Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 10

     Rest in Me, My child. Give your mind a break from planning and trying to anticipate what will happen. Pray continually, asking My Spirit to take charge of the details of this day. Remember that you are on a journey with Me. When you try to peer into the future and plan for every possibility, you ignore your constant Companion who sustains you moment to moment. As you gaze anxiously into the distance, you don't even feel the strong grip of My hand holding yours. How foolish you are, My child!
     Remembrance of Me is a daily discipline. Never lose sight of My Presence with you. This will keep you resting in Me all day, every day. 
I Thessalonians 5:17
English Standard Version

Pray without ceasing.

Verse thoughts
I remember when I was volunteering for a local Christian radio station in the late 90's and went to pick up Mylon LeFevre at the airport for a concert he was doing in town. As I picked him up and we were walking down the concourse, I introduced myself, and as we walked he voiced, "Thank you God for sending Chris to pick me up."  It was simple, but it spoke to me about how I can pray without ceasing by having an attitude of prayer throughout my life. 

Psalm 62:5
English Standard Version

For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence,
    for my hope is from him.

My Prayer (2019)
Lord, I want You to be on my mind, in my thoughts throughout my day. You live inside of me but often I treat you like You are far away or that I have to get in some special position or wait for a special time to speak to You. But you remind me that you are with me all the time and so therefore, I can talk to you like I would with anyone else that is with me. I don't want to ever lose sight of Your Presence in my life.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Heavenly Father, As I sit outside this beautiful morning, listening to the birds chirping, watching the squirrels play and enjoying the sun rise; I am reminded of the love, peace and joy you provide to us. Then as I ponder on the duties of the week to come, stress and anxiety starts to overcome me and ruin my glorious morning. Help me Lord surrender the week to come over to you and return to all that you have placed in my hands at this moment. I pray that I seek you continuously throughout this day, seeking your will and your guidance. Allow me to walk with you today, receiving the fruit of your spirit while leaving behind tomorrow on your hands.

    1. I echo this prayer as I look to you Lord for guidance and focus today

    2. Yes beautifully put Jeff, Thank you! Amen.

    3. Two years later and this prayer is still as moving and fresh. I join in your prayer, Jeff. Today I will try not to let go of the Unchanging Hand. He never leaves us. I must do my best not to get distracted and leave Him.

    4. I still just love that prayer. It is how I feel in my heart. I must remember always that He is as close to me as my breath. Always there. He understands my heart like none other.

    5. Thanks Jeff Hildreth, for typing what my heart is feeling.

    6. Amen Jeff, I truly needed to read that prayer again.

    7. Perfect reminder to start this day, everyday.

    8. Thanks Jeff. Your prayer still fits me again this year.

    9. Me too dear Jeff. Bless you right where you are.πŸ™πŸ’ž

    10. AmenπŸ™ God bless you Jeff

    11. Jeff I’m not sure that you read this blog anymore, but if you, know that this prayer still resonates. On this Saturday morning as I sit on the porch and listen to the birds and crickets and frogs, I’m reminded of God’s creation.
      SC Anonymous

    12. Amen! I'm so grateful for all the prayers over the years that remain a part of this blog! They never cease to resonate with me and seem perfect for my life each morning. So grateful for these prayer warriors. Thank you ALL!❤️❤️πŸ™πŸ™

    13. Thank you Lord for always providing that place of peace, safety and comfort. It is wherever I go with you close by! Help me to never stray far enough away to lose that communion and protection from the unsavory parts of this fallen world. My hope is found in you and is from you!
      Not myself or others, even though at times they can be very appealing, like a new grand baby, a special friend and a loving spouse. They're all good, but only you can provide the stability and faithfulness we need day by day. Thank you for your steadfast love each and every new morning!
      Helen in San Diego

    14. Thank you for this beautiful prayer Jeff. I pray it for you and echo it in my heart for us all. So beautifully written. ❤️

    15. 5 years later Jeff, your prayer is my prayer and I continue to pray and praise our HEAVENLY FATHER for my and my loved ones’ lives. I praise YOU FATHER for YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, guiding my actions and words. Please let YOUR will be done in my life , let YOUR kingdom come oh FATHER. Forgive me for my sins, in YOUR precious son’s name I pray, Jesus Christ/YESHUA

    16. Thank You God, for Jeff's prayer which is so appropriate for me again this year, as I get ready to leave an idyllic vacation, thanks be to God.
      I was just about to worry about the landing into the opposite reality.
      Thy Will be done, Lord. After praying with Jeff and the JC's, I now choose to leave the landing in Your Most Capable Hands. Meanwhile, I am going back to the ⛱️ thanking You for this opportunity. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    17. Sweet surrender into each moment my friend, in HIS arms.

    18. Such a timeless, wonderful reminder for me. This blog is so important to my daily practice. I'm thankful for all of the JC prayer warriors who continue to Worship and Seek God's will in their lives Daily!❤️πŸ™

  2. Continually seeking your presence, your will and guidance and undeserved blessings. Praying for and loving my JC Family.

  3. Give me strength Oh Lord to stand on your promises this week. The clamor has begun to reach for me from every direction. Oh Holy Spirit come, come & steady me, don't let me lose my footing. I long for your strong grip to take hold of mine. Lead me to the Rock that is higher. I don't want to lose sight of your presence. Amen. Love & prayers for my JC family πŸ₯°

    1. Yes Lord! This is also my prayer for today, everyday.

    2. Jan - AMEN!! Echoing your prayer.

  4. Dear Heavenly Father, as I go through this day that is Pentecost Monday, I am reminded of the sermon Peter preached that changed the lives of 300,00 people and gave birth to the Christian church. The Holy Spirit convicted and took control! I ask for that same conviction by the Spirit to keep me grounded in my prayer life and my walk with You. Please take away sleep and slumberness when I'm supposed to be praying, because I desire to rest in You and pray continually. Thank You Lord for hearing me and answering me in the name of JESUS.

    May the gifts and treasures of this day be found by each of us, my JC family and may we bask in the Presence of our Saviour and thank Him for ALL our circumstances and issues because He is the ONLY one that can turn it around for us to His Glory!!

    Great and Blessed day to all!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Yes! Thank you for this. This prayer was answered for me to the t today! Receiving it and sending it back to you at well sweet person. Thank you and God bless you. God bless everyone involved with this blog and every reader. Agape love, free as can B

    2. 4 years later, I love the part that says He is the only one that can turn it around for us for His glory <3 trusting Him

  5. Dear Lord, help me to not look too far into the future, help me to stay focused on the many blessings you provide today. I too look into the future, trying to plan and avoid shadows and bumps in my journey. I need to remember you are with me not only today--but in my "present"-- but You are with me each day, every step of the way. Amen.

  6. Dear Lord, I'm guilty of always living in the future trying to plan for the best and prevent the worst. Please help me to take hold of your hand with trust for today. Holy Spirit, please remind me throughout the day to let go my desire to be in control and let you have free reign. Thank you Lord for a great weekend with two of our grandchildren and thank you for the travel mercies on the road to get them home. Such great blessings and favor. Thank you for the belly laughing we had yesterday with them too! That was such unexpected fun for us! I need to work on my commitments to the rescue mission this week and am depending on your creativity once again. Thank you in advance for what you've got in mind Lord. God bless our JC team too! Amen
    Colorado JC Friend

  7. I just tried to post and it said, "SNAP, something went wrong," so I lost the whole thing. My main point was thankfulness for all of my family's many blessings this wedding weekend. Safety, peace and joy as we remember His mighty Hand in our lives. And thankfulness for all of your prayers. Please know you are in mine. <3

  8. Please help us Lord to see the world through a lense of love, faith, hope, forgiveness and awe for the wonders contained in each day... and in each person we encounter.

  9. Lord, You have gotten me through the past and now I ask that you be with me each day to look forward and not back. The pain and suffering I put on myself for trying to do things my way instead of leaving it all at the foot of the cross for You to take and keep. Thank You Lord for the healing of the past and for a great future, for the Blood of Christ that covers all my sins, past and future. I do not live as though I know you will forgive me if I do something wrong, but because of the freedom in Christ that You freely give through Your Son Jesus Christ, I don't want to sin knowing you will forgive, I want to live a life pleasing to You and in doing so, I will do my best not to sin, although I could and have failed before. With You in my life loving me through all the pain I have caused myself and what others have inflicted on me. Thank you for forgiving and giving me a forgiving heart. Help me to rest in Your love and be the person You made me to be. Thank You for loving us all enough, Jesus, that You died on the cross for all the worlds sins. Be with each person today as they go through their day, keep all safe in Your loving arms, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

    1. Pamela, Thank you always for your honesty and your willingness to show your human frailty. You know that in your weakness and brokenness, God is close to you and His strength leads you through your days. When responsibilites and fear of the future threaten to rob me of my peace and contentment, I look to the Lord always. It may take a few minutes of ranting and raving but I sure do take my burden to the Lord and do my best to leave it there. We are so blessed that God loves us enough to overlook our human outbursts and emotions. He looks into our hearts where He finds the truth of our love for Him. There is no refuge greater than His loving Arms.

    2. Thank You for these prayers from Pamela K. They fit me so well again today.

    3. Wow ! Thanks Pamela I feel like you just articulated what am feeling and struggling to put into words. Thank you for being so honest and prayerful. This is my prayer today.

  10. So good today! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and prayer Chris. I’m fwding this to inspire others if that’s okay?

  11. "Pray without ceasing." Prayer calms my soul and mind. Thank you Jesus. KS

  12. Praise God for bringing our JC Family together. Clearly, a miracle.

  13. Turn you eyes upon Jesus
    Look full in His wonderful face
    And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
    In the light of His glory and grace.
    Today I woke up needing to forgive someone who hurt me many years ago.
    Dear Lord, I do not know how to forgive as I ought, nor as I want to be forgiven, therefore, I am asking You to give my mind a rest and let me use Your Forgiveness. Dear Holy Spirit, please take charge of the details. In accordance with Psalm 62, For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from Him. I pray and I wait for Your Forgiveness. Thank You. Amen.

    1. In His time, in His time
      He makes all things bright and beautiful In His time

      Lord please show me everyday
      As you're teaching me Your way
      That You do just what You say
      In Your time

      In Your time, in Your time
      You make all things bright and beautiful In Your time

      Lord my life to You I bring
      May each song I have to sing
      Be to You a lovely thing
      In Your time

    2. Brilamar! What a wonderful morning you had, waking up with forgiveness in your heart. "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." God will forgive you and show you how to make all things right. He is your constant Helper in all things and always in your corner. His Spirit will surely supply the words to bring to that certain someone.

    3. I am clueless about why this person, and why now, Jeanne. It's been 20 years since I last thought about it. I'm guessing this is God's time! My Hope is in HIM!

    4. I'm guessing God thinks it's the right time to think about him and to find a way to forgive him, and to be forgiven. Sometimes even after God forgives us, we must forgive ourselves. The ball is often in our Court. Much love.

    5. Sometimes we must forgive someone in our heart many years later so we can come to God in true holiness without all that unnecessary baggage. Even if that person has no idea they have done us wrong, we must forgive them in our hearts and get on with our lives of service for the Lord. Never forget the sins that He has forgiven us. And Yes we must certainly learn to forgive ourselves for the weaknesses we have because of our humanity. Our God can forgive us so we must also forgive ourselves. He's molding us every day and that is such a blessing.

    6. So love that song dear Brie. In His time, He makes all things beautiful.πŸ₯°πŸ’ž

  14. Lord, Thank you for being my constant companion and guide. I want to acknowledge You in all things throughout my day and not just pray morning and night. Lord I gain such peace by staying close to You. Please help me to keep You 1st place in my life and to focus on our journey through this life in anticipation of the one to come.

    1. Beautifully said Mark. Amen and Amen! I sure do join in that prayers. God bless your day.

  15. LOL! accidentally posted under JULY 10 at 5:49am this morning!!!! Oh well, God's Word is never late:

    Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of life and the blessings that comes with it. Thank You for the reminder in today’s devotion of how important it is to pray and never lose sight of Your Presence. Thank You for answering my prayers as soon as it is best, not one moment sooner or one second later. Prayer is indeed ‘Life’s Greatest Time Saver’. May I never cease to pray, but increase in my communion with You In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    “Pray continually”. Yes, we are encouraged to pray continually. God is not telling us to pray 24 hours a day, every second (even though it would be great), but to pray without ceasing means, maintaining an attitude of prayer every given day, be aware of God's presence and staying in constant communion and close relationship with Him who is the giver of joy. This is how our Christian life should be. It is a humble, devoted, and constant trust in God's provision and care. Constant prayer is a posture of unceasing dependence on God. We don’t necessarily have to kneel or pray out loud, but we are to abide, trust, depend on, and acknowledge the Lord's presence in our lives at all times. When we consistently look to God our Father in all things, our perspective begins to change. One of the blessings of prayer is, the more we pray, we are often filled with joy from communion with our Father and this leads to the desire to pray more..

    Loving Father, Thank You for the freedom in praying to and communicating with You anytime and anywhere. Thank You that life is a very good reminder that we control nothing. Although we create endless to do list, You want us to recognize our limitation and come humbly to You to satisfy our needs. As Your children, You long for us to make our requests known to You (Philippians 4:6), because when we do this, we honor Your power and glory by letting You reign over our lives, accomplishing Your purposes for us. May we: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Amen.

    Linda (yesterday’s post), I stand in prayer with our JC family for God’s perfect peace to rest on you, comfort you and give you and your family strength at this very difficult time. May the love and comfort of God’s presence be received and carry you through the days ahead, in Jesus name. Amen.

    Kneeling in prayers for all the requests and concerns here. Stay blessed and safe.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you, I rest in His peace and everyday am amazed and thankful for that. I receive God’s presence through all the prayers and am thankful I’m learning to pray unlike I’ve ever prayed before. I’m thankful I have you Maplewood, Jeanne, Fern, Sassymom, Norah, Suzanne, Brie, Keith, you have all been my guiding light and are teaching me to pray like a warrior. Everyday is a new day I’m so grateful for. Thank you thank you thank you, with love linda

  16. " LOL! accidentally posted under JULY 10 at 5:49am this morning!!!! Oh well, God's Word is never late" Thanks for another beautiful prayer, Maplewood NJ. I wondered where you were! Now I know=you were in In His Time :)

  17. My heart goes out to all of you..we have been through so much together. I haven't been posting much but have been reading your beautiful prayers and they become mine. I'm having a bad day today..our city is opening up and more cases of covid every day. My 18 year old niece has sister caring for her. My son in law's coworker tested negative..thank you Jesus and thank you for your prayers. My daughter is planning a 4 day getaway soon nearby..renting a condo. Jesus calm my spirit..our spirits..pour your peace over all of us struggling. Keep our children and grandchildren safe. I will keep praying my beloved ones. I love you all and keep you close to my heart.

    1. Love to you and prayers for you and yours, Loveconquersall.
      All our situations reinforce Thessalonians 5:17-Pray without ceasing. It is what we do for ourselves, each other and our dear ones all day everyday. My ER Trauma Nurse Daughter got COVID and we were devastated. Yet, thanks be to God she survived. Would we be as committed to prayer if the goings were smoothe? We can now joke about getting her antibodies, but nothing was funny then. You and yours are in our prayers and also close to our hearts in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Praying for your families and for your protection, Brilamar and Loveconquersall. May God put a very strong hedge of protection around all of you and heal your loved ones. It sure is an uncertain time now that everything is opening up. We must all be cautious and allow the Spirit to guide us to make the right decisions to keep us safe and healthy. Brilamar, God is so good that your Daughter is doing well. Thanks for all your prayers. Much love to you and my JC Family

  18. Got on in time to say good night. You've all been in my prayers today. Sassy Mom, I thought of you when your AC went out - ours did last night and it is SO hot in our house! Our AC Man said he'd be here tomorrow - thank you, Lord!
    Sleep sweet everyone. God is on the watch...

    1. Hi dear Norah. Thanks for the prayers. Hope your AC is working now and you are cool and comfortable. Praying for you and your family, and hoping your friends with cancer and Alzheimers are doing better.

  19. Praying for Nancy who has cancer that spread to her liver. God knows exactly where it is and He has the power to destroy it. We trust in His healing power and His faithfulness. Thank You dear Father for removing the cancer from Nancy's body and showing the doctors your power and the power of our prayers. Let all who see this miracle know that it came from You, the Giver of good gifts. Life is the best gift so we pray that You save Nancy and make her well so she can spend the rest of her life proclaiming your great deeds. Thank You in the Name of Jesus Christ. We pray as a family together. Amen

    1. Sharing continued prayers for Nancy. May our healing Father remove this affliction from her and give her His loving peace, comfort, and strength. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus.

    2. Gathering with you in His Name to pray healing prayers for Nancy. To God Be The Glory for the things he has done, is doing and will do in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Amen. Agreeing in prayer for Nancy. May it be so dear Papa God. May it be so.

    4. πŸ™ for Nancy, family and friends. Thank you Jesus for your favor on them today.

  20. Because your faith is much too small, what I'm about to tell you is true. If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, it is enough. You can say to this mountain "Move from here to there." And it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. (Matthew 17:20).

    Heavenly Father, You who are without beginning or end, You who are everywhere and in everything, I come to You and submit myself and all that I have -- with all my imperfections. You created all things and You are above all things. You do not fade at all, but always remain strong. You are the same; today, tomorrow, and always. I want to follow You all the days of my life and forever more. Please break down my resistance, my opposition, and the obstacles I'm putting between Yourself and me. Lord, I realize there is a cost in following You. Please give me strength, help, and courage so that I may rise to the challenge of becoming a true disciple. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in You continually and always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know Him, the One who called us to Himself by means of His marvelous glory and excellence. (2 Peter 1:3).

  21. Your Prayers are requested for a B9 outcome for the colonoscopy my DH Larry is having this morning. Thanks JC Family. Please know I will be praying for you and yours.
    In place of my planning and trying to anticipate what will happen, I am also praying to God's Holy Spirit to take charge of all the details of this day. Dear Father God, please help us to remember that this journey is all about you.
    Fix our focus on Your Constant Companionship and Sustenance, moment by moment. Fix our feelings on the strong grip of Your Hand holding ours while we are in life's Waiting Rooms and beyond. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Brie, praying for good results from Larry's procedure.


    2. Brie - Joining warriors in prayer to Jehovah Rapha for our precious Larry. You are loved!!

    3. Praying for Larry's "all clear" results from his colonoscopy, sweet sister, Brie! Jehovah Rapha, our GREATEST physician and healer, IS IN THE HOUSE!

    4. Okay. Papa- we add to this list with our precious people, but you know your beloved Larry. Take care of all of this today we pray. Thank you. ❤️

    5. πŸ™ for Larry and the good news.

    6. May our Father keep Larry in His special care and give him comfort, healing, love, and peace in his heart, mind, and body. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

    7. Praying that your DH Larry's colonscopy went well and he received good results thank God, and that your day went well and was guided by His Spirit. May our loving Father heal every one of his weaknesses and bring you both peace of mind and rest.

  22. Forgive me for taking liberties with the lyrics based on
    "Fear is useless; what is needed is trust." (Luke 8: 50; Mark 5: 36)
    And, our devotion, Remembrance of Me is a daily discipline. Always. Keep sight of My Presence with you. Always. This will keep you resting in Me all day, every day. Always. The Christian has a silver bullet in his/her armor against fear: It is Trust! Therefore, the lyrics below converted fear into trust.

    FEAR NO MORE by The Afters (aka TRUST YOU MORE!)
    Every anxious thought that steals my breath
    It's a heavy weight upon my chest
    As I lie awake and wonder what the future will hold
    Help me to remember that You're in control
    You're my courage when I worry in the dead of night
    You're my strength 'cause I'm not strong enough to win this fight
    You are greater than the battle raging in my mind
    I will trust You Lord, I will trust You more
    I will lift my eyes, I will lift my cares
    Lay them in Your hands, I'll leave them there
    When the wind and waves are coming, You shelter me
    Even though I'm in the storm, the storm is not in me
    You're my courage when I worry in the dead of night
    You're my strength 'cause I'm not strong enough to win this fight
    You are greater than the battle raging in my mind
    I will trust You Lord, I will trust You more
    I will trust You more
    I will trust You more
    No power can come against me 'cause You have overcome
    No darkness can overwhelm me 'cause You've already won
    No power can come against me 'cause You have overcome
    No darkness can overwhelm me 'cause You've already won
    You're my courage when I worry in the dead of night
    You're my strength 'cause I'm not strong enough to win this fight
    You are greater than the battle raging in my mind
    I will trust You, Lord (trust you, Lord)
    I will trust You more
    I will trust You more

  23. Father in heaven, help us. My sister ( from another mother) & I have to decide today to let her Mom go. She's 91, she's on a ventilator after having a heart attack. It's hard Lord. We do know that she wants to go to you, she loves you and wants to be with you. Her daughter Loretta is finding it difficult to let her go. Help her oh Lord. Amen

    1. God of all wisdom, fill Jan and her sister today. Thank you Lord. Grant them your peace and grace. Thank you that they have each day ther and you for these decisions.

    2. On the wings of love. πŸ™

    3. Our Dear Jan,
      In Jesus' Name, I am gathering in with all other pray-ers.
      You, Loretta and MOM are in my prayers. Along with Audra, I'm singing you a song. May the power of God keep watch over you. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
      On the wings of love
      Up and above the clouds
      The only way to fly
      Is on the wings of love

    4. I am praying your 2 years ago prayer, Jan, which unlike us, it never grows old nor wears out!
      Jan gridley June 10, 2019 at 5:51 AM
      Give me strength Oh Lord to stand on your promises this week. The clamor has begun to reach for me from every direction. Oh Holy Spirit come, come & steady me, don't let me lose my footing. I long for your strong grip to take hold of mine. Lead me to the Rock that is higher. I don't want to lose sight of your presence. Amen. Love & prayers for my JC family πŸ₯° in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. Father, as You receive Loretta's mom into Your perfect care, please give her Your peace, love, and comfort in her heart. Let her know that everything is going to be alright and that You are with her. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    6. Joining prayers for God to grant Loretta and her family discernment, guidance and strength. Praying that exactly at the right time, dear Loretta's Mother will be carried Home in the loving arms of her Father to a beautiful place of eternal rest. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Bless and comfort Loretta and her family and assure them they will be reunited with her and their joy will be full.

  24. Praying for those that need special prayers.

  25. Jan gridley - Joining warriors in prayer for you, your sister and the Mom.

    1. Amen Sassy Mom, Praying with you.
      Dear Jan and Loretta, Trust in the Lord's guidance. He will lead you to the right decision because He already knows the future.

  26. Praying for all of the above requests and praying that I will see the results as only He can deliver, later on today.

  27. My Beloved JCFAMILY, Just coming to you to Love Up on you and lift you up. If anybody is discouraged, if you are growing weary, I want to pray for you. Our Father God wants you free from the darkness of the enemy and free from those chains that bind. You can tap into the Resurrection Power that is on the inside of you that can destroy all the works of the enemy.
    My Father God, I come to You and lift up my Beloved JCFAMILY and I thank You and praise you for each one. I pray You will give to them refreshing, rejuvenation, and a new refilling of You in the name of Jesus. I pray they will tap into Your anointing, Your Resurrection Power. I Declare they will have a greater revelation of the name of Jesus Christ and the Authority of that name. And everything that has been holding them back, every assignment from the pit of hell is BROKE OFF! Father God, I ask that You fill each of their homes, their vehicles, where ever they are at with Your Glory. Fill them to overflowing. Where they were yesterday, they will not be the same today. They are rising above every test, every trial, every circumstance and every darkness they are facing. I thank You, Father God, for showing them that You are the Waymaker; that You are their Creator; that You are their Father and You have them here for SUCH A TIME AS THIS! Let them know, absolutely, that what ever the enemy has told them about themselves, it is a LIE! Let them know who they are in Jesus Christ and they WILL NOT STAND FOR DEFEAT! They will STAND ON THE PROMISES OF THE WORD, because Jesus is their VICTORY, in Jesus's name. AMEN and AMEN
    You will know the truth and the truth will set you free! Great Love and Blessings to this incredible JCFamily. JJ

    1. Dear beloved JJ - I receive your blessings. My heart is grieving the loss of my precious next door neighbor "Miss Pat" who we have prayed for. She is the kindest person I have ever met. She will always have a special place in my heart. Our world needs more "Miss Pat's". Thank you for blessing my life with love and prayers. We love JJ.

    2. Precious Sassy Mom, I feel in my Spirit your grieving Spirit. When I have encountered such grief, I stand on this scripture and it has brought me through to the other side. I wrap you, Sassy Mom, tightly in His Word, "I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow..." Jeremiah 31:13b
      Sending Great, Great Love to envelop you! JJ

    3. Dearest JJ, You prayed the prayer that I needed just at the right time. Too many things to do and I'm driving to Brooklyn around 10. Was in the kitchen so much today and I know the Lord was with me but when I was really tired, I got in a mood and I just couldn't shake it until I saw my grandsons and they lifted my spirits. God guided me to that sweet refreshment. Jesus is my Victory and any problem I may have is in His able Hands. My choirmaster is away for a month and our small choir is nervous about singing all the hymns A Cappella. I told them God is with us. Be Not Afraid.
      Dear Sassy Mom, I know your heart is heavy over the loss of Miss Pat. She has stayed in my prayers and I'm sad that she was called Home, but I believe God was merciful in calling her. May He comfort her good family and your sorrowful heart too. Wonderful verse for your comfort from JJ! Miss Pat was such a good and godly person that now she will reap her rewards in Heaven. “He who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.” Galatians 6:8.

    4. Thanks our JJ. I received and truly needed your prayer. Because I acted unloving yesterday, satan had me for a minute. But then I read your prayer and ran to God for cleansing and forgiveness. Now I'm back in His Arms again!
      Much Love, Brie

    5. Thank you dear JJ. Once again you have chased off the enemy from our midst! True warrior spirit continues to dwell in you sister. We are grateful for your Loving vigilance. We love you & bless you.πŸ˜˜πŸ’ž

    6. Dear SassyMom, may the balm of Gilead wash over your aching heart as you grieve the loss of Miss Pat. I'm sure she &, your dear hubby have much to catch up on. Hold her memory close to your heart to comfort you in the coming days of missing her. Love &, blessings πŸ’žπŸ™.

    7. Thanks for that prayer JJ. We have just learned that our daughter will be having liver surgery in the next week. The biopsy was non conclusive but her liver surgeon and oncologist believe it is cancer and have scheduled the surgery. We trust God that this is just another step in her healing process. God has done so much healing in her since her original diagnosis 2 years ago, and I don’t believe He will stop now. Thanks for your prayers for full healing, and for her hearts desire, that she can go on a long awaited vacation with our whole family 8 days later.

    8. JJ, your prayer came at the exact perfect time and it sounds like it did as well for the rest of our JC fam. THANK YOU. I felt wrapped up in your prayer. Just so beautifully and wonderfully said. Blessings and love to you, JJ, and all of my JC family!

    9. Love your perfect prayer, JJ as Brie wrote, it brings me back into His arms ♥️✝️
      🎢 " now, he's back in my arms again
      Right by my side
      I got him back in my arms again
      So satisfied

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Dear Anonymous, Praying that your daughter’s surgery will go smoothly because God will guide the doctor’s hands to do just what they need to resolve her problem. May God give your daughter strength of body, mind and spirit, and complete healing, and bring her back to perfect health. May He soothe your worried mind and bring peace and comfort to your family. Continue to lean on His faithfulness that she has received so many times before. God will make a way. Thank You Jesus. πŸ™

    12. Dear JJ, I want you to know how powerful your prayer is felt, delivered with such confidence and love. I receive it as I know each word has meaning and we will rise above every trial and darkness and words of the enemy. Your anointing for prayer is so obvious and we as a JC family are fortunate in that. I know that God hears our prayer and I am inspired to pray for you for health, strength and blessing, for you and yours. Ellen

    13. I'm receiving your prayer again today, JJ! I don't think prayers have an expiration date ✝️πŸ˜‰

  28. Your verse thoughts reminded me of a time in my life, when I was young, still living with my parents and my parents loved Gospel music. Every week we would gather and watch. The LeFevre we're one of those gospel groups. My Dad would say God is always listening for me. Sweet Memories!

    1. Dear Billjanati, Cherish those sweet memories. I just love Gospel music. It encourages my heart, and soothes me. It feeds my soul.

  29. Thank you Billjnatl for sharing your memories with us. Love & blessings πŸ₯°

  30. My ever present Father, thank you for another day of life, and a beautiful one at that. Lord you have never EVER let me down and at times you had me wait a little longer than I expected, but you know the timing and every little detail of my life. What a beautiful reminder that I must remember that you are in charge, not me. Please don’t let me get caught up in life’s shuffle. Help me to let you lead and I will follow. I trust you Jesus. I love you Jesus. I ask this in your precious name . πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½ Amen

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes Lord, when I attempt to be in charge, it is then I need to worry; when I accept Your being in charge, your leadership over me, and following You, it is then I need to Worship. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Amen. Must surrender my reins to Him and not yank them back. He must lead me and I must follow His Spirit. Well prayed. Thanks.

  31. Yesterday's reading with the use of His light enveloping us leads us to today's thoughts of His actual contact supernaturally by Holding our hand as we live into today's unknown events. His love for us, is whispered with compassion and cautions us not to worry. He has us covered in His "light of love". My challenge is to remember this as I deal with each "trouble" that comes my way today.

    Praying for all the needs here. My journey has complicated some, but remains a great blessing of remission. Godspeed JC Warriors, remember YOU are in His light of love and He has your hand through each trial today. Amen.

    1. Bless you, Mad 🦊, for the reminder of WHOSE WE ARE! ♥️πŸ™

    2. Yes MadFox, I'm joining into your prayer. Likewise, My challenge is to remember this, moment by moment, as I deal with each "trouble" that comes my way today. Blessings to you, yours, and our entire JC Family of Prayer Warriors, our dear brother friend in Christ. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Had you in my thoughts and prayers today and I wanted to know how you were feeling and doing. So happy you’re still in remission and despite your alley times, God in His faithfulness has carried you through it all. Love you dear MadFox!

  32. Philippians 4:6
    Instead, in every situation with prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. And the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

    1. That verse is my “go to” verse. Engraved in my heart and mind. Thanks dear Peter!

  33. Sassy Mom, I'm holding you tightly in prayer knowing God's arms are around you as you're missing Miss Pat. What a gift to have had such a good and precious friendship, Sassy Mom.

    1. Amen, Dear Sassy Mom, I’m really sorry you lost your dear friend, Miss Pat. She was a good and righteous woman. She is in a far better place. God knows how you feel. You will be with her again. Comfort and rest is yours in Christ. Much love

  34. Today is my youngest's 30th birthday! Paula was born at 2:50a.m. and when I called her this morning I told her that 30 years ago today God was preparing me for the early riser she'd always be, lol. Going over to her house to make her favorite meal (my meatloaf recipe, etc) this afternoon. Paula is married to a wonderful man, Ben, and they have 8month old Baby George...and they are wonderfully grounded in their faith. On another note, family, would you please add me to your prayers. I've been dealing with calve issues for two years now. Really weird symptoms of them feeling like an "indian burn" like you used to get when rough-housing with other siblings/friends when I was little. It's the best description I have. They also ache tremendously and when I exercise (I'm very active, tall...all legs, lol, slight frame), elliptical, yoga, or simply walking, a couple of toes go numb on both feet (shoes are a 1/2 size larger so not my shoes). The calves then start to feel like two cement bags. Heavy and aching. Doesn't go away if I put my legs up the wall or elevate them in any way. Aching from the back of the knees down often continues when trying to sleep. I've had my heart checked out with an ultrasound, etc and it's fine, thank you, God! Not kidneys either. My awesome other half, who is a naturopath and chiro thinks it's my popliteal arteries (behind both knees) that are being entrapped...especially because both my knees/legs are hyperextended (knees roll backwards) and thus may be trapping the arteries, especially when standing/exercising/etc, causing numbness, aching, burning down the legs. This popliteal issue isn't common in someone my age (58) but in my research I've found a case of a 57 yr old woman who didn't even exercise having this. It's finding the right doc who is familiar with this and who also will take the time to investigate vs not listening and dismissing me.

    I've had some vein tests as well and have been able to cross out certain things. I made an appointment with a vein specialist doc I read good reviews about. Reviews saying, "he was able to find what was wrong when nobody else could!" among some of his reviews. I saw him yesterday and while a rather dry personality (not that that matters a bit), he seems curious and determined to help me figure this out AND has experience with popliteal entrapment syndrome and the corrective surgery for it. I'll be having more ultrasound tests next Thursday to try a narrow down what is going on. I've not said anything to you all because I have a hard time asking for myself, if I'm being truthful, and I just keep saying and believing God IS healing me and bringing me through this. If you could add me to your prayers, I'd so appreciate it. Thank you.

    1. NJS I'm praying for you and that the doctor is able to quickly determine the cause of your pain and numbness. May His peace cover you during this time. JE

    2. Sister friend in Christ, you know you have my prayers until the solution and relief come. Were sciatica, and disc issues ruled out?
      Much Love and many prayers are coming your way.
      Happy B'earthday to Paula, and to Paula's Mom who helped make today possible!

    3. PS Let The Healing begin!

    4. Dear Nancy. Joining prayers that this determined and curious doctor will use his God given gifts to find the problem in your calves and resolve your pain and numbness. Put your trust in the Lord and rest in Him. Trusting in God’s Word and promises. As Brie puts it, Let the healing begin. Thank You dear Jesus.

  35. NJS - Happy birthday to Paula! Echoing prayers to Jehovah Rapha, the great physician - "that the doctor is able to quickly determine the cause of your pain and numbness. May His peace cover you during this time."
    Love,blessings, and His presence to you.

    1. Thanks dear Sassy Mom. Almost forgot to say Happy Birthday, Paula! Hope you enjoy your meatloaf.

    2. Thank you all for your birthday wishes for Paula. I will relay them to her when I talk to her today. Thank you, too, everyone for your healing prayers and that this doctor sticks with me to determine what exactly "it" is. Regarding your question, Brie, about sciatica and disc possibilities, we have ruled that out. Just so perplexing. A definite thorn in the side but I know with God ALL things, including me overcoming this, are possible! I can't thank you all enough for your powerful prayers. So grateful for you and this JC family!

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Worth sharing, from my David Jeremiah devotions

    Dog trainers can teach their animals scores of tricks and commands, but most trainers say three commands are important enough to become lifesavers. The first is “Down, Stay.” If a dog is running toward the road, for example, his life may depend on his instant obedience. The second vital command is “Drop It.” Dogs put their teeth into all kinds of things. One of the greatest hazards for dogs in America is swallowing human prescription medication. A dog that understands “Drop It” may live longer for it. The third command is “Come!” A dog that runs away from its owner won’t last long.

    Like our canine friends, we need to learn to respond instantly to God’s commands in Scripture. He, too, tells us “Down, Stay,” so we don’t rush headlong into temptation. He certainly tells us to “Drop It” when it comes to temptation and sinful habits. And His number one command for us? To come and follow Him.

    Our obedience to God’s commandments demonstrates our love for Him.

    GOD is in control and you just can’t beat that. RDS.

    1. BOW WOW WOW.
      Whose dog are thou?
      I am Jesus Christ's dog.
      BOW WOW WOW.πŸ¦΄πŸ•πŸΎ

    2. That was awesome, Sassy Mom! We must Stay in God’s presence, Drop any bad habits or temptations that lead to sin, and Come to Him and Follow hard after righteousness and the Spirit.

    3. Great lesson, Sassy Mom, and so true! Love your teaching/reminding!

  38. Remembrance of Me is a daily discipline. Always keep sight of My Presence with you. Dear God, for me it is a moment by moment discipline.
    You know I lost sight of You yesterday when I spoke in an ugly tone to another human being, just because I could not have it my way. I confess my sin to You God and to my JC brothers and sisters. Thank You for Psalm 102 "He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west!"
    LETTING IT GO on The Beach...
    Like that moment on the beach when we are on our beach loungers, lying flat on our backs, eyes closed, feeling the warm, gentle sun on our body, and experience the release of everything else. Sometimes it takes only a few minutes, sometimes it takes a few days, but in His time, relaxation will come. Once it does, we are only aware of the Presence of God all around. OOOH!AHHH!OHHH!
    The collective sounds of soothing waves and breezes invite synchronization, and we accept. Eventually our eyes open to absorb our expansive sky blanket, the horizon, and the vastness of it all free of interference.
    This is true freedom in God's great love for us, like the same true freedom we have when we confess our sin, give our guilt to God, and receive God's great love for us. However many miles of sky our eyes can see, God's forgiveness and love expands further. Logjam begone as He takes our sins as far away as possible, forgets them, forgives us, and washes us clean, as only God can do, far beyond everything we can ask for, or imagine. His love is infinite.
    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Thank You for the vastness of your sky, sand, water, merciful forgiveness, grace and love. Thank You for freeing my soul to live abiding in You moment by moment. Thank You for nurturing my Spirit, In Jesus' Name. Amen.
    As I was typing this I received a phone call from someone advising me I was not getting something else I wanted. Thanks be to God, I was able to handle the makeup test very differently. With God's help, your prayers, and this beach devotion fresh in my mind, I kindly thanked the person for the information, and wished her a blessed day. I know why You remind us to always keep sight of Your Presence. This is the only way to get past the sandflies on the beach. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

    1. Let them who want to enjoy life and see good sea days, keep their tongue freely dedicated to good words. Let them turn toward good and embrace it. Let them speak right and do right. Let them desire, search out, and pursue peaceful relations with God, fellow human beings, and self, until there is enjoyment of a peaceful life, as instructed in 1 Peter 3.

    2. Amen Brie! Well said. A strange idea popped into my head about the sand flies on the beach in that they are an annoyance, but we are the ones disrupting their environment (and are a tasty treat for them!). So I thought it’s kind of like situations or relationships that we encounter; they are sometimes annoying, but we should try to see things from another perspective and not let it rob us of the beauty that surrounds us. We probably breast do that by staying in the moment like today’s reading reminds us.

    3. Amen to that brother friend in Christ, Rich C.

    4. Dear Brie, You took me right to the beach with you. I always feel so close to God at the seashore. Just surrounded by His peace and majestic beauty. I can relate to your situation. I have been very upset about my finger not healing well and the pain. I am angry at the doctor for not warning me that after the surgery my finger could be even worse than when I started. Anger is not from God but forgiveness is. Trusting God will make it better. When you handled the second call so well, His Spirit was guiding you. You glorified God. Good girl.

    5. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Thank You for helping me to be thankful and grateful when I have to deal with disappointments.
      Thank You that I can trust You are working even when I can't see it and even when things don't work out the way I planned.
      Thank You for helping me trust that You always have a better plan than mine.
      In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  39. Hey fam! If you use Instagram, here’s a link to the JC page I just started following that includes a lot of extras including a podcast, daily texts and emails if you want, and an image for the daily devotional.

  40. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the bread you provide for each day. Help me to stay focused on you-today. not yesterday or tomorrow. You provide bread each day for all my needs. I do not want to be anxious in any way looking ahead without You. Amen.

    1. Amen dear ABC! Thanks. So very true!! One day at a time in His presence and peace.

  41. Anonymous , NJS and MadFox --- Going to The Throne of Grace and lifting up each of your health concerns to my Papa God. He is ABSOLUTELY GOOD and He always has the final say. I Declare God's Word over you: Papa God, Your Word has become a part of them. It flows in their bloodstreams. It flows to every cell of their bodies, restoring and transforming their bodies. Your Word has become flesh; for You sent Your Word and healed Anonymous's daughter, NJS, and MadFox. (Rom. 12:1,2; John 14:20.)
    That what which God has not planted is dissolved and rooted out of their bodies in Jesus' name. First Peter 2:24 is engrafted into every fiber of their being and they are ALIVE with THE LIFE OF GOD. (Mark11:23; John6:63.)
    Papa God, because of Your Word, Anonymous's daughter, NJS and MadFox are OVERCOMERS! In Jesus' name I Pray and Believe, AMEN and AMEN.
    Confessing God's Word is a way you can fellowship with Lord and increase your faith at the same time. HALLELUJAH!!!
    Thank you MadFox for your prayers for this Awesome JCFAMILY!
    In His Grip of Grace --- JJ

    1. I am on this prayer train with you JJ, our dear, dear sister friend in Christ and chief intercessory pray-er. When you go to His Throne, miraculous good happens. Thanks for always being on it. Much Love, Brie

    2. Gathering right into your powerful prayer dear JJ. Looking forward to celebrating more victories, more miracles, amazing healing and God’s continued faithfulness. Hallelujah!

    3. You ROCK, JJ. As Brie properly named you our "Chief Intercessory Pray-er"! You are definitely that! I am taking in your powerful words and believing for them! Thank you!

    4. Did not see this last year . So thank you for that prayer. Big Hug.

    5. Praying always for you my good brother. God is holding your reins. Much love.

  42. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts. (Romans 13:14). Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You in the presence of the sons of men! (Psalm 31:19).

    1. Amen! Taste and see the goodness of the Lord! Thanks dear Janet!

  43. I'm so thankful for His light and His hand. As we move day to day, hour to hour, it is our human nature to believe we are in control of our small part of the universe, only in the valleys and steep paths do we realize His providence and presence. One of my best buddies is in hospice after a very short time with cancer. It is difficult to understand how he got so sick so quickly. I said good bye in person and prayed with him, but could not finish the prayer. He is ready after a period of not. Please pray for him and his family, and for us all to remember that we are broken and mortal here and perfected in our eternal bodies in heaven. Amen.

    1. Praying for you MadFox and your buddy. May you both be strongly and continually aware of the Presence of the Living God. Find rest in Him.

    2. MadFox, praying for you, your friend, and families.
      SC Anonymous

    3. Joining in prayer for you and your friend, Mad 🦊. And for all who are close to or on the edge of eternal glory. Blessings, all.

    4. Joining the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS in lifting you, Madfox, and your buddy up as well as anyone with healing needs to The Throne of Grace. My Mighty Lord Jesus: No one understands and empathizes with our weakness and needs like You. No one has the ability to bring about copious amounts of Mercy, Grace, Healing and Restoration like You. I ask for it now for those with healing needs. You are, indeed, a most wonderful, merciful Savior. Thank You that You watch over Your WORD to perform it! And, Jesus, I don't approach You on my merit, but I come to You with the AUTHORITY You gave me. In Your precious name, Jesus, AMEN and AMEN.

      Psalm 57:2. AMPC "I wiil cry to God Most High, Who performs on my behalf and rewards me
      [Who brings to pass His purposes for me and surely completes them]!"

    5. Joining into all prayers for you, dear MadFox and your dear buddy and his family for comfort, healing, and guidance. This world is but a pit stop. May we all be ready when our loving Father calls us to our eternal Home. No one can know the hour or day. The time is now.

      Matthew 24:36 - But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

      Roman’s 14:8
      For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.

      1 Corinthians 2:9
      But as it is written:
      “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
      Nor have entered into the heart of man
      The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

  44. Praying for your buddy, MadFox and thank you for the reminder. Also praying for you ❤️πŸ™

  45. Praying for you and your Buddy, MadFox. So thankful that you know you will see him again. Whole, healthy and for eternity.

  46. Resting in Him Who loves us. Thanks for your prayers that Rick's angioplasty will reap good and normal results. I'm blessed to be able to be with him this morning. God is so faithful. Today's Devotion hit home. "Pray continually, asking My Spirit to take charge of the details of this day." Thank You Holy Spirit for guiding every part of this day to good. Guide the doctor's hands, and may the test show that there is no blockage. Thank You Father for this and for answering all of our prayers because we put our trust in You, in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

    John 14:13-14
    And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

    1. Praying for you and Rick. May our heavenly Father give you both peace and strength throughout the day and a good report from the doctor. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. Joining in prayer for good results and that God's peace would cover you both today.

    3. Thanks dear Janet and Janet E. and all who prayed. God was faithful and Rick’s procedure went well. No need for a stent! So thankful!

    4. Praying with you for your Husband’s angioplasty and outcome. Praying for His peace upon both of you as you move through this day and for His hands to guide the hands of the physician and caregivers.

    5. Thanks dear Websister! Your prayers helped. Rick got a good report. The doctor said his arteries were clear. One more reason to celebrate God’s faithfulness!

    6. So very wonderful, celebrating this news with you and praising the Lord!

  47. Hard to believe a year has passed since my close friend died, who had a short 6 month journey with cancer. His wife has truly been in grief all this time. She met with my wife and another friend and they talked about how challenging it had been. But she is leaning on Him daily, and they discussed how He holds our hand in the valleys and the mountain tops... "for my hope is from him." Psalm 62. Amen.

    1. God knows her sorrowful heart well. His Hand is always outstretched and she’s holding on to Him tightly. He is lighting her wilderness. She is not alone and God is preparing a new chapter for her. I’m sure you miss your dear friend too. May He comfort and guide you both.

  48. If we appreciate the easy access that modern communication provides, then we ought to appreciate even more the amazing way of access that Christ has opened for us. Prayer is infinitely better than any mobile phone subscription plan – it has the fastest speed and the widest coverage, it never breaks down and we don’t have to pay a cent for it. But though this excellent access to God is free, it was purchased for us by Christ at great cost to Himself. Our Lord Jesus had to suffer and die on the cross so that we can come boldly to God’s throne of grace. At the moment when the price was fully paid by Christ on that cross, the huge veil in the temple that separates man from God was torn asunder from top to bottom. This gives us unlimited access to God’s presence. Since such a great price has been paid for it, how can we not treasure this access to God? Surely we should make full use of it as often as we can, through unceasing prayer. Let us therefore enjoy fully the close walk with God that we can have every day of our life!

    1. Absolutely! So well put, Min! Thank you and AMEN!

    2. Amen! Amen! Thank You!!! :):):)

    3. Thank you dear Min Ahadi! Amen! We are blessed to receive access to Christ. What a gift that keeps on giving right into eternity.
      Just a Closer Walk with You!!

  49. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus! Lord, thank You for the encouraging celebration yesterday for Pastor Reid. He was recognized for his 30 years of service at the church that I attend. He has been serving You faithfully his whole adult life and has been a follower since the age of 14. That's quite a testimony. Thank You for using him to encourage and bless others in the world. Thank You for giving him such a joyous day. You are so amazing Lord!!!

    1. His life is a testimony of faithful service, obedience to a divine calling, and love of Christ! May we be faithful and useful instruments in His Hands too.

  50. Thank you for this blog- bless these folks, my fellow travelers- Ned from Georgia

  51. Thank you Lord for holding my hand continuously. Forgive me for when I try to pull away.
    Thank you Chris for this blog.

    1. Always good to see you PEBGD!

    2. Hope all is going well, dear PEBGDesigns.We all get distracted by the world’s trappings and let go of His Hand. But He leads us to grab hold of it again.

  52. Thank You Lord for Your continuous constant abiding Presence.
    John 17:20-24
    Jesus Prays for All Believers
    20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
    24 “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world."

  53. Remembering His presence is easy when we are surrounded by goodness, such as being in nature. I was sitting by a stream on my hike doing a devotional when suddenly a large Osprey flew right at me! I definitely felt the presence of the Lord and was thankful for such an awesome reminder... Of course I got distracted later in the day and slowly drifted away, consumed by worldly things, until I remembered that Osprey. It helped me refocus on His presence, to be thankful for so many blessings in my life and to just surrender and trust in all His promises. To be free like that beautiful bird, unencumbered by worldly things, focused on the present and cared for by the Creator of it all.
    Thankful for His steadfast love and faithfulness.
    Blessings and rest well JC family.

    Shalom πŸ™
