught up in themselves, they try to convince their minds there is no God.
      Holy Spirit, come! We know the end of this story and pray for all those to find their need for Salvation in Jesus Christ! Thank you Jesus, we trust you Jesus, we love you Jesus! ♥️✝️πŸ™

    2. (((BOB)))...the believing community must first and foremost, be about authentic love for everyone. Since the human heart was created to love and be loved, it is the greatest witness unto God to show love. True evangelism begins as it did with Jesus with authentic love... Jesus I need your help: Jesus please help me. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. It is so important to have true love for our brothers and sisters. It is not always easy but if we belong to Christ, we must spread His perfect and unconditional love.
      Amen Bob, When we are purely in love with the Lord, we can spread this love to others. This also means we must do our best to look past their faults and appearances. We all fall short. Yet we are loved exactly as we are. Let us be good witnesses to our faith and live worthy of that perfect love.

    4. What a great lesson and advice in 24. Thanks for the gift that keeps giving. On my mind and in my prayers Bob.
      Praying with and for my Beautiful JC Family. On this day and every day!!!

  16. "As you sit quietly in My Presence, remember that I am a God of abundance...."
    Dear Lord help me to ALWAYS remember that I can be a person of shortages but You are Always there to transform me into an abundance! You always take shortages and transform them into an abundance. Please continue to se me as worthy to enjoy the abundance only You can provide. Amen.

  17. I want to thank you Lord for this journey I am very uncertain, scary. You have provided abundantly with all my needs as well as for my loved ones so I need not be afraid. I seeked you Lord like never before; you've been here all along waiting patiently. I kept the faith and I find myself talking to you praying without giving it a second thought. I have fallen deeply in love with you. Thank you sweet Jesus for loving me; everything else is meaningless. Loving you and others is all that matters. Help me Lord to be pleasing in your sight.

    1. 'Prayer without a second thought' and 'fallen deeply in love with You'. Those two are so beautifully intertwined. Thanks, LCA!

    2. Beautiful words, Loveconquersall! God will make your journey sweet. No fear because He walks every step of it with you. I love your gratitude and your sincere love.

    3. All these posts encourage and lift my heart. We are all of one accord. Amen

  18. And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus! Today in TVCHURCH, I was reminded of my part: I have to tune in on His Channel in order to receive His Transmission! Thanks for helping me dial it up JC Family, in Jesus' Name! Amen.

  19. Again - I've read and had no time to reply. Love and prayers for all of you. Adult kids are all home. Thank you, for your prayers, JC Family.

  20. God bless you and keep you, and thank you for your added prayers to bring any who are lost home to put Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Personally, praying for my daughter to learn where all the amazing blessings in her life come from. Thank you Jesus, for providing us with more than enough to give into the Kingdom of Heaven!

  21. So sad when an ungodly person who follows the world tries to bring darkness into this blessed room of Christ’s light and peace! God is so much greater.

    1. Amen. May our Lord bring light into their dark world and open up their eyes and mind to the truth.

  22. Father, thank You for answering my prayers and thoughts. You are so wonderful and amazing. You are the best. Praise You Lord. Let my eyes be upon You and bask in Your goodness and glory. Let my light shine bright for Your glory and bring joy and hope to others. Thank You Jesus. I bless, praise, and rejoice in You Lord continually and always.

  23. Father, thank for your ABUNDANT supply of heavenly blessings. This world has nothing to offer us. Let me continually remember to keep my eyes on YOU.

  24. As you sit quietly in My Presence, remember that I am a God of abundance. I will never run out of resources...
    Thank You God, for always being so very generous with your resources. Even during the pandemic shutdown, in Thee I had enough! How can I say thank You for all you are to me?

    1. Amen Janet, I am sure you are shining your light and bringing so much joy and hope to others by your daily walk.
      Yes sweet Brie! His resources will never end and He is so generous with them. Praise and gratitude!! He gives us way more than we deserve so we must continue to praise His Holy Name and lift up our hands in thanksgiving. He is all we need and enough.

  25. "These glimpses are tiny foretastes of what you will experience eternally in heaven."
    For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18 ESV

    1. Amen dear Sassy Mom! I love that verse. Such absolute truth. The best is yet to come so be strong and courageous.

  26. A friend of mine who was in private practice and required to close it when the pandemic hit, shared this with me. It resonated, therefore I share:
    "Prior to the pandemic, I was distracted by so many other most "important" worldly activities; and then the coronavirus became my reality. It was an opportunity full of challenges, yet made provisions for me to accelerate my conscious awareness of who and Whose I really am. It allowed me to accept and update what really matters in this phase of my existence with respect to God, others and myself. I encountered silence, joy and infinite possibilities. During the pandemic, challenges became opportunities to grow more deeply in touch with my Spiritual realities, my One and Only true reality. Rather than go back to "normal" I am choosing to move forward with an undisguised Spirit and continuously gravitate forward toward Spiritual Essences found in His Freedom, His Abundance, His Creativity, His Beauty, His Joy, His Sovereign Authority and Kingship over me. What may have been an evil event, He turned into good. May I continue the good work that has been jump started in me. I am thankful."

    1. What a powerful testimony! Thank you, Brie. ❤️

    2. Your friend is very wise, Brie. I agree the Pandemic has turned peoples' eyes away from themselves and frivolous things and onto the things that will never end unto salvation. Our amazing God is turning a very bad thing into an eternal blessing.

  27. During the past year while many were forced into a pandemic pause, my work intensified. In February of this year I retired and am now finding the time and space to let myself do my version of the pause. Spending more time with the Word and in an awareness of God's Presence is a life changing practice in peace! Thank you Lord. Prayers for all the JC family this and each day!

    1. # METOO! Dear sweet sister friend in Christ!

    2. Yes me too! Blessed to be retired to read the Word more and concentrate on my Bible group without distraction. He is with me always and I feel Him helping me through my days. Every beautiful flower reminds me of His glory and His blessings. I am so grateful. But sometimes I get distracted by my own human emotions and let go of His Hand. Then things get difficult. Like the good Father He is, He draws me back to Him. I must be a faithful follower. Jesus, Remind me always to stay in Your presence. You are so good to me.

  28. Heavenly Father, thank You for Your abundance in everything You are and do. You are our most beautiful, abundant gift and blessing. Just to know You and have a relationship with You is so very precious. I praise You Lord always and I thank You Jesus.

  29. Amen dear Janet! Joining in that perfect prayer. Gratitude and praise to the Most High! Thank You Jesus!
    And thank You for a brand new granddaughter, Evelyn Mary, 6 pounds and 15 ounces. My son Bryan called his dear wife Allie a Champion. She did well and we are all blessed to have sweet baby girl in our family. So thankful that Mommy, Daddy and Baby Evelyn are doing well. God is so faithful! Hope they can all get some rest. Thanks for all your prayers. God heard every one. God bless you all.

    1. Congratulations Jeanne. What a blessing.


    2. Thank You Lord for our Evelyn Mary blessings!

    3. So wonderful, Jeanne! Congratulations on your granddaughter, Evelyn! So happy she is here safe and sound and momma is doing great as well! Way to go, Allie! Praise God from who all blessings flow!

    4. Congratulations dear Jeanne! Thank You Lord for safe passage for precious Evelyn & great delivery for her mommy. Bless this family oh Lord! In Jesus name amen.πŸ™πŸ’ž

    5. Congratulations and welcome to sweet baby Evelyn Mary! Baby love... The best!

    6. Thanks TJ, Brie, NJS, Jan and Audra! Dear baby Evelyn is an answer to my prayers. I am just so full of joy. Can't wait to hold her in my arms. Amen!!! God bless Bryan, Allie and baby Evelyn!

  30. Follow up to me becoming aware that I was sent to the hospital for Christ.

    Sermon points from Dr David Jeremiah...

    1. Adversity promotes the advancement of the gospel.

    2 Adversity provides opportunities to witness.

    3. Adversity promotes courage in our fellow believers.

    4. Adversity proves the character of our friendships. "Preaching from selfish ambition" but yet Paul rejoiced that Christ was preached regardless of what motivation was used to preach.

    5. Adversity promotes growth in our life.

    5. B. Provision of the Holy Spirit is manifest as adversity sharpens our awareness.

    Also... adversity promotes a platform. People see you going through something and THEY listen better.

    6. Adversity promotes the message of Christ even if we are brought low.

    "Only through the experience of trials and suffering can our Spirit be strengthened."

    "But you must be in the context of an environment for that growth." ... receptive to Grace

    So don't pray for my healing but pray primarily for this platform that God has put me on to a witness for Christ.

    As I think of the dozens of times that I have been able to witness this week, I am humbled to tears... to be chosen, to be placed, to be an imperfect spokesman and witness in and for the suffering of Christ to promote Him.

    1. Every TESTimony begins with TEST. Thank you so much (((Keith))), for sharing yours. Love you, our dear brother friend in Christ. May I repeat myself from May 15?
      i am learning that a good witness is one who only tells exactly what s/he saw, experienced, heard like the blind man Jesus healed. The blind man only testified to the event that actually happened to him. I AM THE SAME MAN WHO ONCE WAS BLIND, BUT NOW I SEE! A Man they call Jesus made mud and smoothed it over my eyes and told me to go to the Pool of Siloam and wash off the mud. I DID AS HE SAID, and now I can see. I don't know anything else.
      The witness does not have to know everything. The witness does not have to defend Jesus. The witness' own life does not have to be perfect. All the witness has to do is tell exactly what happened to him/her.
      We freely witness on YELP, and EBAY, TRAVEL ADVISOR, etc when we tell of our experience in a restaurant, or with a seller, or a place of lodging. From our one statement of what actually happened to us, untold thousands benefit. Praying blessings on your Witnessing, brother Keith. Much Love, Brie

    2. So inspiring brother Keith. Thank you for sharing those truths. Looking at adversity from a different vantage point. Hallelujah!

    3. Thank you for sharing your TEST, Keith! Praying for your witness to Christ's healing work in you, us and others πŸ™

    4. What a beautiful and sincere testimony! Your faith and strength are inspirational. Our Lord is leading you through this trial and you are following with your focus on Him. You are indeed a great witness to your faith! God bless you and heal you completely. Thank You Father for this in Jesus' Name we pray.

  31. My eyes were opened again to the one statement in JC devotional this morning. I'm the only one holding up the works in acquiring greater, deeper faith. "Even now you have access to as much of me as you have faith to receive." I want that access Lord, more of You. Lead & guide each of us to more & more access to You. Amen. Hallelujah!

  32. Dear heavenly Father, thank you for all that you provide. I am so grateful for your many abundant blessings. Help me to always focus on these blessings and not let them be overshadowed by any hardships. You always know what I need even before I know what I need! Help me to be patient and put all trust and faith in YOU. Amen.

    1. This too will past dear ABC and He will bring you safely through it. He is Divine and His promises are reliable. Trust in Him to make your paths bright and straight. He knows exactly how you feel. He is your very best friend and He will never leave you even for a second.

  33. " Even now you have access to as much of Me as you have faith to receive. Rejoice in My abundance--living by faith, not by sight".
    Lord Jesus increase our faith so that we may receive more of You. Amen

  34. Learning to TrustMay 17, 2022 at 9:08 AM

    I woke up this morning to the song, " The Goodness of God"
    May you be blessed as I...
    I love You, Lord, oh, Your mercy never fails me
    And all my days, I've been held in Your hands
    From the moment that I wake up until I lay my head
    Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God

    All my life, You have been faithful
    All my life, You have been so, so good
    With every breath that I am able
    Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God

    God is so good.


    2. I have always loved that song! Thanks Learning to Trust. Praying for you. He is a faithful God and we must hold fast to His Unchanging Hand. No matter what we face, He is Greater!

  35. Great insights today by so many. Thanks for well wishes Jeanne and others. Made lasagna for 41st anniversary dinner and was good but will tweak for next time. Was stunned to find out at our relatively small church, for the first time, (knew of only 1) that 4 couples celebrated their 41st yesterday. Wow, what a coincidence.

    1. Happy Anniversary dear MadFox πŸ‘πŸ™πŸ’ž

    2. That sounds delicious dear brother! Happy 41st. What a blessing to you and all the couples in your church! We will be celebrating our 41st in August. Praise Him because His Love is the glue that holds our marriages together.

  36. Happy Anniversary, yesterday, to you and your dear wife, MadFox! My DH would be very impressed that you made lasagna!!

  37. Asking for continue prayers for my dear brother in law and my sister who is by his side. Progress is being made and we pray he will be released soon and get to EAT! REAL. FOOD! Prayers for my shoulder and neck, please and my DIL who was the last in their family of 5 to get "THE" bug. Praying for each of you and holding you in the light of His Love.

    1. Continuing to pray for your dear brother in love and your sister. Thank God for the progress he is making and for continued healing unto a perfect recovery, and for strength in both of them, and healing of your shoulder and neck, and for your DIL to get over "THE" bug. Thank You Father for all this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus.

  38. Praying with you and for you dear JC Family.
    My two grand/children have been having some very hard days. Some medical things we have to deal with. Between the trauma and the fetal alcohol disorder and a child's normal fear of getting their blood drawn. It took an hour to get my granddaughter's blood drawn. Afterwards I felt like I had been through a war. I can only imagine what she was feeling. It's at times like this and every moment of my day that I have to remember my battle is not with flesh and blood but with angels, principalities and rulers of darkness. Personal pep talk, Greater is he who is in me then he who is in the world! No weapon formed against me or my grandchildren will prosper!
    Thank you Lord so very much. You are glorious! With left my JC family, TERRI

  39. With love to my JC Family, TERRI

  40. Prayer request dear warriors. Our DIL's father Dick just got out of surgery for cancerous spots in his pancreas. Now they wait for the pathology report. The Lord has been wooing Dick for awhile now & we are seeing glimmers of his guard coming down. We have been & continue to pray that he will come to believe in Jesus. Hallelujah!

  41. Praying for Dick's healing and a good report, and also for his faith in the Lord. Trusting in our faithful God and believing His promises. May He open up Dick's heart to seek Him sincerely and find Him for himself to God's glory. Thank You Jesus!

  42. Got to walk with my friend Loretta and she told me she knew for a few weeks about her test results that showed she was positive for colon cancer. She said she didn't want to bother me with one more thing to worry about. I told her not to worry. God was faithful to me and He will be faithful to her. Praying that her colonoscopy on Friday will bear good results. Thanks for your prayers.

    Proverbs 4:20-22
    My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
    Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.
    For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

    Psalm 103:2-4
    Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
    Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
    Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;

    1. Continuing prayers for you Jeanne and for Loretta, Rudy, and Scott. May you all be made whole by our heavenly Father. God bless πŸ™.

    2. Blessings from NYMay 17, 2023 at 4:32 AM

      Continued prayers for Loretta Jeanne- God bless ❤️

    3. Thanks for all the sincere prayers. I believe God will continue to show my friends His faithfulness. So we are waiting on the Lord. May He answer your prayers too! Let’s all be patient and hopeful. Love you.

  43. Praying for Dick's salvation and healing πŸ™. God bless!

  44. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11). May He grant you according to your heart's desire, and fulfill all your purpose. (Psalm 20:4).

    1. Perfect verses for the day sweet Janet! Thanks.

    2. Dear Peter! I loved your description of your walk. I could envision you with your eyes closed savoring the birdsong with joy. I often stop still to listen to their concerts! Thanks so much for the link, my good brother! Emailed it to myself. I’ll share it with my sister and my Mom. I try to pause during my walks with Gabriel so he can listen to their pretty singing too.
      Dear Brie! You described your walk beautifully. You use words like an artist uses colors. I could hear the joy in your heart as your trip approaches. I’m so happy for you and Larry that our amazing God made a way for you. He is so good all the time. Hallelujah!

  45. Blessings from NY

  46. Blessings from NYMay 17, 2023 at 4:29 AM

    Praying for Dick’s healing Jan- in Jesus name πŸ™

  47. Blessings from NYMay 17, 2023 at 4:35 AM

    Thank you Janet - One of my favorite verses! God bless youπŸ™❤️

  48. A slight chill in the air earlier as I took a walk through the woods, but gonna be a warm day. All the trees are now wearing their finest green dresses, leaves jostling in the breeze. The squirrels I guess were busy in their drays, I didn't see any. But the bird song, Oh the bird song! My habit when out in the woods is to stand completely still for several minutes. Creatures seem to ignore you then and carry on, busy with their lives. The birdsong was so loud! All around me, different voices blending in a delightful glorious chorus. A thought...maybe, just maybe the praise from millions of us each morning singing, praising, worshipping our Creator blends into a glorious chorus that delights Him. We know He inhabits our praises, He is worthy of all our worship and praise.
    100 worship and praise songs on this link:

    1. Thanks Peter. Your witness today inspired my walk. I saw an abundance of beautiful bright green leaves on trees and blades of grass. Many different birds all sang as if they knew today's devotion, read Matthew 6, and were rejoicing witnesses to His Abundance, His Resources, His Infinite Supply, His Enough, His Lavishness, His Provisions, His Fullness, His Glorious Riches, His Overflowing Vastness.

      FROM Matthew 6: Look at the birds! They have faith our Heavenly Father has and will continually feed them!
      Look at the field lilies! King Solomon in all his glory was not clothed as beautifully as they. 30 And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won’t he more surely care for us?
      May we go forth with the faith of birds and field lillies. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  49. Beautiful verses sweet Brie! Thanks for adding light to my new day!

  50. Please pray for my twin sister Janet who is feeling like Job lately. She has a basal carcinoma in her nose which will require more surgery on June 28th. She has really bad knees so she’s getting injections on May 31st, and yesterday she pulled her groin muscle and can’t get out of bed. She said she can’t even move because of the pain. God can do all things and we trust in Him.
    We thank you dear Father for wrapping Janet up in your love and comfort today. Heal her nose from the inside out and lubricate her painful knees and make them brand new again, and remove her pain and reduce the swelling in her groin area, and bring her to perfect health and pump her with joy and peace. We thank you for this and for healing Rudy, Scott and Loretta in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    1. Pain BE GONE from our sister Janet!

    2. I'm all in.
      Prayers for Janet, Rudy, Scott, Loretta, and our entire JC Family and their dear ones. In Jesus' Name. A M EN!

    3. Thanks dear Audra and Brie, Your prayers are being heard and God is with them. God bless you two so much! Love you! <3

  51. Praying for each and every request and anticipating the victory reports we will all hear. Janet is so blessed to have you, Jeanne, not only as her twin sister but as an example of God's great deliverance. As I was reading this morning, I thought how poignant it was that you wrote the song, "Clearer Vision." God heard your prayer long before you were diagnosed, Jeanne! We know there's no such thing as coincidences; God knew and was preparing His Victory. My mind could go in the direction of, "Well, why didn't He..." or whatever, but I know there is no profit in that kind of thinking. Again, the analogy of the Ford attempting to explain Henry! The creation can't explain the Creator!
    Peter, I LOVED your description of your morning walk and that maybe our prayers of thanksgiving and praise were being echoed by God's creation. Listening to your Praise Songs as I type this and then get back to work. It's been a lovely break and I thank all of you for your praises, prayers, requests and victories.
    Love and Blessings,

  52. Joining in prayer for peace and healing for Dick and all others in need today.

  53. Love you sweet Norah! Thanks again for praying. I'm expecting many more victory reports with you. Our God is so good and faithful. God gave me the song Clearer Vision and I used to sing it in the Nursing home. They even learned some of the words. I am also blessed that God's plan for me is a good one. In remission are beautiful words and I am celebrating. So are God's Faithfulness and that's my story. Praying for you sweet sister. Hope you're getting some rest. Much love.

  54. Praying for Norah's DH to be healed in every way, and praying for God to heal us in every way and all of our dear ones, and those in our JC Family, and on our prayer lists. One of my Bible members just sent a prayer request to pray for the return of a 17 yr. old girl who has been missing. her name is Evelyn Jimenez. May God find her safe and sound and make a way for her to come home. Thank You Father for all this in the Name of Christ Jesus.

    Psalm 103:1-5
    Bless the Lord, O my soul;
    And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
    Bless the Lord, O my soul,
    And forget not all His benefits:
    Who forgives all your iniquities,
    Who heals all your diseases,
    Who redeems your life from destruction,
    Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
    Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
    So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

    Hebrews 10:23
    Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.

    1. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne πŸ™. Thank you for the scriptures. God is so good ALWAYS!!!

    2. Joining in prayer with you .

    3. Lord lifting up Janet’s husband and all the JC family this morning. Praying for healing, faith, and strength for all. Lord, thank you for this JC family and Chris Payton for creating this blog and thus this community.
      SC Anonymous

    4. Joining in prayer for Evelyn dear Lord. Position your angels all around her as she is led back to her home. Let no harm come near her. AmenπŸ™ŒπŸ™

    5. May God's hedge of protection surround Evelyn and keep her from any harm. May He bring her home to her loving family. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

    6. Anchoring these prayers in the Mighty Name of Jesus!!!

    7. Agreeing with the prayers above and asking His covering and protection over Evelyn and a safe return home.

    8. Lord, thank you for protecting the children, wherever they may be. Keep them safe in the arms of those that love them.

    9. Only You Lord, can give all our children, far more protection, than this world. Help us remember that You are a God of abundance Who will never run out of resources. Only You have capacity to bless us infinitely and supply every need of ours according to Your Riches in Glory in Christ Jesus. Thank You. AMEN!

  55. Thank You God for today's devotion which reminds us that YOU ARE a God of abundance Who Always Has Resources With Infinite Capacities to bless us.
    I humbly bow at Your Feet on the cross, requesting more prayers for my brother Keith, who now has pneumonia, and prayers for his nurse Michelle, who is a Godsend.
    In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Brie, lifting up Keith and his nurse Michelle this morning. Praying for healing and continued blessings.
      SC Anonymous

    2. As you quoted dear Brie, the warriors are on it! I speak the name of Jesus over Keith! May complete healing of this pneumonia be God's order for the day! Hallelujah & Amen! πŸ’•πŸ™ŒπŸ™

    3. Lifting Keith up to our Great Healer. Praying for him and Michelle.

    4. Joining in prayer for Keith, May this pneumonia depart from his body in Jesus name. Bless Michelle dear Lord and thank you for her wonderful care for Keith.

    5. May Keith find joy and dismiss this sickness!

    6. Sweey Brie --- Lifting up your brother's situation. Calling down the Glory of the Lord to cover all!
      God's Glory brings about miraculous changes, altering circumstances in ways that are beyond human capability! He will work ALL things for the good according to His will! HALLELUJAH!!!

  56. Dear Lord, I know you are the great healer and can do all things. I lift up my husband as he has a CT this morning to get a closer look at the size of his aortic aneurysm. I pray that it has shrunk in size. I know that if it has not, then that is your plan and You will provide the path forward for us. Thank you for this day, Lord, and all the blessings you have given us.
    SC Anonymous

    1. Joining in prayer, lifting your dear husband up to the Great Physician. Praying for positive results.

    2. Praying for your husband, dear SC. May the radiologists be scratching their heads because they can't seem to find it in the scan! In Jesus's mighty name, amen!

    3. Lifting SC’s husband in prayer as he undergoes this scan, Lord. Praying for peace for both her and her husband as they move through this day and wait for and receive results. Thank you Lord for bringing them to this day safely and for your continued hand upon them. Joining all in prayer that the aneurysm has shrunk, or even disappeared, and all will be found normal. You are able, Lord.

    4. Praying..."nothing to see here!"

    5. Still praying with all of the above for the Radiologist to say, What Aneurysm?
      Much ❤️ and Many continualπŸ™ always.

  57. Dear SC, praying for your DH & the CT results. However it turns out you have given full authority & control of it all to Jesus Who has the power to heal. Hallelujah!πŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸ’•

    1. Praying for you and your husband, Ellen

    2. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    3. Going Boldly to The Throne of Grace and Interceding for you, SC, your hubby and CT results! Our Father God knows all about this. I put all of this in His hands. He is faithful and I Trust Him! HALLELUJAH!!!

  58. It is not possible to measure God's goodness, His provision.
    Ephesians 3:30 "Now to him who is able to do IMMEASURABLY more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,"

    1. Amen! ‘According to His power that is at work within us’

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Praying to the great physician Jehovah Rapha, His presence, love, guidance and complete healing for your brother Keith. Thanking the Lord for Michelle. Praying for all prayer requests.

  61. Blessings and prayers for all of the above and thanksgiving for your prayers for my Best Man! He is making progress, though it looks as thought they will keep him in the hospital until Monday. He's anxious to get home and I'm anxious to have him home! However, we both want him healed! The IV antibiotics are stronger and better utilized than oral, so that is the main reason they are keeping him.
    God has answered many prayers in this last week and I know He will continue to.
    Love to each of you and all of yours. Praying for young Evelyn's safe return home.

    1. Good news! Continued prayer for your best manπŸ™πŸ»
