Sunday, July 12, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 13

I want you to experience the riches of your salvation: the Joy of being loved constantly and perfectly. You make a practice of judging yourself, based on how you look or behave or feel. If you like what you see in the mirror, you feel a bit more worthy of My Love. When things are going smoothly and your performance seems adequate, you find it easier to believe you are My beloved child. When you feel discouraged, you tend to look inward so you can correct whatever is wrong.
     Instead of trying to "fix" yourself, fix your gaze on Me, the Lover of your soul. Rather than using your energy to judge yourself, redirect it to praising Me. Remember that I see you clothed in My righteousness, radiant in My perfect Love. 

Ephesians 2:7-8
English Standard Version
so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,

Hebrews 3:11
English Standard Version
11 As I swore in my wrath,
    ‘They shall not enter my rest.’”

Psalm 34:5
English Standard Version
Those who look to him are radiant,
    and their faces shall never be ashamed.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Help me to not only apply the command to not judge "others" but also to not judge "myself". Help me to "gaze on you" . NOT to focus on me.

  2. I find so many 'fixes' in the simple expression of gratitude. I thank You and praise You, Lord - and Amen! to this: Instead of trying to "fix" yourself, fix your gaze on Me, the Lover of your soul. Rather than using your energy to judge yourself, redirect it to praising Me.

  3. Oh Father in heaven my heart rejoices in your goodness & mercy! Thank you Lord for sparing my daughter from greater injury as she crashed her car yesterday. My fear thought the worse as I drove to the scene. Thank you so much that no other vehicle was involved. Why she drove through a stop sign & hit a tree I may never know, for her reaction when she saw me not being positive, I may never know. I do know this, JC calling message speaks to my heart today, I may not judge myself! You see me covered in your righteousness & perfect in your love. I pray this same blessing to finally reach for my daughter's heart. May the power of forgiveness flow like a river through her soul to finally set her free. In Jesus name, AMEN.

    1. Praise be to You oh Lord for Your goodness and protection toward Jane's daughter and that NO one was hurt. Thank You Lord for the Blood of Jesus that protects. Everyday, by Your Grace we are covered. Thank You!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Jan, Your prayers are mine. I went through the same thing with my daughter a few years ago. She was hit head on by a drunk driver on the way home. Thank God no one was killed, but the cars were totaled.

    3. Lord thank you for protecting Jan's daughter in the accident ! My prayer is that you will continue to work on her daughter heart and bring forgiveness and restore relationship. Receive the glory Lord

    4. Joining prayers for God's love to reach Jan's daughter's heart and bring forgiveness, and strengthen the love they share and bring her daughter renewed faith. Thank You Jesus.

    5. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Would You help the children that You loaned us to experience You for themselves, along with experiencing the riches of Your Salvation and the Joys of being loved constantly and perfectly by You?
      And while we "patiently" wait for Your Day and Your Way, would You help us fix our gaze on You, and do likewise?
      In Jesus' Name. Amen.

      Today's devotion and posts have me singing 🎶 Wreckless Love 🎶 by Cory Asbury

  4. Oh Preciuos Father, Thank You, Thank You for another blessed and beautiful day full of Your love, mercy and grace. You deserve ALL the Glory and honor! I bless Your Holy name this morning!

    What a blessedness, what a joy divine, that we are trusting, praising and leaning on the EVERLASTING arms of our great and loving father.
    I am expressing this again, I am so grateful to God for this body of believers and thank Him for the joy in coming on this blog and joining my JC family in prayers, sharing, believing and trusting God!
    Sassy Mom, thanks for the prayers and love, means alot and so much appreciated! Love rigjt back to you today and always!!
    JJ, it's amazing how God speaks! I needed that assurance, because sometimes the pain and brokenness hurts so bad, you wonder if you'll ever get through or overcome it! That message came right on time! Yes, I am more than a conqueror in Cjrist JESUS! God said so, and I believe HIM! Thanks JJ and may our father bless and use You for His glory and grant you your desires.
    Thank You Lord for my JC family and thanks for working in each of our lives in Jesus name!

    Father, I lay at the foot of Your cross: Kelly's family and friends, Emily, her family and friends, unknown Colorado's, 2 sons, their families and all of the prayers and petitions.

    Everlasting Father, You are the the greatest Healer, Comforter, Provider, and the Way Maker! We take courage knowing whose we are, children of the most High God who is for us and Not against us!
    Thank You for ALL the vitories and Thank You for ALL the trials You allow us to have. We are rrminded that there is light at the end of the tunnel for us in Jesus name! Help us Holy Spirit, to keep pressing forward, never letting go of Your hands and get the Glory that is yours!

    My JC family. Sending lots of love, peace and blessings your way!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood, Amen and thank you for the beautiful uplifting encouraging prayers. Thanks to my JC Family for sharing their challenges and victories.

    2. Bless you all! Jesus, Jesus. Jesus! Colorado JC Friend

    3. Maplewood--- The Lord sure does love you!!! Thank you for ALL your encouragement and lifting us all up with all your prayers!!! Go forth, you MORE THAN A CONQUEROR!!! All glory to the Lord!!!

    4. What a difference a year can make with God's help! Getting better ONLY by His grace and grateful for ALL the prayers that were lifted up for me!!
      God bless you and your!

      LOL, at the phone mis-spelled words! I guess I was so broken that I could not even see to correct!

      Thanking You Father for the turn around blessings. You have never left my side. ALL of the praise, thanks and glory are Yours! I am STILL leaning on You, the ONE who never fails!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Thanking our Heavenly Father for all the victories, the battles won, the healing of weaknesses, and the light in the darkness. May His Spirit renew, strengthen, refresh and guide us today. Much love to all.

    6. I m alive and well. This morning I rebuke the spirit of depression in Jesus name . After reading this morning I’m overflowing with gratitude. I’m counting my blessings today. Thank you Lord for saving a wretch like me. I want to hear your voice and be obedient without delay. I know I’m a work in progress Lord, but I desire to trust you fully. It’s the world and my thoughts I don’t trust. They get in front of and swirl around your voice so that I’m confused. Father I ask today that you will take captive my loud obtrusive thoughts that come at random. I submit to you my mind and soul. Fix me today. Adjust me accordingly to make me useful . In Jesus name I pray. Amen

    7. Sisters keeper, holding you in my prayers today. Lord continue to burn through the clouds of depression in our lives and shine your sons shine! Jesus is the brightness the clears the dark away. Lifting your depression up to the Lord and releasing it. Thank you Lord for our ability to worship within the pain which in turn eases our suffering and points our eyes toward you. Thank you Lord for show us the way! In the name of Jesus.

    8. Praying for you Sisters Keeper! May today be a bright and blessed one. We are all works in progress! Every day we are made anew and molded according to God's plan for each of us. May God keep you focused on only those things that bring you closer to Him. May He guide you to bear much good fruit today to His glory. Look for the light all around you and stay in His presence.

    9. Still praying for you dear Sisters Keeper. God loves you very much and knows you seek Him sincerely. He will guide you to the heart light and joy He offers. His light shines in even the darkest corner. May your days be productive so you can give Him glory, and may they be filled with many spots of warm light and moments of true joy.

    10. Praying again this year for all our blue spirits to yield to His Bright Light. In Jesus" Name. Amen.

  5. So happy Jan's daughter is ok. Wonderful prayer and words from Maplewood NJ. Our JC family is amazing. Thank you Jesus. KS

  6. Jan I am praying for ultimate healing and restoration for your daughter. Judgement is not ours only our heavenly Fathers, years ago I had this vision as I called out to God of him grabbing a broom and dust pan saying I’ve been waiting as he cleaned another mess I’d made up. I was so thankful to feel his presence. I pray your daughter feels Gods presence and love for her, as well as your love for her. Continued prayers for Kelly’s families.

  7. So many needs dear Lord, but not too many for your power. Some are in need of comfort that only the Holy Spirit can give. Some are in need of a miracle in the surgery room, some, salvation for family members, some need your healing touch Father emotionally & physically. As warriors we approach the gates of heaven to do battle for the glory of Jesus Christ our Lord.Amen!

    1. Jan--- I love it, "As WARRIORS we approach the gates of heaven to do battle for the glory of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen" That is exactly what the JC WARRIORS DO!! The power that goes forth in Jesus's name, WOW!!! We lift every need here up to THE THRONE OF GRACE and the Lord hears us!! Hallelujah

    2. AMEN JJ and again I say AMEN!

  8. May the Light of Christ in You, the Hope of Glory shine as brightly as the beautiful sun this morning, dear JC Family. Prayers of thanksgiving for all of you and cheers of joy for Jan's daughter's safety. Jan, there are times that I, too, don't understand my kid's reactions (not returning my call, or checking in on their Aunt). Speaking of my sister-in-law, she went to the Dr. yesterday. I was FULLY expecting to hear she had gained weight. She lost 3 more lbs. She is now weighing 98 lbs and is 5'7". Prayers for Jinny, as she is healed in the name of Jesus Christ. Heading her way today. Asking for inspiration for something to make for her to eat. My heart is full as I pray for all of you and yours and I know that you are praying for me and mine.
    Help me, Father, to not judge myself or others harshly, but recognize the greatness of You in each of us. God Bless!

    1. Staying in prayers for you Norah, Jinny and trusting God for restoration and victory! May God lead, guide and direct you today.

      Maplewood NJ

  9. JC family I have two daughters both of which seem to be walking in their own way, which seems to leave Christ uninvited. They each have said to me at different time “you cannot judge me you don’t know how I feel” they are right. My words and request to them come from fear of what I can see them doing and it certainly not looking like what they are professing their faith is.
    Please pray for me and kindale and kricket

    1. Father, I turn the concerns of runaprilmae into Your capable hands. Help her to let go and let You. I say THANK You for her, Kindale and Kricket!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Prayers for you runaprilmae and for kindale and kricket (what adorable names!). I was just talking to one of my sisters in Christ - we pray together daily. I was telling her that I had just shared with my little 3 yr old granddaughter that I was heading inside to do my devotions. She wanted to know what that meant and I explained to her that I read the Word of God and set my mind to keep it there throughout the day. Just then, her Mommy told her to do something and she ignored her. So I said, "For example, your devotion today could be Eph 6:1 "Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right." She smiled and said, "OK!" Oh, the heart of a child. Then my friend and I were talking on the phone and I told her and she said they had taught their daughter Eph 4:32 "And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." I prayed for my 2 and their spouses who aren't calling and forgave them, remembering my life as a much younger adult. You and your girls will be in my prayers. Expecting miracles for all of us! :)

    3. Thank you so much Norah and mapplewood A. Thank you thank you

  10. Covering all the prayers mentioned by my JC Families.
    Sharing today's Bible Gateway scripture:

    Philippians 2:9-11 (NKJV)

    9 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of JESUS every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

  11. Dear JC Family, Thank you for joining me in prayers for Kelly's family as we prepare our hearts for Celebration of Life service today at 4:30 PM.

  12. Norah my kricket I just requested prayer for is finally putting on weight in May she weighed a mere 94 lbs and is around 5’9”. We had been going weekly for weight checks. Anxiety and depression has had a tight grip on her since she entered the dorm doors of her supposed christian university. Week one she quit the soccer team she was highly sought out by scouts, dropped out of nursing where she scored the highest in the county on her high school nursing courses.
    Since May leaving the university she has put on 16 lbs..
    As she goes back this fall for her second senior year because of medical withdrawal from classes her sophomore year she was behind we are begging her to stay home and commute, but she wants no part of that.
    I sure will be praying for your sister-in-law.

  13. My prayers are with you all. Today my post is this scripture, The power of our prayers together have strength and are pleasing to God.
    James 5:14-16 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another,that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

    1. Amen, purplemartin! Indeed the prayers are working. I received a praise report update concerning my two friends who are struggling with Covid19 symptoms. One is at home recovering, and the spouse in the hospital is improving. Praise the Lord! Thank you, JC prayer warriors for your love, support and much-needed prayers. They are indeed working, thanks be to God. And know that your prayers and petitions are mine. We serve a mighty God, and He is faithful! Amen!

      Sending love and blessings from California

  14. Pamela K--- Speaking the name of Jesus into hurricane Barry! Safely, grace and mercy for you and your family and anyone that may be effected by the storm. Jesus, Jesus, ,Jesus, the one who calms the winds!

  15. Thank You Jesus. I tend to forget to focus first on You and I am quick to judge the situation and look for how to fix it. Help me to always look to You Lord. Help me to always keep You first and foremost in my life no matter what the situation Lord. Continue doing Your work in me and transforming me Lord. You are my salvation Lord and nothing else really matters. You are all I need. I love You Lord. Thank You for all You have done, are doing, and will do in my life Lord. Praise the Lord continously and always. Bless me and keep me Lord. Thank You for everyone here and lift us up Lord. Let our light of Your presence brightly shine so others can see Your glory Lord. Please hold my hand and walk through the day with me, rejoicing over You Lord. Amen.

    1. Amen! Dear Janet, Praising Him along with you and praying that He is holding your hand and strengthening you right now in mind, body and spirit. Let that pretty light shine, dear Sister!

  16. Loving Heavenly Father, Thank You for having me in Your radiant perfect Love. When I look back a year ago, each day of this new year, I’ve seen how much You’ve ALWAYS been by my side, going above and beyond. When the way didn’t seem clear to me, You always had a plan. I am grateful and thankful to You for constanly molding me. My heart declares Your praise and thanksgiving! I pray that You do with me whatever You will, for Your glory. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

    How blessed are we that our loving Father, Creator of this universe wants us to experience the riches of the salvation He so freely gave us. Faith, Righteousness, Savior, Jesus Christ, Grace, Peace, Knowledge of God, Jesus our Lord, all of these are our salvation terms and all were made possible by His grace!
    In Christ, we lack absolutely nothing. By grace, His immeasurable love and power are available for every trial, decision, and challenge we will ever face! When we truly know and claim Christ as our Lord, we have entered into a salvation that is so precious. Our salvation should never be taken for granted because when we became believers, we came into constant possession of all things that pertain to our life and godliness. Once we became redeemed, the reality of our salvation granted us the riches of our salvation, meaning that our salvation provided everything to transform us from the inside and outside.
    “Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness in God and our Savior Jesus Christ, grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord." (2 Peter 1:1).

    Dear Heavenly father, Help us to cultivate the simplicity of devotion to You. May seeking Your heart be the goal of our life even during busy and stressful times. Please teach us how to align our hearts with Yours and keep our gaze on You, the Lover of our soul. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood, I read your above post - and sooo happy a year made a huge difference. Thank you Jesus. Blessings to you Maplewood. KS

    2. So happy to read your affirmation that He is constantly molding you. We are His canvasas. He will not be finished until we meet Him in glory. I always feel like a work of art. He removes the bad colors and adds the beautiful shades. He has the finished masterpiece in mind as He continues to work on us unto the end of our journey when we will be made perfect in Him. We are made complete in Christ. Every need is provided. He joins us in our joy, pain, sorrow and problems. He is polishing us to reflect His light every day. Thanks be to our wonderful God! Praise Him forever more. Praise His Holy Name!
      Dear Maplewood, I'm sharing your little prayer at the end with my Bible Group, Mom and Sister! Thanks for feeding us such a tasty morsel! Much love.

    3. Amen Maplewood! Praise the Lord for His love and faithfulness. Thank you Lord, you said you will never forsake us and we know it's true ♡

      Blessings from France

    4. As always, a blessing, twin bd sis! And thanks for your post on my post yesterday. I was deeply touched.

    5. We must never forget how Christ has empowered us in everything we do.
      Your beautiful words remind me that He is ENOUGH!
      "In Christ, we lack absolutely nothing. By grace, His immeasurable love and power are available for every trial, decision, and challenge we will ever face!"
      Thanks dear Maplewood!

  17. Dear heavenly Father, help me to not judge others but also to not judge myself. Help me to see I am perfect in your eyes. I do not need to prove I am worthy, not by my accomplishments or shallow efforts, but that I was born to be and am your beloved! Thank you Jesus. Amen.

    1. Great thought, ABC! Something I need to hold dear as well. God be with you.

    2. Amen ABC. Words of truth. Even in my imperfection, I am the daughter of the Most High and worthy. We are of great value to our Father. Something to remember.

  18. Good Morning, JC Family! Rise and Shine and give God the glory, glory! It has taken me a pretty long while to 'catch up' on everyone's lives and in the meantime, "LIFE" continues to happen. So much to be thankful for, so much to pray for, and then it hit me, 'BUT, we CAN pray for each other, knowing the specifics or not.' What a privilege.
    Fern, you, your husband and your son, are 'constants' in my prayers.
    Madfox, though I've never seen your daughter, I picture her gaining strength every day. We have the same prayer for our daughters, which I found interesting.
    My only daughter is a beautiful 32 year old who has never met her soul-mate. About 3 months ago my husband and I started praying daily (sometimes more than once) for our daughter's husband, "wherever he is." Our daughter is a very overweight with a beautiful face and lovely hair and most importantly, a heart of gold. It breaks our heart b/c she so wants to be a mommy and be a wife. She has been through things in her life that I'm sure contributed to this. I continually pray for her mental and emotional healing and most importantly, for her health. So, MadFox - we can be praying the same prayers for our daughters.
    Once again, I started this post about 3 hours ago and just keep coming back to it. So - if I've missed prayers, please know that I'm with all of you in heart and spirit.
    Sassy Mom - praying for your Sandi and so enjoyed hearing that she was able to eat this time after her treatment.
    God Bless, JC Family! I'm fixing my gaze on the Lord!

    1. Praying for you and your daughter Norah. She is a beautiful princess and there is a godly prince waiting for her somewhere. We trust you and Your timing Father. Thank you for watching over her and her loved ones, bringing them peace, comfort, strength, wisdom, joy, whatever they need according to your will. In Jesus Name de pray, Amen!

      Blessings from France

    2. Norah, prayers on the way for your daughter. I understand about it being hard to keep up with everyone's requests. I read each post with all my heart and spirit and lift them all to our Lord. I look forward to meeting all you one sweet sweet day. The joy you bring me will be complete.

    3. Thanks Norah. Praying for our children is essential. There is no doubt that in today's world, it is challenging to find a soulmate and someone who has similar values. Thanks again to all posting such kind prayers and thoughts. She is indeed seemingly better each day. Grateful for that. Amen.

    4. Dear Norah,
      Adding your sweet daughter to my list. God already knows who would be her perfect match. I am praying that He guides that certain young Christian man to her, and fulfills the desires of her heart. Praying for her good health, joy and renewal of mind, body and spirit. Thanks always for your thoughts and prayers. Much love.

    5. Dear Norah, Continuing to pray for your dear daughter that God will fulfill her dreams of finding the one who holds the key to her heart. Praying for your DH and your friends and cases, and even your rest. Much love. How is Chuck doing? Has his hearing returned since the surgery? Looking forward to more answered prayers. Thank You Jesus!

  19. Good morning, JC family. I'm back in Houston from visiting my daughter and her family in Arkansas. She had a beautiful baby girl (Raeley Ann) on July 3rd and both baby and mom are doing well. Thank you for all of your prayers!

    1. I am very happy for you, Suzanne. Thanks be to God!

    2. Norah your words brought tears to my eyes. Your daughter as is Madfoxes daughter lovely beyond measure and set apart for someting special. I understand your prayers for they are also my prayers for my boys. Now my focus has shifted and I sense the Lord whispering " First things First" The Lord knows the order. Lord I thank you for hearing our prayers, the prayers of Moms and dads everywhere who want their children to find Godly love in a mate. Lord continue to work in their lives completing them in the way you intended from the begining. Finding for them their perfect love found in you first and then whomever you have chosen for their purpose if that is your will. I know in my family my young men are still being taught valuable lessons within themselves before The Lord will allow them to share their lives with another. He is making them men I pray, Godly men who are worthy of a Godly woman. I am impatient and longing for this joy in their lives and in mine! But " First things first". Thank you Father for always knowing what's best and what comes first.
      Prayers for two princesses! Prayers for my son's.
      Also prayers for Jeanne and her dental appointment on Wednesday!
      Love you all & thank you.
      Dan still needs prayers as do we, no contact as of Thursday.
      Glad God has him.

    3. Congrats Suzanne!!! and welcome home to The Lone star state. Stay safe!

    4. Thank you so much for those prayers Fern. Joining in your prayers too to guide all the children to having strong faith and a true love and fulfillment. Praying for Dan, and the two princesses. Much love.

    5. Congratulations Suzanne. May God bless your daughter and her new baby daughter, Raeley Ann! What a wonderful new treasure to cherish.

    6. Praying Fern that Dan is doing well and God is making great changes in his life, heart and mind.
      Still praying for your granddaughter, Suzanne. I hope she is well and your family is doing fine. God is very good to us who seek Him.

  20. Congratulations Suzanne! Praise the Lord!

    Blessings from France

  21. Good morning, Father God, and JC prayer warriors. Thank you, Lord, for this new day, a new opportunity to seek and serve You, Father God. Help me to love others as you love me, and to keep my focus on You always. I lay my burdens at the foot of the cross, and I give You control of my mind, my thoughts, my words, and actions. I trust in You, Father God, with all that I am, with my whole heart, with every cell of my being. Thank you, Father God, for every blessing that You rain down on me. I am worthy by Your righteousness, and by Jesus stripes, I am saved. Please send Your Holy Spirit to guide my steps today, and may Your will be done in my life.
    In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

    Today's devotion spoke to my spirit. "Instead of trying to "fix" yourself, fix your gaze on Me, the Lover of your soul. Rather than using your energy to judge yourself, redirect it to praising Me. Remember that I see you clothed in My righteousness, radiant in My perfect Love." I so often judge myself, often subconciously, and I'm often not aware that I'm even doing it. I feel that sometimes I put so much pressure on myself to do and say the right things. And when I don't, I'm hard on myself. Thank you, Jesus, for Your perfect love that teaches me that I'm enough just the way I am, just the way you made me to be.

    Thank you, Jesus, for this blog that teaches me daily and uplifts and encourages so many. Thank you, JC prayer warriors, for your prayers, and know that yours are mine.

    Praying for MadFox's daughter; Sassy Mom's friend, Sandi; Fern's son, Dan; and all prayer requests posted here, and those not posted.

    We thank you, in advance, Father God, for every victory and answer to prayer. Your timing is perfect! You are the Great I Am, and I praise Your name for You alone are worthy to be praised.

    I only had time to read the devotional this morning as I need to go water my plants before the heat of the day sets in. It's reported to reach 100° today, but it'll be cooler than this past weekend which reached 104°. At least we're headed in the right direction! Lol I look forward to coming back to read all of your posts and prayers. Until then, let's remember Whose we are. Children of the most High God, Jesus Christ. Amen

    Sending love and blessings from California

    1. Was blessed by your post, Rose. The phrase you sifted out, 'instead of trying to fix yourself, fix your gaze on Me." resonated with me as well. In fact, I am writing these words after my post below and it is further guidance to the 'endure' I meditated on from II Timothy 2:10. Since we were posting at the same time, I did not have access to your guidance on that thought. But now I do. Thanks!

    2. Thank you Rose for your prayer and your prayers. God bless you

    3. Thank you Rose. Godspeed.

    4. Bob, thank you for your kind words. Indeed, we posted at the same time, and after reading your post below, the part about 'enduring' resonated with me. I always am delighted to read your posts because they carry such insight, and I learn and grow from them. Thank you, Bob, for being a blessing in my life. God bless you.
      Dear Fern, you are in my prayers daily. Our children are lent to us for such a short time, and as parents, we want the best for them. Joining JC prayer warriors in prayer for all of our children. The Lord loves them more than we do, and I take comfort in that. My three are not saved, but I trust in the Lord to work in and through them for His glory. Your faith is inspiring. God bless you as well.

      Blessed in California

    5. Rose - "Our children are lent to us for such a short time" as parents, we want the best for them. Grateful for the gift of loving my Debbi for 64 years. Thank You Jesus.

    6. Angel Debbi will always be in my prayers. And so will you (((SASSY MOM)))

  22. (II Timothy 2:10) 'Therefore...' because the word of God is not chained, because no matter how great or small the witness is (there is no such thing as a small witness), it always is and will be forever ongoing, therefore, 'I endure everything...' With the higher purpose dearly held in his heart, Paul will not let present circumstances stir him up. He will persevere in all situations. When Paul uses 'everything', do you think he means most things (as is the case when we use the word) or does he really mean everything? There was no asterisk by 'everything' in my bible to qualify everything at the bottom of the page. I think Paul meant everything, no exceptions.

    I sat with 'enduring everything' this AM. To endure is to stay strong in heart no matter what. To endure requires the keeping of one's heart firmly in the love of God. Now, I confess I don't do that perfectly so I thought further on why that is. What adversely effects my endurance? A big factor is needing to have all things ordered around me. When things are not right (according to me), it bothers me, I get upset, I fret, I stew, resulting in impatient, edgy responses especially to those closest to me, a.k.a. my wife. To endure as spoken of in these verses would be to not be bothered or affected by circumstances, to not get upset or irritable over things that are less than perfect. That would be the key to capturing the essence of what the Spirit is saying to me here. As Sisters Keeper said in her post above, 'I am a work in progress.' But being aware of what I am doing starts me on the road toward getting it right. Being with y'all here in this blog helps a lot too. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Paul was content in all situations and was able to rejoice in the trials and tribulations because they tested his faith. I'm no so good when things go wrong. Emotions take over but I also pray a lot. We must endure suffering as part of following Christ. I try not to stress myself to the point of losing control. As I have gotten older, I have relaxed a bit in my expectations. I wake up in gratitude and just do the best I can with God's help to accomplish what I must. A perfectly tidy apartment is certainly not my main goal. But pleasing God and producing good fruit for Him is up there on my list. Although I too also have times of "ranting and raving" because I have too much to do, or because I lost something, or I'm just plain overtired. That is when I say: "Jesus", and reel myself back into His presence. Bob, I think you are wonderful and doing the Lord's work every day. We all get bothered by circumstances because we are human. Following after the spirit is most important. Look for the peace in the most difficult situations. The light is always there and His peace is available at all times. Thanks for always giving me food for thought. We sure are works in progress but that makes life interesting. God can make things right in our lives and in this fallen and crazy world. Lots of love to you!

  23. Amen, Brother Bob! What resonated with me is, "A big factor is needing to have all things ordered around me..." I do the same, only I fail at enduring long enough to get things that I can control, in order (a common thread in my posts!). WIP - right here!
    Thanks everyone for your prayers - you are in mine, as well.
    Has anyone heard from Brillimar in a while? She's been on my heart, but I haven't seen her name for a while. Probably catching up with her brother. :)
    Loveconquersall: I can't wait to see you face-to-face, either! :)

  24. Rose, you mention the heat. We are in an even warmer area on the desert. I saw 113 on the thermometer the other day.
    Lord, keep us healthy as we stay indoors protected from the extremes in your nature. Help us to stay focused on you as we remember the requests made here in your name.
    Thank you, God, that you made us worthy of your blessings. Thank you for our blessings and trials. Heal our bodies as you see fit.
    Thank you again, in Jesus' name, Amen.

    1. Amen! God bless you and keep you safe in this heat, 10-4. I tend to prefer the heat over the cold weather any day so I feel blessed to have landed where I am. Thank you, Jesus!
      I join you in your prayer, and am thankful for the blessings and the trials. May God's will be done. Amen!

      Blessed in California

  25. I feel that this devotional is heavy on only one side of the truth, and the other side of the same coin is lacking. Read all of the referenced psalm 34 and you will find verses saying truths like: “Fear the Lord”, “The man who desires life and to see good, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit”, “Turn away from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it.”, “The eyes of the Lord are to the righteous, He hears their cry”, “The face of the Lord is against those who do evil. To cut off the memory of them from the earth.”, “The Lord is near the broken hearted and saves the crushed in spirit”

    We can only adhere to these verses if we are aware of ourselves and are proactively addressing the sin in our lives.

    1. There are several other verses in the Bible that speak of examining ourselves and yes even judging ourselves that must be reconciled with this devotional.

  26. Jan gridley, we are Continuously praying for your DH and you our dear sweet sister friend in Christ.
    With continuous help and patience, Keith is doing his best to adjust to fobs and keys, new locks, elevator buttons, etc., yet he is trying to overcome these challenges.
    All prayers for him to accept his new environment are being answered. Adjustment is the next phase of prayers for him.
    Thanks for the updates on you and dh as time permits, and when time does not permit updates, please know both of you remain in our prayers.

    1. Glad to hear that things are going along nicely for Keith and may the Lord continue to guide him in the right direction and help him to adjust smoothly. May the Lord continue His healing for you Jan and your DH and give you all restoration. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

    2. Dear Brie, Praying your diverticulitis is being healed and that your DH is feeling better. And I just know your brother Keith will overcome all of his challenges. So happy your brother Al is a great help to you.
      Joining in prayers for you, Jan and your DH. Hope your blood pressure has gone down and your dear DH is showing his doctors that he will return again to perfect health despite his stroke. Our God is a mighty God and can do all things. In Him do we trust. Please continue to pray for my DIL, Allie's biopsy results and my friend Sandy's Myeloma test results.
      Thank you Father for all these things and for good news very soon in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

  27. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23). God's grace has saved you because of your faith in Christ. Your salvation doesn't come from anything you do. It is God's gift. (Ephesians 2:8). If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9).

    Father, thank You for saving me from the depths of despair and bringing me into Your radiant, glorious light with You. You are my saving grace. I am nothing without You. You are my reason for being. Thank You for being with me always. Help me to always keep You the center of my life. Let my eyes look to You for all things. Help me to have good discernment in my life, especially in the choices that I make. Guide me in the right direction, along the path You have prepared for me and let me be of good courage and passion to do what You created me to do. I praise You Lord always and continually. You deserve so much more than I can ever give to You. Thank You Jesus.

    God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. (Psalm 73:26).

    1. Lord, help me to stop trying to "fix" things in this life and to look to You instead and let Your willing and able hands take control of all situations and things. You are sovereign over all things and You don't need me messing things up for You. Help me to stay out of Your business. Help me keep my two cents to myself. Praise God!

    2. Well said Janet! Amen 🙏♥️

    3. Such an awesome prayer, Janet. Just perfectly said. I so get the urge to fix things I can't control vs just knowing right away to give it to the ultimate "FIXER"! Wonder if there is a group called "Fixers Anonymous", lol...I might need to be a member.

      "Humble yourselves under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." -1Peter 5:6-7

  28. He knows you are seeking Him with open eyes and an open heart of love dear Janet. Praise Him. He will lead you to all good things in your life. Praying for you always. Much love.

  29. Good morning everyone ☀️Please pray for me and my mom. We have never had a great relationship and it has been very hard over the years being estranged from her. Just recently she found out she has a kidney disease in stage 3. There’s no cure and stage 5 is the last. I have been struggling with guilt from our relationship over the years, but we could never reconcile. There was too much pain there from emotional and verbal abuse. She became my god and the pain would consume me at times. I struggled A LOT as a teenager trying to find my identity and through that I felt rejected and abandoned emotionally from her because I never measured up. I always took the responsibility for both of us when it came to the brokenness of our relationship. I was never meant to do that. I have been very prayerful to not allow those feelings back into my heart. It has really been a good thing and very healing for me to separate myself from her over the years. I should not feel guilty because I made many efforts to try to reach out to her. Pray that I will be strong in the Lord and the power of HIS might. No weapon formed against me shall prosper and that HE ALONE is the GREAT PHYSICIAN. That as she goes for a second opinion God removes ALL disease from the MRIs and X-rays. That she would be healed according to HIS will. In Jesus Name Amen 🙏 and that I will GO FORWARD with my life and run my race with endurance NO looking back as I follow Jesus. My daughter also intensifies that guilt because she sympathizes with my mom and always has. She has a good relationship with my mom and has never seen the whole picture. I feel judged by her. So, just pray I will just continue to stay grounded when I feel like she is making me feel guilty through this. She doesn’t know the extent of my relationship with my mom. There were problems there before she was even born 31 years ago. Anyway, prayers would be appreciated for us all. Thanks everyone! ♥️

    1. It's a horrible feeling to be estranged from any family member. I'm so sorry that you are going through this. May our Lord help you, your mom, and your daughter to all come together and be able to "bury the hatchet" and move forward in your relationships with joyful hearts. May He remove this affliction in your mom and heal her back whole again. May your daughter gain clarity and understanding. I hope that you all are able to make many good memories in the future. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

    2. Joining my sisters in prayer for you and your mom, Sharon. It's an awful ache of the heart to be estranged from family. Praying that somehow through your mom's walk with this diagnosis that not only healing of her body takes place but also healing of your relationship with her. I find our adult children don't always see things from our perspective simply because they don't have enough years and life experiences behind them. Make sense? Giving this to God like you have is the best thing. Good for you for continuing to have faith that He'll bring you both through this! He makes beauty for ashes! Hugging you and will keep in in my prayers, Sharon.

    3. Bless you again, and your desire for a reconciled relationship with your mom. Remember, we can be responsible TO someone but not FOR someone. Do your part and pray for the rest. ♥️🙏

    4. Dear Sharon, God knows how you feel. Joining prayers for His Hand to resolve and refresh and renew your relationships with your Mom and daughter. My sister's daughter has cut my sister off because years ago my sister was a workaholic and although she took good care of her daughter, she didn't spend enough quality time with her. Now the daughter is 38, overweight, without a husband and children and blames her Mother. She flew to NY from Missouri a couple of days ago to be with my Mom till Saturday. She never lets her Mom know anything and has forbid her to call or contact her. She has been hurting her Mom by like that for years. I'm going to visit with her and my Mom on Thursday. Praying the Spirit will give me the right words to bring peace to her heart. Today is her Birthday but she didn't want me to come to celebrate with her. But she said I can come on Thursday to help her cook. My Sis and her husband sent her a nice gift and when it came to the door today, she looked at the card and saw her Mom's name and refused delivery. All we can do is continue to pray for all of our loved ones who have put walls up against us. God can knock those walls down and change their hearts. Trust in the Lord and Wait on Him. He is the Way Maker.

    5. Prayer for you Sharon and your mom. Prayers for healing on so many fronts. May God bless you both with all you need for healing. Amen.

    6. Awww, Jeanne. I know this drill. Praying with you for walls broken down! Thank you Jesus, your timing, not mine.

    7. Lead me, Oh Lord, lead me. Change me, Oh Lord, change me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    8. Good morning! I was scrolling through these old posts and saw my comment. This is Sharon I changed my google name to anonymous. Update is my mom did get a second opinion and her kidneys were fine!! Also, our relationship is better even though we don’t talk often. Thanks everyone for prayers and God bless ♥️♥️♥️

  30. Praying for you and your mom Sharon. I'm sorry you haven't been able to have that "traditional" relationship with her. There is always hope with God. Stay strong and know that you are being prayed for by all JC Warriors.


  31. Sharon, may you be comforted in the fact that you did the right thing to separate yourself from your Mom fot several years, so that you could grow in your own spiritual journey. That doesn't mean that you didn't love her: you just had to love her from afar for your own self preservation. If you do feel that Christ is calling you to physically now to be there for her, just remember to let him lead and you follow. My one suggestion would be to ground yourself going into this to not expecting something that your mom may not be able to give to you, which is a loving, healthy relationship. May God give you the discernment, and guidance that you need, and also the strength. Your mom reminds me somewhat of my mom ( who's now in heaven), in that she wasn't aware, or capable to having a truly healthy, loving relationship with me without wanting to being domineering, and controlling. For me I had to separate myself from her to be able to focus on my husband and eventual children without her. I forgave her, and told myself that she will know when she gets to heaven, that I did love her, and all will be restored when it's my time to meet her. I will also pray for your relationship between you and your daughter, in that this doesn't place a wedge between you and her. I'm sure it must hurt you that she doesn't understand your plight, but be thankful to God that her relationship with your mom is a good one, and see it as a separate issue in as much as you can. My heart goes out to you, and Sharon, I promise to say prayers for you daily.Jesus will be holding your safety net.

    1. Thank-you so very much! ♥️

    2. Also, you were very wise to take your energy and use it for your husband and children. I spent years trying to mend my relationship with my mom sometimes at the cost of the attention I needed to give to my other more important relationships. My husband and children. I wasn’t even aware until now that I really should have walked away long before I did sadly. I carried trauma from that broken relationship with my mom into my other ones. Now, I do have a good relationship with my husband and kids. He was and still is a very patient man. Anyway, God is GOOD! ♥️Thanks again for your prayers and encouraging words!

  32. Sharon, Keeping you in my prayers that you will soon see God's faithfulness and an improvement in your relationships. It's all in God's Hands. Bring your burdens to the Lord and Leave them there. He can do all things. The Spirit will guide your words.

  33. Sharon, praying with this Mighty JC Family for restoration. I'm taking a DEEEEP Breath for you (hopefully WITH you_; that you know you have done your best and God WILL do the rest.
    Jeanne, praying with you, right now, dear Sister in Christ: that your sister's daughter wakes up and realizes that while her Mom was working, it was in HER best interest. I know God will give you the perfect words when you meet with her on Thursday. Praying that God comforts your dear Sister's heart at her daughter's refusal of her gift. SERIOUSLY? Who refuses a gift from the heart? Can't imagine the pain and wondering. I will go to sleep tonight praying for your family, Jeanne. YOU are the bright Light! They will know this by your love....sing the song for us, Brie! Praying for you and your brother and DH, too. Picturing Kevin stronger every day - thanks to your giving through Christ.
    Heading to bed, JC Family. I thank you for your prayers for my R ear - it is doing well. <3 p.s. Hubby went to the store today! WITHOUT me!! VICTORY IN JESUS! <3

  34. Norah, Your sweet words really comforted my heart. I spoke to my sister this morning and she is heartbroken. She said she will continue to pray for her because her daughter loves Jesus and He will open up her eyes and heart to the truth. Amen I believe God's Spirit will be speaking through me tomorrow. Thank you so much for your sincere prayers. Praying with you for Brie, her DH, Keith and Al, and for you and your R ear and also for your DH and Jim and Will. God is faithful and merciful. Waiting on Him. Thank You Jesus!

  35. Heavenly Father, thank You. You are worthy of so much more than I can ever give. I praise You Lord always. I am humbled by Your love for me and my actions in my own strength. Remind me that I am nothing without You Lord and I can't do anything apart from You. You complete me. It's not about me. It's ALL for YOUR glory Lord. Let me be still and know that You are God. You are my strength, my song, my refuge. You are my EVERYTHING! Thank You Jesus. You are my God!

    1. Yes, yes, & yes! Thank you, Janet! God's blessings and love to you and all of our JC family! In Jesus' name, amen!

  36. Joining into your perfect prayer dear Janet! Amen, Amen and Amen! He is my everything and I am nothing without Him. But with Him we can do all things. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Let's not worry about fixing ourselves but just fix our gaze on Him. Let Him lead us through this new day. Commit your day unto the Lord and He will establish your steps. Looking forward to seeing where He leads me today. God bless you sweet sister! God Bless and Lead all our dear JC Family.

    JULY 13

    Heavenly Father,
    Your warrior prepares for battle.
    Today I claim victory over Satan by putting
    on the whole armor of God!

    I put on the Girdle of Truth!
    May I stand firm in the truth of Your Word
    so I will not be a victim of Satan’s lies.
    I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness!

    May it guard my heart from evil
    so I will remain pure and holy,
    protected under the blood of Jesus Christ.

    I put on the Shoes of Peace!
    May I stand firm in the Good News of the
    Gospel so Your peace will shine through me
    and be a light to all I encounter.

    I take the Shield of Faith!
    May I be ready for Satan’s fiery darts
    of doubt, denial, and deceit
    so I will not be vulnerable to
    spiritual defeat.

    I put on the Helmet of Salvation!
    May I keep my mind focused on You
    so Satan will not have a stronghold on
    my thoughts.

    I take the Sword of the Spirit!
    May the two-edged sword of Your Word
    be ready in my hands so I can expose the
    tempting words of Satan.

    By faith your warrior has put on
    the whole armor of God!

    I am prepared to live this day in
    spiritual victory!


    1. Hallelujah! In our 'Jesus Suit'-Heavenly Armour, we are dressed for success. Amen

    2. What great and perfect words to start this day, Sassy Mom! Thinking of you daily and holding you close to my heart.

    3. Good morning dear JC family. Such powerful prayers this morning from Sisters Janet & SassyMom! I feel thoroughly covered over with protection from every front. Hallelujah! Thank you dear ones😘💞🙏

    4. Yesterday some words and a past incident sent me reeling backwards and no matter how much praise music I listened to, scripture I spoke, sermons I heard, I could not get peace...Until it came to me that maybe that was the have "my shoes of Peace". I for sure didn't have those on yesterday and I let a situation I thought I had a handle on get the best of me... again. If it was a lesson, I certainly failed by feeling so overwhelmed by sadness but not for lack of trying to work myself out of it. I know another "lesson" will come and hopefully I will have my shoes of peace on and laced up tightly so I can walk in peace while in the midst of a past hurt being brought back up.

    5. Thanks for The Dress For Success Prayer, Sassy Mom. I plan to print it out and put it under my pillow in order to dress up before I get up.
      Love you and our JC Family dearly.

    6. NJS: We have on matching shoes! These Peace shoes are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do...all we have to do is get our peace shoes on the correct foot, lace them up tight, and say come on peace shoes start walking,,, loveyou.

    7. Amen Sassy mom! Great prayer that I needed to help me start this day. I pray that all the warriors here are strong and courageous in their battles today, claiming victory in Jesus’s name!🛡⚔️🥋🪖🥾

    8. With Peace Shoes on, we can ride on the Peace Train with Cat Stevens

    9. Thanks dear Sassy Mom! I grabbed that wonderful prayer and saved it and printed it. I'll share it with my good Mom this weekend. When we are dressed in the Armor of God, we can overcome any problem or evil. We are strong and invincible in Him. Hallelujah!

    10. Dear NJS, Tomorrow will be a better day because you'll have your Whole Armor of God on. Don't lean on your emotions but His Word and His Spirit within you. God has equipped you well for the day He has prepared for you. Peace and love to you sweet sister.

  38. Passage should be Hebrews 3:1, not 3:11
    Hebrews 3:1
    “And so, dear brothers and sisters, you are now made holy, and each of you is invited to the feast of your heavenly calling. So fasten your thoughts fully onto Jesus, whom we embrace as our Apostle and King-Priest.”

  39. Dear JC friends, I don’t know if anyone reads this so late in the day, but i would like to request a prayer for my husband. He has been having some challenges with his gait, leg muscles lately and is having an EMG this afternoon. I pray that the results will be good, that this will not be a serious condition and that he can get some good recommendations. God has been so good to our family in taking us through some serious health challenges. And I am so grateful for the support of your prayers. I pray for you all as well. Ellen

    1. Anonymous - It's a privilege to join warriors in prayer for your husband. Thank You Jesus for Your comforting presence, peace, love and guidance during this procedure.

    2. Joining in prayers with Sassy Mom for you and your hub, Ellen.
      I read daytime, nightime, anytime I get a break, anytime I can't sleep, anytime I have to wait in line, etc. And when I can't read, I pray for my JC Family anyway. Much Love, Brie

    3. Joining all prayers for your good husband, dear Ellen. Thanking our faithful God that his condition will be easily treatable and he will be brought back to perfect health by our Great Physician. Thank You Jesus.

  40. Please pray for our Sandi in Texas whom we have prayed for before. I received this message from her today.
    "Cancer was first diagnosed in 2013. Ovarian cancer is in the peritoneal area. Thank You God that it has not spread out of that area. I have probably had it return 5 times. The first time it was almost 5 years before it reared its ugly head after the first treatments. Now there are a lot of tiny tumors because the anti-estrogen she tried didn’t work 😫 So new chemo on Saturday."

    1. Continuing in prayer for Sandi.
      Come Saturday Morning, I'll double down with prayerful intercession on her new Chemo to have little or no effects, but more importantly, that it works.
      Thanks for letting us know.

    2. Joining Brie and Sassy Mom in prayer for Ellen's husband, and Sandi. I Plead the Blood of Jesus over each one. Papa God, I Decree and Declare Your Abundant Life over them. The Life through Your Word and it flows to every cell and organ of their bodies, bringing Healing and Health. Let them be branded Anew with Your Fire of Love and Your Presence. I Pray and Believe , In Jesus' name, AMEN and AMEN. JJ

    3. Continuing to pray for dear Sandi that God will destroy every cancer cell in her body and bring her back to perfect health so she can proclaim His good works and deeds. Trusting Him to bring peace to Sandi and her family and that the new chemo will resolve all her problems because God is in charge.
      Joining all prayers and thanking You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen

  41. Prayers for each and every request, as I go to sleep. God is on the Night Watch. <3

    1. Thanks for your prayers dear Norah! Rest well and wake up refreshed and renewed.

  42. Praying for all my JC brothers and sisters🙏 Please add my wife Jill as she struggles with post-Covid affects on top of her Fibro. Thank you. 💛

    1. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Would You heal Jill now?
      And would You send her to the medical professionals who can deliver Your Highest Good to her and theoughout her? In Jesus' Name. AMEN.

    2. Joining Brie and thanking God for healing dear Jill and getting rid of all her symptoms for good, and for healing her Fibro. Amen! Thank You Father for guiding her to all the help she needs to recover completely and restore peace of mind to her and dear Rich. Thank You Jesus.

  43. Praying on the night shift for all.
    Sleep well under the Comforter!
    And when you awake, fix your gaze on Jesus, the Lover of your soul:

    1. I just love this song, Brie. Always makes me cry (happy tears) of how God loves matter what I've done or not done. Thanks for suggesting this song, sister Brie!

  44. Thanks! We pray for each other. dear Brie, and for all our JC Family. That song was wonderful. We are beloved children and our loving Father does care for us and dry out tears and direct our paths. Driving to Brooklyn in a few hours to be with my good Mom. He will be in the passenger seat. Thinking of you and all you are going through. God is our strength and our song. A very present help in trouble. And our best Friend Who we can share our joy with too. He wants to hear about our good days and our bad ones. He makes the difference because He is present through everything but we must be aware of it. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

    1. Safe travels dear girl. Enjoy the Passenger.❤️

  45. I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. (John 10:9). For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us that are being saved it is the power of God. (1 Corinthians 1:18). Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. (Acts 4:12).

  46. Words so rich & nourishing. Thank you dear Janet. 💞

  47. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Father, I am so sorry for sometimes falling into the trap of judging myself based on what I think at that moment. Help me to not give in to those thoughts and base things upon what I'm doing, feeling, or thinking. My salvation comes from You ALONE and is not about me. It's about You and what You do in and through me and my life. There's nothing I could ever do to "help" make me a better person. You give me the gift of eternal life by my faith in You. You grant me mercy and grace and pour Your unconditional love into me. Let me ALWAYS remember that. Help me to "step aside" and let You transform me in Your way and in Your perfect timing. Thank You for ALL You do! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.
    So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ. (Colossians 2:16-17). Therefore, if you died with Christ from the basic principles of the world, why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulations-- ... These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh. (Colossians 2:20-23).

    1. Joining into your wonderful prayer, dear Janet!
      Mold me, Lord!

  48. " Instead of trying to "fix" yourself, fix your gaze on Me, the Lover of your soul. Rather than using your energy to judge yourself, redirect it to praising Me. Remember that I see you clothed in My righteousness, radiant in My perfect Love.." Wow. just wow! Jesus thank you. I love you! Amen.

    1. Perfectly stated, ABC!...He is most definitely a WOW.

    2. Awesome! Thanks ABC!

  49. I am requesting prayer for some inner struggles and insecurities. I am praying that God will help me not to allow the external to define me. That I will fully receive His Love and approval based on who I am…not what I look or feel like. He alone defines me as His child and there is NO condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus in Jesus Name Amen 🙏

    1. On my way to kneel before the cross and taking your prayer request with me❤️

    2. Joining prayers for you, dear Anonymous! You are clothed in a Robe of Righteousness that no one can take away. Beautiful in the Eyes of our loving God! Dearly loved and valued! Child of God and part of this JC family. He knows our imperfections and loves us exactly as we are! We are blessed and well taken care of. Hallelujah. Rest in Him Who loves you.

    3. Yes praying for you Anonymous. Acceptance. Strength. Courage. Amen.

  50. P.S. These petty little joy sucking things are so small in the light of eternity that’s why it’s so hard!! I know this but yet still struggling.

  51. God knows you’re struggling. He’s fighting even the tiny battles for you. Remember the devil is a liar and a thief. No one can steal your peace! God’s peace is not dependent upon circumstances and His Love is unchanging.
    Colossians 3:15-17
    And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you.

  52. My good Mom got a gash on her leg from falling on the stoop. I cleaned it and put Neosporin on it. Praying for her quick healing.

  53. My Heavenly Father--- Thank You that Your love is perfect, You are kind, You are always good. I cannot love others well without Your power. Help me to face the areas of my life that aren't marked by love and take bold steps towards forgiveness and healing. In Jesus' Name, Who emphasized the importance of forgiveness, modeling it in His life and providing the ultimate example of sacrificial love, AMEN and AMEN.

    God will give you revelations and solutions when you press into Him
    and look to Him for answers.

    The battle is not easy but where you are weak God will make you strong.

    Don't discount God's Angel Armies or yourself. You are in the Army of the Lord.

    You need to pray and have discernment from the Lord because people are not always who they seem to be.

    You have a duty to pray for your enemies.

    Don't give up, don't give in, and keep fighting the good fight of faith.

    Declare this out loud: Something GOOD is going to happen to me today and through me. And I will ALWAYS be at the RIGHT place at the Right time!


    1. Amen JJ 🙏. Thank you for the encouraging words! The LORD is our Strength, Refuge, Song, Hero, King, Fortress, Deliverer, Shield, and Love! He is our Everything!!! Let us rejoice in the day and be glad in the LORD!!! Hallelujah and thank you 😊.

    2. Wow JJ- spot on what I needed this morning. Asking for prayers for discernment, forgiveness and for protection from the enemy for a situation their mom (my ex- wife) has put us all through. Count on my continued prayers for our JC community as well. ❤️🙏

    3. Praying for all requests and repeating the reminder, we must forgive if we want to hear God's voice. Take a personal inventory and see what kinks are still blocking your clear channel to Christ. I've just finished FEARLESS LIVING by Jamie Winship. A game changer for personal and world peace. Also check it our at

    4. Dear Blessings from NY --- Bless you, bless you! I know God has a great plan for you. So glad you reached out for prayer.
      The JC WARRIORS are on it!
      It is such a privilege to pray!
      So, My Mighty Father God, I come BOLDLY to The Throne of Grace and plea for Your Divine intervention. I lift up my brother in Christ, who is seeking Your wisdom, guidance, and peace in a difficult situation involving his ex-wife and family. Father God, grant him the discernment to see Your will and make decisions that align with Your TRUTH and LOVE.
      I ask for Your Strength and Courage to fill him, enabling him to forgive past hurts and extend grace, even when it feels impossible. Teach him to rely on Your mercy and find healing in Your presence.
      Protect him, Father God, from the plots and dark schemes of the enemy. Surround him and his family with Your Angels and The Blood of Jesus, guarding their hearts and minds from any harm or deceit. I DECREE AND DECLARE: NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THEM WILL
      PROSPER! Let Your peace, that passes ALL understanding, guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
      Bring Restoration and Reconciliation where it is Your will, and provide comfort and hope as they navigate through this challenging time. May your Love and Light shine through every shadow, leading them into a place of renewed Faith and Trust in You.
      In Jesus' Name, I Pray and Believe, AMEN and AMEN.

    5. Praise God!!! Thank you JC family for your prayers today- A miracle has happened AS I was reading today’s JC and prayers that were sent my way. I was literally reading JJ’s post( thank you JJ!) to my daughters and my ex called and had a COMPLETE change of heart (for no reason) in this matter that was straining my girls. They are amazed and their faith has jumped through the roof! God is so good! ❤️🙏

    6. I am Praising the Lord with you, Blessings from NY!!! Now it is VERY IMPORTANT that you make sure you put on the FULL ARMOR OF GOD, Ephesians 6:10-18 EVERY DAY, apply every verse of the 91st Psalm upon you and your family, and Plead the Blood of Jesus over everything (family, home vehicle, finances, business, work, etc) you want to protect. You do ALL of this EVER DAY!!! I also find it very helpful to Plead
      The Blood of Jesus periodically throughout the day over the circumstances of the day. We are in Spiritual Warfare and we use the tools the Lord gave us to fight the Good Fight of Faith. Also God gave us Matthew 16:19 and Matthew 18:18 of
      "binding" and "loosing" as powerful weapons to defeat the enemy. Just keep DECREEING and DECLARING OUTLOUD: DEFEAT IS NOT IN MY FUTURE! MY GOD ALWAYS CAUSES ME TO TRIUMPH IN CHRIST JESUS!
      and Worship You, my Lord!!! HALLELUJAH!!! Now you STAND FAST in the LORD and His WORD! HALLELUJAH!!! Go Forth, WARRIOR!

  54. Thanks! Just what I needed to read and pray, dear JJ! “I do declare: Something GOOD is going to happen to me today and through me. And I will ALWAYS be at the RIGHT place at the Right time!”
    May God lead this day according to His Design. Hope I can make my mom happy today. I’m so grateful we had a good day with my mom and my husband yesterday. And her leg is healing nicely! God was faithful and also thanks to Rick my phone is working again. My mom ate quite a bit yesterday and she was joyful. So much to be thankful for. God is so good every hour and every day. He stands by His Word and He is mighty to save. His Way is the Right Way. Lead me Lord.

    1 Corinthians 1:9
    God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

    2 Thessalonians 3:3
    But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one.

    Hebrews 10:23
    Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.

  55. Thank you JJ. This 🙏 prayer is exactly what all of us who are Christians, and are called according to His purpose, need to keep at the forefront of our hearts and minds. He more interested in saving souls, healing ❤️‍🩹 the perceived wrongs against us and furthering the rich and abundant kingdom of God. Help us to forgive and walk in His grace and to extend it to those who desperately need Him.
    Helen in San Diego

    1. Bless you, Helen! Your heart for God's Kingdom is truly inspiring. Your maturity in the Lord and sweet spirit shine through the words in your post. I am so grateful to have you in God's Army. I stand beside you to fight the Good Fight of Faith.
      Great Abundant Life and Blessings on you and your family. We serve such an AWESOME GOD and He ALWAYS WINS!!!

    2. Amen dear Helen! Beautiful truth and prayer.

  56. Thank You Jesus for protecting our former President Trump from assassination attempt.

    1. Praying for his complete recovery. God was faithful. May He protect His people and change the hearts of the ungodly.

    2. AMEN and AMEN, Sassy Mom. Praying for the family of Corey Comperatore and the other injured rally goers. May they feel God's arms around them.

  57. "God will give you revelations and solutions when you press into Him
    and look to Him for answers." Thanks JJ. Prayers for President Trump and for the person and their family who was killed in this senseless tragedy.🕊️🙏

    1. I echo your prayer, Anonymous Ky. My prayer for the situation was removed. People will know the TRUTH.

  58. Praying, praying. For the families involved; for everyone's safety and healing.
