Monday, September 28, 2015

Jesus Calling: September 28

Open your mind and heart--your entire being--to receive My love in full measure. So many of My children limp through their lives starved for Love, because they haven't learned the art of receiving. This is essentially an act of faith: believing that I love you with boundless, everlasting Love. The art of receiving is also a discipline: training your mind to trust Me, coming close to Me with confidence.
     Remember that the evil one is the father of lies. Learn to recognize his deceptive intrusions into your thoughts. One of his favorite deceptions is to undermine your confidence in My unconditional Love. Fight back against these lies! Do not let them go unchallenged. Resist the devil in My Name, and he will slink away from you. Draw near to Me, and My Presence will envelop you in Love.

Ephesians 3:16-19
English Standard Version

16 that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Hebrews 4:14-16
English Standard Version
14 Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

John 8:44
English Standard Version
44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

James 4:7-8
New King James Version

Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Heavenly Father, I open my heart and mind today to receive Your unconditional love throughout this day. Thank you for this love and hope that keeps me going when things seem bleak. Please protect me from the evil one. Clothe me in the Armor of God, clothe me the in the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, protection with the sword of the spirit and the shield of faith, wrap me in the belt of truth and the shoes of the gospel. I bring the blood of Christ and the cross against the deception brought on by evil one. Cleanse me Lord as I receive Your Love.

    1. This prayer meant so much to me! Thank you and many, many blessings to you!!!

    2. Jeff--- You are right on with this prayer. Putting on the whole Amor of God is an absolute must!!
      Amen and Amen to THIS PRAYER.

    3. JJ - AMEN. We must put on the Armor of God before we get out of bed!!!

    4. Amen! So glad to read this as my reminder for today. CO

    5. Thank you Jeff. Needing that prompting todayπŸ₯°

    6. Jeff, a worthy prayer indeed. Thanks for the reminder of a great message of putting on the armor of God.
      Father I rest in your surrounding love. Thank you for working your perfect plan for my life. Every day, please help me to avoid and rebuke the wickedness and snares of the evil one. I am willing that Ypu should have all of me as I go gorth to do Your will.

    7. Amen Jeff, Your prayer is still true and I join in.
      Cleanse me Lord as I receive your love.

    8. Amen! Praying this prayer with you, my JC family. Sassy Mom, indeed, putting on the Armor of God before we get out of bed is essential!
      Lord, help me to rebuke any and all advances from the evil one that I may do Your will in my life. Trusting in You, Lord, to guide my steps today. Lead me, Father, into life everlasting life with You. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen God be with you all.

      Blessings from California

    9. That's a lot of great scripture right there! I am so blessed to see my trust manifest in outcomes. The skin cancer specialists office called to schedule my surgery today. Next JANUARY! They said the pathology report revealed a slow growing issue and if it was worse, they would have had me come in sooner. How great is God!!! Heck, by January I expect even better news. Thank you Jesus!

    10. God is taking good care of you dear sister Audra. We will continue to trust in Him and come January, I am thanking Him for your good news in the Name of Jesus.

    11. Thank you for the prayer Jeff. It covers us so completely! To Audra I love your faith and we are trusting God , come January let's get out praise songs ready ! Heavenly Healing begin to flow

    12. What a beautiful and thoughtful prayer. This meant so much to me as I battle the enemies lies that tell me I am not good enough, will EVER be good enough for God to love me. What garbage! He loved us while we were yet sinners! His love is complete, full, all-encompassing. We NEVER have to doubt God’s AMAZING love for us! ♥️

    13. Thank you Lord for filling me with your love and the gift of discernment, which I ask you to strengthen in me by and by.

      Remember that the evil one is the father of lies. Learn to recognize his deceptive intrusions into your thoughts. One of his favorite deceptions is to undermine your confidence in My unconditional Love. Fight back against these lies! Do not let them go unchallenged.

    14. Amen heavenly Father thank you for all the blessings now and in the future help me to trust and receive your love thank you thank you Father in Jesus's mighty name I pray Amen

    15. I'm going to keep my Christmas lights on for you Audra. I know our Good God will resolve your tissue issue.
      Post whenever you can because when I don't see your posts, I missue

    16. Thank you again dear Jeff for your powerful prayer! Putting on my Armor of God before I even get out of bed! Don’t leave home without it!

    17. Just like a little child who gets dressed by his/her parents, Thanks Jeff, for a new view of allowing God to Clothe me with His Armor. Now I am truly dressed for success! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    18. I have more put this post on a hanger next to my bed so I don't have to search for what you wear each day. Thanks for your version, Jeff!

    19. Thank you Jeff for sharing this powerful prayer.
      Sassy mom, Audra, Brie, Jeanne also thank you for your beautiful prayers. Yes, I’m praying for the Armor of our Lord!
      Our church message was about praying for discernment and for our eyes and ears to be fully opened to Gods discernment, truth. So much great food for the soul, right here. Thank you Lord for this JC family, for your perfect love, discernment and each piece of armor. I love you Jesus and I trust in You!
      I rebuke Satan in Jesus Christs heavenly name.
      Lifting up each prayer request into our Lords mighty, loving and capable hands.
      Praying for a wonderful report from you Sister Audra.
      Still praying for the fires in Oregon to cease. My mom and Sis said it rained last night in Oregon, praise God. I remember a prayer that I think JJ posted at one point…
      Praying with great anticipation as our God is bigger then any and all problems, bad circumstances.
      Our God is the God of miracles so let’s pray to Him and rebuke Satan, lies and know that He is God taking out the enemies darts of deception in a moment. Speaking to our challenges that our God is on it and the wicked one doesn’t stand a chance.
      Love you all
      Prayers and blessings

    20. This blog helped me to memorize and commit to putting on the armor of God before I even get out of bed. And just to be sure the devil stays out of my dreams, I put it on again when I go to bed πŸͺ–πŸ˜‰ A special thank you to JJ and Jeff ♥️

  2. Good prayer... thank you and the spirit who is alive in us!


  4. AMEN,AMEN,AMEN!!! Thank you once again to the Payton family that this is available on line, though I have the book as well. Continued blessings to them!

    1. Amen. I have several copies of Jesus Calling. My kids and I try to read it every day. Having this online blesses us to be able to read it when we forget the devotional at home.

  5. Just what I needed to hear today! Our God Reigns!He knows what we need. His Love is Overwhelming. Praise The Lord!

  6. Dear Lord, heal the hearts in this country. Let your name reign. Please let truth, honesty, compassion and kindness be what we represent

  7. A young priest who I was mentoring once said to me, “If we ever understand and believe how much God loves us, our life would be radically changed.” And when will I reach that sacred moment? When I stand before the Lord in eternity and everything will be radically different forever. Until that sacred day, let us love one another for love is of God. In so doing, we can help each other along the path to that glorious and eternal moment.

    1. How great and unmeasurable is the love of God for us.
      Amen, Bob! Let us love one another and lead others to that glorious and eternal moment.

  8. I know god loves me but why do I feel lost like he doesn't care about me is that why my life is falling apart cause I question his love for me?

    1. No. God's love for you never changes based on what you think or do. He loves you fully always, it's not dependent on our actions. That's unconditional--without any conditions or terms! It blows me away, I don't understand it. But I do know, as the Bible explains, that that's how God loves His children. He just asks us to abide in Him, to come to Him with all our doubts and questions and anger and fear, and just to give it all to Him. He says that He'll give us rest and peace (Phil 4:4-7, Matt 11:28).

    2. I'm 47, grew up in a Christian home, I walked off and back many times. Always knowing there's obviously something I'm not getting if I can just walk off, right? Well, just about a year ago, I was at a retreat and given the exercise of asking the Lord, "What do you call me?" His answer to me was, "You are my Tilly." Tilly is my little Dachshund who I love with ridiculous abandon! Finally, at 46, finally I understand the fullness of the Lord's Great Love for me. He loves you like that too. I hope you can get a grasp on that. Life will never, never be the same for you once you understand that, my friend. God's love is mind-blowing!

    3. I just love, love this post about Unknown & Tilly πŸ₯° God is so personal. He knows exactly how to reach the hearts of His children. Unknown wherever you are, thank you for sharing this goodness of God.

    4. Thank you Unknown! Such a lovely glimpse into the sweet love our Father has for us. To love us as we love the dearest thing in the world.
      Jan, Yes! it was such a sweet personal encounter. They are rare but God meets us, right in our ordinary times. While we're cooking or walking and He reminds us that He knows every tiny detail of our lives. How many times I have seen His Hand in my day and have said out loud: Thank you so much. You knew exactly what I need and how I feel! His love is without limits or conditions and it is new every morning.
      He's says: Come to Me with all the baggage and flaws. I know your dear hearts intimately and love you exactly where you are and how you are.
      Amen Unknown, God's love is mind-blowing!

  9. Well said! Very well said. Thank you!
    Unknown, unknown my life has some darkness today. I am trying to look to the light as well. Please know as Anonymous said..... " God's love for you never changes based on what you think or do. He loves you fully always, it's not dependent on our actions. That's unconditional--without any conditions or terms!" God bless you!

  10. Jesus, I love and thank You for all rhat You do in my life. Please help me to open up all pf my mind and heart to Your love thst I mau receive all of You and Your blessings. Teach me to be your unwavering servsnt as I go forth to do Your will.Amen

  11. On my post replying to MadFox yesterday I typed envelope when it should have been envelop. Got in too much of a hurry. I need better eyes. Blessings and much love to this awesome JC FAMILY. Continuing to pray for you all and waiting on the Lord to fulfill his word!

  12. Good morning Lord and jc family. Thank you Jesus for your mercy, your everlasting love. Thank you for never changing, always the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. You never fail me. I call out to you and I feel your presence, your peace. Thank you for Jairo and for his speedy recovery. You heard all our prayers and I thank you JC warriors with my whole heart. Satan tried to bring me down but I said YES to JESUS and the evil one slinked away. All glory and praise to our Lord and Savior. AMEN! Share my are in my heart; we are lifting you up in prayer. JJ I no what u r trying 2 write and your prayers always comfort me.

  13. Good Morning and abundant blessings to you, my JC Family! I didn't have a cooperating computer yesterday to comment, but all of you were in my prayers throughout the day.
    MadFox, when I was in Sales, our Manager used to ask, "What keeps you awake at night?" He would encourage us to ask our customers that ? so we could, hopefully, take care of that for them. One night I realized that it was my job and when the time came and they downsized, I graciously accepted that decision. My Mgr. said, "You aren't fighting - you need to fight; this isn't right!" I said, "You have to have passion to fight and I no longer have passion for this job. It's draining me." that was over 7 years ago and that decision led me to the job I have now, for which I'm must better suited.
    I will be praying for open doors for you MadFox. LIfting all of you Saints, your loved ones and the 2 lovely days we have before us. I pray that we learn the 'art of receiving,' and grasp, even a tiny bit, the truth of the love that we are being offered each day. I pray that we discern truth from error and call out the Father of Lies. I pray for our Country and remind my loved ones that what is happening on a federal level is the same thing happening on the local level; praying for honesty and diligence to stand for the Truth. Enjoy your day, JC and prayers to all of you. Norah

    1. Norah. appreciated. relevant. impactful. Thanks. in Him.

    2. Amen, Norah! Your prayer is mine.
      Praying for open doors for you, MadFox. God is more than able. Praise the Lord!

      Blessings from California

  14. 'The Lord is good and His mercy endures FOREVER, His faithfulness continues through out all generations' Psalm 100:5. Oh taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who take refuge in Him' Psalm 34:8.

    Thank You Lord for another day of gifts and blessings. Thank You for the sheild of protection over us this day. We glorify Your Holy name.

    Thank You for our Great High Priest that paid it ALL for us and the unconditional Love that You grant us each day. May our trust in You take over all fear and doubt as we are reminded that the devil is the father of All lies.
    We hold onto Your promises that are all Yes and Amen! Thank You Father.

    Lifting all the prayer requests and trusting the Father with confidence.

    Blessed and great day to all.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen dear Maplewood. Joining into your beautiful prayer!

    2. Amen, Maplewood! Your prayer is mine. Trusting in the Lord, my King of kings, for I am His, and He is mine. God bless you and our JC family abundantly.

      Blessings from California

  15. Please pray warriors. I have a nasty eye infection that came back after getting better, my fault. I've asked the Lord to help me. I feel stupid at the moment. Bless your weekend loved onesπŸ₯°. Let's prepare for worship tomorrow by starting today.

    1. JAN---Thank you Father God for sending Jesus into the world to save us and set us free. Father, I trust in Your power and grace to sustain and restore us! So, Father, I ask that you would touch Jan(who is precious to us) with your healing hands. I ask that You would cover her with the most precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and I believe Jan to be well in mind, body, soul and spirit. Father, ROOT OUT any bad bacteria and any viruses from her eye and multiply Jan's healthy cells. Please remove any inflammation in her eye and clean out any infecton with the FIRE of Your healing hand. I thank You Father for this healing. And satan GET OUR HANDS OFF OF JAN! YOU have NO AUTHORITY HERE. You are a DEFEATED FOE! Thank You Father that You hear are prayers and are faithful!! Amen and Amen

    2. Eyesight is such an amazing gift, and when we have infections or "see" (in limited ways) how the blind live every minute, it is profoundly amazing to learn how well they do despite the handicap. Pray Jan that you regain normal vision asap. in Him.

    3. Thank you JJ & MadFoxπŸ₯°. Wow! I feel totally covered. Bless these warriors oh Lord for blessing me! Amen

    4. Jan - My daughter took me to a quilt show in Asheville, NC. I just got this prayer request. I'm sure your eye is better, it's never too late to pray - so I'm "gonna" pray anyway!!!!! And Amen to preparing for worship today!!

  16. First things first, I am so "Very Grateful" for your blog! Thank You!
    I must admit that I am in desperate need of prayer, would you please pray that the Heavenly Father's Will be done in my life in regards to what He is asking me to do (each and every day), the situation is dire and I need a miracle. I can't thank you enough for your prayers, I've been trying to do this on my own but I know that I need the support and prayers of other believers to help me through this as God does not want me to try & do it alone but to call on my brothers and sisters in Christ(as this is a serious battle/fight, as the enemy comes to rob, steal, kill & destroy) would you please come along side me in prayer and in agreement for "Our Heavenly Father's Will" to be done in my life.
    I Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, to the very depths of my soul. Praying that Gods Will be done in each of your lives and may The Good Lord Bless you and keep you & make His face to shine upon you and give you peace and may you personally know how deep and how wide and how high is His All consuming never ending reckless love for you all!
    Without a doubt His love for you is beyond your wildest dreams or imagination! If you have not personally witnessed His radical and passionate reckless love for you, call upon Him and ask Him to reveal His overwhelming never ending all consuming passionate reckless and jealous love for you, He's just waiting for you to ask.♥
    In Jesus' Most Precious and Beautiful Name I pray, Amen!
    With Sincere Love & Respect
    A Child of The Most High God!

    1. Anonymous --- It is always a privilege and honor to pray for someone in need. I know this JC FAMILY, who are fierce WARRIORS for the Lord, will lift you up. I bodly go to the Throne of Grace for your circumstances,Anonymous.
      I call upon the Lord to answer you according to His will. I pray He will be your ever present help in times of trouble. Father, please send help from Your sanctuary to defend, deliver and honor Anonymous. Help Anonymous to remain strong and courageous. Father, I come against the forces of darkness in Anonymous's life and I bring the blood of Jesus between satan and Anonymous's family, home, finances, spirit, soul and body. Thank for Your miracle working power in Anonymous's life. I speak the name of Jesus into ALL of Anonymous's life, who is Child of the Most High God! Amen and Amen

    2. JJ you inspire me in prayer like no one i have ever met. πŸ™♥️ I borrow this prayer today for a young friend who is about to give birth to a daughter into what most who know her believe is a very dysfunctional relationship with the father. Thank you JC family for joining me in it for Meghan's sake here in 2021 and moving forward:

      Father, I come against the forces of darkness in Meghan and Billy's life and I bring the blood of Jesus between satan and Meghan's family, home, finances, spirit, soul and body. Thank for Your miracle working power in Meghan's life. I speak the name of Jesus into ALL of Meghan's life, who is Child of the Most High God! Amen and Amen

      Thank you Jesus!

    3. Dear Audra ---- I am so humbled by your post. I have learned to go to The Throne of Grace with the authority My Papa God gave me. When Christ died for for our sins,

    4. Audra ----Sorry, must of hit a wrong button. To finish the thought. Satan was disarmed and defeated! We TAKE OUR SEAT OF AUTHORITY by Ephesians 2:4-7!!! And now we rule and reign in Christ Jesus through
      Christ Jesus. So, we can now proclaim Jesus Christ is the name above all names! We put everything of the kingdom of darkness under our feet because it is undet the feet of King Jesus. That is why I enforce the Authority of Jesus Christ over everything in my life today. And I do it boldly because my God has my back and He expects me to act and pray with the AUTHORITY He gave me!!! HALLELUJAH!!!
      Great Love and Blessings to cover you and your family!!! Praise God, you were acting and praying with AUTHORITY!!! Do know that is is satan's greatest fear! Make him shudder in fear when He raises his ugly, lying, looser head!!! JJ

    5. Yes and amen. Thank you JJ for teaching me to be a joy full intercessor. ♥️πŸ™

  17. Anonymous Child of most high God - God Bless you!! You have come to the right place for prayer. Your prayer is our prayer.
    Thank you for your beautiful testimony and prayer about the Love Of God.

  18. JJ, Sassy Mom, and all those interceding for me. Glory, Glory,
    Hallelujah! What a mighty powerful prayer and such heartfelt love & encouragement. I thank God for you all!
    Glory to God in the highest
    Thank you!!! May God Bless you as He covers you on every side and goes before you to fight your battles. My prayer for you all- Psalm 91

    A Child of The Most High God

    1. Anonymous, I pray a year later that you have been delivered from your misery and God in His great mercy has lifted you up out of the depths of despair and given you your miracle. Praying His faithfulness is shining like the sun in your life.
      Beautiful prayer, dear JJ.

    2. I second that, Jeanne! Amen and Amen!

      Blessings from California


    Last Saturday's post examined the thoughts of Psalm 95:8-9, to listen and not to harden our hearts which comes through doubt and lack of willingness to trust. The closing words in that passage need our attention. (Following the reference to what occurred at Meribah and Massah (Exodus 17)) vs. 9 says, "when your ancestors tested Me, and put Me to the proof, though they had seen My work." How sad. After the exodus from Egypt and the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea, doubts of God's ability to save them in the crisis they found themselves. One senses a mentality of 'what have you done for me lately'.

    We must be cautious about being too harsh on the response of the children of God for their story of faith has many parallels to our story. The whole wilderness wondering exemplifies the journey of faith. They are us and we can see ourselves in their story. What we learn from these verses is that it is imperative to be constantly reminded of God's greatness and faithfulness. This comes through the constant practice of praise of God's greatness and thankfulness for the ways God has saved us in the past. That is one of the reasons God commands us to worship Him on a regular basis, to be reminded of His goodness, His eternal steadfast love, and His faithfulness from age to age as Psalm 100:5 concludes. That is why daily devotions are so important so we are reminded on a daily basis of the security we have in God's love. If we allow ourselves to wander from these practices and affirmations of His being the Good Shepherd, we become totally vulnerable to the demonic elements lurking in this world ever looking for a wandering sheep to feast upon. When Jesus instituted the sacrament of Communion/Eucharist, His concluding words were 'do this in remembrance of Me'. Remember, Remember, Remember! In whatever way works best for you, remember and never forget that He who gave up His only Son for you will take care of you in every other way. Scan your past for the many times you experienced His everlasting love and faithfulness. Give thanks. Paul admonishes us in Philippians 4:6, to pray with thanksgiving. What is implied in those words is that we pray for our present needs with thanksgiving for how He has met our needs in the past.

    Yes, it was a sad day at Meribah and Massah. Let us encourage each other so it is not repeated.

    As your week begins, may this week be filled with your being confident in His goodness, His everlasting love, and His constant faithfulness. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, you are eternally loved. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Amen Bob. I thank God that you and our entire JC Family are continual reminders of God's greatness and faithfulness! Please keep blessing all of us.

      Dear Heavenly Father God,
      You're the reason why I loudly and proudly sing:
      Great Is Thy Faithfulness;
      The Goodness of God;
      Bless The Lord O My Soul;
      My Tribute(To God Be The Glory)
      and everything else! With Love.

    2. It is indeed a journey of faith. We read of the exodus and fall into the trap of asking all the how questions... how could they forget the Red Sea parting, how could they forget manna arrived each morning, how could they forget Pharaoh's plagues... it becomes our faith journey too! why do I not trust the Lord has my hand in this relatively minor trouble of today!? The flesh and mind are weak. Only through Christ and prayer can we get to our Father's eternal and unending love! Believe it. Amen.

    3. That's an amazing encouragement, Bob. Thanks for the energy you put into encouraging us
      God has got me through so many situations in the past and transformed them into good as He did for Joseph and his family.
      My challenge now is to remember these things in the situation with my daughter. That God can enable her to conquer the alcohol problem. And more than that.. Use it to bring good to her and her family.
      God bless this community

    4. Thank you brother Bob for this reminder. I can so easily slip into complacency when things are going well. Starting my day worshipping & thanking Him helps to prevent this from taking over & reminders from brothers & sisters in Christ. May your week be filled also with the goodness of God, for you are eternally loved as wellπŸ₯°

    5. What a wonderful reminder Bob! Thank you for sharing what the spirit puts on your heart. Have a blessed day!

      Blessings from France

    6. Oh, how we so easily let our guard down and forget! But here today, is another reminder of Whose we are!!!
      May we remain faithful as HE was and is for eternity!

      God bless you my bday twin brother!

      Maplewood NJ

    7. Bob! Thank you so much for your inspiration and encouragement. Every morning as I wake thanking Him for the new day and all that he has blessed me with, and all the things He is preparing for me, I am wrapped in a love and blessed assurance that is far greater than anything this world can offer. Enveloped in a peace that no one and no thing can give me. I have been reminding myself all through the day that He is with me and I am in His presence. Praising His Holy Name and realizing how loved I am.
      God bless your beautiful heart and Spirit.

    8. Amen, Bob! A beautiful reminder to always remember ALL that He has done for me, ALL the times he has gently carried me through the many storms in my life. My blessings are not few, and I thank and Praise the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness. My cup surely runneth over. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    9. Thanks Bob ! Let us seek God every morning and remember to praise Him, in all circumstances we are to give thanks !

    10. A resounding Amen to all you said, Bob! I can’t say it enough: SO very thankful for this blog!!! God bless you all, JC family. Jesus Calling (first edition) remains one of my top favorites, with Charles Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening.

  20. I am in need of your prayers dear warriors. I am still not able to chew on the side where I had root canal after almost a month. Going back to the endodontist & hoping it's just off on the bite. Thank you all so much for prayers. Love you allπŸ₯°

    1. Praying for you dear Jan! Have a blessed day!

      Blessings from France

    2. Jan- You are covered! Remain blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Praying, dear Jan, that this too will pass and praying the sooner the better. God be with you and bless your visit to the endodontist.

    4. Jan --- I join with the JC WARRIORS in going to The Throne of Grace to intercede for your circumstance. I trust the Lord to take care of this, because He is faithful. Great love and blessings to you, Jan, and All my JC FAMILY!

    5. Continuing to pray for your mouth, dear Jan! Wait on the Lord. He knows exactly what's wrong and how to fix it. He's on it already as we pray. Much love.

    6. Dear sweet Jan, lifting you up in prayer to the Throne of Grace. Interceding on your behalf for healing from the top of your head to the soles of your feet; mind, body, soul and spirit. In Jesus name, I rebuke the evil one who comes to destroy and do harm. Not today, Satan! Covering you in His blood. Thank you, Jesus, that you are on it. Sending much love and hugs your way. In Him.

      Blessings from California

    7. Lord hear our prayers for Jan. Lord have mercy on her. Much love and peace to you.

    8. Continuing to pray for your teeth and mouth Jan. I pray all your problems have been resolved because the Lord is in charge.

    9. Thank you dear Jeanne. Yes that was resolved. All of your prayers went straight to the throne of grace. So grateful for my JC family πŸ’•

    10. So happy to hear of God's continued faithfulness. I'm so grateful for all of you too dear one.

    11. Praying for you Jan while you are in the dentist's prayer chair.

  21. Lord, receiving and believing Your love, guidance and protection. Jan, you are in my heart and prayers.

  22. Dear Loving Father, We thank You for another beautiful morning, another day of life filled with blessings, another chance to hope and pursue our dreams, another chance to appreciate You, our families and friends. Another chance to show You how much we care and love You, another chance to be a blessing to someone, another chance to forget the bad and focus on the good, another chance to surround ourselves with people who make us laugh, another chance to love and pray for people who treat us bad, another chance to tell our love ones how much we care and love them, another chance to love, pray, live and laugh, another chance to worship You in Spirit and in truth! THANK YOU LORD!
    Thank You for having a solution to every problem we’ll ever face, a light for every shadow, a relief for every sorrow and a great plan for ALL our tomorrows!
    May the gift of Your Love, the gift of Your Peace, the gift of Your Hope, the gift of Your Happiness and the gift of Your Blessings be ours today and always, for the sake of Your Son Jesus, in whose name this prayer is rendered. Amen.

    I am staying in prayers for all the needs and concerns being mentioned. God is Good, He is Able and He is Faithful!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood! Thank you.

    2. Well stated, twin bd sis! Another chance to love---no greater way to be a witness unto my beloved Lord. God be with you.

    3. Sweet Maplewood! Such a beautiful prayer! Joining in and sharing with my Mom and Sis and Bible group! Thanks for filling me up with a very tasty breakfast.

    4. Amen and thank you, Maplewood, for your beautiful prayer. God is love. Let us each go forth, in His name, to love one another as He loves us. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    5. Such a wonderful prayer dear Maplewood. The Spirit of God moves through you in such a beautiful way. We are blessed to behold the words He gives you to share. I love this very much:
      "Thank You for having a solution to every problem we’ll ever face, a light for every shadow, a relief for every sorrow and a great plan for ALL our tomorrows!" Amen and Amen!

    6. I join my JC family with an enthusiastic THANK YOU, Maplewood! SO needed and perfect...more than you know. I read something yesterday that said,
      "When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry,
      show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
      Stay strong!"

      Focusing on what God says about me vs what the devil has tried telling me. Have rebuked him and turned up my praise music loudly!

      May you all feel God's loving arms around you today! Thank you, again, Maplewood, for your wonderful food for thought and prayer! Blessings, one and all! In Jesus' name, AMEN!

    7. Thanks dear NJS! Love that:
      "When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry,
      show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
      Stay strong!" GOD IS GREATER! Hallelujah!
      Thanks for the blessing!

    8. Thanks for yet another one of your game changing prayers, Maplewood NJ

  23. Jesus, thank you for Your boundless love. Teach me to open my heart and mind to You so that I may receive You more fully 8bto ky life. Help me 5o continue to fight of the wpory and doubt thes evil one tries to sow between us, You are,richly deserving of all glory, honor, and praise.

    1. May it so be for you and me, Mark. God be with you.

  24. Blessings inspire us today, JC family! And today's verse seems particularly relevant to TODAY as we turn up the volume and intensity of our prayers in the name of Jesus!
    "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." AMEN!

    1. See you near the throne of grace, Audra. God be with you.

    2. Amen! Have a blessed and safe day in His presence, my dear sister and brother and all our JC Family.

    3. Amen, sweet Audra! Turning up the volume and intensity of my prayers! God is good and worthy of all praise.

      Blessings from California

    4. Teaching to turn up the volume control again this year. Louder and louder I can hear his praises roar!
      Raise a hallelujah!

  25. Rose- I'm sitting waiting to see endodontist & read your beautiful post. Loving the words. Letting it sink into my spirit. I don't like dentists visits. But then again, who does huh? Well here goesπŸ˜”!

  26. So agree with you, Rose, that song so beautiful sings of God's love for us. I have used it in that way many times. Another song that captures the same sense is "You Needed Me" by Anne Murray. Though whole song sings of what God has done for us, especially the line, 'I sold my soul, You bought it back again.' that is what redemption is all about. And why did God do all this? He needed us. Do we not need everyone we love in our life? He saved us because He needed us. It goes without saying how much we need Him. And He has us and we have Him. Hallelujah!!!

  27. Late Blessings, my dear JC Family, but none the less heart-felt! What a weekend we had. All good, all filled with so many blessings. The wedding was so sweet and so safely done. We were able to be outside and social distance, yet it felt intimate and close. The mother/son dance is still bringing me to tears. I'll share the song with you:
    Here are the lyrics:
    Teach us to number our days
    That we may apply our hearts to Your ways
    Teach us to number our days
    With wisdom and grace.
    You've been our home and our dwelling
    Our place in all generations.
    Before the earth or the mountains were formed,
    Lord, You were God.
    Teach us to number our days
    That we may apply our hearts to Your ways
    Teach us to number our days
    With wisdom and grace.
    Now the span of our lives,
    It is made of sorrow and labor
    As the days pass away like the grass
    How soon we are gone.
    Teach us to number our days
    That we may apply our hearts to Your ways
    Teach us to number our days…

    September 28, 2020 at 7:34 PM

    1. Just love that song dear Norah! I sent the link to my Mom and Sis. They will love it too. Thanks!!!

    2. Thank you for the link to the song!

  28. Be blessed our dear Norah, ss you have blessed us with these lyrics.

    Reminiscing with renewed eyes!
    I cried a tear, You wiped it dry
    I was confused, You cleared my mind
    I sold my soul, You bought it back for me
    And held me up and gave me dignity
    Somehow You needed me
    You gave me strength to stand alone again
    To face the world out on my own again
    You put me high upon a pedestal
    So high that I could almost see Eternity
    You needed me, You needed me
    And I can't believe it's You
    I can't believe it's true
    I needed You and You were there
    And I'll never leave, why should I leave?
    I'd be a fool 'cause I finally found Someone Who really cares
    You held my hand when it was cold
    When I was lost You took me home
    You gave me hope when I was at the end
    And turned my lies back into truth again
    You even called me "friend"
    You gave me strength to stand alone again
    To face the world out on my own again
    You put me high upon a pedestal
    So high that I could almost see Eternity
    You needed me, You needed me
    You needed me, You needed me!

  30. Man it's easy to get mislead without christ

  31. Dear Rose, Your words lifted me and I've always loved that song! Thank you.
    Jan, Praying everything went well with your dentist appointment. Hope your problem was just because of a bad bite that can be altered easily.
    Bob, I forgot about that beautiful song, You Needed Me. It is a perfect description about God's love and His need for us to Come to Him. Thank you!! Amen He saved us becuse He needed us. And what a Sacrifice to save us. Halleluia!

  32. So happy the Wedding was wonderful and safe. Keep those precious memories in your heart forever. I remember all 3 mother/son dances so very well. What a sweet, simple, truthful and beautiful song and prayer! Thanks for sharing it sweet Norah! You lifted me and put more light and peace into my day. God bless you always.

  33. Thank you again for your prayers for Jack and for Terry. Jack is doing a little better but has some problems with his blood. He's going to the doctor soon. Terry's surgery went well. The Dr. told her it went as he had hoped it would. She will be in the hospital for at least 4 days. Praying she will turn her eyes to the Lord for comfort and healing. We are praying He will bring them both back to perfect health because He is the miracle maker and all things are possible in Him and through Him. Loved today's devotion and beautiful verses. Took this with me.
    Draw near to Me, and My Presence will envelop you in Love.
    I always say: Draw near to Him and He will stay near to you. He never leaves us. We leave Him. He is always waiting for us to run into His Arms.

    1. Continued prayers for Jack and Terry. May they continue to heal and be restored whole again. May the Lord draw them to Him and into His loving, everlasting arms. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    2. Continued prayers for Jack & Terry. Your healing touch oh Lord is sorely needed. Praise & Thank You Jehovah Rapha. Amen.

    3. Thank you for your sincere prayers! Amen Janet and Jan.
      We serve a faithful God. God bless you both.

    4. Joining in prayers for recovery and healing for these special people in your life, Jeanne. God is so good, all will be well.

  34. Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. (1 John 4:7-8). For if our hearts condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things. Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. (1 John 3:20-22). Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. (Mark 11:24).

    Heavenly Father, thank You for Your everlasting love that You pour out abundantly to all of us. You are so loving, merciful, and gracious. Thank You for being You. I am grateful for all the people that You are placing in my life and surrounding me with. Open my heart and mind to receive all that You have for me. Hold my hand and walk with me through the day, rejoicing over You and being led by the Holy Spirit. Let Your Spirit flow in and through me and help me to share You with others in the world. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always. You are my saving grace. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Praying with you and for you sweet Janet! Your words echo my heart. Thank you for your spirit filled words.

  35. Your prayer is my prayer also dear Janet. Thank you for blessing us with your heart towards God. Bless you also sweet sisterπŸ’•

  36. So funny warriors that a year ago to this day, your prayers went up for me for my tooth. Now once again I'm asking for prayers for a dentist procedure tomorrow. Not what I'm looking forward to but nevertheless, here I go again! Jeanne, loved listening to your sweet voice, love the song you wrote, we can relate. Love the guitar playing, was that you too? God has gifted you richly, thanks for sharing with us.

  37. Praying for your successful and smooth dentist procedure tomorrow. God will be in that room in full control of the dentist and the procedure. Thank You Father for Your faithfulness in the Name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord. Amen

    Dear Jan, Thank you for your kind words. No, the musicians who backed me up on my song were my very talented friends. I can play guitar but just enough to play the chords so I can write music and sing with it. God gave me what I need and for that I'm grateful. With God's help, I taught myself how to play just before I started playing in the Nursing Home around 18 years ago. Right now they don't want anyone coming in to volunteer because of Covid. I understand. They remain in my prayers.
    Have a blessed new day dear sister and all our JC Family. We will pray for each other. Much love.
    I miss you MadFox and Bob. Praying you are doing well in all things.

  38. ♥️🎢

  39. Thank you for sending the lyrics, sweet Jeanne!! LOVE THAT SONG and even more hearing you sing it.
    Janet, your prayer calmed me down from a restless night! I had a bad dream and it surprised me because I went to bed blessed and peaceful - I thought! I ate too late and it woke me up - silly girl. But reading the lyrics to Jeanne's song and reading all of your prayers (praying for you Dear Jan...) helped me over the hump.
    Claiming God's promises in all areas of our lives. Praying for my sister as she says good bye to her best friend in Hospice. She is a Believer and knows her future. That brings all of her loved ones great Peace. Praying for my dear friend, Jayne, to be rid of all symptoms and turn the corner; get her energy back. And, for a family who lost their Dad. He'd been sick a long time and went to sleep on 9/24. I received calls last night from people grieving. Praying for each of them and his family.
    "Remember that the evil one is the father of lies. Learn to recognize his deceptive intrusions into your thoughts. One of his favorite deceptions is to undermine your confidence in My unconditional Love. Fight back against these lies! Do not let them go unchallenged. Resist the devil in My Name, and he will slink away from you. Draw near to Me, and My Presence will envelop you in Love." I must hold every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Shining up that suit of armor, Maplewood and thanking God for ordering my steps in His Word.
    I miss you too, MadFox and Bob!
    So thankful that the sun is shining. God Bless, JC Family - you are ALL in my prayers.

  40. Dear Norah, Thank you for your prayers and sweet words. Praying for your sister's friend to be called out of her misery and taken Home by the loving Arms of the Lord. May He give your sister peace as she spends precious time with her friend. We've all been there. When we lose best friends, we truly lose a piece of ourselves. Praying for Jayne to be healed completely, and for God's comfort to rain down on the family who lost their Dad. Our Merciful God freed him from his misery.
    Just had my Bible group and need prayers for Margaret who is getting back surgery tomorrow and Danuta's Uncle Joe who is also getting back surgery tomorrow. Thank You Father for answering all our prayers and guiding their surgeries perfectly and bringing them back to renewed health and full movement. Thank You Jesus!!!
    Shining up that armor and drawing near to Him. God bless you all my dear Family. You're in my heart and my prayers.

  41. Audra, I saw your post late afternoon yesterday: Audra September 27, 2022 at 9:52 AM
    And this year, not a one! We had a cold snap that killed the blossoms last spring. In a community where in previous years there has been an abundance of fruit (plums, peaches, apples, cherries) this year we see none. I look for the analogy but come up empty. Back to trust and faith, things I do have control over πŸ˜‰ Thank you Jesus, for circumstances.

    Brie September 27, 2022 at 12:36 PM
    Our Dear Audra,
    Thanks for sharing your plum of a journey, year over year.
    Today's devotion says, Look to Me and My sufficiency; rejoice in My radiant riches that are abundantly available to help you...Memories of these days are richly interwoven with golden strands of My intimate Presence...
    And, Thank you for reminding me of my Mom's reminder. She was a firm believer and included WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE in her daily devotions.
    Here is one of the readings she shared with me:
    A stranger was passing through a small town in the fruit growing section of the country. The folks were having a picnic, singing, dancing, and celebrating to the music of an old fashioned harmonium (It's Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom Time, perhaps?) Stopping before a gray haired country woman, the stranger said, What on earth are you celebrating lady?
    The old lady answered, You must be a stranger, the old lady answered; we are celebrating Apple Blossom Day!
    The stranger looked around, and saw that all the apple trees were bare, and said, But where are the apple blossoms?
    The old lady replied with a sigh, They all froze last week; they froze for miles and miles around.
    The stranger asked, Then what on earth do you have to celebrate and be so thankful about?
    The old lady stood up straight and tall and said, It would take more than frost kill to stop us from celebrating, because thanks be to God, we had a Mighty Good apple harvest last year, and God helping, there will be more apple blossoms next spring, so we are celebrating God and thanking Him in advance!
    Ephesians 5: Giving thanks always for all things unto God!
    Dear Heavenly Father God, Would You help us be thankful for all our blessings? And may we be doubly thankful for the privilege of praying to You, for the gift of Your Infinite Everpresence, for Your Being forever with us, watching over us and each of our dear ones, and directing our steps toward greater contentment and joy in Your Word? In Jesus' Name. Amen.
    Thanks Mom, Gone from my sight, yet always remembered in my heart.

    1. What a sweet story Brie. Thank you for sharing it with us. We must be expectant of the goodness of God at all times. Even for our fruit trees! πŸ€—πŸ˜

    2. I absolutely LOVED reading this Dear Brie! So very thankful that you and your Mom had such a sweet relationship and as Jeanne said that you know you will see her again and be together for Eternity!

    3. You filled my empty cup with the truth in your story. Thanks Brie, and to your mom ♥️

  42. Loved your Mom's reading she shared with you. Even when we don't receive what we pray for, we have reason to be thankful and to rejoice because we remember God's past acts of faithfulness to us and our loved ones and we look forward to more victories to celebrate. God bless your dear Mom up in Heaven. You will be with her again. We have so much to be thankful for, and just waking up the light of a brand new day is enough to praise Him and walk in gratitude.
    Let's stay close to the Lord so He will always stay close to us. He's only a prayer away. Thank You Jesus! Looking forward to all the blessings and answered prayers to come, and thanking You for all the past blessings you've given us and all the prayers you have granted. I believe the Best is yet to come! Hallelujah!

    1. Praying with you, our dear Jeanne!

    2. πŸ™πŸ’— Amen dear Brie. We know where our help cometh from.

  43. Thank you for your prayers for my shoulder regenerative therapy. A series of shots of prolotherapy and tenotomy have me on my way to a plan to reduce shoulder injury and pain. Thanking God for intervention to accelerate my own body's recovery and the expertise of my doctor and staff. In Jesus's name I trust and pray.
    Also praying for the redemption of our friend Rick who has passed after a long time of bitterness and challenges in a battle with cancer and self and for his loyal and lovely wife and caregivers. May they ALL now know the peace of our Lord and rest in it. ,♥️πŸ™✝️

    1. It saddens me to read about a cancer patient being in bitterness, yet it is easy to do so. The challenges of the Healthcare industry in general, billing and financial issues, and the unfairness often seen in the speed of the disease. Yesterday, a MM buddy in our support group, died from an infection, which sadly is often the issue due to low WBC and being immunocompromised. May our MM friend's and Rick's family feel the peace of His love and know that their loved ones are now in the light of our Lord with spiritual incorruptible new bodies. In Him, Amen

    2. Joining you dear sister in thanking God for successful treatments for your shoulder. Thank You Jesus! Praying for Rick's family. Touch each one Lord with peace & comfort. AmenπŸ™πŸ’ž

    3. Joining the prayer train. Praying dear Audra that your therapy will increase your range of motion, strength and function, and that God will guide you to perfect health and comfort. Continuing to pray for Rick’s healing and now for God’s help in restoring his faith, his heart and his relationships with his dear ones to love, peace and acceptance. Thank You Jesus.

    4. Prayers for you, Dear Audra and that healing shoulder! I'm also praying for Rick's redemption (who knows what is in a man's heart? I pray he accepted Christ) and his family.
      MadFox - you know, only too well, that we know of the experiences you wrote about. I am praying for you (along with my Best Man) and that your love and joy for God and Christ Jesus, our Lord, reigns supreme for both you and the people you encounter.

  44. Good morning JC Warriors. What a wonderful blog this is. I do enjoy reading it daily. I do not consider very eloquent when it comes to prayer, so I love reading prayers written here and adopting them for myself. This community of prayer Warriors has been such a blessing to me. Thank you Peyton Family.

    Dear Lord, I pray that you protect your children as Hurricane Ian approaches Florida. I know that many in this
    Blog have connections to areas Ian will impact.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Amen Lord, Your protection is sorely needed. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    2. Dear Heavenly Father,
      I join with my prayers for the safety of those in Florida and the east coast as the hurricane whirls overhead. May they rest easy in your arms knowing your everlasting love. ANEN

    3. Joining in your prayer, dear SC. Amen. Praying that God’s protection will cover all those in the path of the storm, guide them safely in their travels, and provide all their needs. Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    4. Praying with each of you: for our Cousin Sherry in FL and all of the people we know and love there...keep them safely tucked in Your protective arms, please, Father. We are praying that Hurricane Ian dissipates.

    5. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  45. Maybe 25 years ago I attended a series of Bible studies by video led by Bob Mumford on The Agape Road: Journey to Intimacy with the Father, a Bible study on The Father Heart of God.
    I still have strong impressions of that time. The Love of God was so strong in Bob, you could see it in his eyes, feel it emanating from him in waves.
    He too said that the father of lies will do anything to stop us from knowing, from living in Father God's unconditional love. The enemy will hook us if he can and lead us away in any other direction BUT to the Father's Heart. The studies made a deep impact on my life. Father God loves us without any conditions; no 'if this' or 'but that'.
    Some think of themselves at the very least as 'tainted', a few think they're so rotten it's impossible for God to love them. Such precious folk have been hooked up by the lies of the enemy of our souls.
    God DOES love us without conditions, His very nature is Love and God does not, cannot change. Nothing we can do or say or think will stop Him loving us unconditionally. As Sarah Young wrote, "
    Open your mind and heart-your entire being-to receive My love in full measure. So many of My children limp through their lives starved for Love, because they haven't learned the art of receiving. This is essentially an act of faith: believing that I love you with boundless, everlasting Love."
    Believe it, it's true He loves you unconditionally, no matter what.

    1. Wonderful Peter!!! Amen!
      Thank you for sharing that blessed truth. The devil is a liar but God is so much Greater and there is no darkness in Him. His Words are truth, light and life. We are all perfectly loved in our imperfections and worthy to be sons and daughters of the Most High. Hallelujah

    2. Thank You God, for Peter's reminder to us of Your Love, and putting this song in my mouth: NO MATTER WHAT by Ryan Stevenson

  46. Please pray for my sister Janet who recently got a tooth pulled and now she may have a dry socket. Her dentist wants to put her on antibiotics. She has a terrible headache and her blood pressure has skyrocketed. Antibiotics will just raise her blood pressure. God will make a way. Trusting in His faithfulness and leaning on His promises. Thank You Jesus πŸ™

  47. Praying for Janet, Jeanne! I loved what you shared, Peter. I woke up early this morning to pray with a friend. My heart was unsettled over my Best Man's Cardiac tests tomorrow. A thousand "WHAT IFS" taunted me. After my friend prayed for me and I for her, and I had read this morning's Jesus Calling, I crawled back in bed and held my hubby's hand as he slept. The calmness helped me to relax and I fell back to sleep for over an hour. When I woke up, he was awake too and I told him, "This time tomorrow your tests will be complete. Maybe we can go out for breakfast!" We laughed, hugged and then the phone(s) started ringing: work, Cardiology Nurse, BUSY-NESS! Yet, my heart is still calm and blessed.
    I thank each of you for your prayers - to get us through this day in a peaceful, happy way. For an early bedtime and sleep coming easily. We have to be up at 4:30 AM and I want to be my best for my Best Man. Claiming VICTORY and also humming, one of my favorite songs. "I Know Who Holds My Hand." I've included a lovely rendition of this song. I hope you enjoy and it remind me later tonight or first thing in the morning to keep this song in my heart and head! (smile).
    Love and Blessings, precious JC Family!

    1. Keep claiming Victory and humming I Know Who Holds My Hand. Thanking Him for all to go well with your Best Man's Cardiac tests, and before you know it you'll be enjoying a nice breakfast together with peaceful hearts because our Great God is guiding it all and really cares about you and your Best Man. Thanking God for His continued faithfulness. Exercise those trust muscles, dear sister.

  48. God's got this, and you and your DH, Norah!

  49. I have been to The Throne of Grace Interceding for the needs of my Beloved JCFAMILY. The needs are many, many, many, but NONE are too hard for my Papa God's intervention! Also, in Jesus's name , I pray right now, that my JCFAMILY will feel so loved! Any self-hatred or self-loathing or rejecting of themselves will be CHASED RIGHT OUT OF THEIR LIVES by the wonderful Love and Acceptance, Papa God, you are pouring out upon them right now! Let them see themselves as You see them. Let them accept themselves and truly love themselves. Thank you Jesus. In You presence, You make ALL Things Whole! I Pray and Believe, AMEN and AMEN.
    Ephesians 36: 26-28 "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. Then you will live in the land I gave your ancestors; you will be my people and I will be your God." HALLELUJAH!!!
    Great Love and Blessings to this AWESOME JCFAMILY --- JJ

    1. Thank You JJ. I'm lifting up my hands to receive this today. Especially, Let them accept themselves and truly love themselves as You do, Father God! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Thanks to our beloved JJ. I gratefully receive your love and blessings.

    3. The scripture I used should read Ezekiel 36:26-28. Please forgive.

    4. Thank you for the prayer, the love and blessings and the encouragement sweet JJ! Amen! Love you.

  50. Prayers fir my jc family, fir Norah and hubs, thanks jj and Jeanne for stories and prayers. I come to you tonight to lift my sweet daughter chloe up in prayer. She is having a hard breakup in a relationship and is distraught, heartbroken, and angry. Her anxiety anxiety and self doubt are worse than I've ever seen. She's crying out for help, and all I can do is pray. She did say she felt an overwhelming peace last night, (turns out it was when hod woke me to pray for her). She could really use the jc prayer warriors right now, as could My hubs and I on her behalf. Love to all. Mindy

    1. Our dear precious sweet sister friend in Christ, Mindy. You and Chloe are in my prayers and will be until all is well with her soul. In Jesus' Name. Amen. Much Love and Many Prayers. Brie

    2. Joining you, Brie, in such a heartfelt prayer. Mindy and Chloe are indeed precious. The Lord raises up those that are bowed down. Lord Jesus I ask You to

    3. Finishing the sentence --- Lord Jesus, I ask You to heal Chloe's
      wounded soul. Help her keep her focus on You and trust You completely. I Declare that You will fulfill Your plan and purpose
      for her life. I Decree, she will not miss her destiny on her journey to a healed, whole soul. Thank You, Jesus for Your wonderful Grace and Mercy over this cherished soul. In Your name, Jesus, AMEN and AMEN.
      Psalm 34:18 "The Lord is nigh
      unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." JJ

    4. Joining prayers to comfort and soothe Chloe's anxious heart after her break up. God knows how distraught she is and He is right there with her. Praying all things will turn out fine.
      Thank You Father for replacing Chloe's anxiety with Your peace and the assurance that You hold her future and it is bright and sweet. Thank You for turning her situation to good and giving weary heart rest in You because You are close to the broken hearted, in Jesus Name we pray. Amen

    5. Mindy, praying for your daughter Chloe and her anxiety as she deal with the breakup. Lord, please grant her the peace that only You can give. Please give Mindy and her husband peace and wisdom as they help Chloe.

      SC Anonymous

  51. Dear Heavenly Father God,
    In accord with Ephesians 3, I too, pray to receive the Mighty inner strengthening of Your Holy Spirit and receive Your Marvelous Love deep into my heart, mind, soul, body and spirit this day and everyday. May I be able to feel and understand how long, how wide, how deep and how high Your love really is, and to experience this love for myself. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!
    Singing my prayers today.
    SAME GOD sung by Elevation Workshop

    1. Oh, Brie. Love this song! 'Oh God, my God I need you!' Now and always. Peace, my sister.

    2. Oh so blessed! Such encouraging words.

    3. The song will be on my heart today! Thank you sister!

    4. What a powerful and beautiful song!! I love it! Thanks Brie!

  52. And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. (1 John 4:16). We love Him because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19). And above all things have fervent love for one another, for "love will cover a multitude of sins." (1 Peter 4:8).

  53. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Father, I love and adore You! You are so amazing and wonderful! Let me rest in Your perfect sovereignty and sit at the feet of Jesus and receive all You have for me from Him. Open my heart to receive and accept all things given to me from You. You are the best Father ever and You only want the best for me. I trust You Lord and I will faithfully wait on You. You are faithful and true and You always amaze me and bring me great joy in my heart. Thank You for always being with me. I can't thank You enough Lord. Let Your will be my will and let Your will be done! Let us rejoice together! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Your prayers are my prayers, Janet. Always so eloquent in your thoughts and prayers... thank you!

    2. Beautiful and heartfelt prayer dear Janet. Amen and Amen.

  54. Dear friends, I have tried to post an update before and don’t think it worked. I am so happy to report that 2 weeks post open heart surgery, my husband is getting better each day, his incision is healing well, he can walk a little further each day, and we have hope! It is a joyful God given thing to ask God and receive His blessings. Thanks to all of you for your prayers. He is still having trouble sleeping, sometimes getting only an hour and a half each night, so this is still a prayer request. We have tried sound noise, eye masks, dim evening lights, but his body is still revved up from 8 days in the hospital. Thanks for your prayers for healing sleep. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN

    1. Such great news, Ellen! Thanks for sharing. Praying for him to heal, get stronger and get more rest each day... baby steps. Prayers for you as his caretaker and love of his life. God bless you.

    2. Has he tried Trazodone? Doctor prescribed, non habit-forming.

    3. Great news, Ellen! Praying CALM and PEACE over you sleep time.

  55. Asking Him for protection for you, Jeanne as you travel to see your good mom. Prayers for you both as you enjoy each other and please give your good mom a hug from all of us.

  56. Good morning my fellow prayer warriors. Asking again for prayers for little Westin who is 7 weeks old as of yesterday. He is having issues with reflux and isn't keeping much food down. It looks like Jon and I will fly to Johnson City, TN and drive Makenna and Westin back here to Houston so we can get Westin into Texas Children's Hospital in the Medical Center. Our little nugget has had a rough start in life.

    1. Praying for sweet baby Westin, that our Father would heal his tiny body. May God's peace cover you all during this time and grant safe travels.

    2. Praying for Westin as the source of his issues get healed. ♥️

    3. Joining in all prayers that God will resolve little Westin’s reflux problem and all of his health issues and bring him back to perfect health and give Suzanne and Jon and Makenna and Westin traveling mercies and peace of mind. Thank You Father for answering our prayers in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

  57. Good morning dear JC family. Joining in prayer for Peter, (rest from racing thoughts)Jeanne, for travel & seeing better moods for mom, Ellen, hallelujah for good recovery for hubby & for sleep to get back into rhythm, Norah, great news for hubby, Suzanne, praying for safe travels & for Westin to begin to develope a great digestive system. Will update everyone as to bone density results, hubby's progress. Love you all & blessings to knock your socks todayπŸ’•πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    1. Thanks dear Jan! Your prayers mean a lot. Praying your bone density test results will be another victory report and that your good husband is doing well without his blood thinners and that God will guide his oral surgery to be successful and his recovery to be smooth. Thank You Jesus.

  58. Thank you Jan! I can see my toes πŸ˜‰

    1. Blessed is he who forgives without remembering and who receives forgiveness without forgetting.

      Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. He forgives all my sins. Psalm 103:2-3 NIV

    2. That’s beautiful dear Sassy Mom. You blessed my night. Love you!

  59. Aww. Thanks for your prayers, Suzanne. God got me here safely. And my Mom is doing pretty well. May God strengthen her in all ways.

  60. Love and prayers to you too, dear Norah. Rest well sweet sister. God is holding us all in His gentle loving Hands. We are well taken care of.
