Friday, May 29, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 30

     Time with Me cannot be rushed. when you are in a hurry, your mind flitters back and forth between Me and the tasks ahead of you. Push back the demands pressing in on you; create a safe space around you, a haven in which you can rest with Me. I also desire this time of focused attention and I use it to bless you, strengthening and equipping you for the day ahead. Thus, spending time with Me is a wise investment.
     Bring Me the sacrifice of your precious time. This creates sacred space around you--space permeated with My Presence and My Peace. 
Psalm 119:27
English Standard Version

Make me understand the way of your precepts,
    and I will meditate on your wondrous works.
2 Chronicles 16:9
English Standard Version

For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him. You have done foolishly in this, for from now on you will have wars.
Hebrews 13:15
New King James Version

Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. 

My Prayer (2018)
Right now, Lord, my mind is racing. I have so many things I am thinking about. There are so many seemingly responsibilities I seem to have in my life. And so, to take time, to pull back, and just rest in You and bring you my time. I don't know. I mean, right now, I'm up. I'm usually sleeping at 3:30am, but my mind is racing about the events of this week and work and my son and you know, everything, and I can't sleep. Lord, I look at these verses - meditate on your works and a heart that is not blameless and Lord, where is time even in my day right now to offer the sacrifice of praise to You. Lord, free me, even if it is just a few minutes. Lord, it makes no sense to me right now. What is going to change Lord? But whatever, I come to you this day. It doesn't make sense to me, but I do focus this moment on You. Free me, at least right now. Free me from what ails me. Be my refuge and my fortress, at least right now.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Every morning, I read these devotions - either on-line or in my book and every day I have to "push back the demands pressing" in on me. It is so worth it though. Throughout the day, I have to rein my mind back to the promises of God. We live in a very intense world that demands our focus and fights for our attention; we are the only ones who can shove it out, if only for a moment, and enjoy that 'safe space' given so freely by our Lord and Savior. Lord, help me remember this throughout the day...when I do it, my muscles relax, the pain goes away and I am blessed. Remind me please. Let me respond to that gentle nudge to come to You first!

    1. My prayers and my heart are with you. I am blessed every single day by your sharing your true, raw heart and I totally understand. God is with you and He will not let you fall. Be blessed, O Beautiful Soul, your King loves you, for You are engraved into the palm of His hand. -Kerri

    2. So very true, Norah...while your entry is from '18, it still applies today. Taking time to think on and meditate on God, like you said, if even for a few minutes, makes such a difference in my day as well. Crazy plate-spinning becomes easier and less frantic after talking to God. Make sense? I just love this site. It is such a refuge and comfort. Many thanks, Chris, for creating and maintaining it for us all! Blessings of healing and love to you all today!

    3. Thinking the same thing, NJS. Dear Norah. Your words could have been written this year or any year. I also have to make a real effort to stay in His presence and peace throughout the day. Every morning I pray with my Mom and Sis and we read the Jesus Calling and the verses and then we talk about the day to come. We do this by phone because we don't live close to each other. Then we go our way and pray for those on our lists. I usually do a lot in the kitchen but I pray while I'm working and I talk to Jesus because I need Him and I love Him. But the demands of the day and my responsibilites often pull me away from Him. The sweetest prayer is "Jesus, Remind me to stay in Your Presence." Just saying His Name is enough to pull me right back to Him.

    4. Amen sweet sisters and brothers in Christ. I needed to read this today!
      Feeling very overwhelmed and exhausted.
      Jesus, remind me to stay in your presence
      Thank you JeanneπŸ’—
      Keeping each of you in my prayers
      Love snd blessings

    5. I love this site. I am so glad I found it December gone. I went out of town and left my Jesus Calling book and the spirit led me to just type in the title and this blog showed up! And I have been doing this ever since because I love the prayers. My book is almost torn up so I use now. Thanks for whoever started this.

    6. Worship Song came to my mind :

      Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary .

  2. @paytonfamily, my situation is similar with a son and my work. many a night am awake and thought how far I am from being at peace. I pray and ask for rest so I can get through the day. God has indeed given me more strength and I am coping better. Praying you get the peace you need as well. Godspeed.

    1. Thanks. I guess it was a good thing to wake up at 3:30 and spend time in the Word and praying. I needed it. I feel better. God gives us strength, as you have voiced.

    2. Thank you for your work in putting together this blog for those of us out here to access and find comfort and peace.

    3. Jesus, remind me and us to stay in your presence. Thank you Lord for blessing us with your love and peace. I lift up each prayer request to you. I pray powerful prayers of healing, peace, love, joy and strength. Thank you for never leaving our side.
      You are our living Father.
      In Jesus heavenly name,
      Brandy πŸ™πŸ©΅πŸ’•πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

  3. Praise you my Lord and Savior and help me we focus on you and only you this morning. I spend so much time with you and morning is our cup of coffee together where you give me your living word and you refresh me and feed me. This morning my mind is racing. You know that I have this issue on my mind. I'm not afraid I'm not nervous I'm not anxious. But I'm distracted. You are sovereign over all I know that I trust that I feel that I have walked that. But this morning I still feel I am going to and fro. Immediately you gave me your word that fed me and confirmed that I have nothing to fear. In God whose word I praise In God I trust and I'm Not Afraid. What can one more mere mortals do to me? You already gave me what I needed Lord. I need to stop and continue to stay focus. This devotional reminded me of the time that I need to spend with you. It's not just about you feeding me your word but feeding me spiritually physically and my mind. You want 100% of me. And I want to give 100% of me to you. I bring you my sacrifice which is all of me

  4. Our God is kind and good. Ask Him to show you what you need to learn through this season of unrest so you can serve, glorify, and testify to His kingdom during and after you are delivered from this season. Always remember, you never fight alone.

    “God, show me how to use this until You chose to remove it.”

  5. I ask for prayer as I do not know what I'm supposed to do right now. Help me Lord. Show me and those around me as much peace and love in this situation as possible. Thank You Lord.

  6. I'm on my knees with hands up

  7. Zachary Ray dusenberry

  8. Peace be upon you, God’s mercy and grace . And God put a hedge of protection around the people involved with this situation. You are mighty and worthy to be praise Lord

  9. Praying with you, Zachary, for protection and guidance. What a great reminder to give our cares to Him. I can race ahead to all of today's needs or I can rest in Him, knowing it will all come together, 'in due season.' Help me choose the latter, Father. Prayers for my JC Family. Rejoicing with you, Sassy Mom! :)

  10. runaprilmae - Amen to your prayer. Thank you Lord for the quietness of this cool morning to spend time alone with You. Praising You, loving You, anticipating undeserved blessings. Awaiting where You lead me. Make me a blessing to those who cross my path. I love my JC Family.

  11. Giving Thanks to the Father from whom all blessings flows! Rain or shine, foggy or damp, whatever this day is, Father I give You Thanks, because this is the day You have made and placed me in, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Thank You.

    Lifting up everyone and their love ones up to You this morning Father, Thanking You for the plans You have for each of us, we know it is good. You know all our needs, the issues, concerns, circumstances, the trials we face on a daily basis and the attacks of the enemy. We give You Thanks because we know that You never promised us that it will be all smooth sailing, but You did promised us in Isaiah 43:1-3 (NLT):
    "Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the Lord, your God...."! So Father, thank You for keeping Your promises and being our God and answering us in the name of Jesus.
    Holy Spirit, help us to rest and find quiet time with You, free from distractions and the demands of this world. We need Your power and strength. Thank You Lord for wrapping us in Your Righteousness through Jesus Christ the Righteous One!

    Good and blessed morning, JC family!

    Maplewood NJ

  12. Thank you Lord for another day, we are not promised tomorrow, or the next minute. I am sitting on the porch of my dear friend Darlene. Her husband passed away night before last, she is doing well, as good as a person can do that just lost her spouse. I ask you Lord that you through me help me help my friend as she starts to adjust to life as it is now. Thank you Lord for showing John mercy as he passed from this life,to his heavenly home. Thank you for the honor to be here helping my dear friend as she needs all her friends to gather around here and love her through this very sad time in her life. God as you know, the land that Darlene and John's home sits on is not theirs, he was promised a place forever, which included Darlene also. Now she is facing the possibility of losing what she has to an angry Mom, the Mom owns the land and is mad at her daughter, Jennifer, because she doesn't want to live her life as a snob like her Mom wishes her to. Her Mom is angered at her for choosing to be a hot shot driver instead of a Debutante. Jennifer has lived her whole life the way her Mom wanted her to and now is dangling the land she is supposed to have over her head. She has not spoken to her in over a year because her daughter decided to go against what she wanted her to do. Much "conditional" love in that family. Prayers for Jennifer and her Mom, Lord mend this broken relationship between Mother and Daughter. You know how and what needs to be done, Lord I ask that you touch this mad Moms heart and soften it, let her see that her Daughter doesn't have to be a snob to keep her Moms love. This is a sad situation to have to bring to the prayer table, but it is what it is and Lord I ask that you do your wonderful work and give Darlene the time to rest and get her self together if and when she has to leave this place. Thank you JC Family for prayers, as y'all have mine. God bless!

  13. I’m asking that you all uplift me in prayer. I am going through a tough financial season and really need extra prayers right now. I trust God during this time and know things are working for my good, but I just need the love right now.

    Thank you.

  14. Jesus I come to you this morning and I lay all my worries for today and tomorrow at the foot of the cross always remembering that you are in complete control thank you for your blessings. Life is a blessing ! My prayers for work are not what I had wanted but I know thru all circumstances You are present. I pray for my eyes to be opened to the path you have destined for me. .... and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus . Philippians 4

  15. LEXI UPDATE - Lexi med-flighted from Bristol Regional Hospital to UVA a larger facility. Pray travel mercies, pressure is controlled, total protection. She is trusting the Lord, in good spirits, no signs of damage yet. God You are able, we trust You. THANK YOU FOR CONTINUED PRAYERS FOR DEAR LEXI.

    1. Up praying, praising and thanking God for our Lexi.
      We need her eye witness testimony: God Is Good and We Are ONE! Thanks be to God! Amen.

    2. Praying for our good Lord's healing and blessings for Lexi. KS

    3. Sassy Mom--- Continued prayer for Lexie. Lord, let the warmth of Your healing love pass through Lexi's body. Restore her to to full health so she my serve You all the days of her life. For your glory and in honor of Your purposes. AMEN and AMEN

    4. Continuing in prayers for Lexi and her family. Oh, my Jehovah-Rapha is ABLE!! Thank You Jesus for the FINISHED work of Healing. Lexi just needs one touch from You and everything's going to be alright in Jesus name! Amen!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Praying for Lexi's safety and treatment and God's guidance and healing. Amen Maplewood, Bring her to the garment of Jesus to be saved with one touch. Thanking God for His amazing Healing power, faithfulness and for guiding the doctors hands to make her better in the name of Christ Jesus.

    6. Prayers for Lexi complete healing from the ultimate physician our Lord and creator. He who made is can certainly fix us when we are broken. Claiming this victory for Lexi

    7. Continuing to pray for dear Lexi. Amen dear Fern. God fashioned her body so He can bring her back to perfect health.
      Thank You for Your faithfulness in her dear Jesus!

  16. Thanks be to God and to you JC Prayer Warriors regarding my Husband's lung scan. The Dr said, : ":Just looked, and it all looks great!!!" I said, Amen thanks you Jesus and JC Family. What you have done for us, you'll do for others! In Jesus' Name! Amen.

    1. Great news on your husband's scan! Praise be to God. KS

    2. Brilamar --- Giving praise, honor and glory to the Lord for a great report on your husband's scan! The Lord watches over His word to perform it!

    3. "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony"(Rev. 12:11)! HALLELUJAH!! Thanking God with you Brilamar!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Giving thanks to You, O Lord, for again and as always, being faithful to Your love and care of Brilamar and her family and to all Your children. 'Great is Thy Faithfulness'!

    5. God, You are so great and faithful! Thank you for this good news. One more blessing!

    6. Thank You Lord for these great results prayed for. We love you Lord.

    7. Brilamar, I was so glad to hear the news about your husband. The Lord has blessed our community. Praise be to God.
      PS I having been trouble with publishing lately due to some system problem.

  17. Good morning Jesus! “Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me.” Thank You for another day to Praise You. Amen.

    It seems so hard in a world like this, to move from Rush to Rest. We usually rush from one task to the next with no time to rest. In this instance, we become too Rushed to pray. The Bible is filled with examples of how God uses a long process to develope our character (example, God took 80 years to prepare Moses, including 40 in the wilderness) and Moses like us, kept asking: Is it time yet? God kept saying: Not yet. Strong faith and trust are grown through struggles, storms and seasons of suffering. The book of James 1:4 urges us to be patient:“Don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed.”
    We get frustrated because God’s timetable is rarely the same as ours. God has His perfect timing for everything and everyone in this world. 2 Peter 3:8 says:“With the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day”. He is never early and never late. He is never in a hurry, but always on time. Someone once mentioned to me that “God is the only One who is late (humanly thinking), but ALWAYS on time"! God will use our entire lifetime to prepare us for our role in eternity. Habakkuk 2:3 says: “These things I plan won’t happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day”! With what’s going on in the world today, God is our ONLY hope. Spending time with Him is a wise investment. He’s patient, and He’s a God of Peace, but He is also a God of justice for all peoples.

    Almighty Heavenly Father, not knowing what to expect in this new day, we thank the ONE who ushered us into it and ask for Your direction and lead. We are grateful for Your love, protection and perfect timetable for every circumstances we face and thank You for being Lord over all. As we struggle with a pandemic, instead of peace and unity, hate and violence have once again shown its face. This nation needs Your help from Zion. Grieving and hurting families need Your help and intervention. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne. May true men and women who fear You in this country, put aside their differences and rise up together and pray for peace and love for all peoples and let justice reign for humanity and Jesus’ sake. May we NOT be as those spoken of in Revelation 21:8-“But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death”, But Rather Help Us To Be As Romans 14:19 says:“Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another." Praying for peace and the comfort of all those grieving and hurting, praying oh Lord that You would give Your Angels charge over this nation and restore healing, in Jesus name. Amen.

    May the God of Peace and Love take over our days.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Maplewood--- Your prayer is my prayer. AMEN and AMEN

    2. Amen Maplewood! May God guide his people not to react to violence with more violence but to forgive and strive for peace in this world. Do what Jesus would do. Comfort those who have been treated unjustly and who have lost loved ones. Help your people to rally against ungodliness together but in a peaceful way. We must think of our similarities now. We are all your Children in need of a Father. Thank you for protecting and guiding us all to do the right things to your glory in Jesus name we pray. Amen.

    3. Amen and Amen!!! Lord hear our prayers, in all things you are in control, bring peace and comfort. Amen!

    4. Joining my hands, heart, and prayers up with yours Maplewood NJ, JJ, Jeanne, Keep Praying and JC Prayer Warriors, praying for me and all God's people to put on God, wear God out in public, and act like God today and everyday with everyONE, everywhere. In the name of Jesus, I too, pray Bob's May 29, 2020 post from yesterday, about ONENESS as the Father and Jesus are ONE and that there will be an Answer=His Answer! Help me do my part to build Thy Kingdom using me for the Glory of God! In Jesus' Name! Amen

    5. Hmmm...'God is always late according to our thinking but always on time according to His plan.' So much being said in that sentence. That is likely to be why Jesus taught us to pray in the Lord's Prayer/Our Father 'thy will be done'. It is the preferred way to go. Thanks, twin bd sis! How is your recovery going?

    6. Thank you Maplewood and Bob. In my wilderness drought, He is not changing my circumstances but is changing me. Yes it has been a long process but I am seeing His work now changing what I couldn't change myself ("don't hurry MY work. I AM doing a perfect work") This wilderness experience is getting me in touch with God and on my way to discovering the Oneness of His life inside. I can see my Father leading now and it feels as if He is holding my hand (His little child) as we walk.

      I want to give Him praise and also encouragement by my testimony of what He is doing.

      Blessings and prayers to all.

    7. Thank you dear Maplewood: May true men and women who fear You in this country, put aside their differences and rise up together and pray for peace and love for all peoples and let justice reign for humanity and Jesus’ sake. Amen sweet sister!!!
      So very much truth in these posts from last year.
      We must put on the Armor of Christ and walk through our day wearing Him. He lives in us every moment of our life. Let our thoughts, words and deeds reflect that! Please God!
      Amen dear Bob, He sure is always on time and it amazes me that He lifts us our of our difficult situations at EXACTLY the right time. We may question it but the truth is His timing is perfect because He is ALL KNOWING.
      Dear Keith, I just loved: He is not changing my circumstances but is changing me. Thank you my good brother.

    8. Such good words from yesteryear, Maplewood. I rushed thru today's reading this morning and put other things before it. I paid the price experiencing anger, frustration, judgement, sadness and more. Forgive me Lord for my transgressions.
      “God, show me how to use this until You chose to remove it.”

    9. After 2 years Maplewood, your prayer for country is so timely in lieu of what happened in Texas. So many are hurting & grieving for the senseless lost of precious lives by one act of evil & violence. Help us oh Lord, help us. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  18. Brilamar, I hopped on here this morning wondering if your husband's report had come in. What a blessing to read that he got the all clear!
    Continued prayers for Lexi, Sassy Mom.
    Looking forward to a great weekend. Prayers for all of you, JC Family!

    1. We are so happy that Brilamar's report was a good one. God is so good. Praying for Lexi, Sassy Mom, Sam and Tiffany and all the other needs of our JC Family, especially Fern's son, Dan.

    2. Thank you Jeanne, my sons situation remains unknown to us, we decided to extend an extra helping of love to him and to ourselves by distancing. Time may bring the information we need to make the best decisions. Our sons life is at stake and we dont want to do anything outside of Gods will because of our fear. So for this moment we continue to pray and prepare and give God the space to be God. He wont answer his phone but we know He is alive and at our home. That is big and I am greatful for that. Tomorrow we may be closer. Only God knows. This evening my husband and I separately have found peace. We pray our sons mind is no longer scrambled and his thinking has cleared. Praying that the evil one has released his grip and my son is back. Please Lord please.
      Thank you faithful prayer friends.
      I love you all.

    3. Prayers are still being prayed for you, hubby and Dan. Blessings to all. Amen

    4. Your prayers are a great comfort to me, to us, dear Brilamar. I know God loves His children, for He instilled that in us parents and it's a fierce love! I am depending on that. God hear our prayers free Daniel from the vice. Turn this around, restore your son Daniel.Thank you Lord. I am patiently waiting for your best! Thank you my JC family, you are valuable.

    5. Amen Fern, God has been so faithful to you in the past. Trusting and thanking Him for changing the heart and mind of Dan as we pray and freeing Dan from the grip of the evil one and curing him of his illness. Thanking Him for leading him to all the help he needs to feel peace again and for strengthening you and your husband as you wait in prayer and hope that all things will be made right again. We come to you with thanksgiving and faith to ask you Dear God for all these things as we stand on your promises, in the name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord. Amen.

    6. Dear Fern, Still praying for you, Dan and your good husband. God is guiding all of you. Trust in Him and go forward in His presence and peace. Believe that His will shall be done and the best is yet to come.
      Continuing to pray for our dear MadFox and Brie's brother and husband, Amanda’s Cousin David who had multiple strokes,
      Ellen’s daughter's evaluation for a possible surgery to heal her.
      Min Ahadi's needs for provisions and guidance and for her daughter, and also fulfillment, Free as a Bird’s 10 yr old son's biopsy. Heal his broken femur, Audra’s hubby Marc's knee replacement on 6/3. Norah's hubby's good evaluation by his Oncologist, Woman of God in all things, Anonymous’s daughter who is joining a cult with her children and healing of my good friends, Mayda and her husband Emilio. Mayda has a polyp on her uterus and a spot on her ovary and Emilio is sick and may need dialysis, Lexi's healing and all those who I am not remembering because I am a bit sleep deprived and must get my Sis to the airport early in the morning. Thank You Father for hearing all these prayers and healing them and all of the prayers of our dear JC Family. We all trust in You and have already seen your Faithfulness. We know you can do all things. Thank You for this in the powerful Name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus.

    7. Thank you all, thank you Father, Lord hear our prayers. We trust you!

  19. Continuing my prayers for Lexi and her family...and , Brilimar , blessings to you and your husband.


    (John 21:20-25) I (John) conclude my gospel with this story. Jesus has just brought spiritual healing and wholeness back to Peter on whom He will build His Church. He finished His words to Peter by indicating with what sort of death Peter would glorify God. He concluded by saying, "Follow Me." Peter then pointed to me and asked Jesus, "What about him?" Jesus responded by saying, "What I have in store for him, I have in store for him. As for you, follow me."

    We have continually seen the words of Jesus, 'Follow Me'. Charles de Foucauld, contemplative and mystic, has said, 'All we are trying to do is be one with Jesus, to reproduce His life in our own, to proclaim His teaching from the rooftops in our thoughts, words, and actions, to let Him rule and live in us.' As we observed in Jesus' final prayer, He prayed for us to have that oneness in Him as He is in the Father and the Father is in Him. It seems to me, 'Follow Me' is synonymous with entering into the oneness of God. John concludes with this story and his conclusion lives on for all eternity. In this blog, we link arms to be faithful to our calling to simply, 'Follow Me'; we may not know specifically where the path will take us but we do know where we will end up.

    God's peace to each of you my brothers and sisters in Christ. With love, Bob

    1. Amen Bob! We link arms to be faithful to follow hard after Him and righteousness. At the end of our winding road, our goal is to see His sweet face. Thank you for all the peace and love. Right back at you.

    2. Amen! When I read Bob's post today, I took the time to read, reread and linger at this junction: 'All we are trying to do is be one with Jesus, to reproduce His life in our own, to proclaim His teaching from the rooftops in our thoughts, words, and actions, to let Him rule and live in us.' As we observed in Jesus' final prayer, He prayed for us to have that oneness in Him as He is in the Father and the Father is in Him. It seems to me, 'Follow Me' is synonymous with entering into the oneness of God. I am hearing Jesus using His last breath to ask us for ONE thing. We who ask Him for so many things, which He provides! How am I answering Him?

    3. My body craves that oneness with God. Every broken place is a part designed for Jesus to fill with Himself. That is true love. Pure and undiluted fullness..wholeness. Oneness with Christ. Thank you Lord for knowing our deepest need, it is always you. I love you Lord

    4. Amen! Still following hard after Him. We are One in the Spirit and One in the Lord.

  21. Lord help me to push all other things aside during our sacred time. Help me to concentrate on prayer and listening for You. Teacher, Your presence and guidance ia,what I need each day. Thank you for Your love and all You do for me.

  22. Declaring healing for all brokenness, that which is magnified for all to see, in Jesus's name! For each one of us, those we love, and the so many others we may never know until we meet before the throne of Grace and Mercy. Amen!

  23. Lexi update and gratitude from her parents:

    "We are overwhelmed with all the prayers, calls, texts, messages, love and support shown to us. We are so grateful for each one of you and can't express enough gratitude. The past couple of weeks have been an absolute nightmare. We have been up and down with emotions. Physically Lexi is doing well, has shown no signs of damage or deterioration. She is very positive and thankful for being at UVA, the team working with her is amazing. The Dr. doesn't think she has a brain bleed. He is trying to determine if it is spinal fluid or blood. If spinal fluid he can control the clotting and she won't need surgery. If blood, a whole different animal. More test today to determine what it is. They are very positive she will be OK either way. Thank you for your sustaining prayers. We know the Lord put His arms around us and comforted us into a restful sleep. We are praising the Lord that Lexi was admitted to UVA to receive the care she needs. Please pray wisdom for the attending staff to diagnose and treat her properly.

    Again, thank you for your love and support. There is no way we will ever be able to express our appreciation. We are humbled. Praying God's blessing upon you and your families."

    1. Thank You God for the update and showing Your Goodness to us again and again, because You love us. I always knew You had Lexi's situation under Your control. In Jesus' Name I thank You again and again and I love You. Amen.

    2. God bless Lexi with complete healing Lord. Thank you in advance for lining up the perfect medical team for Lexi. Use Lexi to draw others to you Jesus, Her love for you Lord is your calling card. Thank you Jesus!

    3. Thank you Father for hearing our prayers for Lexi and granting them to Your glory. We are so grateful that she is in a wonderful place. Guide the Doctors to assess her situation correctly and give her all the treatment she needs to recover completely. We trust you and wait on your faithfulness. Thank you for this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

    4. Continuing to pray for Lexi's complete healing with my family here! Thank You dear Jesus! You can do all things.

  24. Thank you, Father, for this beautiful morning, and for waking me up to another opportunity to seek and serve You. Help me to be Your light that shines for others to see.

    Praying healing over Lexi. Thank You, Lord, for the healing process over Lexi. I trust in You, and You are faithful. I ask that You comfort and give peace to Lexi and her family. Give her doctors and nurses the wisdom and skill they need to treat her. I pray for total and complete recovery over Lexi. Thank You, Jesus.

    Praise God, Brilamar, for your husband's clear scans. God is good!

    I would also like to ask for prayer for my cousin, Billy. His organs are compromised, and we need a Miracle. You are the Miracle worker, Lord. I thank you in advance for the work You are doing in and through my cousin. I pray that Your will be done in all our lives. Give the doctors and nurses the wisdom and skill they need to treat him. Be with him, Lord. Breathe Your Spirit into him that he may accept You as his Lord and Savior.

    Lord, I also lift up my Aunt Lupe who has been diagnosed with Covid 19 and is in the hospital with pneumonia. Bring her healing and comfort her family, Father. We claim victory over her progress as slow as it is. We know Your timing is perfect. Give us patience, and help us to lean on You during our darkest hours. Give her doctors and nurses the wisdom and skill they need to treat her. We thank You for your faithfulness.

    Also, My husband was in the ER Thursday night for kidney stones. Lord, thank You for Your mercy in calming my husbands pain without having to use the opioids. I know that was You, Lord. I pray that You heal my husband from the top of his head to the soles of his feet; mind, body, and spirit. Thank You for being with him and giving him this much needed rest.

    You are
    Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper
    Light in the darkness
    My God, that is who You are…
    It seems I've had this song on loop in my head since January when my husband suffered a cardiac arrest. Then, in February, my father went to be with the Lord. In Match, the quarantine began which brought about it's own special challenges, and kept me separate from my mother who was grieving. Through it all, He, in His infinite wisdom, has seen fit to grant me a peace that surpasses all human understanding. I'm grateful that He has carried me through the darkness that I may baske in His Holy Light.

    Thank you, my JC family, for your uplifting posts. It is by no coincidence that we have landed here in this blog. Together, as One, in Christ Jesus.

    Thank you Father for answered and unanswered prayer. I join my JC family in lifting up all of our prayer petitions. You know our needs, Father, and I thank You for meeting and exceeding them, and for listening to our prayers.

    May God bless you all.

    Yours in Christ,


    1. Rose --- Lifting up all your prayer requests to The Throne of Grace. The Lord has a plan and it is a Great plan!

    2. Rose - Joining warriors praying miracle prayers for your cousin Billy, your aunt Lupe and your husband. God bless you.

    3. Praying for you Rose, your cousin Billy, your husband, your aunt Lupe, and your Mom. I am going to keep on praying with our JC Family, and lifting up my Voice in prayer with them to the Way Maker Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness! Blessings. Amen

    4. Rose, praying now for Billy, your Aunt, your husband, your Mom and also you! Those are all serious situations, for us. We are greatful they are not for God. He has each one under control and knew the outcome before they happened. Lifting up each request to him and asking for the best possible results. Asking for peace and confidence in The Lords decisions for you as well. God Bless you for bringing these loved ones to our attention and specifically to Gods holy throne for their ultimate healing, in Jesus name.

    5. Joining in prayers for your Cousin Billy, Aunt Lupe, your Mom and Husband. God is aware of their weaknesses and is mighty to save. We ask for His guiding hand in their treatment and His amazing Healing power. May He direct their treatment and lead them all into nothing less than a perfect recovery.
      Thank you dear God for restoring Billy's organs to their normal function and leading him to seek You with a sincere heart that he may become new in Your love. Thank you for healing Rose's Aunt Lupe from Covid and strengthen her lungs and body unto a complete recovery, and for blessing Rose's Mom with healing of all of her weaknesses. Thank you for relieving Rose's husband's pain from kidney stones and restoring him to perfect health. We thank you for this in the powerful name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen.

    6. Still praying for you and your family dear Rose and for your comfort. God knows your hearts and can make all things right again and guide you all to peace and strengthen the faith of your family. Thank You dear Jesus!

  25. Lifting up before our loving Lord, Rose, your cousin Billy in his physical needs, aunt Lupe with Covid 19, and your husband's successful treatment. Lord, be gracious to each and shower each with Your merciful love. Amen

  26. “Follow Me.” For me that means to allow Christ in me to have His way. You are the potter, I am the clay. Results are Yours , Lord. I don’t even need to know what they are. In this moment I choose to trust You.

  27. I'm really struggling with life right now. I am trying to conceive and feel really discouraged. Any prayers appreciated

    1. Anonymous --- I ask the Lord to hear your request. Lord, hear Anonymous's heart, her desire. She longs to be a mother. I pray You will honor her desire and grant her a child to love and point to You, but I pray more for Your will in her life. Your will is good and perfect. I pray that Anonymous will trust you for Your GREAT plan for her life. In His honor and for His purposes. AMEN and AMEN

    2. Joining in prayer with my family for you, Anonymous. God has heard your cries and understands your needs and desires. May He grant you the ability to conceive and bring forth a beautiful healthy child in His perfect timing. Trust in Him and rest in Him. Do not be anxious about the situation. Give it to Him and He will allow your body to conceive. Trusting Him and thanking Him for His faithfulness. God bless you Sister.

    3. Continuing to pray for you dear Anonymous. I pray you have already received God's grace and guidance and you have been able to conceive. Waiting on the Lord to fulfill the desires of your trusting heart. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

  28. Praying for you Anonymous to be of good courage, for He has overcome the world!
    Love and blessings. Amen

  29. Anonymous ( God's beloved) please know that the Lord has the perfect timing for all areas of our life! Please Lord we ask for the precious gift of a child in our sisters life. Please lift her chin and smile down on her, replacing all her feelings of discouragement with hope. The hope that the God of the universe loves her and has already created a perfect plan for her life. God bless her and keep her healthy as you are refining your relationship with her by building trust. Trust that your time is best. Thank you Lord for always loving us and leading us to our destiny. Amen

  30. Praying for you dear Anonymous that God will answer your prayer and bless you with the child you so desire. He knows all the when's and the whys. Take this time to grow closer to Him in the wait. You will be blessed! In the name of Jesus.

  31. I like the words of the devotion, free me Lord so that I will not focus on my issues and instead focus on You Lord! When I think about my job situation and my car I walk around feeling anxious , but Psalm reminds us Psalms Make me understand the way of your precepts and I will meditate on your wondrous works. May we draw close to you when we have to wait upon you ! Calm our minds so that we can hear from you clearily God.

    1. Praying for you dear Min Ahadi. Had you on my mind today and you're always in my prayers. Hope things are going better. Praying that God will supply all your needs so you can have a peace filled mind and take care of your daughter and get a good car.

  32. Father, thank You for pulling me out of the darkness and into Your radiant, glorious light with You. You are so patient, kind, and compassionate. I can be selfish and not always put You first or think of You before other things in my life. I am so sorry. Please forgive me Lord. Free me from my selfish ways. Quiet my mind from the ways, thoughts, and desires of this world and let Your goodness take over within me. You are my saving grace and I am so grateful to You for everything. You are so wonderful and amazing. There isn't anything or anyone that is better than You -- not even close. You are the best Father ever. I am so grateful, blessed, and honored to be Your child. Grant me the perspective I need to keep You my number one priority and focal point in my life and remove all the unnecessary things out of the way of that. I praise, bless, and rejoice over You Lord continually and always. Thank You Jesus.

    Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (2 Corinthians 3:17)

    My brothers and sisters, you were chosen to be free. But don't use your freedom as an excuse to live under the power of sin. Instead, serve one another in love. (Galatians 5:13)

    1. Amen dear Janet, Your prayer echoes my own heart. Thank you dear sister.
      Father, You know all the things I must do and how overwhelmed I feel at times. But then I remember You said not to be anxious in anything, but in all things with prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present my requests to you and you will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. So I will not look too far ahead but just meet you in the present where You remain with me. I will not worry about tomorrow because You will walk me through it. Thank You for being such a loving, understanding and forgiving Father. Thank You for this wonderful family who prays with me and brings me so much of Your love, light and peace. Amen.

  33. Heavenly Father, free me from the dark distractions of the world so that I will focus on praising you and living in the light of YOUR holy presence, love, guidance and protection.

  34. I am praying for us to receive HIS STRENGTH today!

  35. I do identify with today’s message. I wake up sometimes my body is at 15 miles per hour while my mind is going at 100mph!
    Today is Sunday and my mind is on Tuesday’s
    work issues.
    I set aside time every morning and do the best I can to give that time to Him. Some days are better then others but I don’t give up because any intimacy with God whether it be a minute , an hour,
    is time well spent. I also am blessed (when I remember ) to be able to connect with Him at any part of the day....
    God Bless all the men and women who have sacrificed their lives so we could have the freedoms that we enjoy and take for granted .

    1. John, we must have been typing at the same time...remember thos who gave their lives. It is so humbling to me and I'm blessed when I see how many DO remember and share.

    2. John - "God Bless all the men and women who have sacrificed their lives so we could have the freedoms that we enjoy and take for granted". AMEN

    3. I do appreciate my freedom and all the sacrifices that make it possible. My prayer for this memorial Day is that the young will come to understand what has come before is meant to be honored.

    4. Amen dear John. I sure can relate when you say "Today is Sunday and my mind is on Tuesday." Then I feel God saying, I got your back, stop worrying. When we remain calm even though we have many things to do, we affirm our Trust in His provisions.
      Joining prayers for all those brave servants who have given so much so that we can be free. Father comfort and guide them and their families and bring them true joy and peace and fulfillment in You.
      Amen Norah, Sassy Mom and Audra.

  36. Up earlier than I expected to be, but refreshed and so very thankful for the beautiful sunshine that woke me. I thank you, Father for this quiet time with you. Re-reading all of the posts from the past several years reminds me: You deliver us. You answer our prayers in Your time. You fully equip us in every situation. You know our hearts, as no other and soothe us, comfort us, heal us, clear the path before us. When we focus on You, believe Your Word, take on Your full armor, do as Jesus would do, we are blessed, fulfilled and calm in the midst of earthly storms.
    I am claiming Your Peace as I go through unchartered waters in the coming weeks and months. As all of us have, there are so many unknowns, but only to me - never to You, Father. Thank You for granting me the spunk to put the devil where he belongs in each situation. To remember that greater is He that is in me than he that is in this world. Thank You for allowing me another day to bless my dear husband, love my family, forgive those who lend confusion rather than solid answers but especially for those You have placed in my path to help guide, restore and comfort. They are Your Chosen Ones who You've gifted us with in this Life to advise, pray, guide - so many of them on the pages of this blog. Doing as you so loving request - spending quiet, focused time with You, praying for this beloved JC Family, all of my loved ones and giving every care to you, soothes my soul and provides me the energy to do it again, today. All of my concerns seem so little when I give them to You and see what others are praying for, yet they are important to You because I am Your Daughter. When I focus on You, I am freed up to pray for others. Remind me of that throughout the coming days as things seem overwhelming. Let me grasp Your Hand and calm down long enough to count my blessings and give to others.
    Dear JC Family - I have nothing to be overwhelmed with when I see things in this Light. I am praying with/for each of you and thanking God, as Sassy Mom and Brie have said: for the "dark distractions of the world" to be put where they belong and to praise You and receive Your Strength. Remind me to ask You Father, What's Important Now, so that I WIN another day to glorify You; to take care of what I'm able and to bless those around me. Let me be Your hands and feet and let me do it lovingly. I will read and re-read Your Promises, as Janet and all of the other Saints on this page remind me. Know that each of you remain in my prayers: for your health (continued or needed), for your prosperity, your peace that passes understanding; all needs met; that we are free to LAUGH, to lighten things up in a crazy world and always give God the Glory!
    The sun has slipped away and the wind is picking up. Let the ones gathered today to be together find Joy, regardless of the weather. Those traveling - safe travels. Those resting - perfect rest. And us, "Worker Bees," the energy and sustenance to be our Best for Him!
    Remembering this weekend, the many who died to give us these Freedoms - let us not forget the ultimate price they paid. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

    1. AMEN!
      and to this: " take care of what I'm able and to bless those around me."

    2. Thank you Norah and Amen! I'm so glad you woke up refreshed and ready for the day. Beautiful words of encouragement dear Sister. I also spend my morning with Him quietly after my prayer with my Mom and Sis. What a blessing to know that no matter what He puts on my plate, we can work on it together. Today was a bit unusual but the Lord was at my side. He got us to the airport at 5 in the morning with my Sister and He gave her a blessed and safe flight back to Missouri. We all thanked Him when she landed and she was so happy to be with her husband after a month away.
      God is so good. He even made sure I took a nap when I got home. He watered my flowers with a lot of rain and guided me to make a nice dinner for my husband. He reminded me to call my Mom and brother and tried to cheer up their rainy days. And I made something yummy for my husband for tomorrow. It was a sweet and quiet day and I found time to pray. Any time spent with Him is the sweetest time of the day.
      Norah, You work so hard for everyone, I pray you get a chance to rewind and refresh yourself. Praying with you for our dear JC Family and for all those who gave their lives for our freedom and for those who are still out there fighting and also home trying to lead good lives. Amen.

  37. Loving Father, No time spent with You is wasted time. You have given me the gift of another blessed day. I pray for wisdom to use it wisely. Not just today but every given day. I give my sacrifice of Praise, Thanksgiving and Time to You and Honor You for ordering my steps in the right directions. Thank You for always wanting to be with me and hear from me even when the world doesn't. I am highly blessed and favored by You, and for this and many more reasons, I thank You. In name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

    When King Solomon was asked by God what he wanted, he could have asked for a whole lot of things: riches, fame, honor, long life and so much more. Rather, he asked God for wisdom and knowledge to lead His people (2 Chron. 1:7-8). God was pleased with his request and blessed him with that and what he did not even asked for!
    We are also wise when we ask God for wisdom in our lives. Wisdom to make the right decisions, to speak when to ought to, to act when we need to and so forth. The Holy Spirit gives us the gift of wisdom because we all need the wisdom of God for our daily lives.
    This Wisdom is the knowledge of God and a life lived for God, it is the mind of God concerning a thing, it is being able to see the world through the eyes of God. This Wisdom comes from knowing God. There is a place for common sense and for the wisdom of God. They actually are intertwined.

    Dear Father, may we NOT ask You for wisdom about a matter, when our minds are already made up, but rather ask for it now and before we make any move about our lives or that of others. We know that You are ready and willing to give us wisdom if we ask it of You. Thank You for being so generous and merciful to us. In Jesus' name. Amen.

    "Wisdom is a principal thing, therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting, get understanding"(Prov. 4:7).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you! This is HUGE for me right now, I so appreciate this post <3

      Dear Father, may we NOT ask You for wisdom about a matter, when our minds are already made up, but rather ask for it now and before we make any move about our lives or that of others. We know that You are ready and willing to give us wisdom if we ask it of You. Thank You for being so generous and merciful to us. In Jesus' name. Amen.

      "Wisdom is a principal thing, therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting, get understanding"(Prov. 4:7).

    2. Amen Sisters, He is happy to bestow His wisdom on all those who sincerely seek it for the right reasons and to glorify Him with their abundant fruit.
      “Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.” James 3:13

  38. This was exactly the devotional I needed to come back to today. After a great (and active) vacation with family last week, then coming home to a whirlwind of work and daily life, I also pick back up my routine time with You. And with this devotional today, You show me my mistake. When life gets crazy, even if it's the good and positive kind, I still need to give full effort to our relationship. You want to be apart of all the good and bad (boring or exciting), moments of my life. Which is such a blessing in itself, because of who I am, and who YOU ARE. Yet You still love me and want to spend time with me. How blessed are we that The Creator of the world, and Savior of All, wants to spend individual time with us. That's not something to be taken lightly, its a gift to us. Thank you Lord, for loving me this much. And thank you for the gentle reminder today.

  39. Yes dear Tay! We are so very blessed that He who is so perfect, so great, so powerful and so merciful longs to spend time with His children who are so imperfect and flawed. But we are His beloved sons and daughters and no greater gift can we give Him but our time and sincere love.

  40. Wonderful devotion today. Taking this with me.
    Bring Me the sacrifice of your precious time. This creates sacred space around you--space permeated with My Presence and My Peace. What more could anyone need. Time with the Lord is time well spent indeed..

    1. That same part of today's devotion snagged me as well, Jeanne. There never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do once you find them. I've looked around enough to know that You Jesus, are The One I want to go through time with...🎢🎡

    2. πŸ˜‰ making time! Being blessed. Thank you Jesus!

    3. Loved that Brie! You made me smile. Amen dear sisters! In His presence is joy and peace even in the bad situations. With Him by our sides there are always reasons to rejoice and be glad. Walking with you and our dear JC Family in His sweet light with much gratitude.

  41. Our dear Fern, I am Still praying for you, hub, and Dan and wondering about all of you. Any updates you care to share? Much Love, Brie.

    1. Continuing to pray with my sister always for you dear Fern and your husband and Dan. Praying you have received God’s faithfulness and answers to your prayers..

  42. Father today we celebrate the lives of men & women who have sacrificed their lives for "my country tis' of thee". Our church will be hosting the memorial service to honor these men & women. Place Your hand of blessing upon Commander Kirk S. Lippold, U.S. Navy (retired). As He shares with us the horrific day his ship was attacked by terrorists in somalia. Our country has so much to be thankful for. God bless America!

    1. We are so blessed and thankful because of the courage and sacrifices of so many. Let us never forget. πŸ™

  43. i love todays devotion from chronicles , God is disappointed with the king for running to human for help and yet God had helped him out of so so many bad situations ,why did he not trust God enough?? we too are guilty of running to others for help instead of going to out Heavenly Father whose eyes run to and fro and see everything,He is not limited ,He is not hesitant . He is waiting for you to reach out to Him so that He can be glorified in your situation, your life on Him let him take charge!!! Min Ahadi

    1. Wonderful truth dear Min Ahadi! Thank you. Amen! It is better to trust in God than in man.

  44. Dear Heavenly Father God, please help me create Your Sacred Space all around me--space permeated with Your Presence and Your Peace, until I receive that peaceful easy feeling and I know You won't let me down, cause I'm already standing on Your Higher Ground...In Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Amen dear Brie! The only true peace is from above and found in Him alone. Standing with you on the Mighty Cornerstone that never crumbles.

  45. On a 'Go slow' today. Deliberately slowing down. Apart, in a separate room just to be with Him alone. Peace, silence. Acknowledging Jesus Christ as my Lord; Lord of my life, all circumstances, all decisions, all conversations, all events. The sound of a cooing Dove reaches through the window to my ears. My Lord and I are enjoying each others company. When I leave this room, this days busy-ness will start up again. For now it's only Him and me. I wish this time would last all day. One day, one day it will be only Him and me everlasting.

    1. Well spoken brother Peter. Staying in His sweet presence and peace.

  46. Blessings to each of you on this lovely day filled with appreciation for our men and women who gave the ultimate; for the healing taking place in so many lives; for the honest prayer requests and our ability to receive Your answer, Father and not demand our own.
    I wanted to give you an update on the two people you prayed with me for last year: the young man receiving a new kidney from an "unknown" donor. The donor got very ill (it turned out to be a very rare condition she had). Both are doing very well, thanks to our God Almighty and your faithful prayers.
    Spending time with you in this unusually quiet morning (getting close to noon, now), has been healing and calming and I'm very thankful. Praying for each of you and thanking God for your lives and words that inspire me.
    Enjoy the Peace that comes from us carving this time out to get quiet and count our blessings.
    Please pray for my dear friend who received an early call this morning. They packed quickly and are driving from OH to MD, as her husband's Dad is failing rapidly. I'm praying for their safe travels, for the words of comfort they will offer when they arrive and the Love of God that is present. Bless dear Joe as he goes to sleep, knowing the next thing he'll see is His loving Lord's face. Remind his dear, committed wife of Your words of Truth, Father.
    God Bless, Dear JC Family. Love and God's Best to each of you.

    1. Dear Norah, Thanks for your prayers and blessings. Continuing to pray for the young man and the donor. So happy they are doing well! Hallelujah! I think their names are Sam and Tiffany. God is so faithful. Praying for your friend’s husband’s father Joe that he will feel the peace and light of his loving Father surround Him. God is calling him and He will lead him to a perfect peace we can only imagine.
      Father Thank you for this and for comforting his dear son and good wife. We know Your promises are true. Praying in the Name of Christ Jesus.

  47. Such perfect timing and the prayer - such is mine now. High school graduation is tomorrow, and I cannot focus on anything. I’m so excited for my child but at the same time sad as my oldest will be off to college soon. Where did the time go? My mind is going a million miles an hour right now. Dear Lord, please let it slow down and concentrate on time with You.

    1. Always over estimate the power of a praying parent. Continue on in prayer and your child will do just fine. The voice of experience is praying for your child and for you to let go and let God!

    2. Dear Anonymous, I remember feeling the same way. My three sons are 3 years apart. And it was so emotional as they graduated and moved on. I missed them but I just prayed all would be fine. You sowed the seeds of faith in them. Now you must pray for them to make Spirit guided decisions, and then just put them in God’s Hands. God knows exactly how you feel. He loves them too. Rest in Him who loves you.

    3. Thank you both for your comments. I’m up early the 31st drinking my coffee and spending time here. I came back to May 30 to read again.

  48. Thank you for all of the comments that I have been reading. I have to keep in mind that God has control of everybody and everything in my life. It has been so difficult for me to let go and let God handle the reconnection with my son,, his wife and my grandchildren for months ago. He is very angry and is very mentally, verbally, spiritually and emotionally abusive to me. No Matter what happened in his life during his childhood and his 20s and 30s, I can only work my recovery and continue to change. i’m extremely grateful to God that he is taking the obsession from me. I don’t know why he is so angry right now at me and keeps it a big secret. Father, I know you have this, please stop my racing mind right now, and I will hold all those who are struggling above or who have prayers for others, I will keep you all in my prayers to get my mind off of self. I asked all of this through God son Jesus Christ amen. He has us all in the palm of his hands!

  49. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13). Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. (James 4:8). Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed. (Mark 1:35).

    1. Thank you dear sister for these scriptures to feed our souls throughout this day. Be blessed πŸ’•πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    2. Beautiful verses to fill my soul and lift my heart!! Thanks dear Janet!

  50. There are days when going outside our home, we sit in instant sunshine.
    Other days we sit, waiting for clouds to pass before being in full sunshine.
    Some days, although the sun is still shining, there is a solid blanket of cloud, so no direct sunshine.

    Some days I don't even get to pray, just one thought heavenward and I'm enveloped In the Son-shine of His Presence.
    Sometimes I have to wait awhile.
    Sometimes I'm going on faith unable to break through the cloud.

    He sees our heart, He knows our need and I am so thankful that I have the space, time and opportunity to sit quietly waiting in expectancy.

    1 Speak, Lord, in the stillness,
    While I wait on Thee;
    Hushed my heart to listen,
    In expectancy.

    2 Speak, O blessed Master,
    In this quiet hour;
    Let me see Thy face, Lord,
    Feel Thy touch of power.

    3 For the words Thou speakest,
    They are life indeed;
    Living bread from heaven,
    Now my spirit feed!

    4 All to Thee is yielded,
    I am not my own;
    Blissful, glad surrender,
    I am Thine alone.

    5 Speak, Thy servant heareth,
    Be not silent, Lord;
    Waits my soul upon Thee
    For Thy quickening Word.

    6 Fill me with the knowledge
    Of Thy glorious will;
    All Thine own good pleasure
    In Thy child fulfill.

    7 Like a watered garden,
    Full of fragrance rare,
    Lingering in Thy presence,
    Let my life appear.

    1. Thanks dear brother! Read that to my son and it blessed both of us!

  51. Good morning beautiful Holy Spirit. What adventures do you have planned for me today?

    1. Amen Suzanne! Just beautiful! Hope He leads you to a great adventure.

  52. Prayers for my dear friend and sister Dolly.

  53. Father God, We thank you for holding your dear daughter Dolly close to You today and heal her in body, mind and spirit, and bring her much joy, comfort and peace. Let her feel Your love surround her. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

  54. Thank you for your traveling mercy prayers as we head home to CA. What a wonderful high school graduation and non stop family activities this week. Need some quiet time and back to focus on my relationship with the Trinity. Maybe with the background of jet engine hum for the next several hours...

    1. Praying you arrived safely and you're resting in Him Who loves you.

  55. I just listened to your song, Peter, right before I go to sleep. What a blessing - thank you!
    When I read early this morning, the words, "Push back the demands pressing in on you; create a safe space around you, a haven in which you can rest with Me," so resonated with me. I shared them with my "Prayer Buddies," (my sister and 2 of my sons and in another post the 3 ladies I fellowship with daily in prayer and once (sometimes twice) a week in person). And then with my Best Man on our way to his Dr. appt (just his regular Dr. appt). My day was so peaceful, blessed, so much work accomplished in my job and yet, no stress or strain. I start every day reading these and yet today, the combination of the devotion, your posts and then ending it with Peter's son just has me so peaceful. I am thankful - for each of you and again, for Chris Peyton putting this site together and joining all of us. God Bless each of us as we get sweet, peaceful sleep and know how many are praying with each of us. What a Blessing!

  56. God bless you too sweet Norah! You really glorified God today sharing those words and blessings. We must set aside our responsibilites and focus on all God is offering us every day. Especially His peace. Goodnight! Much love to all.

  57. God is Spirit, and His worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth. (John 4:24). And you will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13). But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. (Matthew 6:6).

    1. Blessings from NYMay 30, 2024 at 4:52 AM

      Beautiful Janet- amenπŸ™❤️

    2. Wonderful verses today, sweet Janet! Thank you.

  58. This prayer spoke to me and is so profound in so many ways...Jay

  59. Chris Payton, today I finally read your prayer from 6 years ago and except for the fact that it isn't 3:00 in the morning - although that could have been a couple days ago - it is exactly how I am feeling right now. Lord, at least for now be my refuge and fortress. I know from years of His being faithful that He is my refuge and fortress but some days it is about whether I can find Him. Thanks again for creating this blog and for being so honest and open with your prayers.

    1. Dear PEBGDesigns, We all have valley times where we hold on tight to His Hand because we just can’t see the light up ahead. He is our refuge and our shelter in the storm. We are in the best care at all times. Trusting that He’ll continue to show us His faithfulness shows we believe His Word and promises. Go forward with Him. Before you know it, you’ll be on higher ground where you can safely and joyfully see all the reasons to be thankful. Faith is believing what you cannot see. I’m continuing to pray for you. Stay strong in Him and know the best is yet to come.

  60. Can't say I'm in a hurry, but I find my mind restless today. Many varied diverse thoughts ' mustn't forget this.... mustn't forget that...hmmm what about such and such'; All the while I want to, need to get away (steal away) for a time alone with my Lord. It's a bit like trying to complete several jigsaw puzzles, with handfulls of pieces, flitting from one to another, fitting a piece here, another piece to another puzzle there. Eventually I said STOP! Enough mind! Holy Spirit please take control of my mind, my thoughts, I surrender them to you. Then I heard the clear beautiful song of a Blackbird. Thank You Lord for such a clear musical song in the still morning sir.
    Now I'm able to focus on Him, now I have His Peace. Having spent time in prayer I now turn to today's Jesus Calling blog and am blessed by reading many previous postings.
    This might be a long post but I'll try keep it short: Periodically I've journaled over many years, mostly when I understand I need to write something down. Yesterday the Lord asked me to recall our walk together. I started then found difficulty in remembering an event. Fortunately I found the journal, and I started to read. The volume I opened started in 2002, I read right through, totally amazed at how so many times God answered prayer directly; how many times instruction has been received, word's of encouragement, prophetic words, Kingdom dreams. Being informed God is moving us on, then a year later finding ourselves living and working in Middle East.
    Reading through all this fired up my faith; instead of praying with pleading and a little hope, I'm now praying and declaring with utmost certainty that God WILL come through, that answers to prayer WILL be received; in fact God often answers before we pray: Isaiah 65:24 "It will come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear."
    Pray with confidence, God hears and will answer you.

    1. Peter, thank you for your post this morning! Just what I needed to hear.

    2. What a wonderful walk with our Lord you have been on, Peter. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness and for Peter’s sharing of his experience and encouragement for us to pray with confidence. Thank you for how you have worked and are working in each of our lives, Lord, you are an awesome God!

    3. Thanks Peter! We must empty ourselves of everything before He can fill us. You shared your heart with us and I’m grateful. The blackbird’s song was a gift from God that stilled your mind and opened your heart to Him.

    4. Thank you Peter for this beautiful reminder. Pray-Trust-Wait (be still) Knowing that He goes before us and has everything under control. I like to remind myself that if my plan isn't working, then God's plan must be, accepting the fact that nothing will stop His plan and purpose for my life. And when I think I've messed up and wondering what will happen, I like to think of Romans 8:28.

      My daughter Gabrielle, who I know you have been praying for, will be visiting us this weekend. Praying the visit goes well and that we can be a light for her to lead her to the Lord as her Savior and bring her healing and peace. She is very lost right now.

      Headed to Chiro today, prayers that he can get my back feeling better! :)

      Blessings and thansgiving family.
      Shalom πŸ™

  61. Dear Rich C, I have been keeping you and your daughter and family in my prayers. Praying now that your doctor has helped your back and you are feeling much better, and that God will guide your visit from your daughter to good, and draw her close to Him. Thank You Jesus.
