Thursday, May 28, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 29

     I am with you, watching over you constantly. I am Emmanuel (God with you); My Presence enfolds you to radiant Love. Nothing, including the brightest blessings and the darkest trials, can separate you from me. Some of My children find Me more readily during dark times, when difficulties force them to depend on Me. Others feel closer to Me when their lives are filled with good things. They respond with thanksgiving and praise, thus opening wide the door to My Presence.
     I know precisely what you need to draw nearer to Me. Go through each day looking for what I have prepared for you. Accept every event as My hand-tailored provision for your needs. When you view your life this way, the most reasonable response is to be thankful. Do not reject any of My gifts; find Me in every situation. 
Matthew 1:23
English Standard Version

“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
    and they shall call his name Immanuel” 

Colossians 2:6-7
English Standard Version

6 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him,7 rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. It is the sad truth that we "children" turn to the Lord more in dark times and we are more open to dependence on Him. Through the challenges that we experience now let us remember when good comes from this trial to keep our dependence on the Father/Son/Spirit always.

    1. The longer I live, the more I am finding out that Life is a journey through the good and the bad, the successes and the failures, which are all part of life and part of our own growth in becoming the person we are meant to be. We can appreciate love better after we have experienced the opposite. We can more fully appreciate successes we attain after we’ve fallen on our faces a few times. The lessons that we learn from such experiences allow us to better understand who we really are, what we love to do, Whose we really are, and why we have been sent here in the first place! Thank You Sweet Jesus. Amen

    2. Brilamar, I agree with you, Sister and feel that through the hard times and our own mistakes, not only are we learning but God is refining us and molding us. We see our shortcomings and then strive to do better and please our Father. Sometimes our bad decisions separate us from Him. So we must allow His Spirit to guide us to better ones. He is still completing His good work in us until we take our last breath. And each new day brings new possibilities. We belong to Him as His children as the Spirit bears witness. We were surely chosen before we were born to do His will and to use our gifts and talent to glorify Him and lead others to Him. Thanks for your post. Have a bright and happy day.

    3. This past year, I found an antidote to dark difficult for me times: It is essential to always allow my First Responder to respond with thanksgiving and praise, thus opening wide the door to His Presence. His Presence is most important. And, His Presence is more important than the absence of my problems. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. That is so very true. Even while we're walking through the storm, we will overcome because He walks with us. Thanks dear Brie.
      Amen! Let us just continue to walk in thanksgiving and praise no matter the circumstances because He is greater.
      Deuteronomy 31:6
      Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

    5. Praying Gods grace envelopes you Julie, as you surrender to His will.

    6. As we journey through trials, let these experiences deepen our faith and commitment, and when we find ourselves in times of blessing, may we continue to rely on the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, recognizing their hand in all aspects of our lives.

  2. Reading your post from a year ago, MadFox, reminds me how timeless the Word is. Praying steadfastly for you, Sassy Mom and that your AC situation is resolved sooner rather than later. So many are facing situations due to the storms. Here in OH, many of my friends and family are impacted due to the tornadoes from Monday. I lift them to you, Lord. Be with the many people whose homes and businesses are not in need of repair. Thank you for sparing the lives of so many.
    My heart also goes out in prayer for the family whose son took his life. We, as a family, have been through that more times than I want to remember. My husband, who was a teach for many years, faced this with students, which impacted our children who were their friends. Suicide became an 'option' to remove the pain. It is devastating. Lord, comfort that family, as You did the ones we witnessed. Suicide becomes a choice that the Adversary provides. Let their eyes be open to the Truth. As Pamela K. prayed and shared - let us be your Light and offer your Word of Life to those in need.
    Praying for our families' needs being met for the upcoming wedding almost seems frivolous in light of many of the prayer requests I've read. Then I am reminded in today's devotion, "Do not reject any of My gifts; find Me in every situation." He cares about every situation we face, even the ones that seem trivial in light of others! Giving thanks today that we bring to You, Father, in the name of Jesus Christ.
    Philippians 4:6-7 King James Version (KJV)
    6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

    7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
    Praying for all of you, JC Family. Looking forward to hearing how God delivers, which we are assured throughout His Word, that He will do!

    1. Exactly Norah! The Word was and is... He was with the Father and Spirit before coming here to live a sinless life and restore our relationship to God. How that worked and is possible, is beyond my understanding but I claim it and an thankful for the Son of God.

    2. What a beautiful prayer. Dear Lord, thank you for Norah and the JC family. I stand with them in this prayer today. We ask you Lord to hear and receive it on behalf of those in need today. Colorado JC Friend

    3. Dear Norah, Thanks for reminding me that A need is a need is a need is a need (period) God answers all of our needs! Thank You God, Amen

    4. I accept all of your needs; Do not reject any of My gifts; find Me in every situation.

    5. Amen Brie! We must never reject the trials that God allows in our life to try our faith. They are put in our path to mold us and make us stronger in trust and faith. We must never shake while we stand on our Immovable Cornerstone. Be not afraid. He goes before us always.

  3. I look back to a year ago and realize how God was with me in that valley so much more than I realized. Norah and all here, God is with us always and as Sarah's JC often points out He is holding our hand even when we don't think so. Godspeed to all of those dealing with the tornado aftermath and to all here and their prayer requests. In His name. Amen

    1. Dear MadFox, I'm sure as you look at this older post you realize that it has come to pass. Even through this great valley you're traveling through, you are seeing His faithfulness. He never leaves us and holds our hand to lead us to higher ground and true peace in Him. Always in my thoughts and prayers dear brother.

  4. IN EVERYTHING GIVE THANKS ...... REGARDLESS OF THE SITUATION. Great is thy faithfulness .... all I have needed thy hands have provided ... Praising His name and giving thanks ... AC repaired yesterday before 5 PM. Giving thanks to my JC Family for many prayers. Praying protection for those whose lives and homes are impacted by the damaging tornadoes.

    1. Thank God for AC Sassy MOM. Now you can stay cool, calm and collected as you accept every event as My hand-tailored provision for your needs and we join you in sending up the most reasonable response = being thankfully accepting all of My gifts, and finding Me in every situation. Love you and our entire JC family, praising God from whom all blessings flow!

    2. Sassy Mom, Even a year later it blesses me to see this victory and all those we have witnessed through the year. I believe the best is yet to come.
      Amen Brie, We find Him and more blessings in every situation. There is light in even the darkest night. He is the light in the darkness and His light never dims, nor goes out.

  5. 'Praise God from whom all blessings flows'!
    'Bless the Lord oh my soul, and all that is within me Bless His Holy name'

    I come to You this morning oh Lord, with a grateful and thankful heart! Thank You once again for the gift of life! Thank You for Your constant Presence in my life 'God Emmanuel'! May I look all around me today and find Your gifts and Glorify Your name! Thank You Jesus!

    The word says: 'In all things give Thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning us'.
    Like MadFox said, it is sad when we can only come to God in our dark valleys and trying times. However, the word of God encouragesays us to stick to Him no matter what trial or circumstances we find ourselves. In the good times and when we are blessed and at peace, we should Praise and worship Him with Thanksgiving. In the bad times when all seem lost, we should Praise and worship Him with Thanksgiving! When we are set free from the storms of life, yes, lets testify to His Glory, rejoice and thank Him!
    The closer we are with God and the more appreciative we are of Him during any period of our lives, the more He is pleased and blesses us beyond our wildest imagination!
    Thank you Father for meeting all of our needs according to Your glorious riches in Christ Jesus!

    Praying for any and ALL situations in our lives, the lives of love ones, this body of Christ believers,the world as a whole and looking up to the AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF OUR FAITH, CHRIST JESUS!

    Great and bless morning JC family!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. I am abounding in Thanksgiving to You, Jesus for always being the 4th Man in the fire just as You were in Daniel 3. Amen

    2. Woke up early to pray with my Mom and my twin sister. We were all talking about how good our God is. We were grateful together. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. My good husband did the grocery shopping today so I couldn't get on the computer till now. Had my duties set before me. All is well and we are thankful to have food in our fridge our in our pantry. God is so good to provide all our needs. Praying for your healing Maplewood. Hope your husband's report will be fine, Brilamar. God loves a thankful heart and you cannot be worrying when you are being grateful. The two just don't go together. So many prayers going out for you, my JC Family. Thanking him for granting the healing and encouragement needed. Let us stay in His presence and realize the full joy and peace we have in believing. Maplewood. I love all your words, but I sure do share in your last prayer. Praying for any and ALL situations in our lives, the lives of love ones, this body of Christ believers, the world as a whole and looking up to the Author and Finisher of our faith, Christ Jesus! Thank you and Amen.

    3. Beautiful sweet Maplewood! Amen: Thank you Father for meeting all of our needs according to Your glorious riches in Christ Jesus!
      Been so busy with my family lately. Two big family dinners in a row. I have been in my Mom's kitchen and mine for many hours. What a blessing it was to make my family happy twice and to
      spend time with my little Gabriel tonight. He loved my sister Janet. He tried to say "Aunt Janet" but just kept saying "Anje" all around our apartment. It made us smile.
      We're bringing my dear sister to the airport early in the morning to fly back to Missouri. My Mom and I will miss her.
      Thank you Father, for traveling safety for her and us. Thank You Jesus.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you. Always appreciate your corrections.


  7. Thanks be to God, because of Jesus ‘Emmanuel’, we never have to be alone. We never have to wonder how to please God or worry if our efforts aren’t enough or worry about what people think of us. We can simply rest knowing that He is with us, in us, loves us, and will never leave us. Matthew 1:23 tells us His name is:‘Emmanuel’ “God with us.” God was with us when He sent His Son Jesus in the world, He was with us when Jesus went to the cross (Philippians 2:8), He was with us, even before Bethlehem (Ephesians 1:4) the Word tells us that He was God, clothed in human flesh. God chose us and that includes ALL people. We are wise when we strive to walk like Jesus and search ourselves out of all misconceptions. In Luke 2:10, the Bible says:“Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance…(2 Peter 3:9). The Apostle Paul’s words in the book of Ephesians, reminds us that God has not chosen the ‘WHO’ of salvation, but rather the ‘HOW’ of salvation (1:4-“According as he hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world,that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love”). We were in the heart and mind of God Emmanuel, even before He created the world and the good news is, God will always be with us, in all fullness. Yes, His Presence enfolds us in the midst of our blessings and indeed through our deepest, darkest trials! Nothing and absolutely Nothing can ever separate us from Him nor can anything stop us from praising, thanking, worshipping Him, expressing His goodness in our lives, singing and standing in agreement with other like-minded believers at any time. We were created to worship Him, He inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). It is a blessing to know that God is committed to our character and NOT our comfort.

    Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the many gifts placed in this day. May we accept each one, be grateful and give thanks to You in the bad times and good times. As we draw closer to You and be more appreciative during any period of our lives, the more pleased You are with us. Thank You for the leading and prompting of Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for always knowing the needs, concerns and struggles of each person coming on this blog, yet we are encouraged as the Body of Christ (The Church/Believers) to come together, share our thoughts, testify and pray for each other without compromising the truth of the scriptures and the freedom in expressing it to Your glory, not man's! May Your Love and Peace that surpasses all human understanding, dwell in the lives of all today. Thank You for Your True Love that sees and meets the real needs hidden in our expressions of gratitude and Praise. May each person receive the grace needed to “live a life that Jesus would be proud of”!(Philippians 1:10). I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

    ONLY Because of Jesus, can one declare: Thank God I'm Forgiven (TGIF)!!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Dear Maplewood, had your post showed up before my RANT, mine would have been a different post. God Bless you. Your words not only helped me, but showed me how to help a dear sister in Christ, who was 'wronged,' at work yesterday.
      ALSO - all JC Prayer Warriors, please continue to pray for Sam and Tiffany (the kidney recipient and donor). THANK YOU!
      God Bless you, Sister! <3

    2. VERSES vs LIFE
      As you receive Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him,7 rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
      Abounding in thanks for Maplewood NJ's post. When I began to doubt, God lifted me!
      "...Thank You for the leading and prompting of Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for always knowing the needs, concerns and struggles of each person coming on this blog, yet we are encouraged as the Body of Christ (The Church/Believers) to come together, share our thoughts, testify and pray for each other without compromising the truth of the scriptures and the freedom in expressing it to Your glory, not man's!..." Thank You Sweet Jesus. Amen!

    3. Thank you so much for that good spiritual food, Maplewood. His presence with us at all times is my greatest blessing, and also that He knows my inner thoughts, fears and dreams better than any other. Striving each day to remain in His peace and light. Every good thing I do or produce is for His glory. He makes my life more abundant and I see beauty everywhere. He is truly the best artist because the colors of the flowers, trees and sky in its glory refresh my heart and soul every day. Those are the gifts He places in my day and I am so grateful. He made me an artist, so He feeds me with the beauty of creation all the time. Dear Norah, I am praying for Sam and Tiffany. Thanking God for strengthening Sam's body to accept the kidney given to him in love, and also for healing of every weakness in Tiffany's body. We thank God together right now for this in the powerful name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen.

    4. Norah, Still praying for Sam and Tiffany. How are they doing and feeling? Thanks

    5. Oops... I should be asking you dear Sassy Mom, How are Sam and Tiffany doing? Can you give us an update? Thanks 😊🙏

    6. Just love these words! His Presence enfolds us in the midst of our blessings and indeed through our deepest, darkest trials! Nothing and absolutely Nothing can ever separate us from Him nor can anything stop us from praising, thanking, worshipping Him, expressing His goodness in our lives, singing and standing in agreement with other like-minded believers at any time.
      Amen and Amen!

  8. I woke up after only 5 1/2 hours of sleep, rested, wanting to read God's Word and pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ. I'm so thankful for my life, even though yesterday had many challenges. I know it was because I jumped on here throughout the day and read such encouraging words, prayers, thankfulness, earnest desire to walk more closely with our Savior; that has to be the reason b/c there were many 'dark spots' in my day.
    All of us on here want 'a walk more closer to thee,' Lord. We strive to do our best: to forgive, to be honest before our Father, we confess, we fight to not condemn ourselves, but to rise up and answer His call. It is a community of love for our Father, His Son, thankfulness that the Holy Spirit came and that we have everything we need to be our best and walk according to His Word.
    This morning, I clicked on "Adversity" in the column to the right. I hardly ever go there - mainly due to time constraints. This blog amazes me. How you did all of this Chris Payton, is so 'over my head!' My work computer crashed yesterday & I was beside myself. It took my co-worker 2 minutes of telling me to 'try different things.' I was just too impatient (my word, not his). All it took was holding the power key for 5-7 seconds instead of just hitting it repeatedly! I called him a genius, marveled at his skill. He laughed! But, it was THAT simple for him and THAT bewildering to me!
    All of this is to point out to myself, that while I 'cut people slack,' every day, I am terribly impatient with myself. Poor God - He must shake His head at me many times throughout the day. Rather than make things even harder than they are (pandemic related requirements), why don't I just pause, take a deep breath and give God a few minutes to calm me down and allow myself to remember that He is always there with an answer. I just have to take a deep breath and hold the button down (my emotions, anger at myself, berating myself) and remember that while I have God in Christ in me, I also still have that 'human element' that isn't perfect.
    "I know precisely what you need to draw nearer to Me. Go through each day looking for what I have prepared for you. Accept every event as My hand-tailored provision for your needs. When you view your life this way, the most reasonable response is to be thankful. Do not reject any of My gifts; find Me in every situation." Did God make my computer crash? No, I don't believe He did. It was my impatience, laziness - in part (I had more than 20 documents up at once), I lost valuable notes that I will have to reconstruct today - all in an effort to do more, multi-task (which I know doesn't work for me), push and push and push. What I needed was to get quiet. God showed me that and I will try to remember it today.
    LONG STORY for a short, simple ending. KEEP IT SIMPLE, NORAH. :)
    Prayers for each of you, dear JC Family. Thankfulness abounding!

    1. Thanks for sharing Norah. I too abound in giving thanks, but still working on patience.

    2. Wow Norah! We are very much alike in many ways. When I wake up in gratitude, after my prayer time, I run full force into the day. I try to do too many things, and bear as much good fruit as possible. Sometimes I have something in the oven, the microwave and on almost every burner at the same time. I try to get so much done at once. Unfortunately, I often burn the roasted vegees or potatoes because I'm too busy doing something on top of the stove. Anyway, I talk to God often while I'm cooking. Usually I pray in my head but once in a while my husband walks in and comments that I'm talking to myself. I tell him I'm praying. He just thinks I'm weird. I also have many problems with my computer because it's jammed with photos. I'm always running out of space and getting frustrated. But then I remember to STOP and BE STILL AND KNOW THAT HE IS GOD. Once I say "Jesus", everything gets easier. I loved when you said. Why don't I just pause, take a deep breath and give God a few minutes to calm me down. Amen to that!!!He never leaves us but when our human emotions get the best of us, we fail to follow the spirit, and in our discouragement or frustration we unplug ourself from Him. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. Thanks for making me smile, Norah.

    3. Loved your post again dear Norah! I so relate to your multitasking and the consequences. I often pray asking for help in accomplishing what I set my mind to do. I told my Bible group I was sure that when I do too many things and then mess things up, God still loves me but is probably shaking His head at me. We think alike dear Sister. He wants us to slow down, hold the button down for 7 seconds and be still and know that He is God.

    4. Thank you! I think repeating a third time will help bring this wisdom home:
      "Rather than make things even harder than they are (pandemic related requirements), why don't I just pause, take a deep breath and give God a few minutes to calm me down and allow myself to remember that He is always there with an answer. I just have to take a deep breath and hold the button down." ♥️


    Lexi went to the ER tonight thinking she was having a stroke. It turns out she has a large blood clot across the top of her head. The doctor said a clot of this size is normally found in an autopsy. It is a real miracle she has survived this! She is in the ICU currently. We ask that you pray for complete restoration of her health, knowledge and ability for the doctors and nurses taking care of her, pray that it does not get any bigger, and pray for all her family because this has been a long road and we are starting to crack! Thank the Lord we can go in the hospital and be with her now. Lexi has an unbelievable faith and when we start to question God and ask why and really start to lose it she puts it all back into perspective. We are praying and believing in God’s healing grace, restoration and faithfulness!! Please pray with us!!

    1. Standing in agreement with prayets for Lexi. Going to the Throne of Grace asking the Lord to make a way in this situation and work a miracle. Bless this family and give peace in time of stress, and give encouragement in this time of need. I trust You Lord; please make the way. In the Miracle Working Name of Jesus. AMEN and AMEN

    2. Praying for Lexi, her family and all involved in her care!

    3. Praying for Lexi now! Greatful Lord that Lexi loves you and trusts you. God you are more than able! Heal your daughter Lexi in Jesus name.

    4. In the name of Jesus, I abound in giving thanks for Lexi's complete healing. I can thank You Jesus, standing on Your Words in Luke 9: Jesus gave authority to cast out all demons and heal all diseases...So they began their circuit of the villages, preaching GOOD NEWS and healing the sick...And He welcomed them, teaching them, and curing those who were ill... Lord your JC family circles Lexi, her medical staff, her family, all praying in Your name, knowing that puts You in the midst, like the 4th Man in the fire. We give abundant thanks to You, Jesus for all Your help and healing. Amen.

    5. Thank you Almighty Father for healing Lexi and reducing the size of this blood clot and bringing her back to good health. Amaze the doctors with your healing power. Strengthen Lexi's parents as they care for her. Give them assurance that you are working wonders inside her weary body. Bring her to nothing less than a perfect recovery. Guide the doctors to do exactly what she needs to survive and thrive. She is one of your faithful servants and she's waiting on you in faith and trust as we all are. Thank you for this and the continued faithfulness in her life in the powerful name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    6. Praying for Lexi. May our good Lord bless and heal her. KS

    7. Adding my prayers to the rest of the JC Warriors. May the Lord bless and keep Lexi; may He make His face to shine upon her and be gracious to her; may His loving face smile on her and give her peace. Amen.

    8. Joining JC Warriors in praying for Lexi's healing and recovery. Jesus we trust in your care and love for Lexi and her family. Thank you Jesus for your presence through this.

    9. Continuing to pray for Lexi’s healing and God’s faithfulness in her life.
      He can do all things and in Him do we trust. Thank You Jesus.

  10. Prayers headed your way for Lexi, Sassy Mom. And Norah, we are always harder on ourselves aren't we?

    Be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you. 2 Corinthians 13:11

    Have a wonderful weekend my JC friends. Stay connected to The Vine.

  11. Praying for Lexi’s complete recovery... and that her loved ones will be filled with strength and calmness..May positive come from negative.

  12. A hand tailored day is hard to grasp when Hope's have been dashed and our best case scenario has been buried again. I cannot see through this wilderness of impossible choices at this moment. I must reclaim and recount what I know. First I am breathing and alive and seemingly well, I thank God for this gift. My husband succeeded in driving 19 hours with little sleep to access my son's paranoid rantings on the phone. Our blessing God delivered my husband safely and my son was alive. Last night in our home another paranoid delusion straight from the depths of the darkest evil exploded thru my son at my husband. My husband was able to seek safety in a hotel nearby. Thank you Lord that we had this option and both involved were protected. These are indeed dark times , serious times yet God is steering us step by step thru this unthinkable course. I am praying as I have been continually for Gods wisdom and the Holy Spirts guidance as things continue to unfold allowing us to proceed under the umbrella of The Great "I Am". He must be our source, I am thankful that years of confirmation of His never leaving my side give me the faith & confidence to trust His lead. Layer upon layer darkness upon light He manages and balanced and decides what is best for His beloved. I am greatful that God saw fit to keep me seperate from this situation, alone with Him as I await a new roof on my deceased parents estate before hurricane season hits Florida. I know but dont understand that these unusual circumstances could only be orchestrated by The almighty God. I am thankful for His blessed assurance that it will all end well. Within the next few hours we will know God willing how to proceed. My husband ( seperate from me) will need to make some difficult choices. God please shine light on the only path that will align with your intent for this unstable and unthinkable choice. Please pray for My Son, my husband and that more options will be available thru the super natural God our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. No one knows the mind of God. Lord I claim victory over these evil circumstances. Thank you Lord for Lording over this entire situation and covering it in the blood shed from your precious Son Jesus Christ. Thank you for already having the solution Lord and it will satisfy many scenarios it will be multi purpose in ways I cannot even imagine! Glory to God for your constant care 24/7 never a gap of neglect. Thank you for your perfect love which I claim over my son and my husband to achieve perfect balance and peace. Thank you for this sight where I know your devoted children sinners and saints will lift our situation up in prayer. This body of believers who have witnessed your power and know How great thou art. Thank you for your prayers, it is a desperate time for Gods power. Nothing is impossible with God!I hope you will join me in prayers of protection and victory in Jesus name for my family. God bless you!

    1. Prayers of hope and blessings for your family, Fern. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

    2. Praying for you, Fern, and your family! God is with you through it all! Take it a moment at a time. Sending love!

    3. Knowing that God sees the situation, I pray that He intervenes and restores peace and safety in your family. Amen

    4. Fern - Joining Warriors in prayers for strength, love and endurance for you and your loved ones. GOD BLESS YOU.

    5. Fern --- Joining the JC WARRIORS in prayer for your family's circumstances. Lord please bring healing into each of their hearts. Let every hurt, pain and bad memories be washed away with Your blood. Cleanse each from resentment and bitterness and help each family member love one another just the way you love us. I pray this trusting and believing on Your Holy Name. AMEN and AMEN

    6. Piling all your prayers together drawing strength from them! Strength to wait for God to instruct me. I feel your prayers thank u. Thank u Lord, we are never alone. Cover my husband
      In a hotel room safe, miles away with the power of encouragement of these prayers. Gods direction. Is coming. I believe it will be clear. In The name of Jesus

    7. Abounding in giving thanks for God's solution. Your JC family is encircling you in prayer for you and yours. That puts God in the midst, like the 4th man in the fire. Thanks for all your Guidance and Blessings, Lord, in the Name of Jesus, we pray and we thank. Amen.

    8. Fern, It is a terrible situation and I'm relieved you're not physically in the middle of it. That was God's plan. You are the Prayer Warrior and your faith is strong. He has already taken you and your family through many trials. So you have already witnessed His amazing faithfulness. He can do all things without limit. Your son is in a hell of his own and my heart goes out to him in his great sickness. Praying that God will guide your husband and the situation. God is the only One with the answers. He knows all of your hearts and is well aware of the pain you are still enduring. His spirit will give your husband the right words to say to get through to Dan and also guide him to whatever help he needs right now. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto your own understanding. The Battle is the Lord's now, and only He knows how to make things right and guide all of your paths. Praying for His covering of this situation with His Blood, and for His light to guide Dan out of this darkness into sweet peace. Stand strong Sister! Our God is so much greater than this.

    9. Lifting you up in prayer, Fern, and the rest of your family amid this storm. Waiting to see our dear Lord walking across the waves to quiet the storm so there can be peace again. God be with you.

    10. Thank you for the prayers. The AM meeting was not the result we hoped for, though we have no idea what the solution should be, only God knows. We continue to pray & hope that God will soften my Sons heart and untangle His thoughts. We are sad that He still believes the lies & plans on leaving our home. We know not where he will go. It is in Gods hands exactly where it needs to be for my highest thought cannot even touch this situation. Only the blood of Jesus will do. " I cant " "God can" "I will let him". 1,2,3.
      Thanking God for all of you

    11. Praying without ceasing for your beloved son, Fern. Peace be with you and your husband. Sweet Jesus we trust in you. Give mom and dad the strength to carry them lord..pour your grace on them. Protect their son from the evil one.

    12. Saint Michael God's ArchAngel, defend us in our balttles. Be our and Fern's son Dan's protection against the evil, wickedness and snares of satan. May God rebuke satan we humbly pray, and do thou Oh Prince of the heavenly Host by the divine power of God vested in you, cast, smash, crash and burn alive in hell satan and all of satan's evil work and workers who prowl this world seeking the ruin of God's souls. This battle is not ours, but the Lord's. St Michael , Do your job! To God be all Glory! Amen.

    13. Our Dear Fern, I join our prayers with Chris: Right now, Lord, my mind is racing. I have so many things I am thinking about. There are so many seemingly responsibilities I seem to have in my life. And so, to take time, to pull back, and just rest in You and bring you my time. I don't know. I mean, right now, I'm up. I'm usually sleeping at 3:30am, but my mind is racing about the events of this week and work and my son and you know, everything, and I can't sleep. Lord, I look at these verses - meditate on your works and a heart that is not blameless and Lord, where is time even in my day right now to offer the sacrifice of praise to You. Lord, free me, even if it is just a few minutes. Lord, it makes no sense to me right now. What is going to change Lord? But whatever, I come to you this day. It doesn't make sense to me, but I do focus this moment on You. Free me, at least right now. Free me from what ails me. Be my refuge and my fortress, at least right now.

    14. Praying so hard for Dan. Change this situation Lord so his eyes are open to the truth. Keep him from leaving on his own. Shelter Him and allay his fears. He is in a bad way and needs You to Shepherd Him. Thank you for your faithfulness. Amen.

    15. Thank you Jeanne & Brilamar and all the faithful supporters of Gods Kingdom! I reread your prayers and I am elevated to a space of peace. If only for this moment I am free. I call on the freedom found in Jesus Christ for dear tender hearted Brilamar. Lord I know you love her so perfectly, and want her to know She is perfect. Help her to unwind all that holds her beautiful mind captive. That is not of you, you are the source of calm and rest. Please release her now with calm and later a peace filled sleep. Thank you for Her words of truth and also kind Jeanne whom I feel like I know intimately already. You did that lord, created instant secure and trusted friendships just when they are most needed. I praise you Lord for your perception and provision which continues to put me in a humble place of awe resulting in my correct posture, humility. Thank you for these prayers and words of truth, bullets straight to satans heart.
      God bless all of you!
      We are still waiting to proceed, the good Lord has again adjusted our vision to include an extra measure of grace which wasnt there to give yesterday. We have extended time restraints and will reacess Monday. God willing. We are prayerfully considering each step and staying flexible allowing God to unfold at his discretion and pace. Thank you for your continued prayers they are valuable!!! Needed!!!! For now this second everything is seemingly the same yet God changed our hearts. Thank you for your prayers. I love you all truly.

    16. Dear Fern, I always pray for you dear sister and for Dan’s healing, guidance and a support system that is God ordained to bring him to good mental, emotional and spiritual health, and also for peace and strength for you and your DH. Keep praising His Holy Name and looking for His bright light on your path every day. Seek, knock and ask.
      Praying always for you dear sister Brie and for your brothers, husband and Keith. May you continue to see God’s faithfulness in your life and the lives of your dear ones, sweet friend.

  13. Good morning JC family! Praying for all today! Love!

  14. Standing in prayer agreements for Lexi's complete healing and Fern's family. God is able to do ALL!

    Maplewood NJ

  15. LEXI UPDATE - Praying God's will for Lexi. Just received word, Lexi has developed a brain bleed. Sharing a quote from D. Jeremiah: "God's man in the center of God's will is immortal until God is done with him."

    1. Praying for Lexi with today's prayer. Praying with Sarah and JC Warriors: I am with you, watching over you constantly. I am Emmanuel (God with you); My Presence enfolds you into My radiant Love. Everything, including the brightest blessings and the darkest trials, binds us together, you and Me. Amen.

    2. Amen Sassy Mom. That brain bleed in Lexi is nothing to our great God. Praying for nothing less than a perfect recovery.

  16. 6 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him,7 rooted and built up in Him and established in faith in Him, just as you were taught by Jesus and always abounding in thanksgiving.
    Thank You Lord Jesus for allowing me to check myself into the JC Warriors Room several times a day, read every post and pray for every poster child, and thank You for our Abundant Blessings that only You can give. In Jesus' Name I am giving thanks with a grateful heart. Amen!


    (John 17:20-26) Jesus concludes His final earthly prayer . He has just completed praying for us, His disciples, who will be facing a world that will definitely try to oppose the witness He has asked us to make. So He prayed that amid the struggles, we remain united in love. With that being said, He then begins to pray for all those who will believe the witness that we will make. Included in that prayer is everyone who is a part of the this JC family. He prayed that you all be one. As Jesus is one with the Father and He has made you all one with Him and the Father, so the message of God's love is continually witnessed in this oneness in which you live. As the Father glorifies the Son and the Son glorifies the Father, now that same glory is in you so with all who believe, you may be one. Oneness shows love and God is love. He specifically asked the Father for you to be with Him in glory (do you think Jesus' prayers will be answered?). The ways of the world are filled with disunity. But the ways of love foster oneness between you and Jesus and with Jesus and the Father (understood, the Holy Spirit as well).

    If the moment of your death was approaching and you were given the opportunity for one final prayer, what would you pray for? Would you not pray for that which is dearest to you? Certainly, Jesus would do no less. His prayer, 'that we be one' just as He and the Father are one. He and the Father have such love for one another that nothing interferes with that love, nothing is permitted to jeopardize their love, their individuality is secondary to their unity. He wants so bad for His children to have the same that He prayed passionately for it and then He went to the cross to accomplish it. There is a wonderful sense of unity within this blog. There is strong love that upholds and respects each other. On a very rare occasion, there has been a dissenting voice. Brother MadFox has graciously taken care of that matter. As the posts continue from year to year, the love we share is growing between us and in new participants. How many times have people posted the blessing they receive from visiting this blog and reading the posts. This is what Jesus desired so much that He prayed for it (His greatest tool to accomplish His hope). Let us forever seek to love one another in a spirit of unity for this will make our Lord so delighted. I believe there are to be no boundaries on seeking this unity. As we have it here, let us seek it everywhere with everybody. In doing so, we increase His joy eternally.

    With love, Bob

    1. Bob M - Thanks for sharing. I receive and share this love to those whose path I cross.

    2. Thanks Bob! This touched a deep chord within me. Oneness shows love and God is love and we are ONE IN GOD! Like The Lion King:
      As we go through life we'll see
      There is so much that we don't understand and the only thing we know
      Is things don't always go the way we planned
      When it seems all our dreams come undone
      We are more than we are because we are one
      If there's so much I must be, can I still just be me inside His big plan?
      Our journey has only begun
      In our pride, deep inside
      We are one
      Family, family, we are one!

    3. Well said dear brother Bob!
      Your words still ring true: Let us forever seek to love one another in a spirit of unity for this will make our Lord so delighted. I believe there are to be no boundaries on seeking this unity. As we have it here, let us seek it everywhere with everybody. In doing so, we increase His joy eternally.

    4. Amen! In Jesus's name we give thanks, praise and prayers for all situations known and unknown as we meet here. ✝️🙏♥️

  18. Thank you so much for your beautiful message today Bob! I absolutely love today’s devotional and pray for all Gods best for each of our JC family and for the world. Kindness and love are contagious
    We see it here everyday! Let’s reach out to others and spread love
    Loving prayers

  19. LEXI UPDATE - Lexi is being med-flighted from Bristol Regional Hospital to UVA a larger facility. Pray travel mercies, pressure is controlled, total protection. She is trusting the Lord, in good spirits, no signs of damage yet. God You are able, we trust You. I will post this again tomorrow for those who don't see this. THANK YOU FOR CONTINUED PRAYERS FOR DEAR LEXI.

    1. I love words of hope and improvement. Trusting God and thanking Him for making all things right and healing Lexi in all ways, and bringing her to a full recovery in the name of Christ Jesus.

  20. Came into our Warrior Room for my night feeding. Saw your post. Still praying and including traveling mercy. God is good! Amen

  21. Brilamar I love the lion king ref.
    I continue to lift Lexi up in prayer!
    God is our healer.

  22. Ye are of God little children and have overcome them. For greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.

  23. Father, thank You for all that You have provided for me as I walk with You through this life and these days. My journey is one of ups and downs, but since I have been drawn to You, life is so much better. The peace, love, and joy that You have given me is so uplifting. There are no words to explain it. Thank You Jesus. I bless, praise, and rejoice in You Lord continually and always. You are the best Father ever. You take the best care of Your children and of me. Thank You!!!

    1. I love your beautiful prayer dear Janet. He knows our journey very well and He has already prepared our tomorrow.

  24. “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? If I go up to the heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast” (Psalm 139:7-10).

    Loving Father, Thank You that Emmanuel also called the Christ, came and changed the world. In that very moment You became flesh while humanity watched prophecies unfold as hope was born. Thank You for Jesus our long-promised Emmanuel sent by You to save us, give us hope and usher us into a new kingdom. He is our mediator, our Redeemer, Savior, and Best Friend. Thank You for always being with us, our God Omnipresent and revealing Yourself as the great I AM, a present, personable and knowable God to all Your children. May I always have this hunger for intimacy with You my Creator. Thank You for this blessed and gifted day and thank You for Jesus. Amen.

    “Am I only a God nearby, declares the Lord, and not a God far away? Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?’ declares the Lord. ‘Do not I fill heaven and earth?’ declares the Lord” (Jer. 23:23-24).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood. May our Father lift you up in His perfect arms and hold you close in His heart. Father, fill us with a gentleness that defies our circumstances so we can reflect Your loving attitude no matter what comes our way. Let us slow down enough to be overrun by Your goodness. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord always.

    2. God With Us! What wonderful words. In His presence can be found every beautiful thing, peace, truth, love and salvation. Amen. May I always hunger and thirst after Him, righteousness, and the Spirit.

  25. Maplewood thank you for expressing in words what our hearts desire to say.
    Lord I lift up our dear Maplewood to you. Lord you know every intricate part of who she is and what her heart desires. Lord please step into the places that she shields and protects. You know what is needed and what is best. Lord thank you for all the mighty work you have performed through Maplewood your willing vessel. Lord please bless her in her going in and her coming out. May all that she puts her hand to be anointed with your oil to pass on to the next person or situation you desire to bless. Thank you Father God that your anointing oil pours off her prayers anointing the one who reads and receives. Thank you our glorious Father!

    1. Lord I am joining in with our dear TERRI's prayer. I know when two or more are gathered in Your Name, you are in the midst. Midst us now sweet Jesus; Holy Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on us. I ask. I seek. I knock. I thank and I praise in Your Name. Amen.

    2. Amen. Agreeing with my sisters in this prayer. We receive all you have for us, too, in this day. We praise and thank you! ❤️

    3. Father, Joining in Terri's prayer with Brie and GraceTakesTime for our dear sister Maplewood. Thank You for bringing every area of her life into Your able Hands. Take away any pain she may have and lead her family to surrender to You and Your will. Thank You Jesus for this. You know her most beautiful heart of love for You. We trust in Your faithfulness and we wait together for this. Amen.

  26. Looking forward to another day with my dear son’s family. Cooking eggplant parmigiana today. So thankful for this precious time together. Bryan and Allie are doing their best to be good parents. Baby Evelyn is such a joy to behold.
    Thank You Father for answering our prayers. Your timing is always perfect..

    1. I'm so glad you are having a good time with your family. May many blessings flow in all your lives 🙏.

    2. Hallelujah! Dear Jeanne. God has provided! Safe trip, blessed reunion with your son & family, oodles of cuddles with your Evelyn, strength to make luscious meals for them, and last but not least protection from covid. God is good! Amen!

    3. Thanks Janet and Jan! Amen. Evelyn is such a sweet girl and all is going well. God has blessed and strengthened me to help my loved ones. My Dinner did come good because God was with me. I ate too much eggplant. Decided to make pasta primavera and a mixed salad with chickpeas and lots of yummy things. Everyone enjoyed. God continues to prepare sweet days and show me ways to help. Tomorrow is laundry day. I’m ready! God bless you all and answer your prayers. Thank You Jesus.

    4. Yes thank you Jesus!
      Laundry day reminds me to thank you for laundrying my soul and getting out all the dirt and stains of daily living. Washy washy. In Jesus' Name. Amen

  27. Heavenly Father, thank You Jesus. Open my eyes to see all the gifts You have placed along my path today. Open my heart and mind to receive everything You have for me. Let me rest in Your perfect sovereignty and in the knowledge of Your hand being upon me and my life. I praise You Lord always 🙏 🙌.

    1. Amen to your perfect prayer dear Janet!

  28. I love them that love me and those that seek me early shall find me. (Proverbs 8:17).

  29. Bless you dear sister for this prayer to get our day off to a good start. Thankful to God for all blessings. Thank you for the gift of Corbin our grandson. Your prayers dear ones was gloriously answered. The graduation cake got done, FedEx came through. So thankful for each of you who prayed. Love & blessings💞🙏

    1. God is so faithful dear Jan! I just knew that cake would turn out beautiful! Happy and blessed Graduation to your wonderful grandson! God bless and guide him always.

    2. 👍 In Jesus Name, I raise a Hallelujah!

  30. Worth sharing my daily devotions.

    False Guilt: Satan's Lies
    "Yes, Satan knows when to come. He lays it on you," explained Dr. E. V. Hill. "I just want you to know it's not of God; it's the devil. God isn't punishing you at all. The devil's doing that."
    The guilt and blame you hear echoing in your head is Satan lying to you. Understand and believe this.
    Dr. Hill said, "So watch the fact that it's not the voice of the Holy Spirit. It's the visitation of the devil. Rebuke it as such. Stick with your faith in God no matter how it hurts. And God has a great reward for you."
    When guilt rears its head, stay focused on the truth and do not be deceived by lies.
    "He [the devil] was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44).

    *Holy Spirit of God, teach me to recognize Your voice and to follow it with assurance. Amen*

    1. Amen! I know my vulnerabilities where the devil preys on my thoughts. I rebuke him with the confidence I am learning from JJ, the power of song and humor I am learning from Brie, and the support of all who visit this blog. May you, each one, be blessed with the power, love, might and restoration of the Light of God. In Jesus's name I pray.

    2. Amen. God is greater! We belong to Him. The devil is a liar.

    3. Jesus is a FISHER OF MEN, and so is satan, who knows exactly what bait to use to snag us.
      Lord, help me run to You immediately. The battle with satan belongs to You. Only you can fight and win that battle. In Jesus Name I come boldly to Your Throne, JJ style!

  31. Amen to that! Thank you for sharing that truth. The evil one is a great deceiver, divider, and discourager, full of lies that distract us from the truth. Stay focused on the cross; the way, the truth and the life! Emmanuel !!! 🙏

  32. Sharing a special prayer on Memorial Day weekend -- As we remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy every day, we think of how they have followed in the footsteps of Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Please hold our servicemen and women in Your strong arms. Cover them with Your sheltering grace and Your presence as they stand in the gap for our protection. We also remember the families of our troops. We ask for Your unique blessings to fill their homes, and we pray Your peace, provision, and strength will fill their lives. May the members of our armed forces be supplied with courage to face each day and may they trust in the Lord's mighty power to accomplish each task. Let our military brothers and sisters feel our love and support. In the name of Jesus. Amen. Thank you to those who have served and now serving.

    1. Amen! ❤️

    2. Sassy Mom --- AMEN and AMEN!!! A very special prayer indeed! The Lord bless you richly!

    3. JJ -- Today is a great day for a blessing, I receive your blessing.

    4. Wonderful prayer Sassy Mom!! Amen. Thank you to all those who have served and are presently serving. May God reward those who so bravely fought for our freedom. Let us never forget. Thank You Jesus.

  33. Replies
    1. Love you dear sister! The Lord dearly loves you and so do I!

  34. Please pray for my dear friends Mayda and Emilio. Mayda's husband Emilio had a kidney transplant a while back and now he's unable to eat. And he feels sick. Mayda said he's being stubborn and doesn't want to go into the hospital. Thanks for praying with me that God guides him to seek the help he needs right now, and also that He grants Mayda peace of mind. She's so upset right now. She wants to help him but he is refusing to get seen by a doctor. They both love Jesus so much and trust in Him.
    Thank You Father for opening Emilio's eyes to see the truth that he is in need of medical assistance right now. Thank you for guiding him to go into the hospital to get checked out before his condition worsens. Thank you also for covering them both with your peace, and for healing every weakness in both of their bodies, minds and hearts. We ask this in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen.

    1. Joining in prayers with you for Mayda and Emilio. May our heavenly Father place His healing hands upon him and remove his affliction from his body. May He give them strength, comfort, and peace and direct their steps along the right path for them. May the doors be opened before them and the Lord guide them through with His mighty hand. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. Praying for your friends Jeanne. May God heal Emilio from his condition. May he overcome his stubbornness and go see a doctor.


    3. Joining in prayer and expectation that Emilio will take right action in his faith to get any medical help he needs. And for peace to overcome he and his family.

    4. Thank you for your sincere prayers, dear Janet, TJ and Audra. Mayda says Emilio had an egg and toast today. Praying with gratitude that God has heard our prayers and Emilio is already on the road to recovery. Thank You Jesus.

  35. Trusting in His Words and promises. Waiting on the Lord.

    Isaiah 58:8 "Thy light shall break forth as the morning, and thy health shall spring forth speedily; and thy righteousness shall go before thee: the glory of the Lord shall be thy rear guard."

    Psalm 41:3 "The Lord will sustain, refresh, and strengthen him on his bed of languishing; all his bed You [O Lord] will turn, change, and transform in his illness."

    Isaiah 40:31 "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint."

    Psalm 34:19 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all."

    Jeremiah 30:17 "For I will restore health unto you, and I will heal you of your wounds, saith the Lord."

  36. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. You always know exactly what I need. You take the best care of me. I can't thank You enough Lord! Let my words be seasoned rightly and my steps guided by Your Spirit. Let me walk along the path You have for me. Open doors I am to walk through and shut the ones I should not enter. Let the light of Your presence fill me and shine brightly in the world. Let Your will be done in me and my life. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Yes and Amen. Janet your prayer hit the bullseye!

    2. Thank you for this prayer, Janet. Awesomely stated. Meditating on this today. Again, thank you!

    3. Gathering into your perfect prayer. Amen!

  37. Good morning Prayer Warriors and happy Memorial Day to you all. Praying for Jeanne’s friends and healing in body and spirit. Praying for all of you as you go about your day. I pray that we can all be thankful for the blessings that He puts in our paths today. May we find Him in every situation. And as always, stay connected to the vine. In His name we pray. Amen.

    1. Amen! Thank you Suzanne R and blessings to you for sharing your thoughts full prayer♥️

    2. Thanks dear Suzanne! Plugged into our lIfe giving Vine! Can’t do anything without Him. But with Him, all things are possible.

  38. While it is true that we seem to cling tightly to our Lord in the hard times, this is more out of our need for help I think. I can't say I praise Him and thank Him so much in hard days as I do in good days although I probably should.
    In good times my thanks and praise knows no bounds. I'm still blown over by a blessing I received several months ago. The moment I think of it I do cartwheels (metaphorically) of thanksgiving and praise; just can't help it!
    Maybe the mature Christian does cartwheels of thanksgiving and praise in the hard times too?
    If so there's still aways to go before I get there.
    In the rollercoaster ride of life (I do miss Kings Island) the most important fact is that Immanuel, He, our Lord, our God, IS with us.
    His Name is His promise.
    He is His Name.
    He is with us through thick and thin, good and bad, the Slough of Despond to the Presence of Glory and everywhere else in-between.
    Knowing the King of Glory IS with us enables our 'trust roots' to gain strength firming up our confidence in Him.
    He knows we are poor in spirit, desperate in our need of Him, absolutely totally dependent on Him even for our very next breath. He never intended us to 'go it alone' so it's no wonder we can't.
    So we need to keep telling ourselves God IS with us in the pain. God IS with us in the trial, God IS with us throughout the dark days and nights when sleep is impossible.
    Equally God IS with us in the brightest and best of days, God IS with us in the best of blessings.
    Immanuel, Immanuel, Immanuel; God IS with US.
    Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

    1. Amen, brother Peter. Well said.

    2. Thanks for that awesome encouragement! I am admiring the sunlight streaming through the bright green leaves! The glory of His creation! I can feel the breeze through the window and hear it rustling through the branches! Decided to cook pasta primavera with cannellini beans and bring it to my son and his wife today. They have been so busy with the baby and they are so tired so I’m staying over to watch Evelyn. I told them they can even go out on a date later. God blessed me in such a sweet way!! Baby Evelyn took her first steps today and I was there to see it! God is so good!

    3. You are the BEST to bless your son and his wife with a night out, Jeanne! Praying for you and them....Blessings galore!

    4. Dear Norah! Thanks but Bryan and Allie decided they wanted naps instead of a night out. So they both got long naps and Evelyn was so good. We all enjoyed the dinner and ended up watching a good Paul McCartney special. Getting some extra sleep tonight too! God provides our needs. Resting in Him who loves us. Sleep well! God is on the Night watch and we’re well taken care of.

      Psalm 4:8
      I will both lie down in peace, and sleep;
      For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.

  39. So so beautiful; so so well said, Peter. What a beautiful reminder. Thank you! ❤️

  40. "Nothing, including the brightest blessings and the darkest trials, can separate you from me"...So so sweet and comforting. Dear heavenly Father help me to know and believe this, and know that any separation from You is on me. When I choose to turn away from You and thinking I am in control. Actually, I control nothing! You NEVER separate yourself from me. Never! For this I am grateful. Help me to ALWAYS turn toward you each and every day and know you are the master of my life! Amen.

  41. What a day, JC Family. I won't go into the details b/c it's just, LIFE. A parade in the morning with 3 of our Grands - hands held over their little hearts as the Veterans passed by. So thankful to be a part of this life experience with them.
    Heading to bed, thanking God for each and every one of you....your prayers, requests, deliverances. Our God Is an AWESOME God!
    Enjoy this cup runneth over!

  42. Thanks sweet sister! God is our defense in every situation because He is Almighty and Sovereign! You added much peace to my night. I’m glad you had fun with your grands and it was a sweet day. Get some rest now in His presence and peace. Goodnight! Much love.

  43. Looking forward to seeing what God has prepared for me and my mom today. I pray He will give her joy, a zest for life, and an appetite. He always gives me strength and I always feel His love. I sure need more patience but that’s a fruit of the Spirit. I will be blessed just to be in His Presence. He’s with me always and knows how I feel. How comforting it is to know He walks with me through this day. May He guide you all by your hands to all He has prepared for you. He is such a loving Father. Trust in His faithfulness and Rest in His Word and promises.

    Psalm 25:10
    All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth,
    To such as keep His covenant and His testimonies.

    1. Amen Jeanne 🙏. Praying for you and your mom. May our heavenly Father bring you both great blessings! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen! Peace be with you!

    2. Joining sis Janet in prayer for a beautiful Spirit filled day for you & your mom. As you are filled to running over it can't help but spill over to your precious charge! Hallelujah! Amen!💞🙌🙏

    3. Thanks dear Janet and Jan! Amen! We are all facing this day with grateful hearts leaning on God’s faithfulness. Have a good one. These are Glory Days not Gloomy Days! 💗☀️🙏

  44. You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. (Psalm 16:11). Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that Great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen 🙏. (Hebrews 13:20-21).

    1. Amen & Amen! Nourished! Bless you💞🙌

    2. Great Breakfast dear Janet! Amen! Left me satisfied and smiling. Thanks

  45. The Apostle Paul is reminding us to live IN Christ. Not just around Him, not just beside Him, but IN Him. We are to bring Christ into everything we do. He is not just another element of our life. We don’t compartmentalize our lives with family, work, friends, community, then Christ as just another domain. Instead, He should be the central part of every area of our lives. We bring Christ into each domain of our lives because we are to live IN Him, meaning everywhere we go, He goes. Christ lives in us, and we are to reflect that in everything we do and everywhere we go

    1. Amen! Acts 17:28a "For in him we live and move and have our being."

    2. I was just about to respond with the same scripture dear brother to Min's sharing. Hallelujah!🙌💞

    3. Thank you, MinAhadi and Amen!
      ‘To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.’ Col. 1:27 NKJV

    4. Thanks dear Amin Ahadi! We abide in Him as He abides in us.

    5. Colossians 3:3
      We are hidden WITH CHRIST IN GOD!
      Peek-a-boo...I see you ♥️

  46. Let there be peace on earth, let it begin with me.

    1. Thank you, Sassy Mom. It has been a very long time since I have heard this song, our choir used to sing it when I was in elementary school. Have a blessed day.

    2. Me too! You’re my Choir sister dear Websister. I always loved to sing it too.

    3. I am listening to a choir of tropical bird songs this morning, glorifying the beauty of our Creator. Feeling blessed to take this quiet time with y'all.

    4. Websister and Jeanne, our pleasure to share. Let peace on earth begin with JC Warriors.

  47. You all have such a beautiful connection on here. How long has everyone been reading and sharing? God's Blessings for all this day.

    1. 4 years reading blog and posting.
      6+ years reading JC.

  48. Many beautiful and blessed years. So grateful!

  49. John, I'm thinking 6 yrs, but not certain. I can say the connection and family feel was evident right away, so I have stayed and grown through every post and prayer.
    A special thing happens when you come upon a previous post and realize how much God has always been there for us. See you next year! 😉

  50. I’m guessing around 6 or 7 but all the posts are mostly timeless and still true and moving.

  51. Blessings, JC Family and welcome, John H! This Blog has served as a life-line in many ways, for me and also as a Diary! As Audra said, being able to look back and see how God has worked in our lives is a true blessing.
    I wanted to thank everyone for my Dear Husband's (DH) prayers. His Follow-Up visit went really well: Labs - all normal (MM Count-Normal!); his legs are "skinny" again and he is definitely on the mend. Tomorrow, visiting Nurse and PT. I'm pooped but so thankful for all of the Family support - our adult kids have been amazing.
    Thanks I head off to bed, know that I'm keeping all of you in my prayers: you vacations, your celebrations, needs, prayer requests and so much appreciation for this blog.
    Sleep sweet - God is on the Night Watch!

  52. Abounding in thanksgiving to the God above all, Jehovah, Abba, Elohim, for prayer answered and his steadfast love. Blessings family.
    Shalom 🙏

  53. When I read Acts 17:28
    “For in You I have my being” the word being = be-in-g (God). This is my first post and just want to say thank you for glowing the Light of Jesus for being in God
