Monday, June 1, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 2

     Relax in My healing, holy Presence. Be still, while I transform your heart and mind. Let go of cares and worries, so that you can receive My Peace. Cease striving, and know that I am God. 
     Do not be like Pharisees who multiplied regulations, creating their own form of "godliness." They got so wrapped up in their own rules that they lost sight of Me. Even today, man-made rules about how to live the Christian life enslave many people. Their focus is on their performance, rather than on Me.
     It is through knowing Me intimately that you become like Me. This requires spending time alone with Me. Let go, relax, be still, and know that I am God. 
Psalm 46:10
New American Standard

Cease striving and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.

Verse thoughts
My default reaction to almost everything in life is to "try harder." God knows this and knows that I need these words each day, to be reminded, that my first reaction to things does not have to be to "try harder" but instead to cease striving, to silently and quietly wait on Him, without fear; to be calm and not tremble, but know Him to be God. I need to leave it to Him to fulfill His own counsel and support His own interests in the world.
I John 3:2
English Standard Version

Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.

My Prayer
Lord, so often my emotions get the better of me. This past week I saw something my son was doing and my emotions swelled up and I started to get angry at him, come down upon him. Thankfully God, you gave me the good sense to talk to my wife who helped me see that my emotions were getting the better of me and my son would have frozen up and not done his school work if I came down on him. I wanted to take action and take control, quickly. I wanted to react. But I didn't. I stopped and was silent and ceased striving and instead simply waited. You are God and You got this. You know me better than I know myself. And by the end of the week, he was making good decisions and having success. I got scared God and I wanted to just take control of the situation. I wanted to make my own rules. Lord, sometimes I do need to speak up but only after I have taken it before You and given You the opportunity to give me peace about me speaking up. Lord, thank You for waking me up and using my wife to help me not do something I would have regretted. I am Your child and I want to be like You.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.  

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. "Let go, relax, be still, and know that I am God." Yes.......Another comforting thought to take through the day. Thank you!

    1. Absolutely! Again and again! Each and every day. Amen.

    2. I know I too, have a bit of Sarai in me, taking matters into my own hands rather than patiently waiting and trusting on God's Hands.
      I create the frankenstein monster and then I physically abuse it when it gets out of my control.
      Holy Spirit, I need Your trust in God, enough to patiently wait on His Will, His Way, and His Day.
      In The Name of Jesus I pray.

  2. Be still.. Be patient, wait for Him to provide answers or a path forward in situations that you have been praying for help. Easier said than done! God knows that my (and maybe all of us) struggle is to be patient. I want to be "doing" something every moment as that keeps the mind from distraction but it also keeps it from connecting to God. My prayer for us all, is to truly embrace. Be still… for it is in the quiet restful moments that God whispers what we need to hear. Amen

    1. Amen! This is my lesson everyday. I want to be a human being, not a human doing, aware enough to be guided to right action by the only Voice that matters. Help me Jesus, thank you Jesus, I trust you Jesus!

    2. Me too Audra! I am always trying to pack as much into my day as possible. And I must practice what I preach. In Sarah's words, Let go, relax, be still, and know that I am God.

    3. Dear MadFox, How are you doing today? Praying for that great evaluation. Know you are in my thoughts and prayers dear brother.
      Rest in Him who loves you.

    4. Always flying high in my prayers, Mad 🦊. Hope today finds you well and UPLIFTED 😉

    5. Still loved your post from last year MadFox! Thank you. Holding you in my heart and prayers. Please send us an update when you can.
      I am being still and inviting the Lord into more of my day. What a good friend I have in Jesus!

    6. At Jeanne...
      This part: "I am always trying to pack as much into my day as possible."
      And that part: "I am being still and inviting the Lord into more of my day."

      Thank God I have cohorts who know the struggle, but are getting it right!

    7. This is Rhonda, BTW. I don't know how to make myself not be Anonymous.

    8. In stillness, I let the words sink in as I surrender the battle to Him

    9. The verse thoughts and prayer today resonate very well with me, as I often react to situations emotionally instead of waiting for the HS to tell me what to do. As a result, I make hasty decisions that are not always the right ones, and I tend to regret. This has to stop. I need to relax more, cease striving, to silently and quietly wait on Him, without fear; to be calm and not tremble, but know Him to be God. I need to stop finding solutions myself, when He has all the answers: the battles are never ours, they all belong to Him, and so the only solution is to leave everything to Him. So help me God!!!!

    10. Because I have the same situation as you, Emm, I am kneeling right beside you, Emm, praying to God with you, Emm, for enough trust in God, to wait on Him!
      Much ❤️ and Many 🙏 In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  3. So very thankful for your love and light, Lord. Our daughter is home safely, we all had a wonderful time last night and the 'wedding week,' is upon us. Prayer request that all of the sibs get along and help their brother celebrate this new portion of his journey. There is some tension among some of them and it needs to be gone. So, I will be still, and patient and wait for answers from my Father. Praying our new family (along with our son) sees that Christianity is not boring and stodgy but full of freedom and joy. We are not like the Pharisees. What great timing in JC for this family event. Praying that our children remember how they were raised and that even though they are adults now and some have made a different choice, God promises they will return. We don't have to judge them...we live a life that reminds them of God's love, mercy and grace. Just some observations of our little 'tribe.' Giving it to Him and welcome prayers for a lovely week with family - new and old.

    1. Amen and God bless you and yours, new and old, Norah. I'm always shocked by our family's similarities, but then I remember our dear Lord and how He knows everything and what we need. He encourages us via connections among friends whom we've never met face to face! I love it when He does things like this for us! He IS with us! Praying your family has the sweetest of times this week and that God's presence cannot be denied and is recognized by all in every detail great or small! Colorado JC Friend

  4. Thank you and blessings to all.

  5. Good morning all! Thank you to the Payton family and all fellow readers! Have been praying for all! I have been on a winding journey with faith and this blog and all of you have been such valued travel companions! God’s ways are truly amazing! Jan, we going going through a similar situation with my husband ( but his is larger). Praying for you and your husband.

    1. And praying for you too! Colorado JC Friend

  6. Thank you Lord for this amazing day. May I take to heart today this devotional. May I be still in your presence and feel the peace of really letting things go that are out of my control. Your plan for me is not known to me right now. I lack patience and become anxious with worry over matters that I need to give completely to you. Praying for peace thru the storms of financial worry, loneliness and grief.

  7. Thank you Lord for you words! I am suffering with anxiety about my adult son. I’m praying for a job for him and for him to get out there and make a life for himself. (He graduated from college this past August) I want to push him, hurry him but I will be still and wait. Help me Lord!

  8. Lexi update: In her own words.

    Hey, everybody! Just wanted to update. Yesterday was a really hard day. I had a busting headache and had a seizure episode. But, today has been a lot better. Thank You, Lord! The doctors came around this morning and the plan is to step me down to the regular floor and out of ICU. They are also feeling confident about sending me home tomorrow! Please pray with me that the clotting will be broken down and disappear, that the side effects from the clot will go away, and that I will get better each day. I am forever beyond grateful for each of you all and your prayers. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Love you guys.

    1. Lexi --- You are so loved!!!
      Joining the JC WARRIORS in continued prayers for a speedy recovery. I just want to thank You Lord that Lexi's full recovery was paid for by the broken body Jesus an the blood poured out for the forgiveness of sins! Hallelujah!

    2. So good to read her words of joy! God is great! Thank you Jesus for continuing comfort and healing and peace to Lexi! KS

    3. So happy that things are getting better for dear Lexi! Praying that any weakness in her head will be healed and strengthened, and the clotting will dissapate without any bad effects. God bless her and bring her to a perfect recovery.

    4. Glory to the KING! He will finish what He started!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. I continue to pray for you Lexi sweet girl. Stay confident in your healer, He loves you so!

    6. Thank you Jesus..King of kings Lord of lords!

    7. You are so faithful, Sassy Mom, in keeping us updated on those for whom you have asked prayer. Great to hear about Lexi!. She will be prayed on through this.

    8. Continuing to pray for our dear Lexi. God has her back and hears every one of our prayers.

  9. Singing praises of joy for Lexi and so thankful for the lovely update! Continued prayers for you, Lexi as your body heals and God gets the glory. Praying for you, Rose, for your family's loss and yet, thankful that you know you will see Billy again.
    Continued prayers for you and your family, Fern and for all of you blessed JC Family - prayer warriors, indeed.
    Bob, I went to sleep last night breathing in the Holy Spirit and had the best sleep. I am excited to see what God puts on your heart are a Teacher of the Word.
    I am also basking in the joy from the wedding we witnessed last night. We were Best Man and Matron of Honor for two dear friends who have found their way back to each other. They were High School sweethearts and after all of these years, are joined together. What a blessing for both of them and an honor for us to participate.
    Enjoy this lovely day, JC Family. We are not bound by the Pharisees rules, the world's discourse or the fear of the enemy. We are free in Christ to worship, celebrate and give praise.

    1. Norah I'm so happy you enjoyed the Wedding especially because the bride and groom had found their way back to each other. What a wonderful love story and an affirmation of God's guidance and faithfulness. Praying along with you for Lexi, Dan, Rose's comfort, and all the requests of our JC Family. Trusting God in gratitude and faith to answer our sincere prayers.

    2. Happy Anniversary to your two dear friends, sweet Norah! Continuing to pray with you for Rose and her family and Fern, Dan and her husband and our dear JC Family, prayer warriors, indeed.

  10. A huge thank you to all of you who prayed for Kyle and all first responders yesterday. Thank you all for your kind words. Yesterday morning, I had tremendous anxiety and your well wishes brought me peace. Thank you from my family to yours. You are my rock!

    Kyle is on day 7 of 12-hour shifts and there is a really big protest scheduled downtown today. Please pray that this stays peaceful.

    'Be still and know that I am God.' One of my faves! Among the five senses, sight is often the one that people value and trust the most. However, even more beneficial than sight is hope, which is itself a kind of vision. It enables you to see, through the eyes of your heart, things that are not yet.

    Thoughts and prayers for peace going up for all of you. And as always, stay connected to The Vine my friends.

    1. Praying for Kyle. We all ask God to put a hedge of protection around him and Rose's cousin Mailo. Those who put their life on the line for us need God's strength and protection in this time of violence, anger and unrest. Hold onto your peace people. The devil's trying to rob us of it, but God is greater.

    2. " Be still & know I am God" peace has come to my family, not perfect peace but a stillness, quiet. The first steps to healing, breathe. My husband and son co-existing in our home allowing space to replace out of control anger the result of fear. Praise God for He has plucked us out of the fire and given us a pause to breathe and be still and confirm that He is God. Our 100th second chance, maybe more. Unexpected results, my sons agreement to see his doctor Mon and we dont know what was discussed, but we know He came home. Barely spoke, still angry, confused but safe. Today a bit more dialogue settling down. My husband said better today. We will take that on our knees in thanks. We know not what comes next so we stay behind Gods lead. Totally dependent on Him for this confusing time. God is not confused He is purposeful with His plan. Thank you all for your prayers they were heard. They strengthened me and gave me hope.
      God bless each of you, you are so important to Gods kingdom. I continue to lift up your requests in prayer. Glory to God He does it all, we just ask!

    3. Thanks for the update. I am praising God, for you and yours Fern. I will keep on praising as long as I have breath. Love You

    4. Liked your thought on hope being better than sight, Suzanne, because it comes from the heart, the residence of God within us. Keeping Kyle and all of our public safety people in prayer. God be with you.

    5. Thank God for the stillness. And for the fact that your son is taking baby steps to get better and agreeing to stay under the same roof with your husband. HOPING each day will bring many spots of light to the situation, and thanking God that He is lighting your wilderness. Praying that your son slowly regains peace and sees God's guidance in his improvement. God's will be done. Hold onto His mighty hand. In all things, keep your eyes upward from where your help cometh and rest in Him who cares for you. Much love.

    6. Suzanne, Hope you are doing well. Continuing to pray for Kyle. May God always protect him and heal any of his weaknesses.
      Dear Fern, Praying always for you and your family. Remain strong, hopeful and blessed, sister! We serve a mighty and powerful God who knows our needs better than we do. We are well taken care of and He knows Dan's needs and can fill them.

  11. Be exalted, O God
    Above the heavens
    Let Thy glory be over all the earth
    Be exalted, O God
    Above the heavens
    Let Thy glory be over all the earth
    I will give thanks to Thee
    O Lord, among the people
    I will sing praises to Thee
    Among the nations
    For Thy steadfast love is great
    Is great to the heavens
    And Thy faithfulness
    Thy faithfulness to the clouds!

    1. Amen Brilamar and Fern. We serve a great God.

    2. Thank you dear Brie! Listening now.

  12. Continued prayers for Kyle, Suzanne, and all of our wonderful Police Officers and First Responders. I was cussed out first this this morning by an angry man who I warned that I was hanging up on and I did. It didn't steal my peace or my joy. I've had LOVE LIFTED ME flowing through my head all morning, after catching up on yesterday's post before reading today's.
    God Bless All of You!

    1. Amen, praying for all the police and protestors all Gods kids.

    2. Praying for angry people and that which has caused their anger. May they find love so they may have peace to live in harmony with others. Continue to use Norah in her love for You and her service to others. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for pointing her to a source of relief in an imperfect moment. Amen

    3. Thank You Lord for lifting Norah. Amen.

    4. Amen Bob! We must pray for those who have a bitter heart of anger that God will replace the anger with His love so they will live a better and more peaceful life. May they realize that God can turn them around so they will be a blessing to everyone they encounter. Sometimes just a little bit of God's love is enough to soften a hardened heart.
      Dear Norah, You have so much love for everyone, even though this was a year ago, I'm sorry you had to go through that. You are a bringer of love and light. Maybe by now that man has been touched by God's merciful spirit and has made a change for the better to God's glory.

    5. Bob's and Jeanne's post reminds to direct my prayers to the root of the behavior changes we desire. Lord, heal our angry hearts, our sinful thoughts, our judgement of others so we can walk more like You, and bring peace to your Kingdom.

    6. I am gathering in prayer with you, BOB, Jeanne, Audra and others who are praying for angry people and especially for that which has caused their anger.
      May we all find love so we may live out His Peace in all our actions, and in so doing, live in His Harmony with all others. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  13. God bless Kyle, Suzanne and all those who serve us and protect us. I love that song Love Lifted Me too. It's wonderful when a praise song gets stuck in our head. A constant reminder of God's blessings.


  14. Giving thanks to You Oh Lord, for another day to breathe and acknowledge Your Presence. Thank You.

    Today’s devotion is just what we need. One may say, how can we relax and be still with all the chaos, pain, struggles, hurt and covid-19 attach going on? But the answer is indeed in today’s devotion. We can ‘Relax and Be Still’! Still on our knees in prayer for this nation and the world, Still in prayer for peace, justice and true love to prevail. Still in prayers for the hurting, the sick and so much more.
    The Sovereign Almighty Creator of this universe is in control and will always be! None of what is going on is a surprise to Him! So, we are wise if we STOP pretending that what is happening in this nation is right. It is NOT! It is grieving the Spirit of God! This is NOT what Jesus died for. Christ died for us because we were separated from God through our sin! He came to bring us back to God by becoming a sacrificial Lamb through His death on the cross. The other good news is, He’s coming BACK! But, will He able to find many souls that will say: I walked in the way You instructed me to, I loved my neighbor, I helped my brethren when he/she was in need, I stood up for the truth instead of pretending, I prayed, I did my part peacefully, I gave of my time and resources, I visited the sick, fed the hungry, took in the homeless, helped the poor, I listened to the cries of my brethren, I treated everyone equally because we are all Yours and equal in Your sight? I pray so, I pray that as believers, we will be able to declare more of the good listed here and not get rejected by the Lord because we failed to do our part!
    If people think they can fix it the ‘man’ way, I got news for them and that news is: we will each give account to Him on that day when He returns back to this earth! The, pretense, retaliation, bullying, acknowledging of ignorance, and the truth of injustice to humanity will all be addressed when Jesus ask: were you your brother’s keeper (Gen. 4:8-10)? I pray our answer is YES, I was!

    Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that we will indeed know that You are God, keep our focus on You, stay on our knees in prayer, love our brethren and be each other’s keepers as Christ instructed us to and NOT be like the Pharisees who multiplied regulations, creating their own form of godliness”! May Your Peace and Love find its way back into the hearts of man, both believers and non-believers for the sake of Your Son Jesus. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace to all.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put Your new and Your right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)
      Thank you once again Maplewood for your prayers. Hope you are feeling better physically. And Thank You Bob for rekindling my memory through nine of your April 10, 2020 Good Friday posts. I am joining my prayers with both of you and your prayers. With each breath of fresh air I take, I am reminded of the breath denied to Jesus, George Floyd and other victims.
      I am likewise reminded of a situation that happened over 2000 years ago, when Jesus' passion, His crucifixion and His death came and went with no criminal conviction against those who did this to Him. To the contrary, our Savior's conviction did occur at the hands of those who said He deserved it, said He brought it on Himself, justified themselves into believing it was the "right" thing for them to do and re-victimizing the victim as recorded in Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23 John 19 . Also recorded in the Word, two thousand years ago the world was likewise in a fallen condition: God's Words fell on ears that did not hear Him, mobs seemed to rule, worldly righteousness prevailed and riots broke out. Jesus died. I pray for them, Lord. I also pray for the hand washers, and I pray for the runaways who act out of self-preservation. Coincidence or pattern? Lord, throughout the last 2000 years, have Your children learned anything from You that endures and that can bring us to You fully clothed in Love over the next 2000? Or do we just turn our heads and leave You hanging there?
      Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)
      Please let Your Peace and Your Love begin with me, and remain with me all my days. I am not there yet, but I want to be. Help me use my knees for bending to You in prayer, thanksgiving, and also for requesting Mercy from You for our dear ones, our JC family, George Floyd's family, his soul and on me. In Jesus’ Name with knees bent and head bowed, I am praying. Amen
      PS I have risen from this prayer Lord to write the TV stations, asking them to give equal time showing the peaceful people of God, praying, walking, cleaning up the destruction of others. So help me Holy Spirit. Amen.

    2. We all need help with the cleaning of our hearts! There are always spots we miss or really cant see. God see"s . Thank you Father

    3. Praying with you Fern and asking God to clean out my blind spots, making room for Him to create in me a clean heart and renew His right Spirit within. Amen.

    4. So true Fern and Brilamar, When Jesus returns, may we be found following after righteousness and the spirit. May we all have much abundant fruit to offer Him and may we be able to say we did our best to feed His lambs and add to His flock. Let us do our best to reach out to others today and please God through our words and deeds. I agree Brilamar, they should put God's family up for the world to see. We are still resting in the peace that surrounds us.

    5. These posts are so moving because they were written when there was so much unrest and violence in the world. We never stopped believing that God is in charge. Now we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. He lights our wilderness, no matter the day, the month or the year. Nothing is too difficult for our great God. I pray we will glorify Him by our new walk through this month of June. Let us make a difference in the lives of others and show our respect to everyone we meet. Let them know Who we belong to by the love we offer.

    6. Yes Jeanne,
      Let all that we have and all that we offer...

  15. As I sat in His presence, I was led to the readings for the day. I didn't get past the first one, II Peter 3:12-18. The epistles encouraged the believers to respect those in positions of leadership. But things in Rome were deteriorating. Nero was likely the emperor and under his leadership, Peter was executed. In this section, Peter is writing to the believing community which has been infiltrated by false teachers and false prophets who were corrupting the faithful. Peter admonishes the believers to set their hopes on the return of the Lord and while in waiting to live lives that are peaceful, without spot or blemish. They are not to be carried away with the ways of the lawless and thus lose their own stability, but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior.

    Christopher A. Hall, a professor of biblical and theological studies at Eastern University in St. Davids, Pennsylvania, comments on this passage in 'The Life with God Bible' published by Harper Bibles. "These false teachers have lived in an insane moral and spiritual vortex for so long that the abnormal, grotesque, and immoral appear moral and mundane. A false sophistication has warped their ability to distinguish good from evil, truth from falsehood. The sad result is a descent into habitual behaviors and perspectives Peter can only brand as irrational and beastly (2:12). Animal instinct rules the day. As the false teachers and their disciples have descended into sin, they have become less and less human. Thus Peter's strong exhortation to maintain 'stability' in the midst of spiritual and moral chaos."

    No political thoughts are intended in the above because those have no place in this blog. Here we offer only those thoughts that might bring edification of the community of faith which we are. Personally, I found a sense of peace in both reading the scripture and Hall's spiritual commentary. It is here for you to be led by the Holy Spirit in finding what II Peter 3 is saying to you.

    Let us pray for peace in our land. Let us reflect the One in whom peace is available. God be with you. With love, Bob

  16. Amen! Led by God's Holy Spirit, I am receiving your thoughts of edification, kneeling down, joining my prayers with yours, Bob, praying for His Love and His Peace to fall afresh on us.! God Bless

  17. My heart goes out to all of my JC family. So many emotions..worry, fear, grief, anger, loneliness, hopelessness..we've all experienced these. Together we will seek sweet Jesus and truly feel he has been with us all along in the stillness of our heart and soul. We love you Jesus; we thank you for your love for us. Pour your amazing grace and peace over us. Calm my son in law's coworker was sent home today feeling super to covid-19. I will be still and keep praying. Jesus I trust in you.

    1. Prayers for your son-in-law, LCA. Lord, take Him into your loving care and bring healing to the coworker. Amen

    2. Loveconquersall, Amen Jesus has not let go of our hands through all of this. I rest in his peace. Praying for the good health of your son-in-law and all co-workers, and for the healing and recovery of the sick co-worker.

    3. Dear Loveconquersall. I loved your beautiful post from last year. We are still seeking the Lord’s help and healing together. Praying your son in law and his coworkers are fine and healthy, and you and your family are seeing God’s faithfulness and healing in your lives. Thank You dear Jesus.

  18. Praying with you Lovesconquersall and I'll continue praying. Amen

  19. B and BM (highly favored by God) thank you so very much. Your prayers always uplift me and I thank you for sharing the love of our Lord and Savior with us. It pours out of your posts.

  20. Praying loveconquersall. Lord hear our prayer

  21. Heading to bed, reading and praying for all of my dear JC Family. Praying for your Son In Law's co-worker, and for your Son in Law, Loveconquersall. Thank you, Father, for Your hand of protection over LCA's son in law and his co-worker, who is probably, also a friend. Calm her heart and protect those she loves and everyone in his company.
    Bob, Maplewood (our BD Twins) and Brilamar, your posts hit my heart. Praying with you and all of our JC Family that eyes are opened, mouths are clamped (the ones doing destruction) and the adversary's hand bound. Release Your people, Father, to do what they've been called to do and give each of us the freedom and determination to do what we know is right, according to your Word.
    Sleep Sweet, dear JC Family. God is on the watch.

  22. Amen Norah. Our God is greater than he that is in the world. May He change the hearts of the evildoers in this world and guide His people to make things right again. Praying and waiting on that.

  23. Please pray for Tina. She is fighting cancer! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏Jesus help her please my lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Father, place Your healing hands upon Tina and remove her affliction. Give comfort, peace, and strength to her and all her loved ones as they endure this time. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    2. Dear Woman of God, Joining prayers with my family here for your dear Tina. God will fight her battles. He knows every weakness in her body. May he remove every cancer cell and replace it with healthy tissue and give her strength, rest, and peace.
      Thank You loving Father for this and for returning Tina to perfect health and giving Woman of God peace of mind and comfort. We pray this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord. Amen.

    3. I am praying for Tina, for Peace, Healing and Comfort. JE

    4. We pray to see Tina blessed and healed in your names, Jesus! Peace be with her, her family and friends.

    5. Standing with this body of believers and lifting Tina up in prayer. With God ALL things are possible!

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Dear Womam of God, I am on my knees ,🙏🙏 helping Tina to fight her battle with cancer.

    7. Thank you so much for praying for Tina! Please don’t stop praying for her. God bless you. Thank you 🙏

  24. Sweet, Heavenly Father, I pray on behalf of all Your children, church, and people that You strengthen our inner beings with a most effective faithfulness for You. Thank You for always listening, hearing, and answering our prayers. You are the best Father ever. Let our hearts, spirits, and minds be full of Your goodness and glory and that we light up the darkness in the world. Let us draw the lost to You Lord and Your will be done. Help our vanity and selfishness turn into humility and thoughtfulness. Allow our praises and worship of You to be magnified and heard all around the world and in heaven. Let us feel Your love and peace deep within ourselves and let us share it with others so they can know Your glory. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord always and continually.

    1. Janet, your prayers are heartfelt but please update us on your specific needs. Have you found a place to live? Do you have friends or family opening their homes, or are you in a shelter? Have you found a job or has your state continued your payments? Praying that these specifics are being met and that you continue your positivity as shown by your prayers over the past few weeks. Godspeed. In Him we pray. Amen.

    2. Janet, As you praise the Lord with thanksgiving, worship Him in Spirit and truth, my prayer for you is that, He opens the flood gates of heaven and pour down showers of His blessings upon you and meet all of your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

      I joun you in Praising this morning! As Praises go up, Blessings come down!!

      Remain blessed,

      Maplewood NJ

    3. My situation is somewhat the same. I have been living off of my savings (which a few years ago I wouldn't have even had if it wasn't for the Lord) and I was blessed by the Lord finally helping me to be able to file back taxes and get all my stimulus payments. I finally got the back pay from unemployment and I am trying to find a job and I am also in need of a vehicle by the end of June, as well as a place to rent. Family help is not an option for me. The Lord has been providing for me and I have faith that He is leading me along a path that He wants me on. I may not know where I'm heading or what is expected of me, but I trust in Him to guide and direct me. He is all I need. I am so grateful to all of you here on this blog. You are all very supportive and that is just another wonderful blessing from the Lord. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord always! God is so good -- always!

    4. Praying that our loving Father will open some doors for you because He knows exactly the right job for you and the place to live. Trust in His guidance dear sister. You are doing everything right by putting it in His able Hands and waiting on Him. Seek that good job and that car. He will lead you to them both. Thank You Jesus!

    5. God sees your steadfast faith and trust, Janet, and I truly believe He is making things happen for you...lining up that job, vehicle, and place to live. Keeping you in my prayers that all this comes to pass soon. Thank you for being so open with us. Not easy to do. And while you say family help is not an option, maybe down the road, with God's all-knowing ways & help, relationships can be restored. Praying for you, dear sister.

    6. Thank you for sharing this current chapter of your journey's story with us, Janet, our dear sweet sister friend in Christ. You are loved and prayed for everyday. Our WayMaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in The Darkness, God is holding your hand and guiding your steps.
      Love is on the move
      When the Father's in the room
      Miracles take place
      The cynical find faith
      And love is breaking through
      When the Father's in the room.

      You are so on pointe to lay your burdens down at His Feet.
      Love and His Showers of Blessings are being prayed for you and our entire JC Family, right here and right now. With Much Love, Brie

    7. Brie, echoing prayers for Janet.

    8. ♥️🎶 by City Asbury

    9. Thanks sweet Audra. I am singing along and over my situation with alternatives for my brother Keith.

  25. Amen dear Janet! Praise and Gratitude. Much love to you, sister.

    1. Jeanne, thanks as always for your prayers for me and all here. I continue to be far ahead of the normal recovery and do8ng well. My wife and I will know the plan and all post transplant results by this time next week.

    2. Glad to hear that you are doing well MadFox. Peace be with you.

    3. Such good news dear MadFox! Praying for great results and looking forward to seeing more of God's faithfulness in your life.

  26. Praying for Tina and those in need. Amen.

  27. Fantastic prayer, sweet-sister Janet! Thank you!

  28. Praying for full healing and restoration of health for Tina, in the name of our precious Lord. Amen, so be it.

  29. Praying with you for Tina, may the God of glory take over in her weakness so He can be strong in her giving her the very breath of life.
    Madfox thanking God with you and your bride for your healing process being ahead of mans plan. Enjoy the slow time enjoying God and all the people you hold dear. Janet I too am curious about how things are going for you please give us an update. Not to say that we're "worrying" about your situation. We just want to hear how God is working in your life by providing for your every need.

  30. Thank you Lord for peace and the calming of our minds in preparation for Marc's total knee replacement surgery tomorrow. JC Family, you are the Peace Patrol and we thank you for joining in prayer for us. ♥️ With love and gratitude, and blessings to you all.

    1. Keeping Mateo in prayers for a successful knee replacement surgery tomorrow and a full and speedy recovery. May peace rest on him and the family IJMN.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Prayers being lifted fot Marc's surgery tomorrow. Also praying for Tina and her cancer battle. Looking forward to updates from Mad🦊, and Janet. Love and Praise being lifted for all my amazing JC family. Mindy

    3. Sharing prayers for tomorrow. May the presence of the Lord be felt and His comfort, strength, and healing be given. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

    4. Continuing to pray for Marc's surgery that God will be guiding the doctor's hands perfectly and the knee replacement will go smoothly and the recovery will be fast, and his physical therapy will go well. Thank You Father for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus.

  31. “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts. The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Come and see what the LORD has done, the desolations he has brought on the earth. He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the shields with fire. He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’ The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” (Psalm 46).

    I am blessed with another day and I’m called to be still in Your Presence dear Lord as I go through this day. I desire to do so and thank You for Your grace. You are Omniscient (all-knowing), Omnipresent (present everywhere), Omnipotent (all-powerful), Holy, Sovereign, Faithful, Infinite, and Good. I can trust You and surrender to Your plan because I understand who You are. You win every battle for me, You bring peace and You want me to stop striving because You are an impenetrable refuge who will bring glory to Your name throughout this earth, and protect Your children and bring them to everlasting peace. I exalt Your Holy name and thank You alone for being the Sovereign ruler of this universe, I commit to following You. Let silence and stillness overtake me in Your presence that is so overwhelmingly holy and glorious. I ask this in the name of Jesus, my Savior. Amen.

    “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength” (Isaiah 30:15).

    ABC- Sorry for your loss. I’m keeping your family in prayers, praying for strength and comfort as the days come and go.

    Remembering young Jackson this morning and THANKING GOD for His glorious healing power! Keeping him in God’s care for strength a full and speedy recovery. Indeed he shall declare God’s glory! Yes Sassy Mom, WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE! Angels bow before Him, Heaven and earth adore Him! He’s A MIGHTY, MIGHTY GREAT GOD!

    Remembering all others that are sick here and trusting God for the same VICTORY, IJMN!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood. Joining in prayer with you. God bless.

    2. Thank you dear Maplewood.
      Joining prayers for ABC's comfort, little Jackson's healing and all those who are struggling with sickness, depression, homelessness and financial problems. Trusting in the Great Provider and His promises.
      Father, Hear our prayers. We know You can do anything. We trust in Your care and guidance.

    3. Praying with you again this year, Maplewood NJ. How well your prayer fits my situation posted below.

  32. Please pray for God's peace in the hearts of grandparents, who were rearing their 16 year old grandson from the time his mother died until he died last night. Thanks for your prayers, JC family. They are worth a whole lot.

    1. May our Father lift them up into His comforting, loving arms and instill peace and love into their hearts and minds during this time of loss in their lives. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    2. Amen Joining prayers for their comfort and support. Father, Wipe away every tear and hold them close to you. They gave so much of their lives for this young man. Relieve them of their sorrow and show them you are with them and assure them they will see him again. Thank You Father for this. We are praying together in the Name of Jesus Christ.

  33. My route has an hour of unexpected waiting. In this time I am holding these requests in His love. My heart is full with empathy.

    Thank you Mad Fox for those specific questions for Janet as I am forgetful of peoples specific needs.

    1. I am praying Traveling Man Mercy prayers for you Keith, our brother-friend in Christ.

    2. Joining in prayer with you Brie. Peace be with you.

  34. Joining prayers for your Traveling Safety and God's peace to reign in your heart, dear Keith.

  35. Please pray for a family at the school my daughter had taught 2nd grade. Horrible loss of dad, mom, 2 young children in a murder /suicide. 3 other children were able to get away. Dear heavenly Father, give those children your loving kindness and strength to cope with this awful tragedy. Please be with them every step of the way! Please pray for all families dealing with domestic violence. Amen.

    1. ABC praying for this family and that God would send His angels to bring peace and comfort.

    2. Prayers for those children; that God’s loving arms wrap them in comfort and strength.

    3. I have no doubt the Jesus comforts children in the face of such tragedy.

    4. Joining prayers for those three poor children. May God tenderly cradle them in His love and care and guide them to all the love, support and peace they need. Thank You Jesus.

    5. Thank you Janet E, Anonymous, Brie, Audra and Jeanne and ALL who are praying in silence as well. Such a loss. Dear heavenly Father show your mighty power to heal all in this family! Amen

  36. Dear JC Family, Please pray for my alternate caregiver situation concerning my brother Keith. I received a disturbing letter from his alternate caregiver this morning, letting me know it is time to move on. But Where? How?

    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Would You help me cease striving and know that You are God?
    Would You help me spend more time alone with You?
    Would You help me let go, relax, be still, and know that You Are God.

    Like Chris, I pray to stop, be silent, cease striving, and instead simply wait on You to Act. I know You can resolve the situation. While waiting on You, I am to be calm, be at peace, be patient and know You to be God. Since I am an immature Christian in this arena, I need Your help to leave it to You to fulfill Your Own Counsel and support Your Own Interests in Keith, me, and others in the world.
    Oh God, that You would help me speak up only after I have taken it before You and given You the opportunity to give me peace about me speaking up, Lord.
    In Jesus' Name. I thank You. Amen.

    1. Praying for you, Brie. Trusting God to guide you in the steps you can take WITH HIM to find another alternate caregiver for your dear brother. Peace, sister ♥️

    2. Praying for you dear Brie. Keith’s life and situation is in God’s Hands. May His spirit guide you. Much love.

    3. Thanks for your prayers Audra, Jeanne, and all who are praying.
      Thank You God for yesterday's devotion. As it so often happens, it pre-pared me for today's Closed Doors. Walkaways. Overlooked. Unfairness. Upsets. I am leaning on Your Everlasting Arm, and learning they all serve Your Plan designed to move us forward.
      I can hardly wait to see the Way You make it all work together for good.
      I don't need to know how You are going to make a Way. I only need to trust and know You Will.
      In. JESUS' Name. Amen.

    4. And make it all work together for good, HE DID! Thank You Jesus.
      Now we need financial blessing funds to pay for Your Alternative Plan. I know You Will Provide. Once again, I don't need to know how You are going to make a Financial Way. I only need to trust and know You Will.
      In. JESUS' Name. Amen.

  37. Praying over each of you and your requests. May you, and all those in our hearts, be blessed with healing, peace, wisdom, clarity and the FAITH to be still!
    God is good, all the time.
    May we be ever mindful of his love and cast our burdens upon him, knowing that he will sustain us. Shalom 🙏

    1. Thank you dear Rich. Bringing all our needs and problems to the Throne of Grace. May He continue to heal our infirmities, answer our prayers, comfort our hearts and guide our paths. We continue to trust in God’s faithfulness and mercy. Rest in Him Who loves us.

  38. Oh, Dear JC Family, the man I asked for prayers for (one of my BFs on Monday - her FIL), has finally gone to sleep. He is awaiting the Return, and for that, I'm thankful. Dear God - give them all REST.

  39. Dear JC Family. We pray for each other because we know that God keeps His promises. He tells us not to be afraid because He goes before us. He prepares our days. He understands our hearts and our needs. Today, my dear sister Janet is getting an MRI of her knees because the doctor believes there is something wrong with the length of one of her legs. He wants to know if she has atrophy. She needs her knees to be strong. She just had injections and we are praying she will recover well. I am believing that God will lead her back to good health, flexibility and comfort. Also, today my dear friend Rudy is going to the hospital to meet with many doctors and get more tests, because he has had nothing but problems since he had his heart surgery. He had a new aorta put in, a heart valve replaced, and a heart aneurism. He thought he was getting better but his incision just kept getting infected, and then kept draining. Then he had another surgery 5 months later to remove the lines that were holding his sternum closed. The doctors believed he was allergic to the lines. But he still had problems and they put a little hole in his incision to allow for drainage, which just kept happening. So today, the doctors will try to ascertain the best treatment for Rudy so he will recover and his incision will heal.
    Father God, You know your beloved children, Janet and Rudy need you now. They trust in you with their hearts, minds and souls. They believe you will lead the doctors to the solution to their ongoing problems. So we thank You for your loving kindeness and mercy on Janet and Rudy. We know you will continue to be faithful to them. Thank You for guiding all the doctors to be like minded and fill them with Your Spirit and instruct them how to make Janet and Rudy better. Thank You for making a way to fix Janet's knees and heal her basal carcinoma and also heal Rudy's incision and every one of his weaknesses. We ask all of this in the powerful Name of our Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen

    1. Thank You Father also for healing our dear Jan’s right shoulder and hand, and her dear husband and give him clear arteries, and lead my friend Patricia to the doctor who can remove her great pain and heal her body, and heal Emilio, and Scott, and all our dear ones and answer our prayers, and grant us all traveling mercies in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    2. Father God, we lift up Janet and Rudy and all who need prayer answered today. Heal, restore good health and strength we pray, answer the needs of those who call out to you. Strengthen the knees, heal and restore good heart function. For You are our God, You are our Healer, we are Your children in need. In Jesus Precious Name, Amen.

  40. A blessed reading today, "Cease striving and know that I AM God". He is the ultimate, supreme invincible eternal Being who is all might, all knowledge, all righteous, all justice and all love.
    God is our "refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble."
    Rest in this knowledge. Rest in Him.
    In the language of the day 'cease striving ' is the word 'Raphah' meaning "sink down, let drop, relax". The context is to stop warring, stop contention.
    Knowing who God is we can trust Him in every situation in our lives.
    Sometimes we contend with God, family or others when we really need to "Let go and let God have his way in your life, and he will bless you exceedingly, abundantly, above all that you can ask or think" (Ephesians 3:20).

  41. Trusting Him every step of the way. Thanks Peter!

  42. Help me lord .. help us all .. let go and let God !! Beauty in the tiny things
    Lords breath in The wind
    Guide me .. give me strength
    To continue in and follow your path 🙏🙏

    1. Beautiful Prayer, dear Anonymous. Amen. We all must Give Up and Let Jesus Take Over. I have been asking Him to guide me and my words. My mom is a good person and she loves Jesus, but she is demanding and stubborn. Yesterday, she refused to eat except for cookies and ice cream. She took a couple of tiny bites of the meals I prepared for her and then said she wanted something sweet. Of course I gave her what she was craving with some Lactaid. Resting in the Lord and I’m trying to hold onto His peace. I know where my strength and comfort come from.

      Psalm 4:8
      I will both lie down in peace, and sleep;
      For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.

      Isaiah 41:10
      "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand"

    2. May the Lord grant us the strength to endure the challenges we must overcome and pour His perfect love, peace and joy into our hearts so we may share it with others. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. God bless 🙏.
      Jeanne: I pray that you are strengthened to continue taking good care of your mom. May God's mercy and grace fill you 🙏.

    3. Caring for an aging parent is not for the faint of heart, for sure. Their defiance and comments can most definitely bite. The frustration they have with "why am I still here" or "why won't God take me" often comes back to the caregiver in not so pleasant way. (I've said they're like geriatric toddlers having a tantrum...and rightfully so because it can't be any kind of fun for them.) May you feel God's arms around you each day, Jeanne, giving you the strength, patience, and endurance you need. In Jesus' name, amen.

    4. Thanks Janet and NJS and all those praying seen and unseen! Thanks so much for your prayers, love and understanding hearts. My mom weighed 75 pounds today. She lost 2 more pounds. She is still testing positive for Covid. But praise God today I am negative. God knows what I’m going through. My mom is carrying her cross but has no will to live. I scared her into eating her whole breakfast by telling her the doctor will put her in a hospital and feed her by IV. Doing the best I can in God’s peaceful presence. He is guiding me and I am following. God bless your Sunday with healing comfort, joy and hope.

    5. 🫂🙏🏻🫂

  43. If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. (Colossians 3:1-4).

    1. We are citizens of Heaven where truth and justice are upheld. Just passing through this circus, seeking to be still and know that God is who HE says He is, and we are who He says we are..
      Thank you for traveling prayers, back at home and ready for church today!
      On the last flight yesterday, I was seated between two pastors ✝️♥️😂

    2. Amen! This is not our Home. We are in this world but not of this world. Just passing through! Thanks dear Janet! Welcome home, sweet Audra. That seat was no accident. 😊🙏

  44. Praying for all those in pain, that God would direct the doctors to find the source and heal their pain. Thank God for our marvelously made bodies that seek healing. Amen

    1. Amen! Praying with you and Audra for perfect healing for your family and all of ours. Thank You Jesus!

  45. Heading to bed, thankful, hubby tucked in and family home, safe and sound. So very thankful! I can't believe that we are half way through 2024! We've seen God work in so many wonderful ways. I'm thankful to hit the pillow, tonight.
    Praying for all of you, as Sassy Mom would say, 'as you do me!' Love and God's Best to all of you. Sleep sweet. God is on the Night Watch!
