Saturday, May 23, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 24

     Bring Me your mind for rest and renewal. Let Me infuse My Presence into your thoughts. As your mind stops racing, your body relaxes and you regain awareness of Me. This awareness is vital to your spiritual well-being; it is your lifeline, spiritually speaking.
     There are actually more than four dimensions in this world where you live. In addition to the three dimensions of space and the one of time, there is the dimension of openness to My Presence. This dimension transcends the others, giving you glimpses of heaven while you still reside on earth. This was part of My original design for mankind. Adam and Eve used to walk with Me in the garden, before their expulsion from the Eden. I want you to walk with Me in the garden of your heart, where I have taken up permanent residence. 
Genesis 3:8
English Standard Version

And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.

Psalm 89:15
English Standard Version

Blessed are the people who know the festal shout,
    who walk, O Lord, in the light of your face,

My Prayer
Lord, help me to come to you for my rest. I often go to the television to relax, but let me come to You. Give me quiet moments with you and allow you to work through me, relaxing me so that I can regain an awareness of You. Like Adam and Even walked with you in the garden, I want my days to be about walking with you. Remind me that I can talk to you wherever....whenever. Keep me alert to what you are doing and help me to continually testify of you in the world in which I live.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you for agate being there when no human see to be. Thank you for being there in the middle of the night. Thanks for providing a space to release and to heal and to learn wisdom through God. Guide me Lord. Help me feel your presence, your strength, your protection.

  2. Good Morning to my JC Family. Woke up to a cold 62 degrees this morning. A hot 90 degrees is predicted today. Thank you Lord for the peaceful quietness of this AM. Awaiting expectantly for the happenings of this day. Blessings to JC Family.

  3. Thank God I'm Forgiven! Another blessed day to give You all the Glory and Honor Father. Thank you for counting me amongst the living.
    This morning, I invite Your Holy Spirit to take over my mind, body and soul and lead me in a place of Peace and rest.
    May the dimension of openness to Your Presence be my portion this day and fill my heart with love, joy, happiness and peace, that only walking with You can bring! Thank You for Your unconditional Love!
    Holy Spirit, think through me, live through me and love through me in Jesus name!

    Heavenly Father, Thank You for everyone here that comes by daily to hear from You and seek You, even those who are unable to, we join our faith
    together Praising, believing and trusting that You are Sovereign over ALL, a God who loves us and cares about us.
    Thank You for meeting all of our needs according to Your glorious riches in Christ Jesus! Thank You for the VICTORY in every area of our lives, even when it doesn't seem like it! May we never weaver, but hold on and keep waiting and trusting, believing with all our hearts that the:
    valley shall give way to the mountain top, the dark clouds shall give to the bright sunshine, there will be beauty for ashes, joy for mourning and a garment of Praise instead of a spirit of despair! So THANK YOU Lord! Thank You!
    A blessed and peaceful day to you my JC family, as we walk with the Lord today and stay in His Presence, keep holding on! He who promised is FAITHFUL!!!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Loved this sentence so much: This morning, I invite Your Holy Spirit to take over my mind, body and soul and lead me in a place of Peace and rest. Thanks Maplewood. You inspire me always. Much love.

    2. Amen, Maplewood, NJ. Your prayer is mine. Your posts are poetic and uplifting. Thank you, Lord, for directing me to this blog. I'm thankful for everyone who posts and those who don't. We are united in our faith. It's been a life changer. Blessings to JC family.

    3. Thanks dear Maplewood for continuing to lift my heart and inspire me with your beautiful words.

    4. Garments of Praise! Fullness of JOY!
      ♥️ 🎢 Garments

    5. I love this statement.....Holy Spirit, think through me, live through me and love through me in Jesus name! Thanks Maplewood for the wonderful reminder.

    6. Thank you Lord for always meeting our needs as we walk with you and as you carry us through the day.

    7. Thank you for commenting and still being here in 2022, Maplewood. Jesus is still calling and present all the time. Thank You Father God for Your Grace and Mercy. Holy Spirit take me with You through this day. Protect me on Your journey. In Jesus Almighty Name, I pray peace, love, and joy for all God's creation. Amen.

    8. I absolutely love “Jesus Calling” and love starting my day reading it. It really speaks to me and helps me abide in Him

    9. Got 'stuck' on "This morning, I invite Your Holy Spirit to take over my mind, body and soul and lead me in a place of Peace and rest."..! Nice point of focus for me today..thank u Maplewood!

  4. Amen to all prayers! Good morning JC Family, I pray each of you have a God blessed day!

  5. Amen to the prayers already said on here. I stand with each of you, in Jesus name. I pray each of you in our JC Family have a God blessed day!

  6. Amen and Amen to all the prayer here! I thank you Lord for the JC FAMILY-- great prayer warriors, everyone!! Great blessings to all. The Lord watches over His word to perform it! Humble and thankful in Kansas

  7. Prayers for a friend recovering from surgery to attack a cancer that has metastasized to an adjacent organ. May God bless his healing. Prayers for the skill of the surgeon that the cancer was removed completely.

    1. Praying God's comfort and healing for all those who are suffering with cancer and other health problems.

    2. Echoing your prayer dear Sassy Mom. I have so many people on my list who are suffering and struggling. Thank you Father for your amazing healing power. You are truly a very present help in times of trouble. Thank you for your faithfulness in all of our answered prayers. In the name of Jesus, we pray together today. Amen.

    3. Father, You can do all things. Thank you for destroying all the cancer cells in 10-4’s friend and all those who are suffering from cancer and replace the diseased cells with healthy tissue! We are asking this in the powerful Name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus.

  8. Abundant love and blessings to JC Warriors as we prepare our hearts to worship and praise our Lord.

  9. "Walk with Me in the garden of your heart." I've missed the impact of this wording in the past... God Himself has placed His Spirit as our helper in some miraculous way, in our persona. The Spirit prays with us, helps us, leads us into a more personal relationship with the Father and Son. How the Trinity is One is beyond my understanding. I can only "see" within the limitations of our physical earth, which is apparently very different than heaven.

    Our faith leads us to believe that those who've passed into the new existence, are no longer in pain and have a body, as Christ did, when He appeared to the Apostles after His crucifixion. In heaven, our bodies are healed and the physical challenges of this life eliminated. This Memorial Day weekend 2020, all that served and gave their life, often in horrible circumstances, are now refreshed and living with the Father, Son, and Spirit eternally without pain (emotional or physical). Thank you veterans and families. Thank you to the fallen and families. God bless America and their sacrifice to defend our freedom. Amen.

    1. Indeed, MadFox, indeed! Well said. No greater act of love does someone show than laying down there life for others. Jesus did. The fallen did. May we lay down our lives as God has willed. God be with you.

    2. Amen MadFox and Bob. May we learn to be as selfless as Our Lord who lowered himself completely and gave every drop of Blood to save us. My Father was in the 4th Armored Division and I salute him in Heaven today along with all the brave Veterans who gave their all for us. What a day for thanksgiving, reflection and praise.

    3. Thanks Bob and Jeanne. Found this. Powerful. President Reagan indeed calmly and powerfully shares that same sentiment. There may be something in the corner of my eye...

    4. I loved watching that, MadFox. The little guy receiving the flag is the Grandson of my former co-worker. We have the picture of that little guy along with a picture of his Dad and the Semper Fi recognition he got. That little boy is now serving our Country, too.

    5. MadFox I just loved that and it moved me right to my heart. Let us never forget that those soldiers gave up two lives. The one they gave up and the one that would have been as an older son, a father, a grandfather. We owe them everything. And Norah that is such a wonderful thing that the son is now serving our Country. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    6. Thank you again dear MadFox! Your words and post still ring true. Praying for you dear brother.

    7. Honor and respect to all service men and women. Let us never forget.


  10. Dear Heavenly Father, We give You thanks for another day. Thank You for the sunshine this Sunday morning, thank You for the birds we hear and beautiful flowers that brightens our day. In this crowded life, we place ourselves in Your Presence with openness to the movement of the Holy Spirit and pay attention to Your activity in our lives. Help us to listen and reflect on our experiences in the presence of the Holy Spirit. We drop your cares, worries, agendas, and expectations into Jesus' hands. We let go of all that is heavy or burdensome.
    We open our hands to receive Your presence, Word, and Love. Thank You for calling us to be partakers both individually and communally in our healing and restoration. May yes to Your will be yes in emulation of You. Empower us to always want to find space and time to relax in Your Presence. May we never cease to Pray and obey (Proverbs 15:1-10) because the prayer of the upright pleases You and that You love those who pursue righteousness. Help us to pray and to obey at all times. Help us to Pray with passion (Acts 11) like the early church who prayed together, praying to You and praying passionately for others. May Your hand be with us and may we too see a great number of people believing and turning to Jesus the Savior. Help us to Pray for wisdom (1Kings 2:13-3,15) because we need Your wisdom. Give us wise and discerning hearts in every situation we face. We pray for wisdom that is full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere, pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive. Father, we invite You to walk through the garden of our hearts and calm any and every storm. You are a God who cultivates a heart of beauty in those who are called Your own. Out of the abundance of the heart we spill forward into the lives of others and because You are a restorer of broken things we can sing into the barren places of our souls (Isaiah 54:1-4). Help us to stop and slow down and meet You in the moment today. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. The beauty of your prayer, twin bd sis, is it affirms the way things are already. By praying these things, we don't, all of a sudden, get them from the Father because He has already given them to us. Your blessed prayer simply attaches us to what we have. We pray to join our hearts to what has been given. God be with you.

    2. Yes! In prayer we declare, affirm and give thanks! Thank you Lord for this day where we walk with you in our hearts! God blesses you one and all ♥️

    3. Amen! Thank you for your wonderful prayer! May we pray with conviction and fervor with the words of our heart without ceasing and with true faith and long suffering.

    4. A year later and Bob's reply to Maplewood's prayer spoke to my heart ...I am working on John Eldredge's online study, "Get your life back !" He maintains that we live in " soul scorching times because of the "mad pace of our lives, combined with the overwhelming torrent of information coming at us 2 4-7, which has left us all ragged, wrung out and emptied." He provides a series of online " Pauses" , designed to slow us down so we can focus and begin the soul recovery process. ( the app for this is free and is called "The One Minute Pause"). It ties in so well with today's Jesus Calling entry and associated blog posts...I just had to share. I am so grateful to have found you all and your collective wisdom and encouragement ! Though I post sporadically, I read daily and pray along with you for the concerns expressed.
      God Bless you all each day as you faithfully walk the journey with our precious Savior

    5. Just downloaded the app, thank you CCG! ♥️

    6. Still using The Pause app. It has helped me thru times of stress and to center myself so many times! Thanks again, CCG!

    7. Dear Cape Cod Girl, i missed it last year but I'm on it this year. Thanks be to God and you! Amen.
      PS Have you made it back to Cape Cod yet?

    I come to the garden alone
    while the dew is still on the roses
    and the Voice i hear falling on my ear
    the Son of God discloses
    and He walks with me and He talks with me
    and He tells me i am His own
    and the joy we share
    as we tarry there
    none other has ever known
    He speaks and the sound of His voice
    is so sweet the birds hush their singing
    and the melody that He gave to me
    within my heart is ringing
    and He walks with me and He talks with me
    and He tells me i am His own
    and the joy we share
    as we tarry there
    none other has ever known
    I'd stay in the garden with Him
    though the night around me is falling
    but He bids me go through the voice of woe
    His Voice to me is calling
    and He walks with me and He talks with me
    and He tells me i am His own
    and the joy we share
    as we tarry there
    none other has ever known
    and the joy we share
    as we tarry there
    none other has ever known!

    1. Beautiful, Brilamar! Thank you for posting.

    2. One of my sweet distant memories of vacation Bible school when I was 6 years old singing this song in the church basement! Thank you for letting me sing it again! Gid bless you.

    3. I love that song so much and know it like the back of my hand. Sang it at the Nursing Home and it always brought me and the dear residents peace..

    4. I just had to hear it...
      ♥️ 🎢
      Thanks, Brie!

    5. One of my favorites.

  12. Seventh Sunday in Easter

    (John 16:25-33) Jesus concluded by saying, "The things I have said to you are difficult for you to understand in the moment, but all things will become clear in time. In the clarity of all things, you will ask in My name as I have instructed you. This is the doorway to enter the love of the Father. The Father loves you and there is nothing more you need for in His love you will have everything that is necessary. I have come so you could embrace the love the Father has for you and love Him in return." With that being said, we responded that we now understood what He was saying which was presumptuous on our part. He said, "Things are about to happen that will cause you to scatter. But do not be afraid for the Father is with me. When you face any kind of hardship, know that the Father is with you and be at peace. I have conquered the world and all the evil it holds. Because you are in Me, you will see Me conquer the evil one who persecutes you because of your trust in Me."

    'The Father Himself loves you' (vs 27a). What more needs to be said, the rest are details.

    God be with you! With love, Bob

    1. Amen, Brother Bob! I loved you post from yesterday, too. I have had a couple of teachings recently regarding the Ascention. I read your sharing several times yesterday, today and will again tomorrow, I'm sure. Thank you for all you have shared.

    2. Just couldn’t help thinking that the devil hoped the Pandemic would cause God’s faithful remnant to scatter but we all drew closer to our Good Shepherd.and many turned to Jesus because they desperately needed His comfort, guidance, and peace.

  13. A reminder in this time of uncertainty that He has already conquered the world and all the evil it holds. We are in good Hands and He will not disappoint us. Wait patiently on the Lord and all things will become right and new.

  14. Thank you veterans and those that made the ultimate sacrifice. My heart is filled with gratitude. Blessings to the families of the fallen.

  15. God's Best to all of you, my JC Family. I am praying right along with you, for all that you request. Thank you for your continued prayers as well. <3

  16. Blessings to the families of the fallen and blessings to all of our families and to my dear JC Family. You are always in my heart and prayers. Have a blessed Memorial Day.

  17. Heavenly Father, let me walk with You, hand and hand, through this blessed day. Open my eyes to see all Your beauty and miracles that surround me and awaken my senses to delight in everything that You have placed before me. Let me take it all in and give me the insight to understand. You are such an amazing, wonderful, Almighty God. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in You Lord continually and always. Thank You for all that You are doing in my life. Continue to mold me into the person that You created me to be. Let me do Your will and walk in Your ways and not my own. Let me know You and walk with You in spirit and in truth. Help me to walk more in the spirit and less in the flesh. Let me shed these worldly ways, thoughts, and desires. Put Your desire/will for me upon my heart and let me hear, receive, accept, and abide in it. Let my desire be Yours. Let me see the world through Your eyes and Your perspective. Forgive my shortcomings and strengthen my love and faith in You. Thank You Jesus. I trust, love, and adore You Jesus. Thank You for being in my life.

    1. Father, help me to not let my circumstances define my actions. Remind me of my responsibility. Thank You Jesus.

    2. Wow. Such a powerful prayer, Janet. Praying for you. Praying for all you expressed so beautifully stated. Sending love, encouragement, strength and staying hope-filled!

    3. Sister Janet, your words and prayer are amazing. God be with you dear and may all you so eloquently worded be answered. I wish I was near you to help you but I'm here in prayer. Love, Kathy

    4. Such a moving and sincere prayer sweet sister. Praying God’s light is shining bright on you today! Sending a big hug and much love.

    5. Janet - Echoing your prayer. Thank you for blessing us with a sincere beautiful prayer. Joining warriors in loving you

  18. Please pray for and with me, brothers and sisters in Christ, to Let God infuse His Presence into my thoughts and heart. I am asking prayers because I have two Doctor appointments today. One is with a Cardiologist I am seeing for the first time, because my former Cardiologist is on leave. How appropriately placed is today's devotion:
    I want you to walk with Me in the garden of your heart, where I have taken up permanent residence.
    The other appointment today is with a General Physician who is attempting to review the myriad of tests I recently had in order to determine the source and then alleviate my pain. Pray for my openness to His Presence,
    I also need traveling Mercy prayers since both are distantly located. Thanks Family. Knowing you are praying with and for me to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, makes my mind experience rest and renewal. And, I feel better already! Love and prayers to and for all. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. I'm singing
      YOUR PRESENCE LORD - HOLY SPIRIT - Francesca Battistelli

    2. Praying for you sweet Brie. What time are your appointments?

    3. Praying for you and the songs God is placing in your heart and spirit this day, Brie. I know God is walking with you. I pray for good interactions and helpful insight. I pray for peace to permeate your whole being. I pray your vehicle becomes the garden where you are walking with our lord today. May your fellowship be so sweet. ❤️

    4. TERRI: In answer to your question, my appointments are at 11 AM and 2 PM today, Central Time Zone.

    5. Dear Sister Brie, I woke up today and the first thing I thought of was 'pray for Brie' . I was prompted even before my feet hit the floor. God Bless your day and your appointments and we will rejoice when we talk later. Love, Kathy

    6. Blessings surround you and all your interactions today Brie. You are always on my mind, and in the hands of God.
      ♥️ Singing with you!

    7. Dear Brie --- You've got my prayers! I just loose from you ANYTHING that is not of the Lord and I bind to you ALL the ABSOLUTE GOODNESS of God and His Glory! I decree and declare
      DIVINE HEALTH over you! AMEN and AMEN
      Proverbs 4-20-23 (NLT) My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. Don't lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.
      You, Brie, are a child of THE MOST HIGH GOD!

    8. Thank you Father for enlightening both doctors to Brie’s weaknesses and guiding them to give her the proper treatment that will remove her pain and bring her back to perfect health! Thank you for this and answering all her prayers in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus the Risen Lord.

    9. Praying for you Brie. The Lord has you in His healing, loving arms and will keep you close in His heart. May your travels be hedged with protection and full of love. Peace be with you.

    10. One year later, your prayers for me were answered by our Most High Sovereign God. The headaches are gone!
      I am looking for another cardiologist, which I know our Lord will provide. I passed a changing sign yesterday. When I got to the traffic light and glanced up at the changing sign, it said "Enjoy Success"
      Yes, Thank You. I will. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    11. Love those cryptic messages that appear at the perfect time when our eyes stay opened to see.

  19. Prayers, sweet and awesome Brie. Yes, today's verse is so fitting for your day! Our Jehovah Rapha will be traveling with you to these appointments holding your hand and helping you to hear and absorb all that is talked about. So sorry you're dealing with pain. May the source be found and the pain disappear. Keeping you in my healing and traveling prayers, Brie! (What a GREAT and true song. Love Francesca!)

  20. I, too, am praying for you Dear Brie! For safe travels, a "connection" with your new Docs and best of all, the connection you have with Christ! God in Christ in you - the hope of glory! May we all know that our loving Lord and Savior is IN US - that spirit is closer than our very breath.
    May each breath draw us even closer to the peace offered to us. That we may be the 'sweet-smelling savour' to all we meet. I am picking a friend up at the airport today, so I am asking for Safe Travel prayers as well and a day of accomplishments on my flowers, my home office and that I enjoy this day off, but am also productive as I ask my Heavenly Father with each action, "What's Important Now?" That has been our teaching the last 2 weeks - how to WIN the day. Each task, goal or action can be #1, so we ask, "What's Important Now, Lord?" and walk out on that.
    Prayers, Love and Blessings to each of you, Dear JC Family. The Day of Pentecost, which we celebrated yesterday, is still alive in my heart. So very thankful for the New Birth!

    1. Norah, I am hoping that your travels were successful. I didn't see these posts until now. The Lord is always watching over and keeping us safe and protected. I pray that all is well with you, your family, and loved ones. Hopefully, you enjoyed your day off. Peace be with you.

    2. Praying for traveling safety for you dear Norah and our sister Brie! God bless you in all things.

  21. Praying for those in need. God Bless.

  22. I am SO thankful for this blog. I am a believer and have this book, however, I come hear to join in all your wonderful prayers. I just became a grandmother for the first time and although my daughter is not a believer I continue to pray daily for her salvation. It's so difficult to watch her struggle without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Thank you all for being on this wonderful blog and know that I am here daily and pray for you also.

    1. Dear Unknown, Congratulations on becoming a grandma. I'll pray for your daughter and grand baby to come to Lord. When I pray for this JC family I also add in the unknowns and people who need prayers that don't come ask. You will be covered by these mighty prayer warriors. God Bless you and yours.

    2. Congratulations. May our Lord open your daughters heart and draw her to Him. May He awaken her with His bright light and truth. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless you.

    3. Dear Unknown, Don’t know if you will get this post. I’ve lost so many today at my Mom’s. Congratulations on your grandchild! What a blessing it is to be a grandmother! Your life will never be the same and you will experience a joy you could never imagine. Praying that your daughter and her baby will come to know Jesus so they will understand the peace and joy only found in believing. Trust in the Lord. He will make a way.

  23. Blessings, Unknown! Praying for your daughter and precious new granddaughter. We have one coming December! We'd love a little girl but will be blessed to have another boy in that family. The first two are precious (4 & 6).
    Thank you, Bright Star and Waiting for your prayers and all of the other wonderful JC Family-Prayer Warriors!
    We are blessed!
    Praying specifically for you, Brie, right now. Not sure of your time zone, but will just keep it going all day. :)

  24. Just a short comment I wanted to post. On my way back from the doctor today, I was talking on the phone with my sister telling her how today was the first day that I could remember that I didn't have my anxiety (which I have been praying about) and how Jesus had answered my prayer (like He always does), and right after telling her that, I see a billboard on the side of the road (where in over 10 years I haven't seen one) that said "More Jesus; less fear, worry, and anger". It brought such a smile to my face and I just knew it was Him reminding me of His presence and sovereignty over all things. God bless.

  25. That is nothing short of amazing! He works in mysterious ways and He sends us messages from above and confirmations. Quite a Godwink dear Janet!!
    My sister and I have seen God’s Hand a few times this week. We just looked at each other and said: That was GOD! Love when that happens.

  26. That is nothing short of amazing! He works in mysterious ways and He sends us messages from above and confirmations. Quite a Godwink dear Janet!!
    My sister and I have seen God’s Hand a few times this week. We just looked at each other and said: That was GOD! Love when that happens.

  27. Need that rest and renewal right now. So very busy but the Lord knows how I feel and that I need to catch up on my sleep. Was with the babies all yesterday and was up late again. Today is my Mom's 94th Birthday. God is so good and I am so blessed and thankful to still have my dear Mom with me. Rick and I are driving in with my cake and buying her favorite dinner from the restaurant down the street. Putting all my concerns and needs in the Hand of the Lord. Leaving for California on Saturday and hoping I will find some time to pack. Rick said we're going to visit his brother and his dear wife who has Alzheimers on Thursday in New Jersey. It is a 3 hour drive. I really want to make dear Maureen feel better and I will do my best.
    God bless you dear family. Hope we will all be blessed with more answered prayers. And He already knows I need some much needed rest. Have a sweet and happy day in His presence and peace.
    Psalm 89:15 - Blessed are the people who know the festal shout,
    who walk, O Lord, in the light of your face,

    1. May our heavenly Father grant you the renewal and refreshing rest you need and may He shine His face upon you and bless you and keep you πŸ™.

    2. Unforced rhythms of Grace: Jeanne read this scripture from the Message version Matthew 11: 28-30 " Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Praying you get the rest and sleep you need.

    3. Praying dear Jeanne for the rest your body, soul & spirit needs. Claim it all sister, it's yours for the taking because of the cross! It's wonderful to know the provision for our daily walk with God is taken care of. Have a sweet celebration with your mom. You are a good daughter. Blessings on your trips being planned. πŸ™πŸ’ž

    4. Thank you dear Janet, Peter and Jan! Amen! God will restore me in body, mind and Spirit!! Going to take a lovely nap right now. God is so good!
      Peter! Thanks for your encouragement. Coming to Him to be restored. Amen to that! He is above all and always present. He is greater than any problem, situation or infirmity we could ever face. He knows us and loves us like no other. He is Sovereign and He is Mighty. His mercy, compassion and loving kindness endure forever. We are blessed to be called His Children. Thank You Father God! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Holy Spirit!

    5. Your rest is important leading up to travel dear Jeanne. Make it a priority for your health and those around you. In Jesus's name I pray.

  28. "Walk with Me in the garden of your heart". Straight away I thought of one of my parents favourites 'I Come To The Garden Alone' while the dew is still on the roses. Mom would have been 100 this year and Dad 97, both passed 3 years ago. I share this favourite:

    1. That song dear Peter planted the seeds God placed in my heart as a young girl. Today I'm a avid gardener & have enjoyed a rich harvest of spiritual lessons through my walks in the garden with the Master Gardener. Hallelujah!

    2. Thanks for bringing that beautiful song to my mind and heart. I used to sing that in the nursing home! One of my favorites too! He walks with me and He talks with and He tells me I am His own. πŸ’—πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

  29. My confession for this day: I thank you Father God that You are in control every day. I look forward to my VICTORIES! I am on the WINNING SIDE. God is on my side, so I can't lose. I am undefeated because the Great I AM defeated my adversaries and everything they had planned for me. My VICTORY is here and now. The Greater one lives in me. The Lion of the tribe of Judah is in me and reigns in my life. My enemies fall before face. Complete restoration is mine, in Jesus' Name, and that time is NOW!

    And Brie, as I posted yesterday, I am still head over heels with your "I am the storm" post 5/23/21. So yesterday I put the devil on notice that I am the Great Storm he fears! And my Father God has the FINAL SAY! Going on offense! JJ

    1. I'n on the Offensive Line with you JJ! satan needs to know there is NOTHING, NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING it can do to separate us from our Jesus. So it may as well stop wasting its time on us. PERIOD, EXCLAMATION! UNDERSCORE_ BOLD. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  30. Dear JJ, Amen! Our God is so much greater!! We are more than Conquerors in Christ Jesus. I had a difficult day but I never let go of His Hand. My Mom’s friend Dorothy who just got out of the hospital was getting iron drips at home. Her daughter Lisa sent me a message that get Mom just tested positive for Covid and my Mom was in a closed car with her without a mask on, on Saturday. Thank God Dorothy is feeling a little better today. I found all this out just when Rick and I were about to jump in the car with my cake, gifts and flowers. Not a good situation and the timing is terrible. We’ll be meeting our brand new baby granddaughter on Saturday and we can’t risk getting Covid. Rick didn’t want us to see my Mom at all because we might be exposed to Covid. But today is her 94th Birthday. I’m so concerned because she’s so thin and frail. She just can’t get sick. Anyway I didn’t know what to do. My sister Janet talked We kept our masks on and kept our distance. Felt so bad we couldn’t really celebrate her Birthday. But at least she can enjoy my strawberry shortcake later. We stayed a while with her sitting on the stoop and I sat many feet away while Rick stood way back on the sidewalk. Then Rick was getting nervous and wanted to leave. I felt so bad leaving her without a hug and kiss. I wished her God’s healing blessings and a Happy Birthday. She says she feels fine so that is God’s Birthday gift. Thank You Father for bringing Dorothy back to good health and healing her and my Mom in all ways and keeping Covid away from our families and this dear JC Family! Keep us all safe and in good health and heal our infirmities. We do not forget Your Benefits. Thank You Jesus!

    1. Dear Jeanne, I think you did good with the stressful situation. BLESS you, BLESS YOU! I just Plead the Blood of Jesus over your family situaion. I speak Uplift, Aboundant Life, Healing and Restoration over the whole situation. And may the Glory of the Lord cover you and saturate you and your family with His peace that surpasses all understanding. In Jesus' Name, AMEN and AMEN
      Sending bunches of love your way ---JJ

    2. Pleading the Blood of Jesus all over you and yours, inside and out, Jeanne. Along with JJ, I too, speak Uplift, Abundant Life, Healing and Restoration over the whole situation. And may the Glory of the Lord cover you and saturate you and your family with His peace that surpasses all understanding. In Jesus' Name, AMEN and AMEN and ALLELUIA!

    3. Thanks for your prayers JJ and Brie. Amen and Amen! My Mom still does not have any symptoms and Thank God Dorothy is a little better every day. God is so good!

  31. Dear sweet sister Jeanne, Praying the precious blood of Jesus over all. So thankful your sweet Mom was blessed with a visit on her birthday despite the obstacles. We love you.

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers and love dear Sassy Mom! Saved by the Blood of Christ! My Mom is doing well and I just keep thanking God for His faithfulness. Love you dear one.

  32. Good and blessed morning to all of you! May God fill your paths with His warm light and your hearts with love, comfort and hope! Today’s my Mom’s 95th Birthday! We will celebrate it quietly and get take out for dinner. But we’re having a big family party at her house on the 27th. So much to do but we know where our strength comes from. We are so grateful she’s doing well. We know it’s because she’s a mighty prayer warrior and Jesus always holds her hand! Praise God for His faithfulness.

    Jeremiah 29:11
    For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

    Nahum 1:7
    The LORD is good,
    a stronghold in the day of trouble;
    he knows those who take refuge in him.

    Philippians 4:13
    I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

  33. Thanks for your prayers for Rudy! He’s home from the hospital but still needs prayers that the antibiotics will help his incision to heal. Trusting in God’s promises and leaning on His faithfulness. May we all receive answers to our prayers. Praying that our dear Jan’s good husband continues to recover well from his stroke because God is in charge. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Amen! Thank You Lord for all prayers answered.

  34. "Adam and Eve used to walk with Me in the garden, before their expulsion from the Eden. I want you to walk with Me in the garden of your heart, where I have taken up permanent residence."
    May your walk with Him today be truly blessed.
    This reminds me of one of my folks a favourite songs 'I Come To The Garden Alone:

  35. Please lift up my daughter Tori today as she has a medical procedure done and all of the medical staff that is over her. Thank-you! God bless! ♥️

    1. Blessings from NYMay 24, 2023 at 4:19 AM

      Sending prayers and blessings out to your daughter Tori and for the medical staff today- in Jesus nameπŸ™

    2. Praying for Tori Faith and for you and for our entire JC Family. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    3. Joining my sisters and others as we pray for Tori and the procedure she is having today as well as her medical team. May all go not just as planned but better than expected! In Jesus' name, AMEN.

    4. Echoing prayers for you, our Tori Faith, the procedure and medical team. PRAYING FOR A MIRACLE!!!!

    5. Continuing to pray for dear Tori! And that God guides her medical team to bring her back to good health. Trusting in our Way Maker.

  36. I can't hang on anymore. It's too boring. I'm physically exhausted from trying to make it. I can't hold on anymore.

    1. Blessings from NYMay 24, 2023 at 4:27 AM

      Praying for you this morning, anonymous. I, too, am having a more difficult time than usual to hang on. Praying we are able to allow Jesus to hold on for us , praying for rest and peace in Jesus this day.

    2. Hold on anyway.
      God's Got You, even when you don't see Him, He's Working.
      It may be midnight or midday. He's never early. He's never late. He will stand by what He claims.
      I've lived enough life to say,
      Much Love and Many Prayers from your JC Family. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!



    5. Anonymous: "It's too boring" is causing you to be unable to hang on... am assuming your faith and/or your life. If you have read in the past month or so, Sarah's imagination has used scripture that shows God has a strong unending love for us at ALL TIMES. She uses the symbolism in scripture that says He is holding us with His right hand. This is intentional because in new and old testament times the primary weapon of battle was the sword, and warriors only fought right-handed.

      God therefore is showing us He is not against us but is extending His hand in love and to give us peace. He is with you. He is trying to bring meaning to your life... when you think you can't hold on, He will keep a grip... a hold of you until you leave this current valley in your journey. All faith is strengthened in the valleys of one's life. May He guide you during this challenge and bring you to the mountaintop, where you find joy, fulfillment, and most of all, peace. Godspeed. Praying in Jesus name for you. Amen

    6. The hand of God reaches out to you. When you grasp it, it's not boring. ✝️ God bless you!

    7. Praying against the spirit of deception that is causing you to not believe His promises! Praying for His Spirit to cover you in peace and strength to hold on to Him even when doubts arise. He's got you... please keep holding on .He will not forsake those who run to Him!
      Helen in San Diego πŸ’œπŸ™πŸ’œ

    8. Praying you are renewed and comforted by the Holy Spirit and receive a new sense of purpose and strength to continue. You are loved deeply. ❤️❤️

    9. Joining all prayers for you dear Anonymous! There is nothing boring about being a child of God! No matter what you are going through, God is greater! He shall overcome with you.. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. We can change our circumstances because with Him all things are possible. Trust Him to guide you to sweet new experiences and roads that lead to new adventures in His presence. You are in a deep valley but He can lead you through it if you seek Him with your whole heart, mind and soul. He is always with you and He loves you unconditionally. Trust Him to lead you to joy and fulfillment. Every day holds countless new possibilities.

      Dear Blessings from NY! Hold on a little longer because there is bright light just around the bend!!

      Dear MadFox! Such good encouragement and advice! Amen and Amen!

    10. Blessings from NYMay 25, 2023 at 4:57 AM

      Thank you Jeanne ❤️

  37. Praying for your hubby and for you, our dear Jan.

  38. Yes, continued prayers for your dear hub and his recovery, Jan, as well as strength and endurance for you both.

  39. So many people in need of prayers these days. Praying for all listed above and for those petitioning in the quiet of their homes. May His peace wash over you all and lift your spirits.

  40. Amen dear Suzanne! Well prayed.
    May all our JC family seen and unseen receive answers to their prayers and all they need in their lives: joy, healing of all kinds, comfort, understanding, mercy, forgiveness, and saving grace. God already knows what they need and He can provide it. Thank You Jesus.

  41. We are called to pray without ceasing. That means we can talk with God at any time and in any place. This is a great way to practice the presence of God. Praying scripture is a powerful way to pray so join me in praying Psalm 89:15-16.

    Thank you Father that You desire my constant presence. You love me so much. Help me to repent of my sins that the light of Your presence illuminates. Thank you for Your favor, joy, and strength that Your presence infuses in me. Amen.

    1. Amen πŸ™. May His face shine upon you!

    2. I say AMEN, also! Great Blessings and Abundant Life to you, TrustintheLord!

    3. I am joining into Psalm 89

    4. Me too, as I head out into the tropical garden to spend some vacay time with my Lord (and cup of coffee 😎)

  42. Amen! God’s Word has amazing power and it’s a lamp on our feet and a light on our path. Proverbs 3:5-6 has been running through my brain because I just tested positive for Covid. God knows all the loved ones I have been with and that I’m alone in this house with my dear mom who turns 96 today. My brother and his wife were going to come over and we were going to go out to lunch for my mom’s Birthday. I need someone to test my mom and I don’t wanna get close to her now. Praying no one gets sick. I was with my brother and his wife and our whole family when I started feeling sick. Staying in God’s healing presence and trusting in His Word and promises. Father, I’m waiting on Your Faithfulness and resting in Your Peace.
    Thank You for making things right and protecting my loved ones from getting sick in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    And He shall direct your paths.

    1. Praying for you Jeanne πŸ™. Peace be with you!

    2. Joining all the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS in lifting you and your family up to The Throne of Grace. I speak Healing, Healing, Healing over you and Pleading the Blood of Jesus over all. And, devil, you CAN'T DEFEAT THE BLOOD!
      In Jesus' Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN.

    3. Praying you feel better soon Jeanne and that your family will be spared from getting sick. Happy birthday wishes for your dear Mom!

    4. God is HEALING you now, this moment, our Jeanne!

    5. Thanks for all your prayers. God’s got this. Praying no one else gets sick. I’m okay. God made me strong and I know He’s healing me. I will try to make a special Birthday for my mom. I have chicken soup cooking and pork chops and sweet potatoes for dinner. I must lift get spirits. She was looking forward to her Birthday celebration but no one will be coming. Jesus will be our Guest of Honor.

    6. Bless you Jeanne, with mild symptoms and quick recovery!
      I'm going to send you a birthday message for your mom πŸ’

  43. I love the "walk with Me in the garden of your heart". What an absolute delight!
    Help me Lord, help me tend my garden. Bring to flower in me that which delights You. Help develop the fruit of the Spirit. Help me also in destroying the weeds that choke and smother the growth You are tending. Amen.

    1. Amen Peter πŸ™. Wonderfully put! God bless!

    2. Amen, Peter, Amen! The Lord is such a delight. Bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name. We love you Lord! HALLELUJAH!!!

    3. #ME TOO! Peter, Janet, and JJ

    4. Beautifully prayed! Amen! Let’s all make sure to weed the Gardens of our hearts

  44. Thank you Payton family for this blog. I purchased the JC devotion several years ago and it’s still my daily go to. I found this blog a while back while on vacation without my book. I now come here everyday. It’s nice to hear your prayers and read a few of the prayers and comments from others. I thank the Lord that we each have a place like this to gather in Spirit and that He meets each of us where we are at. When we keep our eyes on Him, He shows us all we need to know though not always in our time frame, but His. God bless you all.

    1. Bless you, Anonymous. So happy you found this blog. Welcome, welcome, welcome! Looking forward to your posts.
      Our God is our Everything! Get use to winning because God is on our side!

    2. Welcome to the posting side of town, Anonymous. We are blessed to "see" you here!

    3. Thanks dear Anonymous! So happy to have you here with us! Gods bless you always!

    4. Welcome to the blessed prayer place filled with any intercession you may desire!

  45. Dear Rich C. ---- So glad to see your post yesterday. As I said yesterday, you've been missed. You hang in there.
    God has a plan and it is a good one.
    I am praying and believing for Healing and Breakthroughs for you and your family. I Declare that your lives will display the Lord's power and His will. He will do the things that look impossible in and through you. In Jesus' Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN.

    1. One more thought, Rich C.
      The enemy knows your weakness, but you need to know his weakness. The Blood of Jesus and the Sword of the Spirit (Word of God).

    2. Thank you so much for the prayers and support 😊. I appreciate the reminder to put on the armor of God and continue to battle the father of all lies! Freedom has already come through the cross and resurrection! I clam victory in the name of Jesus!
      His blood washes away all sin and sets us free to live in hope, not in fear.
      Be blessed this and every day.

    3. Amen! Put in the armor of God to protect yourself against the fiery darts of the evil one. We are covered by the Blood of Christ and God fights our battles! Thank You Jesus!!!

  46. A prayer for those who are struggling ,that they may have the strength and surrender to ask for God's hand and help. That the loving and healing hands of Jesus Christ surround them and uplift them, and us. God's Blessings for all this day. John H.

    1. Yes indeed! John H.
      Ask for God's hand and help, and then wait for His Answer. It WILL come!

    2. Your prayer blessed my day, dear John H!! Amen! Thanks. Thanks Brie. Holding on tight to God’s Unchanging Hand.

  47. Thank You God for answered prayer treasure You sent while I was on the hunt yesterday and today.
    Only You Knew My Prayer!
    How Great Thou Are!
    How Can I Say Thanks?

    1. So happy you are receiving answered prayers and the joy you so deserve! Enjoy God’s treasures! Stay well and safe. Love you πŸ’—

    2. Yeah, Brie!!! Praising God with you! Our Mighty God is with us and we don't have to defeat our enemy or giants alone! HALLELUJAH!!!


  48. Learning to TrustMay 24, 2024 at 8:48 AM

    Today we are preparing for a Celebration of Life and graveside service for my mom which will be tomorrow. My son who was very close to her is having a hard time with physical anxiety over this as well as heavy pressure from work. My prayer is that God’s Peace and calm would permeate the day that like Maplewood NJ prayed a few years ago-
    Thank You for meeting all of our needs according to Your glorious riches in Christ Jesus! Thank You for the VICTORY in every area of our lives, even when it doesn't seem like it! May we never weaver, but hold on and keep waiting and trusting, believing with all our hearts that the:
    valley shall give way to the mountain top, the dark clouds shall give to the bright sunshine, there will be beauty for ashes, joy for mourning and a garment of Praise instead of a spirit of despair! So THANK YOU Lord! Thank You!

    1. Standing with you, Learning to Trust, on on the Celebration of Live of your precious mom. I ask the Lord's Angel Armies to surround you, your son and other loved ones and bring comfort, peace and protection. Papa God, I thank You that you are surrounding them with your love and bringing Your Divine Support during this time of sorrow. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THEM SHALL PROSPER! I trust you, Papa, in all of this because You are FAITHFUL. IN Jesus' Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. Joining you both in thanking God for all the blessed years you had with your good mom. May God surround you and your brother and your family with His comfort, guidance, light and peace. Thank You dear Jesus Amen

    3. Praying for your son's hands to Just Be Held in The Son's Hands. May your Mom's soul and all souls of the faithfully departed, rest in peace. Amen!

  49. Asking for prayers tonight, as we put my DH to bed. Please Lord, let us both get some great sleep. I confess...I've not read the latest prayers, but I WILL be praying in the Spirit for all of you, Dear JC Family. I am so tired and even though we've made great progress in our home for my DH, I SO NEED a good night's rest.
    Love to all of you!

    1. Norah, joining everyone in prayers for you and your husband. Praying for peace and a solid nights rest.
      SC Anonymous

    2. Praying for peace and restful, restorative sleep for all JC family. Reminded of psalm 4:8
      “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe.”
      ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭4‬:‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

      Shalom πŸ™
