Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Jesus Calling: September 22

Trust me and refuse to worry, for I am your Strength and Song. You are feeling wobbly this morning, looking at difficult times looming ahead, measuring them against your own strength. However, they are not today's tasks – or even tomorrow's. So leave them in the future and come home to the present, where you will find Me waiting for you. Since I am your Strength, I can empower you to handle each task as it comes. Because I am your Song, I can give you joy as you work alongside Me.
    Keep bringing your mind back to the present moment. Among all My creatures, only humans can anticipate future events. This ability is a blessing, but it becomes a curse whenever it is misused. If you use your magnificent mind to worry about tomorrow, you cloak yourself in dark unbelief. However, when the hope of heaven fills your thoughts, the Light of My Presence envelopes you. Though heaven is future, it is also present tense. As you walk in the Light with Me, you have one foot on earth and one foot in heaven.
Exodus 15:2
English Standard Version

The Lord is my strength and my song,
    and he has become my salvation;
this is my God, and I will praise him,
    my father's God, and I will exalt him.

Verse Thoughts
In this instance, salvation refers to Moses and the children of Israel being saved from the hands of Pharaoh. And our response to this is to praise Him and exalt Him. 

2 Corinthians 10:5
English Standard Version 

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.

Hebrews 10:23
English Standard Version 

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Heavenly Father, thank you for this day and ask you to live in my heart, body, sole and mind throughout the day and that I seek you in all that I do. Lord, have me not worry about the problems of tomorrow and regrets of yesterday, living only in today for your glory and seeking your presence. In this broken world I ask that you surround me with the armor of God and the protection from evil. Thank you for Hope and Your Spirit which gives me strength throughout the day.

    1. Thank you for this beautiful prayer! God bless you

    2. I so needed this prayer
      Thank you

    3. Amen Jeff! I’m joining in your wonderful prayer. We need God to abide in us every moment as we abide in Him. His peace and strength get us through each day. His Spirit guides and instructs us in every situation. He wants us to walk through the present with Him and not worry about our past or future. He is writing each new page.

    4. Beautiful prayer! Thank you. Your prayer is mine
      God bless you and our JC family
      In Jesus heavenly name
      Amen πŸ™πŸ™

    5. Perfect prayer, then AND now. Amen.


    7. Lovely prayer that I would pray myself. Thank You Lord that You are with me everyday giving me the strength to go through each day. All glory be unto You, amen.

    8. Amen πŸ™πŸΌ Thank you so much I need this.

    9. Thank you brother Jeff for this prayer of years ago. Still so encouraging in 2022. Bless youπŸ™πŸ’ž

    10. Receiving and offering Jeff's prayer again this year ♥️πŸ™

    11. Amen my brother

  2. I heard once that a group of senior citizens were asked, “If you could do one thing different in your life, what would it be?” Their number one answer was, “I wouldn’t have worried so much.” I am now there and I would emphatically agree. Anxiety and fear led to more unloving choices, a.k.a. sin, than anything else in my life. They also contributed heavily to my bouts of depression which also led to unloving choices. I do think the most oft repeated command in the Bible is summed up by Jesus in the Upper Room, “Do not be afraid. Trust in God, trust also in me.” As our reading today said, trust me and refuse to worry. It is a choice. Come, let you and me choose wisely.

    1. OMG BOB! This is exactly what my Mom told me on her 70th birthday, when I asked her what one thing she would pass on to the generation coming after her. She said " I'd tell them NEVER WORRY. The things you worry about never happen; It"s the things you don't worry about that do! If I had back every minute I spent in useless worry, then I would live to be 100!"
      Thanks for allowing me this glimpse. Praying worship, rather than worry blessings, for you and our entire JC Family.

    2. Thank you, Bob. Jesus came to give us peace - despite our circumstances- deeply rooted in our Abba Papa. We breathe in “I trust you,” and breathe out, “I will not fear.”

    3. We can not do both; either WORRY and don't pray or PRAY and don't worry. TRUST God when we can't TRACE Him.

    4. I have been singing this line from a song for days and can't get it out of my head. I think it's a good thing and a reminder from God!: Don't worry... Every little things gonna be alright. No one said this simple instruction would be easy. Thank you Jesus for your strength. Bless you warriors, not worriers!

    5. Absolutely Bob! Thank you! Amen.

    6. Thanks Audra, for music to jumpstart today!
      🎢🎢"Don't worry about a thing,
      'Cause every little thing gonna be all right.
      Singin': "Don't worry about a thing,
      'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!"

      Rise up this mornin',
      Smiled with the risin' sun,
      Three little birds
      Perch by my doorstep
      Singin' sweet songs
      Of melodies pure and true,
      Sayin', ("This is my message to you-ou-ou:")

      "Don't worry about a thing,
      'Cause every little thing gonna be all right.
      Singin': "Don't worry about a thing,
      'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!

    7. When you want to let satan into your life, then worry; when you want to let Jesus into your life, then Worship! Because we have free will to choose, the choice is ours to make. Which are you choosing today?

    8. Brie, Amen! Your mother gave you good advice. Worry doesn’t help us in any way. Trust in the Lord and do your best to please Him and walk in His presence. Worry isn’t welcome in our hearts.

    9. Thanks Brie, Love the song and happy reggae tune. In Jesus 'Everything little thing gonna be alright'

    10. Revisiting again and again to this advice to not worry as I await my appt on Friday to review results from biopsies. Everything gonna be all right πŸ˜πŸ™

    11. Dear Audra--- The Lord spoke to me in that 'still small voice' when dealing with a tumor. He said "Your sins brought me to the cross, but by my stripes you are healed!" I believed Him and His words lit my soul on fire! I supernaturally 'super glued' myself to Jesus and told Him "I'm not moving a step from you!" He brought me through surgery and Great healing manifested! I live in Divine Health. I know there is NO cancer or sickness in Heaven so I Decree and Declare Divine Health for you!!! In Jesus's Name, the Name above EVERY name. AMEN and AMEN

    12. Thank you JJ, receiving and declaring this prayer over all.

  3. I try but how do you not worry if my problem is for yesterday today tomorrow I pray and ask god to help me especially with not giving up but my worries are for today. I must really be doing something wrong maybe I'm not praying right cause I can't help but feel like god doesn't love me or is even hearing me pray. God please take this feelings away

    1. Have you tried Worshipping God instead, during all the time satan is encouraging you to worry?

    2. Good advice! When we are thanking Him for our blessings and praising His Holy Name there just isn’t any more room in our hearts for worry..

  4. God never changes & always loves you unconditionally. I used to be a worrier & didn’t feel close to God but I found a good Bible Study, a good church and good support & fellowship. Not just reading but studying His Word changed my life. The more you study His Word & be in His Presence, the less you’ll worry because we replace our negative words with His words of life. Romans 12 is one of my favorites.

  5. I am reading my daily devotion tonight because I find myself struggling and looking for some sort of peace and reassurance. It has been a rough couple of days for my family.
    My son has made some poor choices. Choices his dad and I do not condone and choices that do not align with the family values we have tried to teach and model. His choices have caused us both to question our parenting methods and have left us with a whole host of mixed emotions. Disappointment, embarrassment, anger, hurt, doubt. I am mostly sad, but my husband is mostly angry. It feels like I have been praying for my boy for years now, and the hits just keep coming. Watching the relationship between my son and husband deteriorate has brought a heaviness to my soul that feels overwhelming. I think my husband and I are at a loss and aren't sure where to go from here and feel inept as parents. I feel helpless and lacking in my parental skill set. Additionally, my husband and I have such different parenting styles based on our own upbringings that we sometimes find ourselves judging one another's handling of the situation. I think he is too harsh and needs to express his unconditional love, he thinks I am too tender and need to be firmer. It is hard to find balance and make a unified front. He tends to worry about image and thus, worries too much about what others might think so he doesn't want to share or get help. I, on the other hand, am not embarrassed by my son's actions, I worry about his soul and his well-being. I'm not even sure what to pray for or even what to ask this JC family to pray for - I just know our family needs to be covered in prayer right now. I need prayer warriors because I feel defeated and exhausted and numb. I long for peace, tenderness, reflection remorse, change, and forgiveness. I hope those virtues will come in time, but sooner rather than later.

    1. Sharing you heart,
      Take comfort in knowing that The God of this universe loves you and your family, He sees your struggles. He put families together and heal those wounds. He did it for me and believe me, He will do it for you. Surrender all of it to Him and TRUST. Just start with: JESUS HELP ME and leave the rest to the HOLY Spirit to lead you.
      Praying for God's peace, restoration and manifestation for you and family. He's a GREAT GOD!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Sharing your heart,
      Here is a verse for you, take hold of it.
      John 14:27

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Sharing your heart, I am praying for you, your husband and your son that you will all find peace. God is always there helping you. KS

    4. Maplewood thank you for BLESSING JC Family with another favorite verse John 14:27.

      Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

    5. Sharing my heart, my wife and I were divorced some time ago but after several years God brought us back together. We have a 14 year old son. Our family is whole again. Miracles do happen. The lesson I learned is to avoid argument and too much criticism. Her parenting style is different than mine but I've learned that no amount of criticism or reproach will change her. It's amazing how powerful silence is. Instead of me trying to control her or convince her I realize only God has control. I can't change the past and God is taking care of the future so for today I do the best I can and just let go of worrying. I know God performs miracles and repairs families. I've seen it happen. I am praying for you and your family. May God's Love bring you peace.

    6. Sharing my heart, I am lifting you, your son and your husband up in prayer! I agree with Maplewood about starting with "Jesus help me!" and the Holy Spirit will help guide you through these tough times. God is listening to your prayers.

      I pray for strength, patience and forgiveness for your family as a whole. I pray you feel the Light of Christ during these dark days you are experiencing. He is with you. Keep reaching out and hold His hand tightly as you go through these stormy waters. Jesus, I trust in You! CO

    7. Sharing My Heart--- I join with All the JC WARRIORS in prayer for you and your family. I am so thankful for all the wisdom that the Lord pours into this incredible group of WARRIORS!!! I am in awe of everyone of them! Sharing Your Heart, when the circumstances look beyond dire, I look to that scripture Isaiah 43:19 ",,,I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." He will make way where there seems to be no way. In the toughest situations, this seems to be God's specialty! Trust Him, trust Him to do this for you! --- satan, you have NO authority over this family! This family has been marked for the Lord's Kingdom! GEt YOUR HANDS OFF!!! I plead the Miracle Working blood of Jesus upon this family, Lord, I ask that you would surround each family member with your MINISTERING ANGELS! I thank you Lord for the VICTORY in this family. Lord,I give you all the praise, honor,and glory. Amen and Amen ---In His Grip of Grace from Kansas

    8. Zfuntastic--- So very proud of you!!! Always encouraged by your posts. Way to go!!! I continue prayers for you and your family.

    9. It's been a while, but I do hope and pray that your hurts have been healed. I have been where you have been too. My husband who has gone to be with the Lord did not see eye to eye with my parenting style and because of that our son and daughter made some wrong choices and ended with less than perfect results. Thankfully, they both found Jesus and gave their lives to Him, so things are much better now.
      I am still concerned about my son who for the first time in his adult life is learning to live on his own. My daughter turned out to be more responsible and has been living on her own for over a decade. It took a lot of prayer and just trusting and depending on Jesus. Do that and you will see the salvation of the Lord in your life. Be blessed.

  6. Sharing Your Heart.......

    Praying for your family.
    Know that the Lord has control over everything, we must stay steadfast in our faith and prayer, he loves us and he will see your family through anything.
    We are suppose to give thanks for trials ( Hard one to clasp on to, but doable ).
    Hang on, this just might be the time for a miracle.
    God Bless & Peace.

  7. Morning Glory to The King, the ONE who stands by me even when I fall short of His glory. Oh Father, I Thank You for loving me, forgiving me and granting me another day.
    As I read today's devotion, I am overcome with amazement of Your Holiness and Sovereignty. A devotion that is speaking directly to me at the right time in my family's situation. Oh Awesome God, I Thank You for reminding me to Trust You and Not worry, because You are my strength and song. Thank You Father.

    My JC family, no words can express the gratitude I feel to everyone of you, for the prayers being lifted up for my brother Adam. Like the scripture says in John 5:16, "........the effectual fervent prayer of the a righteous man availeth much".
    Our voices lifted up together are heard in the heavens and the Glory of the Lord rises and manifest in Jesus name!

    Update on Adam- The mercy of our Great God and Your fervent prayers have taken my brother's pressure from 210/135 to 180/109 as of last night when we called the hospital and he is eating! This same God who brought it down a good notch, will complete what He started. PRAISE to the KING!! I am in awe of Your faithfulness oh God and Thank You for greater news today and going forward. Thank You for removing the spirit of heaviness and Father, thank You for Your healing power and What you have planned for Adam. Let him testify of Your mercy and love for him and use Him for Your glory. Thank You Father, for giving us joy for mourning and a garment of Praise!

    JJ, this same Jehovah Rapha that is manifesting His healing powers in my brother, will continue to show Himself strong and mighty and keep your heart at the rhythm He destined it to! Keeping you in prayers.
    Sassy Mom, you bless us everyday with your wisdom and strength, praying always without ceasing. God bless You!
    Family, THANKS to ALL of you for the prayers and Trusting God for the BEST results God bless you and yours too!
    Lifting EVERYONE and their circumstances in the capable hands of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and I cover you all in His Shekinah Glory.

    As Bob said and I agree, I am blessed also with the time I spend with you!

    Happy and BLESSED Sunday. May the Lord's name be Glorified throughout the sanctuaries today!
    Love and Peace to all.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Praise be to God for this beginning to recovery for your brother. God is truly Strength and Song! Prayers for continued healing! CO

    2. Bless you Maplewood! Yes, the Lord is the Great Healer! I will continue prayers for your brother and all those with heart issues. I have been praising the Lord for bringing my heart to a normal sinus rhythm. I thank you Lord. Lord, if you touched my heart with healing, You will touch the heart issues of those with need. I trust You Lord to do this! Amen and Amen

  8. Dear Sharing My Heart...know that God knows the plan so we must trust Him, as shown in Jeremiah 29:11.

    Even before your son was formed in your womb God knew him. When we have children, as parents our responsibility is to train them up in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart (Proverbs 22:6). It does not mean that they will not go away at some time from the teaching but they have something to come back to.

    Pray for your son, husband, and yourself that God’s will be done.

    I will be praying for and with you and ask for your prayers too. Remember wait on God to do the work of the heart.

    Signed by a wife and mother of two young adult children.

  9. Fear can be a needed blessing at times because it Can motivate the human spirit. But worry and anxiety lead us astray from faith. In my daily prayers and quiet time with my Lord, I have diligently learned to listen and feel the answers move in my heart. I strongly believe that God never breaks his promises. For the faithful ones, his desire is to see us thrive and succeed. I have learned that God is ultimately in control and without our knowing his plan has been set before us from beginning to end, Start to finish. The Lord knows what we need before we even recognize what it is we really need. I have become more confident and secure knowing that God loves me and whatever comes my way is always in the best Interests of myself and my family. Reading daily devotional such as this reinforces his promises, his words, and his love for us.

  10. P.S. I'm sure David was full of fear, it motivated him to obey God's command against Goliath... it was his faith that gave him courage.

    1. Sarah Wikander --- Thank you for your uplifting post. I marvel how the Lord inspires each post! I also what to thank all of the JC FAMILY READERS. We all covet your prayers. Thank you for your faithfulness to come to this site and pray for the many needs along with all that post. I treat this all as Holy Ground! And sarah, you are so right-- David's faith gave him courage, just like it gives us courage. Joshua1:9 ESV "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed,for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Great Blessings and favor to you from Kansas

  11. The light of My presence envelopes you.


    1. Thank you paytonfamily for all you have done and are doing to make this site available. What an incredible blessing it is! May the Lord bless you richly.

    2. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Thank you Chris and the Payton Family for this Home for my heart each day. Such a blessing that I don't take for granted!

  12. Good Morning! Thank you all for your prayers and words of comfort. I did attend Grief Share after my daughter passed. I may attend again. Please continue to pray for my adult son and my almost 13 year old daughter. We do not have any closure on how my daughter died. I was met by the homicide detectives. Her husband of less than a year, left the hospital and never returned. Please pray for the anger and unknown we all feel. I know my sweet daughter is now safe and in the arms of Jesus. I just feel helpless as I see the broken hearts of my children. I truly appreciate each of you and your prayers. I pray for this blog and for those who read and share each day. Hold your loved ones close. Blessings to you! TL

    1. TL-I have not seen your previous posts. I pray God will comfort you and hold you and your family in His arms and give you the peace that only He can give.

    2. Unknown--- Mary's prayers are my prayers for you. Thank you Lord that you will comfort Unknown's family and bring the peace only you can give. Jeremiah 31:13b "...I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorow."

    3. Praying for you and your family, TL! What happens in the dark will come out in the light. Jesus, I trust in You. CO

  13. Sharing My Heart,

    I will be praying for your family. I too have a son who has been a challenge due to drug abuse. He has made many poor choices in his short life but he has a big heart and loves the Lord. I'm obviously not assuming drugs is the issue in your situation. I just want you to know you are not alone when it comes to challenges raising a child.

    I pray that God will bring your family peace. Stay strong in your faith because our God is a wonderful and healing God.

    Maplewood, I am happy to hear that your brother is making progress with his health. I will continue to keep him in my prayers as well.

    God bless you all. Have a wonderful Sunday and upcoming week.


    1. TJ ---- I will be praying for your son's circumstance and for you as a Mom. I ask for the Lord to touch your son with His healing hand of deliverance. I command all the demon forces of darkness to leave the presence of this family. I bring the blood of Jesus between satan and this family, their home, their finances, their spirits, souls and bodies. Thank you Lord, you hear our prayers. Surround this family with your mighty angels. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen and Amen

  14. Good morning Lord and jc family. Sharing my heart..I pray that you feel Our Savior's loving arms over your family. He is with you through it all and listening to all our prayers..powerful JC warriors! JESUS we trust in you; JESUS we trust in you. All glory and honor is yours almighty father. God's peace be with all of you.

  15. Sharing my heart - I have a wayward son (36 years old), but I know that his faith was once strong. Circumstances have led him away from us and into the arms of a woman whose beliefs are contrary to ours. Our parenting styles were opposite as well. My husband let him get away with just about everything. I wanted to stop his rebellion quickly. Resulting in many arguments. Neither of us honoring God. If you can step back like Zfuntastic suggested, pray together if possible, then let God move in your son's life. God's timing is not always our timing.

    Zfuntastic - We were married for 26 years, divorced for 7, and now remarried for 12 years. Our family is whole again and God is glorified. It is still a difficult road, but I'm learning that my focus needs to be on God's goodness. Not my disappointments. If I praise Him daily and put my husband under God's protection, not my desires, life is much better.

    On September 11 this year it was confirmed that my cancer of 10 years ago is back. I am trusting God for strength and healing. It wasn't bad before and they caught it so early this time that it doesn't even show up in my blood tests. I was in a slight car accident and had a CT scan for my head and back. The spot showed up in my neck. That in itself is a miracle and I know God will be in control of it the whole way through.

    I love reading the comments and prayers of the JC Family. I am new to it this year.

    Mary OKC

    1. Mary OKC - Thanks for sharing! A car accident turns out to be a blessing, a coincidence? I think not. I love hearing stories about how God orchestrates events in our lives to guide and help us. He is showing us miracles every day. It sounds like it's nothing to worry about still, I will pray for you.

      My wife and I were together 18 years, divorced for 4 and now back together for almost 3 years. The events that led to our divorce were entirely my doing, resulting from my alcoholism. Thankfully, God created events in my life that led me to AA and I was able to get sober. I remember my wife saying "I wish you had stopped drinking while we were still married"

      I am new to posting on this site, but I have been reading here for several years. A person in AA gave me a copy of Sarah Young's book and I loved it. I started reading this blog because it was convenient to read the daily posting while on the go.

      I started posting here after I relapsed into drinking for several months. I was in a horrible state and too ashamed to return to AA. I posted for the first time here begging for prayers. I was desperate and in pain mentally and physically. The wonderful people here lifted me up with their prayers and words of encouragement then, God gave me the courage to call someone from AA.

      Now I am back on track knowing that God is with me always. Life is good! Fortunately, my wife was supportive instead of being angry and belittling me, she prayed for me. I was very secretive about my drinking so it was not until the very end that she realized something was wrong and I confessed to her. I am blessed that nothing tragic happened while I relapsed. Ultimately, I owe everything to God's goodness. Praise be to God! God is great!

    2. Mary OKC --- Thank you for sharing today. I will join the JC WARRIORS in going to The Throne of Grace for your healing. If God be for you, who can be against you? NOTHING can be against you---certainly NOT CANCER! Great Blessings and favor on you and your family from Kansas

    3. zfuntastic - We are so proud of you!!!! God bless your praying wife for supporting you!!!!!

    4. I am so proud of you zfuntastic and the love has made a complete circle and its growing. It brings me great joy that we simply have to ask for prayer and the warriors come through, then Our Lord and Savior sheds his mercy on us. How great are the works of our Lord. We give thanks to our Lord with our whole hearts for his righteousness endures forever.

    5. zfuntastic! That is FANTASTIC! God IS good! Praying for you and your wife. YES, I agree, not a coincidence.Not sure why i used that word. :) God has been orchestrating everything thus far, even when there was already a pathologist at my doctor's office who could do my biopsy the day I was there for a regular appointment. HE IS BETTER THAN GOOD....GOD IS AMAZING!

    6. So proud of you dear zfantastic. You are doing a wonderful job and you're doing your best to follow the path God has prepared for you. You are a good father. May He guide you to joy, love and fulfillment.

  16. Dear unknown unknown when all else has failed God never does. How could he not love who he created. Please know you were in my prayers in 2019. My prayer is that you I have overcome some things since 2018. I don't know what is tormenting you in this life but I do know that if you cannot depend on anyone you can definitely depend on God he sees you he knows you he understands what you're going through he might not be changing it but he is carrying you through it. I have loved you with an everlasting love . I have drawn you with unfailing kindness Jeremiah 31:3

    1. Colleen--- Absolutely love the wisdom the Lord has imparted to you to speak to unknown unknown! Awesome scriture Jeremiah 31:3. You can just feel the Lord's arms around all of us! I join wth you in prayer for unknown unknown. Thank you for sharing. Great blessings to you from Kansas

  17. Dear sharing my heart,

    After my wife passed away four years ago, I was daunted by the challenge of raising the last two of my children on my own. I tried to be their mom and their dad. Guess what? It didn’t work. When my daughter finally told me that she was bi-sexual, I immediately blamed myself. Where did I go wrong? What could I have done differently? The answers are that I didn’t and I couldn’t. I did the best I could with what I had. I still try every day to do my best, no matter the circumstances. Once I got my hands out of the way, God was able to get His hands in and help my kids in ways that I couldn’t. I’m happy to say that my daughter will be 6 months sober tomorrow! I didn’t do that. Even though I’ve been sober nearly 20 years, the best thing I can do is tell her I love her, try to be a good example, and stay out of the way. Fear is a tool of the enemy. Doubt is a tool of the enemy. Strife within the family is a tool of the enemy. A house divided cannot stand. The funny thing that I learned about marriage is that it’s really one giant compromise. You have strengths and so does your husband. Bring both of your strengths together in a spirit of cooperation and love. Your son will make his choices. There may or may not be consequences for those choices. But, they are his choices. It’s not a reflection on you. It’s not a reflection on your husband. They are his choices. I’ve made some bad ones and I’ve made some good ones. The best one I ever made was to trust in the Lord with everything I am. I lift my children up to him every day and lay them at His feet. My loving Father in heaven WILL care for them as He does all of His children. Trust in God. It sounds trite, but it really works. Prayers out to you for God’s peace over you and your household. Father, please bring your redemptive. spiritual, healing to all my brothers and sisters in Christ, that they may KNOW that YOU ARE GOD! You are for us! Not against us. We love You. We trust You. You ARE who You say You are. You DO what You say You will do. We thank you for your faithfulness. In Christ’s Holy name I pray, Amen.

    1. Amen, The best decision is always to trust the Lord with every fiber of your being and your heart and soul. Don’t look back and give God your future.

  18. Dave D - Amen!!!! God's blessings to you and your loved ones.


    Back and up and running (but still learning).

    As we enter into our 'date' with our Lord, I am sharing with you the use of the invitatory psalms (95,100,24,67) guidance for the heart and soul in the time the two of you are sharing. May the Spirit guide you in using them as you begin your conversation with Him.

    Both Psalm 95 & 100 call us to have a spirit of joy within us as we approach Him in this time. This spirit of joy pours forth in singing, praising and being thankful. Taking time for this is very helpful in preparing the spirit within to receive what the Spirit will say this day. Even if there are concerns that are tempering your joy, praise and thanksgiving are useful for lifting up a downcast spirit. Spend as much time doing this as you need.

    Both psalms then share an affirmation of who God is,
    Psalm 95:3-5
    3 For the Lord is a great God,
    and a great King above all gods.
    4 In his hand are the depths of the earth;
    the heights of the mountains are his also.
    5 The sea is his, for he made it,
    and the dry land, which his hands have formed.
    The emphasis is the supremacy of God, above all other gods, the creator of everything from the majestic height of the mountains to the depth of the mysterious and uncertain sea and everything in between. The very ground we are standing upon is His. It is all a result of His loving creative hands.

    Psalm 100:3 - "Know that the Lord is God". In our world, to know is associated with intelligence; in the scriptures, to know is an act of the heart in which something is embraced, with which we become intimate.

    So as you enter into your 'date' with God, a moment or two spent contemplating the magnitude of God can be helpful. Everything is God's and God has opened the door in which you are invited to enter. It is especially helpful when there is something heavy upon your heart, to affirm that this too is under God's authority. You are likely to find yourself slipping back into praise and thanksgiving at this point which is a natural reaction of an uplifted soul. Let it be.

    As you go forth into this day, go forth with the certainty, it all belongs to your loving Lord. There is nothing greater than Him. You will always be safe because the magnitude of His power over all. So you can follow the admonition of the JC reading for today, to stay in the present where God is Emmanuel, God-with-us, including you. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob. Beautifully said, Amen πŸ™

    2. Thank you Bob. I look so forward to reading the next "Thoughts" post each day. JE

    3. WOW BOB!! I just read your post after I posted mine! I always read your insight! God is GOOD! How much our posts relate! AMAZING GRACE 🀩🀩🀩🀩♥️♥️♥️♥️πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸŒ

    4. And thank-you for always sharing!! It’s a blessing πŸ™

    5. Thank you Bob! Continued prayers for mastering you tech issues so we don't miss a beat of your insights and sharing.

    6. Amen mon ami! Merci! God be with you!

      Blessings from France

    7. Amen and thank you so much Bob! This day belongs to Him who created it. And I am in His Hands every moment of it. What a blessing!

    8. Bob, that's wonderful, thank you for your contribution. While reading it I just 'went', I got caught up in Him, I guess I won't be down to Earth for a while. Heart and thoughts are in Heavenly places, His presence is so gently tangible.

  20. Going to see my Mom in the morning. Just wanted to make sure I shared this. God bless you all!
    A friend sent it to me and I loved it:

    Me: Hey God.
    God: Hello.....
    Me: I'm falling apart. Can you put me back together?
    God: I would rather not.
    Me: Why?
    God: Because you aren't a puzzle.
    Me: What about all of the pieces of my life that are falling down onto the ground?
    God: Let them stay there for a while. They fell off for a reason. Take some time and decide if you need any of those pieces back.
    Me: You don't understand! I'm breaking down!
    God: No - you don't understand. You are breaking through. What you are feeling are just growing pains. You are shedding the things and the people in your life that are holding you back. You aren't falling apart. You are falling into place. Relax. Take some deep breaths and allow those things you don't need anymore to fall off of you. Quit holding onto the pieces that don't fit you anymore. Let them fall off. Let them go.
    Me: Once I start doing that, what will be left of me?
    God: Only the very best pieces of you.
    Me: I'm scared of changing.
    God: I keep telling you - YOU AREN'T CHANGING!! YOU ARE BECOMING!
    Me: Becoming who?
    God: Becoming who I created you to be! A person of light and love and charity and hope and courage and joy and mercy and grace and compassion. I made you for more than the shallow pieces you have decided to adorn yourself with that you cling to with such greed and fear. Let those things fall off of you. I love you! Don't change! ... Become! Become! Become who I made you to be. I'm going to keep telling you this until you remember it.
    Me: There goes another piece.
    God: Yep. Let it be.
    Me: So ... I'm not broken?
    God: Of course Not! - but you are breaking like the dawn. It's a new day. Become!!!

    ~Author John RoedelMe

    1. Thank you for sharing Jeanne. That is wonderfully appreciated,helpful, and so very true. Amen πŸ™.

    2. Wow. Thank you for sharing this. There have been so many changes in my life this past year, both internally and externally, and many times I said to God that I'm falling apart. I think I always knew he was working on me, but I really like the perspective this piece gives me. God bless.

    3. That’s beautiful Jeanne thanks for sharing ♥️So true!

    4. Thank you Jeanne. That is a powerful perspective!!
      I hope your trip to see your Mom goes well. Peace to you.

    5. LOVE that Jeanne! Thanks for sharing that. I know I've mentioned the song, "Just Be Held" by Casting Crowns...In the God & Me conversation you shared, the line of "You aren't falling apart. You're falling into place." It is also in the chorus of Just Be Held song.
      You're not alone, stop holding on and just be held
      Your world's not falling apart, it's falling into place
      I'm on the throne, stop holding on and just be held

      If we could simply grasp this, the peace we'd have, right?! Hope you all have a fabulously blessed Tuesday! Thanks, again, Jeanne, for sharing that!

    6. Me: Hey Jeanne, THANK YOU for sharing this, I will be passing it on. "Like the breaking dawn..." thank you Jesus!

    7. Thank you so much Jeanne! What a beautiful conversation. Have a nice and blessed day with your mother!

      Blessings from France

    8. Traveling Mercy prayers are being prayed for you and for a wonderful visit with Mom!
      Thanks for sharing the pieces to the puzzle Jeanne. I receive the insight and thank you for sharing it. Blessings to all.

    9. I'm so glad! I just knew my brothers and sisters would love it. Amen! He is just giving us the opportunity to throw away the chaff in ourselves and empty our heart so He can fill it. Off to Brooklyn right now to see my Mom till Thursday. Was cooking my Mom's favorite green beans in tomato sauce to bring her so I'm running late. Will try to join you tomorrow. God bless you all. Know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for the traveling blessings! Love you.

    10. Thanks Jeanne, for a wonderful beginning during the first morning of Fall Season ;)

    11. Becoming- I would like to replace other words I say with the word becoming.
      Ex. Someone says to me your a good Mom and Grandma, my response is "I'm trying" will now be "I'm becoming the mom-gram that God wants me to be"
      My own thoughts you're a crummy cook (I really am a crummy cook it's just not something I care about) New thoughts "I'm becoming a good cook who enjoys feeding my family." ( You can't see my nose wrinkled up)
      The tape in my head starts to play how I'm less than what I should be, new tape I'm becoming what God wants me to be.

    12. Amen Terri! Let’s all use the word becoming instead of trying to be. God gets the glory because He’s in charge.

    13. I have debated the word "try", it never has results. "Try" and pick up a pencil... Try harder.LOL. It never gets picked up. Becoming, on the other hand is an action verb I can get behind! Thank you again. Great take away for today!

  21. The earth as big as it is..can not contain the universe and its grandeur. We spin about roaming in the stars that hold us. Specks going about with busy lives and stories in our eyes. We all have a book that is being written with chapters smitten. Pages marked with footprints that have crossed our paths and moments gone like vaporous gas. Some step where they shouldn’t.... little minds and big judgments the way they think the book should go or the story told. Yet they are not behind the Master Author who knows each book delicately and intimately. Why must we think we can do any better than the other? Don’t look so hard at one another...for we all are destined for failure somehow if not then it’s now...listen and be sure it’s done we are nothing without the One.. who truly holds our fate.. let’s make sure we consider this and speculate. By: Sharon Schwartz

    1. Sharon- Amen indeed! "We all have a book that is being written with chapters smitten"!!!

      Ain't that the truth!!!

      God bless,
      Maplewood NJ

    2. Yes!! And this morning a reminder popped up on my Snapchat on my phone from where I had written down Psalms 13-17 a year ago today. No coincidence that I wrote that poem just last night! ♥️πŸ™♥️♥️♥️GOD IS AMAZING!! 🀩

    3. Psalm 13-17 is a MUST READ! Please read it and let it fill you with AWE! We are ALL fearfully and wonderfully made! πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™πŸ’žπŸŒŸπŸ’«πŸŒπŸ’₯

    4. Beautiful truth, Sharon. Can’t wait to see how our Author is writing my next chapter! Amen! Always loved that verse too!

  22. Thank you Sharon. I love your use of imagery and metaphor!!
    I am grateful God knows me so intimately and completely. If I go to the depths, he is there. What an incredible gift.
    I appreciate you offering this today.

  23. Loving father, Thank You for Your Word which is life to my Spirit. Grant me unshakable faith to continue believing and trusting You to see all of Your promises fulfilled in my Life. I choose to release all care and concern into Your capable hands. Fill me with Your peace as I wait and trust in You. This is my prayer to You in the name of Jesus my Savior. Amen.

    There so many people going through the biggest storms of their lives and my prayer for them is that they know that God can really be trusted. He is faithful. I’ve been through some fiery fires, but through it all He remained faithful and was right there with me as I endured each one, but didn’t get burned. He has always provided and I have seen Him moved despite some situations that took a while, and others that I am still patiently waiting for, while trusting in Him. During this time, He is continuing to build my faith. Charles Spurgeon said: “To trust God in the light is nothing, but trust him in the dark, that is faith."
    The more we put our trust in Him, the more He amazes us with His blessings and goodness. Trusting God even when we don’t understand His plan, is demonstrating our faith in Him! When we allow anxiety and worry to occur in our lives, we are choosing to rely on our own strength instead of God’s.
    As Christians, we have hope in our Savior who cares for us. He grants us strength in difficult times, through all our struggles and disappointments, and He calls us to look to Him in prayer when our circumstances overwhelm us. In Matthew 6:25-27, Jesus talked about worry and anxiety many times, and He reminds us of how much God loves us, and how He can give us rest. God doesn’t want worry and anxiety to rule our lives, that’s why He said we should cast all of our burdens upon Him, because he cares that much (Psalm 55:22).

    Dear Father, Thank You for making us superior over all creatures of the earth and blessings us to ‘anticipate future events’. Help us to use our magnificent minds to trust You, cast out all fear and unbelief and allow ‘the hope of Heaven to fill our thoughts while the Light of Your Presence envelopes us. Thank You for being our refuge and strength. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    BRIE and JEANNE, Thanks for asking about my brother Adam’s wellbeing. Last year this time, he was seriouly ill and needed all the prayers we could get. I was grateful and still remain grateful, for ALL the prayers that were lifted up for him here on the blog last year! Seems like every year it’s someone in the family (Janet just got out of hospital), but through it all God remains faithful and I give Him all the glory and honor. That pattern I declare, is broken in Jesus's name! Continue prayers Brie, we can never get too much of it (LOL)!

    May God continue to be a blessing to all of us here as we pray for our families and each other. Matthew 18:20- “ For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst."

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ’

    1. Dear Maplewood! Thanking God for healing Adam. Will continue to pray for your health and your sister Janet and Adam’s continued good health. The best we all can do Is take our burdens to the Lord and leave them there. He is so faithful.

    2. Sweet Sister, Praying Adam and Janet are doing much better now, and also that God is healing, comforting and guiding you and your good Mom. Praying with you for more answered prayers for all our JC Family. Thank You dear Jesus.

  24. You are all such extraordinary image beaters and friends of God. I loved rereading the past years and celebrate the wisdom race and hope offered here. What a glorious reflection of our generous, gracious God. So lovely. We need this to shine and multiply in our world.
    May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
    Romans 13

    1. Amen GraceTakesTime! We look back and gave testimonies from how far He's brought us! What a blessing for us and great Honor and Glory to the KING!

      Let Peace reign for Jesus' sake!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Amen and Amen! What an uplift to my day each morning or evening when I read through this. I am reminded I am not alone and to keep trusting in Jesus, have faith, forgive, love, pray, and be thankful. What a nice image to think of falling into place instead of falling apart/into pieces.
      I lift all on here up in prayer this morning! May we all put our worries down and trust instead knowing You are with us each step of today and The Way. CO

    3. Amen GraceTakesTime! I love the older posts too because they are timeless. Thanksgiving fills them and praise and the power of prayer and new victories and God’s faithfulness. Hope and faith remain as we rejoice with each other, pray for each other, and comfort and guide each other in Christ. We are of one accord like a circle of trusting children holding hands, all looking up from where our help comes from.

  25. Dear Prayer Warriors, humbly asking prayer. The cold weather is affecting my RIGHT shoulder, rotator cuff is aching. My 78 year old cousin Susie recently had successful rotator cuff surgery. This is the same problem I had 19 years ago on my LEFT shoulder. I was anointed at my church, I was disappointed I wasn't healed immediately. PTL!!!! God healed my shoulder 3 months later.

    1. Sending healing prayers Sassy Mom. He will do it again!

      Blessings from France

    2. Cold weather? What is that? JKJKJK! Praying for you Sassy Mom and for all of our JC Family in need of healing this moment.

    3. Praying for Susie! May God heal her completely and give her patience and peace as she recovers.

    4. Oops read it too fast. Praying for your shoulder dear Sassy Mom! Hope you feel better soon. Thank you Father for taking away all the shoulder pain and restoring my sister to perfect health. Praying this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

    5. Releasing all my burdens to lay at the foot of the cross so as to lighten the strain and any tension on and in my shoulders. Thanking Jesus for healing options through medical procedures I am guided to choose.

  26. Dear JC Family!
    It has been a while since I’ve posted. Today’s devotion was just so “spot on” for me! When it comes to giving God my fear, anxiety and worry of the future, I feel as though I ‘talk the talk’ but do not ‘walk the walk’! I tell the Lord that I’m laying it all at His feet...and in that moment, I truly am, but then I snatch it back! Oh! to truly let go of these binders! I know our kind and loving father is aching for me to let go and I’m so thankful that He is a patient God! I read all the posts today from 2018 going forward and there were many prayer needs! I lift each one to Jesus and pray that one and two years later, each are doing well and God’s perfect plan is known and that you are all on hills instead of valleys.
    Zfuntastic, your post brought such joy to me because it was not too long before that you were asking for prayer to get sober and then to see you doing better and reaching out to help others just touched my soul. It was a full circle moment!
    Jeanne I pray safe travel and a blessed Mom Visit for you!
    Sassy Mom, I pray that you get some pain relief for your rotator cuff! My hubs had that surgery a few years ago...it’s no joke!!
    If I’ve missed any immediate prayers needs, please know you are all in my prayers!,
    Many blessings!

    PS: PRAISE report on Patti! She is 2 months post transplant and doing wonderful! Praise Jesus!

    1. Nice to hear from you BamaGrl! You are in our prayers too! Praising the Lord for Patti's recovery!! Hallelujah!

      Blessings from France

    2. Thanks dear BamaGrl! Having a nice visit with my Mom. So thankful Patti is doing well! More answered prayers. Rejoicing with you for all the victories and praying with all of you for more to come!

  27. I know today starts His new Autumn Season, but since His weather is still summery here, we get extra time at the beach!
    MATTHEW 7:24 All who listen to My Instructions and follow them are wise, like those who build their house on strong solid rock. When the rains come in torrents, and the flood waters rise, and the storm winds beat against his house, his house will stand, for it is built on strong solid rock!

    While climbing up Beach Boulders, we may slip a few times, but once we reach the solid flat surface on top, we can securely look out safely at the waves below, which might splash on us, but cannot carry us away because our Beach Boulders are immune to storms. They are large, solidly sturdy rocks, heavy and immovable by time or conditions. Some Beach Boulders have been around for thousands of years.  When strong waves appear and beat against our Beach Boulder, the wave itself shatters and disperses, not our Beach Boulder! Troubles and pain can have the same effect on our hearts that waves do when we are sitting on top a Beach Boulder: they lap over us but cannot consume us because our Rock Solid Beach Boulder Foundation holds us high above the water line.

    Dear Heavenly Father God, 
    Would You give us Your Power to manage through waves and endure and then enjoy life like Your Beach Boulders? And would You help us stand strong on Your Boulders which are the Rock Solid Foundation of Your Teachings? When we need rest, would You also let Your Boulders serve as our place to rest?
    On behalf of our entire JC Family, I ask. I pray. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Thanks to our sweet Maplewood NJ, who reminds us: On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
      All other ground is sinking sand,
      All other ground is sinking sand.
      Immovable Invicible
      Is our Lord is our God
      Unbreakable Unshakable Jesus!

    2. Love that song Brie! I often played it at the nursing home. Our Rock is immovable and so are we who stand upon It.

    3. Trust Me and refuse to worry. As you walk in the Light with Me, you have one foot on earth and one foot in heaven. and both feet strongly and firmly planted on My Beach Boulder. Remember, I AM your Strength. In Jesus' Name I am becoming stronger. Amen.

  28. Amen Brie, Trusting Him even in the dark. He will light my way. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
    Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. Amen

  29. God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? (Numbers 23:19). But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one. (2 Thessalonians 3:3). If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9).

    Father, thank You for Your word and faithfulness. Your promises are true and You can be trusted. You are Almighty God -- the One and Only. There is no other. Thank You for the message. Open my eyes and ears to receive it. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Thanks dear Janet! Wonderful truth and prayer you shared. Yesterday I went to my favorite place to walk and run on the grounds of Burke Rehab near my apartment. I was walking with Jesus and He was with me under my favorite tree where I put my hands up and felt His blessed presence. I stood very still as the sun shone bright through the leaves and the wind blew all around me I could feel His spirit stir within me. His message was; Receive everything I offer. My peace, My beauty, My power, My strength and My love. I just drank it all in and I was so blessed by it all. I said I receive. When I got to the track I started to run as I was praying and noticed a man in a wheelchair going around by himself and a woman walking and almost dancing with her arms. When I needed to stop to catch my breath, I told her she was doing very well exercising every muscle in her body. She smiled and explained that 5 months ago she had Covid and she wasn’t breathing well and she was very sick. Her doctor asked her what she enjoyed doing and she said Dancing. He said then she must put dancing into her exercise to help her recovery. And she did just that m. Now she’s almost all better but has some intestinal problems. She said I was doing well too and I said That’s because Jesus holds me tight and takes care of me. She got all excited and said I love Jesus! He means everything to me! We praised Him together. We prayed together. She told me she works as the aide to the man in the wheelchair. We talked a little more and then I met the man and his name is James. Told them I will keep them in my prayers. Nothing is an accident! God put them on my path so we could encourage each other and pray for each other. What a great God we serve!

  30. It’s an awesome thought, oh God, that we’re talking to you right now and you’re the same God who Moses was singing to centuries ago. You’re the same God. You were his God and you are my God. You are our God, and we worship you. We praise you, we exalt you, we love you, we glorify you. We pray today, glorify your name in our lives. Be exalted through our lives today, we pray. Help us to live ever cognizant that you are our strength and our song. You have given us salvation. You are our God and we praise you, our father’s God, and we exalt your name. In Jesus’ name, we praise you. Amen

    1. Amen and Amen. Yesterday today and forever, you are God. We praise you. We worship you. We adore you.We trust you. ❤️

  31. Today’s reading is pure, heaven sent inspiration. How I thank God for this cherished book. Your comments also, JC blog members. I am touched by the deep devotion and beautifully expressed prayers and requests for prayer. May God bless us all this day to look not past today but have faith enough stay in the present, knowing He will be with us at that future day of challenge as well.
    Have a blessed day in the arms of His love and mercy, is my prayer for each of you.

    1. And to you, RCB, new to me blogger. Thank you for your blessings.

    2. Thank you Audra!! I so appreciate that.

    3. Praying in agreement with you RCB (you already have a nick name, I hope you don't mind). God bless us all this day to look not past today but have faith enough stay in the present, knowing He will be with us at that future day of challenge as well. Lord I trust you to work all of our days out for our good and your glory. Romans 8:28 clearly assures us of your intentions toward us.
      And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. You know our hearts Lord we declare our love for you. Since you have called us to be yours we can trust you have called us for your purpose. So we can rest, trust and confidentiality declare that you are working all things together for our good. Thank you so very much to you all honor and glory!! In Jesus name amen
      Typing as I'm waiting for my covid test results.
      Whatever comes my way has to go through you Lord first!!

    4. Thank you Jesus my test was negative!!

    5. TERRI - Hallelujah! Thanking Jesus with you!!! Sharing your joy.

    6. Welcome R. Christian Bohlen to our 24/7 Room of around the world and around the clock Family of JC Prayer Warriors. Come as often as you need to, stay as long as you like, partake as much or as little as you want. Full buffet with Free refills. All piled high with His Love! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    7. Amen R. Christian Bohlen! Let us stay in present where the Lord meets us.
      Amen Terri and a big Hallelujah for your negative test result.
      Brie, You made me smile! Full buffet with Free refills. All piled high with His Love! Amen.

  32. Dear heavenly Father, help me to straddle heaven and earth. This IS a gift and so possible with you at my side. Help me to remember... "As you walk in the Light with Me, you have one foot on earth and one foot in heaven..." Amen.

  33. Praying that the gap between heaven and earth keeps narrowing. I haven't been able to do a split in years!!!

    1. To split is heavenly; to get up afterwards is divine. I wondered if that is why Sarah wrote,..You are feeling wobbly this morning...
      Thank God for laughter. It truly is the best medicine!
      Love you sister.

    2. Brie, You always make me smile. Laughter is a gift from God and it sure is the best medicine!

  34. Jeanne, I hope you don't mind me reposting your post from last year. When I read over it again it punched me in the gut just like it did last year.

    Posting from Jeanne 9/22/20

    Me: Hey God.
    God: Hello.....
    Me: I'm falling apart. Can you put me back together?
    God: I would rather not.
    Me: Why?
    God: Because you aren't a puzzle.
    Me: What about all of the pieces of my life that are falling down onto the ground?
    God: Let them stay there for a while. They fell off for a reason. Take some time and decide if you need any of those pieces back.
    Me: You don't understand! I'm breaking down!
    God: No - you don't understand. You are breaking through. What you are feeling are just growing pains. You are shedding the things and the people in your life that are holding you back. You aren't falling apart. You are falling into place. Relax. Take some deep breaths and allow those things you don't need anymore to fall off of you. Quit holding onto the pieces that don't fit you anymore. Let them fall off. Let them go.
    Me: Once I start doing that, what will be left of me?
    God: Only the very best pieces of you.
    Me: I'm scared of changing.
    God: I keep telling you - YOU AREN'T CHANGING!! YOU ARE BECOMING!
    Me: Becoming who?
    God: Becoming who I created you to be! A person of light and love and charity and hope and courage and joy and mercy and grace and compassion. I made you for more than the shallow pieces you have decided to adorn yourself with that you cling to with such greed and fear. Let those things fall off of you. I love you! Don't change! ... Become! Become! Become who I made you to be. I'm going to keep telling you this until you remember it.
    Me: There goes another piece.
    God: Yep. Let it be.
    Me: So ... I'm not broken?
    God: Of course Not! - but you are breaking like the dawn. It's a new day. Become!!!

    ~Author John RoedelMe

    I'm still in learning that I'm becoming faze.

    1. I'm still in learning that I'm becoming faze.
      Was my comment not Jeanne, sorry Jeanne

    2. I loved reading Jeanne's post last year and reading it again, Terri! Thanks for reposting!

    3. I'm glad my post moved you both. I still love it too because God is telling us that day by day we are becoming who He created us to be. We are blessed to be clay in the Hands of our Good Potter.

  35. Hello Dear JC Family - what a blessing to start my day at 5:30, read, read, read, leave for hours, return and get to read more. Jeanne, your story about the lady dancing and the man in the wheel chair just lit me up! I could picture it!! Love to all of you and your lovely prayers, heart-felt requests, victories and the encouragement you provided to me last night, which I read this morning.
    Today, my Dear Hub received another good report. We still have to wait on the Proteins, but if all is well, we don't go back for 2 months - the week before Thanksgiving. My prayer is that by then, we are all looking forward to Thanksgiving with family and friends - unlike last year. My Dear Friend is feeling a little better, though not well enough to talk on the phone or even text. I am communicating with her daughter, who thankfully is still living with them while she attends on-line college and works. Her Dear Hub is wanting to be helpful but can't remember anything for more than a few minutes. He is always so blessed - the happiest guy in the world. Walks around the house, singing praise songs. Met me at the curb yesterday when I dropped off lunch and said, "Oh, Bless you my dear! Thank you for your kindness." So, please continue to pray for her and her family and for me and mine as we were exposed, but so far - nothing. Our Dear #2 Son will get his vaccine tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. EST. Please pray - he has antibodies and I've 'heard,' that the vaccine side effects can be worse if you have. We are believing that God will (once again) deliver and keep him strong and healthy. His presentation today at work went great and he thanks everyone for their prayers for him and his family.
    Taking out the trash and heading for the bed....SOOOO sleepy! But, can't thank you enough for your love and prayers. As always, you have mine!

  36. Dear Norah, I'm glad you liked the story about the lady dancing. I had such a wonderful experience that day and it was like God was orchestrating it completely. So very happy your DH had another good report. So thankful to have more answered prayers! Praying the protein report will also be a good one. I'm happy your friend is a bit better Praying for her and her good Hubby and family and all of you and your family who have been exposed. God is greater.
    Thank You Father for a Hedge of Protection around Norah and her friends and family. Protect them from Covid and heal all their weaknesses. Thank You for Your faithfulness in their lives and please don't let her son have any side effects from his vaccine. Thank You Jesus!

  37. Thank You God for JJ, Janet, TJ, NJS, Jan gridley, Audra, and all who πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™. prayed for my friend's son. He is out of surgery.
    Doc was only able to remove one of the lumps, but feels it is enough for path lab to fully evaluate. Please continue in prayer for Pathology Report. Thanks be to God in Jesus' Name. Amen.
    Much Love, Brie

    1. Continuing to pray dear KWM. He is covered. God is in every detail of the outcome & beyond. Love & blessings πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ž

  38. Dear Norah, Praying for your DH and his strength and healing and your strength and peace of mind. Thanks for your prayers and all prayers for my twin sister Janet. She said her tooth extraction went well thank God. She will get a bridge in November. Her blood pressure is very high so thanks for keeping her in your prayers. Praying with my family also for Tori Faith and Brie and her DH and brother Keith, and Janet, and MadFox, and Bob, and all our dear ones and their loved ones, Audra, and Jan, and JJ, and NJS, and ABC, and Ellen, and Linda, and Keith, and Min Ahadi, and Butterfly Love, and Peter and Mark and all our dear ones. Sassy Mom and Terri, May God comfort and guide you each day and bring light into your hearts. May God bless all those who are not seen but read every day. Wondering where some of our old sisters and brothers are. Please let us know. Haven't see Blessings from France in a while, or Fern, or Rose, or Suzanne, and so many others. God bless you all and answer your prayers and heal you and your loved ones and give you strength, guidance, comfort and peace. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Thank you sweey Jeanne. I'm still here everyday reading and praying with and for you all. I just don't feel led to post anymore... This season has been hard, I don't find a job and I'm dealing with an heartbreak. It's a rough time.
      I too would like to hear from our brothers and sisters who don't post anymore, been wonderi g also about LoveConquersAll... Hoping everyone is okay.
      God bless you dear JC family, you're always in my prayers.

      Blessings from France

    2. I am joining you in prayer, Jeanne, adding Waiting Kathy, Jeff Hildreth, and all other former posters. Please know you remain in our prayers, and if the Spirit that led you here ever leads you to post again, or even just wave, we'll be thankful. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Blessings From France! I'm blessed to see your post and even more blessed to know you are praying with us everyday.
      Ivwill pray specifically for your next job, and your heart relief.
      Much Love, Brie

    4. Joining here for the head count Jeanne & KWM. I wonder too where the others are now: runaprilmae, Pamela K, Maplewood, just to add a few missed loved ones. Praying for Norah's DH, Janet & blood pressure, Tori Faith, Adam, Brie , Larry & Keith, continued comfort for SassyMom & Terri. Love to all & blessings beyond your comprehension πŸ™πŸ’žπŸŒˆ

    5. Reads like an invitation to a family reunion! Love to you all, known and unknown who pass this way. Prayers for all will continue!

    6. Yes Audra, It reads like an invitation to a family reunion, because it is! union, reunion, and communion in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    7. I miss TERRI. Thanks dear JC Family for the encouragement, love and comforting prayers for our broken hearts. You are loved.

  39. Please pray for traveling mercies for my son Bryan who is flying back to California this morning. He couldn't find a place he could afford but he still wants to move back east to be with us and his brothers and their families. God will make a way! Thank You Jesus.

    1. Traveling Mercy Prayers from East to West, and back East again, in His Time. Much Love, Brie

    2. Dear Lord, look upon Bryan with traveling favor. Deliver him safely back to his home in Jesus' name AmenπŸ™πŸ’ž

    3. Thanks dear Brie and Jan! Sitting on my bed thanking God that his flight is smooth and He will faithfully deliver him to dear Allie and Baby Evelyn. All will be well. Thank You Jesus πŸ™

    4. Absolutely, praying specific prayers for Bryan, Dear Jeanne!! <3

  40. Dear Lord, thank you for this day you have provided. Please help me to live in this day not tomorrow or yesterday. Please help me stay focused on You and not the worries I have. Please help me have faith and lay my worries and concerns at Your feet.

    JC Warriors, I ask for prayers. My lump that was biopsied several weeks ago is going to be removed tomorrow. Though it was benign, my doctor feels strongly that it should be removed due to its size and the fact that the entire mass of cells was not biopsied and slim chance of one rouge cell. Initially, the doctor said we could wait 6 months, but at my second follow up, he said it should be removed. I know God is in control, but I haven’t been a fun mom/wife to be around this week as Friday approaches. My younger son has anxiety and it is manifesting itself as the days go by this week. We have argued daily over this smallest of things. Prayers for peace for him and for his walk with God as at times I worry where he is in his walk.

    Prayers for all JC Warriors today. May God bless you and keep you safe.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Prayers are going up for you today, SC, and will continue throughout your surgery. Praying peace prayers for both you and your son.
      d'evil one does sometimes use our valleys to pump out extra sludges of anxiety. Our God says use this as a key rewinder to bring your mind back to persisting in prayer, calling to mind, His Strength and His Song. In Jesus' Name. Amen. Much Love and Many Prayers, Brie

    2. Praying that all goes well SC. May God give you and your family peace and relief from the anxiety of the procedure. Praying that all cells are benign.


    3. Joining in prayer with my JC sisters, SC, that all goes well and you somehow feel God's peace and healing wash over you. Praying for a benign outcome, In Jesus' name, amen.

    4. Dear SC, continuing to petition the Lord for this biopsy.NO ROGUE CELLS ALLOWED IN JESUS' NAME!!! AMEN!!! May your son find that rest & peace from anxiety in Jesus'name, Amen! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’žπŸŒˆ

    5. Amen! Adding my declaration of thanks for perfect healthy outcomes for you, SC and your family.

    6. Dear SC --- Joining the AWESOME JCFAMILY/WARRIORS in standing in the gap for your Surgery/Recovery/Divine Health! Be encouraged! The greater the battle, the bigger the MIRACLE!!! ALL PRAISE to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! HALLELUJAH!!!

    7. Dear sister SC, Joining in all prayers with our JC Family that all will go well on Friday as God directs the doctor’s hands perfectly in removing the lump and that it is benign. Also that your son will open his heart completely and surrender to Christ and trust in His faithfulness as we do. Do not be afraid. Our loving Father goes before you always. His peace transcends all human understanding and it is always with us in His presence. He is the Greatest Healer.and He loves you and cares for you.
      Thank You Father for a smooth procedure and a benign biopsy. Thank you for your peace to wash over dear SC and her son and family. May we all be rejoicing from the good results in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen.

  41. Today's devotion fit my circumstances to a T. I am headed in to again prepare Keith for his move into our home.
    I woke up thankful, yet anxious because of looking at difficult times looming ahead, measuring them against my previous failed attempts.
    How blessedly relieved I was to read ,
    I am your Strength, I can empower you to handle each task as it comes.
    I am your Song, I can give you joy as you work alongside Me.
    Thank You Jesus for both Your Strength and, of course, Your Song! In Jesus' Name and with much love and many prayers for all of us, Brie

  42. Isn't it awe-mazing how the daily JC entries tie-in with exactly what's happening in our lives?! I know our Heavenly Father has been with you throughout you caring for Keith, readying the sale of the house, doctor appointments for him, etc. He will continue to be there with you supplying all your needs both emotionally and physically, Brie. I know, too, that I, along with this big JC family of ours, will be with you too, praying for you daily. Praying for continued strength, endurance, and peace wrapped-up in love for you, sister. In Jesus' great name, AMEN!

    1. Amen to that NJS. Praying with you all for our dear Brie to be well taken care of in Jesus' Name. Amen

  43. Including my AMENS & HALLELUJAHS for you Brie. God's got this! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’žπŸŒˆ

  44. I've been reading this blog for years. I'm always so glad to see posts from former regulars. I'm sure there are so many silent prayers that are offered up for the JC community. I'm especially glad when God chooses to answer our prayers. It's just amazing to me. God bless!!


    1. Thank You God for Tom's presence in the JC Prayer Warrior's community, along with all others.

    2. I second that! A Great Welcome and Blessings to you Tom and ALL our posters and readers! What a group! You JCFAMILY/WARRIORS are just the BEST, BEST, BEST! God's Glory covers you and His Favor surrounds you as a shield!!! JJ

    3. Thank you Tom! Those sweet silent prayers from our brothers and sisters and all who enter here, are what blesses us all and brings us more answered prayers. God is so good to lead us all here to encourage and pray for each other.
      Amen Brie and JJ!

  45. Just had to share the good news that Bryan arrived safely in California. Thanks for all your prayers. I know God will find a way for them to move east in His own timing, according to His great Plan. Thank You Jesus. Hallelujah! Have a blessed day and remember He is with us every step of the way. We abide in Him and He abides in us. We are the light of the world because His light fills us to the brim.

    1. Yeah! GOD and a Victory Dance!
      Thanks for the update, Jeanne.
      Much Love, Brie

  46. Thanks for speaking up, Tom!! I've always known there were Saints on here praying without making themselves known. Love you, Brother. Jan and Brie - I picture you dancing the happy dances and praising God for all of His love.
    Please pray for one my dear Sister in Christ's niece, Kendra. Stage 4 cancer with a little one. Prayers for so many - thankfully, God knows them all by every hair on their head.

    1. Dear Norah, Adding Kendra to my prayer list. Praying for your Sister in Christ's niece that God will destroy every cancer cell in her body and replace them with healthy tissue, and amaze the doctors with His Healing power, and bring her back to perfect health so she can proclaim His good deeds to her little one. Thank You Jesus.

    2. Amen Norah, joining Jeanne in coming against those cancer cells! Praying for Kendra πŸ™πŸ’žπŸŒˆ

  47. Driving my good sister Janet to the airport so she can go home and then I’m going back to my Mom’s so I can stay another night. Thanks for your prayers for safe travels for us and for all those out on the road today. May God protect us all and give us answered prayers today. Thank You Jesus πŸ™πŸ’—

    Psalm 121:7-8
    The Lord shall [a]preserve you from all evil;
    He shall preserve your soul.
    The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in
    From this time forth, and even forevermore.

  48. Btw , the footnote (a), “preserve” means to “keep”. The Lord shall keep you from all evil. He gives us the strength to resist the temptation to sin and and saves us from the devil’s evil traps to trip us. God keeps us on the straight and narrow because loves us. He knows we trust in Him. He’s our mighty stronghold. He is so much greater than he that is in the world.

  49. Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13). Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1). You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Your word. (Psalm 119:114). Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the LORD. (Psalm 31:24). But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance. (Romans 8:25).

    1. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content. (1 Timothy 6:7-8).

  50. "As you walk in the Light with Me, you have one foot on earth and one foot in heaven."
    1 Peter 1:3-6 AMPC
    3 Praised (honored, blessed) be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah)! By His boundless mercy we have been born again to an ever-living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
    4 [Born anew] into an inheritance which is beyond the reach of change and decay [imperishable], unsullied and unfading, reserved in heaven for you,
    5 Who are being guarded (garrisoned) by God’s power through [your] faith [till you fully inherit that [final] salvation that is ready to be revealed [for you] in the last time.
    6 [You should] be exceedingly glad on this account, though now for a little while you may be distressed by trials and suffer temptations.
