Saturday, July 4, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 5

Draw near to Me with a thankful heart, aware that your cup is overflowing with blessings. Gratitude enables you to perceive Me more clearly and to rejoice in our Love relationship. Nothing can separate you from My loving Presence! That is the basis of your security. Whenever you start to feel anxious, remind yourself that your security rests in Me alone, and I am totally trustworthy.
     You will never be in control of your life circumstances, but you can relax and trust in My control. Instead of striving for a predictable, safe lifestyle, seek to know Me in greater depth and breadth. I long to make your life a glorious adventure, but you must stop clinging to old ways. I am always doing something new within My beloved ones. Be on the lookout for all that I have prepared for you.

Romans 8:38-39
English Standard Version

For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Psalm 56:3-4
English Standard Version

When I am afraid,
    I put my trust in you.
In God, whose word I praise,
    in God I trust; I shall not be afraid.
    What can flesh do to me?

Isaiah 43:19 
English Standard Version

Behold, I am doing a new thing;
    now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
    and rivers in the desert.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. “Striving for a safe predictable lifestyle” which is the alluring notion by many institutions that seek to gain my attention and ultimately my resources. But our biblical heroes, from Abraham through to the apostles and on through Christian history never grasped that way of living. As epitomized by God through His Son, our Lord, the way of salvation for the world is to have people who give up that allusion and proceed to seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and in so doing, discover a safe predictable relationship with our Lord.

    1. I pray to let go and let God. I have been striving way too hard and it has blocked my path to joy that only my relationship with Him can bring, and then be experienced with others. More smiles, less striving today! Thank you Jesus!

  2. God's word is new each morning, what a perfect word for your people today and everyday Father. Today I needed to hear these Devine words from you father. My cup surely runneth over. I am blessed and highly favored. Thy perfect will be done in my life.

  3. All I have needed thy hand has provided. Thank you Father for blessing JC Family with your love, protection and provision.
    Thank you Lord for your promise Romans 8:38-39.

  4. JC Family please pray protection, guidance and smoothness as I negotiate receiving of CASH for recent fraudulent checks from dishonest tenant.

    1. Sassy Mom --- My prayers are with you. Going to the Throne of Grace for your circumstances. I look to the Lord to turn all this around for the good! Psalm 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Great blessings to you and your family. Interceding in Kansas

  5. Thank you so much Chris for taking the time out of your day to do this so we can go back and read other post through out the uear. God bless you, Amen❣

  6. God is doing a new thing in our lives! My husband Jim is being released from the hospital today hallelujah! we are planning to travel tomorrow to a beach area where our daughter's boyfriend will surprise her and ask her to marry him please pray that my husband's health remains stable and that we have a blessed time of fellowship thank you so much Susan and Jim in Naples Florida

    1. God bless you and may this joyous occasion be covered by the Lord! Breath in the beauty of God's creation! Colorado JC Friend

    2. Susan and Jim -Praying for your husband and a blessed event for your daughter and boyfriend.

  7. So thankful for such an amazing day. I am the example of my cup over flowing. Blessings beyond what I could ever imagine. My beautiful children, grandchildren, church family, home to live in , clean water to drink, clothed and fed. All thanks goes to God. Prayers for Sassy mom, pray the outcome will be favorable, God has this and he will provide. To Unknown, prayers being lifted up that our merciful and giving Lord will wrap his arms around Jim to heal him and give Jim the best days of health like he had in his youth so he and family may rejoice this marriage proposal and the new blessed beginnings that you have planned. Amen
    But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (2 Cor. 12:9)

  8. Victory in Jesus!!!!!! Negotiation was smooth. Kim (tenant)shared with me her husband committed suicide 2 months ago. I asked Kim if I could pray with her. Thank you JC Family for praying for my meeting with her, please join me as I continue to pray for Kim.

    1. Sassy Mom--- VICTORY, VICTORY, VICTORY! How sweet the sound! Will continue prayers for Kim. There is a verse in the song Covenant Women that I like to repeat. It seems to cover alot of situations; 'I not moved by what I feel, I'm only moved by the word that's real. Signed, sealed, delivered by the blood of the Lamb.' Prayer also for Susan, Jim and their daughter. Thank you Lord for meeting their needs and the needs of this MARVELOUS JC FAMILY! MUCH LOVE AND BLESSINGS TO ALL from Kansas

  9. Amen Amen Amen. Beautiful Day. God bless you All. Thank you for sharing. Grateful for this JC Family. Ftom St. Petersburg

  10. Hi everyone. My family is under seize. Asking for prayers. Thank you.

    1. sweet4G - Prayers for your safety.

    2. sweet4G --- Joining the JC FAMILY in prayer for your situation. Father God, we just trust You and REFUSE to be afraid of anything. You are sweet4G's family salvation and their strength. You, Father, save us from the hand of the enemy and given us power to resist his attacks against our lives. Deliver sweet4G's family from the enemy today and every day in the future. Let them rest in the peace You have for them. Isaiah 12:2 "Surely God is my salvation: I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord himself, is my strength and my defense; He has become my salvation."

    3. JJ - Excellent scripture and prayer.

    4. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much your prayers and support mean to me. Please continue to pray for us.

  11. Glory, glory to God for ALL the VICTORIES of today!! The BEST IS YET TO COME!

    THANK YOU FATHER, THANK YOU for ALL the Joys and ALL the sorrows!
    You are still at work in and through us!! Praise be to Your Holy name!!!

    Much more blessings, JC family!

    Maplewood NJ

  12. Blessings, JC Family! Prayers for all of the above and looking forward to hearing more victories such as yours, Sassy Mom! How precious is it that you not only got your money back, but you offered to pray for her! Yes, I will join in that prayer. And, Jim and Susan, picturing as I pray, a sweet family time that will never be forgotten. I don't know which will bless your daughter the most - the proposal or you and Jim being there! God's richest blessings. Purplemartin, how fun to hear the thankfulness and joy in your post! Blessings to all of you and I thank you for your prayers for my sister in law. She fell twice in the last day and my husband and I went over to care for her. I bathed her, put on fresh clothes after lotioning her and got on the phone to line up overnight home healthcare. She is in good hands tonight, actually the best Hands, and I pray for her strength and recovery. Three stitches to her forehead and not one complaint. She is a mighty woman of God and we are all expecting miracles. Once again, I am thankful to work for someone who puts family at the top of the list. Thankfully, it was a quiet morning and I was able to leave and tend to my sister in Christ. It was a privilege. Now, my 4 yr old granddaughter is at my back door asking if I can come out. Joy of joys. God Bless you all - you are in my prayers.

  13. Good morning Lord. Thank you for another blessed day in the Lord. Thank you for all you do Lord. I know that You are doing things in my life Lord. Thank you for reminding me that I need to let go of my old ways and just take Your hand as You lead me to do Your will Lord. You are the one who is in control of my life and I do trust You Lord. I know that You always make everything good. You are my everything Lord. You are the most high. There is no one above You Lord. Thank You for the gift of You Lord. That is the most precious thing in the world. Thank You Jesus. I love you Lord. Bless all of Your children and their families Lord. Let us remain faithful to You and to Praise the Lord continously. Amen.

    1. Amen dear Janet!We are blessed with the gift of the Lord. We don't need anything else because in Him we are complete. He provides for our needs and He is the Giver of joy and peace. No matter what trials or temptations we may face, He is ever at our side fighting our battles, and winning them. May God bless your new day with victory, grace, peace, love and joy. Much love.

  14. Counting my blessings. Thank You Father for protecting our country from the protestors who invaded our town July 4th at 5:30 PM with the intention of destroying a precious landmark, one of the few Covered Bridge's in America. They were outnumbered, weren't prepared for the opposition they met from the police, sheriff's department and citizens. The protestors were not from my area. Their intentions are mass destruction. Thank You again for blessing our country.

    1. PRAISE and THANKS to Almighty God!!!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Thanks be to God! May peace dwell in your area, SM. God be with you.

    3. So very thankful to hear that it ended well. I'm so sad that our country is in such unrest. People are in such need of a saviour and have no clue. Our Lord is calling to all come rest in me. My sweet nephew and niece just lost their eldest child to an overdose. He had been looking for Peace for so long. The torment the family has now is not knowing whether or not he will have any peace. It is so hard to have to think of that for our loved ones. The fact that we don't have control of our child's final resting place or for that matter anyone other than our own, makes being able to give them to God, knowing He loves them more than we do such a huge blessing. We need to tell everyone or rather show them through our lives the blessings of our loving God. Not just giftings and blessing but the presence and peace of our loving God that helps us to live with such horrific tragedy.
      Being able to continue our journey of life loving our God without allowing despair to rule us brings so much glory to God. This is the Christian I pray I will grow to be one day to God be all the glory! Please be praying for our family especially his brother and sister they are hurting and looking to place blame. Memorial will be next Saturday please pray for peace and unity for all involved. I love this JC family. I read share and pray for this blog daily I'm not sure why it doesn't put my name but this is Jan in Texas.

    4. Thank you Father for your protection in a dangerous time! We are blessed He is in our corner, always preparing the way. What a buckler we have! We are not walking down dark streets alone. Our wilderness is always lit by His never ending light. Our anxious hearts are always soothed by His incomprehensible peace and filled to the brim with His Unchanging love. Amen Bob! Thanking God that the peace that surrounds us is always found in His presence.

    5. Dear Jan in Texas,
      Praying for your dear niece and nephew in their time of intense sorrow. There are no words to say. Their sadness is far greater than we can imagine. I believe in God's mercy and I pray that God's love and comfort will fill the huge paintful hole in their hearts. I pray that somehow their pain, of losing a dear child in such a terrible way, will become tolerable, and with God's help, perhaps someday this great loss will lead them to help others in the same predicament to seek help, and prevent such a tragic end. Praying for your family and his brother and sister to lean on each other in their sorrow and cast blame far away. It's time for all of to be the beacons God has prepared us to be. Let us give kind words to the people we meet along our daily walk, and share our light where there is none.

    6. Dear Jan in Texas,
      Echoing Jeanne's prayers for your niece and nephew. Praying God's comforting presence in their lives.

    7. Still praying for your niece and nephew, Jan in Texas.
      The suffering they have had to endure is beyond my imagination. I'm sure their hearts are still broken and badly wounded. God knows exactly how they feel. Praying for their strength of faith that can carry them through. As long as He is by their sides, they can endure anything. And His bright light will guide their paths and comfort their hearts.

  15. Dear Heavenly Father, I give Thanks unto You with a grateful heart for Your unconditional Love, the gift of Salvation and all the many other gifts You have blessed me with. I confess my need for You today. May I be reminded that You work on behalf of those You love, constantly, powerfully, completely. Forgive me for the times I tried to fix my situations all on my own. Forgive me for those times that I ran all different directions and spinning my wheels to find help, when true help and healing must be found first in You. Teach me, to not worry about the things that are beyond my control because I know that You have already put those things into perspective for me. You are a God of hope and peace. Thank You for all the circumstances of my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Change is an inevitable part of our life. Many people are unhappy because they do not accept the things or circumstances that they cannot change or have no control over. This leads to unnecessary frustration, disappointment, and suffering. We should focus our time and energy on the parts of our lives that we can change and ask God to grant us the courage to accept the ones that we cannot. We must fight to trust that God is in control when we cannot see it or fathom how it could be possible.
    He’s in control even in this fallen world where horrible things happen and people do the unthinkable. He’s in control even when there are things we don’t understand. He is, in fact, the Lord of lords and the King of kings and in absolute control of time and eternity.
    The sovereignty of God is that which separates the God of the Bible from all other religions, truth claims, and other philosophies. When we declare God is sovereign, we testify that by virtue of His creatorship over all of life and reality, He is indeed an all-knowing, all-powerful and benevolent ruler. God’s sovereignty is meant to give us peace and joy and help us trust Him at all times, even when we are suffering. He knows the thoughts of every person on earth.
    The truth here is, nothing will come into our life that God did not either allow or decree for our ultimate good. God did not promise us that we will never go through hard times. But He did promise us that He Himself, Lord of the universe will be right there with us to strengthen, keep and protect us and because He is in control, our circumstances will not overwhelm us, no matter how much we feel like they might. Isaiah 43:2 says: "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you." This my friends, is the promise of the most High God! He cares and His faithfulness endures forever!

    Father in Heaven, Thank You that BECAUSE YOU ARE IN CONTROL, we can trust You in whatever circumstances we find ourselves. We can trust You for our future, we can pray in faith, we can trust that You are working all things for our good, we can trust that You will give us grace for all we go through, we can give thanks for and rejoice in all things, we can pursue holiness and sanctification, we can trust that You will lead and guide us, and we can trust that You will conform us to the likeness of Christ despite our weaknesses and failures. Thank You that nothing will ever separate us from Your loving Presence. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Happy and Blessed Sunday.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen dear Maplewood. He is still in charge and in control of our future. It does give me peace to know that He already knows what's right around the next bend. So I will keep trusting Him and holding onto to His ever present Unchanging Hand. My help is from the Lord Who made Heaven and Earth.

    2. So encouraged by your prayer this morning, Maplewood. I am going through a period of lost perspective. Thank you for this lifeline ♥️

    3. Amen! Dear Maplewood always encourages my heart.
      Praying for you, sweet Audra. You're probably all wrapped up in your dear hubby Marc's care and therapy. You are such a good sister to me. Praying you regain your perspective. May our loving Papa renew and refresh your weary heart and give you a fresh and bright look at the world and your blessings in His presence. Gratitude and Praise always. Sending love and a big hug.

    4. Your post, sweet Maplewood NJ, is still blessing me today. May you likewise be blessed. In His Name. Amen.

    5. Amen πŸ™

  16. Wonderful post, twin bd sis! This is why we are admonished to worship on a regular basis, so we can be reminded of what is the true reality, the sovereignty of God Almighty over all. You described that very well in your post; let us worship today in whatever manner we are led to worship to hear words of how things really are. God be with you.

    1. Amen. I hope your day is beautiful and peaceful, Bob. God bless and keep you ~ Amy

    2. Thank you, Amy. May the peace of God dwell in you this day and always. God be with you.

  17. Thank you all for sharing your words of prayer, support and encouragement.!! ✝️ It is great to know that we can pray for and be encouraged by people we don’t even know! But God knows who needs it and connects us however possible! I am glad I discovered this site. Have a blessed day! πŸ™‚

    1. This family of believers have propped me up in so many ways. Sober for 5+ years!

    2. Praise and thanks be to God! Continued strength, support, prayers and blessing on your journey of sobriety! CO

    3. That's awesome news, Great job. Our continued sobriety is,a blessing through our relationship with Him, every day.

    4. He was there all the time. 🎢 To God be the glory!

  18. Good morning God! Thank you for this new day and time with my daughter and boyfriend who we finally get to hug! Thank you Holy Spirit for your presence in our July 4 th small gathering. Our musician friend, a 'non believer' passionately played God Bless America" on his horn for us:
    God bless America, land that I love
    Stand beside her and guide her
    Through the night with the light from above
    From the mountains to the prairies
    To the oceans white with foam
    God bless America, my home sweet home
    God bless America, land that I love
    Stand beside her and guide her
    Through the night with the light from above
    From the mountains to the prairies
    To the oceans white with foam
    God bless America, my home sweet home
    From the mountains to the prairies
    To the oceans white with foam
    God bless America, my home sweet home
    God bless America, my home sweet home
    And with that our prayers are magnified for our nation! Thank you Father, for your everlasting ultimate control. We love you! We trust you!

    1. Amen dear Audra! Thanking Him for His never ending control. We are in good Hands! We love You and we trust You!

  19. Dear Maplewood, Amen and Amen! I needed to hear all that you fed me with today. My heart is very heavy as I write these words.
    I had a very sad phone conversation an hour ago. My very old friend, Carmel, used to live in my apartment building and we spent much time together raising our babies. She had a drinking problem which unfortunately led to her husband leaving her. He met a woman in his church and started living with her and her children. It was a difficult situation and still is. We keep in touch by phone calls and mail. I couldn't reach her by phone and last week, I got a Birthday card returned as undeliverable. I prayed for her. I had a feeling something was wrong. I reached out to her daughter, Maggie who called me today. She told me to sit down because she had some sad news. Well dear Carmel had problems with the circulation in her leg and she didn't seek help immediately because of Covid. One day she fell walking down the stairs to the laundry room and Maggie noticed her toes were purple. She also thought her Mom had broken her leg so she called 911. An ambulance took her to the hospital and they said there was no circulation in her leg and they had to amputate it above the knee. She wasn't allowed to have her family there because of Covid. So she faced this dire operation by herself with no comfort from loved ones. She has been getting infections and she's having another surgery today to clean out her leg. My heart goes out to her and her family. She has a great faith and we often talked about our faith and prayed together. Asking for all of your sincere prayers now and please keep her on your prayer list. She has had such a hard life and she has a beautiful heart. I pray God will heal her, comfort and lead her to good health, joy and love. Thank you dear Family! Much love and gratitude.

    1. Jeanne - God bless you for being a friend to Carmel. Joining warriors in prayer for Carmel and her daughter Maggie.

    2. Jeanne, I feel your heartache. Only God can meet Carmel in her needs so I lift her to God in prayer for His love, grace, and mercy to fill her in all ways at this time. May God be with you as well, Jeanne, as a precious friend to her.

    3. Dear Jeanne, thank you and God bless you for sharing with the JC prayer warriors here so that we may lift Carmel and her daughter, Maggie, up in prayer. God is the Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, light in the darkness! My God, that is who You are! Thank you, Father, that You, and You alone, are healing Carmel as we pray. Thank You for every victory and every answered prayer. You know our needs before we even ask. We Praise You, Lord, for watching over us, walking with us and never leaving us. Thank You for Your mercy, grace, and your calming Spirit. We trust in in You! In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

    4. Sweet Jesus hold Carmel in the palm of your hand..whisper your love for her ever so gently. She is not alone for you are with her always. Pour your amazing grace over her family and her friend Jeanne. We are praying; Jesus we trust in you. Come Holy Spirit.

    5. Thank you my dearest JC Family for your sincere prayers and words of encouragement. I treasure you all so much and I know God hears every one of your prayers. Believing that our compassionate God is at work healing Carmel in every way and getting rid of the infection. Thank you Father, for cleaning out any bad cells and infected tissue, and closing up her wound and healing the skin and bringing her great strength, hope and assurance that You are with her and have an amazing plan ahead for her. We all pray together in gratitude, trust and faith in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

    6. Thanks for your prayers. Carmel is doing better. There is no more infection in her leg thank God, and she is healing. She's trying to get a prosthetic leg that is the right length. Her faith is strong but sometimes she's in a lot of pain and frustrated. Please pray for her healing and that someday she will be able to walk again. Thank you also for praying for her daughter Maggie who is now getting a divorce. She is an alcoholic like her Mother was. Praying for both of them that God will guide them to the help they need and bring them back to good health, joy and fulfillment and most of all, to open their hearts to Him so they will trust Him for their futurse because He cares for them. Thank You Jesus!

    7. Praying for your friends Jeanne. May a breakthrough on addictions of all kinds fill our families and friends, and those we don't know. In Jesus's name I pray.

    8. Thanks for your prayers.
      Praying for God's Hand in that breakthrough! Amen!
      So many are affected by addiction. God is their stronghold but they must reach for Him and He will guide them to the programs or people that can turn them around to good, and to HIM.

  20. I pray that your friend remembers the talks and laughter you have had together and that she knows she is deeply loved by Christ and her brothers and sisters. I hope that she is comforted knowing deep in her heart, that she also has a great friend in you. God bless you today and always. ~ Amy

    1. Thank you dear Amy! She must remember all those beautiful moments when we opened our hearts to each other and shared so much joy and sometimes sorrow. I remember so many sweet times of making popcorn and egg salad sandwiches for the kids and taking them to the park and laughing so very much.

    2. Egg salad sandwiches... Comfort food ♥️

    3. Yes! Still really love egg salad sandwiches!

  21. Sassy Mom- joining with you and others in praising God for the protection of your city and our nation.
    Jan in Texas - my heart goes out to your nephew and niece, along with all others in the family. May they find the peace necessary to continue this journey on Earth and may they find some positive (probably unexpected) result through their grieving and healing. Miracles happen all around us.
    Jeanne - prayers of strength and healing for Carmel. May her faith continue to remain steadfast through her trials. May she feel the love of others even if she is alone due to covid 19. Prayers also for her family. Thank you for your thought provoking posts and comments. They warn my heart and are great words of faith.
    Maplewood - what an inspiring and encouraging post (again!). Thank you always for your prayers and faith reminders. Your posts lift me up!
    Thank you Jesus, for everything! You are in control. I am continuing in growth as I remind myself to surrender myself to You daily. Thank you, Jesus, for your patience. Amen.

    1. Thank you for your prayers Anonymous in CO. Joining in your prayers too. God bless you in all things.

  22. Jesus, please continue Your work in me. Transform my weaknesses into a stronger faith. Thank you for everyone You have placed in my life. I truly need all of their help, advice, and support. Mostly, I need You. At times my faith feels fragile and I don't live ip to being the Christian I say I am. Please help me to stay on my path of transformation and to always remain grateful for Your presence and work in my life.

    1. Amen, Mark L. I join you in prayer. This JC family has truly been a blessing and a Godsend in my life as well.

      Lord, help us to see the many treasures that You bless us with. Open our eyes to see the good in others and our ears to hear Your voice when You call. Lead us, Father, on Your righteous path, and may Your will, not mine, be done.

      I pray for all the leaders of the world. May they hear Your call to serve the people as You command. Send the Holy Spirit to guide them on their journey.

      I also pray for those struggling with addiction and praise and thank You for the victories we have declared in Your Holy name. Strengthen them, Lord, as only You can, and sustain them.

      In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

      Blessings from California

    2. Mark, We all have times when we must ask God for renewal of our spirit and strengthened faith. Often it is in a time of unanswered prayer, sickness and frustration over life's situations. But in our weakness, just as you are reaching for God's help, we seek Him because we believe He is the only one who can strengthen us and change our hearts, bodies and spirits. He knows what we lack and what we need. That you are walking in your gratitude and trust is of great value to Him. God bless you in all things my Brother. Much love.
      Amen Rose! Joining in your wonderful prayer.

    3. Continuing to pray for you Mark. God is helping you everyday to become who He has prepared you to be. He is your stronghold in times of struggle and discouragement. We all feel the same and need to have our faith renewed often. We have our good and bad days. I call out to Him when things are going wrong and I know He is right there with me. Keep thanking Him for even the hard times because they test our faith. And rejoice with Him in the good times because He loves a cheerful and trusting heart.
      Still a wonderful prayer my sister Rose. Amen.

  23. Praying for all of your prayer requests.
    Lord help us to seek and praise you no matter our circumstances, no matter how heavy, sad, broken we may feel.
    As human our earthly perspective can make it so hard, we can't understand some of the trials we face, but You're always there, healing, comforting, restoring every of your children's broken pieces.

    Thank you for everything Lord. Keep us close to you please, being in your presence is the only place we can feel safe in this crazy world. Thank you for being the Most High, the one who loves us inconditionally. Thank you for always watching over us and our loved ones, working in your children's heart. Please draw the lost souls to you, in your Kingdom, may they taste and see that You are good.
    In Jesus name, Amen

    Blessings from France

    1. Amen! Especially when things are not going well and our loved ones are suffering, we turn our eyes upward from where our help cometh. God is so good to heal our wounds of the body, mind and spirit. No greater place to be than in His healing presence.

  24. We come together in this place to pray for each other..our sanctuary. Lord hear our prayers..have mercy on our world. Thank you Jesus for your strength your everlasting love.

  25. Dear Loveconquersall! Amen! Praying for you always that God will flood your days with His great light, joy and peace.

  26. Goodnight my dear family. I'm off to catch up on some sweet sleep. Rest well, and I pray you will wake up feeling refreshed and renewed. Thank You Lord for bringing rest and renewal to our dear JC Family.

  27. The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust Him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving. (Psalm 28:7). Everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving. (1 Timothy 4:4). "Even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice." (Luke 11:28).

    Loving Father, thank You for all my benefits and blessings. You are so wonderful and amazing. There is no one like You. May You have more delight in Your heart than sadness from the actions of Your children. May we bless You in a manner worthy of Your blessings upon us. You are deserving of so much more than I can ever give to You. I am so grateful for all You do and all You are. Thank You for everything. Open my eyes to see all that You have for me and all that You are doing in and around me. Thank You for giving me life and being with me every step of the way. I love and adore You Lord. I'd be so lost without You. I trust You with all my heart. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    Give praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing. Those blessings come from the heavenly world. They belong to us because we belong to Christ. God chose us to belong to Christ before the world was created. He chose us to be holy and without blame in His eyes. He loved us. (Ephesians 1:3-4).

    1. Amen dear Janet! He is everything to us and we could do nothing without Him. Our days would be empty and shallow without His love. But living in His presence, we are well taken care of, blessed, comforted, guided, loved and filled with His beautiful light that seeps out of our broken vessels to others. They can see it and be blessed by it. Their lives can be changed by it. This is why we were created. To add to His flock. His Spirit works within us always. He is the Helper promised by Jesus. He helps us understand God's messages and words so we can bring them to those who need Him and are even seeking Him. Our Father is so loving that at all times, He is pulls us towards Him, reminding us to open up our hearts to Him even in the busy times. He wants us close to Him no matter what we are doing. We must not let the world and responsibilites separate us from Him. Amen sweet Janet! God chose us even before we were born. How blessed we are that we belong to Him completely and forever.
      Thanking Him with you for all He has blessed us with and for all He promises. We are never alone and always protected by His wings. Even in strange places or a dark wilderness. He is the light that shines on our paths and leads us to higher ground. He shows us that even in the most difficult times, there is always something to be thankful for. We are still here and, praise God, it is only because of His faithfulness!

  28. Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Would You forgive me for clinging to old ways by attempting to insert myself, my ego, (hence satan), first into the lives of others, rather than putting You first in mine?
    And now that I've paid a price to know better, would You help me do better?
    As we go through today, would You continually remind us to put GOD FIRST because our security and worth rests in You alone, and You are totally trustworthy and capable of handling all the 'its'? In Jesus' Name. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen.

    1. Praying with you and for you. dear Brie and our sweet sister Audra!
      Loving Father, We are all trusting in You and resting in Your capable Hands. Thank You in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord.

  29. Yes and amen, Brie. Asking the same in Jesus name I pray.

  30. Father, please help me to stop clinging to my old ways and completely let go and give You complete control of everything in my life. Oh, how I long for that. You know everything about me and I trust in You and the plans that You have for me. Forgive my impatience and hardheadedness. Continue transforming me into the person that You created me to be. I delight in all Your work and I can't wait to see more. Thank You for saving again yesterday from another dream like before. I KNOW that no matter where I am, YOU are ALWAYS with me and will help me at the petition of Your name. Praise You Lord! You are more amazing than words can ever say. Thank You Jesus!

  31. Thank you, Lord, for speaking to me directly today thru sarahs devotional. I am filled with gratitude, peace, and Your strength. You will move me thru all paths that come ahead. I am unprepared on my own. But You have it in Your hands. How blessed I am to be Yours.

  32. Amen Sisters and Brothers! We are so blessed to belong to The Most High! We are beloved children and He sincerely cares about everything we are going through. He understands our hearts like none other. What a blessed assurance! "Jesus is Mine". He knows the last words we think as we sleep. My last words are usually Thank You Jesus. And those words lead to a sweet sleep. Goodnight my dear JC Family. Rest well.

  33. CALLING OUR JJ! You asked for it!
    Look what Sassy Mom found:
    Sassy Mom July 4, 2022 at 11:11 AM
    Dear Brie ---- Still so thankful for you sharing you cousin's I AM THE STORM!!! It is said, the best defense is a good offense. Proactively attacking one's enemy is the best way to protect oneself, since they will be too occupied with defending themselves to stage an attack on their own.

    Sassy Mom July 4, 2022 at 11:15 AM
    Or this:
    The devil whispered in my ear "You're not strong enough to withstand the storm" Today I whispered in the devil's ear " I am the storm."

  34. Oh Sassy Mom and Brie --- A thousand Thank You's and Blessings for the post! Can't you just sense the same
    Spirit in the post like the Spirit of Caleb raising up; like the Spirit in Shadrack, Meshach, and Abednego, like the Spirit in Daniel; like the Spirit in Esther and then there was Jesus going into hell to thoroughly Defeat and Ravage the devi!!! Then He took the keys of death and Hades for Himself. He now sits at the right hand of our Heavenly Father and secured our salvation and gave us the AUTHORITY in Christ as children of God. With that AUTHORITY, we carry out the purposes of God in advancing His Kingdom, healing the sick, and defeating the works of satan and the powers of darkness. That post still sends electric shocks to my soul, because it holds that Spirit of Authority. HALLELUJAH!!!
    SASSY Mom and Brie just wrapping you up tight in Great Love and Blessings!!! In His Grip of Grace -- JJ

    1. Thanks for posting that powerful truth! Amen Brie, Sassy Mom and JJ, The devil doesn’t stand a chance! For Greater is He that is in us than he that is in this fallen world. God fights our battles and He is Almighty!! We wake up and put on His Armor. He has equipped us well to be victorious against the fiery darts of the evil one. We are more than Conquerors in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!

    2. Thanks JJ, and thank you Sassy Mom for locating the post that served as her firestarter!
      As soon as they enter into this JC Prayer Warrior's room today, I imagine your Spirit filled reminders will send electric shocks into every state, nation, and country wherever our JC family members are residing.
      I think of it as LAST CALL whenever I say or hear, "Jesus descended into hell." I can only imagine Him saying, "Do you want to come with Me, or stay where you are?"

    3. Thanks Jeanne, for your reminder that satan doesn't stand a chance while I am thanking our God. ❤️

    4. YES and AMEN, sisters! I'm feeling a lot more stormy today thanks to y'all! ♥️⛈️

  35. Bless you sweet sisters for sharing this battle cry. " How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news! Jesus has defeated the powers of darkness! JJ, once again you have placed the enemy on notice, reminding him of his defeat. We stand with you in waiving the banner of VICTORY in Jesus! Hallelujah!

    1. Bless you Jan! --- How I love seeing in my minds eye this gigantic Banner, written in gigantic letters VICTORY IN JESUS!!! I Decree and Declare this Banner flies above each of my Beloved JCFAMILY. HALLELUJAH!!! Sending Great Love and Blessings to you, Jan.

    2. Yes Jan and JJ! VICTORY is ours! Name it and claim it!

    3. Amen to that dear Jan! Hallelujah!!!

  36. Thank you dear warriors in advance for all of your prayers: I am coming off of a big bout of depression and anxiety and am very thankful that the Lord is with me.
    I also wanted to inform you that my dear friend, Margi, passed a few weeks ago...I miss her dearly 😒. Thanks to all who has lifted her up in prayers. She is with the Lord.

    1. Praying today's devotion for you, our Butterfly love, and for our entire JC Family:
      Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Would You send Your Presence deep into our hearts today until we come to know through experience that everything bonds us to Your loving Presence?
      I am asking because that is the only basis of our security.
      Whenever we start to feel anxious, would You personally remind us that our security rests in You alone, and
      You are totally trustworthy?
      Would You help us accept Your Sovereignty until we relax trusting in Your control by accepting that we will never be in control of our life circumstances?
      In Jesus' Name, I step out into the breach with these requests for all of us and each of our dear ones. Amen.

    2. Dear Brie -- I shout AMEN and AMEN!!! I receive your prayer and letting it penetrate every layer of my soul. Our God is our WAYMAKER!!!

      Even when we don't see Him, He's working! Because He never stops working! Thank God for God!

    4. Dear Butterfly love, I’m so sorry your dear friend passed on. She was called Home by our merciful God who lifted her up out of her misery. You will be with her again. Amen dear Brie! He is our Promise Keeper! Dear Butterfly love, May God heal you of your depression and anxiety. Be kind to yourself dear one, and know you are always in my prayers. I’m sorry God didn’t answer my prayers for Margi’s recovery but He is our Way Maker and His Way is better than our way. She isn’t suffering anymore. Much love.

  37. Butterfly love - I feel the pain of losing my dear friend Miss Pat. Praying God's comforting peace and presence.

    1. (((❤️SASSY MOM❤️)))

    2. Surrounding you with love dear sisters. May God soothe your sorrowful hearts. Thank You Jesus.

  38. Thank you for sharing Sassy are also in my prayers regarding your friend Miss Pat. And much thanks to you Brie for your powerful prayer. πŸ™ πŸ˜‹πŸ’₯❣

  39. Taking my Mom to the Neurologist tomorrow at Noon. He will explain the MRI results of her head. Trying to figure out why she has been a little dizzy and her walking is difficult, and her balance is bad. Thanks for your prayers for good results.
    Thank You Father for her healing, and recovery in Jesus’ Name. Leaning on Your faithfulness and Your promises.

  40. "You will never be in control of your life circumstances, but you can relax and trust in My control."
    I had to smile reading this sentence; images of cartoon characters came to mind as I read it: Donald Duck trying unsuccessfully to live a controlled peaceful life despite his nephews up to their antics; Popeye forever rescuing Olive Oil from Bluto, and the antics his nephews get up to. (Yes I'm of that generation, first enjoyed cartoons in black and white tv).
    I am so glad, in fact relieved that my God IS in total control of my life. He is anyway, but each morning on waking l like to voluntary and with delight give Him control of my life, thoughts, mind, actions, health, every element every situation of my day yet to unfold.
    I then relax, knowing He's got it covered, that no matter what, He IS in control.
    Job 12:10 In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.
    Proverbs 16:9 The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.
    Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
    Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
    Isaiah 26:3 You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.
    1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
    Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
    Deuteronomy 31:8 It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.
    AMPC Proverbs 3:5-6 Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.

    1. You made me laugh, Peter, with your reminder of our cartoon days (which my sister and I also watched on a black and white TV!). I'll never forget the first time we watched Walt Disney on our new color TV!
      Your verses were a blessing to read as I start my day and go back to work this morning. Any fears, concerns or troubled thoughts slowly disappear...God has us! Thank you, Brother!

    2. Just what I needed for breakfast, dear Peter! I have a thankful heart and I'm putting everything in His Hands. Had my Gabriel for a sleepover and we had fun. Even saw fireworks right from my bedroom window. Going to the playground and for a picnic now. We are blessed and grateful and my dear Gabriel was thanking God for the beautiful day. Have a great day leaning on the Everlasting Arms. I remember all my cartooning days that made me smile. We can't control our days but we know God guides them and we are in the Best of Hands. Rest in Him Who loves us.

  41. Love all the scripture, thank you

    On our last beach trip, a walk along the water’s edge brought us to an elaborate and large sand sculpture of a mosque-like structure that some talented person had built. The remarkable detail amazed us. We had heard the expression, When you are climbing the ladder of success, be very mindful of where and what you are leaning your ladder on…. Similarly, the elaborate sculpture we were admiring turned our thoughts to When you are building your dream castle, be mindful of where and what surface you are building your dream castle on. It’s nearness to the water’s edge and the very sandy foundation left no doubt that the nighttime waves would have it gone by morning.
    Further down our beach walk, we passed some cottages and spotted a sweet tiny little sandcastle built with a child’s pail and shovel. Little handprints provided evidence that a youngster had carefully patted and packed the sand near to a structure that the waves did not reach.
    In either case, when completion is reached, are you satisfied on what and where you leaned your ladder or built your sand castle?
    Today’s Devotion reminds us to build and climb near Him with a thankful heart, and let everything bond us to His Loving Presence! That is the only basis of our security. Him alone, and only He is totally trustworthy to build and lean on.
    We will never be in control of waves, but He is. Before striving to climb and create, first seek to know Him in greater depth and breadth. When we are willing, He will make our life a glorious adventure, always doing something new within. Be on the lookout for all that He has prepared.
    Isaiah 43 tells us, Behold, I am doing a new thing;
    now it springs forth, do you perceive it?
    I will make a way in the wilderness
    and rivers in the desert.
    Lord, make me willing to build for you and build on your rock solid foundation. Show me where and what You have planned for me. In Jesus’ Name. AMEN!

    1. This is so amazing, Brie! Thanks for sharing. So true and brings thoughts back to building on a solid foundation.
      He is my rock and my salvation. Psalm 62.
      And upon this rock (Peter) I shall build My church. Matthew 16:18.

    2. I loved my beach walk with you this morning, Brie and Larry! We are guided in His Word how and where to strengthen our foundation. So grateful to open THE BIBLE anytime, anywhere to hear His voice.

  43. Thanks dear Brie! I love that and also felt like I was on a beach trip. Always loved to build sand castles. We must build our life on a firm foundation so we stand on the Rock.
    Isaiah 28:16
    Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: “Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, A tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation; Whoever believes will not act hastily.


    2. Thanks for adding light to my day! I love that song, Brie!

  44. Changing topic... We saw Sound of Freedom yesterday, a film with Jim Caviesel dedicated to raising awareness on the growing child trafficking epidemic. It's easier to think it's happening far away from where you might live and feel helpless. But the truth is God's children are NOT FOR SALE, and this battle can also be fought by prayer warriors like those here who know how to work on the spiritual plane. Please join in however you are called in this fight. πŸ™

    1. Thanks for the reminder, Audra. Did you see it on Netflix? I will plan to help the kids anway I can.
      Holy Spirit, would you guide our helping hands and willing hearts? In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. So very sad, Audra, May God protect His young people from those ungodly child traffickers and show us how we can help. Thank You Jesus.

  45. My middle son Greg just lost his job and he has a wife and 2 children to support. His wife doesn't work because she has some disabilities from when she had meningitis a while back and was in a coma for almost a month. But she is able to take care of her babies and is a good wife and mother. Thanks for your prayers. God always opens up another door when one closes. May He lead Greg to an even better job very soon. Thank You Jesus.
    Father God, You know Greg is a good man and husband and father. We trust in You and Your plan. Thank you for leading him to a new and even better job and supplying his needs, and for answering all our prayers, and bringing us closer to You with each passing day. Thank you for healing all of our weaknesses and those of our dear ones in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen

    Philippians 4:19-23
    And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.

    1. I'm still praying for doors to swing wide open for Greg and family. Opening closed doors is one of the many things HE IS famous for!
      Much ❤️ and Many Continuous πŸ™. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  46. Lord. Have your way today. I pray Your Will be done today. You are my goal Father. Only You.

  47. My Most Mighty Father God --- I am so grateful that You are always doing something new within Your beloved ones. I bring my country and its people
    before You in prayer for Your new ways. I ask the Spirit of the Lord to bring life, liberty, justice and unity to every broken place in the country. Holy Spirit hover over the land and bring everything out of order into order, in Jesus' name. Where there is death, I speak Life! Where there is chaos, I speak peace! Where there is darkness, I speak LIGHT! Let this nation be that becan of hope, a shining star, and a city on a hill for all the nations to see and know the King of Glory.! Let every demonic plan, plot and scheme be exposed and annihilated in Jesus' name. I proclaim that the banner over this nation is LOVE AND GOD IS NOT FINISHED WITH US. I say: THIS IS THE MOMENT TO BE BORN AGAIN AMERICAN! May we come forth in the power of Your Resurrection. God Bless America again, that we would fulfill our call as Your great evangelist nation. May the lamb that was slain receive the reward of His sufferings! In Jesus'
    Nane and for Your Glory forever, Father, AMEN and AMEN.

    1. Amen and Hallelujah JJ!!! God is so good ALWAYS!!! God bless you πŸ™.

    2. Hallelujah & Amen dear JJ! INVIGORATED by your prayer for our nation! Thank you for your Holy Ghost zeal! You go girl! We love you for itπŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ˜

    3. Thank You for that "barn burner" prayer JJ. 🎢 That girl is on fire πŸ”₯for the Lord, for us, for our country, and for our world.
      Like Abraham in Genesis,
      ...the Lord remained with Abraham a while. Then Abraham approached Him and said, “Will You kill good and bad alike? 24 Suppose You find fifty godly people there within the city—will You destroy it, and not spare it for their sakes? 25 That wouldn’t be right! Surely You wouldn’t do such a thing, to kill the godly with the wicked! Why, You would be treating godly and wicked exactly the same! Surely You wouldn’t do that! Should not The Judge of all the earth be fair?”
      26 And God replied, “If I find fifty godly people there, I will spare the entire city for their sake.”
      And God said even for the sake of 10 Godly people, I won't destroy it.
      May hell lose another one as I get up from here, and behave Godly. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    4. Amen! I escaped my original country's dictatorship. I join JJ in prayer for the continued liberty in this beautiful country, the U.S. of America. May God have mercy on us and keep us this way. AC in MD.

  48. Amen! Thank you dear JJ! We are saved by His Blood and covered by His Word! He is above all and He is still in charge. He is in control so we can go forward in peace. Our future is in His able Hands. Resting in that truth! He is our Savior and Redeemer and our Eternal King Whose Reign never ends. As today’s devotion says: “You will never be in control of your life circumstances, but you can relax and trust in My control. Instead”. Thank You Father for answering our prayers and leading us through our lives. Thank You that my mom’s Doctor’s appointment today goes well and her leg is healing better. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen

    Romans 8:28
    And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

    Proverbs 30:5
    Every word of God is pure;
    He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.

    1. Amen Jeanne!!! Joining in prayers with you for your mom. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    2. Joining in prayer for your mom dear Jeanne &, for your steadfastness in believing for her. God is good❤️πŸ™ŒπŸ™

    3. Thanks dear Janet, Jan and Peter! Your prayers mean so much. We trust in God’s faithfulness and wait on Him because He is so good. God bless your new day!

  49. But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him. (1 John 2:27).

  50. Thank You Lord for the anointing. For your protection from false teachings. Thank You For the Holy Spirit Who leads us in the way everlasting. Thank you dear Janet for reminding us that we are the anointed! Hallelujah!πŸ™Œ❤️

  51. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus! Lord, please help me to "put away" old ways and look to You and Your leading for new things in my life. Let the newness of life in Your Spirit guide me and let the oldness of the letter be removed and cleansed from me. I can't and don't want to walk through life without You Lord. You are my Good Shepherd. I trust in You. Have Your perfect Way with me! Let us walk together, rejoicing and enjoying one another! Let Your Will be done! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. The birds don't use a passport to travel. They don't pack a bag, take money, clothes, or food. They don't plan out vacations or trips. They just go where the Spirit leads them and they are always taken care of by the hand of God.
      Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? (Matthew 6:26).

    2. Thank You Janet for reminding us about the birds.
      E.V.E.R.Y. Morning, as soon as they see The Sonrise, and before they know what the day will bring, they chirp nonstop songs of thanksgiving! May I go and do likewise. I want to chirp Praises and Thanks to You Lord, much more than I do. Chirp! Chirp! In Jesus' Name. AMEN.

  52. Me too! I love their birdsong of praise and gratitude! He is my strength and my song! Love the Lord so much and I Love you too!
