Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Jesus Calling: June 15

When you approach Me in stillness and in trust, you are strengthened. You need a buffer zone of silence around you in order to focus on things that are unseen. Since I am invisible, you must not let your senses dominate your thinking. The curse of this age is over-stimulation of the senses, which blocks out awareness of the unseen world.
     The tangible world still reflects My Glory, to those who have eyes that see and ears that hear. Spending time alone with Me is the best way to develop seeing eyes and hearing ears. The goal is to be aware of unseen things even as you live out your life in the visible world. 

2 Corinthians 4:18
English Standard Version

as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

Isaiah 6:3
English Standard Version

And one called to another and said:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts;
the whole earth is full of his glory!”

Psalm 130:5
English Standard Version

I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait,
And in His word do I hope.

My Prayer
Lord, help me to not focus on temporary things, but to have an eternal focus. Train me Lord each day in your ways so that I reflect you. I want to wait for You. Forgive me for my impatience and wanting everything right now. I get trained too often in this world for immediate gratification. Sometimes I don't know how to wait. My day ends up being a success based upon how I feel or see my world that day. Lord, I need to lean on you and see what you see in people and life. Strengthen me so that every day is expressing that the whole earth is full of your glory. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Replies
    1. God can be nothing less because God is so much in love with us. Love is faithful!

    2. Praying for you Bob, that you are doing ok.

  2. I pray that people have patience for me which a lot of times I do not have for them. Forgive me Lord for such short sightedness.

  3. Replies
    1. I wondered when I would stumble upon one of my previous year's comments! A good reminder!
      And today in 2020, still needing to focus those eyes better on Him in my life!
      This comment got my attention: "Sometimes I don't know how to wait. My day ends up being a success based upon how I feel or see my world that day.". Thank you, Jesus, for eyes to see and ears to hear. I celebrate and thank you for today's outcomes!

    2. Audra, We all have those feelings. We wake up and do our Devotions and read the Word and then get distracted by the needs of the day and our daily routine. But we must stop and say Jesus, Remind me to stay in your presence. I just think this is such a good little prayer that I will be repeating it a lot. We are blessed that Jesus gives us eyes to see beyond what is seen and all the way through to what He promises. Have a happy day.

  4. Father, as I sit in the stillness of this early morning hour when all is quiet, I sense Your Presence, Your Peace and the assurance from You that ALL is going to be alright. Thank You for safe travels for my mom. You who started a good thing, will complete it. Thank You Lord!
    Thank You for the unbelievable strength You've given me this day. I worked 8 hrs, came home did laundry, finalized the cleaning of the room for my mom, prepared food for her to have, stayed in her room praying and thanking You for what You are doing and I'm amazed that at 2:00am (eastern time), I am still wide awake.
    Its a great time to talk to You and thank You for this body of believers (JC family) that have shown so much love, encouragement support and prayers for me and my mother.
    I was overcome with deep emotions today after reading the many comments to my entry. To know that this blog (thanks Payton family) has given me a family that cares so much, I thank You Father for each of them and ask that, just as they have blessed me and shown me so much love, Father, grant each person a hundred fold of Your blessings, favors, joy, peace, great health and long HAPPY life in the name of Jesus!

    My JC family, I sit hear not having the words to say how much I appreciate each of you for the love, support, scriptures and prayers you showered me with. THANK YOU, THANK YOU! It means so much to me and will continue to for a very long time! I plan to share it with my mother and pray this will help stir the love of Christ.
    Father, please reward each one of them and grant ALL their hearts' desires! I THANK YOU family, God bless you all!!

    I am praying for the salvation of all our love ones who have not yet accepted Jesus, praying for every person here, the needs and circumstances. Praying for Pamela's friend Darlene, unknown Colorado, dont be too hard on yourself, God loves you, It's going to get better. Praying for your sons, their father, his wife. God's will be done.

    In few more hours, I will be face to face with my mother, I am a little nervous, but excited as well, knowing that You dear Lord have a plan for us, that is oh so good. I just want to say Thank You. All glory and honor to You! Great is Your faithfulness.

    Love you all JC family and God bless, have a great and Blessed day!

  5. Good morning AnonymousπŸ₯°. It sounds like pressing in close to the Lord was what you needed more than sleep. Sleep is an earthly need, your need for wisdom, discernment & strength at these challenging times in your walk took you to a heavenly place where sleep is not needed but only the filling of the Holy Spirit. Your faithfulness to the task ahead with your mom is so pleasing to the Father in heaven. He has been ready to help you every step of this journey. Stay steady & strong. We here, your JC family will battle in our war room whenever you need us. Bless your day mightily.

    1. Oh Jan, Thank You! was only able to get 3 hours of sleep, but praise God!!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Amen, going to the throne of God for each other is a privilege. Lord please don't ever let me forget how precious this gift of intercession is. TERRI

  6. Anonymous Maplewood NJ - May God bless you and your mom today. What a wonderful reunion and welcoming it will be. The good Lord is always with us. KS

    1. Thank you KS! God bless you!!

      Maplewood NJ

  7. Anonymous, praying for you this morning. I know God has a wonderful plan for you and will be with you every step of the way. JE

    1. Thank you JE!! blessings to you and prayers are being sent your way also!!

      Maplewood NJ

  8. My Loving JC Family, THANKS to ALL of you for the prayers and best wishes, I pray my mom receives this and hear CHRIST in all of you when I read ALL your comments to her, because I will!
    God is up to something and I am grateful to Him and from the bottom of my heart, THANKFUL to ALL of You! I am deeply moved by the level of love and prayers! THANKS FAMILY!!

    With much love, wishing all of you a great and Blessed day filled with God's love and peace! Thank You.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood NJ, praying for a great day for you and your Mom. Lord open the eyes of Maplewoods Mom and allow her to see Gods love through Maplewood and our JC Family.
      Be with them as they get settled her settled in and help their bond grow stronger. Let the love of Jesus envelope Maplewoods Moms heart showing her the love of Christ. Put the hunger for Gods word in her heart and began showing her glimpses of how leaning and trusting in You Lord will make her life better than it has ever been.

      Maplewood, thank you, I am very excited to be on this journey with you and your Mom. Lets start thanking God now for her salvation, praising God through the whole journey.

      Thank you for the prayers for my friend Darlene. We took a night ride on our horses last night on a hunting lease. There is nothing better than being under the stars on a cool summer's night with no one but our horses and us out there. Well, I know there were other critters out there, but they left us alone and we did the same, thank God. Night riding is the only way to go during these hot summer days. It was so peaceful out there with nature and the Lord. Darlene is going to be just fine she doesn't know it yet. She is leaning on the Lord and resting in Jesus arms as she gathers her strength back up and gets ready to face the world without John in her life. He spoiled her so, but she so deserved it. They were both blessed to have been together to share the love they had, I am so happy they got to have that.

      JC Family, I ask God to hear each prayer and to be with and help each person that calls out to You this beautiful day You have made. All these things I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

    2. How wonderful that must've been Pamela K. So very special ❣️ to share with your grieving friend. Her sore heart had to have been soothed immensely. Will keep praying for the Holy Spirit to comfort her. Bless your friendship.

  9. I am excited to hear how it goes with you Mom, Maplewood, NJ! Prayers for both of you as you set out on this new journey. I join the rest of the JC Family in prayer for both of you. May she see Christ through you and all of the loving care you have taken in preparation for her arrival. How I would love to be welcoming my Mom and Dad into our home. I used to say that none of my parents or grand parents would ever see a nursing home. However, my plan did not work out. My grandmother died in a nursing home. She was ready and a believer. We had moved to another state and it wasn't possible to transport her. My Dad died in Hospice and my sweet little Mom in her own bed, surrounded by her family. It was very peaceful.
    Prayers of safe travel for your sons, Anonymous and that they arrive in time to see their Dad.
    To all of you: JJ, Jan, Sassy Mom, et al - God's richest blessings to you - mighty Prayer Warriors. My conference ending on a high note and I drove home with a happy heart. So very thankful to work with such caring people. My confidence was boosted as they showed such respect and care for me. In my car, I thanked God for that and prayed my request that someday I will believe all of the things He says I am and have. Somedays, I see glimpses. Other days, my flesh gets in the way and all I see is what the devil says. Such a waste of time and energy! Enjoy this day as I plan to do as I prepare for a Father's Day celebration tomorrow for my husband, sons and uncles. There will be 11 Grands here to boost that joy. Prayers for you and your daughters, Sassy Mom. May your hearts be light knowing where your dear husband is and that the very next thing he will see is the face of our Lord and Savior. God Bless all of you and especially the Peyton family, for this place to share and believe together. This quiet morning has allowed me to 'focus on things that are unseen.' May we all have eyes to see and ears to hear of His mighty blessings.

  10. I am praying someone can tell me how to get to this blog without having to type in my Google bar every morning. I will continue to do it that way if I can't do it any different, but I would love a link to type in to go straight to this blog. I do like to go back and read other prayer request after I have posted mine, I was just looking for an easier way to do it. If someone could PM me on Facebook under Pamela Kinney Smith and tell me how that can be done I would much appreciate it. God bless and thank y'all❣

    1. Pamela K. If you find out, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I do it the same way you do it.

    2. Pamela I have found that each morning before I ever get out of bed I pull up google history and whatever date I backspace and then type in the days date, search and bible tags blog comes for the new day. I have been doing devotions from my book for years, but last year gave my book away (again, the third one) so I found this blog and Payton has the verses included so I love love πŸ’•. I hope this helps, it sure made it easier when I kept it open.

    3. A friend showed me years ago how to make a quick link: 1) once you have typed in and are on the bibletags https address, place your cursor on the symbol just left of https - while holding down the left button on mouse, drag to the search bar just below the https address line. I am using Windows 10 and Firefox browser. Hope this works for you.

  11. I'm in my "Happy Place" when reading Payton's blog. Rejoicing!!! Tears of joy, I have been to a REVIVAL. Chris, your prayer is my prayer ...."Strengthen me so that every day is expressing that the whole earth is full of your glory." AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!!

  12. Lord thank you for this amazing day ! Being still in your presence is something I often do through out the day. When the world feels like it's overwhelming me , a deep breath and refocus on the "invisible" not the visible renews my spirit.
    But the advocate, the Holy Spirit , whom the father will send in my name , will teach you all things I will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14:26
    In stillness I am connected. Everyday is a new day to live for Christ and reflect His love that abides in me. Thank you Jesus for everyone here and I pray the Mom or the Dad or the child that does not know you as their personal savior will have a heavenly intercession today , so they also may know forgiveness and the peace and indescribable love that will change everything as they know it. So temporary is this earthly home!

    1. Amen Purplemartin! May the Spirit of God renew us today, and guide all those who do not know Jesus to seek Him with their hearts, minds and souls. Praying always for all of our loved ones to come to Him in faith.

  13. Dear Friends, God bless you all today. I'm getting to the JC game late this morning. Thank you for your prayers for my ex-husband, his wife and our sons. The hospice doctor paid a visit yesterday and said my ex is stable. He won't be passing in the next week as we feared! Thats what prayer can do!!!! So my sons are on what they call "yellow" alert (vs. red) and will not be driving to TX at this time. Instead their dad has asked that they come alone (via airplane) for scheduled one/one time with him. Having entire families for a visit will exhaust him too much. So my sons are in agreement! My younger one flies out next Thur June 20. Please pray their visit is filled with connection and blessings. In the meantime, his wife and I had a wonderful text conversation yesterday. And guess what? She is a believer but has never heard of Jesus Calling! So I'm sending her the book! How cool is that? God covers all the bases. She mentioned that God's timing of the pending death is not void of His mercy and grace and plan for others to be saved in the process. That's pretty neat.
    God bless you all and Maplewood and Mom, I pray it goes well. I hope you sleep good tonight! Also, I'd love to ride a horse in the cool of the night. That sounded so wonderful Pamela K. Jealous!
    Colorado JC Friend

  14. Good morning, JC family. It's 1:30 am here in California, and I couldn't sleep thinking of my cousin Billy. His Memorial is today.

    Lord God, strengthens and comfort my family with a peace that surpasses all understanding.. Give me the words that I need, Lord, to ease my family's pain even if but for a moment. I ask for Your infinite grace and mercy. Thank you, Father, for Your faithfulness. All power and glory are Yours forever and ever. Lord, help me to have eyes that see Your goodness and ears to hear Your voice. Send Your Holy Spirit to guide my steps today, and may Your will be done. In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen.

    Thank you all for your continued support and prayers. They mean the world to me. I lift up every prayer and petition here in this blog, and rejoice in every victory! Thank You, God, for hearing and answering our prayers.

    May you all feel his love, comfort, joy and peace as you go about your day. Be blessed in knowing whose you are!

    Love and blessings from California

    1. Lord we come to your throne of grace today to lift up Rose and her family in prayer.

      We pray that you comfort them and bring them supernatural peace as You only can do it. May you restore them and heal their pain, knowing that Billy is with You now.
      We thank you Lord for his life and the memories.

      "May the blessings of divine grace and supernatural peace that flow from God our wonderful Father, and our Messiah, the Lord Jesus, be upon your lives"

      In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

      Praying from France

    2. Thank you Both.

      Rose this phrase from scripture has riveted me,"and Jesus looked at him". Sometimes "saying" nothing is more profound than words because words can take away from what your heart is saying. May the Spirit guide you. And may we be silent enough to "see" Him looking into our eyes.

    3. Rose, praying the peace of God washes over you and your family today. Amen. JE

    4. Rose - Joining warriors in prayer for you and your family.

    5. Rose, Praying for the Spirit to give you the right words to say to build up their weary and sorrowful hearts. The greatest gift God has given them is Billy's renewed faith and salvation. You will all be with him again. I know you will encourage them in a special way and share His love, grace and peace.

    6. Joining the JC family and lifting you and yours up in prayers today, Rose. May God give you all strength and comfort!

      Maplewood, NJ

    7. Keith, I was thinking about what you said about silence and it is so true. Silence sometimes speaks volumes. May God direct us in our words and in our silence and guide the Spirit to send even our unspoken words into the hearts of our loved ones.

    8. Dear Rose, I continue to pray for you and your family. Hope you are doing well and God has comforted you. Trust in His promises. We are not alone in our sorrow and we always have a wonderful companion who never leaves us.

    9. Dear Keith, If the Lord looked into my eyes I would be silent and awestruck and enveloped in His love. Looking forward to that beautiful moment when no words will be necessary.

  15. Thank you Lord for this new day you have made. Thank you for the sun, the chirping birds, the flowers. Thank you for the many blessings you freely give us.

    May our heart, mind, body and soul be filled with your Holy Spirit and the peace and comfort only you can give. Help us make the good decisions according to your plan for our life. Help us to be a blessing to those we meet everyday.

    I lift each member of the JC Family and their loved ones, Father please keep them close to you and draw the lost souls to Your Kingdom.

    Have a lovely and blessed day everyone, keep looking to Jesus ♡

    Blessings from France

    1. Blessings from France,
      I join in your beautiful prayer today for all God's blessings, good health in every facet of our life, answered prayers, and protection and guidance for our JC Family and our loved ones. God bless you and thank you!

    2. Je vous remercie! Que Dieu soit avec toi!

      (I am cheating. Though I took a year of French in high school, it has not been used so all I learned has been lost. :-( )

    3. Merci Bob! Don't worry I know that French is not an easy language. The fact that you took the time to write (or to cheat haha) those french words put a smile on my face!

      God bless you !

      French JC warrior

  16. 'The curse of this age is over stimulation of the senses'.
    When I read this, I was curious as to when Sarah Young wrote this. It was in 2004. 16 years later, there is so much more stimulation with social media, the internet and all the other distractions that compete for the busyness of our minds. The key is to reduce our sensory overload. Be still. Unplug.

    Have a blessed week, my JC family. Stay connected to The Vine.

    1. Amen! Be still and know that I am God.

    2. Amen! If it's important to know, we will hear about it. Did you know the average person checks their cell phone 96 times a day? Come Holy Spirit!

    3. Giving thanks that I am in the Far Below Average group aka, The Slow Group :)

  17. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. Psalm 63:4
    Yesterday evening (Sunday) I stubbed my big toe and knocked the toe nail loose, which remained attached to the cuticle. My shoe was filled with blood and there was a 3 inch puddle of blood on the floor. I called my daughter who arrived immediately and called the ER in our town to ask how long the wait time was and how many were there. The only info they gave, we have a packed house, that's the only info we are allowed to give. We prayed "Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” On the way to ER in the next town we agreed in prayer and prayed.... When we arrived the waiting room was full of people wearing masks, we registered, they took our temps and was told to take a seat. Our name was called in 5 minutes. The Dr. numbed my toe, removed the toenail, and wrote a prescription for pain. Praising the Lord, we were in and out in less than 30 MINUTES. I woke up this morning pain free. Lord, I will thank you and praise your name as long as I have breath.

    1. God is so good, Sassy Mom. Putting you on my list for your healing. So happy you were taken care of quickly.
      "Praise ye the LORD. Praise the LORD, O my soul. While I live will I praise the LORD: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being." Psalm 146:1-2 Thanking God for His faithfulness!

  18. Praising the Lord for your continued healing, Sassy Mom. With love and Blessings for you and our entire JC Family of Prayer Warriors. Amen.

  19. My Prayer after reading today's 3 Bible verses:
    Slow Me Down Lord
    Wilferd Arlan Peterson
    Slow me down, Lord.
    Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind.
    Steady my hurried pace with a vision of the eternal reach of time.
    Give me, amid the confusion of the day, the calmness of Your everlasting hills.
    Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles with the soothing music of Your singing streams that live in my memory. Help me to know the magical, restoring power of sleep.
    Teach me the art of taking minute vacations—of slowing down to look at a flower,
    to chat with a friend,
    to pat a dog,
    to read a few lines from a good book.
    Remind me each day that the race is not always to the swift—
    that there is more to life than increasing its speed.
    Let me look upward into the branches of the towering oak
    and know that it grew great and strong because it grew slowly and well.
    Slow me down, Lord, and inspire me to send my roots deep into the soil of life’s enduring values that I may grow toward the stars of my greater destiny.
    PS Teach me how to wait on You, Lord!

    1. I sometimes wonder, Brilamar, if that is one of the graces of the pandemic, it forced us to do everything you said which was necessary for our overall health both physically and spiritually. Just a personal wondering. God be with you.

    2. Brilamar and Bob! I have seen the beauty among the ashes in that people have been forced to stay inside and spend precious time with their families and feel the peace of not having to rush to go to work. More people are turning to the Lord because they feel the peace and they have the time to seek Him with an open heart and mind. I am so blessed that this Pandemic has helped me to Slow down and spend my time in the presence of the Lord. Absence makes the heart grow fonder too. We all love our family members so dearly. It will be a great reunion when we are all together again. Thanks for reminding me of the gifts that came with this dark storm.

  20. (Continuing the practice of Lectio Divina (the slow reflective reading of scripture) in II Timothy.)

    (II Timothy 1:14) Paul is encouraging the faith of his young disciple, Timothy. The encouragement is good for us all. "Guard the good treasure entrusted to you, with the help of the Holy Spirit living in us."

    The word 'entrusted' surfaces again (vs. 12). Paul likes to use this term in our relationship with our Lord. This time I was led to reflect on the faith that has been given to me by God. It has been entrusted to me and I must guard it well. As I reflected upon this, the Parable of the Talents was brought to mind (Matthew 25:14ff). A man entrusted to his servants his property while he would be gone. Two of the servants went forth and put the talents to use, not recklessly but wisely I would guess. The third servant played defense with the talent and to avoid anything bad happening, he did absolutely nothing with the talent. When the owner returned, the first two servants were applauded for their efforts, the third received a harsh response for doing nothing with what he had been given. We have been entrusted with the faith. I have observed over the years various postures of guarding the faith. Some efforts have been flooded with 'don'ts' and as a result of preoccupation with 'don'ts', there are very few 'do's'. It appears to me that this was the approach the religious leaders of Jesus' day were taking, they were so preoccupied with building a fence around the faith that they never did anything productive in serving God. When asked what the greatest commandment is by one of those religious leaders, Jesus said, "Love the Lord your God with you heart, mind, soul, and body and the second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself." (Mark 12:29-31). To me, Jesus is commanding us to take the risk of loving, much like the servants who went out and tried to do something good with the talent with which they were entrusted. Isolating oneself from the world in order to remain pure is not the calling. We must be in the world but not of the world (that's where the guarding comes in). One of the ills of the pandemic is the necessity of isolating oneself which is done to stem the growth of the virus but ultimately, cannot be done absolutely for that is spiritually unhealthy. We were created to be loving and though temporary isolation may be necessary out of love for others, ultimately it cannot be a lifestyle for in doing so, we run the risk of being preoccupied with self and thus not God. We have been entrusted with faith and the capacity to show the love of God through our engagement with others. There is a riskiness involved, burying that gift is not an option.

    I foresee sitting with this verse again tomorrow and considering healthy ways to guard well the faith entrusted to us. See you then. With love, Bob

    1. Amen, amen to:"We were created to be loving and though temporary isolation may be necessary out of love for others, ultimately it cannot be a lifestyle for in doing so, we run the risk of being preoccupied with self and thus not God. We have been entrusted with faith and the capacity to show the love of God through our engagement with others. There is a riskiness involved, burying that gift is not an option." Blessed by your insights!

      God continue to be with you!

      Maplewood, NJ

    2. "Love the Lord your God with you heart, mind, soul, and body and the second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself."
      Thanks Bob for thought food. I wholeheartedly received the knowledge that burying God given talents/gifts are not an option ever, not even during pandemic isolation. Thank You God that even during pandemic isolation, there are so many ways to use our God Given talents for Your Greater Good and Glory. For starters:
      Donating part of the money I am saving on gas, clothing, cleaners, etc. to God Driven causes;
      Continuing to submit my tithe money to my church;
      Regularly calling up shut-ins and live-aloners to Chat and Check;
      Applying for delivery of food services to a food insecure person;
      Ordering and dropping off groceries in a socially distancing manner whenever I order and pick up my own;
      Calling a sight challenged individual and reading prayers to them;
      Sending thinking of you cards during the mail with a Bible Verse...
      I could go on and on, but instead I'll ask our JC Prayer Warrior Family to take over from here and Post WAYS YOU ARE UTILIZING YOUR GOD GIVEN TALENTS TO LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF DURING PANDEMIC ISOLATION....

  21. Dear Father, Thank You that today, I am reminded that ‘in returning and rest is my salvation, in quietness and confidence shall be my strength’ (Isaiah 30:15).

    Our inner man must first learn to “be still and know that He is God” (Psalm 46:10).
    God impacts our stillness because we know that He is Omniscient (all-knowing), Omnipresent (present everywhere), Omnipotent (all-powerful), Holy, Sovereign, Faithful, Infinite, and Good. Acknowledging God implies that we can trust Him and surrender to His plans, because we understand who He is. It's time we resist the enemy of our souls and let him know that we are not going to bite his bait any longer. Nothing is impossible with our God! We should not put any limit Him. Let’s make the time to get alone with Him this day, sit quietly and listen to what He has to say to us, because He knows we are hungry.

    May we feed on this remarkable quote today:
    “We die to live. We lose to gain. God is utterly complex, yet remarkably simple. He is tangible, yet untouchable. He is unseen, yet fully revealed. We can know Him who is unknown! We can search out the One who is unsearchable – with no beginning and no end”!

    Love, blessings and peace to you all!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen! Blessed, thank you Maplewood.

  22. I learned a lot from your take on the story of the talents, Bob. We have been entrusted with our faith which is of the greatest value, so we must not waste it but study the Word and care for it and allow it to bloom within us so we can share it to glorify God. As a painter and a singer songwriter, I always took the word: talent to mean just that. I figured we must use the gifts God gives us to the best of our ability so we can give back the good fruits of our labor to glorify Him. Now I realize that our faith is even more precious than the "talents" He has given us. We can only use them because He gifted us with them. The glory is His for the fruits of our faith and our good harvest from his gifts. Let us love others more deeply today and guard our sweet gift of our faith and spread it above all!

    1. So appreciate, Jeanne, how you took my thoughts a step further. of the purposes of the fellowship of believers. God be with you.

    2. Miss you Bob. Always in my prayers. God bless and guide you and your family.

  23. Ahhh - such pearls of wisdom are on these pages! Blessings to each of you and thank you. I've been reading off and on since 6:00 a.m. and just now had a second to write.
    I am looking forward to apply what I've learned today and as always asking the Good Lord to salt my words and send his rays of light to all I speak to and see.
    God Bless each of you and 'SHOUT OUTS' for your speedy recover, Sassy Mom and your daughter's commitment to love and help you. What a team!

  24. What an on time study for me today.
    Earlier I was talking to God about being tired.

    Tired of the hate and distrust and mean things that are happening in our world. Tired of being misunderstood and misunderstanding others. Just tired .
    But today this study has reminded me of who I am and who I serve. What I believe and where my Hope is. God is the answer. This battle is not ours but the Lords. We Must Be Renewed
    by the Renewal of Our Minds. We Must separate ourselves from the distractions of this world. We must Be Still and Know. Thank you JC Family. Blessings to All. Revelation is a wonderful thing!

  25. You are so right, Phoebe! Just as I learned in yesterday's teaching: it is by the renewing of our minds, that we become the Christ in us. We are no longer the "Golden Rule," children - we go FAR beyond that. We take care of our neighbor, and as my loving Black Brother shared yesterday, they don't need allies. They need/want brothers and sisters in Christ. I, too, Phoebe, am TIRED. Of the calls I get, cussing me out, of elderly calling, who cry b/c their spouse died 6 yrs ago and they are alone and don't know how to renew their SS card. I'm tired of the family disputes (we've had several this weekend). I'm just TIRED. And, I'm also thankful for the words of wisdom on this page. Praying for my bros & sisters in Christ, who share and are receiving, God's many blessings.

  26. I'm singing for you, Norah, me, and our entire JC family. Love you.
    Lord I'm tired and weary but I must toil on
    Till the Lord comes to call me away
    Where the morning is bright and the Lamb is the light
    And the night is fair as the day

    There'll be peace in the valley for me some day
    There'll be peace in the valley for me
    I pray no more sorrow and sadness nor trouble will be
    There'll be peace in the valley for me

    There the flow'rs will be blooming, the grass will be green
    And the skies will be clear and serene
    The sun ever shines, giving one endless beam
    And the clouds there will ever be seen

    There the bear will be gentle, the wolf will be tame
    And the lion will lay down by the lamb
    The host from the wild will be led by a Child
    I'll be changed from the creature I am

    No headaches nor heartaches nor misunderstandings I'll see
    No confusion or trouble won't be
    No frowns to defile, just a big endless smile
    There'll be peace and contentment for me
    There'll be peace in the valley for me some day
    There'll be peace in the valley for me
    I pray no more sorrow and sadness nor trouble will be
    There'll be peace in the valley for me

    1. Still loving those words dear Brie. I know the best is yet to come.
      I love this song too.

      Some glad morning when this life is over
      I'll fly away
      To a home on God's celestial shore
      I'll fly away
      I'll fly away, oh, Glory
      I'll fly away
      When I die, Hallelujah, by and by
      I'll fly away
      Just a few more weary days and then
      I'll fly away
      To a land where joy shall never end
      I'll fly away
      I'll fly away, oh, Glory
      I'll fly away
      When I die, Hallelujah, by and by
      I'll fly away
      Yeah, when I die, Hallelujah, by and by
      I'll fly away

    2. Ooooh! Ahhhh! Ohhhhhh! The Joy! I can hardly stand the wait until I can fly up up and away. Thanks Jeanne

    3. Two great additions to the 🎢 playlist!


  27. That is so beautiful, Brilamar! Thank you, dear Sister!

  28. Beautiful words of song, Brilimar. We all long for the peace to rescue us from our busy and exhausting day. Women toil from morning to night until we fall weary into our beds asking the Lord for peace and sweet sleep.
    Norah, Praying that God will revive you with great strength and renewed peace as you do His good work. We must not get weary in well doing. Hope you arise refreshed and renewed. Much love, Sisters.

  29. Be like those who through faith and patience will receive what God has promised. (Hebrews 6:12).

    Father, thank You for all You do and all You are. Thank You for being in my life. Fortify my heart with patience, courage, and strength while I wait for Your perfect resolution. I trust Your plan and I rejoice in knowing all will be well. Open my eyes and ears to see and hear all that is around me that I can't see with my visible sight. Help me to see past this world and into Your heavenly realm. Let me know You and walk with You in spirit and in truth. Help me to walk more in the spirit and less in the flesh. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    Those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. (Romans 8:14). "Everything that is hidden will become clear, and every secret thing will be made known." (Luke 8:17). Surely Your goodness and love will be with me all my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever. (Psalm 23:6).

    1. Amen dear Janet. We must be strong and hopeful and wait with patience for answers to our prayers and a realization of His promises and also solutions to our problems. We must focus our attention on those things that never fade away, and try our best during our busy days to spend precious time with Him. We must remain in His presence and trust in His guidance. He already knows what we must do and He is our Helper and our Confidante. So blessed that He even knows I must get to sleep now. I feel Him telling me so. Goodnight dear family. Much love.
      MadFox, You have been on my mind. Praying for more victories.

    2. Janet - AMEN!!! "We must remain in His presence and trust in His guidance." Echoing your prayers.

  30. So amazing! I was just going to ask if Madfox had posted lately..

  31. Pouring my heart out to you Lord.
    Lord please I beg of you enable me to keep my eyes on you not my earthly surroundings. Lord I desire to keep you at the center of my mind. I trust you, please don't let fear overtake me. Lord I feel like I'm on the edge of the lions mouth as he prepares to swallow me up. Lord I know you will protect me. Your holy hand is shielding me.
    Lord I know you are holy and your ways are holy. I know that I can trust you because you have proven yourself faithful through more worldly trials than I can count. Please help me to keep my focus on who you are. I know that the outcome isn't always the way I would have chosen, but you Lord are the perfect Father and you know what is best for your children. I stand firm on your promises.
    And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28
    Lord I know this doesn't mean I get whatever I want, but it means you will work things out in my best interest. Not what may make things more beneficial in the world's eyes, but what will best shape me in your image. Sometimes I want to scream like a spoiled child It's not fare! Why me? Why so much?" But then you calm me down by reminding me that I am so very blessed because I'm your child and if you allow me to walk through something you will be with me every second and I don't need to be afraid. Thank you Lord so much for your reassuring presence and faithfulness. I trust you Lord, I trust you Lord, I trust you Lord!!

    1. Praying for and with you our dear sister friend in Christ. I am also praying for the littles and our Michelle. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Dear Terri, Joining dear Brie in praying for you dear sister and for the littles and Michelle. Don’t feel overwhelmed because our Father already knows what you need right now. He can and will supply it. Fear is not from God, Trust in Him and follow His Way. Sending much love from California.

  32. Lord, thank You for the gift of Your Word and the blessings of another day to hear from you. May my ears be openend and receptive to hear You speak to me through it. Please help me to focus and concentrate on all You say each day and help me to remember Your words and be reminded to use them as guide throughout the day. Let Your spoken Word take deep root in all the areas of my life, as well as all who seek after You.
    I pray for peace, comfort and strength for my mother as she mourns the loss of her only sister and last sibling. Praying for the entire family at this difficult time in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

    Standing in prayer for all the needs here, all the concerns and trusting God to make ways where there seem to be no way.

    Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth, shall ye not know? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert" (Isaiah 43:19).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Praying for you and your Mom's grief, our dear sweet sister friend in Christ from Maplewood, NJ

    2. Sweet Maplewood, Amen and thank you for your pray I’m very sorry your Mom lost her dear sister and you lost your beloved aunt. May God comfort your broken hearts and may she find rest for her beautiful soul in His loving Arms. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Jesus.

  33. Thank you for your prayers today. first PT Appt. And although I can see progress from Marc's one surgery, he is agitated and impatient. Help me meet that with love and kindness.

    1. Heavenly Father God,
      Please bless our Sister Friend in Christ, Audra. Bless her and bless her healing patient, Marc, with Your patience, Job's patience and everything intended when You inspired
      2 CORINTHIANS 4: 18
      So rather than looking at only what we can see right now, the situations and circumstances that exist all around us, help us instead to commit to looking forward to the forever Joys in Heaven which we have yet to see. Because our situations and circumstances are transitory, they will soon be over and the joys to come will last forever throughout all eternity!
      I am continuing in prayers for your patient and your patience with love to you Audra, from me.

    2. Thank you! Minutes after posting a prayer request, Marc was thanking me for all the caregiving efforts. We hear you, thank you Jesus. We have some concerns and now have a Dr appt early in the morning. Thank you for continued prayers for us both. And thank you Jesus, we trust you!

    3. The moment I wake up before I put on my makeup, I'll say a little prayer for you...and Marc...and the Dr. In Jesus Name. Amen.

    4. Joining in Brie’s prayer and continuing to pray for dear Marc’s patience and healing, dear Audra. May our good God in His mercy guide him to a perfect recovery and to all the help, support and therapy he needs. Thank You dear Jesus for answering our prayers.

  34. Thank you, Anonymous-Maplewood NJ, for this:
    "Let Your spoken Word take deep root in all the areas of my life, as well as all who seek after You."

    On listening to Luke 1 while on a daily walk one day, the Holy Spirit jolted me awake when I heard Luke 1:37

    And then not long after this I was jolted again by Matthew 4:4

    These are two of the most powerful verses in the Bible

    Praise God for all that He is, and how beautifully He speaks to us through His Word, and how comfortingly He leads us by His Spirit as we seek His presence in our every thought word and deed.

    Let us all seek His will, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.


    Luke 1:26 In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, 27 to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. 28 The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”

    29 Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. 30 But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. 31 You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”

    34 “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”

    35 The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called[b] the Son of God. 36 Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be unable to conceive is in her sixth month. 37 For no word from God will ever fail.”

    38 “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.


    Matthew 4:1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted[a] by the devil. 2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3 The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”

    4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’


    Psalm 19:14 "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, LORD, my rock and my Redeemer."

    Psalm 139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: 24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

    Deut. 33:27 The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms

  35. Thank you so much dear RickSedlak for sharing God’s words of truth and for providing us with more good food for our souls. Amen!
    God bless you and yours and keep you safe and in good health. Thank You Jesus.

  36. Thinking of my brothers, and wondering how you both are, Bob and MadFox. Please let us all know. You remain in our prayers. God bless you both and strengthen you in body, mind and spirit as you continue to trust in the Lord and follow His lead.

    1. Thank you dear Jeanne. Bob emailed me after visiting relatives in TN (about a month ago) and is doing well. I am reading along and praying for each of the situations presented in the blog. The sheer volume of posts does however present challenges for me to keep up, given the format of the blog.

      I continue to do extremely well with MM... it is still the post ASCT strengthening process, and maintenance treatments that are vexsome! As many have said, "the 'cures' are the hardest part!" However, God is still holding my hand as I make slow but remarkable progress to "normalcy". Still so blessed to have a great med-team and to keep being a positive force within the infusion center where so many are scared, challenged physically, and in much poorer health than me. Pray that God continues to use me to shine His love to staff and fellow patients with humor and in His love. Peace Warriors. Stay in His grace with gratitude. In Him.

    2. Great to hear from you MadFox. Greater still that you are maintaining that inspiring outlook that you are freely sharing with those "in poorer health" than you. We continue to cover you in prayerπŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ž

    3. Good morning, Mad 🦊 and continued blessings and prayers go your way every day. Give Bob out love πŸ˜‰♥️

    4. Thanks for the update dear brother, and also for letting us know that brother Bob is doing well. God is certainly holding your hand as you continue undergoing your strenthing and maintenance treatments. I'm blessed they are continuing to help you and your progress is nothing short of amazing. You are a beacon for all those in the infusion center and also in your Medical staff. You can't help but be light to everyone you meet and we sure feel it here. Thank you always for your thoughts and prayers. Can't help but walk with gratitude. God is so good all the time and He is ever at our sides. Much love dear MadFox!

  37. Keith, How are you feeling as you recover from your burns? Praying God is healing you day by day, and your treatments are going well. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Joining Jeanne in prayer for you Keith. That treatments are going well & you are recovering completely. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ž

  38. Dear heavenly Father, please help me to reduce the overstimulation in my life. Help me to find You in the quiet of silence. Help me to not be distracted by worldly things but to stay focused on You always. I am grateful for your presence in my life. Amen.

    1. Amen! Thank you ABC for sharing this prayer. Love & blessings on your day πŸ™πŸ’ž

    2. Joining in prayer with you, ABC, and Jan gridley, For the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, says: Only in returning to me and waiting for me will you be saved; in quietness and confidence is your strength!

    3. Gathering in to that prayer. This world just offers empty promises and fading glitter. In the silence and in returning, He is found. He never leaves. We let go of His unchanging Hand. Seek Him with you whole heart and mind and soul.
      Dear Jesus, Remind us to stay in Your presence and peace.
      I was blessed today to meet 3 sisters in the Dollar Store. All we could talk about was the Lord and all our blessings. That was no accident. I hope and pray all the unbelievers who were present felt the light within us.

  39. Love the scripture RS mentioned: Luke 1:37 "For no word from God will ever fail.” So wonderful to re-realize that!

  40. Hello Prayer Warriors… I’ve been away for awhile. My youngest daughter was diagnosed with triple positive breast cancer in January…has completed 6 chemo sessions and will have surgery this Friday. Please keep Bailey in your prayers ..that she has had a complete response from her treatment. She is 32 years old and at the time of finding the mass…she thought it was a plugged milk she had been nursing her baby girl, Maggie, for the last 15 months. She and her husband were hoping to add to the family …and then we experienced this road block..She is in good spirits and there have been many positive outpourings….God is good and we are so blessed that we found it early. God bless each of you…so happy to hear that MadFox is doing well with his treatment and continues to be a Love Beacon to those around him.

    1. Will certainly add your daughter Bailey to my prayer list. Cancer is so stressful and to have a diagnosis as a young mother is something that is just so hard to deal with. I've adapted and shared this 3 step strategy from both other patients and my med team. Please share with your family and remain in prayer as healing both mentally and physically can be so much stronger when we strengthen our walk with the Father, Son, and Spirit.
      1. Find or deepen your Faith through prayer. Keep God involved!
      2. Trust your Doctors but verify. Check the amount of meds before they administer, verify procedures, investigate other hospitals, second opinions should be encouraged by your Doc.
      3. Stay positive, and when you can't for a time, then lean on your faith and start back at #1. Positivity is proven to be a life extender and healer... sometimes by as much as 50%.

      Godspeed. Praying for complete success on the surgeries, chemo and/or radiation. A challenging time ahead but God has her hand and yours firmly in His grip. Peace and Amen.

    2. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™praying with and for you, Bailey, Maggie, and her dad. I know her journey, and I know prayers matter. Saying many prayers for her successful outcome. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. From experience, I know MadFox's 3 step program works.
      Thanks MadFox!

    4. Adding to this family of pray-ers for Bailey and family.

    5. Joining all prayers for your youngest daughter and her baby and husband, and also for your peace of mind and comfort in Jesus' Name. Amen. May God destroy every cancer cell and replace it with healthy tissue, and bring your daughter back to perfect health so she can have another child according to His good timing. All things are possible in Christ.

    6. Hoping Bailey is doing well now πŸ™.

  41. Thank you for all the prayers for my wife. Please add me to the list as I threw out my back yesterday and can hardly walk without pain. I have a 6 hour car ride to see my son graduate on Friday and I’m praying for speedy healing. Seeing the chiropractor this morning.

    That said, I’m trying to focus on the unseen and placing my hope and trust in him as this back injury is so unexpected.

    I am feeling weary by all these trials Lord, yet I press forward with my hope in you. I pray for rest, peace and healing for myself and for all those gathered here on this site and all their intentions. I give you all my burdens today and put my hope in you alone. In Jesus name I pray. Blessings famπŸ™

    1. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ you and yours are back into action soon and very soon, Rich C. Much Love, Brie

    2. Joining Brie's prayer. Amen. Thanking God for speedy healing of your back and God's guidance and wisdom for your Dr so he can gently click your back into perfect alighnment and relieve your pain so you can easily withstand that long car ride on Friday. Thank You Jesus!
      Use Ice and heat and anti inflammatories. Don't lift anything and avoid sitting until Friday. God bless you dear Rich.

  42. Today's devotion reminds us, When you approach Me in stillness and in trust, you are strengthened. You need a buffer zone of silence around you in order to focus on things that are unseen.
    On the beach, I noticed pelicans often eating collaboratively, sharing a school of fish.  Because other birds stole their food, at other times these same pelicans dined alone in a secluded beach cove, buffering themselves from uninvited guests. The uninvited seemed to intrude a little bit at a time. First, they seemed manageable, then they ate more and more until these intruders took every last morsel from their host. Left empty, the pelicans sought out more buffer in their private cove dining experiences.
    Too often we can identify with these pelicans as we allow some "guests" in, and before we know it our mental, spiritual, and emotion banks are empty. Maybe its family members. Maybe its friends. Maybe its work. Maybe its church commitments. Maybe its school commitments. Maybe its social engagements. Maybe its tv, golf, football, _____(you fill in the blank). Or maybe it is a combination of all these things and then some more, leaving us empty, alone, and hungry amidst the clamor and chaos, just like our friend the pelican.
    Could it be some of the clamor and chaos is self created?
    In 1 Kings 19, God directed Elijah to stand still in His Presence. God then sent a windstorm, an earthquake, and a fire, but Elijah did not find God in the calamities of life.
    Instead, Elijah found God in the gentle quiet whisper.
    God knows the pelican, Elijah, and us. We all get over stimulated and worn out, letting persons, places, or things over-stimulate  our senses, dominate our thoughts, and block our awareness of God and His Kingdom.
    Buffering ourselves from the worldly and becoming still enough to listen, we can better hear what God's still small voice may be telling us. Our goal is to be aware of God's unseen things even as we live out our lives in the visible world. Then, and only then, like our friend the pelican, can we find safety and fulfillment.

    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Thank You for wanting to spend time alone with me. Spending time alone with You is the best way for me to develop seeing eyes and hearing ears.
    Would you please give me the strength to dine with You alone?
    Would You help me honestly confront that and those who demand too much of my time with You?
    Would You also grant me the humility to enlist help as You direct?
    In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Good one dear Brie! I can really relate. Very busy but sitting here in the quiet now feeling His peace cover me.
      I just love your beach teachings. I always feel bad for the sea gulls who find food and then before they eat it, another one takes it away. Good comparison with Elijah too! Amen God is found in the stillness. Today He helped me get alot done and and lifted my heart. We mustn't get wearing in well doing too. I bake too many cakes for my friends and it is tiring. But tonight we're celebrating three Birthdays and I'm just bringing one big chocolate mousse cake. I'll just write 3 names on it. God is so good.

  43. I'll be watching the gulls and buoys at lake Tahoe today πŸ˜‰♥️πŸ™

    1. Enjoy His Majesty and Splendor, dear sister in Christ

    2. That sounds lovely Audra. Hope you enjoyed the peace and beauty that surrounded you.

  44. Father, Give us eyes to see what is unseen and eternal. Help us to focus on You above all else. Give us a heart that seeks You always. Help us to keep you reigning in our hearts. Thank You for protecting your children as they travel back and forth. Thank You for healing all those who are in need of Your power to bring them back to perfect health and comfort. Hold those tight who are struggling and walking through a wilderness now. Thank You that my sister's MRI and my sister in Christ's MRI today will reap good and clear results. Thank You for healing them in all ways and all our dear JC Family. Thank You for Your faithfulness in all our lives, in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

    John 14:13-14
    And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

  45. My middle son just called because his dear wife Mayra is having severe stomach pain and he wants to take her to the hospital. I'm rushing over there to watch the babies. All will be well because God is in charge. Thanks for your prayers.
    Thank You Father that she will be just fine and it will be something easily treatable, in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    1. Dear Jeanne --- Standing in prayer with you for Myra. NO WEAPON formed against your son's family will prosper. I ask for the Lord's healing hand to cover this situation and we will say: "All is well because You, Lord, are with us"! HALLELUJAH!!!

    2. Joining in prayers for Mayra and your family. May our heavenly Father touch her and remove her affliction and pain. Let them know the power of God in their situation. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    3. Thanks dear JJ and Janet! Amen! He is so much greater. Thanks so much for your prayers. I just got home. The doctor said Mayra has gas and some other minor digestive problems but the tests revealed she has gall stones. Praying they don't give her any future problems. God is with her and I believe she'll be better in a day or two. I'm driving to Brooklyn in a few hours. God is my strength and my salvation.

    4. God is good❤️ Blessings to you and your family JeanneπŸ™

    5. Joining in prayer for Myra dear Jeanne. Asking dear Lord that You hold these loved ones steady & assured that You are in the midst of their need. In all of our uncertainties You remain faithful and true. Help them to feel You near. We are expectant of good news! Amen! πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    6. Thanks dear Blessings from NY and Jan. Mayra is feeling much better. Her pain is gone and we are all so thankful! God is so good. Janet got her MRI and my friend and sister in Christ, Danuta got her MRI. Praying for good results and complete recoveries. Thank You Jesus.

  46. To my Beloved JCFAMILY/WARRIORS:
    This is a time to rest the the Lord's WORDS and receive His Peace and Joy.
    This gives you Strength to RISE UP each day above your circumstances, when the enemy wants to keep you down. You can say this: "NO, satan, you WILL NOT TAKE WHAT BELONGS TO ME! You WILL NOT HAVE your way, because MY God is THE WAY! He LIVES IN ME and He DEFEATED you! That means you have NO POWER AGAINST ME." In Jesus's name,
    I COMMAND the strategies of the enemy agaist my family and I BE DISMANTLED!!! James 4:7 says to RESIST the devil, and he will flee from you---he doesn't have an option. It may APPEAR that satan is winning, but that is his smokescreen. He is nothing but a scumbag liar! You may see Giants in front of you, but the God you serve causes GIANTS to FALL!
    My Papa God, I thank You and Praise You for each JC WARRIOR and I thank You that evil never wins. That You are UNDEFEATED and we are on Your side. We Proclaim and Declare our VICTORY, because of The Name of Jesus, and we thank You for it. I Plead The Blood of Jesus over all. I Pray and Believe in Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN.
    Great Love and Blessings to this AWESOME JCFAMILY. HALLELUJAH!!!

    1. Hallelujah! Thank you JJ for your powerful prayer! God bless πŸ™.

    2. Amen and Amen! Hallelujah!

    3. Such an awesome and powerful prayer, JJ. THANK YOU! Great love and blessings to you and yours as well!

    4. Thank you JJ!! This powerful prayer is just what was needed!! God bless you and the whole JC family❤️πŸ™

    5. THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT JJ! We are going for the neck of the enemy! Ramming against any evil assignments on any of the JC family by claiming the blood of the Lamb! Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Hallelujah!

    6. Crossing the head of the devil beneath our feet!

  47. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14). But You, O LORD, are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head. (Psalm 3:3). To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27).

    1. Amen dear sis, amen! Nourished by the word! Blessings πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    2. Thanks for the good food, dear Janet!! Amen

  48. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Open my eyes and my heart to see all Your glory in the world around me. Let me see through the visible things to the invisible things. Let the spiritual realm become a reality to me in my life Lord. Help me to make the eternal things a priority over the temporal things. Let me see things with Your eyes and from Your perspective Lord. Let the eyes of my heart be enlightened. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

  49. Thank you for your beautiful prayers to start the day! Bless you JanetπŸ™

  50. Good Morning JC Family, I needed to read this today and I am blessed and comforted by your prayer JJ. I have felt the enemy stealing my joy for over four weeks now, sickness in my body and lies in my mind. God gave me an assignment many years ago to tell my story in a book. I finished and published the book in May and had the book launch last Friday. I have gone through so many challenges including almost not having a book for the launch and one thing after the other since. I know it is because I obeyed GOD, and many will be blessed by the story, because I was transparent and vulnerable, and he has convinced me it was all a waste of time. I haven't stopped braining because I know where the assignment came from, and I believe GOD spoke directly to me through you today: I COMMAND the strategies of the enemy against my family, and I BE DISMANTLED!!! James 4:7 says to Submit yourselves therefore to the Lord; RESIST the devil, and he will flee from you---he doesn't have an option. It may APPEAR that satan is winning, but that is his smokescreen. He is nothing but a scumbag liar! You may see Giants in front of you, but the God you serve causes GIANTS to FALL! AMEN AND AMEN. Please keep me in your prayers because I know GOD can do anything but fail!
    GOD-1 satan-0


    1. Way to go, God's daughter, and congrats on the book! Can you share the link for it?! Way to push through and past the evil attacking you felt this past month remembering who has you in His palm!

    2. Yes of course:

    3. Dear God's daughter --- Way to POWER THROUGH to make your book a reality! You find, on this journey, that on tough days you STAND THEREFORE,-- HAVING DONE ALL YOU KNOW TO DO--YOU STAND! You use the WORD and the AUTHORITY Jesus gave us. That WORD and AUTHORITY causes us to TRIUMPH in Christ! That AUTHORITY causes us to be MORE THAN CONQUERORS! I know what a conqueror is but, WOW, a MORE THAN CONQUEROR!!! Our God goes Way Up and Beyond! HALLELUJAH!!! May the Lord Bless you richly, God's daughter.
      You are a daughter of The Most High God!!! You are a cherished
      member of God's royal family, given access to the fullness of His love and provision!

    4. I just ordered your book off Amazon, God's daughter, i.e. Elizabeth! I can't wait to read it. We've been praying and communicating for - how long? THANK YOU, for seeing this through! Love and Blessings!

    5. So very proud of you, dear God’s daughter! Congratulations! More glory to God! You followed His lead and His voice! You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Hallelujah!

    6. To God be the Glory and thank each of you for your comments and prayers, to whom much is given much is required and I feel the prayers from each of you and know I pray for the JC family daily as well! God is GOOD and worthy to be praised, and it is GREAT to have a place to go when we are weak to be reminded GOD is still strong! May you each have a blessed beyond measure day.

  51. HALLELUJAH God's Daughter! HALLELUJAH!πŸ’ž

  52. Oh the Glory of Your Presence

    1. Oh, Sassy Mom - I think and pray for you, every day. Such a stellar woman of God, who has been through more than I can imagine....just want you to know that you are, as always, in my prayers. Love you,

    2. Had you in my thoughts and prayers today dear Sassy Mom!! Thanks for that glorious song and the video was beautiful too! God bless and guide you every day. Sending a big hug and so much love.

  53. Praying for you, Dear Jeanne: for Mayra, Janet, for your travels back and are an amazing, giving Woman of God - always in my prayers. Sleep sweet, dear Sister. Love you.

  54. Aww! Thanks dear Norah! God loves me in all my imperfections and He makes me who I am. I appreciate your prayers and kind words. We pray for each other because we know He hears us. You are quite an amazing woman of faith and my dear friend! Love you.

    1 John 5:14
    This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

  55. Hello to all! Have been trying to figure out how to be a part of this beautiful community. Loos easier today. Love this reading as I ask for prayer for a mentally/physically ill sister that has been visiting. Loved the part about learning on God and asking him for eyes to see what HE ‘sees in people and life’. Have a phrased day everyone! K.

    1. May our heavenly Father touch her and bring peace, comfort and joy to her in her life. May His Spirit heal her soul πŸ™. God bless!

  56. Expect the Glory of God. Call it in.

    The atmosphere of expectancy is the breeding ground for miracles.

    God is with you every day and everywhere.

    God's Word stands for forever and it is The Good News!

    God will always give you hope in your final outcome.

    Walk in faith, not in fear.

    God is in control. Not your enemies.

    The enemy wants to stop you from the very thing that will stop him---praising and worshipping the Lord.

    God is not a God that should lie, so if He promises you something He will be faithful to do it.

    God wants to restore, refresh, and renew your fire.


    1. So powerful!!! And true.
      The truth WILL set you free.
      Thank you JJ for another amazing prayer.
      Rest well prayer warriors.
      Shalom πŸ™‚πŸ™

    2. Amen and Hallelujah! Thanks sweet JJ! God always Wins! These are Glory days, not gloomy days. And with Him, we can do all things! He empowers us and strengthens us for anything He brings us to. He equips us well and He fights our battles. He leads us through the valleys and the wilderness. Nothing is too hard or impossible for Him. We are more than conquerors in Him.

      Philippians 4:13
      I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

      Romans 8:37
      Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

      Ephesians 2:10
      For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

    3. Amen JJ πŸ™. Hallelujah!!!

    4. So blessed this morning JJ for once again being nourished by your words of encouragement. I am so close to tears as I write this. My hubby is going through one of the roughest test of his life. He is not able to maneuver through his day without knee pain & is relegated to just sitting & waiting to be seen by a doctor. It breaks my heart. I asked the Lord in the quietness of this early morning to just give me a glimmer of the unseen workings of the Holy Spirit in all of this. The "seen" things are discouraging me at the moment. I know that in my heart of hearts I cannot slip into a disappointed state, I will not! For then my level of trust & faith will crumble into bits. The goodness of my God will prevail no matter what this season of trials may bring. The unseen is eternal. We need your prayers dear warriors. πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ❤️

    5. Lifting you both up in prayer. May His peace cover you.

    6. Dear Jan, may God deeply bless and provide for you and your husband, his peace, healing, blessing, and give you HIS perspective of hope and healing. AMEN

    7. Thanks for the great refresher course, JJ. I plan to keep those truths at the top of my head in the top of the morning.
      Yes! His Blessings Abound, even when our weary human eyes can't see them, they still abound. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    8. Jan gridley. Praying for you and hub. The Warriors are on it πŸ˜‰
      Much Love and Many Prayers. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    9. Praying for you and your hubby Jan, God has not vacated His Throne, take heart, He knows your needs, your hubby's healing is on its way. Yet unseen, soon it will be seen. Look forward to a slow dance with you dear hubby :)

    10. Standing with you, Jan, and the JC Holy WARRIORS, lifting up your husband knee pain. I call down the Glory of God over your household and asking the Lord to Flood it with the Blood of Jesus! God's got this, Jan. Keep a firm focus on the Father. He will reveal His path and bring healing, wholeness, and peace to you both. In Jesus's Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN

  57. Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! (Psalm 46:10).

  58. My dear Jan! I have been praying hard for you and your husband. I knew in my heart you were both going through a hard time but now I know how bad things are, but for GOD! Seeing a dear one in so much pain bravely doing the best he can and knowing you can’t make it better is where your own pain comes from. But you know God’s faithfulness and He has not brought you both this far to leave your good husband in this state. He knows you trust in Him. He is a very present Help in trouble. My heart goes out to you both. Know God understands how you feel. He reads our hearts every day. His Spirit is moving inside you and will show you the way to go. Rest in Him Who cares for you. I’m keeping you both very tight in my prayers, dear sister.
    Father God, We ask you to guide this good man to the doctor that can make his knees better and remove his pain and give him back his comfort, flexibility, peace of mind, and joy. Wrap Your unchanging peace around Jan and her husband and cover them with Your faithfulness. Make a way to change this situation to good. You are our Way Maker and You are mighty to save. We trust you will make all things better. Thank You for this and for answering all our prayers according to Your will and plan. We pray in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord and Great High Priest Whose Reign is Forever. Amen

  59. So thankful for the stillness and quietness during my prayer time this morning.
    Trees in the nearly woods are roaring as the gales blast through; reminds me of a raging stormy sea.
    Yet in my room in His Presence, Peace reigns. Prayer/intercession time today has been long, many folk I know personally are in great need: my friend Mike a director of recently diagnosed with terminal cancer; Gary brother in Christ - sudden stroke hospitalized, now can't see and no feeling from waist down; relative Greg suddenly not feeling well, having open heart surgery next week; relative Ethan just not coping with anything, hiding away (I suspect severe depression), these mainly, among many others desperately need our Heavenly Father's help, so value your prayers for these, all children of the Most High God.
    Approaching the Throne of Grace as mentioned in today's reading, in a buffer zone of silence, really does help in focusing on things unseen, helps us know with absolute certainty that our God hears and answers prayer. Helps with visualization of healing being received.
    How blessed are we in our personal relationship with the Living God in whom we live and move and have our being!

    1. Amen, Peter! AMEN and AMEN!!! I join you in being a Persistent Advocate for all those you referred to and all of those who are crying out to the Lord at this moment. We pray with Confidence and Boldness,
      trusting in God's Power and Promises! My Fathet God, we give you Praise and Honor for bringing physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, restoring wholeness and well-being! In Jesus's Mighty Name --Who cares for us DEEPLY, offering us His Love, Comfort, and Guidance in every aspect of our
      lives, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. Joining prayers for Mike, Gary, Greg and Ethan. God has the last say. Only He knows if cancer is terminal because He’s our Miracle maker. He can restore vision and movement. May He heal your friend, brother in Christ and relative and bring Ethan out of his depression. May He guide Greg through his open heart surgery and make things right again in Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen
      Dear Peter, Your time with the Lord and your sincere prayers are precious and powerful. All things are possible with God. Wait on the Lord and expect answers to our prayers. Thank You Jesus.

    3. Joining in prayer and intercession for these needs.


  61. Thanks Sassy Mom! What a testimony!

  62. Praying, Dear Jan Gridley!!!!

  63. I love 2 Corinthians 4:18.......Dear God, my Abba Father, please be with me during the painful and difficult passages of my life. Help me keep my heart fixed on what is unseen. In addition, dear Father, I want to pray that you please be present in the lives of the people I love on the JC group ... Please grant them healing. If not healing, dear Father, please pour your love into their hearts through the Holy Spirit and give them rugged perseverance and indestructible hope. Help them see your glory. In Jesus' name. Amen.
