Saturday, September 12, 2015

Jesus Calling: September 12

Receive My Peace. It is My continual gift to you. The best way to receive this gift is to sit quietly in My Presence, trusting Me in every area of your life. Quietness and trust accomplish far more than you can imagine not only in you, but also on earth and in heaven. When you trust Me in a given area, you release that problem or person into My care.
     Spending time alone with Me can be a difficult discipline, because it goes against the activity addiction of this age. You may appear to be doing nothing, but actually you are participating in battles going on within spiritual realms. You are waging war--not with the weapons of this world, but with heavenly weapons, which have divine power to demolish strongholds. Living close to Me is a sure defense against evil. 

John 14:27
English Standard Version

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
Isaiah 30:15
English Standard Version

For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel,
“In returning and rest you shall be saved;
    in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.”
But you were unwilling,
2 Corinthians 10:4
English Standard Version

For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you for posting this to the internet. It's a real blessing to have it. I come here everytime I need a quick pick me up or don't have my copy of "Jesus calling" with me to read.

    1. Amen. Me too today. It was left in a doctor's office. Last week.

    2. Five years later, I can’t help but wonder how many lives were changed by your leaving the book behind…I received mine from a dear patron in August of 2012. I lost my mother later that year, and continue to find that these “gentle lessons” go a very long way in helping to heal. God’s Word lives in those who share it, and I have since gifted this book many, many times In hope that it brings others closer to really KNOWING Jesus. God bless you all! πŸ™πŸ»❤️πŸ™πŸ»

    3. I echo your commendation n gratitude for this website!!!

    4. I read Jesus Calling first thing every morning before I start my day. I’m so grateful that it is posted electronically as I can read it in transit wherever I am.

    5. I read it every morning as well. Great way to start each day!

    6. Hello World who starts their day with the beautiful reminders of the Living Word, meeting here by the grace of God. ♥️πŸ™

  2. And a year later I’m still reading the site everyday wherever I am to remind myself Jesus is always the answer, regardless of my circumstances!

    1. Yes - Jesus is always the answer! I love reading all of these - and people's comments. We are all truly united.

    2. Yes. I agree whole heartly. If I miss a day. I miss it so much. I read every morning Right I get up and have my coffee. It is a awesome way to start the day. Thank you for taking time to write your books. It mean alot to me and others. Blessing to everone

    3. Yes, what comfort that I can cast my cates upon the Lord; trust Him to take care of my daughter who is constantly afflicted with feelings of rejection, unable to sense/receive my love no matter what I do.

    4. Dear anonymous, I too have a child who is indifferent to his parents. I try to reach out through calls and texts but never get a response. It’s been many years and pray each day for God to intercede. I don’t understand why my prayers are not being answered but I’m waiting and not losing hope. God has a plan. Praying Hebrews 10:23 for you and me and all those who can relate. Blessings from Cali πŸ™πŸΌ

  3. Discipline, any discipline be it physical, mental, or spiritual, is good for our overall created purpose (unless we become obsessed with it). Discipline helps bring our desires under control. We lost control of our desires in the Garden when pleasuring ourselves took precedence over doing what God desired for us (which out of His love is most to be desired). Amidst our affluent culture, the ways of pleasuring ourselves has become a myriad making discipline to divine standards more and more difficult simply because we don’t want to. For me, the acquiring of the discipline spoken of in today’s reading has helped immensely in orientating my desires more to God’s desire for me. The fourth and final stage of faith taught by St. Bernard is to love ourselves for God’s sake. At that level, I want for myself what the Lord most wants for me. I’m not there yet, but that’s the goal.

    1. I share in the same wonderful goal, Bob! I long to love myself for God’s sake. I wish I knew how He sees me. I tend to see my shortcomings and weaknesses. But God loves me unconditionally. I must strive to live to please Him and become more like Him. The true act of spending time with Him should be our most sought after way of pleasuring ourselves. He is the only One that can fill our hearts to bursting with joy and peace like none other.

    2. Powerful message Bob . May we journey towards what God wants us to be, may He be our focus and remove our desires that are temporary and may we strive for Godly desires !

    3. Good morning God! Thank you for helping me calm my activity addiction so that I can join with you and my fellow prayer warriors in fighting the battles going on within spiritual realms. Please guide me to my heavenly weapons, which have divine power to demolish strongholds. I want more of you Lord in my life. Thank you Jesus!

    4. Beautiful prayers Jeanne, Bob, Min Ahadi and Audra. Lord I pray for more of You and less of me. I pray for Your Purpose in me
      I love you Jesus and I trust in You and in Your Living Word.
      Love, prayers and blessings

    5. What does God think of me? Psalm 139, v. 13-18 ♥️

  4. I sit and talk to God everyday and yet everyday when I wake up it's a different problem I'm a good person and I know that I'm not scared to die because there's heaven but when would life be good here on Earth I'm so tired please help me god I just want to be ok financially my kids to be ok with their problem problems that are out of my control

  5. Please unknown, unknown look to the light! Do not focus on any darkness. Only look foward with HOPE. I realize easier said than done, but try to remember...Trust...Faith...Servng others......brings blessings! My prayers are with you daily!

  6. Good Morning Lord,
    Wide awake and refreshed at 3:30 AM!! Where You lead me I will follow. Make me a blessing to those I encounter. Anticipating today's undeserved blessings.

    1. Amen Sassy Mom
      Love you ❤️πŸ™

  7. Thank you for posting. I just got a new phone and not copy was not downloaded. Siri is a big help thank you.

  8. Good Morning, JC Family! I was awake at 3:30, too, Sassy Mom, but thankfully, I considered myself on the Night Watch and praying helped me get back to sleep. Now, I'm rushing! Love and prayers to all of you and for all of you.
    I have an update on my sister in law! Her Oncologist called after her MRI to tell her that the tumors on her liver are now just tiny spots! She was laughing, crying and rejoicing when she called to tell my husband and me. Lots of tears - happy tears! Thank you all for continuing to pray for her. Also, my daughter made it home safe and sound and in a better place than when she arrived. So very thankful!

    1. That's wonderful news, Norah. Thanks be to God! KS

    2. Norah, This is the first I've seen about your sister-in-law. I am curious as to what treatment she used for the tumors. I found out yesterday my thyroid cancer has returned. Last time it was around my voicebox and I ended up with a paralized vocal chord. This time it is around my esophagus. I might end up with a trachea. So I'm hoping to avoid that surgery.

    3. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY and Honor for the Great things HE has done and still doing! God who started the good work, will COMPLETE it in Jesus name.
      Rejoicing with you Norah!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Unknown: my sister in law did chemo for a while but it made her very sick and she got down to 98 lbs (she's 5'7" tall). Because the cancer was on both sides of her liver, they couldn't surgically remove it. She got off the chemo and hasn't been doing anything other than resting. We don't have a treatment to give the credit, which is why we believe it can only be God. We go back at to the Oncologist in a week and will learn more. I will share what I learn. When my husband was diagnosed with cancer 5 years ago, he said, "It's God first, find a Dr. you connect with and trust, stay positive. When you get worried, go back to step 1 - God first." So, it was a combination of things. I will be praying with you.
      Thank you, Maplewood NJ, for your prayers and all of the JC Family, for their focused prayers on Jinny. Keep them coming!

    5. Since 1:30 am, I have been on the Prayer Night Watch! I hope you received, were comforted and covered up with the prayer comforter covers.
      Thanks for the Night Watch terminology Norah. Now I know why I was awakened.

    6. I too was up at 3:30. Up even later working on my painting. I even saw the sunrise over the ocean. Such a sight! Met a nice man who was also my brother in Christ and also a grandparent. Had a lovely talk about the beauty of God’s creation. Then I slept till 10:30 and was thrown into Grandma mode until now. My wonderful husband had gone out and bought breakfast sandwiches so I could sleep. I am so blessed. God is leading me to make every moment with my family special and memorable. My beautiful grandson is always looking for me. Kept trying to wake me up. We had a ball at the beach looking for shells and making sandcastles. 😊 God is so good!!

  9. I've awaken to a bright and beautiful day not of my own accord, but by Your unconditional Love, mercy and Grace! How can I ever go through a day without acknowledging and thanking You? I can't. I Thank You the moment I open my eyes and plant my feet on solid ground again, because You deserve it! Thank You Lord.

    My JC family, the scripture reminds us of the Saviour's promise today, and I repeat: "Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give you, not as the world gives do I give you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" John 14:27. Isaiah 30:15 adds, " ....In returning and rest you shall be saved, in quietness and TRUST shall be your strength....."! So please, let us be WILLING and not unwilling!
    There is absolutely Nothing like the Peace of God. This day, I pray in the name of Jesus, the name that is ABOVE every name, that the perfect Peace of God that surpasses all understanding, shall go before you and make all your crooked places straight, give you rest, give you joy, love, comfort, happiness and demolish ALL spirit of fear, strongholds, trials, afflictions, lack, sickness and the wickedness of this world because our bible tells us " For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds" 2 Corinth. 10:4. Pull down those strongholds by fighting your battles on your knees, trusting the ONE who is able to do all but fail and watch Him do the impossible as ONLY He can because He is the God of ALL Possibilities!

    His Presence is always with us, spend time with Him and be blessed.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen! Thanks for your beautiful words, If you only knew how high your posts, verses and prayers lift me each day! Thanks dear Sister!πŸ’—

    2. Such a wonderful post and gratitude and praise to the Most High. Today in Choir we got to sing How Can I Keep From Singing. How Can I Keep from Thanking You Lord? Amen and Amen.

    3. Amen, Maplewood!

      SC Anonymous

  10. Replies
    1. Awesome. Thanks for reviewing and sharing that correction. Got it.

  11. Good morning Lord and jc family. Yesterday was a very difficult day for me..I could not comment with my jc family or talk to my siblings. I lost my mom 3 years ago yesterday 9/11/16 and then our terrible day in history. I spent the day in quietness with our Lord. The waterworks still came around 9 p.m. It passed. Our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on this day as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever Amen

  12. Dear unknown unknown, please know that your heart wrenching texts are cared about and you are loved. We are not good people and thus is a sinful world. Praise be to Jesus for making his way the way to get through by agonizing himself on the cross for no sin of H and suffering and dying without sin for our sin because we began in the garden this frees us up to be covered by his blood and stand righteous before our heavenly Father. Our sacrifice to him is to thank him for what he has done for us and to stop thinking about the things in this world that we can do nothing about it doesn't mean we don't love but as my father went said don't love the person to death God Will Make a way for that person just like he will make a way for you and even though it's been a year I pray for you and I pray that things are better than they were I pray that the almighty God has shown himself brightly in your life this year I pray that you respond in 2019

  13. Ha ha! Typos this His The Way would say

  14. Hello to my JC family. As usual an appropriate message for me. I am posting just to express my thanks to God and all you for your prayers. As part of my program of recovery in AA I pray in the morning and at night before bed but I find myself praying constantly throughout the day and especially in meetings when I see a suffering alcoholic struggling with sobriety. Recently, I have been turning off the radio while driving and turning off the television at home so that I can invite God into my mind instead of filling my mind with the noise and chaos that is only a distraction. It's such a wonderful, peaceful feeling. I used to crave the noise and contraversy now I enjoy the peace that God provides when I am willing to seek it. God bless you all.

    1. zfuntastic, you are not alone. I, too turn off the television at home so that I can invite God into my mind and heart instead of filling them with the noise clamor and chaos that is only an advertising moneygrab and a distraction, especially true in 2020! It's such a wonderful, peaceful feeling when it is off. You have a friend.

    2. So true,! Turning off the TV and timing in to God is a life saving game changer! - audra

    3. That would be tuning πŸ˜‰

    4. Yes, quietness with our Lord is always the answer. Thank you, Jesus.

    5. The time we spend with Jesus is far more precious than anything we can gain from this world and any media. Nothing brings more pleasure and contentment to my soul then being still and knowing He is with me. Being in His presence and feeling His peace beats everything else. The first 3 words I say in the morning are the same as what I say when my head hits the pillow: Thank you Jesus!
      I trust You Jesus.

  15. zfuntastic - WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!! AND YES, I'M SHOUTING!!!!!!! (*.*)

  16. Replies
    1. Still so proud of you dear zfuntastic! You are walking on the good and narrow path that God has prepared for you. What a blessing to all of us. God is so good and you have been faithful to Him.


    When I was led to write on intimacy yesterday, it really impacted me (which is why we are encouraged to journal after our devotional time, this blog is my journal.). With those thoughts still lingering in my mind I met Him this AM.

    He was intimate with me and opened up His heart so I could look in. Yes, through His only begotten Son, He made Himself vulnerable to criticism and rejection and indeed that is what He got. So He asked me, "What do you see." I saw eternal, unconditional, and uncontainable love. He invited me to take a closer look. I did and I saw that love to be gracious, taking the initiative to love first without counting the cost. He bid me to take an even closer look. In so doing, I saw love that was merciful, not only unmerited but totally undeserved. I was greatly humbled.

    "Do you like what you see," He asked. Humbly, I said, "Yes. (for I could clearly see all the good that came from His love)." "I have created you in Our image, to be as We are, living in perfect harmony with each other. Would you like to join us in perfect love?" (Lengthy pause.) My thoughts: Of course, I should, but if I say yes, life will never be the same again. Allowing this love to fully come into my soul will mean I will be gracious, freely giving of myself in all circumstances. As I think about this further, I realize I will become merciful to all (major gulp followed by a very lengthy pause). The Spirit, realizing where I was stuck, showed me the truth of Luke 6:39-42, about taking the log out of my own eye before attempting to remove the speck in another person's eye. The Spirit threw in some words from His faithful servant, Thomas A Kempis, "Adam was overcome by a puny apple in paradise. It often happens that a person suffers a severe temptation because of something that is indeed very small or because of a simple annoyance on the part of another...Be kind to a person suffering temptation, and pray for one who is troubled, just as you would pray for yourself. Since we are all frail, we are bound in charity to pray for one another." I am duly convinced this is desirable and attainable. "Yes, Lord, I want to join You. It will require me to be intimate with You and others but that is Who You are and how You love." He responded, "We will help you."

    God fully disclosed Himself to me this morning and His being intimate with me showed me the way to wholeness.

    God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Good Stuff Bob. Intimacy is truly the challenge in all of our relationships, but most assuredly, with the Father. My intentional sin, my ignoring needs, my lack of love, and the realization that we are in harmony, intimately connected (He is holding our hand), and in His presence continually... brings embarrassment as to how shallow, unloving, and selfish I am. Never mind that intimacy sees all our sins but still forgives and loves us in that broken and unholy state. Thankful for His grace. Amen.

    2. What a wonderful post mon ami! Thanks for sharing your heart. It is so inspiring and motivating. Thank you Lord for loving us perfectly far beyond what we can fathom, and thank you for leading your faithful servant Bob to share with us what you put on his heart.

      Blessings from France

    3. Wow! Bob! Is all Brie could say as she is bowled over backwards in her sofa chair remembering how she is still struggling with trying to be His merciful official. I'm prayimg and sleeping on this one. My heart wants to say yes, but other parts of me would need to come into agreement first. More tomorrow-maybe.

    4. Good morning Brother BobπŸ₯°. Thank you for sharing intimate conversations with the Holy Spirit. Jesus longs for this depth of intimacy with His people. I love it when I've come away from checking in so to speak & I can push through my day & know that I've made that Holy connection with the beautiful Spirit of the living God! Sad to say there are still so many more days where I'm in such a hurry to join the throngs that I leave the Holy Spirit sitting there waiting patiently for my return to this wonderful connection. I am my beloved and He is mine. Hallelujah!πŸ₯°

    5. "Merciful to all" Amen! (Loved the major gulp) Thank you Bob! KS

    6. Ah, my bday twin, I've told you before and telling you again, God is NOT finished with you yet! Your spirit has been searching and wondering, but God is revealing in bits and pieces the next chapter of Your life! LOL! It's not over yet brother, just getting started in your new level up!
      You have 'preached/shared some soul searching truth this a.m. and we can all drink of this today, because non of us are deserving of this indescribable love and undeserved grace that He has so graciously given us!
      You took a powerful walk with Jesus this morning. When you read and understand Acts 10:19, you'll know that to walk in the Spirit is to obey the initial prompting of the Spirit.
      It is also true that listening to God is SO essential to walking with Him, and you my dear friend and brother, have shown that Intimacy with the Lord, is one of His highest priorities for our lives! You have also seen that Peace with God is indeed the fruit of oneness with Him!
      You have fed my soul this morning and the glory is ALL His! Thank you and may His Mighty power continue to feed you with more revelations to pour into us here!

      Stay bless!

      Maplewood NJ

    7. Thank you Lord for not giving up on me on this journey towards eternal you. I need you and I'm gulping too; Lord thank you for your mercy; thank you for my helper your holy spirit. Glory and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ!

    8. What an amazing encounter, Bob! You were actually given a glimpse of God’s Divinity and perfect Heart! What a grand gift and precious privilege! Your intimacy was rewarded by an invitation to see and understand the very Nature of God! A Love without measure and conditions or limits. A mercy that is boundless without end! A loving kindness that is beyond our human understanding. I have always asked to see His Face. But His Heart must be just as Beautiful to behold. You have truly joined His inner circle. May God continue to bless you and invite you in, as you seek to know Him through intimacy with Him.

    9. And we thank you Bob for sharing your experience with us. I feel so blessed to read how this intimacy is available to us all, as we answer such crucial questions and act on them.

    10. Thank you all for sharing what you did here above. I didn't write last year but as so often happens we get blessed by reading later on what gets shared here. I feel blessed - I came undeserving and am going on with my day blessed. All Glory to God Thank you

    11. So true Kathy! Those older posts are gifts that keep on giving. I came here late because we're going away for a few days tomorrow and I made pizzas and went to spend time with my son's family. But even when I read the posts late, they always bless my heart and encourage my soul. Doesn't matter if they're old or new because they still express sincere love for the Lord and sincere faith. They still lift us and comfort us and fill us with spiritual food. Just what we need.

  18. Just what I needed. Thank You Jesus. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in the Lord continually and always.

    1. Janet- count me in. Rejoicing with you dear girlπŸ₯°

    2. Janet - Amen Janet! Exact verse from daily Bible Gateway. "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!" Philippians 4:4

    3. Seeking evermore the 'continually and always'. Thanks for the encouragement Janet. God be with you.

  19. SassyMom- where are you darlin' girlπŸ₯°. Been missing you! Still praying for Pastor & complete recovery & victory in the follow-up testings. You be well as you walk in the light of His gloryπŸ₯°

    1. Jan - Receiving your prayer,I AM WELL!!! Impatiently waiting to share Pastor Louie update from his wife. Thanks for asking.

    2. Thank God you are well Sassy Mom! Praying
      for Pastor Louie and his good wife.

  20. Dear Loving Father, Today is a new day You have blessed and allowed me to see, thank You. Guide my life and help me do Your will, while sitting quietly in Your Presence to enjoy Your peace. Thank You for Your grace that is sufficient for me through Christ Jesus my Lord. Amen.

    God’s gift of peace is free for all those who walk with the Lord! It flows abundantly from His throne of grace and is a gift that keeps on giving! But we have a moral responsibility in response to this gift. Jesus reminded us that life is full of hardship, and trouble will indeed come, However, God will never abandon us not even in the darkest moments of our lives. It is such a gift that drives us forward and mysteriously leads us back along the path of peace. Most often through difficulties, failures and tragedies whether of the past and the present, we draw from the wisdom of God to find new and more courageous ways for building or getting our peace back. Jesus said: “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.
    There are times we struggle to feel or find God’s peace, but peace never gets lost, because it’s a gift from God. The Apostle Paul said he could be content in any circumstance; and he demonstrated that in the jail at Philippi. He sang and remained confident that God was being gracious to him. He said:"Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials" (James 1:2). Whenever we face difficulties we must remember what Jesus said, “I am leaving you with a gift, peace of mind and heart…..” (John 14:27). This peace that Christ is talking about enables believers to stay calm and confident in the most fearful circumstances. In the New Testament, we learned of two kinds of peace. The objective peace which is our relationship to God, and the subjective peace that is our experience in life. When we receive Jesus, we receive His peace.

    Dear Father, Though You have given us this free gift, many are still struggling to receive it. We pray for them this morning to take hold of Your gift of peace, let go and Let You. May we spend some peaceful moments alone with You today in quietness and trust and watch the peace and joy in our hearts grow and spill over into the lives of others. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Wonderful post, twin bd sis! As I reflect on your thoughts, I admit that my lack of having peace is my own choice. I choose to be unhappy with the way things are rather than living in a spirit of "all things work to good in the love of the Lord." In so doing, there goes peace. I look at the way things are and I allow my mind to think of the negative that may result...and there goes my peace. (The negative, the fruit of anxiety, has never happened.) You are so right, 'peace never gets lost because it is a gift from God'. Yet, I am the one, in things being not how I want them, who thinks it is. But just sharing these thoughts here opens my eyes to the things I do and now I can take turn from those ways (a.k.a.-repent) and choose better...choose best. God be with you.

    2. Dearest Maplewood. Trying to post but lost 3 replies already. I will just say. Thanks for blessing me. Peace is such a wonderful gift from God and my heart is always open to receive it. I never take it for granted and the thought that people struggle to receive it is so sad. Yet there have been times in my life when I was in their place so I pray for all those who are burdened with stress, pain, depression and anxiety to free themselves and seek the Lord and His healing so they will feel the peace and joy only found in believing.

    3. Joining in this prayer again this year, Jeanne.

    4. A timely prayer for me last year, this year, and again throughout all the next years. Lord please re-tether me to Your Anchor and your free gift of peace. I drift away from You and Your Peace far too many times; and then I have the audacity to question You. Forgive me Lord when I know not what I do, and, when I do know. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    5. PS Love, Brie using her brother's computer.

    6. Hello dear Brie. I'm so glad you were able to post. The peace and love we receive from above is so much greater than anything else we can experience in this world. Those who have depression and anxiety struggle to feel the peace. I still remember when I had postpartum depression. I couldn't feel God's peace because I had anxiety and I wasn't myself. But I always trusted that God would somehow get me back. And He did. Thank You Jesus that I can feel your wonderful peace surround me. May God heal all of you who are having a hard time resting in His peace. Just know that even if you don't feel it, it is always there.

  21. Morning ! I have never done a bible study but would like to now. I don’t just want to read the Word-I want to study it and think on it.
    Are there any study guide formats you can recommend that will ask questions (ie:homework πŸ˜‚) to help me better understand. I am unable to find a group (these COVID times!). I’m even open to an on-line Bible Study 101!πŸ™‚
    This has been on my mind for months and I guess the Holy Spirit just gave me the nudge this morning.
    I thank God for all of you and all you do in helping and praying for others! Blessings,
    Monica ❤️

    1. My study skills are not well honed either. Check out They have a lot of resources. Our Daily Bread ( is another one. There are others. My bible study is not well organized. I know that God can bless, even through my disorganization. God bless you in your search.

    2. Dear Monica, 10-4 offers some good suggestions for resources that can lead you in having a meaningful bible study. There are many resources available online or in any Christian bookstore. I have been offering suggestions in this blog since Monday on ways that I spend time with God. Within in that time, I do my bible study. Two bibles that have been helpful to me are 'The Life With God Bible" produced by Renovare and published by Harper Bibles (this effort does not deal with comprehension of the scripture as much as it does the spiritual impact of the stories), and 'The Catholic Prayer Bible, the Lectio Divina Edition' published by Paulist Press (this is merely the NRSV which is not Catholic or Protestant and it reads the passages by giving a quick overview, suggestions for reflection, a guide for prayer and thoughts for corresponding changes/acts in our life. This method of reading is known as Lectio Divina, 'sacred reading'). Many here in this blog use Jesus Calling with scriptures as their form of Bible Study. These are just a few suggestions. Feel free to write me with further questions (

    3. Thank you for these suggestions! God works through each of you looking after this soul!!! Blessings!
      ❤️❤️ Monica

    4. Welcome Monica! So happy you are seeking to understand God’s Words! The Word of God is a lamp upon my feet and a light upon my path!

  22. Great posts today with much to think more about. I'll add a bit more from my morning conversation with God. The western part of our country is on fire. We have the most unhealthy air quality in the world right now. So I asked God to show me how this can be a good thing. Imagine how busy He is listening to all the prayers for safety, protection, weather changes, news from loved ones, the end to Covid, return to "normal". Stupid satan! All the calamaties are just driving more and more people into the arms of Jesus! How awesome is He that will welcome the sincere of heart who ask humbly in His name!
    Thank you Jesus! I trust you Jesus. Destruction looks different to us than to you. I humble myself before you in repentance Lord, your will be done. Amen!

    1. Amen Audra. Solely because of Corona Isolation, I am spending far more time in prayer and meditation each day, and holding on tighter to Our Father's Hand. Plus, I am listening to and singing a whole lot more songs to His Glory and preparing my soul just in case Corona overtakes me. Last, but not least, I met all of you, my JC family of Prayer Warriors!!! All of the above make isolation and masking a dynamic positive for God.

    2. Amen Audra! My son and his wife are in Santa Monica and his air is bad and smoky. They are staying inside with the windows closed running air purifiers. They are praying like so many others who know their help cometh from the Lord! So true dear Brie! Keep singing! I an also praying more and spending so much more time with the Lord than ever now and He knows I need Him and trust Him. This Pandemic and the unrest and problems of the world adds so much meaning to “Wait on the Lord“. Not only am I waiting. but still rejoicing and finding reasons to be thankful. God is so much greater!!!Love you, Sisters!

  23. Basking in the joy of each post, here! Thank you, Brother Bob, Maplewood, Brie, Janet, Jan, Audra, 10-4, Sassy Mom, Madfox and all of the Anons, for your heartfelt sharing. My cup runneth over with appreciation and love for each of you. Hubby and I were up and out early this morning, but not before I greeted the day with my loving Heavenly Father who blessed me with the BEST night's sleep. AND...HERE IS A PRAISE: MY REMOTE ARRIVED YESTERDAY MORNING!! Mattress Firm, i.e. Legget-Platt, totally exceed my customer service expectations. I didn't think I would get it until the last week of September. I felt like Jan Gridly and Brie all wrapped up in one, hooting, hollering and doing the HAPPY DANCE! I got it programmed (SO easy!), then busted out the vacuum and got every inch of the multiple inches of dust I found behind our bed (reminded me of the little boy hearing the Sunday School teaching about 'from dust you came and dust you will return,' and he told his mom - someone's either coming or going by the looks of this floor!'). TBC...this is too long.

    1. So happy for you Norah! What a great day you had and God was so faithful to you! Wish I could have watched your happy dance! Enjoy!

    2. Dust story is hilarious. Thank you. ❤️

    3. Dear Norah, You made me laugh too with your dust story. Thanks for the joy you give me when you share your little gems.

  24. ). I washed all of our furniture and polished it, put every, single thing I could find to get rid of or put away, AWAY. AND, OH HOW WE SLEPT! So, refreshed, I was up early and drawing comfort and insight from each of you. THANK YOU...for your prayers, your insight, your wisdom, your humility, your honesty. I feel so privileged to not only be called by the One, True God, but to be in a family such as ours. As for me, it doesn't get much more intimate than praying in bed, which is how I end my day and begin my day. Sometimes, sounding quite pathetic and 'begging,' which I know is not required or even wanted by my loving Father, and often times, praising Him and thanking Him for His only begotten Son, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I pray in the Spirit, often to a tune (one of Brie's or Maplewood's or Jan's) and then I get up to have water, then coffee, then me and my Bible and Jesus Calling. Sometimes, other devotionals. My favorite versions of the Bible are King James, because that is what I grew up on and the added words are in italics and now most often, The Message. I've enjoyed the English Standard Version used on Chris' Blog. I pray throughout the day for requests made. I ask forgiveness a lot, because I am so far from the woman I know He has called me to be. But, I also know that He knows I am 'the little engine that could,' as I jump back in and keep on trying. I have a couple of other posts I'm on - Prayer Buddy Post which is my sister and 3 of my offspring and another which is the 2 ladies that I have fellowship with each Monday. I also have a dear friend, whom I have known since I was 12, who I have coffee with over the phone almost every morning at 6:20. We pray for our families, needs mentioned on this blog and cases of mine or patients of hers. After I've gotten ready for the day, my Hub and I & sometimes one of our sons who live nearby, have another coffee and pray for the day. Many are repeated prayers from my early morning time with the Father; some are new or as prompted by the Holy Spirit. By the time I log into work, between 7:00-8:00, I am bolstered, built up, prepared to share His Light with the people I am privileged to serve. This is me on a GREAT DAY (like today) - some days, I fall short, or cut my quiet time with Him short and I always pay for it. It is the one thing I've learned to not skimp on, if at all possible. I take my weaknesses to Him in prayer and I am seeing growth, in part I know because of all of you - your example, your prayers and your unconditional love for me...and the length of my posts, at times. :)

    1. You are not only an amazing woman of God and prayer warrior but also the little engine who could. Sounds like God has showered you with strength like a little dynamo. So glad you’re getting your rest too. Much love!

    2. God, bless your energizer bunny Norah this and every day with your grace and delicious cups of coffee. ♥️

    3. Amen, God bless our little energizer bunny! It always makes me happy when she gets her well deserved rest.

  25. I love the sharings between you, Audra and Brie re: COVID, fires, protests, and political discourse (my wording), only serving to cause us to run faster and with more ferocity into our loving Father's arms. I picture us as his mighty Prayer Warriors, as you said, Brie, and I often think how we must bring a smile to our Papa's face as you have said, GraceTakesTime. Fern, KMertens - and please forgive me for leaving anyone out...Jeanne, UGH! THE danger of listing names!! Just please know that EACH OF YOU are Members in Particular to Him who has called us and I am filled with respect and love for each of you.
    Off to our little Grandson's 4th Birthday Party. He will grow up to be a mighty Prayer Warrior, too - he is already praying, singing and giving thanks to God. Please don't hesitate to remind me of all of this the next time I whine about *stuff*....that temptation is always a breath away from giving thanks. I am really trying though, to give thanks FIRST!
    Always a Work In Progress!

    1. Your grandson is seeing your faith everyday and you are opening his little heart to Christ! What a blessing!!

    2. Your grandson is seeing your faith and my little Gabriel is seeking God. We were at his apartment and his Daddy, Greg doesn't believe in God and never goes to Church although his Mommy does believe. Anyway, I've been reading "God" books to Gabriel and he loves them. He put on a lullaby about giving thanks and right in front of Greg, he said "GOD". I said yes, Gabriel, we give thanks to God for everything He blesses us with. He said "Yes Nani". Sure does warm my heart to know that he will be the bright light for my son. Guess what I got for his Birthday on the 15th. More God books.

  26. OH MY...that WAS a long post! Love to all of you.

    1. Love to you and our entire JC Family. May we all sleep restfully in His Peace. For those of you God calls to be on tonight's Prayer Night Watch: THANK YOU!

  27. Oh, what a night! Just signed out of FB, in honor of one of my sons. It wasn't hard - JC has become more of my 'go-to' than FB ever was. I'm still kind of perplexed b/c he also asked that I "persuade Dad," to do the same. I told him, "Son, in 46+ years, I've never tried to persuade your Dad to do anything he hasn't run before God first. I won't be starting now. However, I can do this for you, if it will bring you some peace." And, so I did. So be it! Heading to bed, Fam and thanking you for prayers during this tumultuous time...certainly nothing shy of what our Lord went through!

  28. Boldness is just a step beyond convenience. Holding hands, we take the steps my friends. Sweet dreams.

    1. Amen, Audra! Holding hands we go forward in the Lord!

    2. Thanks for being on Prayer Night Watch, covering JC Prayer Warriors up with your prayers and His Comforter and allowing rest before our turn on the night shift.

  29. Today's Devotion and Bible verses remind us, Receive My Peace.
    The Beach also enables us to receive His Peace with the sounds of gently rolling waves that lull us into GREAT CALM and peaceful serenity. Once we settle down in our beach lounger and into silence and stillness, then the gentle waves draw us into an even deeper silence, deeper stillness, and deeper peace. Minutes, and hours can pass before we realize it. Such is peace; deep calling unto deep.

    Suddenly and without any warning, the same environment can make us anxious. Crashing waves and soaring surfs can jolt us into awareness of stormy conditions. Sometimes the change from peaceful calm to stormy conditions make us wonder, “What determines when the sea is stormy and when it is peaceful?”
    Mark 4 tells us of a time when Jesus and His disciples were traveling on peaceful waters and a massive storm erupted. Suddenly waves and winds tossed the peaceful little boat and the disciples therein, yet Jesus remained peacefully calm and at rest. How could a situation that was so peaceful one minute become so disturbing the next? And through it all, Jesus slept? C’mon Man.
    Panicked, the disciples woke Jesus Who rose to the occasion and simply told the storm to stop. “Peace, be still!” And the wind and the seas obeyed Him. The point? Do we trust Jesus to handle the danger at hand?
    When storms interrupt our peace and our calm, we can inhale Jesus’ Words deeply into our heart, PEACE, BE STILL! And then trust the waves to settle, going willingly when He draws us into a peaceful calm, a deeper silence, and a deeper stillness with Him.
    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    You know all about the squalls in our spirit. Yet quietness and trust in You and Your peace accomplish far more than worldly addictions. Would you help us be still in silence, living close to You, as You bring Your Peace over our storms and into our heart? And would you help us continually receive Your free gift of Peace remembering the Word, For the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, says: Only in returning to Me and waiting for Me will you be saved; in quietness and confidence is your strength and your peace. For Your quiet peaceful confident strength during the squalls, I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    1. Thank you, Brie!! Soaking in these words today. ❤️

    2. IN CHRIST ALONE performed by Lauren Daigle

    3. Love that song, sweet Brie! Thanks!

  30. Heavenly Father, thank You for Your perfect peace. There is nothing like it. I praise You Lord always. You are so amazing and wonderful. You are God Almighty. During this past year I have felt unproductive and lazy. I feel like I'm not contributing to anything and have no purpose in life, but I am also so very grateful to have been able to draw closer to You and spend more time talking to You. It can be hard to know what is right and what is just of the world view. Help me to always be close with You, no matter what the circumstances or situation. There is nothing better than that. Spending time with You is priceless. I am blessed to be able to be with You. Thank You for Your heavenly Presence in my life. I can't do anything apart from You. You are my everything Lord. Thank You Jesus. I don't deserve anything, but You give me everything. Magnify my love and faith in You and let it grow even stronger in me every moment of every day. Keep me close in Your heart and draw me closer to You. I am so grateful, honored, and blessed to be Your child. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    Better is a dry morsel with quietness, than a house full of feasting with strife. (Proverbs 17:1). But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. (Matthew 6:6).

    1. Dearest Janet, You have been very busy and productive this year in this JC blog. You have grown closer to the Lord and have shared your Spirit anointed words. You have been a light to us and those you have met along your journey. You don't need a job to be productive for God. But we are praying that He leads you to one that will be perfect for you. God gave you the gifts you have and He will lead you to a job where you can use them because it glorifies Him and sustains you. Thank you for another beautiful prayer. You feed me well sweet sister.

  31. Lord please forgive me for putting other things first. A new school year started and I need to get into a routine even though each day brings different activities. Lord please help me to find a time that I can spend alone with you. I loved when I was able to walk around our yard in the early morning praising you and talking with you. The routine of the kids changing has made that impossible. Please help me to find a secluded, quiet place where I can cry out to you and enjoy our time together without out others being aware. I so miss this deep time together. Lord this place where we can meet has changed through out the years. Please open my eyes up to our new quiet place. You are the giver of life. You are my first love. You are my Lord, my master and my friend. I desire closeness with you above anything else. Please forgive me for not giving you the time and attention you deserve. I trust you to move things out of the way and prepare our new meeting place. Open my eyes to this precious place where it will fill that time stopped and your presence is overwhelming. Thank you my Lord

    1. Amen Terri! The fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. I am joining in prayer with you our dear sweet sister friend in Christ, TERRI. For Your quiet peaceful confident strength place amidst the squalls, I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus Name. I am looking forward to your post sharing the new meeting place/s He provides. You asked, and it shall be given unto you. Love, Brie (using her brother's computer!)

    3. Joining prayers for you dear Terri. You were given those children to raisez and it requires time and effort that takes you away from your intimate time with the Lord. But He knows your heart of love for Him. I remember when I was so busy at work that everytime I got to go to the bathroom, it was my prayer time. I prayed when I ate lunch but the phone was always ringing and I was typing so much. Now I have more time to pray but life still gets in the way sometimes. I say Thank You Jesus a lot through my day. God will make a way for you to spend precious time with Him. Trust in the Lord and Wait on Him.

  32. You desire a great thing Terri dear. It's so hard when so many concerns & busyness are pulling at you. Today oh Lord instill a new spirit & determination in our sister Terri to take time to be a "Mary". Amen! Hallelujah!

  33. Bless you, Terri. May your prayer beer answered with guidance from the Holy Spirit to find your next perfect secret place where you can give God your full attention. I too seek such places every day, and they aren't always the same place πŸ˜‰

  34. Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy name. I give thanks to You this morning Father, for Your Loving kindness and tender mercy. Thank You for a new day to enjoy Your peace that surpasses all my understanding. Amen.

    "In the Lord put I my trust: how say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain?
    For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the string, that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart.
    If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?
    The Lord is in His holy temple, the Lord's throne is in heaven: His eyes behold, His eyelids try, the children of men.
    The Lord trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.
    Upon the wicked He shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.
    For the righteous Lord loveth righteousness; His countenance doth behold the upright" (Psalm 11).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Beautiful! Thanks dear Maplewood.
      103 Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

      2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:

      3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

      4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;

      5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.

      Amen and Amen.
      Follow hard after righteousness and the spirit. May we stand together in the congregation of the righteous on the perfect day.

  35. I really love today's devotion. It is a great reminder that even as Christian we too will face challenges , however the good news is that we can go through it with God beside us! Many people think that as Christians their lives should be smooth sailing ...however we are reminded that God is still changing us to become like him , so one of the ways He is doing this is through challenges. So when the challenge comes , dont be in a rush to get out of it, ask for peace as you go through it and ask that you will learn te lesson and learn it well.

    1. Amen dear Min Ahadi, Good advice. Be patient and hopeful when faced with the challenges because they test your faith. God will grant you peace even in the midst of chaos. He is the light in our wilderness and the order in our confusion.

  36. Interesting devotional today. It meets me right where I am at today and right where I was last weekend.

    I actually was practicing what the devotional talks about before meeting here to read.

    God is unfolding His plan and it is revealed to me, in the moment, as I simply hold His hand.

    Praying blessings to all reading.

  37. Hold onto that Unchanging Hand, dear Keith. Received your blessings and they warmed my heart. God bless you my brother in all things.

  38. Praying many Happy B'earthday Blessings to our dear sister in Christ, NJS. Today and everyday, may you receive and enjoy His continual gift of Peace in Jesus' Name. Amen. Much Love with many prayers, Brie

    1. You're something else, Brie. You've got 27 plates (at least) in the air spinning and yet you thought of me. Just wow. I am so blessed to have you and our JC family in my life. Such an enormous gift our Lord has blessed me with! Thank you, Brie, and sending much love back to you!

    2. My prayer is for you to partake, and enjoy all of His Gifts to you today: Receive My Peace. It is My continual GIFT to you. The best way to receive this GIFT is to sit quietly in My Presence, trusting Me in every area of your life...
      Much Love, Brie

    3. Joining Brie dear NJS. Enjoy the gift of today, remembering that you are a special gift also to your family, JC family &, friends πŸ₯°πŸ™

    4. I'm at this birthday party for NJS and adding my prayers for y'all. ♥️πŸ₯³

    5. You all are the best! Thank you all for your awesome prayers. They mean so much to me! Truly.

    6. Praying you had the best Birthday dear NJS and this new year will bring you all the happiness you deserve. God knows your beautiful heart and all your dreams. Trusting in His faithfulness. Sweet sister, I wish you all of God's blessings and many answered prayers. Much love always.

  39. "Spending time alone with Me can be a difficult discipline".
    Initially that may be so, but over time the habit forms and soon that longing to steal away to be alone with my Lord becomes all I can think of on waking. Like the longing for a drink of cool water on a hot dusty journey; or a desire for some need that cannot be satisfied by anything on earth.
    Song of Solomon 2: 8-10 The Message:
    "Look! Listen! There’s my lover! ( The Lover of my soul who gave His life to give me eternal life)
    Do you see him coming? ( I wait here, quietly, in keen anticipation of His arrival)
    Vaulting the mountains, leaping the hills. (Psalm 89: 6-8 For who in the skies above can compare with the LORD? Who is like the LORD among the heavenly beings?
    In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; he is more awesome than all who surround him.
    O LORD God Almighty, who is like you? You are mighty, O LORD, and your faithfulness surrounds you.)
    My lover is like a gazelle, graceful;
    like a young stag, virile.
    Look at him there, on tiptoe at the gate,
    all ears, all eyes—ready!
    My lover has arrived
    and he’s speaking to me! "
    (Hebrews 1:2 In these last days He has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world.)
    Our faith, Christianity, is I believe the only faith worldwide where God speaks to us directly, corporately and personally.
    In the Islamic faith God can only speak to an individual through dreams, it is not possible in the Qur'an to have a personal direct relationship with God as we do.
    We are so, so, blessed to have our precious Lord and Savior speak directly to us, to sit in His Presence to receive His Peace.
    What a Savior!

    1. Amen. Such a special time when we are resting in His presence and peace. The world drifts away and we can hear His small voice speaking to our hearts.

  40. Good Morning JC family,
    I ask for you all to remember my dear cousin Kathy in your prayers, who took her life 8 years ago today.
    Thank you and God bless you all!
    Margaret /Pennsylvania

    1. Praying for her soul to be resting in His Peace. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Joining prayers that your dear Kathy is resting in God's peace. He is such a merciful and good Father. Thank You Jesus.

  41. JC Warriors, I'm asking for prayers for Norma. I am her caregiver and she is in the hospital and it's not looking good. However, I believe that our God Almighty will use this time and place His healing hands on her and perform a miracle that only He can do. I thank God and all of you for your prayers and support. Thank You Jesus. Praise God always πŸ™Œ.

    1. Praying dear Janet for Norma. Yes indeed we shall petition God to do a miracle on this situation. Lord we place Norma at the throne of grace. In Your Mercy oh Lord look upon her plight with favor, in Jesus name, amen.πŸ™πŸ’•

    2. Praying for Norma and for you, too, our dear Janet. All is well. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Prayers for Norma

    4. Joining my sisters in prayer for Norma, Janet. May God give you strength as well, Janet. In Jesus' name, amen.

    5. Dear Janet, Trust in the Lord and lean not unto your own understanding. Joining all prayers for your dear Norma that God will perform a miraculous healing of her body, and bring her back to good health so she can proclaim His good deeds. May He also bring you comfort and peace of mind.
      Thank You Father for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen

  42. Praying dear Margaret for Kathy's family. May each one find peace that passes understanding & healing. Blessings, πŸ™πŸ’•

    1. Thank you very much from our Hearts

  43. Praying for Norma - that we have a Victory to celebrate. Remembering your Kathy, Margaret/Pennsylvania - praying for your peaceful heart.
    My DH's chemo has been postponed until after his Cardiology appt next Tues, 9/20. That will give us a reprieve to get his hearing situation cleared up. He's been home 24 hrs+ and no angina, symptoms - nothing. Feels good, slept like a baby! I, on the other hand, have been up since 5:15 and am ready for bed. Think I'll beat him there, tonight. ZZZzzzz. God Bless all of you - prayers for all of you - God is on His Throne! Love and Blessings.

    1. You, dear Norah, need your rest. Hope you're asleep now and God is restoring you and your good husband. So happy he slept like a baby and has no symptoms. God is so good and faithful. God bless you always. Thanks for the prayers. God is indeed on His Throne and He's on the Nightwatch too.

  44. Prayers today for Ellen, her husband , and the entire medical team to be guided only by Jesus, The Greatest Physician and The Greatest Healer. Period. Steeped in this knowledge, may you Receive His Peace. In Jesus' Name. AMEN! Much Love and Many Prayers, Brie

    1. May God guide Ellen's dear husband's heart surgery. Amen dear Brie. Praying with you. Jesus is the Greatest Physician and Healer and I am walking evidence of that! Hallujah! Praying for you too dear Brie and Keith. Trust in the Lord because He is faithful and oh so good.

    2. Joining in prayers for you Ellen and your husband. May our heavenly Father's healing hands be upon your husband and the presence and comfort of the Lord fill you both. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    3. Blessings and peace upon you, Ellen, and your husband. Joining in prayers for perfect outcomes for good health today and moving forward. In Jesus' name we pray. πŸ™

    4. While I'm late to this prayer "party", I gladly join my JC family in prayer, Ellen, for you, your husband and his medical team. Remember, Jehovah Rapha is there with your husband and his docs overseeing and guiding! Praying for healing. In Jesus' name, amen.

  45. Praying a blessed and happy B'earthDay to our dear sweet NJS, sister friend in Christ πŸ˜‹ may all your trips around the SON be blessed and highly favored and may you receive His Peace.. You certainly are a big blessing gift to us. πŸŽ‚ πŸ₯³ πŸŽ‰ 🎈 🎁!
    In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Joining in to wish NJS a Happy Birthday! I pray for an abundance of Blessings today and always! May this new year bring more health, wealth, and happiness your way!

    2. Me too! Happy Birthday dear NJS! You are bright light to our family here. Thanks always for your sincere prayers. We continue to pray for each other. Have fun celebrating today! May God grant you a special Birthday blessing. Rejoice and be glad. Much love!

    3. Happy Birthday NJS! God bless πŸ™.

    4. Joining our JC family NJS in celebration of this special day. Happy Birthday πŸŽ‚πŸŽˆπŸ˜πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³πŸŽΌπŸ™πŸŒˆ!

    5. Thank you all for your awesome birthday blessings. I had a blessed day, for sure, and I'm thankful to God for all He has done and continues to do in my life. My heart is so full reading your messages. Thank you!

  46. Amen dear Brie! Yes He will! He's done it before and He'll do it again. Praying for you, dear Blessings From NY. Our God is divine so His Words and Promises are true. He is your first love, dear Blessings From NY and He's not going anywhere. Praying He provides all your needs and guides your path and protects and blesses you and your dear ones. Thank You Jesus!

    Philippians 4:19
    "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

  47. Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God'". (Matthew 4:4). Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. (Psalm 46:10).

    1. Still I will try to be dear Lord. Thank you for reminder dear Janet πŸ’•πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    2. Amen. Thanks for the good food dear sister!

  48. Perfect post today reminding us of the importance of spending time with God. It seems like the spiritual warfare we face grows daily. How important for us to start our day with God. Starting our day with God is a game changer.
    SC Anonymous

    1. So true dear SC! I always seek Him early before my feet hit the floor. He hears our thanks and praise and knows we trust Him to carry us through this day. We are blessed! .

  49. Amen. May He grant you your desire, give you strength to accomplish it in Jesus' name!πŸ’•πŸ™πŸŒˆ

  50. Amen πŸ™

  51. "in quietness and in trust shall be your strength".
    This sentence as been a real blessing to me over the years.
    Being by old human nature one who is inclined to be driven, to make things happen, to be a leader rather than led, the time came when health put me aside; when medication and my mental state made it impossible to be active in any way.
    The end of Isaiah 30:15 concludes with "But you were unwilling,". The moment I confessed my unwillingness and said "Lord, I am willing to be made willing", I found I was able to relax, healing started.
    Quietness and trust I find are associated with ' the unforced rythm's of Grace' in Matthew 11:28-30 MSG Version: "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly."

    1. Lord, bring on the pour of Your Unforced Rhythms of Grace on, in, and all through me, until I am saturated to overflowing, and then pour some more. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Thanks Peter! Amen to that! May I be open to receiving all He has to offer me today! May I be a willing instrument in His mighty Hands.
      Me too, sweet Brie! Amen.

    3. Yes, Brie! Lord, shower down upon me that which will cleanse my armor with no trace of rust. Break down my strongholds and restore my strength.

    4. Praying for you, dear Audra and dear Brie, for God's strength, healing, and faithfulness to cover you both from head to toe. Sending hugs.

    5. Thank you Peter. God bless πŸ™.

  52. Amen! Beautiful prayer! Praying He helps you in every area of your life, dear Janet! We all need Him! Mold me Lord, give me strength to follow Your Way, and not mine. You are the keeper of my heart. Help me to please You today in a special way. Amen
