Monday, July 6, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 7

Trust Me in all your thoughts, I know that some thoughts are unconscious or semiconscious, and I do not hold you responsible for those. But you can direct conscious thoughts much more than you may realize. Practice thinking in certain ways--trusting Me, thanking Me--and those thoughts become more natural. Reject negative or sinful thoughts as soon as you become aware of them. Don't try to hide them from Me; confess them and leave them with Me. Go on your way lightheartedly. This method of controlling your thoughts will keep your mind in My Presence and your feet on the path of Peace

Psalm 20:7
English Standard Version

Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
    but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.

Verse Thoughts
Chariots and horses are military terms and the control of those is in the hands of man, thus the contrast to we who instead trust in the name of the Lord our God. I feel good with the things I think I control - my money, my time and I must admit I feel an inner turmoil to jockey back and forth between trusting God and trusting in those things. In church and during my quiet time, yes, it is all about trusting God, but the rest of the time, is this what people would say about me? 
I John 1:9
English Standard Version

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Luke 1:79
English Standard Version

to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death,
    to guide our feet into the way of peace.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Trust. The most challenging part of being human is wholely in this one word. Who to trust of our friends, family, or coworkers... what to trust? hearsay, newsmedia, self-help books? and then there is You, God. Why is it we cannot trust as we should Father? Trust our tomorrow to You? and thus cast aside fear. It is a constant struggle. Forgive our lack of faith and strengthen our trust in You.

    This blog community has brought many needs to be prayed over and has asked for healing, solutions, and miracles. Father, Son, and Spirit, we ask you to grant these petitions. Trusting that Your perfect timing will be sufficient. Amen.

    1. MadFox --- Amen and amen to your prayer. I like the "Trusting that Your perfect timing will be sufficient." For me it generated a feeling of safety and security-- because we know who our Lord is. Let go and let God!


    2. Thank you MadFox..."Trusting that Your perfect timing will be sufficient."...
      Dear precious Lord, help me to Trust in all things. Help me to be patient that all things will be understood when I can handle the reason or truth in a situation. Amen.

    3. Amen. Truth. God's Perfect Time. Let Go and Get God. Amen Amen. Lovely Prayer.. MadFox. Blessings

    4. Trust is the key especially right now. His Words give me such comfort.
      Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Isaiah 26:3

    5. Madfox, thank you so much for your prayer
      This hit home and heart for me
      Prayers for all Our Jc family and for our families!
      God is faithful and good

    6. Dear Brother, Still love your post but I am stuck on your words and prayer: Forgive our lack of faith and strengthen our trust in You. Sometimes we think we can do things ourselves, but the outcome is always better when you invite the Lord. He always helps us accomplish more and do things better. I know you have had your faith and trust tested lately but I can see God's faithfulness shining through. Much love!
      Amen Brandy! God is faithful and oh so good!

    7. Bless you dear brother MadFox. Thank you for the reminder. Praying you are staying steadfast in your quest to trust the Lord through your treatments & healing.🙏🙏🙏💕

    8. Over the pass 10+yrs. this has been the Greatest struggle for me and women I have prayed with. Trust is a very, very, strong word.
      It's up there with God so Loved the world!
      It's infancy to adulthood, and so much happens in that span of time. John 10:10 works over time in this Trust realm.
      Holy Ghost gave me something, and I shared it with my Prayer Group. So I shared it with you!
      You began to say out of your own mouth everyday, all throughout the day
      "I Love To Trust The Lord"
      Even if you don't feel it, you are training Your soul to recieve from God. Oneday it will become so real to you. Understand, Each time you say it, Holy Ghost breathe life on it...
      Our Holy ABBA Father, wants us to Love to Trust Him, why won't He breathe life on it.....

    9. Thank you again MadFox! These words continue to be true as when you wrote them. Amen

    10. Great prayerd, Mad🦊 and Sister Girl. I love the affirmation, "I love to trust in the Lord!"
      This also spoke to me today as I long to lighten my heart and mind:
      "...confess them and leave them with Me. Go on your way lightheartedly."

    11. Amen Sister, Girl. I Love To Trust The Lord. I do and I rest in Him because I trust Him. Thanks sister!

    12. I may be late to the party, but along with Sister Girl, Jeanne, Audra, and ABC, I am gathering in and saying, I LOVE TO TRUST THE LORD! Amen

    13. Thank you sister girl for your post. I love the: "Holy Spirit, breathe life on it." God bless 🙏.

    14. I love to trust in the Lord. It keeps a smile on my face 😁

    15. Thank you Jesus for Madfox's post.
      4 years later finds me needing it as I woke up doubting Your help with selling my cbildhood home that has been on the market for 6 months. Jesus I trust You. Increase my trust.
      Fogive my lack of trust.

    16. Brie, I guess we just need to refer back to the closing sentence of Mad 🦊.post..."Trusting that Your perfect timing will be sufficient. Amen."

    17. Ahhh! Yes! !He's got timin' . Good Timin'.
      Timin' is the thing it's true
      Good timin' brought me to You!

    18. Keep our eyes up and our thoughts pure and lovely!
      Thank you Lord for your love, protection, healing, peace & grace!
      Sunday blessings, Friends.

  2. Jehovah is the KING of kings, My Jehovah is the LORD of lords, hallelujah...., hallelujah..., hallelujah....!
    Dear Father, on this 7th day of this 7th month, as the # 7 is used 735 times in the bible and as it stand to signify Completeness and perfection, I lift my voice up to You in praise and thanksgiving and ask that You please guide my day and perfect Your will in it for me. Help me to find peace so I can locate the gifts and treasures You have placed in it for me. I give thanks to You Father, from whom ALL Blessings flows!
    EVERY day I need You Lord, but today, I really need Your help through the trials I've faced since June 30th, but still seems to be lingering and weighing me down.
    You have spoken to me in today's devotion. Please take over my conscious thoughts and even the unconscious and semiconcious as well as my words. I reject negative thoughts, confess them to You, trust You to help me and thank You in the process. May my thoughts be of You today so that Your Peace that surpasses ALL understanding can rest upon me in Jesus name!
    Oh Father, I Thank You for hearing me and because I know You have heard me, I believe You are already working to perfect my thoughts and words. Thank You Lord!

    Lord, I Thank You for taking care of sweet4G's family!
    Lord, I Thank You for the VICTORY You have given Jan's family!
    Lord, I Thank You for Sassy Mom's rental VICTORY and all others You have given her!
    Lord, I Thank You for ALL that Norah is facing. You are her refuge and strength. As she asks for prayers for others and lift them up, Thank You for lifting her up as well and meeting all her concerns!

    Lord, Thank You for ALL of my JC family, the VICTORIES, the trials, the good, the bad, we will still thank You, trust You and worship You alone! ALL of Your promises for us are YES and AMEN, we can NEVER LOOSE with You!!

    Love, peace and blessings to all, JC family. Let's go worship the Lord today in Spirit and in truth!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Praying for VICTORY for you also Maplewood NJ. God will see through this. You're a faithful servant & He is a faithful God. Your sweet praises & Hallelujahs that you share with us on your post has not escaped His notice, He hears you & will come to your rescue 🥰

    2. Maplewood NJ - Praying strength and comfort - Praying God will lesson the burdens and trials. We love you.

    3. Such a blessing to hear the Faithfulness of our God! He, in His great compassion, lifts us high above our trials and woes, and sets us in a sweet place of safety and gratitude. He turns our tears into dancing. All of His promises are Yes and Amen!

    4. Amen! I love reading your prayers every day. Thank you for sharing your heart.

    5. Thank you dear Maplewood. Praying with you with gratitude and praise for all that He has brought to us. Good times and bad, He has carried us through. Thanks for your encouragement: Let's go worship the Lord today in Spirit and in truth!
      John 4:24 - God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. Amen!

  3. AMEN to all the prayers, petitions and Victories. Thank you Lord for another day to worship,love and fellowship with other Christians today. Thank you for my JC Family.

  4. what a wonderful JC family! I love you all. Thank you Jesus. KS

  5. "May we each be alert and prepared for the day when the clouds roll back like a scroll and the trumpets signal our Lord's return!" Copied from one of my devotionals.

    1. Love this! Thank you a Sassy Mom! Love your heart God bless you and your family 🙏💝🙏

    2. Love you Sassy Mom! And the visual of the clouds over our lives rolling back to reveal what we've been waiting for. Come Holy Spirit!

  6. I had just a moment to hop on here and read and I am SO THANKFUL THAT I DID! "This method of controlling your thoughts will keep your mind in My Presence and your feet on the path of Peace." I sure needed this reminder! As I read the other posts, I thanked God for your prayers, your victories, your goodness. I am beyond tired at this point, but I know I my energy will be sustained. I thank all of you and I'm praying for all of you. And Sassy Mom, I loved the quote from your devotion. A dear former neighbor lost her daughter last night - oh, how I'd love to hug her and say these words to her. She is a mighty woman of God, having lost 2 of her 3 children and 2 husbands. And then, I hear myself whining, "I'm TIII-RRED." Snap out of it, Norah! I have NO problems. Break over. Off to the store and back to my sister-in-law. AND...I do have a great victory to report. She slept 9 hours last night and ate every bite of the hearty breakfast I fixed her. She was able to stand up from the couch to her walker without help. I am seeing a side of her that I've not seen in 45 years. She IS a Sister in Christ and is believing for total healing. I told her I had her that the mightiest of the mighty Prayer Warriors were lifting her daily. She was so blessed. Something very good will come out of this time. Love to all!

    1. Praying for your dear former neighbor Norah. She has had some sorrows to bear. Jesus is near to those with aching hearts. Also continuing to pray for Jinny. God had blessed her with a good Samaritan, so I will pray for strength for you. Have a blessed rest of your Sunday.

    2. Wonderful new about your sister in law, may God continue to heal her. Praying for neighbour , may God comfort thats alot to bear !

  7. Norah - JC Family is praying comforting prayers for your former neighbor's heartbreak. We all wish we could hug and comfort her. God bless her!

    1. And to you the same, Sassy Mom ♥️

    2. This is also one of my prayers for you, Sassy Mom. 🥰

  8. Thank you Lord for another day, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Help us focus on You, Your Presence, Your peace, help us to hear your voice so we can reject sinful thoughts and make the right decisions so that your will be done.
    Guide us through every area of our life, remind us constantly to be aware of Your Presence no matter where we are or what trials we face. May we never forget to be faithful even to the small things. Lord we want to be more like you, wash us, purify our heart, remove what is necessary so you can use us the way you want to. You have our soul, heart, mind and body as Your Holy Spirit dwells in us.
    Thank you for all the blessings, Thank you for your unfailing love and mercy. Your grace is sufficient.

    I declare protection, peace, comfort, blessings upon the JC family and their loved ones, as well as each of your children, and I declare salvation for the lost souls. May they accept and understand Your Love, Your Truth, and be restored by Your Grace.
    In Jesus name, Amen!

    Have a beautiful and blessed day !

    Blessings from France

    1. Amen. Thank you for the beautiful prayer.

    2. Blessings from France - Your prayer is mine. Joining you in your beautiful prayer. Praying God's love, presence and protection for our nation.

    3. AMEN! I receive your prayer, in the name of Jesus!

      God bless you, friend from France!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Blessings from France - Have a beautiful and blessed day!

    5. Amen Amen, Blessings from France. I join you in your beautiful prayer.

      "I declare protection, peace, comfort, blessings upon the JC family and their loved ones, as well as each of your children, and I declare salvation for the lost souls. May they accept and understand Your Love, Your Truth, and be restored by Your Grace."

      Praying for those in my family and all lost souls who do not believe in You, Father God. Breathe Your Spirit into them that they may see You, hear You, feel Your mighty Presence and accept You, Father God, as their Lord and Savior.

      Help each one of us here in this JC family be a light that shines brightly for You, Father God. That others may know You through each one of us.
      In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

      Blessings from California

    6. Thank you and Amen dear Blessings from France! What a wonderful and heartfelt prayer! And thank you Rose for your sweet encouragement. May others see the light in us and be lifted and guided by the Words we are given to speak. Amen.

    7. Still so blessed by your beautiful prayer, dear Blessings from France and also dear Rose's post. We sure do lift each other up and pray for each other. Let's shine His light everywhere today. Some people are really having a hard time. I keep calling my friend Sandy to see how things are since her daughter tried to commit suicide. Sandy found out she has a form of Myeloma but she must find out more. She has so much to bear and her daughter is now over medicated and not doing well. Thank You Father for blessing and guiding Sandy and her daughter. Bring them closer to You every day. Thank You for your healing power to wash over their bodies, minds and spirits. Thank You for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord.

    8. Praying dear Jeanne for Sandy & daughter. Wow, so much on her plate. Joining you in placing them at the throne of grace. Amen, Hallelujah!

    9. Lord hear our prayers! We give everyone and everything to you, Jesus. Thank you for turning our perceived burdens into something good. Thank you JC family for your prayers for Marc and his brother. Marc had a breakthrough day in physical therapy yesterday and each day is one day closer to total healing from the knee surgery. We trust you with Paul's trials, there is nothing more we can do but pray, and that is enough.
      Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are who you say you are! ♥️

    10. Dear Jan, Thanks for the prayers for Sandy and daughter. Spoke to her today and her daughter is attending meetings now and doing a bit better but she is on so much medication so she's having a hard time. Sandy is going to Mt. Sinai on Friday to have tests. She has too much protein in her blood. Thanks for your prayers that she'll get good test results. We are praying together.
      Father God, You know Sandy and her daughter are going through a very difficult time. Thank you for guiding her daughter to the right doctor and program, and giving her a strength of faith in YOU so You can lead her to a life without addiction. Bless and heal dear Sandy's myeloma, give her faith, and guide her to the best doctors that can give her the right treatment and bring her back to perfect health. Praying for her good test results from her appointment on Friday. We trust You and we wait for Your faithfulness in their lives. Praying in the Name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord.

    11. Audra! Thank God Marc had a breakthrough day in PT yesterday. More answered prayers. Praying with you and for you.

  9. Lord you know that trust has been an issue of mine throughout my life. I have since learned that You are trust. You are the ONLY one that is trustworthy. I love my family, friends, and others, but they are not always trustworthy. You are the ONLY one who I know I can trust and depend on always. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously. I love you sweet Lord. Please bless all your children here today Lord and let Your mercy and grace pour out over us. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

    1. You, dear Janet are a beloved child of God. Remember how you trusted your Mommy and Daddy when you were young. I also trust in my Daddy in Heaven above all. He is the only one who reads my heart each day and knows every word and thought. He loves me exactly as I am, broken and imperfect. I know you understand. There is no darkness in the Father and we can trust Him completely in His divinity. He cannot lie. His Words are truth unto salvation. I love your love and I thank you for your blessings. We are all in need of His mercy and grace. Much love.

    2. Thank you Jeanne for your kind words. You are so right. Bless you and God be with you. Praise the Lord continously.

    3. Dear sister Janet, When I was praying for you today, I was asking our Lord to guide you to a wonderful place to stay permanently where you will be loved, protected and appreciated. Your faith is strong and you will be a beacon and a blessing to those around you. I asked Him to guide you to employment and perfect health and love and fulfillment. He knows what you need. I pray He guides you to everything that completes you in Him.

    4. Thank you sweet Jeanne. The Lord has brought many blessings into my life, especially all of you here on this blog. God bless.

    5. Dear Janet, praying that your situation has improved & that you are on solid ground and trusting in the goodness of our God. He is for you, not against you. He will never let go of you🙏💕

    6. Dear Janet, You are such a blessing to all of us. God loves you dearly and I'm glad He has brought you many blessings. Stand strong and wait for His Plan to unfold. He wants you to be blessed and prosper. I believe He has many wonderful plans for you dear sister.

  10. Dear Lord, It is a blessing and an honor to first meet with You before I meet with anyone or anything. Thank You for including me in this day and thank You for being my Lord. In Jesus name I pray.

    JESUS I TRUST IN YOU: carry me in Your divine arms. You are with me wherever I go (Joshua 1:9). You will not leave me nor forsake me. I will not be stranded in life for the Lord is making a way for me where there seems to be no way. You are bringing me out into Your plans and purpose for my life. You will fulfil Your good promises concerning me (2 Samuel 7:28).
    JESUS I TRUST IN YOU: Free my hands to be able to be express my blessings so that I can: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16 – 18).
    JESUS I TRUST IN YOU: Let everything be resolved with peace of mind according to Your plans and perfect timing. I have not missed my windows of opportunities. Instead of a setback, You are setting me up for bigger things in life. You are working everything out for my good. I will fulfil my destiny. I will experience Your favor and You will accomplish Your perfect plan for my life. I am not afraid of the future because I have a God who holds my future in His hands. (Psalm 31:14, Psalm 56:3, Psalm 9:10).
    JESUS I TRUST IN YOU: You are my Rock. I abandon myself to You. You are my protector, my shield and the power that saves me. You are my place of safety, my refuge and my Savior. You will save me from violence (2 Samuel 22:3,51, Psalm 18:2).
    JESUS I TRUST IN YOU: No matter what curveball life throws me or how difficult circumstances may seem, I trust in Your unfailing Love and will not allow my heart to be troubled but I will rest in Your loving kindness and my heart will rejoice in Your salvation (Psalm 13:5).
    JESUS I TRUST IN YOUR NAME: You will answer me with great strength in time of trouble and You will keep me safe. As I walk in righteousness, You seal me with Your mighty name and You rescues me from the hands of those who are too strong for me (Psalm 20:6, Proverbs 18:10, 2 Timothy 2:19).
    JESUS I TRUST IN YOU: Let Your promises and great miracles chase me down. I am confident that You will not let me wait in vain (Genesis 15:6-10).
    JESUS I TRUST IN YOU: Not my will, but Yours be done on earth as it is in heaven. He fills me with joy and peace. Hence my heart will overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).
    JESUS I TRUST IN YOU: Let my heart be opened to You as a living fountain of mercy.
    You maketh me to lie down in green pastures: You leadeth me beside the still waters…(Psalm 23:2-5).

    Dear Heavenly Father, You are so good to us even when we don’t deserve it. Your patience is immeasurable. May Your Peace and the knowledge of Your salvation and love for us be a helmet for our minds. We thank You and bless Your holy name. in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

    Blessings and Peace!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood - Thank you for your beautiful prayer. I join with you in prayer to our Lord and Savior: May Your Peace and the knowledge of Your salvation and love for us be a helmet for our minds. In Jesus' name. Amen.

      In Jesus Calling, we are told to ask His Holy Spirit to control our thoughts, and yours is a beautiful prayer for the protection of our minds.

    2. AMEN! Thank you! Your prayers this morning (as always) lifted my spirit!!
      with love from Maryville, Tennessee

    3. Choose Joy - Blessings, love, and God's presence to my Tennessee neighbor.

    4. Amen Amen! Such a powerful prayer, Maplewood. Again, you've lifted me higher. I'll be sharing this with those that need to be lifted up. Thank you, and blessings to all my JC family. Your prayers and petitions are mine.

      Blessings from California

    5. You sure know how to feed my soul, dear Maplewood! I must confess I shared it with my Bible Group and my Mom and Sister. Thank you.
      A gift that keeps on giving! Amen!

    6. Great post, twin bd sis! Especially liked the line, 'I have not missed my windows of opportunities'. I have encountered people who are stressed out because they may have missed something God willed for them. My personal experience, His love is so great, He will graciously keep me on the road He has prepared for me even in spite of me. That is why I like the line you used. God be with you.

    7. Thank you for this post. I really needed to hear the words you wrote here today. Thank you jesus for speaking to me through your beautiful child Maplewood. Praise the Lord continously.

    8. Trusting in Him with you, dear Maplewood, along with our dear JC Family! Amen! He will indeed protect and strengthen us, and lead us to what He has prepared for us in our lives. We must keep our eyes focused on Him as He guides us along our journey. Your words bless and encourage me every day. Praying you are feeling well, and your Mom is doing well despite your loss. May God strengthen her faith so she will understand her sister will be with her again. God bless you sister in every little and big thing.

    9. Thank You God for Maplewood NJ's post. It is so timely for me again this year. I plan to meditate on it all day today.
      Jesus, I Trust You.
      Jesus, I Thank You.
      Thy Will Be Done.

    10. And again this year.
      Especially JESUS I TRUST IN YOU: Let everything be resolved with peace of mind according to Your plans and perfect timing. I have not missed my windows of opportunities. Instead of a setback, You are setting me up for bigger things in life. You are working everything out for my good. I will fulfil my destiny. I will experience Your favor and You will accomplish Your perfect plan for my life. I am not afraid of the future because I have a God who holds my future in His hands. (Psalm 31:14, Psalm 56:3, Psalm 9:10).b

  11. Good morning JC family 🌞. Trusting in the Lord with all our heart is such a challenge at times. I remember as a new believer I questioned my conversion because of this issue. "Worry" was my close companion. I just couldn't grasp "trust". The Lord gave me a dream to help me understand. I was walking down a dirt road, a man appeared, he said, "follow me", I saw a bridge, no problem, I followed, from a few yards I could see the bridge ending, he urged me to proceed, I hesitated, he insisted, just as I got to the end it, he said "look down", there, was a plank, that I couldn't see from "my" vantage point, down I went. At the end was a rushing body of water, again he said "walk across", fear gripped me, "he said, step into it", as I did a stone that was not visible to me met my foot, one after another they appeared to support my footing, I looked up & there on shore was the man with a big smile & arms opened wide. This man was my Jesus. I still struggle mind you, but I'm quickly reminded of that dream & I can still see those arms & smile prodding me on. I love you dear Jesus❤️.

    1. What a beautiful dream, Jan. It never ceases to amaze me when God blesses us with what we need and in His perfect timing. As we trust in Him more completely, our eyes and ears are opened to the many treasures He bestowes on His faithful children.

      So thankful and blessed to have found this JC family.

      Blessings from California

    2. Thank you for sharing that most personal and lovely dream, Jan! He led you to Him in such a glorious way.
      Rose, So true! He gives us a Clearer Vision of the true treasures He offers. So much greater than any worldly riches. The greatest gift is that He is our God.

    3. What a blessed dream, Jan. Oh how He loves us so!

    4. Wow thank you for sharing this beautiful and powerful dream Jan! It just shows once again how much Our Father God cares for His children. Praise the Lord ♡

      Blessings from France

    5. Jan, Still such an amazing story. I sure can relate. Remember the loving Arms and sweet Smile of our Lord. He cares so much for you.

    6. Thanks for sharing the dream, Jan gridley. I received it again this year!

  12. Humans are flawed. They might not mean to, but they will always let you down! Jesus Christ truly IS the ONLY trustworthy One!

    1. So very true, Unknown. Yes Trust in Jesus. KS

  13. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  14. (II Timothy 2:8) "Remember Jesus Christ" we are admonished. Paul continues by citing two essentials in remembering our Lord and Savior (if we could press him, Paul may have cited more but these are the two he gave in this context). The first is Jesus being raised from the dead (covered in yesterday's post); the second is that Jesus is 'a descendant of David'. A big deal? To Paul, as a devout Jew, very much so. For in being a descendant of David's, God has upheld the promise made to David that an heir of his would reign as king forever. That God ALWAYS keeps promises is a pillar of the faith Paul was raised in and it is no less so with us.

    Our God has made covenant with us. Covenant is a relationship between two entities in which each makes promises of faithfulness to certain obligations to the other. God made a covenant with Abraham that he would be the father of a great nation. Circumcision was instituted as a sign/remembrance of that promise. God remained faithful to the covenant as seen through the development of that nation throughout the book of Genesis. The Exodus story continues the demonstration by God of His faithfulness to the covenant and on it goes. As God remained faithful to the covenant, the promise came to David of an eternal heir to the throne of Israel. It is essential that we serve a God who can be depended upon and who is not fickle. God keeps all promises as evidenced in Biblical history and continues to do so in which the new sign of the covenant is our baptism and we remember the covenant at the Lord's table ('this cup is the new covenant in my blood'). God is absolutely dependable and God has proven Himself in the keeping of promises He has made and they will ALWAYS be kept through Jesus Christ. This Paul holds dear and in these words to Timothy, he affirms that in his challenge to Timothy to 'remember'.

    As previously stated, a covenant is a relationship between two people with both pledging faithfulness to the other. God promised to be our God and that we will be His people--FULFILLED in Jesus Christ. God gave baptism as a sign of the covenant between Himself and us His children. When I was baptized, a promise was made on my behalf (I was only 10 weeks old) in which I fulfill my responsibility to the covenant relationship with our Lord. There are three parts to the baptismal vow that were made for me and I am obligated to fulfill: 1) That I renounce all evil, and powers in the world which defy God's righteousness and love, 2) That I turn to Jesus Christ and accept Him as my Lord and Savior, trusting in His grace and love, 3) That I will be Christ's faithful disciple, obeying His Word, and showing His love. This is my responsibility to the covenant relationship God has established between us in Jesus Christ. He has fulfilled His side of the covenant completely, I must hold my vows dear in my heart and with the help of the Holy Spirit, strive to fulfill them. This is the nature of the covenant between God and each of us affirmed by our baptism.

    The remainder of my prayer time was spent praying for the Spirit's help to fulfill my vows.

    God be with you, blessed JC family! With love, Bob

    1. Thank you, Bob, for your teachings, and blessings to you. I look forward to reading them when you post.

      Blessed in California

    2. You are welcome, Rose. It blesses me that you find blessings in them.

    3. Merci Bob! Always good to be reminded of God's faithfulness in His covenant.
      What a blessing it is for us humans to be a part of this covenant with Our Creator!

      Blessings from France !

    4. God bless you and your family Bob! Thank you so much for sharing so much. Prayers for all of our JC family and for your families.
      God is good! All the time!
      Love and prayers

    5. Thank you dear Bob for always sharing your wisdom. God's covenant is forever and His promises are reliable. We trust in them together. You are God's faithful servant and you are doing His work to share His message of truth unto salvation. May God grant you all the desires of your heart and perfect health. God bless your dear family too and strengthen them in all ways.

  15. Amen! Thank you for reminding me of my baptismal vows. God is so faithful to us so we must hold up our end too. Jesus is the new Covenant, the greatest High Priest and His reign is forever. He promisesd to be our God and gave us many chances to follow Him. Now we must walk worthy of Him in thought, word and deed. I copied your words and I will ponder this. Thank you so much, Bob, as always. Much love.

  16. Blessings dear JC family! Thank you all for your inspiring thoughts and prayers...please know prayers are always mine and I lift up each of you daily! Although I read this blog daily, I seldom comment. I even hesitated today because I am working hard on not allowing potential troubles ruin my “today”! I have been furloughed from my job since mid-April with the understanding that I would go back next week. I am now hearing that I may not go back at all. Honestly, my prayer is not for me to get my job back because I truly do know God has this!! I can look back over my life and there is not ONE instance where He ever let me down! My prayer is that I can quit thinking about this and truly lay it at the cross. I feel like I’m “talking the talk” but not “walking the walk”! I know God knows I’m trying but I’m just trying to get better at truly trusting! I know that I will be commenting soon with a praise report...either I go back to work or find something even better but prayers in the interim would be so very appreciated!! Please know you are all in mine as well!!
    Love and blessings to all!

    1. Thank you for sharing your story, BG. Now retired, I can look back and see the hand of God totally on the path my wife and I were asked to travel. But I would have to admit, in the moments, my confidence wobbled. I heard a group of seniors like me were asked what is the one thing they would have done different in their life. #1 answer - "I wouldn't have worried so much." Now a senior, I would add my vote to that. God be with you, BG. All is well, it always has been, and it always will be. All is well. (Julian of Norwich)

    2. Sending prayers your way BamaGrl. God bless you and grant you peace that surpasses everything.

      Blessings from France

    3. How are you dear BamaGrl? And how is your Mother and Patti? Praying always for you and yours. Much love.

    4. Checking in with you BamaGrl and how is BamaMama?

  17. Move-In Day for my brother, Keith. Today I get to Practice thinking (and singing) in certain ways--trusting God, thanking God:
    God is on the move, on the move
    God is on the move
    In many mighty ways
    God is on the move, on the move
    God is on the move
    On the move today!
    This method of controlling our thoughts will keep our mind in His Presence and our feet on His path of Peace. Thanks for your prayers for a smoothe move, JC Family. Appreciated a thousand-fold!

    1. May our Father be with you during this moving day. May His everlasting, loving arms help you and keep you grounded in His love, peace, and strength and remove any frustration from your lives. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    2. Joining warriors dear Brie for this day filled with challenges. He's got you and Keith and the move.🙏🙏🙏💕

    3. Praying for you and all involved in this day and the next days ahead. Sending my love and some cyber hugs and a reassuring smile. I'm sure God is directing your plans and answering prayers. God Bless you and yours!

    4. Praising God and singing with you, Brie et. Al.
      Smooth move for you in the groove. ♥️

  18. Butterfly love, I loved your story. Praying for you sweet sister in Christ.

  19. May God give you a mountain of strength to help your brother move into his new home. May the Spirit give you all the words to share with him to calm his fears and to lift him up and give him peace. God is on the MOVE. Amen! Every second of every day. But especially on MOVING DAY! He will be in the center of it and all the loose ends will come beautifully together. Thank You Father for all this and also for your healing of Brie and Keith. You can do all things and we are trusting You to show them Your faithfulness clearly and brightly like Neon Lights! Let Keith see that this move is the ultimate blessing. Thank You in the Name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord! Amen.

  20. Dear Audra, You, Paul, and Marc are in my prayers. Keep perservering in Faith. You are not alone. You have God and a whole world full of prayer Warriors on your side. Love you dearly.

    1. I know. I trust. I thank you all. I trust you Jesus!

    2. Joining prayers for you, Audra, Paul and Marc. Amen You are never alone and God can do all things. Much love to you both.
      Brie, You must be so tired. Praying things are going well with the move and Keith and your health too.

  21. Heavenly Father, Thank You for building my trust and for all the blessings You have given to me. Your provisions are as endless as Your love. Holy Spirit, please remove any and all wrong and bad thoughts from my mind and replace them with only good thoughts of the Lord. Let His glory and goodness shine down on me and flow to others. Let my light shine bright for Your glory and let me be Your witness in the world. Let others see You within me and help me share You and Your word with others in the world. I praise You Lord always and continually. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.
    Those who know the LORD trust Him, because He will not leave those who come to Him. (Psalm 9:10). Giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors Me. If you keep to My path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God. (Psalm 50:23). "When He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth." (John 16:13). The very essence of Your words is truth; all Your just regulations will stand forever. (Psalm 119:160).

  22. We live in a world where trust must be earned and seems to be in short supply.Most of us have faced disappointments, which have taught us that we can only depend upon ourselves. But living the life God has called us to means unlearning that lesson. Instead, we’re meant to rest in God’s understanding.We may know in our minds that He possesses all wisdom. But sometimes trusting Him completely like that can be tough. So, each day we must consciously lay aside our own plans and expectations—and surrender to His plans.Help us Lord to follow the leading of the Holy spirit

    1. Amen Min. He is worthy of ALL our trust, praise, and thanks. God is so good -- ALWAYS!

    2. Well said Min Ahadi! The Spirit is moving within us. We must be tuned into His groanings and soft voice.
      Amen Janet! He sure is worthy of our trust, praise and gratitude! Praising Him with you and my sister Audra. Love you all.

  23. Amen, sweet and awesome, Min, AMEN!

  24. In need of prayers for my son Neil for me, his momma. He has struggled with drugs for so long. Was sober for 8 months but now is back to using. He is unraveling. The drugs he uses makes him delusional. I am trying hard to trust and give it to God but I am so tired of it all. Thank you for praying for Neil and myself. Kathy

    1. Hello Kathy, welcome to our family of believers who are learning to reach for Jesus daily. We are praying for Your son Neil as well as all those who his addiction is affecting. We will take these daily steps with you and walk towards the healing love of Jesus.

    2. Father, please remove the addiction affliction affecting Neil and give him Your peace and love. Let his mom, Kathy, feel Your heavenly presence and lift her up in Your loving arms and comfort her and give her strength. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    3. Thank you Jesus, you break the chains of addiction so all may be free in You.

    4. Hello Kathy and welcome to the family. I add my prayers with the others and will take the daily steps too. God Bless you and yours. Healing is coming!

    5. Welcome sister Kathy, Joining prayers for your dear son Neil. God knows what he is enduring now and He knows how to get him off those drugs. Trusting our Way Maker to make a Way in Neil's wilderness and calm your worried heart. Thank You Father for guiding Neil and Kathy to the help they need to get him clean again. Strengthen Neil's faith and comfort him when he is delusional. Show him he is not alone in his misery. Thank You Jesus! Show them Your faithfulness we pray.

    6. Praying for our Kathy and our Neil, whose foot slipped off the Lord's Path, as have ours from time to time. Dear Lord, please guide our Neil back onto Your Path and keep him there. And Bless our Kathy to stay in Faith and Trust in You our Good Good Father. In Jesus' Name. I join all in prayer. Thank You for being in our midst. Amen

  25. Jesus I am beyond thankful for our relationship. Whenever I sin or walk away, You always welcome me back without hesitation, never withholding Your love. Plesse help me to cultivate the practice of Your presence from thought to action so that I may live a life closer to You. Sin begins in thought so please help me to stifle the evil one right then before it goes any farther. I set out today to honor You.

    1. Very good Mark L. I offer up your thoughts/words as well. Jesus I trust in YOU! Amen.

  26. Amen Mark. He always takes us back no matter how far we fall from Him. He is a loving Father, who picks us up and brushes us off and loves us again. Praying for you. We all need a closer walk with Him.
    Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

  27. Humbly joining warriors in prayer for all petitions mentioned, Thy will be done. Praising You Lord for all the victories. Praying God's love, presence and protection for our nation.

    1. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      In keeping with today's devotion, to keep my mind in Your Presence and my feet on Your path to Peace:
      Help me Lord to keep on trusting
      Even when the way is bleak.
      And my throat is sore from crying
      And my lips can barely speak.
      Take away my pain and sorrow
      Exchange them for Your Presence near.
      Help me walk in sweet progression
      Attended by Your Force, not fear
      Of what is going before me
      Not looking back at things that were.
      Grant me Grace to live this moment
      With the things that be, assured
      That when my human strength is faltering
      Under barbs and heavy load.
      You are here easing my burden
      Less I lay stumbled on life’s road.
      When my Spirit wanes from trying
      And despairing tremors take command
      Lift me up to trust and walk
      Guided, Strengthened by Your Hand.
      In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    2. That was just so very beautiful dear Brie. Thank you for sharing it. Trusting Him with you with all my heart and soul. Amen!
      I must ask for prayers for my friend Sandy who has Myeloma and she is going into Manhattan tomorrow to take some more tests. I will be with her at night. Thank you for praying that she'll receive good results and that her condition is not progressing, but improving.
      Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    3. Great words to live by Brie. Thank you for sharing.
      Praying for your friend Sandy, Jeanne. May our heavenly Father touch her and His healing hands remove and/or decrease the results. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. God bless.

    4. Cannot tell you how much that poem and it's message has helped me this morning, sweet Brie. Gosh, just so needed. Thanks, my sister-friend in Christ, Brie!

    5. Father in heaven, thank you for providing this place, this sanctuary, where we can freely share encouraging poems, thank you Brie, our concerns for those we love and want healed & made whole, like Sandy. Where we can hug each other with caring, Loving words, comforting us as we hurt. This place where we are heard, understood & accepted by each brother & sister in Christ. Thank You for this warroom, this Holy ground.

    6. BEAUTIFUL poem, Dear Brie! Thank you. Praying for all of you, for your friend, Sandy, Jeanne, for all of our beloved JC Family.

    7. Thank you my dear sisters for your prayers for Sandy! She is such a wonderful person and I love her dearly. We’ve been friends through thick and thin since college. Please also pray for her to open her heart to Jesus. Thanks! 💗😊🙏

    8. Lovely poem. Praying fart all requests today. And Jeanne, you are amazing to witness as you go wherever you feel you are needed for family and friends. God bless you!

    9. Thanks Brie that poem is exactly how we feel sometimes....thanks for reminding us that we should run to the Lord !!
      It depends on which device am using my phone doesnt register my name .

    10. Thank You Lord, for Brie Version 2022 reminding Brie Version 2023 to repeat this prayer poem hourly until this method of controlling thoughts keeps her mind in Your Presence and her feet on Your Path of Peace. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  28. Dear MadFox, I've had you on my mind a lot lately. Praying you're continuing to do well and tolerating your treatments. I know you are a bright beaon to everyone you meet. Keep letting your beautiful light shine so you can lead others to God and also glorify Him. Much love.

    1. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne. I hope and pray that you are doing well MadFox and that your light is shining bright for all to see. God bless 🙏.

    2. Praying for you dear MadFox 🙏🙏🙏💞

    3. Thank you prayer warriors. Doing great, continuing my positivity vigil each week at the infusion center and looking to finally getting back to work. Jeanne, I have connected to you privately and am willing to talk and pray for and with your friend re: Myeloma. Caution her about the negativity of reading too much on internet survival times... that's all historical! Godspeed JC friends. In Him Peace.

    4. So great to hear from you, MadFox! What a blessing to read that you are still doing so well. My DH is too, and for that we are so thankful. Jeanne, I agree with MadFox, re: the internet. Blessings!

    5. Thanks dear MadFox. I will tell Sandy about your kind offer to help. She needs all the help she can get and you are knowledgeable, honest and sincere,
      Yes Norah! Sometimes surfing the the internet can fill us with fear. We must guard God’s peace very diligently.

    6. Joining the team praying for you Madfox! God is our Healer

    7. Miss you dear Min Ahadi! You remain in my prayers. Much love.

  29. God help us to trust you fully. Help us to trust you completely. God help us to trust you wholeheartedly today. Even with things in our lives right now that we don’t understand why this or that is happening, God help us to trust in you, not to put our trust in anyone or anything else. Some trust in chariots, some trust in horses. So God, we look to you and we trust in your name. In Jesus’s name we pray. Amen. Min Ahadi

    1. Amen, Dear Min! Safety is in the Lord!

    2. Amen and thank you, dear Min Ahadi! Praying things are going better sweet sister.

  30. The peace of God will permeate this day just like He did last night when we received friends. Thank You Jesus for your love, peace and presence.

    1. Bless your heart, Sassy Mom. You are all covered in our prayers and thankful for the Peace of God. Prayers of comfort are present for you.

    2. Trusting and Thanking Him with and for you and yours, our Sassy Mom. May Showers and Showers of His choicest blessings and Sonshine, Reign on you today and everyday, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Amen and Amen! Joining into my sisters’ prayers for you and your dear ones. Holding you tight in mine always. Take it one day at a time in His presence and peace. He will supply all your needs and wipe your tears away.

  31. Abba, father, thank you for this day. Jesus guide my feet, my thoughts and my words so that I may have peace, that peace that surpasses an understanding, and reflect that peace unto others so that they may see you in me. Help me Holy Spirit to take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ. 🙏

  32. Beautiful prayer dear Rich! Amen. God bless your day in a special way as only He can.

  33. I'm learning about trusting God and recognizing that He is in control, all the time, despite my plans. It's something that seems counter to the world and even the way I grew up. Doesn't the world seem to say, "Plan ahead. Your destiny is in your hands." And so on. It's a big lesson for me now. I'm excited for what He is doing. Bless you all

    1. It's hard to give the reins to the Lord because we often get distracted by circumstances and emotions and then we don't let Him lead us. We yank them out of His able Hands. I'm so thankful that you're exercising your trust muscles, dear free as can B. I'm excited for what He's doing in your life too. You're always in my prayers. Hope and pray your son and your family are doing well too. Trust in the Lord and wait on Him. He's the One that holds our destinies.

  34. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your constant presence in my life regardless of my faults and shortcomings. Help to always TRUST in you, that I am always loved by You and You are there to forgive and guide me from my sin, if I truly believe to Trust in You. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

  35. Amen. We all have our faults and shortcomings. Thank You Father for loving us as we are. May we learn to love others with an unconditional love too.

  36. Heading to bed, a worn out, but blessed Nonnie! Praying for all of my JC Family. Sassy Mom - you are so on my heart. Free as Can B - it was wise that you were taught to plan ahead, but as we read in today's devotion, trust and thankfulness covers so many things that we can't possibly plan! God has your, dear one. ABC, I have been SO AWARE of my shortcomings, of late! But, as I was reminded by 2 wonderful sisters, we WILL always falls short. "If to err is human - I am SO human!" That's me, HUMAN! Yet, my loving Father still leads me and protects me. He gave His only begotten Son, that I may live! Praying for you and yours, and I know you pray for me and mine!
    Sweet sleep - here I come! God is on the Night Watch! <3

  37. God is on the Night Watch! He never sleeps and never leaves us. Worked at my Church Carnival till very late last night and it was a blessing to see some old friends. We have been behind the food and beverage table for every Carnival for so many years and it is a joy to work beside them. Driving to my Mom's this morning. Praying I will be able to get her out walking and also help her to relax and enjoy the ordinary special moments of being together. She tends to worry. I'm not 95 years old so I can't understand how she feels. She is always saying: Why doesn't God take me. I'm living too long. Aren't I good enough for Him? My dear sister Janet and I remind her that God has the last say about how long we live and each day is a precious gift to be lived and enjoyed. I'm going to rest now. Have a sweet and happy weekend, dear ones. He is above all things and all situations. Let us leave every worry and concern in His Hands. He will make a way because He is faithful and good.

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    And He shall direct your paths.

  38. Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:23-24). Commit your works to the LORD, and your thoughts will be established. (Proverbs 16:3). Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. (Proverbs 4:23). And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2).

    1. You picked some favorite verses dear sister! He knows our hearts, meditations, motives and dreams intimately. He can turn us around when we are moving in the wrong direction, or blinded by this world's trappings. He is only a whisper and a prayer away. Lead me, Lord.

    2. Amen, great scriptures, thank you.

  39. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Thank You for You Lord! Let my trust and faith in You abound Lord! Your loving arms and gentle kindness hold me and lift me up! Your faithfulness is everlasting and true and perfect Lord! Thank You so very much! Thank You for the amazing example You are on how I should be walking along the path of life with You! I love and adore You Lord! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

  40. Amen! Praise and Gratitude. When the winds of change threaten to shake us, He holds us steadfast. All will be well because God is in charge. Hallelujah

  41. Precious Holy Spirit I thankfully give You complete control of my mind; all my thought processes, in Jesus Wonderful Name, Amen.

    Romans 8:1-16 ('The mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace').
    1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh, 4 in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

    5 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.
    7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. 8 Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.

    9 You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. 10 But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness. 11 And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.

    12 Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation—but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it. 13 For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.

    14 For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. 15 The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” 16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.

  42. Wonderful truth, brother Peter! Thank you for the good food! We must follow hard after righteousness and the Spirit instead of the flesh and this fallen world’s false promises. All good things come from above so we must set our minds on those things which will endure. All else will fade away.
    2 Corinthians 4:18
    While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

  43. Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 1:13).

  44. Resting my hope fully. Thank You Lord. Thank you dear Janet.❤️🙌

    1. Blessings from NYJuly 7, 2024 at 7:24 AM

      Resting your hope fully upon the grace….. I love that- thank you Janet
      ❤️🙏 Blanketing all our JC family petitions in prayer this wonderful Sunday morning

    2. Covering you as well, Blessings from NY

  45. Trusting in You, dear Jesus to guide me through this day, this week, this month and lead me according to Your Will and Plan. May my thoughts and words be pleasing to You. Thank You for giving me all the right words of encouragement to share with my mom. She only wants to be with you up in Heaven. Thank You for healing all of us and our dear ones, especially Norah’s dear husband and Jan’s DH and SC’s DH, and Brie and Larry and Audra and Peter’s daughter, and Sandy, and MadFox, and all our JC Family. Thank You for giving me a patient and loving spirit. Let me be a beacon to those I meet today: You are the Center of my life and You know my heart completely. Thank You for this new day and all the blessings You have placed before me. May it be a productive and sweet day for me for Your glory and may it be a bright and happy one for my mom. Praying this in Your Holy Name. Amen

    Psalm 19:14
    Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
    be acceptable in Your sight,
    O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.
