Sunday, May 31, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 31

     The Peace that I give you transcends your intellect. When most of your mental energy goes into efforts to figure things out, you are unable to receive this glorious gift. I look into your mind and see thoughts spinning round and round: going nowhere, accomplishing nothing. All the while, My Peace hovers over you, searching for a place to land.
     Be still in My Presence, inviting Me to control your thoughts. Let My Light soak into your mind and heart, until you are aglow with My very Being. This is the most effective way to receive My Peace.

2 Thessalonians 3:16
English Standard Version

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.

Verse thoughts
From MacArthur Study Bible - Paul knew this characteristic of God (Peace) would be most meaningful to reflect upon in light of the intense spiritual battle that raged all around the Thessalonians

Job 22:21
English Standard Version

“Agree with God, and be at peace;
    thereby good will come to you."

Verse Thoughts
Agree with God that I am a sinner and He will give you peace (Romans 5:1).

My Prayer
Lord, forgive me, I am too quick to figure things out, on a quest to know every detail and leaving nothing to simple trust in My life. I want to rest in You and rest in Your Peace. Give me Your strength.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Only you can bring peace that passes all understanding because right now it feels unbearable. Heal our groanings lord. Thank you for your word and for the Payton family for providing them

  2. There is no good thing in me. Whenever I walk away from you I have no peace until I return. God save me from my self and forgive me for ignoring the truth and the way that leads to life and peace with you.

    1. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    2. Yes! I needed this prayer today, thank you! And, this reminder:
      From MacArthur Study Bible - Paul knew this characteristic of God (Peace) would be most meaningful to reflect upon in light of the intense spiritual battle that raged all around the Thessalonians

    3. How refreshing! To see an up to date comment 🙏🏼 God is good! God bless you♥️

    4. We sure need peace in this world, and if people would will be willing to accept that only in Jesus we can find real peace things would be a lot different! We’re in prayer for Jerusalem, USA and the rest of the world 🙏🏼

    5. Amen 🙏🏽💞
      May the peace that passes all understanding fill us today!!

    6. God forgive me when I'm too quick to figure things out, or the impatience of not remembering YOU ARE IN CONTROL, you've got this.

  3. PurpleMartin, I'm praying for your friend, Darlene and that she claims the peace that passes understanding in this next portion of her journey. Prayers also for the property owner and her daughter - that they mend their ways. How good of you to be with your friend in her time of need.
    I am also up early, lifting my daughter and her flight here tomorrow (she is a nervous flyer). Prayers for her safety and the weather - picturing it calming down here in the midwest and not being an issue for my new Daughter-in-Law to be during her party tomorrow. Prayers that everything that needs to be done is, indeed done, to bless the guests coming to our house.
    I also have someone I'd like to ask all of you to pray for: a young mom and her 3 children who were hit by a crazed driver (only 18 yrs old). What happens to a young man to cause him to go crazy like that? I lift all of them to you, Lord, and thank you for healing all of them involved in that accident. The little children with broken bones and the mom with a brain-bleed and the young woman in ICU.
    Prayers for all of my case-work today, that they see resolution which brings them peace. And that I can be a vehicle of Your Light to those I speak to and work with.
    Prayers for my husband's best friend as he heals from the passing of his wife and for his daughters who can look past their grief and accept that he is in need of many things that You are supplying. It's so easy to judge when you are not the one alone.
    I give all of this and everything on my heart to You, Father. Prayers for all of my JC Family as we go throughout this day recognizing that You are our Protector and the author of Peace.

  4. Norah, your cup is running over with prayer requests, I join you in prayer. Praising and thanking You Lord for the work you will do in this situation. Make us the people you want us to be.

    1. Dear Sassy Mom,

      What a perfect prayer and blessed statement, " make us the people you want us to be". This will be my prayer from today.

      Thank you, Sassy Mom. Have a blessed day.

      Stay Safe and Stay Healthy.

    2. Thank you Sassy Mom! Still so true. I always ask God to make me a better person. I do my best but I get caught up in my day and forget to check on other people and help them when I can. Today's prayer was just what I needed:
      Lord, forgive me, I am too quick to figure things out, on a quest to know every detail and leaving nothing to simple trust in My life. I want to rest in You and rest in Your Peace. Give me Your strength.
      I pray God will find more time in my day to serve Him and others instead of just my husband who just keeps emailing me these long recipes that he would love to try. May God give me the strength to get the important things done and leave the rest up to Him.
      Joining in your prayer dear Sassy Mom.
      Father, Make us the people you want us to be. Thank You. Amen

    3. Romans 5:1 does not line up with the claim in this devotion. In Romans 6: 1-7, it tells us that we have died to sin, we do not live in it any longer, we are no longer slaves to sin, we are free from sin. To say "we are sinners" is taking God's word out of context.

  5. On this last day of the month, Father I Thank You for carrying us from January up to now and trusting in Your Grace and mercy for the remaining months! Thank You for testimonies from this month and thank You for the testimonies that we will give this coming month(June) in Jesus name, according to Your will.

    Thank You for Your Grace that is sufficient for ALL!!

    Thank You for Your Peace that surpasses ALL understanding! Your word says: ' be still and know that I am God'!

    Thank You for rest today, may we look around and find the gifts and treasures You have planted in this day for us!

    Thank You for ALL concerns, issues, needs and trials we are facing and have laid at the foot of the cross waiting and trusting that You are working on our behalf to make all crooked places straight!

    As we cross over to June, I declare and decree that ww will testify to Your Glory for answering us and giving us Spiritual Victory, Peace. Abundance, Breakthroughs, new Harvest, new Opportunities, new Levels, Great Health, Love, Restorations, Deliverance, Happiness and Rest etc.., in Jesus name!

    Praying for JJ, Jan and ALL others we have not heard from in a few days. Wherever and whatever is going on in their lives, we cover them with the Blood of Jesus and thank You for being a Presence in their live's situations, in Jesus nane!

    Great and Blessed day to my JC family!

    Thank God I'm Forgiving (TGIF)!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood NJ-- Just saw your post. What a blessing you are with your prayers and encouragement. You are always lifting up the body of Christ! I am so thankful that you are an incredible prayer warrior for the Lord. When we all join our prayers, nothing is impossible for our Lord. HALLELUJAH!!! Interceding in Kansas

    2. Amen JJ. Maplewood is a mighty warrior for the Lord and her amazing light and spirit always shine through her words and prayers. Blessed to have strong sisters in Christ surrounding me.

    3. Thanks again dear Maplewood! Let us all be guided to glorify Him in all we do and say and think. He is the one who blesses our lives with everything we need according to His perfect timing, wisdom and understanding. I trust in Him with every area of my life. God bless you dear Sister for filling us every day and lifting our weary hearts with your Spirit ordained words.

    4. Thanks again Dear Maplewood. Praying with and for you in spirit, through spirit.
      Your words have been a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path on many occasions. And I am sincerely greatful.
      Praying with and for my Beautiful JC Family today and every day. May the Lord hug us so tight that all our broken pieces fit back together again!!! :):):)

  6. Sassy Mom-- I join with you in praying for Norah's prayer requests as well as any needs of this JC FAMILY. Thank you Father God you have promised us a future of peace and hope, a future far greater than I can imagine. Thank uou Lord for thinking of us! Jeremiah 29:11 "I know the thoughts that I think toward you," says the Lord, "thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." Interceding in Kansas

  7. All present & accounted for😊. You are precious Anonymous for missing us! Thank you dear for such profound prayers. It feeds me so well. Norah I do keep up prayers for your cases\wedding. Your daughter is one of the previous cargo in that plane she will land safely with nerves intact. Praying for the other needs of my dear JC family. Blessings everyone🥰

  8. Let there be peace on earth
    And let it begin with me
    Let There Be Peace on Earth
    The peace that was meant to be
    With God as our Father
    Brothers all are we
    Let me walk with my brother
    In perfect harmony.
    Let peace begin with me
    Let this be the moment now.
    With ev'ry step I take
    Let this be my solemn vow
    To take each moment and live
    Each moment in peace eternally
    Let there be peace on earth
    And let it begin with me!

    1. Brilamar - Let PEACE begin with me!!!!! AMEN!!!! We love you.

    2. Amen, Brilamar! Blessings to my JC family and lifting up every prayer intention here. May Your will be done, Father God.

      Love from California

    3. Thanks Brilamar! We sing that in Choir and I love those words of truth. The Devotion was right to the point today and I was thinking of the verse: Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all. We all need that peace so much in this time of need. So many people sick and struggling and so much unrest in the world. Let us unite in this peace like a huge white blanket of the Lord and spread it as best we can to cover a multitude of pain and sins. Much love to all.

    4. ♥️🎶 link Let There Be Peace on Earth sung by Vince Gill

    5. Thanks for the linkin, Audra, to one of my fave versions.

    6. Father I praise YOU for this day and surrender my life and will to YOU, please guide me through YOUR living word, and fill me with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT. Please forgive me FATHER for trying to figure things out without first seeking YOUR guidance. Please remind me FATHER, when my head races through all the to do lists. Help me rid myself of these worldly chains . I thank YOU for my children, loved ones, my brothers and sisters across the globe. Help me please FATHER to always wear YOUR body of armor, the helmet of salvation the shield of faith, the sword-YOUR living words, the belt of truth and ready my feet to go where YOU want me.
      I praise YOU and sing a new HALLELUJAH for the blessings YOU give not only to me and my family but for every blessing YOU give to YOUR children
      In Jesus’s name I pray

    7. I appreciate my JCalling book,
      I've been reading over & over for years. Never gets old and most the time it hits right where Im at!! Thank you for the online version, to use when I'm away from home. ❤️

  9. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14:27).

    “For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility.” (Ephesians 2:14).

    “And the effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever.” (Isaiah 32:17).

    With hearts of gratitude oh Lord, we thank You for this last day of May that had its twists and turns. However, there were blessings along the way as well as trials, but You kept us and remained the faithful God that You are. We give thanks for the Word that gives us specific guidance about drawing closer to You to receive Your peace. You are inherently peaceful and Your peace is one that is a tranquil state of appreciation and faith when we surrender all and trust in Your commandments. This peace that transcends all understanding is the harmony and calmness of our mind, body and spirit that supersedes all our earthly circumstances. We know that in this life, our circumstances will never be free of conflicts. We can wake up with a joyful spirit and in the next minute, that peace and joy can be disrupted and chaos may rule the day if we allow it. But thank You for offering peace in the midst of chaos and the blessing to know that it doesn’t change with our circumstances, but is permanent and secured in spite of what we face. Your peace is built on the sure foundation of Your Word. The Word that we can trust because You never contradict Yourself in any way that is out of Your character. May we bask in Your peace even through difficulties and trials and enjoy the blessings it brings in our daily lives. Thank You also for the experience of eternal peace through reconciliation with You in Christ Jesus and the gift of His Holy Spirit. Teach us to be still in Your Presence as we invite Your Spirit to take control of our minds and develop a lifestyle of making You our constant refuge. Your peace really does surpasses all human understanding (Philippians 4:7), so may we therefore appreciate You and walk along the path of peace in Your Presence, in Jesus name. Amen.

    Bob M. (my bd twin-May 30th comment)- I loved your addition God is..“always on time according to His plan.” Recovery is coming along and thanking the good Lord, while taking it slowly to heal properly. Thanks for asking!

    Rose Ledbetter (May 30th post request)- Hold to that song (Way Maker, because He really is!). Covering your family in the blood of Jesus and standing in agreement through prayers for them with our JC family. We serve a Mighty, Mighty great God!

    Anonymous (May 30th post request)- Joining the JC prayer warriors and lifting you up in prayers for God’s intervention. His timing is ALWAYS perfect. Trust your conception into His care and allow His will to be done.

    May the blessings of the Lord, be with you all as we close the month of MAY and cross over to June, in Jesus name.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. I thank God that you are recovering well from your surgery! Such good news! God is so faithful. I loved your prayer and will share it with those I love who I share the Word with. Joining you and my brothers and sisters here in lifting and praying for the healing of our weaknesses and all of our loved ones. Thank you for filling me. May June be a month of miracles, blessings and answered prayer.

  10. Thank You and Amen, Maplewood NJ. I am joining you and our JC family continuing in prayer for "The Peace that I give you transcends your intellect..."

  11. What a privilege and joy to know we have the blessed assurance that we can meet with JC Family for love and encouragement when we share our pain, burdens, and victories. Praying our day is blessed with Your love, PEACE and presence as we prepare our hearts for worship. Be blessed.

  12. Prayers for peace and protection, especially for those on the front lines protecting us from the looting,violence and protests that are erupting all over our country.

    1. Amen Sassy Mom to both of your posts. I am praying that God will change the hearts of the ungodly. May they turn from their wicked ways and seek redemption, forgiveness and salvation. We need a change and we must also be that change.

  13. " Be still in my presence inviting me to control your thoughts" My first waking moment when my awareness is yet to be complete is usually this peace. For just that brief special time as though passing from that place of REST to this place of my current status. Then the peace of my sleeps drains away no matter how hard I TRY to recapture it. For in sleep I AM not in control my body just is still. VThe waves take me and I know not where, it is out of my reach for we cannot control our dreams. Some dreams take me to unknown scary places others to places of inexplicable joy! Out of control but still safe regardless of the nights course. That brief moment of awake before I have shaken off the night I find this peace, for my mind has not begun to spin yet. Sometimes I am relieved to awaken other times I wish to go back to that place. God is in all those places and I am alive and safe. I know that in my trying to find true peace is useless only the Lord can GIVE it. Lord please extend this peaceful state of being, Of being a newborn child without complicated thoughts just trust that our needs will be met. I long for peace, " Seek peace and pursue it" instead of pursuing unknown solutions that will ultimately be provided by you Lord, I choose to think on you! This opens up my mind, body and soul to your response which is always love which brings with it peace. That is the peace of God that I seek. No trying ,spinning and running around doing, just sitting in stillness and receiving. Thank you Lord for giving us what we need so that we can walk through any circumstance, any fire uncharred. I am depending on this glorious peace to prepare the way for my Sons healing process no matter what it looks like in Jesus name. Lord increase my ability to receive your peace so I can calmly hear your commands and be obedient to your plan. Hearing your clear instruction provides peace! God bless all of you, I pray as I read your requests and that swells my heart for you, giving me a lovely sense of wellbeing knowing that I am with God and spreading love. Peace be with you.

    1. Thanks Fern, In sleep, and safe in His Arms, God's Hovering Peaceship has a place to land. Thank You Jesus for giving us Your Peace even when You have to knock us out to do it! Amen

    2. Appreciate your share Fern. Dan is still on my heart.

      Have you read "Into The Silent Land" by Martin Laird? It is truly life changing when you are ready to receive the simple truths it speaks of. "Just sitting in stillness and receiving" as you said can be a way of life and not a momentary experience! It is a practiced art and art is not striving or warring to change but art flows freely.

      Be blessed

    3. Thank you Keith Dan is still on our hearts as well. Tomorrow will be telling since my husband is coming face to face with His son, God willing. Thy will be done. No Keith I havent read that but will order it when I can. Thank you for caring about my son, he is so precious ...and tormented & lost.
      Thank you Brilmar & Jeanne and all else who pray. God does bless you.

    4. Praying that face to face meeting with your son will bring a good report and peace of mind. God can change the situation and prayer is so powerful.

    5. Thank you for the book reference, Keith. I love how crumbs and golden nuggets left by prayer warriors here have lead me to greater insight, wonderful music and a closer relationship to God. I'd like to add one I have found that has helped my Bible study and given me some simple language for conversations to explain why Jesus is the ANSWER. There are many videos at this link, a most powerful one is the description of heaven and earth. Explore and enjoy!

      Tim Mackie

    6. Now surprise that this jumped off the page for me this year:
      "That is the peace of God that I seek. No trying ,spinning and running around doing, just sitting in stillness and receiving. Thank you Lord for giving us what we need." I seek, I ask, I pray.

    7. And again, as we are home safe from a week of vacation flurry. It is good to sit in the stillness and enjoy the beauty of our home in HIS company. Thank you all for prayers!

    8. What a great blessing and powerful prayer. Thank You Fern!!! Praying with and for you and all other JC Warriors today and every day!!! :):):)

    9. I meant lesson, but it was also a Blessing!!! ;););)

  14. I am blessed to wake up this morning, my head realing of all that is wrong and painful. These prayers and my own faith in our loving God have sent peace to my heart this morning. Thank you for your faith and prayers.


    As I have walked through John 14-17 this past Easter season, I have been impacted by the emphasis on Jesus' desire to bring us into the oneness He shares with the Father. Numerous references were made to the coming of the Holy Spirit which is the main piece of establishing this oneness. Through the cross, He cleared the way. With the coming of the Holy Spirit, our oneness with our Lord and God is completed, as completed as I will allow it to be. This prayer was provided by my devotional resource, The Magnificat, this AM. It is what my prayer must be to allow the Holy Spirit to establish my oneness with my Lord.

    INVOCATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT by Mother Mary Francis [from 'Where Caius Is and Other Poems', c.1955, published by the Franciscan Institute, St Bonaventure University, St Bonaventure, NY.]

    Come, Spirit,
    Holy Spirit,
    Into every crevice of my heart.
    Leave no narrowest defile
    For pride to walk.
    For hard-lipped judgments to stalk,
    Leave no smallest part.

    Come, Wisdom,
    Holy wise One,
    Visit the warped reason of my mind!
    Flame in my confusion
    With white light.
    Waft the sweet diffusion
    There of certained might.

    Come, Love,
    Heart of all love,
    Into the embraces of my soul.
    To my thousand-armed desires
    Come in all fulfillment.
    Speak with tongue of fire
    In my soul’s stillness.

    Finger of God,
    Flaming finger,
    Cauterize my folly.
    Be in all the cunning maze
    Bright and burning sign.
    Trace with fire on dubious ways,
    Love’s design.

    May the blessing of Pentecost fill you this day and always. With love, Bob

    1. Beautiful, Bob! Thank you for sharing. May I be open to the Spirit to guide my steps today.

      Blessings to you.

      Love from California

    2. Thanks Bob and JC family. Come God's Holy Spirit Come. Fill the hearts of Your people with love. Send forth your Holy Spirit re-creating us and re-newing the face of Your earth. Amen.

    3. Typos! Try again...LOVE your words Bob, may I add:

      God, WITH LOVE, gave us His Son. His Son, WITH LOVE, gave us His life. At Pentecost, WITH LOVE, He then gave the Spirit to His disciples, then to all. WITH LOVE, we are now also recipients of the Spirit... and we need to use the Spirit within, to minister to the fallen world, WITH LOVE.

    4. Thank you Bob I loved that. It spoke to me, such beauty held in God inspired words.

    5. AMEN with Love, thanks Madfox

    6. Just loved your post from last year dear MadFox. I'm still smiling. And we sure do need to pass God's love to so many others that we encounter in the month of June.
      We are called to love one another, forgive one another and encourage and help one another.
      Father, Give me the wisdom, strength and courage to reach out to those in need and make a difference. Thank You!

      This is a song we sing in Choir and the lyrics are so true.

      Come, live in the light
      Shine with the joy and the love of the Lord
      We are called to be light for the kingdom
      To live in the freedom of the city of God
      We are called to act with justice
      We are called to love tenderly
      We are called to serve one another
      To walk humbly with God
      Come, open your heart
      Show your mercy to all those in fear
      We are called to be hope for the hopeless
      So all hatred and blindness will be no more
      We are called to act with justice
      We are called to love tenderly
      We are called to serve one another
      To walk humbly with God
      Sing, sing a new song
      Sing of that great day when all will be one
      God will reign and we'll walk with each other
      As sisters and brothers united in love (united in love)
      We are called to act with justice
      We are called to love tenderly
      We are called to serve one another
      To walk humbly with God
      We are called to act with justice
      We are called to love tenderly (We are called)
      We are called to serve one another
      To walk humbly with God

    7. Thanks for the call, Jeanne! Glad I answered it this morning 😉😁♥️🎶

    8. Amen Audra! With Joy we answer His call.

  16. Good morning JC family. What a blessing to wake up to a new day praising the Lord for His faithfulness and for all of your uplifting prayers of support. Thank you!

    Anonymous, lifting you up in prayer. May the Lord's will be done in your life and give you hope as we, together, cast our prayers, petitions and burdens at the foot of the cross. Have faith in His perfect timing, and be still knowing He is in control. May you feel His love, peace, comfort and joy this day.

    Be blessed JC family, and know that your prayers are mine.

    Sending love from California.

    1. Rose, Praying for your son, Billy. Joining in your prayer for Anonymous. May God lift her day in a very special way with many spots of His warm light upon her path.

    2. Thank you, Jeanne. God bless you.

    3. Praying you are doing well dear Rose.

  17. Thank you so much for sharing that, Bob! Just beautiful.

  18. Brilamar, I tried yesterday to express gratitude to our Lord for the good news about your husband. The system has been giving me issues. Not sure why.
    I am so happy that God blessed you and your husband.

    1. Sis and Brilamar, Hope you both have much bright light on your paths today. Sisters. Always in my prayers. Brilamar. So happy your husband is doing well. Much love.

  19. Come Holy Spirit; fill our hearts. In kindle in us the fire of your love. Show us the way; teach us to pray. Come Holy Spirit.

    1. Amen Loveconquersall. His spirit fills us, instucts us, guides us and strengthens our faith every day. He works mightily inside us to help us do the Father's work and lead others to salvation.

  20. Veni Sancte Spiritus (Come Holy Spirit)-Taize

    Come, Holy Spirit, from heaven shine forth with your glorious light.
    Veni Sancte Spiritus

    Come, Father of the poor, come, generous Spirit,
    come, light of our hearts.
    Veni Sancte Spiritus

    Come from the four winds, O Spirit, come breath of God;
    disperse the shadows over us,
    renew and strengthen your people.
    Veni Sancte Spiritus

    Most kindly warming light! Enter the inmost depths of our hearts,
    for we are faithful to you.
    Without your presence we have nothing worthy, nothing pure.
    Veni Sancte Spiritus

    You are our only comforter, Peace of the soul.
    In the heat you shade us; in our labour you refresh us,
    and in trouble you are our strength.
    Veni Sancte Spiritus

    On all who put their trust in you and receive you in faith,
    shower all your gifts.
    Grant that they may grow in you and persevere to the end.
    Give them lasting joy!
    Veni Sancte Spiritus

    This song embodies the Holy Spirit for me and I wanted to share on this Pentecost Sunday. Praying the Holy Spirit brings peace and healing to our country. For added blessing, try to find and listen online!
    Peace and blessings being prayed for y’all!

    1. Beautiful and heartfelt words. BamaGrl! Thanks so much!

    2. Thanks, BamaGrl, found it ♥️🎶
      Holy Spirit, come to us

    3. Still praying for you and your Mama, Bama Girl. How are both of you? Miss your posts. Love is going out to you and our JC Family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. I appreciate your prayer sweet ones...I’m sad to have to tell you that my beautiful brave mama went to heaven on April 3rd 😢. She had her bladder removal surgery but her cancer came back or maybe never was completely removed...we miss her so much!!💔

    5. You have my sincere sympathy sweet Bamagrl. Cradled in His Arms, May your beautiful brave mama rest in peace. In Jesua Name I pray. Amen

    6. Just seeing your post BamaGirl. How are you today? Please know you are still in my prayers. I'm sure your Mama must have you in hers.
      Much Live, Brie.

  21. Father, thank You for being the best Father ever. No one knows me like You do. You are sovereign over all things. You are the Creator. Thank You for this beautiful world that You created and all that You added to it (including us). You are so much higher than we are. Your ways and thoughts are so much bigger and much more intellectual than we could ever even comprehend. I don't think that we even have the capability to start to understand Your ways, doings, or thoughts. You are the most high and there is no one above You. I relinquish all control to You. I submit myself and all that I have to You Lord. I am Yours and You are mine. We are one. Help me to not try and pick that control back up again. I know that I have a tendency to do that. I am learning to lean more on You and less on me. You are my everything Lord. I need and want You in my life. You complete me. I'm nothing without You. Thank You for lavishing me with Your perfect peace, love, strength, and joy. I trust, love, and adore You Lord. I will bless, praise, and rejoice over You Lord continually and always. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Amen, Lord I am nothing without you. What I do separate from you has no value.

  22. Amen dear Janet! He is the only one who can give us the peace that holds us still when everything around us is moving. He gives us the only true joy that is from above, and the strength to accomplish more than what is humanly possible, and His love which is far beyond our human understanding because it remains the same, is never ending, always present and enough to make every situation easier. We can rest in Him because His promises are trustworthy and only He knows our inner heart and thoughts. He understands us more than anyone on this earth. How blessed we are! Come Let Us Adore Him.

    1. Lord we adore you and lift you up and glorify your holy name. For you alone are holy and perfect.

  23. “No one has greater love [nor stronger commitment] than to lay down his own life for his friends” (John 15:13).

    Most gracious and Loving Father, I give thanks to You for this new day. Please order my steps as I go thorough it with the help of the Holy Spirit. Life is precious and a life lived in You is even more valuable.
    Today, as we remember and honor those who laid down their lives for others and this country, we want to thank You for their sacrifices and commitment. Jesus taught us that to lay your life down, you must have something to give (LOVE) and that is, giving your best to help those in need or sacrificing your life so that others can live.
    We pray for and remember the fallen and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. The giving of their lives was the ultimate definition of selflessness. There are those who fought in the American Civil War, World War 1, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, and Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan etc.. We remember and honor all those veterans and the ultimate price they paid for freedom.
    Then there are the men and women of the 9/11 tragedy who also sacrificed their lives for others.
    This Memorial Day also commemorates not only self-sacrifice in war but also the lives that were saved by joining together to serve the same cause and fight this invisible enemy (covid-19) and to remember and honor the selfless and untiring performances of the healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic and those who sacrificed their lives while treating others on this other battlefield. People from all walks of life, essential workers, first responders, hospital staff, doctors, nurses, teachers and many others lost their lives because they made such sacrifices for others. Many more complied unhesitatingly with measures designed to keep the most vulnerable among us safe, so whether ordinary in the fact that they represent the diverse fabric of our country, rich and poor, black and white, male and female, they came from every ethnicity and background, and fought the good fight. We thank You Lord, for their lives laid down for others. I pray that whether the enemy is an invisible virus or our country going to war to defend and protect its citizens, may You bless the fallen, the love ones they left behind, may You bless those who are still with us but struggling and going through emotional, physical and mental battles (both from wars battlefield and the pandemic battlefield). May Your mercy be upon them and their families.
    We acknowledge as Americans the debt we owe to those who died to protect this country. The very best we can do to honor the fallen and those who sacrificed is to live the best life possible to please You, our Creator. Thank You Lord for the lives of our fallen brethren, but thank You mostly for Jesus who paid the ultimate price for all of us. It is in His name that I offer this prayer. Amen.

    “By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers” (1 John 3:16).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood. Heavenly Father, we come to You on this solemn day of remembrance. We recall the lives of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country, so that we would know freedom from injustice, tyranny, and oppression. We will not forget them. We thank You for the determination and the courage of those who laid down their lives that others might live. We will not forget them. We pray Your comfort for those families and friends who lost dear ones in battles, conflicts, and war. Be with them in their pain and grief. May the thought that they did not die in vain bring strength and encouragement in their sorrow. We pray in the name of our risen Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless America!

    2. Maplewood so beautifully put.

    3. The perfect Memorial Day prayer, Maplewood. I'm joining in it, in Jesus's name I pray!

    4. Millions of Amen's to your prayer Maplewood NJ. I am gathering into it. Come what May, May our May come into June with His Positive Fulfillment! I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. Amen dear Maplewood! We must never forget their courage and sacrifices so we can enjoy freedom. Thinking of all those who lost their precious lives out of love for this country. We must do our best to make it better place by the way we live and treat others. It is our mission and our duty.

    6. Amen Janet! Praying your day is going well.

    7. Have y'all seen the Gary Cooper movie, Sargent York? Watched it tonight. Beard on true story ✝️👏

  24. Beautiful prayer, Maplewood. God bless our Christian Family.

  25. Dear Sister Friend in Christ, TERRI, on three occasions before 7 AM this morning, I had to sing I've got Joy, Joy, Joy...
    Thanks for the dose that instantly comes down in three-part Harmony: Peace, Order, Joy!
    And brings much Laughter!
    Cherish is the word I use to describe what your sharing has done for my life, and the life of my dear ones!
    We are closer to enjoy saying only good things about others and go faster to the fun! In Jesus' Name.

    1. Brie thank you sooo much! I sat back down with our devotion while I ate my lunch. I needed a reminder to focus on the peace that Jesus has for us. I was feeling agitated for no apparent reason and for every apparent reason. Even after reading our devotion and trying to let his peace sink past my flesh I was feeling somewhat agitated still. THEN I read your post and my own words shot back at me. Sometimes needing Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy down in my heart isn't about my "stinky words" but my "stinky attitude"!! Now I will proceed through my day singing about my joy and spreading it to others. Please pray that I can do this! I would rather spread joy than poo (sorry it was the best was to describe the atmosphere in our house right now.) The kids are picking at each other and not doing what they are supposed to. The enemy WAS causing discord but not anymore. "I have the love of Jesus, love of Jesus down in my heart."
      Thank you again for your example and reminder. Have a wonderful day Brie and all who read this. May the joy of the Lord shine out of you to others!!

    2. Because Jesus has us, we have His Joy Song down pat, TERRI, even though I have now lost count of how many times I've had to sing it today! Love to you and our entire JC Family, In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    3. Amen Brie and Terri! I have that Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy down in my heart and no one can take it away!💕😊💕 Hallelujah!

  26. Romans 5:1 does not line up with the claim in this devotion. In Romans 6: 1-7, it tells us that we have died to sin, we do not live in it any longer, we are no longer slaves to sin, we are free from sin. To say "we are sinners" is taking God's word out of context.

  27. Oh, Dear, JC Family - what a wonderful lesson I learned this weekend. Don't have it in me to share the whole story, but I'll leave it at this: The enemy wants us to assume people we once knew as friends to now be our enemies. NOT TRUE. I had an awakening this weekend and I will share it at some point (not tonight - I'm too tired), but let me leave it at this: The enemy is out to steal, kill and destroy. Our Savior came to set us free from all of that. He would love for us to believe that the nay-sayers are out there, in control. They are NOT. They are the same, loving family/friends we have always known. This weekend, we were welcomed with open arms. We almost didn't go to this event, b/c of fear of being rejected (politics, vaccines, etc). NOT THE CASE. Just remember - our only job is to LOVE, as Christ loved. If we dare to walk out on that, the enemy is destroyed. Try it! Going to bed, SET FREE! Love and prayers for all of my JC Family. <3

    1. Thank you for that awesome truth and affirmation. The only One who knows people's hearts is the Lord. We must approach our family and friends with love and expect that His love is still shining in them. OUR ONLY JOB IS TO LOVE, as CHRIST LOVES!! Amen Sister. Let us walk with His love and mercy and share it. We will receive it back a hundredfold. I think most people are ready to love others and are just waiting to receive some sincere love in order to set their love in motion. We love because God loves us. Paying that beautiful love forward is a gift back to Him.

    2. I'm so happy for you Norah. So very true Norah and Jeanne. I'm learning that Jesus wants us to love others -- no matter what. I try to approach this by not expecting anything in return -- good or bad -- the point isn't what you are going to receive from the action of love, but the action you are giving by showing the love. God bless.

    3. Amen Janet and Norah! 🙌

    4. Norah, this is so true, our job is to love our friends and family. And be set free. Thank you so much for sharing. Ellen

  28. Busy with our dear son’s family. It’s a pleasure to help them. We just love our dear baby granddaughter! God has blessed us and we are so grateful. He has been helping me in the kitchen. I made homemade vegee burgers and they were yummy. My son asked me to make pizza today. I know he appreciates my cooking and I’m so happy to help. I’ve been eating way too much. Oh well. Enjoying every moment. it’s been fun. Keeping you, my dear JC Family, in my thoughts and prayers. Praying for more victories to celebrate together.
    May God bless, heal, encourage and comfort you and your loved ones in every way. Thank You Jesus.💗😊🙏

    1. Continue to enJOY JOY JOY your time together, Jeanne! ♥️

    2. Thanks sweet Audra! I got that joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart and I’m basking in the bright Sonshine!

  29. Thank You Jesus, I receive Your Peace, Amen

  30. Dear Jeanne, so happy to hear that you are basking in the blessings of this visit. Enjoy, you are blessed!

    1. Thanks dear Jan! This trip is such a sweet blessing! And Evelyn is the answer to my lifelong prayer. God bless you sweet sister.

  31. Thank you Lord for this beautiful day. Today’s message was a great follow up to yesterday’s message. I prayed all night “Be still and know that I am God” as I tossed and turned and kept thinking about a million things. Today is high school graduation for my oldest. Please help us all (my husband and children) enjoy the day and event and cherish this time as a family and keep our minds focused on You.

    1. Praying that it’s a wonderful day for you and congratulations!

    2. May you have a joyful and thankful graduation day with your family! Celebrate this blessed occasion and build some sweet memories to savor in the future. God is so good!

  32. Today's devotion reminds us to Be still in My Presence, inviting Me to control your thoughts. Let My Light soak into your mind and heart ❤, until you are aglow with My very Being ❤. This is the most effective way to receive My Peace ❤.
    Thank you Janet for Janet May 31, 2021 at 8:37 PM. It is so true a year later, I hope you are ok with my repeating it: "the point isn't what you are going to receive from the action of love, but the action you are giving by showing the love. God bless."
    In Jesus Name I pray for stillness and love ❤. Amen.

    1. Amen dear Brie, and Amen to toyr words of truth sweet Janet. Wonderful encouragement for my heart and good food for my soul!

  33. Goid morning Lord. Today. Help me to recognize You in all things..... to let You take the wheel and and allow Your will to be done. I want to keep You 1st place but distractions and problems seem to take over. Please help me to remember to turn to You in those times where it feels the world is closing in on me. I love you Jesus.

    1. Thanks dear Mark and ABC. Giving Him my reins and doing my best to follow His lead. Trusting in His direction. Lead me Lord🙏

  34. Awesome words Mark L. thank you! Let HIS will be done. Give me the strength and wisdom to accept and follow YOUR lead dear Heavenly Father. Amen.

  35. May we all find peace in the present moment knowing He IS present in that moment.
    Psalm 46:10, in most versions, says “Be still and know that I am God.” I like the NASB version which says, “Stop striving and know that I am God.” That version reminds me to not just be still, but to stop looking for all the answers, or trying to figure it all out and control everything, even though I control very little. Let go, let God is so simple, yet often so hard.
    “The greatness of a man’s power is the measure of his surrender.” – William Booth
    Blessings 🙏

  36. Wonderful truth brother Rich! Amen!
    His way is the right way!! Let go and let God!💗😊 The peace is in the surrender. Thank You Jesus!

  37. My twin sister needs our prayers. She is getting injections in both her knees today. Thanking God for His faithfulness in her life. May He remove all her pain and restore her flexibility and good health. She is His faithful servant. She helps so many people and doesn't get much rest.
    Thank You Father for all this in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen!

    Deuteronomy 31:8 It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.

    Psalm 9:9 The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you.

    1. Joining in prayers with you for Janet. May our heavenly Father touch her with His healing hands and make her knees whole. May He remove the pain from her body and grant her His strength. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. Praying dear Jeanne for your dear sister. Calling on the name of Jesus to hold her hand through this procedure. Praying for victory over the pain. Amen! Hallelujah!💞🙏🌈

    3. Your dear twin, Janet, is in my prayers this morning, Jeanne. Peace, resolution, pain gone - trusting the Lord with all my heart that she will have a Victory Report to share (or you will for her!). Love and Blessings, Dear Jeanne and Janet!

    4. Jeanne's sister, Janet, thanks you all for lifting me up in prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I am waiting to see the doctor and reading your kind words and prayers with thanksgiving in my heart for each of you and God's faithfulness and love. 🙏😘

    5. Peace and healing to you, Janet. I look forward to the message that you took your dancing shoes out of the closet and are praising the Lord!

    6. Thank you all for your prayers for Janet! Thank you Janet for being nudged by God’s Spirit to read our words and prayers for you. God is faithful! You are in the best of Hands. Waiting with you on the Lord with much love.

  38. You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. (Psalm 16:11).

  39. Thank you Janet for this precious WORD! HALLELUJAH!!!

  40. My Mighty Heavenly Father, I give You all the Praise and Glory. I lift up the precious souls of the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS and SPEAK these words over them. I thank You for the HEALTH that is flowing through them. I thank You that Your WHOLENESS is flowing through them; Your LIFE is flowing through them; Your LOVE is flowing through them; Your BLESSING are flowing through them; Your FAVOR is flowing through them; Your BREAKTHROUGHS are flowing through them. Heavenly Father, whatever they need, I thank You, Father, that You ARE THAT ANSWER! I Pray and Believe in Jesus's Name, our WayMaker, AMEN and AMEN.
    Great Love and Blessings to this AWESOME JCFAMILY!!! JJ

    1. Bless you dear JJ for blessing us with such powerful words of encouragement. Love you dear girl 😍🙏🌈

    2. Thank you, JJ. He is mighty indeed.

    3. Blessing you back with your powerful prayer, JJ! Much love!

    4. Amen and thank you for lifting me sky high today dear JJ! God bless you in every area of your life always and ever!

    5. Amen Amen, blessed, thanks JJ

    6. Receiving your prayer again this year JJ 🙏 and I pray it circles through us and back into your life as well, our JJ ❤️

  41. Dear Lord, please nudge us gently as we move through this day to remember to be still and listen for You. Remind us God that we can only have peace through You not from this all fallen world.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Bless you, SC Anonymous. Our Lord's PEACE Is flowing through us! HALLELUJAH!!! In all that we do may the Glory be to You, Jesus, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. Hallelujah indeed dear Anonymous!💞🙌

    3. Thanks dear SC! We all need that reminder. Be still in His presence!
      We are all blessed He is the God who hears us.

  42. Today dear warriors hubby has testing, CTA for any blockage in arteries that caused the mini stroke. We are trusting all of this in the hands of Jesus our Lord. He alone has the power to change what the scan picks up, He alone has the power to create a BREAKTHROUGH that JJ declared in her prayer for us, He alone holds hubby & I steadfast & firmly standing in trust of our Almighty Jehovah Rapha! Amen!

    1. Amen, Dear Jan Gridley! Prayers for your Dear Hubby's test results. My dancing shoes are ready: praying for that Victory Dance for your Best Man and for Jeanne's sister, Janet!
      Prayers for each of you, Dear JC Family. Whatever turmoil the adversary throws at us - that it will bounce off our bullet proof vests - our shields of salvation.
      Father, we thank you for the Peace that passes all understanding, even in the midst of intended turmoil. I life our Country to you, all of our loved ones, the victories that we are anticipating. When I view it all in the anticipation of the Return of our Lord and Savior, I wonder (as the song goes), 'What have I to dread, what have I to fear leaning on the everlasting arms? I have blessed peace with my Lord so near, leaning on the everlasting arms.'
      Love, Peace, Joy for all of us this day!

    2. Joining in Norah’s prayer and continuing to pray for you mr dear DH’s clear arteries and good health. Know God is holding him close in His loving care. Thank You Jesus.

  43. Great words, once again, to meditate on today, Janet! Thank you!

  44. I am grateful for the Faithful who come to this place. God's Blessings for you and your families this day.

  45. Amen! Such a wonderful prayer!❤️❤️🙏🙏

  46. What a perfect prayer! Gathering right into it, dear Janet! Thank you. Amen and Amen

  47. Grateful for your blessings dear John. Thanks. God bless you too.

  48. Just wanted to thank you all for your sincere prayers for Janet! Janet is home now after her injections and she’s resting and doing well. Praying and thanking God that her knees will be renewed, restored and strengthened in Jesus Name. Amen

    1. Just an update on Janet. She is home in Missouri but unfortunately she also has Covid. She met with a wonderful orthopedic surgeon who will do the first of two knee replacements in January. Thanks for your prayers that both procedures will be successful and God will carry her through them and her PT beautifully and bring her back to good health and remove her pain. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    2. Praying for your dear sister. May she sail thru this covid without any ill effects. 🙏🙌💞

  49. Praying God’s Spirit will give me the right words to say to my mom when she says she’s tired of living and just wants Jesus to take her. I told her His timing is perfect and each day is a gift. She was so agitated today and discouraged because she was in the bathroom a lot and she said she doesn’t know why Jesus wants her to suffer. I told her Jesus loves her and doesn’t want her to suffer but everyone must suffer sometimes. Someday she will be so happy when she gets to Heaven and there will be no more suffering. I said I was sorry she was miserable and I just held her. I made her nice meals but she only ate a few bites. I told Jesus I knew He was with me and understood everything. He’s such a comfort to me.

    Philippians 4:11-13
    Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

    1. Sometimes we have angels on earth... Jeanne, you are one in how you are coping with and ministering to your mom. Praying for peace for you and her. Godspeed. Amen.

    2. Amen to that! You have been a beautiful ambassador for Christ to you mom. The light of the world ha shined through you to show your mom the love Jesus has for her. His strength will keep you from being weary in your well doing. 🙌🙏❤️

    3. I love that you just held your Mom and told her you were sorry she was miserable. I believe that is exactly what she needed, sometimes holding someone does far more than any words. Praying for peace and comfort for your Mom. Also, praying for His strength, peace and wisdom for you, Jeanne. Rest in Him, He is holding both of you.
      So sorry to hear Janet also has Covid. Praying for quick recovery. Glad they will do both hips at the same time.
      January must feel very far off at the moment. One day at a time and sometimes, one moment at a time gets us through times like these. Hope you were able to sleep soundly last night and that today, whether the sun is shining or not, will bring the brightness of His light and love to your day. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

    4. Thank you so much for your sweet encouragement and kind words, dear MadFix, Jan and Websister. My mom ate much better today and took 3 naps. We listened to good old songs through dinner. It was a productive day too. I got her showered and all dolled up and I blew her hair dry and gave her a manicure. I even got the laundry done while she slept. Jesus helped me a lot today. After I put her to bed I got to talk to Rick for a long time. That really blessed me. Spoke to Janet too. God is good.
      Dear Websister, Janet is getting two knee replacements but not at the same time. She told me today she may not get the first one in January. It must be her decision. Oh well. She’s confusing me. But God already knows what will happen

    5. You are an Earth Angel, our Jeanne. How blessed is your Mom to have you and Janet so willingly taking good care of her. Prayers for all of you.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    6. Your mom is so blessed to have both you and your dear sister, Janet, caring for her, Jeanne. May you continue to feel God giving you the strength, endurance, and patience as you care for your awesome mom. Sending peace and love your way, Jeanne. In Jesus' name, amen!

    7. Thanks for the clarification re: Janet, Jeanne. I must have been confused. I have a friend who will be having two hip replacements same time June 18.
      Sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday 🙂

  50. Hugs, Jeanne, for you to! 🤗♥️

    1. Joining Audra in Hugs and Blessings for you, Jeanne!

    2. Thanks for the hugs, Audra and JJ! They felt really good! Love you, dear sisters.

  51. The world seems to be becoming more turbulent and dark. Therefore, I Decree and Declare: We have the VICTORY in Jesus' name against any form of attack. We have the Favor of God that goes before us and opens up doors that NO MAN CAN SHUT. WE WILL NOT QUIT! WE WILL NOT BE DEFEATED! The battle is the Lord's and He has CONQUERED the enemies before us. The Lord has given His Angels charge over us and our families. We speak Life and Blessings in our pathways. We are Blessed in our deeds and we take the Shield of Faith
    and quench ALL the fiery darts of the wicked one. We are the Head and NOT the tail. We are Above and NOT beneath. God's will is for us to win EVERY TIME, because He WINS EVERY TIME! He always causes us to TRIUMPH! He has made us MORE THAN CONQUERORS!
    So, we keep STANDING and SHOUTING: WORSHIP--AND--RESIST, then the WICKED--ARE--RESTICTED! We Don't give up and quit because God WILL NOT FAIL!
    In Jesus's Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN.

    1. And Amen some more, JJ! Thanks 😊

    2. Amen, Amen, Amen!!! We are More than Conquerors in Christ Jesus! He is Above All! Our High Priest Whose Reign is Forever!
