Saturday, July 25, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 26

Relax and let Me lead you through this day. I have everything under control: My control. You tend to peer anxiously into the day that is before you, trying to figure out what to do, and when. Meanwhile, the phone or the doorbell rings, and you have to reshuffle your plans. All that planning ties you up in knots and distracts you from Me. Attentiveness to Me is not only for your quiet time, but for all your time. As you look to Me, I show you what to do now and next.
     Vast quantities of time and energy are wasted in obsessive planning. When you let Me direct your steps, you are set free to enjoy Me and to find what I have prepared for you this day. 

Psalm 32:8
English Standard Version

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
    I will counsel you with my eye upon you.
Psalm 119:35
English Standard Version
Lead me in the path of your commandments,
    for I delight in it.
Psalm 143:8
English Standard Version

Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love,
    for in you I trust.
Make me know the way I should go,
    for to you I lift up my soul.

My Prayer (2021)
Lord, in these words You remind of my soul's desire to rest myself in You, and let you lead me through my dad. Thank you for being in control as I wade through the waters of life, at times overwhelmed by the waves. Keep me connected to You so that I remain attentive to you not just in this moment, but throughout my day. Holy Spirit, make me know the way I should go, for in You I trust. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear Lord, Help me to not get caught up in "excessive planning". Help me to give you time of "nothingness", so I can be emptied of all earthly things. Only then I can be filled with your love and guidance. Jesus I Trust in You!

    1. Amen! Always important for me to keep God's perspective first and foremost in my mind and actions through the Power of the Holy Spirit! Jesus, I trust you!❤️🙏

    2. I'm sure I'll run across a prior year comment about today's Word. Lord, thank you for YOUR PERFECT PLAN and simply supporting me in trusting in YOU and IT. 🙏✝️♥️

  2. I needed this today! I’m so caught up in planning the next move...I am actually moving. Think I’ll just drink my coffee for now. Thanks Lord

  3. For my life, planning is a waste of time and God is always reminding me that He is in control. For example, this morning I was getting ready for work and was running a bit behind, plus our animals needed to be fed and taken for their morning walk. I was frustrated with my pets, all 4 of them, when all of a sudden, my husband came in and says, no worries honey, I'll take care of feeding and walking while you finish getting ready. To me, this is God stepping in to help with even the little things that can cause anxiety. God's plan is way better than mine! Setting the tone for the day, and thanking Him, always.

  4. Thank you God. You are truly amazing. Seek You first..... .Makes All the difference in the world. I thank you and Praise your Holy Name. Blessings my JC Family from Florida

  5. Dear Lord, help me to know that Your daily bread, is provided everyday for me. Let me know to take each day, without thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow, and relish in today with my focus on You, not STUFF that are earthly and meaningless. It only adds to anxiety. Jesus I Trust in You. Amen.


    1. I agree with ETJ, Yes Payton Family, we miss your thoughts and prayer here. Sending up prayers for you and your family Payton. God bless you.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Well, that is really nice of you to say. Sometimes I look at the things I have done and wonder, "how did I do that" because life seems so crazy at the moment. I definitely want to get back to those thoughts and prayers. I appreciate being missed.

      My director had a stroke in May and just resigned which is shifting a lot of his work to me. I had to fly to Ft. Worth twice this month to meet with federal gov't reps on a grant we are working on. I came back and my mom has now been suffering with a daily temperature of over 100 for 3 weeks now. She was discharged from the hospital yesterday. She had a lung biopsy Wed and thankfully it was confirmed her lung cancer has not returned (lung cancer 10 years ago due to exposure of radon in the house I grew up in), but there is no diagnosis of the temperature problem and so the hospital released her since the doctors weren't prescribing any other treatment. Work weeks have been tough as I leave the office each day and immediately go to either hospital or now back at home to support them and help as my dad is old-school and doesn't do meal prep or any kitchen duty. My wife has been a huge help.

      But, I see that we all have these diversions in life and obstacles that we are working through and God remains faithful and provides strength where there is none, and community of support (Heb. 10:24-25) but currently my time in the Word has been somewhat non-existent and it is hard as I often am only listening to sermons as I drive. I even had to cancel my Friday morning men's group today. Yet, He gave me an opportunity to start conversing with an 18 year old atheist and I shared the gospel with him earlier this week and have had a few other opportunities to talk. God is always working. Reminds me to keep looking for opportunities to join Him in what He is doing.


    3. Wow! a lot on you plate! But remember that our Great God will not give you anything you can't bear. Interceding for you, your mom, work and family. God is Your refuge and strength.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Thanks, Chris, for sharing your journey and your experiences of God along the twists and turns. Yes, He does faithfully show up. It's a year later, all is well. God be with you.

    5. Come on in anyway, Chris.
      We love you and pray for you and yours daily.
      If it was your prodigal son that drove you to start this blog, then thank him for us!

    6. Hey Chris. I don’t even know if you will get this but I was reading your post. I noticed you wrote something about your mom having Radon exposure in the house you grew up in. Can you elaborate on that for me. I am having our house tested tomorrow. It has been on my mind to do that since we started living here. Also, I think the man that lived here before died from lung cancer. I don’t know if there is any correlation but I am concerned enough to get the house tested. Anything else you may be able to share with me about that knowledge you have of Radon? Thanks a lot!

  7. A new day in which I can boldly declare; THANK GOD I'M FORGIVEN!
    Thank You for another day! Just to open my eyes and breath again is not just a gift, but a HUGE BLESSING! Thank You Lord.
    Father, You know me better then I will ever know myself. The weekend was'nt even here and I have all these plans. The finny thing is, whenever I plan ahead and even program my mind to getting out of work soon on Fridays, that NEVER happens! Oh dear Lord, keep me still in Your Presence and help me to allow You to plan my days. Whenever You do, things just go so smoothly. I surrender ALL to You and Trust You.

    TJ- I pray for your dear mother and ask our Father who art in Heaven to go ahead and prepare the way. I cover the hospital, the anesthesiologist, the nurses, the doctors and all connected to your mom's surgery, with the BLOOD of Jesus! Jehovah Rhapa has already done it in Jesus name. She is coming out to glorify God! Interceding and trusting God for a successful surgey!

    Sassy Mom- God's travelling grace and mercy is already around you and your daughter. I pray you have a great time visiting The Cove. Stay happy and Blessed.

    JC Family, I'm Interceding and trusting God to meet ALL the concerns and answers to your requests. Sealing the prayers with Praise and Thanksgiving to our God!

    Blessings on this last Firday of the month!

    Maplewood NJ

  8. Good Morning and God's Best to each of you, JC Family! Let me chime in here: I miss your words too, Peyton Family!
    Prayers for my sister in law's appt this morning; thankful that I can be with her as she gets results on her back.
    Continued prayers for Inga and our dear Cooper, for my daughter and all of our children: health, prosperity, peace and that they know Whoh provides each.
    Sassy Mom - prayers for Ruthie as she processes all of this and that Kenny is awaiting the Return - no more pain. I will also lift your travels - what a special time with your daughter.
    I won't rename everyone's prayers here, but please know that you are in my prayers as are your loved ones. Our God is an awesome God and we have the freedom to cast our cares, knowing that He promised to deliver.

  9. Thank you everyone for praying for my mom. It means so much to me. Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Dear JC WARRIORS, thank you for blessing yesterday's fellowship with daughter to The Cove in beautiful NC mountains. We (Ruth and family) appreciate the prayers for Kenny whose body is now whole and pain free. Thank you for continued comforting prayers for Kenny's 91 year old mother Ruth.

    1. So sad, but praying for peace and comfort for Ruth! Oh dear Lord, we lift Ruth and her family up and ask for Your peace that SURPASSES ALL Understanding. No mother wants to bury her child, but Your will has been done. Send down Your Peace, comfort and strength to this mother, she needs You. Thank You Father for hearing and answering us in Jesus name!

      Maplewood NJ

  11. A tidbit from Daily Inspirations for Mothers: "Keep praying, but be thankful that God's answers are wiser than your prayers." William Culbertson.

  12. Good morning Lord, thank You for another day to be Your child and prayer warrior. Thank You for each prayer warrior in our JC Family, be with each one and hear their prayers.
    Thank You for my family, I ask that You watch over each member, covering them with the blood of Jesus.

    Thank You Lord for keeping Kristin safe as she was in that accident Friday night. Thank You for keeping anyone from being hurt. Be with the lady that caused the accident. Thank You for Kristin's time she spent in jail for having alchohol on her breath. Thank You for the mercy You have shown her through all of this. Lord, she believes in her heart that she was meant to be in the jail that weekend, there is mission coming from this and she wants to be lead to the person that will help her get started to be an advocate for inmates in the parish jail. I know people get into trouble and they are there for a reason, but I do believe that they do deserve to be treated as humans. They have made mistakes in their lives and knew if they kept doing what they were, they would end up right back in there. Even at that, give the guards a heart to be kind and not treat tham like trash. I do understand that some of the people that go in there are impossible to deal with, perhaps some have mental issues and aren't being treated for it and they do and say things to make the guards mad, which in turn makes the guards mean and ugly to them. I would have never dreamed that Kristin would be so happy to have been in jail, she truly believes You have put this desire in her heart to be an advocate for those that can't stand up for themselves, for those who just dont have what it takes to deal with people to get things done. Give her that voice that gets peoples attention and help get the conditions up to par. Thank You Lord for keeping Kristin safe while in she was in jail. Thank You for the woman that was a part of the ministry that comes to bring Gods word to the inmates. Thank You for the lady that was laying hands on them and praying for whatever they need to be healed from.. Thank You for when it was time for Kristin to be prayed for and the woman laid one hand on her head and the other hand on her stomach, and as she prayed she told Kristin that she needed to let go of all the bitterness she has been holding on to. There is no way this lady could have know how Kristin has always held grudges and that causes so much bitterness. But our family has always been concerned about it because we didn't want it to cause her any health issues, plus there just isn't any peace in a persons heart that holds grudges and it only hurts the person holding the grudge, the person they have bitterness for are having a great time, not a single care in the world. We know that the grudge holder is the one that suffers because they can not just let it go. Lord I ask that You continue to talk to Kristin, keeping the fire in her heart for this mission. for Kristin to keep the ministry going.

    Lord, I am amazed that I myself would actually praise the Lord for Kristin being in jail, but when I saw her the first time since she called me Friday night, there was a glow on her face about all the good she had already seen coming into a reality. I ask that You help us in any way to get project going. Now Lord, I want to thank You for all the blessings You have blessed our family with. Be with and bless all of our family, friends and enemies. In the precious name of Jesus I pray Amen❣

    1. Pamela --- Wow, the Lord is doing a work in Kristin's life! Great praise to the Lord! Will contine prayers for Kristin. Let go let God.

    2. Thanks Pamela K,
      I really needed to hear this today because it still applies to me: "...she needed to let go of all the bitterness she has been holding on to. There is no way this lady could have know how Kristin has always held grudges and that causes so much bitterness. But our family has always been concerned about it because we didn't want it to cause her any health issues, plus there just isn't any peace in a persons heart that holds grudges and it only hurts the person holding the grudge, the person they have bitterness for are having a great time, not a single care in the world. We know that the grudge holder is the one that suffers because they can not just let it go. Lord I ask that You continue..." My head has forgiven, but the hurt in my heart goes on and on, like a thorn in my chest. Thanks again for sharing. Prayers for all.

    3. I pray Kristin is doing well now and God has removed any bitterness in the family. Pamela, Your post was especially meaningful to me. I had a friend in our apartment building when my kids were young. She was such a sweet lady but she had a drinking problem which led to a bitter divorce. I have asked for prayers for her because she had a severe circulation problem during Covid and did not get to the doctor until it was too late. They had to amputate her leg above the knee. Well I spoke to her today and her daughter has her own big problems. She has had a drinking problem for a long time and her husband is divorcing her. He left her and the daughter, Maggie was depressed and drank way too much a couple of weeks ago and she was involved in an accident. She hit a man and he eventually died. She has been arrested and put in Jail. My friend didn't want to tell me but now I can pray for her, her Mom and siblings, and the family of the poor man who lost his life. May he rest in perfect peace. Such a sad situation. Please pray for Maggie and her Mom, and the man, and that God rests his soul and comforts his family. Brie, I still pray that God resolves the problems within your family. We must forgive those who have wronged us because God forgives us. And then His peace and love will reign in our hearts. Let us continue to pray for each other. Thanks for your prayers. One more prayer request. I know I asked you to pray for my friend Sandy who has Myeloma and her daugter who tried to commit suicide. Well I spoke to Sandy today and she told me her brother in law Dan has Covid and he has pneumonia in both lungs and he's not doing well. Thank you for praying for him.
      Father, Please hear all of our prayers and answer them. We trust you in all things. I'm resting in Your Love and putting all our problems in Your able and loving Hands. Thank You Jesus!

    4. Thank you Father for your loving watch over so many challenges facing loved ones and friends and the world at large. Help us, Holy Spirit, we open our hearts to your guidance for the next most doable steps. We thank you! We love you!

    5. Amazing! When we give all of our circumstances to the Lord He will use them for His Glory and the salvation of many.

  13. Pamela K - Interceding in prayer for Kristin. God continues to bless my cousin's (Shelby) 20 year jail ministry with incarcerated women. Continuing prayers for Kristin.

  14. As you requested, here is the website to find the service in which I was asked to lead for this Sunday:

    The service will be streamed at 10:00 (or maybe 10:05) Arizona time which is 1:00 Eastern time, 12:00 Central time, and 11:00 Mountain time (7:00 PM in France). You need not worry about watching it streamed for it will be available on the same website for some time afterward. I would encourage you to follow the video to the end (or skip to the same) because the pianist, Nicole Pesce, who is considered one of the best in PHX, plays 'Shine, Jesus, Shine' in a way you have never heard before. I was very fortunate to have her for this service. Her talent at the piano is absolutely phenomenal. The vocalist (Renee Patrick) in the service (they with a violinist are a part of a trio called We3) is the daughter of a 60's Motown group, the Inkspots. Be blessed! With love, Bob

    1. Will be sure to see my friend in the pulpit. Exciting!!

    2. Merci Bob! I can't wait to watch it tonight!
      Have a blessed day!

      Blessings from France

    3. Thank you. God bless you.

    4. Thank You, looking forward to listening bd twin, thank you! I know the Lord has gone before you and this message will be inspiring as with Your insights here on this blog!

      God bless you.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Looking forward to watching it.

    6. Bob, you were in my prayers, early this morning! Looking forward to hearing you and seeing your face!

    7. Bob --- Joining the JC WARRIORS in prayer for this special day for you. May the Lord's Great favor, wisdom, grace and mercy be upon you. We will have a face to put with your name! What a day that will be when in heaven, we all get to see ALL the faces of this Incredible JC Family!

    8. Thank you for the link, Bob. Looking forward to it, and as JJ wrote, putting a face to the name! What a glorious day when we can meet each other in heaven face to face. God's blessings to all of you.

    9. Looking forward to watching it, Bob. I must wait till 1 PM because we were watching our Mass this morning. I will make sure to hear the lovely rendition of Shine. Thank you. You are blessed that the Spirit is working within you to bring God's message to many people. Let your light shine before all men.

    10. Yay! Looking forward to Sunday worship with you!

    11. If you would like to interact personally about the service, feel free to write me at

    12. Dear Bob, I was blown away by your personal story and wonderful Homily. First I must say I am so glad you weren't able to be a Doctor. God was guiding you to be a Minister and Keeper of His Word. There are reasons for everything and you have found your true calling which is sharing God's message and leading others to Him. You certainly blessed my heart. I listened to every word and you moved me right down to my soul. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and personal insight along with the truth of God's words. You are richly gifted as a Preacher and I am blessed and humbled by your generosity of Spirit. You glorify God today and every day, and continue to do so. The music was fantastic and my day was elevated to a new level because of your Service. Thank you. God bless you.

    13. (Humbly) Thank you for your kind affirmations, Jeanne. Thanks for tuning in. I saw you out there.

    14. Dear Bob, God gave you a wonderful gift to share His Word and message. I am sure you are busy doing His work. Praying all is going well to His glory.

  15. Repost from late yesterday afternoon. Placing here to be sure all who've prayed are appreciated.

    JC community... All of your thoughts and prayers are so appreciated and taken as great bits of wisdom and love from the Spirit in us, and combined with our God as The Father and Son.

    As I wrote to Norah. 3 to 4 weeks ago, we hoped and prayed for rest and restoration (for our RN daughter who contracted CV19 while working in a NYC ER and came home to rest and escape NYC for 3 weeks). I truly believe she got both. Plenty of the former, probably not enough of the latter... but prayers, time and the Great Healer can manage the rest. Thanks to all here in the JC community. Amen.

    p.s. we've devoted plenty of blog space to this personal situation... so, it's time to move on, thus, no response necessary, just acknowledging all of you. Peace be with you. Godspeed to all those suffering with and due to CV19. Amen

    1. Peace be with you as well.

    2. Thanks Janet. It's much easier being at peace post-visit. Now we need peace in our big cities, the rule of law, and a quicker end to the pandemic than we are hearing from the experts. Amen!

  16. Ugh! This is the third time I’ve tried to post! Dearest JC Family please stop and pray for my sister in love, Patti! She has been on transplant waiting list at Mayo Clinic for 3 years and received THE CALL today! A lot of pieces still need to align before surgery will happen but she is being prepped for OR as we speak with a tentative surgery time of 2:45 this morning!...which is in about an hour! Also please keep the donor and his family in prayer as well as he prepares to meet Jesus...we know he is only 19 years old! May God bless his family and give them peace and comfort. Lord you are the Great Physician! Thy will be done! Amen!,

    1. Sending prayers for your sister and the donor! God is in control. Thank you Lord for this good news and please comfort the donor's family, fill them with your peace that only you can give. Thank you Lord we love you.

      Blessings from France

    2. Thank you BFF! Just found out that surgery is a GO! she went back an hour expected to take 8 hours! I forgot to mention in first post that she is receiving both a kidney and liver! Prayers are so very coveted! God bless y’all!!

    3. Praying for all of you. God bless. May Peace and strength be with all.

    4. BamaGrl --- Interceding for your sister and her donor. Thank You Gracious Lord for Your miraculous hand upon BamaGrl's sister and and Your grace and mercy upon the donor. Thank you for Your peaceful healing presence to be with each family. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, AMEN and AMEN

    5. BamaGrl- joining our JC prayer warriors and lifting Patti up to Jehovah Rapha! Covering her in His Blood, knowing that Nothing is impossible for Him!! Sending peace her way.

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Joining in to pray for Patti, the donor's family, doctors, nurses and everyone caring for her. Lord please watch over the surgery making it successful with a good recovery. JE

    7. BamaGirl - Joining Warriors in comforting prayers for you, your sister and donor's family. Nothing is impossible for God!

    8. Prayers for Patti, for YOU, BamaGrl, the generous donar and his family. So many times I've heard of this type of story and ALL end up blessed and comforted. That is my prayer today.

    9. As surgery is being completed, praying, BG, for Patti, thankful for God's love for her that makes all things work to good. Looking forward to hearing of His work on her behalf. God be with you.

    10. BG, praying for you, Patti, the donor and your families that all goes according to His plan. God is faithful, and may He bless you all with love, comfort and peace that surpasses all understanding.

    11. Praying for your dear sister in love, Patti and for the donor and her family. Thank you Father for a successful surgery and perfect recovery. May the donor rest in Your peace and beauty, and may you grant peace and comfort to the Donor's family. Their son is bringing life and good health to Patti. May he realize Your promises. Amen

    12. God's plan is perfect for Patti and all associated with today's surgery. Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit for your Presence surrounding them with comfort and blessing a positive outcome for all.

      I am also going to post this on tomorrow’s blog to be sure everyone sees
      Oh my goodness! I am overwhelmed by all your sweet prayers! Her surgery was successful and both liver and kidney are doing their job! Praise our good, good Father! It has been such a long day but I will definitely post more detail tomorrow but wanted to let y’all know she is doing well and to say thank you for lifting in prayer, Patti, her donor, his family as well as our family! This is such a special gathering of believers! Thank y’all so much!!

    14. Looking back at these posts, I remember all the prayers for Patti, and that God was faithful to her! He is so dependable so we put our trust in Him always and forever. Continuing to pray for her and for you sweet sister.
      Amen BamaGrl. This is a wonderful gathering of believers and we are bound together by the blood and love of Christ.

  17. Good morning JC fam! Have a lovely and blessed day hand in hand with Our Lord!

    Thank you Lord for this day, for the birds chirping, for my family, for all the blessings you renew everyday. Teach me your ways Lord, help me to focus on you and only you, not my circumstances, you are greater than them.

    Thank you for this day I get to spend with my family celebrating my nephew's second birthday. I pray for each person that will be there, as well as each member of my family, praying that you reveal yourself to them, touch their soul, mind, heart, so they will know you how much you love them, they will know of your kindness, wisdom, grace, blessings that flow from Your throne.
    I know you want me to shine your light on them, so help me to do so Lord, guide me through this day and everyday you will make.

    I trust You Lord, I love you my dear Father in Heaven. You are always there for me, I'm so thankful for you, not only for what you do but for who you are. Glorify your name through me, through us.

    Blessings from France

    1. Amen. Have a blessed day France.

    2. I feel as if I'm at the Party BFF! So much fun - nothing like a little 2 yr old's energetic, trusting, joyful response to a birthday party. God bless you as God shines through you!

    3. Drawing upon a line in one of the well-known songs from Phantom of the Opera, (with adjustments), 'Mon ami, love them; that's all He asks of you.' Enjoy your time with them. I agree with Norah above, 2 year old's bring so much to a birthday party as their joy is uninhibited and overflows in a variety of ways. There is a lesson there. God be with you!

    4. What a blessing to celebrate your nephew's 2nd Birthday. So much love and joy to immerse yourself in. I am sure the bright light of Christ will shine through you so all those in your gathering will be lifted and inspired by it. I was blessed to be with my dear grandson last night at a barbecue. He will be 2 in September. The sweet joy of watching him play and eat watermelon and ice cream and the sound of his sweet laugh lifted me sky high! Enjoy the precious moments in the presence of the Lord. Have fun with your family and be blessed!

    5. BFF..I find tremendous joy in caring for my grandsons..Juan Carlitos 15..Mateo 4..Jairo 11 mos. Thank you Jesus for my blessings. Help me to shine your light on them. May God keep pouring His grace over you and yours.

    6. Thank you all!! Thank you Lord for this day, it was a very nice one. Children are so pure, so precious, never fail to make us smile and warm our heart.

      Blessings from France

    7. Happy 3rd Birthday to your nephew. Praying for you and your family. Amen dear Maplewood! We are so blessed that our Lord is always at our sides. I love your last line. We are indeed His instruments of love, comfort and peace. May He work through us and guide us with His indwelling Spirit.
      Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus.

  18. Oh yes Lord! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! You are my Master Lord. Lead the way and I will lovingly follow You. Praise the Lord continously and always. Thank You Jesus. Bless Your holy name Lord with all that is within me. Bless my soul Lord and all that is within me. Amen.

    1. Amen dear Janet. In gratitude we will walk through this blessed new day. And we shall not forget His benefits!

  19. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You Holy Spirit, for giving me the opportunity everyday to learn a little more of how to let You stay in control of my life. Thank You for wanting me to live the purposeful life that You have predestined for me. Today, my soul just want to Praise You and relax in Your Presence. Thank You for the opportunity to do just that:

    Praise God in His sanctuary;
    Praise Him in His mighty firmament!
    Praise Him for His mighty acts;
    Praise Him according to His excellent greatness!
    Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet;
    Praise Him with the lute and harp!
    Praise Him with the timbrel and dance;
    Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes!
    Praise Him with loud cymbals;
    Praise Him with clashing cymbals!

    Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
    Praise the Lord!

    Dear Father, We trust in You to take over all the affairs of our lives. We know that when we call upon You wherever we are and whenever we are in need, You are right there to the rescue. May we realize that trying to be in control and giving You control just doesn’t work, they can’t co-exist. We must realize that You are in control of every aspect of our lives and relinquish all to You. May we be reminded that our responsibility is to live faithfully and obediently in what You have called us to do. Thank You for the good news, that there is always a blessing and Your goodness attached to the other end of giving it to You and letting go. This is our prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen,

    "Faith is the opposite of seeking control. It is surrendering control. It embraces the truth that control is an illusion – we never had it and we never will.” – Skye Jethani

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. * Psalm 150

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Maplewood--- Thank you for sharing your heart this morning. Love the Psalm and love the quote. Great blessings to you and this Incredible JC FAMILY! So thankful for EACH JC FAMILY member! Such a privilege to be surrounded by such GREAT PRAYER WARRIORS for the Lord!

    3. Amen dear Maplewood. I will do my best to "let go and let God" lead me along my path today. I am sure He has placed many blessings along the way and I will do my best to open my eyes and heart to find them. Thank you!

    4. Thanks for your beautiful post, dear Maplewood. Let us live faithfully and obey Him in all things. Surrendering control is a hard thing because of our human flaws, but God can handle our problems so much better than we can. We must drop them right at the Throne of Grace and leave them there.

  20. I woke up this morning and was in tears waiting for JC Bible Tags to appear on my screen. I have no idea why, other than THIS TIME we are all going through. I quickly dove in to search for some of our Prayer Warriors I've been missing: Fern, Brillimar. I prayed for Brother Bob and then saw he posted the link to his sermon. I prayed for our son and his family who will arrive at their destination in about 4 hours. What I needed was to get out of myself and pray. So many have been through so much in the last 4-5 months, yet as promised, God has continued to bolster our believing. Each of you have shared how He has worked in your lives.
    I am off to do a donut drop off surprise to my closest GBabies and neighbor. "When the pressure is on - GIVE." I was taught that many years ago and thank my Father for reminding me of that this morning.
    God Bless - I'll check back in later.
    PREACH, Bob!! :)

    1. Agreed Norah, when troubled be a servant, giving blesses the recipient but the servant is blessed even more... gets you out of what zig ziglar used to say "stinkin thinkin". Focus on self is thwarted when confronted with challenges of those you choose to help. Donut deliveries are always great! Be safe.

      And I'm sure Bob will "bring it" ha ha!

    2. Indeed, Norah, a giving spirit is richly blessed. Thank you for sharing, "When the pressure is on-GIVE." It's such a great reminder, and IT WORKS! Be blessed as you go about your deliveries of yummy donuts. We serve an awesome God!

    3. Dear Norah! You are truly a faithful servant. You wake up in gratitude and prayer, and then you do your best to bless the dear people in your life with much sweetness and joy. I'm hoping and praying we hear from Brilamar soon. Praying for her and her brothers and husband, and my JC Family. By the way, I haven't had a donut in such a long time. You are a real sweetie to lift and bless the people you love. You do the same for us with your beautiful words.

    4. You are all so sweet. I'm reading updates as I listen to the beautiful piano music before Bob's sermon. The blessing truly was mine, MadFox! Got me out of that funk FAST! Though my little grandsons did the Happy Dance on their front porch, and my granddaughter, Lucie yelped, "My FAVORITE!", I think my favorite was the phone call from my neighbor. I left her apple fritter on her back porch (closed in - no critters) and I received a phone call saying that while she had been feeling so low and achy and sad, she was now having a cup of coffee, eating her fritter and thanking God.
      The blessing was mine...

    5. Great advice dear Norah. When we give of ourselves to others, we are sharing His love and not thinking of our own problems. He calls us to be selfless instead of selfish. Besides we know He knows our problems and He's working to resolve them according to His will and Plan. Sweet Norah, You are such a kind soul. I wish you were my next door neighbor, I would hug you. I know we would be friends.

    6. I sometimes think to try and outgive God which we all know is impossible, but it sure can be fun trying.

  21. I’m so blessed by each of the prayers and intercessions. Every time I pray for one of you guys in unity because we are praying for each other, i can’t help but cry (in silence ) with tears pouring out to our God because I know he’s going to do something big . I read about the thorn in Paul’s flesh. He asked God to remove it three times. I can only imagine. The thorn represents a messenger of satan that was put there to keep him from becoming conceited. I m not sure where I’m going with this. I read this yesterday and I think I have one too, a thorn.. . I remembered a dream I had a year ago . I used to be the driver for some special needs kids to and from school. I worked for the company only a short time.. It wasn’t an accident that the Lord put me in that position at the time that he did. His purpose and timing is perfect always. So the dream I had back then told me what my handicap or disability was. It was the Inability to be greatfull! Inability to be Greatfull! What, I m greatfull! But I realized then that I always complain... about everything. My entitlement to my way going perfect. My perfect touch, plans, insights and expectations not meeting my standards..all this ungrateful ness flying under the radar, not even getting recognized. I repented back then. I was gonna make it a point not to grumble anymore. Well time went on and on.. I maintained for a while before i forgot about that idea. Especially with vivid and the country in this current state. But yesterday after I read the portion about Paul and the thorn, I found myself inwardly whining about ALL the thorns in my life and complaining to my husband wawawa. Oh Lord, as I lay here I just want to surrender my expectations and repent once again for complaining. I want to praise you right here and now for the things I name thorns. They are here for a reason. You get the glory when we overcome! It is here for your glory Lord and thank you for reminding me. Love every body! God bless y’all today and this year! Thank you for all the wonderful prayers lifting each others spirits!

    1. Interesting dream. And as we get comfortable with thorns in our flesh, we may not even notice them but our thorns can prick others.

      May God sweet conviction correct and heal.

    2. Praying for you Sisters Keeper that as God's spirit works in your lift, you will have less reasons to complain. We all complain, I usually start ranting and raving after I've been in the kitchen for 3 hours cooking to much. But if you just say "Jesus" while you are complaining, I'll bet the complaining will cease. He never leaves us when we go through things that provoke us to complain. Guess that's why I talk to him will I cook. Even just saying: Father, You know how I feel as I stand here sweating trying to produce good food for my husband". I always feel comfort that He understands me better than anyone else and listens always. He knows you are faced with your thorns and we must suffer as He molds us. But His grace really is sufficient so we will bear any thorns because He is close to us in our brokenness. God bless your day. Get away from everything and look at some flowers and the beautiful sky so you can give thanks for His refreshment and renewal of Spirit in your day.

    3. Realized last year, I meant to say As God's spirit works in your LIFE, instead of "life", you will have less to complain about. Oh well, I'm sure you figured that out. Whenever I reach out to others who are sick or having problems, I forget about my own concerns. I have my dear DIL Allie on my mind. My son won't tell me what her biopsy showed. He just said she's alright. I will believe that and just keep praying.
      Dear Sisters Keeper, I believe you are grateful for all of God's blessings and He will bless and keep you as you bless and keep others.

  22. Wasn't going to post today for what I posted above is enough. But I ran into some great lines from a reading associated with the merchant who found a pearl of great price and spent everything to obtain it (Matthew 13:45-46).

    From Mary Healy in her book, 'When Women Pray: Eleven Catholic Woman on the Power of Prayer' published by Sophia Institute Press, Manchester, NH. The point of this paragraph is to affirm the great value of beginning each day with Him so He can orientate our soul for the day ahead. Some of the good lines:

    "When the Lord called the prophet Samuel as a boy, he was instructed to respond: 'Speak, Lord, Your servant is listening (I Samuel 3:9). I have to admit that my prayer often goes more like, 'Listen, Lord, Your servant is speaking.' (Gulp)

    "When I first began to study the Bible, I experienced what the disciples on the road to Emmaus felt: 'Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked to us on the road, while He opened to us the scriptures?' As this practice of 'lectio divina' (conversation with God) was made a regular practice, I found my mind being renewed."

    "When I wake up in the morning, I am not typically overflowing with godly thought and heavenly charity. In fact, I need to be reconverted every day. I may wake up distracted, or grumpy, burdened with the concerns of the day, with my mind on worldly thing, not at all attuned to God. I need time with the Lord...I need to be immersed once again in His love so that I can walk through the day in communion with Him."

    "And each morning, whether I feel it or not, God is there with a far greater desire to lavish His grace on me than My desire to receive it."

    Just had to share these words with you my sisters and brothers in Christ. Thanks for your prayers for the service today. Since the sanctuary was empty, I imagined all of you sitting in the sanctuary and in that I found inspiration for preaching. With love, Bob

    1. Love it... picturing the JC community sitting there listening, and the Truth is we were or will be... but in terms of the spiritual realm where there is no time, we heard your message already!

      When able and not traveling, I attend a virtual 'lectio divina' study. We use the lectionary and read the scripture as prescribed 3 times. I've found that this listening has made new significance emerge from the text... and often new insights that our group had not considered. the Word breathes anew and so it is not blindly reading verbatim the same text as critics of our faith often say... but rather, with age and wisdom of others, we see our Father in new ways, we see just how precious His children are, and how deep and wide His love is for each one of us. Amen.

    2. Bob thank you for sharing the website. I’m in Dallas central time. I will be tuning in!

    3. Amen Bob, thank you for this, "When the Lord called the prophet Samuel as a boy, he was instructed to respond: 'Speak, Lord, Your servant is listening (I Samuel 3:9). I have to admit that my prayer often goes more like, 'Listen, Lord, Your servant is speaking.' (Gulp) It made me chuckle out loud because it's so true in my life. And thank you also for the book reference. I'll be sure to look for it. Also love the idea of all the JC family sitting in the sanctuary listening to the Word as you deliver it.

      Amen MadFox. "The Word breathes anew and so it is not blindly reading verbatim the same text as critics of our faith often say... but rather, with age and wisdom of others, we see our Father in new ways, we see just how precious His children are, and how deep and wide His love is for each one of us." Praying for discernment as I prepare to attend a virtual mass.

      Blessings to each of you and our JC family. So blessed to be a part of it.

    4. Bob, Thank you for your honesty and message. I sure do agree that sometimes, I fail to see the light God is shining my way because I get distracted by worldly things and chores I must do. Let me be more interested in His agenda than my plans. Looking forward to hearing your service and your teaching. I'm sure you opened the hearts of all who heard you.

    5. Good morning friends! I am on fire for FORGIVENESS after listening to an amazing radio interview with Dr. Bruce Wilkenson "the power of forgiveness". As prayer warriors, you too might find this to be a game changer. I'm setting aside my plans for today to listen to Bob and again to Dr. Bruce. I know this brings me closer to God. Spoiler alert... You might be starting another list 😉♥️🙏✝️

    6. Bob, Wonderfully done. You transmitted God's message and God's love! And YES! You had "Fans in The Stands:)"
      Glad God led you on this path. Stay the course. God loves you and so does your entire JC family.
      Since one person transmits the virus to three other people, if we each transmitted Jesus to four other people everyday and ask them to do the same, then we'd be spreading Jesus and His Word faster than corona! You were a super spreader of His Word today. Thanks!

    7. Wow!!! Bob bd twin, still listening to your message and in total awe!! Will comment further! So grateful to be a part of this family and the opportunity and blessing to hear you preach! BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO! I am so EXCITED!

      Maplewood NJ

    8. Where/How can I get a DVD of this service to "spread" to others?

    9. Truly enjoyed your service..the music breathtaking..I pictured you just as you are a man of great faith in love with our lord and savior. Thank you Bob for uplifting me with your prayers. I love all types of music and find myself singing them all to my savior by changing a word or two (I thought I was kinda crazy by doing that). All glory and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ!

    10. Brie, the video will be on the website for a few weeks to come. I don't think there is a DVD unless you can make one from the video. Thanks for being 'in the stands'.

    11. If anyone would like to personally interact with me about the service, you can reach me at

    12. Amen Bob! Thank you for sharing those lines.
      I came home about an hour ago after a very nice day with my family. It's almost 10:30pm here and I'm so tired I'm about to go to bed. I will watch your service tomorrow, can't wait!

      Blessings from France

  23. Bob - almost said "Dr. Bob". GOOD JOB!!!!! Echoing Maplewood's comment, "Grateful to be a part of this family and the blessing to hear you preach!"

  24. Bob - Congrats to the musicians!!!!! I wish Nicole could play a duet with the pianist in my church.

  25. I am head to toe goose bumps - my always-faithful reaction to hearing the Word, music, songs, prayer, exhortation, implortation (is that a word?) and ENCOURAGEMENT to go SPEAK!!! Well done, good and faithful servant! LoveConquuersall, this is JUST as I pictured Bob too! Being a Movie Buff, I saw Richard Dreyfuss (in Mr. Holland's Opus) and heard Rev. Billy Graham and I knew - I JUST KNEW, I'd see a twinkle in your eye! You are Father Tim, in the Mitford Series and best of all, you are BOB MALSACK, Son of God, Servant of the Most High God. You PREACHED IT, Brother!! I have to say, the goose bumps started when you greeted us, your JC Family. How sweet and gracious are you??
    Nicole and Renee are amazing. I can't wait to play Nicole's rendition of "Jesus Loves Me" for my 2 little Grandsons who LOVE that song! They will be doing the Happy Dance, for sure.
    I'm closing out tonight as Nicole plays - her fabulous, last song. Is that "Can the Circle Be Unbroken" ?? Oh, my gosh - she is AMAZING! I am downloading both so I can share with my family. My Hub asked what I was doing when he walked into my little office and I greeted him as we were doing in Church. How blessed your Pastors must be, Bob, knowing that you stood in their stead, as they heal and seclude (out of love). They had to rest in His Peace, knowing all is well. WHEW! NOTHING can separate us from the Love of God. Nothing means NOTHING! Thank you, Bob!

  26. jC family Please pray for me I am going for an interview in 15 minutes . Praying for favour , for a wonderful time with the kids , for wisdom to answer questions to the best of my abilities and for calmness during the session. Amen

    1. Father, be with Min Ahadi during her interview and let Your presence be felt. Give her the peace, comfort, and knowledge she needs during this time. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

    2. Praying that the interview went well dear Min Ahadi. Sorry I saw this too late to pray while it was going on. But may God's Spirit enlighten the interviewer to your wonderful qualities and abilities, and your good and godly character. Thank You Father! Thank You Jesus!

    3. Praying for the perfect outcome to what I'm sure was a blessed job interview. How did you feel it went? Is this an employer you would feel good about working for?

    4. Thank Father for hearing our humble request ...the interview went really well ! I has to do a science experiment with two groups of children aged 4 to 10. I praise God for being with me every single minute during the day! Thank ladies for your prayers I knew that I want alone. Continue praying for the salary that will cover all our needs and help us get our Toyota and help us to reach an agreement for minimal fees for my daughter

    5. Min Ahadi - Echoing Warrior prayers for your interview and salary that will cover your needs. Thankful your interview went well.

    6. Praising God because your interview went well. God will guide you to all you need and a good salary and your Toyota and a reduction of your daughter's fees. Thank You Jesus!

  27. Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain. (Philippians 2:14-16). Now godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. (1 Timothy 6:6-7). So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. (James 1:19-20).

    Father, thank You for being the best Father ever! Your glory and goodness is everywhere and in everything. And in the darkness, You are the light. Let me stay out of the way of Your leading me. You are sovereign over all things and I know nothing. In You, I trust. Remind me that I'm not living for today. I'm living for the day of the LORD. let me not be a complainer. Let my heart and mind always be in a spirit of joy. Let me accept all things as they come with a cheerful spirit and know that it is all for the glory of God. let me live for You Lord and not for me. Please forgive me for all the opportunities and moments I have squandered in discontentment. Release that negative spirit from me and replace it with Your glorious, righteous spirit. Let me live for Your glory and Your word. Help me share You and Your word with others in the world. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord continually and always. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

  28. Good reminder sweet sister! Your beautiful prayer really blessed my heart!
    Let the words of our mouth be pleasing to Him. I will try not to complain about anything today. Your Prayer was just so perfect. Especially: "Let me stay out of the way of Your leading me". AND: "Please forgive me for all the opportunities and moments I have squandered in discontentment".
    Thank You Father for every good thing you have blessed me with. My cup overflows and I am following hard after righteousness and the spirit. Help me Father and lead me. Praising You with my dear sister and the rest of my JC Family. We love you and trust you, and continue to wait on You. In the Name of Christ Jesus we pray!

  29. Lord, help me to keep You 1st place always in all things. Show me how to leave the constant busyness and planning aside and seek You and the path You have for me. When I keep You central in my life is when I am most confident and at peace. I live You Jesus

  30. Amen, Mark! Joining in this prayer with you in love with Jesus. (Reposted without my typos 😉)

  31. Wonderful prayer Mark! Me too! Amen!

  32. Since I have our two grandsons sleeping over, I'm just stopping in to say you dear JC Family are in my thoughts and prayers. We trust together that God is already preparing this new day and working on our petitions. He knows what we need even better than we do. Trusting that all things are in His Hands. Resting in Him and letting Him lead my steps.
    Psalm 25:5
    Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
    For You are the God of my salvation;
    On You I wait all the day.
    Psalm 31:3
    For You are my rock and my fortress;
    Therefore, for Your name’s sake,
    Lead me and guide me.

    1. Yes indeed dear sis! God is faithful &, hears all of our petitions. Thank you for encouraging us with the sharing of the word. Enjoy your grands. 🙏💞

    2. Thanks dear Jan! God helped me through pancakes and bacon and the baby is already taking his nap. The Word is our daily bread. We have hidden it in our hearts so we will not sin. We have inscribed it on the tablet of our hearts. This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Hope you are in the middle of a blessed day.

  33. It’s my first time leaving a comment, but I’ve been coming to this blog and praying right along with you for a few years now.
    I just wanted to thank all of you for helping me build my faith and strengthen my relationship with Jesus. When I begin my day with the JC fam it’s like I’m armed and ready for whatever the outside world has in store for me, and I can spend more time celebrating God’s mercy, grace, and love! This blog is a true blessing in my life! God is good!

    1. So glad to have you with us Adrienne. This group is very supportive and loving. It's still the first thing I do when I wake up--after telling the Lord "good morning ". Thank You Jesus.

    2. Welcome Adrienne. I find this JC Blog is my international church. We give, we receive, we bless and are blessed, we lift our brothers and sisters in Christ up to His Throne of Grace in prayer, we share our burdens and joys, our needs and blessings. May the mind of Christ dwell in you richly, affecting all you think, say and do for your good and His Glory.

    3. Joining with my JC WARRIORS in welcoming you, Arienne. How great is it that you have been there all along praying with us and Praising The Great I AM. My Papa God, I stand by The Blood of Jesus that rises up to defeat ALL EVIL. So , Papa, in Jesus's name let your power fall in Adrienne life. Let your hand move in the midst of her affairs. I pray You will surround her with your Glorious presence. Remove any burdens she may be wrestling with in her spirit, her mind or body. I thank you, Papa, that you are the God that sustains her and delivers her. May the presence of our Lord Jesus be strong and prevalent in her home daily. Thank you ,Papa, for Adrienne's life. Bless her, Bless her! All honor goes to You, Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit, AMEN and AMEN.
      So glad you are with us, Adrienne!!! JJ

    4. Amen! Thanks for your post Adrienne ♥️🙏

    5. So happy to have you here with us dear Adrienne. Thank you for all your prayers. We are already sisters in this JC Family walking in gratitude and praise. I understand your how blessed you feel coming here each day. God led each of us to this sweet place of refuge, comfort, joy and encouragement. He meant us to be part of this dear family in Christ. All those seen and unseen are bound together by God's Word, our faith, His Grace, and His indwelling Spirit. Here we come together to pray and seek prayer in our difficult times. God already knows exactly what we need. So very happy to have you here with us. God bless and heal you and your loved ones in every way and all our dear ones here.
      Thank You Father for this in Jesus' Name. Amen

  34. Dear Adrienne, thank you for dropping in & gracing us with the sharing of your heart. I join you in the blessings of this JC family of believers. The doors are always open to receive whatever is weighing heavy on our hearts. We do a lot of victory dances too!, So glad to hear from you. Have a blessed & victorious day! 💞🙏

  35. Just had to share this from our local news this morning. A car was completely destroyed by fire. After it was put out, they discovered an unsigned spot in the backseat, there sat a bible untouched by the fire. Remind you of another incident mentioned in the Bible? Meshach, Shadrach & Abednego! How awesome! Stay blessed loved ones💞

    1. WOW! Amen, thanks for sharing Jan. Blessed!

    2. Just love it, Jan!!! The devil CAN'T DEFEAT THE WORD!!!

    3. Amazing!!! Amen to that! His Word remains the same, inpenetrable, and God is so much greater than any fire or firey dart from the evil one.

  36. " Relax and let Me lead you through this day". Lead on Lord:

  37. I find I sometimes take this command too seriously and lose my sense of what I want to do because I’m trying so hard to discern what I think God wants me to do.

    1. Does anyone have any insights on how they rest in Him and His plan without trying to “get it right” and make sure they do it His way all the time?

  38. Peter. Thank you. Followed the song with my guitar while my 3 yr old grandson Gabriel strummed. What a blessing!

  39. Dear Lord, please help me to fully rely on You and stop worrying so much about getting my first born ready to leave for college in a few weeks. Let me trust in You and slow down and enjoy this time.

    1. Dear Anonymous, You already planted the seeds of faith in your first born. Trust that God will bless, protect and guide your dear one in college. I remember well how emotional this time is. And so much preparation! Emotionally too! But the simple sweet shared moments of life until your child leaves are most important right now. Build some memories and make the remaining time special to both of you. God knows your worried heart intimately. Give all your concerns to Him and He will tie up every loose end. God bless you dear Anonymous and your first born in every little thing. Thank You Jesus.

  40. A milestone worthy of praise! The only way around the emotions is through them, God's got your hands joined forevermore.

  41. Prayers requested for Erica and her 3 children who may be homeless this Friday. Erica is one of my brother's caregivers. She receuved a notice to vacate by Friday or face eviction. There is no emergency housing where she lives.
    We are living on God's promise, Relax and let Me lead you through this day. I have everything under control. MY CONTROL! Thank you for your prayers. They availeth much. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Praying for Erica and her 3 children dear Brie- God love and protect them🙏

    2. Joining in prayers for Erica and her 3 children. May our heavenly Father shine His face upon them and bless them and keep them. May He open up the way before them and lead them to safety and protection. May He provide shelter for them. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    3. Erica and her children are now living in a small home, and she is working and happy. Thanks for your prayers!


  42. Praying with you for God to make a way for Erica and her 3 children to find shelter and a permanent place to live.
    Father God we are asking you to open another door for Erica and her family, and lead them to the perfect place to live where they will be safe with caring people. And provide them with all their needs and restore their peace of mind, and comfort their worried hearts. Show them Your faithfulness. Thank You for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

  43. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne for Jimmy, Ron, Justin, and Danuta's mom. May our heavenly Father's hand be upon each one's life and bring healing, strength, comfort, faith, love, and peace. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

  44. I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in right paths. (Proverbs 4:11). By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches and honor and life. (Proverbs 22:4). Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ. (2 Thessalonians 3:5).

    1. Loved those beautiful verses! I shared them with my friends and Mom and Sis! Thanks for the best breakfast.

  45. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Father, please set me free from planning my own steps and help me to let You lead, guide, and direct me through my days. Let my heart and mind stay focused upon You and not on the distractions in the world. Align me with You Lord. Open my ears to hear Your voice and open my heart to receive and embrace what You are saying to me. Let us walk together and enjoy this wonderful day that You have prepared. You are so amazing! I can't thank You enough Lord! I love and adore You Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Beautiful prayer, Janet. Thank you for sharing.

      SC Anonymous

    2. Joining right into your perfect prayer! Amen

    3. Amen! Fantastic prayer!❤️🙏

  46. I know you're able
    Mercy Me

    1. Such a comforting song! Thank you dear Sassy Mom. You are so kind to lift us up today. Sending much love. God knows you miss your dear Debbi because He cares! Have a sweet day in the Lord.

  47. Dear Heavenly Father God, would You please show us what to do now and next? In keeping with the Psalmist, Make us know The Way to go; To You we lift up our souls! My brother Keith needs good medical help and doors only You can open. In Jesus' Name. Thank You. Amen!

    1. A miracle is at the door, Brie. Praying for your brother.

    2. God knows what Keith needs right now! May He open the right doors and direct your steps to the doctor who He has already equipped to help him. Trusting in our amazing God with you and our dear JC Family. We know He will continue to be faithful. Thank You Jesus.

      Lamentations 3:22-24
      Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
      Because His compassions fail not.
      They are new every morning;
      Great is Your faithfulness.
      “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
      “Therefore I hope in Him!”

    3. My brother, Keith got The Best Medical Help from The Great Physician. He is totally healed now and safe in His Arms! Thank you for your prayers!

  48. Joining JC Prayer Warriors in prayer to open the doors for Keith.

    1. Thanking God for you and your prayers, Sassy Mom!

  49. O God, all my life You have been faithful. I gladly give control of my life and all that is in it to You.
    Faithful God

    The Goodness of God

  50. Thanks dear Janet, Amen

  51. Thanks dear Peter! Beautiful songs to fill our new day with light and joy! I’ve always loved The Goodness of God. You really blessed me.

  52. This devotion is about letting God lead us and relaxing in His presence no
    matter what is going on. He is above it all. Our humanity causes us to lean on our own understanding instead of trusting in the Lord with every fiber of our being. He can only direct our hearts and steps if we don’t yank our reins out of His able Hands. I’m giving Him this day and my reins. Lead me Lord. Help me to be the bright light You created me to be. Help me make a difference today and bring joy to my mom’s day too.
    Thank You Father for this and for continuing to show all of us Your faithfulness, mercy, and loving kindness. You’re so good to us all the time. Thank You for all the blessings You give us every day. Thanks for understanding us perfectly and loving us “as is”. We are Your handiwork and works in progress. Thank You for leading us to all You have prepared us to be to Your Glory in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    Psalm 31:3
    For You are my rock and my fortress; Therefore, for Your name’s sake, Lead me and guide me.

    Psalm 143:10
    Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness.

    Psalm 25:5
    Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day.

    1. Amen Jeanne 🙏. Joining in prayer with you! God bless!

    2. 2 or more are now in.
      This is hard for me to activate:
      Relax and let Me lead you through this day...

    3. Brie, keeping you covered & your family 🙏🙏🙏❤️

    4. Lord, we commit each day into your Hands and ask that You will direct our paths. Help us to be in tune with Your will. Give us ears to hear, eyes to see, feet to go where you lead and willing hands to do what you ask of us. Amen 🙏🏻

    5. Thanks! Praying with my sisters for God to lead us all. Amen

    6. All in on this prayer for leadership!

  53. Thank you dear family for prayers for our son/ wife. They are recovered from covid. Hubby & I and grands escaped it, PTL& YOUR prayers! Daughter is now recovering also. Whew! Hallelujah!🙌🙌🙌

    1. Thank you, Lord for answered prayer

    2. Hallelujah! Good news of God’s faithfulness and the power of prayer. He is so good!

  54. I recall a conversation in an episode of The Chosen; one Disciple says to another "How are we going to do that?" The other Disciple replies "I don't know, but He knows, He always does".
    Philippians 4:6-7
    "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
    'Let Your Living Water Flow'

    1. Amen ~Margaret from Pennsylvania

    2. Thanks dear Peter. Amen. This week I’ve been rewatching The Chosen. I remember hearing that.
      Blessed Assurance. He always knows.

    3. ♥️🎶 thank you for that blessing!

  55. Please pray for my dear friend Sandy who is being treated for multiple myeloma. She got her Pet Scan and there is a gray area in her colon. She had to have a colonoscopy on Friday. Father God, We know you can turn this around to good. Let it be benign and heal all of her infirmities, help her to tolerate her treatments, bring her back to good health and give her a strength of faith. Thank You for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

  56. Thank you Jesus for your healing touch on Sandy. 🙏🙌
