Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 23

I am the Light of the World. Men crawl through their lives cursing the darkness, but all the while I am shining brightly. I desire each of My followers to be a Light-bearer. The Holy Spirit who lives in you can shine from your face, making Me visible to people around you. Ask My Spirit to live through you, as you wind your way through this day. Hold My hand in joyful trust, for I never leave your side. The Light of My Presence is shining upon you. Brighten up the world by reflecting who I am. 

John 8:12
English Standard Version

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Matthew 5:14-16
English Standard Version

14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

2 Corinthians 3:18
English Standard Version
And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.

Exodus 3:14
English Standard Version

God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel, ‘I am has sent me to you.’”

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Good morning and blessings to all on this day that God has given to us! ❤️ Father, thank you for loving me enough! ❤️

    1. Amen! You said a mouth full! For loving me enough to save me, enough to forgive me, enough to train me, enough to redirect me, enough to bless me..... all with the gentle hand of the loving loving father. How quickly I can lose my patience with people expecially those I love. Lord I Pray you will give me the ability to give them the grace and love you give to me daily.

    2. Amen. Where would we be without God's love? How blessed we are to be able to walk with Him through our day, and have the light of His Spirit shining through us. We can only have sweet days in His presence. And when the storms come, He is ever at our sides to lift us up and back to His unchanging peace.

    3. Thank you Lord for shinning through me ,so I can shine on others.

    4. Put forth our beaming smiles today as we face a world that needs His Light!

    5. Amen! “Put forth His beaming smiles today as we face a world that needs His light”
      I love this short prayer so much, Audra! Thank you! 💝🥰😇
      Jeanne, your positive and loving words are always a light shining God’s love bright!
      Love you sweet sisters and brothers in Christ. Unknown, your prayer is beautiful and so true. Thank you Father God for loving me enough and for loving each of us enough!
      May each of us shine your love light bright today! Lifting each of the JC family up in loving, healing prayers.
      Love, Brandy

    6. July 2024 His light shines brighter than ever! As this world keeps getting darker, we should go and let people know how how The Lord loves them so much and He is waiting for them to comeback home. Thank you all and God bless all of you🙏🏼♥️

  2. Good Morning, indeed, Unknown! Blessed sleep, rested body and mind, thankful heart, I'm ready for this day and all it holds. Yesterday, was a 'get through it,' day - which is always hard, but thanks be to God and our Lord Jesus Christ, I did. Some days I feel as if I've lived two in one, there is so much to do and so much going on. Always striving for that balance but knowing that God is my sufficiency and I WILL get through it. Other days, unfold peacefully and area 'a wrap,' at a normal time! Praying for each of us and all that is on our plates - nothing more than we can handle. That we have willing hearts that share His Light and can bring a smile to the broken hearted - a worthy goal. That is my prayer for all of us; that we don't just 'get through it,' but enjoy the walk and spread the light. God's richest blessings, to you, my JC Family! :)

    1. Amen! Indeed, God never gives us more than we can handle, Norah. Thank you for the reminder.

      Thank you, Jesus, for renewing and restoring me all the while I take Your hand and follow You. Father God. Blessed to be Your light that shines bright for others to see. Help me, Father God, be Your light. Send Your Holy Spirit to guide my steps today. Where You lead, I will follow. And when I am weary, restore my soul. In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

    2. Amen Norah. He never gives us more than we can handle. He gives us the strength to carry our load and the privilege of sharing our burdens with Him. Enjoy all of his blessings.
      Rose. We are blessed that He is guiding our steps and restoring and renewing us at the same time. Much love

    3. Amen Norah ♥️🙏

    4. Thank you ALL JC warriors for the reminders of God's promises! Your dedication to God's word's and focusing on his presence through the Holy Spirit are a very valuable source of strength to me each morning!❤️🙏

    5. I am truly blessed Lord for you have never let me down, even when I have let you down. Forgive me lord

  3. 1 Corinthians 10:13 King James Version (KJV)
    13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

    Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
    Psalm 119:105
    Thank you LORD. Abundant blessings to JC Family.

  4. Dear Father, let Your light so shine upon me inside and out, so that others can see and want to follow and glorify You! Holy Spirit, live through me, think through me and love in me, in Jesus name!
    On this damp Tuesday morning, You have awaken me and my mom in our sound minds and gone before us to make all crooked paths straight. Father, I bless Your name and thank You for the new mercy and the Grace that You so freely gave me. You have taken us out of darkness into Your marvelous light, may that light never go off despite what circumstances may come.
    Thank You that there is always light at the end of the tunnel no matter what. You work ALL things out for our good, so THANK YOU LORD!!

    Good morning my JC family. Here's praying for each of you, a God filled, blessed, peaceful, happy day, no matter what the enemy throws at you today! JESUS CHRIST is the light of this world. As HE is, so are we in this world. Let His light shine in and through us and destroy ALL darkness surrounding us! We are VICTORS, NOT VICTIMS!

    Stay blessed and lighted up for Jesus!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen and amen! God bless you and your mom, Maplewood.

    2. Your words always bless me. Amen. There is always light in my day from Him. We will be bearers of light in the darkness of this fallen world. Greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world.

  5. Good morning JC family. I've been reading with you for about a year and sense the love and power of prayer here. I feel the need to reach out as I am going through a difficult season. I'm a truck driver with grown children and have had a separation from the woman I love. My life involves much isolation but I believe this is God's will for me now to experience Him in a new way and on a new level and in essence to be able to say, " God alone suffices". So I'm asking for prayer from you dear faithful ones. The enemy does not want me to experience the victory that the Lord is going to bring!

    1. Jesus over you, your kids, the woman you love, and your time with the Lord on the road. May you experience His presence every mile. May He give you peace and wisdom as you sort out your relationships. Stay safe out there and shine your light for all to see! Colorado JC Friend

    2. Keith, you are in the right place, keep God first place, and He'll turn your situation around like you never dreamed of!
      Interceding on your behalf! God is Faithful!! Your testimony is on the way!

      Maplewood, NJ

    3. Keith, may God bless you and your family, your relationships, direct your steps and make all crooked paths straight. He is the Great I AM. Nothing is impossible with God. Keep Him foremost in your mind and watch His wondrous work in Your life.

      Blessings from California

    4. Praying for you Keith that God knows what's best for you. Despite things not going your way, He will help you bloom in your present circumstances. Then your light will shine before your children and your lady love. God's way is far better than your way. The main things is you're sincerely seeking Him now more than ever. He knows you want to stay close to Him. Trust Him to guide you to the desires of your heart but realize His plan is the best one. Believe the best is yet to come.

    5. Holding you always in my prayers dear Keith. God knows the desires of your heart and He is preparing a bright future for you. Praying all is going well. Much love.

    6. Thank you all. As I look back, I think about what I have discovered since then. Without the difficult times, can we really know God? We discover Him along the way through (and usually not around) the difficult journey.

      Blessings my friends

    7. As we poise ourselves for the full marathon of the Christian race, we gather our manna daily and we grow in the Christlike quality of endurance. We all have desert seasons and dessert seasons. During the desert seasons everything in our spiritual life is dry, dusty and devoid. The only way through the desert season is to make a decision in advance that no matter how bad the slogging gets, no matter how dry and parched the desert gets, we're going to continually pursue God and hold on tightly to His Unchanging Hand. Different seasons break the monotony and are necessary to productivity. Nothing can live in unbroken sunshine. Constant joy and happiness, with no clouds on the horizon, produces drought. Night is as important as day. The sun must be followed by clouds and rain for growth. Nonstop sunshine only creates a desert. Even when we don't enjoy storms, they are essential to a complete life. Our key to Victory and moving into dessert season comes in finding out how to weather stormy desert season in such a way that we lodge closer to life with God, making it easier to endure with Him into dessert season.
      When Jesus was hurting He sought out a place of prayer. His time in the Garden of Gethsemane is a great example of this. "And being in agony, Jesus prayed more earnestly (Luke 22: 24) When Jesus was hurting in desert season, He prayed. When He hurt real hard, Jesus prayed even harder. Desert season can provide tremendous impetus to pray when we allow it to catapult us into God's face instead of satan's trickery.
      I read the above in the book, Secrets of the Secret Place, thanks to a JC Warrior's Book Mention (BOB was it you?) It helped me reframe my current desert season and continually walk with Him through it, as well as look forward to maintaining one continuous stride with Him through dessert season.
      The Holy Spirit said He is sending someone else into our JC Warroom who needs to know this as much as I do, hence I post in Jesus' Name. May you experience God's blessings everyday in everyway, regardless of the season. Amen.

    8. Thank you for sharing these words, Brie. It is indeed a parched dry drought ridden summer desert like season in northern California. Each day He offers us a cup of thirst quenching love. I gratefully receive.

      Keith, traveling mercies and prayers continue for you. With appreciation and respect for your driving that brings goods to us consumers.

      Thank you Lord for this new day and my chance to begin again. Blessings to all.

    9. AMADEO (STILL MY GOD) by Ryan Stevenson
      Life can take our breath away
      Tragedy can leave a wake
      A broken heart won't ever beat the same
      Pain can stop us in our tracks
      Losing what we can't get back
      Shaking the foundations of our faith
      No matter what's in my way
      No matter the battles I face
      You are still my God
      You're still my Rock
      My only Hope Lord, You're All I've got
      In every valley or mountaintop
      I'll say Hallelujah
      You're still my God
      You're still my God
      The questions keep us in the fight
      The answer's never black or white
      We may not know until the other side
      But even in this in-between
      We fix our eyes on what's unseen
      The shadows never overcome the light
      No matter what's in my way
      I know that You won't ever change
      You are still my God
      You're still my Rock
      My only hope Lord, You're All I've got
      In every valley or mountaintop
      I'll say Hallelujah
      You're still my God
      You're still my Hope
      You're still my Peace
      You're still my Joy
      You're all I need
      You're still my Strength
      When I am weak
      You're still my God
      I still believe
      You are still my God
      You're still my Rock
      My only Hope Lord, You're All I've got
      In every valley or mountaintop
      I'll say Hallelujah
      You're still my God
      You're still my Hope
      You're still my Peace
      You're still my Joy
      You're all I need (You're still my God)
      You're still my Strength
      When I am weak
      You're still my God
      I still believe (You're still my God)
      You're still my God!

    10. So beautiful...

    11. ❤️ The shadows never overcome the Light ❤️

    12. Brie that is one of my favorite songs!!!! Amen and amen 🙏

    13. Amen, He’s still our God

    14. Could not stop smiling while I was reading my 2021 post about desert season! God's Holy Spirit truly is Omniscient, when He said: He is sending someone else into our JC Warroom who needs to know this. That someone is the 2024 version of me!
      Love to all my JC family, and many prayers 🙏 ❤️
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  6. Sharing with my JC Family - Encouraging tidbit from my David Jeremiah devotion:

    “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5). It is a faithful reminder that problems are temporary, but our blessings last forever. We persevere by faith and trust during the night, but as the dawn appears on the horizon, the sun rises quickly bringing hope and light. So don’t give up—God is preparing you to rejoice.

    The best is yet to be and we can’t lose for winning!
    Vance Havner

  7. Good morning my JC Family! How Good is my God who brought me to this place of love and prayers! You never cease to make my soul dance when I wake up to another beautiful day-rain or shine-because I live! Thank you for all of this! ❤️
    God You are Good! ❤️

    1. Unknown - My words exactly, it is pouring down rain and I am doing the happy dance. Thank you Lord for leading us to this place of love, prayers and support.

    2. Amen! Every day is a gift and a chance to make things right and new again. Joining you in praise and thanksgiving. Thank You Jesus!

  8. Amen, Jesus help me to be a light unto others that they may see your light through me.

  9. "The Holy Spirit who lives in you can shine from your face, making Me visible to people around you."
    Thank you for choosing and loving us Lord. Help us to be so focus on you that Your light can shine through us. Enter and control every part of our body heart mind and soul, filling us with your peace. No other can do this for us, only You Lord. We want to acknowlegde You in all our ways so You can direct our path according to Your will. We trust and love you Lord.
    "Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame."
    Psalms 34:5

    Praying for everyone here. May the Most High grant you everything you need, may your day be blessed with joy, peace, strengh, from our Father in Jesus Christ, Amen.

    Blessings from France

    1. Amen. Joining you in this wonderful prayer. Thank you for your beautiful words France. Praise the Lord continously and always.

    2. What the world needs now is prayer, prayer and more prayers, followed by love! Thank You FFF(friend from France), for adding yours! God be with you.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Such a beautiful prayer, mon ami de France! I can't help but think as I read the words 'The Holy Spirit who lives in you can shine from your face' how wicked this virus is in that we must mask our face covering the impact of the smile. The smile contains the power of the Holy Spirit in the love it expresses. Am I advocating we not wear masks? No, for the time being they are necessary for the sake of the whole but I so miss smiling at people and being smiled at not to mention handshakes and hugs. This too will pass and we will get to be ourselves again. Because of what we have been through, my hope is that we will be ourselves in an even more emphatic way, loving, loving, loving with all the expressions of love God has empowered us. God be with you.

    4. Yes, and your smile shines light in your eyes, so mask or not, make them big smiles 😁

    5. 2 Chronicles for the 23rd day of the 7th month!!!! His is a living Word!
      "And on the three and twentieth day of the seventh month he sent the people away into their tents, glad and merry in heart for the goodness that the Lord had shewed unto David, and to Solomon, and to Israel his people.

      Thus Solomon finished the house of the Lord, and the king’s house: and all that came into Solomon’s heart to make in the house of the Lord, and in his own house, he prosperously effected.

      12 ¶ And the Lord appeared to Solomon by night, and said unto him, I have heard thy prayer, and have chosen this place to myself for an house of sacrifice.

      13 If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people;

      14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

      15 Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.

      16 For now have I chosen and sanctified this house, that my name may be there for ever: and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually."

    6. Amen and thank you for your beautiful prayer, Blessings from France. And Amen, Janet, Maplewood, Bob, Audra and Fern. When I read the devotion for today, all I could think of was that I must let the Spirit of God shine through me so all can see Him in me. The eyes are the windows to the soul. Bob, you made me think about those masks and how they cover our smiles. I believe even with them, people can see the glory of the Lord in the twinkling and brightness of our eyes. For we are not dead in the water, but we are alive in Him and living good and abundant lives in His presence. When you're walking down the street, smile under the mask at someone who needs a lift in their day, and I'll betcha they see that smile and God's brilliant light right through your eyes.
      Audra, Glad and merry we are in heart because of the goodness of the Lord. Blessed we are and blessed we will remain.

    7. Amen everyone! The other day I was thinking the same as you said Bob, but it is true that even if we smile with a mask His light can still be seen in our eyes. How great is that!

      Blessings from France

    8. Bob, I, too, miss the facial smiles, but we can still express much with our eyes. Satan can't cover all our joy. The light can still peek through the cracks. Bless you brother. I appreciate all your input.

    9. Masking gives new meaning to: The 'eyes' have it!

  10. Good morning JC Loved ones 🌞. Couldn't post yesterday but read them & went into prayer for all the concerns. After packing a few things & going to my son's to dog & grandaughter sit, attending church prayer meeting ( for our nation), I was spent. Our nation is a mess! I take comfort in knowing that God is on the throne. Hallelujah! Amen! Blessings on everyone. Let peace reign in your hearts as you put your trust in the Holy One if Israel.🥰

    1. Amen. May you have a blessed day.

    2. Amen Jan!! We are in a season of prayer, prayer, and more prayers! The Spirit of the Lord is grieved for ALL the evil going on in this country. This is what happens when you disconnect from God in a nation etc..,, but we have hope that the cries/prayers of the faithful shall prevail over the darkness! Enjoy your time with your family and stay blessed!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. I agree with you, Jan, prayer must be our primary tool in dealing with the mess around us. By praying for it, the thoughts, words, and actions will come in the moments of the day that will contribute to the cleaning up of the mess. God be with you.

    4. Amen and Amen. Jan you had a very busy day yesterday. Hope you're able to rest today. Our nation sure is a mess! The world is in a fallen state and there isn't much light soon to be seen up ahead. But in our hearts through the indwelling Spirit of God, we still have a beautiful refuge because it contains the light of Christ and His never ending peace. I find these days we are all looking inwardly for consolation and comfort. Pray without ceasing that God is on His way to pull our world out of destruction, prejudice, sickness and unrest, and bring it to a far better place where our priorities are finally in the right order and His Love and peace will rule. Much love my dear JC Family!

  11. Thank You for another blessed day in the Lord. Please hold my hand and walk through the day with me, rejoicing over You Lord. When others see/hear me, please let them see/hear You Lord. Glory be to the Lord. Holy Spirit take control of my heart, soul, mind, body, and life and let me shine brightly for the glory of the Lord. Please help others to see the glory of the Lord and let it rub off onto them. I want to share how wonderful You are Lord. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously and always as we all make our way in the world and let us do Your will and rejoice in it. Please grant all the prayer requests here today and hold us in Your loving, everlasting arms. Comfort us and keep us in Your perfect peace Lord. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously and always. Amen.

    1. Amen and amen Janet!! Thanks for the prayers! God bless.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. I am blessed by your prayer, Janet. Thank you!

    3. Amen and amen! Thank you for your beautiful prayer! I join you and all prayer warriors here in praying for each other's needs and requests. We serve an awesome God! All glory and praise to God.

      Blessings from California

    4. Janet, If I saw you walking down the street, I would give you a great big hug. thanks for your beautiful words. I sure do share in your lovely prayer. Praising Him along with all of you continuously and always. Amen!

  12. Loving Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your light that shines for Your glory. Christ pierced the darkness of sin and death and conquered them for me. All the darkness in the world around me, cannot put out one candle flame, because my Jesus will never be overcome by evil. In Jesus's name. Amen.

    "The Lord is my light and my salvation;
    Whom shall I fear?
    The Lord is the strength of my life;
    Of whom shall I be afraid?
    2 When the wicked came against me
    To eat[a] up my flesh,
    My enemies and foes,
    They stumbled and fell.
    3 Though an army may encamp against me,
    My heart shall not fear;
    Though war may rise against me,
    In this I will be confident.
    4 One thing I have desired of the Lord,
    That will I seek:
    That I may dwell in the house of the Lord
    All the days of my life,
    To behold the [b]beauty of the Lord,
    And to inquire in His temple...."(Psalm 27:1-4).

    Dear Father, We see You and receive You as the light of the world. You had an even greater light to give to the world and it was not just the Word made text, but the Word made flesh. Jesus our Savior is the Light that You are. He is not only the lamp to our feet, but also the Light to this whole world. He is not only the Light to our path, but is Himself the very path which leads us to You. Lord, let Your light chase away all darkness from us, warm and comfort us as Jesus welcomes us and calms us. We pray this in Jesus's name. Amen.

    In prayer for ALL the prayer requests mentioned yesterday and in continued prayers for the previous! We are a body of believers that walk by FAITH, not by sight. God is in the business of healing, restoring, providing, guiding, and working All things out for our good! I pray that we all continue to put our Trust in Him for ourselves, families and friends. He is a great God!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Very blessed in your thoughts, twin bd sis! Your emphasis on the Jesus being the Light fueled a beautiful experience I had yesterday. The service for Sunday in which I was asked to lead, was recorded yesterday and will be posted for Sunday (I will provide the link Sunday AM). When I lead in a service, I work closely with all the musicians because of the power of God in music that can penetrate the heart. The pianist I had is one of the most blessed musicians I know, she plays with such passion. Knowing that I had her help, I scheduled one of my favorite songs to close the service, 'Shine, Jesus, Shine'. She had never heard it before but because I wanted it played, she found it online and prepared it for the service in two days time. She took it to a level I have never experienced before and your words brought me back to the power of God that was felt in the manner in which she played it. If you would listen to nothing else in the video, go to the end of the service and listen to her rendition of that great song. It is everything you said above. God be with you.

    2. I look forward to hearing it!!!

    3. Thank you Maplewood, You fed my soul and I am satisfied. It will be a better day because of your beautiful words. Shared your prayers with my Mom, Sis and Bible Group.
      Bob, I can't wait to hear your Service and that song played. Something to look forward to and be blessed by.

    4. Bob, anxiously awaiting your Sunday post. I'll be looking for the link to the service. God bless you as you share your gift. We worship, virtually, with our local congregation, but like all the input we can find. There are so many others that post and we like to search them out. Praise God for technology that allows people to multiply their gifts through the online media.

    5. As I re-read my post, I'm conscious of all the gifts represented by those who post here. I like the unique 'flavor' represented by each one. This blog is a great source of inspiration. Thank you Chris for creating a platform for so many to share their requests. Thank you God for leading so many talented people to post here.

    6. Brother Friend in Christ, BOB: This is A Song For You:
      Is there a Nicole Pesce online version of SHINE JESUS SHINE?

  13. This JC reading today reminded me of the verse in Matthew 14-16: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."
    Dear Father help me to be a light for others through YOU. Help me to know you are the light that is ALWAYS even among any darkness I may see.

    Also, PLEASE pray for a Joshua, son of my close friends, who has Hodgkin's Lymphoma stage 4. He will begin his first round of chemo today. Pray that God will provide courage and strength for Mark, Kim and Josh, to accept this new life journey they have been willed. Help them to know God IS with them every step of the way on this journey. Thank you. Amen!

    1. Lifting up Mark, Kim, and Josh in prayer, ABC, for in these situations, only God and God alone will suffice (which is basic to all circumstances). May God be with them and He already is. God be with you.

    2. ABC
      Praying for Joshua and all the lives He intersects. Lord Shine thru the darkness of this disease, re create a healed space which will glorify you! You are an amazing God and EVERYTHING is under your command. Nothing remains the same but YOU. The power of this knowledge confirms your power over all. Joshua and cancer are no match for you. I lift up Joshua to you with expectation that your care for Him will be perfection. Cover him safely in your care. Praying for excellant and unexpected ( No one has the mind of God) results! I have seen miracles that can only be you! Shine Jesus Shine! In the name of Jesus

    3. ABC, thank you for sharing your prayer request. I join JC prayer warriors in lifting up Joshua and his family and friends in prayer. God is the Way Maker even when we don't see a way. Trusting in Him. God bless you all, JC family.

      Blessings from California

    4. Thanks and Amen. You are a bright light, ABC. You added light to my ordinary day. Praying for the healing of your friend's son, Joshua, and for the comfort, strength, guidance and protection of his Family. God is so much greater than the lymphoma, and He knows the hearts of Joshua's family. May he guide their every step through their wilderness, and lead Joshua back to perfect health to His glory. Amen.

    5. ABC- I join our JC family in prayers with you for Josh, Kim and Mark! The power of corporate prayers do wonders in the Kingdom of God! Together, we will make our petitions known to the Master, He hears and will answer. God bless you!

      Maplewood NJ

    6. ABC --- Joining the JC WARRIORS
      in going to The Throne of Grace to intercede for Mark, Kim and Josh. The Lord always has a GREAT PLAN and He watches over His WORD to perform it!

  14. Was just posting what I wrote earlier and saw your prayer request, ABC. Joining all JC Prayer Warriors in praying for Joshua.
    From Earlier:
    Amen to all of your beautiful, light-filled prayers, Blessings From France, Jan G, Janet and Maplewood! I am humming, "This little light of mine..." on this gray, rainy (much needed!) day; thanking our Father, for allowing His Light to shine through each of us.
    Prayers for everyone's requests, victories and needs. Thankfully, we do not walk by sight, but by FAITH, as you said, Maplewood. We ARE His Light-bearers and I trust we'll brighten the paths of all we meet today. God Bless each of you, my dear JC Family.

  15. ABC - Joining warriors in prayer for Joshua, Mark and Kim. It is such a blessing to read and pray the prayers of JC Family. May your lives be filled abundantly with love,joy, peace, guidance and protection from our Father. I love my JC Family.

  16. Thank you Father for your favor on Josh Mark and Kim during this time of healing from leukemia.

  17. No new update on our clergy couple. Service for Sunday recorded yesterday and will post link on Sunday AM.

    (II Timothy 2:19a) 'But God's firm foundation stands...'

    I heard a sermon many years ago on the word 'But' when used in scripture. Of course, it is a conjunction we use in our language (mais in French) to indicate a contrast or reversal to what was previously said. In this context, Paul referred to those who in need of attention were twisting the faith and disrupting the church. This is always a matter of great concern. But not to be overly concerned. For in spite of what is happening, 'But God' shows us that God will not let His Bride (the Church) be taken away from Him by any heretical efforts. In this passage, God's foundation of faith is, always has been and forever will remain firm. Psalm 46:2-5 says it so well; 'Though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble with it tumult...God is in the midst of the city (the new Jerusalem would be the Church), she shall not be moved. God will help her when the morning dawns.' There is no 'but' here but it certainly could be assumed. In the midst of any and all tribulation, when it looks like evil is about to destroy everything, 'but' God has other plans and it will be God's way and not the way of evil. Hallelujah! (As you read scripture, keep an eye out for the 'buts', they are powerful expressions of faith.)

    Live in anticipation of 'but God' in all difficult situations, brothers and sisters in Christ. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thanks for that tasty food to chew on today, Bob. 'This world is in a very bad and sad state, but God....... Halleluia! Looking forward to seeing the Victory. I'll keep my eyes open for your link on Sunday. Praying for the clergy couple and for all your prayer requests. To God be the glory for answered prayers and all our good fruit today.

    2. Thanks for the noonday lunch bday twin!!! The gate's of hell will NEVER prevail over the Body of Christ!!

      Can't wait to listen to your message!!! So looking forward to hearing it!

      Stay Blessed in His grace.

    3. It's Maplewood NJ.

    4. Amen Bob! I heard a sermon too about the words "but God" a few months ago. So powerful.
      Praying for the clergy couple and looking forward to watch your sermon on Sunday!

      Blessings from France

  18. Yes Bob, God "buts" in and changes darkness to light! Such a welcome and anticipated " But" in my life. He override all seeable & unseeable evil, not merely destroying it but turning it around and using it for Good! Take that Satan! My trust is in the great "I am" My life, my family and my world. Despite what my eyes can see, and my ears are hearing, God is the overseer and remains on the throne! All tragedy, sadness and even death remains just that...But we have the antidote and His name is Jesus! Praising you Lord for my and all my JC. Families held secure in the palm of your hand. Knowing that your love covers it all. God bless you and thank you for all your prayers. God is indeed at work within my family, especially with our son! Praise the Lord. Unimaginable and brilliant is the Lord, the way He wraps up His solutions...Like the infant Saviour king, born In a stable. So unlikely, so far removed from our minds solution, so like our Lord! Wow blows me away everytime! We are holding praising God for each blessing as it comes, & even before it appears. Continuing to expect total restoration! Shooting for the stars, and why not? God created them as well.
    God bless you all. xxoo

    1. Good one, Fern, God 'buts' in. Yes He does; (sheepishly) even sometimes before I ask Him too. What an amazing Father in heaven we have!

    2. Dear Fern, Thanking God for how He is working in your life, especially in Dan's life. How good is our God! Praise and gratitude always. Bless His Holy Name forever.

    3. Dear Fern - I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of OUR ENEMIES!!!!

    4. Amen Fern! I pray for you your son and your family everyday when I pray for this wonderful JC family ♡

      Blessings from France

    5. Amen dear Fern. He is greater than any evil in the world. He has overcome death and is all powerful and mighty. No one is greater. Amen! My trust is in the great "I am" above all other things. Praying for you and Dan and your good husband. Be blessed in His presence and peace dear sister.

  19. Amen, Fern. Keeping your family in prayer, and looking forward to your praise report. In God, we trust believing He is working everything out for our good. Thank you, Jesus, for your favor over this JC family and for leading me here.

    Blessings from California

    1. Rose, CONGRATULATIONS on your niece's safe delivery! I'm sure you'll be helping to change baby Noah's diapers (lol)! Continuing in prayers for Mikey and Your aunt Lupe's healing and peace, restoration for the family! God bless you.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Dear Rose, I'll bet Noah is absolutely adorable. You are very blessed. You and your family are always in my prayers.

  20. Father, thank You for always being with me. I need and want You in my life. You are my saving grace. I depend on You for everything, including my very next breath. Help me to see things from Your perspective and through Your eyes. Help me to not let the things in my life get me down, including things I hear and my circumstances and troubles. Remind me that it doesn't matter what I hear, where I am, or what is happening in my life because all of that is subject to change at any given moment. The only unchanging thing in this life is YOU. You are today, yesterday, and always. You are forever -- My everlasting, loving God Almighty! I praise You Lord. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

  21. I really need to get to sleep but I love this family so much.
    Dear Janet, He is Unchanging and Constant and His Love is a Forever love. And an Unconditional Love. He is leading you through this trial because you run to Him in sincere trust. You are His beloved child. Amen! He is everlasting. The High Priest whose Reign will never end. He is already sitting at the Throne of Grace. Thank You Father for blessing and guiding and protect our dear sister Janet in all ways. Thank You Jesus!

    1. Thank you dear Jeanne. God bless you.

    2. What a beautiful prayer of acceptance & trust in God's sovereignty dear Janet. The enemy would be commiting suicide to even think of darkening your doorway. No matter the circumstances, you are safe & secure in the Father's love 💕.

    3. Thank you sweet Jan. If only the enemy would do that! What a victory in Jesus Christ! God bless you.

  22. Thank you warriors for continued prayers for hubby's recovery. It's truly amazing. He's weed whacking, putzing in the workshop, driving in the ATV ( latest accomplishment). God be praised! Hallelujah! Also for my bff & hubby. Nothing to report as yet. Will update soon. Praying for all requests posted, grateful for each of you, asking the Lord to bless your day.🙏💕

    1. He's still our God and He is still on the Throne. I raise a Halleluia to Jesus' Victories through Mr. Handful' singing Victory in Jesus, our Savior forever...!

    2. That's awesome dear Jan! What a remarkable recovery! Thanking God for your husband's healing and strength. God is so faithful! Amen, Brie! Rejoicing with you and our family for answered prayers and more Victories! Halleluia!
      Jan, Praying for both your BFF and her hubby for a good outcome. Thanks for your prayers. God bless you all!

  23. And May the Lord bless your day, Jan, and all the others in this dear family.💕

    1. Thanks dear Ellen, How is your daughter Kirsten? Is the blockage gone> Praying for her perfect healing and complete recovery.

  24. Have a happy and blessed Friday, everyone! Stay connected to The Vine.

    1. Our dear Suzanne R, you can not imagine how glad I am to see your posts again, especially your everpresent reminder,"Stay connected to The Vine!" Love you Sis. How is our Kyle?

    2. Awww. I’ve miss y’all too. Been really busy here and took a break but I’m back. Kyle is great. Everyone is. We are truly blessed. Thanks for asking.

    3. Thanks dear Suzanne! TGIF! Thanks for your sweet blessing!
      Staying connected to my life giving Vine. So happy Kyle and your family is great. God is so good. Stay blessed.

  25. Father, baptize us with Your Spirit to make us strong and bold. Work in our lives individually and together so that You can use us to bring a fresh touch of Your Spirit to those around us. Stir up in us an even deeper desire to pray. Set our hearts on fire to seek You and to pray for our world. May we fall in love with You again. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. (Philippians 4:4-5). Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy -- meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you. (Philippians 4:8-9).

    1. Amen dear Sister Janet, Beautiful prayer for Renewal through God's Spirit. Just what we need. Rejoicing in the Lord always!
      Father, Awaken and refresh our Spirit and light our hearts with the fire of Your Love so we can share it with everyone we meet. The true joy we feel is only from You. Let them see You through us by our love and our gentle walk. Remind us to pray through our days, and please guide us to a closer walk with You. Let us only meditate on those things that edify, encourage, endure and produce good fruit for you. Amen

  26. Today's Devotion and Bible readings came true to Light for me as I viewed The opening Olympic Ceremony in Japan. The focus on the torch light, careful and steadfast carrying and handoff by all who touched The Light and/or gathered together to get closer and closer to see The Light, reaffirmed today's DEVOTION and associated bible Words, as I imagined that Light to be Jesus, as He goes across our world. Every step of the way, my mind and heart breathed in and out:
    I am the Light of the World.
    I am shining brightly.
    I desire each of My followers to be a Light-bearer.
    The Holy Spirit who lives in you can see the light and shine on your face, even when it is masked, making Me visible to people all around the world.
    Just as the Olympic Light winds it's way around the world century after century, so too, do you wind your way through this day by my Light.
    Hold My Hand High in joyful trust, just as the Olympic Light Bearers held high their torchlight, and in such a way that the flame remained.
    I alone, am always at your side.
    The Light of My Presence is always shining upon you.
    Brighten up the world by reflecting the Light of Who I am and Whose you are.
    Anybody else saw the parallels?

  27. Absolutely beautiful Brie. You lifted me high with those words of truth. You certainly do brighten up my world. I see Jesus and His love and light right in your lovely words! Amen! We are all Beacons for the Lord. We must Shine our light brightly so all can see our good works and glorify our loving Father in Heaven!

  28. Loved reading the posts today and Brie - yes, I see the parallels! I didn't get to watch the opening but hope to see highlights tomorrow and catch some of it.
    Jan G - so happy to hear about your hubby's energy!! What a blessing. Good to see you on here, Suzanne!! Blessings to you, dear Jeanne and Janet - love to all of you. So beyond tired and I get to sleep in tomorrow!!
    Prayers for all of you!

  29. When we were little children, we were afraid of the dark. At night, we needed some type of "night light " to sleep with. We were scared of the "boogeyman", monsters, things under our beds, etc. We'd have bad dreams (nightmares)and We'd run into our parents room and cry out to them to help us -- to save us and hold and comfort us. As we got older, those "fears " subsided within us and we felt like we were "growing up " and didn't need any of those things to help us anymore. Isn't that ironic? Don't we treat God that way? When things are "under control " or going well, we don't feel the need for Him in our lives. We do things "on our own -- in our own strength." It also amazes me that as little children, we already had that sense within us that the darkness was "evil" and the light was "good ". We already sensed the "monsters (Satan)" in the world, coming after us. And we already cried out for help, comfort and love from our parents, just like we do with our Father in heaven. Father, help us to remember that we are all still Your "little children " and we need Your love, comfort and protection from the forces of darkness around us. Let us be the "night lights" in the world and shine bright for You Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Praise God always and thank You Jesus.

    1. I well remember when as a small child, looking under the bed before going to sleep to make sure 'nothing' was there! Once I'd checked, I was ok.

    2. That was wonderful my sweet sister! I still remember being scared to go down my basement alone when I was a child and how I was afraid of the dark. Our loving Father is our comfort and protection in this scary world. We are well taken care of. Hallelujah

    3. Thank you dear Janet for sharing this. My take away, "let us be the night lights". Amen! Bless your day💞🙏

  30. We often underestimate the Light, the Presence of the Spirit of God Who lives in us. Many times I've noticed when speaking with someone ( at the checkout, or in a queue) how they get tears in their eyes. That's the Holy Spirit impacting on them.

    Very long story short; we lived in Africa for many years, different places. It's quite normal for white folks to employ a maid, who will have her own living quarters on the property if she wishes. One time we had a maid who had married a man from a rival tribe. She and her little boy came to live with us. There was always trouble from her in-laws. One morning she came distraught, crying to my wife. Apparently her mother-in-law had paid a witchdoctor to curse her living quarters. She couldn't sleep because of the togoloshe ( evil spirits) in the room and under the bed and was in great fear. So she had gone to stay with nearby friends. I heard this when I just got back from work, early that evening. I said ok let's go and pray and lay hands on her home. We did, inside and outside, commanding in Jesus Name and in His authority "Begone and never return". A couple of days later, after the weekend our maid returned to work. In her lunchtime she went in to her rooms. Coming back to my wife she said that she couldn't understand why her rooms were so peaceful and she felt so safe there. My wife explained our relationship with God, that we prayed in Jesus Almighty Name the togoloshe be gone, and it/they went. My wife then asked her if she wanted Jesus to come and live inside her. She said 'yes' and was wonderfully saved. That afternoon, she took our eldest daughter about 4 years old, to a local store. On return she said to my wife with tears streaming down her face, ' Why am I so happy? Why am I saying strange words? Why do I have this bubbling in my stomach? ( She had not be told of baptism of or infilling of the Holy Spirit) . My wife told her that this was the proof that God's Spirit now lived in her and that she will not live in fear as He has all authority all power over any other spirit. Our maid couldn't keep quiet! She became a great witness for the Lord.
    I John 4:4b " the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world."

    1. What a wonderful story and what an eternal blessing of peace for your maid. A testimony to your strength of faith and the saving power of Jesus. The only true peace is from above.

    2. Amen! So blessed by the story Peter. You led the way for your maid to experience the mighty power of God against the powers of darkness, thereby leading her to more of Jesus. How awesome! Thank you for sharing. The blessings of the day be upon you💞🙏

  31. Shine your Light on all you meet

  32. Asking for prayers dear ones. #2 son & granddaughter will be heading back to Texas today( if they can get things ready) or tomorrow. Thank you so much for prayer support. Love & blessings to all. 💞

    1. Dear Jan --- You got my prayers.
      Covering your family with the protecting Blood of Jesus and believing for traveling mercies on them all the way home! In Jesus' name, the Name Above all Names, AMEN and AMEN JJ

    2. Joining in all prayers, dear Jan for your #2 son and granddaughter for God’s protection and guidance. May all go well because He is in charge.

  33. Peter -- Thank you for sharing that great story. Holy Spirit, just want to thank you and praise you for being in my heart and life. My soul CELEBRATES you. Let me fulfill the wondrous calling of being a temple of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, you are the Seal of the Living God -- Ephesians 1:13, Revelation 7:2. I would have surely slipped back into darkness without your preserving grip. Holy Spirit, you are my best friend! HALLELUJAH!!! In His Grip of Grace. JJ

    1. As children of Light we shine. It's no effort on our part, we just need to be open to Him and He shines out thru us.

  34. Thank you Lord for this new morning and your light. Asking for prayers as I am dog sitting and concerned over what may be kennel cough from boarding time during last week's wedding. I'm not familiar with how this plays out and vet doesn't seem concerned. Thank you Lord for guiding me in care of this dog.

    1. Got you covered, Audra. Casting all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you! Pleading the Blood of Jesus over the whole circumstance. JJ

    2. Praying for you dear Audra, as you dog-sit that it will go well and God will lead it all. Thank You Jesus.

  35. Ephesians 5:8 'For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light'.

    1. Amen dear Peter. Doing my best to shine His light and soften some hardened hearts. Trusting in God’s faithfulness.

  36. BrieJuly 22, 2023 at 10:00 PM
    Dear Sassy Mom,
    I am so sorry you are without Debbi. Especially during these grievous times, May you feel God's life surrounding yours;
    God's Love enfolding you;
    God's Powerful Protection and His Presence watching over you;
    Wherever you are, GOD IS and you are safe, secure, and loved! InJesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Special prayers. Losing anyone is challenging, but a child, at any age, even more so. It is not the natural order of things. Praying for Healing and Peace.

    2. Special Prayers - Sassy Mom

    3. Joining all prayers for you, dear Sassy Mom. I can't imagine how you must feel but I know you will be with Debbi again. May God wrap you in His love and comfort like a warm soft blanket. Know His promises are reliable and trust that someday your joy will be full. Love you.

    4. You are on my heart and in my prayers, Dear Sassy Mom. Your JC Family loves you and prays for you continually. As so many have said, you will see her again - in our new bodies: no pain, suffering, sadness. Rejoicing. Until then, we will help hold you up as our Father holds your right hand. He knows what you are feeling and going through, like nonother. I love you and will continue to pray for your strength, health and all needs met. <3

    5. Blessings upon you Sassy Mom! We love you and pray for your peace and comfort today, and everyday. ♥️✝️

    6. May God continue to comfort and guide you dear Sassy Mom. And our dear Terri. 🙏💗

  37. I love the JC wording of: "I desire each of My followers to be a light-bearer." If God is most expressed as love, and He and His angels are shown as being incredibly bright beings, then the Spirit within us, when we demonstrate Christ-like love to all, may indeed be seen as "light." Therefore, I can think of no better way to show others that I follow Christ than as His "light-bearer."

    The "light" is always demonstrated as kindness, warmth, and truth. His light-bearer should also be someone who can engage those who are alone, desperate, or poor. With a warm smile and tender words, and His hand always connected to yours, you can yield words and tone to improve anyone's circumstances. Go be His light-bearer today. In His name, Godspeed and Amen.

    1. Yes, Mad 🦊, in this way we change the world and give hope to the hopeless. The HOPE we have in JESUS.

  38. Well dear brother, you have always been a light-bearer to us. Your words are true and I pray I can live up to your wonderful definition of Christ's light bearer. Jesus is the Light of the World and He abides in us as we abide in Him. May those we meet see the light of Christ within us, and want His light inside of them. Gonna try my best to shine that bright light. I sure did try when I was with my son's family. I was blessed that my daughter in law who doesn't believe in God gave me a big hug as I left for home yesterday. It was just what I needed.
    Matthew 5:16
    Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

    1. Good to see you on hear Dear MadFox! Several have been asking about you. As Jeanne said, you've always been a light-bearer to us. I know you are blessing many doing all that you are doing now.
      Jeanne - your post blessed me, too. Though how anyone could NOT hug you and love you is beyond are always looking for ways to bless...just like Brie and Audra and everyone on here. We are blessed to have each other.

    2. May our light so shine that it brightens up the whole world! Peace be with you all!

  39. Asking for prayers for Rick's older brother Jimmy. He has a malignant lump in the lymph nodes of his neck and he must undergo chemo and radiation. I think they are removing the lump but we don't know all the details. Thank you for praying with me for his healing and recovery.
    Father God, Thank You for guiding the doctors to remove all cancer from Jimmy and guide his treatment and bring him back to good health and comfort, and strengthen his faith, and bring peace of mind to his good wife Michelle. Thank You for showing them your faithfulness and your amazing healing power. We know you can do all things. We pray this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, Our Risen Lord. Amen.

    1. Joining in prayers with you for Jimmy. May our heavenly Father touch him and heal him. May his faith be increased and the light of the Lord shine bright upon him. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. Praying for Jimmy and a successful procedure by the medical team. Praying for all the family: 'Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.'

    3. Joining warriors in prayer for Jimmy. Lord of heaven, earth &, all creation, use this time of uncertainty in Jimmy's life, use it for the glory of your name. What the enemy intends for harm & confusion & discouragement, turn it around to increase his faith & trust in You, Jehovah Rapha!, Amen! 💞🙏🌈

    4. Jan - Echoing your prayer for Jimmy to Jehovah Rapha the GREAT PHYSICIAN. Praying His presence, joy, peace, love and encouragement.

    5. Boarding this powerful prayer train for Jimmy, Jeanne. May he feel Jehovah Rapha's presence daily and in the days and weeks ahead as he undergoes surgery and treatment. He is our Healer & Waymaker! With God ALL THINGS are possible!

    6. Amen prayer train! I'm joining you!

    7. Prayers for Jimmy and family 🙏♥️. Margaret/Pa

    8. Thank you all so much for your sincere prayers! Jimmy is in good Hands. I’m busy with my grandsons now but I’ll be back later! God bless you all and answer your prayers.

    9. Joining in prayers for Jimmy 🙏

    10. Thanks Blessings from NY. God hears every one.

    11. Praying for Jimmy, Michelle, and Rick.

  40. Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. (Isaiah 60:1). He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him. (Daniel 2:22). In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. (John 1:4-5). The entrance of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. (Psalm 119:130).

    1. Thank you dear Janet for sharing.💞🙏🌈

    2. You feed us well, dear Sister!

  41. "The Holy Spirit who lives in you can shine from your face, making Me visible to people around you. Ask My Spirit to live through you, as you wind your way through this day."

    Amen! Holy Spirit as surely as You live in me, shine from my face, make Jesus visible to people around me. This is my desire O Lord.

    1. Love, love this song. Thank you brother Peter. Jump started my day of joining fellow saints in worship. Bless your day as you have blessed mine 🥰.

    2. That was so beautiful! I loved that song. Thanks Peter for your encouragement! I’m on bath duty not. Just finished little Nathaniel and now Gabriel is in the tub making me tea. I played the song while he was playing in the tub. Such a sweet song!

  42. Thank you all… our friend made it through his surgery as a 5 AM yesterday morning. Thank you for all your prayers please continue so as his body does not reject his new heart.
    You guys are Awesome servants of God. -Margaret from Pennsylvania

    1. Praying for your dear friend that his body excepts his new heart and he recovers well and completely. Thank You Jesus!

  43. Prayers for my mom please 🙏

    1. You got them 🙏

    2. May God answer your prayers for your good mother, dear Anonymous. He knows exactly what she needs. He is mighty to save, heal, comfort, and strengthen her. May she see God's faithfulness in her life and know that every good thing is from Him.

  44. I’ve read many messages from this site and have gotten a feel for you all here and there. Sassy Mom, I’m so sorry you are without your sweet daughter Debbi. I myself live a terrific struggle without my dear mother. I lost Mom to lung cancer in 2019. (Taken from us within a month of diagnosis)
    I too cannot shake this devastating loss. But what has (somewhat) helped me is thinking/knowing we are all aiming for the finish line. My mother made that finish line with glory. And we all will some day also. AND…we shall see Mom and Debbi again just waiting with open arms. God knows our hearts and He knows what we need. My prayers are with you all. We must all live with tears, heartbreak and loss knowing this is all a part of God’s tapestry and we are so blessed to be a part of it. Although I know some days are unbearable, No words can heal from our pain of loss of loved ones except …
    Dear God through your son Jesus help us through.
    Big hugs to all of you!
    Margaret from Pennsylvania ♥️

    1. Margaret, AMEN!!! Thank you for loving me. Thank You Jesus for the gift of eternal life. Clinging to YOUR Promises.

    2. Love to you and a Huge hug Sassy Mom! May Gods peace be with you All today and Always My Dear Jesus Calling Family.

      Margaret / Pennsylvania

    3. Dear Margaret, Praying God will comfort you and our dear Sassy Mom. He knows how you feel at every moment. What a great friend we have in Jesus. May He dry your tears and bring you joy and peace in every day. When you miss your loved ones, remember all the love you shared and know you will be with them again. My good Dad died a long time ago from lung cancer. I still miss him so much and so many other dear ones who I have lost, mostly to cancer. So many of us are feeling the pain of loss. But dear Sassy Mom, losing a child is the worst. Know you will be with dear Debbi again. Trust in God's Word and lean on His faithfulness in this life and the next. Much love.

  45. My dear beloved JC Prayer Warriors. Thank you for blessing my day (life) with much love, hugs, encouragement and many beautiful prayers. Today my church had a guest minister who spoke on the importance of encouragement, exactly what I needed to hear. He hit the nail on the head. All I can say is "Oh what a beautiful day!!!!!!"
    BTW I usually wake up at 4:00 am but blessed with sweet sleep til 6:45am. JC Prayer Warriors were on the night watch. Thanks again for welcoming everyone with love and prayers. I LOVE YOU, GOD BLESS OUR PRAYER WARRIORS.

  46. Love and blessings Sassy Mom- and all the beautiful JC prayer warriors.❤️

  47. Amen and thanks dear Janet!

  48. Love you so much too! I'm happy you got some well deserved sleep. May God renew and refresh your beautiful heart dearest sister.

  49. This blessed me so much. Let us all be His Lightbearers. Let it shine!
    The Light of My Presence is shining upon you. Brighten up the world by reflecting who I am.
    Dear Brie, May God who created Keith take him Home or miraculously cure him as our dear Sassy Mom and we all have prayed. Trust in His Word and Promises. May He wrap all of you in a blanket of comfort and peace in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    1 Corinthians 2:9
    But as it is written:
    “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
    Nor have entered into the heart of man
    The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

    1. Amen Jeanne 🙏. May God's will be done in all circumstances and situations. His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. May the Light of Christ shine brightly in and through all His children in the world. May the earth light up and be filled with His praise! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. Praying with others dear Brie for Keith's homecoming. Take comfort in knowing that Jesus is waiting to embrace him as He welcome's him home. Or as Jeanne stated, give Keith the miracle of complete healing. God is the God of miracles! ❤️🙏🙏🙌

    3. Thank you for your plans for us, Lord. You know the waiting is sometimes the hardest part. You know we want to avoid pain and replace it with peace. We trust you, Jesus, and your timing, not ours. ✝️🙏

  50. My dear friend Sandy is receiving her Pet scan results today and my dear friend Jessie is receiving her MRI results today and will be getting her endoscopy today. Thank You Father God for granting them good results and guiding Jessie’s endoscopy to good and for answering all our prayers in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    1. Yes dear Lord, let it be good news for both of these ladies. Let thy will be done always & forever. 💞🙌🙏

    2. Amen and thank you for your prayers. Jessie is still in the endoscopy room! May God lead it all to good as only He can. Thank You Jesus.

  51. Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. (Isaiah 60:1). The entrance of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. (Psalm 119:130). This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. (1 John1:5).

    1. Blessed Assurance! Thanks dear Janet.

    2. Assurance. Yes. As Christians EVERYWHERE shine their light in action and in prayer, the darkness is overcome. Shine we do, supporting God's perfect plan!

  52. In God's Presence we are changed, we cannot stay the same.
    Apostle Paul says "from Glory to Glory".
    After 40 days and nights Moses face beamed, WOW!
    So bright was Moses face that the Israelites were afraid to come near him.
    Some commentators say that this was Mankind's original state before the fall; the veil of flesh in it's original sinless perfection and purity glowed with God's Presence.
    Nearest I can connect with that is after being out in the sun for awhile on a hot summer's day, coming back home I retain the suns glow and warmth on my face.
    Exodus 34 29 & 35
    "When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tables of the Testimony in his hand, he did not know that the skin of his face shone and sent forth beams by reason of his speaking with the Lord."
    35 "The Israelites saw the face of Moses, how the skin of it shone; and Moses put the veil on his face again until he went in to speak with God."
    Acts 4:13 “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.”
    Just wondering if folks we mix with day by day recognise we have been with Jesus, does our face glow with His Presence?
    I certainly want that to be true of myself so that those seeking Him will 'see the light' and be attracted to Him.

    1. I sure see His beautiful light in you! Thanks for the good food today!

  53. Beautiful Peter, just Beautiful

  54. Bravo Pete! I pray that those I see throughout my day "see" that I am with Jesus! That my "glow" is seen!
    I am also comforted-so beautiful-when I read "..Hold My hand in joyful trust, for I never leave your side.." Jesus please continue to walk with me on my earthly journey, holding my hand-tightly! Amen.

  55. Shine, Jesus shine through me! Hallelujah!

    1. Praying with you and for you! May we all reflect His light today to His Glory! Thank You Lord.

  56. Holding you and Keith and Larry and Al in my prayers dear Brie. God knows what you’re going through. His Will be done. 🙏

  57. Today's reading brought these verses to mind.

    Wisdom (James 3:17)
    "But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere."

    Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)
    “But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Forbearance, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control, against such things there is no law.”

    1. Thanks for sharing His truth! Always loved these verses.

  58. Thank you, John H.! Perfect Words.

  59. I love you and we are will all be praying for you, our Dear Brie, as we read about your last moments with your brother, Keith. Have to tell you that your text saying your dear brother Keith passed away peacefully, quietly, took me by surprise. I'm so thankful that we had a chance to talk. I love you, Sister! Sleep sweet - you were with him until his last breath. You will meet again and be whole.

  60. Dear Brie! I wasn’t surprised because I trusted in God’s mercy. May your dear brother Keith rest peacefully. He sure knew you loved him dearly. You’ll meet him again in the Glory Land and your joy will be full. Love you.
