Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 15

Do not worry about tomorrow! This is not a suggestion, but a command. I divided time into days and nights, so that you would have manageable portions of life to handle. My grace is sufficient for you, but its sufficiency is for only one day at a time. When you worry about the future, you heap day upon day of troubles onto your flimsy frame. You stagger under this heavy load, which I never intended you to carry.
     Throw off this oppressive burden with one quick thrust of trust. Anxious thoughts meander about and crisscross in your brain, but trusting Me brings you directly into My Presence. As you thus affirm your faith, shackles of worry fall off instantly. Enjoy My Presence continually by trusting Me at all times.

Matthew 6:34
English Standard Version

Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
2 Corinthians 12:9
English Standard Version

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
Psalm 62:8
New King James Version

Trust in Him at all times, you people;
Pour out your heart before Him;
God is a refuge for us.    Selah

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. "When you worry about the future... You stagger under this heavy load, which I never intended you to carry." AMEN and AMEN! It is our nature to be concerned about the future for: our kids, our health, our retirement, our next meal, our spouse, sick friends/relatives, etc. etc.

    Scripture sums up how we should rethink our worries as "tomorrow will be anxious for itself." So many prayer requests over the past few days will require patience for the answers and results. Praying for all here to be confident that God will provide what you need to comfort your concerns today so that you can be at peace about the tomorrows. Peace and Godspeed. Amen.

    1. Right on MadFox, right on! Amen!

    2. MadFox,
      A year later and your post still brings me much peace and assurance. I must not look beyond this day. I will rejoice and be glad in it because I trust my Father to take care of all my needs and to give me peace in every situation. I will not worry about the future. And I will not fear anything because He is always by my side. Thanks for you encouragement. Have a blessed and peaceful day!

    3. Amen, MadFox! Trusting in Him to provide what I need today. Thank you, Father God, for bringing this amazing JC family of prayer warriors together to praise and worship You. You all uplift my spirit. Thank you!
      MadFox, continued prayers for your daughter, and keeping you your family close to my heart.

      Blessings from California.

    4. thank you Rose. she appears to be doing well. she truly is just relaxing at home, reading, praying, and very little outside interaction with friends etc. mostly talking with my wife and me. And I'm a road warrior in my job but have been working at home since she arrived, so it's been quality and quantity of time for all 3 of us. hopefully very much healing. and again, Thanks to all for your words and prayers.

    5. Hello Brie? Come in Brie. This prayer is for you!
      trusting Me brings you directly into My Presence. As you thus affirm your faith, shackles of worry fall off instantly. Enjoy My Presence continually by trusting Me at all times.
      Love you! ♥️πŸ™

    6. Amen Audra, God will provide all that Brie needs especially strength of body, mind and spirit. He knows how she feels and is her stronghold at all times. When we are weak, HE is strong.

      But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

    7. Hello! Help. I have so many life decisions to make right now without any clear answers it is so hard to just let it all go and cast it upon him. I’m trying so hard to do that. Satan doesn’t make things any easier and putting lies in my head. Yesterday I really try to just take a day and do nothing but abide in his presence. I am praying that the answers that I need, come soon and I can patiently wait somehow. Through it all I hope that I can learn to surrender completely, to let go and let God be God

    8. Hello Rich C. Glad to see you here on this amazing blog. It can be hard and frustrating at times when you find yourself with many choices that need to be made and you can't find the right way to go. Being in His presence is always the best thing to do and praying with thanksgiving and having patience. Here is a guidance prayer for you:
      Lord, you know that I need guidance right now. I thank You that I know You are the good shepherd, and that You will certainly show me the way in the confusion I seem to be in. Lord Jesus, sometimes I feel as if I'm alone on a cold dark night. I don't know which way to turn. Help me to trust in You even when the glimmer of light seems so dim, faint and far away and I hardly know what to do. Lord, teach me Your way. Show me what to do, as I consider all the circumstances surrounding the decision I need to make. May I follow the clear directions from Your word, the Bible. May I discern afresh the way of Your Spirit as I listen to those who know me well. As I pray, may I listen out for You and know You are with me. And Lord, even if I don't fully sense Your peace and assurance before I make the decision, please show me the way. Overrule if the decision I make isn't quite right and bring glory to Christ in every part of my life, I pray. Help me to come to know You more deeply so that I may discern more clearly the way You want me to follow. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. You are in my prayers. God bless and peace be with you! I all out to the LORD when I'm in trouble, and He answers me. (Psalm 120:1).

    9. Praying his Holy Spirit guides your decision making and you gain great comfort in knowing God WILL take care of everything. All we have to do is trust Him. I was in the same situation a few months ago. Keep seeking Him and keep trusting Him. You got this because He’s got you. Stay blessed.

    10. Hello Rich C.. we are all praying for you. The pieces of life’s puzzle will slowly be moved into place when God is in control. We all struggle with taking life one day at a time so sometimes it is one hour or one minute at a time.
      “Help me Jesus” is the cry for help that best works for these critical times. We are with you.

    11. Praying for you Rich C . I am so sure God has heard your prayers ,He knows that you are seeking clarification and He will bring it with peace and clarity . We already give thanks because we know that God is going to do something so mighty , you will be jumping with joy Amen and Amen

    12. Thank you Audra, Jeanne and all who prayed. I just inhaled a fresh dose of New Mercy for today, and once again my faith is renewed and I am good to go.
      Love you!

    13. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I felt great peace hearing your words and knowing that you are praying for me. Be blessedπŸ™πŸ™‚

    14. Dear Rich C, Joining in the beautiful prayers for you to receive God’s guidance at this uncertain time. We have all had to make tough decisions but if you truly pray on it, the Lord will show you the wary to go and the right decision. It will just feel right. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul. Surrender to Him. Give Him the reins to your life and don’t yank them back. Don’t lean on your own understanding. Keep praying for discernment and clarity of mind and spirit. He knows your heart intimately and he knows what’s best for you. Praying you will hear His Spirit’s words to your heart loud and clear. Thank You Jesus!

    15. Sweet Brie! So blessed to hear that with our mighty God’s help, things are going better and you are renewed and refreshed. Hallelujah!

    16. Thank you Madfox 🦊
      Amen to that!
      Praying blessings over you and over all prayer requests
      Brandy πŸ™❤️

  2. Thank You dear Lord for another fantastic blessed day. May I look in it and find all the gofts and treasures You've placed in it for me and glorify Your Holy name.
    This 15th day is the middle of the 7th month in the 2nd half of the year, and I say thank You for the BEST, that is yet to come in Jesus name! How awesome are You oh Lord!

    Thank You Lord for the COMMAND today,to not worry about tomorrow or any day. I need to be reminded, commanded and reprimanded when I do, because as a child of the most High God, Your Grace is so sufficient for me! Help me Holy Spirit to grasp it every single day that I am blessed to see and stay in Your Presence, trusting You for my tomorrows.

    My JC family, after reading the blog last night, I saw the many prayer requests. This morning, I intercede to the most High God on behalf of all and trust in His Sovereign Power to meet the needs and concerns of all, so that there will be testimonies of victories to the glory of Your Holy name. So dear Father, You know everything and have all power and authority over everything. As these petitions have been lifted up to You, I say THANK You for the answers. Thank You for this body of believers and Thank You that we serve a Great and AWESOME God who will NEVER fail us!
    Hang in there family, God's got our backs. Staying in prayers for all and askimg for prayers for God to grant my mother favor to get assistance for your medical needs et al., I am in trusting oud Lord! Thank You!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen, Maplewood NJ. Thank you for your prayers for us all. Praying for assistance for your Mom, In Jesus name, Amen❣

    2. Amen, Maplewood. Your prayers are mine, and thank you for yours. Always so uplifting and a powerful testimony to His grace in your life. Interceding for your mom's medical needs to be filled, in Jesus mane. Amen
      Blessings from California

  3. Thank you for that reminder, MadFox,("So many prayer requests over the past few days will require patience for the answers and results"). Please continue to pray for that confidence I (we) need. Continued prayers for all of you, my JC Family and our loved ones. Praying the prayer that never fails for all of us...thy will be done. I'm thankful for the updates - that gives us confidence, too.

    1. Thank you Norah for your prayers for us all. Prayers for your request for this day, in Jesus name Amen!

    2. Lord hear our prayers. We thank you for your guidance and everything you are doing in our lives, the good, and what seems to be the bad and ugly. You have a plan for us and to not harm us.
      Thank you for the blessing of your Peace. Yesterday I heard the same words from my daughter who was heartbroken with the loss over her beloved pet and my husband who tries to process his brothers decision to choose hospice over surgery.

      "But it came so fast, I'm just not ready."

      Thank you Holy Spirit for sending this message to remind me what being ready means. My Peace I give you, My Peace I leave with you. Jesus, I love you, I trust you.
      Thank you JC family, this Peace and Trust belongs to us all.

  4. Joining JC Family in prayer. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

    1. Thank you Sassy Mom, for your prayers for us all. Standing in prayer with you for your needs to be met for the day. In Jesus name, Amen!

  5. My prayer:
    Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know God will come to know God because they know you.

    1. Amen to that Sassy Mom.πŸ₯°

    2. Amen Sassy Mom, I love that saying!

    3. Great line, SM. It says perfectly (in fewer words) the post I made yesterday. Thanks!

    4. Amen, Sassy Mom. One of my favorites.
      Blessings to all from California.

    5. What an awesome prayer dear Sassy Mom! I just love it! Sharing it with my Bible group right now.

  6. Continuing to offer up prayers for all request from our JC family. Norah for Jinny & cases, runaprilmae for health issues & daughters (Kricket), comfort for Kelly's family & Denise, Unknown for loss of loved one, Pamela K for supernatural strength for the cleanup after Barry. Lord you are aware of all of the needs here great & small, we look to you, just for today, to lead us to a place, lead us with your grace to a place where we are safe. Amen.

    1. Thank you Jan, for your prayers for us all. We were so blessed, it was like there was no Barry. I am praying for those that Barry touched and all the flood victims that came from it. Praying for you needs to be met for the day, in Jesus name, Amen!

  7. So accurate for me today. Dear Lord help me know that you provide our "daily" bread. Enought for today, not tomorrow. Tomorrow will be provided. Help me to relish in your support/guidance today. Help me to know that my anxious fears of today are temporary and will be broken apart and diffused by your presence in my life. Amen.

    1. Thank you ABC, for your prayers for us all. Praying for you to know your anxious fears will be broken apart and defused by the Lord. In Jesus name, Amen!

  8. A praiseworthy comment during Kelly's Celebration of Life Service. When visiting Kelly in the hospital the visitor told Kelly it was easier to accept her diagnosis and probable death than it was for her to accept Benjamin growing up with out his mama. Kelly responce "If God chose this journey for me, then he chose it for Benjamin. He knows I have a 5 year old son."

    1. Incredible faith in Kelly's comment regarding her son, truly remarkable. With the natural decay of the earth, disease can lead to death and take some before their "normal" time. Kelly's son will be surrounded by those who loved her and one day he will be united with his mom once again. Prayers for all and may Kelly's love for her son be shared daily by those who raise her boy. Amen.

    2. MadFox - AMEN and thank you. I'm documenting all the beautiful prayers and comments made for Kelly so 5 year old Benjamin can read read them when he is older.

    3. Just wow. Faith that moves mountains and raises children.

    4. Truly inspiring is Kelly’s strength of faith. She knew God was in control. Benjamin will be well taken care of and surrounded by love.

  9. Thank you Sassy Mom for sharing that. It gave me a peek into Kelly's Christian character. Jesus is delighting in her now even more that she's homeπŸ₯°

    1. AMEN!!!! There were many people there who knew of her, but didn't know her personally.

    2. How's Your daughter doing Sassy Mom?

    3. Rejoicing because Kelly is in the presence of her Lord. PAIN FREE!!!

  10. This reminds me of a portion of a retreat weekend that I've done where He is asked of you.... 'will you give me all of your tomorrows?'. It's easy to give God our yesterdays... they are gone. But how many of us say we can give Him all of our tomorrows and really mean it?

    1. Great food for thought from last year, Suzanne! Thank you. I guess in not worrying about our tomorrows, we are giving them to Him because we trust Him to handle them. He can do anything and we are made strong in our weakness through Him. So whatever is going to happen, He will be with us through it to add strength, joy and peace in every situation. Resting in Him who cares for us.

    2. Amen, Jeanne. Trusting in God for all my tomorrows. There is nothing that comes my way that God cannot handle. I trust in Him wholeheartedly! Thank you, Jesus, for your faithfulness.
      Blessings from California

    3. Amen Rose! Nothing can come our way that God cannot handle. We are in such good Hands. Much love!

  11. Loving Heavenly Father, I cast all of my burdens on You this morning. Please open my spiritual and physical eyes to take a glance at the flowers, listen to the birds, and remember that You are taking perfect care of me in every single moment. There is simply no reason for me to carry the weight that is already in Your hands. I put down my worry cap, knowing that if the governments of the world rest on Christ’s shoulders, He most certainly can bear up under all of my trials! I thank You Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.

    Jesus reminds us that God our Father faithfully provides for animals and birds that don’t sow or reap or store their food in barns, yet they do not worry about whether they will have enough for tomorrow or survive. He provides for them. As humans, we are the crown of God’s creation, the only creatures made in His very image and are of much more value than birds. If He provides for birds, He will surely provide for us whom He made in His own image and bought with the blood of His Son (Matt. 6:28-30).
    We all tend to worry, but the truth is, it does absolutely no good to us. It won’t give us the desires of our hearts. All it has is negative results. It tends to choke the word of God and distracts us from Him and what He can do for us. Worry is nothing but unbelief, which is the opposite of faith. All it leads to is fear and anxiety. 2 Kings 6:16-17 tells us the amazing story of the servant boy and Elisha:"Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. 'Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.' "And Elisha prayed, 'O LORD, open his eyes so he may see.' Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around." Elisha's servant was worried sick and terrified, but through his frightening experience, he learned a wonderful truth, and so can we! TRUST in the LORD!

    Dear Father, Whenever worry enters our mind, another twisted emotion tends to tag along with it: Impatience. When we are crushed by fears and worries, remind us of Your power and Your grace so that we can ‘cast all our burdens on You, knowing that You will sustain us and never permit the righteous to be moved’(Psalm 55:22). We pray for all those suffering from worry, fear and anxiety. Please sustain them, protect them, and enable them to stand. May we just let go and trust You, so that we can enjoy each awaken day in Your loving Presence. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Beautiful prayer and words, Maplewood. Thank you. KS

    2. Good morning JC family🌞. Blessings to you Maplewood for sharing that prayerπŸ₯°. In these worrisome days we need to be reminded "daily" of who sits on the throne. Worry of the future can easily beset us to the point that we are rendered useless for any kingdom work. I speak for myself in this. I continuously ask the Lord to help me not to dwell on the world's circumstances. I'm with Maplewood, I enjoy the flowers, the birds who keep on singing, His beautiful creation all around me & He does take perfect care of me! Hallelujah! Be blessed family πŸ₯°

    3. So accurate and such important words on worry, Maplewood. Perfectly said and what a great reminder! Thank you!

    4. Amen and Amen. Beautifully said.

    5. Amen amen! What a beautiful prayer Maplewood! Thank you!

      Blessings from France xx

    6. Beautiful prayer Maplewood...just what I needed this morning! JE

    7. Perfect prayer to read this morning, Maplewood! So true, awesome example(s) and the very reminder that needed. I love that "Do not worry about tomorrow," is a command - not a suggestion! I've watered my flowers (they weren't worried I'd forget - ha ha), I'm listening to the birds (who aren't fretting about calories or carbs or IF they'll even GET to eat today!). I found myself taking a DEEP breath and letting it out slowly (Inhaling, 'The Lord is my Shepherd,' exhaling, 'I shall not want.' Bob! You have no idea how many times a day I do that!

    8. Thanks Maplewood! I needed your words of encouragement and wonderful prayers. You were right on time like our God. No worry here because He is so much greater than anything that will happen to me today. He is the comfort and assurance of my heart and the only One who knows me through and through, and still loves me. I will hold tightly onto His Mighty Hand through this day. In His presence is perfect peace, love, joy and contentment. What a blessed assurance to be taken care of and protected. I'm so blessed to be one of His sheep. Baaaaa!

    9. Amen and amen, Maplewood. Resting in His loving presence. May you all feel His love, peace and joy today because tomorrow is not promised. Love you all!

      Blessings from California

    10. I sure needed to read your post and prayer. Leaving for Brooklyn when I wake up to spend time with my Mom and Niece. I have prayed about what I will say to my Niece. I just want to be a peaceful presence and not judge her and just love her. God already knows I am putting it all in His Hands and I will stay tuned into His Spirit. I'm gonna "let go and trust" Him. Thanks dear sister!

    11. Our dear Jeanne, Matthew 10 tells us,
      Be at peace about how or what you may speak, for it will be given you by God's Holy Spirit in that hour what you will speak;
      And practically "speaking" continue doing what you do best, which is one and the same with what our own Sassy Mom tells us: Actually live in such a way that those who know you but don't know God will come to know God because they know you!
      Let us know the rest of the story when you return. Traveling Mercy to and fro, with love and prayers for same. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    12. And as Colton Dixin would sing LET THEM SEE YOU IN ME!
      There you have it, The Trifecta, The Word, The Sassy Mom, and The Colton Dixon! Happy trails to you dear Jeanne.

    13. 🎢 ♥️

    14. Thank you sweet sisters! I love that song. My niece was difficult, sensitive, took my kind words the wrong way, but I kept following the Spirit and staying calm and loving her. I had made her a strawberry shortcake for her Birthday and that made her happy. We watched a great Hallmark movie and we had a peaceful night thank God. Your sincere prayers worked. God is so good! Praying things go well today for God’s glory. Keeping you all in my prayers.

  12. Help me to not think about the future Lord. Keep me in You and Your presence Lord. Help me to enjoy every moment of the day and to see all Your beauty and blessings that are all around me Lord. Please bless all of us here Father God and take our burdens from us. We are weak, but You are strong Lord. You are holy and perfect. We are sinners and are imperfect. We need You Lord to hold our hands and guide us through this blessed day that You have made for us. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously and always. Amen.

    1. Praying hard for you Janet. He gives us the strength to withstand temptation and to keep us from any situation that threatens to separate us from Him. Only in Him do we find true joy and peace of mind. The world promises other things, but those are flimsy and will fade away. What the Lord promises are those things that will endure. May He strengthen you today in all ways and guide you to those things that bring you closer to Him. I love you.

  13. Thanks to all for the prayers for Jim and his broken ribs yesterday. He had a video call with his primary doctor who prescribed a non-opioid alternative for the pain. Praise God prayers have been answered...this morning Jim told me the pain is manageable. Thanks again...please keep us in your prayers as it will be several weeks of recovery. JE

    1. JE, I'm so glad that God guided Jim to a medicine that could take away most of his pain. Now he must be a patient patient and wait on the Lord as his rib heals. It may be a long journey back but he will not be alone through his recovery. God will be his strength and guidance. Praying for you both.

    2. JE, joining JC family in prayer for your husband, Jim's, broken rib. May the "patient be patient", as Jeanne said, as you wait on the Lord for healing. Praise God for the answered prayer for pain management. Trust in Him, and He will certainly carry you both through.
      Blessings from California

  14. Continued prayers for Jim, JE. Asking for prayers for my friend Bev, who had back surgery and is going through the same thing (much pain, but thankfully, is now better managed).
    Last night I was unable to post - I was so restless and WORRIED about all kinds of things that to God were easily solved.
    I woke up at 3:30, unable to go to sleep again for about an hour. So, this morning, when I read Jesus Calling, that deep breathing I was doing, that Brother Bob taught me a year or two ago, came in quite handy again and when I woke up again at 6:15, my day was bright, sunny and clear.
    Those late nights when I can't sleep cause me to pray perfectly in the spirit - in the quiet - in my head and I have to continually bring my mind back to God and His Peace and Presence.
    What blessed me this morning is "this Grace is only sufficient for today!" That is all we have to think about - this 24 hours that God has graciously given us. THIS day, I will remain calm and appreciative. THIS day, I will be the light to those I speak with. THIS day, our needs are met and all questions will be answered...for THIS day.
    A friend sent me this message and I so enjoyed it. Great message. Let's let our lights shine, JC Family! Love and Prayers for each and every one of you and your needs TODAY.

    1. Praying for Bev Norah! She's healed and pain free in Jesus Name! Amen
      I read somewhere that when we can't sleep it is because God wants to spend time with us. How sweet!

      Thank you for sharing this message! I love it! Sounds like a parable Jesus could have told ♡

      God bless you and your loved ones Norah!

      Blessings from France xx

    2. Norah, thank you for your beautiful words, and lifting Bev up to the Lord in prayer for healing and pain management. God will see her through. God bless you.

      I loved the message to "always clean the light" both physically and spiritually. A great reminder that how we act and REact is being watched by others. Let's be the light that shines bright for others to know Christ Jesus. Amen.

      Blessings from France, I love the thought "that when we can't sleep it is because God wants to spend time with us. How sweet!" Often when I can't sleep, I pray, and sleep returns swiftly. Thank you, Jesus. God bless you and supply your every need today.

      Blessings from California

    3. Thank you Norah for your prayers. Adding Bev to my daily prayer list...praying for relief of pain for both Jim and Bev. JE

    4. Praying for Bev and Jim. Norah, Your words really soothed me today. Thanks Dear.
      Blessings from France. I love that sentence: When we can't sleep it's because God wants to spend time with us. I love it!
      Thank you. Much love to all.

  15. P.S. You can copy and past that youtube address into your browser and it pops right up. It didn't copy as a hyperlink, so you can't just click on it.

  16. Good morning all! JC warriors, when we heed the command to not worry, and replace it with prayer, we join our King Jesus in power and might. In HIS name, is only glory. We are HIS people (2 Chron 7:14) and our prayers are needed now. And as we are in the refuge of the vat shadow of His wings, we find out Peace, free from worry. Thank you Jesus! I humbly pray and thank you for this day!

  17. Norah I will put Bev on my prayer list. I'm glad at least she is able to tolerate her pain. Praying for her perfect recovery. Hope tonight brings you sweet sleep right from the start and through the night. I always talk to Him when I'm going to sleep. His peace surrounds me and I usually sleep through the night. But warm milk and honey also helps in case you ever need it.
    Thank you dear Norah! That video blessed my heart so much and added so much light to my day. I will do my best to set my light up in a high place today so all will see it and seek the Giver of light so they can to shine their light brightly before all men. All to the glory of God!!

  18. Morning devotions before the sun came up, a good power walk before the heat returns, breakfast with my wife and doing a Sudoku together, and now sitting with all of you through your posts. Praying and giving thanks for each of you and praying as you have requested. It is good to be here.

    (II Timothy 2:11-13) Paul punctuates his admonishment to Timothy with what appears to be a common saying among the believing community. Four lines which say in a nutshell, the essence of what he has been trying to make clear.

    'If we have died with him, we will also live with him;' This thought appears often in Paul's letters and is best drawn out in Romans 6:3-4: "Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Therefore we have been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life."

    'If we endure, we will also reign with Him;' which is what Paul has been affirming in the previous verses.

    'If we deny Him, He will also deny us:' this line appears to pick up on Jesus' words in Matthew 10:33: "but whoever denies me before others, I also will deny before my Father in heaven." I don't question the validity of His words but upon an initial reading, it can make our Lord sound like a god whose mentality is 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth'. This does not fit how God has revealed Himself through the rest of scripture. Yet, there is no mixing of Jesus' words, this is what He said. As I sat with this, I contemplated the ominous thought of denying Jesus (God forbid!). Could that be the unforgivable sin: "but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit can never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin” (Mark 3:29)? We must move to the final line so we have a full perspective.

    "If we are faithless, He remains faithful-for He cannot deny Himself." No, our Father is not a retaliatory God (Thanks be to God!). In bringing these two lines together, I wonder if the meaning is: God is an all loving God and we cannot make God stop loving us. The cross stands as His eternal act of love and confirms it for all eternity. But we have a choice to receive it or deny it. Let me try to give an example. Outside my house is an electrical box which controls the electricity into the house that runs all devices connected to it. I could deny electricity exists and refuse to allow the electricity into my house by turning off the main power switch. Electricity still is there and able to serve my needs if I should ever change my mind but until I do, its impact remains in waiting. To take such a posture could be defined as incredibly stupid. More incredibly stupid would be to deny Jesus and His impact upon my life. Behold He stands at the door of the heart forever knocking desiring entrance because He cannot deny who He is. (This analogy is not perfect as no analogy about God ever is; missing is the influence of the Holy Spirit that causes one 'to wake up' and hear His knock at the door and to respond by opening it.) This is how I see these two lines fitting together, the ominous choice about the eternal love of God. I would be cautious about separating them one from another. I would welcome your thoughts on how you see these two thoughts fitting together.

    Peace, sisters and brothers in Christ; live in the joy of His love. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Merci Bob! I agree with your thoughts about these two lines.
      God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow, He can not deny Himself, break his promises, He's not a liar.

      Romans 3:3 - "For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?"
      Numbers 23:19 - "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good ?"

      Matthew 5:45 "for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust."
      If someone says they don't believe in God, we know that it doesn't mean that He doesn't exist, and God still allow blessings to them as well as trials, just like He does with His children. The way we react to both blessings/trials is up to us. Praising Him or denying Him.

      No matter what we do He can not stop loving us because His love is unconditional.
      He's at the door, he won't force us to open it. We have the choice. Not wanting Him in our life doesn't impact His Work. But He's still there if we repent and turn our eyes on Him, no matter how far we've been, he forgives us because of His grace and love. Great is His Faithfulness. Or maybe we could say, great is our unfaithfulness but greater is His Faithfulness.

      Blessings from France xx

    2. Thank you for taking the time for a well thought out response, mon ami de France. Together, we can see God more clearly. God be with you. (The word for friend in French, ami, is it a derivative of the word for love, l'amour? Or do the French have different words for the different types of love as the Greeks did (English does not)?)

    3. Thanks Blessings from France. You gave me a very tasty snack to chew on.

    4. Bob you always fill me up with such good food too. I am blessed to walk away with far more than I had when I came here. Sweet things to ponder.

    5. Thanks again dear Bob! Taking this with me:
      God is an all loving God and we cannot make God stop loving us. The cross stands as His eternal act of love and confirms it for all eternity.
      Amen to that!

  19. I need prayers for my sister Debbie. I just found out that she's been lying to me and has been using drugs for awhile now. I am very upset about the whole situation, but especially because I don't want anything bad to happen to her. The only thing that I know to do is to give it to the Lord. Please help her Lord to see what she is doing to herself and our family. I can't even bring myself to tell anyone else about it because of past pains and stuff. Please pray for her. Thank you all. Thank You Jesus. I know that You will be with me holding my hand today as I walk through this day shaken and unsure of what's to come. Praise the Lord continously and always.

    1. Just prayed for Debbie! I declare that her chains are broken, complete healing and restoration, strength and peace, in Jesus Name. Amen

      Blessings from France

    2. Dear Janet, Praying hard that God will change your sister, Debbie's heart and remove her craving for drugs, and restore your relationship with her and rebuild the trust you shared. God knows her struggles and your dismay. May He strengthen her faith and guide her to standing up against temptation. Praying for your peace to be restored, Sister.

    3. Debbie is always in my prayers and I pray she is doing well.
      Your faith, dear Janet, is strong and God is holding you so tight. I believe wonderful doors will be opening for you soon. Much love.

  20. Squeeze that hand tightly, as tightly as that hand is squeezing yours, Janet. Yes, unsure of what is to come but sure of the one whose hand by which you are being held. Praying for your sister and the demon that possesses her soul. Lord, deliver Debbie from this one who seeks her destruction and lift her to new life in you. Be with Janet and by Your Holy Spirit, guided her in making constructive responses that lead to Debbie's salvation from this and all evil. Amen.

    1. Janet Sissy, I love you. You are always there for me, as I am for you. Our Lord and Savior is Almighty and I asked for deliverance from all the drugs that I used in the past. I am now asking for deliverance from whatever demon is destroying me. Please I know there's nothing our Father in Heaven cannot do. He is the Healer, Miracle worker and Blesses us everyday we open our eyes. Thank You Jesus for Your continuous love and Salvation

    2. Wow, Debbie, how much you are loved! I despise addictions (we all have them in one form or another) for they draw us into our self and prevent the love of God and others from flooding our heart. Addiction is the allowing of something to take over our highest desire, making itself our god. God has created us to show us love and to be loved by us which is the ultimate and most blessed desire. Yet we settle for 'pleasurable' things that, ultimately, are so unsatisfying. For me in dealing with the desires that have gone a muck in my heart, I seek to constantly reach for that which matters most, the love of God. The gift of the Holy Spirit, the love of God placed within me, is getting me to where I ultimately want to be. When I get there, I look forward to seeing you there as well. God be with you.

    3. Thank you Bob. I really appreciate your thoughts and prayers for my sister and me as well. It has been a bit of a rough day, but the Lord stayed with me through it. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously.

    4. Halleluia Debbie! You just made my day! I see the love you and your Sister share and I see your steadfast faith. God bless you as you are delivered from all the drugs. God will provide you will all you need and He is ever at your side.
      Janet, You are blessed to have a wonderful Sister and righteous Sister in Christ.

  21. Thank you Bob for that wonderful prayer. I am very grateful.

    1. Thank You Bob for your Prayers, God is so good

    2. So happy to have you with us, Debbie. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Know that God and the JC Family are behind you.

  22. Janet - Joining warriors in prayers for Debbi. Lord please give Janet the wisdom to comfort and help Debbi break the chain of bondage to her addiction.

  23. We belong to you Lord and you belong to us. Every breath we take is yours. Draw us closer to you; we need you. You know everything about us and we trust in
    you. Help us to accept your will. We love you.

    1. Amen dear Loveconquersall! Beautiful prayer and I'm joining in.

    2. Amen again dear sister! It is comforting to know that He knows us completely and loves us anyway with all our imperfections. How blessed we are!

    3. How are you today Loveconquersall?

  24. Father, thank You for all You do and all You are. You are so amazing and wonderful. There is no one above You. You are the best. I praise You Lord always. You deserve so much more. I look back on my posts from last year and see what was happening in my life at this time and it is crazy to me that just a few days ago You directed my sister Debbie to my "doorstep" and she has been staying with me and is strengthening her faith in You and You are removing the demons from her life. I can't thank You enough for all of this. I know that You are working in all our lives and You are so powerful and supreme. The demons have no chance against You. You are Almighty God -- the one and only! Thank You Jesus. Help me to keep You the center of my life and to focus my eyes on You and not be concerned with the future, but be reminded that You are in total control of everything. You are sovereign over all things and You always take the best care of me. Praise You Lord continually. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    Turn your worries over to the LORD. He will keep you going. He will never let godly people be shaken. (Psalm 55:22). "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?" (Luke 12:25). Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up. (Proverbs 12:25). Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks. And God's peace, which is so great we cannot understand it, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7). The LORD keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever. (Psalm 121:7-8).

    1. Thank you for the update, Janet!

    2. Susanne R :) It is so good to see you again. I missed you. You and Kyle and Houston have remained in my prayers. Any updates you wish to share? I know you have stayed connected to The Vine. I thought of you everytime I had to remind myself to do so! Love you sister friend in Christ.

    3. Dear Janet! Praise God! Hallelujah! He guided dear Debbie right to you and is renewing her faith, removing her demons and refreshing her Spirit through you! His plan for you and your sister is unfolding! His Way is perfect and He’s always on time!

    4. Praying for you and your family always Suzanne! God bless and keep you all!

  25. Thank you sweet Janet! Just what I needed to read at exactly the right time! Amen and Amen. When you put Him in the center, all other things come together. He is above all and we are well taken care of.
    Thank You Jesus!

  26. I have started my Thankful week. Thank God for helping us sort out the log book and for the patient buyer who was really understanding . Thank you for the time we had with the car, getting my family to school and back, Thank you for warm days , my family and I have been able to takes wonderful walks in the countryside. Thank you God for internet . Thank God for providing a small water dispenser where my family is able to drink fresh , clean water. Thank you for protecting my family during this pandemic and I ask that God will continue protecting us. Thank for the JC family , I can come and cry about my trials and not feel judged or looked down at all. May God bless you all.

    1. So good, Min Ahadi!! Thankfulness is contagious and so good for our souls!!

    2. GIVING THANKS is a Great way to go, Min Ahadi, and the more I thank, the more I have for which to be thankful. Besides Jesus Calling, another of my companion dailies, that I learned about from our Norah, is THE POWER OF BEING THANKFUL devotional book by Joyce Meyer. With or with out it, giving thanks with a greatful heart to The Lord Our God is the Way! Loved reading your thanksgiving testimonies. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. I love your gratitude dear Sister! Thanking God for all His blessings in your life and so many to come. Yesterday when I was praying for you I had your daughter, your car, your Mother, your job and your peace of mind in my prayers. Sounds like He is taking care of business and even guiding you to walks in the countryside and clean water! Praise Him with every breath!

  27. Good morning dear ones πŸŒ„. I've been absent here for a few days. Had my hands full by "Mr. Handful himself"! God is good! Hubby had the stroke Sat. Morning, by Mon. Afternoon he was released. Amazing or what? You could almost see in fast forward the improvements hour by hour. His speech, his mobility, his brain function, on & on throughout the day. He refused the walker at home,(Mr. Handful). Please pray that PT will help him continue in this path of more mobility. Thank you warriors for your very powerful prayers!!! My blood pressure still needs prayer. Waiting on the Lord to either heal me or show me what to implement besides medication. Love, love to each of youπŸ˜˜πŸ’•

    1. Praising God with you and continuing to pray! What a gracious God!! ❤️

    2. So glad to hear about your victory in Jesus Christ! May our Father's presence fill You up and bring You the relief of peace, comfort, healing, and rest you need in Him and remove your high blood pressure and refresh your soul and mind. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you!

    3. Jan I'm so delighted with your report. God will continue the healing in your hubby. Wow I understand the handful, but you will continue to be amazed at how God works all this out! My husband was went through PT and OT and was back to work with in weeks. He went from not being able to speak or control his arms to driving his work truck again. Counting on God's miraculous healing in your hubby also!!!

    4. Our Jan gridley, You and God have Mr Handful by the hand.
      Praying for your blood pressure to lower. Have you thought about taking low dose med until you can get yourself back on track? I am praying for God's wisdom and guidance on your effective discernment, and for Mr Handful to get better and better everyday in every way. Love you.

    5. Dear Jan, Joining in prayers for God’s healing of your darling Mr. Handful. I’m believing in his improvement with each passing day to God’s glory and your elation. Just as God healed Terry’s DH, He will heal yours. The best is yet to come. Praying also for your blood pressure to return to normal. Brie’s suggestion about taking a little meds until you feel better is a good one. That’s exactly what my Sis does when this happens. Wait on the Lord. We have all seen His faithfulness. Much love to all!

    6. LOVED READING THIS, Dear Jan!

    7. God is so good dear Jan G. We are praying!! Much love to you and all on this precious site. Amen!

  28. Heavenly Father, thank You. Please help me to stay focused on You and in the present time. Remind me that You are ALWAYS with me and You carry all my burdens for me. You are the WayMaker and You go before me and with me. I praise You Lord always πŸ™ πŸ™Œ. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Amen sweet sister. He is ALWAYS with us & His yoke is easy. Hallelujah!

    2. Amen Janet and Jan! He walks before us always and makes out ways straight. He wraps His Arns around us leads us through every day. While I was cooking yesterday I opened the oven door and the white glass panel fell off onto my leg. It cut and bruised my shin but my leg was ok thank God. It will heal. It was scary but my sister said I could have gotten cut very badly and God took care of me. How blessed we are to have a very present Help in times of trouble. Thank You Jesus!!

    3. Oh that was me who hurt my leg and God protected me. Praise and Gratitude

  29. " Throw off this oppressive burden with one quick thrust of trust." I trust You Lord Jesus in all things and absolutely refuse to worry. I have submitted all my requests and concerns to You, and now wait expectantly for Godly outcomes. Amen, thank you Lord.

    1. Dear brother Peter, it's so hard at times to not give in to worry, isn't? He already knows the outcome, the task is to prepare our heart, soul & spirit to walk in acceptance & surrender to whatever it may be. I'm guessing that by knowing how much He loves us & wants the best for us is a start. Thank You Jesus!

    2. Amen dear Peter, Thanks for your encouragement. Sometimes I just call out to Him and say: I am not gonna worry about anything. I’m giving it all to You!
      Dear Jan, So very true! We must trust Him and accept what He allows to happen, good or bad. He never leaves us through the trials and leads us by the hand through the wilderness. He lifts us out of the depths of despair and pain, and He sets us way above our misery and problems so we can clearly see all the reasons to be thankful and rejoice despite our difficult circumstances. Such a good and faithful Father and a forever Friend.

  30. Good morning dear family. Such a busy day yesterday for me. PTL for taking me through it. Read yesterday's post to keep up with family concerns. SassyMom I join in prayer with the warriors for Sandi & hubby. Sandi seem very brave & continues to trust her Savior for the outcome of each of their trials. You dear SassyMom has been such an inspiration to me. In the midst of your deepest need to be comforted, you in turn have ministered in prayer for the needs here. You've given freely out of your own need. I can just hear you now if you're reading this, "it's not you, it's Christ in you"! So true, you've opened your heart & soul to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to empower you. We the warriors have benefitted from it. Be blessed, be comforted, be held today. Hallelujah!πŸ™πŸ’ž

    1. I second that motion Jan!!
      In her sorrow and pain, our sweet Sassy Mom has continued to be a well of encouragement, strength and inspiration to all of us. Praying for others and serving God in a most beautiful way. We love you!!!

  31. Asking for prayers dear warriors. Son #2 is finally trying it again. He was to travel earlier this month from Texas to join us in celebration of his brother's 50th birthday. Wife got covid. Today he's starting out again. Please pray for safety on the road for him. This momma's longing arms are eager to give him a big hug. Thank you dear onesπŸ’ž.

    1. Praying Son #2 has safe travels and somehow gets there faster than expected so he can fall right into his momma's loving arms, Jan! Praying for him and for you all to be together! In Jesus' great name! AMEN!

    2. Dear Jan, Joining my dear sister NJS in thanking God for making your Son #2’s trip smooth and safe so he will see you in record time. And Father please heal his good wife of all her Covid symptoms and bring her back to perfect health, and protect the whole family from illness, and give the Birthday boy many special Birthday blessings in Jesus’ Name we pray.

  32. Dear friends, I pray for each of you by name that God would bless you and your families with perfect peace and health. I can’t tell you how comforting it was for me to see that a mid day post generated kind responses of prayer for my husband,before his leg EMG. However, I knew that God would see my prayer request and that would be enough! His EMG went well but did show muscles weakness. He will need further testing to pinpoint what is going on and if his heart drugs are contributing to the muscle problems. Next week we go up to the boundary waters with the whole family to a YMCA camp. I pray that we can not worry about anyone’s health issues and just have a fun and healing time together. And help me not to worry, as this day’s message so aptly says. Traveling mercies for Jan’s son coming to Texas.

  33. Dear Ellen, Thanks for praying for me sweet sister! That means so much to me. Thanking God your good husband’s muscle problem will soon be resolved. May God enlighten the doctor to the source of his muscle weakness and bring him back to good health and give him renewed strength, and heal all your weaknesses so you’ll be able to enjoy your family get together. We thank You Father for all this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  34. Here's to blessings on family get togethers today, and any day! Our Father, thank you for you Peace and Presence in our lives. Starting my daughter's wedding day as I do each day with this blog and prayers for y'all. My heart is full. Thanking the Holy Spirit in advance for the guidance and grace that surrounds me today. May it inspire others to see my source and know Him more intimately. In Jesus's name I pray. ♥️πŸ™πŸ‘°‍♀️

  35. Dear Audra! Praying for Wedding joy and blessings! Leaving for Brooklyn now for my weekend with my Mom. Thank You Father for your faithfulness, healing, comfort, especially for our dear Sassy Mom and Terri, and for traveling mercies for all our dear JC Family and their loved ones in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  36. Today does have enough trouble of it’s own. Yet I’m mindful of being thankful for things I don’t have, in addition to all the blessings I do.

    Jill still has some affects from Covid, but she is getting better. Thank you for your prayers.

    I was supposed to be traveling to my parents to celebrate my son’s graduation, but, my mom’s brother, whom she hasn’t seen in a year was exposed to Covid and we are all now waiting to see if he is negative to have our reunion/celebration. But he’s not sick.
    Then I couldn’t travel up there today as I somehow injured my neck so I couldn’t drive . But I was blessed to be able to see my chiropractor, so I can hopefully drive up tomorrow and see my son and family.
    It’s stuff, and challenges, but it’s all a matter of perspective.

    Let me see it all with your eyes Lord, open my eyes to your heart Lord, and in the midst of it all, help me to keep the right perspective and be a light unto others, knowing that it is all part of your master plan, that you are a refuge for us and your grace is sufficient to strengthen and encourage us.
    Blessings and prayers for all! πŸ™

  37. Sounds like a Murphy’s Law day but God is so much greater! So thankful Jill is improving. May God continue to heal her and also your neck and May everyone test negative. Praying your chiropractor fixed you up so you can drive to be with your son and family. Trusting that our Way Maker will guide it all into good times and much joy. Thank You Jesus!

    1. It was! Thanks for the prayers and message of hopeπŸ€—πŸ™

  38. Please pray for my twin sister Janet’s hand. It’s all swollen because of a wasp sting and she’s giving a Baby Shower for a member of her Church tomorrow. Thanking God for reducing the swelling and redness and pain so she will feel better and all will go well tomorrow. Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    1. Praying for swift healing for your sister and all goes great tomorrow! I guess since your twins you could do the shower instead if neededπŸ˜‰.
      Peace πŸ™

  39. Praying, Jeanne! Just read this....never too late!

  40. Great devotion! I’m concerned about a scrape on my good Mom’s leg. Giving it to God but I pray He will guide me and my Mom to do everything we can to aid the healing of it. Trusting in Him completely to lead us. Driving home tomorrow but my Mom is more important so I will get her to Urgent Care if her wound looks worse. Thanks for your prayers. We pray for each other and trust in His Word. God hears every one.

    1 John 5:14
    Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.

    1. As this scripture promises dear Jeanne, your prayer for mom has been heard. Joining you in asking for complete healing of this wound. πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    2. Joining in prayers with you both for your good mom. May our heavenly Father touch her and heal her completely with His ultimate healing power. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    3. Echoing healing prayers to Jehovah Rapha, the great physician for Jeanne's good mom.

    4. Thank you dear Jan, Janet and Sassy Mom! Amen! Our Great Physician has heard our prayers and He knows how much my Mom trusts in Him. May He heal her completely! Thank You Jesus!

  41. Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7). In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul. (Psalm 94:19). Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. (John 14:1). For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death. (2 Corinthians 7:10).

    1. Hallelujah Amen dear Janet. Thank you for sharing πŸ’žπŸ™

  42. A different take on a well known hymn:
    All your anxiety all your care, bring to the Mercy Seat, leave it there.

    1. What a beautiful song, dear Peter! Thank you!

    2. Lovely. Sharing this song with a friend in Mexico who is struggling with anxiety about the future since her husband left her. Moving to Mexico was their dream that they worked on together. She is devastated but trusting God.
      Thank you for sharing.

    3. When God closes a door, He opens a window. Patiently waiting for good news for your friend's next steps. TRUST ♥️πŸ™

  43. Amen Jeanne πŸ™.

  44. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7). Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6).

    1. Bless you for the scripture, Janet. It brings great comfort and soothes the soul.πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

    2. Definitely need the nourishment dear Janet. #2 son & family are arriving from Texas Wed. and with a rotator cuff issue I'm getting anxious about getting things ready in time. It is what it is & what will be, will be! Hallelujah!πŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ’ž

    3. Thanks sweet Janet! My favorites! Just what I needed today.
      Dear Jan, Praying for traveling mercies for your family and for God’s healing of your rotator cuff.

  45. A second Amen Jeanne.😊



    Sometimes good is going to happen to you today and through you!

    You are ALWAYS at the right place and at the right time!

    1. Beautiful Truth dear JJ! Amen. God Always Wins!

  47. A third Amen! Thank you dear Jeanne ❤️πŸ™Œ

  48. Amen dear JJ Amen!πŸ™Œ❤️

  49. This Is The Day That The Lord Has Made (sung in several languages): https://youtu.be/JRIn9_VUwn4?si=ufr3uEwtNSYlQjnG

    1. Thanks brother Peter! So much joy! That really blessed me and the dancing was pretty too.

  50. JC family, you're all in my prayers for each concerns & request. Be blessed as you bless others πŸ™πŸ˜πŸ™Œ

    1. Thank you, Jan. I pray your rotator cuff is "quiet" while ready your house for your son & family's visit . May it stay quiet going forward relieving you from pain and discomfort. In Jesus' name, amen!

    2. Praying for you dear Jan with our dear NJS for a quiet rotator cuff so you can get your prep done. Much love to you both!

  51. Thank you Lord for this day and thank you JC family for your loyal and faithful comments and prayers.πŸ™πŸ•Š️

    1. Amen. Thank you dear Anonymous! God bless your day too.

  52. Joining in the "AMENS". Amen & amen! Thank you, Jeanne.

  53. Adding a chorus of amens! Wonderful encouragement for today.

  54. Still missing BrieπŸ˜•

  55. You all bring Joy. And His children said Amen!

  56. Yes. Amen! We are blessed in God’s presence together! All of you encourage my heart every day just as God encourages us! Thanks!

  57. Always! Calling Brie to come and shine her light for the Lord!

  58. Love and prayers for all of you and all of yours! Prayers for my DH; he's doing well! Praying for my sister, Pam and that she gets over this sinus thing...received an antibiotic today. Praying for you and Larry, Brie: for an appt BEFORE 8/28 (my 3rd son's BD). Continued prayers for your twin, Janet, Jeanne. All is well. Sleep Sweet, JC Family. God is on the Night Watch!

  59. Thanks for your prayers sweet Norah! Janet’s BP is still high despite the meds. Praying God will bring it down and bring healing to your DH, Pam, Brie and Larry and Audra and Marc. We’re Waiting on the Lord together and trusting in His promises. Thank You Jesus.
