Friday, July 10, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 11

Worship Me only. Idolatry has always been the downfall of My people. I make no secrets about being a jealous God. Current idols are more subtle than ancient ones, because today's false gods are often outside the field of religion. People, possessions, status, and self-aggrandizement are some of the most popular deities today. Beware of bowing down before these things. False gods never satisfy; instead, they stir up lust for more and more.
     When you seek Me instead of the world's idols, you experience My Joy and Peace. These intangibles slake the thirst of your soul, providing deep satisfaction. The glitter of the world is tinny and temporal. The Light of My Presence is brilliant and everlasting. Walk in the Light with Me. Thus you become a beacon through whom others are drawn to Me. 
Exodus 20:4-5
English Standard Version

“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me,

2 Samuel 22:29
English Standard Version

29 For you are my lamp, O Lord,
    and my God lightens my darkness.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear Lord, help me to worship only you. Protect me from falling into false riches. This is done so easily, give me strength and an awareness of this path. Jesus I trust in you!

  2. Lord, please forgive me for this.

  3. Father, deliver us from temptation when we are tempted by the worlds glamour, lust and glitter which is temporal. We long for eternity with You.


  4. Update on Kelly.
    Kelly is having seizures and given 2 - 7 days to live. She is no longer able to speak. Just learned her husband is home from Iraq (government job) and will have to return to Iraq for 3 months after the Celebration of Life service. Benjamin, 5 year old son will be temporarily cared for by grandparents until the husband can make arrangements for a nanny to care for Benjamin while he is in Iraq. Thank you to my JC Family for continuing prayers for these precious loved ones.

    1. Sassy Mom--- God bless you for your update on Kelly and family. This JC FAMILY will continue to pray. I plead the blood of Jesus over Kelly and her family. Sometimes when I don't know how to pray, I just say Jesus's name several times over the situation. There is just something about His name, that cuts through some of the darkest times. Great blessings to you Sassy Mom and your daughter for being the caring people you are, and Great blessings to ALL the JC PRAYERS WARRIORS!

    2. Continuing to pray for Kelly. I battled for her life in my war room & will continue until she draws her last breath. Father in heaven, the cross showed your people that we don't have to plead or beg for what we desire here on Earth. Through the sacrifice of Jesus our Lord, the curtain was torn & we gained passage to the Holy of Holies, to present our petition for Kelly with victory as our desire for her. We know that victory could come 2 ways for her, stepping into heaven & into your arms is one, get up, walk, embrace her loved ones, seizures gone, tumor gone & glorifying your name to all who watch is the other. Let your WILl be done! Amen!

    3. JJ - Jan - AMEN!!! JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, There's just something about that name. Thank you for your love, concern and prayers for a daughter of the KING.

    4. 2 years later continue healing in this family for your glory Lord.

  5. Sharing morning scripture from Bible Gateway: Jeremiah 32:17
    "Ah, Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for you." AMEN!!!!

  6. Amen Sassy Mom, Lord use this situation you have allowed Kelly to be in for your glory. Protect everyone effected by this from the enemy stepping in and distorting how much you love each of them. I thank you Lord because I know you can turn what we see as disaster into your glorious hand at work in the hearts of the people who are involved. You are mighty and holy, majestic is your name Jesus. We praise you for who you are and exult you for what you will do in this situation. thank you Lord, TERRI

  7. May the Peace, comfort and strength of our Great God rest upon Kelly's family and grant her peace in transition with You oh Lord.
    I cover her husband, son and all her family in the Blood and intercede for better days ahead in Jesus name!

    Maplewood NJ

  8. What a blessedness, what a joy divine, leaning on the EVERLASTING Arms. Father, I am leaning on Your Everlasting Arms. I worship You and You alone.
    Please forgive me for putting anyone or anything before You! Disconnect me from any and ALL idolatry. Thank You for loving and forgiving me.

    This is the day You have made, I choose to REJOICE and be GLAD in it! THANK YOU for the VICTORY I have now and the VICTORIES to come in the presence of my enemies, in Jesus name!

    Sending prayers, Love, Peace and blessings to all, JC Family!!!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you Maplewood. I receive those prayers, Love, Peace and blessings! ALL such an uplift!

  9. You all are amazing. Please add Emily in Florida to your prayers as she suffers from a small aneurysm in her brain. Prayers for her family as well. Peace and comfort for John and Roxy who also need you as John prepares for his life with our Lord.

    1. You got it M.A. will pray for Emily & her family. Also John & Roxy. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the good nights rest and for awakening me to another day You have made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

    Lord, I am praying for peace and comfort for Kelly and her loved ones as she transitions to her heavenly home. Thank You for people like Sassy Mom and her daughter who have invested their hearts in Kelly's life and now sadly her death. Reach down and touch all their hearts that are broken at this time with sadness as Kelly is being prepared to enter her heavenly home.
    Have mercy on Kelly and her loved ones as they watch their loved one enter Your Gates

    Lord, let me not take for granted anything You have blessed me with. Help me not to beg and plead for anything as I lay my heart at the foot of the cross, for You Lord, to let Your will be done in my life. You know the concerns in my life and what I have been begging and pleading for, for many years now. I have read through Jesus calling over and over each year for several years now and this one date has never hit me like it did today. I have been begging and pleading for my broken heart to be healed. Today I realized that is my problem, instead of allowing You to take it and keep it, I have taken it back so many times I just can't count. I am waiting on a human to say the right words to heal me, when it is You that is going to do that part. Lord, You have done so much healing in me that I am not where I was 14 years ago, all I had to do was give credit where credit is due and that is what You have done in me. I give you all the credit for the healing I have recieved. Not only my heart, but You have healed my back from having to have a triple fusion in my lumbar area, I never dreamed I would ever live without pain, but for You God, now I don't, for that I am so very grateful.

    Lord I am calling on You to put a stop to hurricane Barry. To wish it doesn't come our way, is to wish someone else gets it, (which I would never want anyone to be hit by a hurricane) I ask that you just stop it in it's tracks so no one has to get hit by it. We are in the direct path as You know, Lord please be with all in the path if it does come ashore. I know You won't put on us any more than we can handle, but me, in my weak mind just don't think I could handle another Rita. Rita hit us bad, she took a lot out of me, but You kept me from losing it and I appreciate that. As this storm comes our way, again I ask that You make it disappear before everyones eyes. In the case we do get hit, I know Lord that You will give us all we need to see us through it. Be with everyone this storm is projected to affect, keep us all safe in Your Loving arms. In the precious name of Jesus I pray, Amen❣

    1. Prayers going out for your safety, Pamela. We are still recovering from Harvey here in Houston so I understand your dilemma.

    2. Pamela K - Praying prayers of safety for those in the path of the Hurricane. Giving thanks to the Great Physician for the healing done in Pamela's life.

    3. I join in agreement for these prayers for Pamela K. Speak "halt" to that hurricane Pamela & as God's child you know He will protect & sustain you & your family whatever happens. Trust in His power.

    4. Thank each of you for the prayers and advice. We will be fine no matter which way Barry goes. I am trusting in God to see to it no matter where he lands that it won't be near as bad as any we have had before. I am 57 years old and we have had the occasional hurricane, but never anything like Rita in my lifetime. Katrina didn't affect us as far as damage to our area. It affected us horribly to watch on TV and see what all was going on when she hit New Orleans. That was in August, the very next month, September 25, Rita came in to our lives, we had seen such horrible things going on when Katrina came through, we had no clue how it was going to be for us with Rita. God kept our homes in tact, some damage, but not near enough to lose our homes and especially our lives. Thank You Lord. Again, thank y'all for the prayers God bless❣

  11. "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." Kelly took her last earthly journey into the arms of Jesus at 4:30 this morning. She fought a good fight.

  12. My dear precious JC Family, thank you for the many prayers said on behalf of Kelly. Please continue prayers for Kelly's loved ones. I love you and wish I could meet every one and personally thank you.

    1. It was an honor Sassy Mom to have partaken in interceding for such a precious child of God. Hallelujah! She is walking with Jesus & beholding His face. The ultimate worship experience! Praying for her loved ones & Denise.

    2. In total agreement with Jan and sweet4G. The angels are singing praise songs. Will continue to pray and intercede for the Kelley's family, Emily and family. John, Roxy and grace and mercy concerning the hurricane. Such an honor to join in prayer with the JC PRAYER WARRIORS.

  13. Prayers for all in our JC family and prayers for Kelly and Kelly’s family and friends.

  14. Loving prayers from Texas and all n Jesus heavenly name

  15. Continually praising Your name Lord. Thank You for Your ETERNAL presence, protection, love, joy and peace.

  16. Thanking and acknowledging all of the wisdom, kind words, inspirational thoughts, and heartfelt prayers for my daughter, wife, and me. She received them and was her outwardly normal self yesterday. It will be a process, but I am so grateful for the angels here and above that are watching over us and praying for us... His Spirit is among us and your love in Christ is felt. Peace friends. Amen.

    1. MadFox - so happy your daughter is with you and your wife. All of our prayers will continue for you all. KS

    2. Praise the Lord ���� Sending prayers to the Throne of Grace for you, your wife and daughter. He's with and for you, all around you, within you, guiding your steps and calming your minds.

      Blessings from France

    3. Madfox, so happy to hear. I picture your daughter regaining that missing piece of security and peace that only true love can bring. Keep heaping it on her! God loves you all so much.....

    4. Rejoicing with you, dear brother, and continuing in prayer. God be with y'all (I can speak 'southern' too).

    5. Halleluia! So happy your daughter is recovering and becoming more like herself. God is so good. Praying for your whole family and for healing of all your weaknesses. We all have them. Amen His Spirit is truly working mightily within us! Peace and love to all on this brand new day.


      Maplewood NJ

    7. I am grateful for answered prayers that so often show us God's love! Something Bob wrote yesterday struck a chord of understanding in me and I want to thank him.
      "PTSD, something someone makes themselves vulnerable to when they dedicate themselves to serving others". This earthly service many of us are called to do does make us vulnerable. All the more reason to turn to serve only One, giving thanks as He guides our actions, they don't come from us. With so many circumstances that seem to trigger PTSD, surviving and helping others during, through, and after fires, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and now Covid, we are tired and feel weak when we forget who we really are serving. Thank you Jesus, for the emotional response of PTSD to remind me how great thou art!

    8. MadFox, so good to hear your praise report. The Lord is surely with your daughter and amongst your family pouring out healing as only He can provide. PTL! Will continue praying for your daughter to keep receiving His love, peace and blessings. Thanking God for His faithfulness!

      Blessings from California

  17. Blessings to all. Continuing my prayers for JC Family of believers

  18. You are the light Lord. You are the truth, the life, and the way. Please help me to walk in the light with You Lord and draw me closer to You. Help me to always keep You first and foremost in my life Lord. If I get distracted from You, please bring my eyes back to You Lord. You are my everything Lord. You are in my heart, soul, mind, body, and life Lord. Please fill me up with Your presence and sear Your peace, love, joy, glory, and strength in my heart, soul, mind, body, and life Lord. I need and want You in my life Lord. I am nothing without You, but I can do all things in Jesus Christ. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously. I love and trust You my sweet, beloved Lord. Let Your light shine bright in me so others can see the glory of the Lord. Thank You for everything You do Lord. Amen.

    1. Praying as you are, Janet, molds the heart by creating greater and greater desire for these things within (also, lessening the desire for the opposite). And we all pray with you which adds to that work of the Holy Spirit that you are activating through your prayers. God be with you.

    2. Amen dear Janet! I share in the your sincere prayer.
      Keep us close to You, dear Lord, today. Let our minds and hearts be focused on You and help us to remain in Your sweet and nurturing presence. Lift us when we are down or frustrated. Help us to be productive and joyful. Let us all shine brightly before everyone today for your glory.

  19. Todays reading finds me in a funny place. A spacious field filled with new possibilities. God is indeed doing a new thing. Letting go is not my favorite phrase, often sounds too trite. Yet it presses on me in a convicting way. Why? Because I am so good at holding on & NOT giving up. The letting go of the people I have made more important than God is what is left often as my last choice. I am sorry Lord, truly. I am sorry that I twisted the beautiful gift of love into someting that really isnt love at all but actually my response to fear. Holding on very afraid. Lord now as you have pried open my hands it is left up to me to also give you my whole heart in trust. Thank you Lord for doing the hard things I could not do because your love is perfect and without fear. Lord help me to keep you in your proper place, as The Lord of my life and my loved ones. Help me not to cut in front of you and try & take that place in body or mind. How futile and foolish and tiresome that is. Lord your ways are higher and your vision is clear. I relinquish the results to you willingly at this moment ( all I have)
    And I greatfully ask for each new moment to come just like every breathe! I feel freedom In this great open space of possibilities you have laid down before me. I am cleaning out a room preparing it for something new, clean and holy. You loved me more than I loved myself, thank you Father. I feel peace. I love my family so very much that this offering reflects that. True love. Lord thank you.
    God bless all of you. Your prayers have kept me going and God love you and sees you! How wonderful is that? Nothing compares to His love. His love has been demonstrated by you all!

    1. Dear Fern! God is guiding you to all peace, joy and fulfillment in your life. He already blessed you by letting you see Dan before he left. Leave your problems and concerns at His Throne of Grace, and walk forward in your life for yourself and your God. He is preparing your path and your next chapter. If you let go and empty yourself of all worry and fear, then God can fill you up with new hope, love and joy that you can share. God bless you and your husband and Dan and keep you safe, and set your eyes upon the Lord always. God bless you too dear Sister. Always in my prayers.

    2. Jeanne, I believe you are right, that God has indeed gifted us though we could or would never ask for this gift. It is what is needed and God knows what we need. Thank you for your powerful words of confirmation. I am free to be me for the first time in a very long time. Thank you Jesus for giving it all for me, for us!
      God bless you sweet sister with the beautiful heart of compassion. God is indeed the highest of high and do very worthy of our praise.

    3. Yay, Fern! Thank you Jesus!!!!

    4. Thank you for sharing your growth in faith, Fern. It is beautiful and helpful to all of us. A thought - a possible use of the emptied room is to create a hollowed space in which can be used for prayer and devotion. I wonder what the father of the prodigal son did with the space his son left, could he have used it in a similar way to keep his hope alive? Just a thought. Do as God is leading you. God be with you.

    5. Thank you all for your love and kindness it fills the gaps, until Jesus can fix the holes. The room will be transformed just like our lives thru Christ, please Lord clean all of our hearts in Jesus name.
      xxoo God bless you and keep you God shine his face upon you and give you peace.

    6. Sweet Fern, Our Father guides us through the chapters of our life. One more page turns and He is right there by our side to lead us through anything that lies ahead. I hope you are using that room for prayer and peace and comfort. He is always with us. I felt Him with me through my day. And with Him by my side, it was a fruitful and sweet one. I kept reminding myself not to worry because I gave Him all my concerns to handle.
      Praise Him, the Most High, the King of Kings!

  20. Heavenly Father, Thank You for another morning and the reminder that I am Yours and You are mine. Please keep me from the smallest hint of idolatry and remind me that choosing an idol is to reject Your grace and this grieves Your Spirit. Discipline me in your grace when I stray, and convict me by Your Holy Spirit. More than anything else, bind my wandering heart to You only, in joyful worship, knowing that for this very reason I was created. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.

    We must only worship God. If we worship Him in spirit and in truth, we are not to worship anyone or anything else. Anything we worship, other than God, is an idol. He forbids us to make and worship idols. He is seeking those who are worshipping Him in Spirit and in truth and this means genuinely, sincerely, and from the inner being or hear. There are so many scriptures warning us about falling for other gods and we are wise if we pay attention and guard our hearts.
    Our worship of God should not be as we think He is, how we feel He is, or how someone else taught us God is. We are not to worship a god made in our own image to please our own thoughts and preferences. In Jesus’ teachings, He said our belief and what we follow, is important, because the Father is seeking those who seek Him in truth. God is a Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). We are also cautioned in Colossians 2:18, "Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worshipping angels." We stand to lose our reward in heaven if we worship anyone or anything other than our creator and Father God. He is the only one we are to worship because He is a jealous God and rightfully so. He made us, He takes care of us. We are His.

    Dear Father, We ask You to show us any idol gods we may be serving, and remind us that the wicked worship of money, false gods, power, family, possessions, or work, are all worthless and tragically foolish. Give us the courage to reject these things and worship You only in spirit and in truth with total and sincere surrender. We pray this in the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. When we worship Him rightly above all else, then we manage money, power, family, possessions, and/or work as they should be handled. Without Him receiving first place in our hearts, there is a vacuum and the above things will get sucked into the core of our being, establishing themselves as our idols. The nature of the heart is that something must be a priority. I choose God. Thank you for your post, twin bd sis!

    2. Yes! In spirit and in truth, keep me there with you Jesus, I pray.

    3. Thank you Lord for the reminder to keep my priorities straight!

  21. (II Timothy 2:9b) "...For the word of God is not chained."

    The apostle Paul, Christ's servant whom He called to carry the gospel to the Gentile world (or the rest of the world outside of Judaism). And Paul did so faithfully, preaching to thousands, establishing churches along the way, writing letters that have become a part of the canon in which we hear from God, etc. Now, he is chained and not free to move about. No more preaching, no more establishing churches, still letter writing but some might say, 'Calling thwarted." Paul would not agree as seen in his words, the gospel is not chained. All the preaching that he had done, the churches he had established, and the encouraging letters he sent to those churches, they all are still having their impact and the gospel is still being preached. Here I am, some 2000 years later, reading Paul's words and being inspired by them to the glory of God. No, the gospel is not chained and the impact made by all who have been a faithful witness to God's love goes on and on and on, forever. Not even the death of those faithful can inhibit the advancement of the gospel for love shown (gospel preached) is eternal and cannot be thwarted. It is the power of God unto salvation.

    Let your lives preach on, brothers and sisters in Christ, for the love you show makes an eternal impact. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Amen, Bob! I especially love your last paragraph.

      "Let your lives preach on, brothers and sisters in Christ, for the love you show makes an eternal impact."

      I am sharing the blessings of this JC family and blog with others... and it's touching hearts and lives! Praise the Lord from whom all good things come!
      Thank you, JC family, for your uplifting words and prayers. I am blessed to have found this place to pray and worship Him with all of you. Amen!

      Blessings from California

  22. I loved your words: Bind my wandering heart to You only! That speaks volumes to me. I have to rein myself back often during my day. Let Him reign in our hearts above all. When I get distracted in my day, the Holy Name of Jesus brings me back every time. May God give us all the courage and strength to surrender to Him and worship him in spirit in truth! Thank you and Amen.

  23. I've been guided to the Psalms to Kindle my gratitude and prayers. Thank you for your Living Word, Father. Always perfect in timing and insight to whatever needs healing in me. Thank you, Jesus, I trust you, I love you.

    1. I love the Psalms because they teach us how to pray. They show human weakness, and human emotions, and our need for our good and merciful God. He inclines His ear to hear our cries. He understands and is ever faithful but only in His timing. He lifts us up out of despair and turns our days of worry into times of rejoicing. He knows what we need to be healed in every part of us. Praying for your daughter's healing and your healing of every weakness. Thanking the Lord for His help and trusting in His faithfulness.

  24. Good morning, Father God. Thank you for giving me the opportunity for one more day to serve You, Lord. Help me to use my time, talent and treasures in such a way that glorifies You, Lord.

    I bind my prayers to those here, spoken and unspoken. MadFox, praying for healing over your daughter from the top of her head to the soles of her feet; mind body and spirit. May the Lord bless you and your family with what you need.
    Sassy Mom, healing prayers going up for your friend, Sandi. May God's healing grace be upon Sandi, and, Lord, be with the doctors and nurses in charge of her care. Mighty is Thine healing hand.
    Fern, God bless you and your family. Your prayer today touched my heart deeply as a mother of three of my own. Letting go, and letting God is one of the most difficult tasks we are faced with as parents, but also one of the most rewarding. May God grant you and your family peace that surpasses all understanding. Continued prayers for your son, Dan. I pray hedge of protection over him wherever God leads him.
    Jeanne, thank you for your prayers of love and support for my two friends who are struggling with Covid19. I will update you all as I know of any news. For now, I keep praying without ceasing and giving God all the glory.

    Father, you have lead us all here today. Thank you for your faithfulness. We aren't quite a mountain, but you have moved each one of us here to love and uplift others and each other. Continue your marvelous work in each of us that we may be a beacon for others to see and know Christ. In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

    Blessings from California

    1. God bless you for your outpouring of loving prayers, blessings from California! Thanking God

  25. I believe everything happens for a reason. God has a plan. I am so grateful for him bringing me to this site a few years ago. I don't think it was by accident. All of you here are loving, wonderful children of the Lord and he brought us all together to praise him and to help lift one another up when it is needed. He is above us all and so are his ways. We may not understand them, but we all trust in him that he always has our best interests at heart. He is with us all and we are his shining stars here on earth to help bring others to his perfect presence. Bless you all. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously.

    1. Amen Janet! This is such a blessing to come here and pray together from all around the world for the Glory of God!
      Thanking Him everyday for this blessing and praying for you all!

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen to that! Such a blessing to come here and pray together. What a comfort. Surely the Presence of the Lord is in this Place.

  26. So true dear Janet, He brought us together hear to grow closer to Him and to each other. We are of one accord, standing on the Rock that never crumbles together. We know that we need Him to be the center of our lives. We come together here in gratitude and praise. We know He is the only one who knows our hearts and only He can lift us out of our circumstances, heal us and our loved ones, and bless us always with the joy and peace in believing. Much love to you.

  27. Father God, So many of my brothers and sisters need you right now and my family and dear ones too. We believe you can do all things and in You do we trust. We will not worry but bring everything to Your Throne of Grace. We will take our burdens to YOU and leave them there. Thank You for hearing all our prayers, and comfort our hearts and minds. Help us to focus on You above all else. Thank You for Your Spirit within us Who enlightens, guides and lifts us through our day. He is our Helper and our Comforter and Your great Gift to us. Thank You for showing us Your Faithfulness over and over and over again. You are so good to us. We love you so much. Thank You for all of this in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

    1. Amen dear Jeanne. God is so good -- ALWAYS! Peace be with you.

    2. Wonderful prayer this morning, Jeanne. Thank you and blessings of healing and wholeness to you and your family. Sending peace as well, sisters Jeanne and Janet & to all our JC family!

    3. Amen dear Janet! God is just so good to us. Peace be with you and all of God's blessings.
      Thank you dear NJS. We pray for each other. Praying most of all for my dear daughter in law's biopsy to show healthy tissue in her cervix and for my friend Sandy's myeloma test results to be good. Your messages brought me peace.

  28. Heavenly Father, thank You for being in my life. You are my light, truth, and everything. I'd be so lost without You. You mean everything to me. Help me to keep You the center of my life and to always look to You for everything. Let me not put anything or anyone before You. You are the most important aspect of my life. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always and continually. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Amen to that! Gratitude and praise to the Most High.

  29. My childhood friend who I love so much was so distant when I lost my dad sister ! I really needed a shoulder to lean on after the burials but she avoided me and when we met in church , she said I was a changed person. Of course I had changed I went through two losses that left me spinning on my heels. My friend turned 50 and I got her a gift , but I can't bring myself to take into her ! I have prayed that God would forgive me for having unrealistic expectations on friends, for letting it go on for too long and I pray for wisdom that God will direct my path. This is my prayer ...Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. (Ephesians 4:2-3, NLT)

    1. Those are such tough situations. I remember something our dear Bob wrote here months ago. It was on how Jesus loves everyone so completely and fully. Bob mentioned that even though Jesus knew Judas would be betray him, his love for Judas was the same. I have reflected on that constantly in light of my sometimes fickle love. I know our hearts are broken by others and it is natural for us to pull away. But maybe pray for the strength to love as Jesus does and see where you are with this friend? Praying for you Min Ahadi. ❤️

    2. People react quite oddly at times, Min, when someone loses a loved one. So sorry for her comment of you being a "changed person". You know and we know you are a wonderful child of God! if that's what she's referring to, then let it be. She seems to have a bit of narcissistic tendencies, meaning that while you're going through ALL you were/are going thru with losing your loved ones, she's angry with you somehow. Continue being the loving person you are. Remember it's not all on you. Bring her the gift that comes from your heart and what she does after, that is on her. You can walk away knowing you gave that gift with love. A wise Christian counselor told me about the 3 "C's"...1. You didn't cause it, 2. You can't cure it, 3. You can't control it. He also gave me a visual to think on...of a hoola-hoop saying "stand in the middle of it. That is what you can control. Outside of that you can't do anything about it and to give all of it to our heavenly Father knowing He's in control and can do ALL THINGS! Sending you comforting hugs, Min, and love. In Jesus's awesome name, amen!

    3. NJS, thank you for the 3 "C"s!

    4. It's a very difficult situation, but we all must remember that nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes. I try to think about how Jesus loves us so much that He died for us and all He asks of us in return is to believe in Him and have faith in Him. All we need to do is live for Him, for He died for us. He forgives each of us daily and asks us to forgive one another like He forgives us. Do it for Him. God bless.

    5. Am so so thankful ....I have learnt something from each of your responses....I will definately use the 3 C'S

    6. Dear Min Ahadi, It would hurt me very much if I didn't feel my good friend's sincere comfort after I lost my loved ones. We all change with the passing of the years. If she says you've changed, that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I see your sincere love for the Lord and your daughter and Mom and all of us. You have a beautiful heart. Maybe she hasn't looked into your heart. You don't know what has been going on with your old friend. She may just really need a friend right now. I agree you should offer her your gift for her Birthday. Pray on it and may God's indwelling Spirit feed you all the words to share. Put all the rest in God's Hands and let it be. Do not let the situation rob you of your peace. God has gifted you with a never ending peace. You're standing on the Rock so you will not crumble no matter her reaction. Praying for our Way Maker to make everything right between you and your friend. Sending you a hug too! <3

  30. Loved your prayer Jeanne. Fits so well right now. Warriors hubby & I need your prayers right now. Hubby had a stroke yesterday. He is recovering nicely, but not out of the woods as yet. Long haul before us. Meanwhile my blood pressure continues to climb, my mind is whirling, overthinking things. Headed for hospital. Bless you all dear ones for interceding for us. Love you all💕

    1. Jan. Prayers for your hubby and for you. It sounds like you caught it fast. I'll be praying for a quick recovery and strength during the process.

    2. Jan,
      I'm so sorry to hear about your husband having a stroke. Please know that we are all praying for both of you in this most difficult time. Praying for his recovery and for your blood pressure to stabilize.


    3. Dear God I am praying showers and showers of your choicest blessings on Jan, our dearly loved and loveable sister friend in Christ Jesus, and her hub.
      Bless and Heal them as only You can. Let them know they have our 24/7 prayers and may they feel Your Presence Guiding their walk on this leg of their journey. I ask. I seek. I persistently knock, knock, knock on Heaven's door. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. I join with my JC sisters, Jan, for both you and your hubby. So, so sorry to hear this. Giving it to our Jehovah Rapha, THE GREATEST physician and healer, knowing He will guide the medical team and bring you both through this, lowering your BP as you go! May you feel His loving arms around you as you navigate the road ahead and talk with God as you go...I find when I am diligent about talking to "my good friend, God" (as my Yaya would always refer to Him as) how much better I feel. I know you are so good at this, Jan. Thank you for letting us all know and may you feel our JC family prayers as well! In Jesus' name, AMEN.

    5. Dear Jan, praying for full recovery of your husband from his stroke, that all affected areas are brought into Gods healing, and that you be given Gods peace and calm for your stress and blood pressure.

    6. Joining this chorus of praying friends. Jesus, we pray to you. ❤️

    7. Jan, may Peace be with you and complete recovery for your hubby! In Jesus's name I pray.

    8. Father, please be with Jan and her husband as they endure these health issues. Please restore her and her husband back whole again and give them the peace, comfort, and strength needed to endure this time in their lives. Please put Your healing hands upon them both and let them feel Your loving presence within them. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    9. Praying for Jan and her husband . Lord please vist them and bring complete healing . As the wait on you Lord , give them peace and comfort as they rest on the assurance that their lives are in your hands .

    10. Oh my dear Jan, I'm praying for your darling hubby. A stroke is serious and so is your high blood pressure. Joining all prayers for healing of both of you unto perfect recoveries. The Lord has not left you for a second and He will continue to be in charge. Try not to worry despite the situation. Your DH needs to see your peace and confidence. Praise God for His loving kindness and tender mercies. He will never leave or forsake you or your beloved husband. Rest in Him who loves you dearly. He is your unshakeable foundation.

  31. Jan - Joining warriors in prayer to Jehovah Rapha the God who heals for our Jan and her husband.

  32. Jan I understand very closely to your situation. My husband has had several stokes. Please keep in the forefront of your mind this did not take our heavenly Father by surprise and he can turn anything satan meant for your destruction and turn it around for your good and his glory. Nothing may feel good right now, but rest and trust. Take care of your self so you can take better care of your husband. I will be praying for the two of you. You are not alone!!

    1. Terri dear, only by God's mercy & grace did you manage to maneuver through not one but several strokes. I can only imagine. Your faith in our Jesus is inspiring. One day at a time , one prayer at a time for hubby & I. Love, love to you all for such loving prayers. Thank you warriors 💕

    2. Lifting you, Jan G and your husband in prayer. I love you..Jesus loves you more!!

  33. Thank you Father, for answered prayers. A safe drive to the baby shower and reconnecting with friends I haven't seen in over 10 years. I am trusting the return to home will also be blessed with protection and safety.
    My BIL was flown to another hospital for possible heart surgery. The tests continue and he is feeling better in response to medication. He says he is fine either way they determine how to treat him. Your prayers have added to his peaceful acceptance of the situation, I am certain.

    I will again spend time during my long drive to pray for all of your requests, known and unknown. I appreciate this JC family beyond measure.

    1. Praying you got home safely and God is guiding the doctors to the right decision in treating your dear BIL Paul. Praying Marc is feeling better. Thank You Jesus.

  34. We're asking for prayers for an ongoing situation. It began with my wife becoming weak to the point of losing her balance and falling. She survived that with a few bruises. Doctors did tests and said she had a UTI and kidney infection. She has had them in the past and symptoms presented differently this time. Antibiotics helped the infection, but during their course continued to make her weak. She fell again and fractured a rib. It's painful and makes it difficult to get exercise to regain her strength. Thank you God that you have sustained us through current trials. Give us wisdom to live cautiously until she regains her strength and avoid another fall. Thank you in Jesus name.

    1. Father, please heal and restore 10-4's wife and bring peace, comfort, and strength into her life while she endures this time. May Your loving presence be felt by the entire family. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless you.

    2. Joining prayers for your dear wife. These falls are really weakening her and now she has a fractured rib which must be very painful. Father God, Thank You for healing her rib and every weakness and give her better equilibrium and balance, and strength her whole body. Take away her pain and bring her a way to get some exercise that won't hurt her rib. Also plese take away any depression she may have from being in pain and being unable to move. Shine bright light on her path and show her she is surrounded by Your love and the love of her family. Protect her from falls and any harm and bring peace and comfort to her family. Praying this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    3. 10-4 I'm a day late reading this, but joining in with Janet and Jeanne, adding my prayers for your wife and for you. God is working on this for you and it is my honor to pray for you with the others here in our JC family. God Bless you both.

  35. I'm getting ready to go sit outside in prayer.

    Feeling something but can't put my finger on it but it involves unity of other believers....

    So pray with and for me my friends and cheerleaders :-)

  36. In spite of of our trials, we were able to escape our desert heat spending a few days at the coast. The green surroundings and cool weather were refreshing.

  37. Glad for your reprieve.

    While praying, this verse again came to mind from Romans to share:

    May the God of Hope fill you with all Joy and Peace in believing, that you may abound in Hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Sorry for the pain you are enduring.

    1. Dear 10-4. I'm happy you were able to find some cool place to refresh yourselves. Always look for the light around you. God is such a loving Father. He found a way for you to rest and be renewed.
      Keith, I just love that verse. Thanks. Praying for you always my dear brother.

  38. JC Warriors, I'm asking for your prayers and thoughts for my pastor's wife Jeanine, her husband, and family. They were recently told by her doctor that her cancer has spread to her nervous system and that she probably only has about 2 months left. This is very upsetting to all of us. She is a truly, faithful child of God and I pray for a miracle of restoration. Father in heaven, please restore Your precious child whole again and remove this affliction from her body. Let her bright light continue to shine here on earth for a while longer. You are the healer and miracle worker and You have the power to make this happen, if it is Your will. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    Those who know the LORD trust Him, because He will not leave those who come to Him. (Psalm 9:10). Let Your steadfast love become my comfort according to Your promise to your servant. (Psalm 119:76). That faith and that knowledge come from the hope for life forever, which God promised to us before time began. (Titus 1:2).

  39. God loves you and he is for you! Thank you so much god for Jesus! Thank you lord. Praise god

  40. Praying with you dear Janet for your Pastor's wife Jeanine. God is so much greater than the cancer. Thanking Him for removing every bad cell from her body and replacing it with healthy tissue and bringing her back to perfect health so she can proclaim His amazing good deeds. Trusting Him for answering our prayers and cleansing her body of all cancer. Thank You Jesus.

  41. Please pray with me, I have a swelling on the right side of my abdomen , no pain at all. As I go to the doctor pray that God goes before me and gives the doctor an accurate diagnosis and treatment. May God's grace and peace surround me.

    1. Praying that our Father touches you and puts His healing hands upon you and removes your affliction. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Peace be with you.

    2. Praying for you Min as you go to the doctor. May God's peace cover you and pray that He will lead the doctor to determine the issue and course of action. JE

    3. Joining prayers for you dear Audra! Be not afraid. He goes before you always. May He guide the doctor to find the source of the swelling and may it be easily treatable. Thank You Jesus.

    4. For some reason I thought it was from Audra, Min Ahadi! But now I am praying for you dear sister! May God hold your hand and lead you through your appointment and enlighten the doctor to the true cause of your problem, and bring you back to perfect health. Trust in Him and rest in His faithfulness.
      We thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord.

  42. I forgot to add my name Min Ahadi the above prayer as I go to the doctor. Thank you God for Your presence and grace .Min Ahadi

    1. Praying mightily for you, dear sweet sister in Christ, Min. May our awesome and greatest physician, Jehovah Rapha, work through and with this doctor today to determine what the swelling is and give you a clear plan going forward. May you feel God's gracious hand upon you. In Jesus' name, amen.

    2. Praying for a clear and simple explanation for the swelling, Min Ahadi that will be of little concern for your overall health. Placing your condition in the hands of Jesus for the perfect solution. ♥️

  43. Heavenly Father, thank You. I praise You Lord always. You are so amazing and wonderful. Remove any idols that I may have in my life. I don't want to worship anyone or anything but You Lord. You and You alone are my God Almighty. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the LORD. (Psalm 150:6).

    2. Amen and Amen dear Janet! Praying God shines His guiding light along your path and opens only the right doors for you. Much love.

  44. Psalm 139:23-24 NIV
    "23 Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
    24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
    and lead me in the way everlasting."
    Help me Lord to identify any idols, any offensive way there may be in my life. I hesitate to say there are none, because maybe I just don't recognize them?
    You are my heart's desire and I live to worship You only. Thank you Lord, amen.

    1. Amen to that dear Peter!
      Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me.

  45. Help in Identifying Idols in life:
    1. Does It Push You Closer To God or Pull You Farther Away?
    2. Do You Get Angry If You Can’t Do It/Don’t Get It?
    3. Do You Value It Over People, Over God?
    4. Are You Willing To Compromise Your Beliefs For It, Or Your Time Alone With God For It?
    5. Do You Spend More Time Worrying About Problems Than Time Spent Giving Them To God?
    6. Do You Find Yourself Repeatedly Involved In Anything, That You Need To Repent of Afterwards?
    7. When Watching TV, Movies Or Engaged In Any Sport, Hobby Or Pastime, Do You Resent Intrusions Or Interruptions Of Any Kind?

    1. Good one Peter! Good for self reflection. Dear heavenly Father, keep me aware of my attention to anything that moves me further from You. It is so subtle, the way of satan, moving me further from YOU. Give me wisdom to see any form of idolatry and the strength to keep me from any occasion of this sin. Amen.

    2. Very good Peter! I can relate to a few in my human weaknesses. Thanks.

  46. Thank you Lord for ushering me into this Wedding Week with a clear mind and healthy body. Thank you for shoulder pain that reminds me to let go of any stress and to avoid inflammatory foods and drink. Thank you all for praying for traveling mercies for family and friends coming to celebrate my daughter's marriage to a wonderful man. This is such a special time for my only child and I am grateful to God that I am here to be a part of it.
    I pray to recognize and trust that the Holy Spirit will intervene at just the proper times to keep me focused on where real joy comes from. In Jesus's name, in deep gratitude, I pray. Thank you JC family, I continue to keep all of you and your requests in my prayers.

    1. 🙏🙏🙏Praying for you to have a time that is better than any you could ever ask for, dream of, or even imagine. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    2. Our dear Sister Audra - Echoing your prayers. Praying your daughter's wedding is blessed with His presence, love, and guidance.

    3. Sweet Audra, May God heal your shoulder completely and give you comfort, clarity and guidance, and bless your daughter’s Wedding in every way, and their marriage and life together. Let their special day be a sweet and joyful one. Praying this with thanksgiving in Jesus’ Name. Praying all the loose ends will come together beautifully because He is in charge! Thank You Jesus.

  47. Scars in Heaven

    1. One of my absolute faves. Thanks for posting link (((SASSY MOM)))

    2. Amen Sassy Mom, The only scars in Heaven are on the Hands who hold your Debbi now. Like our dear Brie and your dear family here, I’ve been lifting you in prayer and asking God to dry your tears and cover you and your family with His comfort, light and peace. This song is so very powerful because we have all lost our dear ones but Someday our joy will be complete. There are no sorrowful hearts in Heaven. Hallelujah.

    3. I just listened to this song and my heart is gripped on His Promises. Sassy Mom, as Jeanne said, know that you are being prayed for and if we were there, we'd (((hug))) you, as Brie said. Someday...

  48. Thank you all, bless you all. Someday indeed, a glorious celebration like none other awaits is in heaven.

  49. Anonymous laurie from yesterday, July 10 at 9:09 am
    laurie, You and yours are being prayed for and loved.
    There's going to be some brighter days. Persist until they come! I know because I have been there. The same God that got me through the dark navy blue murky waters, will do the same for you. With Much Love and Many Prayers, In Jesus' Name. Brie
    A song for you
    BRIGHTER DAYS by Blessing Offor

    1. Romans 15:13 - And may the God of hope fill you with all His Joy and His Peace in believing, so that by the power of His Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

    2. Brie - thanks for sharing that link. I loved the song.
      SC Anonymous

  50. Good Morning MadFox. How are you?
    You are always in my prayers. Much Love in Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Joining Brie in prayer for Laurie. Yes, brighter days!💕🙏🌈

  51. Brighter Days are coming. Amen. Praying with you for Laurie. Trusting in God's faithfulness always. He is our Way Maker. Thanks for the uplifting song for her and all of us, dear Brie.
    God will light our wilderness. He will light our paths. He will light our hearts and lift our spirits. I loved the end of today's devotion: The Light of My Presence is brilliant and everlasting. Walk in the Light with Me. Thus you become a beacon through whom others are drawn to Me.

    I believe we are all imperfect and broken like cracked vessels so our light can shine through the cracks, and others can see it and want God's light to fill and guide them.

    Matthew 5:14-16
    “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

    Numbers 6:24-26
    The Lord bless you and keep you;
    The Lord make His face shine upon you,
    And be gracious to you;
    The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
    And give you peace.

    Psalm 27:1
    The Lord is my light and my salvation;
    Whom shall I fear?
    The Lord is the strength of my life;
    Of whom shall I be afraid?

    1. Nourished dear Jeanne, nourished through & through. How's you injury? Praying 💕🙏🌈

    2. Was thinking of you, dear Jan and your DH, and praying for your healing today! My wrist and hand are almost all better! Thanks for your prayers and for all those who prayed for me. God is so faithful.

  52. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Lord, please guard my heart and mind from idolatry. Remove the things from my life that are hindering my walk with You. Replace the stumbling blocks with a smooth path and let us walk together along the way. Align my heart and mind with Yours Lord. Turn obstacles into opportunities for Your glory to be seen and known. Light up the way before me and let praises of You continually be in my mouth. You are God Almighty and there is no other god but You. You are my guide in my life. Lead me in Your truth and teach me. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. My prayer also dear Janet 💕🙏

    2. Amen! Borrowing your prayer as my prayer for today.

    3. Love and appreciate your prayer today, Janet. Plan to do a repeat throughout the day today. Thank you and be blessed, dear sister in Christ.

    4. Joining into your wonderful prayer! Amen and Amen!

  53. Fellow JC bloggers, felt today's closing part was a reminder to me and perhaps you, that even in confrontation or difficult circumstances, we are called to be the light. Sarah writes, "The Light of My Presence is brilliant and everlasting. Walk in the Light with Me. Thus you become a beacon through whom others are drawn to Me."

    So, to answer Brie, I'm doing great with remission and like most on long term maintenance dealing with nuisance and ongoing side effects. But equally challenging is mentally staying positive when you've been to an infusion center about 130+ weeks out of the past 140 since diagnosis. Any cancer journey is slow and laden with duplicate procedure, slow processes, and many inefficiencies. On Friday, I was confronted by the nurse manager, who did several unprofessional actions. Long story but only through grace, I didn't argue back or tell her she was wrong, I simply and calmly said, "please stop, you don't have all the facts." She couldn't and went on to say several things she now regrets. The reality is, in the past, I would have said biting words and probably walked out. She has since apologized, but the fact is the medical field creates a system that can cause frustration for the medical team and the patient.

    So, my prayer is that I continue to walk in His path as a light pointing to Him on this journey. He was unfairly spoken to. He was unfairly put on trial. He was unfairly put on a cross to die. He never raised His voice or let unkind words be directed to his accusers. Peace is His message, and must be shown in all we do. Amen.

    1. Bravo MadFox for allowing the Holy Spirit to bridle your tongue. Your spirit spoke volumes to her spirit whether she was aware of it or not. Continued prayer for you dear brother.🥰🙏🌈

    2. Thank you MadFox for your testimony of trial. Keep on keeping on, you are being transformed into His image.
      2 Corinthians 3:18 'And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."
      Galatians 5:22-23: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."

    3. So glad to hear you're doing well with remission MadFox and kudos to you for responding (not reacting) to the NM. You are such a class act. Continued prayers for you today and always.

    4. Thank you for the update Brother MadFox, and for a clear example of walking in the Beacon Light with Him, no matter what. Today I pray to exchange satans glittery baubles, bangles and beads for God's brilliant and everasting light. Your TESTimony is a beckoning beacon. Thanks dear brorher friend in Christ. In Jesus' Nane. AMEN!

    5. I love when confirmation happens!
      My notepad has a different bible verse on each page. Today's note says,
      Let your LIGHT shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give Glory to God our Father Who is in Heaven! Matthew 5: 16

    6. Good to hear from you, MadFox, and thank you for sharing your encounter with the rather abrasive nurse manager. How you handled that situation is such a testimony of God working in and through you. I pray your side effects can somehow lessen to the point of you having to think about when exactly the last one was. Your sheer endurance, strength, and faith through this storm has been truly awe-mazing, MadFox, and then to handle this unfortunate encounter with such grace only adds to the "awe" part and your super-hero-ness. Continued prayers for you as you continue your healing journey. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

    7. You continue to be an inspiration to me! Thanking God for answering my prayers. I’m grateful and happy you’re still in remission and feeling better. I can see God’s faithfulness shining in your life and His discerning Spirit guarding your words. You are indeed a beacon for the Lord. Much love.
      Psalm 19:14
      “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.”

    8. Praying you are still doing well, dear MadFox, in every way. You are a blessing to us and to everyone who sees the beautiful light inside you. May God’s faithfulness continue to cover you and your dear ones. Much love.

  54. Good morning JC Warriors, there is a child in my area that was diagnosed at age 7 with a rare form of cancer. She was in remission until a few weeks ago (she's almost 10), when she was diagnosed with leukemia. I do not know them personally, but my kids have been in school with this child's siblings through the years. Please pray for this precious child, her twin, her siblings, parents, and extended family.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Joining our JC Warrior family in prayer for little Lila and her family. May she and they feel God's presence and healing. May she continue to be a witness of our Jehovah Rapha, our greatest physician and healer! In Jesus' name, AMEN.

  55. Thank you for sharing, SCA. I looked her up on the website you provided~ such a pretty little girl and my heart breaks for her family. I will pray for Lila, her family and her entire medical team daily.

  56. Joining all prayers for little Lila, her twin and their family. May our amazing God destroy every cancer cell and bring her back to perfect health, and bring peace of mind back to her and her family. Thank You Jesus.

    Psalm 107:19-21
    Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he saveth them out of their distresses.
    He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.
    Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!

  57. So blessed to spend this day and night at my son’s house. I spent precious time with dear little Evelyn so her Mommy and Daddy could have a special day and night in the city! She was a very good girl. God bless her and her good parents.

  58. Bravo, MadFox! Our tongues can either LIFT or DESTROY. Yours, lifted. SO, very tired. My DH goes tomorrow for his Oncology appt. 3 month check up. Please pray with us. Will share asap.

  59. I think you come to a point in your life where you've seen God come through so many times, in so many different ways, that when your plans fail, or a door closes, or a person walks away, you are completely at peace knowing He has never let you down, that He will never let you down, and what He has planned next, will always be better than what's behind.

    Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."


    1. Amen JJ 🙏. Thank you for those words of wisdom. That is so true and a great reminder to us. May the Lord bless you and keep you! Peace be with you!

    2. Amen JJ - your words spoke right to me this morning- OUR GOD ALWAYS WINS!!!! ❤️🙏

  60. Sweet JJ, Amen! I am feeling God’s peace surrounding me and my mom. I don’t have a phone but Rick is working on it and I am not letting my mom know about it because she really needs peace and she is a worrier but thank God she is also a Prayer Warrior. I believe Jesus is healing her leg because He’s faithful. Our God always wins. These are Glory Days and there is always a reason to rejoice and be glad in our day. Last night Jesus helped me cook 4 dinners for Rick and when I see him he will be so happy and grateful. He brought his car to the mechanic and he just had to replace a part. The car is old so he’s grateful that it’s working again. Let us continue to pray for each other and trust in God’s power and promises. The best is yet to come. Looking forward to hearing more good news to celebrate. Thank You Jesus!

    Psalm 9:9-10
    The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.
    And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you.

    1. Amen Jeanne 🙏. God is ALWAYS faithful to us! He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. I'm glad your mom's leg is doing better and that God is healing it. God bless!

    2. Yes, Amen, precious to remember.

    3. Amen dear Jeanne- praying for your mom and you and that she continues to go from worrier to prayer WARRIOR!! ❤️🙏

    4. Seeing God’s work in our lives is truly a blessing! JJ is right; even when things seem bad or wrong with a circumstance or relationship, PATIENCE and TRUST in God will eventually reveal His plan. Jeanne stated that there is always a reason to rejoice and be glad in our day. I truly believe that and it’s a marvelous outlook to have! May the blessings of our Lord JESUS CHRIST BE UPON ALL OF YOU! Please continue to pray for the residents of the Houston area who are without electricity and food / water.

    5. Lifting up the Houston area and all those in need of restoration of electricity and food. I ask for
      Your Supernatural intervention and Your powerful move of Your hand to provide them with comfort and protection. Guide them to the resources they need, and bless the efforts of those working to restore their safety and well-being. May Your Divine Presence bring them peace and hope during this difficult time. In Jesus' name AMEN and AMEN.

    6. Thanks dear Janet, Peter, Blessings from NY, JJ, and KC Jones. God heard our prayers. I just changed my mom’s dressing and, Praise God, the redness is going away! He is so faithful!
      Joining in JJ’s prayer for those in the Houston area and anyone who has been affected by the Hurricane that God in His mercy will provide all their needs and guide and protect them in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  61. (For you shall worship no other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous god) (Exodus 34:14).

    1. Bless you Janet and thank you for your wonderful posts- ❤️🙏

    2. Amen and thank you!

  62. Thank you dear sisters for these encouraging words to live by. 🎶 How lovely on the mountains are the feet of Him who brings good news, good news! Announcing peace, proclaiming joy & happiness, our God reigns! our God reigns! Hallelujah! Be blessed dear family ❤️🙌🙏

    1. Amen!

    2. Yes, Jan, Yes!!! Our God Reigns!
      God just needs us to have faith
      and trust Him. He is ALL we need! God is BIGGER than our enemies. We were called for such a tim as this!!! Defeat IS NOT IN OUR FUTURE!!! NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US

    3. Thanks sweet Jan. No greater peace and joy than the peace and joy in believing! Amen! He Reigns above all and Forever.

    4. That was a pretty song, dear Websister! Thank you.
      Our God Reigns!
      Amen JJ. Defeat is not in our future and the Best is yet to come.

  63. Today's Jesus Calling reminds me of 'guarding our heart's', so that the springs of life don't get clogged and fouled with the detritus of this world.
    Proverbs 4:23 AMPC
    Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life.
    Philippians 4:7 AMPC
    And God’s peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

    1. Amen, appreciate the encouragement

    2. You blessed me dear Peter. Thanks

  64. What Peter posted☝️ Wow! Thank you ❤️🙏

    1. Thank you Peter. The peace of God is what sustains me, especially in times like these.

  65. Praying all is going well with our dear Brie and Larry and Keith. Thank You Jesus.
