Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 27

     Seek My Face at the beginning of your day. This practice enables you to "put Me on" and "wear Me" throughout the day. Most people put on clothes soon after arising from bed. Similarly, the sooner you "put Me on" by communicating with Me, the better prepared you are for whatever comes your way.
     To "wear Me" is essentially to have My mind; to think My thoughts. Ask the Holy Spirit to control your thinking; be transformed by this renewal within you. Thus you are well equipped to face whatever people and situations I bring your way. Clothing your mind in Me is your best preparation for each day. This discipline brings Joy and Peace to you and those around you.
Psalm 27:8
New King James Version
You have said, “Seek my face.”
My heart says to you,
    “Your face, Lord, do I seek.”
Romans 13:14
English Standard Version
But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.
Colossians 3:12
English Standard Version
Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Seeking your face Lord, Preparing for what ever comes my way today with assurance I'm protected by my Heavenly Father. Love and blessings to my JC Family.

    1. Five years later, your post still resonates.

  2. On this Memorial Day, we come together to honor and remember our servicemen and women who answered America's call to service and paid the ultimate price. We keep the loved ones they left behind in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you Lord for this incredible American! Thank you Lord for clothing our minds with your presence. Humble and thankful in Kansas

    1. Amen and God bless

    2. Amen! Well written and perfect for this Memorial Day.

  3. Good morning JESUS! Thank You for another great day. I'v awaken this morning to Your Glory and Your mercy. Thank You for life.
    Your word says: seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things will be added unto me. This morning, I seek You and desire to wear You throughout this day. I seek the Holy Spirit and invite You into my life, saying, take control in every area.
    May the Holy Spirit think through me, live through me and love through me in Jesus name.

    This morning, I pray for Peace and comfort for all those grieving past and current losses. Father, You are the comforter, rest in the mind of someone today and give them that blessed assurance that You are with them despite the loss, pain and emptiness. May the souls of all our departed love ones rest, all those who sacrificed their lives for the freedom and love of this country, grant their love ones peace and comfort. We Thank You oh Lord for hearing us each and every time we pray and thank You for Your answers.

    May the Peace, comfort and blessings of God rest upon all of you today, JC family, especially those who have losses and are weary today. May the good memories of all our departed loveones and the knowledge that they are with Christ, put a smile on our faces and help us to keep holding onto our Father God!

    Blessed day everyone!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Beautiful words a year ago, as always. I join in your prayer of thanksgiving, and for peace and to all those grieving and in pain, and for the comfort to their loved ones. Thanks for always praying for all of us. That's another reason why we're doing well. God bless you always Maplewood and grant your prayers.

    2. Amen, I join in with your prayers, too. In jesus name, amen.

    3. I know you are in His Arms praying for us, our dear sister with Christ, Fay. That realization is a comfort that overtops my missing you.

    4. Thanking God for His peace and comfort He has blessed me with as I miss my father dearly and knowing that he is in the Lord's presence and watching over me and my family. The signs he sends are all around me and bring a smile to my face. Thank you, Lord, for Your faithfulness.

    5. Such a beautiful line, dear sister:
      May the Holy Spirit think through me, live through me and love through me in Jesus name.
      Amen, Amen and Amen!

    6. Dear Maplewood, that sweet prayer still blesses my heart. May His Spirit dwell mightily within me and think through me, live through me and love through me in Jesus' Name. Amen! Praying for you always and your family. Miss you dear sister! Love you!

    7. I was lifted and encouraged again by your beautiful words and prayer, dear Maplewood. I’m remembering my dear father, Frank today who gave so much for our country and was awarded medals including The Purple Heart. He was a good, honest man of faith and I will see him again. May God continue to comfort all those who lost dear ones in the war. God knows their sorrowful hearts and really cares. Praying God is still blessing you and your family in a wonderful way and providing your needs as His Spirit moves through you. You are one of His favorites as you are to us. We love you, dear sister. Thank you.

  4. Dear Jesus, thank you for your unlimited "wardrobe" to wear you each and everyday. This is my armour to fight through the daily bumps and trials of life.With you I am protected. Thank you. Amen.

    1. Same gratefulness in 2021! Dear Jesus I give you praise and thanksgiving! Amen.

    2. I am praising and thanking along with you, ABC, and all the while, I am singing BECAUSE OF WHO YOU ARE by Vicki Yohe!

    3. Amen, ABC! Thanking and Praising His Holy name with you. Be blessed.

    4. Amen dear ABC! Waking up today to wear my Jesus. May God’s Spirit think, live, and love through all of us. We are well armed and well taken care of.

  5. Jesus, thank ypu fpr all you do fir me and througj me. Let your will be done through me. Amen

  6. Here I am Lord filled with your Holy Spirit! Continue to transform me for your glorious work. Praying for the families who grieve this day for their brave love ones that gave their life's for All Americans freedom.

  7. JJ, thank you for seeing my prayers last night and praying with me! I woke up early feeling much better and throughout the night if I woke up, Sam and Tiffany were in my prayers, along with your Cousin, Billy, Rose; and the specific prayers requested - Mark and Keith...all of you sweet Saints who make up this JC Family.
    "Putting on" the mind of Christ, seeking the Word, so that our hearts are humble, compassionate and kind; seeking His face - all requires ACTION - us doing our part. Our Heavenly Father knows our hearts - that we are seeking him FIRST and has promised in Matthew 6:33, that as we seek Him first - AND His righteousness, that ALL things will be added unto us. ALL THINGS: the health of loved ones, the Peace of mind that we all desire, answers to prayers, all needs met, all clouds of confusion and fear - gone.
    I thank you Father, in the name of Jesus Christ that You,

    133 Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me.

    134 Deliver me from the oppression of man: so will I keep thy precepts.

    135 Make thy face to shine upon thy servant; and teach me thy statutes.

    136 Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law." Psalm 119
    That is my prayer for each of us this day. In Psalms, they were servants - today, we are His children. God paid the ultimate price; Jesus sought His Father's will; listened and obeyed, so that we could be called the SONS of God. What would we not do for our children? That is our Father's heart for us.

    1. Thank you Norah for filling me today. Putting on the mind of Christ and walking the Word through this new day. Praying along with you for Sam and Tiffany and Rose's cousin Billy and your weaknesses. God is such a wonderful Father and He will protect us and order our steps, and lift us out of any sickness, fear and misery, and shine His Face upon us and give us Peace. We are so blessed to be His children.

    2. Yes! Praying for all of our JC family and for the world!
      In Jesus Heavenly name
      Amen Amen
      Love you All 🙏🌸🙏

    3. Thank you for your beautiful prayers, Norah. My father and cousin Billy went home to be with the Lord last year so I know our prayers were answered. Until the days of Heaven. God be with you and answer all your prayers.

    4. Your words, dear Norah, are my prayer: Seek Him first - AND His righteousness, that ALL things will be added unto us. ALL THINGS: the health of loved ones, the Peace of mind that we all desire, answers to prayers, all needs met, all clouds of confusion and fear - gone.
      I thank you Father, in the name of Jesus Christ that You,

  8. Dear Loving Father, I come to say thank You this morning for ALL that You do for me.
    Thank You that when I wake up each morning with my own plans, but acknowledge You and turn them over to You according to Your will, Yours immediately overtakes mine. Thank You!

    Thank You for the urgent successful same day surgery I had yesterday
    Thank You for my doctors and nurses that took care of me right away.
    Thank You for their love, compassion and knowledge
    Thank You for the blessing of having health Insurance.
    Thank You for easing my pain.
    Thank You in advance for complete healing as I go through the next few days.
    I pray for all those that are sick and shut-in, those in pain, those that need health insurance and whatever health issues anyone is battling, I ask You (Jehovah-Rapha), to do for them what You’ve done for me in the name of Jesus. I invite Your Holy Spirit this morning to Live through me, Think through me and Love through me. In Jesus name. Amen.

    Psalm 34:1-8:
    “I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
    My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.
    O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.
    I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
    They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.
    This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.
    The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.
    O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.”

    Psalm 86:12:
    "I give thanks to You, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify Your name forever.”

    Praying Blessings, Peace and Joy for all of You today, in Jesus name. Amen.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood, praying for healing and comfort as you recover. JE

    2. Maplewood - Joining Warriors Praising Jehovah Rapha for comfort and healing for our Beloved Maplewood.

    3. Amen Maplewood! You sought the Lord and He heard your anguished prayer of pain. Thanking God for getting you the proper treatment right away and praying that He is healing every weakness in your body unto a perfect recovery to His glory! Your gratitude shines like the sun. He has truly provided your needs and as usual He was right on time. God bless you and heal you dear Sister. Glory to His Name!!!

    4. Healing prayers going up for our dear Maplewiod NJ and all of our JC family and their dear ones, in Jesus' names. Amen!

    5. Maplewood--- Joining the JC WARRIORS in prayer for a speedy recovery. Lord please now bless each step of the recovery process for Maplewood. Protect the wounds from infection. Heal and restore damaged or bruised areas and bring peace and rest. May Your healing presence be upon Maplewood for complete restoration of health. In Jesus's Name for His glory and in honor of His purposes. AMEN and AMEN Sending bunches of love your way, Maplewood!

    6. Lifting you up in prayer, twin bd sis, and praying for a full and complete recovery. May our gracious Lord complete the good work He has started in you. May you have a complete recovery and no complications. God be with you.

    7. Prayers for healing for you Maplewood
      Thank you for your loving prayers everyday
      Love your heart

    8. I sought the Lord, and the Lord won! 😉

    9. Always in my prayers for complete healing. God knows exactly what need and what infirmities you have. He can do all things. Still praying for your strength and healing, and your sister with her 3 medical problems and true faith for your family. Thank You Jesus!

  9. My yoke is easy and my burden is light...

    Lord I ask for new revelations of your words. I ask that we not engage in needless self condemnation when our thoughts do not measure up to your Holiness. When our thoughts are indecent, may we just clothe them with you. May we not hide in our naked thoughts in shame (where are you Adam?) but may we simply understand that our thoughts fall short. Our efforts fall short and may we simply come to and invite your presence to be our impetus that our day flows from. May we learn to live in, recognize, and accept your love that sustains all. May we sit in your love and be clothed in it and be transformed by it.

    Lord we love you, we need you, and we thank you that we have you. In you and your love is where we receive everything we need. May we clothe ourselves with your love and learn to properly love ourself.

    In Jesus name

    Thank you and bless you dear friends.

    1. Praying for you, Maplewood!

    2. Thanks Keith, I needed that to heal the impatience and unkindness I acted out yesterday. I was about to hide it. Thanks for helping me to bring it out in the SonLight for healing and restoration. God bless you and our entire JC family. Amen.

    3. Your welcome.

      My yoke is easy... why is that hard to believe I ask myself. Because of our conditioned thinking!

      I'm rejoicing in small victories of hearing His thoughts along with some of my negative thoughts because of a situation that just came up. I am rejoicing because I can "listen" to my negative thought but choose to think His thought! This is how it works ;-)

    4. Like call and response? When negativity calls, God's positivity responds...

    5. Amen Keith! Just what I needed to hear. May the Spirit help me to cast away negative thoughts and refocus my gaze on the Lord and His peace and blessings.
      Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

    6. HOLY SPIRIT control my thinking. I ask, I seek, I pray.

    7. Father you knowmy heart, you know when I sit or stand . You have chart a path before me and tell me where to stop and rest, every moment you know where I am, you know what I going to say even before I say it.

  10. Good morning JC family! Praying for all! God bless!

    1. Feeling it, S4G! Thank you! God be with you.

  11. Good morning God! Thank you for this new day, the chance to begin again. Holy spirit, renew my mind, help me to think and be filled with you before I speak. May all my encounters today be consciously guided by and with you. In Jesus's name, blessed be the JC family and beyond with the power of your healing and Peace. Amen!

    1. Amen Audra! Looking forward to a new day in His sweet presence, walking with the Spirit and our answered prayers. Thank you Jesus!

    2. Thanks Audra,
      ... Holy spirit, renew my mind, help me to think and be filled with you before I speak...
      Today's devotion states: To "wear Me" is essentially to have My mind; to think My thoughts (and speak My Words). Ask the Holy Spirit to control your thinking (and your words); be transformed by this renewal within you...
      Big Order for me because while wearing His Clothes, I feel like a little girl playing dress up in her Mom's clothes and shoes!
      Today, I am asking God's Holy Spirit's Blessings on all my words, BEFORE I speak them. Perhaps, when I can consistently use more positive words, then positive thoughts will take care of themselves? Pray for me to the Lord our God, my dear Brother and Sister Friends in Christ. Controlling my tongue is, and always has been, a challenge. Only with God's help, can I make it through the obstacle course wearing these oversized clothes and shoes. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Dear Lord,
      Please help me to say it best when I say nothing at all!
      Thank You. Amen!

    4. May we be tuned in to the Spirit's groanings and hear the words He is giving us to share.

    5. Brie, one of my faves ♥️🎶

    6. Actually that song still moves me!


    (John 17:1-5) With His 'sermon' completed, Jesus lifts up His eyes to the heavens and enters into prayer. He begins by delighting in the oneness He has with the Father. The mutual love They share is affirmed in Jesus asking to be glorified in what is about to take place for the purpose of bringing glory to the Father. He knew that His impending Passion would serve to reunite people with the Father, thus, He prays for eternal life for all, to enter into full relationship with the Father which is the essence of eternal life. For this to be, it required His Passion so He is intent on completing that for which He has been sent following which He will reenter His full glorious unity with the Father.

    For me, Jesus high priestly prayer that John has preserved in his account on Jesus' life, is one of the most moving passages of scripture. I am blessed in listening to Jesus in prayer, of the love He and the Father share. When I was in the beginning stages of my faith development, my priority was to go to heaven when I died. Years later, I have grown to learn that eternal life is not a place to go but a relationship to be shared. Jesus opening thoughts in His final earthly prayer, brings that out fully. He enjoys a full relationship with the Father and He has come so you and I can enjoy the same. In that relationship, there is a mutual flow of love back and forth between God and us. This is clearly reflected as Jesus begins to pray and it is the relationship He wants us to have as well. It is eternal life. From this perspective, Jesus words in John 11:25-26, "I AM the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in Me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die", are more clearly understood.

    I attempted to post on this passage yesterday but when I hit the 'publish' button, it disappeared. Is God like my English teacher who gave me back my papers to be rewritten? It is what it is, trusting it is as God wants it. Be blessed this day, JC Family! With love, Bob

    1. Thank you, Bob, as always for your keen insights into the Word and Christ's Passion. You've blessed my day. God bless you and our JC family.

    2. Dear Bob, Your Spirit guided wisdom continues to open my eyes and bless my heart. You are always in my prayers. I know the Spirit is continuing to work through you as you serve the Lord and spread His message. God bless you and yours always. Love and gratitude.

  13. VERSES vs LIFE
    Dear God,
    After reading today's JC scripture, Romans 13:14
    Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make provision for the flesh to wear God and act like God, gratifying Jesus' desires, and
    Colossians 3:12 Put on God, wear God, and act like God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, I know I definitely need your help putting on Your clothes, wearing them out, and acting like You.
    Would you please help this pilgrim get dressed today? I need Your help putting on YOUR BELT, YOUR BREASTPLATE, YOUR SHOES, YOUR SHIELD, YOUR HELMET, and YOUR S/WORD. I am asking for Your help because I want to wear them all day today and what is difficult for me is possible and easy for You. I am also asking in accordance with Your Word:
    Acts 20: 24 My life is only worth something when I use it for putting on God, wearing God out, acting like God doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of showing others the Good News about God’s Mighty Kindness and love.
    Ephesians 6: 13 So put on, wear out, act like God, using every piece of God’s armor, when it is all over, you will still be standing up!
    14 To do this, you will need to be wearing GOD'S BELT, BREASTPLATE, SHOES, SHIELD, HELMET, and S/WORD:
    15 SHOES THAT ARE ABLE TO SPEED YOU ON as you preach the Good News of peace with God. 
    16 FAITH AS YOUR SHIELD to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan. 
    17 HELMET OF SALVATION and the S/WORD OF GOD'S SPIRIT—which is the Spirit Word of God.
    18 Pray all the time.
    Dear Lord, Thank you for all Your help dressing me, and helping me stand upright with all Your gear on. Thank You for our entire JC family and their dear ones, and for me and mine also. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Thanks Brilamar and Amen. I wake up each morning and put on my Armor so I'm ready to face anything that threatens to separate me from God. We are indeed well dressed in His Word, gifts and presence.

    2. Amen, Brie. Putting on His Armor and having faith that I can now face whatever comes my way because of His unending love for us. God bless you.

    3. Oops...forgot to add my name to the post above. Happy and blessed Thursday! Your all in my prayers.

    4. Basking in the SONlight and wearing my complete Armor so I will be ready for anything. I continue to see His faithfulness in my life and I am so blessed. Our God is just so good to us.

    5. As always dear Brie, You lifted me and encouraged my weary heart! Continuing to seek Him with you and praying He will help us to get dressed today in His Armor and also help us to wear His Spirit of Love and share it. Thank You Jesus.

  14. Amen! I am making this my prayer, too. It is great!

  15. Thank you, Bob. Your posts really help remind me of my completeness in Jesus, resting in my (our) love relationship with the Father and the Son.

  16. Amen. Putting on the full armour of God. Recently God told me I had some holes in my armour. I knew what he meant by it. Our minds are so important in our transformation. That helmet is to keep out those thought that are contrary to the word. Putting on the parts of the armour daily are essential for the success of his children. Remembering that the battlefield is primarily in the mind. We must fight our battles in prayer and praise and be armed always with the word. Thank you all for you insight and prayers for the brethren. Jesus make us whole and unashamed. Inviting your Holy Spirit presence Rejoicing always for you Lord are good! Glory to His name. Health and healing to you all as we agree in the prayers and request of those posting.

  17. Hello everyone please pray for me. I feel that my enemies are trying to attack me again. Please pray for them to god to wake them up in Jesus name amen and Amen. I love you Jesus 🙏

    1. Father, push back the evil and darkness and remove it from Woman of God's life. Let the light of Your presence transform her whole being and bring her Your perfect peace, love, and joy. Strengthen her willpower in Your name and for Your glory. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    2. Joining into prayers for you Woman of God ❤️🙏🙏❤️

    3. Praying for you, Woman of God. May His peace and strength carry you through the storm.
      Blessings from California

    4. Continuing to pray for you dear Woman of God. Be not afraid. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Hold onto His unchanging Hand and rest in Him who cares for you.

  18. Lord free me from those do evil and Cancel their evil work in Jesus Amen and Amen. 🙏❤️

  19. Father, thank You for another blessed day in the Lord. You bring the sunshine and the rain. You bring the flowers and the grass. Your light resonates in us and through us. Let us be grateful to You and praise You the way You deserve. You are so wonderful and amazing. You are perfect and holy. We are sinners, not perfect or worthy, but You love us anyway -- unconditionally. Thank You for all You do and all You are Lord. Praise You Lord. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me, for You are my rock and my fortress... For You have been my hope, Sovereign LORD, my confidence since my youth. (Psalm 71:3,5)

    2. So blessed that we are loved completely in our imperfection dear Janet. Praise Him with every breath.

  20. I'm a bit sleep deprived so I'm heading off to bed. Something wonderful happened yesterday. It was a true GOD moment. I was in a store looking for something. I looked everywhere and I was holding my keys. Finally I found what I needed. I was late and I had to rush home to cook dinner and make a Birthday cake to bring to a friend in 2 hours and I hadn't even had my shower yet. When I got to the cashier I paid and then went to get my keys and I had lost them. The manager was there and I said "I lost my keys but I'm praying to Jesus and I know I'll find them". I prayed, "Jesus I really need you now to help me find my keys." Five seconds later, a young girl comes over to us and says: "I just found these keys and I didn't know what to do with them." I couldn't believe it and I told the manager this was the faithfulness of God. When I walked out the door, a woman was holding a wooden plaque with a prayer on it and she exclaimed: "Praise God". I said "Amen! Praise God". I had a huge grin on my face as I got into the car because my Lord and Savior came through as usual. He is so very faithful and He knows I trust in Him.

    1. God is good all the time! Thank you for sharing your "Godwink".

    2. Thank you for sharing our everpresent God's Victory, Jeanne!
      He lives! He Reigns! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Ask and ye shall receive. 👏

    4. Blessings upon blessings will abound if we just open our eyes to see and our hearts to acknowledge and praise Him. God bless you.

    5. Amen sisters! I will continue to proclaim His good deeds in my life. His faithfulness is shining like the Son.

    6. God is so good always! I delight in all His reminders to us. God bless.

    7. Still believing in God's timing for those keys we are still looking for 😉

    8. What once was lost, now is found. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  21. That is a wonderful example of how much he loves his children and how he hears us! Praise God!! I love those God gifts!

    1. Yes Terri! It is Affirmation to my heart that He knows my heart, mind and soul, intimately.

  22. Sorry this post is late. Your prayers make a difference.
    Thank you for all the prayers!

    My mom my sisters and I had a wonderful weekend we laughed so much!! We recognized beforehand that sometimes our mouths produce words that hurt another. It was our desire to not allow this to happen. We set up the plan that if someone started to say something that was not lifting up others we would start singing
    "we have joy joy joy, joy down in our hearts, where down in our hearts, where down in our hearts."
    Part of this plan was also that the person that was starting to make a possible offense happen would not take offense themselves. If needed they would talk to the person that started the singing privately to resolve their uncertain feelings about what happened. I'm not aware of anyone needing to talk privately about it during the weekend. This worked greatly and I contribute it to being prayed for and God interceding. By midday Saturday the person who even started to think something off balance would start singing out loud "joy joy joy joy down in my heart" and we would all laugh and sing with them knowing that they had stopped themselves.

    Today I'm teaching at our church woman's meeting. I believe I'm supposed to teach on the power of words. Which would also include the way we speak to others. Examples disrespectful, backhanded compliments, our tone, etc.

    If anyone has thoughts or scripture on this please share. I'm trusting the Holy Spirit to speak through me, but I also need to be prepared.
    Thank you for all prayers and wisdom!

    1. Powerful story!!! So glad for the way you built each other up.
      Scripture - there are so many. I am sure you can search and find them in bible gateway.
      These surface for me:
      May no unwholesome talk come from your lips but only what is good for building each other up..:
      Do not stop meeting together as some are doing, but Spur one another on toward love and good deeds (Hebrews)

    2. Here are just a few from the Psalms.

      Psalm 15:3 New International Version (NIV)

      3 whose tongue utters no slander,
      who does no wrong to a neighbor,
      and casts no slur on others;
      Psalm 34:13
      keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies.
      In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
      Psalm 35:28
      My tongue will proclaim your righteousness, your praises all day long.
      In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
      Psalm 37:30
      The mouths of the righteous utter wisdom, and their tongues speak what is just.

    3. Oh God, my one word summation of all my prayers earlier today was WORDS!
      (I boil down all my daily readings into one word to share with my brother who has a brain disorder and also with my friend who had a stroke. At the current time, they can handle and absorb one WORD, and often times, it will trigger Bible Passages in their minds and words!)
      Today's "WORD" essence came from my reading:
      James 3
      Isaiah 55
      Today's Devotion
      I love the Joy, Joy, Joy, song testimony, TERRI, and I plan to use it on myself today in keeping with my response to an earlier post by Audra May 27, 2020 at 7:38 AM.
      God's blessings on you sister friend in Christ, TERRI, and on our entire JC Family and each of their dear ones. May all of our words today serve God's WORDS! TESTimonies welcome. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. When anyone controls their tongue's words, then it proves they have perfect control over themselves in every other way! The tongue's words can be a double edged s/word: either a flame of fire OR they can be a soothing stream. It can be full of wickedness poisoning every part of the body OR a source of good smoothing balm on a parched soul. The tongue's words can be set on fire by satan and hell itself OR it can be used to sing of the Goodness of God, and it can turn our whole life into a blazing flame of destruction and disaster OR build us and others up with love, harmony and peace! Choose words wisely.

    5. Just as rain and snow come down from Heaven and stay upon the ground to water the earth, and cause the grain to grow good crops and produce good seed for the farmer and good bread for the hungry, so also is My Word.
      I send MY Word out and My Word always produces good fruit! My Word shall accomplish all I want it to, and My Word shall prosper everywhere I send it! You will live in My Joy and My Peace through My Word. All the world around you will rejoice when you speak and do My Word!
      May all the thoughts of my heart and all the words out from my mouth be pleasing to you, O my God, my Rock, my Redeemer
      Amd, may all my words be servants underneath THY WORD. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    6. Thank you Lord for continuing to renew my MIND, as my thoughts are the source for my WORDS that come out of my mouth. It seems like simple advice to "think before I speak", but it's the hardest lesson I am wanting to learn. Joining in prayer and progress with my JC family in this boat.

    7. The "words out of my mouth" seas are getting rough; I think I have to wake Him up now.

    8. Dear Terri, May the Spirit guide your teaching. I love this verse: Psalm 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

    9. Kind people do themselves a favor, but cruel people bring trouble on themselves. (Proverbs 11:17)

      I am so glad to hear that you and your family had such a wonderful time together. Good memories are rare and should be kept close in your heart. I am happy to hear about the work you are doing at your church. May the Lord be with you and lift you up as you are serving Him. God bless you.

  23. Sharing my morning's Bible Gateway verse. But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God. - Acts 20:24

    1. Thanks Sassy Mom, for "telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God." You provided me with a "right on time" booster for my mission today of ONLY GOOD WORDS! Be blessed in Jesus' Name I pray for all of us. amen.

    2. Awesome verse dear Sassy Mom! Sharing this with my Sis and Mom and Bible group. Thank you!
      Amen Brie! It sure is a "right on time" booster for your mission today.
      Holy Spirit, Please guard our mouths only to please God and encourage, edify, comfort, guide, instruct and love.

    3. Amen!

      Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:58)

      You are the light of the world -- like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. (Matthew 5:14-16)

  24. Thank you JC Family for your prayers yesterday. My DH's blood tests were better and we now have a 2 month reprieve before going back. We started at every 4 weeks, then 6 and now we are at 8 weeks. Thank you, Father! However, last night, he lost his balance and fell. He says he's fine - a little sore, but wouldn't even take a Bufferin! TOUGH guy! I am heading to bed - so very tired. Looking forward to a day off tomorrow and a long weekend. No work until next Tuesday! Woo Hoo! Love and prayers for all of you.

    1. Thanking God for His faithfulness in that your DH doesn't have to go back for 8 weeks. Praying he didn't get badly hurt by his fall.
      Hope you get your well deserved rest dear Norah. I'm going to bed early tonight too. We can't serve Him well when we are exhausted.

    2. Glad to hear that things went well. Sorry to hear about the fall, but the Lord is with you both and will always take good care of you. Get some well deserved rest and sweet dreams. Peace be with you.

  25. MadFox, I forgot to mention you. I read that yesterday you went for your 6 month. So excited to hear how you are doing. Continued prayers, Brother...every day. Love to you and the Fam.

    1. Amen! Looking forward to more victories. Please pray for my dear friend Mayda who has a polyp on her uterus and a spot on her ovary. Her good husband Emilio is sick and my need dialysis. Thanking our Father for His amazing healing power to wash over my friends and MadFox and make them perfectly well again.

  26. Thank you everyone for praying for me. Please never stop praying.
    Have a bless day everyone 🙏❤️

    1. I will always pray for you dear Woman of God. You are surrounded by God’s love, our love and many prayers!

  27. Keith --- Just caught up on some reading of posts. So glad to hear from you and your update. The JCFAMILY has got you covered in prayer. I just want to speak Life and Divine Healing into your body from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet. I believe my Papa God is doing a glorious work on you and has divine plans for you!!! Keith, just breathe in, knowing you are held by His Grace. Then breath out knowing you are held secure in His arms. Papa God, show Keith Your overflowing love for him and that You are his beacon of hope. In Jesus' Name, I pray and believe, AMEN and AMEN. JJ

    1. Amazing! I was just praying for Keith's healing of his burns and then I read your post! Amen to that dear JJ. God is working hard healing Keith from the inside out. He will be better than ever because his faith is carrying him through and everyone around him can see his light shining like the SON :)
      Dear Keith, Be patient in prayer, hopeful because you have already seen His faithfulness and blessed because you are deeply loved by Him and by your dear JC Family. Surrounding you with our prayers. Much love dear brother!

    2. Joining in prayers for you Keith. May our heavenly Father place His healing hands upon you and restore you. May He place His arms around you and lift you up above your circumstances and surround you in His perfect peace. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    3. Amen! It's a new day, Keith! ♥️

  28. Great word from Jesus Calling. I believe it's appropriate to re-post a previous posting:
    I follow with interest 'Space walks', the external works carried out on the Space Station as the they are televized. I was thinking of the Astronaut wearing the suit needed in order to operate in space, to be able to stay alive and well in that extremely hostile alien environment.
    I suddenly 'saw' that as Christians, we, in this world but not of it, in order to operate alive and well in this hostile earthly environment, need to wear our 'Jesus Suit'. Acts 17:28 "For in him we live and move and have our being". I am wearing my 'Jesus Suit' are you wearing Him today?
    Romans 13:14 "But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires."
    Ephesians 6 10:18 " 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
    11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
    12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
    13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
    14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,
    15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
    16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
    17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
    18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
    With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people."

    1. Thank you dear Peter! Got my Jesus suit on and I’m ready for anything! God’s Word is the sword! I am wearing His Armor and I’m not afraid. Standing firmly on the Cornerstone that never crumbles. Surrounded by His Hedge of Protection and Held by His mighty Hand. Ready for my flight tomorrow to California to see my good son Bryan, his dear wife Allie and Baby Evelyn. What a gift! Thank You Jesus 💗😊🙏

    2. Peter - This post is worth repeating! Thanks for sharing.

    3. Jeanne - Every morning before my feet touch the floor I pray to be surrounded by His hedge of protection and to be covered by His Armor.

    4. Amen! A perfect morning prayer sweet Sassy Mom!

  29. Peter - I love that so much. Putting on my suit as I armor up for the day and hopefully allow the Spirit to inhabit every piece of me as we pray for Jesus' peace!

  30. Thank you so much for this blog. It has been such a blessing over the years. Praying for everyone who is in need. Please pray for me as I’m waiting for the results of some very important blood tests. I’m a ovarian cancer patient and I have been trusting and keeping my eyes in God. He has has blessed me so much. All glory and honor is His has I’ve been through this Journey. I’m also sick with a bad cold and would love to get completely well. Please pray for me to be healed from this cold and my blood tests counts to come back low in normal range. Thank you much for everyone one this blog. I hope you have a wonderful day!!

    1. Thank You dear Father for healing our good sister of all of her weaknesses and bringing her back to perfect health. Thank you for her blood test results to be normal and for taking away her cold and giving her comfort and peace as you continue to bless her and her life in every way! Keep her close to you and fill her days with joy and Your bright light. Thank You for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    2. Joining my prayers with you!!!

    3. Dear Anonymous --- Standing on The Word for your healing! Father God, Jesus took Anonymous's infirmities and bore her sickness. She refuses to allow sickness to dominate her body. I Declare the Life of God flows within her bringing healing to every fiber of her being. (Matthew 8:17; Luke 17:6.) You, Father, have given Your angels charge over her. They keep her in all her ways. In her pathway is life, healing and health. (Psalm 91:10,11; Proverbs 12:28.) Thank you Father God, you hear our prayers. In Jesus' Name. For Your Honor and Your Purposes, I pray and believe, AMEN and AMEN.

    4. Echoing healing prayers for anonymous and perfect report on blood work.

    5. Praying for you! God is more than able! Trusting Him and Praising Him for His hand over you!! Thanking Him in advance for the healing He's sending you! He is good <3

    6. Praying to God for His Divine Answers to all your requests and for His Holy Spirit's guidance for transforming your situations until you get completely well and healed from your cold, and your blood test counts are back in low to normal range. In Jesus' Name. Amen

  31. A little lead-in to memorial day weekend ,♥️🎶 America the Beautiful with Zac Brown

  32. May freedom forever fly, salute the ones who die, the ones who give their lives, so we don't have to sacrifice the things we love... Like chicken fry...

  33. I just loved that so much Audra! Thank you dear sister. Have a great weekend remembering all those who gave their lives for us.

  34. Safe travels, Jeanne! Welcome to CA and your granddaughter! ♥️ 👼

  35. Dear JC Warriors,

    I am praying for all of you. Thank you to all who have served and fought for our freedom.

    I am asking for prayers myself. After 26 years with the same company, my job was eliminated 2 weeks ago. My mom is also likely getting towards the end of her life here on this earth. I pray that when the Lord is ready to bring her home, she will go peacefully. Please pray for both of us. It is greatly appreciated. God bless you all!


    1. TJ - Sorry your job was eliminated after 26 years of faithful service. You and your mom are in my heart and prayers. Praying you are blessed with His presence, love and guidance. God bless you.

    2. Praying for you and your mom. May our heavenly Father give you both strength and comfort during this time in your lives and hold you tightly in His loving arms. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. God bless!

    3. Dear TJ, Joining all prayers for you. You produced much good fruit for the Lord at your job for 26 years. I’m sorry it had to end but God will open a new door or maybe this is what He had planned for you all along. Now you will have more time to devote yourself to your good mother who needs you. God will provide your needs because you trust in Him. Trust in His promises. He holds your future in His loving Hands. Rest in Him and make the rest of your Mom’s life sweeter. Keeping you and your dear mother in my prayers.

      Proverbs 3:5-6
      Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

    4. Joining in prayer for you & mom TJ. Go is faithful and will see you through this trial & uncertainty facing you. He's got you by the hand & will lead you through. 💕🙏🌈

    5. I am also joining in prayer for you, TJ, and the changes that you are going through. God Bless you and your mom as He opens new doors for work and as Jeanne said, the extra time you will have to be with your mom.

    6. I'm on the prayer train for you Keith and your mom. I agree that God may be moving some obstacles so you can experience a full life with your mom in this next season. Embrace it, and her. God's got this, and you both, for certain. ♥️✝️

    7. I meant TJ, But perhaps Keith needs prayer today too? 😎

    8. Got you and yours covered up in prayer TJ.

    9. Thank you everyone. I am definitely feeling your prayers. God bless you all.


  36. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. (Colossians 3:2-4).

  37. Hallelujah! Thank you dear Janet 💕🙌🌈

  38. Thank you all dear family for your loving prayers that has blanketed hubby and I, covering us with such peace & assurance. Please continue to offer up your prayers for arteries to be clear when he gets tested on Wednesday 5/31. Right now he's doing well with just a minor glitch, his joints ache & is hindering him from walking to keep circulation going. Thank you dear ones 😍.

    1. Got you and DH covered up in prayer, Jan!

    2. Continued prayers for your hubby Jan. 🙏


    3. Dear Jan, Continuing to pray for your good husband and for his clear arteries and flexible, pain free joints. May God also grant you both peace of mind. Thank You Jesus.

  39. Audra praying you will have a wonderful time in Nashville & safety for everyone.💞🙏

    1. Thank you, Jan! It's been a lovely trip so far. Bird songs galore praising God!!!

    2. Now I know why it's "Musicville"

    3. So very happy for your joy, dear Audra! Praise Him with every breath!! Listen to the music that surrounds you!

  40. So thankful to read this, Dear Jan Gridley! I will continue to pray for your Dear Hubby; for the achiness in his joints going away so he can walk and move and keep that circulation going.
    Praying for everyone on here and those who aren't. May all needs be met as You promised, Father. May we walk forth in this day, counting our blessings: not wishing for more or mourning what we don't have, but thankful! Thank you for the freedom we still enjoy in this Country of ours and for all of the men and women who gave their lives to assure it. Don't let me focus on the changes that don't bless me, Father; help me not to see only the negative changes, but to focus on the fact that I am still free to pray and proclaim Jesus Christ as my Lord without the fear of repercussion. Bless all of our loved ones, thank you for keeping everyone safe and healthy and remembering HOW that came to be. That you loved us so much that you gave your only begotten Son so that we would have life and have it more abundantly!
    Love and blessings to each of you!

    1. Amen dear Norah!! So much to be thankful for! Too many reasons to count! Let us rejoice and be glad in our day! My Mom’s 95th Birthday party was a success and we have leftovers to enjoy and share. We cleaned up the house and all is well! God carried us through it all with so much joy and love! My Mom couldn’t stop smiling! What a blessing! Time for rest now! Hope you’re resting too! Goodnight. Rest well. God is on the night watch.

      Proverbs 3:24
      When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet.

  41. JC discusses putting on Christ. Sarah writes, "To "wear Me" is essentially to have My mind..." I would offer those who gave their lives to defend our nation did "wear Him."

    Memorial Day 2024. Am proud to be a veteran, but incredibly humbled each year at this time. This Monday will be a solemn day of remembrance at military cemeteries across the nation, even the globe (Normandy, Philippines, etc.).

    I hope that you will take the time to STOP AND PRAY about anyone you’ve known that served and died for us to have the freedoms that we enjoy here. To be sure, to give one’s life for another, or many, or a nation, is the ultimate act of love. Lee Greenwood wrote and sung it best:

    “And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.” Lee Greenwood

    Descriptors for these heroes are words like: Courageous, Faithful, Brave, Lionheart, Friend, Son, Daughter, Father, Mother, and at least regarding their SACRIFICE FOR OTHERS: Christ-like.

    Enjoy the start of summer, by all means, but do take at least a few moments to pray and remember those who willingly put themselves in danger to keep America free. Safe Travels and Godspeed.

    1. Thank you, dear MadFox, for your own service, and for all those who served our country who were indeed Christlike, especially those who gave their lives for our freedom. I was blessed that my father came home from the war. I am remembering him today and his faith that always inspired me. He was a good and brave man who wore Jesus beautifully. As you described it, he willingly put himself in danger to keep America free. God bless you, dear brother and all those who bravely served our country for our freedom. Thank you!

    2. Thank you Madfox for your service to our country and to my grandfather who served in WW2 who is now passed on and to all others who have and are serving our country. May our heavenly Father be and go with them as they protect and defend us. God bless 🙏.

  42. There is something very tender and heartwarming about an all-powerful God urging us, mere humans to draw close to Him. When God is asking us to seek His face it is His desire for us to learn of Him: His character and His heart. This focus on His face causes us to know who He is instead of what He can give. God yearns for fellowship with us and created mankind for this very purpose. His passion and desire for fellowship is evident when He calls us His children and friends.

    Why should God have to ask us to seek His face? He is the one who gave us life and breath and blessed us abundantly. But He does ask us because that is His heart’s longing and our fleshly desires are selfish and self-centered.

    If we are willing, God will place His desires within our hearts so that we walk closely with Him. As we do, we are blessed abundantly just by being in His presence.

    He calls to our deepest places because He longs for intimacy. God is a God of relationship and calls us into a love encounter with Him.

    King David answered this love call with urgency. Nothing hindered their love for one another. There is no question as to the intent of God’s request. It is an open invitation from a Holy God and requires a response that is full of expectancy and desire. It should be exciting to seek God’s face and understand Him better. He gives us this choice so that we see our relationship with Him as free and not like we’re puppets. Our desire for God must be sincere and passionate. There is nothing on this earth more important than seeking God’s face and desiring to know Him intimately. The Creator of the Universe created us to fellowship with Him. His love is simple; His request is simple.........He is saying, “Just be with Me,” that’s all.

    1. Amen 🙏. To know Him and His deep, deep love for us!!! God is so very good ALWAYS!!!

    2. Your Face I seek, Oh Lord!

  43. Prays to all and thank you our flesh warriors

  44. Amen dear Min Ahadi! Beautiful words of truth about how our loving Father wants us to have a close relationship with Him now and forever. Seek His Face early. Seek to know Him intimately. Ask His Spirit to think through us, live through us and love through us. Seek to understand Him and His Word. Spread His message of love, truth, comfort, hope and joy. We have a constant and unchanging Helper that will lead us right into eternity. God bless you and all our dear JC Family. May He answer our prayers, lift our heads and hearts, heal, comfort, and protect us and our dear ones, and guide this day to good. Thank You Father God for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    Proverbs 8:17
    I love those who love me,
    And those who seek me diligently will find me.

  45. Thanks to all the men and women who gave their lives for our freedom. Also to those who have been physically and mentally harmed for this freedom and deserve our utmost respect. Praying for a day when all will "wear Him" and there will truly be "Peace on Earth".🕊️

    1. Beginning with Jesus, today we honor and pray for all who gave all, so we could be free.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Amen! So, so grateful for their sacrifice. Truly heroes & Christians. 🙏

    3. Amen! We owe them all so much. May God always provide for them and their families. Thank You Jesus!

  46. Activating today's devotion by living out Roman's 12:2 is very challenging for me. I need prayers to do this:
    So here’s what God wants us to do.
    God helping: Take our everyday, ordinary life—our sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around in this life—and place it all before God as an offering.
    Embracing whatever God does for us is one of the best things we can do for Him.
    Free ourselves from becoming so well-adjusted to our world's culture sculpturing us that we fit into it automatically without even thinking about God in ALL we do.
    Instead, fix our attention on God in ALL areas of our life, waking, sleeping, laughing, weeping, eating, working, walking around.
    until we are changed from the inside out and readily recognize what He wants from us.
    Once we recognize God, then quickly respond to Him.
    Be unlike the culture around us, always dragging us down to its level. Instead, allow God to bring the best out of us, and develop well-formed maturity in us according to Him.

    Your prayers please.
    I need a New God Attitude.

    Somehow the wires got crossed
    The tables were turned
    Never knew I had so many lessons to learn
    I've got a new God Attitude
    Now, I'm feelin' good from my head to my shoes
    Know where I'm goin' and I know what to do
    I've tidied up my point of view
    I got a new God attitude
    With God in control, my worries are few
    'Cause I've got His love like I never knew
    I got a new God attitude...🎶

    1. Love your update of the song! 🙏🏼

    2. Cool!💗😊 Keeps Him in the. Center so all things will come together!

  47. Happy Memorial Day, JC Family. All day yesterday I thought it was Memorial Day! My DH and I are having coffee and fellowship time and I was reading the blog and realized I had the wrong day! Thank you for bringing my mind back around to the true meaning of this day, MadFox. My Father, Uncles, Step Father and Father-in-love all served our country but thankfully none of them died for it. Though they sacrificed much, I do think of the families who have lost young sons, husbands and fathers, on this day. Very Humbling.
    I enjoyed reading your post, Min and yours Brie...I could use a New God Attitude, too. The last week has been tolling though the results are worth it. Every day is better for DH. The visiting Nurse comes today and then we have Dr appts tomorrow and Wed.
    So thankful for our adult children who have helped me so much this last week and weekend with their Dad. Thankful for all of your prayers and know that you are in mine. Continued prayers for those healing: Jeanne, you and your mom - you whole family. Thankful that Brie and Audra are having some fun travel time and for each of you on here: enjoy this day, being closer to our Father and thankful for His Ultimate Sacrifice of his only begotten Son. We are blessed.

    1. Amen! Closer to the Lord because of the valley times. So happy you and your DH are doing well. Praying for continued good news of God’s faithfulness. Much love.

  48. Blessings from NYMay 27, 2024 at 8:08 AM

    Thank you MadFox ,Jeanne, Min Ahadi ,anonymous KY ,brie ,Norah and all the rest for these beautiful prayers and those prayers from years past- I add my prayers of love and gratitude to those who gave their physical, mental and emotional health and those who made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives for the freedoms that we all have

  49. "For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you are not consumed by one another." Galatians 5:13 - 15 "Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." 1 Corinthians 13:4 - 7

    1. I have yet to achieve this Galatians kind of love, John H .
      I thank God everyday that Jesus did, and He did it for us.

  50. Thank God for all the veterans who served and some who lost their life, including my uncle..often they are barely more than children themselves. May God keep their families in peace. Let us put on God as our armor and walk with HIM each day. Amen

    1. We attended a blessed Memorial Service this morning, as we stood beside the Sea and wept.



  51. Lord, I know it’s the end of the day and not the beginning. However, I know you are with me and my family.

  52. He is with us always! Every second of every day and night. Praying for you and your family dear Anonymous. May God answer your prayers and bring you peace. Thank You Jesus.
