Friday, September 11, 2015

Jesus Calling: September 11

Rejoice in Me always! No matter what is going on, you can rejoice in your Love-relationship with Me. This is the secret of being content in all circumstances. So many people dream of the day when they will finally be happy: when they are out of debt, when their children are out of trouble; when they have more leisure time, and so on. While they daydream, their moments are trickling into the ground like precious balm spilling wastefully from overturned bottles.
     Fantasizing about future happiness will never bring fulfillment, because fantasy is unreality. Even though I am invisible, I am far more Real than the world you see around you. My reality is eternal and unchanging. Bring your moments to Me, and I will fill them with vibrant Joy. Now is the time to rejoice in My Presence!

Philippians 4:4,12
English Standard Version

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. 12 I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.
Psalm 102:27 
English Standard Version 

But you are the same, and your years have no end.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear Lord, help me to realize joy and happiness are not a place we arrive at, but a life journey, a way to travel through our story written by You specifically for me. Amen.

    1. Like on a cruise, enjoy the journey while onboard the ship on the way to the port.

    2. That is still so true, ABC! He is constantly writing our itinerary. We will follow His lead.
      Amen Brie! What a wonderful cruise with our Lord as our captain. He never sleeps and He’s always at the wheel!

    3. Still love your words of truth dear ABC and they are absolutely timeless. Amen

    4. Timeless and spot on, ABC! The present is the gift.

    5. Still timeless in 2022!

    6. Amen! Beautiful prayer ABC!
      I love and trust you, Jesus

  2. On this day in US history, many people sadly lost family members and friends. This reading may be more difficult for them. Lord God, we lift them up to you in prayer; may they find peace, wholeness and joy again. Comparatively, if there be any reason I would find difficulty with this reading, it is trite and trivial. How important it is that these words be fulfilled in me this day so if I should encounter anyone in greater need, your joy in me will be a balm to their hurt. Spirit of God within me, come to my assistance, make haste to help me.

    1. Amen....... A balm- how can this be? God’s ever present Holy Spirit gave me a balm in the form of your prayer this morning. Thank you for sharing Bob.

    2. Amen πŸ™. Prayers for all the families affected by this tragedy that happened on this day years ago. May God give peace to all.

    3. Spirit be with you all who have suffered today God's blessings to the family and loved ones who are still here in Jesus name amen

    4. Dear brother Bob, you're so good at naturally thinking of others instead of just applying each message to yourself. The Lord must be so pleased with you and your life. So many times I've thought about this day and what it meant to me and what I was doing when I watched in horror. I actually was absorbed in it for days. My experience was minuscule in comparison. My prayer this morning is to join you in that "if I should encounter anyone in greater need, that I could be a balm for their need". Thank you Bob for the giving nature and you have shared with us JC Family. God Bless you and all of you others out there reading this. Peace be with you.

    5. God bless all the families on this day 9-11. Help us to remember and use this remembrance as a reminder of the all that we have at this moment and be thank ful. To understand that in a second it can all change and be taken. To be greatful for what this day brings and has for us today, for there will never be another like it. Thank you Lord Jesus for your sacrifice that brings us a forever life, please comfort all those who remember the ones they have loved and lost. Thank you Father for each breathe and the time allotted for each of us to love each other. Help us not to waste opportunities allowed.
      We love you Father.

    6. Thank you Bob! We must remember all those who lost their lives and left broken families behind and all those who risked their lives and lost their lives while serving them and cleaning up the debris. May God show us the way we can assist his people in need. May His Spirit guide and instruct us how we can help them, and share His light and love.

    7. Thank you, Bob, for that beautiful reminder. May God bring his healing balm to those suffering, those in strife, those sorrowful, those needy, those lonely, those remembering pain - our Lord is near. Peace

    8. Just today I met a man named Dan whose wife was a nurse who helped at the site of the destruction on 9/11. She breathed in toxins and got really sick and developed many health issues and eventually died from them. He showed me her picture. She looked like an Angel. My heart goes out to all those who lost their lives and their loved ones, and to those who helped in so many ways and sacrificed their health and their lives in service for so many. They were good and faithful servants. May they reap their rewards up in Heaven.

    9. Joining in prayer for cherished memories of all who lost their lives. Grief, I've learned, is really just liquid love.
      The only scars in heaven, don't belong to me and you
      There's no such thing as broken, and all the old is made new
      And the thought that makes me smile now, even as the tears fall down
      Is that the only scars in heaven are on The Hands that hold you now
      SCARS IN HEAVEN by Casting Crowns

    10. Joining all warriors in prayer for the left behind family members of the 9/11 tragedy. Most assuredly more tears will be shed today. Hubby just left to prepare for the memorial service at our courthouse here. It's always a very touching tribute. My heart aches for those who will be reminded again today. May the Holy Spirit be like a balm poured over each grieving heart. Amen.

    11. We will never forget. πŸ™

  3. This is talking to me that's how I feel everyday with my problems help mr god please

  4. This resonated loudly with me. In a place where my joy has been snatched away from me by lies and broken trust, everything inside me has wanted desperately to believe in future happiness. So I definitely needed to read this today: "Fantasizing about future happiness will never bring fulfillment..." I needed to be reminded to focus instead on God's love-relationship with me.
    I'm so glad I decided to read this today.

  5. God please Im losing myself .. my fight is too hard .. I don’t want to fail and I definitely don’t want to fail you. Why is the devil working so hard to break me??


    1. ❤️Jen and Ryan❤️September 11, 2018 at 11:26 PM
      Praying for you :( God bless you πŸ™πŸΌ God has everything under control and is carrying you throughout this trial/trials. You are never alone πŸ’– I pray you find peace in His pressence and I pray for strength for you and healing in any way you need πŸ™πŸΌ It’ll all get better you will see :) you will be blessed in the end :)

    2. Good morning. when my mind is filled with chaos and defeating thoughts, I will actually say "Get thee behind me Satan, Jesus lives here." I then pray asking God protect my thoughts. when my head is clear I can ask the Holy Spirit to help me talk to God. Don't give up He never gives up on you.

    3. When this happens to me, Anonymous, I've learned to do one of the things satan hates so much he flees away fast everytime: I praise The Lord out loud using every letter of the alphabet, such as Praise You Lord for Your Awesomeness, Praise You Lord for Your Beneficence, Praise You Lord for Your Compassion, etc. Before I get to Z, satan has fled. Bless you and our entire JC family.

    4. Excellent suggestion dear Brie! You offer so much in your way with words fitting the situation. God Bless you for trying to help others.

    5. What great new ways to honor God and Shun the evil ones schemes!

    6. After reading the devotion for the day, i ask myself what is the main point of it to me. Today it was rejoice. So as I begin to pray , beginning to praise the Lord, I take the first letter of the word rejoice and think of a praise word. Like R- I praise you Lord because you are my REDEEMER, E- I praise you Lord for giving me ETERNAL life, J- I praise you Lord because you are JUST, O- I praise you Lord because you are the ONE and ONLY true God. I- I praise you Lord because you are the great I AM. C- I praise you Lord because you are my CARE GIVER. and finally E- I praise you Lord because your love is EVERLASTING!

    7. Thanks Learning To Trust for making it as easy as A-B-C, 1-2-3, that's how easy REJOICE-ing can be!

    8. Awesome suggestions! I usually just shout: I love you Jesus! You are so much greater!!! Brie You made a great little song there! Made me smile!
      It’s as easy as A-B-C, 1-2-3, that's how easy REJOICE-ing can be! Thanks

    9. Br;ie --- I am in total agreement with Kmertens! Your praising the Lord using each letter of the alphabet is AWESOME! Thank you for sharing; very liberating!

    10. I love the idea of praising God through the alphabet thanks for sharing!

    11. Alphabet soup! Perfect for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacking. Enjoying with my Bible and dictionary at my side πŸ˜‰

    12. Like Anonymous, I too tell Satan to leave me that Jesus is in control. I often say it loudly. Brie, I love your idea of thanking God with the alphabet. What a wonderful suggestion.

      Dear Lord, I pray that you will comfort those directly affected by the events of 21 years ago. Please give the families peace and comfort. I thank you Lord for the JC Warriors and ask you to bless them this day.

      SC Anonymous

  6. The devil is always looking for a weak spot in our armor!!
    Fight him with faith and believe that He is always stronger and will never forsake us!

  7. Prayers of comfort, love and peace for the first responders and families who lost loved ones on this sad day in history.

  8. Remembering in prayer all affected by this day in 2001. Our Lord Jesus has each of you in His loving care. Peace, strength and blessings to you!

    May we all realize that Jesus is true love and happiness and find comfort in this knowledge, even on our most difficult days. Jesus, I trust You. Help those who are really struggling today. Amen. CO

  9. My prayer today is not only for those who lost their lives on 9-11-01 but all the family and friends left behind. May they find comfort today and each day. Amen

  10. Yes, another day to rejoice, why? Because the good Lord woke me up this morning in my sound mind despite the fact that I didn't go to bed perfect. Your Grace and mercy oh Lord, is why I am in today, so I REJOICE and say THANK YOU!

    Good morning my JC family, this is midweek day, a day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! We have a Spirit of Love, peace and sound minds, Not fear! No matter what we face today, God is for us, with us and ready to carry us through, let's Trust Him! Our happiness comes from knowing and loving God, not the things of this world. Cast ALL of Your cares and concerns upon Him and watch the miracles He performs as ONLY He can!

    Father, thank You for answers to the spoken and unspoken prayer requests. Thank You also for the waiting periods. You who promised, is FAITHFUL! Thank You.

    May the Lord bless and keep you all this day and give you rest as you rejoice in His Sovereignty!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood, my ma spoke through you today...she went to our Lord 4 years ago on 9/11/16. She would always say.. this is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. So rejoice I will, ma..I miss you terribly. My heart goes out to all who lost their loved ones on this day. Thank you, Jesus, for your strength, your hope, your love. Maplewood, give your mom a big hug for me. Much love to you.

    2. Thanks and Amen! Casting all my cares on Him because He loves me! Praying that God continue to guide and comfort all those whose hearts were broken and whose lives were turned upside down because of 9/11. His Spirit is truly the Great Comforter.
      I made a ton of French toast today and God helped! His Spirit guided me to melt butter on cookie sheets and put them in the oven till they were crunchy and yummy! Topped off with cinnamon and powdered sugar! Everyone enjoyed and I poured maple syrup on and had fun! God is so good.

    3. Hope the syrup you poured was sweeet like our Maplewood NJ:)

    4. Thanks for the m message Maplewood , God is using you to share insights with us . May we lean on God today and trust in Him. Just got a call from a friend Susan who had lost her mum. Please pray for her and her family.

    5. In prayer Min for Susan's aching heart.πŸ™

  11. May the God of comfort continue to heal the hearts of families as they remember their love ones from the unthinkable tragedy that happened sept. 11 years ago. Heal Your people and heal Your land oh Lord our God. Prayers for all.

    Maplewood NJ

  12. Maplewood Oh how you blessed me this morning, that is EXACTLY what I needed to be reminded of!

    In HIS Love!


    Every reading in the JC devotional is His calling of us to be intimate with Him. So what is intimacy? When we are intimate with our Lord or in a relationship with another, what is happening? As I moved outdoors in the cool of the AM (unusual for AZ this time of year), I felt moved to ask the question of myself, 'What does intimacy involve?' The following is where my thoughts were led...

    Intimacy is the opening up of one's heart to allow another to come in and see who we truly are. Very scary in human relationships and with our Lord; for when we are truly intimate, we are totally vulnerable to criticism and rejection. There are parts of who we are that we do not want seen and we have developed ways to keep those well hidden so that others will like us even though we don't like our self in those areas. In playing these games, our negatives never go away and many times get worse. We can fool each other in hiding our weaknesses but we cannot fool our Lord for He already knows all those things. Being intimate with Him means we are willing to be open about everything, to admit and talk about who we are, the good, the bad, and the ugly. If we are to experience true intimacy with our Lord, we must be willing to be totally vulnerable to Him. And what will be His response? In the sending of His Son, our precious Lord Jesus, God totally exposes His heart to us. And what do we see? Eternal, unconditional, and uncontrollable love for us. There He stands before us with nail prints in His hands and a hole in His heart in His desire for intimacy with each and every one of us. When I am with Him in my morning time of devotions, how can I do any less? Why would I want to do any less? For this is why I have come to Him in this time and now that I am here, I must totally throw open my heart to allow Him to come into where He already is...where He neither criticizes or rejects me for all that He sees.

    Blessings, my dear siblings of the JC family! With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob. I admire the way you are. Your prayers..the sharing of your heart always uplifting me. God bless you and yours more.

    2. Thank you Bob, with love to you and our JC Family!

    3. Wonderful message. Thank you, Bob. KS

    4. Thank you, Bob, for this invitation to explore the meaning of intimacy. -audra

    5. Thank you Bob! I love how He loves us. I am humbled by His love and strive to understand and feel the magnitude which covers it all! Wow..So Big.

    6. Thank you Bob! I am so often blessed by your posts, but today's really touched my heart. God bless you!

    7. You have such a beautiful heart for the Lord and the Christ in you is the most beautiful part of you. Thank you for sharing your deepest love with us. I feel both honored and humbled by it.

    8. Yes Lord, I love how You love me!
      Adapted From I LOVE HOW YOU LOVE ME by The Paris Sisters:
      I love how Your eyes close
      Whenever You kiss me
      And when I'm away from You
      I love how You miss me
      I love the way You always treat me tenderly
      But darling Jesus, most of all
      I love how You love me (I love how You love me)
      I love how my heart beats
      Whenever I hold onto You
      I love how You always think of me
      Without being asked to
      I love the way Your Touch is always Heavenly
      But darling Jesus, most of all
      I love how You love me (I love how You love me)

    9. Amen! Only way in Him to be, is open,filled,blessed and free

    10. Smiling and singing your lovely adaptation this morning, Brie!

  14. Father, help me to rejoice in You continually and always. You are with me ALL the time and let me always remember that. Thank You Jesus for all You do and for all You are. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in You continually and always. Bless You LORD πŸ™ ♥

  15. Nineteen Years ago on September 11, 2001, four airliners were involved, including three locations (New York City, the Pentagon in Washington, DC, and Flight 93 in Shanksville, PA) in a tragedy. A horrific, indescribable event took the lives of 2,977 (not counting the hundreds that succumbed to illnesses thereafter) people, causing tremendous grief, altered international relations, and increased concern over the fragility of life, amongst others. So many people had connections to every soul lost that day. Though the time has flown by so rapidly, the memories and (understandable) pain, still lingers. The world trade center has been beautifully memorialized to those lost souls! I pray the tranquility of that memorial, give their love ones some form of peace. I remember being on the rail from Maplewood train station heading to NYC for my first intern job and excited thinking that day would be the same as the previous. But it all changed in a second. There were neighbors and friends from the township (a small, friendly, close knit community with a now population of 23,867) who rode the rail with us that morning, but never return with us that night! Hearts were broken and lives forever changed! Today, what stands as a memorial to them in their beloved Maplewood township, is an olive tree and a monument bearing their names. We love them, we pray for their souls, we are loving their families they left behind and giving God all the glory, regardless of the pain and loss!

    On this day, we remember our friends, neighbors, colleagues, brethren in Christ and, call on You our God of all creation, the Comforter of the afflicted, Restorer, Protector, Provider and Redeemer, and intercede for those hearts that are still broken and even the ones that might have healed, that You oh Lord grant them strength, comfort and peace. We remember those who sacrificed their lives, the firefighters, the first responders, the aids, the caretakers et al.,. We honor the families and the love ones that they lost. When they struggle with questions, help them to know that they are never alone. You are with them, You are their refuge and strength. Grant them the courage to know that they can stretch out their hands to You anytime, and feel Your embrace. May we always remember that we are one family in this world. Help them to know that their pain is Yours; and their tears fall on Your heart. Bless and heal this nation, and remind Your people to never forget how so many laid down their lives for their friends. Grant them Your grace to hear the small voice of the one crying in the wilderness (John 1:23). Thank You for Your grace that is sufficient for ALL! We ask this through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns in and through all! Amen.

    Let LOVE reign, because LOVE carried the cross! How we treat and respond to others, will no doubt determine where we end up!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Yes! Grow our hearts so we may receive and dispense more of your love, Papa. Our world needs your true love!!

    2. Beautiful tribute Maplewood NJ. Those of us who can't be First Responders can always be Love Responders! For both I pray. Amen!

    3. Dear Lord,
      Since we know not the day nor the hour of Your coming, would You help us keep our lamps on and our lamp oil full and ready? I ask. I pray. I thank You in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. love this message. Thank you Maplewood. KS

    5. Thank you Maplewood for this beautiful tribute! You have such a wonderful gift that you share with us here. I am blessed beyond measure to read what you write and want to say you are teaching me how to pray. Your thought are way more thorough than my own and I really appreciate your details. God Bless you!

    6. Amen! I agree with you Kmertens. Maplewood has such a beautiful gift of writing and expressing what's on our heart. God bless you all

      Blessings from France

    7. What a beautiful tribute and prayer at this profound moment in time. Thank you M.W.
      It would do the world good to take a moment in silence and ponder all of the sacrifices that our firemen, police, medical first responders, doctors, nurses, military and numerous Heros for our nation ( our hands and feet of God, our Help) and try to imagine what that fearless bravery and love for each other cost them. Thank them in our hearts and pray for them for the sacrifices made and continue to make on our behalf. Like Jesus,sacrificing, putting others before themselves is what we are called to do but often do not in the every day or even the extraordinary moments. Please Lord help us to remember and try to do our part no matter how small to put others needs before our, today, tomorrow and until you call us home. Thank you Lord. What a truly honorable challenge and tribute to you Lord that is, thank you for your teachings that always teach us and bless us. Help us to remember the attributes of Jesus, His character as we walk thru this day, and desire to be just a little more like Him as opportunities reveal themselves in our days.
      Thank you Lord!.
      Lord please have mercy on six year old Colton who is severely burned and His faithful grandmother Tina who is showing this kind of indescribable, sacrificial love right now. Give all family members (Colton, Erica, Tina) supernatural Faith to get them thru this. Thank you Father God, I know you are carrying them all now.

    8. I am still praying for Colton, Erica, and Tina.

    9. Thank you, twin bd sis, for this blessed tribute to all directly affected that day 19 years ago. One of the things I was grateful for in the two years I lived in NJ, was a greater appreciation for all who sacrificed themselves for others that day. There were members of the church who were in NYC that day and other members who were first responders who lost comrades. I add my prayers to yours for those who still and always will be feeling the pain. Only God can provide peace and I pray for God's peace to be upon them. God be with you.

    10. Dear Maplewood, Thank you for using your God given gift to express so much in remembrance of 9/11 and as a tribute to all the lost loved ones, broken Families and injured. May God comfort, guide and heal all those who are sorrowful and still affected by it. Your beautiful words spoke volumes to their hearts. We are so blessed to read your messages of hope and God’s truth you share with us every day. Thanks sweet Sister!
      Amen dear Fern and Thank you. Praying for healing and strength for Colton, Erica and Tina. God bless them all and give them peace and blessed assurance of His never ending love and faithfulness. Amen.

  16. We are trying to learn to live this way. It would be so wonderful!!

  17. Rejoice! God pursues us. Rejoice! God listens. Rejoice! God reassures us. Rejoice! God keeps His Promises. Rejoice! God provides. Rejoice! God gives Good Gifts. Rejoice! Who else does this much for us?
    Lord, we rejoice in our thankfulness for Your many, many blessings. Would You help us thank You and love You the way You want to be thanked and loved and to love and thank You out loud?

    1. 🎢 Rejoice! Rejoice! O Christian Lift up your voice and sing
      Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ, The King
      The Hope of all who seek Him, the Help of all who find
      None other is so loving, so good and kind
      He lives (He lives), He lives (He lives), Christ Jesus lives today
      He walks with me and talks with me
      Along life's narrow way
      He lives (He lives), He lives (He lives), Salvation to impart
      You ask me how I know He lives?
      He lives within my heart

    2. So many memories with that song, Brie. Thank you.

    3. Amen Brie! Thanks!! Rejoice He is our God and Heavenly Father!!

    4. ♥️🎢 He Lives, sung by Alan Jackson

  18. Rejoice in the Lord always. That is challenging on so many levels. Yet we see and know you are good. We can review and remember so many of your faithful loving acts. We know, too, that your ways are not our ways. Your ways are higher than ours. We remember this day in 2001. We grieve and still recall your mercy. This current year seems so troublesome and challenging. Yet, you are the same yesterday, today, and forever. I cling to you, Lord. I hold to your truth. May we offer your hope to this desperate and beautiful world.

    1. Beautiful song Brie, and thanks GTT for your lovely words! Amen. May the Spirit within us guide us to share the Hope we hold to all those in need.
      Yes Jan! We have so many reasons to rejoice despite our circumstances. He is so much greater!

  19. Thank you GTT,Brie, again I say rejoice! Inspite of the memories this day brings to the forefront of our minds, we much to rejoice about. Our God is in the heavens, the angels are preparing for His return to set up His kingdom here on this troubled earth. He will wipe away our tears, mend our broken hearts, send the enemy into the abyss where they belong, never to darken our midst ever again. Even so Lord Jesus come! My heart & prayers go to the families of those who perished on that horrific dayπŸ™πŸ’•.

  20. Warriors- on a brighter note. Please start praying now for the September 26 March in Washington DC. Franklin Graham will be heading up a March to raise awareness of the need to lift up our land in prayer, that our God will hear and heal it! If you cannot join this momentous event bodily then join in your spirit. Pray for victory! Pray for unity! Pray for lost souls! Pray for safety! That the powers of darkness be pushed back as to not impede the appointed purpose of this day. Call upon the blood & body of Jesus Christ to cover all participants present & those not. Hallelujah! Can I get an AMEN?

    1. Come holy spirit all over our world!

    2. AMEN!! Come Holy Spirit. Wash us all in your precious blood Lord.

      Blessings from France

    3. Amen!! Lord! Save our world! The battle is Yours and we are more than conquerors in You!

  21. I have never been more clear that our hope for restoration and salvation for ourselves and our country lies not in an election of competent leaders, in movements that taut equality and justice, in a vaccine, or in public safety and healthcare personnel. It lies in our acknowledgement of Jesus, our Lord and savior who alone ensures a life everlasting. I pray for this discovery by all those who don't see so that His blessings will cover us in the days we remain in earth. I ask. I pray. I thank you, in Jesus' name. -audra, with a wink to Brie.

    1. Yes! Anonymous, your post is on pointe. The answer is not blowing in the wind because it is internal, over which we have control.
      Even when all this changes: election of competent leaders, movements that taut equality and justice, a vaccine, public safety, healthcare personnel etc, until each person who makes up our nation first loves and reverences God, and loves and treats every other person as much and as well as him/herself, we will again end up with nothing but heartache.
      REJOICE! REJOICE! God still Supplies all our needs And The Touch of His Hands still Heals every one! When each individual that makes up our nation gets this, then maybe, just maybe, satan will flee and restoration can begin. I ask. I pray. I thank in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Based on Bob's THOUGHTS ON INTIMACY WITH OUR LORD...Jesus has Eternal, unconditional, and uncontrollable love for us...When I fail to pass this love on to others, am I like the Merciless Official who received good from God, but withheld it from others? Jesus, would You forgive us, save us, and lead us? Amen

    3. Amen Audra and Brie! His love for us is without bounds or conditions. The only solution to this world’s problems is JESUS. He is our Ruler, our Hope, our Peace, and our Answer.

  22. Such beautiful tributes and encouraging words. Rejoicing with my family for the gifts of God’s comfort, guidance, endless Love, mercy, healing, understanding, provisions and loving kindness. He is everything to us.
    Thank You dear Jesus. You are truly present in our lives and hearts. You abide with us and in us always and forever.

    1. Amen sweet Jeanne. Peace be with you.

    2. Dear Janet, Thank you so much! I had a peaceful and productive day. How was your interview? Praying all went well.

  23. Please pray for my Cousin Bobby with Covid who’s in the hospital with double pneumonia, and for my SIL’s friend Liz who has stage 4 Lymphoma who is getting chemo very soon. We are praying for God’s amazing and miraculous healing power to restore them to good health. He can do all things.
    Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name. We trust You and we wait on You.

    1. Father, please restore Bobby and Liz back to health so that they can be whole again. Let Your Presence fill them with peace, strength, comfort, love, and healing as You perform Your miraculous healing within. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    2. Jeanne, I join JC family and lift up Bobby and Liz in prayer for healing and restoration. Nothing is Impossible with God, for He is the greatest physician!
      Healing blessings are sent their way.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. We join with the JC family and lift up Bobby and Liz. Even befre we knew they were ailing Our Father in heaven knew and He kniws the desires of Bobby and Liz hearts. Lord please reach out and touch them, restore their health. Thank You Father that You have good and wonderful plan for them , may Your will be done and may You be glorified. We thank You and we glorify You !

    4. Sending prayers for Bobby and Liz. May God's healing power surround them. πŸ’•πŸ™

    5. Praying for Bobby Lord. Breathe your healing breath into his lungs dear Jesus. Praying for Liz to experience the miracle of your touch of healing. Amen.

    6. Thank you dear ones. Your prayers mean so much to me. Bobby and Liz are in the best Hands and in your sincere prayers.

  24. Here is a prayer I found that I thought is good for today and wanted to share.

    Dear Lord and Father of all, we come to You on this solemn day of remembrance. We recall the lives of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country, so that we would know freedom from injustice, tyranny, and oppression. We will not forget them. We thank You for the determination and the courage of those who laid down their lives that others might live. We will not forget them. We pray Your comfort for those families and friends who lost dear ones in battles, conflicts, and war. Be with them in their pain and grief. May the thought that they did not die in vain bring strength and encouragement in their sorrow. We pray in the name of our risen Lord, Jesus Christ, Amen.

  25. Father, thank You for Your Presence in my life. I may not know where my life is heading, but I trust in You Lord. No matter what happens, You will always be there with me, holding my hand, in every situation. I found out yesterday that they don't allow you to work and live on site here at the hotel so I couldn't get the job with my current circumstances. I have no where else to go right now and no transportation. Even when I do leave here (when the money runs out), I will still have no transportation to get anywhere. Lord, please show me how I can serve You right now in my current situation and circumstances. Let Your Spirit fill me and move me in the right direction. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    JC Warriors -- thank you for all your prayers and thoughts. I always appreciate you and them. God bless!

    1. Thy Will Be Done, Heavenly Father. You and You alone can open doors no one can close and close doors no one can open. This job, or one You value better for our Janet, is now in existence for her, created by You especially for her, in totally satisfying and harmonious ways for the highest good of all concerned. So be it and so it is in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Dear Janet, warriors are joined with you in prayer to the Most High for these circumstances you face. Remember, you do not face them alone. Jesus will never leave you or forsake you. Even the the birds are housed & fed, how much more precious is your life, your needs to the Lord of the Universe! Dust yourself off! wash your face! Enemies of the kingdom, hands off our sister Janet!! She belongs to the Almighty Way maker, Miracle worker, Promise keeper, Light in the darkness! In Jesus' mighty name, Amen! Hallelujah πŸ’•

    3. Thank you Lord for your ever watchful eye on Janet's circumstances. May she be encouraged by her faith, entry minute , every day - for this we pray.

    4. Dear Sweet PRECIOUS Janet - Joining warriors in prayer. You are in my heart and prayers. WE LOVE YOU!!!

    5. Don't get discouraged Janet, Another door will open up for you soon. God knows your needs and He has equipped you well to do the job that He is preparing. Wait on the Lord. Trust in His perfect timing. Praying always that you are in His able Hands and well taken care of. Jesus is so much greater than your circumstances.

    REJOICE in Me always! No matter what else is going on, you can always rejoice in your Love relationship with Me, just as people rejoice in a Beach Romance.
    The beach lends itself to romance and rejoicing. Long carefree and lingering walks with a loved one along the water’s edge, hands and hearts intertwined, dinners overlooking the gentle waves, relaxation on lounge chairs placed next to each other, cuddles inside a cabana, can all cause rejoicing when in a Love Relationship. Yes! the Beach can be a perfect setting for relaxing, rejoicing in, and just enjoying one another’s company whenever love is igniting, reigniting, or discovered for the first time.
    We love the Lord. He loves us. How often do we say I Love You to Him with full hearts of grateful rejoicing? As often as it is said in Beach Romances?
    As we absorb His Glorious Beach creations, do we also rejoice in His Presence, remembering that it is His Love for us that provided the view, the trip, and our dear ones?
    God always pursues our love relationship with Him! REJOICE in Him always!
    God always listens with ears of a Lover! REJOICE in Him always!
    God reassures us of His Love! REJOICE in Him always!
    God always keeps His Promises! REJOICE in Him always!
    God always provides for us! REJOICE in Him always!
    God always gives us His Good Gifts! REJOICE in Him always!
    If our beach romance always did all these for us, would we gleefully rejoice and most certainly let that person know our appreciation? What about our God who breathed breath into us and our dear one, and our lovely beach into existence? Can we breathe out gleeful rejoicing and most certainly let Him know our appreciation? Perhaps that is what the Word means when it says, REJOICE in The Lord with all your heart…and Love the Lord your God with all your strength, heart, soul, mind and body…
    As we love and rejoice in our beach romance, so too, may we love and rejoice in our Lord of Love, out loud!
    Bring your moments to Me, and I will fill them with vibrant Joy. Now is the time to rejoice in My Presence!
    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    We are truly thankful for Your many, many blessings, including Your Gift of Beach Retreats. Would you help us to say, I LOVE YOU, out loud? In Jesus’ Name. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. Amen.

    1. I have said "I love You Lord" many times today. He is always with me and He is everything. So thankful that He is mine.

  27. “More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us” (Romans 5:3-5).

    Loving Father, as families, love ones, friends and the nation come together to remember those lives lost in the worst terrorist attack in this nation on 911 twenty years ago and thereafter, we pray for strength and comfort for all those affected. As believers, we know that nothing is as realistic about suffering as the Bible. It’s pages are honest about the trials of Your children and about the severity of those trials, losses and pain. Our Father Abraham, Job, David, Paul and so many others, all suffered and went through many trials. Many of them endured some of the worst afflictions of their time. The story of Your servant Job who lost his entire family (forget possession!) is such a monumental testimony to this fact. But thanks to You, the Word attends to our soul like a physician's balm.
    Thank You for the healing in its pages, Thank You for the comfort in its Words, and Thank You for the hope found in its exhortations. May everyone remember to give Thanks, find peace, strength, and rejoice whenever we are thrown in the cellars of sufferings, loss, pain, or dive into the sea of affliction.
    Please help these families to entrust their strength and find healing in Your embrace because it is not in their power, it is for Your glory. You created us for Your glory and You are faithful to that glory and to all who love it and will live for it. I lift this prayer up to You in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior. Amen.

    Keep on rejoicing because the suffering is not a surprise but a plan (“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you”- 1 Peter. 4:12).
    Keep on rejoicing because your suffering as a Christian is an evidence of your union with Christ- (“Suffering is not outside the will of God. It is in God’s will”- 1 Peter. 4:13).
    Keep on rejoicing because this joy will strengthen your assurance that when Christ comes in glory, you will rejoice forever with him. (“[As you share the sufferings of Christ] keep on rejoicing; so that also at the revelation of his glory, you may rejoice with exultation”- 1 Peter. 4:13b).
    Keep on rejoicing in suffering because then the Spirit of glory and of God rest upon you ("If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you”- 1 Peter. 4:14).
    Keep on rejoicing in suffering because this glorifies God (“If anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not feel ashamed, but in that name let him glorify God”- 1 Peter. 4:16).
    Keep on rejoicing because your Creator is faithful to care for your soul (“Therefore, let those also who suffer according to the will of God entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right”- 1 Peter. 4:19).

    “They who dive in the sea of affliction bring up rare pearls.”

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen to that dear Maplewood. Taking this with me:
      "May everyone remember to give Thanks, find peace, strength, and rejoice whenever we are thrown in the cellars of sufferings, loss, pain, or dive into the sea of affliction." I know that I never face anything alone even in the hardest times because He leads me through them. Rejoice in suffering which sounds so difficult. We are carrying His cross but we are headed in the right direction. Our faith is being tested and that is all part of His Plan. Don't lean unto your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in ALL THINGs and He will direct your path.
      Amen dear sister: "Keep on rejoicing because your Creator is faithful to care for your soul"

  28. Thank you warriors for prayers for my wellness check. All went well, some testings down the road. Doc cleaned my ears & discovered an infection, prescribed antibiotic. Didn't take antibiotic, as it's well known it will come back after it's done! Used essential oils & old remedy of onion juice on piece of cotton. Bingo! Within hours, pain gone without my whole intestinal system thrown out of balance! How awesome are You Lord! Hallelujah!

    1. Hey Jan kindly share the remedy of onion juice and essential oils .

    2. HA! Oils and holistic remedies ROCK, Jan! So awesome! I, too, have dealt with some ear pain/infection issues and found basil (especially) and tea tree oil rubbed on the OUTSIDE of the ear and behind it to relieve said pain! And then topped it off with onion juice on a cotton ball. Brilliant. So glad you're feeling better and out of pain, sweet Jan! He IS so AWESOME & MIGHTY! Praise God!

    3. Thanks for giving me cause to rejoice about the onion juice. I guess if I can squeeze blood from a turnip, I can squeeze juice from an onionπŸ˜‰
      Will onion juice also work for an ear stopped up with wax? And which essential oils did you use? I appreciate what you shared, and am thanking God, out loud.

    4. I didn't have basil. I used 5 drops of helichrysum, tea tree, Roman chamomile diluted in 1 teas. Jojoba oil. As NJS posted, I rubbed it behind the ear, down the neck area also following where the ear tube would go down. I applied every 20-30min. At first. I was hurting when I got home. In 2-3 hrs. The pain subsided. PTL!

    5. Thank God your wellness check went well and you treated your ear infection with natural remedies. So happy you're feeling better. Never heard of essential oils and onion juice for infections. Thanks for teaching me well dear Jan. I hate antibiotics!!!

  29. please share the treatment Jan.....i keep get ear
    aches and need some relief.

    1. Min I shared it above. If all you've got is an onion, that works too. Just make sure there are solids, just juice. Don't saturate the cotton wad to the point of dripping in the ear canal, squeeze out some, but not too much, you definitely want it really damp. The fumes from the onion is the key. Hope that helps.

  30. Brie, use a product called Debrox. It works. I just waited too long for myself & my doc offered so, why not. Except the water she sprayed in hit my eardrum, OUCHIE. So I will be more diligent with Debrox.

  31. Just to add, do not dip fingers into oil. Use a clean q-tips, so as not to contaminate your oil blend. I use little pipettes.

  32. Praying for all who are still mourning or grieving the loss of loved ones, family and friends through the atrocity of 9/11.

    1. Amen dear Peter. May God continue to comfort and guide them in their sorrow and daily challenges.

  33. Holy Spirit, please intercede for me in prayer for all those impacted by our nation's tragedy twenty-one years ago today. You know each and every one of the persons in need of prayer. You know exactly what each one is needing today. I pray for world peace and God to receive glory from all of His children.

    1. Joining in your prayer dear Anonymous. Amen

  34. DH had a good night. Mine was a little short, but I was happy to talk to his nurse and I'm hoping he calls me soon. We texted but I can't get through on his phone for some reason. Anyway, I know he is fine and I can't wait to see him, so I'll be heading in soon. Please pray: for Cardiology to keep him in our local hospital as long as it's good for him, but to seek the best treatment even if it means a longer distance away. Pray that I stay positive, juggle all of the many balls we have in the air right now and remember to breathe and thank the Father for Peace that passes understanding, stay calm, claim His Word with every thought and word out of my mouth. Expecting miracles. Thank you JC Prayer Warriors - we are a mighty force with Our Father and Lord Jesus Christ, closer than our very breath.

    1. Praying both of you through it all. Much Love, Brie

    2. Dear Norah, Sending a hug and the Blessed Assurance that you and your DH are in the loving and healing Hands of our Almighty God, and in our prayers and hearts. Expecting miracles with you and His faithfulness. Thank You Jesus.

    3. Norah,
      Praying for healing for your husband and that God will give you strength and peace during this time of anxiety. Blessings to you and your family.


    4. AMEN!!!! Echoing TJ prayer: Praying for healing for your husband and that God will give you strength and peace during this time of anxiety. Blessings to you and your family.

    5. Norah, I join the JC family in prayers that thank Almighty God for the perfect outcomes to your DH's health issues and the expectation that all will be well πŸ™♥️

  35. Rejoicing always with contentment in all circumstances, is saying Thank You God, Thank You God, Thank You God, for every person, for every place, for every situation, for every circumstance, and for everything,
    Thank You God! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  36. Amen sweet Brie. Praise and gratitude to the Most High. Thank You Father God. Thank You Jesus, Thank You Holy Spirit.

  37. Heading to bed, Dear JC Family, but I had to report first: My Best Man was released today, due to "no cardiac episodes; no pain, just follow up." The follow up will include: Cardiology, Gastro Intestinal check, but keeping the chemo for his MM #1. This news was released just following prayer in our weekly fellowship. SO many people are praying for this man's full recovery and I had to let all of you know how appreciative we are of your prayers. Our God is a mighty God! We have much ahead of us, but the Truth, that God answered this prayer gives us nothing but more hope and power to continue to believe for the best. THANK YOU! More, as soon as I find out...

  38. Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13).

    1. Looking forward to my God of hope to fill me with all joy and peace in believing, that I may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen! Hallelujah!

    2. Amen dear Janet and Jan! Me too!

  39. Wow I so needed to see this today!! Lord help me live in the moment, and enjoy each and every moment of my precious life!! Thanks be to God!! Jay

    1. Amen Jay Amen!πŸ’•πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    2. Thanks be to God! In His Presence is true peace and light.

  40. Such heartfelt prayer dear sister. May I join you in desiring the same for myself. Trusting in You Lord Jesus. Amen.πŸ’•πŸ™πŸŒˆ

  41. Praying dear Jeanne for your appointment today. Be of good courage, He's got you. Go boldly into this day & rejoice in it, for He made it just for you. πŸ˜πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    1. Praying for your mom Jeanne - ❤️πŸ™

    2. Our prayers are with you Jeanne. May you come home rejoicing! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    3. Praying for Good news all around. Well, the kind we hear from doctors πŸ˜‰

    4. Good news. My Oncologist said I am still in Remission. I know Jesus healed me. My blood work was excellent! Gotta see him in January. God was with me and I am grateful. The Neurologist said my Mom has 3rd Nerve Palsy and he's testing her blood for Myathesia Gravis. Janet said she was so brave when they did her blood work. So happy she's resting. The doctor told her she can call him every day. God is so good. Praying for her vision to go back to normal in her left eye and her headaches to stop. Thank You Jesus!

  42. Dear JC friends, Today is the day I take my husband down to Mayo, and tomorrow he has open heart surgery to repair a valve and correct other things. I am not worried about the outcome, but anxious about the process. He is so strong and not one to receive help. I am glad to be able to be his caregiver. Thanks so much for your prayers!

    1. Praying dear Ellen for this procedure to go well. The hands of Jesus will guide the hands of the surgeon. The same hands will be on you dear one to ease your apprehension. Trust, trust, trust. πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    2. Praying for your husband Ellen- God be with him through these procedures

    3. Joining all prayers for your good husband for a smooth surgery and for God to guide the surgeon's hands perfectly to make him all better. And to give you, dear Ellen, peace of mind and rest for your weary heart. Keeping you both in my prayers. Rest in Him Who Loves you.

  43. Well , today is the day that the divorce papers get signed. I first posted back on 11/13/22 and it’s finally come to this. I ask for prayers for my 2 girls, my “ex” and me today as we move forward. I’m not happy, but I’ve never been closer to God than these past 10 months. Thank you for your prayers and God bless you all.

    1. Lifting you up in prayer, BfNY, that you feel God's presence around you today and going forward. We walk THROUGH the valley, right?.. & He is with us every step of the way.

    2. Praying for you, your daughters & your ex. I’m about a week away from signing divorce papers after nearly 19 years & 7 kids. God is so good though, and gives us the strength & comfort & love to persevere. We know that He works everything for our good, so I’m happy & excited for that to come into fruition for you & your family πŸ™πŸ». I know I couldn’t have gone through this without our loving Father with me always. But whenever I’m having a tough day or am in a bad place mentally, I always refer to my life verse Jeremiah 29:11. Now I can truly live in peace, no matter the circumstances. I’m no longer numb & can feel again. I’m even grateful for my anger & sadness. There’s a time & season for everything, so I embrace it all now. Bob had talked about having an open heart & being vulnerable (his Intimacy w/ God series above, which I LOVE & look forward to rereading every year), it is the most beautiful thing to not only witness it in others, but to experience it personally, it was a game changer & I could finally stop hiding & start the healing process. This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice in it! When we are weak, He is strong. You’ve got this and you have the whole JC family here for you! Grace & Peace πŸ™πŸ»❤️πŸ™πŸ»

      Rosemary Siemens...

    4. Dear Blessings from NY, Praying with our dear ones here that God is already preparing bright tomorrows for you, your daughters and your Ex. God drew you and Beauty From Ashes closer to Him through this wilderness and He will take care of you!! Thank You Jesus!

  44. Praying dear BfNY for the smoothest transition from one season of your life to another. You've put your faith & trust on the One Who never changes to lead you , your girls & your ex into the next phase of your lives. May each of you find the path He has prepared. Amen. πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    1. Love one another, forgive as He forgives us. (And that includes yourself). And no one said that would be easy. Praying for you and your family BFNY πŸ™

  45. Joining this JC family in prayer for you and your Mom, Jeanne. I know you feel His presence with you as you go to your appointment today. Know that your JC family is with you as well.

    1. Joining in prayers for Jeanne and her Mom as well as BfNY's circumstance, Ellen's husband's procedure and Restoration and Beauty From Ashes' situation.
      My Papa God, watches over his WORD to perform it. HALLELUJAH!!!

      Psalm 107: 10-20 AMPC "Then they cry to the Lord in their trouble and He delivers them out of their distresses. He sends forth His word and heals them and rescues them from the pit and destruction."

      Great Love and Blessings to this AWESOME JCFAMILY!!! I Declare that God will shower you with His Blessing and will fill your heart with Peace and Love!!!

    2. Thanks dear NJS and dear JJ! Amen! We cry to Him in our time of trouble and He helps us through it. Good results. Doctor says I'm still in remission although I know I'm healed by the Blood of the Lamb. Mom needs those prayers. She has 3rd Nerve Palsy and possibly Myathesia Gravis. But we know God is greater. Waiting on the Lord.

    3. Thank you everyone for the beautiful prayers and blessings on a difficult day for both my ex wife and myself. May God bless you all one hundred fold. πŸ™❤️

    4. Prayers continue. "When you have troubles in your life, lay them at the Lord's doorstep, and then expect a knock at yours. "

  46. "Bring your moments to Me, and I will fill them with vibrant Joy. Now is the time to rejoice in My Presence!"

    Come, Now Is The Time To Worship:

  47. "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God."

  48. Joining in that prayer with you dear sisters! Amen Cleanse and renew me, Lord, and bring me closer to You in every way.

  49. Hello JC believers and lovers of grace in our Lord’s mercies. TY for the Scripture that shared about the Lord’s constant love! I had gotten a hacked email from a distant friend from high school and giving it all over to God. Praying those who chose evil paths to have a radical transformation to do good. That they have God fearing family and friends praying for their ways to become righteous l! Bless you all. Consider it all joy as I plan to sleep tonight in God’s healing arms! And for protection.

  50. Rest in Him who cares for you, dear Ann. There are so many ungodly people out there living for themselves. But God is greater.
