Thursday, July 16, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 17

Come away with Me for a while. The world, with its nonstop demands, can be put on hold. Most people put Me on hold, rationalizing that someday they will find time to focus on Me. But the longer people push Me into the background of their lives, the harder it is for them to find Me.
     You live among people who glorify busyness; they have made time a tyrant that controls their lives. Even those who know Me as Savior tend to march to the tempo of the world. They have bought into the illusion that more is always better: more meetings, more programs, more activity.
     I have called you to follow Me on a solitary path, making time alone with Me your highest priority and deepest Joy. It is a pathway largely unappreciated and often despised. However, you have chosen the better thing, which will never be taken away from you. Moreover, as you walk close to Me, I can bless others through you.

Song of Songs 2:13
English Standard Version

The fig tree ripens its figs,
    and the vines are in blossom;
    they give forth fragrance.
Arise, my love, my beautiful one,
    and come away.
Luke 10:42
English Standard Version

But one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Heavenly Father, Thank you for this day that you have created for us and I pray for your guidance through each hour of it. I have yet to enjoy the day as it has been filled with planning, worrying and stress as to all the busyness I have planned for the day. Lord, allow me to surrender all the stress and worry and have faith in You that my day will be productive and filled with your fruit. I pray that I make it a priority to find some time in this day to spend quietly with You. "Your heart will be where your treasure is" Matthew 6:21

    1. Amen n Amen brother. God bless you

    2. Brother Jeff, wherever you are, I want you to know how much I love your prayers. So much so that I covet them for myself. They refresh me & they renew my spirit. Our God has blessed you with a pure heart that seeks after Him. Thank you & bless you💕

    3. I am always delighted when I see and get to pray your prayers, Jeff Hildred. Regardless of the date, they remain timeless blessings for me and others through you. Along with Jan gridley, I am praying for you to feel the love and appreciation wherever you are. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. Amen!! Thank you for the awesome prayer; I needed to hear this message today!! God Bless!

    5. In 2022, this prayer still resonates.

    6. Because being Busy is less anxiety inducing...than being still...I know that I still have some work to do Lord. 💜

    7. Such an Awesome reminder, the distraction of busyness impairs my conscious contact with God, instead getting sidetracked with Self reliance. Holy Spirit help me trust God more! ❤️🙏

    8. Thank you for your prayer Jeff. Your prayers are so heartfelt and speak to my heart.
      Sending prayer up for you and for each of the JC family’s prayer requests.
      Thank you Lord for your pure snd constant love. Thank you for your healing in our family and for your blessings over my marriage. I love you and trust you Jesus.
      Love, prayers and blessings

    9. Even 6 years later this prayer resonates and is perfect for me today. Thank you Jeff and everyone else.

    10. Beautiful message & prayer 🙏🏽 💞
      Lord thank you for calling us to be part of your divine family. Help me to spend more quiet time with you.
      I love you Abba Father

    11. Still appreciating this prayer, Jeff. And the reminder to BE STILL and KNOW GOD. ✝️🙏

  2. I posted this late on yesterday's blog, but I know many probably read in the morning only.

    To ALL with kind comments about my post yesterday. I am in the 2nd half (maybe last 1/3! ha ha) of life and post attention getting medical, biz, and personal situations. As I told my kids, it provided much needed perspective. My goal NOW, personally and professionally, is to shine a light on Jesus' life and de-emphasize self. I want to help my kids, friends, and seekers humbly, lovingly, and gently where I can.

    And for non-believers, to be friendly and exhibit behavior antithetical to the stereotype of Christians in today's cynical environment. To do so succinctly and with humor like I think Jesus did. My mind's eye pictures Jesus with a smile, warm, and extremely witty. He laughed with His friends and strangers... but when battling the religious elites and the politicians, he became a man of few words with incredible intellect.

    Thank you again for the kind messages.

    1. You can’t help but shine for Jesus, my good brother! I pray you will lead many to Him through your strong witness. You live your faith and you trust in God’s mercy and faithfulness. We all can see that! God bless and heal you always. 💗

    2. From you, Mad 🦊 and now my BIL, I am learning that faith is not just something to have in your pocket for when you think you really need it, but something to PRACTICE in DAY TO LIVING.
      I'm inspired. Bless you!

    3. Madfox 🦊
      God shines His love and light on and through you. Thank you for your prayers. 🙏
      Sending up healing prayers for you, our brother in Christ.

  3. MadFox, keeping you in prayers, continue to shine for Jesus, He's a sustainer and a restorer! Your family and friends are blessed to have you! May God bless and keep you!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Very kind. Truth: God has blessed me with great mentors, friends, and family. My prayer is that I humbly "pay it forward". Peace. Hope your situation continues to move in positive ways.

  4. Dear Heavenly Father, Great is Your Faithfulness oh Lord my God. I thank You that morning by morning new mercy I see, all that I need Your hands provide. Thank You for this blessed amd gifted day and thank You for treasures in it.
    As I read the devotion, i know that I am guilty of putting You on hold to meet the demands of this world, but whenever we do that, we find out how hard our day becomes. Help me to push people and the things of this world away but NOT You. May I walk on that path of solidarity with You and not loose sight of You.Thank You.

    Father, I Thank You for this day that You have blessed my mother to see. 72 years old and blessed by You. I pray for her this day Father, that You will lift her up where others have put her down, increase her where others have decreased her and cause her to succeed where the enemies said she must fail. May she dance away all problems because You have a Great plan for this latter part of her life. I pray that blessings and great health combine forces and stand by her, all the days of her remaining life. May Your infinite love follow her, bring her countless moments of happiness and land her to the truth that Jesus gave His life for her so that she can live and face tomorrow.
    Oh dearest Heavenly Father, if You tell me to ask You for just one wish for her today, it will be for her to receive Jesus as her Lord and Saviour. Father, that is my wish and I am trusting You to break down that wall and cause her to fall on bended knees, outstretched arms and declare You as Lord of her life. Thank You for hearing and answering me in Jesus name!!!

    My JC family, I am keeping you all in prayers and trusting God that ALL the requests are being met by Him in Jesus name! Lets choose the 'better thing, which will NEVER be taken away from us'. JESUS, the gift of SALVATION!

    Blessings to all.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Birthday wishes to your mom Maplewood NJ. And also blessings to you for being such a wonderful caregiver to her. KS

    2. Happy birthday to Maplewood Mom! ♥️🙏

    Please pray for my 60 year old 2nd cousin Kenny, an amputee who is caregiver for his 91 year old mother (she is mobile, not bedridden). Kenny recently had surgery on his remaining leg to removed all his toes. The surgeon recommended amputating leg above the knee. Kenny refused because he is the only caregiver for his mother and receives no help from his siblings. He has been hospitalized 3 times since toe surgery 3 weeks ago. He now has blood infection and surgeon is again recommending amputation.
    When I spoke with Kenny, he said he would appreciate prayers. Thank you JC Family for praying.

    1. Lifting Kenny up in prayer. May the Lord bless him and give him strength and healing. KS

    2. Sassy Mom. Your Cousin has been burdened with so much and is now stricken with infection. Praying for his healing and recovery. God knows his struggles. God bless and heal him so he can continue to take care of his Mother. Praying for his recovery and also for his own fulfillment and joy. Thank you Father for all of this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

  6. Maplewood - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR MOM, Praying this day will be blessed with the sweetest reunion of LOVE AND KINDNESS.

  7. I was praying the same thing, Sassy Mom! Maplewood, your mom is so blessed to have you! To read a daughter's prayer for her mom, said in such sweetness and earnest believing is a gift in itself! MadFox, I loved your goal for the non-believers! I agree, our Lord and Savior was not, "religious," but walked in great wisdom. He had to have a sense of humor! Thankful for each person on here and praying for each need, want and request. Picturing your cousin's needs met, Sassy Mom. My goal today is our JC devotion: leave busyness behind as well as the tempo of the world and march to the beat of my Lord and Savior's drum. Loved Song of Songs verse.

  8. Maplewood NJ, I will be praying for your mom to give her life to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May his light shine down on her.

    Sassy Mom, prayers also for your cousin Kenny. He sounds like a very special person who is sacrificing many things to make sure his mom is taken care of. I pray for a good outcome concerning his leg.

    Prayers for everyone who is facing challenges in their life. May God heal your pain. Amen.

  9. Jeff H. And others, God Bless you! I pray all prayers are answered including prayers for Emily undergoing 8 hrs of brain surgery today. May God be with her surgeons and support staff. God bless her family. Thank you Jc family for all your contributions.!

  10. Prayers for Kenny and Emily and for those with health concerns this morning.

  11. Good Morning to my loving JC Family. What a difference a year makes! As I've been reading this week, I've allowed myself the privilege of looking back, a year ago: our prayers, our concerns, our pain, and more importantly our victories, answered prayers and goals met.
    Yesterday, I allowed myself a day like the one we are encouraged to have today in our devotion.
    My heart is so full when I realize than many of those we prayed for and loved are now awaiting the Return. God got us through each and every one of those days, even when on some, we wondered how it would happen. He knew! And He met every need and answered every prayer. I often find myself praying for what seems The Impossible and I am so lovingly and gently reminded by our loving Father and you, my JC Family, that nothing is impossible for God.
    Eyes of My Heart: your SIL is in my prayers and I was SO BLESSED to read about your chicken! To realize that our Father and our Lord and Savior is SUCH A PERSONAL Savior that he would give you an example through a chicken, had me rejoicing, laughing and weeping all at the same time. Your SIL has already surpassed what we were going through with my SIL this time last year. Yet, Jinny's prayer was answered as well - on her terms, in God's perfect timing.
    MadFox - look how God answered your prayers from last year. And this year, you were visiting your precious RN Daughter in NY...on a business trip. Though none of this year's circumstances were part of our prayer, you are indeed, meeting your goals of being your best for your family, and God is working through your resolve to be your best through wit, intellect and all the things that He gave you to meet those needs. Your dear daughter remains in my prayers and I picture her healing and opening up more each day as you and your wife feed her spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally.
    Maplewood - your dear Mom's birthday celebration is probably much different this year after having been loved and nurtured by you and Our Father, whom you praise so beautifully and know so intimately. I am sure her life has taken a turn for the better.
    Janet and Debbie - my prayer for both of you is that you will read these pages this time next year and see how far you have come by God's matchless Word, Mercy, Grace, Peace and unsurpassed Strength provided through Christ Jesus.
    I could write volumes on just my own family and all that as happened in a year - just as all of you could! As I said, yesterday, God inspired me to have a day like the one described today (only I think the encouragement is to live our LIVES this way – not just one day!). We all look for ANY positives that could come from this crazy, disastrous COVID time in our lives and today's description in JC - one of putting away the pace of the world, and following the tempo of our Loving Father through Jesus Christ, is something I am learning to do - because I can. I've had no choice but to slow down and my usual frantic routines have been replaced with much LESS routine and MORE walking by the Spirit. Geez - it only took a Pandemic to get me out of my crazy-rat-race, burning-the-candle-at-both-ends routines. The changes He is putting before my eyes are life-changing and I am thankful.
    I pray for each of you with all thankfulness. The teachings you share, Bob, last for days as I find myself going back re-reading many of the lessons. And your eloquent, succinct prayers, Maplewood, remind me to constantly Praise the One From Whom All Blessings Flow. Sassy Mom - I glean wisdom from your sharing and to each of you who rarely or regularly post - you are always in my prayers and spot-on with gems that reach my heart.
    My prayer last night, was that, thanks to the rest I received yesterday, while still working and being productive would allow me to awake early enough to share my heart with you and thank Our Father for all of the answers, prayers, victories, solutions we seek and miracles we see because of Him and the many, mighty miracles of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    1. Oh dear Norah- God bless your heart!! Yes, it is indeed amazing how we can look back and see how far we've all come regardless of change or not. We are HERE, only HIS grace! Thank You for the concern and best wishes for my mother! A much better year it is, God is faithful and He is never too soon or late. He has the appointed time to answer each pray and all we have to do is TRUST Him, keep praying and wait! He is so worth waiting for and Blessings indeed flows from Him!
      God bless you and yours my dear sis! As you pray for others, may God multiply His blessings upon you and grant you all the desires of Your heart!
      As you always remember(smiling) what it means, I say TGIF!
      Stay blessed sis!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Norah... sweet sweet Norah. Agree with Maplewood and thank you (and all JC friends) for your prayers. My daughter seems more joyful and rested. Her goal and such a great thing to see. And yes, God has been holding my hand an entire lifetime, but it took a long time to recognize it! Praying for the needs expressed here. Amen.

    3. Amen! Praise the Lord for all the things that He has done, je doing, and will do!
      So encouraging to read your testimonies!
      Sending prayers to you all JC fam!
      Have a wonderful day hand in hand with Our Father!

      Blessings from France xx

    4. Not je but *is doing. Sorry haha the autocorrect is driving me crazy sometimes

    5. You had a wonderful day in the presence of the Lord, contemplating His goodness and faithfulness in your life, your family's life and the life our your JC Family. I have seen God's good deeds through this family. Every day I see Him working in my life and He is just so good and always on time. I love to see your gratitude and I thank you for sharing your wisdom and insight here. Thanking God for all the past answers, healing and victories, and looking forward to seeing His mighty power and compassion in the days to come. God bless you and my JC Family.

    6. Norah,thank you for sharing as you always do. So many beautiful ladies on this site that I admire so very much and feel very blessed for all of you. My prayers for your daughter continue and her heart of gold like her mom's will give her the ultimate gift from Jesus. Thank you Jesus for giving us the strength and patience to accept your will. Jesus we trust in you.

  12. Good morning JC family🥰. Yes Father help us to choose the good thing as Mary did & it shall not be taken away from us. Praying for all the concerns posted here. Janet & Debbie, Jimmie, Angela & sister, Bev, EOMH for SIL, thank you for the chicken story. JE for Jim's healing. I'm sure I've forgotten someone but God knows who you are. Father thank you for each request. You are faithful & will see each loved one through these storms. As you hear every beat of our hearts you most certainly hear its cry for help. Please add my request warriors for our Son & family. They are considering a move to another state that will leave hubby & I broken hearted. We are in our 70s & he has always been so loving & supportive. He is struggling, his wife wants this move & taking her parents with them. We will miss our grandgirls especially. We want God's will, not ours, not his wife. It would break my heart even more if they don't follow God's will. Blessings for everyone & the beautiful way we share with one another 🥰. Love to all.

    1. Oh Jan dear, I lift your family in prayers! Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for Jan and her family. If it is Your will that her son makes the move, please bless them and keep them safe. Please grant Jan and her husband Your peace that surpasses ALL their understanding. If it is NOT your will Lord, please open the eyes of her son and daughter in law and direct them in Your way. Let Your perfect will be done, in Jesus name. Amen.

      Sending peace your way Jan!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Lord please help Jan's son and his wife to make the right decision about their moving. You know how hard it is to live far away from the ones we love. It would be even more hard if their moving wasn't your will for them, so please Lord give them a clearer vision for their future and may their decision be made according to your will.
      Give Jan and her husband peace and comfort their broken heart as only You can. We trust you Lord. Thank you for being our refuge.

      Blessings from France

    3. Praying your son and family will think very carefully about their decision. I know I miss my two sons in Boston and California every day and their loved ones. It is so hard to see them go. Especially to see your granddaughters leave. So much joy and love are wrapped up in them. May God direct your son and his wife to the decision that is the best for all the family. God bless you and may you Rest in the One who cares for you.

    4. Lord, my prayer that you comfort Jan and her husband. Pour your peace and amazing grace over their family. Whatever happens Jan, nothing can take the love away no matter how far we are from each other and well, love conquers all. I love you all and I feel so close to you all.

  13. As my Mama celebrates her 73rd birthday today, Loving and faithful Father I want to thank You for her life and another blessed opportunity to spend it with her. With Your own gift of life, she bore me in her womb and gave me life. I turn to You to give You thanks for my mother. Thank You for the sacrifices she made for all of her children. Thank You for being her rock, her healer, her shield and her strength through 73 years and counting. Thank You for keeping her safe and in her sound mind. Thank You for never leaving her nor forsaking her. Thank You for mercy and grace that You gave her each day. Thank You for loving and forgiving her. I pray dear Lord, that Your promises to her and the free gift of salvation (Jesus) given her, will be received, so that she can glorify You and be a witness for Christ. Do what only You can and draw her to Jesus. Fill her with joy, peace and Your Holy Spirit. Let her shine with Your love. Please remove every obstacle and stronghold that may be holding her from the truth. You know what she’s struggling with and You know her needs. Strengthen her when she is down and give her hope when she is discouraged. Open her eyes to see, her ears to hear and her heart to receive the Gospel Truth in Jesus and walk closely with You. I pray and wish for her many more blessed, healthy, safe, peaceful and happy years! I pray and wish for her, JESUS as her portion. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

    Dear Heavenly Father, As the world careens on in all its madness and demands for our attention, we too easily forget You. We have all these tasks, duties and responsibilities weighing us down. On the other hand, You are calling us to ‘Be still, and know that You are God” (Psalm 46:10). Help us to become people who choose to be still, sit at the Your feet, and listen to Your voice. For it is in Your Word that we will receive the good portion we need most, the “better part”. As Jesus was Mary’s portion, may we put aside our troubles and anxiety and not be as distracted as Martha was, but do the one necessary thing and choose wisely the ‘good portion’ (Luke 10:38-42). This is where our hearts find relief, our souls find rest, and our lives find highest priorities and deepest joy. We know that Jesus came to do Your will and to finish His work. By this, He came to us in Love and authority. We do not wish to take His authority for granted because of His Love for us, but rather resist the temptation to think of the many earthly things that we must do, and remember what He said to us and ‘chose the better thing.’ That better thing is of the Highest value- eternal holiness and happiness! By faith, may we drink anew from His living water and abundant grace that first drew us to Him. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen amen amen Maplewood! Happy birthday to your mother! Praying for her salvation.

      Blessings from France xx

    2. Happy birthday Maplewood's mom! I read your prayer for her as one I would voice for my daughter. She is on top of the world right now, I pray she sees that God is the source of all things going so well for her, and will find salvation in Jesus. As for me, I love these words from your post:
      "This is where our hearts find relief, our souls find rest, and our lives find highest priorities and deepest joy."
      I have made it to another Friday work day, as the weeks seem to fly by in busyness. Without this morning time with the Word and this blog, I think I would be a (more) nervous wreck. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers next week as I prep forafor have a follow up surgery. No sense in worrying, it won't change anything. 🙏✝️

    3. Amen dear Maplewood and Happy Birthday to your sweet Mother! May she grow closer to the Lord with each passing day and May God heal every weakness and give her true joy and peace. She is blessed to have such a loving and caring daughter. I will be like Mary today and find time to sit at the feet of the Lord. Thank you so much for your prayer. Let us all choose the better thing today.
      Audra, Praying your surgery will be successful because God is guiding the doctor's hands to do just what they must to bring you to perfect health.

    4. Maplewood's Mom - Happy birthday from one mom to another.
      Praying this special day is abundantly blessed.

    5. Maplewood, give your mom a big hug for me. I miss my ma and cared for her as you are. Thank you Jesus for all your blessings and for loving daughters like Maplewood.

    6. Dear Maplewood, Happy Birthday to your good Mom! Praying she will seek the Lord for herself and trust in His promises. She must see your strength of faith every day.

    7. Dear Maplewood, Happy, happy birthday wishes for your mom. This post a year ago demonstrated the blessing you feel that your mom gave birth to you. Be encouraged that God has heard your prayers for her. She will be His. Love you & bless you💕

    8. Thanks for the prayer and your mother will be in mine! Please also send out a prayer for my family and myself to heal, grow, transform & get well so God can work through all of us to help others and focus my attention on my relationship with Him. Thank you and God Bless!!! 😇👍♥😁

  14. Lord, thank you for this day You have made. Teach me to draw close to You in each hour. Let me never be so busy and preoccupied that I don't remember to focus on You and Your will for me. Thank you for the peace I get from relying on You and truly trusting and believing that Your grace is enough and that Your will is far better than mine. I thank you for the gift of my faith as it gives me direction and for Your boundless love for me. In Your heavenly name. Amen

  15. Amen Mark!
    Joining in your prayer and resting in His peace. Just going forward in His Presence, trusting His grace is all I need and His will and plan exceed mine in every way.

  16. Thank You Jesus for everything You are doing in my life. I am beginning to look at life differently Lord. You are my Father God and I am Your child. I know that this world is not my home. My home is with You Lord. I am seeing it as if You have sent me out to play, learn, experience, and love until it is time for me to come home to You Father God. I will praise, love, and share You with others along the way as You hold my hand and walk with me through all the days that I am here Lord. I know that You will watch over me and that You will keep me close in Your perfect heart while I am here Father God. Help me to embrace Your ways and to let go of my old ways. I don't want to be part of this rat race and now I know that I don't have to be. That is not what You want for any of Your children Father God. Thank You for showing me that I can be free here as long as I keep my eyes on You Lord. I will rejoice in You all the days of my life Lord. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously and always. Amen.

    1. Amen Janet! Your prayer is mine ♡

      Blessings from France

    2. Love your prayer dear Janet! Amen!

  17. Thank You Lord for everyone here (all Your children) and be with them and keep them close to You as You do Your heavenly work in all our lives. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously.

  18. (II Timothy 2:15a) 'Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by Him...' I like Paul's spirit of encouragement here, 'do your best'. I have encountered too often the voices within the church that say we have to be perfect. In this verse, the admonition is merely, 'do your best.'

    I have posted this before but it fits this context so well, I will repeat it. In Matthew 5:48, Jesus teaches, 'Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.' Was Jesus demanding that we be perfect or was He encouraging us to seek perfection? Ignatius of Loyola taught his disciples to desire perfection even though it is impossible this side of heaven. I have embraced that understanding of this verse. A person who desires to be holy to the glory of God though he/she can never attain it, gets closer to the mark of perfection than the person who has to be perfect. One of whom perfections is demand from within or without often limits his/her self with anxiety and worry and thus stresses out over imperfection in his/her life. In the parable of the nobleman who gave each of his servants a portion of his wealth to manage while he was gone, the first two went and did the best they could with what they were given and were applauded by the nobleman upon his return. The third servant feared failing and did nothing with the talent to the condemnation of the nobleman. Thus the person who is encouraged to do his/her best will be farther ahead than the person who has to be perfect whether in his/her own eyes or by the demands of another. Do your best, desire perfection though it is unattainable and you will serve the Lord well. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Amen Bob! May we always seek perfection through Christ and NOT our own understanding!

      Blessings from France

  19. Thanks Bob! I'll do my best today to bear good fruit and to make a difference in the lives of my family. I'm grateful that God loves us in our imperfection. Blessings to you and your family.

  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Maplewood Mama from NJ. What a friend you have in Jesus, and what a gift you have in your daughter, Maplewood NJ. Her presence is a present to us directly from Christ. How fortunate we are to share her daily gifts. In Jesus' Name, may you have many more Happy Years of enjoying His gift. Amen.

    1. Dear Brie, you & yours are in my prayers along with the rest of JC family. God bless your day💕

    2. Joining the birthday wishes train for you, Maplewood! We ARE so blessed to read your words of wisdom. May you feel wonderfully celebrated by all who know and love you for the incredible human you are! May blessings abound in Jesus' name!

    3. Thanks our Jan. Please know you, our JC Family, and all the MR. HANDFULs are in my prayers as well. Love you lots!

  21. Maplewood - Wishing your sweet Mother a very happy birthday. Blessings to you dear Maplewood for reflecting the beauty of Jesus to all you encounter and showering your mother with love and care.

    1. Maplewood -- May our Lord lift you up and let you delight in this special day! God bless!

  22. Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder. I needed to hear that, especially now. You know everything. Please continue to direct my steps and those around me in Your will and help me to keep my focus on You at all times and not be concerned with the things of this world. Thank You for the clarity and guidance You provide me. I can't do anything apart from You. I need and want You in my life. Keep me close in Your heart and draw me closer to You. Grant me a burning desire, hunger, and thirst for You and Your word that can't be extinguished or quenched. Let Your word permeate deep down in my soul and don't let it be lost, destroyed, or stolen from me, but let it grow and be watered by the Holy Spirit so I can gain a better, clearer insight and understanding of it. Magnify my love and faith in You and let it grow even stronger in me every moment of every day. I praise You Lord. Thank You Jesus. You are so wonderful. Help me share Your amazing presence with others in the world. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

  23. Dear Janet! I see your faith and trust in God growing stronger with each passing day! You are a good and faithful servant and an inspiration to me. God bless and guide you always to every good thing He has prepared for you! Thanks be to the Lord!

  24. Seek Him while He may be found. If the only place you can get away to spend time alone with the Lover of your Soul is the bathroom, then go there, stay there as much or as often as you can. He has made His home in you, make your home in Him.

  25. Tossed and turned a little at 3:18 am so decided to come here and enjoy a night watch prayer session for our JC family. I was blessed with a sweet song:
    Song of Songs 2:13
    English Standard Version

    The fig tree ripens its figs,
    and the vines are in blossom;
    they give forth fragrance.
    Arise, my love, my beautiful one,
    and come away.
    Thank you Jesus for covering us day and night with your unconditional love. I am so grateful.
    Blessings all as we ease into this new day by the grace of God. ♥️

    1. This made me smile this morning. When I have my devotions, I sometime sit at a window that looks right at my fig tree, which is loaded with fruit this year😋. Bless you Audra, thank you for the night watch 💕

    2. Thanks Audra and all other who prayed on the night shift.
      "...Gonna be some sweet sounds
      Comin' down, on the nightshift
      I bet you were singing proud
      Oh, I bet you pulled a crowd
      Gonna be a long night
      It's gonna be all right, on the nightshift..."
      Now I know why I awoke all snuggled up under The Comforter!

    3. Amen! Audra. Get some rest sweet sister. Praying for you and my sisters and brothers. Dear Brie! So happy God continues to show you his faithfulness.
      Dear Jan, I’ll bet you have a beautiful dug tree laden with fruit! It must be a blessing to pray while gazing at it’s quiet beauty. Thanks fir all your prayers.
      I rested in the love of our good God and woke up refreshed. The prayers of my JC Family. Surrounded me. God is in our midst and hearts making all things right. Had a joyous morning of giving thanks and prayer with Mom and niece. Driving her to the airport and then driving home today. We are well taken care of. Thank You Jesus!

  26. Many thanks to all of you wonderful Christians! My daughter is now 33 weeks pregnant and has accepted the fact that this precious baby is having surgery right away. But her heart and mind have truly been covered in the peace that passes all understanding and is truly trusting Jesus for a healthy little boy ❤️ Thank you again for your prayers! ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Amen! His wonderful presence of peace will fill you with delight. Before my son was to be born (33 years ago next month), I was told he was going to be a Down Syndrome baby and also had a blockage in his intestines that would need surgery immediately (not to mention he only weighed 3 lbs. 16 ounces and fit in the doctor's hand), and there ended up being other issues as well, but the Lord took care of all of it. My son is such an amazing person and has been through a lot through his entire life, but I'm so grateful for all that the Lord has done. The Lord will always take the best care of everything -- always! God bless!

    2. Continuing to pray for God’s healing of your precious unborn grandson. There is no limit to His healing power. God bless and comfort his sweet Mother.

  27. Join me as we sing I am standing here with a log book that was lost and has now been replaced. Thank Go! I went to look at a school for my daughter today ....pray that it will be the right environment for Ahadi in August ! Thank God for your provision today, food on te table ! Thank God for a quiet Saturday ! Thank you for providing for Moses family today to give him a dcent send off. May Moses rest in peace ! Thank you for your wordtoday Father, its give hope to my heart . Thank you for my siblings that are united and supportive ! This is the day that the Lord has made , we will rejoice and be glad in it !!

    1. Singing, thanking, praising and praying with you and for you and yours, Min Ahadi. And also for our entire JC family. With Love!

    2. Amen Min and Brie and Audra and all our dear family. There’s no one like our Jesus.
      Singing with you all and praising Him for His never ending loving kindness and tender mercies.

    3. Janet , my dear sister! What a wonderful testimony to God’s grace and mercy! He is forever faithful! God bless your dear son and may he continue to shine his light to glorify his loving Father and bring joy to your life. Praise God!!!

    4. Being thankful in ALL things is so delightful. Jesus always bring a smile to my heart. God bless.

  28. Should you choose to share, Inquiring hearts want to know, What does this acronym stand for in your life? G.R.A.C.E.

  29. God,s Goodness

    1. C.O.G. (Child of God)July 17, 2021 at 8:36 AM

      GRACE=God's Riches At Christ's Expense

    2. Loved both of your answers! Amen and Amen!

    3. Love all those Grace answers. Thinking through mine. ❤️

    4. Take Your Time, Grace Takes Time :)

  30. My niece's flight to Missouri got canceled and she must take a flight out in the morning but she must go to a conference in Kentucky late tomorrow so she will be flying to Kentucky instead. I am already back in White Plains so I need your prayers for her. Please pray for protection and traveling safety for my dear niece. Thank you! God bless you all.

  31. Praying for your precious niece. ❤️

  32. Thanks for your prayers sweet GraceTakesTime. She was able to get a flight out in the morning and she did some work at the airport with her laptop and got some sleep. She is back safely where she belongs and going to a Conference about Jesus tonight with her friend. All is well. God is so faithful. Thanks for your prayers and all prayers. Much love.

  33. May God bless your Sunday dear JC Family. Keep trusting in His promises and faithfulness. May He heal, comfort, and strengthen you and your dear ones, and guide your feet, your thoughts and your words. We have a brand new day before us. Thank You Father God for helping us to give You glory today, and produce good fruit, and encourage others today. Let us share your light and love. Help us not to judge others for sinning differently than we sin. Mold us into better people. Create in us clean hearts and renew right spirits within us. Thank You for all this and your continued faithfulness in our lives in the Name of Jesus. Amen

    1. Joining in your heartfelt prayer with you Jeanne 🙏. Beautifully said. Thank you. God bless.

    2. Love this Jeanne. So perfectly worded.

    3. Aww. Thanks. God gave it to me to give you. Thanks for your prayers. I got to Church in time to sing the first song. Good thing. It was only me and the Choirmaster today. We glorified the Lord. It blessed us.

    4. Wonderful prayer. Thank you!

  34. He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8).

    1. Amen Janet! Thanks for sharing God's truth. Love you.

  35. Thank you dear sisters for ushering this day of rest with heartfelt prayer & the word. I am blessed & nourished. Bless you with the same blessings & encouragement. Amen! Hallelujah!🙏💞

    1. Thanks sweet Jan! I received your blessing and you lifted my weary hard. God will find me time to rest. Hope you get rest too and all our dear ones here.
      Dear Brie, I've have you in my mind and heart and I'm praying that God strengthens and guides you, and blesses Keith in a very special way today. Thank You Jesus.

    2. Jan, I have been praying for you since I read that your son and family may leave the state. My heart aches for you as I am facing the same dilemma. Since retiring, my husband and I have built our lives around our children/grandchildren, but they will be moving out of state this November. I am trusting God, but right now I feel devastated. Please tell me if your son moved, and if he did, how you are coping. ❤️ Elizabeth

  36. I love today’s lesson….it is such a beautiful one…Come away with me my beautiful one. As our family heads up to the BWCA for our week in the wilderness (in a cabin!) I accept God’s invitation to Come away, enjoy His creation, trust Him for my family’s health, and experience His peace. Blessings to all of you, Ellen

    1. Praying that you and your husband and all your family have a very good camp gathering. Enjoy the beauty and peace surrounding you. Rest in Him as He heals all your weaknesses and covers you with His love and protection.

  37. Praying all will enjoy a day of Sunday rest today. ' Come to the Garden Alone while the dew is still on the Roses':

    1. Thanks brother Peter! Just love that song I used to play at the Nursing Home! It moves everyone who loves the Lord. Amen!!! Will be still and listen for His soft sweet voice today.

  38. It has been a few months since I have been faithfully on this blog. Life's craziness got ahold of me as this mornings devotional said. I am now choosing the right thing. You all have been in my thoughts and prayers. God seems to use each of you to draw me back to this blog, and ultimately to Him. Your prayer requests and sharing life circumstances and concerns form a bond so deep. Been reading past couple weeks to try and catch up. Just know God brings each of your names to mind at times that are no reasonable sense to me, but must be his perfect timing to have me pray for you. I ask for prayer today to make a decision with our coffee shop, wether to sell or keep and press on. Really listening for God's word and guidance. Covid economics have hit us pretty hard. I've been praying to know if God wants us to sell or if he'll provide a miraculous way in our finances and income to keep open and still be a ministry for him, or if he has other plans for our financial and ministry impact that we can't see. Please pray for clarity and overwhelming peace to know the decision he wants for us. Much love and continued prayer my jc family. It's so good to be back and refocused with each of you. Mindy

    1. On my drive from Brooklyn this morning I was praying for you and your family and wondering how Chloe was feeling and how Camden was doing. May God guide you to the right decision like a bright Neon Sign with an Arrow on it. Praying for your clarity of mind and may you receive a large share of God's discernment. Trust in Him. He already knows the right way to go. So happy to welcome you back dear Sister. I just sent you a big hug. Much love.

  39. Such an awesome JCFAMILY. Always lifting each other up, giving the devil Great headaches and misery! You just have to love that! Jeanne, I receive your blessing prayer. It had such a sweet fragrance. Janet, how I love your selection of scriptures! That scripture today just blessed me RICHLY! Jan, you are constantly sending encouragement to this Family. I pray for my Lord's Great favor upon you. Peter, you are such a blessing to this JCFAMILY. You bring such wisdom and understanding. Hope you saw my post to you yesterday on worship. Ellen, thank you for sharing the VICTORIES In your family and your faith in our Heavenly Father. HALLELUJAH!!! Our God is Faithful and He will continue to have His Healing/Restoration hand upon your family. Audra, Brie, Sassy Mom and ALL JCFAMILY, sending Bunches of Love and Blessings your way!
    I stand on the WORD and Proclain that whatever the devil meant for evil, You, Almighty Lord, will turn it to good. I pray that what the devil intended to destroy any of us with, You, Lord, will use it to Lift us Up! Whatever the enemy wants to use to discourage and depress us with, I pray the Lord will give us JOY instead! And the JOY of the Lord will give us strength. The WORD gives us the Promise that NO WEAPON formed against our minds shall prosper. NO WEAPON formed against our health shall prosper. We STAND by the POWER of the WORD and by the BLOOD of Jesus that rises up to DEFEAT ALL evil. We STAND by the BLOOD of Jesus, which is our source of VICTORY! I ask it all in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, AMEN and AMEN.
    Love, love, love my Beloved JCFAMILY!!! JJ

    1. Amen dear JJ!! Our Great Father has been busy fighting our Battles, and He is so much greater than the evil one or any problem that we may face. He can turn even the most dire circumstances into a blessing. We are more than Conquerors in Christ Jesus. We can do all things through Him Who strengthens us. He is our refuge, strong high tower and the Wings that protect us. Amen! We stand by the Power of the Word and by the Blood of Christ that rises us to Defeat all evil. Hallelujah! Armed with the Armor of the Lord and His Word, we stand strong. Thank you dear sister for such powerful encouragement. Love you!

  40. Asking for prayers tonight. So done IN! Reading your post, JJ.

  41. I'll read again in the morning. Please, God, let me wake up to a new day.

  42. I am grateful every time God wakes me up to a new day. I thank Him when it's raining because He's watering my flowers. I thank Him when the sun is shining bright and all is well. When things aren't going well, I thank Him for walking through the valley with me. I know He never leaves me, not even for a second. I am traveling quite a bit this week. Looking forward to a couple of days at the Jersey shore with my dear middle son's family. Can't wait to see the little ones at the beach. Then on Thursday we're visiting our youngest son's family in the Boston area for a couple of days. God has been so good to all of us. Looking forward to getting out of our hot apartment and getting to the beach. Just the sound of the waves and the fragrance of the ocean will bless me and renew my spirit. I love to see my little grands smile too! Time will fly as it always does. May God grant us all traveling mercies, answer our prayers, heal our weaknesses and guide our paths. Thank You Jesus. Please pray for my friends, Mayda and Emilio. Emilio had a hard time this week. His body started to reject his new kidney. He's out of the hospital but he's not all better. Thanks for your prayers. I know our awesome God can do all things so we will continue to trust in His saving power and faithfulness. Thank You Father for all this in the powerful Name of our Risen Lord, Christ Jesus! Amen

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

    Jeremiah 17:14
    Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.

    Isaiah 54:17
    No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD

  43. Lord Jesus, please allow me to have patience with my wife when I need it, I said some mean things last night and I am just so sorry that I hurt her. I pray for her peace, as she has already given me so much and is willing to give so much more


    1. Dear Jay, We all say things hastily and hurt the ones we love. But God gave us His discerning Spirit to help us guard our words. Ask God to forgive you and ask your wife to forgive you. Speak today to please God and to encourage and edify and bless your wife. We are all imperfect. God loves us unconditionally. We should try to love others with His love and see others through His Eyes. God bless your day and your life.

    2. Praying for healing and reconciliation in Jesus' Name.
      ALL of us say and do that which we would probably not say and do with Jesus in the forefront of the room. Could that be why HE CREATED UNLIMITED FORGIVENESS with free refills? HMM

    3. Beautiful Brie..I'm claiming the 'free refills' applies to me..

  44. Father, thank you for another day. Lord help me to surrender my will but your will may be done. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and create a stick. The spirit within me show me your paths that I might delight in them. Help me to remember what you’ve shown me that I don’t lose sight in the busyness of life in Jesus name Amen.

  45. He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield for those who walk uprightly. (Proverbs 2:7). Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD! (Psalm 119:1). Thus says the LORD: "Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, 'We will not walk in it.'". (Jeremiah 6:16).

    1. Good verses today, dear Janet! Thanks for the breakfast for my soul.

  46. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Lord, thank You for showing me that You are everywhere at all times and circumstances and situations don't matter--You are still there! "The Lord is truly in this place!" I am reminded of Jacob. You are so amazing and I want the world to know the reality of You and Your power! Let it be known Lord! Let Your glory shine! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Amen! Surely the Presence of the Lord is in this place.

  47. Good morning, prayer warriors! We escaped the Houston heat and are in NE Tennessee (Johnson City) visiting Jon's daughter who is 9 months pregnant with her first child. We are staying at a KOA on the Nolichucky River and the birds are singing in harmony this morning. Wish I could send you photos- this is God's country. The sounds of the water are so soothing and make it easy to connect with His creations. We went to the Blue Hole waterfall yesterday and experienced a cleansing with fresh water and sounds of pure nature. He is good.

    We leave tomorrow for Prairie Grove, Arkansas to visit my oldest daughter, Becca and her family. Her kiddos have been asking daily when Mimi and Mr Jon will be there. 😂

    You all have been in my thoughts and prayers daily even though we've been on the go lately. Jon posted a pic on Facebook yesterday of my JC book, my glasses and coffee mug and said, "no matter where we travel, Suzanne always starts her day with Jesus and coffee". Yes, sir I do. Keeps my head on straight, keeps me humble and most importantly keeps me connected to the vine.

    Have a wonderful day y'all!

    1. Love you, Suzanne!! Wish I could see that photo of you! I sure can relate! Sounds like you’re enjoying being in God’s country! I could almost feel the peace of that waterfall and the spray of the water. Praying for a smooth delivery and also a wonderful time with your family! God bless and protect you all!

    2. Connected to The Vine, and there in Spirit, with you, Susanne R.

    3. Hello Suzanne R - Welcome to my neck of the woods! "this is God's country" - How true! Truer words were never spoken. Everyone goes to Blue Hole waterfall. Praying travel mercies and enjoyment for the rest of your vacation, in His presence.

    4. Suzanne R - Prayers for the safe delivery of Jon's daughter's first baby.

    5. Suzanne R - Prayers for a safe delivery for Jon's daughter's first bundle of joy.

    6. Praying for you and yours, dear Suzanne! Joining all of the JC Family for that 'safe delivery for Jon's daughter's first bundle of joy,' as Sassy Mom said! It blessed my heart to hear your joy. <3

  48. "They have bought into the illusion that more is always better".
    " You live among people who glorify busyness".
    Yesterday I read somewhere, there are two ways: the way of the world and the way of God's Kingdom:
    Its either:
    Worry or Worship
    Panic or Pray.
    Look at the problem or look to God.
    Complaining or Proclaiming.
    Getting or Giving.
    It's either the way of the World or the Way of the Kingdom.
    The best times of the day are the times I spent in His Presence, those are building up times, conversely the times spent with things of the world are wearing down times.
    We can either be refreshed or exhausted.
    You choose...
    I choose: 'More Love, More Power, More Of You In My Life' 🎵
    It's sung to a slow tempo, no busyness about it. Sing along, you will be built up.

    1. Agreed Peter. Well said! Dear heavenly Father help me to choose the kingdom. Help me to choose YOU! Each day. Always and forever. Amen.

  49. Thanks, dear Peter! Amen. I choose more Jesus in my life! Lead me, Lord!
    I will worship Him with all of my heart, mind and strength.

  50. Please pray for the family of the 2 sons who died in a boating accident this past weekend. There are no words for the loss this family has suffered.

  51. Praying unknown for your petitions to call us to pray and ask our Lord for his strength for this family to endure and rely on his miraculous goodness even during their tragic recent losses.
    Thank you Peter for your words of wisdom which is how the Lord helped me over the weekend and now rejoicing to make a choice between worship or worry as this has been such a great healing balm to me. Praying instead of panicking! Complaining about my current work situation is so natural due to my ego, wants and trusting in me to fix the situation instead of complete reliance on our Heavenly Savior! ‘Proclaiming’ this truth this evening to keep to turn to the Lord to help me make Kingdom building choices for all those I encounter!

  52. Dear Unknown, God knows the sorrowful hearts of the family who lost their two sons. There are no words to say and I can’t even imagine their great grief. But God’s promises are reliable and I’m joining in all prayers for their strength, comfort, guidance, and peace. May God in His mercy and compassion lead them to all the support and encouragement they need to get through each day in front of them. May they know in their hearts that they will be with their dear sons again. God knows how they feel. Jesus is their Hope. May He wrap them in a soft blanket of love and comfort.

    Revelation 21:4 - He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

  53. We who love the Lord can always find a reason to be thankful and praise Him! Yesterday was hard because I had so much to do and not enough time to do it in. But our faithful God strengthened me and helped to finish. Today is my mom’s follow up with the doctor. I believe he will tell my mom that her leg is healing beautifully. Waiting for good news of God’s faithfulness. I’m resting in Him because I know He is in charge. He will lead this day and our government and our country and our lives. Everything is in His Hands. He holds this day and He holds our tomorrows. Janet told me last night that she was getting better. Our God is so good! All we must do is trust in Him and take everything one day at a time in His presence. Seek Him with a sincere heart! Wait on Him because it’s better to trust in God than in man. I love that song we always sang in Choir called Seek Ye First. The words say it all.
    Thank You Jesus!
    Seek ye first the kingdom of God
    And His righteousness;
    And all these things shall be added unto you.
    Hallelu, Hallelujah!

    Ask, and it shall be given unto you;
    Seek, and you shall find.
    Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
    Hallelu, Hallelujah!

    Man shall not live by bread alone,
    But by every word
    That proceeds out from the mouth of God.
    Hallelu, Hallelujah!

    Matthew 6:33
    But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

    Psalm 27:14
    Wait on the Lord;
    Be of good courage,
    And He shall strengthen your heart;
    Wait, I say, on the Lord!

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    And He shall direct your paths.

    Romans 8:28
    And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

    1. Amen! Praying with you for your Mom’s doctor appointment. Thankful that your sister is feeling better.

    2. Thanks dear Websister! Your prayers mean so much! Praying for you and yours. Much love.

  54. Just love, "arise my love, my beautiful one and come away with me." God summons us in a gentle manner to lay aside what burdens us & delight in His presence. My #2 son & family are arriving today from Texas for a much needed visit. I've been rushing around full throttle to get everything ready. Do they really want to see a mom & Grammy tired & worn out? Jesus help me to reign it in that they may see me rested, refreshed & ready to welcome them. Amen.

    1. I found peace in this approach to house guests, Jan. I pray you do too! In JOY your time together! ♥️

    2. Praying with our Audra that you will enjoy your time with your precious ones. May God find you some well deserved rest before they arrive. My middle son is driving in with dear Mayra, and my grandsons for an overnight tomorrow. My mom isn’t too happy because Gabriel and Nathaniel make a lot of noise and pull out all the toys. They’re 5 and 2 so they’re just normal kids. But I’m cooking my son’s favorite meal and I intend to enjoy every precious second. You will too, dear Jan. Let’s try our best to be Mary instead of Martha. God is leading us.

  55. Praying dear Jeanne for a great report for your mom's leg. Thank you Lord for Janet's recovery. Love that song from way back. Thank you sis for sharing 😍🙏🙌.

    1. Thanks for your prayers, dear Jan! You always lift me too and I’m grateful!

  56. I then discover that my whole life is lived with Him, through Him, like Him. “For in him we live and move and exist.” My identity is then found in Him, for I am made in His image. My way of being is found in Him, as I made to reflect His likeness. My longings are met in Him, for His passions become mine. My brokenness is healed as in Him I find forgiveness and love and understanding that sets me free from the trapping stories of past and family and trauma. My way of life becomes shaped by Him for I discover the smallness of the life I have self-created and the greatness of the life of my true self in Him. I find me, in Him, and I like the new man, and I realise I was trying to find him, or create him, all along.

    1. Love this so much.
      ‘ My way of life becomes shaped by Him for I discover the smallness of the life I have self-created and the greatness of the life of my true self in Him. I find me, in Him, and I like the new man, and I realize I was trying to find him, or create him, all along.’

    2. Thanks dear Min Ahadi. He invites us to come to Him in our brokenness and pain. He always makes it better.

  57. "Come away with Me for a while"...'Steal away to Jesus'. The only 'more' we really need is more of Him; all that we need comes through Him.

    1. Amen my brother! That was a beautiful song too. Thank you.


  58. Beautiful message & prayer 🙏🏽 💞
    Lord thank you for calling us to be part of your divine family. Help me to spend more quiet time with you.
    I love you Abba Father

  59. Thanks dear KC! Every good thing is from above. Walking with the Lord today and giving Him all my concerns. He is leading it and I’m thankful for His help. May God continue to answer our prayers and lift our hearts. Thank You Jesus. God bless your day with peace and joy.

  60. Thank you Jesus. Father God You are a treasure. You deserve all the glory and all the praise, although I have asked You for some of it, because you listen so well, and it’s fun asking You for stuff, watching You work in this world, doing all sorts of wild things I think up and knowing the desires of our hearts when we aren’t specific and doing Your will. Thank you Jesus. Please forgive our sins and help us always have time for you. Bless us with all sorts of blessings, peace, success, serenity, safety, a relationship with you, time with our families, the Holy Spirit, and now I think I’ve gotten busy with prayer. Please help us in the way you know how. Thank you for the miracle of life. I ask all these things in the powerful name of Jesus, amen.


  61. Dear Helen, Amen! And thank you.
    Please God help us in the way only You know how. You know what we need better than we do. Praying for the peace of God to enfold us and the Blessed Assurance that Jesus is mine to comfort our hearts.
