Monday, August 3, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 4

Hold My hand, and walk joyously with Me through this day. Together we will savor the pleasures and endure the difficulties it brings. Be on the lookout for everything I have prepared for you: stunning scenery, bracing winds of adventure, cozy nooks for resting when you are weary, and much more. I am your Guide, as well as your constant Companion. I know every step of the journey ahead of you, all the way to heaven.
     You don't have to choose between staying close to Me and staying on course. Since I am the Way, staying close to Me is staying on course. As you focus your thoughts on Me, I will guide you carefully along today's journey. Don't worry about what is around the next bend. Just concentrate on enjoying My Presence and staying in step with Me.
John 14:6
English Standard Version 
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Colossians 4:2
English Standard Version
Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.

My Prayer
Lord, I want to see you as the way in my life. Keep me focused on You, trusting you moment by moment. Help me to find my Rest in You O God. I want to be defined by Your Way in my life. Help me to not stare and linger on those things in my life that too easily get me off course. Help me to really trust you, not lean on my own understanding, acknowledge You and You will make my paths straight.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you LORD for blessing my day with your presence.
    Sassy Mom in Tennessee.

    1. What part of Tennessee are you? My daughter just moved to knoxville!

    2. Upper East Tennessee, the most beautiful place in the world, surrounded by beautiful mountains, close to Blue Hole. 90 miles from Knoxville. If I sneezed I would be in NC.

  2. So calming to be aware of Jesus' presence in our hearts!

  3. Why why don't I feel his presence everyday is a struggle yet everyday I talk to him?

    1. Feeling God’s presence doesn’t exist in any persons life. God can’t be felt. God is a Spirit. You can’t feel a Spirit. He is omnipresent which means that His presence is everywhere. It doesn’t come and go. It isn’t in one place and not in another. Now people feel happu or feel sad or feel convicted by reading God’s word. You could have joy over the conviction of reading God’s word or guilt over your sin. You can feel those emotions as the Word of God penetrates your heart. But feeling God’s presence doesn’t exist because God can’t be felt. Hope that helps.

    2. God's word speaks of our emotions often. I feel fear, then in response to pleading , then believing and trusting in God, I feel protected by Him. This is a constant battle. Just read the Psalms and see David had the same battles. Keep believing and trusting.On occasion, you will FEEL joy. Protected.Loved.

    3. I have been reading this Daily devotion for the last 4 years. I make it the focal point of my morning meditation. I believe when we take the time to be fully present we can feel Gods present. I feel Gods presence daily. When I take the time to connect. It feels very strong in the crown of my head a good feeling that keeps me connected to my Father who loves me unconditionally and never leaves my side. I’m only sharing, from my own experience. True connection can be felt. It takes time to develop this saturation of the Holy Spirit. πŸ™πŸ™ May you find the peace and feelings of Gods presence as I have found. πŸ’“

    4. I too have to say, that yes I can at times feel His presence, especially when I feel desperate. Perhaps "feel" is the wrong word, how about "sense" His presence. I truly believe that God wants us to experience this supernatural phenomenon at certain times in our walk. I call it , a spiritual hug.

    5. I read this blog every morning as well and pray asking for God's guidance and presence through the power of his Holy Spirit through Jesus his only Son! ❤️πŸ™


    7. JoeyD. Loves Jesus ❤️

  4. Maybe I worded it wrong maybe I can't feel his presence but I don't think he is anywhere in my surroundings when I go to church I know his presence is there but I dont feel good being there it doesn't take my problems away and it doesn't help me
    I want to go to church and pray and even if things are bad I want to feel like everything is going to ok but I dont feel good at all.

    1. Okay. I understand what you are saying. I would highly recommend you getting involved in a small group bible study or home group with your church. Everyone experiences what you are going through and I know that as you fellowship with others in a group you will experience God in a deeper way. I would also encourage you to go through this workbook: Experiencing God - - you can get a used - good paperback version for $6.

    2. paytonfamily - each and every response of yours is so heartfelt. They always help me no matter what I am going through. Thank you for bringing all the JC family together! KS

    3. Bought the workbook today! ❤️πŸ™

    4. Are you across the pond anonymous? This JC family reaches across the world. Thank you all for your encouraging heartfelt prayersπŸ™πŸ»
      Anonymous Q

    5. This all so beautiful. I've been great for a while and trusting God and praising Him innthe storm even while going through things but quite recently felt separated from God. These questions and responses just reminded and helped me immensely. Thank you,
      God bless you.

  5. thank you for your blessing each and everyday Amen thank you Jesus

  6. I am grateful to You oh Lord for yet another day. I choose to hold Your hand this day and throughout this week, taking in the scenery of Your Majestic power! Thank You Father.

    Based on Unknown August 4, 2018 post and to add to Payton's response, I encourage you to Google John MacArthur's sermon on the scripture John 14:15-17, read the scripture and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the understanding of 'feeling or not feeling the Presence of God'.
    Understanding God's words is crucial to our walk with Him. The bible tells us to ask for wisdom and understanding. When we do, the Holy Spirit steps in the helps us. Jesus Promiaed and left us the Holy Spirit as our helper, we need that help.
    Proverbs 4:7 (KJV) says: "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom: and with all the getting get understanding".
    Spending time with God and inviting the Holy Spirit is important to our Christian. Also, Please Google "10 things You should Know about the Presence of God".
    Holy Spirit open our hearts to receive the true revelation of the knowledge of God and grant us the wisdom and understanding we need when we become confuse.
    Thank You Lord for our Helper, the Holy Spirit.

    A great and Blessed 1st Sunday of the month JC Family, praying for God's wisdom for ALL of us Jesus name.

    Maplewood NJ

  7. Call unto me and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Jeremiah 33:3
    Holding your hand as you lead me through this day to love, praise and worship you. Thank you Lord for abundant blessings. Blessings to JC Family.

    1. Sassy Mom --- That verse in Jeremiah is such an UPLIFT! I think the Lord is putting us on top of the MOUNTAIN TOP! Thank You Lord for your precious, life giving word! Thank you Sassy Mom for sharing that verse!

    2. I appreciate all your thoughts, all of you. Jer 33:3 spoke to me as well.

      I would like to leave one thought and a prayer that a friend shared with me. In all our seeking and even when we are to busy to seek or to worn out from life, what are we really looking for?

      Saint Augustine prayed this:
      “Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.”

      A restless truck driver from MN

    3. Keith --- Oh, that prayer is sweet music to my ears! That's our Lord wrapping His Incredible GRACE and MERCY ALL AROUND US!!! Continuing pray for you and your family. The Lord is doing quite a 'work'!

    4. A fawn was being chased by dogs, it let out a distress call & the mama came out of nowhere. This is how I feel about this verse Sassy Mom, our Abba hears every distress call from from His sheep & we know His voice. Another struggle today but guess what? He's heard my distress call. My Father will do great & mighty things through it. That verse is my strength today. Love you allπŸ₯°

    5. Amen,Amen Jan. He invites us to call unto him, he hears our call and promises to answer and show us great and mighty things. PTL!!! THANK YOU JESUS. We are so blessed.

    6. Keith, How is the new job?

  8. I'm travelling and haven't had much time the past few days, but I chuckled at Bob M's comment yesterday, about the special gathering that is growing here. I agree this is a non-denominational, no judgment, share the light, and wisdom place. In short, God and His love are here. Amen.

    1. Amen to that MadFox! We are all here to praise Him together with joy and thanksgiving, and to encourage each other. This is my favorite time of my day and where I come for to be lifted. Not only by the beautiful devotions but by my true family. We are bound by the love of Christ and the love and respect of each other.
      Brie, Surely the Presence of The Lord is in This Place is one of my favorite hymns we sing in Choir and the words of truth ring always in my heart.

    2. MadFox- safety in travels dear friendπŸ₯°

    3. Yes MadFox, I see this JC Prayer Warrior's Room as a Foretaste of Glory Divine.

  9. Yes, Madfox, Surely the Presence of The Lord is in This Place!

  10. Amen and Amen. Thank You Jesus for all the people that gather here in the presence of the Lord. I am eternally grateful. Bless You Lord and Your holy name with all that is within me. Bless my soul Lord and all that is within me. Thank You for all my benefits and blessings Lord. Praise the Lord continuously. I trust and love You my sweet, beloved Lord. Amen.

  11. Dear Heavenly Father from whom all blessings flow, I thank You for this day You have given to me to hold Your hand and walk with You through it. I needed to hear this and I need You. This morning, I come to asking for Your healing mercy for my little sister Janet who has been diagnose with 3 medical conditions. I don’t know how this happened, but I know it was no surprise to You. My heart seems heavy, but it is fear’s way of sneaking up inside to cause me to lose my faith. But I will NOT. I’m holding onto You and trusting You to lend skill to the hands of her doctors and bless the means used for her cure. I am trusting You for total and complete healing in the name of JESUS. Grant me unshakable confidence in the power of Your grace, that even if fear or worry tries to sneak in, I may be reminded that You are the ‘Way’ and keep my thoughts focused on You. As we await more information about her situation this morning, I ask that You help me, my mom and siblings to concentrate on enjoying Your Presence, to receive Your peace and rest and stay in trust and faith. I thank You Father. In the name of Jesus my Savior and Lord. Amen.

    PSALM 30:2
    Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.
    PSALM 107:19-20
    Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He sent out his word and healed them.
    PSALM 6:2
    Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am weak, O Lord, heal me.
    PSALM 73:26
    My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
    PSALM 27:13-14
    I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
    MATTHEW 11:28
    Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.
    PSALM 91:16
    With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation.

    Dear Father, I pray not just for my baby sister, but for ALL that are sick, afflicted and needing Your healing and miracle powers. Grant each person and their families peace, and rest, remind us that by HIS (Jesus’) stripes, they are healed and give us all testimonies to Your glory. Thank You for being faithful to Your Words (scriptures) and promises, even when we are faithless. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    JC family, thanks for joining me in prayers for my sister Janet.
    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Dear Heavenly Father! We lift up Maplewood’s sweet sister Janet to you for complete healing asking that you lend skill and discernment to those caring for her! Please replace any fear or anxiety with faith and trust! In Jesus name we are all praying! Our precious MW has been such a prayer warrior for so many...and brought your healing words to us time and time again...that I thank you for this opportunity to unite with all JC family in prayer with her for her sister! In Jesus name we pray! Amen

    2. Joining in praying for your dear little sister, Janet that God is already hard at work healing every one of her weaknesses and guiding the Doctors to give her exactly the right treatment to resolve the three problems and to bring her back to perfect health. Thanking you Father for all these things and the healing of all those we are praying for and also the healing and strengthening of our own weaknesses. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

    3. Our Father in heaven hear our prayers for Janet, Maplewood's little sis. We ask you Lord for your divine healing in the name of your son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. AMEN! Peace be with you and yours Maplewood.

    4. Maplewood- your dear sister is in the best of hands. Allow this time to be the closest of times for you & the Lord to sort out & ease your fears & worries. As JC stated today, "hold His hand Maplewood", don't worry about what's coming around the bend, He is your constant companion. Today's JC was handpicked just for you dear oneπŸ₯°

    5. Maplewood--- Joining the JC WARRIORS in going to The Throne of Grace to intercede for your precious sister, for Norah's request for Joni, for Traveling Mercies for MadFox and for any requests or needs for this incredible JC FAMILY. I plead the blood of Jesus over all. He is The Waymaker, The Miracle Worker, the Promise Keeper and The Light in the Darkness! The Lord encourages us to be "Cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder."

    6. Praying for Janet, twin bd sis. As you stated, this didn't get by the Lord's attention but He is fully attentive to her need. We pray because of our love for you and all those dear to you. It is a natural response of love and part of the process of God's healing.

      Gracious Lord, hear our prayers for Janet's well being; trusting in your love, grace and mercy, we ask healing and wholeness for Janet as well as comfort and peace for all who love her and are loved by her. Amen

    7. Praying for Janet, family and you our dear, dear Maplewood NJ

    8. Dear Maplewood, Still praying for your dear little sister Janet and her three medical problems. Hope and pray she is improving and you and your family are doing well. You mean so much to all of us. This hasn't been an easy year with your surgery and your Mom's sister's passing. But your trust is in the Lord and He is your Helper in all situations. Your faith inspires me every day. Thank you for all your God ordained words that light my heart and lift my spirit. God bless you sweet sister.

    9. I share in your sweet sentiment for Maplewood, Jeanne ♥️

  12. Norah - Joining warriors in prayers for Joni (requested late last night) also those requested today. Praying for you as you pray for me.

  13. "Since I am the Way, staying close to Me is staying on course."

    Sending healing prayers for Joni and for your sister Maplewood, may God strenghten you and your loved ones and give you peace, comfort, and unshakable faith as you trust Him with all your soul, mind, and heart. He has the whole situation in His precious mighty hand. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

    Blessings from France

  14. Dear heavenly Father, bless all those who gather here each day. Help them to know your presence is with them every step of the way in hardships as well as good times. Knowing that you walk with us makes life beautiful and comforting. Help us to be grateful in all things. Amen.

  15. Thank you dear family for seeing my post last night. Brie and BamaGrl, my sleep was long and sweet. I woke up at 3:00 and saw a VM from my sons. They were letting me know that Joni was home; they'd gotten her food (all of that happened with the bleed in the early evening and she hadn't eaten); they got her 'tucked in' and were back in our town. My hub had talked to them before he went to bed and he eased the phone out of my hand and turned out the light. I fell asleep waiting on the call.
    Thank you Sassy Mom for continuing to pray for her.
    Yesterday was so incredibly full with not just work, but all of the "Dottie Plans" and events that this mornings devotions are just what I need to boost me for another day.
    Maplewood, I'm praying for Janet and I thank you for all of those verses which I will revisit throughout the day.
    MadFox and Bob - this is a special place indeed. I often sit in wonder at the Fellowship that takes place on this blog, especially during a season such as ours in this Country. So many needs are met during this time of isolation. Each of you have met more needs that you know and it all comes back to our Heavenly Father, who promised us in His Word. Without each of you providing the many reminders throughout the day, this would be the bleakest of times.
    Praying for each of you, your family members, your particular situations and victories. I loved reading these words, "Don't worry about what is around the next bend. Just concentrate on enjoying My Presence and staying in step with Me."

    1. Praising God and continued prayers for Joni and your family!,

    2. Norah! God knew you needed that good sleep. Praying for Joni's complete recovery and the safety and protection of your family and for God's help to resolve Dottie's situation with Doug.
      Amen this is a special place indeed where each day we drop our troubles and concerns at the Throne and before our sisters and brothers. Looking forward to hearing about tomorrow's victories and praying together for tomorrow's problems. Thanks Norah. I will enjoy today in the presence of the Lord and walk closely with Him. God bless you and all my Family here.

    3. Sweet Norah, joining all JC prayer warriors in prayer for Joni, Dottie, and Doug. Rest in the Lord; God is God enough. Much love.

    4. Norah- joining warriors in prayer.

    5. Praying as you requested, Norah. Prayers for Joni's return to full health and well being. Also lifting up the situation of Dottie and her son, Doug. May God return wholeness to that relationship. Amen

  16. I don't understand the difference in trying to post that is happening! It takes at least 3 attempts and then suddenly it works. Oh least it finally worked!

  17. Good morning, JC family. Although I haven't posted lately, please know that I still read and pray for all of you and the special requests of loved ones.
    I think I mentioned we are closing down our office here in Houston and working remotely beginning next week. It has been an ordeal closing down an office that we have worked out of for 10 years. Selling furniture, dumping old plans and files with many, many trips to the dumpster in the summer Houston heat. Not fun.

    We are in somewhat of a state of limbo and I don't know what is around the next bend, but He does and that's enough for me.

    Prayers and blessings going out to all of you! Stay connected to The Vine.

    1. Praying for you guys Suzanne. The Lord is with you in this move. Bless you all in your faith.

    2. Suzanne. I've been praying that God will give you strength and guidance as you move back out of your office. I can only imagine the work set out for you. But just remember there is bright light at the end of the tunnel and God is leading your right to it and to success and fulfillment to His glory. You may be floating in "limbo" but you're still tethered to Heaven by the Rock on which you firmly stand.

    3. Suzanne-praying for this transition for you.

    4. Praying for you, Suzanne, in this transition and giving thanks for the blessed ending when all is completed to His glory and your blessing. God be with you.

    5. Continuing to pray for you dear Suzanne. Hope working at home is going well. God is always guiding you to be productive to His glory. Praying for your friends who lost their son to suicide. They will always miss him. May God comfort their broken hearts. Hope your little grandchild is doing well. Those grands sure do light up our lives. Thank God!

  18. Maplewood- I am joining in prayer for your little sister, Janet. May she feel lifted up in body and spirit as we pray. I too thank you for the wonderful verses. I need to reread them and believe them today and always.
    Norah - Saying prayers of thanksgiving for Joni being cared for in quick fashion. Praying her healing continues. You are a true blessing to your family and network of friends! May you feel refreshed in this new day that The Lord has made.

    Lifting each of you up in prayer - those who post daily, and for those who continue to read and pray without posting. CO

  19. Thank you, Anonymous for your sincere prayers and encouragement. God grant your prayers, and continue to bless and protect your family.

  20. PSALM 27:13-14
    I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
    Good morning! I find faith and healing in this verse. Declaring healthy outcomes for all who are sick or in need of prayer today, especially those mentioned here. Thank you Jesus! We love you Jesus! We trust you Jesus!

    1. Amen and Amen! Jesus Jesus Jesus we trust in you!

    2. Amen Sisters! We trust You Jesus!

    3. Audra, that was one of my Mom's favorite verses. She had it underlined and circled in her bible. I too am praying for healthy outcomes for all requests in this room.

    4. Thanks dear Audra, I have always loved those verses. They're underlined in mine too. They sure do comfort me. Waiting always on the Lord because He keeps His promises. I have seen His faithfulness.

    5. And a year later as I wait to begin my cross country journey to NYC, here is some perfect WORD to calm my Traveling anxiety. Thank you Jesus, your timing never ceases to amaze me! Thank you JC family for your traveling mercy prayers, I feel comforted by them.

  21. Praying for all the sick that have been lifted up in this group. Lord, please heal our loved ones, manifest Your great power through their healing. Help us, who are interceding for them, to stay strong in our faith and to extinguish the flaming arrows of doubt launched at us from the evil one. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

    1. Joining in your prayer, Eyes of my heart. My prayer list just keeps getting longer. So many people who are sick or have lost loved ones. We gather together here to pray for each other. That means so much to me. He hears every prayer.

  22. No update yet on Pastor Mike.

    (II Timothy 2:24-25) Appreciate how Paul not only shows what not to be like and then counters with what we should be like. "And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kindly to everyone, an apt teacher, patient, correcting opponents with gentleness."

    Though Paul does not use the analogy here, one can see three of the fruits of the Spirit (kindness, patient, gentleness) in this admonishment. What causes quarreling among some people, is the need to prove they are right. (I have often noticed that people that need to be right often think their listeners are not only wrong but also deaf.) The truth of the matter, in Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, we are right. Rather than proving others wrong, we need for them so see the right in us, thus kindness, patience, and gentleness are the way to win them over. Further, those fruits practiced by us allow for the Spirit to move. People are not put on the defense but are won over as the Spirit is moving. As the saying goes, 'You gather more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.' Obviously, prayer is an essential in the process.

    Be blessed this day, JC Family. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. That is so true, Bob! We abide in Him as He abides in us so His love flows right through us into others. There is an open channel and even through our brokenness, the light of Christ shines through our cracks. So when we speak to others, let us all stay plugged in to His spirit as we instruct, guide, warn, encourage, edify. Loved: You gather more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. Let our words seep sweetly into the hearts of others. Father God, guard our words and sprinkle them with your lovingkindness and wisdom.

  23. Bob...Thankful for your wise words that gave way to reflection on my part! I will come back to these words again and again as I strive to not always have to be right! Thank you!

  24. Bob, I too thank you for this offering of words. I copied and pasted and printed it out. God Bless you and yours.
    Love, Kathy

  25. More prayer request warriors. Son #2 is flying out of Texas tomorrow morning to attend our granddaughter's wedding. Prayers please for safety in travel. Also for this Grammy to pull off the wedding cake without a hitchπŸ₯΄. Son #2 is very concerned that because his nurse wife Beth works in ER, ( lots of delta covid cases in Texas) he would expose a bunch of us. I understand his concern. God is our shield & buckler, we call upon the blood & body of Jesus to cover us & the entire wedding. Amen!Love you all & thank you warriors πŸ’•

    1. Praying fervently Jan for our #2 Son, you and all wedding participants. Larry and I have to virtualy attend his GodDaughter's wedding in Texas. Grabbing to keep the faith, in Jesus' Name I pray. Amen

    2. Dear Jan, Joining in prayers for your No. 2 Son and traveling safety and protection for him and your whole family. And also that the wedding cake will be absolutely perfect and all will go well. God truly is our shield and I am trusting He will protect everyone and guide your granddaughter's wedding. He is in charge.
      We are traveling to Baltimore for a couple of days on Friday to attend our nephew's Wedding celebration. He got married about a year ago during Covid and his wife is already very pregnand. Our 3 sons and one daughter in law will also be at the wedding celebration. I know the new bride doesn't believe in God. I sure will let my light shine without saying a word. Thank you for your prayers. Already prayed for our traveling safety and protection. God will take care of all the details since He already holds our future in His Hands. Thank You Jesus. We wait on You and we trust You.

    3. Heavenly Father, please cover this family with the blood of Jesus and protect them from the covid virus and other bad chaos in the world. Give Son #2 mercy travels and let Jan make the most incredible wedding cake. As You watch over all of them, give them Your love, peace, strength, and comfort as they make wonderful memories on this glorious day. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    4. Praying for your son, Jan, and know God has him protected in God's own invisible hazmat suit! No weapon formed against him will prosper! May you all enjoy the wedding and the happiness it brings to families! Would love to see these cake creations, Jan! You obviously have incredible talent and patience! What a gift! Keeping you all in my prayers in Jesus' GREAT name, AMEN!

    5. Joining in prayers as many of us take to the skies today in the safety and protection of our Lord.

    6. May His Traveling Mercy be yours all day, everyday. (((HUGS))) and (((LOVE)))

  26. I will guide you carefully along today's journey. Don't worry about what is around the next bend. Just concentrate on enjoying My Presence and staying in step with Me.
    Thanks for yur prayers, warriors! Larry's surgery was cancelled due to COVID overtaking the hospital. I would not have been allowed admittance. I am grasping for faith. Thanks again for your prayers.
    Love to all, Brie.

    1. The Lord knows best. Peace be with you.

    2. Thanks Janet. Love you and your prayers very much.

    3. God knows best! To Him be ALL the glory and honor. Will continue to keep your dear Larry in prayers, Brie. It shall be well in Jesus name.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. God is keeping you and Larry safe and as the others have said, He does indeed know best. Crank up that awesome praise music list of yours, Sweet Brie, to give you added comfort and support as you wait. Praying for you both in our GREAT Lord's name, AMEN!

    5. Gods perfect timing, in God we trust

    6. Thank You Janet, Maplewood NJ, NJS, Audra and all who are praying. Your prayers are being well received and appreciated, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  27. Dear Brie. Was praying for both of you today. God is in this picture and will light your wilderness as He always does. Do not be afraid or discouraged. God knows bpth of your weaknesses and needs. Larry will get his surgery as soon as the time is right. Remember God's Spirit is our Comforter and He is everpresent. Rest in Him who LOVES you. He will comfort your beautiful heart. Sending a very big hug. Hope you got it! Much love

    1. Thanks ((Jeanne)). I needed and received your hug! Love you.

    2. Love you. Be strong and remain hopeful and calm in His peace.

  28. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:1,3,6).

    Father, hold my hand and walk through the day with me, rejoicing over You and being led by the Holy Spirit. Let me always keep You first and foremost in my heart, soul, mind, body, and life and when I am distracted from You, bring my eyes back to You. Help me keep You the center of my life and to always look to You in all things. You are the most important aspect of my life. No one compares to You. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. You are amazing and wonderful. Let us enjoy this day together -- the ups and downs. Open my eyes to see all You have to show me and let me be open to receive all You have for me. Thank You for being in my life and for being the best Father ever. I trust, love, and adore You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Beautiful Janet. Amen! He is with us through the hills and valleys. Looking always for His light before me and for the strength He supplies. Your eyes and heart are wide open to receive all He is preparing for you.

  29. Sometimes it is for the best. Since the best is yet to come just believe. In Jesus Name Amen πŸ™

  30. For those who need to sense God's presence:

    1. Thanks to you Peter JF Jackson, I read the Article and will print it and apply its 7 principles throughout this day. In Jesus' Name. Amen

  31. “For I the LORD your God keep hold of your right hand; [I am the Lord], Who says to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13).

    Most Gracious Father, You are Lord, all powerful, all-knowing Creator of all things, the Giver of life, the Giver of salvation and so much more. You are so worthy of my attention and thanksgiving, and this morning I just want to say thank You for the gift of another day. Like King David declared in Psalm 73:26-28 and Psalm 27, I pray the Holy Spirit teach me to desire You more, because the things I tend to pursue in life cannot compare to the joy and reward in seeking You. I take hold of these three lessons in David’s Psalm 27. Lesson #1: My desire to seek You diligently and vigorously. Lesson #2: Offer to You the "sacrifice of joy" even during trying and trouble times. Lesson #3: even if those closest to me disappoints me, You will never turn away from me or disappoint me. I rejoice in knowing that You are my Father and exalt Your Holy name. Thank You for being who You are to me, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    We cannot go wrong waiting on God to deliver the answers to our prayers and supplications. When He answers, it will be the right answer and it will arrive just at the right time when we need it the most. Our faith in God will always produce the victory we need for our life. God loves us and as a loving Father to his children, He will bring forth the right answer for our situation at His own time and according to His Will. We are wise when we hold on to His unchanging hand and never let go, but trust.
    Whatever situation you find yourself in today, don’t give up but hold on to the unchanging hand of God and don't let people’s opinion hinder you with unbelief and negative words. Trust the living Word of God and wait to see the answer manifest itself before your very eyes. Our Bible tells us that Through Christ Jesus, we can do all things (Phil. 4:13). Let’s wait, trust and believe and we will receive the reward of our faith.

    May we be encouraged by David’s testimony which says in Psalm 37:25-27: "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed. Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore”
    Psalms 121:1-7 advises us to: “I will lift up my eyes to the hills— From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord , Who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel Shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; The Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, Nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul….”

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank You God! Thank You Jesus! Thanks You Holy Spirit for coming in loud and clear by way of Maplewood NJ, one of Your true earthen vessels. I really needed this today especially the encouragement contained in:...We cannot go wrong waiting on God to deliver the answers to our prayers and supplications. When He answers, it will be the right answer and it will arrive just at the right time when we need it the most. Our faith in God will always produce the Victory we need for our life. God loves us and as a loving Father to His children, He will bring forth the right answer for our situation at His own time and according to His own Will. We are wise when we hold on to His unchanging hand and never let it go, just trust.
      Whatever situation you find yourself in today, don’t give up but hold on to the unchanging hand of God...

    2. Thank you dear Maplewood. So very true. May God's Spirit guide us to seek Him with our whole heart, mind and soul. Even when our situation is trying and difficult we are still joyful and peace in the Lord. Just like David, we often follow after the flesh and the world but, we know that our dear Father is the Lover of our Soul and the Keeper of our Heart. He blesses and keeps us every minute of every hour of every day.
      Dear Brie, He sure will bring the right answer to our problem according to His timing and Will. Hold that Unchanging Hand that never leaves us. Trusting right along with you and our JC Family.

  32. Lord, I strive to stay close to You today as I do not know the way and grasp Your hand for guidance. Although the path seems unsure, my confidence is in You. I choose faith as my compass. Teach me to always draw near to You in times when I feel this way instead of going it on my own as I so often do. Jesus, Thank You for all You do for me and Your constant love.

    1. I'm Joining into this prayer with you, Mark L. Let there be strength in numbers. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    2. Joining in your prayer. I choose faith as my compass. It is my foundation. Thank You Jesus! We are united in You.

  33. CALM @ Philippians 4:4-8.
    CELEBRATE God’s goodness. “Rejoice in the Lord always” (v. 4). Celebrate who he is, what he has done in your life, and celebrate his goodness, faithfulness, and forgiveness.

    ASK God for help. Verse five says, “The Lord is at hand.” Because of the Lord’s nearness, we can ask him for what we need.

    LEAVE your concerns with a LOVING God. Verse six says, “With thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” State your concerns, then leave them in the hands of the father.

    Verse 8: MEDITATE on good things. “Think about the things that are good and worthy of praise” (v. 8). We can transform our minds with conscious meditation on the good.


    1. Thanks sweet Brie! Just what I needed to lift my day. <3

  34. Dear heavenly Father, I am grateful for your many blessings in my life. Please continue to see me as worthy of these gifts. Help me to share these gifts with others. Help me to see others as you see others. Amen.

  35. Amen and Amen! God has been so good to me.
    Dear ABC, You are a worthy and beloved child of The Most High. Take your gifts and multiply them, share them, and lift others with them for His glory. May we all see others through God's unconditional eyes of love. Amen
    Let your light so shine before all men so they can see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.

    1. Thank you Jeanne! Absolutely Amen! All things for the glory of God. Amen.

    2. Amen dear ABC. All things for the glory of God. He understands our human shortcomings but each new day is another chance to get things right and to glorify Him.

  36. Lord help me to be intentional with my prayer life. Dedicate a specific time to pray each day. Pray about anything and everything for nothing is too big or too small for God and help me not to forget to thank Him.

  37. "Hold My hand, and walk joyously with Me through this day." Lead on my Lord:

    1. I love that song and I saved the chords because someday I'd like to learn how to play it on my guitar. That is a prayer. I wrote a song called Lead me Lord a while back. It blesses me to sing it because I'm praying for God's guidance and protection.

  38. "...Hold My hand, and walk joyously with Me through this day...." So comforting. Thank you dear Father for holding my hand every step of the way. Hardship and blessings, you are there with me always. Thank you! Amen.

  39. Blessings Dear JC Family and thank you for your prayers for my Best Man's appt. I have to go get ready!! I've been basking in the love, songs, prayers and praying for all requests. Today's devotion was so timely, "Don't worry about what is around the next bend. Just concentrate on enjoying My Presence and staying in step with Me." Amen and Amen!
    This JC Blog has become my journal of sorts. It blessed my heart to read about my two sons 'rescuing' their sister this time last year. I shared it as a loving reminder to my daughter (& later my son) who have sort of been on the outs due to their political differences. Family is so much bigger than that! I've always told my off-spring, "Blood is thicker than water. But, Spirit is thicker than blood!" We can still pray for those who have decided they don't believe and if we emulate our Heavenly Father, they will see that by Him making the strongest sacrifice out of His Love for us, we have a story to share. Lord, help me love like my Father and give without expecting to receive. YOU are the One who gives back, continually.
    Thank you again dear Brothers and Sisters - I will report back later.
    God Bless you, each and every one!

  40. Oops....I did it again! That was me, Norah, up if you didn't know. :)

    1. Norah - Yes we know it was you!! "Best Man" gave it away. LOL

    2. Oh, Sassy Mom! You made me laugh out loud! I guess that was a give away! LOL!!

    3. And look....I did it again! Geez!!

    4. Norah - you can't fool us, we are wise to you.

  41. Was looking for an old song I wrote and I came across another old song I wrote. Thought the lyrics might lift your day. It's called Wake Up Call.

    Jesus Lord, of my heart
    Guide me please, from the start
    Take the reins and take the ball.
    Refresh me with your wake up call.

    I’ll try to do my best today
    And use my gifts along the way.
    I’ll be your hands; I’ll be your feet.
    Just help me serve all those I meet.

    Wake up call, Wake up call
    Please my Lord, direct it all.
    Lead me on. Lead me on,
    Through today and beyond.

    Jesus Lord, of my heart
    Guide me please, from the start
    Take the reins. Take the ball.
    Refresh me with your wake up call.

    So put your chores upon my list.
    And show me who I can assist.
    With joy at work, and then at play,
    Give me words that I should say.

    Wake up call, Wake up call
    Please my Lord, direct it all.
    Lead me on. Lead me on,
    Through today and beyond.

    Jesus Lord, of my heart
    Guide me please, from the start
    Take the reins. Take the ball.
    Refresh me with your wake up call.

    1. Jeanne! I want to HEAR you sing this! I've got to get those words (with a tune) in my head. :)

    2. Ok dear Norah. I'll work on making a rough recording with my phone and I'll email you. It's got a very upbeat feeling. Love you.

  42. Please pray for "Tiger" a male cat lost in the vicinity of Southside Christian Church in East Tennessee on Sunday, July 31. Tiger has been neutered, is orange with 4 white paws and is wearing a white flea collar. His family has searched for him every day.

    1. I'm praying for Tiger, Sassy Mom. That he is found, and returned home or finds his way, soon! Remember when my neighbors little dog, Roxie, was missing and we all prayed her home! She's still across the street! :)

    2. Norah - I do remember. We pray for skunks, ants, snakes and anything that moves.

    3. Saying prayers for Tiger. My gracious Lord, keep him safe and protect him from harm. Light up his pathway and guide him home with Your eye upon him. Great praise to You, Lord, for Your love of Your creation. In Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN.

    4. Joining prayers that Tiger will be found, find his way home, or God will lead him there. Thank You Jesus!

  43. Hopeful that today brings peace, love and understanding to all of God's children. Just hum "Jesus Loves the Little Children" as you go through the day. πŸ™‚ We are all very much loved by our ever present Father! Hallelujah!

    1. Beautiful post dear Anonymous. We are all His little children. No matter how old I get, I always remember I am still a beloved child of God.

  44. Oh! And I love your song, Jeanne! It moved me to share today. 😌

    1. Thanks dear Anonymous! So glad it stirred your beautiful heart.

  45. I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. (Isaiah 48:17). Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. (Psalm 119:105). You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD God is an everlasting rock. (Isaiah 26:3-4). But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love forever and ever. (Psalm 52:8).

    1. Lord, I trust You. Increase my lack of trust.

    2. Beautiful verses to fill us. Thanks dear Janet!

  46. Amen. Praying for all JC family requests. God bless you all

    1. Thanks dear Blessings from NY. God bless you too.

  47. Please JC prayer warriors pray for my sisters son and family. Eric has an addiction to prescription drugs. He Has done well but things have become a bit rocky lately. Wife is concerned and so is the rest of our family. Please, please, pray for all involved. They have three beautiful children. Thank you all! ♥️
    Margaret /Pennsylvania

    1. Praying in Jesus nameπŸ˜‰

    2. Margaret joining in prayer for Eric and the family. May God help rescue him from his addiction and cover you all in His peace.

    3. Praying for Eric and the family.

    4. Adding my prayers for Eric and family. πŸ™

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Dear Margaret, I just added Eric to my prayer list and I am joining in all prayers that our good Father will give Eric the strength and support he needs, and a clearer vision of how his addiction is affecting his good wife and children and family. God can help him kick this habit that is keeping him from realizing his dreams and goals. God has a plan for him and this ongoing problem is clouding his vision. He must be open to God's Spirit's instruction and help. He must want to change his life for his own good and the good of his family. May God strengthen his faith so he will seek help from our Way Maker Who can make all things right. Thank You Jesus.

      Jeremiah 17:14
      Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed;
      Save me, and I shall be saved,
      For You are my praise.

  48. "I am the Way"
    John 14:6
    English Standard Version
    Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

    Studying through the Bible I've come to Exodus, so far chapter 35.
    From Exodus 25 onwards I am amazed (staggered was my first thought) at all the materials, intricate detail and preparation required for the Tent of Meeting - the Tabernacle, that Moses received from God.
    The exacting and specific materials and colours. The craftsmanship and detailed work God required so that His Presence would be with His people for nearly 500 years from the year they left Egypt until Solomon's Temple was built.
    The purpose of the Tabernacle culminated in a 7 day event, once a year only, with sacrifices at the Altar - the killing place and the High Priest entering the Holy of Holies once a year to atone for the sins of the people. ( If the sacrifices were unacceptable or there was unconfessed sin he would die. The body would need to be pulled out by a rope attached to his ankle as no one else was allowed in to the Holy of Holies)
    An incredible amount of preparation for the annual atonement.

    But this led to a better way.
    John 14:6
    Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

    Jesus too required a lot of preparation, in fact it took about 30 years of preparation and about 3 years of ministry before He became the perfect sacrifice once for all time for all sin past, present and future of everyone, each human being who turns to Him, confesses their sin, repents (turns away) from their sin and believes He is Who He says He's is, the Christ, the Son of the Living God; Who alone is able to forgive us.
    The blood of bulls and goats no longer suffices.

    2 John 2:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

    The Cross for us is the killing place, where Jesus died in our place bearing all our sin.
    All was have to do is thank Him and believe in Him.
    How blessed are we this side of the Cross!

  49. Jesus..Sweet savior Jesus...I am so grateful to receive your many blessings! Please continue to find me worthy of your blessings. Amen.

  50. My dear friend, Georgie told me her Mom has pancreatic cancer and she must do 6 months of chemo. My heart goes out to her and dear Georgie. Rick's brother Jimmy has just started chemo and radiation for a cancerous lump in his neck. Please pray with me.
    Thank You Father for strengthening Georgie's Mom and Jimmy in body, mind and spirit and help them to tolerate their treatment. Remove every cancer cell and replace it with healthy tissue. Let them feel your Presence and Peace as they go through their trials. Call them to You and strengthen their faith. Let them know that You are there for them and You care for them. Give peace of mind to Georgie and Jimmy's wife and family. Show them Your faithfulness and answer our prayers and all the prayers of this JC Family. We sure do trust in You and Your promises. Thank You for all this in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen.

    Isaiah 41:10
    Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

    Philippians 4:19
    But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

    Proverbs 4:20-22
    My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
    Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.
    For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

    1. Thank you for your prayers for Rick’s brother Jimmy who has finished his treatment but he can’t taste his food anymore and eating is not enjoyable. He has lost a lot of weight. But he was recently blessed with his first grandchild, a beautiful baby girl. Rick’s other brother Jack has A-Fib and is getting an Oblation on 8/12. His wife Sally has many health issues, including colitis and Lyme disease and only weighs 76 pounds so they both need prayers too. Georgie’s mom is doing well after her treatment so we pray that God is healing all of them and they will be brought back to good health again and Jimmy will get his sense of taste back.
      Thank You Father God for all this and for answering all our prayers. We trust in Your Faithfulness and Mercy. We know You Can Do All Things in the Name of our Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen

  51. Ezekiel 39:29 "Neither will I hide my face any more from them: for I have poured my Spirit upon the house of Israel saith the Lord God."

    God pours out His Spirit upon all people and on Mother Earth -- offering a message of hope and restoration. I pray we all absorb that revelation and the transformative power in our lives.
    In Jesus' Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN.

  52. God’s Spirit is moving and it is a beautiful thing to see so many hearts turning towards Him! Amen and Amen dear JJ! His Light inside us will never dim or fade away! His Spirit is the best and eternal part of us. We sang this in Choir and it always blessed me.

    Holy Spirit
    w&m: Marianne Misetich, 1973

    [Verse 1]
    Holy Spirit, fill me with your love.
    Holy Spirit, take my heart and keep it
    close to the Father, close to the son,
    Holy Spirit, make us one in love.

    [Verse 2]
    Holy Spirit, fill me with your peace.
    Holy Spirit, take my heart and keep it
    close to the Father, close to the son,
    Holy Spirit, make us one in peace.

    [Verse 3]
    Holy Spirit, fill me with your joy.
    Holy Spirit, take my heart and keep it
    close to the Father, close to the son,
    Holy Spirit, make us one in joy.

  53. Rest in God’s Presence today! Trust in His Healing Power. Lean on His Promises, Walk in His Truth, and Use His Strength. Pour Out Your Hearts to Him. Be Still And Know He is God. His Peace is a Constant. Nothing Can Separate Us From His Love.

    Ephesians 6:10
    Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

    Isaiah 40:29
    He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength.

    2 Corinthians 12:9
    And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

  54. Dear friends, May God be with you in each of your situations. My daughter, who has colon cancer, and gone through a year of chemo, 2 surgeries, radiation, and scans every 3 months for 4 years, has gotten some new information. Her tumor marker DNA (I dont know how they do that) has been found cancer cells in several areas of her body (liver, lung, stomach, colon) and they are recommending more treatment. The next thing she is doing is an intensive immune boosting treatment to help her body reject these cells. It is not covered by insurance, and she needs to raise the $50,000. She has started a GoFundMe page. Will you please pray that those who are able help her with this? She is a teacher and is trying to do the first intensive e 3 weeks before school starts. My great thanks to you for your prayers. We believe in her healing, and receive it. Amen

  55. Thank you Lord for your miracles that have blessed Ellen's family over the years we have "known" her through this venue. Thank you for adding another miracle of funding this hopeful treatment for Ellen's daughter. And, we declare YOUR POWER over every cell in her body to be FREE OF CANCER. In Jesus name! AMEN,!

    1. Standing with you, Audra, in your heartfelt and powerful prayer for Ellen's daughter. Calling on the name of Jesus who changes everything. Jesus, turn this situation around for Ellen's daughter. Thank You, My Jesus, just like You were the fourth man in the fiery furnace with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, protecting them and bringing them unharmed, You are with Ellen's daughter in this challenging time. Jesus is by her side bringing His strength, comfort and healing. Jesus, we trust You in Your Presence and Your Pan to carry Ellen's daughter and family through this trial. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over all. AMEN and AMEN.

    2. Dear Ellen, Rest in Him Who loves you. Praying with our Prayer Warriors and continuing to pray for your daughter’s healing and now for a successful fundraiser. We have already seen God working wonders in her life and health so we continue to pray that He is much greater than her cancer and He is already fighting her battles and removing the cancer cells from every place in her body. May He guide the funding to success and help her to receive all the treatments she needs to bring her back to good health. She is covered by the saving Blood of Christ and we know God stands by His Word.
      Thank You Father for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

      John 14:13-14
      And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.
