Sunday, July 5, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 6

I am your Father-God, Listen to Me! Learn what it means to be a child of the everlasting King. Your richest duty is devotion to Me. This duty is such a joyous privilege that it feels like a luxury. You tend to feel guilty about pushing back the boundaries of your life to make space for time alone with Me. The world is waiting to squeeze you into its mold and to crowd out time devoted to Me. The ways of the world have also warped your conscience, which punishes you for doing the very thing that pleases Me most: seeking My Face. Listen to Me above the clamor of voices trying to distract you. Ask My Spirit to control your mind, for He and I work in perfect harmony. Be still and attentive in My Presence. You are on holy ground. 

Isaiah 9:6
English Standard Version

For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
    and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Zechariah 9:9
New King James Version

“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion!
Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem!
Behold, your King is coming to you;
He is just and having salvation,
Lowly and riding on a donkey,
A colt, the foal of a donkey.

Romans 8:15-16
English Standard Version  

15 For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” 16 The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,

Exodus 3:5
English Standard Version 

Then he said, “Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.”

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Heavenly Father, We are in need of your guidance and direction through this day. I pray that as this day progresses, we continue to seek You and praise You for your generous support. I pray against the evil one who is out to kill, steal and destroy. Cloth us in The Armor of God as we bring the cross and blood of Christ against all harm wanting to be brought against us. Holy Spirit, control our hearts, body, soul and minds as we seek the fruit of the spirit you provide.

    1. Amen Jeff, so appreciate your heartfelt prayers. We miss you.πŸ₯°

    2. Amen, I need your prayers. I'm really have a hard time staying sober n depending on GOD, believing n trusting HIM to carry me

    3. Dear unknown.. we know you and We are praying for your walk with Jesus daily. It is the only way to escape your life and live our life through him. keep coming back to this site each morning to start your day with trust that he will bring you the strength to replace your addiction with the addiction for Jesus. We are here for you to come clean.
      This is my first post and I/we as a group want you to feel Jesus’s love for you.

    4. Hi Tammy! My name is Jenny and I COMPLETELY understand! I'm in very early recovery (again) and fighting the same urges. I googled Jesus calling because, well...I'm seeking & praying to be healed from this disease too! I've got abouta week sober right now and had the BEST 4th of July in years; since I can even remember!! I can normally hold out for a few days, weeks and even months at a time; I don't know how or why I pick that first one back up, but it seems like every time I do. I feel like I'm doing everything suggested to stay clean & sober so I have no idea what I'm doing, or not doing,to kick this thing for good!?! Let's both of us just take one day, even minute at a time... I know that sounds cheesy and clichΓ© but it's true!! It took a long time to get us to where we did, it's going to take time to heal as well. Coming from a CHRONIC relapser, it only gets worse each time you go back out; A LOT worse! Let's just keep it up, keep praying and STOP shaming and/or guilt tripping and stop bragging yourself up; that's the hard thing for me cuz I'm so mad at myself and pity myself i end up using it as just another excuse to use! God Bless you Tammy! Remember, you too deserve to be happy. YOU ARE NOT YOUR ADDICTION! I will keep you in my prayers and maybe we can try to stay connected through here and we can fight this battle together. I want a better life too. We both can do this..don't give up! ��♥��

    5. that was supposed to say: " stop BEATING yourself up", not bragging! Lol...sorry!

    6. Blessings to all of us who probably have an addiction of some kind. NEWS FLASH: we are human and live in a fallen world. The ONLY way through and above it is offered to us through JESUS. Work it and see ✝️♥️

    7. Thanks Jeff for your much needed prayer. We all relate to Tammy, John, and all the unknowns who come in this JC Prayer Warriors room to pray for all and be prayed on in God's Goodness rather than preyed on by satan's temptations.
      Y'all come back now, y'all heah!
      Come early, come late, come often. We are praying for all to expose and reflect God's Glory through our mirrors. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name With much love, Brie

    8. Tammy, John Lee, Jenny..we are lifting you up in prayer to the throne of grace. You have come to the right place. Pour your Holy Spirit over them Lord!! Amen! Amen!

    9. Your prayer is timeless and beautiful, Jeff! Thank you.
      Dear Tammy, John Lee and Jenny. Praying with all of you for a strength of faith because God is your refuge, stronghold and solution. He can help you fight the temptation to give in to your addiction. Amen John Lee! Great advice! You must first strengthen your relationship with the Lord so that you will crave HIM above all other things. Your addiction is a sickness but He is the Great Physician. Trust in Him and He can lead you to the help you need. Say Yes to HIM and No to all other things. Jesus was tempted in all ways so He understands your pain and your discouragement. You can regain your life even in baby steps with His help. Take it one day at a time in the Presence of the Lord.
      Corinthians 10:13
      No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man.
      God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

    10. My name is Ed and I did not realize this site was for alcoholics, until today. I’ve been reading Jesus Calling for 2-3 years now and believe it is truly inspired by God. I’ve read your comments from time to time but had no idea who was responding. First,”hi”. It’s a honor to share with you about what Christ is doing in me with Jesus Calling. If you feel this group is off base for me, please let me know and I will just read your comments without my feelings being hurt.
      I truly believe He wants us to live in the present with him and not worry about the past or future, just today. Living in “the now” allows us to mature and be in constant communion with him. That, I believe, is the key to living a successful, powerful,Christian life. Staying in contact with him continuously. That is where we gain our strength, power and love. He is indeed all we need to be all He calls us to be. May we all be filled with His Spirit today and enjoy the blessings he has for us. To God be the glory and honor, forever! Amen

    11. Welcome Ed, everyone is welcome. We are happy to have you. We are all God's children.

    12. A warm welcome brother friend in Christ, Ed,
      As Sassy Mom said, all are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.
      The Holy Spirit sends the invitation. Regardless of what our worldly addiction was, we come here to worship, thank and praise God while positively supporting and praying for, and with, one another. We utilize the Jesus Calling platform and the biblical verses as a springboard for staying in constant contact with him continuously. He alone is our strength, power and love. He is indeed all we need and desire. Welcome!

    13. What I love about this site is that people are paying for each other. I have felt them when I ask for prayer. Addictions are not just to substances, we all are broken because this is a broken world. Here we are helping each other day by day,
      To grow closer to God

    14. Amen πŸ™❤️

    15. Unknowns, John Lee, Tammy, Violet, Jeff, and all others desiring prayers. We are still here praying for you, with hope that you are enjoying the benefits of our prayers and HIS Company. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    16. Blessings from NYJuly 6, 2024 at 5:54 AM

      Amen Brie❤️πŸ‘

    17. Blessings from NYJuly 6, 2024 at 5:54 AM


  2. Hi everyone. My family is under sieze. Asking for prayers. Thank you.

    1. Father, in the name of JESUS, we lift this family up to You for protection, may they know that You are their refuge and strength.
      Thank You Lord.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Sweet4G --- Joining Maplewood in this prayer. Will contine to pray for your family. I would also apply these prayers to anyone with family problems this day. Our Father will deliver us!! Greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world. Expect something GOOD to happen. Amen

    3. I lift up this family, our family is also under great attack! I lift up Maplewood, Jeff and JJ as well. The victory is yours oh Lord
      Holy Spirit please control control our minds, Spirits bodies and souls. We love and trust in you Jesus and we rebuke Satan in your Holy Name
      In Jesus heavenly and Holy name
      Texas friend

    4. Texas friend--- I receive your lift up/prayer with thankgiving and great joy! I pray that no weapon formed against your family will prosper, for greater is our Lord Who is in us, than he who is in the world. Father, God, you are loving and gracious, full of mercy and might. We trust in you alone, to rise up strong on Texas friend's behalf. Thank you that you are our Defender and Strong Tower, our Refuge and our Strength. Thank you that You fight for us today and in our weakness, You make us strong. Amen and Amen

    5. Thank you for your loving prayer JJ
      You & your family are in my prayers as well.
      There are so many loving prayers going up from this amazing body of believers.
      Jeff, JJ, Maplewood, Jeanne, Brie, Sassy Mom, Tammy, Jenny, John, Audra, Ed, Violet and for all that read and may not post, you are all, we are all lifted up in healing prayers. Our God is mighty to save!
      I’m lifting each and all of you up in prayers of victory. In he sweet name of Jesus

  3. sweet4G - joining all the JC family in prayer for your family. and as JJ said - every family with problems. God is always here. He will carry us when we are weak. KS

  4. Father, in the name of JESUS, I say THANK You for a brand new day that is filled with Your Mercies, Grace, protection and Love.
    This is the day You have made, and I WILL rejoice and be glad in it through the power of Your Holy Spirit. I declare that 'NO weapons fashioned against me will prosper and every tongue that rise against me is condemned'. Evey arrow being fired at me from the enemies are returned to them a hundred fold in the name of Jesus! I claim VICTORY today!

    Father, in the name of JESUS, open our eyes to see You in this day, open our ears to hear You and open our hearts to receive You like never before. May we be still and reverence Your Holy Presence today in Jesus name.
    My Your Holy Spirit direct and lead us in the way we should go today and glorify Your Holy name through praises all day today. Thank You our FATHER.

    THANK YOU for ALL the VICTORIES mentioned yesterday by my JC family and THANK YOU for the ones of today and our tomorrows according to Your will.

    Love, peace and blessings to all JC Family!

    1. Amen. Your prayers speak to my heart. ♥️

    2. God bless you! Your prayers also speak to my heart

    3. Amen and Amen. Thank you for that very much needed prayer. Praise the Lord continously and Always. Bless You Lord. Bless and favor us Lord. Thank you Jesus.

    4. Thank you for that wonderful prayer that filled me to the brim. I am indeed ready for the day!

    5. Wonderful prayer us hope in this new day !

    6. Amen dear Sister Min Ahadi. Praying for you that things have improved.

  5. Praying for you and your family Sweet4G. May God bring you through these times of trials. Prayers for all of the JC family. Have a great day!

  6. Good morning JC family πŸ₯°! This is the day the Lord hath made, let us rejoice & be glad in it. Didn't post yesterday but read through all the needs & victories today. How awesome is our God! I will continue to pray. Sweet 4G, the Lord's army of angels are positioned around your family, be of good courage. Sassy Mom, I guess you quickly found out it wasn't about the cash, you had a Devine appointment & you & the Lord showed up. How awesome is that? Norah, I'm sure the Lord delighted in your servant ❤️, you showed up for your sister in law, I will continue to pray for her. Can you guys stand another victory? My hubby's test result for the aortic aneurysm finally came, NO aortic aneurysm was detected. PTL! We prayed it would disappear. Thank you warriors for all your prayers. The Lord is mighty to be praised. Amen

    1. How wonderful, Jan! Praise the Lord indeed! May good health always follow you both!

    2. Thank You Lord for all these victories! In Jeus name I pray, Amen❣

    3. Jan --- Yes,yes, we can stand another VICTORY! Awesome, awesome news!!! Highest Praise to our Lord!!! One can just imagine just how much damage this JC FAMILY of PRAYER WARRIORS does to satan's realm!!! The Lord said that we were "more than conquerors!" I understand a conqueror, But "more than a conqueror, WOW!!! LIFTING up all in this JC FAMILY for needs to be met and to give to each UNUSUAL favor for their situation! Great love and blessings to each one from Kansas Oh, yes, my husband who had the back surgery, and prayers were sent up--- great success, HIS PAIN IS GONE!!!

    4. Thank you Lord for ALL of these Victories! Praise God Jan that your husbands tests came back clear! Praise you oh Lord for JJ’s Husbands surgery going well and the pain is gone! We love you Father God and praise you! Thank you Jesus for your constant love and provisions. In Jesus Heavenly and Holy name
      Texas friend

    5. Thank you AI, Pamela K & JJπŸ₯°. Will continue to pray for your hubby JJ.

  7. Praising the Lord and thanking God! JC Family is faithful!!! Our battles will be victorious.

  8. Dear Lord God help us to see the Light even among the shadows. Help us to know your presence on our journey is all we need. Please heal all who are here requesting your blessings. Amen.

  9. Thank you for your faithful prayers, JC Family. You are all in mine - I am celebrating with you and your hubby, Jan and I appreciate your prayers - everyone's prayers. My sister in law's care giver for tonight can't be reached, so we are in need of someone for tonight and tomorrow night. Praying that doors open and someone with knowledge and guidance can tell us the next steps to take. I will be heading over to relieve the CG from last night and then, believing that someone calls me back and tells me what to do next! I know the Lord will pave our way. Specific prayers: that Jinny gets stronger, gains weight and clarity of mind. That someone is there to teach me about her meds, what she needs and how to do some of the things that she can't do for herself. PEACE in my heart that all will be covered. I will report victories this evening! sweet4G - specific prayer for you and your family.

    1. Norah--- Lord, we praise You and proclaim that You are Lord over everything in Norah's life. Thank You that You are more powerful than any of life's storms Norah must walk through. Thank You Lord for meeting each need Norah listed. Thank You, Lord that when we cry out to You, You hear our prayers and will answer! Psalm 12: 1-2 "I will lift up my eyes to the hills; from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth."

    2. Thank you Norah. God will stay close & guide & provide for what you & Jinny need. You can bank on that.

  10. Prayers please ❤πŸ˜­πŸ™

    1. Jkamerman--- Father God, when things happen that is disturbing to us, we look to You to turn it around for good. I look to You now and ask that You would do this for Jkamerman.I thank You, Lord, You would bring good out of the things that trouble Jkamerman today.Psalm 91:15-16 "He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation. " Great peace of our Lord and blessings be upon Jkamerman!! By Your Spirit, Lord, give Jkamerman the power to rise above all oppostion and any fear they may have. Amen and Amen The Lord loves you!!! Interceding in Kansas

  11. Praying God's blessing for Jkamerman

  12. Prayers for the Payton family and for our JC family πŸ™πŸ™πŸ₯°✝️
    Texas friend

  13. Holy Spirit please control my mind, steps, and choices as I walk on Your holy ground today, holding Your hand, rejoicing over You. Help me to always keep You first and foremost in my life Lord. If I get distracted from You, please bring my eyes back to You Lord. Open my eyes, ears, and heart to see, hear, and know Your will Lord. Please continue doing Your work in me sweet Lord. Thank You for the most precious gift of You Lord. I want to follow You Lord. I want to be worthy. I want to be pleasing to You Lord. You are my Everything Lord. Thank You for saving me Lord. Please guide me on Your path to do Your will Lord. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously. Amen.

    Bless all of Your children here Lord and keep us protected and close in Your heart. Thank you Jesus. Glory to the Lord. Amen.

    1. Amen! I join you in prayer, Janet. May God bless us all.
      Blessings from California

    2. Praying with you dear Janet and for you. He is holding your reins as you trust in His guidance and strength. Praise and gratitude!

    3. Your prayer, Janet, is all of our prayers for our self; though the circumstances may be different, our needs are all the same and we hold each other up in prayer. God be with you.

    4. Dear Janet, Your beautiful prayer is still my prayer. Amen.
      This week I will be very busy, cooking and baking for loved ones and I pray I don't get too distracted because the best help in the kitchen and in my life is our Lord and Savior. He truly is my Everything. We are all blessed to belong to Him.
      Amen Bob! Well said.
      Jesus, Remind me to stay in Your presence and peace when I am so busy. Thank You!

  14. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for another day. A day that allows me to be in Your Presence and ask for Your Holy Spirit to grant me rest and peace. Take over the battle field of my mind and control my thoughts. I come against all the thoughts that wants to rob me of my joy and peace and cast them all at the foot of the cross. Help me to be still and attentive, to Let go and Let You. I need You more today, than I did yesterday. Take over all of my tomorrows, in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

    We thank God that the Holy Spirit is a Spirit of truth. He guides our understanding. John 16:13 says: “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth.”
    As we read the Word, we are experiencing God speaking to us. John 14:26 says: “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you”.
    Consistency in prayer makes a difference and allows God to open our attention to hear, understand and respond. God gives, He awakens and He opens. When we listen to Him, we are doing ourselves a great service and it also puts us in the position to encourage the weary as well.
    As we listen to the Holy Spirit speak the truth of God, we can change from rebellion to obedience because that’s how much power it has. “The Lord GOD has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious, nor did I turn back.” (Isaiah 50:5). May we continue to listen to God because listening to reflects our relationship with God.

    Father in Heaven, We thank You for the changes in our lives by opening our ears, awakening our attention and teaching us to seek and respond to You, one day at a time. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace to all.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Beautiful truth as always dear Maplewood. The Holy Spirit's words to us bring us God's truth, light, love, wisdom and instruction. What a wonderful Helper and Comforter we have in Him.
      May God our Father continue to wake our hearts and minds up, and guide us to seeking Him more sincerely every day so we will grow closer to Him, and receive and understand the Words His Spirit whispers to our hearts.

    2. Joining you in kitchen Jeanne😊. Granddaughter & fiancee are coming this week for lunch. Fiancee is a picky eaterπŸ₯΄. Please pray for them. Wedding in August, new home to set up, heading to start their ministry in a new area, fundraising, adjusting to each other. Thank you warriorsπŸ’•

    3. Jane, I know about picky eaters. Now my son and his wife are vegan. But I'm learning to use "Beyond Burger" and firm Tofu, along with mushrooms, eggplant and beans to duplicate some of my recipes. I have no doubt you will present them with a delicious meal that they will love and devour happily. God is always in your kitchen and we was with me for hours today. Praying for a wonderful visit with your granddaughter and her fiancΓ©. The blessing is already there because they are starting their MINISTRY. May God bless and guide their beautiful relationship and pave the way to a perfect Wedding and Marriage in Him. Thank You Jesus!

    4. I meant JAN instead of Jane.

  15. Amen Maplewood! So many distractions and trappings of this world threaten to take away our peace and joy, and attempt to separate us from our God. We pray He will help us to remain steadfast in our faith, firmly planted on the Rock and plugged into our life giving Vine. If we guard our hearts and remain in His presence and grace, our days will be blessed, fruitful and full of peace. May the Holy Spirit continue to work mightily within us and guide us to do His will. Amen

  16. Amen! Mapelwood, your prayer touched my heart.
    "Take over the battle field of my mind and control my thoughts. I come against all the thoughts that want to rob me of my joy and peace and cast them all at the foot of the cross. Help me to be still and attentive, to Let go and Let You."
    I've recently been struggling with loving my brother the way God wants me to. If I say it's white, my brother responds it's black.

    Help me, Father, to love my brother despite our differences. Give me patience when I feel that he's pushing my buttons. Give me a calm, peaceful spirit that only You can provide.

    Thank you, Lord, for the many blessings You rain down on me daily. Help me to always put You first no matter what comes my way. I know that You are Bigger and Mightier than any problems I may face. And I know You are with me always. Thy rod and Thy staff comfort me. I feel Your presence everywhere I turn. Thank you, Father, for being the source of my peace, comfort, joy, and love. In You, I want for nothing. My cup runneth over.

    Bless every person here in my JC family. We praise Your Mighty name for every victory, and we are thankful in ALL circumstances. We thank You, Lord, for answered prayers according to Your will. Breathe Your Holy Spirit into each one of us that we may see, hear and feel You more clearly. Guide my steps, Father, and where You lead, I will follow.
    In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

    Blessings from California

  17. Blessings, my JC Family! I am thankful for what has been a quiet morning following a lovely, busy weekend. As I've read each day, I give thanks for the many blessings each of us are seeing in our lives. While being comforted through the death of loved one, concern for those we can't see, due to COVID or rejoicing with one another over victories, celebrations and answered prayers - it is a comfort to come to these pages and see our Father working mightily, as He promised. When I read back a year or two ago, I see how His comfort is what got so many of us through so much.
    I am praying right along with each of you: for comfort, for healing, for questions being answered. I am rejoicing with you, MadFox, that your dear RN Daughter is home. I am sure she will return to NY better off than she came to you and your wife. As the sign in my kitchen says, "There is no place like home," and I remember the times our daughter would come home to visit and leave healthier, happier, fulfilled. That 10 hour drive has been reduced to 45 mins, now that she has moved back and I don't take it lightly.
    Asking each of you to pray with me for our dear Aunt Mary Anna, who is 85 and suffered several falls the last few days. She is in the hospital now and they found Lymphoma in the many tests she was given. Praying for her son and daughter and all that is in store for them as they help their dear Mom make hard decisions over the next few days.
    Praying for our Country and each community affected by the turmoil caused by discourse over COVID, racial tensions and upcoming elections. I am thankful that our Father is the One who meets our ever need and helps us remember that this world is not our home - we're just a'passin' through.
    God Bless this day that we have been given. Love and prayers to/for each of you.

    1. Thank you sweet sweet Norah. 😁

    2. Praying for your dear Aunt Mary Anna. May God hold her and soothe her as she is in the hospital and being treated. She must be so upset and worried. God is greater than her condition and He is mighty to heal and save. Trusting in His faithfulness. May He bless your family with comfort, peace and discernment in their decisions. God bless and hold you all.

  18. Thank you Norah, I expect your prayers. If I don't wake up each day with a smile on myself I have to ask why. This conversation with God helps me to get my mind right to be able to respond to all people, conversations and circumstances with the love and compassion He has for me. Please Holy Spirit, keep me focused on this today as we wrap up a few days with the kids that of course were sparked at times by opinions aboutpolitics, and other current events. God help us. Blessings to all!

  19. * I echo and expect your prayers πŸ˜‰

  20. As I sat in quiet this AM, preparing to move into communion with our Lord, the smile that Audra spoke of above came to my face and I was ready to be in His presence.

    (II Timothy 2:8) We are admonished to remember Jesus (I am grateful for the sacrament of communion yesterday in our church) and with his next breath, Paul writes to Timothy and to us, "raised from the dead".
    With these words, Easter returns to the forefront of my mind. Easter, the resurrection of our Lord from the dead, that which gives the manger and the cross their significance. Without the resurrection, we simply have a nice story to be told but it has no eternal significance. Because of the resurrection, God was indeed incarnate that 'O holy night' in Bethlehem and His death on the cross truly met our greatest need, the forgiveness of sins. Being resurrected and after appearing to His own and many other of His followers, He ascends to be known as King of Kings and Lord of Lord from whence He shall return to judge the living and the dead. But everything finds its validity in His resurrection thus Paul makes that the focus of the gospel message throughout his letters.

    Those who a more analytical in their thinking, where everything must fit together, often have difficult with the signs and wonders the scriptures record for they occur outside the bounds of rational thinking. Some believers, in order to be more comfortable with the signs and wonders offer down-to-earth explanations of what might have actually occurred. Jesus' resurrection certainly has had its doubters with explanations of what really happened when the tomb was found empty. CS Lewis, himself someone who liked to 'connect the dots' in his own thinking, has written (best I can remember, in Mere Christianity) that the most reasonable explanation that can be given for the empty tomb is that there was a resurrection. All other explanations have many more complications then attributing the empty tomb to Jesus returning from the dead.

    Let us remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead...'and because He lives, let us seek Him out and spend time with Him as admonished in the JC reading for today. Because He lives, let us rise from all that is dead in our lives to live eternally with Him. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Amen Bob! We serve a Risen Lord and we believe as trusting children in the Truth, the Way and the Life. Our home is not in this world. He has conquered death and is waiting for us in His Holy Realm. He lives. Halleluia. As you said so beautifully: Because He lives, let us rise from all that is dead in our lives to live eternally with Him.
      Let us cast away all these worldly trappings and follow those things that never fade away. Jesus is the only Gate to the Father. Together we will follow hard after righteousness so we live together forever in His Kingdom.

    2. Dear Bob, All through my day, I invited the Lord into so many things. He was right there helping me cook and even calming me down when I couldn't find an ingredient and had to go out to get it. Of course I found it later on. I just said: "Oh well". He even walked with me and I was so happy to have His company. He sure does live, and time spent with Him is the most meaningful part of my day. He is always there. He is Risen and He is very much alive.

  21. Amen to all your beautiful prayers JC family! Praying for your aunt Norah, for you and your brother Rose, and for everyone here, posting or not.

    I'm so thankful for you all.
    Coming to this blog everyday, reading and praying for each other, is like going to church. It is such a blessing. We are the church no matter where we are. Thank you Lord for leading us on this blog to glorify your name from all around the world.

    Today was a great day, I graduated with a University degree, so thankful!

    Blessings from France ♡

    1. Toutes nos fΓ©licitations, mon ami de France! Was your degree in English with which you are so very good?

    2. Ahhh...geez, Bob, you're killin' me! I no-speaka-da-French! HOWEVER, Dear 'Blessings from France,' I congratulate you!! Yes, Dear Sister, we ARE The Church! God's Blessed Body of Believers = The Church! The Church of Christ. There is nothing I could 'join,' that would leave me better equipped, than the Church of Christ. Heading to bed a blessed woman. SO thankful for each of you. Sleep sweet. God is on the watch!

    3. Thank you so much! Amen Norah!
      Yes Bob it was an English and Spanish degree!

      Blessings from France ♡

    4. Congratulations dear Blessings from France! You reap what you sow. So happy for you. God is much glorified through your accomplishment.

  22. Father, thank You for answering my prayers again. You always know what I need. Praise You Lord always and continually. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. (1 John 5:4).
      Father, You are always with me. Any threat to me and my joy is an enemy of Yours, which means it shall be defeated. Thank You for being on the front line of every battle I face and the protection, patience, and reassurance that the battle is already won. You are my protector, Lord, and Savior. As long as You are with me Lord, anything is possible. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord always. You are so wonderful. I trust, love, and adore You. I can't do anything apart from You. I don't deserve anything, but You give me everything. You are truly my everything Lord.
      "The LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory." (Deuteronomy 20:4). The LORD keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever. (Psalm 121:7-8). My God is my rock. I can run to Him for safety. He is my shield and my saving strength, my defender and my place of safety. The Lord saves me from those who want to harm me. (2 Samuel 22:3).

    2. Amen Janet! Thank you for reminding me of those truths you stated.
      Isn't it beyond amazing that the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace wants to have a relationship with us and know us! Praise the Lord

  23. Thanking God, dear Janet, that He answered your prayers again. Answered prayers bless all of us. Halleluia! Thank You Jesus! Celebrating another victory! He is so good. Praise Him with every breath! Onward and upward sweet sister!
    Goodnight now, and God bless you, and our dear JC Family.
    Rest in Him who loves us.

  24. Thank you for the prayers JC family , its been thing after the other here in Nairobi, however God has kept me strong and I give Him all the thanks . I reminded to cry out Abba father when things weigh heavy on my end ! This season will pass !

    1. Min Ahadi, it's true that we all have "seasons" in our lives. Just this morning I was thanking God for all my blessings, including being able to allow my spirit and joy being shared with others throughout the day. My darkest season was eight years ago when I deteriorated to the point of having seizures,a severe vocal tic that I had no control over, and mostly being in a severe mental state that I believed I was not saved, and I was not able to seek the comfort that I wanted, but could not pray. I could feel anything: while I knew that I loved my kids, and husband, I had no "spark." My loving husband took me to a neurologist for tests, and confided that I needed to see a psychiatrist. There is no shame for those that have been there: I had a great doctor , who was able to treat me with medication. While I know that doctors do not believe they are treating "spiritual " problems, I'm here to tell you they are are too real. I firmly believe that mental illness is the opposition's ploy. I also believe that God allowed this to happen to me so that I could fully understand that I can do NOTHING without his spirit of life within me. Thus my moniker, " Butterfly Love" is such because on my first healthy birthday when I turned 50, my then sixteen daughter drew me a multi colored picture of a butterfly, and wrote the caption" Just when the caterpillar thought that his life was over, he turned into a ��butterfly." Since my hair was cut short, my daughter put a butterfly clip in my hair. My hair is long now, and I wear butterflies in my hair everyday to signify my renewal of spirit, and share with others at times when they notice. So to all who seek prayers on this blog, whether silent, or written, I will pray and also, give ��thanks!! I also wanted to thank you in to all who have lifted up my dear friend, Margi in prayer. She is doing better from the antibiotics being administered, but also is dealing with the side issues from them. Thank you, and love to all.

    2. Dear Min Ahadi and Butterfly Love, I can relate to everything you are experiencing. Hence my moniker - Waiting. I'm waiting for my season to pass and have been waiting a long time - years. God is working on things and in His perfect timing He will bring you through. He doesn't take us out, He brings us through. In the mean time we are grateful believers. Praise God! I'll pray for you both and I want to say I admire your steadfast faith as you both cry out and are heard!

    3. In this party called life, I can bring the whine or I can bring the cheese. Whichever, it is my choice, hence the moniker, Brie!

    4. Min Ahadi, You did the right thing in calling out Abba Father. I was doing my best today but after 4 hours in the kitchen, I was downright cranky and I called to the Holy Spirit to renew me and I reminded myself that I must live worthy of being God's beloved daughter. It turned my day around.
      Butterflylove, Thanks for sharing your story and testimony. You have overcome so much. Praising and thanking God for His faithfulness in your life. Keep walking in your gratitude! God so loves a grateful heart. Thanks for the love. I have been praying for Margi and I'm glad she's doing better. I will continue to pray for both of you. God bless you both.
      Praying dear Kathy, your waiting and your hard season will pass and God's faithfulness will shine like the sun. Your gratitude in tough times is a true inspiration.
      I just love your explanation sweet Brie! By the way, that's a delicious cheese! Unfortunately today when I was really tired, I started to "whine", but I called out to Him and renewed my Spirit. Let us all do our best to renew our Spirit and go forward holding His Unchanging Hand.

    5. Love to all of you who so openly share! What testimonies of God's true love. Butterly - I LOVED you story and thank God that you wear your testimony in your hair. Continued prayers for all of you as I know you do for me - and trust me, we need them. A story for another day - too tired.
      Brie - I have to tell you: we had a friend years ago - actually, she was a friend of several of our older kids and her name was Brie. We all lovingly called her, "Cheesy Brie," b/c she was FUNNY, BRIGHT and oh, so good for our souls. I think of her every time I see your name and have wanted to tell you this story but never felt the timing was right - until TODAY! LOVE YOU BUNCHES, Dear Brie! <3

  25. Lord, I strive to not let the ways of this world push You out and make You anything less than my father, my creator. Teach me to seek You first and not be distracted by the lies of the evil one. I acknowledge You in all things for without You I am nothing. Please guide this sheep to a deeper relationship with You.

  26. Dear JC Family,
    Alisa Childers spoke at a women's conference at my church last week. My mom and I watched it livestream. She talked about the plethora of things going on in the world right now. It is noticeable and confusing to say the least. She said she thinks maybe God is gathering His remnant of His true lovers and believers. It made me smile to think that we are actively searching Him out and wanting more of Him as we go through our lives. I'm thankful we come here and share our experience. Whether that is the case right now, or not, that He's gathering his most steadfast, I'm ALL IN. I'm so glad to see such faith and love of our One True King being expressed here. Love, Kathy

    1. Maybe, just maybe Isaiah is right when he says, Even the wilderness, desert, and valleys will rejoice in those days! Yes! There will be an ABUNDANCE of flowers and singing and joy! The deserts will become as green as the Lebanon Mountains and as lovely as Mount Carmels's meadows! For the Lord will Expose and Display His Glory there, the Excellency off our God!  With this news bring cheer to all who are discouraged being battered in the valley of the shadow of death into the shape of His Vision. Tell them, Be Strong. Trust God. For He is coming soon to rebuild you!
      He is coming to save me. And when He comes, He will open up my blind eyes and unstop my deaf ears. Springs and streams will burst forth! The parched valley underground will become an above ground pool, with springs of water in the thirsty land. Where desert jackals once lived, there will now be reeds and rushes. And a main road will go through that once deserted land; it will be named God's Holy Highway. God will walk there with you! Only God's Redeemed will travel there. These, the Ransomed by The Lord, will go Home along that road, singing their songs of Everlasting Joy! For them, only God's Joy and God's Gladness will be there!
      I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Amen Mark! Without Him I am nothing. Always seeking a closer walk with Him.
      Dear Kathy, I also believe He's gathering His faithful remnant and I long to stand in the Congregation of the Righteous even in my imperfections. I feel the same way. In this sweet refuge each day we can see that we are united in our trust and faith and perseverance because we believe His Words and His promises. Amen Brie! You sure spoke the truth! You encourage all those in valleys now: Tell them, Be Strong, Trust God. For He is coming soon to rebuild you! We believe the best is yet to come because our amazing God is in charge. He is mighty to save.

  27. Interesting perspective you share Kathy! Thank you. I for one am feeling the depth of my faith being tested.

    1. The crucible, the valley of tears, the humilityation, makes me feel like Isaac while he was tied up to the wood, being readied for the fire and the knife slaying. What must have been going through his mind?
      Hurry, oh Hurry, Good Angel of God until I can Name this place I am in, JEHOVAH PROVIDES!
      Regardless, along with you, Kathy, and all of our JC Prayer Warriors, and ISAAC, I'm ALL IN and glad to see such faith and love and Glory of our One True King being exposed here.

    2. May I trust my Heavenly Father enough to put Him 1st in my life, or at least as much as Isaac trusted his earthly father; and his earthly father Abraham trusted His Heavenly Father God! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. The Lord can strengthen our body, mind and spirit and He already knows our weaknesses. Rest in Him, Audra, Kathy and Brie. He is everything and we are nothing without Him. Stay connected to the Vine and all will go well. He provides our needs and answers our prayers in His way and in His timing. Guess all of us are "Waiting".

  28. Prayers please, brother Paul just called and we will take him to the hospital. Heart and lung issues. Thank you!!!!

    1. I am praying for you, Audra, and for Paul and Marc.
      Dear Jesus,

  29. Father God, You know Audra's brother Paul needs you to heal his heart and lungs. You know exactly what problems he's having. Thanking You with all my family here for guiding the doctors to diagnose him accurately and give him the right treatment to resolve his heart and lung issues and bring him back to perfect health. We believe You can do all things and we trust You and thank You for this in the powerful Name of Your Son, Christ Jesus, Our Risen Lord.

  30. Great devotion today! It is such a privilege to serve our great and merciful God. Our devotion to Him is a blessing and a pleasure. He is everything to us. We know where our strength, peace and comfort come from! Our Everlasting King whose Reign is eternal. Trusting He will give my Mom good MRI results today. Thank You dear Jesus. Praying for more victories to celebrate, and much comfort and peace to cover our dear Sassy Mom and Butterfly love, and all our dear JC Family. God knows how you feel and really cares.

    1. Gathering into your prayers, Jeanne. May your Mom pass all her tests and may her MRI grades be good ones, thanks be to God! Amen.

    2. Joining in prayer for your mom dear Jeanne. May results of the MRI be as You will it dear Lord. Calm the nerves, still every worry & concerns, You already know the outcome. Faith in Your power & trusts in Your love for Jeanne's mom is what is needed. AmenπŸ™πŸ’ž

    3. Thanks so much, my dear sisters, Brie and Jan! God heard your prayers. The Doctor said the MRI results showed cognitive deficiency and a little loss of memory because like every other part of my 94 yr old Mother, her brain is also shrinking. He just advised her to exercise her body and her mind. I did get her out walking a bit and she does Wordle every day. He wants me to ask her about the movies she watches so she can try to remember and think clearly. Her faith is what is carrying her through. She loves the Lord with her whole heart and mind and soul.

  31. It's been a busy few days; taking family to hospital, clinic and other medical appointments. Up very early for long drives, I've had short 1 to 1's with my Lord.
    Yesterday at the Dispensary , I had to wait an hour for the medication. The beach was a 10 minute walk away from the mall, so I took full advantage of the 'idle' time. So precious! The Lord and I at the beach, hot sunny weather, gentle breeze, sparkling sea, hardly anyone else around. That hour was an absolute blessing, He and I had a great 'catch-up'.
    Sarah Young writes: " Your richest duty is devotion to Me. This duty is such a joyous privilege that it feels like a luxury. "
    Yesterday on the beach was a real luxury; not just basking in beautiful sunshine, but basking in the love-light and closeness of His Presence with me. That patch of beach to me at that time was holy ground.
    I used to fret when life interrupted my time alone with Him. Now I see that we can catch up later with much blessing, such that we don't miss out.
    When we have the opportunity, all we need do is 'Turn Our Eyes Upon Jesus'.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Peter. In my mind, heart, soul, and spirit, I went to Him at the beach with you.

    2. Today's devotion reminds us to learn what it means to be a child of The Everlasting King. Our richest duty is devotion to Him. This rich duty is such a joyous privilege that it feels like a luxury. satan lurks to make us feel guilty about pushing back the boundaries of life to take the time to make the space for being alone with our God.
      Because REST is important to our Spiritual Growth, satan is doing everything in its power to keep us busy, distracted, annoyed, ashamed, etc. Among other things, one of satan’s most common ways to insure we don’t rest is through guilt.


      Whenever this happens, remember GOD worked for six days. He formed tall sturdy oaks, poured light into fireflies, made humans in HIS Own Image. And then, GOD RESTED! Free from guilt and free from shame. Our God worked and then our God rested! He rested as an example for us, His Children.
      When we follow our God into rest, we are giving our souls a chance to be like Him, to breathe His Breath. We are redirecting our minds to His Thoughts. In order to further pursue our duties, and be re-energized, rest benefits our physical bodies and our spiritual souls. God wants us to rest in Him with thanksgiving; satan wants to take away our resting in God with guilt.
      Give thanks to The Lord, Who knows we need rest. That is why He created rest at the beginning of time.
      Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Would You help me seek and enjoy Your Blessing of Rest?
      Would You shine Your Face upon me and save me with Your Infinite Love?
      In Jesus’ Name, I pray rest for all of us. Amen.

    3. Thank you Peter! I can just feel the ocean breeze and imagine how sweet your 1 to 1 time with the Lord was. You were doubly blessed being surrounded by the majestic beauty of His creation in His presence.
      Dear Brie! Thanks and Amen! Your words touched my heart. I am so busy that I don't get a chance to rest much. Got back from Brooklyn and my husband was hungry and made a point of saying he hopes dinner will be ready soon. I whipped up a nice one and now finally I will get to take a shower and unwind. May God lead us to get our rest because we serve Him so much better when we are refreshed and renewed. Looking forward to enjoying His Blessing of Rest!

  32. What a beautiful picture of your time , led &, blessed by the Lord. He found & led you to steal away from your demanding day. He is a jealous God! He wants whatever slot in a day He can spend with His children. Praying all the demands of your days will result in good news! Blessings πŸ’žπŸ™

  33. Dear SassyMom, lifted you in prayer this morning. May the Holy Spirit hover over you dear one, comforting you, wiping away tears that can give way at any moment, soothing the ache in your heart at missing your Debbi. He will not leave your side, He is with you, He is with you, He is with you. Amen! Love you & bless you.πŸ’žπŸ™

    1. Amen! Joining in Jan's wonderful prayer for you, dear sister Sassy Mom. I have been holding you tight in my prayers dear one. He is with you every step of the way, ready to wipe away every tear and fill your broken heart with His love.

  34. Let the peace of Christ rule in your (my) hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful" Colossians 3:15
    Lord Jesus, I want to let Your peace take the throne of my life. Praying strength for this very difficult time in my life. Amen.

    1. Gathering into your prayer, which is also My Prayer For You, (((SASSY MOM)))

    2. God bless you, Sassy Mom, and prayers as requested for all who come here, known and unknown. I add mine for a tender situation in the lives of a young couple. Prince of Peace, King of Kings full our hearts and minds today. In Jesus's name I pray.

    3. Bless your heart, Dear Sassy Mom. We pray for you daily (sometimes hourly!). We are praying for your strength and comfort.

  35. Dear Audra, Whatever that tender situation is in the lives of a young couple, God is Greater. So I am praying with you that our Way Maker will guide it to a sweet result. He knows exactly what must be done and how things can be resolved and brought to a peaceful end. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Gathering into Jeanne's prayer for tender situations. May they be resolved with Jesus. Amen.

  36. Praying for each of you as I turn my head to the pillow. Love all of you, JC Family - SO much! <3

    1. Rest well sweet Norah! You are so loved. <3

  37. Dear JC Warriors, I humbly ask for your prayers. My husband just tested positive for Covid for the second time in 10 months. He almost died last September from Covid. One doctor asked him if he was a believer because God was obvioulsy not through with him yet...that he (my husband) should not have surivived Covid. Our faith and God's grace got him throught Covid last Fall.

    He had business trip last week and was exposed. He's tested negative twice since he got home, but symptoms persisted, so he tested again tonight, and it was positive. He says he feels like he just has bad cold (thank you God!). I am out of town helping my older parents. My teenagers are at home with their dad. The kids and I are negative. I am heading home tomorrow. My kids are scared as they know their dad almost died last Fall.

    I covet your prayers for healing for my husband, a peace for my kids that their dad will be ok, and for my kids and I to remail Covid free. Thank you.

    1. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    2. Father God, You are the One who saved this good man before and we are thanking You for strengthening every part of his body, mind and spirit. May every weakness be restored and bring him back to perfect health so He can proclaim Your great deeds and know that the healing was from You alone. Thank You for answering our prayers for this good husband and father. We are trusting in Your Faithfulness, and please give dear SC anonymous peace of mind because You are in charge. Thank You for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen.

  38. We must listen to His voice above the clamor of the voices of this world. He is our Good Shepherd and we must follow His voice because He loves us with an everlasting love and really cares about our welfare and happiness. He only wants us to be blessed and prosper. Our problems my seem huge, but He knows the way in which we should walk and also the decisions we should make. I am sad that my son Greg lost his job but I believe this change will bring him closer to God which I have been praying for. I believe the job He leads Greg to will be an even better one. Trusting in His promises because I have seen His faithfulness so many times. Thank You Jesus.

    Lamentations 3:22-24
    Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
    Because His compassions fail not.
    They are new every morning;
    Great is Your faithfulness.
    “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
    “Therefore I hope in Him!”

    1. Thank you for the blessed words Jeanne! Sorry to hear about your son Greg's job loss, but God has a better one on the horizon for him as you have said. His plan and purpose for us is so much better than we could ever imagine! May our heavenly Father direct Greg's feet in the right direction and lead him to His way for him. Having faith in the Lord is such a privilege and great blessing! God bless πŸ™.

    2. That Better Job is on the Way!

    3. Thanks dear Janet, God's daughter and Brie, Praying together that God will lead my good son to a job where he can shine using his talents, and glorify God. Thank You Jesus.

  39. Hello everyone! I want to ask for prayer because I am really struggling right now. Years ago I wrote and published a book that I thought at the time I was supposed to do. In my book I chose to bare my soul through poetry and share my testimony. Instead of receiving it as a story of hope and grace I feel like my family judged me. I am a recovering alcoholic of 24 years. When I was a very young adult I chose abortions and also wrote about the guilt and shame that comes with that. I have also struggled with mental illness since I was a teenager
    recovering from trauma and abandonment I have experienced. It has been hard but I am now medicated and moving forward trying to rest in God’s UNFAILING Love. In hindsight I feel like I am living in the consequences for over sharing in my book. I also have a hard time because I have a cousin that made the same choices I have but never told anyone. She was a functioning person while doing it and I just fell apart over and over. It’s hard when it feels like everyone accepts her and rejects me for the things I have done. I’m not going to lie I have at times wished they knew about her. She looks so put together on the outside and they see me as a failure. It is hard when a lot of people you are related to perceive you a certain way. I know I am fearfully and wonderfully I just really want to get that Truth deep in my soul to rise above what others may think. I am not trying to be negative and I pray all the time to just keep moving FORWARD. Prayers appreciated thank-you! ♥️

    1. You have all the prayers you need Anonymous, plus more! I hope you get to read what the Holy Spirit guided me to post below about Leafy Sea Dragons. It sounds as though you have authenticated yourself with God and helped others who are ready to do so. Preserve your authenticity with Him and what He thinks of you. You are loved. Thanks for your book. I know The Holy Spirit guided others to read it and benefit from it.

  40. Good morning anonymous, I didn't think I had time to comment this morning but then I came to the last post for today, YOURS. I read them all each year to be encouraged over and over again. I want to take this opportunity to let you know you are not alone. I wrote a book about my life as well and believed that GOD led me to write it so I poured all my insecurities and failures to be free with the intent to help someone else, and of course not everyone in the family is celebrating me. I know one thing that the Holy Spirit reminded me of, "We can't conquer what we don't confront." and we are as sick as our sickest secret, and when we choose to lay it all out, the enemy will taunt us and make us feel lost and alone. LIES LIES AND MORE LIES. God is with you every second of every minute of every hour of the day, and whom he sets free is free indeed. You and I did what we had to do so we could be free and help others, if they don't want the help and would rather judge us, then we again have to remember who we are and whose we are and shake the dust from our feet. WE'RE FREE, AND NOBODY CAN TAKE THAT FROM US. Be encouraged and know what GOD has for YOU is for YOU and rest in HIS PRESENCE and also remember, hurt people hurt people, healed people help people. Stay focused on Jesus and keep your peace and joy, the world didn't give it and they can't take it away! GOD BLESS YOU!

    1. Well said, God's Daughter. Praying for you and Anonymous and all others out there who are struggling with confronting/healing to move forward. We have ALL made mistakes and poor choices in life that we wish we could change, but they make us who we are. Who are we to judge? The one thing I try to do is look back and learn from the decisions that I've made.... good and bad. And I really try NOT to make mistakes/poor choices more than once. I am a work in progress and staying connected to The Vine keeps me humble.

    2. God’s daughter THANK YOU SO MUCH 😊 that literally helped me so much. Thank-you for sharing about your book that is so awesome! Thanks so much for the encouragement I love you! That meant so much to me! πŸ’•

    3. Amen! Walking the journey with you all, guided by The Light!

    4. WOW! God's Daughter. Thank You Holy Spirit for God' Daughter's just in time and right on point comments. We are all works in progress. God reads our hearts. Hopefully, our thorns keep us in a judgement free zone! This Prayer Warriors Room sure is, thanks be to God. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  41. Praying for each of you, Dear JC Family, as I started my day a couple of hours ago. Praying for victories that will be shared, (Jeanne - Greg's BETTER job, Anonymous, that you keep moving forward and God's Daughter - your sharing and encouragement).
    Praying that each of us are listening to our Lord, "above the clamor of voices trying to distract you." We have God in Christ in Us and that Holy Spirit is closer than our very breath. Praying for all of you and what our day brings...we are fully equipped.
    Love and Blessings to each of you!

    1. Thanks sweet Norah! Praying with you for more victories to be shared and celebrated. Amen! We are fully equipped in Christ and more than conquerors in all things. Hallelujah!

    Today's devotion is a reminder of Leafy Sea Dragons. They look a lot like sea horses that have sprouted leaves. Their leafy appearance protects them from predators as they change colors to camouflage themselves and fit in with their worldly environment, whatever it may be. A Leafy Sea Dragon’s whole life is spent disguising itself and trying to fit in.
    Is the same ever true for us? Do we ever focus more on disguising ourselves, blending and fitting into a worldly group of people we are pursuing or desiring to be like? The popular neighbors? Classmates? Fashionistas? Inner Circle? Addicts? Drinkers? Smokers? Tokers? ____ (fill in the blank; He already knows!) or do we turn our focus toward learning what it means to be a child of the Everlasting One True King?
    Do we turn our thoughts to how to fit into the presence of others? Do we study their habits to imitate them, trying to make them accept us? Or do we push back the boundaries of our lives to make space for time alone with God? Whew! Either Way, it’s hard work. Trying to be someone we are not does not guarantee we will fit in very long. Unlike the Leafy Sea Dragon, we can decide to choose. Do we add more camouflage OR do we do the very thing that pleases God most? Seek His Face. Seek to be more like Him. Listen to His Voice above the clamor of voices trying to distract us into disguising. It’s a risk all God’s people take, being who God created us to be and whom God intends us to be, until we realize genuine peace that the world and worldly cannot give comes only when we live out God as authentically as possible. As Mark said in Chapter 8, “What do you benefit when you gain the whole world and lose your own soul?”
    The next time we choose to Leafy Sea Dragon our way through life and consider yet another layer of disguise; STOP! Ask God’s Holy Spirit to control our mind, for The Holy Spirit and God work in perfect harmony and in perfect peace. Be still and attentive to Their Presence. We are on holy ground.
    Leafy Sea Dragons may not have a choice. But we do! Choose Wisely.

    1. Wow, Brie. Between this post and your sandcastle post yesterday, I can't wait to read what you write tomorrow!

    2. Tee! Hee! Suzanne
      Pray the Holy Spirit gets me back to the beach!

    3. Thanks Brie!! You’re amazing!

    4. Loving it, Brie!πŸ€—πŸ’ž⚘

  43. I'm speechless, Brie. Love this insight you shared and you, Sister! ♥️πŸ™

  44. Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know God will come to know God because they know you.

  45. Amen dear Sassy Mom! You spoke the truth! Let His light shine so brightly before others that even without saying a word, others will want to know about our joy, hope and peace. Thank you good sister. Much love.

  46. Whatever you are contending for, praying for; whatever area the enemy seems to be fighting against you the most is probably the area that God has gifted and anointed you the greatest ---So Stand Fast! The enemy is scared because we're winning because his time is short. Our Lord is making our
    Great Love and Blessings and Abundant Life to this AWESOME JCFAMILY!!! JJ

    1. Amen JJ πŸ™. Hallelujah!!! Thank you for those encouraging and powerful words. God bless you!

    2. Keeping both you and MOM in prayer, sweet Jeanne. Let the healing begin. In Jesus' Name. ♥️ AMEN!

    3. JJ: Thank you SO MUCH for your prayer today! I really needed that encouragement today and I’m sure many others who visit this site needed it too! Jeanne, may your mom be healed and may BOTH OF YOU enjoy a time of physical comfort and spiritual peace. I pray also for all who are in the path of Hurricane Beryl. May the Hand of God protect His People. God bless and AMEN!

    4. Praying for you and your mom Jeanne. Thank God it wasn't sepsis and that she got a good report! He is so faithful <3

    5. Amen JJ. What a beautiful, anointed prayer! I join you in praying this in Jesus's name πŸ™ ❤️ we can do all things through Him!

    6. Thank You, God, for JJ's prayer.
      I'm trying to become more Tranquil, Harmonious and Serene.
      TO DICTATE YOUR FAITH (tranquility, serenity, harmony). DO NOT ALLOW THE PAIN AND DISCOMFORT TO DETERMINE YOUR RESOLVE (to be tranquil, serene, harmonious)... helped me to hear You more clearly.

    7. Bless you, Brie. The enemy's desire is to swamp you with one attack after another. Don't be deceived into thinking that your faith isn't effective. The Lord plus you is THE WINNING DUO!

      Heavenly Father, I lift up sweet Brie to You, asking that she may hear Your voice more clearly.
      Grant her tranquility, serenity, and harmony in her heart and mind.
      Fill her life with your peace and guide her with Your wisdom. May she feel Your Presence and find rest in Your Love. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke and call null and void on any of the plots and dark schemes of the enemy and DECLARE Your Protection over Brie. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Who makes a way when there doesn't seem to be a way. AND OUR LORD IS FAITHFUL!!! AMEN and AMEN.

    8. My Dear Jeanne --- Joining the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS in prayer for you and your mom. I ask for the Lord's Healing Balm to cover you both and bring Comfort and Restoration!

    9. All your prayers and words of encouragement blessed me. My mom started out having a good day but after my brother went home she started feeling sorry for herself and asking why God won’t take her because she’s tired of living and wants to be up in Heaven with my dad. I planted a garden around the new little tree that was planted in front of her house. I took her carefully down the stoop and walked to it. She loved the garden. I stood holding her hand and she was happy. We watched the Mass together. I know she really wants Jesus to take her Home. She isn’t enjoying life or eating except for her ice cream and of course she loves her red wine. Thanks JJ for your prayers because they always move me and bless me. Praying for our dear Brie! Still can’t believe the EMS worker’s name was Brie! God knows what we need and when we need it. Praying with you and for you. Dear Brie, Praying for peace to cover you like a cuddle blanket and that you get a surgery date for Larry right away or God’s amazing healing and Larry’s restored breathing and Norah’s DH’s restored hearing. Thank You Jesus! Amen

  47. One of the EMS workers was named Brie!! What a Godwink! I said that was a sign from God that everything would be alright!

  48. Precious Holy Spirit I welcome your control over my mind, my thoughts, the way I think.
    Romans 8:5-6, NLT
    "Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace." Amen!

    1. Amen πŸ™ I definitely needed to read that. Thank you. God bless you and yours. I'm excited for the Holy Spirit to have his way in my mind, words, and life!

    2. Thank you Peter, it's the prayer I need to pray more consistently

    3. Beautiful Peter! Amen

  49. Thank you all for sharing your words of encouragement, experience, strength, and hope, as well as your trials and tribulations. God's Blessings for all this day.

    1. And Thank you, John H., for being a valued member of our JC Prayer Warriors, πŸ™
      We"re in this love ❤️ together.!

  50. Thank you for your prayers to lift the sickness off my body and returning strength to me in all ways. In Jesus' name!

    1. Father God! We love You so much and we know You love us with an everlasting love. Nothing is too difficult for you. You are our Way Maker and our Greatest Physician. You already know what our dear Audra needs healing for so we ask you to show her Your faithfulness and heal her in body, mind and spirit! Let Your light shine in every area of her life and strengthen every weakness! She trusts you and loves you. Thank You for answering this prayer and all the prayers of our JC Family in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    2. My Dear Audra --- Just lifting you up to The Throne of Grace and ask our Lord for His healing hand to touch your body and bring about the healing and wholeness your body needs. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over you and Declaring by Jesus's stripes you are healed.
      Declaring that NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER! Our Lord is faithful and He watches over His WORD to perform it. In Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN

    3. Praying for you Audra, along with Jeanne, JJ, and all the JC's.
      God's healing is on the way.
      ❤️ N πŸ™
