Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 5

Sit quietly in My Presence while I bless you. Make your mind like a still pool of water, ready to receive whatever thoughts I drop into it. Rest in My sufficiency, as you consider the challenges this day presents. Do not wear yourself out by worrying about whether you can cope with the pressures. Keep looking to Me and communicating with Me, as we walk through this day together.
     Take time to rest by the wayside, for I am not in a hurry. A leisurely pace accomplishes more than hurried striving. When you rush, you forget who you are Whose you are. Remember that you are royalty in My kingdom.

Psalm 37:7
English Standard Version

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him;
    fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way,
    over the man who carries out evil devices!
Romans 8:16-17
English Standard Version 

16 The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.

I Peter 2:9
English Standard Version 

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Jan, I liked the story of the fawn you shared yesterday. In our distress, may we find rest in our restlessness as we discover Him more and more as a result of our distress. He is sufficient and I pray we discover that as we walk with Him moment by moment.

    "Don't hurry my work. I am doing a perfect work."

    1. Amen Keith. Continuing to pray for your situation.

    2. Dear God,
      Please help me turn my face toward you and teher in closer when I am in distress and angry. Remind me of your past and present abundant sufficiencies, and forgive my wait/patience/trust failures. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I wait. In Jesus Name. Amen.

    3. Whoever believes You and trusts You, waits patiently for You. Help me, Lord.

    4. Such good food for the soul!
      Sending up loving prayers for the JC family.

    5. Good day, Brandy! Thanks for your blessings ♥️✝️

    6. So good to see your post, Brandy 🙏❤️
      Hope all is well with you and yours. Blessings, Brie

    7. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

    8. I do agree with Keith when he said “Don't hurry my work. I am doing a perfect work." So many times we think of all the things we need to do and forget the Lord can do them far better than us, so WHY do we insist on doing everything without him…. Charging ahead with the days work ….alone, yet we hope for a great outcome.

      On another thought, we can apply this to the scary time we are in with the election coming up and what, we as Christians, children of God, face. I come from a communist country and the red flags I see are so alarming. But we have to believe Gods got this, the outcome will be His and His alone. As children of our king we must never cease to pray.

    9. Snagged by this reminder today..."When you rush, you forget who you are Whose you are. Remember that you are royalty in My kingdom." Praying to find STILL in my mind so I can hear the drops coming from Him.

  2. 2 Chronicles 7:14
    14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
    Please pray for the victims and families of the mass shootings that are happening, and the families of the ones committing the horrendous crimes.

    1. Yes, prayers, prayers. Amen Thank you Lord for Your healing of our nation. Thank you Lord for Your grace and mercy over Your people.

    2. Yes, and Amen! New mercies everyday! These violent acts will not stand, aas our God is working His victorious plan, and I put my trust in Him alone! Thank you, Lord, for your mercy on our souls!

    3. Yes we must stay in prayer for American's because of the decision that we made to take The Creator the giver of all good things to accept bad for good and good bad because He said that the evil ones come to steal and kill .We remove Him out of our School's and silence our children's from praying the Lord Prayer in classrooms because we don't want too offend others Religion Jesus is the only way. I feel bad about what happened to all of those people's they didn't deserved that God is LOVE not Hate

    4. I remember 2Chronicles 7:14 quoted repeatedly after 9/11. It was so fitting then & now. God's word is from everlasting to everlasting. Father heal our land.

    5. Sassy Mom,

      Three years later your post is still (and always will be) applicable to our nation today. I pray that our nation will turn back to God soon.

      SC Anonymous

    6. Joining in that prayer for our nation and the world!

    7. And even into 2023. I pray God's blessings upon our Nation, the world. All the glory to Jesus our Savior 🙏🏻

  3. Heavenly father, thank You for this day in which we are counted amongst the living.
    With so many things going wrong in this country and around the world, I lift up the innocent and pray for their families, for peace, comfort and strength. Let Your shield of protection surround Your children even if we can't understand the hate and acts of violence.
    Holy Spirit, take control and let Your name be glorified in Jesus name! There is NO place in this world for the devil and his forces, we CAST them OUT in the name of Jesus. As families and friends go through this day grieving and with heavy hurting hearts, Lord God Almighty, send down Your wrath and destroy the works of darkness and let Your light shine in Jesus name! Thank You for what You have done and what You are about to do.

    There is NO room for Hate and Violence, we MUST Cast the devil OUT! Praying for the safety of all and God's Peace, comfort and strength for the hurting families here in the U.S and around the world in Jesus name. You are the Author and Finisher of our faith oh Lord, we look up to You for help. Help us JESUS.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Maplewood--- I am with you in prayer for this nation and the Lord destroying the works of darkness. We send GREAT DESTRUCTION into the enemies camp! Jesus, Jesus, Jesus-- the name that is above every name that is named! AMEN

    2. JJ - Maplewood .... Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, AMEN a thousand times.

    3. Thank you dear Maplewood! That could have been written today. So many sad and horrific things going on right now. We have so much wind damage and flooding, and also many have lost power from the storm Isiasis. And in Beirut's explosion, so many have lost lives and thousands have been injured. Too much violence and destruction going on. May God comfort His people and govern His world. Hold tight to His Unchanging Hand because no one can rob us of the Peace that passeth all human understanding. Get behind us Satan! Greater is He that lives in us than he that lives in this world. The Author and Finisher of our Faith is above all, and mighty to save!!!!

    4. Thanks Maplewood NJ. Your prayer is equally applicable today as it was a year ago.

    5. And still...2 years later.

    6. Amen🙏🏻Maplewood... Holy Spirit help us🙏🏻

  4. "Rest in My sufficiency, as you consider the challenges this day presents... Keep looking to Me." In some of my work, I meet challenging people. Perfect timing, I will have several tomorrow and will remember Bob's advice and this passage. Amen

    1. Amen and God bless you. Praise the Lord continuously.

    2. Amen Madfox!!! Rest in Him and His grace and faithfulness. I am sure the Spirit will empower you to meet every challenge, to His great glory!

    3. Dear God, please go before our Madfox, prepare the place for him, so when he gets there, he'll say, My Lord Jesus Christ has already been here. How sweet it is, better than I could ever ask for or imagine. Amen

    4. Thanks, appreciate the prayers.

    5. Always in my prayers dear MadFox. I'm very thankful that God's Spirit did empower you to meet your challenge and He continues to carry you through. God is upholding you with His mighty right Hand.

  5. Please pray my friend Connie is safe. "Aunt Connie" is the one who gave updates on Helen, the nurse we prayed for who was in ICU hospitalized with Covid (she still has a long ways to go). Yesterday AM I received a text from Connie asking prayer for her community, she lives in the path of Isaias. 3 hours later she sent update,still had power, other parts of her city lost power, the storm is frightening, limbs and trees down everywhere. No contact since. I chose to believe she is safe but has lost power and unable to communicate. Thank you for praying for all the victims in the path of destruction.

    1. Praying protection over all in the path of this storm! Believing that your friend Connie is safe and sound!, 🙏🏻❤️

    2. Praying for Helen and Connie Sassy Mom!

      Blessings from France xx

    3. Prayers for Helen and Connie, Sassy Mom.

    4. Sassy Mom, you have such a beautiful heart for people leading to seeking prayer for them (the best we can do for them). I, too, lift up Connie to you in prayer, for her well being and for all who are in the path of Isaias. God be with them. Thank you for your posts, SM!

    5. Bob Malsack - Thank you for sharing your love and wisdom to those you encounter. We must let our Jesus Light SHINE to reflect the beauty of King Jesus! We are the only Bible some people will ever read. Blessing, praying and loving my friends on Jesus Calling as you pray, bless and love me.

    6. Dear Sassy Mom, Praying for Connie and her community that they will seek God for their comfort and help and regain their power and strength. Helen is always in my prayers and God is not done with her. Amen! Let us carry His messages of Hope right now to all we meet or speak to. Let our light shine before them and our words lift and comfort them, and guide them to help others in need. God's love flows in and out and accomplishes so much.

    7. Prayers going up for Connie and all on the path of destruction:
      Though the storms keep on raging in my life
      And sometimes it's hard to tell the night from day
      Still that hope that lies within me is reassured
      As I keep my eyes upon the distant shore
      I know He'll lead me safely through to that blessed place He has prepared
      But if the storms don't cease
      And if the winds keep on blowing in my life
      My soul has been anchored in the Lord!
      Blessings JC family on you and each of your dear ones.

    8. Sassy Mom--- Joining the JC WARRIORS in interceding for Helen and Connie. Father, I thank you that You are our ever-present help in times of trouble. Surround Helen and Connie with the truth of Your power and that You are fighting for them. I ask You to give them Favor and Breakthroughs in their lives. You are the King of ages, the only God. To You be honor and glory forever and ever. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, AMEN and AMEN.

    9. Brie, I Love that song. "My Soul is Anchored in the Lord". When prayers go up, Blessings come down. Praying for All

    10. Sassy Mom, lifting up Connie and Helen in prayer..Jesus Jesus Jesus we trust in you.

    11. Sassy Mom...Truth! We are the only Bible some people will ever read. Shine on warriors!

    12. Amen! When prayers and praise go up, God's blessings come down.

  6. Hi there JC family. It's been a while since I have posted. I come to this blog early in the day, and I don't always get a chance to come back until the next morning, so I'm often a day late, but I have been reading and praying for all of you. And before I make my prayer request, I wanted to thank Bob for that great service. The message was timely (isn't it always when God has something to tell you) and the music, the music. It was awesome. Such a blessing.
    I do need prayer. I mentioned a while back that my brother was diagnosed with liver cancer. It is terminal, but he has been having some treatments to try to slow it down. He is currently in the hospital and we are trying to figure out the next steps. Please pray for wisdom and strength. Also please pray for my conversations with him. He knows and respects that I'm a lifelong christian. He is not but just yesterday seemed open to discussing it.
    Thanks JC family.

    1. Sending healing prayers for your brother and praying for his salvation, may God opens his heart to His truth and give him ears that hear and eyes that see spiritually.

      Blessings from France

    2. Prays always on you and your brother. Amen.

    3. PEBGDesigns, nice to see you and read what you said in your first paragraph. I'm sorry about your brother. It's a hard thing for a family to go through and there are so many decisions it seems not fair. It is everything to know God and be able to pray and know you gave this to Him. It is my pleasure to pray for him and you can count on mine. God Bless you and keep you at peace. Love, Kathy

    4. I’m praying for God’s healing touch on your brother as well as your family. Also asking for wisdom and compassion on those treating him! I pray that our Lord will continue to guide him toward salvation as well as all in his path that can bring God’s peace to him! Blessings!

    5. Prayers for your brother and his entire medical team, PEBGDesigns!

    6. Dear PEBGD, lifting in prayer your brother. You have a special time with him ahead of you if indeed God is calling him home. Love him not only as a sibling, but in the love of God for his salvation. It is in love that people encounter God and come to believe. Praying for you both. God be with you.

    7. Praying that wisdom and strength today is yours. And that you and your brother feel each other's love, which comes from God.

    8. PEBGD, please know that You are not in this alone. You have a body of believers lifting their voices in prayers for your brother's miracle! There is Nothing that this God we serve and trust cannot do. So HAPPY to hear that you are encouraging and leading him to JESUS! God bless you!!

      Maplewood NJ

    9. Holy Spirit fall upon this family and bring confidence and trust to their medical decisions for the best possible outcome! May all who are lacking a personal relationship with our Father and Jesus be awakened now. Let us not fear death, from disease, catastrophes out natural causes. You have promised a place for us in Heaven, and there is Peace in such understanding. God bless you all!

    10. Continuing to pray for your dear brother as he undergoes new treatment. May God guide the doctors to the right medicine to stop his cancer from progressing. Father God, I know this cancer is labeled terminal but I believe in miracles so please do the impossible because with you nothing is impossible. Above all, open his heart to receive Your words unto salvation. Bless and guide PEBGD to speak from the Spirit to awaken his brother's heart to the Truth, so he will seek You above all things and surrender his life to You. Amen.

    11. PERGDesigns --- Joining the JC WARRIORS in prayer for your brother and family. May you feel the Lord's comforting presence surround your family. May the love and power of Christ reveal himself to your brother and turn his heart to flesh. I plead the blood of Jesus over your entire family. For His Honor and For His purposes, AMEN and AMEN

    12. PEBGD, Maplewood is right; you are not alone. We are all praying for you and your brother.


  7. PEBGDesigns - Comforting prayers for you and medical team. Joining warriors in prayer for your brother's salvation and healing.

  8. Dear Heavenly Father, I am grateful for a new day. Cause me to rest in Your sufficiency as I face any challenge of today and the days ahead. Thanking and trusting You for my sister’s full recovery. Thank You that she’s here this new day and because Christ lives, she will face tomorrow. Your grace is sufficient! Thank You Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    In a fast paced world, we rarely get to experience stillness and peace, but the scriptures tells us the importance of resting in God’s presence. Being still in God’s presence is such an unfamiliar practice in a chaotic culture. But, as believers and followers of Christ, we need to “sit” quietly before the Lord, and not ask for anything. This method that the scripture is encouraging us to practice, is not the goal of a Zen meditative state where our minds disconnect from our bodies. That’s not biblical. The mean goal here is to “let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts” and minds by submitting all we are to Him and allowing His stillness to refresh our souls. The only way to establish God’s will for us is to “sit” quietly before Him, to enquire; to hear; and obey Him. Jesus is our perfect example. We cannot be so busy “serving” others, ourselves and don’t have time for God. We all need to make time to seek and inquire of the Lord, because He has all the answers!

    EPHESIANS 5:14-16 tells us: “Therefore He says, Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall shine upon you and give you light. Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise Making the very most of the time, because the days are evil.”
    JEREMIAH 29:13- “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”

    Dear Father, We thank You, that together we stand and are victorious in Christ Jesus. Thank You for the reminder that we are royalty in Your Kingdom and we need not fear or worry about the unknown. We know WHOSE we are. We are looking up to You, the ‘Author and Finisher of our Faith’. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Bob, JJ, Norah, CO, Blessings fr. France, Jan, Jeanne, BamaGrl and all, thanking you for continued prayers. My family and I are grateful for your intercession. Corporate prayer works WONDERS! God bless you more as you bless and pray for others. I stand with you in prayers for all your needs and requests. We serve a Mighty Great God!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you Maplewood. We pray together for Joni and for all the prayer requests of our JC Family. Prayers from sincere hearts are powerful and of great value to our Father. I was telling my Sister yesterday that sometimes I find it hard to sit still with the Lord because I'm always getting up to do something. I do think being productive in my day gives Him glory. But like Martha and Mary, I must remember that Resting is not Being Lazy when you're in His presence. He is asking me to take breaks in my business so I can "Be still and know that He is God". One thing from today's devotion that spoke to me was: When you rush, you forget who you are... AND Whose you are. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Better to rest with Him a while as much as possible.

    2. Jeanne --- That part of the devotion also spoke to me loudly. I often hear the Lord speak to me in that still small voice---"Slow Down!" Loved the post. Blessings to your day!

    3. Thanks for reminding me Maplewood NJ that resting in Jesus is another form of perfect submission to Him.

    4. Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
      O what a foretaste of Glory Divine
      Heir of Salvation, purchase of God
      Born of His Spirit, washed in His Blood
      Perfect submission, all is at rest
      I in my Savior am happy and blessed
      Watching and waiting, looking above
      Filled with His goodness, lost in His love
      This is my story, this is my song
      Praising my Savior all the day long!

    5. Amen and thank you Maplewood, everyday when I read your prayers and scriptures, you hempty me understand so much. So again, thank you for taking the time to explain scripture and to post such sweet prayers.

      Fay from Florida

    6. Twin bd sis raises the difference of the zen meditative state in comparison to our call to be meditative. Where the zen state is the emptying of the self (which sometimes we do need to empty ourselves of 'stuff' that inhibits our drawing close to our Lord), in the encouragement to meditate, we are seeking to be filled with the presence of God (maybe a better word would be 'to pay attention' to the God who is already filling us). But, again, for a filling, there needs to be an emptiness for which we seek filling.

      Continuing in prayer for Janet and all of your family, twin bd sis. God be with you.

    7. Thanks Maplewood. We must always remember that we are beloved children of The Most High and we should take every worry and concern to the Lord and Leave It There. We are all so blessed to belong to Him who Cares for Us so we can REST in Him.
      Dear Brie, I love that song, Blessed Assurance. Jesus is MINE.
      This is my story-Praising my Savior all the day long.

  9. "Take time to rest by the wayside, for I am not in a hurry."
    That spoke to me this morning. I am in hurry for God to work the healing in my sister-in-law, because I feel her clock is ticking. But that is because I am looking only at the earthly perspective and what the doctors predicted (and they have been wrong before). Instead I will stand on the Lord's promises and rest in the knowledge that His timing is always right.

    1. Praying for your dear sister in law. God knows the time she has and He can change her condition in one second. But her healing is not in our timing, only His. Trust Him above the Doctors. Lean on His past faithfulness and your long suffering right now. Much love. God comfort your impatient heart.

    2. Thank you, Jeanne!

    3. We heard what the Doctor's had to say, but now we want to hear what Jesus has to say! The Master Teacher/Healer is always greater.

    4. Amen! Better to trust in God than in Men. Jesus will have the last word. He knows better. He knows all.

  10. JC family, I am called to share a book with you the has helped countless folks dealing with loved ones in critical condition in the transition of death. "Final Gifts". Written by the founders of hospice. It can be an awesome launchpad to have the most amazing conversations about faith and the love of Jesus Christ that is offered to all. I have been so blessed to hear from those I have given the book to how helpful it has been. ♥️

    1. You are so kind to share that book. I have lost so many dear ones, especially to cancer. I am sure you will help many people with your sharing of "Final Gifts".

    2. Thank you dear Audra!

      Blessings from France

    3. I ordered the book, Audra, so I can better lift those who are coming closer to the end of their lives. Your kind post will make many differences in their hearts when they are being called Home. Thanks Dear!

  11. Thanks Audra,
    JC Family. I am reading, and praying and of course singing, for all requests even when my posting is light.
    Love to all.

    1. Thank you for your praying and singing sweet dear Brie!

    2. Brie, I too thought you were a youngster until you did my workout. You always bring joy to my heart. Thank you Jesus for Brie, always praising you with song.

  12. (II Timothy 2:25b-26) Paul admonishes Timothy on how to conduct himself in ministering to people (we all minister to people whether we are ministers or not). With that being said, Paul finishes the thought by putting all things into proper perspective, 'God may perhaps grant that they will repent and come to know the truth, and that they may escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.'

    So many of you have posted concerns for the salvation of your spouse, children, family, friends and people you encounter and well you should. Posted above, PEBGD is in an important time with a brother who may be entering eternity, so his salvation is important. What does this passage advise us in this matter? First of all, the sovereignty of God is clearly seen and expressed, it is God who brings about salvation and not us. Think about your own salvation. Was it something you did on your own or did God invade your heart and wake you up to the truth? For me, it was the later. Further, it was the Holy Spirit that moved me to profess the Lordship of Jesus Christ. My salvation was all God's doing, I take no credit for it but I will be eternally grateful. But in the process of being saved, many blessed people softened my heart with their love so I was in a position to say 'yes' to God's call of me. They loved me and through their love, my desire for the God of love grew until that time of 'yes' and beyond. The Great Commandment (Mark 12:28-34) is to love, God and thus others. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) is to make a witness of God's love so others believe and are saved. Our role is not to save people, that is the work of the God. Our role is to show love to people, according to this passage, by being kind, patient, and gentle. Saving family and friends will take place at God's choosing therefore we cannot panic about it taking place. It is hard to love when we are in panic mode. We must keep all things in love mode so the Good News becomes desired and will one day be received. We love in all love's ways and forms, and God will save. Praying for someone's salvation is critical in this process for it prepares our heart so we will be sensitive to the Spirit's prompting. This is how I have been led by God to lead people to salvation. So many times, people who were seeking God came to me and expressed why they chose to talk with me. Because I exhibited the kindness, patience and gentleness of this passage and they knew I would be sensitive to them in their time of need. Simply put, they knew they would be loved and in that, they would experience the God for which their soul was crying out. My thoughts are because it was aggressive evangelism that lacked love for me that kept me at a distance from God for many years. As stated above, it was in the love I experienced from strong believers that I ultimately was drawn to God. How did God save you, did you need to be driven into God's arms or were you led to God's love?

    It is God's will that none should parish but that all would be saved (all means all). Let us love all opening the door for the Spirit to move through us.

    God be with you as you desire the salvation of those dear to you. With love, Bob

    1. Amen Bob what a beautiful post! It can be really exhausting spiritually to be the only one saved among our family/friends. I can easily get scared and have bad thoughts such as "what if they won't be saved.." But I know I have to trust God and keep practicing His fruit, letting His light shine through me. Shine Jesus Shine!

      Praying for everyone, for all the lost souls to come home in the Kingdom.

      Blessings from France

    2. Bob(bd twin), great message for such a time like this!! What the world needs now is LOVE and more LOVE(genuine)! Thanks for the reminder!
      Yes, so in agreement with prayering for loveones who have not yet received their free gift of salvation! Instead of judging or condemning them, we need to pray for them without ceasing, because it is indeed NOT God's will that ANY should perish!

      Remain Blessed my Friend.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Only a wonderful twin bd sis would loving help her twin bd bro with his spelling. :-) Appreciated!!!

    4. Still praying that someday my loved ones will seek the Lord. I believe my prayers will be answered in God's timing.

    5. Let us never doubt God's perfect timing and the work of the Holy Spirit to being his children home. In that alone I can rest. Thank you Jesus, help me be more an obvious instrument of your peace and love.

    6. Amen Bob!!! ❤️🙏that is so true! Jeremiah 31:3 The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.

  13. Bob, Your post spoke volumes to me. I am praying that my family members will seek the Lord and find Him for themselves. I pray that God's love and gentle spirit in me will soften their hearts in time, according to God's plan. You spoke the truth about how I was saved. These words of yours rang true: "But in the process of being saved, many blessed people softened my heart with their love so I was in a position to say 'yes' to God's call of me." Thank you and I join in your tiny but powerful prayer for all of us: "God be with you as you desire the salvation of those dear to you". Much love and gratitude.

    1. Thanks Bob, Your post struck a chord in my heart as well.
      I can't think of one person who saved me, yet I can think of people who loved me. My salvation appeared as a gift from God, directed personally to me, which I accepted and never turned back. Can any of us take credit for Salvation, a free gift from God? Sometimes I felt professed "Saviors" were really judging me as inferior to them, because they saw themselves as saved and in their opinion, I was not. It was as though they were saying "Daddy God likes me better. I'm saved, you're not. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah nah"
      I could so relate to your words "They loved me and through their love, my desire for the God of love grew until that time of 'yes' and beyond. The Great Commandment (Mark 12:28-34) is to love, God and thus others.
      The chord it struck?...
      Love, love, love
      Love, love, love
      Love, love, love
      There's nothing you can do that can't be done
      Nothing you can sing that can't be sung
      Nothing you can say, but you can learn how to play the game
      It's easy
      Nothing you can make that can't be made
      Nothing you can do, but you can learn how to be you in time
      It's easy
      All you need is love
      All you need is love
      All you need is love, love
      Love is all you need
      All you need is love
      All you need is love
      All you need is love, love
      Love is all you need
      There's nothing you can know that isn't known
      Nothing you can see that isn't shown
      There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be
      It's easy
      All you need is love
      All you need is love
      All you need is love, love
      Love is all you need
      Hope I didn't sing to loudly!

    2. Great insight you share Bob! How was I saved? I believe the Holy Spirit woke me up to the people and circumstances put before me by a loving Father for me to choose and act upon. And my regular requests for a deeper relationship with God have and continue to be answered. Thank you Jesus!

  14. Dear JC Family,
    Today's devotional is normally very hard for me to accomplish. I feel as though I am playing a game of Beat The Clock with life and time resting is time wasted, make every minute count, you can rest after you're dead, etc. But, as if to prepare me for today's devotion, as God's Holy Spirit often does, yesterday I was sidelined with nausea and diarrhea. I stayed in my nightgown lying on the couch all day, like a slug. Guilt over things undone were starting to creep in, and then I read today's devotion. God thoughts dropped into my stilled pool of water, telling me to put the body/vehicle in the garage and let it rest awhile, every now and then, to trust Him to handle things, and for me to lay on the couch like royalty eating bon bons! I said, but God my favorite way to relax is at the beach. God said, you cannot go there yet, so make yourself satisfied on the couch! Psalm 116 Return to your rest, O my soul, for the Lord Jesus Christ has dealt beautifully with you.
    Heavenly Father,
    I am so grateful for all the times you deliver me. Whether in quiet or otherwise, my soul is at rest because You are here. Thanks for dropping me in to this wonderful JC Family.
    I checked notify me at the bottom of the page, so each time you posted, I prayed for your post and thought of a song that fit your situation. Blessings now and forevermore from His vast abundant store...Amen

    1. Brie, you made me laugh!

    2. Ah, that's the Brie we've come to love and adore. So agree with you EOMH. Keep being Brie, Brie, we love you just the way you are. God be with you.

    3. Glad you got your rest in Him who cares for you. I'm happy you were listening to God's voice of reason while He healed your weaknesses. I too, needed sleep badly and God told me in no uncertain terms to "Stay Put" and sleep. I obeyed and I feel much better. God knows our needs better than we do.

  15. As I share with you what has made the biggest difference for me in my growth in the Lord, this from Henri Nouwen summarizes it so well. Thinking of you as I copied and pasted:

    Know What the Scoop Is
    The contemplative is someone who sees things for what they really are, who sees the real connections, who knows—as Thomas Merton used to say—“what the scoop is.” To attain such a vision, a spiritual discipline is necessary. Evagrius [Ponticus] calls discipline the praktike, removing the blindfolds that prevent us from seeing clearly. Merton, himself very familiar with Evagrius, expressed the same idea. He told the monks of Gethsemani Abbey that the contemplative life is a life in which we constantly move from opaqueness to transparency, from the place where things are dark, impenetrable, and closed to the place where these same things are translucent, open, and offer vision far beyond themselves.

    With love, Bob

    1. Wow Bob! You really opened my eyes with that one. I had never heard about "praktike, removing the blindfolds that prevent us from seeing clearly." But God is the one that opens our eyes and hearts so we can see His truth more clearly and the truth about what we look at in this fallen world. I wrote a song called Clearer Vision about just that. Thanks for teaching me ever day. You're a real friend and Brother!

  16. Hi BFF,
    Praying for all to want to accept God's free gift of Salvation, in His time, since it is God who brings about salvation and not us. I am reminded of a Bible story about those who came late to the party in the Vineyard and got the same reward as those who had been laboring there all day, as did the prodigal son. I assume Last Call may come when it all gets sorted out at the Gate! Until then I will be with you trusting God and keep practicing His fruit, letting His light and Love shine through me. Shine Jesus Shine!

    Dear satan, we see you peeking. Get out of my BFF's way satan. We have no time for you today with your lies scaring her and giving her bad thoughts such as "what if they won't be saved.."

    Salvation is a free gift of God and there is no such thing as snatching it out of God's hand, so stop trying to make us believe you can. You are a liar Mr Grinch!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind and true words dear Brie! Trusting God with the timing because He knows best.

      "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."

      God be with you dear sister ♡

      Blessings from France

    2. When I go to a family gathering and know they do not believe in God, I ask Him to help me to be a beacon to them. Let them see I am filled with the light and peace of God. No one can take that away. Let my light so shine before all men so they can see my good deeds and glorify my Father in Heaven. I pray someday our unsaved loved ones will see that Jesus is all they ever need.

  17. Thank you warriors for prayers for son #2. He's opted to stay home. The Houston hospital is filled to capacity from delta covid. His wife has been exposed. We are bummed as a family, but fully understand their decision. Please continue to cover them in prayer. Thank you all, so grateful for your prayers.💕

    1. I understand changed plans and continually pray for us to come to know God better in the waiting!

    2. Continuing to pray for son #2 dear Jan and for your DH Larry, sweet Brie. God will make a way and His timing is perfect. He knows what they need and He will guide them to it. Amen as we wait on the Lord, we do draw closer to Him in our trust.

    3. Oh Jan so sorry! Praying for you and your son🙏🙏 God is in control and will take great care of your family ❤️

  18. Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Teach me to be patient.
    Teach me to go slow.
    Teach me how to wait on You
    For the way I am to go.

    Teach me sweet forbearance
    Until things go alright.
    Help me remain peacefully calm
    Until I see Your Light.

    Teach me peace and  quiet and
    How to calm my racing heart.
    So I might hear the answer
    You are trying to impart.

    Teach me to let go, dear God,
    And pray with faith and hope until,
    My heart and mind are full of Your Inner Peace,
    And I know and do Your Will.

    I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Yes! Lord, I want to fulfill today's devotion:...Take time to rest by the wayside, for I am not in a hurry (because there is no frenetic hurrying in Heaven, only well thought out calculated purposes) A leisurely pace accomplishes more than hurried striving. When you rush, you forget to remember who you are and Whose you are.
      Our secret prayer place with You is like a time machine transporting us from our earthly time zone to Your Heavenly time free zone where we can step into the Eternal and begin to view life from Your Perspective. You Who are infinite, without beginning or ending of days. From Your Vantage Point, waiting on God takes on an entirely different hue. When we step into God's timeless zone, then we do not allow our urgent earthly matters to press us into acting too quickly trying to get ahead of God. Before we finish praying, there is yet another element to be included in every prayer - waiting on God.
      Psalm 123 tells us Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters and the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes must look to our Lord and our God, until He has Mercy on us. To wait on God is to stare at His Hand and love Him until He moves His Mighty Hand on our behalf.
      Isaiah 64 tells us, Since the beginning of time, none have heard nor perceived by ear, nor has any eye seen any God besides You, Who acts for the one who waits for You.
      Isaiah 30, ...Blessed are all those who wait for Him...
      Dolly Parton/Zach Williams: There was Jesus in the waiting, in the searching, In the healing and the hurting, there was Jesus!
      I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I wait on You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Help Is On The Way (Maybe Midnight) by Toby Mac

    3. Thank you Jesus and JC prayer warriors for my trouble free travel today. This rural gal has landed in the urban jungle. I'm certain in the light of day it won't seem so foreign. Much needed rest now, just wanted to say thank you.

    4. Glad to know prayers were answered (again) and you made it safely into the big city, like the kid's book "Country Mouse/City Mouse :) Nighty Night!

    5. Beautiful prayer Brie. And thanks for filling me. Good reminder for me: When you rush, you forget to remember who you are and Whose you are. So very true!! Waiting with you for more answered prayers. Thank You Jesus!

    6. Love, love, love that song "Maybe Midnight" and it's lyrics by Toby Mac, Brie! SO, so true! He is our helper in times of need. "...a very present help in trouble" -Psalm 46:1. And love "There was Jesus"! Taking a re-listen now. While the waiting is hard and many tears fall, leaning on His promises is key. NOT always easy when despair literally covers us but when I keep coming to Him no matter how I'm feeling, He comes through. I've been so, so lost and distraught over an issue with family but God is slowly but surely bringing me through. Glad you made it to your destination safe and sound, Jan, (so sorry son #2 is unable to join you though)and Brie, praying for both you and Larry knowing God will get things rescheduled when it is safe. Love and appreciate this JC family so much! May you all have a blessed day seeing God everywhere!

    7. LOVE both of those songs too, Brie! Thanks for introducing me to them. Already added to my Sunday Playlist. ❤️

    8. Amen NJS! We lean on His promises through the good times and the bad times. He always carries us through. Sometimes we must suffer but He's holding our hands through it all. So sorry you're going through a difficult family issue. Thanking God He's carrying you through it. Praying with you and for you.
      Dear Brie, Maybe Midnight is such an awesome song and the video is so powerful! The beat is great too! Thanks dear sister!
      I always loved There Was Jesus! Thanks for reminding me to listen again.

  19. Praise the Lord JC family. Do you remember I was praying for a job aftre my homeschooling came to an end in July. Well God opened up a way and I have done 3 interviews in 3 different institutes and all these institutes want me to join them. Toady my prayer is God will direct me to where He wants me to serve , where He will be glorified! https://youtu.be/Oa8m3N2gu6A Help me celbrate God's goodness with song

    1. Great news! May God lead you to the best fit for you. Congratulations!


    2. ��������❣

    3. Such answered prayer, Min! God is AMAZING. He hasn't just given you one job but 3 options for a job! Thank you for sharing this victory! Yes, congratulations on the 3 offers!

    4. Wonderful news Min Adahi! Your prayers have been heard and your sweet attitude and faith are being rewarded 🥰 God bless you and I’m sure He will lead you to the perfect decision! 😘

    5. Hallelujah!! Thankful with you, Min Ahadi!! Trusting for God’s best for you! ❤️

    6. This makes me so happy! Who WOULDN'T want you Min Ahadi, child of God? 3 for 3. Of course!
      Thank you Jesus!

    7. Wow! That made me smile so BIG!!!! Along with an excited gasp at how AMAZING our Father is! Shouldn’t be a surprise yet always astounded by His faithfulness through prayer and petition. Wait on Him always. His timing is perfect. Congratulations!! ��

    8. YEAH! God. When we trust without a doubt, YOU are bound to bring us out. Help us take our burdens to You Lord and most importantly LEAVE THEM THERE!

  20. Halleluia dear Min Ahadi! God is providing your needs in a big way. He sure is answering my prayers. He will show you the perfect job offer to accept. He has equipped you completely for one of the three. Stay tuned to His Spirit and He will guide you to choose the right one. Thank You Jesus!
    Beautiful song! Amen! Our Way Maker will Never leave us.

  21. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. (Nehemiah 8:10). Rejoice in the Lord, again I say, rejoice. (Philippians 4).

    Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for You in my life. Help me receive Your direction and guidance with thanksgiving and joy in my heart and a peaceful mindset. Help me stay out of Your way and what You are doing. Let me mind my own business. Open my eyes, heart, and mind to receive the lessons You are always teaching me and to all You are showing and revealing to me. Father, please reveal to me the joys of Your heart and how You feel about me. Help me listen and hear You Lord. Let my mind and heart be attentive to You and Your Spirit. Help me receive You and Your Spirit wholeheartedly and completely. Let me accept and abide in You and Your Spirit and to do Your will and not my own. Quiet my mind and help me be still in You and to receive all You have for me. I submit myself and all I have to You. I am Yours and You are mine. We are one. Align our spirits together as one. I delight in You and our time together. I enjoy You and sharing things with You. Thank You for always being there for me and for listening to me. No one comes close to You. You are the most high and there is no one above You. You are all powerful and supreme. You are the best Father ever. I bless, praise, and rejoice You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Janet that was perfectly written and just beautiful. Thank you for sharing ❤️

  22. His Presence is an oasis of Peace.

    1. Yes! He refreshes and restores our souls and our weary hearts.

  23. Beautiful sentiments to read this morning. I will do my best to slow down and seek his Presence in NYC this week. Thank you, Jesus for this opportunity to travel back to a city I have always loved. Thank you for keeping me safe and out of fear. In Jesus name I pray for me and y'all!

    1. May God grant you traveling safety and protection. God bless you and yours.

  24. Please pray for our daughters flights to land safely and our trip back and forth to pick her up is safe as well.

    1. Mercy travels for your daughters and may the presence of our Father lift their spirits. God bless.

    2. Joining prayers for your safety in traveling back and forth. Go with God and rest in His promises.

  25. If anyone sees this tonight, I ask for your prayers for my MIL. She was admitted to the hospital this morning with Covid Pneumonia. She does have underlying conditions so continued prayers appreciated. Thank you so much. Our God is AWESOME!!

    1. Heavenly Father, please place Your healing hands upon Child of God's MIL and remove this affliction from her. Let her feel Your loving presence and comfort her with Your peaceful spirit. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

    2. Joining Janet in prayers for COG'S MIL.

    3. Dear Child of God, Joining in prayers for your dear Mother in Law. May God strengthen her weaknesses and pull her through this ordeal and heal her of her pneumonia and bring her right back to perfect health. We ask YOU Father for this in the powerful Name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus.

  26. Dear child of God,
    I prayed for your MIL <3 and your family. HE IS MIGHTY AND ABLE! God bless you!

  27. This devotion really spoke to me because I've been so busy with my family and my little grandsons that I never seem to finish my prayers and as I pray when I lay my weary head down, God gives me sweet sleep. We can only do the best we can every day. So I won't worry about those things on my list that remain undone because God can help with the rest. This is what I took from today's devotion:
    "Take time to rest by the wayside, for I am not in a hurry. A leisurely pace accomplishes more than hurried striving. When you rush, you forget who you are Whose you are. Remember that you are royalty in My kingdom." How blessed to be beloved and royal in God's kingdom.

  28. How might we apply Romans 8:16-17 today? For me, it is great cause for thanksgiving to be able to be called a child of God, to be able to — as Jesus did — cry out “Abba, Father” in prayer (Mk 14:36), and to be a co-heir with Christ.

    Also, it is comforting to know that persecutions we face for following Christ here on earth will result in glory in the Kingdom of God. Sometimes the biggest stumbling block regarding making disciples of all nations (Mt 28:19-20) is our fear of unpopularity. Fear of backlash. Fear of ridicule. But such sufferings pale in comparison to the glory that will ultimately be revealed in us (Rom 8:18)

    Therefore, we should strive to proclaim and defend the Good News of Christ, boldly. And, consequently, we should expect, but not fear, suffering — suffering that will lead to glorious, heavenly rewards.

  29. "Make your mind like a still pool of water, ready to receive whatever thoughts I drop into it."
    The human mind is often a very strange unruly place. Don't know about you but I have difficulty calming my mind most times. At times it's a bit like a lively puppy that wants to dash off in many directions at the same time. Thoughts are often like tumble weeds, rolling around, stopping briefly at some obstacle, then rolling on again. It's hard to keep them still, focused on one thing.
    The only way I know to still my mind is to say out loud or quietly to myself 'Jesus, Jesus, Jesus '. Repeating His Name over really has a calming effect.
    Centered on Him, I am stilled, calmed. I then start to receive. He is always communicating, our reception is often not attuned to His 'signal'.
    After becoming calm, He said three words to me, "your God reigns". In only three words He opened a vista so vast it's hard to describe. 'Our God reigns', for ever and ever, from everlasting to everlasting. 'Our God reigns', in every dimension. 'Our God reigns', throughout the Earth in each and every tribe, nation and tongue. 'Our God reigns', unchangeable, unchallenged . 'Our God reigns', supreme throughout the whole of creation . 'Our God reigns', the sun, moon and stars obey Him. He is in all and over all.
    My heartfelt tearful response to His three words was "O Lord my God reign in me. I give You full access to myself and all of my life". So blessed!

    1. Just excellent, Peter! Great Blessings on your day!
      In His Grip of Grace. JJ

    2. Wow, Peter…what a beautiful and inspirational post. Our God reigns, in all. Peaceful and comforting. Thanks you and Bless you! Ellen

    3. Amen Peter! Our God reigns above all. I too call His Name and bring Him to the forefront of my mind. We must consciously remind ourself He is present with us always. I’m so thankful! What a Blessed Assurance that Jesus is mine. He is our constant saving Lord.

  30. ♥️🎶 our God REIGNS! Link

    1. Amen! Our God Reigns! What a powerful video and song. Thanks dear Audra. Here’s one I love. Lord Reign in Me.

  31. Bless you dear sister for the sharing of the word ❤️. It's only in being still, resisting the pull to rush into the day that we truly can hear the sweet, small voice of the Holy Spirit saying, " this is the way, walk in it". Bless your travel & visit to your mom dear Jeanne. Praying that she will be better soon❤️🙏🌈.

    1. Thanks sweet Jan! Amen. God heard your prayers. All is well with my Mom. Her knee is getting better. We are both resting in His loving care. Praying for your healing and comfort and for your good husband.

  32. Thank you, Peter, for sharing this song!
    SC Anonymous

  33. Thanks dear Peter! My Mom is continuing to heal and God is making her better. We went to Church today and it gave her great peace. We even saw 2 of her dear friends. She ate half of her dinner and of course she drank her wine. We sat out on the stoop and 2 of her neighbors stopped by to chat. It was a very good day because God was in charge. My Mom is a loving person and a prayer warrior and the light of Christ shines brightly through her. God bless her always.

  34. That was beautiful and so soothing. Thanks for sharing!

  35. Praying for our dear Ellen’s daughter. Father God, You know her cancer appears to be spreading but You can stop it and destroy every bad cell. Thank You for healing her and for guiding the Fund Me page to success so she can receive the important treatment she needs right away. And please guide her doctors and all her treatments to remove every cancer cell and bring her back to good health, and bring peace of mind to her and Ellen and her family. We trust you to guide all things to good. Thank You for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    And He shall direct your paths.

    1. It is God and God alone Who brings life and healing to our flesh. Adam wasn't a Living Soul until God breathed Life into his nostrils.

      In Ezekiel 37 the dry bones in the valley had sinew, tendons, flesh but no life until God put breath into them and they became alive.

      Prior to His Ascension in John 22 we read Jesus breathed on His Disciples and said "Receive the Holy Spirit".

      Praying that the Breath of God will blow through and replace every bad cell in Ellen's daughter with good healthy tissue, that she will be fully healed of cancer in Jesus Almighty Name.

  36. Joining Jeanne in prayer for your daughter Ellen. May the Lord grant her success with the fund raising and victory over cancer. He is in complete control of all circumstances surrounding her at this moment of her greatest need for healing. We warriors claim the power of our Jehovah Rapha to touch every rogue cell in Jesus powerful name! Hallelujah and amen!🙏🙌❤️

    1. Thank you thank you thank you for your prayers for HEALING for my daughter and for the funds to have this treatment. God is so good, I believe that every bad cell will be identified and rejected by her body and she will be fully healed. Amen and Amen!!!!

    2. Amen Ellen! He hears our prayers and we can trust His Word.

      Proverbs 4:20-22
      My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
      Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.
      For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

  37. Dear heavenly Father, walk with me and my family today. We are in the midst of a challenging time. We are overwhelmed. We can only be relieved by the believe you are with us every step of the way. Help us to not ask for a blessing on our path but to follow your path, as it is already blessed. Help us to accept this journey, a journey that has been laid out and written specifically for our family. Jesus I trust in you! Amen.

    1. Praying with you, for you, and for all of us wayfarers to follow His Path, as His Way is already blessed and Highly Favored; may we all accept His Journey on our way Home! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Amen dear Brie and thanks always for your prayers.

  38. Continuing to pray for you and your family, dear ABC. May God lead you through this difficult valley time and light your wilderness. He will never leave or forsake you. Hold tight to His Hand. Trusting that things will improve because He is in charge. Thank You Jesus.

  39. I'm joining JC Believers in prayer for you and your daughter, ABC. Love and God's Best...the Lord knows the way through the wilderness. All we have to do is follow...I know you are and we are with you.
