Thursday, July 2, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 3

My children make it a pastime of judging one another--and themselves. But I am the only capable Judge, and I have acquitted you through My own blood. Your acquittal came at the price of My unparalleled sacrifice. That is why I am highly offended when I hear My children judge one another or indulge in self-hatred.
     If you live close to Me and absorb My Word, the Holy Spirit will guide and correct you as needed. There is no condemnation for those who belong to Me.

Luke 6:37
English Standard Version

“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven."

Verse Thoughts
Jesus elsewhere teaches that His disciples must sometimes judge what others do (Matthew 18:15-17), and that the character of a person’s heart can be recognized from the actions that flow from it (vv. 43–45; Matthew 7:15, 16). What He warns against here is the hypocrisy of those who condemn others for what they themselves are guilty of (vv. 41, 42), and the failure to show mercy (v. 36).
2 Timothy 4:8
English Standard Version

Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.

Verse Thoughts
Those that are trusting in Jesus have been imputed with His righteousness, and will, when judged, be declared completely righteous. 
Titus 3:5
English Standard Version

He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit.

Verse Thoughts
Do we save ourselves? Never. "He saved us." Once again, our works do not save us or make us righteous. I am made righteous only because of God's mercy. I am washed and renewed by the Spirit who applies the grace of God to me and regenerates me. 
Romans 8:1
English Standard Version

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Verse thoughts
Judgment nor punishments will fall upon those that are in Christ Jesus. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. As I contemplate these thoughts and verses, I come to the realization that I need to develop a more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit within me, received in my baptism and the ever presence of God in my heart, the core of being. As this relationship is developed, judgement and condemnation will diminish and mercy will fill my soul. “Spirit, I adore You, lay my life before You, how I love You.”

    1. God Bless I needed to hear that Bob

    2. I still needed to hear that, dear Bob!
      Praying that with you: “Spirit, I adore You, lay my life before You, how I love You.”

      Holy Spirit, Come into my heart.
      Holy Spirit, Take my heart and keep it.
      One in the Father
      One in the Son
      Holy Spirit, You are One in Love.

    3. Absolutely. Right on Bob!

    4. I too, needed these words! Thank you

    5. Beautiful prayer
      Thank you, Bob!
      We miss you Bob and pray for you and your family
      Sending love and prayers
      Thank you sweet Jeanne sending you love hugs and prayers

    6. Blessings from NYJuly 3, 2024 at 8:10 AM

      🙏❤️ Thank you for the timeless wisdom

  2. Thank you lord for blessing me with JC Family. Your prayers are mine. Thank you Chris for bookmark to have easy access to entire year of entries.

  3. 'Great is Your faithfulness, great is Your faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see, all I have needed Your hands have provided, great is Your faithfulness Lord onto thee'.
    Yes Precious Lord, great is Your faithfulness, this morning I praise and glorify Your Holy name. You are the Great Mediator, the KING of kings, the Almighty Prince of Peace, my Savior and my EVERYTHING!
    Thank You FATHER, that because of Your Grace, there is NO condemnation for me and those who belong to You!

    What a blessedness, what a joy divine, I am leaning on the EVERLASTING ARM!

    My dearest JC family May the Peace of our Great God rest upon you today, saturate you, and chase you down. May our Father give you, love, joy, happiness and fight all those seen and unseen battles, grant all the desires of Your hearts and answer ALL the prayer requests lifted up in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ!

    When I think of Your greatness dear Lord, i can't stop Thanking You for wrapping us in Your Righteousness through Jesus Christ the Righteous ONE!

    Peace and grave to all this morning. The Lord has gone before us to clear the path and destroy the traps of the enemies against us this day, so JC family, let's rejoice and be glad!


    1. Seeing the street sweeper making the paths clear for a beautiful day with fun and activity. Thank you, Lord!

    2. Thank You dearest Maplewood! Your words and God’s Word lift me still and encourage my heart! Great is His faithfulness! He is my Everything!

  4. Good morning JC family 🥰! Another day gifted to us by the Maker of heaven & Earth. Another day to walk God's green earth. Another chance to make a difference no matter how small, God can & will ignite it into something useful for the kingdom, for His will & good pleasure. Praying this day for some requests: Sassy Mom, for your daughter's situation, Norah, for sweet fellowship on the 4th in spite of the weather. Anonymous thanking God for 80 days & plus as He leads you on & the move. May everyone have a blessed 4th celebration!

  5. Oh to celebrate the Fathers Love and the gift of His Son like we celebrate our holidays! In memory, in thanksgiving and in joy! ❤️

  6. While taking time to thank God for the many freedoms we enjoy here in America, including the freedom to share the Gospel — please pray with me that God will open the eyes of all Americans to know and love Jesus.

    1. Yes Lord! Open the eyes, ears and hearts to your children so they will know you! Amen!

    2. Praying that with you dear Audra. Praying for all our unsaved loved ones.

    3. How are you feeling dear Woman of God? Praying always for your healing and for Tina's healing. Is Mike getting better? God can do all things.

    4. Still an important prayer that stays on my lips. Come Holy Spirit!

    5. Praise report! Yesterday was baptisms at our home church. Spirit Filled, we welcomed me folks and friends into the Body of Christ! Such a happy day! Then I was sent a Charles Schultz cartoon that has Linus and Charlie looking at the night sky..."Do you think the stars are the porch lights left on for their loved ones to come home?"
      Precious reminder from God that we are loved and will be together in eternity. Thank you Jesus!

    6. Thank you for sharing Audra.
      All Glory Praise and Honor to Our Redeemer King!

      Oh I, I love the Porch Lights
      I've got to Praise Him
      On this merry go 'round, oh yea
      Oh, I love the Porch Lights
      His Blood acquits me
      On this merry go 'round, oh yeah!

  7. Thank you Lord for this blessed day and everything that it will bring. So grateful for living in this country where we all can freely express our love for you without fear of being harmed. Prayers for all the soldiers that fight and are ready to defend our freedom. Lord , cover them with your divine armor. A special prayer for widows and their children this morning. At a local lake a father lost his life yesterday leaving behind a wife and 5 precious children. This is also the anniversary of of a friend who lost her husband in a tragic accident 2 yrs ago. Jesus , our merciful savior , it is beyond what any of us can comprehend when we have such devastating loss. Hold these widows close , I pray they feel your holy comfort and peace and know one day either here or in our eternal paradise the purpose for these losses will be reveled.
    And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose Romans 8:28

  8. Hi! I have been following this blog for a while and always read the comments, you guys are such an awesome little family! As for the devotional, so true.... I struggle alot with self-condemnation. Its deeply tied into my uncertainty and anxiety about what God thinks of me. With Jesus's help I am learning to overcome.

    1. Topi --- So thrilled for you to be apart of this blog. This awesome JC FAMILY is so loving and encouraging, and they know how to pray! I think everyone from time to time has anxiety about what God thinks of us. Several years ago I read a statemnt on this subject that always brings me close to the Lord. Paraphrasing ---Here are a few truths we can tell ourselves to remember who we are: We are children of the Most High God. We are loved, redeemed and renewed. We are chosen, blameless and holy. We were bought at a great price. God knows us throughly and yet loves us completely. He has plans for our future that include hope, not harm; blessings not banishment. We belong to Him. John 8:47a tells us "He who belongs to God hears what God says." Jesus is definitely FOR US!! Great blessings to you from Kansas

    2. Amen and beautiful, dear JJ!

    3. Putting these reminders in my JC Calling archive notes. Love you, JJ!

    4. I sit up straighter and will not be shaken knowing these truths. Love you JJ!

    5. Thank You God for calling me through our JJ.
      I just straightened up my crown, improved my posture, and sang, I Am A Child Of The One True King ❤️

  9. Thank you jesus for helping me to be a better person. I judged people often in my old life. My best friend (God rest his soul), called me "Judge Janet ". Thank you Lord for opening my eyes and helping me see so many things. God bless all your children and keep us close to You.

    1. I missed commenting on your post yesterday, Janet, but I am so happy for you. Continue to do the things that gain you the strength of God through the Holy Spirit. Be gracious to yourself in times of challenge. You have been sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked as Christ's own forever! God be with you.

    2. Amen dear Janet! We all need our eyes opened to our human weaknesses and we all need God's blessings. We are all guilty of judging people. We shouldn't judge people just because they sin differently than we sin. We all fall short of pleasing God. We don't love enough, or care enough. We put ourselves before others. We're more selfish than we are selfless. But God reads our hearts and knows that we care about doing the right things and loving as He loves us. All we can do is just keep trying. Instead of judging someone who is doing something that appears to be wrong, maybe we should just pray for them to change inside. God can work wonders in a lost soul. He works within us every day. You come to Him in repentence asking Him to make you a better person. I say that so many times right before I go to bed. Sometimes when I'm tired from cooking, or I didn't get enough sleep, I get cranky and sometimes take it out on my good husband. Must remember to let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to Him.

    3. Yes so true my prayer as well, make me better Lord! He sees the brokenness and fills it with His love so we are whole thru Christ.

    4. Yes dear Fern and we are all broken because of our humanity! We are all in need of being filled with His love. He redeems us and completes us and makes us whole.

  10. Update on Helen from Aunt Connie - "Helen was sent home with portable oxygen. She tires easily and uses oxygen to help her with her breathing. Nurse visits daily. We don't know if and when she will go back to work. She has a long way to go." Thank you for continued prayers.

    1. PRAISE THE LORD! He who started a good work, will surely complete it! Continued prayers for Helen.
      Thanks for the update Sassy Mom! God bless.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Continued prayers for Helen. May our good Lord give her strength, comfort and healing. KS

    3. Praying for Helen and hoping each day God will bring her improvement and strength. May He open her airways and heal every weakness. She must be so much more comfortable in her own sweet Home.

    4. Praying for Helen now. I witnessed miraculous changes when my mom had needed an ventilator and oxygen and slowly The Lord had weaned her off of both, she lived several years after without problems breathing. God can do it praying he will for Helen

    5. I was ministering to a parishioner who has having a very precarious heart surgery. As he kissed his wife at the door of the surgery room, he said to her, "When this is done, I'll be better one way or another." When the surgery was over, he was with Jesus. We will all be healed, sometimes on this side of heaven in order to complete God's will for us; ultimately in heaven, when the will has been fulfilled and we hear the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant." In the meantime, we keep praying for Helen and all others for whom prayers are requested.

    6. Bob your beautiful post blessed my heart. parishioner, after his surgery was made whole and in a better place in the arms of our loving Lord. All of his weaknesses were gone because he was made perfect. The greatest gift he was given was to be able to witness the Countenance of Jesus. This is something I can't even imagine. To finally look upon His face. May we all remain steadfast and someday be greeted with "Welcome, good and faithful servant".

  11. Almighty Heavenly Father, I am blessed to be in Your Presence this morning and thank You for Your mercy and grace given to me in Christ Jesus, that carries me through each gifted day. Because I belong to You, the power of Your life-giving Spirit has freed me from the power of sin that leads to death. You qualified me “to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light” (Colossians 1:12) and I say THANK YOU! I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    When we place our faith in Christ Jesus, we are freed from all condemnation, and assured of God's love. Therefore, as believers, we have received a righteousness from God that is by faith (Romans 1:17). And this tells us that in Christ, our sins have been forgiven and there is no condemnation. In a nut-shell, if we are in Christ Jesus, God will never condemn us for any sin whatsoever, but the catch is explained in Romans 3-23-26: salvation is for those who place their faith in Christ! It is simple, and the Bible tells us there is just no other way (Acts 4:12). So those who reject this salvation will not be rescued from condemnation (John 3:18). The law of Moses was unable to save us because of the weakness of our sinful nature. So what did God do? He stepped in and did what the law could not do, by sending His own Son in a body like the bodies we sinners have. In that body God declared an end to sin’s control over us. Based on this and if I am understanding the scripture right, we will not be condemned because He judges us on the basis of Jesus’ righteousness and He would never condemn Jesus. Romans 5:1 says, we come to be in Christ only by faith! “There is no condemnation for those in Christ, and nothing will ever be able to separate us from His love. Having believed the gospel, we now live in the Spirit of God”(Romans 8:39).

    Dear Heavenly, We believe what the Bible tells us, that salvation is for those who place their faith in Christ and there is just no other way out of that. This morning, our only prayer to You is for our love ones who have not yet believe to receive this free gift to be rescued from condemnation.
    Oh dear Lord, do what only You can and turn them to Jesus like You did Constantine the Great emperor whose reign transformed Christianity, like You did Clement of Alexandria whose work is a meditation on Mark 10:25, like You did St. Augustine who heard a voice prompting him to read Paul's Epistle to the Romans and of course like Paul (aka Saul), who surrendered to You. Father, lead our unbelieving love ones through the power of Your Holy Spirit to lead others to Christ. Not for our sake, but for the sake of Your Son Jesus. It is in His name that we ask. Amen.

    Have a Blessed Friday JC family, and stay in His Peace!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Maplewood your insights have so blessed me. I've allowed guilt and condemnation to separate me from the full life God provided for me through his son. Thank you for sharing God has used you mightily for my spiritual growth. Pray I will continue to realize His love and guidance of His Holy Spirit.

    2. Maplewood--- I join you and the JC WARRIORS in prayer for our loved ones who need Jesus. LORD, You are the Waymaker. You can make a way when there doesn't look like there is a way! I pray that You speak the mysteries of Christ to their hearts and they will say YES to Jesus! In Your precious name Jesus and For Your Purposes. AMEN and AMEN. Thank you so much Maplewood for your prayer for our love ones. Great blessings to you and this incredible JC FAMILY!

    3. Yes, thank you Maplewood, our JC Jersey girl (that's how I think of you ♥️, I'm a Long Island girl, went to college in Jersey, now in CA). I love your prayer for our
      loved ones and the power and love for our God who can turn them to Jesus like he did for so many. Like he did for me! Let us be the testimony to grow our family in Christ. He just wants a relationship, and I'm so grateful for mine that I want others to be inspired to have one too. God bless you all as we head in to a July 4 th holiday will be different than what we have known in the past. Make new traditions by the grace of God! Praying for our nation, our leaders, and doing our part to lift the veil of deception that has fallen over our world. Thank you Jesus! I trust you Jesus! ✝️♥️🇺🇸

    4. Lifting up all those who are lost and will be condemned unless they accept Gods provision for freedom and life forever! Praying for our Jesus calling family of those closely touching our lives that Jesus may miraculously "rub off on them" God doesnt need my suggestions on the how just my hearts desire for Mine to be his. I love you Lord! I know you are moving mountains in my family I hear things shifting and see change! Praying it will all be for your glory which is always for our best as well! A quote from Mary J.C. 6/22 " When God is most glorified we will be most satisfied". Thank you all for your continued prayers for my son. I am hopeful thou no major breakthrough to my knowledge. There has been some powerful light shining thru where there was only darkness! Thank you Jesus we know you are The light of the world. Thank you for opening doors which were closed. Waiting and hoping, praying and expecting. Praying for peace!
      Thank you Jesus your love overwhelms me with hope. God bless all of you on this beautiful day!

    5. Amen Maplewood. Your words lifted me high. We are so blessed to be walking through this beautiful new day in the Presence of our Lord. We rejoice because we have the hope of salvation and we know the path we are on is better than any worldly gain. I join in your prayer that all those we love and care about will come to know Jesus through sincere faith. Praying that someday they will stand with us in the Congregation of the righteous. Father God, I thank you for turning their hearts towards you in repentence and true faith. Fill them with your nurturing Spirit. Change them deep inside and open their eyes to the truth that we can only come to the Father through the Son. Guide them to surrender themselves to You and become new creatures in Christ and new members of our loving Family. Thank you in the powerful name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen!

    6. Well stated, twin bd sis! I have a weekly schedule I follow in praying for all my family and friends. By keeping them in prayer, my heart is shaped in love for them. When in their presence, that love which has been formed from prayer speaks out and impact is made on them. It might not be in the form as some think evangelism should be but when all is said and done, they have moved closer to loving the Lord. Seeing our family and friends receive salvation begins with pouring ourselves out in prayer for them on a regular basis. That keeps us alert to the Holy Spirit's movement within them.

    7. Amen and amen.

  12. Just received word there is potential for a planned protest in my town, Population 14,000 on July 4. Requesting prayers for Tri Cities Area. Thank you for prayers.

    1. May peace, harmony, and justice of God reign over this gathering and all like it. Your prayers for the event, SM, have their impact. God be with you.

    2. Sassy Mom--- Going to The Throne of Grace to intercede for our country. I pray for a hunger and thirst for GOD'S presence on every street corner, and in every household, and in every protest, and every government office. I ask You, Lord, to show us the path to justice, action, peace, and healing. Thank you, Lord, for Your love that saves us. In Jesus's name AMEN and AMEN

    3. Lord spread peace and love over all areas of your world. Please protect your children from danger and covid19.

    4. Praying that God will guide your town to act wisely to protect themselves from harm and sickness. Hope and pray it will be a peaceful protest, and will reap much good fruit. Stay safe dear Sister.

  13. Requesting prayers for my daughter who went into labor overnight and for me and my kids who will be traveling from Texas to Arkansas today. It saddens me that I can't be with her during delivery but I know He is. Thanks y'all.

    1. Dear Suzanne, Praying for a good and safe delivery for your daughter, and for your traveling safety with a hedge of protection around all of you. How wonderful you will soon have a sweet addition to your family! God bless you all. There will be much rejoicing in Arkansas very soon!

    2. Suzanne --- Sending prayers your way for traveling mercies and a safe and smooth delivery for your daughter. Great blessings on your family!

    3. God bless you and your family’ 🙏

  14. Prayers and hugs for your sweet family today and always. Safe travels and God bless.

  15. Suzanne prayers for your daughter, your new grandchild and you now. A new life to be celebrated! Prayers for good health and protection for all.

  16. I haven’t figured out yet how to comment other than anonymous :-)so i will join in sharing the name with many other anonymouses!.
    My morning devotion includes this blog of which i have come to daily for several years. I have seldom posted but I thank the Lord for each of you and the insight God is giving through your words.
    I would appreciate prayer over a work situation. Realising that God is in control. I ask for His wisdom for the days ahead. I oversee a small Christian preschool as well as the hiring of staff. With the requirements from CDC I’m not sure if we can safely comply and reopen in the Fall. To reopen or not to reopen affects many families and some are shocked and upset that we would consider not reopening. Some of the key staff will not be able to return, so there’s the issue of hiring new staff with condition of not being able to promise them that there will even be a position available.
    I know this is a matter of trusting God , letting go, being still, but i haven’t gotten there yet.

    1. Anonymous, Praying that God already knows your concerns and responsibilities. You have a lot on your shoulders with an uncertain path ahead. Praying that since you're putting God in the center, all things will come together for good and to His glory. Be anxious in nothing. Do your work as the Spirit guides you. Remember people will understand there are many loose ends and you can only do your best to connect them. Be still and know that He is God and He is in your corner. Will keep you in my prayers. Feel the peace around you as you work with Him by your side.

    2. Anonymous, these times we are going through are so unprecedented that no one has a clue on how to proceed in the months ahead. When the future is as uncertain as it is, we plan with the assumption that all things are subject to change in light of the ever changing circumstances. I had a secretary who put a poster on her door that said, "Blessed are the flexible, they don't get bent out of shape." (It is not in the Beatitudes but, in my opinion, it could have been.) So I would offer this thought, do what you would 'normally' do today and stay ready to change. My prayers are with you and all who are in similar circumstances.

    3. Praying for you now, God will unfold what and how you should proceed. One step at a time. Step #1 wanting to line up with God #2 praying for His will to be done.
      # 3 listening and expecting in the wait.
      I used to work at a Christian preschool in N.J. as art teacher. What a joy that was and how important Christian preschools are! God will lead you friend. Praying for His best for all involved. Thank you for bringing my memory back to a sweet time when the good Lord blessed me with caring for his littlest and most innocent sheep. I loved washing their chubby little hands! God bless you in your wait.

    4. Thank you to those who have replied. You have been an encouragement.

    5. Anonymous,this body of believers are praying with you. We serve a God who is able to do ALL! He will order and direct your steps. Turn it all to Him. Stay Blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Anonymous--- A prayer for your circumstances. Father God, You are the God that gives us everything we need at the right time. I pray You are positioning Anonymous to overcome all struggles. Thank you, Father God, that You surround Anonymous with Your wisdom, strength, success and prosperity so they can be a blessing to others. Thank you, Father God, that You help keep Anonymous's mind on Your infinite power. I am confident Your loving arms will continue to guide Anonymous day by day. I pray this through Jesus Christ. AMEN and AMEN The Lord's great Favor and blessings upon you Anonymous!

  17. (II Timothy 2:8) At the beginning of this chapter, we are encouraged to be strong like a disciplined soldier, like an athlete who plays by the rules, like a farmer who works hard trusting the hand of God to fulfill His creation. The passage then moves on in vs. 8 with the words, "Remember Jesus Christ..."

    To 'remember', to keep to the forefront of one's thinking and all perceptions, to see all things through a particular focus which for us is Jesus Christ. As I sat with this word today, I thought about the things that prevent good remembrance. Like the children of God while they wandered in the wilderness, whenever that encountered a hardship in their journey, they cried out, "Woe be unto us for we are all going to die!" Their story is my story. Upon encountering difficult situations, panic can easily set in, leading to thoughts similar to the Israelite community in the Exodus story. I so quickly and easily forget and if it were not for the grace of God, I would likely self-fulfill the 'prophetic pronouncements' I made.

    The longer I sat with this word 'remember Jesus Christ', another very sobering thought was brought to mind, the times I have intentionally chosen not to remember Jesus Christ because I have allowed some overwhelming desire to consume my heart and mind producing thoughts, words, and deeds that are contrary to God's will but definitely fulfilling my desires. This is a scary thing to admit and I would prefer not to, but it is reality. (The beauty of this blog is the countless admissions of shortcomings that have been expressed and the prayer support that has followed.) This is what addictions, be they socially acceptable or be they highly destructive, are made up of, allowing for the overwhelming desire to indulge the fallen flesh. The JC reading for today gives but one example of this, self-condemnation, a time in which we have forgotten Jesus Christ. As I look back at and admit to these times, I also see the grace of God coming to protect me from me. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't even admit to the above.

    As I have studied strong individuals of faith over time, I see they each have developed practices to keep the remembrance of Jesus Christ foremost in their minds. For example, St Benedict practiced praying seven times a day as the psalmist did ('Seven times a day I praise You for Your righteous ordinances (Psalm 119:164)). Of course, the sacrament of the Eucharist/Holy Communion was given so we would take time to 'do this in remembrance of Me'. This act of remembrance is instituted by God so we could anchor ourselves in what He did for us through His Son. So how do you 'remember Jesus Christ', especially when challenging circumstances present themselves or your weakness of flesh is being assaulted? Let us strive to remember and if we should forget (we will), let us help each other to 'remember Jesus Christ'.

    God be with you. With love, Bob

  18. Bob I love your human frailty and honesty. I too sometimes let my emotions take over and consume me. When things are out of control, I remind myself that God is not the Author of confusion but of order. So I put the brakes on right way and call to Him. So many times, just speaking the Name of Jesus in the midst of turmoil, anger, fear or insecurity puts me right back on the narrow path and brings everything back to peace and security. That security is not founded on perfect conditions and circumstances but on the fact that I'm holding my Daddy's Hand and He never lets go.

    1. Wonderful post, Jeanne. Thank you very much!

    2. So right Jeanne! Thank you. Amen.

  19. Good Afternoon, JC Family! I did a lot of reading yesterday and throughout today, but wanted to hop on and thank each of you for your devoted prayers and study of God's Word which you continue to share. This has been a relaxing day and I have allowed myself to rest, which was needed.
    Please pray with my husband and me for our dear friend who was tested for COVID-19 today. He will have the results tomorrow. We were with him and his wife on Wed, so now the Family Get-Together scheduled for tomorrow is up in the air. Praying that his test is negative and that we don't have to alarm any of our family. Please protect dear Keith, Father, heal him if he's sick, allow all of his symptoms to disappear. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
    Thank You, JC Prayer Warriors!

    1. Norah --- Sending prayers your way. Sounds like a-- let go and let God time. He hears our prayers and watches over his word to perform it! Great blessings to you and your family.

    2. Praying for your dear friend Keith. May he have a negative result and may God heal all of his infirmities and weaknesses, and maintain peace and rest in your own family.

  20. Thanking God for Helen and that you are safe in your town tomorrow, Sassy Mom.

  21. Sharing a thank you note From Aunt Connie for praying for her niece Helen:
    "Thank all these prayer warriors from me for my niece. Their prayers lift me up also. We all thank them.


  22. My friends, do not try to punish others when they wrong you, but wait for God to punish them with His anger. It is written: "I will punish those who do wrong; I will repay them," says the Lord. (Romans 12:19). He is the Rock. His works are perfect. All His ways are right. He is faithful. He doesn't do anything wrong. He is honest and fair. (Deuteronomy 32:4). The LORD secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy. (Psalm 140:12). There is joy for those who deal justly with others and always do what is right. (Psalm 106:3).
    Father, You are the only judge. Remind me of this during the times I tend to forget. Please forgive me Lord. Help me to leave all my judgment with You. Help me to love and forgive others like You love and forgive me Lord. Help me forgive myself like You forgive me. You are my delightful provider in this life and I will always look to You in all things. Thank You for being there for me and always having my back. Help me to not compare myself with others and remind me that we all have different paths to walk with You and to stay in my lane. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. We all judge because we’re human but we are still deeply loved. We try not to and He sees our efforts. The Christ in You is so beautiful. Lay all your worries in His Hands. He is so faithful to those who sincerely seek Him.

    2. Being judgmental. Another example of our brokenness. Although broken, I don't have to act on it. Dear Lord help me to not judge. Help me to be more concerned of how I will be judged. Help me to turn from sin and always be focused on You my Lord & Savior. Amen.

  23. Furious love of God.
    Unconditional love Unconditional sacrifice.
    Outrageous Audacious unmerited Grace.
    The response of a grateful thankful heart is obedience to His commands.
    God is looking for Perseverence not performance or perfection.
    The race goes not to the swift but to those who endure to the end.
    Judgement has no place in Grace, therefore stand not in judgement one over another, (as you are guilty of the same offences) nor judge yourself ( for have not I forgiven you?).
    Romans 8:1
    English Standard Version:
    "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus".

    1. Powerful words describing God’s grace. Thank you!! It overwhelms me again in good ways.

    2. Amen my brother Peter. He loves us in our imperfections and knows we are trying to please Him.

  24. Loving Father, Thank You for this new blessed day. Your presence is felt and Your love is shown.
    Thank You that those who are in Christ Jesus who do NOT walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit will not face the condemnation (Romans 8:1)!
    Thank You Lord that the Gospel does not pronounce condemnation like the Law, because it's function is to pardon our sins whereas the funtion of the Law condemns.
    The gospel has free us, so as believers in Christ who do not walk according to the flesh, we are compare to the vine and its branches because we get all of our love, support and nutrition from Jesus thereby uniting us in feeling, destiny and purpose.
    Thank You Father for acquitting us through the shed Blood of Your Son, our Saviour! Hallelujah to the KING!
    As we seek Your face, please help us to walk with confidence and strength in Christ knowing that NOTHING can separate us from Your Love which is in Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:39)!
    In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    GOD, Self, Others

    1. I'm thinking of you a lot dear Brie and I hope all is well there at your own household and also your brother's new home. I battle my mom's negativity daily and feel sinful to want to avoid it/her. I want you to know I understand how hard it is to see and experience this from our loved ones. We wish better for them and can just keep them in our prayers. I wish you all to have a very nice 4th of July weekend!.
      We are fine here - getting settled in now that our stuff finally arrived. I really love our new neighborhood. There are big old-growth fir trees surrounding us and a quiet street with dog walkers and others passing by. I'm very grateful that God had it in His plan to get us here. I thank and praise God from whom all blessings flow often throughout the days here.
      I just wanted to check in with you and let you know you're in my thoughts. Love, Kathy

    2. Dear Kathy! You can only do the best you can with your Mom. She surely must realize how hard you’re trying to make this move a blessing to her. I’m so glad you love your new surroundings. God is rewarding you for your trust in Him, perseverance and your hard work. Enjoy the beauty all around your new neighborhood. Praying your Mom will come around and realize her blessings and be thankful.
      Dear Brie, You have had to accomplish so much on your own. Praying for God’s guidance and strength to carry you through. So happy you have your brother Al to help you with the details and with dear Keith. Get some rest when you can dear sister.

  26. Just read that to my good Mom! We were both encouraged and blessed by your words of truth, dear Maplewood! Thank you and Amen!

  27. This is beautiful. I need to receive this in my heart because I feel so unworthy and unrighteous...Lord help me and the people reading this blog. We need you. Thank you. In Jesus name. Amen.

    1. I can Comepraising OR I can Comeplaining!
      Today I used Compliment Potion #9 as an antidote to all the criticism and negative poison I was consuming and consumed by. I played The Compliment "Game" with God and myself by keeping a running tally of how many free samples of sincere compliment potions I gave out from God's storehouse today.
      After freely dispersing sincere compliments, I came to realize they are aptly named because they seem to COMPLETE the person receiving and giving them, plus they seem to make God Happy!
      Any joiners?

    2. You are such a sweet lady. You lift so many people even when life’s responsibilities are overwhelming! Come a praising! Much love. You are a genuine treasure!

    3. Compliments go such a long way in love, not just for the receiver, but also for the deliverer. I'm going to play the "game" just to witness God's love washing over all who are presented in my path today. And then repeat tomorrow until it becomes a daily habit.

  28. Welcome home, Kathy and family ♥️

  29. God Bless You, Brie and all that you are going through. Praying for you and your family. Heading to bed, a blessed Woman of God. Son #2 heading out with his wife and daughter around 3 AM to Branson, MO. Please pray for safe travels. We are doggie-sitting. Little Mikie, is asleep in his crate and all is well. Love to my JC Family - all of your prayers are mine. <3

  30. Dear Norah! Praying for traveling safety for your son and family, and a joyful doggie sitting, and also that you get to rest and restore yourself.
    Going to sleep soon myself. My dear Mom and I accomplished so much this weekend! Driving back to White Plains in the morning for Church. Hope the songs go well. Last time I was the only one up in the Choir loft. But thank God I saw that one more singer will be there. He is so good to me.
    Happy and safe Fourth to all our JC Family.
    How are you dear MadFox, and how are you dear Bob? Praying you are both doing well.

  31. Thank You Heavenly Father God,
    A door has been opened wide for me by The Lord. Prayers requested as I walk through it and remeet people with whom I've had no interaction over the past 6 years.
    Prayers requested as I convert today's devotional reading into action by actualizing living close to Him and absorbing His Word, allowing His Holy Spirit to guide and correct me as needed. Whispering Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there are only compliments for those who belong to You. Amen.
    PS Audra, do you have any leftovers from your dinner party?
    Audra June 26, 2022 at 12:49 AM
    Praise God who knows me and the Holy Spirit who came to the dinner party which was a gathering filled with loving kindness and no conflict of conversation. My imagination was vulnerable to the evil attempts to instill confusion and fear. All of your prayers buried it in love. My heart is full and emotional being bathed in hope and wonder at how God truly has our back. AND comments above offer good food for my soul to study. Thank you! ♥️🙏🤗

    1. Leftovers, as in leftover prayers for upcomimg Victory Dances!

    2. Dear Brie, Thanking God for opening that new door. Know He is walking right beside you. I always have prayers for you, sweet sister. I know our dear Audra does too. Looking forward to putting my victory shoes on. Stay close to Him and He will stay close to you. He is as close as our breath and He is ever present. Feast on His words: I am your God. What more could we need. How blessed we are to be His beloved children. Much love.

    3. May our heavenly Father hold your hand as you walk through the open doors and may He guide and direct you along the way. His presence goes before you and with you as you rejoice, praise and worship Him that loves you. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    4. Praying with you for the rekindled friendships. How blessed they are to have you with them. God Bless your time with them!!

    5. Prayers served up for you, Brie! Sometimes leftovers are even better the next time! I see you greeting everyone you re-meet with a compliment today. Watch what' happens 😁🙏♥️

  32. From Chris' Table Talk in between JC July 1 and 2:
    Romans 14:22b - Passing Judgment on Ourselves
    Blessed is the one who has no reason to pass judgment on himself for what he approves.
    What the Lord is Saying:
    The Christian has a freedom in Christ. I am free from sin. I am free from the consequences of sin. I am free from judgment. This freedom means that, before God, I am completely accepted. I do not have to fear other Christians. I can be confident that the faith God has given me is true. Even in the context here of this passage, there is freedom because in matters of moral indifference, I do not need to make sure people hear my conviction, because it is possible my conviction could hurt my immature believer friend. So, Paul says, "Blessed is the one who has no reason to pass judgment on himself for what he approves."
    Now that there, should help get me through those double doors!

  33. We all must do our best not to judge others just because they sin differently than we sin. Hold onto God's Hand, dear Brie, and go forward through those double doors because God opened them for you. He has already gone through them to prepare your way. Love you dear sister.
    Be not afraid, I go before you always. Come follow Me and I will give you Rest.

  34. Dear Sassy Mom, God knows exactly how you feel. Run into His open Arms for your comfort. Know that your precious daughter is blessed and overjoyed to be with Him. He promises to provide for His loved ones in all ways. Trust that He holds a sweet future for you and your family, and Debbi's family. He will dry your tears and lead your forward. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and mind and soul.

  35. Thank You Father for Your grace and mercy towards us - a sinner. Thank You that You have washed away our sins and made us new people in Christ - through the power of the Spirit, in Jesus' name I pray, AMEN


    1. Amen! We are new creations in Christ. The old sinful man is gone. We are still human and flawed but God knows our hearts of trust and faith. His Spirit abides in us at all times and helps us to walk to please Him instead of ourselves. We must just remain in His presence and guard His peace.

  36. How wonderful is the truth that we are saved and that all our sins were washed away the moment we trusted Christ Jesus as Saviour and were born from above. Salvation did not come to us because of any good deeds that we did or because we gained some merit - indeed one of the most difficult things for sinful man to accept is that Salvation is a free gift of grace from God to those who simply believe on Christ as Saviour - those who believe that He died on the cross to pay the price for our sins and through believing on Him are given life everlasting. Min Ahadi

    1. Amen to that dear Min Ahadi! Only through faith and by the grace of God are we saved.

  37. Please pray with me . I lost my dad a few years ago and I feel my mum has never recovered . She is 77 and I can see her shrinking every day makes so sad I wish she could be stronger , i feel angry i wish she didnt have to age ....My emotions are all over the place and I know i have to be there for her . Min Ahadi

    1. Praying with you Min for your Mum, praying for you also in Jesus Wonderful Name.

    2. I'm praying, too, Min Ahadi, specifically for your mum. How blessed she is to have a daughter who prays. <3

    3. Joining in prayers with and for you, Min Ahadi. Peace be with you and your mom.

    4. Praying with you and for you and your Mother. I really do understand. May God comfort you and guide you day by day, and encourage your beautiful and caring heart. Thank You Jesus.

  38. Heavenly Father, thank You. I praise You Lord always. You are so precious and amazing. I adore You. You are my sunshine. Please cast all judgments upon myself and of others far away. Remind me that it is You that holds all the power and not me. You are the only one in control. You are sovereign Lord. Thank You Jesus 😊.

    1. Amen! He is holding the reins so trust Him as you go forward in your life. Yes He is the light that shines in every day for you. Keep focusing on that light and continue to be aware of His presence. He is indeed above all things and His love is forever. Love you my sister.

  39. Thank you Lord Jesus for "the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit."Amen

    1. We are renewed every day and His Spirit continues to work mightily through us to do His Will. Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me. Amen

  40. Good morning Father in heaven, good morning Lord Jesus, good morning Holy Spirit! Good morning dear JC family. Let's lay aside what burdens us this day and those of us who can, walk through the double doors of a church of our choosing and join our fellow saints for worship & praise to the only true God. Let's worship in spirit & truth. Raise holy hands in surrender to the Almighty powerful Lord of the Universe! Let's forget about ourselves for just a moment & drink in the living water of life everlasting, offered freely by way of the cross. Sing songs to Him, offer up a heart of thanksgiving! We bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord! Hallelujah! Amen!

    1. Amen! Gratitude and Praise to the Most High. Let us worship together in Spirit and Truth.

  41. Good morning, Prayer Warriors… What beautiful messages you all have left here this morning. God is Blessing each of us in different ways. Our daughter, Bailey , had a successful surgery for her breast cancer, and the results showed a complete response from the chemotherapy. She will continue with targeted therapy and radiation . Thank you, all, for your prayers . Praising God and Jesus for the gift of Life . .. May each of you be a beacon of light to someone in need today. ..Your messages prove that you are…

    1. Continued prayers for Bailey and so blessed to hear the results.

    2. Thank you for your update. More answered prayers! One more victory to celebrate. May God continue to heal and strengthen Bailey, and carry her safely through her therapy and treatments. Thank You Jesus.

    3. Still praying for dear Bailey and trusting in the faithfulness of our great God.

  42. Asking for prayers for our family, Prayer Warriors. I won't go into all of the details, but today's JC devotion and so many of your posts have given me a boost and needed reminders to not judge or condemn and also to not believe the darkness that is being attributed to our beliefs. We are the ones being judged in this case and I'm praying that our hearts stay pure during this time; forgiving, as Christ forgives us. As we were reminded in our fellowship, recently, "all of these things we are going through are but for a season." We will continue to Praise His name and magnify the Lord. The hurt will go away and we will be light-hearted again.
    So thankful that our Lord does not condemn us for speaking His Truth in love.
    I'm praying for all of you this weekend. Sassy Mom, you are constantly on my heart. We are praying and believing with you.

    1. Praying that His Spirit will give you the words you need right now that can change hearts and restore peace. God is in charge. We can only do our best to please Him and speak the truth as our hearts know it. May God cover all with His love and open up closed eyes and minds to His message. We will never have perfect relationships with every member of our family but let them see the Christ Light burning inside us that will never fade. Praying for you dear Norah and for your family and the ties that bind.
      Praying with you for our dear sister Sassy Mom that she will feel our prayers surrounding her, and know that God understands her pain and loves her and all her family so deeply. May He guide their every step and ease their pain from this great tragedy, and comfort every broken heart.
      Thank You Father for answering all our prayers. We wait on You and we trust You to make things better as only You can. Thank You Jesus.

  43. Anonymous--- I join you in Praising our Heavenly Father for successful surgery for your daughter! I stand on His promises of complete healing, restoration and Divine Health for her. He is our Waymaker!!! I Plead the Blood of Jesus on your daughter and family.
    Norah --- I go to my Papa God to intercede for you and your family. He makes ways when there looks like there are no ways. I know with every fiber of my being, HE IS FAITHFUL!!! I Pleading The Blood of Jesus over your whole family!
    Rich C. --- Great Praise to our Heavenly Father for your wife's improvement. Let there be complete healing and restoration for her. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over both of you. And I ask all of this in THE Name above ALL Names, Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords, AMEN and AMEN.
    Sassy Mom --- I continue to intercede for you and your family. Just loving you with the perfect Love of our Lord. Got you tucked into my heart tightly.

    Just some added thought for my Beloved JCFAMILY. We must get God's perspective of what is going on. Our adversary loves the words impossible, hopeless. He loves to discourage, frustrate, overwhelm, weigh us down with burdens and cares. That is why our God gave us 1 Peter 5:7 -- "Cast all your cares upon Him because He cares for you." Always remember that FEAR is Fake Evidence Appearing Real. When the enemy comes in, we must realize he DOES NOT have more power than our God. He DOES NOT have more power than The Greater One, who lives on the inside of us. When he tries to control and exert power over us, IT IS A LIE!!! Jesus DESTROYED the curse over us. We are BLOOD BOUGHT, BLOOD WASHED, CHILD OF THE MOST HIGH GOD! JESUS has brought him to NOTHING! Let us focus on what our God is saying and not what our enemies are doing. GOD is BIGGER. HE is STILL the Deliverer. He is STILL our Savior. He is STILL our Healer. He is STILL OUR Provider. This is what we need to focus on. He STILL is THE GREAT I AM!!! Thank you, Father God, that we have the right perspective of who we are in Jesus Christ. HALLELUJAH!!!
    Love love love my JCFAMILY JJ

    1. Amen and thank you dear JJ for your truth and encouragement! Our Great God is still above ALL. Hallelujah! He is so much Greater than he that is in the world. We have a very present Help in times of trouble. We are never alone, and we stand on the Cornerstone that never crumbles.

  44. Dear Brie --- I am STILL celebrating and honoring your post: I AM THE STORM! I hope you will repost that somtime in the future. There was such an ANOINTING on that post that brought such Great Empowerment! That post represents how we should deal minute by minute with the enemy. Bless you, Bless you for sharing! JJ

  45. Prayers for all. Sleep sweet - God is on the Night Watch.

  46. Blessings from NYJuly 3, 2023 at 4:54 AM

    Good morning to my beloved JC family - you can count on my prayers today as I count on yours. ❤️🙏 God bless us all

    1. Amen! Praying for JC family right now.

    2. Dear Blessings from NY! Thank you! Praying for you and our dear JC Family that God will continue to bless, heal, strengthen, guide, and comfort all of us because He knows exactly what we need and He knows we trust Him with hearts of faith.

  47. James 5:16 'Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins) and pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed and restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart]. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].'

  48. Just received wonderful news of a miraculous rescue from jihadists and salvation of an Iraqi couple in Iraq, both had visitations from Isa (Jesus).
    Ephesians 3:20-21
    20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

  49. Amen! All those who trust in the Lord will be blessed. May He call all those who are in need of His Life Giving Water. He is the Bread of Life and the only Gate to the Father. I pray our unsaved loved ones will say Yes to Him and become new creatures in Him. Let us who love and trust Him continue to rest in Hus peace and glorify Him with every good thought, word and deed.

    Jeremiah 17:7-8
    “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
    And whose hope is the Lord.
    For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters,
    Which spreads out its roots by the river,
    And will not fear when heat comes;
    But its leaf will be green,
    And will not be anxious in the year of drought,
    Nor will cease from yielding fruit.

  50. Our recent trip to the beach consisted of early morning Sonrises on the beach. Noticeably, some interesting things had washed ashore during the night. Among the beautifully glistening seashells were remnants of other stories evidencing the passage of time. Things that didn't belong in the beautiful Caribbean Ocean had washed ashore. A child's plastic sand shovel, a part of a fishing rod, a pair of broken sunglasses, a disposable water bottle, were all remnants of stories that the sea decided to move on to another destination, by surfacing them onto its shoreline, amidst its seashells. Once surfaced, beach combers gathered and disposed of them accordingly.
    God is our Beachcomber.
    In the same way the oceans do it, we can expose our sins to Him, sins that were never a part of God's original landscape for us but nevertheless are now part of our reality. We can turn them over to The Master Beachcomber! When we are tired of being tossed about, we can allow our sins to wash ashore and be in full view of the only capable Judge, Who has already acquitted us through His Own Blood. Or, we can walk on by them and leave them for someone else to clean up, or stomp them down into the sand thinking they will disappear, or no one will notice.
    Maybe, just maybe, now is the time to decide. Now that they have surfaced, now may be the time to face our sins, pick them up, and give them to The Master Beachcomber once and for all time.
    Let God, in Whom there is no condemnation, dispose of our sins, rather than let those sins ebb and flow in our lives keeping us from experiencing the beautiful glistening seashells along with other beautiful things God intended to be in our lives. Things He is waiting to lavish on us once once we make soace, once our beaches are cleaned. Fortunately for us, His Holy Spirit will guide and correct us as needed. Because there is no condemnation for those who belong to Him, we can look forward to indescribable peace and serenity, when The Same Lord Who made the sea, has the final say on our sins and on our destination.

    1. This is beautiful. Thank you.

    2. Thanks sweet Brie!! Amen. No sin is too large or too small to bring to Him. He can read our hearts of repentance. He forgives us as we forgive others. His mercy endures forever.

  51. I don't believe God is offended when we judge one Another because God is love and love is not easily offended. I believe He is grieved when we do these things, not offended.

    1. Thank you for sharing your belief. All are welcome in this place.

  52. Greetings beloved JC Family. Much appreciation to each of you for sharing your hearts and sharing God's Word. Brie, your descriptive post had me walking the beach with you and also picturing 3 of my loved ones who are in FL for the next week, doing exactly as you described. I'm thankful for our Master Beachcomber!
    Today, (an unexpected day off), we will have lunch with two ladies who we've fellowshipped with via Zoom for the last 3 years. One, I have never met, in person. The other I knew years ago but haven't seen for a very long time. What a blessing it will be. It reminds me of the greatest Gathering that we will all experience! I am praying for each of you and giving thanks for this site that brought us all together. Have a wonderful holiday celebrating the birth of our Nation. She isn't perfect, but people still risk their lives to come here for the freedoms we enjoy.

  53. Thanks dear Norah! I am sure you will have a sweet and emotional gathering with your special women friends. God bless you all! Happy Fourth to you and all our dear JC Family. Rejoice and be glad in your day.

  54. Our 3rd and final crossover into July from Maplewood NJ...
    Anonymous July 1, 2021 at 4:34 AM
    "The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me, Thy mercy O Lord, endureth forever, forsake not the works of thine own hands" (Psalm 138:8).

    Loving Father, I give thanks to you for the start of a new day and a new victorious month of perfection. Thank You for being with us through the last six months.
    As we have entered into this 7th month and 2nd half of this year, I pray healing for all those who are not well spiritually, emotionally and physically. May unspeakable joy, good health, peace of mind and body, be their portion.
    May You touch each and everyone with Your Hand of healing.
    May You Restore all that the devil has stolen in their lives and grant them rest. I pray for peace, love and joy in the world, and thank You for being The Almighty God whom nothing is impossible with.
    Shine Your light upon us and guide us throughout our journey this month, and remind us that no matter what we are passing through or what the challenges are, You always see us through.
    We may not have answers, but we know the GOD who is bigger than all our problems, His name is JESUS. He is the ALPHA and the OMEGA. He is able to do all things. He will attend to our every need and cause our joy to be full.
    May New Energy, New Blessings, New Experiences, New Opportunities and New Levels in our relationship with You, be ours today and always.
    Thank You for perfecting all of Your promises, plans and blessings concerning us, and thank You for being the Way, the Truth and the Light. In Jesus' name. Amen.
    HAPPY NEW MONTH (JULY), and welcome to your second CHAPTER. May the Blessings and Peace of our Father God, chase you down for His glory and your good.
    Maplewood NJ

    1. Brie, thank you so much for sharing Maplewood’s entry. What a wonderful way to walk into the new month and second half of the year.

      I love how she praises and affirms God’s sovereignty. This was a great reminder for us all to start each day praising Him.

      PS 77:14 “I praise you God, because your are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among all your people. “
      SC Anonymous

    2. Yes! Thank you. I'll have what she's having!
      Along with Maplewood, I believe You 🙏 Shine Your light upon us and guide us throughout our journey this month, and remind us that no matter what we are passing through or what the challenges are, YOU ALWAYS SEE US THROUGH.
      We may not have answers, but we know the GOD Who does and Who is bigger than all our problems, His name is JESUS. He is the ALPHA and the OMEGA. He is ABLE to do all things. He WILL attend to our every need and cause our joy to be full.
      HE CAN! HE WIL!. HE DID!

  55. Thanks sweet Brie for sharing such a beautiful prayer from our dear Maplewood! It absolutely blessed me and lifted my heart so high! I’m ready for anything! You always brighten up my days too! Thanks my dear sister. May God fill this day with His unchanging peace and guide every second of it. Looking forward to seeing what He has prepared for all of us in this month of July. Praying for you and your dear DH. May God’s faithfulness shine like the SON on you both. We know our amazing God can turn every situation and problem to good. He stands by His Word!
    He is Mighty to save. Thank You Father for this and for more answered prayers and reasons to rejoice and be glad in our days. Joining into Maplewood’s prayer:
    Thank You for perfecting all of Your promises, plans and blessings concerning us, and thank You for being the Way, the Truth and the Light. In Jesus' name. Amen.

  56. Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now trying to be made perfect by the flesh? (Galatians 3:3). For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. (Philippians 2:13).

  57. My Heavenly Father, if there is anything in me that is not of You, please remove it as far as the East is from the West. Help me to walk in the highest level of integrity and be fully pleasing to You, all the days of my life.
    That I may be fit for the Master's use, in Jesus's Name, For His Honor, Purposes, and His Glory, AMEN and AMEN.
    2 Timothy 2:21 "If anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful for the master of the house, ready for every good work."

    Your enemy want to get you to quit and give up before you see your breakthrough. But you need to keep pressing into God and trusting him.

    God's WORD stands forever and His WORD WILL NOT FAIL!

    Even though it looks like you are losing and the battle has been long, tap into the strength of Almighty God and know He will see you through all of it.

    Failue and defeat ARE NOT IN YOUR FUTURE!


    1. Thanks for pre posting what I needed, our JJ. Your prayer has been answered. You ARE already His Vessel for honorable use, set apart as wholy useful for the Master of the house, ready and ably fit for every good word and work."
      Keep up The Good Work! We need and love you very much.

    2. Thank you JJ.

      "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him." James 1:12

      "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6

      God's Blessings for all this day.

    3. Blessings from NYJuly 3, 2024 at 8:40 AM

      Thank you JJ- your prayers are such a gift to all of us❤️🙏

    4. Dear JJ, Amen and Amen! Today was a difficult day with my mom. She insisted on eating and drinking what wasn’t good for her and she was miserable. Also her leg looked red around her stitches and she refused to let me take her to Urgent care to be looked at. I had called them and they said the doctor would have been happy to check her leg. Your prayer and God’s Word lifted me up! I was just reading Psalm 62:5-8 and it blessed me too.Thanks John H for those good verses too. We sure feed each other as our good Father feeds us. These are Glory days, not Gloomy days! Thank You Jesus.

      Psalm 62:5-8
      My soul, wait silently for God alone,
      For my expectation is from Him.
      He only is my rock and my salvation;
      He is my defense;
      I shall not be [b]moved.
      In God is my salvation and my glory;
      The rock of my strength,
      And my refuge, is in God.
      Trust in Him at all times, you people;
      Pour out your heart before Him;
      God is a refuge for us. Selah

  58. Prayers requested for Larry to soon have the surgery he needs in order to breathe through his nose again. His sinuses are totally blocked and infected. We spent last night in the ER, to no avail. The ER Dr said the only breathing relief he'll get is with sinus surgery.
    Enter in JC Family of Prayer Warriors and Larry's prairyer relief team, until the breath of God takes over. We need your prayers and God's Heip to open the best surgery doors that will open his nose to breathe again.
    We are standing on the mat, but the automatic door opener has not recognized us yet. We will continue standing and waiting on The Mat for The Master with the Master Key.
    Larry's EENT Dr. said the 1st available surgery date is August 28; we're listening for what God says because we know from experience that
    What a person says and what God does are often two different things!
    Breathe into Larry, O breath of God until You open doors no one can close. Thank you JC Prayer Warriors for storming heaven with your prayers. I have seen them work together for good, over and over and over again.
    Loop, Repeat.
    Until The Victory Lap is complete!
    In Jesus' Name. AMEN!
    May today's devotion and Bible verse continually remind us,
    Titus 3:5
    He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to HIS OWN MERCY, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of HIS HOLY SPIRIT.
    So be it and so it is!

    1. Lifting Larry up to our Great Physician. May He restore the pathways in Larry's nose so he can breathe freely.

    2. Sweet Brie --- I'm on it! Our God has a plan and it's a good one for Larry and you. Covering you both with The Blood of Jesus, The Lord's Healing hand, His Favor, and The Glory of the God.
      The great Glory of God is revealed through healing as it
      demonstrates His power, love, and compassion. I ask it ALL as I pray and believe in Jesus's Name, Who makes a way when there doesn't seem to be a way.
      AMEN and AMEN.

    3. Blessings from NYJuly 3, 2024 at 8:43 AM

      Joining in prayer for Larry sweet Brie ❤️🙏

    4. Joining the prayer warriors for Larry's nose job!

    5. Joining this mighty and powerful Prayer Train! I have been praying all through this day that God in His mercy will open that door quickly to the surgery that will restore Larry’s breathing and his peace and comfort. Father God, We trust in You and we know that You can do All Things! We are asking You to make a Way for Larry to get his surgery right away. Only with You is this possible and we know You are Faithful. Thank You for this and for answering all our prayers in the Name of Your Son, our Risen Lord and our Savior, Christ Jesus. Amen!

  59. Thank You Lord for my many blessings

    1. Blessings from NYJuly 3, 2024 at 8:44 AM

      Thank you Sassy Mom for this beautiful prayer/ meditation ❤️🙏

    2. Thanks dear Sassy Mom. What an awesome prayer! Amen!

  60. Thank you, Lord, for allowing us to celebrate this week with the joy of freedom and a short work week. Give us the eyes of grace and not judgment. We long to absorb your word and live close to You. Holy Spirit, guide us along the path that we are supposed to follow and correct our steps as needed. Help us stay connected to Your vine. In your name, we pray.... Amen.

    1. Blessings from NYJuly 3, 2024 at 8:45 AM

      Thank you Suzanne R ❤️🙏

    2. Amen! I just told a friend and brother in Christ who is going through a hard time to stay Connected to The Vine! Thanks dear Suzanne! God bless you always.
