Thursday, June 18, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 18

     You are My beloved child. I chose you before the foundation of the world, to walk with Me along paths designed uniquely for you. Concentrate on keeping in step with Me, instead of trying to anticipate My plans for you. If you trust that My plans are to prosper you and not to harm you, you can relax and enjoy the present moment.
     Your hope and your future are rooted in heaven, where eternal ecstasy awaits you. Nothing can rob you of your inheritance of unimaginable riches and well-being. Sometimes I grant you glimpses of your glorious future, to encourage you and spur you on. But your main focus should be staying close to Me. I set the pace in keeping with your needs and My purposes.

Ephesians 1:4
New American Standard

just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him

Proverbs 16:9
English Standard Version

The heart of man plans his way,
    but the Lord establishes his steps.
Jeremiah 29:11
English Standard Version

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Ephesians 1:13-14
English Standard Version

13 In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Everything is on course, it always has been, it always will be; everything is on course. Enjoy the ride! We are not the driver. That is something for which to be truly thankful.

    1. I miss you, Bob. I hope you are ok. God bless you.

    2. Bob, you are missed by JC Family.

    3. I saw Bob's name and my heart was lifted, I then saw it was from 2018. Lord pour your presence and peace into your child Bob. TERRI

    4. Lord, I place my life in YOUR hands. I trust YOUR plans for my life. Your ways are higher than my ways. Use me for YOUR glory. I give you my life for the rest of my life.

    5. Actually, I was surprised myself to see me above. Had forgotten I had started posting two years ago. I am greatly blessed in being here with you.

    6. Still love your old post Bob!! Such good advice. Amen. We are so blessed to have you here with us!

    7. Amen. Always love your words of wisdom Bob.
      Our Lord blessed us with using you a His vessel.
      Glory be to God
      Prayers, love and blessings JC family. Happy Father's Day weekend

    8. Love reading this blog and the daily encouragements. God is so good!!

    9. Amen! Such an incredible gift to us all! Praise God!❤️❤️πŸ™πŸ™

    10. It’s 2024, and Bob’s post echos what my pastor said to me recently- we need to let God be in the driver’s seat; we need to be the passenger.
      SC Anonymous

    11. FATHER I praise YOU and sing a new hallelujah for YOU today- as YOU have blessed me once again with this day, my breath and YOUR HOLY SPIRIT. But FATHER my hope is not rooted in heaven- is that okay? I want to serve YOU here on earth after YOUR kingdom comes, but of course would be overjoyed to spend eternity in the graves of YOUR presence. Yet, FATHER I have an overwhelming feeling heaven is not the place where YOU’Ve Set
      my final destination. Help me to know the truth- I understand YOU can’t tell me the plans YOU have in store for me, so I continue to walk with YOU, hand and hand(PLEASE grab me hand right if/when I begin to let go- as that’s not me desire but the world is so distasteful-please help me keep my focus on YOU alone) leading me where YOUR will leads me. Please FATHER let YOUR will be done and lead me into the servitude YOU need me to do here .
      I praise YOU for my loved ones, pray for those sick and suffering, the millions of children that are missing or abused😭please protect our babies (children FATHER) I pray for our world leaders, soften their hearts please LORD, and help those that need turn away from evil
      I ask this in YOUR precious Son’s name Jesus Christ

    12. Thank You God for BOB'S reminder:
      Brie, stop grabbing at the wheel.

    13. Praying πŸ™ for you A πŸ™ ❤️
      You asked, and He Will Answer.
      His Holy Spirit will Help you to know Truth, and grab you by the hand and keep you so you won't let go. Much ❤️ and Mary πŸ™.
      In Jesus' Name. Amen
      Natalie Cole's TESTimony...

    14. Jesus take the wheel!!! He doesn't need me to be a "back seat driver" directing my path. As Bob suggested, enjoy the ride. Protected and safe in the armor of God strapped in with the seatbelt of truth πŸ˜‰♥️✝️

    15. What a beautifully, brutally honest prayer! So many of us wear masks, and get so used to wearing them we even forget we are even wearing them sometimes. When we come before the lord in such an open honest and humble way, His Ear is surely turned toward usπŸ™

  2. Good morning JC family πŸ₯°. Please say prayers for our daughter in law's dad who was admitted for surgery for a ruptured aortic abdominal aneurysism. He is not a believer. He feels when one is done here on Earth, you are done. Period. The Lord is sovereign & mighty to save. He is at work in this very grave situation. Thank you warriors. Blessings on each of your day.

    1. Jan Gridley, I am praying for your daughter in law's dad. And I know the good Lord is watching over him and giving him comfort and peace.

    2. Jan, at God's timing, ALL our nonbelieving family and friends will declare that JESUS is LORD of their lives! Let's not weaver, but keep turning them over to Him, while thanking and Glorifying His name! God can do the impossible! It is NOT His will that ANY should perish, we pray for their hearts! My dear mom and ALL others in Jesus name!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Jan --- I join wih all the JC FAMILY in praying for your daughter's in law dad. I pray the Lord will speak the mysteries of Christ to him and he will say YES to Jesus! I also pray this for any of the people the JC FAMILY have in their hearts that need salvation! I plead the blood of Jesus over ALL and thank the Lord for the VICTORIES! Great blessings to all the JC WARRIORS! All glory to the Lord! Standing on the WORD in Kansas.

    4. the eyes of my heartJune 18, 2019 at 7:04 AM

      I am so thankful for this community of believers! It is so important that we lift one another up in prayer.
      "Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven." -Matthew 18:19

    5. Standing in agreement with you and our JC family. God is soverign, We praise Him for working on this gentlemen's behalf. TERRI

    6. The eyes of my heart--- Thank you for sharing the scripture. Prayer Warriors stand on this scripture to defeat satan and give the Lord All the glory. You are right on about how important it is to lift one another up! It makes for a very bad day for satan! So thankful for the Word of God in Kansas!

  3. Jan, I join you in prayers for the father who is not a believer. Praying for those spiritual ministers who will witness to him - remove the scales from the unbelievers eyes, open his ears so he can hear, create a clean heart so that he will surrender his life to You.

  4. Jan I'm praying. My best friend husband had the same thing. Praying for his salvation and peace for all.

  5. Bless the Lord oh my soul and ALL that is within me bless His Holy name.

    Father, thank You for this rainy morning. The flowers, plants, all crops and the earth, are being watered in my neck of a wood. Thank You for the gift of another day for me and my mom. Thank You for her strength, healing and protection in Jesus name. Thank You for making ways for us that seems impossible. You are our provider, Thank You!

    Father, I Thank You for my JC Family and for taking care of ALL the needs and prayer requests. This morning, I plead the healing Blood of Jesus over ALL sickness and speak to each body that is afflicted, declaring that by Your strips they are healed!
    ALL surgeries that are to be performed, Father, be the surgeon, be the nurses, be the anesthesiologist, let Your blood flow through the medicine, let You name be Praised and Glorified. Let my cousin in Law Deddeh who has been in pain for the last few days and is due for a laparoscopic surgery, come out worshipping You, she loves You and trust You. I raise my hands lifting her up to You and say Father, THANK YOU for putting her enemies to shame! AS she lays in the hospital awaiting word, I am not worry because I trust You! You did for me and You will do it for her, in Jesus name!
    I also cover Jan's daughter in law's Father and say THANK You that he too is covered and coming up praising You! Thank You Lord!

    Norah, I join and agree with Pam K. from yesterday's post, we appreciate your prayers as well. We are a body of believers with the same common goals in Christ JESUS! It is an honor and privilege to have you all as my Christian brothers and sisters and I don't take that lightly. God bless you and ALL my family here on this blog!
    Pam K., AWESOME prayers yesterday fir us, God bless!!

    Sending much Love to all and praying for all. A Blessed and great day JC family!!

    Maplewood NJ

  6. One of my all time favorite verses: Jer. 29:11!
    Oh dear Father, THANK YOU for Loving me and knowing the plans You have for me! They are good ohhhh, yes they are and I say THANK YOU!


  7. Dear JC Family, God bless you all today. May the Lord hear our prayers and praises. I lift you all up to the Lord today asking for His provision, protection, wisdom, healing, and direction.
    My ex-husband asked if he could call me and I spoke with him yesterday. He was having a "good" day so had the energy to call. He wanted to share with me two important things. One, how he came to except Jesus (yes, you read that correctly) and two, how he spoke to our non-believing eldest son for two hours about the same. I never thought it would happen that my former non-believing ex-husband would witness to our son(s). He is dying as you know, but changed completely and at peace with God. This is amazing. He was taken aback by our son's coldness to the gospel. Please pray God will help turn my son back to Him with a heart of flesh. For I know my son and he is not cold, he is wounded. I believe he is a deep feeler but keeps it all blocked for to feel would mean being crushed. Fivorce will do this to a small child and my son was 4yrs when we split up. He's 34 now. I ask God to show Himself to my son in a way that no one can touch so that he will believe and truly know God loves him. I pray for healing of his heart and emotions and that he will accept the love God has for him. Thank you all!
    Colorado JC Friend

    1. Colorado JC Friend --- Wow!! What an incredible testimony! The power of prayer, how encouraging!!! Will be in prayer for your son's salvation. May the Lord take away any "stones" in his heart and fill him with Jesus! May God bless you and your family richly. Watching the Lord fufill His Word in Kansas!

  8. I normally read Jesus Calling in the morning, but missed it before leaving for a Dr Appt. I searched online for todays message and came across this site. I join everyone in the prayer requests herein for health, healings and salvation. I have been lifted up and encouraged this morning. Thank you. Florida JC Friend

    1. Florida JC Friend--- Welcome to this JC FAMILY! I am thrilled the Lord led you to this site. This is an incredible group of steadfast Prayer Warriors! Thank you for your prayer and so glad you were blessed as you "came across this site." Thankful in Kansas

    2. Thank you JJ. I feel welcome. We are in transition looking for a new church and this is comforting to join a prayer family. Btw...I went to college at KU!

    3. Anonymous/Florida--- Yes!! A fellow JAYHAWK!!

    4. Rock Chalk! Updating username as DL

  9. Had a wonderful visit with my children, and my job is relocating me to be closer to them! So grateful. Met lots of AA folks out there, too.

    1. That is marvelous! Thank you for sharing how God is fighting the battle for you!
      Colorado JC Friend

  10. Anonymous--- Wonderful news! Thank you Lord for keeping Anonymous on Your path for him. The Lord's great blessings, mercy and favor upon you Anonymous. Rejoicing in Kansas

  11. God truly wants to us to prosper. Living in His will we can really understand what that means. The riches of this earth are temporary. Our real treasures are in heaven. I pray today our minds are open to the glimpses of His glory that are provided. Joining in on prayers for the unsaved. Lord , lift the dark veil from their eyes so they may completely understand the consequences of not accepting you as their savior. And that they see the joy and peace that awaits them in your arms. Amen

  12. Thank you warriors for all the prayers for our daughter in law's Dad. During Dr. Visit today the Dr. Thought the Aneurysism had ruptured. Not as yet apparently. So the hospital is bringing his blood pressure & sugar down before surgery to lessen the complications. Keep praying please. I am in prayer for the requests brought up here in our JC family. Anonymous, in prayer for (mom), Pamela K, for continued comfort for Darlene, Anonymous, praise for the relocation, yeah! Unknown (Colorado), praise! How awesome for ex-hubby to witness to his son! Your son doesn't have a chance now, he will give in to the Holy Spirit's nudges.Anonymous (who went to KU)that church is just around the corner for you & yes, welcome to our family πŸ˜€. Norah, that Dot is still doing better. Praying for your cases. Oh my, we could all go on & on could we? Lord Jesus we love you for hearing all of it. Amen

  13. I probably forgot some request but dear family let's not underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit to bring each of them to mind, right? Love each of you much & blessings on your evening.

  14. Oh yes, Bob, where are you? You're sorely missedπŸ€”

  15. Lord, you always know what I need. Thank you for the gift of You Lord. Bless all Your children Lord. Thank you for everything you do Jesus. You are so amazing and beautiful. Praise the Lord.

  16. Update on Helen: Last night I received this update on Helen from her Aunt Connie.
    "They took Helen off of "bagged air" for a little while to use what they call "light air." Her oxygen level remained good but her Dr. put her back on "bagged air" which helps her breathe easier. She is stable for now ..we still don’t have X-ray results. Her mother Katherine is so thankful for so many who are praying for her daughter Helen.. please tell your Prayer Warriors we are all grateful for them." Anticipating God's will as we continue prayers for Helen.

    1. Thank you for the update, Sassy Mom. Praying for Helen and her entire team of medical professionals for strength and guidance.

    2. Still trusting Jehovah Rapha for Helen! Continuing prayer of thanksgiving.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Praying for our Lord to be gracious and merciful to His beloved child. Thanks for the updates as always, Sassy Mom!

    4. I appreciate the update on Helen. Praying for her healing and recovery. May God bring strengthen her lungs and all weaknesses unto her perfect health. Thanking Him for His faithfulness.

    5. Still praying for Helen. He is so faithful and prayers are so powerful.

  17. We lift up Helen in our prayers Lord, strenghten and breathe on her please Father, comfort her and her loves ones. Thank you Lord because you're the best doctor and we believe that she's healed and covered by your blood. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

  18. Replies
    1. Bob is here JF. We thank God. You must have read Jan's post from 2019. I'm sure you'll hear from him today (smiling).


      Maplewood NJ

    2. Yes, because of your prayers, JF, he is more than okay, he is fine no matter the circumstances. I am grateful to MadFox who was Jesus to me, he searched me out, found me, threw me up on his shoulders, and carried me back to this blog. And thanks, twin bd sis, you make me smile in your loving way.

    3. Love you Bob, and MadFox. You are both Jesus to me. Much love.

    4. The ultimate compliment is to be compared to Christ...but any wise person will say, as I am here, "you see Him in me, but only for a moment in time!" Look to Christ in your heart and seek Him there. Trust His creation (humans) only when you and they are walking and holding His hand.

  19. Jeremiah 26:11 is one of my favorite verses. And although His plans for you are not the same plans that he has for me, we all get to "dance" with our Savior at the same time. In the book, 'Jesus the King', it refers to a "dance" between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the energy of their love and glorification of each other. Everyday we are invited into the dance with them. I had never thought of it this way.

    Prayers and blessings to you all. Stay connected to The Vine. Peace.

    1. I am pondering the Dance. God in three Persons dancing together and we are invited to dance with them. Thanks Suzanne!

    2. Thanks for sharing this image of the joy of the Godhead, Suzanne. I see in my mind three children holding hands and dancing around in a circle as children do. And God has beckoned us to join the dance. As Mercy Me has sung to us, 'I can only imagine...'

    3. 😁 ♥️ 🎢
      I Can Only Imagine
      PS great movie!!!!

    4. I could have missed the pain, but I'd never want to miss The Dance!


    5. Today's devotion, and subsequent posts, remind me that I am l Your beloved child and Your beloved dance partner...You chose me long before the foundation of this world began, to walk and dance in step and in time with You along paths and dance floors You uniquely designed for me. With good reason, my earth parents named me something other than Grace.
      Yet, i try to concentrate on keeping in step with You, and keeping in time with You, at least some of the time.
      Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Would You forgive me for the times during the dance when You swung me out, and I didn't go back into Your arms again, nor right by Your side again, for a long long time?
      THE DANCE by Garth Brooks.

    6. The Story Behind The Dance

  20. Our Father, Father to all, thank you for you love and for your grace of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your peace amongst the chaos. I am still Lord more than ever. I am listening and praying. Thank you for your strength to accept your will. Thank you for your forgiveness and mercy. Keep us safe; keep my beloved JC Warriors safe. Jesus I trust in you. I love you.

    1. Praying for you Loveconquersall. God's way is always the right way and much better than ours. It's sometimes frustrating when we realize the way we had hoped for is not the one God is guiding us too. But He has His own good reasons for changing our path. Above all, He must accomplish His will and plan. Our good works along the way are from Him and for His glory. May He bring you much happiness and contentment today. Love you.

    2. and Amen! Thanks LCA! God be with you.

  21. Dear Father, I am so grateful that You knew me and called me even before I was conceived in my mother’s womb. According to Your Word, You have a wonderful plan for my life. Please help me uncover that plan so I can get started on the path of total surrender toward the fulfillment of what You brought me into this world to accomplish! Thank You Father, for choosing me in You. I pray this in Jesus’ name!

    God chose us to come to salvation in Christ, not apart from Christ. In pursuing assurance we focus our attention not on what we are doing to prove that we are saved, neither faith, nor the obedience of faith, but we focus on what God has done to save us. Our confidence should be that we focus on the great objective work of God and God himself will glorify that work in us by creating faith, assurance, joy, freedom, obedience and power.
    He chose us individually and personally before the foundation of the world to be saved, and saved through union with Christ. The glorious, unshakable, objective foundation of our being a Christian is that God chose us to walk with Him!
    Even though Jeremiah 29:11 gives us hope, this doesn’t immediately rescues us from suffering and hardship. It doesn’t mean we will get a quick fix for all our problems. God doesn’t always work that way. Sometimes He may give an immediate fix to a problem, but most of the time it requires patience on our part. We should not go looking for instant problem-solving techniques, but rather be content in our suffering, trusting in God and His faithfulness, knowing that He has a great plan for us! Jeremiah 29:11 was for the Israelites, but it has application for us today also, it shows us God is faithful to His promises. We can also trust Him and be content in our present trials. The rich truth about this verse is that it gives us a greater hope than any this world can offer. It reveals to us the amazing hope we have in Jesus Christ. God wanted to restore Israel to their land, but more than this, He wanted to restore humanity to Himself.

    Loving Father, Everything we are and all we hope to be is rooted in You, freely choosing us. Our faith, our hope, our desire to walk with You, are not the ground of electing grace but only its effect. There is no ground for boasting except in You. As we await our future that is rooted in Heaven, we thank You for our time here on earth and for choosing us before the foundation of this world, with great plans for each of us. We pray this in the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace to all.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood! Thank you for your wonderful post and prayer. I am so blessed that He chose me even before I was conceived. He knew I would belong to Him, and also that I would be a twin, an artist, a singer, a wife, a mother and a grandmother. He knew we would be together in this Family too. I am so grateful that His plan included all of these blessings. And that He walks with me always through my faith journey and all my days are planned and prepared for me. Blessed we all are, and blessed we shall remain.

    2. Ah, twin bd sis, so well articulated. Better than I have ever done in the hundred of sermons I have delivered. So often in my counseling experience, people wanted a quick fix for their present problems so they could get back to the way they were. I had to craft my words well so they could see the way things were are the reason for their problems. During this pandemic, everyone wants to get back to the way things were. Could that have been the problem that led to the need for this cleansing? Unfortunately, the cleansing, if indeed it is that, has caused very painful experiences for many which should make everyone very sad. Your reference to Jeremiah 29:11 is such a wonderful thought that WILL occur but when it occurs, things will not go back to the way they were but to the way they ought to be. Again, thank you for your thoughts.

    3. Thank you Mapplewood that was beautiful!

      Bob what you said made me think about a sermon from Pastor Steven Furtick called "Looking forward to normal". He explained that there was no such thing as normal: when we want things to get back to normal, what if it's actually not normal but it's just what we have always known. All we can do is looking forward to a new normal.

      Blessings from France ! God bless you all

    4. Thank you for sharing that thought, BfF! Normal sometimes can also mean 'the way I like it'. That doesn't work either.

      Que Dieu vous bΓ©nisse abondamment, mon ami de la France. (If ever I say something wrong you will correct me won't you?)

    5. Merci beaucoup Bob! There was nothing wrong it was perfect!

    6. Bob, Thank you for your insight. I also believe that despite the great loss of life, sorrow, financial woes, and unrest from the Pandemic, God is leading us to a better day, and as you so beautifully put it: to the way things ought to be.

    7. Thank you Maplewood and Bob. I am still so blessed that He chose me to walk with Him. He allows us to go through the trials to cleanse and polish us, and to strengthen our faith in Him.

  22. Blessings all!
    Father, your way is so much better than mine! When I am wrapped up in my own belief of planning and outcomes, return me to trust in YOU, and awareness of your voice. If I can only lean more patience and to wait on the will of heaven, my life, my mind, my outlook would be so much more filled with peace. Thank you Father, you never give up on me! Declaring Peace and health on our JC family and those they know and love. Thank you! Great are you Lord!!!!!

    1. Praying God will fill every part of your life with peace and that He is handling any problem that threatens to rob you of that peace. Jesus, I trust in you! Remind me to stay in Your presence. You just can't worry when you're praying. Much love.

  23. As I am using the practice of Lectio Divina (Holy Reading), let me explain it for those who are unfamiliar with the discipline (if you are, you can skip to the next paragraph). It is the slow reading and rereading of scripture, keeping the heart open to the 'snagging' of the Holy Spirit (I use the word snag because like a garment that gets caught on something, you are required to best stop and deal with it). Upon being 'snagged' by a word, phrase, or thought, it is staying with it, letting it find its place within your heart (a.k.a. meditation/contemplation), praying it into your heart and feeling resolve to go forth and live it. As you can see, I have been 'snagged' in II Timothy 1:8-14 for a few days and that is because the Spirit wants to spend some time with me in these verses and as a result of my posts, maybe with you as well. Lectio Divina: slow reading, meditation, prayer, lifestyle adjustment.

    One last thought (I think) from II Timothy 1:8-14, I was greatly 'snagged' by the final two words, 'in us'. Throughout these words of encouragement of Paul to Timothy, Paul has been sharing his personal experience and using that to encourage Timothy in his calling to proclaim good news. Throughout the passage, there is a vacillation between 'I' and 'you' (often times assumed). But when Paul talks about what God is doing, he always speaks in first person plural, 'us'; who saved us, who called us, this grace was given to us (9), our Savior Christ Jesus (10), with the help of the Holy Spirit living in us (14). Being written in this way affirms the bond in which we are all bound up together in God. When Jesus taught us to pray in Luke 11, He said to pray, 'Our Father'. Did you ever wonder why He taught us to start with 'our' rather than 'my'? When I say the Lord's Prayer/Our Father at the end of my devotions, wouldn't it be appropriate to say 'my' because I am with Him alone? Yes, I could much in the spirit of Psalm 23, The Lord is 'my' Shepherd but, as He has taught us, I say 'our'. Why? Because I cannot go before God without you. I am in the presence of God never by myself but always with you. We have been bound together with God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and as the Lord is one, we are as well. As God cannot isolate Himself from Himself, spiritually, we cannot isolate ourselves from one another though in our weakness that happens sometimes (note the wonderings above, 'where's Bob?'). The love of God in Jesus Christ seeks and will fulfill all to be united as one with God.

    As my mind wandered in this thought above, 'I could only imagine' what it would be like for a gathering of the JC Family and it would most appropriately occur in Chris's home (be sure to let your wife know, Chris, we are all coming over). Oh well, God will bring it about at a time God chooses (without masks and social distancing) and it will be a glorious time that will never end.

    So glad to be 'us'. With love, Bob

    1. That was beautiful Bob thank you for sharing! We must be united, we all are His Creatures.

      When I read your post it made me think about Nehemia from the Old Testament, when he repented to God he was including everyone, not just himself. We can see it in other books as well but the only one that came to my mind was Nehemia, as I read it recently

      What a blessing to be praying in unity with our brothers and sisters in Christ!

      Blessings from France

    2. A wonderful addition to what I posted, mon ami de France! Thank you for your thoughts. It just goes to show in unity, we can say so much more to the glory of His name.

    3. Dear Bob,
      Snagged By A Snag: Thanks so much for the explanation and introducing me to the word "snag" I will be using it often, because it best describes what happens to me when I am reading The Word. I used to yank myself free, snagging the garment, rather than my soul in The Word. Now, I know to do what you suggest: "...slow reading and rereading of scripture, keeping the heart open to the 'snagging' of the Holy Spirit (I use the word snag because like a garment that gets caught on something, you are required to best stop and deal with it). Upon being 'snagged' by a word, phrase, or thought, it is staying with it, letting it find its place within your heart (a.k.a. meditation/contemplation), praying it into your heart and feeling resolve to go forth and live it.
      Today, I am being snagged by "Glorify" i.e., How can I truly Glorify Him as He deserves to be Glorified and in a way He considers Glorification? I am praying for The Holy Spirit to teach me until I get loosed. Thanks again Bob.

    4. Your beautiful words, dear Bob, continue to bless, encourage and inspire me. Thanks dear brother.

    5. I love this post and teaching from last year, Bob! I'm on a hunt for snags πŸ“–.
      Blessings and thanks for your leadership in the JC family. ♥️

  24. What a wonderful insight you brought to me today, Bob. We worship as a family. It is a communal worship that God leads us to and He wants us all to know that we are a Body of Christ. We are interwoven through our faith and we are truly strengthened by the unity. That is why we come to this page each day to pray and worship together and to gain inspiration, strength, comfort, guidance and God's love from each other. I'm so glad to be US too! and Thank you!

  25. Thank you family for the wonderful sharing ! God has an amazing plan for all of us, we need to trust Him and begin to give thanks! Please pray for my brother and sister and my boss to accept the Jesus into their hearts. All of them have been heart emotional and have trust issues. We are excited about what God will do with their lives !

    1. Father, please open up Min Ahadi's brother, sister, and boss's eyes and heart to You and draw them in to You and Your truth. Let them know the wonderful life they can have in Your presence. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

    2. Dear Min Ahadi, Praying with Janet and my dear JC family for the eyes of your brother, sister and boss to be opened to the Lord and His promises and may they be led to believe in their hearts His message of salvation. We thank God that they and our loved ones will believe He is their Lord and Savior. Thank you Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord. Amen.

    3. Praying for ALL those who have not yet received Jesus into their hearts as their Lord and Saviour. May the Angel of the Lord pay them a special vist, so that in all their getting, they can get understanding!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. May the love of Christ we each know and live inspire others to know why we follow Him and join together in His name

  26. Thank You Jesus! Praise You Lord always.

    1. Amen! πŸ’—πŸ™ Praise Him always and ever.

  27. “The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, guide, and shield me], I shall not lack.
    He makes me lie down in [fresh, tender] green pastures; He leads me beside the still and restful waters.
    He refreshes and restores my life (myself); He leads me in the paths of righteousness [uprightness and right standing with Him—not for my earning it, but] for His name’s sake.
    Yes, though I walk through the [deep, sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort me.
    You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my [brimming] cup runs over.
    Surely or only goodness, mercy, and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, and through the length of my days the house of the Lord [and His presence] shall be my dwelling place” (Psalm 23).

    Father, Thank You for being our Shepherd who cares for the sheep because You love them and want to maintain Your own good reputation as a faithful Shepherd. Jesus declared You as the Shepherd of the sheep, and that You are God, the Eternal God is our Shepherd and we would not want for anything. I know that I will have all I need and will not lack the necessities of life, for You know exactly what I need (Luke 12:22–30).
    Thank You for the great plans You have in store for me. I wait in faith, in anticipation and in trust.
    Thank You for Your faithfulness even during those times when I fall short and become faithless. Thank You for Forgiving me, having mercy on me and drawing me back into Your grace. In Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Maplewood - AMEN. THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD!

    2. Thank you dear Maplewood! I wait in faith, anticipation and trust with you. We are blessed to be in the loving Hands of our Good Shepherd, and we are well cared for.

    3. Please JC Fsmily pray for My daughter will be having heart ❤️ surgery June 27th. She had a stroke and they need to fix her heart. Thank you in advance. Praise God ! Love and thanks to all.

      The Celtics won the championship last. Night…They fought so hard. Bless ALL of them Lord….. AMEN…… Bless the JC Family.!!!! .Love to all.

    4. πŸ™ for your daughter's surgery.

  28. Asking for continued prayers for my daughter (tests on 6/24) and for my friend, Janie whose boss is making her life very uncomfortable for her. She can't work evenings or weekends due to her husband's alzheimer's and after 2 1/2 yrs the daughter of the man she is caring for wants to change her schedule. She is the sole income provider for her family. Today's verses were perfect for both of these prayer requests. Both of these dear women of God need the peace that passes understanding. Your post and Sassy's mom YouTube post are so sweet. Thanks for sharing, praying, caring....all the same to each of you!

    1. Praying for wonderful test results for your dear daughter. I’m sorry your friend Janie’s boss is making her life so difficult for her. May God in His mercy, change his heart.

  29. Praying for your daughter, Norah, and her family. May the Peace of our Lord be with them.

  30. Norah - Continued prayers for your daughter. Praying strength, guidance and God's wisdom for Janie in her work situation.

  31. Just found out my daughter postponed her appt for a month. She said, "It's not that big of a deal, Mom." Continued prayers, please.

  32. Okay Norah. Let us know the new date when you get it. Continuing to pray for her and you, sweet sister.

  33. Still keeping all of you tight in my prayers dear Norah. Praying for continued faithfulness for all! Hope you had some well deserved rest. Last night and yesterday were very sweet having little Gabriel with us. And he didn't want to leave so he stayed till 6. He was a good little boy but I sure need a nap. Never forget we were chosen to belong to our Loving God even before we were born. Resting in His amazing and endless love that will bring us right into eternity. .

    1. I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed your time together. Making memories with loved ones is so important. Rejoice in the everlasting love of our heavenly Father. Shalom.

    2. Thanks Janet! Rejoicing in this pretty day. Enjoyed the bird's song outside my window. Praying your situation is getting much better, and you're feeling well and seeing God's open doors. He's leading you every day, good sister. Peace and love to you too.

  34. Thank You NJS, Jeanne, Audra, Anonymous Grace Takes Time, and all other JC prayer Warriors who prayed DH and me home with your traveling Mercy prayers.
    Yes, Lord, You set the pace in keeping with our needs and Your purposes.
    After multiple travel delays, DH and I are finally safe at home, all was as we left it! and the peaceful, easy beach feeling remains. We are grateful. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Hallelujah! May the Lord's perfect peace and living waters flow within you. God bless πŸ™.

    2. Bask as often as possible in your beach memories, Brie! Glad you made it home and despite travel delays, it didn't rob your peacefulness you got from the beach! Welcome home!

    3. Joining in with my Hallelujah! God is so good. So happy you and your DH are safe and sound in your own home, and well rested and renewed. Thanking God for His faithfulness. Savor the sweet beach memories.

    4. Feeling your peaceful easy feeling, Brie, that won't let you down πŸ˜‰
      We are on the last leg of our travels today, anticipating safe travels and the comfort of our homes that lies ahead. Praying for all along the way, thanking God for the beauty of his creation and the opportunity to witness it daily.

    5. Praise God, I am already standing on the (home) ground.
      As I pray you will also be, our dear Audra.

    6. Solid ground, motion free.

  35. Heavenly Father, thank You. You are truly amazing. I praise You Lord always. Bless You Lord. Thank You for all my benefits and blessings. Thank You for the breath of life that You have given me. May all Your beloved children be drawn to You Lord and let Your face shine upon us as You bless us and keep us. Thank You Jesus. Remove the things that should not be in my life and move me along the path that You have prepared for me. Let me rest in Your perfect peace and sovereignty Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Amen. Jesus, Thank You for helping us separate the wheat from the chaff in our minds, hearts and lives so we can see You more clearly and follow Your Way.

    2. Along with Peter and Jeanne, I am also gathering into your prayer, Janet. Thank you for putting my heart into your words. Much Love for you and our entire JC family.

  36. Psalm 37:5 "Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you."

  37. Thank you , Prayer Warriors… MadFox, Jeanne, Brie, Audra… and all of you praying for my daughter, Bailey. She had a successful surgery yesterday for her breast cancer and will get her results mid week. Your thoughts, prayers and love is so appreciated. God bless you All for your efforts. …..Bright Star shining

    1. I'm so glad to hear that the surgery is complete and was successful. Praying for good results for Bailey. God bless!


    2. Thank you Father for giving Bailey good results from her surgery. Thank you for ridding her body of every cancer cell and bringing her back to perfect health so she can praise your Holy Name. Thank you for bringing peace of mind to her family. In Jesus' Name we pray.

    3. Last Sunday at church the song, AmazingGrace,(my chains are gone) was sung. The part that has kept going over and over in my mind is
      "My chains are gone, I've been set free, My God, my Savior has ransomed me. And like a flood His mercy reigns, unending love, amazing grace!
      These words have brought me to tears as I realize how much God loves me (us). May you know this day that God has set you free from those chains that try to keep you from HIs love. May this be a day of freedom from bondage for us all.

    4. Please pray with me for my mother who is in her late 90's that she might know how much God loves her. She is so unhappy and bitter and is sure that people dislike her and are stealing her things when we are pretty sure they are not. Also, that she somehow sees God's love through me in spite of my sinful nature.

    5. Anonymous Bright Star Shining.
      We shall continue in prayer for you and our Bailey, until all her subsequent scans are B9! In Jesus' Name, we praise and thank. Much Love, Brie

    6. Praying with my family for Bailey's good results and recovery.
      Dear Anonymous, Praying with you and for you for you own peace of mind and for your mother that she will see the Christ in you and also seek God for herself, and receive Him into her heart so He can assure her that she is beloved. May her eyes be opened to the truth that those who are helping her really do care about her, so she should be thankful instead of suspicious. Praying that God will bring her to joy and peace and fulfillment. She has already been blessed with a long life, Let the rest of it be a sweet and happy one. Thank You Jesus!

  38. Joining in prayers for your mom and for the increasing number of aging people that face bitterness, anger, and degrees of paranoia as they advance in years. May the peace of our Father, His promise of Heaven by the blood of Jesus Christ, and the Presence of the Holy Spirit envelop them all. Amen.

    1. Gathering in prayer with Audra for you Anonymous with a mother who is in her late 90's.
      What was she like before?
      I am asking before I pray a restoration prayer.
      Regardless, may the peace of our Father, His promise of Heaven by the blood of Jesus Christ, and the Presence of the Holy Spirit envelop her, you, and envelop us all. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Amen dear Audra and Brie. Praying with you that Anonymous and her mother will receive God's faithfulness in every area of their lives. May His Love and Grace cover them. He holds their futures in His Hands and He cares for them. Thank You Jesus.

  39. Such a great devotion today!! Staying close to my good Father no matter what! He’s got me in His able Hands. He’s all I need today. He will carry me through this new day and help me make all the fathers in our family smile and also get some rest! God knows what I need to do and with Him by my side I know I can do all things! Thinking of my own good Dad in Heaven! Happy Father’s Day to him, all the Dads in our JC Family and in our Families and all our dear Dads up in Heaven, and especially Our Almighty God and loving Eternal Father! We are so blessed and so grateful for His love and mercy, and all those good Fathers in our own Families. God bless them all.

    Psalm 103.13
    Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.

  40. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Happy Father's Day Lord to the best Father ever! Every day should be Father's Day for You Lord! You deserve continual praise and honor! Forgive me for not worshipping You like I should. Help me praise You more than I do. Magnify my faith, love, hope, and joy in You even more. Let it grow stronger every moment of every day. You are my God Almighty! You are my first love! Let my heart overflow with love, praise, and honor for You Lord! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.
    Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple. And He who sits on the throne will dwell among them. (Revelation 7:15). And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely. (Revelation 22:17). The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. (Revelation 22:21).

  41. Heavenly Father, please help me to change my "to do" lists to one of "God's will today in my life"! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Thank You Jesus 😊.

    1. Wonderful prayer! We should please Him above all else.

  42. Wishing all fellow father's a Very Happy Father's Day. Thank You Heavenly Father for our children, for Your plan and purpose for our lives and the lives of our children. Lead us along the unique path of life you have chosen for each of us. Keep us on the straight and narrow Way that leads to Eternal Life, in Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

  43. Wishing all Fathers a Happy Father's Day! We will celebrate you and our sons who are now Dads & Uncles! The little ones look up to all of you.
    Rejoicing in the Lord on this beautiful Sunday. Looking forward to our Fellowship which will provide the Word of encouragement and joy. Looking forward to seeing all of our family and celebrating on this lovely day. I think of my Dad, who taught me and loved me all of his life. And then my step-Dad who did the same, while we had him with us. Our children are blessed by great examples. I'm thankful for my dear husband who is 'Dad personified!' His only desire at this time in his life is to know that his children are rooted and grounded in God's Word. May this day bring him the confidence he seeks.
    God Bless all of you, Dear JC Family. Praying for all throughout this day. Safe travels to you, dear Jeanne!

    1. Happy FATHER'S Day. May all always be guided by our Good, Good Heavenly Father.

    2. Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads! Thanks for your prayers Norah! Love you.

  44. Oh, Anonymous, great post! Great affrimations and relying on the WORD! Praise the Lord for delivering you from addiction! HALLELUJAH!!! You are a great UPLIFT! The Mighty Great I Am, our Heavenly Father,
    is our EVERYTHING!!!
    I Declare: He leads, He rescues, He protects and He gifts us eternal VICTORY through The Blood of The Lamb and the words of our testimonies.

  45. Beautiful prayer of gratitude for all that He has given you! May our loving Father continue to bless you and your family in every way! Thank You Jesus.

  46. This is a time of sudden shifts and sudden changes. God has called you for such a time as this.

    Only God can get you out of all this evil. You need to have a firm focused foundation on Him.

    Get into the bible. Read it daily. God wants to speak to you and He wants to give you revelations.

    Go to God to know what is real and what is not real.

    God is in control and not your enemies.

    WAR: Worship and Resist then the Wicked are Restricted.

    God is bigger and you need to rely and trust in Him alone.


    1. Amen!
      SC Anonymous

    2. Amen, JJ!
      We were made for more!

  47. You spoke the truth dear JJ! Amen!! These are Glory Days!! Praying for dear Norah’s DH for his successful surgery tomorrow and full recovery. And for healing of Jan’s DH’s knee, Janet’s knees, Judy H’s hip, Brie’s DH’s breathing, guidance and healing of John H and his daughter and family, and Rich C and his family, making things right for Elaine and her family and Susannah, finding a place to live for Bob, comforting and guiding my Choirmaster Taffy who just lost her husband to a stroke, comforting Dennis and his family who lost his wife to cancer, getting rid of my mom’s diarrhea and giving her an appetite, healing my brother Frankie’s dog Domino, and healing and blessing all those getting cancer treatments, Mike, Sandy, Eli, Craig, and so many more. Trusting You Father for all this. Thank You in the Name of Christ Jesus. And Father God, thank You for Your faithfulness in my life which I see over and over. Yesterday I was able to see my little Gabriel right after his graduation and hold his hand and his brother Nathaniel’s hand but I had to get to the dermatologist so I got in the car with only 10 minutes to spare before Rick took me. God was saying go to the deli around the corner and pick up vegetables to bring back to my mom’s. I didn’t have time but I did that. As I was gathering things the young girl who worked there ran to me with a ziplock bag full of my credit card, Medicare card, AAA card, license, and other important cards that I always keep in a ziplock in my pocketbook. She told me that weeks ago I left it on the counter and never came back. She asked me: Didn’t you miss these things? I explained to her I was caring for my mom and never even looked for them. I hugged her and said thank you so much and then I said Thank You Jesus. I didn’t even know those cards were lost but God did! When I say we are well taken care of, I mean it! Our loving, caring and faithful God has our backs in such a real and personal way!! One more victory to celebrate!! Hallelujah!

    Proverbs 16:9
    The heart of man plans his way,
    but the Lord establishes his steps.

    1. Praise the LORD!!! Hallelujah and Amen πŸ™. May our heavenly Father continue to strengthen you as you take care of your mom. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen! God bless!

    2. Beautiful testimony! His eyes are on the Sparrows and every circumstance in our lives.

    3. Praise God for MadFox's Phone, Jeanne's ZipLoc Bag, Keith's Wallet and Keys, Al's PopALock, and all of the once was lost and now am founds, including us and our dear ones. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    4. Wonderful to hear how God was looking after you, Jeanne and to read your update on the dermatologist visit in yesterday’s post. Rejoicing in His goodness with you.

    5. Thanks Janet, Peter, Brie and Websister! Amen! Praise the Lotd with grateful hearts! Yes Peter! Always loved that song. We are His little sparrows and He keeps us under His watchful Eyes. Brie you made me smile. He sure helps us find what is lost! Thanks! Yes Websister! He is so good! God bless you all and your new day.

  48. Blessed, yes..Amen, thanks for posting.

  49. How can someone NOT BELIEVE in God when presented a miracle like the one that happened to Jeanne with her pocketbook contents? My prayer for today is for all who have no faith to find it in Christ Jesus. AMEN!

  50. Absolutely! These verses are perfect!
    SC Anonymous

  51. 'Where The Mercy Falls':

    1. What a beautiful song! Thanks Peter for the light you added to my day! Grateful and blessed.

  52. Requesting prayer for two people who are undergoing surgery today. The first is a good friend from our church, he is a teacher of Phys.. Ed and Science, an incredible husband to his wife who has many health issues and a wonderful father to their four children. He is having bilateral hip replacements today. The second is my cousin, a widow who is having parathyroid surgery today. Appreciate my JC family joining in prayer for these two dear ones. Thank you in advance.

    1. The Pray-ers have it, or as our Jan gridley would say, The Warriors are on it, Websister!
      He is setting the pace for our needs to dance in sync with His Purposes!
      Much ❤️ and Many πŸ™. In Jesus ' Name. AMEN!

    2. Appreciated πŸ™πŸ»and amen! ❤️

    3. Father God, We thank you for guiding these two surgeries completely to good so Websister’s friend will recover perfectly from the hip surgery and be able to accomplish your will and live his life in comfort and joy, and her dear cousin will be healed from her thyroid problem and will be brought back to good health and comfort. We pray this in the Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen.

    4. Got you covered in prayer Websister!

    5. Dear Websister -- Standing in the gap. Calling on the Name of Jesus, who changes everything!

  53. Adding to prayers for your concerns, Websister. Expecting through faith the perfect outcomes and rapid and complete healing. In Jesus' name I pray.

  54. You’re welcome! Amen! We need these verses! Such good food.

  55. Once again, such fitting verses for me today. Thankful that God's got a plan, because mine is usually messedup ;)

    Thankful that we received some promising direction for my daughter's treatment. Her doctor today referred her to a specialist in Bethesda who deals with her disease. Praying she gets seen soon. He also recomended that she work fully remote, which will allow her to move home where she can get better support. We pray that her employer will approve the work accomodation.
    And thankful for the Holy Spirit opening my eyes to a path of revival and a new perspective on some stuggles I've been having lately. Thank you Abba for revealing these things to me and grant me the strength and wisdom to trust and believe, to be transformed by the renewing of my mind.
    Praying for your peace and contentment JC family.

    1. Gathering into prayer with you and for you and yours, Rich C.
      God is making a way somehow.
      Much ❤️ and Many πŸ™ In Jesus' Name. AMEN

    2. Joining all prayers for you and your daughter. Praying our Way Maker will make all things right and heal you and your daughter in all ways and make a way for her to work remote and guide the specialist to heal her disease. May He answer your prayers and bring you peace and all the help you need. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    3. Joining in prayer for your daughters’ employer to be understanding and grant this request to work remotely and for the referral to this specialist, may it be expedited. Thankful for the Holy Spirit showing you a new path and perspective in your struggles. God is good!

  56. Dear Rich --- The Father God is ABSOLUTELY GOOD! I just Decree the power of Jesus' Blood be over each in your family---on your minds and hearts. Let there be scrambling of the enemies frequencies, blocking the enemies devices! May Restoration and Wholeness reign over you and your family. Let His Glory be manifested in each of your lives! In Jesus's Mighty Name, For His Honor and His Purposes, AMEN and AMEN

  57. Yes indeed JJ.
    SCRAMBLING the enemies frequencies, like a humpty dumpty egg.
    And blocking the enemies devices like The Avengers!
    And hacking the enemies plans like a pro!
    Thank you Jesus! I know You're Able and I know You Can!

  58. Amen! Thank You Father God for fighting Rich C’s battles and healing his daughter and his family in every way. And also for healing all of us and our loved ones and for bringing Norah’s DH through a successful surgery tomorrow and for answering all our prayers in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
