Monday, July 27, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 28

Let My Love seep into the inner recesses of your being. Do not close off any part of yourself from Me. I know you inside and out, so do not try to present a "cleaned-up" self to Me. Wounds that you shut away from the Light of My Love will fester and become wormy. Secret sins that you "hide" from Me can split off and develop lives of their own, controlling you without your realizing it.
     Open yourself fully to My transforming Presence. Let My brilliant Love-Light search out and destroy hidden fears. This process requires time alone with Me, as My Love soaks into your innermost being. Enjoy My perfect Love, which expels every trace of fear. 

Psalm 139:1-4, 23-24
English Standard Version

O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
    you discern my thoughts from afar.
You search out my path and my lying down
    and are acquainted with all my ways.
Even before a word is on my tongue,
    behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.

23 Search me, O God, and know my heart!
    Try me and know my thoughts!
24 And see if there be any grievous way in me,
    and lead me in the way everlasting!

I John 4:18

There is no fear in love [dread does not exist], but full-grown (complete, perfect) love turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror! For fear brings with it the thought of punishment, and [so] he who is afraid has not reached the full maturity of love [is not yet grown into love’s complete perfection].

My Prayer
O Father, in You I live and move and have my being. I thank you for the morning, a new day, the light appears as you make known yourself to me. You are near. You are with me. Guide me and govern me by your Holy Spirit, that in all of my cares and occupations of my life I will not forget you, but I will remember that you are ever walking in my sight. Search me. I have followed too much the devices and desires of my own heart. I have left undone things which You Holy Spirit are telling me to do while I too often run to do those things which I ought not to have done. I bathe in your mercy an am so moved by Your great love. It has been a busy week but through it all you are there, with me, enabling me and giving me strength. Forgive me for the pride that wells up in me, for the rewards that I want now, in the way I decide, yet, the work I do is only work that happens because of you in me. You provide so much for me. I now rest in that provision. Blessed are you, O Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - you are praised and exalted above all for ever.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Search me O God and know my heart.
    Teach me to love You MORE, Lord. Show me how to place You at the forefront of my life and my thoughts.Help me to center my life around You and grow in obedience to You. Interceding in prayer for my JC Family.

    1. Love today’s devotional, scriptures and prayers so much! Yes, search me oh Lord
      I love your prayers Sassy Mom and Chris Payton
      These are my prayers too
      God be with y’all
      Sending loving prayers for each and everyone of our JC family

    2. Amen Sassy Mom! Wonderful prayer. He is a discerner of hearts and He knows us better than we know ourselves. Put Him in the center and follow hard after His righteousness and His Spirit, and all things will come together. Praying for our Family here for healing, comfort, encouragment, renewal, strength and God's faithfulness. Thank you Jesus! Amen.

    3. Still loving your beautiful words sweet Sassy Mom! Amen! We must do our best to put Him in the center of our lives and let Him Reign in our Hearts.

    4. Todays devotional and scriptures are so beautiful, comforting and powerful!
      I am so thankful for your perfect love Lord. I am also so thankful for this blessing of believers
      Who come together to worship Jesus & to love and pray for each other. Chris, Sassy Mom and Jeanne thank you for your prayers.
      Search my heart oh lord. I want you to be the center of my heart, thoughts and actions
      Love, blessings and prayers

  2. God put your name on my tongue, paint it across my mind sew it into my heart that I would love you Lord with all my heart and soul and mind.

    1. Beautiful runaprilmae! Amen! Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!

    2. Runaprilmar, that is such a beautifully painted post. It brought me joy this morning, thank you!

  3. Thank you Lord for knowing me inside and out and for your perfect love.

  4. With a heart of gratitude and Thanksgiving, Father I lift my voice up this morning and say THANK YOU for another day, another week and THANK YOU For YOUR Everlasting Love for me.

    I can not hide from You, because You know my inside out, so Holy Spirit, remove every hidden sin and open my spiritual eyes, ears and heart to know and walk in Your ways.

    Thank You for Loving me and wrapping me in Your Righteousness through Jesus Christ the Righteous. May Your Transforming Presence be a light onto my path this day and this new week in Jesus name!

    Blessings and prayers for you, my JC family. May the Peace and Love of God open each of you to receive HIS Transforming Presence and enjoy His love that cast out ALL fear in Jesus name.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Nice prayer. Thank you Maplewood. Amen.

    2. I loved the devotion and the wonderful prayer today and Sassy Mom and Maplewood’s posts from last year. Starting my day filled with the Spirit rejoicing and thankful m. Jeanne

    3. Happy to be a lump of clay in the Hands of the Most High!

  5. Anonymous--- Saw your late post from yesterday. You reached out for prayer for a problem with alcohol. Father God, I pray for Anonymous and those that are bound in alcohol addiction. I speak the name of Jesus into their situation and ask Father God to cover them and their family with the blood of Jesus. You said in Your Word that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in us. Therefore I pray that the Holy Spirit will break the destructive power of alcoholic abuse and be set free. I ask this all in the name of Jesus--that miracle-working name that is above EVERY name that is named! God's great grace and mercy upon you Anonymous. Father, I thank you for the Victory in Anonymous's life! Interceding in Kansas

  6. Good Morning - beautiful day and I meet it with Godly expectations! I listened to a teaching last night (Part I of II, the second being this morning) on Expectations. My heart was heavy when I started the teaching: nothing horrible had happened, but being surrounded by my dear 'elderlies' who are facing sickness, sadness, procedures, surgeries, appointments and being the caregiver I am, had me feeling the weight. Two of my 'kids' leaving for a one week trip, others planning birthday parties for their littles, one getting over a broken heart and I was in great need of rest - His rest. And that is what I did, along with the visits, conversations and planning. I took time to rest.
    The teaching had many verses about how we can "expect" God to fulfill his promises. Over and over I read and heard that I will not be disappointed, that there is therefore now, no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus (when I can't be 2 places at once), that we are COMFORTED when we have mental pressure (& it's our job to change our stinkin' thinkin' :), which I was doing by applying the Word to my circumstances.
    And, I found myself this morning, joining you, Maplewood NJ, excited for a new week, knowing I'm fully equipped.
    Prayers for all of the many happenings in our lives. Peyton Family - you have been a busy man! Prayers for your Director, your mom, and YOU! Years ago, I was taught, "When the pressure is on - GIVE." The context was in finances, time, sadness (make someone's day), all areas. That is what you did by witnessing to the 18 yr old - praying that he received the Word you offered.
    So, I have today, to set up my week for others and in doing so, I am taking care of myself. I've been up for several hours and read, did my Yoga, hugged my little granddaughter next door when she came out with her new puppy. I have a couple of closets that need attention, laundry, grocery shopping, and a visit to Inga this afternoon; time with family and another good nights' sleep so I'm my best for Him and in that - others. I'm so thankful for this blog. For the prayers we share, for the victories we share and for the tears we share when LIFE, when the adversary, throws a blow. We have the confidence that we are in His Hands and his plans are always good, even when, in this short life, it seems, for a moment, otherwise. My heart soared over Kristen's change of heart, Pamela K!
    Another EXAMPLE of GIVING when the pressure is on: all of us praying for each other. TJ, your mom remains on my heart; Sassy Mom, your dear family (so much after what your daughter went through, losing her friend, their family, and now your cousin): Ruthie is on my heart, often. So, it seems like more to do, more to pray for, but in that lies more Godly results, fulfilled expectations; knowing that our Heavenly Father has it covered and by Christs stripes, we are healed, set free. Love and prayers for all of you and I thank you for yours! <3 I John 4:18 blessed me SO MUCH.

  7. JC verse from July 27 really spoke loudly: Romans 12:12 "Rejoice in hope, patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." Message Bible version Romans 12:12 "Cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder." A verse I want to hold close!!

    1. Expectant not because we deserve it but because of who He is! And for His glory.

  8. Perfect place to be at this time. My bro in law is in hospice at here with my sister to help her with transition. If ya'll could pray for us that would be so welcome. Thank you so much.

  9. Sue---Joining with the JC WARRIORS in prayer for your brother-in-law, sister and family members. Father God I thank you for being with this family right now. We often don't understand why things happen the way they do. We don't understand why illness comes into our lives, but we do know that you walk every path of life with us. Thank you Father for pouring your grace, mercy and healing into this family. Father thank you that You never leave us, that you never forsake us, but You love us. I Plead the Blood of Jesus over this family and speak the name of Jesus, Jesus, Jesus to the family. Amen and Amen

  10. There is so
    Much love in the prayers and posts on this blog! God is so loving powerful and good! My heart over flows when reading Maplewood NJ, Sassy Mom, JJ, Norah and Payton family prayers. God shines so much love and light through each of you. Prayers for each situation, each person, each family and praise God for the many Victories every single day through this Blog
    God is right here. How glorious.
    Yalls prayers and loving light shine in abundance
    God bless each of you today and through the week.
    Prayers and love from Texas friend πŸ₯°πŸ™

  11. Unknown Texas Friend - Amen to love, prayers, VICTORIES and posts.
    Texas Friend - Y'all speaking my language.

  12. Thank you Lord for your unconditional love. Thank you for knowing us better than ourselves and anyone. You know what we need even when we don't, you never leave our side. No, Lord, you will never forsake your children. Nothing can separate us from your love. Nothing, nothing, nothing.
    Bob! I've just watch your Sunday's service! Wow wow wow! I don't have the words to express how blessed I am and how great it was. I loved your preaching, the music, it was such a blessing to hear. We can tell how passionate Nicole is while she plays and Renee's voice is beautiful. I'm going to bed blessed by your sermon. Thank you so much, thanking the Lord that we JC fam have the opportunity to know you and be able to watch your service. Such a blessing! I've downloaded the video.
    I'm adding Shine Jesus Shine to my worship playlist!
    Praying for the clergy couple.
    God bless you Bob!

    Blessings from France xx

    1. You are so kind, mon ami. Thank you for all your loving affirmations. In them I am further blessed. And the party Sunday was good (and blessed)? God be with you.

    2. Glory be to God! Yes the party Sunday was nice and I was blessed to spend time with my family. Still praying for their salvation as none of them is saved, but I know God is working in their heart as I walk by faith and not by sight!
      God be with you too mon ami!

      Blessings from France

    3. Amen Blessings from France. Beautiful prayer today. I second that Motion! Bob’s glorious sermon filled my soul to the brim and made a difference in my day. Still savoring his words of truth and remembering his wisdom.
      Thanks again in! Let your light so shine before all men! Glory to God!

  13. Again posting on tomorrow’s blog as I want to be sure everyone sees my praise report! The second surgery did not take long and the issue was corrected!! Patti has been taken off the vent and her daughter was able to FaceTime her with us this afternoon! Oh! the blessings of technology!, Although in some pain, Patti was her upbeat happy self and what a blessing it was for my husband to “lay eyes” on his little sister since we can’t be there due to visitor restrictions!, Thank you to everyone that has been praying and for all of your precious comments! I will show them to her when we can see her!
    I just want to say one more thing... In the past, while I read this blog everyday and pray for each of you as well as any special prayer requests, I don’t comment often. While I know this doesn’t matter, i just don’t feel that writing is my I am silent most of the time! I say this because all of your comments and prayers over the last two days have blessed me so much and really opened my eyes to how much the written comments mean to someone while they are walking through a valley! Anyhow, you will definitely be hearing from me more in the future! Not only will I be praying for y’ will know it as well!,
    Peace and blessings to all!,

    1. Well said Bamagrl... which means well written! Great to hear of good outcomes. May your family continue to receive His healing and be at peace. Amen.

    2. Hi BamaGrl, Thank you for the praise report. I come here first every day with my morning coffee. I read and I pray and truly love that we have this special blessing in this JC community. I too don't comment very often. I agree that the coming together and written words are a huge comfort. It's still just as strong in our hearts even if we are quieter. Love, Kathy

    3. BamaGrl- glorifying God with and for you! He's a FAITHFUL God deserving of all glory and honor. May His Peace and praise not depart from you.


      Maplewood NJ

    4. Praise the Lord! Such good news!

      Blessings from France

    5. Your post, BG, touched my please keep sharing your heart as the Spirit moves. Your report on Patti is such a testimony to God's powerful love. That too needed to be shared. Personal testimony: I used to hate to write because I didn't feel adequate about it much as you do. Then I learned from my priest friend who was an English major and wrote articles for his parish, just let it flow. It doesn't matter how it comes out for it is more about the heart and less about the grammar. I asked an English teacher in the church I served to critique my writings. She refused, she said, 'the way you write is who you are and I do not want to change that one bit.' Thus began my interest in writing. God be with you.

    6. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.

    7. BanaGrl, Thanking God for His faithfulness in correcting Patti’s issues. Continuing to pray for her good health. I was blessed by your words.
      Bob, I too am so thankful you shared your heart with us and your preaching. What a difference a day makes. Grateful and blessed.

    8. Praise and thanks to God for answered prayers, blessings coming from all directions and the reminder of His unconditional love in today's reading! In joy this day ☀️

    9. Amen a year later, Audra. Amen!

    10. Amen dear Audra! Love that!
      Yes GraceTakesTime.,Timeless truth!
      Praise and Gratitude to the Most High!
      Thank You Father for all Your blessings, the peace and joy that only comes from believing and Your amazing Love for us despite our sins and imperfections. How blessed we are!

  14. Dear Loving Father, I am thankful and blessed to be in Your Presence once again. May my heart remain filled with praise, worship and thanksgiving to You, as I await the moment when seeing you will no longer require faith or imagination, or waiting or repentance. Until that day, keep me hungry and thirsty for more of You and Your love. I love You. You first loved me and I am grateful! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

    Love is essential to the nature of God. We should always stand in awe of Him. He loves us with an unconditional-everlasting love, He leads us and at times, He allows us to stumble, but never let us fall from His hands. He is calling on us to open our hearts to His Love, because He is Love.
    The good news is, His love never fails. While our love for Him sometimes fall short, be shallow, or even selfish when we don’t get our way, His remains “steadfast” (Isaiah 54:10), it is “everlasting” (Jeremiah 31:3), it is selfless (1 John 4:9) and it is the pure love of Christ.' The Word is made clear that it is given and available for all peoples to receive. He “maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust” (Matthew 5:45). We can see and feel His love all around us, through His beautiful, extraordinary creation. For all good and perfect gifts, comes from the Father above. He intentionally gives good gifts, just or even better than earthly fathers gave their best gifts to their children. Of all His giving through His Love, the greatest is the opportunity to receive eternal life and live with Him again! This was made possible through the ONE (JESUS) He loves without sin, as part of His plans for us who sin, to have eternal life with Him! “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). He loved us first, before we loved Him. He has our names inscribed in the palm of His hands, watches over us and knows “the “the very hairs of your head are all numbered” (Matthew 10:30-31). The invitation was given over two thousand years ago to ‘open ourselves to His transforming Presence and receive His perfect, unconditional Love’!

    Dear Father, Despite our weaknesses and short-comings, You love us and will never forsake us. Your love for us is undeserved and unfailing. As we love You, may our hearts be flourished with genuine love that will benefit others and demonstrate our love with results to the glorification of Your name. May we keep the 2 greatest commandments in our hearts, never forgetting to live by them: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it:Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”(Matthew 22:37-40). We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Beautiful words and prayer to satisfy my soul and hungry heart, dear Maplewood. Thank you for adding so much light to my day. We must follow hard after righteousness and the spirit and love God completely with every fiber of our being. That is to make Him reign in our hearts above all and to share His light and love to all those who cross our path. Thanks for your lovely words the Spirit gives you to share. Joining in your prayer. Walking with you in thankfulness, love and praise.

    2. A blessed post, twin bd sis! Thank you!

    3. Maplewood, your prayers are such a blessing to me! Thank you!

    4. As I started reading this I thought "I bet this is Maplewood". Yep. Thanks again for your thoughts and prayer.

    5. Still lifted by your beautiful words sweet Maplewood!
      Amen! His love never fails and it is new each morning. It is a Love that has no limits or conditions. He loved us with His whole life unto salvation. We must remember His first commandment: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. We are so blessed. He set us free from the bounds of sin and gave us the hope of salvation, and called us His friends and children. So happy and proud to be a beloved daughter of the Most High.
      May we never forget His second commandment too and May we Live it to the best of our ability: Love our neighbors as ourselves. Treat them the way we want to be treated. Amen! Then we will be called good and faithful servants.

  15. Dear JC Warriors, please pray, I have been invaded by a small army of ants. My Terro baits are ready to welcome these pesky little critters. All prayers welcome. Praying for you as you pray for me.

    1. ...sent away for Terro bait last week after your post. Those pesky ants just love it! I have not seen any on the counter tops for 2 days. Thanks for sharing :)

  16. Brief update on my prayer requests for Mark & Kim and son Joshua. He received his first chemo treatment. It was a learning time for all on procedure and what to expect. Parents report that with their faith and prayers from others, are ready for the long road of treatments and journey ahead. I will continue to update as information is shared with me. For now please keep Josh in your daily prayer to stay faithful and hopeful. Thank you all. Amen.
    Also, wanted to say to Bob, really enjoyed your talk online. Great message and beneficial, as we all walk our journey. Your heart was opened to your calling to serve as "spiritual physician" ! So many do not respond with an open heart to a calling. Thanks "Dr. Bob"! I
    Also, I did an internship at Arizona State Hospital back in the early eighties!(yikes!) I enjoyed the "dry" heat you mentioned ;)

    1. Sending healing and comforting prayers for Mark Kim and Joshua. May God strengthen them and filled them with His peace. In Jesus name, Amen

      Blessings from France

    2. Thank you so much, ABC, you bless me with your affirmations. God be with you.

    3. May God wrap them up in his perfect presence and keep them close in His heart. Please comfort them in Your Peace while You work Your miracles Lord. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously. Amen.

    4. Sassy Mom, praying your ant problem gets resolved. My Mom always uses Cinnamon on the ants.
      ABC, Continuing to pray for Josh. He is in the Hands of a loving God and the greatest Healer. May he feel God’s presence and comfort as he undergoes his difficult treatment. Pray without ceasing and hope and rest in the Lord.

    5. Thanks for the update ABC. In continued prayers. God can do the impossible! Praying for parents peace and directions for the days ahead. God bless you.

      Maplewood NJ

    6. ABC, I am adding Joshua to my prayers and pray for peace and comfort as he and his parents navigate this scary diagnosis! God has this and will be holding their hands throughout! Blessings!

    7. Continuing to pray for Joshua and Mark and Kim. They are in God’s Almighty and Able Hands.

  17. Lord please help me to fully open myself up to Your presence. Please shine Your love light in me and search out and destroy any hidden fears that I may have Lord. Help me to walk in Your ways and not my own and to embrace the path that You have prepared just for me Lord. Help me to always keep You first and foremost in my life Lord and if I get distracted, please bring my eyes back to You. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously. Amen.

    1. Thank you Janet for your sincere prayer. Thanking God for keeping our eyes and hearts on Him so we don’t get distracted by worries or fears. Let us remain in His presence and peace today. The light He sheds on our path today is the way in which we should walk. Keep your eyes and heart open to receive His guidance and instruction.

    2. Amen amen amen ♡♡ Beautiful prayer!

      Blessings from France

  18. (II Timothy 2:21) Vs. 20 was an illustration of what is to come. Using household utensils, some were differentiated from others by being called 'special' while others were defined as 'ordinary'. In my post yesterday, I felt led to define those two words as having eternal value (special) and essential value for every day's existence (ordinary). The passage goes on to say, 'All those who cleanse themselves of the things I have mentioned will become special utensils, dedicated and useful to the owner of the house, ready for every good work.'

    This might need a couple of days to appreciate fully. 'All who cleanse...' The words imply we have a responsibility in our cleansing. We are cleansed by Jesus death on the cross, and it was imparted to us in our baptism. It is all His work out of His love for us, we did nothing to accomplish the cleansing. But we do have a role in the process. I hear this passage calling us to embrace what has been done for us by making it most dear in our life. In so doing, '(We) will become special utensils'. Again, we have a role in this process of being used by God. He has done the work, we must seek it with our whole self (love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength). This is what it means to be in covenant with our Lord, we both have responsibilities in the relationship. He has provided salvation for us, we must take it to heart. Or as an elder said to me, 'Pray because it all depends on God; live as if it depends on you.' Two parts to being in relationship with our Lord.

    Blessings on you, dear JC family! You are ever creeping deeper into my heart...and I am blessed in having you there. With love, Bob

    (Thank you, Norah, for advising me to copy before publishing. I would have lost this post had I not followed your direction.)

    1. To all. on any longer post, I use the 'notes' APP function of my phone and compose my thoughts and usually edit SEVERAL times. I found that this blog platform with the signout button close to the post button, accidentally hitting refresh, or just plain glitches or simple mistakes...will make you go crazy when you lose a POST! But even short posts can be lost. Sometimes I think... hmmm maybe God edited that!

    2. Amen Bob! He won't force us to follow Him and He won't be working in/with us if we don't want to do our part. We have to be intentional with our walk with God so we can walk hand in hand with Him.

      I too have to copy before posting since I sometimes lose my posts.

      Blessings from France

    3. Bob, the Holy Spirit shines through you! You help me to dig in to the Bible in ways that I don’t think I could on my own! Thank you!

    4. Thank you so much, Bob. You always give me a lot to chew on. I want to be made holy, and to be useful to God and prepared to do the good work he assigns me to. We have a role to play if we are to become "special utensils". We must do our best to live for Him and to His glory, and not for ourselves. Let our words, thoughts and deeds be pleasing to Him. Jesus cleansed us through His death and resurrection. Halleluia! But during our days, we must go through a continual cleansing so we can approach the Throne in a state of true holiness. We all know even though He abides in us, in 24 hours, our mind darts about thinking of all the things we must accomplish, and countless other things and people. But He's saying "Stop! Be still and know that I am God." He wants us to live with Him in the present. He must be Number 1 on our list. That means inviting Him into every facet of our life. Even if we're going to a party and perhaps have a couple of drinks, although in this Pandemic that is most unlikely, but... in every situation we must let our light shine before all people. He may be putting a very needy person with a hardened heart in front of us. Any kind word we offer may be their best meal of the day. Thank you Bob for giving me much food for thought. I am responsible to live worthy of the gift of belonging to Him.

    5. That elder sure shared God’s wisdom.
      'Pray because it all depends on God; live as if it depends on you.'
      Amen to that!
      Thanks always for the wisdom you share with us dear Bob!!
      Praying all is going well with you as you continue to serve the Lord. πŸ™

    6. Missing you dear Bob. I am sure you are busy opening up hearts and sharing God’s Word and message. Always in my prayers.

  19. Great takeaway for today, Bob: "'Pray because it all depends on God; live as if it depends on you.' Two parts to being in relationship with our Lord." Thank you!

  20. Lord, teach me to give myself completely to You. Let me not keep this or hide that from You so that I may grow and fully bond with You and Your Holy Soirit.I yearn for Your love and peace.Lord to acknowledge You throughout my day giving thanks for all You do in my life. I rejoice that You know me inside and out and that You know the true intentions of my heart I grasp Your hand and set out to do Your will today.

  21. Healing Prayers requested for my niece Elise whose breast cancer has returned. Dear Jesus, Let Your brilliant Love-Light search out and destroy every trace of hidden fears until every cell in Elise's body is restored to B9. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Father, please place Your healing hands upon Elise and remove this affliction from her. You are the healer and miracle worker and You have the power to do this. I claim and ask for that healing now. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with You.

    2. Praying for your dear niece.
      Father, Thank you for destroying every cancer cell and replacing it with healthy tissue. We know You can do all things and we are trusting in Your faithfulness. You are the Greatest Healer! Thank You Jesus!

    3. Healing prayers coming for Elise. I'm so sorry and she must be so scared for this return. There is power in the prayers coming for her from all of us here. I've witnessed it. Thank you Lord Jesus!

    4. Thank you God for your presence in Elise's healing, and comfort for her family as they navigate her recovery.

    5. Our Niece Elise is completely healed and free from all suffering and pain because she transitioned earlier this year. Thanks fo your prayers!

  22. Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart (Proverbs 3:3). How lovely is Your tabernacle, O LORD of hosts! My soul longs, yes, even faint for the courts of the LORD; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; they will still be praising You. O LORD of hosts, blessed is the man who trusts in You! (Psalm 84:1-2,4,12).

    Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of swimming in Your everlasting love. Nothing is more amazing than Your love. Help me love others as You love -- deeply and unconditionally. You are so wonderful and I can't thank You enough for all You do. Let me be open to receive all You have for me. Help me walk in Your spirit and not my own. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Praise You Lord continually and always. Thank You Jesus.

  23. Beautiful verses and wonderful prayer sweet sister! Amen and Amen! Have a blessed day in His presence and peace! God bless you and all our JC Family! Much loveπŸ’—

  24. Dear JC family, please join me in prayers for dropping all defensiveness when it comes to expressing my love and faith in Jesus as my Savior. As I pray for the Holy Spirit to help those I love find their way to our Lord, I also pray that I can share my experience openly and honestly without fear of offending (prostelizing). My relationship with our Holy Trinity has grown much in recent years, and people can see it on me. Help me to tell them why and be confident in sharing. Thank you!

    1. For my own self, Audra, I pray for all family members on a regular basis and wait for the Spirit to open up a natural opportunity to share the beauty of His presence in my life. When the Spirit opens up the moment, my witness flows freely; if I try to force it, little happens and sometimes even pushes them farther away. An element of witnessing that is often not applied is respect for the other person which usually makes it sound like we are talking down to them. Love them, pray for them, and simply share what the Spirit gives you to say. Always remember, it is the Spirit that brings about salvation, we are just asked to speak the truth in love. God be with you!

    2. You know you have my prayers, girlfriend. I keep waiting for someone to ask me for my secret!
      The closest I came was while "patiently" waiting in line at Office Depot. The lady in front of me started talking about God to me, because she said she knew she could. Did she see Him in me? I pray it was so, and I am praying for what we see in you to shine forth for others you may encounter, especially so-called atrangers!

    3. Amen Audra, Joining prayers for God's spirit to work mightily in us so we will be light to those in darkness and good witnesses to all we encounter, and for God to open the hardened and closed hearts of our unsaved family, friends and dear ones, so they will seek and know the LORD and His truth unto salvation, and finally realize the true peace and joy that only comes through believing in JESUS.
      Good advice, Bob. Approach those who thirst for Him with love, gently, and His Spirit will feed you the right words to say to soften their hearts.
      Brie, Wow! I'm sure she saw the beautiful light of Christ in you! The wonderful thing happened to me in the post office yesterday. Two Sisters were on line behind me and we just started to talk about how we loved Jesus and He is our cornerstone. We even ended up singing some Gospel songs together. When I left, my new Sister handed me a lovely pamphlet. What a blessing and privilege it is to belong to the beloved Family of Christ!

    4. BOB! On yesterday, I just rewatched your service from 2020 to make sure the link still worked before I sent it to Min Ahadi.
      I thoroughly enjoyed it yet again, thinking, O Holy Spirit, You know our BOB is a reading and a praying but how I long for BOB to be a posting again, in your time not mine. I am thanking God and exhaling to see 2021 next to your name. Welcome back to the posting side of town brother friend in Christ! Love, Brie

  25. Father, let me open up and not hold back on anything when I am talking to You. Point out the lies I tell myself, replacing them with the truth. Stop me before a dishonest word leaves my mouth, giving me the most loving way to say what is true. Help me to be my "true" self and not what I think I need or have to be. Search my heart and mind and show me the truth in myself. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus. You are the best Father ever. I praise You Lord always.

  26. Wonderful prayer Janet. Amen dear sister! Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me.
    Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to You, O Lord. THANK YOU JESUS! You are everything to me, and even more. You are mine forever.

  27. Please pray for my friend Jim who just told me he has nonoperative liver cancer and he's starting treatment at Sloan Kettering in two weeks. He sent me this exact message: "Jeanne, sometimes all the prayers in the universe don't really work. But I know now that GOD has other plans for me." I told him God allows bad things to happen to good people. I told him He is testing his faith and he should trust in the Lord now. Please pray that God will destroy every cancer cell and that the Chemo will be successful. Please also pray for his strength of faith. That is most important. Thank you dear JC Family.

  28. Prayers for your Jim's strength of faith. Prayers for another Jim, our neighbor, who needs the mental fortitude to be released and free to come home from a mental health facility. Tonight his kitty was at the window waving a paw at me. I went over and prayed and petted that Jim would be home soon. Thank you Jesus for answered prayers. We love you. We trust you. In your Holy Name πŸ™✝️

  29. Praying for both Jim's and the kitty.

  30. Please play for my friend Tom who is a wonderful guitar player and he has calcium deposits in his shoulder. He had cortisone injections and he is in so much pain. He asked me to pray for him so I am asking for more prayers for his healing. Thank you. He is a good and kind man.
    Father God, Thank You for removing the calcium deposits in Tom's shoulder and healing all of his weaknesses of body, mind and spirit. Take away his pain and bring him to perfect health. He has other medical issues and you know them all. Help him to lose weight and take better care of himself and strengthen his faith. Thank You for showing him Your faithfulness and healing power. Thank You for all this in the Name of Your Son, our Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen.

    1. Joining in prayer with you Jeanne. May our heavenly Father place His healing hands on Tom and remove his afflictions and open his eyes, heart and mind to Him and strengthen his faith. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. Joining in prayer for Tom. Teach him oh Lord how to care for the only body he will get, the temple of the Holy Spirit. See him through the issues he is experiencing at the moment. Lifting up Audra & her shoulder. See her through to recovery & healing in Jesus' name amen.

    3. Thank You for your prayers for Tom. Waiting on the Lord with you. Joining in all prayers for our dear Audra’s shoulder too. Looking forward to hearing of more answered prayers. Thank You Jesus.

  31. Posting this here early for those up early. Praying for my jc family and asking for prayers of discernment and "hearing" from God and His holy spirit about the future or our coffeeshop. If God wants us to sell and be open future ministry places he wants me, or to keep it and still be a ministry trusting him to provide money to pay bills and stay open. The after affect of covid has finally hit us financially and the cost of operating is so high, it's hard to stay in business, let alone see any profit, even a small one. Prayers for me/us to be open to his leading and that i know it's His will because I will have complete peace and trust. I am meeting with a potential buyer at 10am this morning just to see possibilities. Thank you jc family. Mindy

    1. Praying that our heavenly Father will reveal to you His will on this important choice in your life right now. May you receive His message with an open heart and mind and let the spirit guide and direct you. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. Dear Lord, please look upon the sale of Mindy's coffee shop with favor. May the buyer give her exactly what she needs for the purchase price. We thank You Lord, amenπŸ™πŸ’ž

    3. In prayer-full expectation that Mindy will hear the guidance she needs and the perfect people, timing and outcome that is best for all concerned. In Jesus name I pray.

  32. Dear Mindy, You do have a hard decision to make. May God direct you and give you clearer vision to see which way to turn. May He guide your path like a Neon light so you have no way to go but the right way. He already knows whether to sell or keep it. Trust in Him completely and weigh all the factors carefully. May His indwelling Spirit instruct and guide you to make the right decision.
    Thank You Father for this in Jesus' Name we pray.

  33. Praying for you Mindy, that you will be fully guided and at peace with the right decision that God has for you. Amen. Ellen

  34. Dear friends, I am so grateful for the healing that God has brought to our family’s lives…my daughter, myself, my son in law (still ongoing after affects of heart surgery, migraines), and now my husband. He has been found to have a pinched nerve and it has caused some muscle weakness in both legs. We remain hopeful that this can be addressed in conservative ways and his strength can be restored. I feel so grateful for your prayers and support and for God’s healing. I feel that in gratitude I need to reach out to pray for healing for others. It is hard for me to do that, though every time I have done it, it has been well received. I firmly believe in healing prayers. I pray that God will give me the confidence and opportunity and peace about this. Thanks, Ellen

    1. Prayers come your way every day, Ellen. For you and your family to enjoy restored health. ♥️

    2. I'm so glad to hear God is healing your weaknesses and carrying your son in law through his recovery from his heart surgery. Now that I know a pinched nerve is the source of your DH's muscle weakness, I am praying that God resolves this problem and guides you to all the right treatment for him. You and your family are always in my prayers and I sure do appreciate yours dear Ellen. May we all receive answers to our prayers and more of God's faithfulness in our lives.
      Thank You Jesus.

  35. Lifting all prayer requests to the Throne of Grace; requested answers to prayer for wisdom, healing and all needs whether spoken out or not. Praying for the broken hearted. Praying for those who , despite good intentions, fail and fail again.
    The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

  36. Please join me in prayers for Brie and her family every day. I had a brief note from her. They are fixing up Keith's former home to facilitate a sale, and preparing to have Keith move in to their home. Intensely busy these last two weeks and away from Internet. Rest assured, she wrote, she keeps us all in her prayers and although absent from the blog pages, close in heart. Thank you Jesus for your ever watchful presence on our sister in Christ and her family in this season of transition.

    1. Joining prayers for dear Brie. She may not be free to read or write for awhile. She and Larry have their work set out for them but God is at their sides. May He smooth out every wrinkle and tie up all the loose ends.
      Amen dear Audra! Thanking the Lord with you. He is with her every step of the way as she cares for her dear brother Keith. This is a difficult season but it is still blessed because they are being led through it by the Great I AM.

  37. Joining JC Warriors in prayers for Brie and her family. We miss you Brie.

  38. Joining ALL JC WARRIORS in prayers for Mindy for life direction and business wisdom and understanding . John 16:13 " When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth: for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come."
    Praying for Ellen's husband and family that El Shaddai, God Almighty, has you and your family in the palm of His hand. I ask for His Presence and Healing hand to touch your husband and family's life in a greater way than ever before in Jesus' name.
    Brie -- I ask my Papa God to anoint you and your family with the oil of Joy.
    The Joy of the Lord will help you get through any projects. Psalm 22:19 "You , O Lord, do not be far from Me; O My Strength, hasten to help, Me! Psalm 33:20 "Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and shield." Misd8ng our Beloved Brie!!

    1. Ok, that post published too quickly. Last line SHOULD read: Missing our Beloved Brie!
      And one last word that finds any of my Beloved JCFAMILY on the verge of giving up and quitting because of depressing, frustrating, overwhelming circumstance, I lift you up and Declare with the Authority that Jesus gave me -- satan, right now, I break the hold you have over them and you WILL NOT keep defeating them! You WILL NOT keep your shackles on them! I command the spirit of heaviness to come off of them right NOW by THE BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST! I command satan, you get your hands OFF of God's Children of the Most High! I thank you, Papa God, instead of a spirit of heaviness, they have a Garment of Praise on them, because they are saved in the name of Jesus and because the Joy of the Lord is their strength. And there is also Peace that Passes ALL Understanding. So I thank you, Papa, they are rising out of that pit, that miry clay, out of pit of lies that satan has kept them in. He can NO longer keep them in that darkness. I thank you, Papa, that You are shining Your Light onto them. You are giving them THE TRUTH and THE TRUTH is setting them FREE right now this very day! I thank You for it in Jesus' name, who makes a way when it looks like there is no way! AMEN and AMEN. Great Love and Blessings to my JCFAMILY! JJ

    2. Amen. His brilliant light can cast out the evil one and the darkness, and He can light the deepest wilderness. He is so much greater than he that is in this fallen world. Do not be Afraid. We serve a Good and Powerful and Merciful God. Wait on the Lord and I say Wait on the Lord. His Way is Perfect and there is no darkness in Him. Just Joy and Peace and a never ending Love.

  39. TERRI, Our dear sweet sister friend in Christ. I am so thankful to God to see you back (yesterday)! Grief sucks. Holding Hands with God and one another, may not stop the waves, but does help us jump over the nauseating waves and resurface.
    You may have vacated the JC Warriors prayer room, but our love and continuous prayers for you and yours remain! Welcome Back. Welcome Back. Welcome Back!

    1. Yes Terri, He's the only one who can truly comfort us and heal our deep sorrows...

    2. Welcome back sweet Terri! So happy to have you with us. Amen dear sisters! He’s the only one Who reads our hearts and understands us even better than we understand ourselves. And yes, let’s hold hand’s together and jump over those waves. God holds us steadfast in His Love.

  40. So rend your heart, and not your garments; return to the LORD your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness; and He relents from doing harm. (Joel 2:13). Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins might be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. (Acts 3:19). But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. (2 Corinthians 3:18).

  41. Beautiful Jeanne. Thank you for sharing. God bless πŸ™.

  42. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Lord, please shower me with Your unfailing, perfect, pure love! Let it permeate every fiber of my being. Let me feel Your touch and hold me tightly in Your glorious arms. Oh, to be held by You! What a privilege it is! What a wonderful gift and blessing! You are so amazing Lord! Thank You for loving me so much! I can't thank You enough Lord! Let me remember that You are with me every moment and You do not ever leave me alone. Oh, how I praise You Lord! All the honor and glory is Yours! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Amen! Praise and Gratitude to the Most High!

  43. Awake early this morning as I didn't get much sleep last night. My MIL, Pat, fell yesterday and is in the hospital for testing now. Truth be told, she is my former MIL but she will always be in my life and I love her as if she were my own mother. Don't know details, but she was on the floor for four hours before she could call anyone. Ugh. Please pray with me for Pat. Her husband, Gerry, passed almost two years ago and she lives alone in a big house by herself. Thank you for your prayers, my JC prayer warriors. I'm going to try and get some sleep now.

    1. Praying for Pat, may the Lord attend to her needs and her healing.

    2. Suzanne, thank you for still loving and caring for your ex MIL. I am glad God put you in her life. Praying for her healing and for peace for you as you look after her.
      SC Anonymous

    3. Praying for you and Pat

    4. Praying for Pat's healing and God's peace to cover you both.

    5. Praying for Pat and you. I was blessed to have had a wonderful Mother and also a wonderful Mother In Love.

    6. Praying God will heal dear Pat’s infirmities and guide the doctors to bring her back to perfect health and comfort. May He rest your worried mind too dear sister. Thank You Jesus.

  44. Dear heavenly Father, please help be to come to you with my faults and short comings of sinful ways. Help me to know that "hiding" them is not kept from you! I do NOT want them to "fester and become wormy". Help me to come to you for compassion and forgiveness for me, and all those who seek it. Amen.

    1. Come to the Throne of Grace and drop all your sins and burdens at His feet! He is mighty to save and His mercy endures forever.

  45. Hebrews 4:14-16: Now that we know what we have—Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God—let’s not let it slip through our fingers. We don’t have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He’s been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin. So let’s walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help.

  46. God bless you too!

  47. Good morning JC family please lift up my daughter Tori Faith as she has a procedure done tomorrow. I ask that you will pray for all of the nurses, anesthesiologists, Drs.nurse techs and every hand that touches her that she will be BLESSED going in and coming out. That she will not have pain and if she does that the Lord will give her the Strength she needs to do ALL things through Him. Thanks everyone so much!! I requested prayer for her a few days ago because she was having symptoms we thought was due to Crohns. It was a relief that she only had strep throat. Of course I don’t want her sick at all but at least we know what it is and she’s being treated. Praying she will be like a phoenix rising from the ashes to be made whole again from this setback. Thanks again everyone ♥️πŸ™May God bless each of you that are always fervently praying for her!

  48. My Papa God, You have called us to Rule and Reign with You. I pray that You will come near to each of the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS and saturate the deepest parts of their souls and Spirits. I pray that You will bring light to those places deep within each one where there may be resistance of Your love for them. But Papa God, they can trust you in these places. There is nothing there that YOU have not seen before. I pray that the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS will allow You, Papa God, into these deep places and pour in Your healing balm. I pray they will allow You to remove every false belief that is in them and they will allow You to renew their minds, souls, and Spirits, with the Truth of Your love for them. For by You, Papa God, the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS will go higher and farther then they could ever imagined possible! In Jesus's name I Pray and Believe. AMEN and AMEN.

    God Bless and Protect you and your families!
    God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!


    1. Amen JJ πŸ™. Thank you for your inspiring words. Peace be with you!

    2. Yes thank you dear JJ. Once again your prayer has lifted me higher! May you also be listed above any challenging circumstances. Bless your day!❤️πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

    3. What a heartfelt and meaningful prayer, JJ. Thank you! Praying and believing for you as well!

    4. Thank you JJ for your powerful words....we are more than conquerors with HIM! God's blessings into each of you and your families. May HE fill you with hope and His promises. Amen

    5. Amen, JJ. Thank you for this lovely prayer

    6. Beautiful. Thank you JJ! ✝️πŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

  49. Amen and Amen! You blessed me, sweet JJ! Thankful for your powerful prayer for all of us! There is no limit to what our loving Father can do in us. He can change us in the best ways so we can become more loving, trusting, forgiving, patient, caring, and selfless.
    Father God, Thank You for molding us every day to be what You created us to be. Help us to be light bearers for You and lead us to be productive to Your Glory and to put others’ needs above our own. Thank you for all this and for comforting and blessing our dear Brie, blessing our dear JJ in every area of her life, and for answering the prayers of our JC Family in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    2 Corinthians 3:18
    But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

    1. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. Thank you for your prayer! God bless and peace be with you! Hallelujah!

    2. Hallelujah! Needed that encouragement today. I'm weary of our home turned into a hospital yet so glad I have opportunities to show Jesus' servant heart to my love ones who need to see the Savior through hubby & me. PTL!

    3. Thanks dear Janet and Jan! Praying for you both too! He’s our hope, strength, healing and protection. Rest easy. He’s got us all in His loving Hands.

  50. Simply put, the passage of secret sins resonated. Nothing is hidden from God yet we act at times as if He is not ever-present. How that works is beyond the comprehension of my human brain. But, I know if I can try to remember that He is in me as Spirit, then humbly we should change our behaviors and as Jesus often said, "go and sin no more."

    1. Thanks MadFox. We are all sinners and He sees them all but He gives us stars on our foreheads for effort. Good thing! I fall short all the time and lean on my emotions rather than His Spirit. Wondered if you saw that my dear friend Sandy must have a stem cell transplant and chemo and also her pet scan showed a gray area in her colon. She’s getting a colonoscopy on Friday. I know you’re already praying. Thank you. I keep telling her to contact you but she’s a very private person.

  51. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus. Lord, shine Your Lovelight into my heart and remove, scrub, and cleanse all darkness and wickedness from it. Soften my heart. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast Spirit within me. Change my life Lord and help me live for You. I give You my heart Lord. Increase my love for You! Let my heart be overflowing and dripping with pure love for You. Let me remain Spirit-minded and not carnal-minded. Let me know You and walk with You in Spirit and Truth. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Amen. A pure heart! Thank You Jesus.

  52. AMEN & AMEN MadFox and Janet! What a great reminder, MadFox, regarding the Holy Spirit and love your powerful prayer, Janet. Love and peace to you both and to all of this JC family!

    1. Love and blessings to you dear NJS!

  53. Our “secret” sins are those that will hold us back from basking in your glorious presence and keep us from fully representing you to those who don’t yet know you. How silly of us to think that they are secret from you… cleanse the wormy, festering things from me and truly create a new heart ❤️ and spirit within. I pray for all the saints everywhere and echo the prayer to remove any thoughts that are not in keeping with your will. Thank you for your mercies, that are new every morning, and help us all to walk in your loving path.
    Helen in San Diego
