Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 3

     I want to be Central in your entire being. When your focus is firmly on Me, My Peace displaces fears and worries. They will encircle you, seeking entrance, so you must stay alert. Let trust and thankfulness stand guard, turning back fear before it can gain a foothold. There is no fear in My Love, which shines on you continually. Sit quietly in My Love-Light, while I bless you with radiant Peace. Turn your whole being to trusting and loving Me. 

2 Thessalonians 3:16
English Standard Version

Now may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance. The Lord be with you all!

Verse thoughts
Peace. The deepest longing of every human soul is peace. In my house is a couch, a chair, and a bed and I often bounce between them - longing for rest, longing for peace. I know that my greatest joy is this peace - to know that everything is okay. I shirk away often from duty, avoid effort, in selfish absorption I seek for this down time, for this relaxation; I cry out for rest and peace. I grab a drink, a smoke, a pill - in order to remove quickly whatever pain I am experiencing at that moment. When I am sick or ill or have a family member hurting - I shake my finger at God. God knows I thirst for this rest and peace. It is not wrong to have peace. But I often mistranslate the meaning of the longing and think that resting on the couch and having another drink and never having a problem and never suffering and never going through a trial and never having a disappointment and always feeling safe and secure...is how I get peace. In my humanistic ways I take control and I decide how peace is defined. 

But God Himself, through the apostle Paul, speaks to me and tells me instead that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord of peace Himself. Christ is named as peace Himself. In other instances I have read of the God of peace, so this is either blasphemy or divinity in naming Jesus the Lord of peace. And in Jesus there was experiences in His life of sorrow, weeping, wonder, anger, pity, grief, and love. In other words, peace is not found in the avoidance of difficult duty; peace is not found in the shirking away of pains and struggles; peace is not found in the drink, in the smoking of whatever, in the pill. Rather, the One despised and forsaken of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief - He is peace. Despite what I think and the way I have been so often trained I can only know peace when I am made alive in Christ. He had peace. And He who sent Me is with Me; He has not left Me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to Him. He has taught me through His example the perfect submission of His will; that resignation is peace, that the surrender of self-will is peace, that obedience is peace, that trust is peace and fellowship with the divine is peace. Despite all that occurred in His life on this earth, He had peace.

So He is the sole giver of it to others. As a sinner, my peace comes and goes. I submit to Him and I surrender all to Him because He always does the things that are pleasing to Him. So I confess Him as Lord, believe in Him, and that God raised Him from the dead. He saves me. And He is the only One who can grant me peace in every circumstance. And when I have this peace then disasters, calamities, sorrows, losses, trials, disappointments, sufferings -- all have no power over me. For I have the Lord of Peace. The Lord is with me. The Lord be with you all!

I John 4:18
English Standard Version

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.  

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Good Monday Morning and thank you, again, Peyton Family for providing this blog which reminds me daily where my peace comes from and my responsibility in finding it, always with an honest evaluation of how you apply it to your own daily life. I, too, marvel, Colorado JC Friend at the similarities we all experience...then I laugh and wonder why I'm surprised when 'there is nothing new under the sun.' God Bless all of this sweet JC Family and our journeys. The honesty that flows from these pages is a comfort. So, I continue to seek the Peace that passes all understanding. The clothes will come together, the money will be there for all needs to be met and I will remember that my children's greatest joy is seeing a blessed Mom and Dad, who recognize why we have it! Prayers for all of you: for jobs, open eyes and hearts and multiplied rest!

    1. Thank you Norah! I love the comment/thought that our children's greatest joy is seeing a blessed Mom and Dad. Dear precious Lord help me to not only receive your blessings but show it to others including my children. Our peace is found in the joy of our children but more importantly in the blessings we receive from you God the Father. AMEN.

    2. Thanks be to God for all these here who express your truths and who are being made into your likeness. Glory to God.

    3. Thank you Norah! Love your words
      God bless you

    4. Wonderful reminder to remain in the peace found only in God's presence, despite our circumstances. I have so much Bible work to finish to get ready for Monday's Bible group. I have my grandson coming over for a sleepover tomorrow and I'm driving to Brooklyn Friday to spend the weekend with my Mom and driving back to sing in Church on Sunday. I pray God will help me get my work done. I have done the readings but have not written my thoughts and notes down yet. I will just rest in the peace that passeth all understanding. He is amazing and can help me accomplish what I need to do.

    5. I'm certain the Holy Spirit will provide the words for your Bible study group in perfect timing, Jeanne. Stay peace full and they will come.
      Chris Payton, your personal comments to today's devotion are so spot on to where Peace may be found. Although the chair or special resting place can help, it is only thru the awareness of Him we drum up in any given moment that true Peace may be found. And he is ALWAYS there with us to be found. Thank you Jesus!

    6. And this reminder right her: "where my peace comes from and my responsibility in finding it".

    7. Amen!! Yes! We must seek the peace in our day. It’s always there with His light. God envelopes us in His peace. We must do our best to remain in His presence no matter what! No leaning on our own human understanding and emotions.

    8. Thank you again Chris for starting , maintaining this wonderful JC blog and for sharing your heart and prayers so openly. Our peace comes only from
      Jesus. Your explanation is helpful.
      I love you Jesus and thank you for your peace and love. I’m
      Asking for prayers for my dear husband and his Job. Things are very slow, very low inventory, long hours and it is wearing on him. He works long, hard and this past month was very rough! I know God has him and this situation in
      the palm
      Of his hand hands πŸ™Œ Also, asking for prayers for my dear disabled mom who is struggling to stay afloat and absolutely resistant to staying with us so we can help
      Her as she is having a difficult time taking care of her basic needs. Please help us Lord
      Lifting each of you dear JC family up
      In prayer
      Love and blessings πŸ™❤️πŸ™

    9. Lifting up your husband, his job, your Mom, and you, our dear Anonymous. May all experience showers and showers of God's Blessings. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    10. Praise YOU FATHER, for the breath YOU bless me with, for this new day πŸ™
      I confess I do have worries and know I should not. I Praise YOU FATHER for the continued strength, love and peace YOU bless me and my loved ones. Only YOU know how much longer we will be able to be at peace here, but I am less worried about wars than I am of YOUR approval of
      me and the ways in which I serve YOU FATHER. Forgive me for not trusting YOU enough, as I can’t understand why or how else I still have worries, for if I had Complete trust in YOU I wouldn’t have all these thoughts swirling through my mind as I do, teach me how to trust YOU more. I thought I was with complete trust, but I think I’ve fooled myself. Please forgive me FATHER. I surrender my life to YOU, I Love YOU YAWEH and YESHUA
      PLEASE FATHER let YOUR will be done in my life and help me put aside my selfish ways. I pray that YOUR will be done in all of my loved ones lives, as well as in All of the lives of my brothers and sisters in Christ.
      Praise YOU FATHER for blessing my daughter with her new employment position she officially starts today πŸ™πŸ’ž, please let YOUR will be done in her and her fiancΓ©’s life .
      I pray in Jesus name

    11. Gathering into prayer with you, for you, for your daughter, and for All Our Children. In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    12. Blessings from NYJune 3, 2024 at 8:54 AM

      Amen πŸ™

    13. Me too, as I start this day in gratitude, there is no room for fear-only peace.

    14. Thank you Lord for working through Chris to start and maintain this blog & through working on through each of us in coming together to worship, love, pray and support each other as we seek you. God~Jesus~Holy Spirit, you are peace, you are love! I pray for more of you and less of me. I pray this over my family, over the JC family, over our country and over the world. Thank you father God for never leaving us and for your perfect love.

  2. Good morning my JC family πŸ₯°. Thank you all soooo much for your prayers for my hubby & I. We wait as the testings are scheduled. Prayer for Sweet4G for your hubby, Purplemartin, that you will be caught up in the "eye" of the storm trials you are going through, Anonymous, for your son, stay steady & strong in your spirit as you watch how the Lord will move in his life. Let's claim Jeremiah 29:11 for him shall we? Post it on your fridge & let your mind absorb it everyday. This will show the enemy that Jesus loves your son even more than you do, therefore, "hands off!". Oh PEACE sweet peace, how we need you. Amen. Love & blessings to allπŸ₯°

  3. Norah, praying for your week. The Agape love you demonstrate towards your family this week will be contagious! Watch & seeπŸ₯°!

  4. I have been reading this blog for around three months now. This blog thru Jesus has brought me peace in my heart for the first time in my whole life. I am a recovering addict and have been sober now for over seven months. Last October I lost my job and my wonderful wife found out about my addiction. I started reading Jesus Calling which was sitting on the coffee table and started to rekindle a relationship with God. I found this blog when I was out of town for a couple days and realized I missed my daily morning routine of reading Jesus Calling. What a blessing this blog is and the community it has formed. Just wanted to say Thank you for all the blessings and support this community has brought me. I am still looking for employment but the Lord has a plan and has sustained us thru this time. Thanks everyone again and God bless you all!

    1. May God continue to bless you daily, as you travel on your journey. Dave, its a journey that has been written specifically for you. 7 months, Awesome! Keep focused on your goals and dreams that WILL be met with your rekindled realationship with Jesus. Amen!

    2. Dave--- So good to have you join this blog. WELCOME! I join ABC in blessing you and praying for you. I pray the Lord will guide you continually so that you never get off the path He has for you. I pray He will make our soul and mind to be whole and flourishing. Isaiah 58:11 The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; you shall be like a well watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. Interceding in Kansas

    3. Dave I pray that you are still walking in the light. Your sobriety date is right along side of mine. I experienced some of your struggles. This book found me too. I used it to help me go on on day at a time with the Lord. Trusting that he will tie up all the lose ends I left behind. It's his grace that brings us to salvation. He's I charge of the hearts of the friends we left behind. I pray for them but I had to walk away and not look back. Pray for them and let the Lord move the way he does. He's carried us this far and he doesn't stop God bless you on your walk today and on the journey that lies ahead. He is the prize.

    4. πŸ™❤️πŸ™

  5. Thanks everyone for your shares. Starting a new job today! Enjoying peace and quality of life with clean and sober living. Learning about healthy relationships and avoiding toxic people. Blessings to all this wonderful day Lord has ahead of us. May thine will be done.

    1. Congratulations! I pray it goes well for you and that you settle in quickly with your new team and the work God has given! God bless! Colorado JC Friend

  6. Good and blessed morning JC family!

    Thank You dear Father for waking me up feeling better than my yesterday. Thank You for brand new mercy and Your Grace that is sufficient for me!
    From the devotion of yesterday, the declaration that I read and the sermon preached in church, I heard You speak to me through every one of them, amidst another painful family revelation!
    "Blessings in brokenness" was the sermon that was meant for me yesterday and I realized this is what You are doing in my life. Allowing family trials to shape me for Your Glory. A revelation that is now so clear to me.
    I Thank You Father, let Your will be done. I just ask for strength, endurance, perseverance and peace as it comes! May I never be tempted to do anything that will displease You due to my pain, but grant me wisdom to make the right decisions, speak the right words and let my actions show Christ in me. Thank You for a weekend that started with so much peace and excitement that the enemy had to step in and try to spoil! But I am still standing by Your Grace and holding onto You no matter what. Forgive me for my first reactions, and thank You for speaking Your words to me and calming me down.
    Thank You for Your Peace that no man can give to me! I trust You, this is one of the reasons I'm still holding unto You, so thank You FATHER!
    Lifting all my JC family up this morning and trusting You for taking care of every concern, problems and trials they are facing. You are a Promise keeper, a Miracle worker and Light in our darkness, we bless Your name and thank You for everything, in Jesus name!

    Bless day to all JC Family.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Theojohn09@googleJune 3, 2019 at 7:43 AM

      Amen and thank you Lord Jesus for the work you are doing in this persons life.

    2. It's so amazing that in the very darkest times of our lives, His light shines all the more brighter. Through the craziness, darkness and sickness of our fallen world, I am so grateful to have His Hand to hold. Only in His sweet presence is peace, contentment and order.

    3. Thank you Maplewood
      Pray that you and your family are doing well and working through things
      Lifting you up in prayer
      Lifting up our JC family in prayer
      God is so good.

  7. Thank you Lord for this group of believers that pray for us no matter where we are coming from. I see Lord that several of us have been addicted to something and if not one of us, it is a child of ours. I want to thank YOU Lord for the place we can go to and open our hearts about what is really going on in our lives. I am blessed to have a church I can go to and open my heart of hurts to them and without any condemnation they will love me through anything I bring to the table. For the people that can't be so honest because they will feel judged among their church family, I ask God that you touch those in the church that feel it their duty to make someone feel ashamed for their problems when you Lord don't want it that way. I have been to those churches where a person wouldn't dare to really say what is going on in their lives or the lives of their loved ones because they would be shamed instead of comforted and loved through their hard times. Touch the hearts of those that shame instead of letting people know we all have our own problems and we are worthy with or without them. Our God is a loving God, we have no business making someone feel guilty for their sins because they are different than others sins. Be with each person in this JC Family, answer the prayers of each person as they ask you Lord to take care of their needs or the needs of someone else. Watch over and protect each of us as we go about our day. I ask these things in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

    1. Pamela K-- Amen and Amen! Well said.

    2. Pamela K - Amen, amen, amen!!!!!!! Very well said.

    3. Pamela K πŸ’–πŸ™πŸ˜‡. Amen, Amen, Amen! God bless our JC family
      Texas friend

  8. Beautiful thoughts and prayers today. Thank you for sharing , and God Bless each and everyone as you journey throughout this day that the Lord has prepared just for you.

  9. Lexi update: I am currently waiting to be discharged from UVA!!! This blessing is not lost on me. My normal looks a lot different and I think it will for a little while. BUT, I get more time to love on my family and friends and that’s the ultimate blessing for me. God has a purpose for this, that I am sure of. Thank you for all of your prayers!♥️ Lexi

    Thanks, Warriors for your strong encouraging prayers for Lexi and her family. James 5:16 ...... The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

    1. Wow - great update, great news. God is great! Blessings to you Lexi.KS

    2. What a MIGHTY God we serve,
      what a MIGHTY God we serve, Angels bow before Him,
      Heaven and earth adore Him,
      what a MIGHTY God we serve!

      Rejoicing in singing to the Lord for His goodess and thanking Him for Lexi's victory!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Wonderful news, Sassy Mom! Thank you for the update!

    4. I SO LOVED reading this note from Lexi! What a mighty woman of God. And how sweet of God to give us proof that our prayers are mighty as well. What He promised, He delivered.
      “Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in Heaven." Matthew 18:19

    5. I am touched by your words, Lexi. Thank you. I am sure you see today's JC reading in a whole different light in your present circumstances but that light is the eternal Light. God be with you.

    6. Lexi, Blessed that you God is healing you and you are finally going home. I love your gratitude and attitude. You know that God will use this for good. God is so faithful and we are happy to have answered prayers. Enjoy being home and loving your family and being loved. May God lead you to a perfect recovery as you rest in His presence. Much love.

    7. Godspeed Lexi, may your love of the Lord continue to shine upon all you meet. Amen.

    8. Lexi how wonderful to hear about your healing process. How wonderful to reconfirm God hears and answers prayers! Thank you Jesus

  10. Thanks for the update SASSY MOM.
    My prayers are continuing for Lexie

  11. Almighty Father, every morning that I wake up to breathe, move my limbs, open my eyes, speak and hear, reminds that I have once again been blessed to be in the land of the living and in Your Presence. I thank You. A year ago today from my post, I was in a very broken place and then I heard a sermon “Blessings in Brokenness” and realized that the pain I suffered through the trials I faced from my family, was You using each one to mold me, strengthen me, give me endurance and perseverance, but most importantly, to draw me closer to You. I see that now, and I wouldn’t change that for anything! Though things are not perfect, it is better and not what it was before or at least I am not allowing it to steal my joy because I am growing in You. Through the help of Your Holy Spirit, I am allowing ‘perseverance to finish its work so that I may be mature and complete, not lacking anything’(James 1:4). Thank You for Jesus that made it all possible. Amen!

    There are fears in the world and there will always be fear, but thanks be to God that:“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love" (1 John 4:18).
    Our Heavenly Father is Love and whoever lives in love, lives in Him and Him in them. Love is made complete among us this way so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment. Because of God’s grace, we don’t have to strive for perfection. His Love is unfailing (Psalm 34:5-8). His Love pursues us, and never gets tired of our flaws and imperfections (1 Cor. 13:7). The Word tells us that:“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption, whereby we cry Abba Father” (Romans 8:14-15).

    Dear Heavenly Father, please help us to live in Your love and let Your love rule and be sovereign over our lives so that fear will forever be cast away. May we turn our whole being into trusting and loving You from the depths of our hearts I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

    May the Blessings and Love of God surround each of us today and the days ahead.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Beautiful, Maplewood. Happy to read that your family life is better. Blessings to you. KS

    2. HOW BEAUTIFUL! Today is definitely a Praise Worthy day because we are alive I agree with each of you in prayer and praise!


    3. So happy for you, Maplewood! Baby steps.

    4. So true, twin bd sis, how past excruciating experiences become tools in God's hand for our greater good. God does not approve bad behavior but the power of God unto salvation is to take human sin and turn it into a blessing for those who have suffered from the poor choices of others. Of course, our Lord's death on the cross is the ultimate example. Though the time we must pass through pain is never easy (it certainly wasn't for Jesus), the ending is always blessed. Keep healing and getting better...in every way. God be with you.

    5. Amen dear Maplewood. We are all on a faith journey. God uses our hard times to teach us and strengthen us. He molds us through the hardships. Our faith shines all the more brighter when we are in bad situations and deep in our brokenness. In our weaknesss He is always strong. We are blessed by His Word and His Spirit. There is no fear in love and His love is unfailing and without end.

    6. Thank you for sharing your heart Maplewood, I identify with your post and thank God that there is so much more ahead for all of us then what meets the eye. My pain has indeed been molded into a beautiful offering of service to His hurting children. I am only boasting on The Lord for He renovated my heart thru the pain. He turned my heart inside out which allowed The light of Jesus to identify the wound and begin the healing process. I praise God that He loves us so much that He never leaves us in our pain but gently, lovingly ushers us forward. He picks up each broken piece and finds its purpose in His plan for our lives. Usually just the right fit into someone else's missing space. That is the never ending circle of Love of God. God is love. Peace my family. Thank you for continued prayers for my sons mind.

    7. Bob! Loved what you said about God using our sins to lead others to righteousness.
      ”God does not approve bad behavior but the power of God unto salvation is to take human sin and turn it into a blessing for those who have suffered from the poor choices of others”

  12. Thank you Jesus, today and everyday for the healthy outcomes for those who love you. Thank you for your unfailing love, for giving us eyes to see you at work in our daily lives. Come Holy Spirit, with hosts of angels to help us all know the need for salvation through Christ Jesus. Whatever the battle in our individual and collective lives, may your Peace enfold us and we witness your victories. Amen!

  13. It is so good to read of answered prayers, growth in God's Word and see humble hearts, still believing to be better, stronger examples of our Lord's work. I'm right there with you, Maplewood and that was the prayer my husband I prayed this morning. That LOVE would be our #1 goal of the day...that LOVE is what casts out fear. Audra, your prayer is my prayer, "Whatever the battle in our individual and collective lives, may your Peace enfold us and we witness your victories. Amen!"
    I've never been good at keeping a written journal, but I read my posts from last year or the year before and I almost laugh. With today's turmoil, worrying about what to wear to my son's wedding seems childish. Yet, just as I wrote this, God reminded me that just this last Monday, when we stood up for friends at their wedding and I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off looking for something to wear...that FIT...and I ended up running out to buy something.
    So, once again, I'm humbled. Yes, I'm growing, but I sure haven't ARRIVED. The day I do, I'll be gazing into the eyes of my beloved Savior. "But, until then, my heart will go on singing...."
    Prayers and thankfulness to all of you on this great site that Chris P. started so many years ago and continues to 'hit the mark,' in 2020.

    1. Thanks Norah. We were up all night with a very sick pet waiting for the Vet to open at 8a this morning. The pet had spinal cord injuries that could not be healed, so the Vet put her to sleep. I thank God she found a way to drag herself home so we could spend her last night, holding her, comforting her and letting her know she was loved. With all the big deep stuff going on, like you I felt childish posting my need for prayers and peace for a much loved pet. Thanks for reminding me to cast ALL our cares on Him because He cares for us. I am praying for our healing and our peace because I can in one accord with 2 Thessalonians 3:16
      Now may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE. The Lord be with you all! Thanks again Norah for your timely reminder. It is sincerely appreciated thanks be to God. Amen

    2. Pets give unconditional love so a lot can be learned from them... and all pets go to heaven! I will never forget and it is on YouTube, when on the Carson show, Jimmy Stewart read his poem (later published) about his recently departed and loyal dog Beau. Johnny was in tears like everyone. Yes, losing a pet is difficult. Godspeed.

    3. Thanks MadFox,
      So unconditional. So appreciative. So trusting, even when you communicate the final answer to them! I will you tube Jimmy Stewart now. Thanks again MadFox. I Love You

    4. You're welcome. But, fair warning, you will weep again! But I love his poem and think it was 'pitch perfect.' The poem has the perfect mix of humor and melancholy. Peace.

    5. No worries, MadFox Psalm 30:5
      His favor lasts for life! Weeping may go on all night, but in the morning there is joy! Amen!

    6. God bless and comfort you Brilamar

  14. Amen Audra, I am resting in His peace and looking forward to seeing His victories. Norah thank you for reminding me that my goal today is walking in LOVE and peace and sharing it. You made me smile because we are all not ready for prime time. God is completing His perfect work in us in His good timing. I love you exactly as you are.

  15. I can't help but think that today's devo is something we should all say to everyone we meet today. The succinct message is in just two phrases of Sarah's message, and Jesus would surely say:

    "My Peace displaces fears and worries. (and) there is no fear in My Love, which shines on you continually!"

    Pandemic, looting, racial injustice, corrupt politicians, loss of job (self-worth), financial difficulties, etc. All real world problems that LOVE could fix and fear exacerbates. We pray for God to be seen in this time of severe hardship, and that Father, Son & Spirit heal it all with love. May our fears be defeated with Their love. Amen

    1. Absolutely MadFox!
      Dear God please see the fear around us today as one of our many shortages that only you can multiple it into an abundance of Love with Your LOVE. That Love will reduce our fears and open our hearts to the peace that You will provide! Amen.

    2. Agree LOVE, there is little being displayed. May we shine His light, Amen.

    3. So true MadFox. There is no room for worry when we are in His Peace and presence. In His love there is no fear and His love is forever. Praying for your daughter. Hope all is going well.

    4. Thanks for the reminder, MadFox, ABC, and Jeanne:
      All you need is love
      All you need is love
      All you need is love, love
      Love is all you need

      Love, love, love
      Love, love, love
      Love, love, love

      All you need is love
      All you need is love
      All you need is love, love
      Love is all you need!

    5. ♥️ 🎢 we know and LOVE:
      All You Need Is Love https://www.google.com/search?kgmid=/g/11bv5ymnt9&hl=en-US&q=the+beatles+all+you+need+is+love+(remastered+2009)&kgs=0cb15812bf381892&shndl=0&shdeb=tbcfctco&source=sh/x/kp/osrp&entrypoint=sh/x/kp/osrp

    6. Amen! Love is all we need! And God’s love is most important.

  16. Thanks Bob. I love you! May the love of God continually shine on you and our entire JC family and on each of our dear ones. Amen

  17. Thank you all for your uplifting prayers of support for my family. I'm eternally grateful and humbled by your love. I pray for each and every one of you and the circumstances that surround you today. Rest easy in His presence, and may the Holy Spirit guide your steps. Lord, I ask that you give me the words to console my family during this difficult time. Help us all to seek You, Lord, and lean on You more fully than ever before. I give You all the glory for every victory! May Your heavenly Light shine upon me today, and open my eyes that I may see the treasures and blessings despite the darkness. In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

    Blessings to you all, JC family, from California.

  18. Praying for your comfort over losing your cousin Billy. He became part of the Family of God before he passed. That was how God answered our prayers. Thank you so much for your wonderful prayers for us. Seek the light through your sorrow. He will shine ever more brightly because He knows you need it right now. Lots of love.

    1. Thank you for your prayers, love and support, Jeanne. I love your words, "Seek the Light through your sorrow." It spoke to my heart. God bless you.
      Love from California

    2. Thank you for your love, prayers and support, Jeanne. I love your line, "Seek the Light through your sorrow." It spoke to my heart. God bless you.

      Sending love from California

    3. Dear Rose, I’m sure you are missing your dear Billy. He’s abiding in a sweet and peaceful place and someday you will join him and understand it all in the sweet By and By..

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Hi please pray for Tina. She is fighting cancer. Thank you and god bless you. πŸ™

  21. I am praying for a miraculous healing and recovery for our dear brother in Christ, Marc, and for our dear sister, Audra. Lord You know and can provide exactly what they need to be whole and complete once again. I pray Your Peace, Grace and Mercy bring them through it all, encircling and filling them up so much that fears and worries are flushed out. We fully trust and thank You Lord, for standing guard in the OR and RR, leading and guiding all of the medical providers through whom You are providing Your Healing Blessings and Your Shining Love for Marc. Simultaneously, would you please shine Your Love Light on Audra, while she quietly waits in the family waiting room and You bless her with Your Radiant Peace? May she feel her JC Family with her in Spirit, prayer, and song. Most importantly, may she feel Your Presence. In Jesus' Name. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen.

    1. Early Morning Eye Opener:
      To Be Overcome by YOUR PRESENCE LORD!

    2. Our Dear Audra, It seems so fitting to Marc's and your today's situation, that I read and reread your "Audra June 3, 2020 at 6:59 AM" prayer until it became mine for you both. With Love from me to you. In Jesus' Name. AMEN.

    3. Joining in your wonderful prayer dear Brie! Amen and Amen! Thank You dear Jesus!
      Yes Brie! Reading Audra’s perfect prayer once more with you! Amen!!!

  22. Heavenly Father, Lord of peace, thank You for being the source of this most precious and mysterious gift. Your peace keeps me calm despite a raging storm of difficulty. Even when anxiety seems to have a death grip on me, Your peace draws me back to You. I am so grateful for Your peace. I praise You Lord always and continually. Thank You Jesus.

    I have told you these things, so that you can have peace because of me. In this world you will have trouble. But be encouraged! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

    I am leaving you with a gift--peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid. (John 14:27)

    1. Janet, Thanks for the update yesterday on your specific needs. Will pray for transportation, a new place to live, a job, and that family can some day be restored. I know from personal experience that estranged family can be reconciled, but it was years later both personally, and with friends. Many didn't believe it possible with their's. If that isn't something that you want (I didn't initially), let God work on forgiveness as well, Janet. You are doing incredibly well based on your prayers here, may all of the JC Warriors' prayers bring peace to you, and we will boldly ask for your needs in the weeks ahead. Be sure to update us on any progress. In His holy name we pray. AMEN.

    2. Thank you for sharing this current chapter of your journey's story with us, Janet, our dear sweet sister friend in Christ. You are loved and prayed for everyday. Our WayMaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in The Darkness, God is holding your hand and guiding your steps.
      Love is on the move
      When the Father's in the room
      Miracles take place
      The cynical find faith
      And love is breaking through
      When the Father's in the room.

      You are so on pointe to lay your burdens down at His Feet.
      I am gathering into prayer with Madfox and our entire JC Family praying for you and our entire JC Family to continually experience His Love and His Showers of Blessings right here and right now. With Much Love, Brie

    3. Janet, you've been in my mind and prayers as well. Brie spoke for many of us with her thoughtful words above. You are a strong demonstration of faith and it is wonderful to be among you and the others here. Hugs dear sister and we will Praise your victory as a family soon!

    4. Continued prayers en masse with our JC family for delivered answers to all of your needs, Janet. Peace be with you, His Peace is for you.

    5. I want to thank MadFox, Brie, Waiting, Audra, Jeanne, Terri, Norah, Maplewood, Sassy Mom, NJS, Woman of God, BrightStar, Keith, and all of you here on this blog for your prayers, thoughts, and concerns for me. You are all like a second family to me and I am so very grateful to the Lord for directing me to this site. God is so very good. He always knows what He's doing and He brings people together all the time. What a blessing all of you are. God bless all of you and peace be with you. I'm sorry if I forgot actual names above, but I am grateful to everyone here. Thank you!

    6. How's it going for you these days, dear Janet?

  23. Praying with you all for Marc's knee replacement, and Tina's healing, an MadFox's results and little Jackson's healing and ABC's comfort. Must catch up on my sleep so be blessed my dear JC Family. You are in my prayers.
    Thank You Father for answering all our prayers, providing our needs, healing our loved ones, and guiding us to fruitful days and restful nights. We love you. Amen.

  24. Praying with and for you all, dear JC family. I come every day and read your updates and prayer requests and see God is good and has a relationship with us. My mom is accepting our move a little better. We've had a lot of trials so far. We can't find a doctor for her here locally yet. I pray that happens soon. Our moving van has been MIA for 2 1/2 weeks and finally an answer yesterday that our stuff will be loaded on another van at the end of next week to come here after that. My mom needs her things that help her live and operate through her handicapped life. We watch church on Wednesday night and Sunday morning and she now eagerly looks forward to it each time. The Holy Spirit is with us and we will wait for things to iron out while we go along here. Love to you all. This JC family has a special place in my heart as I read how you all care for each other and share lives. God Bless. Love, Kathy

    1. It is always good to see you Kathy, our dear sister-friend in Christ. You and your Mom's Journey are always in my heart, positive thoughts, mind and prayers.
      We may not be birthday twins, but we sure seem to be parallel twins. (I guess our communications can be called, parallel-o-grams :) since I am on a parallel road with you, praying to continually trust Jesus Through It All and trudge onward in The Way that keeps me pathed toward our Heavenly Home, and sometimes I weep.
      Blessings to all posters and prayers. Your loving prayers are invaluable!

    2. God is on the move in many mighty ways, especially in support of the moves of our extended family. Blessings to you, Kathy, your mom, and Brie's bro as you settle in and find your comfort zones.

    3. Thank you dear Brie, my parallel-o-gram sister for sure! Onward Christian soldiers and sometimes we weep. We are so blessed to be part of this lovely place that the Spirit led us to for sharing our walk. I keep you in my prayers and understand the hard parts along this road. So many have told me its a "special blessing" to be the care giver and sometimes I get that, but sometimes we need a break. I ask in prayer for little breaks and sometimes I notice a little break or delightful little surprise blessing that brings renewal.

      Thank you also Audra for your acknowledgment and supportive words of faith in our Dear Lord's good plan for all of us.

    4. So glad you're seeing "acceptance" signs from your mom, Kathy! That's so great. Slow and steady is often the right speed for anything that is long term. Glad she looks forward to and enjoys church on Wednesdays & Sundays! Again, forward thinking! Yay! Praying the moving van arrives SOON. That will make both of you exhale! Sending love, hugs of strength and endurance to you, Kathy, her caregiver. May you see God's blessing, big and small, each day!

  25. Dear Kathy. The fact that your Mom eagerly awaits watching Church Wed and Sunday is the best thing. Even though you haven’t found a doctor for her and she hasn’t received her dear and familiar possessions, she knows that all she needs to make things right is the joy and peace from above, worship, praise and thanksgiving. A close relationship with God is so important to her and you. And His Spirit is indeed moving and guiding you both. Things will fall into place because God is faithful and knows you are seeking Him. He may guide you to meet some neighbors who can lead you to a trustworthy local doctor, and your things will be with you very soon. As soon as you fix her room with them she will feel much happier and more content in her new home and you will too. My 93 year old Mom hates change, even if I just put the cups into the dishwasher in the wrong place she gets upset. Going to spend the weekend with Mom tomorrow and I’ll try my best to keep her routine how she likes it. After we pray with my Sis we both go off by ourselves to pray for those on our lists. After that all goes well. My problem with my Mom is when I’m not with her she eats old food because she doesn’t want to waste it. So tomorrow I will carefully clean out her fridge and pitch anything old. I’m bringing some fresh food for us to eat.
    Praying for you dear Kathy. You have a lot on your plate but you’re never alone and your good Mom knows how much you love her and God loves her. That’s the most important thing.
    Dear Brie, Praying for your comfort and guidance as you help your brother Keith in his new home and with his medical problems..God is with you every step of the way.

    1. Thank you dear Jeanne for your ever-encouraging words. I hope you'll have a nice weekend! It does help to know we're not alone and the only one who's experiencing this. God Bless

    2. So true Kathy. We are blessed to have such a good support group in this wonderful JC Family and all of God's help, as His Spirit dwells within us. Our Lord is our Rock which never crumbles, on which we stand. Thanks for the blessing.

  26. Thank you all for your prayers for Marc's surgery today. We are blessed to have very little experience in an OR so the unknown must be left in TRUST. I'll read your prayers to Marc as we wait at the hospital. In humble gratitude for y'all ♥️, Audra.

    1. Praying for your peace. πŸ™πŸŒ§

    2. Joining prayers for your peace dear Audra. Marc is in good Hands. Praying for a wonderful outcome.

  27. I am nobody. thought I was. I thought I knew me.but I didn’t . It wasn’t me, it was god himself in me in all my works that I’ve done. And I will be like you forever god, if only you grant me that! I know that I feel it now. I am full of you! Thank you lord for the wake up call! I don’t ever want to go back. Stay with me god. Keep me safe and secure into your faithful loving arms! Thank you for all your angels and workers that in charge of of my life. I bless them lord. You are god almighty. Thank you for giving me this life. Bless me o lord. I am your servant and you are my god and my savior. Don’t put me to shame , you made my heart! I am yours forever god. Please heal my friend’s eye and his mind, soul and Spirit forever and ever in Jesus’ name I pray Amen. πŸ™πŸ™
    Thank you Jesus for all you do for us! Love to all. Have a bless day everyone!!!!

  28. Continue praying for Tina. Please pray for her. She is battening with cancer every day. God bless you and keep you safe. πŸ™

    1. I have been holding Tina in my prayers and you too. God is greater than her cancer. May He remove every bad cell and replace it with good ones and restore her health completely. Thank You Jesus!

    2. Thank you Jesus! God bless you Jeanne. Thank you πŸ™

  29. I join with you in your prayers for Tina. God bless her and draw her close to you through this experience. We pray for her healing from the inside out. Turn her heart Lord. Co.fort her soul. Bless her family. Give them the strength to get through this hard time. THANK YOU FATHER. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

    1. Amen. God bless you πŸ™❤️

  30. Your prayers are at work. I was with Marc until they took him to the OR. His doctor came by to answer questions and mark the knee he will work on. His unique ,"tattoo"? Initials JC in a circle. How about that?! Now the waiting...

    Expecting recovery room around 4:45 Pacific time and then I can see him in room. Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers πŸ˜˜πŸ‘

    1. The initials are great :-)
      Thanks for the updates.

    2. Amen Keith! Love that tattoo! Marked with the Name of Jesus!

  31. I love Chris' verse thoughts. Those thoughts are becoming a part of my journey of discovery. As imperfect as my journey seems it is still a journey to discover truth. And truth is the only thing we can "set up shop" in.

    Lord lead us to your love and truth.

  32. Truth! Thanks Keith. My journey is imperfect but my goal is to be more like Jesus. That's why the prayer I usually pray is:
    Thank You God for making me a better person.
    Good thing we are unconditionally loved just as we are.

  33. Heavenly Father, thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always. Please impart to us Your perfect love and the willingness for us to pass it on one another in the world.

  34. Dear God, give me peace and joy for this day as my daughter goes back to Mayo for a liver biopsy. May God keep her in perfect peace and health. Amen. Ellen

    1. Praying for her and you, Ellen

    2. This morning finds me singing KNOW YOU WILL by United

    3. πŸ™4U Ellen and your daughter. ♥️

    4. Joining in prayers for your dear daughter, good results, and for your peace of mind sweet sister Ellen. As Brie and her beautiful song has said, He will make a way. Amen!! Lean on His promises and past faithfulness.

    5. Thank you so much for your prayers and support! Ellen

  35. I'm just always AWE-mazed at how often these daily entries from Sarah tie in with where I'm at in my week/life. Blows my mind and a total God-wink from Our Creator...letting me know He is in control not matter what is whirling-on around me. It is so true that if I can focus on Him in the midst of not-so-pleasant circumstances or situations, how I feel such a calmness wash over me. It's the remembering to do so, though...to not let "things" or storms overtake me but grasp for God's hand and hold tightly to Him, right?! When I do that, it doesn't necessarily make the situation go away BUT I feel an exhale of knowing He knows what's going on and will bring me through. Such a peace when I can refrain from getting too caught up in "stuff" and let go and let God. Peace to one and all here, my great JC fam! Hope you all feel His peace today...enough that anyone you cross paths with today feels it from you.

    1. Good Morning NJS and our entire JC Family,
      AHH! PEACE, i.e., The Presence of God rather than the absence of circumstances. All done in His Name. Amen

    2. Wonderful truth and encouragement dear NJS! Thank you good sister. Continuing to pray for you and your family.
      Your words were just what we needed. We know that no matter the situation or problem, He is so much greater and we are More than Conquerors in Him.
      Dear Jesus, Thank You for reminding us to hold onto Your Unchanging Hand today and remain in Your presence and peace. Amen

  36. Song: Jesus be the Centre. Robin Mark, Belfast Northern Ireland https://youtu.be/TqCMTkSqv4I

    1. Thanks Peter. Always loved this song!!!

  37. Charles Stanley one said that the one thing that most people express that they desire is peace. The problem is that we live in a fallen world and are seeking heaven on earth. But as Brie reminds us, it’s not the absence of problems but the presence of the Lord and our salvation that should be our peace and joy. Here’s a link to a podcast from Rick Warren on how love casts out FEAR (false evidence appearing real) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pastor-ricks-daily-hope/id631094342?i=1000562771845
    Blessings family!

  38. From Joyce Meter today:
    Today is the gift we have from God. To miss the joy and opportunities it holds due to regret over the past or dread of the future is not God's will for us.

    True faith must always operate in the "now" season of our lives, and faith alone enables us to be at peace and enjoy the present moment.

    Everything is in God's hands, and He has a good plan for each of us (see Jeremiah 29:11). Rather than dreading or feeling apprehensive about the future, we can live with expectancy regarding it.

    1. Thanks Rich! And thanks for the link. We can’t be worried or anxious when we’re praising and thanking our great God. Whenever I’m going through a hard time or letting my emotions get the best of me, I bring it to Jesus and tell Him I’m putting it all in His Hands. Then I feel more peace and walk with a lighter load.

  39. Immediate relief when I change the channel from fear to expectancy regarding the future!

    1. Yep! Trying not to look too far ahead. Much better to stay in the present where He meets us.

  40. Dear heavenly Father, please, please bless and comfort all those hurting today. I ask this in the MIGHTY name of Jesus our Lord and savior. Amen.

    1. Praying with you dear ABC for God’s help for all those who are suffering in body, mind and spirit. Thank You Father for your healing, comfort, relief of pain, peace of mind, strength of faith and peace for all those in need. Thank You for your faithfulness and mercy. We love You and trust You. Thank You for answering all the prayers of our dear JC Family and their loved ones in Jesus’ Name we pray.

  41. I took my dear sister Janet for her MRI of her knee yesterday and we both prayed right through it. She said it was a good experience because she prayed Psalm 23 and spoke to the Lord. She felt His presence. I waited a long time by myself and it was time well spent with Jesus. I prayed for her to feel God’s peace surrounding her and she said she felt it! Praying for good results. Also Rudy was sent home after the doctors packed his wound and tested the liquid. He must change the packing every day. He’s pleased he is home! Trusting that the results will show no infection. More answered prayers! God is faithful.
    2 Thessalonians 3:16
    Now may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance. The Lord be with you all!

  42. Praying right now for God’s peace to take the place of worry for my daughter and family.They all love the Lord and are considering becoming missionaries. Right now they haven’t money to pay rent. As a mama I want to somehow rescue them but need to trust that the Lord has got this and will provide as He has done in the past. So need to believe this!

    1. Praying with you and our JC family that they will follow God’s lead as He lovingly cares for them, provides for them, and pays their rent! Thank You Jesus.
      Amen dear Peter and thank you for that truth about God’s provisions and faithfulness. He keeps His promises. If God calls us to a mission He equips us well for it and provides our needs.

    2. That's some great insight you shared, Peter! Thank you! Good for thought as I work in the garden this morning.

  43. The Lord's Prayer

    1. That was so soothing! Thanks! Had you on my mind yesterday dear Sassy Mom. Always holding you in my prayers sweet sister.

    2. Sassy mom, I hope and pray you are well! As well as our whole JC family.

  44. May everyone have a blessed and safe weekend along with travel mercies. Special intentions for my dear sister Dorothy.
    Today I pray for a cure for people with diabetes.

    1. Yes - a cure for those afflicted by diabetes. Amen.

    2. Joining prayers for a cure for diabetes and God’s healing power to cover all those with it.

  45. Today's Jesus Calling reading reminds me of carousel rides as a child.
    Going round and round we actually are stationary to the axis, revolving at the same revolutions per minute. Looking inward we don't get so giddy. Looking outwards on what is rushing past in a blur of speed is what makes us giddy, hold on tight and that's the thrill of the ride.
    When Jesus is central to our existence we have stability. The world rushing past with all its uncertainty, fear, apprehension and panic cannot tumble us in its slipstream.
    Stayed upon Jehovah, hearts are fully blessed. Finding as He promised perfect peace and rest.
    Psalm 62:2 "God alone is the mighty rock that keeps me safe and the fortress where I am secure."

    1. Amen my brother! When we put Him in the center of our lives, all things come together.

  46. I found the day's "Verse Thoughts" after the devotional quite powerful. Thank you Chris. God's Blessings and Peace for each of you this day.

  47. Thanks! Gid bless you, John. Joining in gratitude to Chris and Sarah for this sweet place of refuge, peace, and comfort. We come for the light and love in Christ and we leave satisfied.

  48. My sister Janet sends her love and thanks you for all your prayers. She’s feeling a bit better today. Praying her MRI results will help the doctor understand the best way to restore her knees. God already knows.

    1. I'm thankful that our Father has kept mine, by his Grace, with the ability to bend, enabling me to bow in His presence whenever and wherever He calls.

  49. Peace is not just a feeling, it’s a choice we make every day.
    Finding peace starts with a quiet mind and a prayerful heart.
    The Bible is a treasure trove of wisdom and promises of peace.
    Nature has a way of bringing us back to a peaceful state of mind.
    Breathing in peace and exhaling stress can transform our mindset.
    Gratitude unlocks the door to a peaceful heart.
    Connection with others can be a powerful source of peace.
    Unplugging technology can help us reconnect with ourselves and find peace.
    Forgiveness is a path to peace and freedom.
    Serving others is not only a way to find peace, but it also spreads peace to those around us.”

    1. Amen! Thank you for your encouraging words πŸ™.

    2. All truths Min Ahadi.
      Thanks for sharing.
      May the Peace and Stillness of God always reign Supreme in our hearts, minds, bodies, souls, and spirits. In Jesus' Name. AMEN !

    3. That was just beautiful, dear MinAhadi! Thanks πŸ™πŸ’—

  50. Praying for your mum. May God give her peace that surpasses all understanding !

  51. Praying for you both πŸ™. Heavenly Father, please strengthen Jeanne and her mom and instill Your perfect love and peace in their hearts. Let it lift them up with You, in Your loving arms. May You fill them with all the Goodness of the LORD! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

  52. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus! Lord, shine Your Lovelight into my heart and remove, cleanse, and scrub all darkness and wickedness from it. Soften my heart. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast Spirit within me. Change my life Lord and help me live for You. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. I will meditate on Your precepts, and contemplate Your ways. I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your Word. (Psalm 119:15-16).

    2. Amen! Turn our hearts towards You and renew our Spirit so we can be a blessing and a well of encouragement to others to Your glory. Amen

  53. To experience God true peace , we need to go to Him in prayer and ask Him. We can only know the peace that surpasses all understanding.
    It says that Christ himself gives you peace. Did you notice that? “Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace.” Paul emphasizes this. This peace is not merely the result of following some spiritual disciplines, observing certain means of grace.

    All these are important (we’ve just seen that they’re important in Scripture), but it’s not as though if you merely check off the boxes that you experience peace. No, Christ himself works through these means, and Christ himself mediates his presence and his peace to us through these means, so that as we seek him in prayer, as we are filled with the Spirit, as we meditate on his word, through faith, through believing his promises, Christ himself comes and he gives us peace. Jesus himself will come to you and will give you peace. “Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way.”
    Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
    Oh, what needless pain we bear,
    All because we do not carry
    Everything to God in prayer

    1. Amen. Thanks so much for sharing that dear MinAhadi! Seeking Him in prayer and in my heart. His peace covers us and it feels so good.

  54. Praying for your Mom and you. She's yearning for Heaven. Praying for strength, wisdom and Peace for you Jeanne.

  55. Verse thoughts hits home again……
    As I start to wallow, & think “why me Lord”

  56. Joining in prayer Jeanne for you and your mom. I too have a mom that also would like to be in heaven right now instead of living the days God has given her.

  57. Love Psalm 91, Jeanne. When I was 23 and my 25year old sister was dying of terminal cancer I would sing this to her, it seemed to bring her her peace and comfort although I’m not sure if it wasn’t me that received the most comfort while I sang it. I would also listen to ‘It is well with my soul’ in the few quiet and alone times I would have in my day while caring for her and allow the tears and peace it brought to wash over me.
    Praying for that same peace and comfort for you as you care for your mother.
    Copy/pasting the rest of the psalm here after reading it through again this morning. I thought of your mother and her recent birthday when I read verse 16.
    God bless your day, Jeanne, from your choir sister πŸ™‚

    91 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

    2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

    3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

    4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

    5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

    6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

    7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

    8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

    9 Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;

    10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

    11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

    12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

    13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

    14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.

    15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.

    16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

  58. Thank you, Min! Good thoughts You've shared today! ♥️✝️

  59. Thanks for adding sweetness and light to my day, dear MinAhadi, Janet, Peter, Janet E, and Websister. I was reading Psalm 91 last night before I went to bed and I thank you for sharing it and your heart. So sorry you lost your dear sister to cancer but you will be reunited with her some fine day. What joy that will be! I know God is walking through this day with me. I feel His presence and His Spirit with me. There are gifts along the way like when my mom and I share sweet memories or when something makes her smile. I look for every spot of light God gives us. I saw a cardinal fly from the treetop to the roof and it blessed me. I made my mom French toast and bacon but she only ate a couple of bites. But for lunch she ate more of it and that made me happy. I put fresh flowers in the vase in front of her. I saw a new flower in the garden today. A beautiful yellow one. I will show it to her. It’s a bright sunny day so we can sit on the stoop after her nap. She likes to watch the world go by. Stay blessed, thankful and hopeful. Expect God’s continued faithfulness. Enjoy every bright moment and every treasure God drops in your path. Much love

  60. Good thoughts Min. Thank you for the blessing of sharing those beautiful thoughts.
    We all strive for more peace, yet Christ’s peace is freely given. If only we weren’t so wanting to control things, thinking that it will bring peace, instead letting go and trusting our Lord with every moment of our lives. Yet we are human and living in a fallen world. Thankfully, Jesus has the price for us and has overcome it all.
    There’s peace in that!

    “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

    Rest well family.


  61. Thank you, Min! Heading to bed. DH tucked in. SO tired, but remembering the words I read early this morning from JC. Prayers for all.

  62. Sleep well, dear Norah! God is watching over us and we are surrounded by His peace.

    Proverbs 3:24
    When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
    Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet.
