Friday, September 25, 2015

Jesus Calling: September 25

Poor all of your energy into trusting Me. It is through trust you stay connected to me, aware of My Presence. Every step on your life – journey can be a step of faith. Baby steps of trust are simple for you; you can take them with almost unconscious ease. Giant steps are another matter altogether: leaping across chasms in semidarkness, scaling cliffs of uncertainty, trudging through the valley of the shadow of death. These feats require sheer concentration, as well as utter commitment to Me.
    Each of My children is a unique blend of temperament, giftedness, and life experiences. Something that is a baby step for you may be a giant step for another person, and vice versa. Only I know the difficulty or ease of each segment of your journey. Beware of trying to impress others by acting as if your giant steps are only baby ones. Do not judge others who hesitate, in trembling fear, before an act that would be easy for you. If each of My children would seek to please Me above all else, fear of others' judgments would vanish, as would attempts to impress others. Focus your attention on the path just ahead of you and on the One who never leaves your side.
Psalm 23:4
English Standard Version

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.

Matthew 7:1–2
English Standard Version 

“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.

Proverbs 29:25
English Standard Version 
 The fear of man lays a snare,
    but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.

Thoughts (2019)
The comparison trap is a huge one in life. If I can just walk through life, with My Savior, and not look to my left and right, at my neighbor, at my friends at what they are doing, at what they have and simply stay focused on my relationship with God, then all is fine. The problem is I do stop and stare and in the process I begin to question my Maker. I must return to the Word each day and examine in light of the gifts that God has given me. He has gifted me, but in a unique way. And my responsibility is to lay hold of those gifts and use them for His glory. At times, I actually think that life would be better if everyone was just like me. I want everyone to have my temperament, and often think my life experiences make me greater than others. Jesus meets each of us right where we are. 

Prayer (2019)
Lord, forgive me for the thoughts I have inside of me, that stir in my head. Rarely do they come out of my mouth. If they do, I am embarrassed, but you know me, all of me, and you hear my thoughts of envy, of me thinking I am better than others. Lord, there are good things that happen to friends in my life and yet I often want them to fall and experience hardship. I want to come out on top. I want to get the medals and thought of as the great one. Lord, free me from myself. Help me to rejoice more in the victories of others and come alongside those who are hurting. I am not in a race with others. I want to be a man of integrity - inside and out. Take me there. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries. 


  1. Heavenly Father, I have to admit, trusting you fully is a challenge at times and often go down my own selfish path only to come to the same dead end. Lord, please guide me this day, trusting You will lead me down the path of life that will provide the fruit of the spirit that keeps my cup overflowing with your love. I will not worry about tomorrows path as I will commit to focusing on only trusting you today.

    1. It is awesome that you share these beloved devotions, but please double check your spelling and accuracy of wording before posting Jesus Calling devotions (including this one). I frequently find errors.

    2. You are so right. Wow. I saw 5 mistakes in this entry, and corrected them. Thanks for the reminder.

    3. Payton family, I'm not as concerned about your spelling. We can definitely understand what it is JC says every day. The message you impart to us through your blog supercedes any spelling errors that might occur. And the prayers and worship that ensue to our Savior is priceless and what life is all about! God bless you and your endeavor!

    4. Rebecca ---Amen and Amen!!!

    5. Rebecca - Amen!!! My thoughts exactly.

    6. It appears to me (guessing) that that you, Chris, have used a speech-to-text app for much of your transfer of Sarah's writings. I see many of the same errors in my experience with s-t-t. I agree with Rebecca. The content is there in spite of the errors. If we can spite the devil and overlook the errors in favor of the content, it's a win.

    7. Yeah, you must be right. To be honest, I don't remember. I started this in 2014, then finished most of them in 2015, but there were some stragglers. But yes, I thought I'd fixed a lot the errors last year, but I've been checking lately and still see them at times. Thanks for understanding and the encouragement.

    8. Everyday we are all thankful for this blessed blog, Chris. We are all family. Thank you!

    9. Along with many JC Prayer Warriors, I too, am thankful to God for this blog, and to His Holy Spirit for leading me here,
      and for you, Chris, who followed His Leading. Praise God!

    10. Thank you unknown for giving a great example to understand this reading even better. For any of us inclined to correct or judge others, here it is again:
      Do not judge others who hesitate, in trembling fear, before an act that would be easy for you. If each of My children would seek to please Me above all else, fear of others' judgments would vanish, as would attempts to impress others.
      Game changer right there.

    11. This place where we can come together with all of our faults, fears, weaknesses and sins, is a gift that keeps giving. We all judge and have too much pride and say things we wish we hadn't because we were not walking by the Spirit or we let out human emotions get the best of us. But God loves us anyway because He sees our hearts and our eyes are towards Him. If we stray, He pulls us back. We know the best place for us is in His grace and favor. So we always return to our First Love. We are a Family here and I am so blessed by all of you.

    12. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I read it just fine, not noticing any errors.

    13. Chris- I am inspired by your humble example to us here in the blog you started. We all need to be humble & teachable. Because of the watchful eye of this blogger, you are gladly improving the text and is thankful & grateful for the help from a fellow believer. I salute you both for helping the blog be all that it can beπŸ€—

    14. Praise the Lord! I was comforted at the Dr office knowing y'all had me in mind for B9. Two biopsies, one, a basal cell carcinoma ( not melanoma!), The other negative. In the office was a beautiful photo of a white and pink dogwood tree intertwined. The Dr. And I agreed that the photo just made us feel happy. I shared the legend of the dogwood tree (Google it), and he was grateful to hear it.
      On to the next procedure and grateful that my nerves are calmed by the results. I will not likely have to give up an ear a la Vincent Van Gough πŸ˜‰ Thank you Jesus, I can handle whatever is next because of you. Thanks JC family, you are loved and appreciated!

    15. Greatful for your update, and will continue prayers for you: I had to Google about Van Gough's ear though...Wow...didn't know that and relieved for you too❣

    16. Yes indeedy, deedy! Thank you Lord for helping the needy!
      Audra, I am so thankful to our Divine Medical Provider for your results. Victory Dance Time!

    17. VINCENT by Don McLean

    18. Audra - Praise the Lord!!! ❤️

    19. You make me laugh. I thought for sure the legend of the dogwood tree would snag you more than the mystery of Van Gough's ear LOL

    20. Thank you Lord soooooo very much for going to bat for Audra. You are the great physician. Thank you for going to the doctor's with Audra and walking hand in hand with her through what comes next. You have the best bedside manner because your love is like no other.

    21. Are these threads still active? I read these Jesus callings everyday and post them to Facebook for my friends and family and they help so much! Thank you!

    22. Yes! Still here!
      And today living the reminder that Jesus meets each of us right where we are. ✝️πŸ™

    23. Yes, I believe this blog is still active. I see comments from time to time this year 2022. Thank you all for the saving grace of this blog and for all who help keep it going. πŸ™πŸ’š

    24. I saw clarity after hhis
      Knowing now more than ever I want and neeed Hod and Jesus by my side and to focus on them
      To get through this life and Also help me see how this life works and receive the gifts the lord wants me to have or understand
      As most girls are thoughts and clarity that move the spirit and can become positively infectious in communication with other people. Thank you Jesus thank you Lord above and thank you for this wonderful Boggs and Post.

    25. God not hog
      Blog not Boggs
      🀦‍♀️typo sorry Lord

  2. From my understanding, we are a spiritual being having a human experience. The point of the experience, is to grow in the fruits of the spirit (love, patience, kindness, etc). We go through difficult times to help us in this spiritual journey. If you help a butterfly break out of the cocoon without letting them struggle to free themselves, they will be unable to fly. You are in a transformative process. The bigger the breakdown for you right now, the bigger the breakthrough that is on it’s way to you. Know that this is part of the process. Are you attached to the way things “should be”? Perhaps God is removing things that you are focusing on that have priority over Him. Only when we fully give up dependence on ourselves and others, can we allow God to take control and create miracles in our lives. God is with you and the earthly plane provides a learning environment. But God, your loved ones who passed and many angels are with you on this journey. Trust God and do His will (love others) and all will work out. Focus outward not on yourself. Perhaps focusing on yourself is what’s creating the upset. Give what you are lacking and it will be given unto you. May God bless you indeed.

    1. Thank you for pointing us to our Powerful Loving Father!

    2. God bless you Chris for this blog! We are a family of believers And prayer warriors that God has worked through you to being together. We are so greatly blessed. Loving prayers for each and everyone here. Those who post and those that do not.
      Love you all

  3. Praying for you to find some sort of comfort today. Reach out to people talk it through you are not alone

  4. I'm tiring so hard but if it wasnt for the fear of going to hell I would so be ready to end this life I'm just so tired I can't take it anymore I just want to run away God please help me.

    1. Before you entered this life, you came here with a purpose. Your current breakdown is what will bring you to the next level in your journey. You hurt yourself by ending your journey prematurely. You will have the greatest breakthroughs and growth in the earthly realm. Just know God is with you and you are embraced by His love. Focus outward on loving others and doing God’s will and He will bring you through this breakdown and you will be even stronger and wiser in the Lord, and spiritually, than ever before. God loves you and will not forsake you.

    2. PS. I’ve felt exactly like you on many occasions. What keeps me here is knowing that there’s a purpose in the suffering. Don’t cut yourself short from the many blessings, breakthroughs and miracles that are in store for you during your journey. The path may be treacherous but God and your deceased loved ones are with you and guiding you always. The bigger the breakdown, the bigger the breakthrough that awaits you. πŸ’•πŸ™

    3. I am so sorry that it seems that nothing is getting any better. You are seeking God, that is clear, from your comments. On Sunday, the pastor gave us a message from Psalm 40 on "waiting." It was so apt to my life and many others as we discussed it after the service. I find that the world in which we live in does not train us very well on how to deal with waiting. People often seek drugs or alcohol to make them feel well, but those feelings last only a moment and often this can result in an addiction. In America, the suicide rates seem to be climbing. People change jobs quickly now, or separate themselves from parents or mates or friends quickly. In Psalm 40 we have a different message and a reminder that waiting is really what most Christians go through. I'm definitely not wishing this on you, but Abraham waited 25 years for God's promise to be a reality. Moses waited 40 years. Ruth waited for Boaz, the right mate. Paul waited in prison. And David waited as he records in Psalm 40. This psalm is not simply giving a prescription as to how to wait better; David is not saying necessarily, here are 7 rules to help you wait better. But, instead he is seeing that through this waiting, God is wanting him to see how He redeems him and also how God is often exposing sin in his life or other people. One of the big points that David sees is the importance of praying more. My wife and I have been waiting for our 17 year old now, for the last 3 years to get off of his addiction to marijuana and surrender himself to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is no fun waiting, and yet God is teaching us so much during this time and a lot of it comes down to praying more and talking to God more about what we are feeling. We have also learned that our security is not in the performance of our children, but rather our security is in the God who loves us and has redeemed us for all eternity. I encourage you to read the Psalms for those passages often echo the petitions people have before God that you are experiencing. I don't presume to know what God wants to teach you during this time, but it is clear to me that there is one or more lessons that you can learn. I know death seems like the best outcome at times, but as we live in this sin-darkened world, I pray that you would continue to seek the Lord, remembering this prayer, "Lord, I surrender to You today. Help me to accept what you provide and learn from it." I think God has something great in store for you. That doesn't necessarily mean riches or freedom from all your trials, all the time, but perhaps a new way of breathing each day of this life. Be blessed, Chris

    4. I am also praying for you!!

    5. Reading the comments really does help thank you for the positive motivation to keep trusting

    6. Chris-thank you for these words-“Lord, I surrender to You today. Help me to accept what you provide and learn from it." I think God has something great in store for you. That doesn't necessarily mean riches or freedom from all your trials, all the time, but perhaps a new way of breathing each day of this life”

  5. After reading your message I immediately started praying for did , I’m sure many other unknown supporters.... you will never know how much you are loved until the veil is lifted... stay strong using every fiber in your will overcome...May God Bless you with his Love

  6. God is always with you. I am joining the many others who responded, in prayers for you today and every day! God has used many trials in my life to correct and lead me to many successes. Be strong in Jesus. He has overcome the world.

  7. So many good comments yesterday, which is tied to today's devo. I wanted to reiterate to "unknown unknown" and those relating to her experience what many alluded to - we will never be sinless because we are not God. This also means, sadly, other sinful people will cause problems for us in this life because we and they were granted free will, which means to sin against you and cause suffering.

    What God promises however, is to be there for you to get through each trial.. as Sarah wrote in Jesus Calling - it's God holding our hand. We are NOT perfect and will "flub" (Jan's word!) until the very end no matter how Godly we THINK we are! My prayer is that we recognize our flaws and then immediately pray for help to decrease our weakness in that area. 1 by 1 slowly over time reducing our sins but recognizing that temptations, emotions, and suffering can bring them back to the surface in a heartbeat. The good news is: Jesus by becoming a man knows our challenge and washes away our transgressions with His blood. Amen.

  8. Trusting you Lord, to guide my steps. Make me a blessing to those whose path I cross. Thank You Lord for loving me with the cross.

  9. Thank you Jesus for all these wonderful JC warriors. All are faithful and help each other with struggles along the way. I trust in you, Jesus. KS

  10. The joy of the Lord is my strength and shield this morning. Your mercy and grace oh Lord have awaken me to see another blessed day. Thank You for Your many, many, many gifts. May each of them be acknowledged and used to Glorify Your Holy name. THANK YOU FATHER!
    As I read today's devotion, I go back to the word of God in Proverbs 3:5-6 which says:
    "TRUST in the Lord with all this heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight".
    Do we really pour ALL of our energy into trusting God 100 percent or do we think we do, but then when trouble comes we have fear and doubt? We can confess that we are guilty of that because we try to reason in our minds all the What 'IFs' ect...
    But what this verse means is for us to put our TOTAL confidence in God. It means believe in who He is and what He says. Have that Blessed assurance. This TRUST in the Lord is exercising our faith to BOLDLY Believe!
    Leaning on our own understanding means we trust our own ability to survive in this world, but TRUSTING in the Lord means putting ALL our energy, knowledge, will and wisdom, allowing it to be soaked in the action producing blessed assurance of God.

    Does it mean we will not face trials? NO, it means that we don't have to fear, worry or be shaken, because HE who Promised is FAITHFUL and will take care of it. Despite the pain or hardships we endured, Jesus understands each and will use them for our good and His glory in ways we can't comprehend.

    There is so much more to Trusting God, and we are wise if we put all of our energy into doing just that. HE has all power and authority. Place Him above all else and don't believe the lies of the evil one! Watch Him turn your many dark valleys into bright mountain tops right before the eyes of your enemies!

    As we Trust in the Lord, He takes over the areas of our lives As ONLY He can.

    Prayers and Blessing are lifted up for ALL. Enjoy this great day the Lord has made and keeping TRUSTING in Him!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen dear sweet Maplewood. You always give me good food to chew on and ponder. I do trust the Lord because and I know that He is faithful because I have seen it and I will continue to declare His great deeds.
      I think because we are human, it is absolutely impossible to trust 100 percent because we are imperfect beings. But trusting 98 percent would be fine with me. I know Jesus is perfect although even He said the only perfect One is His Father because Jesus knew He was human too. When He walked this earth, He loved to call Himself the Son of Man because He loved the fact that He belonged to the Human race. Such a humble Servant that He lowered Himself completely. No shiny crown upon His head. He stooped low to join us in our lowliness. He invited sinners to eat with him and prostitutes to come to Him to be changed. His Divinity was always present but He didn't flaunt it unless He had to. Wish we had that perfect heart of Jesus but that is what we must aspire to. And if we can get there 98 percent, then that would be fine with me. Trust in the Lord and do good. That's all He is asking.

  11. One area of this devotional that really jumped out at me this morning is the note about comparing ourselves to others. The Payton Family called it the 'comparison trap'. I also heard a vlog that I follow that calls it "cancer of comparison" which is also spot on. I constantly have to rein myself back in from looking at what others have/do that I don't. I literally have to refocus my mind on the blessings that the Lord HAS given me. It's an easy trap to fall into. Blessings to all from Houston this morning.

    1. Amen! Comparisons become self judgement and we know the ONLY judge is God. I try to remember that's his work, not mine.

  12. Good morning Lord and jc family. Please pray for little Jairo with cough/congestion (Mateo is better). JESUS I trust in you..JESUS I trust in you.

    1. Covering little Jairo in the Precious Blood of Jesus and declaring healing and restoration! Praise God for Mateo!

      Maplewood, NJ

    2. Thank you Maplewood. The human in me is afraid but I need not be afraid because Jesus is always before us. JESUS I trust in you.

    3. Loveconquersall--- Joining all the JC WARRIORS in prayer for Jairo. Going boldly to the Throne of Grace to intercede for Jairo! Great blessings to you Loveconquersall and your family. In His Grip of Grace from Kansas

    4. Joining all in prayer for Jairo & continued progress for Mateo.πŸ₯°

  13. Dear JC Prayer Warriors, please pray for several cases of mine:
    Brad - Cancer (his Disability Medicare won't start for 2 years; he needs it now).
    Penny's sister: 80 yrs young ('acts like she's 60), just found lesions on her lungs, liver and spine.
    Jinny: who continues to improve; we'll go back in 2.5 months
    I have been frustrated b/c I couldn't post at home, and after my last call, I decided, that's it! I'll post under Anonymous...God knows who you are praying for! Thank you, all. Please know that I keep all of you in my prayers. I stopped everything and prayed for little Jairo, Loveconquersall.
    God Bless.

    1. Praying Norah, praying for your requests!

  14. Got it Norah. PrayingπŸ™πŸ₯°

  15. I'm praying without ceasing today, the power of prayer. You got it Norah..for Brad, Penny, and Jinny. We surrender them to you Jesus! Thank you Jesus..thank you JC warriors.

  16. Brad, jinny and jairo are in my prayers. Still praying for Connie. Also wanted to share that there has been an dramatic improvement with my sons acne. Thank you JC Warriors for all your prayers for me and my family. God bless you.

  17. afuntastic - Thanks for the update on your son. Another VICTORY!!! I don't have an update on Connie, but know she appreciates the many prayers from JC Warriors.


    When Psalm 100 is used as an invitatory psalm, it concludes where all the thoughts previously shared should lead. Vs. 6 - "For the LORD is good; His steadfast love endures for ever, and His faithfulness to all generations." For Psalm 100, this would be the bottom line for everything that was previously said. When this is what we are certain of, we are duly prepared to listen for the loving guidance through the reading of scripture that follows as we go further into our 'date' with our Lord.

    As you continue in your devotion time, a suggestion to you is to not be in so much of a hurry to get to the main course, that your spiritual appetite has not been prepared to digest the profound truths that are forthcoming. Every admonition that you will receive is based on the truth of this verse. So be sure to 'chew it well' before swallowing.

    The steadfast love and faithfulness of the Lord goes with you this day and forever. May you be blessed in living in it, dear brothers and sisters in Christ. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob and God bless you.

    2. Bob thank you for presenting to us ways we can enter into an intimate relationship with our first love instead of being comfortable with having our Lord as an acquaintance.

    3. We are such microwave people- wanting to quickly check everything off our lists. Thank you for the reminder to not hurry through things, Bob. Peace to you.

    4. Ok, I will try to go slow, even though going slow requires patience, and patience requires trust. As Chris said I'm 2018, Abraham waited 25 years for God's promise to be a reality. Moses waited 40 years. Ruth waited for Boaz, the right mate. Paul waited in prison. And David waited as he records in Psalm 40
      I guess I can learn to wait for the Dessert course. In the meantime, I need someplace to park my upbringing that continually tells me to "Take your time but hurry up!"
      Are the Instant Potatoes ready yet? They taste yucky, but they're quick, hot, and cheap!
      Love, Patience and Trust prayers for all who are partaking of this progressive feast with our Lord. Amen.

    5. I'm loving this series of posts, Bob. This morning I was excited to get up a little earlier and "let God go first" while journaling. I have an increased sense of peace and joy. He let me know that his power for love, forgiveness, and healing is greater than our needs. As I put to practice listening I am now able to enjoy the fruits of dessert. Thank you Jesus, I trust you Jesus. As I can finally see stars in the early morning ( PTL the smoke has cleared ) I see Orion has returned announcing the changing seasons. As the world turns, I thank you this morning for your grace and mercy upon us all as we accept your perfect will for whatever today brings.

    6. Go Slow and Be Still. In the silence, we hear His words to our waiting hearts. Good advice, Bob!
      Thanks dear Brie. Love, Patience and Trust.
      Amen, Audra!
      I trust you Jesus. I thank you Jesus. I will do my best to remain in Your Presence and except all that You have prepared in my day.
      Happy Friday to my JC Family!

  19. Does anyone else get discouraged with sin in their lives? I feel really disconnected today wondering if I'm ever going to change.
    My big thing is I get defensive and retaliate when I feel attacked. Someone was passive aggressive in a cafe today and I retaliated, as I usually do. An argument followed in which I said something quite cruel, in retaliation. I can't seem to conquer this one. And with the concerns about my daughter and my 46 year marriage ending due to his serial adultery, life seems hard just now.
    I always apologise when I have retaliate.. But the damage is already done.
    60s Granny

    1. I've had a similar issue and I asked the Lord to help me with my anger. I prayed for it constantly and daily and it helped me a great deal. May He do the same for you. God bless you. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    2. Hi 60s Granny. I echo Janet's comments, I asked God to help me with my anger and He has helped me so much. I remember a sermon called "The prison of offense" that helped me a lot and encouraged me to "drop the offense" as the pastor explains.
      As he said, "offense is an event but offended is a decision". I often think about these words when I feel offended and it helps me a lot. I think it could help you too.
      Here is the link:

      Praying for you dear sister.

      Blessings from France

    3. Blessings from France - Thanks for sharing. I also echo Janet's comments. I missed an opportunity to visit Elevation Church with my daughter earlier this year. Thankful we can listen on line.

    4. 60sGranny- you are not alone, we've all experience that disconnection, but when you turn your eyes back to Jesus, He is there and ready to equip you.
      There are so many resources out there to help you with your struggles.
      As Blessings from France has provided one, it is a great step towards being set free from anger and all the disappointments you are facing. Just hold on. Jesus is telling you this morning to just TRUST HIM!

      Prayer warriors here are keeping you in prayers.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. 60s Granny. You are in a marriage where sadly the man you loved has continually disappointed you with his sin, which also is scriptural behavior that justifies divorce. Thus, realize that you are in a time that anyone, including therapists, would say is the most emotional and painful event a human being can experience, Anger is understandable and certain people or actions will be "triggers" to that pain/anger. A therapist especially a Christian one could help.

      Now add, if I remember correctly, an addiction of your daughter and the pain associated with that potential for her marriage to dissolve, and all can certainly understand the tremendous stress you're enduring. So, first my prayer is for you to get help with your stress and pain. A potential help is AL-Anon, where other folks dealing with addiction in spouse or children can share experiences in how to deal with their own grief, pain, and stress, which leads to anger. Second is to pray specifically for healing and for God to show you a path to "hold your hand" and guide you as this devo often uses that metaphor. All here will pray too, that when you stumble and feel you may lash out that "He will lift you up". May you feel His hand holding yours, may peace descend upon you, may the Spirit embrace and comfort you. Godspeed, Amen.

    6. I have the exact same problem. I can be the nicest person but when I feel challenged I tend to get defensive and lash out. What's going on in our country and the world today isn't helping. Lol. I will try the suggestions listed here. Thank you everyone and thank you 60s Granny for having the courage to bring it out in the open. God bless you all.

    7. 60s Granny my heart goes out to you! You're going through so much right now! One thing to remember is going "through", there is the other side. In Luke 8 Jesus told his disciples to take the boat to the other side. Jesus knew that there was a storm coming and he knew he would get them safely to the other side. I hold onto this so much because HE knows what we are going through and HE can get us to the other side.
      God know your heart and hears your cries. He knows that your desire is to not to take offence and respond out of the hurt and anger. Each time you find yourself in this trap take it to God as quickly as possible and ask for forgiveness from him and the other person. And YES I can say I've had to deal with this also. I realized we say "take offence" for a reason, we can choose to "take" it and make it ours or to "note take" it. If we don't take it and make it our own, it bounces off of us and becomes powerless. Basically words or actions that just dissolve because they had no impact. I'm not sure if this makes any sense, so please forgive me for a ramble. I think I needed a reminder of this today also, so thank you for sharing what you are struggling with.

    8. Dear 60s Granny- I echo what you're experiencing. I have an insatiable appetite for justice. I wanted to correct what I perceived as unjust, wrong, etc. Was easily offended, took it personally, name it, the ugliness was there & I hated it. My tongue was my weapon of choice. Like the woman who kept tugging at Jesus' robe, I began my journey to seeking His teachings on anger. As humans we are susceptible to myriads of influence as we grow & mature. Mine was a whole host of negative & painful experiences as a child. It wasn't until the Saviour scooped me out of the muck & mire, washed me clean, took me by the hand & heart that I was able to forgive, forget & move on from all the resentments & bitterness I was hauling like bags of dirty rags. I remember that in reading the book He put in my path, " Lord Change Me" by Evelyn Christenson, I began to realize I am not or ever will be in the business of changing the souls I encounter in life, just "me". I am made in the image of a loving, caring, long-suffering, patient, merciful, gracious, slow to anger almighty God. Hallelujah!

    9. Well stated MadFox! I agree with your thoughts.
      60's Granny, be patient and kind with YOURSELF, as you have been enduring trauma on some level with husbands infidelity. Maybe hard to see at times, but remember God is with you every step of the way! Amen.

    10. Thanks to all for anger management insights you have come to know through experience, a great teacher. They help me. TERRI thanks for giving me the view of offense as a "Take It Or Leave It" proposition. Lord help us say NO THANK YOU to and then leave the Anger Poison, rather than take it in by ingesting it.
      I ask. I pray. I thank. In Jesus' Name.
      PS. So many JC Warriors weighed in on anger challenges, yet love reigns supreme amongst us in here? HMMMMM

    11. Wow, this thread hits home, informs and encourages. Thank you all, it's why I keep reading and rereading in my quest to be a better person and get closer to God.

    12. I am sharing something my cousin shared with me. Hope it helps us navigate through our Anger Management Lessons and stay The Course:
      "I am struggling, yet striving, in my undergraduate Life Course every day. I am Being tested for my Godly degree, but some tests are so hard and unbearable, I have to shed tears. My God! Sometimes I get the same test over and over and over and over, until I get it right, with no 'curve' grading. On those occasions, through prayer and sacrifice I Ace My Test. My Heavenly Father always lets me know how proud He is of me, and that means a lot. He keeps me going when the Course is too hard for me, and when I feel like quitting. During those breakthroughs, He lets me know, I can do all things through Him, Who gives me strength! One Day, I will have earned my degree. But, until then, I will keep studying His Word, and striving my best to pass His test in this classroom, called The World! Amen.

    13. 60's Granny, The problem comes down to your circumstances and control of your emotions. Madfox was right on in his assessment and advice and all the Family has given you great advice and I too have been guilty of letting my anger get the best of me, especially when I haven't gotten enough sleep and I let go of God's hand. We must continually ask the Spirit to give us the right words when we speak to people. Our words can change their day, and make it better or worse. Praying for you, Sister that God will guide your way and your words, and His Spirit will help you hold your tongue and keep those human reactions at bay. Much love.
      Good Lesson, Brie! We will be trying to pass His test until our last breath. But hopefully, we get an "A" for effort.
      Psalm 19:14
      Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

    14. 60,s Granny, above you find so many (if not all including me) with the same issue, so much good advice from those who are led by the Spirit to better management of the fallen nature, but most importantly, so much love for you in all the posts made and prayers being offered. These are very stressful times we are living in and add to them the personal stresses we are experiencing. Such stress lowers us to a more unloving level unless we find a way to deal with it. Listen to the love for you, spend more intentional time in His presence so His love may envelop you. I have found, the more I realize I am loved, the more likely I will respond correctly, a.k.a., lovingly to unloving behavior around me. God be with you. With love, Bob

    15. Amen Bob and to every JC warrior that commented. We have shown our dear sister that she is not alone and very loved. Thank you everyone, we learn so much from what others share. We are truly a blessed and favored mix of brothers and sisters in Christ! Thank you Father for joining us together to make up this Holy Spirit powdered, mighty force the "JC Warriors" All glory and honor to you Lord!!

    16. Even when we "flub up" today, thanks to our Heavenly Father God, there's always tomorrow. We get a clean, fresh, brand new page to begin anew with Him again. Therefore,
      I'll think of it all tomorrow... Tomorrow, I'll think of some way... After all, tomorrow is another day :)

    17. Why, from GWTW?

    18. Yes Audra, I have watched and read GWTW a gazillion times!

  20. Thank You Jesus. You are the joy in my heart and the smile on my face Lord. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in the Lord continually and always πŸ™.

    1. Amen Janet! The smile is always from Him who put the joy in our hearts.

  21. "Focus your attention on the path just ahead of you and on the One who never leaves your side." Thank You Lord for NEVER leaving my side. "More of Thee, Less of me." Helen Steiner Rice.

    1. Thanks Sassy Mom, your post helped me discern the path I must take today to remain closer to God; I must choose the path of the Mercifull Official!

    2. So blessed that He walks beside me always! Let Him shine through me always. My greatest part is Him.

    3. Still love your sweet response dear Sassy Mom! Thank you!!! He’s always by our sides through thick and thin and we are well taken care of.despite our circumstances.

  22. Dear Loving Father, Your Son Jesus says, when all seems lost, "Just trust me." In the darkest night, Jesus says, "Just trust me." Jesus says, "Don't be afraid. Just trust me!" I pray You give me the strength to do just that whenever I am faced with any troubles beyond my control. Help me to trust Him and not listen to my fears. Remind me that my faith is a kind of Knowing that Results in doing, because I trust in Jesus! Your grace is sufficient for me and I thank You for that and so much more. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!

    Simply trusting every day;
    Trusting through a stormy way;
    Even when my faith is small,
    Trusting Jesus, that is all.

    Trusting as the moments fly,
    Trusting as the days go by,
    Trusting Him, whate'er befall,
    Trusting Jesus, that is all.

    Brightly doth His Spirit shine
    Into this poor heart of mine;
    While He leads I cannot fall,
    Trusting Jesus, that is all.

    Singing if my way be clear,
    Praying if the path be drear;
    If in danger, for Him call,
    Trusting Jesus, that is all.

    Trusting Him while life shall last,
    Trusting Him till earth is past,
    Till His gracious advent call,
    Trusting Jesus, that is all.

    Heavenly Father, You have promised to guide Your children in all truth, but there will always be times when the burdens we carry and the disappointments we encounter seem too much to endure. So, please teach us Your amazing truth of abiding in You and trusting Your Word at all times. We pray this in the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Yes! Jesus, I trust You! I have come to a fork in the road and must decide between two paths, which one the Lord wants me to take because it leads me closer to Him? Praying for discernment. Thanks Maplewood!

    2. Thank you friends for your prayers. I ask for prayers today as I accompany my daughter to Mayo for her presurgical appt for a hysterectomy. She is not yet 40 and has no children, so this is a sad closure in her life, but needed. Please pray for guidance for the doctor for the best type of surgery for her, the least invasive and safest, with easiest recovery. Thanks so much!

    3. Ellen and Brie -
      Praying for all you need today. May God’s wisdom and peace flood your hearts as you make decisions today. Praying for your daughter’s heart to be hidden from bitterness and disappointment. God can surprise her yet with an opportunity to parent and be a Mom. I am a “bonus Mom” to three amazing now adults. I will pray for much hope for your daughter. I am glad you can be with her as she will need to grieve.

    4. Ellen, I am praying Prayers for good health and complete healing to cover your daughter, and knowledge to her entire medical team to channel God's health and healing blessings. In Jeaus' Name. Amen.

    5. Ellen- praying for your daughter as she goes for this procedure. The Lord has her in the hollow of His hands, no worries, no fret, He is there already, attending to her care. I went through the same thing with my daughter, also in her 40s. But as GTT posted, God can work in ways that may surprise her. He can restore what the locust have eaten. πŸ™, Praying, praying.

    6. Ellen- reread Maplewood's post today & drink in the message there.

    7. always have such beautiful words for us and I thank God for putting them on your heart to share with us!
      Ellen your daughter will be in my prayers today and over the next weeks! I had a hysterectomy several years ago and had never had a child. You are tight, it is a sad closure but prayer and faith prevailed and I just claim my nieces and nephews as mine! And... I don’t have to put them through college! I don’t mean to make light of her pain of never having children but that has honestly been some comfort I have felt in my older years as I saw friends struggling to get their kids through college, that I never considered when I was actually going through it!
      Blessings to all! Your prayers are mineπŸ™πŸ»

    8. Thanks all who prayed for me to discern the path that leads me closer to God today: I discerned that I must choose the path of the Mercifull Official! Lord keep me upright and steadfast on Your Path today. I ask. I pray. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    9. BamaGrl- that's exactly what my daughter has done. She loves her nieces as her own. There are times as her Mom that my thoughts entertains the fact that I will not ever experience pregnancies/motherhood with her. I'm quicker now to shake it off & instead be in a state of Thanksgiving just for her.

    10. Praying for you Brie that God will lead you to the right decision. He already knows which direction you should go. Wish He could put a Neon arrow in front of you. Trust Him to show you the way.
      Dear Ellen, Your daughters are always in my prayers. Praying for their healing and your strength and guidance. BamaGrl and Jan already know that there is great joy ahead for your daughter, by embracing the children of your loved ones. Or, if she truly desires a child, God can bless her with one through adoption. God bless your family. Trust in the Lord and wait on His faithfulness. He loves you.

    11. Done. Thanks be to God! Decision made and I carried it through, allowing me to thank God in both word AND deed!
      Thanks all for your prayers. They were a significant factor.
      Jeanne I saw those Neon Light Arrows blinking nonstop and saying, This is The Way. Walk ye in it!
      The water was crystal clear and I avoided the seaweed and jellyfishes! Love you, family!

    12. Halleluia! Brie, I'm so happy you were guided to making the right Decision! You made my night! Love you too.

  23. Just trust Me!
    This is exactly the truth I need to hear...on repeat!
    I pray for all of you each time I am here and thank you all that you pray for me! ❤️

  24. Please warriors don't forget to be in fervent prayer for tomorrow's prayer March at the Lincoln memorial. "If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land". 2 chronicles 7:14

    1. Jan --- I so appreciate your post! I have been praying over the march ever since it was announced. I believe we will see the Lord's great power on display. I am believing for a great revival for America. I thank you Lord that you are setting up a standard against the plans of our enemies.

    2. JJ- me too. Believing for this miracle πŸ™.

    3. Declaring His Presence over the March and those praying everywhere tomorrow. His power is greater than all of our needs and we ask the Holy Spirit to invade our collective consciousness tomorrow with holy hope. In Jesus's name, amen!!!

    4. Jan - Thanks for the reminder.

  25. Sure will pray, dear Jan. Just printed out my reminder to put up on my kitchen counter. Have a blessed Friday.

    My prayer for you is that you will overflow more and more with love for others, and at the same time keep on growing in Spiritual Knowledge and Spiritual Insights! For I want you always to see clearly the difference between right and wrong, between mercifull and merciless, and to be inwardly clean, all being able to compliment you from now until our Lord Jesus Christ returns. May you always be doing those good kind things which show that you are a child of God,  for this will bring much praise and glory to The Lord Jesus Christ!

    Some ocean water is crystal clear like a glass surface and allows us full view of the ocean floor; other water is murkier and darker, mysteriously hiding seaweed and jellyfish underneath, waiting to entangle us in a slimy trap.  When that occurs, rather than ruin a good day at a seaweed and jellyfish infested beach, we can stay connected to God, asking His Help to leave the water and go on to more excellent options for our lives while on our beach vacation; like enjoying true companionship out of the water, reading, making art, viewing other forms of nature, cooking, serving one another, etc. These simple pleasures shine God's Light in another direction away from murky seaweed jellyfish infested waters. Swimming in the ocean is about having fun, basking in and enjoying God and re-creating with others, and so is Life. Focusing on what is good and pursuing those things help clear the water. And with greater clarity and discernment,  we get to avoid seaweed and jellyfish!

    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Would You clarify those things in our lives that are like seaweed and jellyfish? Anger? Jealousy? Comparisons? Addictions? Negativity? Ingratitude? Mercilessness? Etc? Once clarified, would you help us swim around the seaweed and jellyfish, get away from them, or get out of the water altogether when they are too much for us? When we have to get out of the water to avoid swimming in seaweed with jellyfish, would You move us toward what is more beneficial and beautiful in life, rather than seaweed and jellyfish? I ask. I pray. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Lord, a year later and I still need help to keep my focus only on You, rather than get caught up by seaweed and jellyfish underneath, waiting to entangle me in their slimy trap. This feat requires my sheer concentration, as well as utter commitment to You, and You alone. In conjunction with Brother Bob's GPS analogy, in order to hear Your Directions, I must turn off everything else, and listen carefully and concentrate on Your Word. Once I hear You, then I must follow precisely. Thanks for giving me chance after chance after chance after chance with your Recalculation System. Hopefully in time and with more practice, I will rely on your GPS (God Positioning System) more, and rely on Your GRS (God Recalculating System) less. Would you help me? In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. Amen.

  27. Thanks Brie. Praying now for clarity of mind and discernment. Sometimes when I let go of His Unchanging Hand, I make bad decisions so I must stay plugged in and acknowledge Him in all things. Then I can avoid seaweed and jellyfish. Praying for the world and God's Plan to be revealed to us as we wait in trust and patience. Thank you Jesus!!!

  28. Enjoying some precious time with my good Mom and catching up on some much needed sleep. What a blessing! Praying for your requests and for God’s healing, protection and guidance for you and your loved ones.
    May you receive all that He is offering.

  29. Praying for you, Dear Jeanne, as I lay my head down to sleep. What a blessing to be able to spend time with your Dear Mom - for both of you!! Thank you for your prayers - you have mine, Jeanne and this WHOLE JC Family - both new and old (old meaning - long term, not years - ha ha).

  30. Father, heal my #2 Son, from all of the side-effects of the vaccine he got today. Guard his mind from what he knows. Picturing my Dear Susie's image when we prayed for him this morning....armor - wrapped around every portion of his body, from the tip of his hairs on his head to the soles of his feet. HE IS PROTECTED, in the name of Jesus Christ!

    1. Praying the Lord will protect Son #2 from any side effects from the vaccine. May His hedge of protection keep him safe and healthy. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    2. Praying for your Son #2 to be surrounded by God’s Safety Buffer Zone against the side effects of the vaccine!
      Father God, Thank You for covering him with Your mighty Wings and give him Your peace and comfort. Thank You Jesus! We trust in You.

    3. Prayers going up Norah for #2 son. Praying the duration of symptoms will be short & harmless, with no long term effects. Amen!

    4. Praying for Son #2.
      Someone advised me to move my vaxxed arm continuously, as though I was in an aerobics class, or like the lady Jeanne met on her walk. I did this for 2 days and, thanks be to God, I was free of stiff arm. Praying and worshipping to be free of covid.

  31. JC Warriors -- thank you all for your prayers and thoughts yesterday. My meeting with the Pastor went well. I also was able to join a group meeting at church last night. I met lots of very interesting, fun loving people and it brought joy into my heart. Thank You Jesus. I prayed for all of you yesterday. Sorry I didn't have time to type and tell each one of you. You are always in my prayers also. May the Lord always watch over all our families and loved ones and each one of us. Praise God always. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    1. Sweet Brie, thanks for your prayers. So happy your meeting went well with your Pastor and God guided you right to that group of brothers and sisters to lift and encourage your beautiful heart! Hallelujah! His timing is perfect.

    2. Praise Our Lord, Janet for always providing exactly what we need when we need it, because FAITHFULNESS is in HIS DNA.

  32. Heavenly Father, thank You for another blessed day in the Lord. Thank You Holy Spirit for being my words when I opened my mouth to speak and for directing my feet yesterday. You are wonderful. I am so grateful. Help me to not put myself above others or compare myself with others. Let me be compassionate, kind, humble, sympathetic, empathetic, merciful, and gracious. Grant kindness, humility, and love into all our hearts and help us to share these traits with each other in the world. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8). For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith. Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion. (Romans 12:3,16). Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. (Philippians 2:3-4).

    2. Thank you dear Jeanne & Janet for sharing prayers & the word. Always appreciate a good jump into the day!

  33. Beautiful and heartfelt prayer, and your generous helping of God’s Word fed me well this beautiful new morning! Better than two eggs over easy with crisp bacon and whole wheat buttered toast. Thanks dear SisterπŸ˜€πŸ™πŸ’—

    1. Jeanne, I haven't had breakfast yet. Sounds so good! Allergic to whole wheat, so sprouted grain muffin will have to do! Have a great day with momπŸ’•πŸ₯°.

    2. Better than homemade biscuits, with melted butter and homemade fig preserves here!

    3. Thanks! Hey Jan! My favorite bread is sprouted grain!
      But Brie that sounds absolutely scrumptious!
      I had a stack of pancakes with butter and syrup today and it was yummy. God’s Word feeds our souls and He provides good food for our bodies.

    4. Ladies, your killin' me! A brisk walk and talk with my daughter...THEN breakfast...

    This is my FIRST copy and paste: Thank 😊you Jesus. It's Just a closer walk with thee with Patsy Cline and Willie Nelson.
    I'm so thankful for our special group of JC warriors. Over the years I have been led not only through the gleanings through Sarah's perspective , but also blessed one hundred fold through the edification of scripture. While I have my deep faith from my Catholic roots, I was woefully lacking in being brought up in the spirit of the Bible scriptures. In fact, while homeschooling, I used to tell others that I learned the ten commandments in order with my five year old! Janet one, thank you for your "special delivery" of scripture, and Janet two, your most special "breakfast" prayer. Love in the spirit, and Blessings to all on this Saturday.

    1. Bless you dear Butterfly love! Just listened too! I never heard this rendition and I have always liked both Patsy Cline and Willie Nelson. Thanks! And Amen Sister! I’m so thankful to be with you in this wonderful family of prayer warriors and sisters and brothers. God led us here! Hallelujah

  35. By God, you did it Butterfly Love. I am listening now. B-U-T-Full!

  36. You are with me...whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.
    I am here for God to do with me as He wills; not as I will. I am perfectly fitted for His Grace.

  37. πŸ¦‹ ♥️ πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ 🎢

  38. This song reminds us of the power in the blood of Jesus. Halleluyha !!

    1. So true! And His Goodness and His Mercies that are renewed everyday.

  39. Just lost the post I wrote - probably for the best. Please pray for my Dear Friend, Sister in Christ, Jayne. Still feeling miserable from COVID. We haven't gone more than 3 days w/out seeing each other (text every day) for 14 years, unless they are at the Family Beach Trip. It's been 8, as of today - she can't even talk on the phone - said it makes her cough to talk. PLEASE, JC Prayer Warriors, lift my dear Jayne in prayer with me.
    Son #2 is doing much better. He was over for a little while. Aftermath of the vax is ebbing. Thank God.
    Praying for all of you. For your Dear Jack, Jeanne, and for Patricia.
    So love Rooney's name, NJS, (of course, at my age, all I can think is Mickey! Brie, as always, you are my go-to sister with song and fun quips...praying for you dear one. ALL OF YOU, my JC Family - are in my prayers. And, I thank you for yours. They are NEEDED.

    1. Thanks for those prayers dear Norah and all my family. Praying for your dear Jayne’s recovery from Covid. It’s so hard knowing a dear friend or loved one is suffering. So happy Son #2 is feeling better after his vaccination.
      NJS! Rooney is a great name! But I also think immediately “Mickey”.

  40. *8 days without seeing her....feels like a lifetime.

  41. πŸ’—πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™God hears our prayers for Jayne. Wait on the Lord. He is faithful.

  42. God hears all of our prayers and He answers them in His own timing and according to His Will and Plan. We must accept His answers because He has His reasons for everything which are above our human understanding. He heals us physically, mentally and spiritually because He knows what we really need. When we don't receive the answer we were hoping for, He isn't punishing us. He loves us and cares for us, even though He allows some difficulties and problems to shake our lives. He guides us through our discouragement and our trials. He is testing our faith so we must not crumble. We stand on Jesus, our immovable Rock so we must still thank Him, still rejoice in every day, and look for His light in our wilderness. We may not understand why things happen but He is holding our futures, and He isn't going anywhere because He is our constant Helper. His Spirit comforts us when things don't go well and strengthens us in our weaknesses and illnesses. He doesn't leave us powerless and downtrodden. He equips us well and gets us through our days whether they are light and joyful, or dark and difficult. He never changes so we are always in His loving care. Rest in Him, dear ones. Put your trust in Him no matter what is going on in your lives or in the lives of your loved ones. He is aware of everything and He is always just a prayer away. He's as close to you as your own breath. Believe it and feel His peace and unconditional love surround you. We are well taken care of because He loves us as we are, and with an eternal love that extends right into eternity. Trust in His promises. He is divine and incapable of lying. He is light, life and truth. You can stake your whole life on the truthfulness of His Words. Be not afraid. I am with you always.
    Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

    1. Beautiful posting full of Truth and Light, thank you Jeanne.

    2. Thank you, Jeanne! Such encouraging words of truth!

    3. Dear Jeanne --- You hit the nail on the head when you said we need our trust in our Lord no matter what is going on i our lives. I find that He blesses me with strength, when I go through trials. Not crazy about the trials, but love the strength! Great post, Jeanne. You used one of the best scriptures ever!
      Great Love and Blessings to the Awesome JCFAMILY/WARRIORS!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

    4. Love all of you so much! Thanks for your kind words and for all your prayers and words of wisdom. God feeds us and blesses us through each other.

  43. Good morning dear Jeanne😍. So good to have that "spiritual shove" in reading your prayer post. So assuring & nourishing for our soul. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. Praying for your cold/flu. Soon you all will be on the mend, in Jesus name! Amen! πŸŒˆπŸ™πŸ’ž

    1. Thanks dear Jan! I’m feeling a little better today. God heard all the prayers. Praying we all received our much needed healing and answered prayers!

  44. Read the posts yesterday. Joining in prayer for all the needs posted. Norah, NJS, SC, Jeanne, Brie. Take heart dear ones, the Faithful One , our Shepard, our Lord of the Universe, the Holy One of Israel is on the move through the power of the Holy Spirit to attend to each need according to His will & great purpose. We are so blessed to have this forum, this family to bear one another's burdens. Thank You dear Jesus for each member of this JC family, this place where we can express our adoration, worship and praise to You our Savior & Lord. Help us to do just that this Sabbath day as we lay all of what encumbers us & just be held. Amen! Hallelujah!

    1. Amen and Amen sweet sister! Thank you! Joining all in praise and gratitude to the Most High! Blessed to be a part of our dear JC Family. It was God Who led us here.

  45. Beloved Jan, Echoing your love, praise, and adoration on this Sabbath day as we prepare our hearts for worship.

    1. Sassy Mom and Jan --- Always so thankful for your uplifting and encouraging posts. You bring great blessings to this Family!!! Great Love and Blessings to you and your families!
      "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace, as you trust in Him, so you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13. JJ

    2. Our beloved JJ, We receive your Great love and Blessings and pray the same for you and yours.

  46. Thank you for saying what others won’t. Your expressing truth is freeing and inspiring. TGBTG for His presence of trust and reassurance. Prayers Payton family

  47. Dear Norah., Praying for your Best Man. God is holding him tight. May God heal Judy’s brother in law with Covid. and my Bible group member Tom with Covid and Jan’s granddaughter too. Get some rest now! I’m finally resting myself.
    Dear Sassy Mom and Terri, God knows your sad hearts well. Trust His promises and rest in His love. We love you.
    Sweet Brie, Keeping you and Larry and Keith in my prayers. Praying for good news for everyone awaiting test results, for SC too. God is so faithful. Wait on the Lord always and hope in Him.
    Janet, How are you good sister? Praying all is going well. God’s peace and love surround you. And NJS how is little Georgie? May God bring us more victories tomorrow. Thank You Jesus. Goodnight all. Rest well and be not afraid. Proverbs 3:24 When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet.

  48. Father God, let the Fire of God fall afreash on the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS!
    On this day and in the season and for the year ahead:
    We declare Victory over the enemy, over every tactic, every lie, strategy, plan and ploy against us, our families, friends and Nations. These shall ALL be defeated by tbe Blood of Jesus. We command that the kingdom of darkness be stripped of any spiritual armor and be separated from every power or principality from where their power is drawn.
    Holy Spirit, we ask for a hedge of light
    and a wall of fire to make us impregnable and invisible to the kingdom of darkness.
    In the name and in the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, we hereby order a cease-and-desist order against ALL the enemies plots, plans and schemes
    against us RIGHT HERE and RIGHT NOW in TODAY and in this SEASON and the YEAR ahead! We bind ALL the functions of the enemy and send Great destruction and chaos into its camp. We send the enemy to the pit or to the Lord Jesus Christ for Him to deal with them as He sees fit!
    Holy Spiri, fill us afresh with renewed strength, hope, love, joy, and peace to
    share with whom ever you postions us to do so.
    Above all we honor You and declare our love and gratitude to You on this day. And may our mouths be opened and may the Roar of the Lord break forth like the voice of many waters, destroying every work of the enemy!
    In Our Mighty King Jesus' Name. and at that Name EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW, AMEN and AMEN.
    Great Love and many Blessings to my Beloved JCFAMILY/WARRIORS! JJ

    1. I'm gathered into your declaration JJ

    2. Amen JJ . Thank you and God bless you!

    3. Gathered and present , JJ. Thank you and AMEN!

    4. Joining into your powerful prayer, dear JJ! Amen and Amen.

  49. Please keep us in your prayers. My daughter is having a lot of issues after moving from our home to college. Please pray for her that she receives the mental health support that she needs. As for me I'm going for a medical test follow-up tomorrow and would love prayers of support for positive outcome of the results. Thank you.

    1. Positive outcome prayers are being prayed for both you and your daughter. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Joining in prayers for you both πŸ™ πŸ™Œ! May our heavenly Father grant you both what is needed in and through His love and power. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    3. Joining in prayer for both your daughter and you- in Jesus nameπŸ™❤️

    4. Our children's troubles are always on the forefront of a parent's mind. My mom used to tell me when I'd be concerned about one of my kids that "a momma is only as happy as her unhappiest child". So true. Praying for both you and your daughter, Anonymous, that she finds her way at college and that your follow-up with the doctor today is good.

    5. Prayers for you and your daughter for the best possible outcome in both situations as HE sees fit. Stay connected to The Vine and HE will guide you.

    6. Dear Anonymous --- I speak Matthew 11:28-29 over your daughter. The Lord watches over His WORD to perform it. The WORD is BEYOND POWERFUL and our, Heavenly Father, always has the final say!
      Matthew 11:28-29 "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
      For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Anonymous, let your follow-up with your doctor bring you a good and healthy report! Pleading the Blood of Jesus over you and your daughter. The enemy CAN'T DEFEAT the Blood! In Jesus' name. All Glory to the One true
      God, maker of heaven and earth! He is Victorious and we are Victorious in Him!!! AMEN and AMEN, HALLELUJAH!!!

    7. Amen! Joining into all prayers, dear Anonymous, for your dear daughter to receive God’s healing power and peace, and also His guidance to all the support and encouragement she needs. May He bring her back to perfect health of mind and body and spirit, and may your follow up go well and reap good results because He is in charge of it! Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  50. Trust in our Father has been challenging for man since the beginning. Mine ebbs and flows as I compare my life circumstances and realize how I judge my life challenges to those with it easier, much more often than those who have it harder. Whether it is wealth, health, or family issues, He says to realize we each must find our path with mercy and justice to others... more simply put is just to love one another. Sadly, it seems some never do.

    Yet, I see that my blessings are many as the years go by, thus my present circumstances become easier to accept. What remains and is difficult is the mind shifting back into self-pity. It is why He continues to reiterate He walked the earth as a man, He created you, and He is in you as the Spirit. With God at, in, and for your side, all difficulties can and will be overcome. This existence as a sinful human being is but a brief one compared to our next life where love bounds as eternal beings. Godspeed JC warriors. Amen

    1. “But you must return to God, maintain love and justice, And wait for your God always...” (Hos 12:6, NIV)

    2. Thank you MadFox- I can absolutely relate. Good bless you

    3. Beautifully said!

    4. So eloquently written, as always MadFox. Peace to you and yours.

    5. Thanks. Typo - which you cannot fix on this platform!? This existence as a sinful human being is but a brief one compared to our next life where love ABOUNDS as eternal beings.

    6. Your words really moved me and I sure can relate. You are always in my prayers, dear brother. Thanks for sharing your heart with us. We are all imperfect sinners but we are loved perfectly. I also compare myself to others and often judge others which I know is wrong. Only God knows their hearts. I have so many blessings I can’t even count them. I don’t have monetary wealth but I have a loving family and most of all, I belong to Christ. He is all I need. I am thankful to be feeling well and to be loved. But sometimes my human emotions mess me up. I was just telling my husband I was feeling a bit low because most of my clothes are old and from the thrift shop. My husband said loves me just as I am and I know so does God. That’s good enough for me.

      Matthew 6:33
      But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

    7. Sweet Jeanne. Pray you also continue to be at peace for health and family. Amen

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. As per today’s devotion…you have not been judged for your typo! God’s Love bounds and abounds!
