Thursday, July 9, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 10

Relax in My peaceful Presence. Do not bring performance pressures into our sacred space of communion. When you are with someone you trust completely, you feel free to be yourself. This is one of the joys of true friendship. Though I am Lord of lord and King of kings, I also desire to be your intimate Friend. When you are tense or pretentious in our relationship, I feel hurt. I know the worst about you, but I also see the best in you. I long for you to trust Me enough to be fully yourself with Me. When you are real with Me, I am able to bring out the best in you: the very gifts I have planted in your soul. Relax, and enjoy our friendship. 

Revelation 17:14
English Standard Version

They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful.
John 15:13-15
English Standard Version

13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command you. 15 No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.

Verse thoughts
Christ lays down his life for sinners, who have enmity with God. The test of friendship with Christ is obedience. Friend suggests a close relation.  

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. I posted this message late yesterday and posting again today for those who didn't read it yesterday.
    Please pray for my daughter who called a few minutes ago, asking if I received her message about Kelly a special friend and employee who worked as office manager for Denise in her Integrative Health Practice. Denise was crying so hard it was difficult to understand her. She sobbed during the entire 10 minute conversation. Kelly has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Kelly is a believer, married and has a 5 year old son. Hospice has been called. The family is trying to prepare the child. "Mommy is going away soon to live with Jesus." Kelly isn't fearful of death and prepared to go. Please pray comforting prayers for Kelly, her 5 year old son and husband, Kelly's family, in laws and Denise. Thanks to my JC Family for your prayers.

    1. My prayers are with Kelly,her family and your daughter. This is so heartbreaking. I pray for God's loving arms to comfort everyone. We are not promised tomorrow but we are promised eternity. TL

    2. May the God of peace, love, healing, comfort and strength surround and wrap Kelly and family in Jesus name.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Sassy Mom --- Continued prayers for Kelly and family. Psalm 23:4 "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." Interceding in Kansas

    4. God bless this family and grant your peace and comfort over the five year old. Colorado JC Friend

    5. such faith and trust dear kelly. you are an inspiration.
      praying for you, your 5 year old and family.
      perth australia

    6. Praying our Lord Jesus will comfort them

    7. Kelly.I know what it is like to lose a loved one especially a mother. My mom passed 😢 to the other side just over a year ago She is at peace ✌️ now 😒 God made possible 🙏 for me and my family to get through and accept she in a beautiful peaceful place ❤️

    8. Please pray for me I have fibromyalgia and have a wonderful husband and family, love Jesus with all my heart. Had issues with depression for years of my like am on an antidepressant medication and for 20 years recently it just stoped working. I have been married over 40 years. My husband is great, but it’s hard for him to understand true depression, go take a walk or let go to our camper. When I feel like this I just want to be alone he struggles with that. I also feel I’m going to have to go on another antidepressant which can be a chore finding the right one for me and dosage and seeing if I can deal with side effects. Please pray for me I struggle to do anything right now. I also suffer from extreme insomnia am on a lot of meds to make me sleep, we did find the combination but when I wake up I feel so out of it. I look at this world and know God is in control but I wish at times Jesus would just come. I am blessed in so many ways, and know his ways are not our ways. So I will ask all of you to please pray for me and my husband to understand. May God bless you all laurie

    9. Sending up prayers for you anonymous. May God lead you, comfort you, bring healing, joy and peace to you and your family.
      🙏❤️ you are loved and Our God has you in the palm of his mighty hands.


    10. AnonymousJuly 10, 2023 at 2:11 PM
      Sending up prayers for you anonymous. May God lead you, comfort you, bring healing, joy and peace to you and your family. You are loved and Our God has you in the palm of his mighty hands.
      Todays devotional is beautiful

    11. laurie, You and yours are being prayed for and loved.
      There's going to be some brighter days. Persist until they come! I know because I have been there. The same God that got me through the dark navy blue murky waters, will do the same for you. With Much Love and Many Prayers, In Jesus' Name. Brie
      A song for you
      BRIGHTER DAYS by Blessing Offor

    12. Today 2024 spoke ME/us. Dealing w depression in our marriage of 43 years. It is surreal but very real to God. Stay faithful if only trusting what we can not see or feel. God is doing for us me/you what we can not do for ourselves. I'm weaning off my med, making diet and lifestyle changes, praying against Satan and rebuking him daily, if not hourly. I read the other day: I love to Trust Jesus. It's my new mantra.

    13. My prayers go out to you and all that deal with depression. I myself am in the same situation at this time. I’ve been off my depression meds for two years and doing well having God in my daily life but satan is trying to bring bad thoughts/actions like anger into my life with others I love. I need to rebuke satan and pray more and read the Bible more. I ask for prayers to open my Bible and read more. I know when I get to busy doing life without full focus on God I find depression slips in. I know God is so good. I just need to continue to pray and have faith. Give my life to God because I can’t do life on my own. God bless you all.

    14. God bless you and all who deal with depression. Things look bleak through earthly eyes that are not set on HIM. HIS WORD is your best defense. HE has a plan for your life and it is good. ♥️🙌🙏✝️

  2. Thank you Lord for being our friend and comforter. We never walk alone, you are always with us. You know our hurts and pains. Kelly is close to death, please wrap your loving arms around her 5 year old son, family and friends. Thank Jesus.

    1. Father in the name of Jesus, if it is Yoyr will, receive Kelly and please grant her preciuos little boy much love and comfort and grant strength and peace to her family in Jesus name. Thank You LORD!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Praise the Lord for he is good. His mercy endureth forever . Anonymous I suffered with fibromya for 20 + years, depression comes with this disease. It took 13 years for them to diagnose me. I woke one Sunday morning and the spirit of the Lord spoke to me saying "I'm going to heal you today. Long story short. After praying , serving and worshipping God for many years and holding on tight to my faith that he is a healer. My pastors laid hands on me and prayed. Praise Jesus my suffering from fibromya ended there. Keeping you in prayer for a Devine healing. Serving Jesus in KCMO

  3. Please Dear Jesus give peace and comfort to Kelly's family.

  4. Praying for Kelly and her family and the Peace that passes understanding in that whole situation. Thank you for all of your prayers yesterday. I finally got over 7 hrs. full sleep - makes a huge difference. Prayers for the Agency taking care of my sister in law and that everything is covered and that she is improving.

  5. Peace and comfort and blessings for Kelly and her family. KS

  6. Father, in the name of JESUS, I take this time to say THANK YOU for being my Father, my Saviour, my Lord and my Friend. Thank You for another gifted day to bless Your Holy name!

    Thank You for laying down Your life for me so that I can live and be free. You know ALL of the battles I am facing, I am crying out to You, and I know that You hear me every time. You know the brokenness. Just please help me to hold on and keep trusting You. My manifestation must arise and the enemies must be put to shame. While I wait on You, please help me Lord to relax in Your peaceful presence. Thank You Father.

    May the perfect Peace of God which surpasses ALL understanding, rest upon each of you today, JC family. Thank You Lord for ALL their VICTORIES and the ones to come in Jesus name!

    Blessings and prayers for all.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you for your beautiful prayers each day!

    2. So true for me this year, I teared up when I read it...
      ...You know ALL of the battles I am facing, I am crying out to You, and I know that You hear me every time. You know the brokenness. Just please help me to hold on and keep trusting You. My manifestation must arise and the enemies must be put to shame. While I wait on You, please help me Lord to relax in Your peaceful presence. Thank You Father. ...In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Amen and amen

    4. Dear Brie, the battle belongs to the Lord. You are one of His brave soldier. You have the battle scars to prove it. Keep marching forward Brie! He is leading the way to that victory dance your heart is longing for! We are cheering you on! We are praying!,🙏🙏🙏💞

    5. Good morning family! The battle belongs to you Lord!
      Thank you Jesus!

    6. Thanks be to God for all my JC family in Christ. With your cheering and praying, and praying and cheering, I know that I can make it. I know that I can stand. No matter what may come my way, my life is in His Hands.
      📣Now give me a J📣

  7. May God Bless Kelly and wrap her in his healing arms,in the powerful names of your son Jesus Christ Amen

  8. Amen to all the precious prayers for Kelly and her family.
    Colorado JC Friend

  9. Lord Jesus help us all to pray prayers from our hearts of faith and not of fear. Lord Jesus we know you are fully in control and your will be done. We also know that all things are done in answer to prayer. Lord just as you raised Lazarus from the dead this sweet sister in Christ can be healed this very moment lord we pray. Touch and show your mighty love and power to us all. Amen and amen.

  10. Lord Jesus help us all to pray prayers from our hearts of faith and not of fear. Lord Jesus we know you are fully in control and your will be done. We also know that all things are done in answer to prayer. Lord just as you raised Lazarus from the dead this sweet sister in Christ can be healed this very moment lord we pray. Touch and show your mighty love and power to us all. Amen and amen.

  11. Update on Kelly. Kelly is having seizures and given 2 - 7 days to live. Just learned her husband is home from Iraq (government job) and will have to return when he can to Iraq for 3 months. Benjamin, 5 year old will be temporarily cared for by grandparents. Thank you to my JC Family for continuing prayers.

  12. Oh Lord,
    My heart goes out to Kelly and her family.
    I pray that God's peace, mercy and comfort be with them.

  13. Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of life and the blessings that comes with it. Thank You for the reminder in today’s devotion of how important it is to pray and never lose sight of Your Presence. Thank You for answering my prayers as soon as it is best, not one moment sooner or one second later. Prayer is indeed ‘Life’s Greatest Time Saver’. May I never cease to pray, but increase in my communion with You. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    “Pray continually”. Yes, we are encouraged to pray continually. God is not telling us to pray 24 hours a day, every second (even though it would be great), but to pray without ceasing means, maintaining an attitude of prayer every given day, be aware of God's presence and staying in constant communion and close relationship with Him who is the giver of joy. This is how our Christian life should be. It is a humble, devoted, and constant trust in God's provision and care. Constant prayer is a posture of unceasing dependence on God. We don’t necessarily have to kneel or pray out loud, but we are to abide, trust, depend on, and acknowledge the Lord's presence in our lives at all times. When we consistently look to God our Father in all things, our perspective begins to change. One of the blessings of prayer is, the more we pray, we are often filled with joy from communion with our Father and this leads to the desire to pray more.

    Loving Father, Thank You for the freedom in praying to and communicating with You anytime and anywhere. Thank You that life is a very good reminder that we control nothing. Although we create endless to do list, You want us to recognize our limitation and come humbly to You to satisfy our needs. As Your children, You long for us to make our requests known to You (Philippians 4:6), because when we do this, we honor Your power and glory by letting You reign over our lives, accomplishing Your purposes for us. May we:“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1Thessalonians 5:16-18. Amen.

    Linda (yesterday’s post), I stand in prayer with our JC family for God’s perfect peace to rest on you, comfort you and give you and your family strength at this very difficult time. May the love and comfort of God’s presence be received and carry you through the days ahead, in Jesus name. Amen.

    Kneeling in prayers for all the requests and concerns here. Stay blessed and safe.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you Maplewood. God has spoken to me thru you.
      My only surviving aunt is from Maplewood by the way...another reason I feel a familiarity towards u. God always knows. Hod bless you.

    2. Such a beautiful and truthful post dear Maplewood.
      Thank you. I join in your prayer for Linda.
      Your words were very comforting to me. We need not pray every second, but know we are in God's hands always, so we must stay in His presence and know that He is just a whisper away at all times. He is our Helper and our Comforter. He abides in us as we abide in Him and we have our being in Him. He is well aware that I had to put a whole mess of groceries away this morning, and now must cook a lot of food. I am equipped and strengthened to do this and He will not leave me through my work. He knows what we're doing, feeling and thinking, what we need, and what we must accomplish. He hears every prayer and He is holding us tight because we trust in Him. I am rejoicing today because I belong to Him and a wonderful family right here, and because this is the day the Lord hath made. Be glad!!!

    3. Great reminder again this year..."maintain an attitude of prayer every given day, be aware of God's presence and staying in constant communion and close relationship with Him who is the giver of joy. "

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Praying for your daughter MadFox! Heavenly Father please grant her peace, comfort, strength, heal and restore her mind, soul, body as you fill her with Your Holy Spirit.
      Lord if this is your will, bring her future husband in her life, a godly man who loves you and will love her the way you do and take care of Your precious princess from Your Kingdom.
      Guide her parents to help her, to take the best decisions.

      In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

      Blessings from France

    2. Thanks for sharing Madfox. On a previous day after I read your words about her I thought PTSD as well. But also want to say, from my experience, that these difficult times God allows us to endure, are critical in our continued development and ongoing development into discovering the great love of The One true source of fulfillment.

      I appreciate another father's heart and your sharing.

      Relax in my presence and don't bring performance pressure into our communion.

      Relax into the love that is prevailing and being shared in these circumstances.

      Thank you Lord for these dear ones gathered here. May we experience anew your sustaining Love.

    3. Lord, please help guide this loving father and mother to help their daughter in any way that is needed. Breathe Your breath into her Lord and make her new in You. Restore her soul Lord. Bring whatever You know is necessary into her life Lord. Bless and keep them in You Lord. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously. Amen.

    4. MadFox- joining in prayer for your daughter."Father thank you for this precious jewel. Her greatest need shall be met because of who You are, the Waymaker. Your great love will see her through this as we storm the gates of heaven on her behalf! Thank you for the strong faith of her parents to carry her through this journey. As she goes through this trial, Father hoan her character to be more like you. May she be as one with You, so much so that You will be all the companion her heart would need and if it be your will Father to gift her with a soul mate, how much sweeter will this victory be". Amen.

    5. MadFox - Praying with all our JC Family for your daughter. May our dear Lord guide her, protect her, comfort her and shower her with healing and blessings. KS

    6. MadFox--- Joining the JC WARRIORS in interceding for your daughter and your whole family. I call on You, Lord, for You are the Waymaker, the Miracle Worker, the Promise Keeper, and the Light in the Darkness. I thank you, Lord, for Your great plan for MadFox's precious daughter. I pray for You to ready her mind, body and soul to receive your Healing and Great Love. Let her know ( like only You can) just how much You love her, because Your LOVE CONQUERORS ALL! In Your Honor and For Your Purposes. AMEN and AMEN

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Madfox - Joining JC WARRIORS in interceding prayers for you, your wife, your loved ones, and your daughter, a precious gift from heaven.

    9. Thank you Jesus for your neverending love at this time for madFox and family. Every day holds the possibility of a miracle, and we trust you to comfort and befriend those in need and all of us, needs known or unknown. Amen!

    10. Madfox,
      Thank u for the update on your remarkable daughter. She sounds amazing yet still human. Not unlike Jesus in many ways, just unexpected from the "strong" and capable. Yet our humanness our weakness our vulnerable and yes even our desperate sadness reaches down and illustrates a deep need that only the Savior can touch. "A drawing closer still." "A deep calls to deep".
      I feel a great love and compassion for your daughter, the picture I imagine is so beautiful and I feel a great healing coming through your love thru Christ for her. I dont know if this makes sense. I do know a parents love can do remarkable things for a child no matter how old. The ultimate Father is ministering to you and your wife and your daughter thru this break of strength and He will take you to the absolute perfect spot of rest. My prayers are with you and I will string them alongside my own. My own deep longing for peace and release of sadness in our sons life and our own in the watching of a part of us suffering. How this parallels The Fathers love is uncanny. God bless you and your wonderful daughter who is weary and needs the kind of love and rest that only a parent can give. The ones on earth who know her best and love her the very most. Lord an extra helping of peace and rest for madfox and his wife and daughter. A clarity on what needs doing and saying and what does not. A calm and still water to heal their hearts in ways that only Jesus could accomplish. The joy that comes from that! We are once again studying Psalm 23 in our Bible study how renewing that is for all of us. God bless you.

    11. Dear MadFox,
      Your daughter has been through so much already and has done such selfless service, helped others and have seen some terrible things at work. Thank God, she survived Covid. I am sure seeing people in misery and having to make sad decisions and watching the state of the world has just been too much for her. Praying so hard that she will heal in all her unseen weaknesses. God knows exactly what she's going through. He will mend her and bring her joy again. We are all praying for her. I know things will get better. I trust in God's faithfulness. Much love.

    12. Mad Fox I am joining JC Warriors in prayer for your daughter. Sweet Jesus wrap your arms around your servant; giving her all for everybody in need. Calm her spirit Lord; pour your amazing grace over her and her family. Thank you Jesus; we trust in you.

    13. Brother MadFox, thanks for keeping us updated on your daughter. Because we all have been praying for her over the past few months, she is in our hearts and we will keep praying for her and also you and your wife. PTSD, something someone makes themselves vulnerable to when they dedicate themselves to serving others as your daughter has. She has been faithful to her calling and has devoted herself to the people she has served thus running the risk of PTSD. This, too, shall pass. You and your family will love her through this, we will pray her through this, and God will honor His faithful child who has done as He wills with healing of body, mind, and spirit and will return her to wholeness. He chooses the timing because He is doing what is best. You love, we pray, He works (not necessarily in that order). God be with you.

    14. Bob, LoveCA, Jeanne, Audra, Sassy Mom, and then sweet Fern. I know how challenging it has been for you with your son and for you to offer such sweet prayers and words of wisdom in this time is especially meaningful. Thanks so much. Godspeed and praying for you, your husband, and your son. Amen

    15. Dear MadFox, You and your wonderful daughter are always in my thoughts in prayers. She is such a strong and giving person. She reminds me of you. Praying for God to continue to heal all your weaknesses and your sweet daughter's. Thank You for your Faithfulness dear God. We trust in You.

    16. Dear Lord, today we declare a day of prayer for our daughters. This JC FAMILY includes many of them, here or passed on, believers or not, strong or weak, all are the love of their parent's lives. We know you know them. We pray they know you.
      Bless them with your peace and understanding to lift their hearts and souls today. And thank you for blessings upon all the moms that visit here and include us as our parent's daughters. In Jesus's name I pray.

    17. I repeat this prayer this year. I know it is Holy Spirit filled. ♥️✝️

  15. Thank you Lord for another blessed day in Your Presence, Thank you for my loved ones, for this JC family, for our health, and all the blessings that we can sometimes take for granted. It's all because of Your Grace.

    Thank you for loving me and for the relationship you want with me. You know the worst of me Lord but that does not stop you to want the best for me.
    I have this song in my head this morning: "My failures and flaws, Lord you've seen them all and You still call me friend"

    Forgive my wrong ways, and teach me yours, strengthen me and guide me, because I can't do anything without you Lord.

    Protect everyone here and their loved ones, grant them peace, comfort, and all they need according to your perfect will.

    Have a blessed day JC fam!

    Blessings from France

    1. Amen. Thank you for your wonderful prayer France. Bless you.

    2. Amen. Merci beaucoup mon ami en Christ.

    3. Wonderful prayer dear Sister in France! We are blessed that in our brokenness, iniquities and imperfections, God loves us so much just the way we are. We rest inside our hedge of protection and His peace today, knowing that He is holding our hands, comforting and guiding us and giving us the strength and guidance to walk through this new day and produce abundant fruit for His glory.

  16. Please help me to do this Lord. It's gotten to the point that I don't even know who I really am sometimes Lord. I feel like I've forgotten me. Help me to be me with You Lord and always. I want to be completely free in You Lord and in this world. Please help me Lord. I know You will be with me every step of the way. Thank You Jesus. I love and adore You Lord. I trust You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously. Amen.

    1. Sweet Janet, I know you are my dear Sister and the Lord knows you love Him because you come to Him with your sincere prayers. Praying you will remember the great value you are to God and to our family. He walks every step with you. May He pump some brilliant light and sweet joy into your new day. Sending you an extra helping of love.

  17. Dear Heavenly Father, I am laughing so hard at this one, You got me good! This week, You know how I tried to bring performance pressures into our sacred space because I felt like work is taking too much of my time. It’s an overwhelmingly busy work week, nevertheless I am grateful and thank You. But today, I just feel like relaxing in Your peaceful Presence, my Friend, my Lord of lords and King of kings. The One whom I trust and to that, I say thank You for being:

    My shepherd; I shall not want.
    You maketh me to lie down in green pastures: You leadeth me beside the still waters.
    You restoreth my soul: You leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for Your name's sake.
    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
    Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
    Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in Your house for ever (Psalm 23).

    JC family, here’s one of God’s best for you today:“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”(John 14:27).

    Blessings and Peace!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Even when we are engrossed in our work, God tries to throw us some relief and forces us to stop. "Be still and know that I am God".
      He doesn't want us to grow weary in our well doing or work. He wants us to come to Him for refreshment and renewal. So glad you feel like relaxing in Him today. That's exactly what you should do. Enjoy! I love John 14:27. Thanks

  18. Bob bd twin- reading your yesterday’s post last night after a long day, is always a refreshment. It reminded me of Bible study on Galatians 3.In Paul’s teaching instructions to the Galatian Christians (3:23-28), He talked about Christ’s coming as the beginning of a new era. This new relationship he is trying to explain, is available to all people, regardless of race, class, or gender, for Christ brings all believers into unified oneness (whether the ‘ I, we or us).This here,informed Christian understanding of the law, faith, baptism and social relationships etc.., Paul here uses the joint form in verse 23 to indicate that the coming of faith is the coming of Christ. You can see that he changes from speaking in first person plural to second person plural. I found Your thoughts and insights of II Timothy 2:8 similar to that of Galatians 3 and our friend from France additional was the icing on the cake!

    What a blessings it is to learn and share the Word of Christ with like- minded believers. Thank You!

    God bless!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Oh how I appreciate the thoughts you bring to what I posted, twin bd sis! It so affirms the necessity of our unity. We all bring pieces of the puzzle to the table and as we share the pieces we are holding with each other, together, we begin to see the complete picture of our Lord. Thomas Aquinas has said, "Unless we share our faith in God with each other, none of us will ever know God." This blog and everyone's sharing is such a blessing! God be with you.

    2. Yess thank you Maplewood! So thankful for you all!

      Blessings from France

    3. Oh I forgot to say something I thought of when reading your post Maplewood. Funny that in French the expression "The icing on the cake" is translated "La cerise sur le gâteau" which means "The cherry on the cake". HAHA different but pretty similar!

      Blessings from France

  19. Prayers and blessings for all our JC family. Madfox, it’s very obvious to me that you are a wonderful Daddy to “ your little girl”.I went through a similar experience at her age...and in looking back....increased strength, awareness, and my relationship with Jesus , came from the loneliness and depression. Most likely would not be the strong, spiritual, woman that I am today, had it not been for this period in my life. My life has been blessed abundantly.i could never have dreamed back then, that the life I’m living today. I’m so very grateful! Praying that this time of unhappiness in your daughter’s life will be a stepping stone to a beautiful future. She is in God’s hands....His timing...All will be well. God Bless.

    1. Thank you Bright Star. Helpful to read your kind words.

  20. Please pray for my friend Sandi, whose cancer has returned for the third time. Sandi, at this moment is enduring another long 8 hour treatment which leaves her very weak and without appetite. Offering prayers for others who are battling this disease.

    1. Praying for your dear friend Sandi. God can do all things.
      Father God, Sandi is in need of a miracle and You are the greatest Healer. Thank you for killing every bad cell and replacing it with healthy tissue. Heal her completely so the Doctors will be amazed by Your power. Grant Sandi good health again so she can have a blessed life and proclaim your good deeds to all. Thank you for this in the powerful name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen.

    2. For Sandi and all in similar circumstances: Dear Lord, bless them and keep them; make Your face to shine upon them and be gracious to them; lift up Your countenance upon them and give them peace, both now and forever more. Amen.

  21. May the healing love of Christ wash over all those in battle with an invasion of cancer cells. The light of His Glory is the treatment and the cure. Sandi, take hold of His hand and find all the strength you need. Amen!

    1. Sassy Mom--- Standing in agreement with Audra and Fern. The Lord watches over his Word to perform it. AMEN and AMEN

    2. Amen! Praying for Sandi and those fighting cancer! God is the best doctor!

      Blessings from France

  22. JC family thank you for your prayers for my son and family. Our son has moved out and I did get to see him. I am greatful that God showed his mercy in allowing that. God bless all of you and I will continue to pray for you. I appreciate all your prayers as well. I am surrendered the best I know how to Gods plan for the life of our family whom He created for a great purpose.

    1. Fern --- I continue my prayers for your son. Thank you for blessing me with your prayers. I'm praying that you'll be hopeful, and that you'll stay positive and that you'll never forget how much the Lord loves you and your son. I trust the Lord for His plan for your son, because He alone is trustworthy. In Our Lord's precious Name. AMEN and AMEN

    2. Fern, I'm so happy you got to talk to him. You and Dan and your husband will always be in my prayers. God will guide the situation and all will be well. Trust and believe. You gave it to the Lord. Rest in His amazing love.

  23. Our Father who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen! For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever. Amen!

    1. The perfect prayer! It says it all. Thanks for posting, LCA.

    2. AGREED!! Praise and worship our Father in Heaven now and forever! Amen.

  24. (II Timothy 2:9) (As I hear it) Paul throws open his heart to tell Timothy (and all of us) that this is what is most dear to him ('this is my gospel' (vs 8)) following which he continues by saying (as I am hearing him), because of his love for Christ, it has led to his being chained like a criminal. 'But', I hear him saying, 'I don't care, for the Word of God cannot be chained.' I get the impression he is delighting in that truth and is not dwelling on his circumstances.

    As I spent time with this verse in meditation, I thought to myself that there has been minimal times in my life that my love for our Lord has caused me to suffer rejection or isolation as Paul was experiencing. Oh yes, there have been moments I experienced backlash because of my faith but nothing as serious as Paul did, nothing worth dwelling upon.

    Then my mind was shifted to contemplating the first two chapters of Job and how the Evil One attempted to bring hardship onto a faithful child of God to bring him down from the high relationship he had with God. Yes, I have had more of those experiences in life than the kind Paul speaks of. I have had those times when blessings that I enjoyed were taken away by my worst enemy in order to strain my faith. Of course, if I was a person of no faith, the Evil One wouldn't need to bother me, but because I desire to love the Lord, my God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, I am a target of his hatred for God. Even though the Evil One may have had his moments with me, eventually, along comes my Savior who pries those bony fingers off my soul and sets me free by His gracious love. Thus I, too, like Paul, can celebrate the power of our Lord over the moments in which my soul was under an unsuccessful attack. Thanks be to God.

    I am sure you, my sisters and brothers in Christ, have had similar experiences in which our Lord came to your rescue. And if you should be in the middle of one now, take heart, your help is on the way. Hold on! God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences. Yes the road to glory is not a smooth one and we must Hold onto God's hand and assure ourselves that He that abides in us is far greater than the thief that prowls around trying to trip us up. God leads us to Victory because He fights our battles. I will celebrate His limitless power and know that this uncertain road surely has a golden end.

    2. Dear BOB, I keep you in my continual prayers and am always joyed up to hear from you, mainly because of this truth you stated so accurately: "...if I was a person of no faith, the evil one wouldn't need to bother me, but because I desire to love the Lord, my God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, I am a target of its hatred for God. Even though the evil one may have had its moments with me, eventually, along comes my Savior who pries those bony fingers off my soul and sets me free by His Gracious Love..."
      May your setting free be so today. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Amen! I am so done with the thief. Maranatha! ♥️✝️

  25. Thank you, Bob; I've become somewhat of a Jesus freak and sometimes I feel so alone and maybe I'm just doing it all wrong. It's so scary here in Texas; everyone getting sick. My dear Aunt Mary admitted in hospital yesterday. So I choose to pray more for my savior is the only one that calms my spirit; he is my help my all. The evil one tries to take my joy away; my God is stronger. Help me Lord; teach me to be an example to all; let my love for you shine through in a positive way.

    1. Your choice to spend more time with God is the best choice! You're not doing it wrong as you seek Him and find a refuge in His Presence. That is what everyone needs in this world.
      Praying for you and your aunt Mary as well as those affected by covid and other diseases, Lord please strengthen them and cover them in your blood, give them peace, comfort and healing, all for your Glory Father, we thank you for always being there for us and comforting our pain and suffering. We love and trust you Heavenly Father.

      Blessings from France

    2. Dear loveconquersall, It is scary everywhere with the numbers still rising but I will continue to thank and praise God for each new day. I will look for the spots of light He sprinkles through the hours. I'm praying for your Aunt Mary and along with your JC Family, for all those who are sick, depressed, lonely, discouraged and spiritually in need of a jumpstart. God has not left you and will always be by your side. Things are looking bleak because your loved one is sick and the future looks uncertain and somewhat dim. But remember God is not done. He hears all of our prayers and He is surely working hard. He can heal and save your Aunt. Keep praying as we all are. You are not only an example of His love, You are His beloved child and He loves you unconditionally and without limits. He is ever at your side. Be still and feel His presence and peace around you. Sending you much love.

    3. Thank you Blessings from France and Jeanne. You both have such a kind and gentle spirit; your prayers brought tears to my eyes. Thank you all; you are my blessing a gift from God. Thank you Chris Payton and family. Thank you Jesus; I love you and trust in you.

    4. A winning chose, LCA, every time; never to be doubted. A favorite weapon of the Evil One is to steal joy. Prayer invites the power in that will restore our joy. In the Lord's Prayer/Our Father you posted above, 'lead us not into temptation' has puzzled many. Best explanation that I have heard is it is a petition that reflects the heart's desire not to succumb to temptation but turns to God, the only power greater than evil, to deliver us from evil which is far beyond our capabilities. And as I have learned, keep praying it until it is so firmly entrenched in your heart it becomes who you are. God be with you.

    5. Love conquersall
      Everyone in Texas is not getting sick you & I are not! We are well, so well for we know Jesus!
      The enemy wants us to shrink in fear and dismantle our efforts of encouragement to the "sick"world.
      We will not have it though! We will continue to praise the Lord and trust His care. I am not minimizing this pandemic I am lifting it up to The Lord with hope for a new Day which is coming in Jesus name. Prayers for your Aunt dear one! "Fear not for He is with you" and He has already " conquered The world" thru His Love That Conquers all!
      Beautiful name.. Beautiful savior!
      JESUS WE LOVE YOU. Praying now for each of you all over the world! Feel the blessings they are for you.

  26. Oh, Dear JC Family - I must be honest, all I've gotten in today is the devotion and verses - then all - well, EVERYTHING broke loose! All I can say is, while I haven't read individual posts, I have prayed for ALL OF YOU throughout the day - without even knowing what I'm praying for. But, our Heavenly Father knows and I KNOW that when I pause and thank God, in the name of Jesus Christ for my JC Family, HE knows your needs, prayers, and heart's desires. To say it's been a crazy day is an understatement. Constituents, Cases - it's as if everyone has left their right minds. My prayer is that I wake up tomorrow morning, with a hot cup of coffee and Jesus Calling. I will catch up and respond. In the meantime, please know that I pray for you perfectly, as led by the Holy Spirit. More tomorrow....

  27. You would not EVEN believe what I went through to send this post. I have no idea what that means - but seriously, it took me 12 tries....what's going on?

  28. Praying for you too Norah! Thank you for your kind heart!
    I also have problems to post sometimes and it can take a few tries too to publish them

    Blessings from France xx

  29. Love you Norah and blessings from france. It happens to me too. Sometimes it's just more time on the sight which is always good. I smile and wonder, why Lord? He smiles back always....😊

  30. Thanks for those prayers Norah! I love you and I sure do understand. I can relate :D

  31. Today's Devotion and Bible Verses have me singing
    WHO CAN? by Cochren & Co

    1. This song had me "grabbed" at:
      I'm a mess, I confess, still You Carry me through!

    2. And again at, You cover a debt I can never repay!

    3. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this song, Brie! Had not heard it before. It will be my new go-to song! Thanks so much for sharing! So happy all went well with your brother! God brings us thru! Happy Saturday, Brie and all of this awesome JC family! Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!

    4. That song brought a huge smile to my face. And me too! As soon as I heard those words - I’m a mess, I confess - I knew it was a keeper and added to my worship songs. Thanks so much! xo

    5. Adding to my playlist and singing out loud HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, BRIE!

    6. Thanks Audra for the early Birthday Greeting. I shall cherish it again on August 25, my actual birthday ;) love you.

  32. What a beautiful song! Thanks sweet sister! Here's one for you: Thank You Jesus For the Blood.
    You must be so exhausted dear Brie, but I was so happy to hear Keith's move went well and smoothly. Halleluia. Now you get some well deserved rest. I'm praying for your good results too. Love you sister. Praying our Janet got her car working and things are getting better for her. Praying for Joy's grandson in the womb who has a hole in his diaphragm. And for Paul and Marc and Kirsten. Praying for answered prayers for all. Thank You Jesus!
    I asked for prayers yesterday for my dear daughter in law's biopsy on her cervix. Pray with me that in 7-10 days we will get good news. My son and daughter in law weren't able to get pregnant and her recent pap smear was abnormal and this is the second biopsy she has gotten. Thank You Father for healing her in every way and giving her wonderful test results. We pray together and trust you.
    Please also pray for my friend Sandy who had her tests on her Myeloma and blood taken at Mt Sinai today. She is in the middle of more tests. I pray her results will be good too. Father please help these dear ones and heal them, along with our JC Family and their dear ones. Thank YOU for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord. Amen.

    1. Joining in prayers with you sweet Jeanne. Loving Father, Please hear all of our prayers and thoughts and answer them according to Your will. Let Your healing touch restore the wholeness to each and every one and all pending test results to have "passing grades" in Your name and glory. You are our healer and miracle worker. There is no other. We humbly bring each one of these petitions before Your glorious throne of mercy and grace and ask for Your goodness and glory to shine down upon us. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord always.

    2. Joining into this prayer circle with you Jeanne and Janet, praying for good health, great test results and quantum healing for all. In our Master Healer, Jesus' Name. Anen.

    3. Jumping onto this prayer train, Jeanne. May your DIL get great results returned to her as well as Sandy's testing offer her answers and a game plan. May ALL (Joy's grandson with the hole in his diaphragm...a friend of mine had this with hers and her daughter is healthy & whole and in college! And Brie getting good results/answers!) who need healing and restoration feel our God's arms around them today and feel encouraged! Praying, too, Janet, for your car repair! In Jesus' name, amen!

    4. Thank you Jeanne for putting that song in my heart that put a smile on my face, and of course Music, His sweet Music, on my lips! Love you dearly.

    5. PS Jeanne,
      After many trips to the Imaging Center, I did finally get conclusive test results. I had diverticulitis. I completed a course of antibiotics and the pain is now gone. Thanks be to God for this indescribable gift and thanks to you my brothers and sisters in Christ, for your caring, sharing, and prayering! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    6. Halleluia Brie! I am so glad the treatment for your diverticulitis took your pain away. God is just so good all the time. I love you all, Janet, Brie, NJS and all my sisters and brothers here. We will continue to lift each other in prayer and not worry because we trust an awesome God and we love to trust Him. We have all seen His faithfulness and we will continue to see it. Thank You Jesus!!!

  33. Father, being in Your heavenly presence bring perfect peace to the soul. All the troubles of this world melt away like ice on a hot, sunny day. Thank You Jesus. Only You can bring that to us. You are perfection, glory, and goodness that supersedes everything else. The things of this world that seem so terrible right now aren't going to be terrible forever. All things change with time. No matter what is happening at this time in our lives is going to change. Nothing lasts forever -- except YOU. Thank You for giving Your everlasting love, peace, strength, and comfort to all Your children. You live within all of us and nothing is better than that. No matter how bad things are, You are with us through it all, always and forever. Praise God continually. Thank You for all You are and all You do. Nothing compares to You. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    "I am leaving you with a gift -- peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid." (John 14:27). May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you. (2 Thessalonians 3:16). "I have told you these things, so that you can have peace because of Me. In this world you will have trouble. But be encouraged! I have won the battle over the world." (John 16:33). The LORD gives his people strength. The LORD blesses them with peace. (Psalm 29:11). Surely Your goodness and love will be with me all my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever. (Psalm 23:6).

    1. Thanks for this piece on peace, our dear sister friend in Christ, Janet. Yes! We serve a Great and Marvelously Mighty Miracle Working God. Thank God that we can be thankful for His Greatness at work in our lives and in the lives of each of our dear ones.
      And thank you for jumpstarting my Saturday. I am encouraged to spend more time worshipping and praising Him today and no time in planning His Course of Action nor telling Him what He needs to do, but instead Thanking Him profusely for His Peace, His Goodness, and His Power at work in our lives. We are His Own! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Yes, thank you Jesus! You always come through, your timing, not mine.

    3. Dear Janet, You certainly fed me well today. And just what my heart needed. God bless you!
      Amen sweet Brie, Today is for thanksgiving, praise and joy because He is guiding us and holding everything together. Yes dear Audra, His timing, not ours. We thank Him together for his goodness, peace, power and healing in the Name of His Son, Jesus Christ, the light in our darkness, the way in our wilderness, the love in our hearts.

  34. Oh lord bless us indeed

  35. Thank you for traveling mercies today as I embark on an overnight to attend a baby shower. May hubby and brother Paul be watched over and improve their conditions today, noticeably so that they may be encouraged and know they are loved.
    Lots of driving time I will spend in worship and prayer for you all, dear JC family. ♥️🙏

    1. Praying Traveling Mercy for you and Healing Prayers for yours, our Dear Audra.
      My fave long drive radio station is K-Love/The Bridge/WOTB/88.7
      Hopefully you can get some good music for the Journey! Love You.

    2. Audra, Joining prayers for your traveling safety and praying God's strong hedge of protection around you, and healing of Marc and Paul.
      Good advice Brie, I sure do love K-Love too! Also 96.7.
      It will lighten your journey and bring joy to your heart.
      Love you all!
      MadFox and Bob, We love you and miss you very much. In our thoughts and prayers.

    3. Mercy travels to you Audra and healing restoration for Marc and Paul. God bless.

  36. Still praying for your little grandbaby, Joy and now for your daughter-in-law, Jeanne. Prayers for all and for your treatable Diagnosis, Brie. I, too, have had Diverticulitis before - not fun, but such a relief when it's over!
    Keeping all of you in my prayers!

  37. Victory in Jesus Christ! A couple from my church came by and helped me out with the truck issues I was having. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. Thank You Jesus. God is good always.

  38. Norah, Praying for Jim's back and a successful surgery. May God bring him to a complete recovery and be able to move and walk without pain, and then proclaim God's great deeds and faithfulness.
    Thank You Father for sending that couple from Janet's church to rescue her and help her resolve her problems with her truck! So happy to celebrate more answered prayers.

  39. Such good advice from today's devotion. "When you are real with Me, I am able to bring out the best in you: the very gifts I have planted in your soul".
    Father, You know everything about me. Help me to come to you in my brokenness so you can lead me to use my gifts to glorify You and help Your people. Thank You for more answered prayers for all of our dear JC Family. Help us to be patient in prayer. Thank You for this in Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. "Help your people" I often forget about that. That will now be the focus of my faith walk today!!

    2. Amen dear Jeanne, amen🙏💞

    3. Dear Tanya, That is a wonderful focus for your day! God will surely be glorified.

  40. Thank You Lord for this day of rest. You rested after creating the universe, we can certainly rest from the day's labor. Teach us to use this time to reflect on Your goodness, your blessings, grace, mercy & peace. To thank You for all things, good or bad, to thank You for the cross. Happy, restful day dear ones💞

    1. Joining into your perfect prayer of thanksgiving dear Jan!!! Amen and Amen! Thank you. Gratitude and Praise!

  41. "Morning Glory," as our dear Maplewood would greet us so often. I miss her and pray for her and family; confident that wherever she is, she is blessing many and singing God's praises. I caught up on all of the posts from 7/9 and on todays, from several years ago. I listened to the songs (thank you Peter, for that lovely one yesterday (May the Mind of Christ My Savior; so peaceful and sweet). Brie, your "Who Can," perked me up and Jeanne - yours - heart-stirring).
    It is a beautiful, cool-for-July, morning and I am waiting to have coffee with my Best Man. We will share God's Word with each other, pray and start our day.
    Blessings to each of you, JC Family. All of your prayers are mine and you are on my heart as I thank God for His many blessings.

    1. So happy you caught up on the posts and listened to the sweet songs. Just what you needed. I sure do miss our sweet Maplewood too and her "Morning Glory". Praying with you and for you dear sister!

  42. All glory, honor and praise to the Lord of Lords, King above all kings! Chosen to be redeemed as a disciple of Christ by the blood of the Lamb. Praise Jesus🙏

    1. Amen praise you Lord only you are worthy of praise glory and honor

    2. Amen to that my brother Rich! What a blessing that we were chosen before we were even born. How amazing is that? Blessed we are.

  43. Prayers please we found out our daughter Michelle died. This is the daughter that we are raising her children. She had just gotten out of the hospital after major surgery and a months stay. The coroner's report said it appeared that she fell out of her chair. They are doing an autopsy to find out cause of death. Even though we had a strained relationship she knew I was there for her as much as I could be and that I loved her. The first 2 weeks of being in the hospital she had several surgeries to save her life. They had her intubated since she was in and out of surgery and so her body could be more at rest to heal. Being next of kin I was the one who okay every surgery and blood transfusion. After she was awake I was the one trying to explain things and reminding her of who she. When she came out of sedation she didn't even know her name for a couple of days. She thought she was going to go to a physical therapy rehab facility when she was discharged from the hospital. They discharged her to go home which she was very scared to do. She was afraid she would fall because of being off balance and not being able to catch herself and this is what they believe happened. I know this is long and I'm sorry. I'm not going back and proof reading and correcting because I just can't. My brain is numb, my oldest daughter went to her house and got some of her stuff and. Her and the older girls want to come over later today and go through the stuff pick what they want and get rid of the rest . I feel like screaming are you guys crazy. Let it just sit in our garage for a bit until I can breathe and think about the fact that I'm not going to get a phone call from her again whether it's one where she's mad at me or she wants to tell me about something funny that happened. Then there's my grand daughter Hunter that's who I'm the most concerned about.i think it should be when she's ready. So please please please pray for us thanks you so much my J C Family with love TERRI

    1. I realized I had missed a major point. The surgies were on her left arm and hand. She could no longer use them, but she said it felt like someone kept hitting her hand with a hammer. She died 3 days after being discharged from the hospital.

    2. Terri - I feel your pain. Praying you are surrounded with His peace, presence, guidance and love.

    3. Terri, I am so sorry to hear this news. Sassy Mom, you are still on my heart and mind throughout the days and when I wake up early or go to bed late. Yes, Audra - praying for our daughters, always. And, our sons, our Grands, our Dear Spouses...for our whole JC Family and this world in which we live, but know is not our home. Today's scripture is so appropriate.
      Revelation 17:14
      English Standard Version

      They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful.

    4. Michelle has been on my prayer list and in my heart for a long time. I shall now pray that her soul rests in peace.
      Prayers for You, your DH, and your grand children shall continue.
      May God's Peace surpass everything else. In Jesus' Name. Amen..

    5. Praying for you during this difficult time. 🙏

    6. Thank You Jesus for the strength and encouragement to attend church today. I was overwhelmed with the love I received. I covet your prayers.

    7. Our dear (((SASSY MOM))) I am so happy to hear all the overwhelming love you received at church today. You are loved more than you'll ever know. Your JC Family wishes we could give you physical hugs too. SInce we can't, we ask Jesus to hug you for us each and everyday. Then we send a lot of love and prayers your way. Much Love, Brie

    8. Dearest Terri, My heart goes out to you and your family. What a sad day and there are no words to say. God will console you because His comfort envelopes you and He knows your pain. You have so much to deal with now and a crushed heart on top of it. Joining prayers for you dear sister. We love you so much. You and your family are always in my prayers. Surrounding you with love and trusting that God will guide you, comfort you and give you all the right words to say at exactly the right time. Love you.

    9. Dearest Sassy Mom! I'm blessed to hear you were able to go to Church, and find comfort and peace and so much love. When you are weak, God is strong. Sending love and prayers. Take it one small step at a time good sister. God will do the rest. You will be a great comfort to our dear Terri. God has equipped you well and you are strong in Him. Much love.

    10. Praying for peace and strength for you and your family today. May our heavenly Father touch you all with His loving hands and you feel His presence in a comforting way 🙏. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen! Peace be with you.

    11. Our dear dear sister in Chrst, (((Terri))) You and your dear ones remain on my mind and prayerfully in my heart. Should you see your way clear enough to update us on your prayer needs, by all means, do so. Either way, I am still praying for you in Jesus' Name. !AMEN!

  44. As I posted above, thinking we need prayers for our daughters in a big way right now. And for us moms. So be it ♥️🙏✝️♥️🙏✝️

    1. Amen. Praying with you for all the dear daughters in our JC Family and for all our loved ones. Father, protect, guide, encourage and comfort them and give them a strength of faith, in Jesus' Name we pray.

  45. Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. (Galatians 5:1). Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. (John 8:36). Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Corinthians 3:17).

  46. Wonderful verses, dear Janet! Good and blessed morning to you and our dear ones here!

    1. Yes thank you dear Janet for these scriptures. Bless your day with more of Jesus💞🙏🌈

  47. I have my sweet Gabriel sleeping beside me this morning. I’m so grateful to all of you for your prayers for me and Janet, Rudy, and my brother’s dog, Domino. My hand and wrist are so much better. God is so faithful and prayers from sincere hearts of faith are so powerful/ My sister is a little better and I’m praying Domino can get in to see the Vet earlier than August. She’s on a cancellation list. Her increased thirst and urination is not good. May God give Frankie peace of mind and renewed faith as he waits for an earlier appointment. Rudy’s chest is finally starting to heal, thank God. Waiting on our amazing and compassionate God. He will answer our prayers according to His Will and timing. Praise Him with thankful hearts. He is so good. Waiting on the Lord.

    Psalm 103:1-5
    Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
    Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
    Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
    Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;
    Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.

    1. Amen, blessed by this scripture.

    2. Yes Peter! Me too! God's promises are reliable so we should continue to rest in Him and trust His Word.

  48. Sounds like you're in a great place dear Jeanne. Right beside one of your blessings 😊. Enjoy! Praying for continued healing for Janet, Rudy & your own injury. Not forgetting Domino. Can't believe that poor dog has to wait until August!

    1. Thanks sweet Jan! You're prayers mean so much. Yes. That poor little dog! Praying my brother will hear of a cancellation very soon.

  49. Again JC nails it!
    Dear Father help me to not be consumed by "performance pressure" I seek to be your friend, a friend I want o worship and honor always. Yes you see the worst in me but also the best! help me to be the "best" in all I do especially for your glory! Amen.

    1. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Free of all performance pressures and measurements, I come before you today seeking help with:
      Welcoming this moment as a gift from YOU.
      Becoming fully present before YOU.
      Opening my mind and my heart to YOU.
      Becoming my best self, the one and only me YOU created me to be.
      Coming boundless and boundary free before YOU.
      Gratefulness for ALL YOUR GOOD, good earth, good fortune, good deeds, to name a very few.
      Accepting being Fully Known AND Loved By You .
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. KNOWN by Tauren Wells

    3. Amen dear ABC! He sees the worst in us but also the best. Wish we could see how He sees us. I know we are dearly loved and understood.
      That was a beautiful prayer sweet Brie. Amen and Amen!! Thanks for that awesome song too! Love you.

  50. God's Blessings for all this day.

    1. Received those blessings with gratitude! God bless you, dear John H. May God answer all your prayers.

  51. .In 1 John 3:16-17, the apostle John addresses laying down one’s life for others by filling their needs: “By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?”

    As we live life, we will encounter opportunities to help others in need. However, it might not always be convenient. Sometimes, we may not want to share our goods with others. Even so, a Christian driven by genuine love is gracious and willing to give where he or she can .

    This kind of love is self-sacrificial and doesn’t think of self first. Instead, it prioritizes the needs of others. Of course, this doesn’t mean we should neglect our own needs. But if we are the only person we look out for, we are not fulfilling Christ’s exhortation in John 15:13.

    1. Amen, Minahadi! This passage highlights the ultimate example of the love through Jesus' sacrifice and calls us to mirror that selfishness. Praise His Holy name. HALLELUJAH!!!

    2. Thank you, dear Min Ahadi. Very true words. God wants us to think more about others than ourselves and give when it is needed. I try to give more of my time or gifts of my own hand than money but I do give when I can. I pray our Great Potter will continue to mold me to be more selfless. I’m a work in progress.

    3. Amen Min Ahadi! The Lord is always working in and through us to complete His perfect work 🙏 🙌! God bless!

    4. Amen and thank you for this encouragement, Min Ahadi. God bless your day

    5. The priority commandments! Love God, Love people. Period.

  52. Saw this and it blessed me.

    I love it when God interrupts my thoughts and reminds me that the battle is not mine, but His.

    You may not see anything happening
    but you can be assured that God is not only aware, He is at work.

    Don't be so focused on the future that you miss all of the blessings God is giving you right now.

    My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26

    God meets us in our mess, but He never leaves us there.

    When you're going through the trials and darkness, don't run away from God. Run to Him.

    God is a light unto you even when you are sitting in a dark place. But you need to let Him in.

    Dear God, thank You for giving me hope in the middle of my storm. I know you are able to guide me and give me strength. As this days begins, still our minds and calm our hearts. Watch over us, granting us Your peace that surpasses all understanding.
    In Jesus' name, AMEN and AMEN.

    1. Dear JJ, This came at just the right time. Thank you. I know God is at work answering our prayers. He knows exactly what we need so I am waiting on Him and trusting all will be okay. My mom’s leg is not healing well and may be infected. I moved her Friday appointment to tomorrow morning at 8:30. Praying God will guide her doctor to the right treatment to take away the redness and heal it completely. Today was sweet because my brother Tom and my sister in love brought their new dog to visit us. My mom enjoyed herself but Tom and Jan both agreed that her leg looked infected. I also dropped my phone on cement today and my screen went black and non responsive. My good husband had car trouble and will need to get it fixed tomorrow. God is greater than all this. Putting it all in the Hands of the Lord. I have a lot to do tomorrow but I am not alone. Praying that God will provide our needs, lift our hearts, heal us and our loved ones, comfort us in our sorrow, surround us with His light and peace and make all things right. Thank You Jesus.

      Philippians 4:6-8
      Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

    2. Thank you JJ 😊.

    3. Praying alongside for these needs, Mom's healing, car trouble, a working phone to communicate with in Jesus Almighty Name.

    4. Thank you for this, JJ. I have a friend who moved to Mexico with her husband a few years ago. She is going through a very difficult time right now as he has left her for another woman and moved to the U.S. She is now isolated and alone in Mexico, with little income, two dogs and a property she is trying to lease out. She is a strong Christian and is concerned for her husband’s spiritual condition. Due to the stress she has been under she has developed shingles. What God inspired you to write will be a blessing to her.

    5. Thanks for your prayers dear Peter. We continue to pray for each other because we have seen God’s faithfulness.
      Dear Websister, Praying that God will heal your friend and provide her needs, and open her husband’s heart and turn him around towards Christ so he will do the right thing. Thank You Jesus.

  53. Dear Sassy Mom and Terri, God knows how you miss your dear daughters, Debbi and Michelle. They are in the best place and you will be with them again. May God send you both extra helpings of love, peace and comfort today. Sending hugs and prayers.

    1. Thanks dear Janet! Amen! I’m feeling His peace despite my circumstances. My mom’s doctor told me to wash my mom’s leg with saline and apply the ointment once a day and keep it covered but use rolled gauze to keep the pad on so the tape doesn’t touch her sensitive skin. She has a follow up next week. I believe God will heal it and it will look much better by then. All will be well according to God’s perfect timing.

  54. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. (Psalm 139:14).

  55. Since church on Sunday this beautiful song has accompanied me:
    Lord you have my heart
    And I will search for yours
    Jesus take my life and lead me on.

    Lord you have my heart
    And I will search for yours
    Let me be to you a sacrifice.

    And I will praise you Lord
    (Ladies) I will praise you Lord
    (Men) And I will sing of love come down
    (Ladies) I will sing of love come down
    (Men) And as you show your face
    (Ladies) Show your face
    (Together) We'll see your glory here.

    1. Love this! I will try to learn it to teach to my church, thank you for sharing.

  56. Praise the LORD for all of the blessings he bestows on us. We just finished riding out Hurricane Beryl. We took a direct hit and most of the west side of the Houston area is still without electricity. We were blessed and got our electricity back on the afternoon of the 8th. More than a million are still waiting. Pray for restoration of these services so grocery stores and pharmacies can reopen and people are spared from the heat and humidity that comes with this time of year.

    1. Praying for all who were impacted, for restoration of services and relief in every way that is required, especially from the heat and humidity.

  57. I have been reading but absent from commenting for a bit. My husband and I left June 29th for a church conference June 30th through July 7th. We were part of a small team providing meals throughout the week for 300 to 350 people each day. They were long but blessed days. Home now, unpacked, wash done, and groceries replenished. Our second son had to leave his dog with us due to work travel, so we are dog sitting. Had a long bank appointment yesterday afternoon to review retirement investments, etc. Thankful and hoping not to take for granted His many blessings. Today is my third son’s birthday so will be celebrating with him and my niece and her two sons are coming for the weekend on Friday evening, busy times 🙂
    Jeanne - praying for healing for your mom’s leg, wisdom for her doctor, and for a quick fix for your phone, hopefullly today.
    Norah - praying for your DH’s treatment and your travels following.
    Praying for the other concerns and needs expressed.
    Grateful for this JC community.
    I live in Canada in the MDT time zone so find that many of you are well into your morning when I am starting mine. God is not restricted by time though 🙂
    Have a blessed day!

  58. Know that ALL OF YOU are in my prayers every day. I don’t post often but this blog has blessed me immeasurably since I discovered it a year and a half ago. My wife and I have family in Colorado and we’re in Texas with two adult kids. We’ve been spectacularly blessed and all on this blog are part of that blessing. May God grant all of you and yours healing where it is needed, peace in the midst of turmoil, and may you also be blessed with a glimpse of His perfect plan for your lives. AMEN!

  59. Received, KC Jones, blessings and thanks to you! ♥️🙏 I join in your prayer for all those situations that God is attending to each and every day. He is ALL MIGHTY and for the asking, takes all of our burdens so we can rest in peace with HIM and HIS WORD, the TRUTH.

  60. Remember to press LOAD MORE!
