Monday, June 22, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 22

     Thank Me for the very things that are troubling you. You are on the brink of rebelling, precariously close to shaking your fist in My Face. You're tempted to indulge in just a little complaining about My treatment of you. But once you step over that line, torrents of rage and self-pity can sweep you away. The best protections against this indulgence is thanksgiving. It is impossible to thank Me and curse Me at the same time.
     Thanking Me for trials will feel awkward and contrived at first. But if you persist, your thankful words, prayed in faith, will eventually make a difference in your heart. Thankfulness awakens you to My Presence, which overshadows all your problems.

Psalm 116:17
New King James Version

I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving,
And will call upon the name of the Lord.

Verse Thoughts
Interesting that sacrifice or offering is connected with thanksgiving. Take a moment to thank God, calling up His name, for what is occurring in life.

Philippians 4:4-6
English Standard Version

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Verse Thoughts
Joy rests not on favorable circumstances, but “in the Lord.” I need to think about the Lord's coming ("at hand") like it is happening tomorrow which will keep my focus on that and not my present circumstances. Instead of being worried, I am to be thankful. 

My Prayer
This is so true, Lord. It just does not come natural to thank You for things that are troubling me. Lord, help me to never complain about these trials. Keep me thankful for all the ways You provide.  

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear Lord, help me to see that trials and struggles are not a time of separation from you, but rather an opportunity to become closer to you. Jesus I Trust in YOU!

  2. Dear Lord,
    You have never failed me. Thank you.
    You have never failed me. Thank you.
    You have NEVER failed me. Thank you.

    I repeat this as a prayer of thanks Lord. Through tough times you strengthen me and train me. I am a solider for you Lord and know the sun will rise and the Son will rise.

    Thanks for the rain and the sunshine. Help me deal with the anxiety in my life as I know the troubles I have pale in comparison to others and also that you are at my side. And I can do anything through you Lord.

    Thank you thank you thank you.


    1. My prayer exactly. Thank You for putting it into words, Barnabas McGillacuddy.
      May all of us receive His Blessings today! In Jesus' Name! AMEN 🙏

    2. Amen and amen!

  3. So often my thanksgiving is tainted by how much I like my circumstances. It is not about how much I like my circumstances, it is about how much I am loved and out of that love all things are for my good, a.k.a. God's glory. It has been said, "When God is most glorified, we will be most satisfied." As Mary said, "Let it be to me as you have said."

  4. When life is difficult, look for the gifts God is gently placing around you. They are always there if you look for them.

  5. Help me and help us Jesus. Thank you Lord!

  6. Thank you Jesus and our JC family praying together. KS

  7. This is the day the Lord has made, I choose to REJOICE AND be GLAD in it!
    Father, Thank You for another blessed, gifted day, filled with treasures along the way. Help me Holy Spirit to look all around me and grab the treasures if this day.
    Psalm 139:2 esv says: "You know when I sit down and when I raise uo; You disarm my thoughts from afar".

    Father I Thank You that You know everything about me. This morning, I lay ALL my burdens, concerns and trials at the foot of Your cross and say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. Nothing that happens to me, nor the trials that I face is a surprise to You. Thank You for BROKENNESS, because in it, there are many seen and hidden blessings for me!
    I choose to let THANKSGIVING flow from my heart and lips at all times and in all circumstances to You, so help me Holy Spirit. Thank You oh Lord, Thank You for yesterday, for day before, for today and tomorrow and ALL my numbered days. Thank You Father! The pain, the hurt, the trials, the betrayals, the delays, the attacks, ALL of them Father, I say THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Greater is You that is in me, than he that is in this world, so THANK YOU FATHER!

    Blessings and Peace to all my JC family, I Thank God for all of you and pray His goodness and mercy on all of Your circumstances! We serve a WONDERFUL, AWESOME GOD!

    Have a blessed day JC Family.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. With my Daughter and Son in Law moving their family all the way to Tennessee, when everything feels so perfect here in Albuquerque, this prayer is so important and necessary for me! I must trust the Lord and Thank him for everything!🙏🙏🙏

    2. Thank You God for filling up my life with so many of your wonderful blessings. I am grateful 🙏

  8. Thank you Lord for loving me, help me to be mindful of all that is going on around me. Thank you for all the blessings that you have given me. Help me to keep today separate from the tomorrows and be with me through each day. Thank you for our JC Family, watch over and protect them through this day. Thank you Lord for all you have done and all you are going to do jn the future. I love you Lord, in Jesus name I pray, Amen❣

  9. I am thankful! Praising you Lord thru the tough and broken times . Knowing that you have a lesson for me in all circumstances to better serve you. There are peaks and valleys and when I am close to you I am at peace. Thy will be done as you guide me gently and lovingly along the path you have chosen. Strengthened by His peace, refueled by His Joy. "The Lord is my strength and my shield ; my heart trusts in him , and I am helped ; therefore my heart exults , and with my song I shall thank him " Ps. 28:7

    1. Thank you Purplemartin… 5 years later and boy, I needed your words as physical ailments keep me from sleep… I love how God uses us to help one another… I just wanted to let you know, how much you helped me this day!!! “This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it” Grateful for your reminders of this… praying for continued peace and blessings to you from our Lord! ( and all our JC family)
      Bib in Ca

    2. Praying with you Bib in CA 🙏

  10. In the midst of an emotional trauma, it becomes difficult to bring your thoughts to where it should be-our thanking our Lord God, through His son, Jesus Christ, to clear our negative direction, bringing us back on path with Him. Trust. Praise. Thanks, is all He asks. A.S.A.P, should be out motto.

    1. Trust - Praise - Thanks ASAP.
      My takeaway. So thankful for this simple mantra.

  11. Good morning Lord. Thank you for another blessed day in the Lord. Let me be a blessing to others for you in your name Lord. Thank you jesus. Praise the Lord continously. Bless all your children and let us be shining lights of your glory Lord. Amen.

  12. Thank you Jesus for this beautiful day and all that comes with it! KS

  13. Thanks brings about the possibility of a different motivation for the circumstances. Allowing the goodness to be often squeezed through it ( in my case lately) The difficulty tightens the gap, yet the acceptance and thankfulness opens the space, enabling God's infinate perspective to cover it. Remembering who God is, allows me to walk this path even amidst the most horrific happenings. I am on this dark and challenging road now and must choose to force these frightening circumstances behind the truth of just who my God is. I force myself to shut my eyes and see a different place of reason. I remember to remember by having a good talking to my soul (like David in Psalm:42-43). Reminding myself it is always darkest before the dawn and not to be afraid to believe. Not to be afraid of anything because God tells me this. I further remind my soul that faith not fear is the stance of an overcomer and that The victory is always in the works! I choose the resortstive power of Jesus over all situations for He had illustrated a life coming from even death. Thank you, yes thank you for it all, for my eyesight is limited to what " feels good" and "what feels bad" in various degrees. If I look past my emotional involvement I am able to see a different understanding. God is always good and love. He loves me and my family perfectly. Sometimes I have no idea how high the stakes actually are, yet The Lord always does and works toward the ultimate and everlasting goal not my momentary solution for now.
    The joy that this understanding brings is my food & drink and lifts me to be able to thank Him in finding nourishment and relief! Thank you Father for another day of your perfect plan for my life!

    1. Dear Fern,
      Your unwavering faith inspires me. You are truly walking through a dark wilderness with your eyes firmly set on the Lord. He is the light in your darkness, and He is leading you along an uncertain road. He holds you and your family in His mighty Hand and He knows your Husband and your son need an anchor right now. He knows your deepest feelings and sees your faith. Praying that He will guide the whole situation, bring the help that is needed and heal Dan, so he can clearly see the truth of the love you offer.

    2. Fern, continued prayers for you and your family! We, your JC family are with you along your path! Love and blessings!

    3. Thanks for sharing your heartfelt faith over your circumstances, Fern. You are always accompanied along your path by a world full of JC Prayer Warriors, some who post, some who don't, yet all who pray! In our lives and on our paths, may God be glorified and joyfully thanked for His steadfast love that is enduring forever! Yes , His sunlight/son's light is always SHINING, whether or not our eyes can see it.
      Much love to you and our JC Family

    4. Peace be with you, Fern. As Brilamar stated some JC Warriors post and some don't but WE are all praying for your beloved family. Thank you Jesus for hearing our prayers. Jesus we trust in you.

    5. Amen. Always praying for you dear Fern, Dan and your good husband. Have a blessed day in His presence and peace.

  14. Thank You Lord for your continual love, guidance, protection and presence in my life.
    Psalm 121:7-8 The LORD keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.

  15. Thanking God for the good news on Helen, Sassy Mom! Continued prayers. I want to thank all of you for praying with us re: the family issues. Such words of wisdom - never taken lightly. We celebrated all of the Dads and Uncles yesterday and it was a fun, sweet time. Our daughter got moved and is settling into her new place - another family effort, that has proven worthy.
    Please pray for our friend, Dottie, who "got twisted up in her cat and fell," breaking her back! She has surgery on 7/1 and is in a lot of pain until that can happen. Her surgeon is a Christian man and she is very thankful for that. He prays with his patients before surgery.
    Tomorrow is my Best Man's 4 month Oncology appt. We are praying for continued good news.
    I have to admit I've always grappled with thanking God for problems. Jesus Calling is true when it says it feels "awkward and contrived," as I honestly believe the problems don't come FROM Him, but it is His strength and steadfast love that gets me through them. Yet, even as I write this, I can think of many hard times we've endured and come out even better for the struggle. So, I do give thanks today for anything that I'm fighting with - that it is by His grace I am saved and I trust Him to get me through to the other side of it.
    My sister is coming to visit today. We haven't seen each other since Christmas, so it will be a grand reunion!
    I so enjoyed yesterday's posts and reading again about Chris Peyton's life. We are blessed to have this place to come share, weep, laugh, celebrate and pray for one another. I hold all of you in prayer throughout the day and give thanks for your encouragement. The "family issue," is still there, but as you said, Brilamar, it is too expensive for me to take on. Therefore, I leave it at His feet.
    God's richest blessings to each of you.

    1. I am so thankful to have all of you to share my joys and sorrows. We are all so blessed to have each other for our support, fellowship and encouragement. Thanking God for all of my blessings. Norah, I'm praying for your friend, Dottie's back and for your Best Man's good report. Have a wonderful time with your Sister. I too have a hard time thanking God for difficult problems. I am faced today with cleaning a closet that I haven't cleaned in 10 years. I just thanked God for the challenge and I will do my best to glorify Him with my good fruit. I need prayers for my good Husband, Rick. His back went out and he is suffering with muscle spasms and so much pain he can't do anything. Thank you for your prayers. I want to share something I'm dealing with. The crown came off my root canal because the tooth is decayed, and I must get my tooth yanked out pretty soon, get a bone graft and then spend an arm and a leg for an implant. It will take a really long time, close to a year for the whole process to be done. When I smile the space shows on the side and it's getting me down. Oh well. Just please pray for my patience. God told me not to worry because my beauty is in my heart. So happy when I hear those we are praying for are improving. I'm glad Helen is getting a bit better. Sassy Mom, how is your toe today? Praying for all of your needs. Can't wait to see Rick feeling better. Thanks for your sincere prayers. God bless all of you!

    2. O! No! Not the closet :) SOUNDS LIKE You gotta whole lot of thanking to do, Jeanne! So many situations = so many thanks.
      We are praying with you and thanking and glorifying His steadfast love that is enduring forever! Amen

    3. Norah and Jeanne, I pray as you requested. Keep us posted of God's work in each situation.

      Norah, your words, 'I have to admit I've always grappled with thanking God for problems. Jesus Calling is true when it says it feels "awkward and contrived," as I honestly believe the problems don't come FROM Him...' First of all, admission is a great start for now we know what has to be dealt with in each of us. Second, it is harder to thank Him for my problems if I insist on being upset with them. I must let go of 'my will be done'. Third, 'awkward and contrived' can be driven out through the repeated practice of thanking Him. In the process, the Potter is working out the flaw in the clay that He is molding (someone familiar with throwing a pot knows how this takes some effort). Fourth, one of the most difficult things many believers have with scripture, particular in the OT where the psalmists give thanks to God for the undesirable. The element of their prayer that is affirmed is that God is sovereign in all circumstances so He does have a hand in what is happening to us (as depicted in Job 1-2). If God has no hand in EVERYTHING that is happening, the implication is things are happening out of His control. I don't want to go there. The only hopeful response we can have is that God has got this too. Wait on the Lord. Thanks, Norah, for your always open and honest thoughts, you hide nothing. I offer my random thoughts to you if the Spirit should choose to use them in bringing resolution to any spiritual issue in your life. God be with you.

    4. Jeanne - We are blessed to share our pain, joys, challenges, and victories with JC Warriors. Praying for your husband Rick's back problems to soon be healed and pain free, your implant procedure and great success cleaning your closet. When you finish cleaning your closet please tell us if you find any hidden treasures. I continue to thank God that my toe remains pain and infection free.

    5. Thanks for all your prayers. They mean more than anything to me. Rick's back is a tiny bit bette today so I am thankful! Almost finished the closet and yes I did find a few treasures and I found and threw out quite a bit of junk. Hoping all your prayers are being answered. God bless you! We will all continue to wait on the Lord and bring our concerns and needs to The Throne of Grace.

    6. Oh, Jeanne!! I HAVE to comment on your post from 2020~ yes, we are all so blessed to have found such encouragement here ( and Godly wisdom) I am not trying to “one up you” but I ‘laughed out loud’ about your closet cleaning… I started mine today, as it’s been a good 20 years for me!! Lol.. AND, I too, am going through the “arm and leg” cost of implant woes. Your genuine love and concern you post always touches my heart… as well as your beautiful, kind comments and prayers… God’s continued blessings.. and hope this finds you in a good season!!! Bib in Ca

    7. BOB MALSACK, Thank You. I am once again redirected by your post to thank God for the irs, the maintaining of a for sale property, long time waiting on the sale of that property, health issues, financial issues, pool issues, insurance company issues, tithing arrearages, new lawnmower issues with repeated service failures, relationship issues, caregiving issues...
      Your post once again reminds me to join the psalmists
      "... particular in the OT where the psalmists give thanks to God for the undesirable. The element of their prayer that is affirmed is that GOD IS SOVEREIGN IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES so He does have HIS HAND in what is happening to us (as depicted in Job 1-2)..."
      My prayer is to allow the Master Potter to work out my clay without annoyance nor interference from me, and without trying to denigrate HIM to co-pilot status.
      I am thankful that He Cares enough, and He Can enough.
      Holy Spirit I want Your Help to make me thankful in ALL SITUATIONS AND CIRCUMSTANCES, and thankful that I have a Good Good Heavenly Father Who cares for me. May I at the very least, glorify Him with my thanks and praise. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    8. PS Thank you Heavenly Father for handling our Vehicle's AC that went out in 100+ degree heatwave.

  16. HEAVENLY FATHER, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT I GIVE YOU THANKS AT ALL TIMES. I GIVE THANKS TO YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE: You are God of gods. Your faithful love endures forever. I give thanks because You are the Lord of lords. Your faithful love endures forever (Psalm 136:2-3).
    I give thanks to You LORD and proclaim Your greatness and declare to the whole world what You have done. Sing to Him; yes, sing His praises. Tell everyone about His miracles (1Chronicles 16:8-9).
    I GIVE THANKS TO YOU FOR YOUR LOVE, GOODNESS AND FAITHFULNESS AND ALL THAT YOU’VE GIVEN ME: I give thanks to You LORD, for You are good! Your faithful love endures forever(Psalm 118:1). Thank You for Your “unfailing love” (Psalm 107); I give thanks for Your grace:‘given to me in Christ Jesus’(1 Corinthians 1:4);Thank You for Victory “through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57). Thank You for Your “righteous laws” (Psalm 119:62); Thank You for The faith of others to sustain and cheer us (Philemon 1:4).
    I GIVE THANKS TO YOU FOR ALL YOU’VE DONE FOR ME: I give thanks for You alone does mighty miracles. Your faithful love endures forever. I give thanks to You who made the heavens so skillfully. Your faithful love endures forever. I give thanks to You who placed the earth on the water. Your faithful love endures forever. I give thanks to You who made the heavenly lights. Your faithful love endures forever. The sun to rule the day, Your faithful love endures forever and the moon and stars to rule the night. Your faithful love endures forever (Psalm 136:4-9)
    You have “answered me and become my salvation” (Psalm 118:21); You’ve redeemed me. ‘While I was still a sinner, Christ died for me’ (Romans 5:8);You qualified me “to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light” (Colossians 1:12).
    Thank You for all the trials, all the struggles, all the pain and through it all, the blessings, joy, favor and peace found in each of them.
    Thank You, thank You, thank You Lord.

    Thanking God for this body of believers. Remain blessed and have a great day to His glory!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen and Amen Maplewood!
      Walking through this day with so much thanksgiving for our Great God and all the joy and peace we share in believing. God's love is beyond our understanding and without limit. It is unconditional and never ending. We should love more dearly even those who have done us wrong. Thanking God for you and praying for you Maplewood that you are feeling good today and all is going well. Much love to you and my JC Family.

    2. Amen Maplewood, I am riding beside you praying and thanking and glorifying His steadfast love that is enduring forever! Amen

  17. (Back to II Timothy)

    (II Timothy 1:15-18) After his encouragement to Timothy, Paul gives him an update on what has been happening. He has had his disappointments in Asia where he says 'all' have turned away from him, including two individuals on whom he must have thought he could depend. That must have been very disappointing to Paul. But Paul does not choose to dwell on his disappointments by sharing the details. Rather, Paul wants Timothy to know about Onesiphorus and the blessing he was. For three verses, he elaborates on what Onesiphorus did for him. In the manner in which Paul tells it, he so appreciates Onesiphorus.

    Lesson learned from what Paul shared: Admit there are people who have disappointed me but do not dwell on them. Spend time being thankful for all the faithful family and friends, remembering the ways in which God blessed me through them. To bring the JC reading for today into this thought, even give thanks for those who disappointed me; it will lessen my disappointment and it prevents negatives from finding a place in my heart.

    This blog has given me many people who have been a blessing and there have been no disappointments. Thanks be to God for you. With love, Bob

    A parting thought before I hit 'publish', could some of my disappointments in others be caused by my burdening of them with too high of expectations on my part?

    1. Merci Bob for sharing your thoughts! I was just thinking about it this morning. Thinking about how I used to be swept away by self-pity because of my disappointments in others that would treat me bad. Thank God He restored me and is still working in me. Sometimes when my flesh tells me "But remember what they did to you" I just remind myself to forgive with the help of God. Yes they hurt me and yes it still hurt if I think about it but I can't let this feeling run into my mind.

      God is helping me to forgive as He makes me see them as broken people in need of a savior.

      Blessings from France!

    2. What I really felt in this passage, mon ami de France, was Paul's spirit. Obviously, he had accomplished what you have said needs to occur in anyone who has been disappointed by others. Clearly, he has moved on. Scripture admonishes us 'to forgive and forget'. Someone asked me, 'How can I forget?' What scripture means in 'forgetting' is the issue/person no longer bothers me, the process of forgiveness has been completed within my soul. Paul had reached that point in this passage, a point that can only be reached through prayer as you suggested in your post. Que Dieu soit avec toi.

    3. Proverbs 17:17 A true friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help you in your time of need. I've come to know from experience that the people who catch you as you fall down the mountain are far different from the people in your life while you were on the way up. But I have met some of my truest and most cherished friends on the way down, some totally unknown to me on the climb up. I call them my Simon's of Cyrene!
      RE: Your parting thought pre-publish = B-9 BINGO! The Expectation is the disappointment, rather than the expectatee!
      Praying and thanking and glorifying His steadfast love that is enduring forever! Amen

  18. Thanks Bob. I really loved your parting thought. Certainly is good food for thought. Have a blessed new day.

  19. Praying for you all. May God renew your strength and mind as you keep focusing on Him.
    I pray that He restores you and your loved ones and give you all peace. He who is in us is stronger that any circumstances we face. He is risen and has overcome. He dwells in us by His spirit and He is resurrecting us day after day as we follow Him.

    "By Your spirit I will rise
    From the ashes of defeat
    The resurrected King, is resurrecting me
    In Your name I come alive
    To declare Your victory
    The resurrecting King is resurrecting me"

    Blessings from France !

  20. Thank You for Your world so sweet.
    Thank You for all Your food we eat.
    Thank You for Your birds that sinnnnng!
    Thank You God for EVERYTHING!

    As you can tell, I really reached far back into the memory banks to come up with today's song, which I am singing all day today, exchanging out world, food and birds for each of today's circumstances! Praying and thanking and glorifying God for His steadfast love that is enduring forever! Amen

  21. Brilamar
    I thank you for those sweet words from long ago. Simple praise and gratitude is of great value. I am praying, thanking and glorifying God with you, Sister!

  22. Yesterday, June 21, was a day full of thanks not curses! Perhaps a little spicy dinner the night before was enough to set labor in motion at 2 a.m. Granddaughter arrived mid-morning safely with mom also doing excellent. Told son, best bday present ever... nothing will beat a perfectly healthy baby girl as your bday present.

    At 830, I started back on chemo (maintenance) at the professional office building adjacent to their hospital after a 4 month respite for the stem cell transplant. I thought as I got my IV of "new life" for me that a sweet "new life" was about to begin a few hundred yards away too. As I departed the clinic, I got the text that she had arrived! Pretty cool stuff. Also it appears today, that I tolerated all the meds thrown at me with just a little fatigue. Another Thanks.

    JC today hits home: "It is impossible to thank Me and curse Me at the same time ... Thankfulness awakens you to My Presence, which overshadows all your problems."  I am incredibly thankful for the healthy grandbaby & DIL, my remission, and a good day with maintenance. My problems are indeed small and overshadowed by the grace of God in all these circumstances.  Thank you Father. Thank you JC Prayer Warriors, they've been "powerful and effective." Amen

    1. Son's bday to clarify, I did mention his bday and father's day became 2nd and 3rd fiddle!

    2. What a wonderful victory in Jesus Christ! I am so happy to hear the good news of both you and your journey and the new life in your family. God is always good! What an amazing way to delight in the Lord with so many things to be thankful for. Praise God always. God bless!

    3. Dear MadFox, Thanking God for His faithfulness in your life! So happy to hear you tolerated your first chemo well and your dear granddaughter has arrived and your son’s Birthday gift was a brand new beautiful baby girl. Your remission is also a gift to him to give him peace. Thank You Jesus!

    4. MadFox. Thank you for sharing such great news. After a sleepless night feeling like God has given me too much to handle, I really needed this JC devo. And your news enabled me to get past myself. Your son will find that this best birthday gift will keep giving year after year. 25 years ago on July 10, our second son was born on my husband's birthday. And every year, it is still the best gift. God bless.

    5. Congratulations MadFox! Glad to hear that she is healthy and strong. Also so pleased to hear that your treatment went well. Keep up the good fight. God is so good.


    6. Wonderful news MadFox! Thank you for the encouragement. If you wouldn't mind would you please give your diagnosis again. I'm preparing to leave for an appointment with a close family member and I believe that we're facing a very similar situation. As I'm typing this I'm shaking. I trust God with all that I am. The idea of facing another big trial is honestly overwhelming. So this devotion was beyond spot on for me. Please be praying for us On our way to the oncologist appointment I have to tell my son what kind of doctor we're going to. I pray that we're not facing what I fear we are. But if God allows it he will use it for our good and His glory. Trusting in you Lord, trusting you Lord, I'm trusting you Lord!

    7. Will be praying for your situation. My symptoms were all bloodwork related, my routine physical this past October. Low RBC, HCT, hemoglobin, Low WBC, very high total protein and then assorted other tests done after the initial tests (monoclonal serum, electrophoresis of proteins, etc). These abnormal blood specifics are common for all blood cancers to a degree. So leukemia, lymphomas of the kidney or liver, and in my case Multiple Myeloma. For MM, this tends to be a disease of 55+. So if younger there could be some other situations that might be other things. But if referred to a hematologist/oncologist then this may be your situation. If caught early, most of the blood cancers are treatable. But it is a rest of your life diagnosis even in remission as it is very challenging, for now, to really kill all the cancer cells in your system. Thus maintenance and if in remission for a long time then no drugs but watchful waiting for re-emergence.

      Father be with Terri and her family member today. To both, give peace and hope for a positive prognosis. With gratitude for you grace, Amen

    8. Terri I am praying for your and your son this morning. Praying for His peace and comfort, knowing that he will be by your side as you meet with the doctor. JE

    9. "Pretty cool stuff!" as you said, MadFox, SO true and SO AWESOME all the way around! Cheers and congratulations to your DIL for her hard, hard work bringing this little girl into the world! Having her born on your son's birthday?...well, that's just added icing on the cake or a cherry on the sundae, for sure! Incredible blessings of baby arriving safe and sound, new-momma-DIL doing well and new life for your family happening on your boy's birthday! Adding to this victory dance is the great news that your treatment went better than expected with just a bit of fatigue as you continue on the remission highway!

      In reflecting on today's entry, give thanks vs cursing when we're in a valley...I think about previous "storms" or valleys and coming through them...I seem stronger in ways with more knowledge &/or empathy for others going through something. While the trial may be unexpected, arduous, and debilitating at times, God brings us through with more somehow. Truly a gift really. More love and compassion for others, appreciation of the blessings we have, etc. We can't stop the storms but I can thank Him for them a little easier sometimes knowing He's brought me through others in the past.

      Thanks for sharing your happy news with us, MadFox! It is news that lifts us all up in praise and victory! Blessings and love, JC family, on this Tuesday!

    10. Reading this blesses me and the others here so much! What lovely happy news! God Bless all of you and Congratulations on your Multiple Blessings!! Praise the Lord

    11. Wonderful news, Mad🦊, on all fronts. Perhaps you need to change your handle to HAPPY FOX 😉 Thanks for sharing your blessings. God bless your granddaughter with all she will need to navigate this earthly journey with love and grace.

    12. Dear PEBGDesigns, Praying that God will help you handle your heavy load and all will be well because He is in charge. Get some sleep dear sister. You are in good Hands. Much love.

    13. Dear Terri! Praying for your loved one and for good test results. Rest in Him who loves you.

    14. Mad🦊, what happy praise dances you are adding to my workout routine! Blessings to the new grand daughter, and sweet DIL, what a bday gift for your son. Continued prayers for you as you continue maintenance treatment and shine your light on all the medical team you witness to. Love wearing out the Happy Dance shoes. Mindy

    15. Hope are you enjoying your little 3 year old granddaughter this year, Mad 🦊?

  23. Thank You Jesus! I praise You Lord continually and always.

    I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. (Ephesians 1:16). Giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors Me. If you keep to My path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God. (Psalm 50:23). Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

  24. Amen dear Janet. Praising Him with you with true thanksgiving. Today is the last day with our dear son and daughter in law. We have enjoyed every minute of it. We’re taking the Amtrak to San Diego this morning and then we will return to NY on the 24th. God has blessed and protected us all and we are so grateful! We went to Church together, prayed together and played together.
    Thank You Lord for your loving kindness and tender mercies. You are so very good to us. God bless, heal, comfort, protect and guide all of my dear JC Family! Amen

    1. Bet you haven't stopped smiling this entire visit with your son and DIL, Jeanne! I can feel your elation and happiness through your post. So thrilled and happy for you all! Enjoy the rest of your West Coast experience with your train ride today and prayers for safe travels back to NY on the 24th! Have a feeling a smile will be on your face for a LONG time. I'm smiling thinking about it, lol. Thanks for sharing this happy time!

    2. You are right NJS! Smiling just to have this precious together. It is such a gift from God. Praying always for you and your comfort. 💗😊🙏

    3. Jeanne, echoing NJS! Love you sister, so happy for your visit. Safe travels. Mindy

    4. Thanks sweet Mindy! I have my hedge of protection around me and my DH. Keep those victory shoes ready for more dancing.

  25. What a way to start the day! Giving thanks…for my situation…for a new baby girl…for good treatment outcome…for my Savior,
    My day was looking difficult. Now, not so much!

    1. Congratulations! Can we assume you're related to a very special member of this group? ��


    2. Congratulations! So many reasons to be thankful! Rejoicing with you!

  26. Leaning on the everlasting arms. Thankful for all of you. Praying for his healing and guidance through these rough spots and thanking God for opportunities to see Him work. All of you shine. We trust you Jesus! ❤️

    1. Amen dear GraceTakesTime. Always praying for your healing and God’s faithfulness in your life. He is always there to lift us up out of our troubles. He sets us in a safe place of peace where we can thank and praise Him despite our circumstances.

  27. And God continues His Blessings on each and every one of us……

  28. Loving Father thank You for Your gift of joy and for Your fruit of rejoicing. Help me to take all my thoughts captive... especially those doubts and imaginings that are prompted by the enemy to steal the heavenly gift of joy that is mine in Christ. Thank You, Father, that You are worthy of all my praise and that Your joy is a heavenly medicine and spiritual muscle that strengthens my trust and increases my love for You. May I never cease to rejoice in You all the days of my life.

  29. I'm going to be honest. Thanking God for the trials and tribulations is my hardest part of being a Christian. I feel like I understand the Holy Trinity, but this I need to learn better through the Grace of God working within me. It seems like a lie or sarcasm to be talking to the Highest of All Creation, thanking Him for something that has your heart and soul completely twisted up. I'm starting to try to do it because we are taught that we should. It just seems so in-genuine and I'm waiting to learn.

    I found out yesterday that our moving company will arrive today. After fighting with them for 6 weeks to carry out what was originally said to take 7-10 days, and after already two increases in the cost equaling a 60% increase in the original contract, I was told yesterday that the moving van is too big to come into our neighborhood and we will need to pay an undetermined amount for an additional rental of a smaller truck at some remote location to be loaded that can make it up the hill. There is NO HILL. They have lied continually since the initial booking. Please join me so that I'll have two or more to pray for all to be blessed in this situation. Thank you.

    All Praise and Glory to our Lord and Savior for the many Blessings He gives us while we go through our trials. We can always see the blessings that are there if we look for them. Thank you Lord for loving us and providing for us.

    1. Oh, praying with you Waiting. Favor, favor, favor and the truth to be settled in Jesus name

    2. Amen! Joining in prayer for this situation Waiting is confronted with. God is on the move, not satan, in Jesus's name I pray.

      If you still have flexibility or if they fail to show today, you need to fire this company. If you gave a deposit, demand it back. Perhaps even get a lawyer. My management experience says that this is not a company that will change for the better during the move or post.

      Praying that you can find an alternative asap and extract yourself from this unethical company. If they show today, you need to talk to the actual movers onsite and calmly plead for their help, and be sure that you feel that you can trust them... damage to your stuff is the key issue and I would tip some in advance to the actual guys loading (if they are the drivers and unload too) and say more is coming if it goes well on the other end. In Him, Amen.

    4. Thank you Terri, Audra and MadFox. This is horrible and unethical. Thank you MadFox for your help with ideas of how to proceed. I'll plead for their help if they show up today and introduce them to my 93 year old mom sitting on my couch that this has affected. This unethical company has already even said "if we break or lose your stuff, you're really going to hate us more than you already do." So I already wonder what to expect and I feel disadvantaged at how to count items coming in the door and know what is missing or broken during the commotion. Thank you all for your prayers.

    5. WAITING, if they do show and the drivers or loaders are not the people on the other end, and if they seem unprofessional or brand new employees, I'd just stop them and say, listen no offense to you but this has been a disaster from the start and I just need to cancel my contract. If they don't take to new location, I think you should bail as well, it sounds like you have some flexibility on the move. I suspect these companies are having horrible turnover and hiring issues. Thus the delays and the cost increases as they are busy and trying to make as much as possible now. God gave us discernment and you will need to really think about the stress you will have dealing with them regardless. Other companies exist. Surely someone can recommend one to you.

    6. Waiting, you and your mom have waited WAY TOO LONG and with unethical up-charges. I'm so sorry you've experienced this with your movers. I remember you had said that getting your mom's things delivered would help calm her nerves regarding having to move. Gosh almighty have you been thru it with this "company". I put in quotes because I wonder how legit they are. Just awful. Praying for God to work on their hearts so that they give you no more run around and no more bologna charges. Absolutely ridiculous. Do you have a local news station that looks into shady business dealings? This moving company needs to be revealed to the public as to who not to hire for their moving needs!
      Praying, praying, and more praying for you to receive your furniture/things in good shape, that everything is accounted for and these unethical movers have a sudden change of heart with the added charges.

    7. Dear Kathy! They are giving you terrible treatment! My heart goes out to you. Praying for our Way Maker to light your wilderness and open another door. So many ungodly people are only thinking of their own gain. God is greater!

    8. Waiting -- I just saw your post. I am sorry to hear all that you are going through. It is extremely frustrating to be in your situation. I'm sure that you have already given it to God and He will do what's best. I know that sometimes it doesn't look like He's doing anything, but He always is. Patience and persistence are key. Father, please give waiting the peace, comfort, strength, and faith boost needed to get through this situation. Please let Your presence be known and Your glory show through. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    9. Amen Janet! He always has our backs even when we can’t see it. Praying for you and Kathy.

  30. Dear Lord help me to be grateful and so very thankful in all things. Help me to look beyond a moment of hardship and see these times are not a time of abandonment but rather are an opportunity to grow closer to you and depend on you more. Jesus I trust in you! Amen.

    1. Amen! Dear ABC, He is so close to the broken hearted. He really understands our pain. Thanksgiving in the midst of tribulations is of great worth to Him. He sees our trust and our desperate need in times of trouble. Trust in His promises. He will never leave or forsake us. His faithfulness endures till the end of time.

  31. Thank you God. Please watch over me and my son! You all I have Lord Jesus 🙏🙏❤️

  32. Praying for you dear Woman of God. May He protect and guide you and your son. Rest inside His strong hedge of protection. You are His beloved children and He is your Good Shepherd.

  33. Praying that God is answering our prayers, comforting our hearts, guiding our steps, healing our infirmities and covering us with His peace. Have a blessed new day in His presence. I'll be with my little Gabriel for the day. Going to see my good Mom tomorrow. It's supposed to be rainy but I know our good God will keep me safe on the road. He is forever at my side and in Him I can do all things.
    Here are some Bible verses about Knowing God.

    Romans 12:2 - And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

    John 17:3 - And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

    1 John 4:6-7 - We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

    2 Peter 3:18 - But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen.

    Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

  34. I will give You thanks in the great assembly; among the throngs I will praise You. (Psalm 35:18).
    Thank You Jesus. Praise God always 🙌.

    1. Amen dear sisters, amen! Love & blessings 💞🙏

    2. Thanks dear Jan! Love and blessings to you and Janet too.

  35. Dear Friends in Christ, My daughter is being taken in for surgery right now at Mayo, to remove a liver “spot”. She is in good spirits and we are very hopeful that it doesn’t have anything to do with the colon cancer she’s been fighting. We are taking care of the 3 kids and while it’s getting easier as they get older, it is still difficult. Thanks so much for your prayers. I agree it is hard to praise God in the midst of difficulties but He does show me some beautiful things in nature that help so much.

    1. Praying over your daughter and your family Ellen.

    2. Dear Ellen, You have my prayers. I look through the eyes of VICTORY for your daughter and family. The Great I Am has defeated your adversaries and everything they have planned for your family! I Decree and Declare that THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH REIGNS LARGE over your whole family. He makes ways when it looks like there are no ways. Our Heavenly Father always has the final say. I Plead the Blood of Jesus over your daughter and your whole family. I thank you Papa God for you healing and restoration hand over this precious family! I pray and believe in Jesus' name -- The King of kings and the Lord of lords. AMEN and AMEN

    3. Dear Ellen, Joining in all prayers for you and your dear daughter, and her family. God can do all things. Thanking Him that all will go well with your daughter's surgery because He is our stronghold, our Good Shepherd, our Way Maker and He is in charge of it all. Praying for good results and peace of mind to you and all of your family. Thank You Jesus.

    4. Lord guide the surgeon's hands. Touch every fiber of her body and heal her. Give Ellen hope and strength because her confidence lies in you alone. Thank you Lord for hearing and answering our prayers. In Jesus name amen. With love Terri

  36. Rejoice!
    Don’t worry.
    Ask God.
    Thank God!
    Such a powerful verse for living in peace and in communion with our loving, and merciful Heavenly Father.

  37. Praying for your daughter Ellen that God will give you and your familypeace with the outcome of the surgery.

  38. I did it . I made an appointment with a counsellor and I see her tomorrow. I googled “ Christian counsellor in my area and God gave me someone who is able to see me right away and charges what you think you can pay. I’m a little apprehensive about going but plan on going anyway.

    1. Come Holy Spirit, Stay with Learning to Trust, as a constant guide and protector on the journey they are about to take. Be the Advocate that Jesus told us would be with us every step of the way. Amen.

    2. That's wonderful, dear Learning to Trust. Sounds like God guided you to a good Counselor who understands the importance of your healing and recovery. God will be with you through your session.
      Amen ABC, His spirit will be working mightily to provide the words to share.
      Don't be afraid dear sister. You are not alone and I believe the best is yet to come. Trust in the Lord and don't lean on your own human understanding. Much love.

  39. In a few minutes we will be going to urgent care to see why my husband is having strange pains in the right side of his head. His sister and grandfather both died of brain tumours so naturally I have thought this mght be a brain

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Praying with you Anonymous! Dear Heavenly Father, bless & heal Anonymous' husband!! Amen.

    3. Praying for you dear Anonymous that the doctors will find something easily treatable and not serious. Joining all prayers.
      Father God, We ask you to answer our prayers for her dear husband and bring him back to perfect health so he can praise Your Holy Name. Praying in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen

    4. Lord please reveal the source of the problem and give them a resolve that can only be done by your holy hand. Please touch him and keep him safe in Jesus precious name amen.

    5. PTL! My husband is doing so well! His headaches are gone! The doctor was not clear on what caused such unusual pain, but thanks to your prayers, he is doing well!

  40. brain tumour too. Appreciate your prayers.

  41. Continued prayers for you and family, Ellen. And for all requests directed to this blog. Thank you God, for this online family and your grace and mercy towards us all. Blessings dear ones!

    1. Audra --- I join you in this perfect prayer! AMEN and AMEN

    2. Amen and Amen dear sisters. Praying with you for Ellen's daughter's good results, and for the healing of Anonymous's husband's brain. Thank You Jesus.

  42. Praying for all requests and thanking God for victories, comfort, peace. Our Son #2 had shoulder surgery yesterday. Turned out he not only had deeper tears than the Dr. realized, he also tore his bicep. Everything went well and he is healing now. So very thankful. Thanking the good Lord for a peaceful mind so that I may do what is important now and leave other distractions behind.
    God Bless each of you and know that I will be praying with you for each request.

    1. Dear Norah, I'm sorry to hear your #2 son had such a severe injury but I'm glad the surgery went well and God is carrying him through his recovery. One day at a time, dear Jesus. He'll be alright. May God heal him completely and bring you peace mind and much rest. God bless you too and thanks always for your sincere prayers. Much love.
      Thank You Father for healing Norah's dear son and giving him a smooth recovery and the patience he needs to wait for his healing. May he know that the healing and his strength is all from You and thank you for covering him and his family with peace and refresh them in every way. Thank You for this in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen

      Jeremiah 17:14
      Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.

      Psalm 30:2
      O Lord my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me.

      Isaiah 53:4-5
      Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
      But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

      Psalm 103:2-4
      Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
      Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
      Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;

    2. NORAH, How is Son 2 doing one year later?

  43. Dear Anonymous --Kate --- I saw your post concerning your frustration with unfairness at work. I have found that when I confess God's Favor over a situation, it makes things go well. A Confession for favor for the day: I ask that I would have favor with anyone that looks upon me today, in Jesus's name. The floodgates of heaven are open over me and I am receiving a blessing that I cannot contain. I confess I walk in God's favor today in all my work dealings and with people. God's favor rests upon me. I have God's favor and blessing on me. God favors me today. I am a success today.
    He makes His face to shine upon me today. He is gracious to me today. I am blessed coming in and blessed going out. I am the head and not the tail. I am above and not beneath. Jesus has redeemed me from the curse of lack and poverty and want. I am blessed because of Him!
    Kate -- I Plead the Blood of Jesus over you. I pray the Glory of the Lord to cover you and His favor to surround you as a shield. In Jesus's name, For His Honor and His Purposes, AMEN and AMEN. JJ

    Psalm 5:12 "Surely, Lord, You bless the righteous, You surround them with Your favor as with a shield."

    1. Amen and Hallelujah JJ! Thank you for the powerful words and prayer 🙏. God bless!

    2. Thankz JJ. I am getting under your prayer cover with Kate!
      Kate may you repeat JJ's prayer with your lips until it sinks deep inside your heart. This is my prayer for you.
      And in keeping with today's devotiin, I am thanking God for the things that are troubling us.
      In so doing may we be awakened to His Presence. In Jesus' Name. Amen!

  44. Praying with you dear JJ, for Kate. May she be saved and strengthened by the Blood of Jesus and covered with His Glory and Favor to shield and protect her from those who treat her unfairly, and in His Hands, may her work situation be turned around to good, in the Name of Jesus Christ and for His Glory. Amen.

  45. Driving to Brooklyn this morning to bring my dear sister Janet to the orthopedic doctor to receive her second MRI Results, this time on her left leg. She has been wearing the brace on her bad right leg for a while but her left leg has started to hurt. I pray the Doctor will be able to encourage her. Praying the brace is helping her right leg to heal and doing exactly what it was intended to do. Janet is coming back with me to White Plains after the doctor's and I'm having my two sons and their wives and babies over for dinner. It will be a celebration but also a farewell dinner for Janet. She flies back on Friday to Missouri. Please keep her in your prayers for healing of every weakness in her body, mind and spirit. I sure will miss her and I know our good Mom will miss her. Janet has been such a help and comfort to her. My good sister is such a bright light in our lives. God bless her always.

    1. Praying with you Jeanne for your sister Janet. May our heavenly Father touch her with His healing hands and make her body whole again. May His mighty power surge through her and bring healing to her. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Peace be with you!

    2. You know you, Mom, and Janet have my prayers along with my prayers for our entire JC Fam PLUS their dear ones, in Jesus' Name.AMEN!

    3. Thanks for all the prayers dear Janet, Brie, and all the prayers of our dear JC Family seen and unseen! May God answer your prayers too and heal you and your loved ones, guide your steps, and comfort you in every way. Thank You Jesus! Amen

  46. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57). We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is fitting, because your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of every one of you all abounds toward each other. (2 Thessalonians 1:3).

    1. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. (Colossians 3:15).

    2. Beautiful encouragement sweet Janet. Amen 💗🙏

  47. My prayers alway include my “Jesus Calling” prayer warriors. May God bless you all!
    Please keep my dear cousin from Texas in your prayers. Carissa is undergoing a (woman's health) procedure for the 4th time.
    Thank you
    Margaret from Pa.

    1. Praying that our heavenly Father's presence is felt by Carissa and His healing is upon her. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. God bless!

    2. Amen thank you,
      -Margaret ♥️🙏

    3. Just added Carissa to my prayer list. She is not alone and Gid us faithful to save. Trusting Hus Words and promises.
      Thank You Father for guiding the doctor through a successful procedure and for bringing Carissa back to perfect health in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

      Psalm 18:6
      “In my distress I called upon the LORD;
      to my God I cried for help.
      From his temple he heard my voice,
      and my cry to him reached his ears.”

      Psalm 50:15
      “and call upon me in the day of trouble;
      I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”

      Psalm 55:22
      “Cast your burden on the LORD,
      and he will sustain you;
      he will never permit
      the righteous to be moved.”

  48. Also….my heart is broken for the five men (and their heartbroken families) that took the Oceangate voyage to the Titanic. May God grant them His peace.
    - Margaret

    1. Yes, amen. If they cannot be saved physically, I pray they may turn to the Lord, call upon His Name to be saved spiritually.

    2. Amen. May God find a way to rescue them spiritually if not physically. All things are possible in His Hands. Thank You Jesus.

    3. Echoing prayers for the families of the 5 brave men who perished on the voyage to the Titanic.

  49. I thank You Lord for the things that are troubling me, the difficulties, the challenges I face today. It's true I don't like difficulties, but surely I will see You at work in these issues. Evidence of Your loving care will become apparent as we journey together through this day. Forgive me for complaining, it's not my intention to do so but every little bit of 'me' that You chip away caused some pain, some discomfort. Please don't stop chipping away at 'me', for I really do want to be transformed, conformed to Your likeness. I really do want to be You to my wife, family, friends and those I meet during the day. For as my brother in Christ John the Baptist said "He must increase and I must decrease ". Decrease me Lord.
    I thank You Lord for Your loving care, for Your love that took You to the Cross as You bled and died for me. Not once did You argue, complain or 'give them a piece of Your mind', not once did You say a harsh word to those who vilified You.
    So decrease me Lord, keep chipping away the bits of 'me' that are hard dead useless stone, that don't reflect You, that are not the true me You want me to be; that You may increase and be more apparent in my life, for Your Glory, in Jesus Name, Amen.
    2 Corinthians 3:18 "All of us are looking with unveiled faces at the glory of the Lord as if we were looking in a mirror. We are being transformed into that same image from one degree of glory to the next degree of glory. This comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."
    Romans 12:2 " Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

    1. Amen my good brother. Thank you. We are in this world but not of this world. We are in the constant care of our loving Father. He is the Potter and we are His clay. Mold me, Lord.

  50. It's a long time since we've seen a posting from 'Maplewood'. Anyone know if Maplewood is still with us on Earth?

  51. Yes! Sure would love to know how our dear Maplewood and her family are doing. I’m sure she’s continuing to faithfully serve the Lord. She’s always in my heart and prayers. God bless her always. 💗

    1. Yes, I was just reading one of her posts on this day and wondered the same thing. I always enjoyed her posts.
      SC Anonymous

  52. I miss our sweet Maplewood, too and I look forward to meeting her one day. I'm thankful that we can still read her lovely posts and she's always in my heart, too Jeanne.
    Requesting prayers for safe travels and fun with our family for the next 4 days as we all gather together...23 of us. How fun to know that we won't have much cell phone reception and I won't need it b/c we'll all be there together!
    I will praying for each of you and thanking God for this JC Family.
    Love and God's Blessings.

    1. What a glorious reunion! 23 family members! So much to catch up on and so much love in one place! May God guide it all to a sweet and harmonious mix. Let your light shine, sweet Norah. Have fun and enjoy every moment. Love and God's blessings to you too.

  53. Have fun Norah! Blessings to your family 🙏♥️

  54. Traveling mercies for your family, Norah and anyone traveling for vacation. Papa God, keep each of the families in Your vigilant care. Keep them in Your presence and protect them in Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN.

  55. A Prayer To Thank God For Everything

    1. Thank you, Sassy Mom, for sharing this video.Such a good way to thank and praise our AWESOME LORD!
      The Lord just delivered me from myself. I was dreading a social situation today. I finally got it together and cried out to the Lord and said, "Help me!"
      The next few minutes I heard myself say, "Ok Lord, I am just going to Thank You and Praise you for this situation." He turned my emotions around and set them on a firm foundation. The whole thing turned out to be a delightful get together, inspite of me. Our God is so WONDERFUL and AWESOME! I Thank You, My God, that You are MY DELIVERER, especially when You save me from me! HALLELUJAH!!!
      Great Love and Blessings to you, Sassy Mom! JJ

    2. Loved the beautiful prayer. Amen and Amen. Thank you dear Sassy Mom! A wonderful way to start to a new day. Praise and Gratitude! You fed me well and blessed me.
      Dear JJ. I can relate! Many times I have needed the help of the Lord to get through a difficult situation or a social gathering especially when I didn’t know anyone. God was faithful and His Spirit supplied you with all the right words to say. So happy it all went well because God was in charge. Praise Him.

    3. Hallelujah and Amen 🙏. I can relate as well. The Lord has helped me through MANY situations like that. He is so very good ALWAYS!!! Thank You Jesus 😊.

    4. Thank you, Sassy Mom, for sharing that awesome prayer! Like you, JJ, I too had a stressful situation yesterday that I was making more stressful the more I thought about it. I kept talking to God, and felt He was with me. The more we can focus on God during difficult vs assuming it's going to be difficult by continuing to dwell on "it", the better the outcome. When all was said and done yesterday, it humbled me and I thanked God repeatedly for bringing me through it.

    5. Thank You God for allowing Sassy Mom to share this beautiful prayer of Thanks to You. And For You 😊

    6. I am setting my timer to ring every hour, so I can begin each new hour of today in this Thanksgiving prayer. Thanks again Sassy Mom!

    7. Sweet Brie --- That is a fabulous idea! I will be right there with you and so will the Great Cloud of Witnesses and the Angelic Hosts! Great Blessings to you and this entire JCFAMILY!!!

  56. God wants you free to receive.

    Protect your joy. Don't let satan steal it.

    God is bigger than any problem you are facing and He is FAITHFUL!

    Don't get discouraged, frustrated, or overwhelmed. Let God strengthen you and perfect you.

    Dont magnify the problem. Magnify God.

    God is so willing to do so much for His children. Get into His WORD and find out Who He is and what He wants to do for you. HALLELUJAH!!!

    1. Amen JJ 🙏. Jesus loves us more than we can even imagine!!! Oh, heavenly Father, please touch our hearts and refresh them with the revelation of Your everlasting, unconditional, amazing, and perfect love that You have for us. Let us know the height, width, length, and breadth of Your wonderful love deep in our hearts. Deep calls to deep. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Praise the Lord. Thank You Jesus 😊.

    2. Amen, amen, and AMEN! Thanks, JJ!

  57. Dear JJ! Thanks for the beautiful encouragement! That was Blessed Assurance for my weary heart. Jesus Christ is mine. He has my reins and I am following His lead. Yesterday was so busy and I got everything done because my oldest son Bryan and his family are coming to visit today. I’m tired but Jesus and I got the cooking and baking done and I’ll be able to be a Mary instead of a Martha today. In a few hours I’ll be holding my 2 yr old granddaughter Evelyn in my arms. She will make my mom happy too. Bryan and Allie are having her little brother in October! They are a wonderful couple who love the Lord. God has been so good and faithful. We have a lot to celebrate today. Hallelujah!

    Psalm 118:24
    This is the day the Lord has made;
    We will rejoice and be glad in it.

    1. Wonderful Jeanne 👏! Have a blessed day 🙏. Peace be with you!

    2. Thank you Jeanne, JJ and Janet for the uplifting posts this glorious morning!! Congratulations Jeanne on a growing family! Sending blessings to all❤️🙏

    3. How awesome, Jeanne! So happy for you!

    4. So wonderful, enjoy your son, his wife and little Evelyn’s visit thoroughly. Thankful you got the preparation out of the way yesterday so you can soak in every moment with them and your mom. Awesome news that you will have a new grandson in the fall. May God richly bless your day!

    5. Dear Jeanne --- How the Lord thy God loves to bless a Child of the Most High! Great Blessings on you and your family. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!

    6. Thanks dear Janet, Blessings from NY, NJS, Websister and JJ! I did have a blessed day and my
      Mom was smiling a lot. Evelyn made us all happy! God is so good! We all watched the Mass together and Evelyn sat quietly through it. She goes to Church on Sundays so she was a good girl. She said I love You Jesus. We all smiled. We ate too much pasta and eggplant parmigiana. It was yummy. My mom ate a small portion but she enjoyed it and we all had ice cream. Sweet memories! And thanks for sharing my joy because a new grandson is arriving in October. Thanks for the blessings!! Our awesome God continues to bless us in so many ways and we are so grateful! Thank You Jesus! I love You Jesus!

  58. Paul, in many of his letters, not only accepts suffering but embraces (almost welcomes) it. At first, I thought he endured suffering as a way to reveal to others the power and strength of the Holy Spirit and his love for Jesus Christ. It may also be that he is showing us the deeper, precious faith that is formed through such suffering.

    And Peter as well. "6 In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, 7 so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 8 Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory," 1 Peter 6-8.

    God's Blessings for all this day.

    1. Thanks John H. This is most certainly a trial (Truly! Reverence! our Infinite! Almighty! Loving! Savior!) season for me.
      May I activate T.R.I.A.L.S. throughout this day, 7 so that the tested genuineness of my faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in PRAISE and GLORY and HONOR at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Dear John H and Brie, My heart goes out to you and your families. I know you and your dear ones have been enduring trials and hardships. Following Jesus isn’t easy because sometimes we must carry our heavy crosses.
      God permits hard times and trials but He never leaves us, not even for a second. He draws us closer to Him through the valley times. We know He is with us. We feel His strength and His healing presence. He comforts us and guides us through the wilderness. I’ve been lifting you both in prayer and I’m praying with you that your genuine faith and trust in the Lord will carry you through and will surely result in PRAISE and GLORY and HONOR at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  59. Thanks dear ones for your sweet words, prayers and encouragement! We light each other’s lives as God lights ours.
    May you all receive His blessings, faithfulness, love, and more answers to your prayers. I’m thankful that He’s giving me a gift of love today with my family and they’re even staying over. My heart is happy! My good mom looks pretty and is looking forward to their visit too. Have a wonderful day in God’s presence. Have some fun too! 💗

  60. Thanks to SassyMom for sharing the lovely prayer and to JJ for the encouragement. A wonderful morning meal served and enjoyed. Lots to digest 🙂 God bless your day!

    1. Thank you also to John H and anyone else whose post I may have missed. So enjoy being fed here each morning.

  61. Watching the birds take a bath in the sprinklers on this soon to be hot, hot day. Have I become the old lady that talks to the birds and appreciates how God provides for them? Remembering how much HE loves me/us. ❤️

    1. I love watching the birds too dear Audra! I talk to them sometimes too. Their songs always bless my day too.

    2. I have found they have allot to say.

  62. Dear JC Family,
    I came in hungry today and greedily gorged myself on EVERY Post, Scripture, Psalm, and Link. I am filled to overflowing with all of His Goodness I tasted at today's JC buffet. And I am thankful.
    My thanks to all who brought a share dish, and/or prayed grace over the shared dish, regardless of the year, since there are no expiration dates on any of this good food.
    You really don't know, can't know, How Blessed I Am. How Blessed I Am!
    In Jesus' Name. 💖 AMEN!

    1. You had a great feast that satisfied your beautiful soul, dear Brie. From your sweet words I can see you are Filled to the Brim with the Spirit of God so His light and joy overflows out of you to us. Thanks for sharing it and your heart. Stay blessed and keep trusting in the Lord to make all things right. Thank You Jesus! 🙏💗

  63. Such love and blessings on this page! Thank you, Sassy Mom for that lovely prayer. I've listened to it three times today. Adorable Brie - I'm filled to the gills, also! Clearing my desk, labeling folders, left messages for an Estate Planner (do I even dare think we have an "Estate?" My DH is in his 'happy place,' with his pulse on the youngest son is broiling hamburgers (too hot to grill!) and I'm picking out some summer T-shirts.
    We've dealt with head lice - all is clear now; and cleaned and cleaned and cleaned!
    I will head to bed a very thankful Woman of God and with me will go all of your prayers, requests and celebrations. I especially can't wait to hear from you, Jeanne! The impact of that little baby girl on your Mama's heart. Just like my Kaia, who can melt our hearts in 2.9!
    God's Best and all my Love!

  64. I love your gratitude. Praise Him!
    Dear Norah, you have been through so much and now head lice. Thank God all is now well because we serve such a good and faithful God. Praying with you and for you. Thanks for your prayers! Yes dear Evelyn charmed all of us just like your little Kaia, and made my good mom very happy. I’m going to bed like you as a very tired but thankful Woman of God and a beloved child of the Most High! Rest well! God is on the Night Watch and He never sleeps.
