Thursday, July 23, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 24

Thankfulness opens the door to My Presence. Though I am always with you, I have gone to great measures to preserve your freedom of choice. I have placed a door between you and Me, and I have empowered you to open or close the door. There are many ways to open it, but a grateful attitude is one of the most effective.
     Thankfulness is built on a substructure of trust. When thankful words stick in your throat, you need to check up on your foundation of trust. When thankfulness flows freely from your heart and lips, let your gratitude draw you closer to Me. I want you to learn the art of giving thanks in all circumstances. See how many times you can thank Me daily; this will awaken your awareness to a multitude of blessings. It will also cushion the impact of trials when they come against you. Practice My Presence by practicing the discipline of thankfulness.

Psalm 100:4
English Standard Version

Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
    and his courts with praise!
    Give thanks to him; bless his name!
I Thessalonians 5:18
English Standard Version

give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Since the recent death of my husband of 53 years I have been overwhelmed with learning to assume responsibilities that he always took care of. Instead of complaining about upkeep and repairs God has taught me to be grateful and thankful "to give thanks in all circumstances" - Thank you Lord for always meeting my needs and providing for me. Sassy Mom in Tennessee.

    1. Sassy Mom, God is your refuge and strength, as well as your helper.

      God bless,
      Maplewood, NJ

    2. Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord for never leaving our side as we face the impact of trials. May I be encouraged to know without any doubt that you make all things new and that each day and moment is a new opportunity for me to choose trust and be thankful. Thank you Jesus, I love you Jesus. Thank you Sarah Young, Chris Payton and the growing JC family for your prayers. "For the Lord watches over the righteous and his ears are attuned to their prayers." 1 Peter 3:12

    3. You must miss your dear husband every day. God is guiding you and empowering you to take care of all those little details that your husband was in charge of. I can relate. My husband handles a lot of things. I may feel the same someday and I know God will provide my needs because He always does. Sometimes I may have to wait but He always comes through. Being thankful with what we have been blessed for is what He wants from us. Your gratitude and trust in God's provisions is an inspiration to me.

    4. Sending you Love, hugs, prayers and blessings Sassy Mom ❤️šŸ™
      Thank you Lord Jesus for your never ending Love, Grace and blessings. I am so incredibly thankful for this wonderful devotional by Sarah Young, for Chris Payton starting & maintaining this amazing blog of JC believers and for each of you.

    5. ❤️šŸ™

    6. Does anyone know the name of this book please?

    7. Jesus Calling is the name of the book.

  2. Blessing on your husband and you! I have also, during a major family crisis, have used gratitude to hep me through this traumatic experience. It truly is amazing how something that seems so distant (being aware of blessings) is actually what helps me through a struggle. Thank you Jesus for seeing the blessings even among our difficulties! Jesus I trust in You!

  3. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a bilateral mastectomy in 2010, I kept thanking God...because I was one of the lucky ones that was given a choice. I was going to live! I felt like God took my hand and walked me through it. That gratefulness helped me every step of the way.

  4. For Keith --- Welcome to this JC FAMILY. So thrilled you reached out for prayer. I join with the JC WARRIORS to intercede in your family circumstances. Heavenly Father, I come before You and lay this family, this marriage in your hands. I ask that You would revive this couple, and drive them toward happiness shared together. I ask that you would renew their love for one another, and that You would entangle the conflicts and strife that has brought damage to their relationship. Please bring understanding and tenderness of heart to them. May they embrace the miracle that You desire for them as a couple and as a family. Thank you for pouring healing into their spirits. Open their eyes so they see you everywhere! Amen and Amen

    1. JJ - Amen to your healing prayers for this marriage.

    2. Thank you JJ and Prayer Warriors. You teach me about graciousness, and how to pray. From your comments, I can learn to relate to others and Jesus. What a gift that you offer so much insight into solutions for marriage. I will pray for you today that God continues to encourage you in your ministry.

    3. Good morning all. Words and time are short so I will keep this short. Thank you all for prayers and thank you all for sharing your stories and reaching out to support and be supported in this family. May God be glorified by us through His power in us.

    4. Keith hang in there! God knows you and your heart and “the woman you love” heart as well. God work in the two of them knit tightly what you have made one. Create in each a pure heart,!let the love be refined and flow freely, God allow healing and forgiveness.
      Sassy mom I remember this, you are such a rock.
      I do thank you for your continued trust and walk you have with Christ.

  5. Please forgive: should read untangle the conflicts, not entangle!

  6. Give Thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One, give thanks, because He's given Jesus Christ His Son, and now let the weak say I am strong and let the poor say I am rich, because of what the Lord has done, GIVE THANKS..!!
    Oh Precious Lord, how I Thank You for every breath that I take, every step that I make, every given morning that You wake me up to Your Grace, Glory and new mercy.., I say THANK YOU, THANK YOU for the good, Thank You, for the trials, Thank You, for ALL the many seen and unseen blessings, THANK YOU!
    Order my steps today Holy Spirit and fill my heart with Praise and Thanksgiving to the King of kings and Lord of lords! THANK YOU LORD!

    Great and Blessed morning JC Family! Interceding on behalf of ALL of your concerns and petitions to the GREAT I AM! He is ohhhh so FAITHFUL. Let us just Thank Him, Trust and Obey! He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE!

    Keith, as I mentioned to you yesterday, keep God fisrt place, HE will NEVER disappoint you! He has a GREAT plan for your life. Your situation will turn around for your good and HIS glory. Just hold on a little longer.
    Trusting God for you.

    Stay blessed everyone!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood--- Good morning to you. Thankful for your words and prayers of encouragement and uplift!! Great blessings to you from Kansas.

    2. Amen dear Maplewood! It doesn't matter what year. Let us Praise Him and Thank Him and Trust Him and Obey Him. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and also the Light that never dims or goes out.
      Praying for you and your Mom. May He comfort your hearts. Amen.
      Keith, Still believing God is leading you to true love and fulfillment and joy.

    3. Thank you Maplewood! Sometimes when I read your posts I am taken to the lyrics of a song that take on new meaning with a Christ perspective. Today, it is "I'll Be Watching You" by The Police

    4. I do the same Audra. Love I'll Be Watching You, and am thankful that He Is!

    5. Awesome song Audra! And We are blessed indeed that He is watching us. His Eye is on The Sparrow and I know He watches me.
      Me too dear Brie! So thankful that I belong to Him.

  7. Sassy Mom --- I am so sorry for the loss of your husband not that long ago. I am sure there are days that are "tough ". But I am so, so thankful you are here as a JC PRAYER WARRIOR! You and the other WARRIORS have taught me SO much. You lift me up witb your prayers and words full of grace and mercy. You are such a blessing to me. Great love and blessings to you and all the JC FAMILY from Kansas.

    1. JJ - Yes, very lonely days. I have JC Devotional, but I'm so thankful and grateful God led me to JC Family, a place of comfort, love, blessings, prayers and ENCOURAGEMENT. Thank you JC Prayer Warriors, I covet your uplifting prayers. I AM BLESSED!!!!! All I have needed He provides.

    2. Sassy Mom--- Your powerful testimony "All I have needed He provides" is one I hope to obtain.!! Wonderful, powerful and yet humbling faith. It just shows you have been through the "fire" and know through experience and faith, His Word is True and you can count on it! Bless you, bless you for being a "light" that shines for Jesus!

    3. And thank you too, Sassy Mom for your prayers of comfort, love, blessings, and ENCOURAGEMENT!

  8. Hey Prayer Warriors - please join me in praying for the return of our neighbor's little dog, Roxie. They have 4 children who are beside themselves hoping she comes home or can be caught (she's been sited, but runs when anyone gets close). It's a long story that I won't go into now, but, I told them we were 'praying Roxie home.' As you can probably tell, I need to CALM DOWN - it's been such a day (week) and when I read early this morning, I wanted to welcome Keith and say, "I'm praying for you," and thank Sassy Mom for standing so faithfully (your post from 2 years ago hit my heart - you are still standing strong!), and give my love to all of the rest of the JC Family. As you can tell - my phone started ringing and needs were flying and I never got to write. Love to all of you....tomorrow is another day and my prayer is I get sleep and have TIME WITH HIM tomorrow morning. <3

  9. THE PUPPY IS HOME!! Checked in with our neighbor right after posting this and Roxi is home. <3

  10. Good morning everyone! Thank you Lord for this new day filled with your blessings. Help us to be thankful in all circumstances please Lord.
    I read something on a French Christian website this morning and I felt led to translate and share it here with you all.

    "Praise the Lord , my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord , my soul, and forget not all his benefits" Psalms 103:1-2

    Repeating certain scriptures is a very simple and practical way of speaking to our soul. Instead of letting my soul tell me about his wounds, I ask my soul to listen to God's promises.

    In the Gospel of John, Jesus tells us: "If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be granted to you." (John 15:7)
    Let us remember how Jesus insisted on the need for his words to remain in us.
    How will they be able to remain in us? Simply by reading them and remembering them.
    While our soul is downcast, it is essential to remind it of God's faithfulness, of his power, of his love, of his justice ... The apostle Paul exhorts believers to make the Word of God live among them, not only by reading it or by listening to it, but also through songs inspired by the love and the goodness of God: "Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts" (Colossians 3:16)

    Psalm 103 shows us how David speaks to his soul about what God does and what God is. By proclaiming this, he restores his soul. He experiences that God is his help: "Behold, God is my help, the Lord is the one who sustain my soul." (Psalm 54.4)
    When our soul is hurt, it needs outside help to help it heal. If our soul is sick, we need good words of faith and love from God, which will heal our soul.

    As you go through a time of trials, speak to your soul of the greatness of God the Creator, of his love, of his faithfulness. Remind your soul of the wonderful promises of the Lord, such as that which says: "I am with you always (...)" (Matthew 28.20)

    Have a blessed day everyone! I love you my precious JC family.

    Blessings from France

    1. Amen. Thank you for the post France. I adore King David and love how he loved and thanked the Lord always. May God bless you.

    2. Good morning JC family šŸŒž. Rainy today, oh how we needed it. Thank you Lord. Grandaughters are still sleeping & the dogs as well, thank you for safety through the night. The younger grand reads her JC for children every night before we go into prayer. It's so heartwarming to hear her utter the scripture reading afterwards. She asked what does the numbers mean, so last night she made sure she said "chapter & verse". Thank you Lord for my little souls, may your words dwell within them all through their lives, may your words nourish the hunger & thirst for More of you in their walk, may the Holy Spirit flood every senses of their being as they grow in stature that will run after you. Illuminate them with your marvelous light to shine brightly & to pierce through the darkness of this world they are growing up in. May they lead many out of this darkness & into your kingdom of heaven. protect them from the evil offerings of this world & from harms way. I not only pray for my grandchildren but for all the grandchildren & great grandchildren represented here in our JC family. Amen.

    3. Good morning FFF- What a blessed reminder of the FAITHFULNESS of our God! Thank You for your insights! The Word of God is indeed Food for our souls and if we can grasp it like David and so many other great men and women of those times, we will live this life with so much peace, joy, and gratitude! ALL of our answers to life's questions and concerns are right in His Word! I am so blessed and thankful that He chose me to share in His Kingdom!! Thanks be to God!
      Stay blessed!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Wonderful post, mon ami de France! Thank you for sharing (and translating). Be blessed as well today and always. God be with you.

    5. Your wise words, "Instead of letting my soul tell me about his wounds,I ask my soul to listen to God's promises " spoke powerfully to me today. I recently listened to a sermon about the necessity of " preaching the Gospel to ourselves" and your suggestion fits together with that notion as ways of abiding in His great love.
      Thank you for sharing these precious and challenging thoughts today. Bless you and all the dear souls on this blog.

    6. GLORY BE TO GOD! ♡ So thankful to see that this post has blessed you JC family.
      As I read it this morning I felt like He was leading me to translate and share it because someone needed to hear this.
      Oh how we need our daily spiritual food that can only be found in Him!

      CapeCodGirl - These words have powerfully impacted me as well. Thank you for your post!

      Thank you Lord for everything, and for everyone here, posting or not. Praying for you all ♡

      Blessings from France

    7. Dear Sister from France, Your words held so much truth and instruction today. Thanks for sharing those wonderful words from your own beautiful heart! Great verses too! Thank you so much for feeding my soul and lifting me higher in my day. You made a difference today and gave us sweet things to ponder. I will do my best to remind my soul of the Faithfulness of our God.

    8. Jan, You are one blessed Grandmother to see your grandchildren reading and sharing the Word of God! I pray someday I will be witnessing the same blessing. May God bless and protect them always and guide them through their life's journey to follow hard after righteousness and the Spirit. Amen.

    9. Blessed by your encouraging post dear Blessings from France! The Word of God is my spiritual food. I crave it every day. It is God's help for us in this fallen world. Right now I am concerned about my daughter in law's health but I keep remembering God's past faithfulness and I believe all will be well. We must remind ourselves of all the times when God has been faithful to us. He will continue to bring us the desires of our hearts and the healing of our loved ones, according to His Plan. We must remember that His Will is not always our will. But His will is perfect. All these beautiful posts lift my heart and comfort me. I know my Savior lives and is faithful to His promises. I trust in Him above all and thank Him for leading me here to pray with my dear ones. God bless all my dear JC Family, seen and unseen. Thank You Jesus!

    10. Good morning Dear JeannešŸ„°. Praying for your DIL and all that is pressing on you. You know quite well the faithfulness of God, for you have blessed us by sharing it with us. His faithfulness will shine like the noonday sun on your desires for your family. Your faith is such a blessing to each of us. We love youšŸ’•

    11. The post that keeps on giving! Thank you BFF. I pray all is well with you and yours and am encouraged once again by your reminder to read and remember The Word. This is a great place to do just that.

    12. Thanks dear sister Jan! You comforted my heart so well. I love you too and all my dear family here. We trust in God's faithfulness together. And we continue to believe in His Word and wait patiently on Him for our prayers to be answered.

  11. Lord please give me the key to open the door between us and help me to keep it open always. Please give me a thankful and trusting heart Lord. I am so very thankful for everything You do in my life Lord. Thank You Jesus. Bless You Lord and bless Your holy name with all that is within me. Help me to have a heart like King David did and to be thankful for everything and to not forget my benefits Lord. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously and always. Amen.
    Bless you all today and may all your prayers be heard and answered according to his will. Thank you for the wonderful support from all of you here. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously and always. Amen.

    1. Amen Janet your beautiful prayer is mine. God bless you and keep you close to Him as you seek refuge in His everlasting arms

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen Janet, I loved you prayer, and thank you for your blessings. I'm grateful for all of you and your support. Praising Him with a thankful heart.

    3. Beautiful thoughts, Janet! The key to the door is Jesus, Revelation 3:7: 'These are the words of the holy one, the true one, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, who shuts and no one opens' Upon opening, keep the door propped open with prayer and meditating on scripture. God be with you. What's the latest on how Debbie is?

    4. Amen Janet! Your timeless prayer and blessing warmed my heart! Thank you always. We love you and pray for your bright future in Him.
      Yes Bob, The key to the door is Jesus. He is the only one who can open the door to the Father for us. Let us continue to pray and meditate on His Word. Praying you and your family are doing well. I know you're serving the Lord.

  12. Loving Heavenly father, I have so much to be thankful to You for. I don’t know where to begin. But I want to say:
    Thank You for Life.
    THANK YOU for my present circumstances, THANK YOU my salvation,
    THANK YOU for my family and friends, THANK YOU for my health,
    THANK YOU for my job,
    THANK YOU for all the many gifts You lay before me each day. There’s not enough space in this world to express my gratitude. But the Psalmist has summed up a little portion of exactly what I would say:

    “I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” Ps. 9:1
    “I will give to the Lord the thanks due to His righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High.” Ps. 7:17
    “I will praise the name of God with song, and shall magnify Him with thanksgiving.” Ps. 69:30
    “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thess. 5:18
    “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever.” Ps. 118:29
    “Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,” Eph. 5:20
    “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever!” Ps. 107:1
    “Thanks be to God for His inexpressible gift!” 2 Cor. 9:15
    “The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped,” Ps. 28:7
    “Thanks be to God for His inexpressible gift!” 2 Cor. 9:15

    Thanksgiving is the absolute entry point into God’s Presence. The moment we begin to give Him thanks and praise, regardless of our circumstance, something amazing happens to our vision. It is lifted off of ourselves and our circumstances and onto the Sovereignty the Most High God. When we praise Him for what we think are the little things in our lives, we come to realize that, in His eyes, there are no insignificant little things. Thankfulness is the key that opens the gateway to Heaven. One can have all the gifts, talent, and resource, but without a heart of gratitude, you will just not get in!
    Whenever you feel the need to complain: I’m hurt, I’ve been mistreated, my bank account is empty, my job sucks! I’m frustrated with life, I’m so upset at everyone! Why do I have to eat the same thing twice! listen to the Holy Spirit who resides in your heart and hear Him say, “Hey you, stop. re-set. re-focus. Bless the Lord and thank Him, don’t forget the things He has done for you and the many people around the world who wish they were in your position! God is worthy of all gratitude, honor, and worship. We must guve Him Thanks for ALL things and at ALL times!

    Dear Father, Thank You for the way You provide for us and protect us, thank you for your amazing power and work in our lives, thank you for your goodness and for your blessings over us. Thank you for the incredible sacrifice of Jesus so that we might have freedom and life. Thank You for bringing hope through even the toughest of times, strengthening us for Your purposes. Forgive us when we don't thank you enough, for all that you've provided for us. Renew our spirits, and fill us with Your peace and joy. We give You all the praise and thanks, for You alone Oh Lord, are worthy! In Jesus name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood! May we all focus on Him and eat His food and drink His Holy water instead of complaining. "Be still and know that I am God"

      Blessings from France

    2. Wonderful post today dear Maplewood. I love those verses so much. Most are engraved on the tablet of my heart. Amen, I share in your beautiful prayer. Looking forward to another wonderful day in His presence. He helped me do another painting last night and I wish I could share it with all of you. He is so good and faithful to me. I will enter His gates with thanksgiving and His Courts with praise. I want to walk worthy of Him and must put Him higher up in my heart and mind my despite the clamor and distraction of worldly things. Let me always see clearly all the blessings He has given me. May He always forgive us for not thanking Him more for our blessings. Let's go together through this day in gratitude and praise.

    3. Flooding your post with thanksgiving, twin bd sis, so beautiful! To practice the same on a daily basis will wash away in spirit all the negatives so they have no influence on our focus. God be with you.

    4. So very true sweet Maplewood. Loved your post so very much. Thanks dear Sister.
      Thanksgiving is the absolute entry point into God’s Presence. Amen, Amen, Amen! Praise and Thanksgiving every day
      Love your words Bob! Flooding your post with Thanksgiving! Amen!

    5. Amen and amen . If we did this prayer faithfully every day it will gives courage to face the day with a smile!

    6. Thank you Maplewood šŸ„°. Here it is 2021 and I'm still so blessed for this prayer of thanksgiving. I repeated it & claimed it for myself. It's timeless & truly inspiring. Love you dear girl & sister in the faithšŸ’•

    7. Amen
      Start my day with gratitude first and foremost for being given another day ....for having a job to go to and yes complain about... having 4 healthy adult children a wife of soon to be 36 years.... the list is endless it really is if I take the time to look
      I’m in recovery for close to 32 years and one of the first things that was suggested to me was to write a “graditude list”
      Coming into recovery I couldn’t think of much to write down....It had to be pointed out to me that I was alive, I had full use of my limbs, I had a job ( though it was in peril) the list was longer . And the longer I stayed sober the longer my list became and they didn’t have to be pointed out to me anymore...
      Biggest danger for me is self pity, a slippery slope that is very dangerous. I start to make a
      “Un gratitude list” in my head and in my actions ... a bad place to be
      But I’m GRATEFUL for people in my life and things like this blog that pull me out of that pit of self pity and again point out to me what is really important and how lucky I really am
      God Bless you all

    8. God bless you, John S! And the gratitude list you ride in on šŸ˜‰♥️

    9. Yes, John S. We all know that slippery slope only too well. Our JC Devotuons and our JC Family offer us a hedge of protection until we can grab hold of His Hand. Thanks for being a valuable part of our barrier reef.

    10. John S. We have all fallen into that pity pool at one time or another. Sometimes, it is so hard to climb out of it. But when you're busy praising the Lord and thanking Him for your blessings, you have no room for pity. He lifts you up our of despair and sets you up in a high safe place, where all you can do is thank Him for His mercy and loving kindness. Your gratitude for those in your life, a loving wife and 4 grown children, and this wonderful blog is so important. God loves a thankful heart and we share in the same thankfulness. You are blessed to know your weakness. Avoid that pity pool and keep your feet planted firmly on the Rock that never crumbles. God bless you my brother and your family!

  13. Anonymous France & Maplewood- you inspired me to pray the prayer for all the grandchildren & great-grandchildren here in our family. His words sustain us and we must pass that message on to the next generation. Blessings on everyone. Love to allšŸ„°

    1. Amen Jan! Glory be to God! Praying for you and your family. So lovely and heartwarming to see that your grandchildren are growing close to the Lord.
      "Train up a child in the way he should go,
      And when he is old he will not depart from it."

      Blessings from France

    2. Jan, You are such a good sister. Thanks for your prayers to us for our little grandchildren, and someday maybe even great grandchildren. Love you!
      Amen dear Blessings from France! Jan has the greatest gift-that her grandchildren know the Lord and love Him dearly.

  14. May my words overflow with thankfulness, awe and wonder, praise, and encouragement.

    This is the last day of my 4th week of the new job. As I was working yesterday, the thought came to me that this is the best job I have ever had. A wonder boss (I playfully call her boss lady) that has become a good friend and has even driven an hour and a half to join me in church.

    As I think about the "happenings" in my life I remember God told me a year and a half ago that I was in a drought. And a while after that He said He was "preparing rain". The rain is here and it is not the "happenings" in my life that are so much the rain but what I have been given in the drought, what I have learned, and most importantly, getting to know my Father and His love in a new way. I'm in awe to think that our trials and even being at the "end" of our rope can be our biggest blessing.

    Some of you will want to hear an update about The Woman I Love. She did meet me in church and we did go hiking after we joined a friend for lunch. Also, the last two Wednesdays after work, she has invited me to go horseback riding with her. The pleasures of those rides and experiencing Gods presence and the company of The Woman I Love was delightful. Perhaps this Wednesday we can do it again :-)

    She and I have much to talk about but I felt God say to me to just enjoy each other. The freedom of that takes so much pressure off as I listen and enjoy HIS lead!

    I love this group and thank you for your prayers. The Woman I Love is experiencing a drought as well in her life and I strongly feel God is using me to teach her things I have learned in my drought. She has an amazing love for God and I believe He is bringing His "little One" into new realities of His life.

    A song has been coming to my head for a month, maybe two. Its "In over my head" by Bethel music and I would like to leave you with a verse from it:

    Would you come and tear down the boxes that I have tried to put You in
    Let love come teach me who You are again
    Would you take me back to the place where my heart was only about You
    And all I wanted was just to be with You
    Come and do whatever You want to

    1. Thanks so much for the update, Keith. Thank you for sharing the journey He has you on; indeed, there are dry times we will pass through but they are not without His purpose. Pass through them, stay true to Him and learn the things He is trying to teach you. Simply praying for you and TWIL; don't know what specifically to ask so I bow to whatever He wants for the both of you that will be a blessing for each of you. Thanks for the closing verse. Good words! God be with you.

    2. Just awesome, Keith just awesome! God bless you greatly. My prayers are with you. Prayfully, Faithfully, Miraculously. Thank You Father for the gift of our Savior, God with us. Thank You for Your goodness and love. In Jesus' Name, AMEN and AMEN

    3. That is such great news Keith! Thank you for the update. How kind the Lord has been and still is to You. It is so encouraging to hear. Praying for you, Your job and the woman you love. May God guide you to be a blessing to her during her drought.

      Blessings from France

    4. Keith, this great news could not have come at a better time (today's devotion of Thankfulness)! Joining the prayer and praise warriors in THANKING the Lord! He's not done yet Keith, more testimonies will come from you for His glory!!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Praise God!!! Keith, Your post made my day. I was so happy to hear that your job is going well and you have a wonderful Boss who loves the Lord too. And the woman you love is also opening her heart to you and she loves the Lord. You blessed my day with your good news! I said before to you that the best is yet to come. It is surely on its way! Praising and thanking the Lord for His good works in your life!!

    6. I still feel the same dear Keith. When I pray for you I always ask our loving Father to lead you to true love, happiness and fulfillment. I really believe that the best is yet to come for you. God knows your heart intimately and knows you seek Him.

    7. In Over My Head, adding to my JC family playlist, thank you Keith!

    8. Yes I am both: In over my head and adding it to my playlist! Thank You.

    9. Such a beautiful Song! Praise God! I'm beautifully in Over My Head.

  15. Thank you Jesus for each and every day you have given to me. I am grateful for my family and so much that you find me worthy to receive. Please continue to bless me and all who seek you on their journey.
    I am totally in awe of the power of Gods response to my requests for prayers for Friends Mark and Kim and their son Joshua. Thank you thank you to all who will keep them in prayer during this journey.Our response has even spilled over to me, feeling Gods strength and presence through your kindness and spiritual support. May God shower you all with blessings each and every day. Amen!

    1. Amen ABC! Keeping Mark Kim and Joshua in prayers as well as you and your loved ones.

      Blessings from France

    2. ABC, we will keep praying without ceasing! He who promised is oh so FAITHFUL!little Josh is in His care. Praying for continued strength for Mark and Kim and you as well!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. God bless you ABC! You're standing strong in your faith as you feel the power of our prayers. Praying for Joshua, Mark and Kim. May God make them all strong and hopeful in the Lord and heal Joshua of all his weaknesses. God is so much greater than his cancer! Waiting to hear of His faithfulness. Believing He is holding the family in His mighty Hands and fighting their battles.

    4. Lord pour your grace over Joshua, Mark, Kim, ABC and his family. Jesus we trust in you.

    5. Continuing to join prayers for you dear ABC and for Mark and Kim and their dear son Joshua. I pray God is showing all of you and dear Joshua His amazing healing power and faithfulness.
      Thank You dear Jesus for this.

  16. Good morning God! Thank you for this new day, it's beauty and it's light. Thank you for the positive outcomes from recent surgery, lab report is in, no cancer! In gratitude for your presence and peace through my recent ordeal. It brought me closer to you and to the practice of gratitude. To my JC prayer warriors, thank you! I am reminded of a practice that I used to do each night before bed. List, 10 things I am grateful for from that day. And each night as I do the same, there can be no repeats from a previous list. How great are God's blessings that it turns out this is not a difficult thing to do, there is a never ending list of gratitudes! Thank you Jesus for what has been and will be to come. I meet you here in humble gratitude.

    1. So glad to hear the lab report is negative, Audra. Freed from that concern, may you more fully enjoy 'this is the day the Lord has made'. Thanks for sharing your exercise of thanksgiving. It is a way to fulfill the JC reading for today. God be with you.

    2. Yesss this is such great news Audra! Praise the Lord for the negative report!

      I used to list at last 3 things I am grateful for before bed but I haven't been doing it for a while now. You inspired me to do it again. Thank you for sharing and thank you Lord for showering you blessings upon us. Oh Father how we love you!

      Blessings from France

    3. AMEN, AMEN! Praising and THANKING GOD for your results Audra! Oh, He is indeed FAITHFUL! THANK YOU JESUS!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Halleluia! Audra, So happy to hear of your wonderful results. God is forever faithful! Amen, we have so many reasons to be thankful. Let us see clearly His good deeds and blessings so we will continue to walk in our Thankfulness. Praise Him with a happy heart!! Thank you Jesus!!

    5. Looking forward to celebrating many more victories Audra. Praying for Marc and Paul. They are in God's powerful and merciful Hands. So many reasons to be thankful. Just waking up to the light of day is enough to thank Him for His faithfulness!

  17. Clergy couple report. He is needing less oxygen thus breathing more on his own. They got him up yesterday and he took a few steps. She still is free from the effects of the virus, with only minor issues. But must stay in quarantine which can be challenging in and of itself. Loneliness can be the Devil's playground but she is doing the things necessary to not allow him in. Thank you for your prayers.

    (II Timothy 2:19) 'But God's firm foundation stands'. Then Paul states the foundation is built upon a covenant relationship in which both God and we play a role in fulfilling. God's role: 'The Lord knows those who are His.' This is referring to you, you belong to Him and He will never lose you. Though some church theologies raise questions about who really belongs to Him thus calling into question in everyone's mind, 'Maybe I do not belong to Him?' Personally, I disagree. You wouldn't be reading these words if He was not drawing you unto Himself. I believe together, you and I are sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked as Christ's own forever (words I would speak upon doing someone's baptism). Doubts concerning that truth are from God's enemy. Do not listen!

    Our responsibility to God is the second fundamental element of the foundation God has established, 'let everyone who calls on the name of the Lord turn away from wickedness.' This is the act of repentance, the turning from evil and turning to Jesus Christ, seeking to be His faithful disciple, obeying His word and showing His love. This is our role and we are working on doing what we are called to do. This turning will not result in a complete and absolute break from all sin so that we are perfect from here on out (I wish it were so), but it is the constant effort to do so even though there may be moments in which we 'stumble and fall'. His grace comes to our rescue and sets us up again so we can continue in the process of turning from wickedness. Being together in this blog is also a help in that process. Thank you for your help.

    God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Merci beaucoup Bob! Thank you for sharing these words from His truth. I often tend to think "Do I really belong to Him?", just because I struggle with sharing my faith, as I already talked to you about weeks ago. I often think "What if I lose my salvation because of my struggles?" I know these are lies that I must not listen to. It's hard to not have these thought but Thank God His Presence always comfort me and renew my thoughts.
      Indeed, "The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children."

      I too believe that being together in this blog helps us in that process of walking with Him. Thankful for each one of you.

      Blessings from France

    2. Mon ami de France. Vous ĆŖtes un si bel enfant de Dieu (Ć©vident dans vos messages), promettez-moi que vous ne douterez plus jamais que vous ĆŖtes son enfant prĆ©cieux. Promettre?

    3. Je promets! Merci Bob pour vos si gentils mots. Que Dieu vous bƩnisse abondamment vous et vos proches!

      Blessings from France

    4. Rest in the Lord sweet Audra. Thank you Jesus for all your blessings.

    5. And now, the blog has me practicing my French! My reading comprehension is so much better than my speaking and listening! Merci!

    6. Praying your Pastor and his wife are both well and thanking God for His amazing healing power. Bob, Thank you again for sharing your wisdom and
      Father, turn me away from anything sinful or anything that threatens to pull me away from Your presence and Your love. Make me a better person, always acknowledging you in everything I do. You are a 24 hr friend and the best Father I could every have.

    7. Amen Jeanne! Sharing in your prayer. Beautifully said. I really like the 24 hr friend. God bless.

  18. Thanks for the update on the clergy couple. I'm glad he is breathing better. May God continue to heal them both and even give his wife some company even if it is a phone call from a friend or loved one. God knows her heart and is the best comfort and company. Blessed that I belong to the family of God and to this JC Family. Belonging to Him means more to me than anything else. He knows how I feel. Every good thing in my life has come from Him and every good thing I produce is from Him and for Him. So many times, His grace has come to my rescue. He takes care of His Sheep. We know His voice and we follow Him. Baaaa. Much love.

  19. Bob I answered Audra on your reply, sorry. I wish it were so absolute break from sin. Thank you for your words; they give me hope. Thank you for couple report; praying for all. Thank you Jesus for your forgiveness; help me to be pleasing in your sight. Jesus Jesus!

    1. That's quite alright, LCA, I will never mind being identified with Audra. God be with you.

  20. Goodnight my dear family. Let us continue to pray for each other and praise His Holy Name with Thanksgiving. Much love.
    MadFox, I pray you and Norah's DH are doing well. Please let us know when you can. God is holding you tight.

    1. Amen Jeanne! Peace be with you.

    2. Thank you sweet Janet! Peace be with you too. God is always holding your hand. He sees your trusting heart. I know He's preparing a bright future for you. Keep shining His light and message to everyone you meet. Much love!

  21. It is good to give thanks to the LORD, and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; to declare Your loving kindness in the morning, and Your faithfulness every night, on an instrument of ten strings, on the lute, and on the harp, with harmonious sound. For You, LORD, have made me glad through Your work; I will triumph in the works of Your hands. (Psalm 92:1-4).

    Father, You are too good for us, but we need You. We are unworthy, selfish, prideful, and greedy, but You love us. You delight in blessing all Your children and want all to receive salvation. Your love for us is beyond our comprehension, but we are so grateful for it. Thank You for loving us. Thank You for saving us. Thank You for dying on the cross and taking on our sins for us. Thank You for the life You have given to each one of us to live. Thank You for bringing wonderful blessings and people into our lives each and every day. Thank You for Your Spirit being with us and all around us every moment of every day. You are so amazing. There are no words to describe just how wonderful You are. I can't thank You enough for all You are and all You do. Thank You Jesus! I praise You Lord always and continually. You are my everything. I deserve nothing, but You give me everything. Thank You my sweet, dear Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Amen dear Janet! Every moment of the day, we have our Helper and our Comforter with us, giving us the words to speak and even the thoughts to think. God is always right there, just a prayer away. He knows our needs even before we ask. Sometimes the best gift is when we rest in His presence and peace. When we just breathe and know we are held tightly in His loving Hands.

  22. Thank Lord for this new day ! We are well and alive ! Thank for the improvement and new interest in reading that you have created in my daughter ! Thank Father for the interviews that I have done , they have opened my eyes to see what is out there in the education market ! Thank Lord for lessons You are teaching me as I search for a job ."Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever." 1 Chronicles 16:34

    1. Continued prayer for you,and your daughter's journey. I'm happy for you in your progress❣ Prayers for your job search, as well.

    2. Praise the Lord for new interest in reading!!! Love this news Min Ahadi ♥️

    3. Thank God, Min Ahadi! Halleluia! More answered prayers. Your daughter is doing better and actually loving her reading! That is the best news. And your interviews are going fine too. God's faithfulness in your life is shining and I believe the perfect job is right around the bend. God already knows what it will be.
      Amen! Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His mercy and love are everlasting.

  23. Looking for free homeschooling curriculum for my 8 year old any suggestion

  24. I read: When the devil can't make me bad, it makes me busy. Because being bad or busy both create my closing the door on continual thanks to You, Lord, with no desire or time to thank You for everything! Forgive me Lord and help me spend today and then everyday in continuous Thanksgiving to You for Who and All You are to me and mine. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  25. In this current moment my heart is thankful to God for ____________

    1. In this current moment, my heart is:
      thankful for each individual member and this Spiritual communal family of JC Prayer Warriors,
      thankful for my earth family,
      thankful for this Prayer Warrior's Room always open 24/7,
      thankful that Sarah and Chris said Yes, Lord!
      thankful for our Victory in Jesus sharings,
      thankful for readings and postings when "I didn't get it" from past years, are available for me to "get it" this year, or next,
      thankful for transparent honesty,
      thankful for freedom to share our earthly situations and circumstances that still needed Victories,
      thankful for all the love, support, prayers, trust, patience and honesty here,
      thankful for the music accompaniment to the devotion and scriptures,
      thankful for the stories,
      thankful for having so much for which to be thankful.
      In Jesus Name I thank. I thank. I thank. Amen.

    2. I am thankful for seeing, and being inspired by, the "full court press" display of continual faith in God in whatever comes our way.


      THANKFUL by Hit Songs

    4. Awesome song Brie. Thx! ❤️

    5. Also on Spotify by Hit Co.

    6. I sure do love your gratitude dear Brie! God is glorified by your beautiful post. I really love that song Thankful! I just sent the link to my Mom and Sister. I appreciate you sweet Sister! You feed me well.

    7. In this moment my heart is thankful to God for our comfortable home that we have returned to after an amazing wedding week. So thankful for ♥️✝️šŸ™♥️

  26. In this current moment my heart is thankful to God for allowing me to enjoy my morning devotional surrounded by the beautiful nature He created.

    1. Beautiful, Child of God, We who have eyes to see and a discerning heart know that the beauty of His Creation is a far greater gift than any worldly glitter one can possess. Praying outside while seeing all the wonder and beauty of nature, is the best gift. I love to pray during my walks and see the beautiful flowers and the sky and feel the breeze on my face. I feel so close to God, surrounded by His gifts that mean so much and knowing He hears every prayer.

  27. I thank you god. I bless your name forever šŸ™

  28. Amen, Woman of God. Praying you are feeling well. GOD is so good to us and HE is always with us. Praise His Name forever! Amen.

  29. Driving back home today to babysit for our middle son’s 2 boys while they go away till Tuesday. Praying we will have a sweet and blessed time with our littles and that God will give our son and his wife and their friends traveling mercies and a relaxing and renewing trip. May their faith be strengthened. Thank You Father for all this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    1. Joining in prayer with you Jeanne. Amen šŸ™. God bless.

    2. Joining my dear sisters in šŸ™šŸ’ž

    3. Thanks dear Janet and Jan. In the car on our way home from Boston to pick up Gabriel and Nathaniel for our 2 overnights. I know we will have fun. Our time with Dylan’s family was sweet despite my strained relationship with his wife. I offered her love and understanding and complimented her on the good job she and Dylan were doing with the little ones. She never shows love toward me. I remained silent yet supportive as the Spirit instructed me. I never mentioned God. Had a hard time not reacting to Erica’s exclamation “for God’s sake”
      in anger about something. But I kept my cool because I was surrounded by His peace. Three year old Leo showered me with so much love, I was blessed and grateful! And Dylan took the guitar out and we took turns playing and singing Beatles songs! So much fun. Little Lucas is 1 yr old and he’s a big strong boy! Had a good time playing with him. I’m thankful for the love we shared. God is good. I will keep praying that Erica’s heart will be softened toward me and also that the whole family will someday seek the Lord and find Him for themselves. Putting everything in His able Hands. Thank You Jesus šŸ™

    4. Glad to hear of your visit and upcoming grandparent ♥️ duties, Jeanne. You may never know what is behind your DIL's psyche that affects your relationship with her. Let go and let God sorry it out and just be the beautiful, loving woman that you are. Sounds like your grandchildren see your light, and that's really what matters and rings true, don't you think?

    5. Thanks Audra! I believe someday God will take care of it so i will just keep shining His light. I know my DIL makes my son happy and she is a great mother. I’m grateful for that.

  30. Thank You Jesus šŸ˜Š.

  31. I I have a grateful journal I've kept for many years where I write at least five things I'm grateful for from the previous day. I also recently started a daily grateful journal of things about a difficult person in my life.

    1. I love your gratefulness journal idea! I’m sure it makes God happy too! A friend I know lights her grateful candle at night and remembers the things she is thankful for.

  32. Hello everyone! I just wanted to give an update on my daughter Tori Faith. She is doing great! She has gained weight back and then some. From 87 to 115 right now. The Drs have started her on Humira and another drug for combination therapy. She has Crohns for those of you who don’t know. She is 20 was diagnosed at 14. Has literally fought for her life several times during that time period by the Grace of God. So thankful for you prayer warriors. She still has some issues going on but praise be to God that she is eating and living. She has had energy to exercise and continues to do college online. She is very determined and resilient. Please continue to pray for the lingering issues she has. Her quality of life is so much better now. Praise God!! Also, please continue to pray for the Drs and nurses that are taking care of her through this process. Thanks everyone! God bless you all!! šŸ™♥️

    1. Praise for Lord for the good news! To Him give all glory and praise!

    2. Continuing to pray for dear Tori. Praising God for His healing power and faithfulness! I’m so grateful for more answered prayers. May He heal every little weakness and continue to strengthen her and all those who are caring for her. Thank You Jesus šŸ™

    3. Yay God!! Prayers for Tori's healthy progress.

  33. Thank you for giving an update on Tori Faith. I continually think and pray for Tori. I know what she is going through. Thank You Jesus for healing my body over 20 years ago.

    1. Joining SassyMom Anonymous for the victories along the way for Tori. Thank you for updating us. God is so faithful. He has your dear Tori in the palm of His hands. We will continue to petition our Lord for more & more victories.šŸ™šŸ’ž

    2. Joining my dear sisters in prayers for Tori and her continued healing and improvement.

    3. Joining the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS in Praise and Thanksgiving for an uplifting report on Tori Faith. Prayers continue for COMPLETE HEALING/RESTORATION. I Declare, my Papa God, You will return her to a state of wellness. HALLELUJAH!!!

  34. Thank you Lord for all the blessings in my life and for your amazing grace, tender mercy, limitless forgiveness, and unconditional love. šŸ™
    Blessings to all.✝️

    1. Amen dear Rich! Thank you for the blessings.

  35. Sharing from my Grief Share Devotions. The journey of grief is one that you must ultimately decide to complete. You cannot remain where you are right now. Time moves forward, and so must you. There will come a day when you won’t feel as you do right now. "You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair."

    1. Thank you, I wrote these words down in my grief notes this morning. As I allow the love light and gratefulness to shine through the grief pain does ease up.
      This was my inspiration of the morning.

    2. My Beloved Sassy Mom --- Thank you so much for sharing the devotion for Grief. It contains Great Wisdom for about anything we experience. Paul was big on continuing to move forward with confidence and assurance in Christ Jesus. Let us keep reaching toward the future with Jesus Christ, The Name Above All Names, King of kings, Lord of lords, Our KING WARRIOR, The Lion of Judah, the Promise Keeper and The Waymaker! Great Praise to our Lord for all He did for us and for Who He is. HALLELUJAH!!
      Sending Much Love and Blessings your way. Continue to lift you, Sassy Mom, Terri and anyone in this JCFAMILY experiencing heartbreaking circumstances.
      The one thing I do know, our Lord is FAITHFUL!!! AMEN and AMEN. JJ

    3. Such a good sister you are dear Sassy Mom! Always loving and nurturing others in their pain. As we keep you in our prayers for your comfort and guidance, you encourage everyone going through the same difficult journey of grief and loss. Beautiful truth and encouragement. Praising our Great and Merciful God with you and dear JJ and all our dear JC family. No matter what mountains we must climb or valleys we must pass through He is with us every step of the way. Holding you and Terri and dear Brie in my prayers. God knows well what you are going through and He knows you all trust Him for making a Way asHe always does.
      Thank You Father God for Your love, comfort, guidance and understanding. Resting in You and waiting on You always. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

  36. You omitted Ps. 31:14
    Psalm 31:14
    English Standard Version
    But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.”

  37. I thank the Lord for the Jesus Calling devotions and the prayers and answers that we can all be a part of in this community.
    I would appreciate prayer for my very elderly mother, who we have planned a very special birthday party for in her home state where most of her family still lives. We are supposed to leave for the 10 hour trip in a week. A few days ago she was in terrible pain and we found that she has an infection going on. The first antibiotics failed to help, the new one plus increased pain pills have not relieved her pain. Although it is our hope that we can make this trip, please pray with me that we can have thankful hearts no matter what.
    Thank you.

    1. Joining my sisters in prayer, Jennilynn, that our awesome Jehovah Rapha is removing your mother's pain and the infection is no more! Praying this morning she wakes with no discomfort or pain and doctor's can't see anymore infection! May her birthday celebration commence with your mom able to enjoy it and all who are there for her! In Jesus' name, AMEN!

  38. Dear Jennilyn. My heart goes out to you and your good mother. Putting her on my prayer list and joining all prayers that God will relieve her pain and restore her to good health, and also enlighten her doctor to the source of her pain so she can receive the right treatment. Trust in God’s almighty power. Wait patiently as He lights the path in front of you. May He guide her treatment and help the antibiotics to become effective in improving her condition. Put her problems, the trip, and the future in His able Hands. Do your best to trust in Him completely and try not to lean unto your own understanding. Thank You Father for answering our prayers in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen

    1. Dear Jennilyn - Joining prayers for your mother to be relieved of pain, comforted with His presence, love, guidance and restoration back to perfect health.

  39. Thank you so very much for your prayers.

  40. Dear Jennilyn --- Lifting up your mother to Jehovah Rapha, our Healer. I ask in Jesus' name for for His MIRACULOUS
    RESTORATIVE HAND to reach down and touch her body. Give her the healing she needs to overcome this sickness and FULLY RECOVER. Let the family have a joyous Birthday celebration. I Plead The Blood of Jesus and speak Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
    over the whole family. Thank You in advance, Jesus, that you will do all these things and more. In Your precious name, AMEN and AMEN.

  41. Daughter of a KingJuly 24, 2022 at 4:13 PM

    Good evening, I hope that everyone has had a blessed day> so as I am so thankful for today I want to say that my Father is so awesome. He has decently provided me with everything I need and somethings of what I want. it took me a long time to relive that no matter what He is always with me, like Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
    He is an awesome Father that defiantly has done this.
    If anyone here needs to talk or has a private prayer request I have set up and email just for that.
    So please email me with your name, or Anonymous, or even a number I can call. This is for anyone who needs to vent or just needs to get this off there chest.
    pass this along to someone or use it for yourself.
    Have a wonderful night and may God bless you all.

  42. You are a sweet sister dear Daughter of a King.

  43. JC Family! I have asked for prayer and support from you all over the years. I am taking the bar exam Tuesday and Wednesday (July 25-26) and could use your prayers that the Lord will guide my hand, that my hard work will pay off, and I will have a quick and accurate memory. I would really appreciate it!

    1. Joining in prayers for you Landon. May our heavenly Father's presence strengthen, guide, and comfort you as you take the bar exam. May His will be done. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen šŸ™. Peace be with you!

    2. Thanks for the update Landon. I have put your dates on my prayer calendar. You came to the right place. JC PRAYER WARRIORS storm Heaven 24/7. In Jesus' Name, let there be His light on your bar exam Tuesday and Wednesday (July 25-26) AMEN!

    3. So excited for you, Landon! You've GOT THIS! God sees your hard work, diligence, and tenacity and will continue to be with you through these exams. The answers to the exams will flow easily both days and you will pass with flying colors! Joining with this mighty JC family in prayer for you!

    4. Landon, you have prepared, studied hard, now get some rest so that your mind will be sharp and turn it over to God. May the Good Lord bless and keep you this week, and every week.

    5. A pleasure to join in prayer for faith filled Landon for the perfect outcome on his Bar exams this week!

    6. I have kept you in my prayers dear Landon. Praying with our JC Family that you will be equipped by God with all you need to ace the bar exam.
      Thank You Father for guiding Landon to victory, and empowering him to pass this bar exam with flying colors to your glory, and for giving him peace and strength as he prepares for it. All will be well because you are in charge. Praying this in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord, Amen.

  44. Landon, "Praying the Lord will guide your hand, that your hard work will pay off, and you will have a quick and accurate memory." God bless you.

  45. Sending prayers to you Landon for a successful result on you Bar examšŸ™

  46. Blessed by Spirit filled worship at church yesterday!
    The Days of Elijah

    1. Wonderful song, dear Audra! You blessed me.

  47. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57). Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. (1 Chronicles 16:34). While you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God. (2 Corinthians 9:11). Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving. (Colossians 4:2).

  48. Thank you, oh my Father
    For giving us Your Son
    And leaving Your Spirit
    'Til the work on Earth is done

    1. Amen dear Peter! We are well taken care of.

  49. Setting my Thankfulness Alarm to go off every hour!
    7A šŸ™ Thankful to God for my Godson and his wife, who came over yesterday and prepared a delicious meal for us with lots of yummy "planned overs'" for today!

    1. 8A šŸ™ Thankful to God for Meditation on His Word. Thy Word is a Lamp for my feet, and a Light for my way!

    2. 9A šŸ™ Thankful to God for full use of both my arms for window cleaning! From Matthew 23 First clean the inside...

    3. 10 šŸ™ Thankful to God for the green, green grass of home! From Psalm 23 He maketh me to lie down in Green Pastures and He restoreth my soul!

    4. 11A šŸ™ Thankful to God for clear water. From John 4...whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. The water I give becomes in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life!

    5. 12 NšŸ™ Thankful to God for Food, He spreads the table before me in plain sight of everyone!

    6. 1 PM šŸ™ i am thankful to God for Help! My help is from The Lord Who made Heaven and Earth!

    7. 2 PM šŸ™ I am thankful to God for Hope. From Romans 5:4 And patience develops strength of character in us and helps us trust God more each time we use it until finally our HOPE and faith are strong and steady!

    8. 3 PM šŸ™ I am Thankful to God for electric lights coming back on. And God said, Let there be light: and then light appeared!

    9. I love your gratitude and I'm grateful to God for giving us our dear Brie who feeds us so well. You are a bright light to us. Shine on, sweet sister!

    10. A greatful attitude is most effective! Thankfulness opens the door to My Presence.... 98 degrees, power went out, when power was restored, A/C units would not come back on. Although it was hard for me to thank and praise The One with All Power, I did exactly as today's devotion suggested. I thanked and praised anyway. At first my thanks and praise felt insincere like I was going through the motions of following a script, until the Holy Spirit got my heart involved. I then became truly thankful, thankful for all the times we were cool, and for all the times I knew we would be cool again. Thanking and praising then became more natural and more sincere.
      We left an after hours message for the AC repairman.
      The Great Power sent him out that same night, the AC units were working again, and there was NO CHARGE!
      Praising God kept satan and all its evil negativity out, allowing God to work it out. Thankfulness truly did open the door to His Presence; I entered and it was cool inside. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  50. Dear warriors please cover #2 son with prayer. Covid has hit him hard. His wife has recovered okay but he's still weak & coughing. Thank you so much family ❤️

    1. Praying for him, Jan. Heavenly Father, please remove this Covid from Jan's son #2. Bring him relief from these terrible symptoms and bring renewal and revival to his body. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen šŸ™.

    2. Continuing to pray for your dear son that God will strengthen his breathing, his lungs, and rid his body of the cough and any other Covid symptoms, and bring him and his wife back to perfect health and bring you peace of mind. Thank You Father for all this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    3. Lord, please restore complete health to Jan’s son#2 and his wife. Thank you, Lord šŸ™šŸ»❤️

    4. Joining in prayers for your son and his wife. My our Great Physician lay his healing hands on them both.

  51. Thankfulness opens the door to My Presence...
    Thank You God for all the many heartfelt prayers prayed for my brother Keith by this incredible JC Family of Prayer Warriors;
    Thank You that I was holding Keiths hand when his Spirit left it's earthen vessel and headed HOME;
    Thank You that when Keith lay down, he fell peacefully asleep;
    Thank You that the Director of his temporary living center was also in the room with us;
    Thank You that his former nurse, Michelle, was visiting with him at the time he transitioned from our arms to Yours;
    Thank You that Keith received the gambler's hope šŸŽ¶ And The Gambler He Broke Even. The Best That You Can Hope For Is To Die In Your Sleep šŸŽ¶ .
    Most importantly, Thank You for receiving HIM!
    In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. I am so sorry for your loss, Brie. I am glad that you were able to be with him and minister to him in the days leading up to his passing. God is so very good to us. Keith is in the arms of the Lord now and he is not in any pain or suffering. He is always with you and in your heart. May the LORD comfort you and give you much peace and love. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen šŸ™. God bless and peace be with you!

    2. Dear beloved Brie, you are in my heart and prayers. I love you, dear sister.

    3. Dear sister friend, God’s will was to call Keith out of a peaceful sleep while his dear, sweet, and devoted sister held his hand. My prayers for mercy were answered as were all of our prayers for God’s will to be done. This time on earth is just a flash in the pan compared to the life of the spirit that lasts forever. Your dear brother was a good and faithful servant and he is realizing his reward. He’s out of pain and in the very Best place. Time for you to rest too, sweet girl.
      Thank You Heavenly Father for resting Keith’s beautiful soul and comforting and guiding dear Brie, and the rest of his family and dear ones. We know they’ll be with him again because Your Word and promises are true. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

      1 Corinthians 2:9
      But as it is written:
      “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
      Nor have entered into the heart of man
      The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

    4. So sorry to hear of Keith's passing but so thankful he's now in fully in the Presence of his Lord and Savior Jesus. Keith is now blessed beyond measure.

    5. 'The Joy of the Lord is your strength'.

    6. Prayers Brie for the loss of your dear brother. He was blessed to have such a devoted and caring sister in his earthly life. šŸ™šŸ•Š️

    7. Praying dear Brie that the Holy Spirit comfort your aching heart as you mourn this loss that has now become heaven's gain. As Keith is now transformed into an incorutable being , no longer a slave to earth's control, he is in ecstasy at the sight of his Lord & Savior. At rest at last! Hallelujah!šŸ™ŒšŸ™❤️

    8. Joining this awesome JC family with prayers for you and your family, dear Brie. So glad you were able to be by his side. I'm sure he was aware you were there with him and felt so much love and comfort from you, Larry, and Michelle. Hugging you so tightly. So glad, as well, that Jesus brought him home while he slept. God is good. Rest in peace, Keith, and may you also feel at peace, Brie. Sending much love and prayers.

    9. Thankful for your heart as you are dealing with the loss of your brother, Brie. Thankful that you were able to be there holding his hand and that Michelle was also able to be there. Thankful for a peaceful passing for him.
      Praying for you in this time that you will have peace as you go through each day and make any and all arrangements that go along with the passing of our loved ones. May you also have wisdom and strength for each day and comfort as you grieve this loss. Love and prayers

    10. Brie - lifting you and your family up as you deal with the loss of Keith. May God's peace cover you all.

    11. I join HANDS in all of these prayers for you, Brie, and your family. Praise God For HIS perfect timing. Thank you Jesus!

  52. Giving thanks to our God that Keith peacefully went home to be with his Savior.
    I recently experienced being with a loved one whose journey home to be with her God was very hard and not at all a peaceful one.
    Praying God will give you His Peace as you walk through the days ahead.
